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EEL 4783: HDL in Digital System Design: Lecture 2: The Verilog Language

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EEL 4783: HDL in Digital System Design

Lecture 2: The Verilog Language


Prof. Mingjie Lin

* Based on Prof. Stephen A. Edwards’s talk 1

The Verilog Language

•  Originally a modeling language for a very efficient

event-driven digital logic simulator
•  Currently as a specification language for logic
•  Two most commonly-used languages in digital
hardware design: Verilog and VHDL
•  Foundational tool for all chip designs including FPGA,
ASIC, etc.

•  Verilog is very power and descriptive, can model

digital circuits at various abstraction levels: structural
and behavioral modeling styles
Structural Modeling

•  When Verilog was first developed (1984) most logic

simulators operated on netlists
•  Netlist: list of gates and how they’re connected
•  A natural representation of a digital logic circuit

•  Not the most convenient way to express test benches

Behavioral Modeling

•  A much easier way to write testbenches

•  Also good for more abstract models of circuits
–  Easier to write
–  Simulates faster
•  More flexible
•  Provides sequencing

•  Verilog succeeded in part because it allowed both the

model and the testbench to be described together

How Verilog Is Used

•  Virtually every ASIC is designed using either Verilog

or VHDL (a similar language)
•  Behavioral modeling with some structural elements
•  “Synthesis subset”
–  Can be translated using Synopsys’ Design Compiler or
others into a netlist

•  Design written in Verilog

•  Simulated to death to check functionality
•  Synthesized (netlist generated)
•  Static timing analysis to check timing

Two Main Components of Verilog

•  Concurrent, event-triggered processes (behavioral)

–  Initial and Always blocks
–  Imperative code that can perform standard data
manipulation tasks (assignment, if-then, case)
–  Processes run until they delay for a period of time or wait for
a triggering event

•  Structure (Plumbing)
–  Verilog program build from modules with I/O interfaces
–  Modules may contain instances of other modules
–  Modules contain local signals, etc.
–  Module configuration is static and all run concurrently

Two Main Data Types

•  Nets represent connections between things

–  Do not hold their value
–  Take their value from a driver such as a gate or other module
–  Cannot be assigned in an initial or always block

•  Regs represent data storage

–  Behave exactly like memory in a computer
–  Hold their value until explicitly assigned in an initial or always
–  Never connected to something
–  Can be used to model latches, flip-flops, etc., but do not
correspond exactly
–  Shared variables with all their attendant problems
Discrete-event Simulation

•  Basic idea: only do work when something changes

•  Centered around an event queue
–  Contains events labeled with the simulated time at which
they are to be executed
•  Basic simulation paradigm
–  Execute every event for the current simulated time
–  Doing this changes system state and may schedule events
in the future
–  When there are no events left at the current time instance,
advance simulated time soonest event in the queue

Four-valued Data

•  Verilog’s nets and registers hold four-valued data

•  0, 1
–  Obvious
•  Z
–  Output of an undriven tri-state driver
–  Models case where nothing is setting a wire’s value
•  X
–  Models when the simulator can’t decide the value
–  Initial state of registers
–  When a wire is being driven to 0 and 1 simultaneously
–  Output of a gate with Z inputs

Four-valued Logic

•  Logical operators work on three-valued logic

0 1 X Z

Output 0 if one input is 0

0 0 0 0 0
1 0 1 X X
X 0 X X X
Output X if both inputs are
Z 0 X X X gibberish

Structural Modeling

Nets and Registers

•  Wires and registers can be bits, vectors, and arrays

wire a; // Simple wire

tri [15:0] dbus; // 16-bit tristate bus
tri #(5,4,8) b; // Wire with delay
reg [-1:4] vec; // Six-bit register
trireg (small) q; // Wire stores a small charge
integer imem[0:1023]; // Array of 1024 integers
reg [31:0] dcache[0:63]; // A 32-bit memory

Modules and Instances

•  Basic structure of a Verilog module:

module mymod(output1, output2, … input1, input2);

output output1;
output [3:0] output2;
Verilog convention lists
input input1; outputs first
input [2:0] input2;


Instantiating a Module

•  Instances of

module mymod(y, a, b);

•  look like

mymod mm1(y1, a1, b1); // Connect-by-position

mymod (y2, a1, b1),
(y3, a2, b2); // Instance names omitted
mymod mm2(.a(a2), .b(b2), .y(c2)); // Connect-by-name

Gate-level Primitives

•  Verilog provides the following:

and nand logical AND/NAND

or nor logical OR/NOR
xor xnor logical XOR/XNOR
buf not buffer/inverter
bufif0 notif0 Tristate with low enable
bifif1 notif1 Tristate with high enable

Delays on Primitive Instances

•  Instances of primitives may include delays

buf b1(a, b); // Zero delay

buf #3 b2(c, d); // Delay of 3
buf #(4,5) b3(e, f); // Rise=4, fall=5
buf #(3:4:5) b4(g, h); // Min-typ-max

User-Defined Primitives

•  Way to define gates and sequential elements using a

truth table
•  Often simulate faster than using expressions,
collections of primitive gates, etc.
•  Gives more control over behavior with X inputs
•  Most often used for specifying custom gate libraries

A Carry Primitive

primitive carry(out, a, b, c);

output out; Always have exactly one
input a, b, c;
00? : 0; Truth table may include don’t-
0?0 : 0; care (?) entries

?00 : 0;
11? : 1;
1?1 : 1;
?11 : 1;

A Sequential Primitive

Primitive dff( q, clk, data);

output q; reg q;
input clk, data;
// clk data q new-q
(01) 0 : ? : 0; // Latch a 0
(01) 1 : ? : 1; // Latch a 1
(0x) 1 : 1 : 1; // Hold when d and q both 1
(0x) 0 : 0 : 0; // Hold when d and q both 0
(?0) ? : ? : -; // Hold when clk falls
? (??) : ? : -; // Hold when clk stable
Continuous Assignment

•  Another way to describe combinational function

•  Convenient for logical or datapath specifications

Define bus widths

wire [8:0] sum;
wire [7:0] a, b; Continuous assignment:
wire carryin; permanently sets the value of
sum to be a+b+carryin
Recomputed when a, b, or
assign sum = a + b + carryin; carryin changes

Behavioral Modeling

Initial and Always Blocks

•  Basic components for behavioral modeling

initial always
begin begin
… imperative statements … … imperative statements …
end end

Runs when simulation starts Runs when simulation starts

Terminates when control reaches the end Restarts when control reaches the end
Good for providing stimulus Good for modeling/specifying hardware

Initial and Always

•  Run until they encounter a delay

initial begin
#10 a = 1; b = 0;
#10 a = 0; b = 1;

•  or a wait for an event

always @(posedge clk) q = d;

always begin wait(i); a = 0; wait(~i); a = 1; end

Procedural Assignment

•  Inside an initial or always block:

sum = a + b + cin;

•  Just like in C: RHS evaluated and assigned to LHS

before next statement executes

•  RHS may contain wires and regs

–  Two possible sources for data
•  LHS must be a reg
–  Primitives or cont. assignment may set wire values

Imperative Statements

if (select == 1) y = a;
else y = b;

case (op)
2’b00: y = a + b;
2’b01: y = a – b;
2’b10: y = a ^ b;
default: y = ‘hxxxx;

For Loops

•  A increasing sequence of values on an output

reg [3:0] i, output;

for ( i = 0 ; i <= 15 ; i = i + 1 ) begin

output = i;

While Loops

•  A increasing sequence of values on an output

reg [3:0] i, output;

i = 0;
while (I <= 15) begin
output = i;
#10 i = i + 1;

Modeling A Flip-Flop With Always

•  Very basic: an edge-sensitive flip-flop

reg q;

always @(posedge clk)

q = d;

•  q = d assignment runs when clock rises: exactly the

behavior you expect

Blocking vs. Nonblocking

•  Verilog has two types of procedural assignment

•  Fundamental problem:
–  In a synchronous system, all flip-flops sample
–  In Verilog, always @(posedge clk) blocks run in some
undefined sequence

A Flawed Shift Register

•  This doesn’t work as you’d expect:

reg d1, d2, d3, d4;

always @(posedge clk) d2 = d1;

always @(posedge clk) d3 = d2;
always @(posedge clk) d4 = d3;

•  These run in some order, but you don’t know which

Non-blocking Assignments
Nonblocking rule:
RHS evaluated when
•  This version does work: assignment runs

reg d1, d2, d3, d4;

always @(posedge clk) d2 <= d1;

always @(posedge clk) d3 <= d2;
always @(posedge clk) d4 <= d3;

LHS updated only after all events

for the current instant have run

Nonblocking Can Behave Oddly

•  A sequence of nonblocking assignments don’t

a = 1; a <= 1;
b = a; b <= a;
c = b; c <= b;

Blocking assignment: Nonblocking assignment:

a=b=c=1 a=1
b = old value of a
c = old value of b

Nonblocking Looks Like Latches

•  RHS of nonblocking taken from latches

•  RHS of blocking taken from wires
a = 1;
b = a; “ 1
a b c

c = b;

1 a
a <= 1;
b <= a;
c <= b; “ b ”

Building Behavioral Models

Modeling FSMs Behaviorally

•  There are many ways to do it:

•  Define the next-state logic combinationally and define

the state-holding latches explicitly

•  Define the behavior in a single always @(posedge

clk) block

•  Variations on these themes

FSM with Combinational Logic
Output o is declared a reg
because it is assigned
procedurally, not because it
module FSM(o, a, b, reset); holds state
output o;
reg o;
input a, b, reset;
Combinational block must be
reg [1:0] state, nextState; sensitive to any change on
any of its inputs

always @(a or b or state) (Implies state-holding

elements otherwise)
case (state)
2’b00: begin
nextState = a ? 2’b00 : 2’b01;
o = a & b;
2’b01: begin nextState = 2’b10; o = 0; end
endcase 36
FSM with Combinational Logic

module FSM(o, a, b, reset);

always @(posedge clk or reset)

if (reset) Latch implied by sensitivity to
state <= 2’b00; the clock or reset only
state <= nextState;

FSM from Combinational Logic

always @(a or b or state) This is a Mealy machine

case (state) because the output is directly
affected by any change on
2’b00: begin the input
nextState = a ? 2’b00 : 2’b01;
o = a & b;
2’b01: begin nextState = 2’b10; o = 0; end

always @(posedge clk or reset)

if (reset)
state <= 2’b00;
state <= nextState; 38
FSM from a Single Always Block
Expresses Moore machine
module FSM(o, a, b); Outputs are latched
output o; reg o; Inputs only sampled at clock
input a, b; edges
reg [1:0] state;

Nonblocking assignments
always @(posedge clk or reset) used throughout to ensure
if (reset) state <= 2’b00; coherency.
else case (state) RHS refers to values
calculated in previous clock
2’b00: begin cycle
state <= a ? 2’b00 : 2’b01;
o <= a & b;
2’b01: begin state <= 2’b10; o <= 0; end
endcase 39
Simulating Verilog

How Are Simulators Used?

•  Testbench generates stimulus and checks response

•  Coupled to model of the system
•  Pair is run simultaneously


Testbench System Model


Writing Testbenches
Inputs to device under test

module test;
Device under test
reg a, b, sel;

mux m(y, a, b, sel); $monitor is a built-in event driven


initial begin
$monitor($time,, “a = %b b=%b sel=%b y=%b”,
a, b, sel, y); Stimulus generated by sequence
a = 0; b= 0; sel = 0; of assignments and delays
#10 a = 1;
#10 sel = 1;
#10 b = 1;
Simulation Behavior

•  Scheduled using an event queue

•  Non-preemptive, no priorities
•  A process must explicitly request a context switch
•  Events at a particular time unordered

•  Scheduler runs each event at the current time,

possibly scheduling more as a result

Two Types of Events

•  Evaluation events compute functions of inputs

•  Update events change outputs
•  Split necessary for delays, nonblocking assignments,
etc. Evaluation event reads values
of b and c, adds them, and
schedules an update event

Update event writes new

value of a and schedules a <= b + c
any evaluation events
that are sensitive to a
change on a

Simulation Behavior

•  Concurrent processes (initial, always) run until they

stop at one of the following

•  #42
–  Schedule process to resume 42 time units from now
•  wait(cf & of)
–  Resume when expression “cf & of” becomes true
•  @(a or b or y)
–  Resume when a, b, or y changes
•  @(posedge clk)
–  Resume when clk changes from 0 to 1

Simulation Behavior

•  Infinite loops are possible and the simulator does not

check for them
•  This runs forever: no context switch allowed, so ready
can never change

while (~ready)
count = count + 1;

•  Instead, use


Simulation Behavior

•  Race conditions abound in Verilog

•  These can execute in either order: final value of a


always @(posedge clk) a = 0;

always @(posedge clk) a = 1;

Simulation Behavior

•  Semantics of the language closely tied to simulator


•  Context switching behavior convenient for simulation,

not always best way to model
•  Undefined execution order convenient for
implementing event queue

Verilog and Logic Synthesis

Logic Synthesis

•  Verilog is used in two ways

–  Model for discrete-event simulation
–  Specification for a logic synthesis system

•  Logic synthesis converts a subset of the Verilog

language into an efficient netlist
•  One of the major breakthroughs in designing logic
chips in the last 20 years
•  Most chips are designed using at least some logic

Logic Synthesis

•  Takes place in two stages:

•  Translation of Verilog (or VHDL) source to a netlist

–  Register inference

•  Optimization of the resulting netlist to improve speed

and area
–  Most critical part of the process
–  Algorithms very complicated and beyond the scope of this

Translating Verilog into Gates

•  Parts of the language easy to translate

–  Structural descriptions with primitives
•  Already a netlist
–  Continuous assignment
•  Expressions turn into little datapaths

•  Behavioral statements the bigger challenge

What Can Be Translated

•  Structural definitions
–  Everything
•  Behavioral blocks
–  Depends on sensitivity list
–  Only when they have reasonable interpretation as
combinational logic, edge, or level-sensitive latches
–  Blocks sensitive to both edges of the clock, changes on
unrelated signals, changing sensitivity lists, etc. cannot be
•  User-defined primitives
–  Primitives defined with truth tables
–  Some sequential UDPs can’t be translated (not latches or

What Isn’t Translated

•  Initial blocks
–  Used to set up initial state or describe finite testbench stimuli
–  Don’t have obvious hardware component
•  Delays
–  May be in the Verilog source, but are simply ignored
•  A variety of other obscure language features
–  In general, things heavily dependent on discrete-
event simulation semantics
–  Certain “disable” statements
–  Pure events

Register Inference

•  The main trick

•  reg does not always equal latch

•  Rule: Combinational if outputs always depend

exclusively on sensitivity list
•  Sequential if outputs may also depend on previous

Register Inference

•  Combinational:
Sensitive to changes on all of
the variables it reads
reg y;
always @(a or b or sel)
if (sel) y = a; Y is always assigned
else y = b;

•  Sequential:

reg q; q only assigned when clk is 1

always @(d or clk)

if (clk) q = d;

Register Inference

•  A common mistake is not completely specifying a

case statement
•  This implies a latch:

always @(a or b) f is not assigned when {a,b} =

case ({a, b})
2’b00 : f = 0;
2’b01 : f = 1;
2’b10 : f = 1;

Latch Vs Flip-Flop Registers in Digital
Design & FPGA Synthesis

•  Latch is sensitive to input whereas flip-flop is

sensitive to clock transition. Latch is a (clock/enable)
level sensitive device while flip-flop is an clock edge
sensitive device. Latch is sensitive to glitches on
enable pin, whereas flip-flop is immune to glitches.
Latches take less gates (also less power) to
implement than flip-flops. Latches are faster than flip-

Register Inference

•  The solution is to always have a default case

always @(a or b)
case ({a, b})
2’b00: f = 0; f is always assigned

2’b01: f = 1;
2’b10: f = 1;
default: f = 0;

Inferring Latches with Reset

•  Latches and Flip-flops often have reset inputs

•  Can be synchronous or asynchronous

•  Asynchronous positive reset:

always @(posedge clk or posedge reset)

if (reset)
q <= 0;
else q <= d;

Simulation-synthesis Mismatches

•  Many possible sources of conflict

•  Synthesis ignores delays (e.g., #10), but simulation

behavior can be affected by them
•  Simulator models X explicitly, synthesis doesn’t
•  Behaviors resulting from shared-variable-like
behavior of regs is not synthesized
–  always @(posedge clk) a = 1;
–  New value of a may be seen by other @(posedge clk)
statements in simulation, never in synthesis

Compared to VHDL

•  Verilog and VHDL are comparable languages

•  VHDL has a slightly wider scope
–  System-level modeling
–  Exposes even more discrete-event machinery
•  VHDL is better-behaved
–  Fewer sources of nondeterminism (e.g., no shared variables)
•  VHDL is harder to simulate quickly
•  VHDL has fewer built-in facilities for hardware
•  VHDL is a much more verbose language
–  Most examples don’t fit on slides

Lecture schedule

See Webpage:

Final issues

•  Please fill out the student info sheet before leaving

•  Come by my office hours (right after class)

•  Any questions or concerns?


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