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560 Câu Viết Lại

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1. The fox was unsuccessful in reaching the grapes.

 The fox tried in vain to reach the grapes.

- To be unsuccessful in N/Ving = to be in vain = without success in spite of your efforts
Ex: I will not let my efforts go in vain. I’ll try harder and harder until I can do it.
(Tôi sẽ không để những nỗ lực của mình trở thành vô ích đâu. Tôi sẽ cố gắng nhiều hơn nữa cho
đến khi tôi làm được mới thôi
2. The crops were badly affected by the storm.
 The storm had a bad effect on the crops.
- To be affected by O = have an effect on N: bị ảnh hưởng bởi O / đã ảnh hưởng đến
3. The project received unanimous approval of the committee.
 The whole committee was/were in favour of the project.
- Approval of N/Ving = to be in favour of N/Ving: ủng hộ, tán thành, chấp thuận việc gì
- Unanimous approval: nhất trí tán thành, nhất trí chấp nhận
4. The personnel officer promised him that she wouldn’t tell anyone that he had been in the prison.
 The personnel officer gave him her word that she…
- The personnel officer: nhân viên nhân sự
- Promise O that S V: hứa với ai đó rằng
- Give O one’s word that S V: hứa nghiêm túc với ai đó rằng
5. Nobody could possibly believe the story he told us.
 The story he told us was beyond belief.
- Possibly believe = beyond belief: không thể tin được
6. I had lost his phone number, so I could not contact him before.
 I lost touch with him because I had lost his phone number.
- Lose touch with O = cannot contact O: mất liên lạc
- Keep/ get in touch with O: giữ liên lạc với ai.
7. I enjoy being the boss of a company.
 I enjoy being a big fish in a small pond.
- To be a big fish in a small pond = to have a lot of influence only over a small area
8. The success of our local theater has made our city famous.
 The success of our local theater has put our city on the map.
- Make ( a place, a person) famous or well-known = put (O/N) on the map
9. She is not upset; she is only pretending.
 She is not upset she is only putting on an act.
- Put on an act = pretend: giả bộ, giả đò
10. The bank robbers escaped in a stolen car.
 The bank robbers made a getaway in a stolen car.
- Escape = make a getaway: trốn thoát, tẩu thoát, chạy trốn
11. As people use a lot of wood-pulp is used, the more trees are cut down.
 The more people use a lot of wood-pulp, the more trees are cut down.
- Wood-pulp: bột gỗ
12. Because of the absence of the atmosphere in the room, the sky there is black, just as in space.
 Because there is no atmosphere in the room, the sky there is black,…
13. These young men became doctors after six-year training.
 After these young doctors had been trained for 6 years, they became doctors.
14. People believe that the Chinese invented paper in 105 A.D
 Paper is believed to have been invented by the Chinese in 105 A.D
15. A man I don’t know told me about that.
 I was told about that by a man I don’t know.
16. That was a silly thing to say!
 What a silly thing to say!
17. We’ve run out of petrol.
 There is no more petrol left.
18. It takes 6 hours to drive from here to London.
 It is a 6-hour trip from here to London.
19. He was sorry he hadn’t said goodbye to her at the airport.
 He regretted not saying goodbye to her at the airport.
20. They failed to find out a solution to the problem.
 They didn’t succeed in finding out a solution to the problem.
- Fail + to vinf = not succeed in N/Ving: thất bại làm gì

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