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6.dalmia Dalmiapuram CII - Energy Award-2016 20 Aug-Final 22nd Aug'16

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Date : 22nd & 24th August’ 2016
Venue: Novotel & HICC Complex, Hyderabad

10 Varieties of Cement from one location

Operating 7 Management Systems

Presented by
Installed Capacity (Clinker) - 2.304 MTPA
Installed Capacity (Cement) - 3.4 MTPA
DPM Unit Performance
Captive power plant 2015-16
(CPP – 1)- 27 MW
Captive power plant (CPP – 2) - 18 MW

Our Team DPM

Sendil – Process
Kumaresan – Electrical
Rajamohan – Environment,PH and Systems

Welcomes you all

Presentation Coverage
I. Uniqueness & Energy Policy
II. Specific energy consumption and Key Parameters trend
III. Key Encon Projects out of 97 implemented in last 3 years
IV. Three Innovative projects in detail
V. Energy Monitoring System
VI. Environmental projects
VII. Carbon Emission Reduction
VIII. Team Work / Employee Involvement in Encon/Replication
IX. Corrective / Preventive actions
X. Waste Utilsation
XI. Renewable energy sources
XII. Benchmarking and Roadmap to achieve Target
XIII. Awards Accolades
2015 EnMS-IS/ISO50001:2

2010 OH&SMS-IS
2008 18 MW
2006 3800 TPD-FLS
27 MW
2004 EMS - IS/ISO 14001
2002 3300 TPD-KHD
1997 VRM-Cement Grinding
1993 Wind Farm & QMS - IS/ISO
1987 1800 TPD KHD Dry Process Kiln
1983 Captive Power Generators
1982 200 TPD Vertical Shaft Kiln
1939 250 TPD Semi Dry Process
Building Young India
First in India to produce High Strength Special Cement

Air strips & Railway Sleepers

Since 1976

First in India to produce

Oil Well Cement (API Spec.)
Since 1986
Technology Savvy

First to Introduce Vertical Roller Mill for

Limestone Grinding in India - 1981
Management Systems

IS/ISO 9001:2008 IS/ISO 14001:2004 IS 18001:2007 IS/ISO 50001:2011

Quality Environment Health & Safety Energy


As energy intensive cement manufacturing company, We Dalmia
Cement (Bharat) Limited, Dalmiapuram, Manufacturing varieties
of cement are Committed to

 Reduce energy use per unit of production in our manufacturing


 Ensure Continual Improvement in our energy performance

 Analyze energy use and consumption with effective monitoring

and control.

 Comply with all applicable legal and other requirements.

 Implement energy efficient technologies and operational


 Achieve energy targets with enhanced employee participation,

training and involvement.

Date: 25.03.2014

R.A. Krishnakumar

Unit Head
Our Energy Managers / Auditors in Dalmiapuram

Mr.T.Kandappan Mr.M.Senthil Murugan

EM1619 EA18595

Mr.P.Balaji Mr.B.Madhu
EA15525 EA15526
Cement Production in Lakh MT

20.8 20.3


2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
II. Specific Energy Consumption Trend
in last Three years

Specific Heat Consumption

Overall Line 1 Line 2
800 797
2014-15 797 826 777

2015-16 765 812 747

Rs. 3.10 Crores Savings

Target Actual
– KMT 99.00 233.15

2013-14 2014-15 15-16 Achieved

II. Specific Energy Consumption Trend
in last Three years – Contd…
Clinker Specific Power Consumption

55 Specific Power Consumption

53.2 Overall Line 1 Line 2
2014-15 51.63 54.66 49.55
49.48 2015-16 49.48 56.80 46.60

Rs. 1.66 Crores Savings

Target Actual
Special Cement
2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 15-16 – KMT
Achieved 99.00 233.15
Energy consumption in Line-2

SPC – Kw/ton of clinker


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16

SPC – Kw/ton of cement

70 66.7


2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Gate to gate Energy as per PAT

800 739


FY Base FY 14-15 FY 15-16
AFR Consumption - TSR



2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
Fly Ash addition in PPC

Fly Ash addition %

35 34.1
33 31.9
31 30.2
2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
III. 13 Key Encon Projects
out of 97 implemented Projects compiled in last 3 years &

Other Key Encon Initiatives

Energy Conservation Projects – Over All
Over All
Detail Unit

Total No of Encon projects Nos. 97

Total Investment made Rs. Million 1091.37

Total Savings made Rs. Million 480.27

Lac units 537.99

Electrical energy saved
Rs. Million 273.93
Tons of coal 35109
Thermal Energy Saved
Rs. Million 208.05
Changing of SRPC clinker from Line-1 to 2

Challenges :
 High Sp.heat consumption
Energy Con.
 High Sp.Power consumption Proj.- 1
 Clinker Handling and Transportation
Action Taken :
 Shifting Special clinker production from Line1 to Line 2
Results :
 SHC -60 kcal/kg cli
 SPC – 4 Kwh/ton of cli
 Clinker handling and Transportation
 Annual Savings – 80 Lakhs

Replacement of PD Blower to
Turbo Blower
Challenges :
 Phase density is less than 2 kg of coal/kg of air
Energy Con.
 Transport air velocity @ 45 m/s Proj.- 2
 Higher wear rate of coal pipe line and burner tip
Action Taken :
 Installed Turbo blower

Results :
 Phase density is maintained at 3.5 kg
of coal/kg of air
 Transport velocity reduced to 30m/s
 Annual Saving – 31 Lakhs

Installation of Pyrojet burner

Challenges :
 Primary air percentage including transport air was16%
 Less FCao control at higher production due to less burner
momentum is 8.7 N/MW
Energy Con.
Action Taken : Proj.- 3
 Installed Pyrojet burner

Results :
 Primary air percentage reduced to 10 %
 Fcao control at higher production due to
higher burner momentum of 10.5 N/MW
 Annual Savings – 30 Lakhs

Increase Coal mill Productivity

Challenges :
 Higher power consumption due to petcoke grinding
 Higher nozzle ring velocity of 55m/s and System pressure drop
 Maintaining the Fine coal Bin level
Energy Con.
Action Taken : Proj.- 4
 Louver area increased
Results :
 Power consumption reduced from 48 to 38kwh/ton of coal
 Nozzle ring velocity of 5decreased from 55 to 42 m/s
 Increase in coal mill output from 28tph to 38tph
 Annual Savings – 5 Lakhs

Power reduction by Scatter ring
modification in CVRM
Challenges :
 Existing Dam Ring segments & louver ring
Energy Con.
segments were in same level Proj.- 5
Action Taken :
 Louvere ring lowered and dam ring height reduced
 Scatter ring introduced
Results :
 Feed increased from 230 tph to 280tph.
 Internal recirculation reduced
 Annual Savings – 2.7 Cr

Preheater Fan Damper removal in Line-2

Challenges :
 Pressure drop across damper is 50mmwg
 Increase in PH fan power consumption
Energy Con.
Action Taken : Proj.- 6
 Damper removed
 Savings of 0.3kwh/ton of clinker / Increased production
 Annual Savings – 11 Lakhs

Conversion LRS & Damper to GRR in VRM-2 Fan

Challenges :
 Pressure drop across damper is 50mmwg
Energy Con.
 No RPM control below 750 RPM because of that it Proj.- 7
causes system pressurization

Action Taken :
 Damper removed

Results :
 Mill fan power reduced by 0.3 KW/MT
 System pressurization avoided
 Annual Savings – 17.5 Lakhs

Kiln Inlet & Outlet graphite seal
Energy Con.
Challenges : Proj.-8
 High false air

Action :
 Kiln Inlet and Out let seal provided.

 SHC reduction – 3 kcal/kg cli

Corrolisis coal conveying system

Challenges : Energy Con.

 Coal flushing in Kiln Proj.-9
 Higher SPC for coal transportation.
Action :
 Corolisis system installed in KC and PC.
 SHC reduction – 2kcal/kg cli.
 SPC reduction – 0.2kwh/ton of cli

False air Reduction

Challenges : Energy Con.

 Increase in SPC and SHC in mills and Pyro . Proj.-10
Action :
 Rigorous monitoring and arresting of false air
 In-house modification of rocker arm seals VRMs.

 RVRM - 22% to10 %
 Pyro - 12% to 4.5%
 Coal mill – 18% - 10%
 CVRM – 25 % 12%

Beblec Lighting Transformer at Line-2

Energy Con.
Challenges : Proj.- 11
 Higher Lighting power consumption
in Line -2
Action :
Separate lighting transformer installed
Results :
 Power cons. reduced from 2900 to
2200 KWh/day
 Annual Savings – 6.4 Lakhs

Water Cooled Condenser Coils for
Package A/C’s

Challenges :
Energy Con.
 Choking of Coils needs huge Maintenance
Proj.- 12
 operating Efficiency is less.
 Reqd. to additional units to maintain
room Temperature
 Compressor power Consumption is Higher
Action :
Air cooled condenser replaced by water cooled
Results :
 Power cons. reduced by 480 KWH/day
 Annual Savings – Rs 4.38 Lakhs

VFD’s to Packing plant Compressors

Challenges : Energy Con.

 Higher Utility Power consumption Proj.-13
 Air Leakages
 Lesser operating Efficiency of Compressor
Action :
 VFD installed for the compressor.
Results :
 Power cons. reduced from 0.3KWh/MT to
 Annual Power Savings – 1.66 Lakhs

III. Other Energy conservation Initiatives

 Special cement grinding shifted from Ball Mill to CVRM’s – savings SPC .

 Minimized compressed air SPC reduced from 4.5 to 1.9kwh/ton of cement

 Kiln coal conveying air line bends 3 No’s reduced.

 VFD’s taken in line for energy conservation and optimization(More than 200 No’s of
VFDs for Fans, Compressors are in inline)

 Continuous Monitoring by Energy Committee at Unit & Group Level.

 Continuous monitoring of false air in each section and reduction activities

 Operation & Optimization of Air Blasters in Kiln inlet raiser duct &cooler to reduce the
compressor air consumption

 Best practices of other cement plants adopted.

IV. Innovative projects
Project 1 – Line-1 Kiln Operation without
Coal mill
Goal :

To operate Line-1 Kiln without Coal Mill (Ball Mill) to reduce SPC upto clinker.

Action – Coal transfer:

 150mm Pipe line was laid~ 500M ,
 Constant speed Blower used for pumping
 Initially we started with 4-5 tph of coal pumped from Line-2 to Line 1
 For Line-1 operation we need ~310tons/ day of fine coal(Approx 14tph)
 To optimize power - VFD was installed in the blower
 Pumping capacity increased to 13 TPH, which is sufficient enough for Line-1.

 Line-1 Coal mill stopped from 15th Sep 2015 ,

 Savings - 27 kwh/ton of coal (Rs. 2.82 Lacs/ Month)
 Avoided upgradation of Coal mill – 2.5Cr
Project 2 - Usage of CPP DFA as Fuel

Goal :
To Reuse High Calorific value CPP DFA

Trial for CPP FA was taken in Pyro process from Nov-14

 It was used as a fuel in calciner with direct firing

 After its usage there was an abnormal coating tendency inside inlet area and
riser duct
 Observed after analysis, the CPP FA residue varying from 10% to 40% on
90mic and SO3 from 25%-35%

Intergrinding with petcoke to reduce the residue of CPP FA

 A Bin was installed in May-15 and the CPP FA is fed to the mill
through rotary air lock
 After grinding with required fineness the coating tendency in
Consumption of CPP FA increased
CPP –DFA Consumption in Pyro (Heat basis)



10.0 9.4 9.3 9.6

8.0 7.8
8.0 7.6
6.5 6.2
6.0 5.4

4.0 3.4
2.1 2.0
Project 3 - Energy saving in HP Compressors
Goal :
To reduce the compressor power consumption

Before Modification

PYRO – Line1
11 Small Compressors of total 230 KW / 1140 CFM for Line-1 Pre clinkerisation.
Power consumption: 1.50 Units / MT Clinker.

Cement grinding – Line 1

2 Compressors of 112 KW / 700 CFM each run for CVRM-1 Mill operation.
Power Consumption: 1.69 Units/MT of Cement.

Packing – Line 1
1 Compressors of 132 KW for Line-1 Packing plants.
Power Consumption: 0.86 Units/MT of Cement. Line 2

Packing – Line 2
4 No’s of 132 KW, 950 CFM compressors and 1 No 90 KW,535 CFM compressor
are operated in Common header for catering Complete Line-2 Plant requirement.
Action :
 Re Sizing of Air Pipe line from 4 inch to 2 Inch.
 No of Bend reduced
 Sharp radius bend replaced by long radius bends.
 Timer Auto drain values replaced with level sensor type auto drain values.
 Powerless boosters – 8 No’s installed where ever high pressure is required
and there by reduced the main compressor generating pressure.
 Periodical leakage test and arresting the leakages.
 Additional pressure gauges provided in all bag filters and air blasters for
easy identifying the leakages
 Compressor segregated section wise.
 Fly ash unloading carried thro LP compressor air
Before After
Area Modification Modification Savings (Kw)
Line 1

Pre Clinkerization 230 132 98

Cement Grinding 224 112 112
Packing house 132 75 57
Line 2
Pre Clinkerization 264 132 132
Cement Grinding 264 132 132
Packing house 90 55 35
Total Saving 566 KWH
IV. Innovation in projects implemented

Annual Savings,
Sl.No Title of Project Brief Description of the Project Reason To Choose Rs million/ y
Grinding Oil Well cement in OWC cement grinding shifted from To avoid running the old
1 2.80
CVRM-1 Ball mill to CVRM ball mill 20 Kwh/mt

Change of SRPC production SRPC Clinker Production in Line-1 SHC - 60.0 Kcal/ Kg.
2 SPC & SHC reduction SPC 4 kwh/ton
from line 1 to line 2 & Line-2 Kiln

Resizing of pipe line

Leakage reduction
Reduced compressor Specific Installation of VFD
3 SPC reduction -
Power LP screw Compressor
5 No’s 132 KW Compressor
PD Blower replaced with Turbo Blower for Kiln and PC
4 SPC reduction 3.10
Turbo blower firing results in Power saving

AFR storage & feeding system Fossil fuel replacement &

5 Substitution of coal with AFR 20.00
installed COP reduction.
Replacing high cost coal with
6 Usage of High sulphur petcoke COP Reduction 150
low cost Pet coke

Inter-grinding of CPP ash &

7 Reduction in AFR firing power Power reduction 0.6
Petcoke. Dedicated blower stopped.
V. Energy Monitoring and Reporting Systems

 Co-ordinated by Energy Manager

 Energy conservation committee formed with

cross functional team members and best
energy saving initiatives discussed and

 Best tracking system for speedy


 Quick fund allocation by the management

based on the pay back period

 Best Energy saving initiatives are awarded

VI. Key Environmental projects 2015-16
 Extensive Greenery development

 Mass Tree Plantation

 World Environment Day Celebrations

 Water Sprinklers to control Fugitive Emission

 Concrete Road

 Online Effluent Monitoring System to our ETP for the parameters pH, TSS &

 Online Electro Magnetic Flow meter to ETP inlet & outlet- 2 Nos.

 Connectivity of all Emission & Effluent Parameters with CARE Air Center, TNPCB.

 Extension of our Storage shed for Wet Fly ash Storage

 Provision of Silencers to our CPP

 New Road Sweeper Machine to our CPP

 Solar Water Heater to our Guest House
 Electro Magnetic Flow meter to our STP Inlet & Outlet- 2 Nos.
 Enclosure around FLS Clinker Silo to prevent fugitive emission
 AFR Enhancement
 Specific Energy reduction
 Specific Water Reduction
 Fly ash addition in PPC
 Kiln feed LSF reduced
 High Ferro- Increased the Iron content from 3.5% to 3.6% in Raw Mix to increase
the Mines life
 Tree Plantation
 Low Carbon Technology Studies- in partnership with IFC and CII
 Several Recognitions and Pride Moments
HIGHLIGHTS- Performance Chart
Fly Ash Addition % ROM LSF

AFR Consumption in

ROM Fe2O3 % Tree Plantation


Pipe Conveyors at 4 Locations

PC – 1 - Coal linear PC -7- Lime stone Circular

stacker to CPP Stacker to Limestone hopper

PC-29 - Coal linear stacker to PC-38 - Cement additive stacker

Coal VRM to CVRM-2 hopper

DPM contributing for better Tomorrow

Water Quality Monitoring

Online pH, TSS & Temperature ETP- Online Electro Magnetic Flow
monitors Meters

STP- Online Electro Magnetic Flow

Air Quality Monitoring
Online Continuous Ambient Air Quality
Online Continuous Stack Emission
Monitoring Station with Weather Monitor -
Monitor for SPM
windward & leeward directions

Online Continuous SO2, NOx & CO

Analyzer for our Kiln Stacks

Emission Display board at Gate

CARE Air Centre Connectivity

All 29 Parameters have been connected with Care Air Center, TNPCB, Chennai.

Stack SPM Parameters- 10

1. KHD Kiln /VRM-2 ESP Effluent Parameters
2. KHD Coal Mill Bag House
3. KHD Cooler ESP
4. CVRM-1 Bag House
5. FLS Kiln/VRM-3 RABH
6. FLS Coal Mill Bag House
7. FLS Cooler ESP
8. CVRM-2 Bag House
9. CPP-1 ESP
10. CPP-2 ESP

Stack NOx Parameters -4

1. KHD Kiln /VRM-2 ESP
2. FLS Kiln/VRM-3 RABH
Emission Parameters
Stack SO2 Parameters -4
1. KHD Kiln /VRM-2 ESP
2. FLS Kiln/VRM-3 RABH
3. CPP-1 ESP
4. CPP-2 ESP

AAQMS Parameters-8
1. PM10 -2
2. PM2.5 -2
3. SO2 -2
4. NOx -2

Effluent Parameters-3
1. Temperature
2. TSS
3 pH
Zero Effluent Discharge- Effluent Treatment

Sewage Treatment Plant

Dairy Farm
Roof Top Collection at our Dairy Farm, School and our
Dairy Farm Colony

DHSS School VMS School

World Environment Day- 5.6.16
Tree Plantation by Ladies Club & School Students
Activities 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Over all Remarks

Watershed Na 200Hec 400Hec Capacity building Phase

(CBP) completed
Development Project successfully and Complete
Land survey under progress
for full Implementation
Phase (FIP)
Drip Irrigation 09Hec 04Hec 23Hec 5000 M3 of water were

Farm Ponds 35 36 31 Created Increased water

storage capacity of

Pond Deepening 03 02 2 Created Increased water

storage capacity of

Check dam 01 02 Na Created Increased water

storage capacity of
Greenery Development - DPM

Financial Tree Concreting
Development Rockery
Year Plantation Sqm
in Sqm

2014-15 4041 1085 7 550

2015-16 8025 1491 12 2300

HIGHLIGHTS-Greenery Development
HIGHLIGHTS-Greenery Development
HIGHLIGHTS-Greenery Development
VII. Carbon Emission reduction

Scope 1 Scope 2 Scope 3

kgCO2e/ MT of
Year Emissions Emissions Emissions
CO2e(MT) CO2e(MT) CO2e(MT)

2013-2014 643 0.3 23 667

2014-2015 610 0.2 24 633

2015-2016 604 0.2 23 628
Direct Emission, Process Emission, Heat & Electricity, Sources from
Scope 1 Emissions
Own Vehicles
Scope 2 Emissions Indirect Emission, Purchased Electricity/Other Utilities
Transportation of Raw Materials/Finished goods, Transportation of
Scope 3 Emissions
Purchased Fuels, Employee Commute
Carbon emission reduction –kg CO2 eq/Mt of cement



633 628



2013-2014 2014-2015 2015-2016
Low Carbon Technology Road Map-
Dalmia Cement & IFC (Sep'15)

Resource Efficiency Study in

partnership with IFC and CII

MD Signing the new Charter at

Seoul , Oct 2012
Disclosure to Public thro’ Dalmia
Sustainability Report
VIII. Team work
Description Project - 1 Project - 2 Project - 3 Project - 4
Source of En-Con Idea : Workmen Engineer Senior Management Senior Management
Idea Originated in the Year : 2015 2015 2015 2015
Whether Idea Implemented : Yes Yes Yes Yes

Separate Compressor
To Provide individual Up gradation of fly ash
Air Line from Line-1
indication lamps for each of compressor with energy
Comp. 132 KW Main Reject Re handling
Name of the Project the 15 Nos. of emergency stop
Header to coal mill to system for CVRM-II
efficient compressor
& limit switches for easy from existing BDJL
avoid pressure loss
trouble shooting. Compressor
through the line.

1. Arokiaraj S - 2846 -
1.Mr. V. Murugesan- PE
Details of Members in the Electrician 2. Mr. Karunanithi Mr.P.Gunasekaran Mr.U.Venkateswarlu
Implementation Team / Core 2.Mr. Chandra Mohan Reddy - 3. Mr.Suresh - 11582 - Mr.Nagesvararao Mr.H.S.Nagesh,
Group (Nos, & Designation): SPE Vinayaga Engg Batchu Mr.Jayaraman Mr.G.Rajamanickam
4. Mr.Ramesh - 15768 -
Vinayaga Engg

Expected or Actual Date of

10.03.2015 01.03.2015 Aug'16 Aug'16
Implementation :
VIII. Team work Contd..

Description Project - 5 Project - 6 Project - 7 Project - 8 Project - 9

Senior Senior Senior Senior Senior
Source of En-Con Idea :
Management Management Management Management Management
Idea Originated in the Year : 2015 2015 2015 2015 2015
Whether Idea Implemented : Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

BE-I & BE-2 Gear

box, Preheater fan,
Replacement of Air Pan Conveyor &
ELGI Make screw AFR feeding system
Hybrid blower for slide with screw ESP Fan & ESP up
Name of the Project compressor integrated
pyro jet burner
for Line-2 and
compressor in old gradation for
with VFD model Shredder machine
silo increasing the Line 1
kiln volumetric

Details of Members in the Mr.M.Gopalakrishna Mr. R. Saravanan,

Mr.M.Gopalakrishna Mr.A.MoideenKutti
Mr.H.S.Nagesh, n Mr. P. Balaji,
Implementation Team / Core Mr.R.Sekar Mr.Sendil
n Mr.R.Sekar
Mr. Visuventhan
Group (Nos, & Designation): Mr.L.Karunakaran Mr.H.S.Nagesh
Mr.L.Karunakaran Mr. A. Rajesh

Expected or Actual Date of

Sep'16 Sep'16 Oct'16 Oct'16 Nov'16
Implementation :
Team Work Involvement of employees
 Suggestion Scheme
 Good Work Award
 Long Service Award
 Employee of the Month
 EOM Training and Dinner
 Workers Education Class
 Nomination for Tamilaga Arasin Uyarntha Ulaipalar Virudhu
 Safety Quizzes in Gate Meeting
 Safety Messages Sharing in Gate Meeting
 Productivity week/ Environmental Day Celebrations Various Contests
 National Safety Day Celebrations Various Contests
 Safety Committee Meeting Members Participation
 Various External Awards Participation
 Birthday Fiesta/Long service Mass Tree Plantation
 Trained for New Safety Approaches
Safety Week

Environmental Pledge taken by all Employees along with the TNPCB Team

Skit Presentation on Environmental Sustainability


Our Initiatives on Environmental Tree Plantation by our Chief Guests and

Sustainability Display Opening by Chief our EDW at our Plant

Various Contests have been conducted among our

School Students Rally Employees and Students of Educational Institution.
Suggestion Awards
Town Hall Meeting
Employee Of The Month Dinner
IX. Corrective / Preventive actions from ISO 9001, ISO 14001 , IS
8001& ISO 50001certification
Corrective / Preventive Action Taken (for Root
Dept Problems Faced / Potential Problems
cause elimination)
IS/ISO • Repair work done
• Crusher-IV Lime stone hopper damaged
• Set materials chipped and cleaned
9001:2008 • Set materials in cement & line stone weigh bridge
• Corroded pipe line replaced
Civil • Pipe line corroded in Line-1 Cooling tower

IS/ISO • Excess air flow in coal conveying line increases heat • New technology turbo blower installed for coal conveying
consumption - high pressure with low volume
• Fluctuation of fuel firing rate in kiln and PC firing • New technology Corolius coal firing system installed for
consistent flow of materials

IS/ISO 14001: • CK-300-4 Machine's Fuel consumption was found to be • The excavator was stopped, The Engine was replaced with
on a higher side new engine.
2004 Mines

Production • Excess air flow in coal conveying line increases heat • New technology turbo blower installed for coal conveying
consumption - high pressure with low volume

Mechanical • Material spillage from Coal Pipe conveyer PC 29 at • 250 Kgs Counter Wt. added to avoid Spillage
higher feed rate
Corrective / Preventive Action Taken (for Root
Dept Problems Faced / Potential Problems
cause elimination)
IS/ISO 14001: • Unable to identify material due to Bushes • Yard 1 & 2 Bushes Removed

2004 Material
Civil • Improvements Dust emission in Roto-2 area • Tree plantation work completed

Packing House • Bags getting jam 7&8 mechanical drum diverter area • Mechanical drum replaced with motorized belt diverter

Environment • Previously no online monitoring system to monitor • Online Effluent Monitors have been installed and
treated effluent quality connected with TNPCB

OHSMS – • Hazards: Roto-1 connected 3&4 long belt curve chute • Taken By lowering connected cross belt and curve chute
area bag getting struck up, which needs deployment of modified
IS 18001:2007
one person for releasing the bag struck up and its leading
Packing House
to unsafe condition

Mines • In PNR Mines near AK Office trespassing by local • A drop gate was provided and security was appointed to
village persons chance of accident due to trespassing restrict the trespassers
during blasting operations

Production • Removal of Hot powder near Kiln inlet chute It should • Vehicle condition and awareness of the operator to be
remove through JCB ensured by safety & Process personal
X. Utilization of Waste material
AFR CPP Fly Ash Paper Waste Coal Dust Dolachar Foot Wear

Qty. Consumed in MT 5153 1173 - 798 442 -

GCV(Kcal/Kg) - - - - - -

- - - - - -
Heat Value (Million Kcal)


Qty. Consumed in MT 14250 1538 5088 9309 4234 -

GCV(Kcal/Kg) 3190 4185 5744 6445 4276 -

45457.5 6436.5 29225 59997 18104.6 -

Heat Value (Million Kcal)


Qty. Consumed in MT 17235 25.45 361 8810 349.45 5.77

GCV(Kcal/Kg) 5685 4341 4926 6673 3516 5286

97980.97 110.47 1778.3 58789 1228.66 30.5

Heat Value (Million Kcal)
AFR Consumption - TSR



2012-13 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16
XI. Renewable energy sources

 Wind Mill
 We had installed windmill Farm - First in Cement Plant in the Tamil Nadu. Location and
Capacities are as mentioned as below:
 Site-I : In Muppandal,Kanyakumari District
Capacity : 11.5 MW
 Site-II : In KarungulamVillage at Thirunelveli District
Capacity : 5.025 MW
XI. Renewable energy- Continued

Activities 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 Overall Remarks

Bio Gas Plants 02 07 10 112Tons of CO2 Have been evaded

Thro this initiative)

Fuel efficient 300 222 401 3421Tons of CO2 Have been evaded
chullah Thro this initiative)

Solar lantern 200 300 500 2210Tons of CO2 Have been evaded
Thro this initiative r)

Solar Study lamp Na 50 240 1326Tons of CO2 Have been evaded

Thro this initiative

Solar Home Light Na 10 Na 2600Tons of CO2 Have been evaded

Thro this initiative
Solar Street Light 20 05 Na 840Tons of CO2 Have been evaded
Thro this initiative
XII - Benchmarking, Target & Roadmap
to achieve Target

Comparison with Benchmark Figures

Current Our
Description Unit Global Best
level Target

Sp. Energy Kcal / kg.

consumption, clinker 680 765/747 760/740
(Line1,Line2) (Line1,Line2)
Sp. Energy Units/ MT of
consumption, Cement 60.5 63.4 59
(Line2 PPC) (Line2 PPC)
ROAD MAP To Achieve Target – ENCON
PLANNED IN 2016 - 2017
Estimated Annual Annual
Annual Electrical Thermal
ment in
S. No. Project Detail ( 2016-2017) Electrical Saving in Saving in lakhs
Savings lakhs
BE-I & BE-2 Gear box, Preheater fan, Pan Conveyor &
1 ESP Fan & ESP up gradation for increasing the Line 1 Nil 16,000,000 -
kiln volumetric loading 444.8
2 Reject Re handling system for CVRM-II -do- 348,900 -

3 Up gradation of fly ash compressor with energy efficient

-do- 210,667 -
compressor from existing BDJL Compressor
4 ELGI Make screw compressor integrated with VFD
-do- 112,500 -
model 3.13
5 Hybrid blower for pyro jet burner -do- 2,866,667 -

6 AFR feeding system for Line-2 and Shredder machine -do- 800,000 -
7 Replacement of Air slide with screw compressor in old
-do- 227,167 -
silo 6.32
8 Replace HPSV/MV Lamps with LEDs 7.841 511800 14.23 -
2016 - 2017
Invest Estimated Annual Annual Annual Thermal
Sl. ment in Electrical Savings Electrical Saving Saving in lakhs
Project Detail ( 2016-2017)
No. Million (kWh/year) in lakhs

9 Replace T-12/T-8 Lamps with 12 W LEDs 2.204 12.86 12.86 -

10 Installation of Occupancy sensor for lighting 0.04 0.29 0.29 -

in Line 2 VFD room

11 Solar LED for colony street lights 0.84 0.96 0.96 -

12 Replace electric water heaters with solar 0.4 0.66 0.66 -

water heaters in guest house

13 Replace Ceiling fans with BLDC motors 0.78 1.87 1.87 -

14 Replace identified motors with energy 0.4 0.56 0.56 -

efficient motors
15 Arrest compressed air leakages in the plant 0 5 5 -

16 Switch off idle running compressed air dryers 0 1 1 -

in line 2 compressors

17 Install VFD for line 1 packing plant -

0.85 4.1 4.1

Invest Estimated Annual Annual Annual Thermal

Sl. ment in Electrical Savings Electrical Saving Saving in lakhs
Project Detail ( 2016-2017)
No. Million (kWh/year) in lakhs

18 Install Transvector nozzles for cleaning 0.04 7190 0.2 -


19 Replace timer based drain valves with level 0.03 50350 1.4 -
sensor based drain valves

20 Install centrifugal compressors for line 2 10 431650 12 -

21 Avoid idle flow through coal mill 0.2 26970 0.75 -

22 Install high efficiency pump for coal mill 0.075 98920 2.75 -

23 Avoid idle flow through CVRM 1 0.2 24820 0.69 -

24 Avoid idle flow through CVRM 2 0.2 31650 0.88 -

25 Improve Line 2 pre-heater top stage cyclone 2 0 0 -


26 Replace Line 2 Pre-heater fan with high 6 524820 14.59 -

efficiency fan

Invest Estimated Annual Annual Annual Thermal

Sl. ment in Electrical Savings Electrical Saving Saving in lakhs
Project Detail ( 2016-2017)
No. Million (kWh/year) in lakhs

27 Prevent heat loss across the duct from ESP 0.2 279850 7.78 -
outlet to cooler vent fan inlet in Line 2

28 Install New high efficiency fan for Coal Mill 2 83810 2.33 -
–Booster Fan

29 Install New high efficiency fan for CVRM 2 2 293880 8.17 -

–Booster Fan
30 Improve Line 1 pre-heater top stage cyclone 2 0 0 7.85
31 Reduce pressure drop in VRM-2 mill fan 0.5 103590 2.88 -
inlet duct
32 Reduce false air in VRM-2 circuit 0.3 51790 1.44 -

33 Reduce pressure drop in Line 1 PH Fan from 0.5 120860 3.36 -

downcomer to fan inlet
34 Replace Line 1 Pre-heater fan with high -
6 667990 18.57
efficiency fan

35 Optimize the phase density of PC coal -

0 73728 2.05
conveying blower in Line 1

Invest Estimated Annual Annual Annual Thermal

Sl. ment in Electrical Savings Electrical Saving Saving in lakhs
Project Detail ( 2016-2017)
No. Million (kWh/year) in lakhs

36 Reduce the Pressure drop across damper in 0 166190 4.62 -

CVRM-1 mill fan

37 Reduce fan speed by changing pulley for 0 119780 3.33 -

RotoPacker 1

38 Reduce cyclone 5 inlet pressure drop 1.5 279860 7.78 -

39 Reduce cooler vent fan SEC in Line 2 -

1 489210 13.6

40 Increase the calciner height 10 0 0 137.17

41 Install additional sealing in CVRM 2 1 825900 22.96 0

42 Pyro jet burner for Line 2 Kiln 0 0 0

43 Minimise air infiltration in boiler -27 MW 0 0 0 20.09

44 Optimize the operation of CEP by installing 0.7 63000 1.75 0


Invest Estimated Annual Annual Annual Thermal

Sl. ment in Electrical Savings Electrical Saving Saving in lakhs
Project Detail ( 2016-2017) (kWh/year) in lakhs
No. Million

Use I-Extraction steam for Ejectors and

45 0.3 404760 11.25 2.47
gland steam instead of PRDS

46 Swap 1 ACWP pump from 27 MW to 18 0 70000 1.95 0


47 Optimize performance of HP pump in RO 0.165 34500 0.96 0

plant by installing VFD

48 Install VFD in Instrument air compressors 0.45 70875 1.97 0

49 Optimize Service air pressure in 18 MW and 0 22570 0.63 0

27 MW

50 Minimize leakage in service air system of 27 0 45140 1.25 0


51 Conversion of AFBC boiler to CFBC boiler 1000 0 0 1297

Total 1060 27523284 765 1506.

PAT – Action Plan

Description 2014-15 2015-16 Target (Internal) MTOE

1.Fly ash % 30.9 34.1 35 3500

2. Specific Power - up to
51.6 49.5 49 1300
Clinker (KWh/MT)

3. Specific Power - Up to
29.7 28.7 28.2 1000
Cement Grinding (KWh/MT)

4 Specific Fuel Kcal/Kg

797 765 757 6400

5 AFR TSR % 11.9 13.36 12.5 600

6. CPP Heat Rate**

3778 4003 3590 5300

Total MTOE Target - 9300 Internal Plan - 18100

Dalmia Cement (B) Limited, Dalmiapuram.
External Awards, Recognition & Certifications received FY13-4, 14-15,15-16 & 16-17

Name of Award / Rating / Name of Awarding / Rating /

# Year Theme of the Award*
Certification Certifying Organisation
1 Green Pro CII 2016 Green Product Certification
2 EHS 4 Star Rating Confederation of Indian Industry 2016 EHS Practices.
3 State Level Productivity Madurai Productivity Council 2016 First prize and cash award & Second
/Process Improvement Special Award for Outstanding case
4 6th POKA-YOKE Award - QCFI Chennai 2016 First prize Outstanding awards &
Competition Award Second Excellent awards
5 Annual Convention ABK - AOTS DOSOKAI-Chennai 2016 2 Nos. of First prizes Gold Category
/Competition on “Innovative For Two Teams.
QC’S ”
6 Best Paper Award Madurai Productivity Council 2015 Major Vetrinathan Award
7 2nd Place CII & Directorate of Factories 2015 Best Safety Practices
8 First Place Directorate of Industrial Safety & 2015 Zonal Safety Skit Competition
Health, Trichy
9 First Place Directorate of Industrial Safety & 2015 Zonal Safety Elocution Competition
Health, Trichy
10 First Place NCCBM 2015 Environment Excellence
11 Second Place NCCBM 2014 Environment Excellence
Dalmia Cement (B) Limited, Dalmiapuram.
External Awards, Recognition & Certifications received FY13-4, 14-15,15-16 & 16-17

Name of Award / Rating / Name of Awarding / Rating /

# Year Theme of the Award*
Certification Certifying Organisation
12 EHS 4 Star Rating Confederation of Indian Industry 2014 EHS Practices.
13 EHS 3 Star Rating Confederation of Indian Industry 2013 EHS Practices.
14 Silver Award Green Tech Foundation 2013 Outstanding Achievement in

15 Winner Manufacturing Today 2013 Excellence in Human Resources

16 State Level Safety Award - National Safety Council 2013 Mr. Chandrahasan – Civil Department
Consolation Prize

17 State Level Safety Award - III National Safety Council 2013 Mr. P. Jesus King – Civil Department
18 TAUUV – III Prize Tamilnadu Government 2013 Mr. C. Natarajan – Electrical Dept.
19 TAUUV – III Prize Tamilnadu Government 2013 Mr. V. Prabakar – Instrumentation Dept.
20 Best Electrical Energy NCCBM 2012 NCCBM Energy Award
Performance 2011-12
21 State Level Safety Award National Safety Council 2012 Safety Appreciation Award
22 TN State Award – II Prize Tamilnadu Government 2012 Highest Reduction in F.R. compare with
previous year
Dalmia Cement (B) Limited, Dalmiapuram.
External Awards, Recognition & Certifications received FY13-4, 14-15,15-16

Name of Award / Rating / Name of Awarding / Rating /

# Year Theme of the Award*
Certification Certifying Organisation
23 TN State Award – II Prize Tamilnadu Government 2012 Longest Accident free period in Man

24 Star Rating Awards for Ministry of Mines, Govt. of India. 2012 4 Star Rating Award
sustainable development frame
works. To our PTK Mines

25 Sustainability Award CII-ITC 2012 Commendation for Strong Commitment

, Excellence in Social, Economic and
Environmental Impact

26 TN State Award – II Prize Tamilnadu Government 2011 Lowest in FR compare with other in

27 TN State Award – I Prize Tamilnadu Government 2010 Longest Accident free period in Man
Best Electrical Energy 11-12 by NCCBM Excellent Energy Efficient Unit by CII 11-12

Green Pro Certified by CII 2016 National Energy Award-BEE

Environmental Excellence –NCCBM FY14- Highest Growing Cement Company-Indian Cement Review

Best Paper Presentation Award-MPC

Greentech Award 2013


CII EHS AWARD 2015– 4 STAR RATING CII-ITC Sustainability Award 2014

CII-ITC Sustainability Award 2013 CII-ITC Sustainability Award 2012

MT Award in Excellence in HR-2013
Innovative QC Competition ABK-AOTS
I st Prize – Madurai Productivity Council Special Award-Outstanding – Madurai
Productivity Council
Non-Conventional Mining – I Prize KVK
Conventional Mining – I Prize PNR Mines

I Prize KLK Mines I Prize PNR Mines

Safe Con Award By-CII

Safe Con Award By-CII

Safety Appreciation Award from NSC , TN Chapter

Safety Speech Competition Award Received from Hon. Minister of Labour, Tamil Nadu.

Mr. Jesus King – 3rd Prize in Poems Mr. Chandrahasan– Consolation Prize in Poems
MD Award – Best Manufacturing Unit- MD Award – Best Operating Unit for
2010-11 2011-12

MD Award – April’2010
Tamilnadu Govt. UUV
Award Winners from
Several Participants
incld. 70 Nominations
from DPM

Mr.C.Natarajan – Electrical Dept. For his improvement Mr.V.Prabhakar – Instrumentation Dept. For his
suggestion implemented in KHD Packing House improvement suggestion implemented in VRM 2 ESP

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