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(Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India)
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, New Delhi – 110032
Website : e-mail :
August, 2007
The Cover Photographs used are Controlled Blasting in Bailadila, NMDC, Sluury disposal of KIOCL,
Excavation & Loading in KIOCL, Dump stabilization & Dust suppression at Bailadila, NMDC (clockwise
from top left)
The series of publication entitled under “Comprehensive Industry Document Series”
(COINDS) is designed to cover the status of each specific type of industry in the country
in detail, covering all environmental issues. These documents facilitate the concerned
units in the sector to improve environmental performance and compliance with the
National Environmental Standards.

The Comprehensive Industry Document on Iron Ore Mining Industry is one in the series
that the Central Pollution Control Board has taken up for publication. The main objective
of this document, apart from giving an overall view of iron ore mining industry, is to
develop the National Environmental Standards, to provide cleaner technologies and to
specify Guidelines / Code of Practice for Pollution Prevention & Control. The report has
been finalized after a series of discussions with the industry representatives, industry
associations, State Pollution Control Boards and other statutory bodies associated with
the mining industry.

This study was taken up by the Central Pollution Control Board through the Steel
Authority of India Limited (SAIL), Environment Management Division (EMD), Kolkata.
The help and assistance extended by the State Pollution Control Boards, Indian Bureau of
Mines, Iron ore mining Industries, iron ore mining Industry Associations etc. during the
study is gratefully acknowledged.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the work done by the SAIL, EMD’s
team headed by Dr. R. K. Agrawal, Executive Director, EMD and comprising Er. T. K.
Bhowmick, Assistant General Manager, Er. Malla Srinivasu, Manager.

I commend the efforts made by my colleagues Er. R. C. Kataria, Senior Environmental

Engineer for co-ordinating the study and finalizing the report under guidance of Dr. B.
Sengupta, Member Secretary, CPCB. The contribution of Shri Mahendra Kumar Gupta,
Data Entry Operator, in preparing the typed manuscript deserves due acknowledgement.

We, in CPCB, hope, that the document will be useful to the Industry, Regulatory
Agencies, the Consultants and others interested in pollution control in Iron Ore Mining.

(J. M. Mauskar)
August 29, 2007

Development of Clean
Technology for Iron Ore Mines
Development of Environmental

Prepared for
Central Pollution Control Board
(Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India)
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, New Delhi – 110032

September 7, 2007

1. Chapter ONE Introduction ...................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Background ......................................................................................... 1-1

1.2 Scope of the Project............................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Study Methodology ............................................................................. 1-2

2. Chapter TWO Iron Ore Mining in India..................................................................... 2-1

2.1 Principal Ores of Iron .......................................................................... 2-1

2.1.1 Haematite ................................................................................ 2-1
2.1.2 Magnetite ................................................................................ 2-2
2.1.3 Goethite and Limonite ............................................................ 2-2
2.1.4 Siderites................................................................................... 2-2
2.2 Description of Important Iron Ore Formations in India ...................... 2-3
2.2.1 Pre-Cambrian .......................................................................... 2-3
2.2.2 Gondwanas.............................................................................. 2-3
2.2.3 Deccan Traps........................................................................... 2-3
2.3 Iron Ore Deposits and Resources / Reserves in India ......................... 2-3
2.3.1 Iron Ore Deposits .................................................................... 2-3
2.3.2 Iron Ore Resources/Reserves and Distribution in India.......... 2-5
2.4 Status of Exploitation .......................................................................... 2-9
2.5 Future Demand .................................................................................. 2-16
2.5.1 Iron Ore requirement during 2006-07 and 2011-12.............. 2-16
2.5.2 Future Development Programme .......................................... 2-17
2.6 Present Mining Practices in India...................................................... 2-18
2.6.1 Manual Mines ....................................................................... 2-18
2.6.2 Mechanised Mines ................................................................ 2-19
2.7 Present Iron Ore Processing Technology in India............................. 2-23

3. Chapter THREE International Scenario ................................................................... 3-1

3.1 World Statistics on Iron Ore Mining................................................... 3-1

3.1.1 World Resource....................................................................... 3-1
3.1.2 Production ............................................................................... 3-2
3.1.3 Consumption ........................................................................... 3-3
3.1.4 Trade & Transportation........................................................... 3-4
3.1.5 Mergers and Acquisitions ....................................................... 3-4
3.2 Major Iron Ore Producing Countries................................................... 3-6
3.2.1 China ....................................................................................... 3-6 Present Status ............................................................................................. 3-7 Development of Heavy Duty and High Efficiency Mining Equipment ... 3-7 Development of High Intensity and Low Loss Mining Technology ........ 3-7 In-Pit/Crushing/Conveying System........................................................... 3-8 Blasting Technology .................................................................................. 3-8 Pit slope stability........................................................................................ 3-9
3.2.2 The CIS (Former USSR)....................................................... 3-10 General Information................................................................................. 3-10 Mining Machinery ................................................................................... 3-11
3.2.3 Sweden .................................................................................. 3-13 The Kiruna Mine...................................................................................... 3-13

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3.2.4 Australia ................................................................................ 3-14 Overview of Iron Ore Mining in Australia.............................................. 3-14 Geological background............................................................................ 3-16 Operations ................................................................................................ 3-16 Technology trends.................................................................................... 3-17
3.2.5 Brazil..................................................................................... 3-21 Over View of Iron Ore Mining................................................................ 3-21 Mining Companies................................................................................... 3-21 Technology Trends .................................................................................. 3-22
3.3 Technological Developments in Iron Ore Mining ............................ 3-22
3.3.1 Drilling .................................................................................. 3-22
3.3.2 Blasting ................................................................................. 3-23
3.3.3 Excavation............................................................................. 3-25
3.3.4 Haulage and Transportation System ..................................... 3-26
3.3.5 Ore Crushing & Screening .................................................... 3-28
3.3.6 Ore Beneficiation .................................................................. 3-28
3.3.7 Slurry Transportation of Iron Ore ......................................... 3-28

4. Chapter FOUR Environmental Impact of Iron Ore Mining..................................... 4-1

4.1 Environmental Impacts – Open Cast Iron Ore Mining ...................... 4-1
4.1.1 Impact on Land ....................................................................... 4-3
4.1.2 Impact on Ecology .................................................................. 4-3
4.1.3 Impacts on Water Regime....................................................... 4-4
4.1.4 Impacts on Society .................................................................. 4-5
4.1.5 Air Pollution............................................................................ 4-6
4.1.6 Noise Pollution........................................................................ 4-6
4.1.7 Water Pollution ....................................................................... 4-7
4.1.8 Vibration & Air Blast.............................................................. 4-9
4.1.9 Solid Wastes generation from mines ...................................... 4-9
4.2 Environmental Impacts from Iron Ore Mines - india........................ 4-10
4.2.1 Study Area............................................................................. 4-11
4.2.2 Study Methodology............................................................... 4-13
4.3 Western Zone (Goa Region).............................................................. 4-14
4.3.1 Natural Setting ...................................................................... 4-14 Location and Topography........................................................................ 4-14 Climate ..................................................................................................... 4-15 Land and Soil ........................................................................................... 4-15 Water Resources ...................................................................................... 4-15 Hydrogeology .......................................................................................... 4-15
4.3.2 Mining Operation in Goa ...................................................... 4-16
4.3.3 Environmental Impacts ......................................................... 4-17 Impacts on Air Quality ............................................................................ 4-17 Impacts on Water Quality ........................................................................ 4-22 Impacts on Land, Topography and Forest............................................... 4-30 Impacts on Community............................................................................ 4-31
4.4 Central Zone (Chhattisgarh).............................................................. 4-32
4.4.1 Natural Setting ...................................................................... 4-32 Location and Topography........................................................................ 4-32 Climate ..................................................................................................... 4-34 Hydrology ................................................................................................ 4-34
4.4.2 Mining Operation .................................................................. 4-35
4.4.3 Environmental Impacts ......................................................... 4-35 Impacts on Air Quality ............................................................................ 4-35 Impacts on Water Quality ........................................................................ 4-40 Impact of Noise and Ground Vibration ................................................... 4-42

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Impacts on Land, Topography and Forest............................................... 4-43 Impacts on Community............................................................................ 4-44
4.5 Eastern Zone (Orissa – Jharkhand) ................................................... 4-45
4.5.1 Natural Setting ...................................................................... 4-45 Location and Topography........................................................................ 4-45 Climate ..................................................................................................... 4-46 Hydrology ................................................................................................ 4-46
4.5.2 Mining Operation .................................................................. 4-47
4.5.3 Environmental Impacts ......................................................... 4-47 Impacts on Air Quality ............................................................................ 4-47 Impacts on Water Quality ........................................................................ 4-52 Soil and Ground water Pollution control................................................. 4-53 Impact of Noise and Ground Vibration ................................................... 4-54 Impacts on Land, Topography and Forest............................................... 4-55 Impacts on Community............................................................................ 4-56
4.6 Southern Zone (Karnataka) ............................................................... 4-57
4.6.1 Natural Setting ...................................................................... 4-57 Location and Topography........................................................................ 4-57 Climate ..................................................................................................... 4-58 Drainage ................................................................................................... 4-59
4.6.2 Mining Operation .................................................................. 4-59
4.6.3 Environmental Impacts ......................................................... 4-60 Impacts on Air Quality ............................................................................ 4-60 Impacts on Water Quality ........................................................................ 4-67 Impacts of Noise and Vibrations ............................................................. 4-72 Waste Management.................................................................................. 4-73 Afforestation and Ecology....................................................................... 4-74

5. Chapter FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Environment Management

Practices .................................................................................................................... 5-1

5.1 Clean Technologies ............................................................................. 5-1

5.1.1 Control Technologies for Drilling Operation.......................... 5-1 Wet drilling Arrangement.......................................................................... 5-2
5.1.2 Ripper - An environment friendly alternative for
Drilling & Blasting.................................................................. 5-4
5.1.3 Hydraulic Hammer/ Rock Breaker – An environment
friendly alternative to Secondary Boulder Blasting................ 5-6
5.1.4 Environment friendly Blasting Technology............................ 5-7 Opti Blast Technology ............................................................................... 5-7 Split Charge Blasting techniques with Air Decking by Gas Bags............ 5-8 Melinikov’s Theory of Air Decking Blasting Techniques........................ 5-9
5.1.5 Environment Friendly Blast Initiation Devices .................... 5-10 Initiation Systems .................................................................................... 5-11 Electric Initiation ..................................................................................... 5-12 Non-electric Initiating Systems (Without Detonating cords) ................. 5-13 Advantages of NONEL............................................................................ 5-15 Stemming control during blasting operation ........................................... 5-16
5.1.6 In-Pit Crushing and Conveyor Transport System ................. 5-18 Elements of In-PIT crushing systems...................................................... 5-19 Advantages of In-Pit Crushing ................................................................ 5-22 Transportation System by Trolley assisted dumpers .............................. 5-23
5.1.7 Dry Fog Dust Control System............................................... 5-24
5.1.8 Utilisation of Tailings – Resource Recovery ........................ 5-25 Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation Method (WHIMS)................. 5-25 Slow Speed Classifiers ............................................................................ 5-27
5.1.9 Magnetic Elutriation Technology ......................................... 5-27

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5.1.10 Utilisation of Iron Ore Slimes for making Value-added
Products................................................................................. 5-28
5.2 Environment Management Practices................................................ 5-30
5.2.1 Mine Planning for Environmental Protection ....................... 5-30 Mine Location .......................................................................................... 5-31 Pre-Mining Investigations ....................................................................... 5-31 Construction ............................................................................................. 5-31 Pollution Prevention and Control ............................................................ 5-32 Biophysical Impacts................................................................................. 5-32 Socio-economic Issues............................................................................. 5-32 Environmental Monitoring ...................................................................... 5-32 Decommissioning .................................................................................... 5-33
5.2.2 Rehabilitation and Revegetation ........................................... 5-33 Principles of Rehabilitation ..................................................................... 5-34 Rehabilitation Procedure ......................................................................... 5-35 Rehabilitation Earthworks ....................................................................... 5-37 Revegetation ............................................................................................ 5-39 Fertilisers and Soil Amendments............................................................. 5-41 Fauna ........................................................................................................ 5-42 Maintenance ............................................................................................. 5-42 Success criteria and monitoring............................................................... 5-43
5.2.3 Dust Control.......................................................................... 5-43 Source wise Dust Control Measures........................................................ 5-45
5.2.4 Noise, Vibration and Airblast Control .................................. 5-50 Noise Control ........................................................................................... 5-50 Vibration Control ..................................................................................... 5-51 Air Blast Control...................................................................................... 5-52
5.2.5 Water Quality Management .................................................. 5-54 Minesite Water Management System...................................................... 5-54 Principles for Minesite Water Management Plan ................................... 5-57
5.2.6 Tailings Management............................................................ 5-58 Tailings Dam – Upstream Method .......................................................... 5-59 Tailings Dam – Downstream Method ..................................................... 5-60 Tailings Dam - Centreline method .......................................................... 5-61 Guidelines for Tailings Management ...................................................... 5-61
5.2.7 Mine Closure Plan................................................................. 5-65 Introduction.............................................................................................. 5-65 Regulatory Frameworks........................................................................... 5-66 Components for the Development of Mine Closure Plan ....................... 5-68 Closure Plans ........................................................................................... 5-70

6. Chapter SIX Formulation of Environmental Standards.......................................... 6-1

6.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 6-1

6.2 Emission Standards ............................................................................. 6-1
6.2.1 Sources of Emissions & Parameters of Concern ................. 6-1
6.2.2 Existing Air Quality ................................................................ 6-2
6.2.3 Existing Emission & Air Quality Standards .......................... 6-3 Existing Air Quality Standards in India .................................................... 6-4 World Bank Guidelines ............................................................................. 6-5 United States of America........................................................................... 6-5 South Africa ............................................................................................... 6-6 Canada........................................................................................................ 6-7 European Union ......................................................................................... 6-7 People’s Republic of China ....................................................................... 6-8
6.2.4 Proposed Emission Standards for Iron Ore Mines.................. 6-8 Stack Emission Standard ........................................................................... 6-9 Fugitive Dust Emission Standards............................................................. 6-9 Guidelines / Code of Practices for Pollution Prevention & Control at
Source for Fugitive Dust emissions in Iron Ore Mines ........................................... 6-13

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6.3 Effluent Discharge Standards............................................................ 6-15
6.3.1 Necessity of Effluent Discharge Standards........................... 6-15
6.3.2 Sources of Effluents and Parameters of Concern.................. 6-15
6.3.3 Quality of Effluent Discharged from Iron Ore Mines........... 6-16
6.3.4 Existing Effluent Discharge Standards ................................. 6-17 India.......................................................................................................... 6-17 International Standards for Effluent Discharge....................................... 6-19
6.3.5 Proposed Effluent Discharge Standards for Iron Ore
Mines..................................................................................... 6-25 Proposed Effluent Discharge Standards .................................................. 6-25 Guidelines/ Code of Practices for Water Pollution Prevention & Control
from Iron Ore Mines................................................................................................. 6-26
6.4 Noise & Airblast Standards............................................................... 6-27
6.4.1 Existing Noise & Airblast Standards .................................. 6-27 India.......................................................................................................... 6-27 IBM’s Standard for Iron Ore Mines ........................................................ 6-28
6.4.2 International Standards ......................................................... 6-28 World Bank Industry Sector Guidelines for Base Metal Mining: .......... 6-28 Australia ................................................................................................... 6-28
6.4.3 Proposed Noise & Airbalst Standards................................... 6-29 Proposed Noise Level Standards ............................................................. 6-29 Proposed Airblast Standard ..................................................................... 6-30 Guidelines / Code of Practices for Pollution Prevention & Control of
Noise, Vibration & Airblast in Iron Ore Mines ...................................................... 6-30
6.5 Guidelines / Code of Practices for Solid Waste Management
and Waste Dump Rehabilitation........................................................ 6-31
6.5.1 Necessity of Waste Management .......................................... 6-31
6.5.2 Existing Rules / Guidelines for Waste Management ............ 6-32
6.5.3 Proposed Guidelines / Code Practices for Waste
Management.......................................................................... 6-33 Guidelines for Mine waste Management................................................. 6-33 Dump Design ........................................................................................... 6-34 Dump Rehabilitation................................................................................ 6-36 Guidelines for Disposal of Oil Contaminated Wastes ............................ 6-39 Hazardous Waste Pit................................................................................ 6-40

7. Chapter SEVEN Environmental Monitoring ............................................................ 7-1

7.1 Introduction ......................................................................................... 7-1

7.2 Standardisation of Monitoring Practices ............................................. 7-2
7.2.1 Air Quality Monitoring ........................................................... 7-2
7.2.2 Stack Emissions ...................................................................... 7-4
7.2.3 Effluent Quality Monitoring ................................................... 7-4
7.2.4 Noise & Airblast Monitoring .................................................. 7-6
7.3 Resource Requirement ........................................................................ 7-6

8. Chapter EIGHT Recommendations.......................................................................... 8-1

9. Bibliography .............................................................................................................. 9-1

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AAQ - Ambient Air Quality
AMD - Acid Mine Drainage
ANFO - Ammonium Nitrate & Fuel Oil
ARD - Acid Rock Drainage

BADT - Best Available Demonstrated Technology
BAT - Best Available Technology (Economically Achievable)
BF - Blast Furnace
BHP - Broken Hill Properties
BHQ - Banded Hematite Quartzite
BIF - Banded Iron Formations
BMQ - Banded Magnetite Quartzite
BOF - Basic Oxygen Furnace
BPT - Best Practicable Control Technology
BDL - Below Detectable Limit
BOD - Biochemical Oxygen Demand

CCW - Cyclical and Continues Working
CERLA - Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liberty Act
CIL - Coal India Limited
CLO - Calibrated Lump Ore
CMRI - Central Mining Research Institute
CO - Carbon Monoxide
COD - Chemical Oxygen Demand
CPCB - Central Pollution Control Board
CSN - Companhia Sideraurgica Nacional
CTP - Crushing & Transferring Points
CVRD - Compantia Vale do Rio Doce
CZ - Central Zone

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dB (A) - decibel in A-Weighted Scale
DGMS - Director General of Mines Safety
DO - Dissolved Oxygen
DME - Department of Minerals and Energy
DMP - Disaster Management Plan
DPM - Diesel Particulate Matter
DR - Direct Reduction
D/s - Down Stream
DTH - Down the Hole

EAF - Electric Arc Furnace
EIA - Environment Impact Assessment
EMP - Environment Management Plan
EPA - Environment Protection Agency
EMPR - Environmental Management Programme Report
EMS - Environment Management System
ETP - Effluent Treatment Plant
EZ - Eastern Zone

FIMI - Federation of Indian Mineral Industries
FSI - Forest Survey of India
FWS - Ferrous Wheel Separator

GDP - Gross Domestic Product
GPS - Global Positioning System
GSI - Geological Survey of India

HANFO - Heavy Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil
HEDC - High Energy Detonating Cord
HEMM - Heavy Earth Moving Machinery
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IBM - Indian Bureau of Mines
IISCO - Indian Iron & Steel Company
IPC - Inpit Crusher
ISM - Indian School of Mines

KIOCL - Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Limited
KMPH - Kilometre per Hour

LEDC - Low energy Detonating Cord
LHD - Load Haul Dump vehicles
LOI - Loss on Ignition

MBR - Mineracao Brasileiras Reunidas
MCDR - Mineral Conservation and Development Rules
MGS - Multi Gravity Separator
ML - Mining Lease
MML - Mysore Mineral Limited
MMER - Metal Mining Effluent Regulations
MMRD - Mines and Minerals Regulation & Development
Mn - Manganese
MoEF - Ministry of Environment and Forests
MSHA - Mine safety and Health Administration
MSL - Mean Sea Level
MT - Million Tonnes
MTPA - Million Tones per Annum
MWMP - Mine site water management Plan
Mt/MT - Million Tonnes

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NAAQS - National Ambient Air Quality Standards
NE - North East
NEERI - National Environmental Engineering Research Institute
NEMA - National Environment Management Act
Ng - Nitro glycerine
NH3 - Ammonia
NMDC - National Mineral Development Corporation
NONEL - Non-electric
NOx - Oxides of Nitrogen
NRSA - National Remote Sensing Agency
NSPS - New Source Performance Standards

OAQPS - Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
OB - Over burden
OCB - Oil Circuit Breaker
OCM - Open Cast Mines
O&G - Oil and Grease
OMC - Orissa Mineral Corporation
OMS - Output per man per shift
OSHA - Occupational Safety and health Administration

P - Provisional
Pb - Lead
PC - Pollution Control
PCB - Pollution Control Board
PL - Prospecting License
PLC - Permanent Logic Control
PM - Particulate Matter
PMS - Pump Managing System

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RDCIS - Research and Development Center for Iron and Steel
R& D - Research and Development
ROM - Runoff Mine
RPM - Respirable Particulate Matter

SAIL - Steel Authority of India Limited
SMCRA - Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act
SMS - Site Mixed Slurry
SO2 - Sulphur Dioxide
SPCB - State Pollution Control Board
SPM - Suspended Particulate Matter
SW - South West
SZ - South Zone

TDS - Total Dissolved Solids
TERI - Tata Energy Research Institute
TISCO - Tata Iron & Steel Company
TLD - Trunk Line Delay
TLV - Threshold Limit Value
TNT - Tri Nitro Toluene
TSP - Total Suspended Particulate
TSS - Total Suspended Solids
TWA - Time Weighed Average

USA - United States of America
U/s - Up Stream

WHIMS - Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation
WHO - World Health organization
WZ - Western Zone
--- XXX ---

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Executive Summary
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), Ministry of Environment and
Forests, Government of India, has initiated a study entitled “Description of
Clean Technology for Iron Ore Mines and Development of Environmental
Standards ” for sustainable development and to prepare a comprehensive
document. The study was entrusted to M/s Steel Authority of India Limited,
Environment Management Division, Kolkata. The study has been carried
out by the Environment Management Division, SAIL in association with the
Central Pollution Control Board, New Delhi. The main objective of the study
are as under;
• To develop environmental standards for iron ore mines operating in
India, with a view to meeting techno-economic feasibility as well as to
preserve the environmental quality and protect the human health.
• To develop clean technology with a view to achieve the proposed
environmental standards.
• To provide guidelines/ code of practices for pollution prevention for
iron ore mines.

The scope of the study includes baseline data generation on production,

technology, environmental quality, assessment of environmental impacts
due to iron ore mining and literature survey on mining technology,
advancements and standards in other developed countries.

The study was conducted in two phases. In the first phase, operating iron
ore mines were identified and basic operational and environmental
related data were collected through appropriate questionnaire including
environmental management practices. Statutory and regulatory bodies
related to mines such as Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), State Directorates of
Mines and Geology, Regional IBM’s and State Pollution Control Boards
were contacted. Initially, a reconnaissance survey was conducted, which
covered visits to the different iron ore mining areas.

Based on the information gathered during the visits, the entire iron ore
mining network of India was divided into four zones and representative
mines from each zone to represent the cross-section of iron ore mining
across the country were selected for in-depth study based on geological
condition, geographical locations, nature of the deposits, scale of
operation, capacity, mode of operation and environment management
practices. In-depth study in the identified mines of the four zones were
conducted to study detailed aspects of mining techniques and existing
environmental management practices, which includes monitoring of
various environmental attributes.

Study of Phase –II basically consisted of four season environmental quality

monitoring at two mechanised iron ore mines in the eastern region.

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Executive Summary
Additional data with respect to environmental monitoring were also
collected from different agencies like IBM, CMRI, NEERI, etc. Data
generated and collected from various agencies have been analysed in
order to assess environmental impacts. The findings and baseline data
generated were used to develop environmental standards and code of
practices for pollution prevention for iron ore mines. Environmental
standards of developed countries and cleaner technologies in practice
have been studied and considered while developing the standards and
guidelines. Opinions were also sought from the reputed experts in the field
iron ore mining, particularly with regard to phasing out old mining
techniques by cleaner and eco-friendly technologies.

The draft report has been discussed in detail, among industry

representatives, industry associations, State Pollution Control Boards for
finalising environmental standards, best environmental management
practices and cleaner technologies for Indian iron ore mines. Summary of
the final report is given below:

Iron Ore - Deposits, Reserve, Demand & Mining

(details given in Section Two & Three )

1. Haematite and magnetite are the most prominent of the iron ores found
in India. Indian deposits of haematite belong to pre-Cambrian iron ore
series and the ore is within banded iron ore formations occurring as
massive, laminated, friable and also in powdery form. The major
deposits of iron ore are located in Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh,
Karnataka and Goa States.

About 60% of haematite ore deposits are found in the Eastern sector and
about 80% magnetite ore deposits occur in the Southern sector,
specially in Karnataka. Of these, haematite is considered to be superior
because of its high grade. Indian deposits of haematite belong to the
pre-Cambrian iron ore series and the ore is within banded iron ore
formations occurring as massive, laminated, friable and also in powder
form. India possesses haematite resources of 14,630 million tonnes of
which 7,004 million tonnes are reserves and 7,626 million tonnes are
remaining resources. Major haematite resources are located mainly in
Jharkhand-4036 million tonnes (28%), Orissa-4761 million tonnes (33%),
Chattisgarh-2731 million tonnes (19%), Karnataka-1676 million tonnes
(11%) and Goa-713 million tonnes (5%). The balance resources are
spread over in the state of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra
Pradesh, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Assam together contain around
4% of haematite.

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Executive Summary
Magnetite is the other principal iron ore occurring in the form of oxide
which is either of igneous or metamorphoses banded magnetite silica
formation, possibly of sedimentary origin.

The magnetite resources are placed at 10,619 million tonnes of which

only 207 million tonnes constitute reserves located mainly in Karnataka
and Goa. The balance 10,413 million tonnes constitute remaining
resources. A major share of magnetite resources is located in Karnataka-
7812 million tonnes (74%), Andhra Pradesh-1464 million tonnes (14%),
Rajasthan-527 million tonnes & Tamil Nadu-482 million tonnes (5% each),
and Goa-214 million tonnes (2%). Assam, Jharkhand, Nagaland, Bihar,
Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra together account for a meager share
of magnetite resources. The most important magnetite deposits are
located in Babubadan, Kudremukh, Bellary, Anadurga and Bangarkal
areas of Karnataka, Goa region, Ongole and Guntur districts of Andhra
Pradesh etc. Other deposits are also located in Jharkhand, Bihar,
Tamilnadu, Kerala and Assam etc. However, reserves of high grade ore
may be a cause of concern. The total iron ore resources are estimated at
25.25 billion tonnes, of which Hematite ore resources stands to the order
of 14.63 billion tonnes and the remaining 10.61 billion tonnes are
magnetite as on 1.4.2005 (Source: IBM, Nagpur).

2. Production of iron ore in the country is through a combination of large

mechanised mines in both public and private sectors and several
smaller mines operated in manual or semi mechanised basis in the
private sector. During 2001-02, 215 numbers of iron ore mines were
operating in a total 638 leases with a lease area of 1,05,093 hectares and
produced 86.22 million tones of iron ore (including lumps, fines and
concentrate), out of which 37 iron ore mines were working under public
sector and remaining 178 mines are under private sector.
During 2005-06, 261 numbers of Iron Ore mines were operating in a total
505 leases (as on 31-03-06) with a lease area of 78,238.44 ha and
produced 154.456 million tonnes of Iron Ore (including lump, fines &
concentrate), out of which 41 iron ore mines were working under public
sector and remaining 220 mines are under private sector. During 2006-
07, India has produced 172.296 (P) million tonnes of iron ore including
lump, fines & concentrate.

3. Normally, iron ore mining in India is done by opencast method and on

the basis of mining methods, the mining can be broadly divided into two
categories, i.e., manual and mechanized. Majority of the large
mechanised mines are in the public sectors whereas manual mines are
mainly in the private sector. The current production capacity of iron ore
in India is around 160 Mt. The iron ore deposits of the Eastern, Central
and Southern zone do not contain much overburden material except
laterite and some low grade ferruginous shales and BHQ patches,
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Executive Summary
whereas in Western zone, (Goa region) about 30 Mt of iron ore is
produced during 2006-07 and another 2.5 to 3.5 times of the waste is
excavated as overburden. In general, iron ore mining in India being
done by developing benches from the top of the hill and carried
downwards as the ore at the top gets exhausted. The methodology being
adopted for winning of iron ore is by shovel – dumper combination in
case of major mechanised iron ore mines. The bench height generally
adopted in iron ore mines in India is ranging from 6meters to 14meters
and the slope of the benches ranging from 450 to 600 depending on the
consistency / tensile strength of the rock. However, in Goa region
where the ore is softer, hydraulic excavator and wheel loaders are the
principal loading equipment used, height of benches is restricted
between 4Mts. and 7Mts.

4. As per the tenth 5 year plan working group committee’s projection, the
expected requirements of various grades/ specifications of iron ore are
estimated to be 122 million tonnes and 156 million tonnes during 2006-
07 and 2011-12, respectively. However, as per National Steel Policy
2005, in order to support steel production of 110 million tonnes by 2019-
20, the requirement of iron ore is placed at 190 million tonnes. Thus the
projected domestic demand of iron ore will be 190 million tonnes;
similarly, exports have been estimated to be around 100 million tonnes
by 2019-20. The total demand of iron ore will be around 290 million
tonnes by 2019-20. It is expected that the additional demand will be met
through capacity augmentation from Bellary-Hospet sector, opening up
of deposit no. 1, 4, 11B & 13 of Bailadila and capacity expansion of
existing Bailadila group of mines, capacity enhancement of SAIL mines,
new mines by M/s Rio Tinto in eastern sector, opening up of new
deposits like Chiria, Thakurani, Taldih, Rowghat, Ramandurg,
Kumarswamy etc.

5. World resources of Iron Ore are estimated to exceed 800 billion tonnes
of crude ore containing more than 230 billion tonnes of iron. World iron
ore production has touched 1690 million tonnes during 2006. Although
iron ore is mined in more than 50 countries, the bulk of world production
comes from just a few countries. The five largest producers, in
decreasing order of production of gross weight of ore, were Brazil,
China, Australia, India & Russia. Brazil was the largest producer in gross
weight of ore produced. Open cast mines in China, CIS countries are
now working at greater depths (sometimes more than 300m below
ground level). This has necessitated adopting in-pit crushing with
conveying system of ore transportation. Sweden is the only country
where all its iron production (24Mt) comes from under ground iron ore
mines. Under ground iron ore mining are also being practiced to an
extent of 10 to 15% of total production in China and CIS countries.

Page No. ES - iv
Executive Summary
Australia and Brazil are operating in fully open cast methods. The control
of Acid Rock Drainage (ARD) or Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is the single
largest environmental problem in these countries.

Environmental Impact of Iron Ore Mining (details given in the Section Four)
1. The exploration, exploitation and associated activities of iron ore mining
directly infringe upon the environment and affect air, water, land, flora &
fauna. These important natural resources need to be conserved and
extracted optimally to ensure a sustainable development. The impacts of
Indian iron ore mining on environment has been discussed in detail in
the Section – Four of the report. Some of the findings are highlighted

2. The most significant environmental damages due to iron ore mining in

India are the deterioration of forest ecology, alteration of land use
pattern and change in local drainage system due to inadequate
landscape management during mining operation and improper &
inadequate rehabilitation strategy adopted. Management and
rehabilitation of the wastes and overburden dumps are of particular
concern. It was observed that the ecological principles were not taken
into account while carrying out the rehabilitation of the mined out areas
and the waste rock dumps in the reserved forest areas, which require a
completely different approach. Current rehabilitation is principally
directed at restoring visual amenity, stabilizing disturbed areas and
growing trees that will prove useful to the future generations.
Rehabilitation practices for Reserved Forests, while also meeting these
objectives, should aim to restore the native forest in all its diversity.
Restoration of the forest vegetation requires re-establishment of all
forest components, not only trees.

3. The most conspicuous positive impacts of iron ore mining in India are
social and economic upliftment. Almost all iron ore mining areas support
quite large local communities who are totally dependent on mining and
associated operations. Better healthcare, education, living standards
being some of the benefits, the local populace had got due to mining.

4. Dust is the major issue of concern in all the mining areas during non-
monsoon periods. The study team however found that this aspect varies
from deposit to deposit (nature of deposit) and season to season.
Suspended solids in the drainage basins around the iron ore mining
areas is also an issue of concern during monsoon. In the areas of high
rainfall (more than 2500mm annual average in the Goa and Kudremukh
region), the control of suspended solids in the surface runoff become an
issue of major concern, and the situation further worsen because of the
presence of scattered, unstabilised and improperly designed waste

Page No. ES - v
Executive Summary
dumps. Recently, the water scarcity has also been assumed a greater
significance in the Bellary-Hospet sector, where the mines have
reported that they are facing problem in finding sufficient water in the
region to use in dust suppression through sprinkling and wet drilling.

5. A study conducted by a committee constituted by MoEF during

March’1998 consisting of representative from Forest Survey of India
(FSI), Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM),
Geological Survey of India (GSI), National Remote Sensing Agency
(NRSA), Indian School of Mines (ISM), Federation of Indian Mining
Industries (FIMI) and SAIL found out that a total of 14,111 ha of forest
cover exist over the iron ore mining lease area in the state of Chattisgarh
covering Baster, Durg and Rajnandangaon districts; 20968ha of forest
cover exists over the iron ore mining lease area in the Singhbhum
districts of Jharkhand and Sundergarh & Keonjhar districts of Orissa. The
study has used Corollary temporal study of satellite data. The study also
showed that there is an increase in the forest cover in the Bailadila area
due to the rehabilitation measures taken by M/s NMDC. The LANDSAT-
TM data for October’1989 and IRS-IB LISS II data for June 1997 was
analysed to detect the change in the forest cover. The study revealed
about 10% gain in the forest cover (increase from 6744ha of forest area
to 7435ha, i.e. a gain of 691ha) in the lease area during the period.

6. The Iron ore industry in Goa operates under certain difficult conditions
specific to Goan iron ore mines. Mining activity in several places is
being carried out below the water table, which requires dewatering of
pits for operation to continue. This necessitates transport problem within
the mine because of greater working depth. Drilling and blasting are
restricted due to limited lateritic overburden, presence of villages and
inhabited areas in the vicinity of the mines. Mining lease in the area is
restricted to 100ha and resulted in improper mine infrastructure
development and lateral mine development. Coupled with high
overburden to ore ratio (of an average of about 2.5 to 3.0:1), it makes
very difficult for having waste dump properly designed or even there is
very limited space (or non at all) available within the lease area to dump
the waste material. This leads to acquiring land outside the lease area for
dumping rejects. Land being in short supply, dumps are typically steep
with slopes greater than 30o and height of 30-50 Mts. Many waste dumps
are situated in the upper part of the valley regions and during monsoon,
run off from dumps is common, which blankets agricultural fields and
settles in water courses. Again, because of small land holdings, large
amount of ore is blocked in barriers of adjoining mines; operations
could be carried out close to common boundaries of two lease holders
with mutual understanding.

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Executive Summary
Proposed Environmental Standards ( details given in the Section Six)
It is recognised that minerals and metals are the mainstay of the
economic development and welfare of the society. However, their
exploration, excavation and mineral processing directly infringe upon
and affect the other natural resources like land, air, water, flora and
fauna, which are to be conserved and optimally utilised in a sustainable
manner. To protect the environment, mining sector in general, is
regulated by the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986, the Forest
Conservation Act, 1980, the MMRD Act 1957, Wild life Act, 1972, Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention &
Control of Pollution) Act, 1981, etc.

In order to protect the environment from iron ore mines, environmental

standards specific for Indian Iron Ore Mines are being proposed under
Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The proposed standards are
primarily based on the studies conducted, normal background
information, (collected through actual site monitoring during the mines
visit and collected from different mining authorities and regulatory
bodies), comparison and evaluation of national and international
standards as well as the presence of different harmful elements and
their likely health effect. There is not much precedence of existing iron
ore mine specific environmental standards, internationally. Only USEPA
has specified the discharge standards for iron ore mining, whereas the
same is covered by Canada through a blanket standard for all the
metalliferous mines. World Bank has issued certain guidelines on
pollution limits for air, water and noise. The details of proposed
environmental standards for air, water & noise quality and guidelines
for pollution prevention & control are discussed in Section – 6. Proposed
environmental standards specific to Indian Iron Ore Mines for air, water
& noise quality are as follows;
Proposed Emission Standards
In iron ore mining & other allied activities including processing of ore,
dust is the single largest air pollutant and can be a significant nuisance
to surrounding land users as well as a potential health risk in some
circumstances. Dust is being produced from a number of sources and
through number of mechanisms such as land clearing, removal of top
soil, overburden removal, drilling, blasting, crushing & screening,
processing of ore, loading & unloading of material on site & subsequent
transport off the site etc. In addition to this, wind action affecting
stockpiles, dry tailings and exposed mining areas also generate
significant amount of dust. Various types of dust control measures i.e.
dust extraction and / or dust suppression measures have been adopted
by the Indian iron ore mines.

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Executive Summary
In order to maintain the air quality in and around the iron ore mines, all
the high dust prone areas need to be equipped with dust extraction and
/ or dust suppression facilities. The dust levels in the mines mainly
depend on the type of dust control measures adopted & its effectiveness.
The dust levels also depend on the nature ore feed, method of mining &
ore processing, topography & climatic conditions of the area etc.
Keeping in view of all these factors, air quality standards specific to
Indian Iron Ore Mines have been proposed for both point and area
I Stack Emission Standard for De-dusting units

S. No Parameter Standard

1. Particulate Matter (PM) 100 mg/Nm3

Height of the stack attached to the de-dusting system should be calculated for proper
dispersion of particulate matter using the formula H = 74 Q0.27 m (where H = Stack
height in metres and Q = PM emission in tonnes/hr). Height of the stack should be at
least 2.5 m above the nearest building height. But in any case, stack height should
not be less than 15 m. Sampling portholes and platforms shall be provided as per the
CPCB guidelines.

Stack height for various particulate matter emission rates (kg/hr) are given below for

S. No. PM Emission Q (kg/hr) Stack Height H (m)

1. 2.71 kg/hr 15

2. 7.86 kg/hr 20

3. 17.96 kg/hr 25

4. 35.29 kg/hr 30

Stacks attached with power generating units / DG Sets shall follow the existing stack
emission standards and guidelines for the Power Plants/ DG Sets.
II Fugitive Dust Emission Standards

Fugitive dust emission levels of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and Respirable
Particulate Matter (RPM) from the dust generation sources identified and mentioned
below in table -1, should not exceed 1200 µg/m3 and 500 µg/m3 respectively at a
distance of 25 m (± 5 m) from the source of generation in downwind direction
considering the predominant wind direction.

Page No. ES - viii

Executive Summary
Table - 1
Area Sources of Dust Generation / Monitoring Location
Mine face / benches Drilling, Excavation & Loading
(Not required for benches operating below water tables.
However applicable for operating benches above water
Haul Roads / Service Haul roads leading to Ore Processing Plant, Waste
Roads dumps & Loading areas and Service Roads.
Crushing Plant Run-off-mine unloading at Hopper, Crushing Areas,
Screens, Transfer Points
Screening Plant Screens, Transfer Points
Ore Storage & Loading Intermediate Stock Bin / Pile areas, Ore stock bin / pile
areas, wagon / truck loading areas
Waste Dump Areas Active waste / reject dumps

The measurement shall be done for a period of 8 hours in any working shift.
However, depending upon the prevalent conditions at site, the period of measurement
can be reduced.

Proposed Effluent Discharge Standards

Quality of effluents discharged from iron ore Mining, beneficiation and associated
activities or any other discharges leaving the mining lease boundary, to natural river /
stream / water bodies / sewer / land to conform to the following standards given in
the Table - 2 below.

Table - 2
S. No Parameter Standards
1. pH 6.0 – 9.0
2. Suspended Solids 50 mg/l *
200 mg/l - during monsoon
3. Oil & Grease 10 mg/l
4. Dissolved Iron as Fe 2 mg/l
5. Manganese as Mn 2 mg/l

* Existing iron ore mines are allowed up to 100 mg/l for one year from the date of
notification to upgrade existing treatment facilities / installation of new facilities.

Page No. ES - ix
Executive Summary
Proposed Noise & Airblast Standards
I Noise Level Standards

The noise levels in the mining and other associated activities shall not exceed the
following limits:

S. No Parameter Noise Limits

Day time Night time

(6.00 AM to 10.00 PM) (10.00 PM to 6.00AM)

1. Noise Level – Leq 75 dB(A) 70 dB(A)

Noise levels shall be monitored both during day and night times on the same day
while in operation. The noise measurements shall be taken outside the broken area,
boundary of ore processing & material handling areas, which include mine site &
general offices, statutory buildings, workshops, stores etc.

In addition to this, occupational exposure limit of noise specified by the Director

General of Mines Safety (DGMS) shall be complied with by the iron ore mines.

II. Airblast Standard

Airblast level resulting from blasting on any premises or public place must not
exceed 120 dB Linear, peak.

Ground vibrations from the blasting operation shall be within the permissible Peak
Particle Velocity (ppv) specified by DGMS at the foundation levels of various types
of structures in mining areas depending on dominant excitation frequencies.

Note (i) For facilitating the compliance of the standards and pollution prevention at
source the guidelines / code of practice issued by the Central Pollution Control Board should
be followed.

The above standards will be applicable to new iron ore mines and expansion projects w.e.f the
date of notification. However, the existing mines are allowed six month time from the date of
notification to upgrade / install facilities to meet the standards.

Frequency of monitoring of the various parameters shall be specified by the State Pollution
Control Boards/Pollution Control Committees.

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Executive Summary
Recommended Management Practices and Cleaner Technologies
(details given in the Section Seven)
1. As mechanised open cast iron ore mines becoming larger, deeper and
more capital intensive, continuing efforts should be made to improve
upon the open cast mining activities through advances in the equipment
size / design and practices and also through introduction of innovative
techniques. The application of high capacity continuous surface mining
techniques to harder formations, new concept of high angle belt
conveying system, in-pit crushing systems (mobile and semi-mobiles),
high capacity dumpers, automatic truck dispatch system, non-electric
blast initiation systems etc. and developments in the area of bulk
explosive systems hold out almost unlimited opportunities for upgrading
the performance of opencast iron ore mining in India, while minimising
the environmental impacts. In addition, the following proved cleaner
technologies are need to be implemented in Indian iron ore mines,
considering the suitability to the particular site:
• Adoption of Wet drilling
• Use of ripper dozer as an alternative to drilling and blasting
• Use of hydraulic hammer/rock breaker as an alternative to the
secondary boulder blasting
• Use of opti blast technology and split charge blasting techniques wit
air decking by the gas bags
• Use of non electric (NONEL) initiation devices (EXEL of ICI and
• Application of in-pit crushing and conveyor transport system as an
alternative to all dumper transport system in deep mines
• Dry Fog dust control system at the crushing, screening & material
handling/processing plant as an alternative to de-dusting system with
• Use of Hydro-cyclones and Slow Speed Classifiers in the wet
beneficiation circuits to maximise the recovery of iron ore fines.
2. The reserves of high grade iron ore are limited. Therefore, it would be
necessary at this stage to ensure conservation of high grade ore by
blending with low grade ores. As a matter of policy, only low and
medium grade iron ore, fines and only temporary surplus high grade
iron ore (+67 % Fe), particularly from Bailadila (Chattisgarh) should be
exported in the coming years. R&D efforts are needed for developing
necessary technologies for utilising more and more fines in the
production of steel as a measure of conservation of iron ores. Further, in
the iron ore mines where wet processing of the ore is done, around 10-
20% of ROM is lost as slimes depending on nature of ore feed, and in this

Page No. ES - xi
Executive Summary
context, coarser fines can be recovered up to 5 % by introducing hydro-
cycloning and slow speed classifiers in wet circuit system.

3. Efforts are also necessary to utilise the tailings/ waste as well. It has
been found feasible to make bricks using 8 % of binding material such
as cement and lime in slimes and 12 % in shale. A mixture of slimes and
shale in the ratio of 4:1 by weight with 8% binder cement has reported to
show good results in brick making. In the Bellary-Hospet area of
Karnataka, the production of iron ore fines from the private mines is
substantial, but the fines are unwashed and contain high fine percentage
(40% of -100mesh fraction). In various R&D studies carried out so far, it
has been found feasible to consume – 100 mesh fraction up to 30% blue
dust in concentrate feed. The fines from Bellary-Hospet region generally
have 63-64 % Fe content and if 100 mesh fractions can be limited to 3%,
these fines can be used for sintering feed.

In this regard the possibilities of setting up “Mine site” pelletising units

are recommended wherever technically feasible on the lines of LTV
(USA) TACONITE mines pelletising plants in North Minnesota.

4. The use of consistently appropriate mine planning is the most effective

way to harmonise mining with the environment. No single element of
mining, by itself, minimise environmental impacts. The first step in
planning is to recognise the environmental issues that need to be faced
during designing a feasible mine layout. It may range from air quality,
noise and vibration, water management, water quality, soil conservation,
flora and fauna, transport, rehabilitation, visual impacts, hazard and risk
assessment, waste management to socio-economic issues. All the
environmental considerations to be firmly integrated into the planning of
each stage of a mining project. It may further emphasized that there is a
need for allocating adequate lease area for developing iron ore mining
project and small scale mining should always be discouraged.

5. The underlying principle for effective pollution prevention and control is

to contain contaminants on the site itself. This can include storing
chemicals properly, avoiding unplanned equipment maintenance, etc.
Air quality controls include the use of water tankers for dust
suppression, water sprays on conveyors and ore stock piles, adopting
controlled blasting techniques and limiting freefall distances while
stockpiling the ores and overburdens. The design and maintenance of
haul roads is also an important consideration in dust control. One of the
critical factors in successful pollution prevention and control is through
proper training of the workforce. It is no matter how sound the plant
design or committed the mine management, ultimately environment
protection can only be achieved with the understanding and
commitment of the every person working in the mine.
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Executive Summary
6. Noise, vibration and air blast are unavoidable fallouts of mining
operations, which involve using large mobile equipment, fixed plant and
blasting. Noise, vibration and airblast are among the most significant
issues for communities located near mining projects. The adverse
impacts due to noise, vibration and air blast emissions should be
contained by the following three stage approach:
• Noise, vibration and air blast impact assessment.
• Developing and implementing a noise, vibration and air blast
management plan.
• A monitoring and audit program.

7. Ore extraction and processing, workforce health and safety, and

rehabilitation, all require water. Developing water management systems
for a mine must account for site-specific physical, chemical and climatic
characteristics as well as mine process factors. A minesite water
management system consists of a number of physical elements to control
the movement of clean and 'dirty' water onto, across and off the minesite,
together with a number of process elements to control potential water
problems at source, while maintaining and verifying the appropriate
functioning of the water management system. It is essential that every
effort should be made to avoid uncontrolled releases.

8. At present, approximately 14Mt of tailings are being generated per

annum from the iron ore beneficiation. Management of such huge
amount of tailings are important from control of pollution and resource
conservation point of view. Normally tailings are being managed
through impoundments in big settling ponds obstructed by big dams,
more commonly known as tailings dam. The primary objective of the
tailings dam is for the safe storage of tailings material and separation of
water and solids. The detail guidelines for tailings dam construction and
tailings management are discussed in section 5.2.6.

9. Climate, soils and the rehabilitation strategy are important

considerations in minimising impacts on native flora and fauna. Soil
erosion can be minimised by a proper understanding of soil structure,
conservative landform design, utilising complex drainage networks,
incorporating runoff silt traps and settling ponds in the rehabilitated
landform. Careful use of topsoil can promote vegetation cover if the
topsoil material is structurally appropriate and contains propagules of
native vegetation. Selection of native floral species is desirable in
promoting a stable and robust vegetation cover. Where possible,
species endemic to the area should be used, preferably those from the
site itself.

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Executive Summary
10.Ideally mine decommissioning should be planned at the commencement
of operations. For the existing and long established iron ore mines in
India, proper decommissioning to be integrated with the final year of
mine operation. Final rehabilitation should be influenced by the long
term post-mining land use and environmental condition of the site
determined in consultation with the local community. Mine sites
normally established transport links, heavy workshops and other
infrastructure that can be put to a range of post-mining uses. Whether his
is not the case or where restoration of pre-mining condition is required,
hauls roads and buildings should be removed and the site rehabilitated
and revegetated. One of the longer-term challenges is to ensure the
safety and environmental appropriateness of final mining voids. It is,
sometimes, possible to use these voids for disposal of surplus rejects
and overburden from an adjoining mine, or to provide make up water
and additional sedimentation capacity to other operations. A
coordinated and planned approach to the issue of final voids for
adjacent mines can significantly reduce environmental impacts.

--- XXX ---

Page No. ES - xiv

CHAPTER ONE Introduction
1. Chapter ONE Introduction

The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) (Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India) has taken up the task to develop National Environmental Standards for
emissions, effluents and noise pollution from various sources which gets generated due to
operation and process followed in the Iron Ore Mining. For the purpose, they have assigned
the work of the project entitled “Development of clean technology for iron ore mines and
development of environmental standards and preparation of comprehensive document”
to M/s Steel Authority of India Limited, Environment Management Division, 6, Ganesh
Chandra Avenue (5th Floor), Kolkata – 700013. The study has been conducted by the
Environment Management Division, SAIL in association with Central Pollution Control
Board, New Delhi. The basic objectives of the project were:
• To develop environmental standards for iron ore mines operating in India, with a view to
meeting techno-economic feasibility as well as to preserve the environmental quality and
protect the human health.
• To develop clean technology with a view to achieving the proposed environmental
• To provide guidelines for pollution reduction, recovery, reuse and recycle as well as to
reduce the fugitive emissions.
The project for evolving industry specific standards envisages certain limits for the pollutants,
necessary to protect the recipient environment and at the same time it should be techno-
economically viable for the mining industry to achieve, regardless of variation in pollutants
generated in the processes. The standards and pollution prevention guidelines, thus developed
will be applicable to the iron ore mining industries throughout the country.


The scope of the project as outlined in the work order is briefed below:

Baseline Data Generation:

• Identification of all the iron ore mines working in India and indicating their location
on the map of India.
• Collection and collation of data on the iron ore reserves, status of exploitation at
present and future forecast.
• Collection and collation of data on iron ore mining in India and plotting its trends
and comparison with world scenario.
• Technology presently used in iron ore mining in pollution control in various parts of
the country.
• Collection of data through questionnaire survey, field visits and field monitoring
with respect to air quality, water quality, solid waste and other environmental
problems posed by iron ore mining. The data should be of at least one year covering
all the four seasons at one mining cluster.
• In-depth study of representative cross sections of iron ore mines after classification
on the basis of technology and pollution levels. The data can be used in decision
making for the clean technology.

Page No.1-1
CHAPTER ONE Introduction
Literature Survey:
Literature on the iron ore mining and pollution control technology used in developed
countries like USA, Japan, Germany, CIS etc to be compiled. The feasibility of adopting
the technology in India to be discussed while identifying the clean technology suitable for
Indian conditions.

Environmental Impact of Iron Ore Mining:

The environmental impact of various iron ore mining clusters in the country, with respect
to water bodies, ground water, air quality, flora and fauna, topography and socio-economic
factors will be evaluated, collecting the data through secondary sources. Environmentally
benign mining practices adopted in modern mines will be collected and collated to serve as
an input to Environmental Management Plan for abating the adverse impacts. The
applicability and suitability of these mining practices in Indian context are to be discussed.

Development of Clean Technology and Environmental Standards:

• Environmental standards to be developed with a view to meeting techno-economic
feasibility by the iron ore mines as well as to preserve the Environmental quality and
protect the human health.
• The clean technology should be developed with a view to achieving the proposed
environmental standards.
• Guidelines for pollution reduction, recovery, reuse and recycle as well as to reduce the
fugitive emissions should also be provided.

Laboratory Facilities and Monitoring Frequency:

• Details of the laboratory facilities required by the iron ore mines to conduct
monitoring for the assessment of the environmental quality have to be provided.
• Monitoring programme including frequency of monitoring for air quality, water
quality, ground water, solid wastes, noise levels etc. are to be provided.


The project was basically carried out in two phases.

The phase-I of the study was mainly consisted of literature survey, field visits and field
monitoring with an objective of collecting the baseline conditions of iron ore mining in India
and the surrounding environment. The entire iron ore mining network of India was divided into
four zones and representative mines from each zone were selected for in-depth study to
represent all the cross-section of mining companies with respect to geological condition,
geographical locations, nature of the deposits, scale of operation, capacity, product profile,
mode of operation and Environment Management Practices (i.e. whether the company/mines
has adopted EMS leading to ISO-14001 certification) and willingness of the mining authority
for co-operation. The survey also covered visits to Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), State
Directorates of Mines and Geology, Regional IBMs and State Pollution Control Boards. In-
depth study in the identified mines in each of the four zones has been undertaken for the detail
study of both the mining technology being used and the environmental condition. Field

Page No.1-2
CHAPTER ONE Introduction
monitoring was only restricted to the eastern group of SAIL mines, however detailed field
monitoring was carried out at Meghahatuburu and Kiriburu iron ore mines of SAIL.
Environmental quality monitoring data were collected from all the participating mines. The
interim report was submitted to CPCB in December, 2001, containing the methodology
followed and observations made during the in-depth study of the selected mining sectors in
India, which also included the field monitoring results and the collected/reported data on
environment quality monitoring by the mining companies covered during the in-depth study.

The phase-II of the study was basically consisted of the analysis of the collected literatures,
environment monitoring data (both collected and generated) and development of
environmental standards. A progress report was submitted to CPCB during September 2002,
which contained the technological advancement in iron ore mining, the present environmental
conditions of the iron ore mines in India and the results of the field monitoring. Additional
data with respect to environmental monitoring were also collected from different agencies like
IBM, CMRI, NEERI, etc. The environmental quality data are grouped in to three basic
categories as:
• Data collected during the in-depth study
• Data generated through field monitoring
• Data compiled from other agencies

The draft report, containing the proposed environmental standards, environmental

management practices and cleaner technologies, was discussed in detail with the industry
representatives, industry associations, State Pollution Control Boards and other statutory
bodies. As suggested, a detailed study on fugitive dust emissions from various mining
operations has been carried out during November, 2005 at Meghahatuburu and Kiriburu Iron
Ore Mines. All these data have been used as a baseline for recommending the proposed
environmental standards. Various applicable national and international environmental
standards are compiled. The details of the existing and the proposed environmental standards
are placed in Section 6 of this report.

The environmental impacts of the iron ore mining in the four identified zones are discussed in
Section 4 of this report based on the findings during the in-depth study, base line
environmental conditions as compiled, findings of study conducted by different national and
international organisations in different areas during different times, etc. Suggested cleaner
technologies to be adopted in the iron ore mining in India along with environmental
management practices are discussed in the Section 5 of this report.

--- XXX ---

Page No.1-3
CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
2. Chapter TWO Iron Ore Mining in India


Haematite and magnetite are the most prominent of the iron ores found in India. Of these,
haematite is considered to be the most important Iron ore because of its high grade quality,
which is consumed in a number of steel and sponge iron industries. Indian deposits of
haematite belong to pre-Cambrian iron ore series and the ore is within banded iron ore
formations occurring as massive, laminated, friable and also in powdery form. The major
deposits of iron ore are located in Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Karnataka and Goa States.

2.1.1 Haematite
Haematite is the most abundant iron ore mineral and is the main constituent of the iron ore
industry. It occurs in a variety of geological conditions throughout the world. It is the red oxide
crystallizing in hexagonal system. The fine-grained haematite is deep red, bluish red, or
brownish red and may be soft and earthy ocherous, compact or highly porous to friable, or
granular, or may form dense hard lumps. Considerable siliceous or argillaceous impurities are
common. Fine-grained red haematite may occur in smooth reinform masses (Kidney ores) in
botryoidal or stalacitic shapes, or may be columnar, fibrous, radiating or platy etc. The coarse
crystalline haematite is steel grey with bright metallic to dull grey lustre and occasionally,
coarse crystals have a deep bluish to purplish iridescent surface. The coarse-grained haematite is
known as specularite or specular haematite and may form blocky or platy crystals with a strong
icaceous parting. The cherry red streak is difficult to observe on this variety. The composition
of haematite is Fe2O3. Ideally, haematite contains 69.94% iron and 30.06% oxygen. The
specific gravity varies from 4.9 to 5.3 (when it is pure, i.e. 69.9% Fe2O3) but the ores met in
practice generally have less specific gravity. The hardness varies from 5.5 to 6.5 for hard ore
and is much less for softer varieties. Haematite is feebly magnetic, but a variety termed
magnetite is found in many ore bodies in small quantities having magnetic properties closely
akin to those of magnetite.

The iron content of the ore and physical characteristics vary from place to place in different
types of ores. Some idea about the change in iron content and in bulk densities / tonnage factors
of different types of ores mined in some important regions of India is given in below.

Table No. Characteristic of Important Haematite Deposits in India

Sl. Type of Ore Iron Content Bulk density/tonnage
No. factor (ton/m3)
1. Singbhum-Keonjhar-Bonai Deposits
a) Massive Ore 65 - 69.9 % 4.5 - 5
b) Laminated Ore 55 – 65 % 3.5 – 4.8
c) Blue Dust 65 % 3.3 – 3.4
d) Laterite Ore 52 % 2.3
2. Goan Deposits
a) Massive bedded Ore 59 – 62 % 3 – 3.4
b) Platy Ore 58 – 62 % 3 – 3.2
c) Brecciated Ore 56 – 62 % 2.8 – 3.2

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Sl. Type of Ore Iron Content Bulk density/tonnage
No. factor (ton/m3)
d) Mixed Ore 45 – 59 % 2.5 – 3.0
e) Biscuity Ore 59 – 65 % 2.9 – 3.1
f) Concretionary Ore 57 – 62 % 3.1 – 3.4
g) Laterite 40 – 50 % 2.3 – 3.3
h) Blue Dust or Powdery Ore 58 – 66 % 2.8 – 3.0
3. Bellary – Hospet Deposits
a) Lumpy Ore (Massive & Laminated) 67 – 69 % 3 – 3.5
b) Blue Dust Average 65 % 3.8
4. Bailadila Deposits
a) Massive Ore and Massive & Laminated 67 – 68.26 % 4.69 – 5.11
b) Laminated Ore 63.47 % 3.4 – 4.19
c) Laterite Ore 47.46 % 3.46 – 3.65

2.1.2 Magnetite
It is the most common species in the magnetite series of spinel mineral group and is the second
most important iron bearing mineral of economic importance. It is black magnetic oxide of iron
crystallizing in the isometric system and has hardness of 5.5 to 6.5. Its specific gravity is 5.17
and magnetic attractability 40.18 compared to 100 for pure iron. It occurs as fine or coarse-
grained masses or in octahedral or less commonly decahedral crystals. It occurs as veins and
stringers in igneous rocks and as lenses in crystalline schists. Large deposits are considered to
be the results of magnetic segregation and its low grade deposits occur
as disseminations in metamorphic and igneous rocks. It also occurs as a replacement product in
sedimentary or metamorphic rocks. It is found as placer deposits as “black sand” in beach
deposits and as banded layers in metamorphic and igneous rocks.

2.1.3 Goethite and Limonite

These minerals are hydrated oxide of iron, forming a part of the complex group in which
proportion of the various radicals can undergo considerable variations. Their colour is brown to
ocherous yellow but may be black or dark brown to reddish brown and they are often called
“brown iron ores”. Their specific gravity varies from 3.3 to 4.3 and hardness is 5.5. They may
contain 10 to 14.5 percent combined water and are converted into haematite or magnetite on
calcinations. These are secondary minerals, being the product of alteration. They occur as thick
cappings formed by weathering and hydration of the underlying ore body. When silica is
leached out, iron content improves by 10 to 15 percent. These minerals form flakes and needles
generally of small dimensions occurring as inter growths with the original constituents.

2.1.4 Siderites
Siderite, also called “spathic ore”, is a carbonate of iron. Its colour is ash grey to brown with
yellow and red stains resulting from oxidation and hydration. Its specific gravity is 3.8 and
hardness varies from 3.5 to 4. It crystallizes under rhombohedral division of the hexagonal
system. It occurs as sedimentary or replacement deposits.

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Indian reserves are predominantly distributed in pre-Cambrian formation.

2.2.1 Pre-Cambrian
The most important iron ore deposits of India are those associated with the banded haematite
jasper / quartzite of the Dharawarian formations of South India and their equivalents of the iron
ore series found in Northern India. The ores are derived from the enrichment of banded
ferruginous rocks by the removal of silica. The ore body generally forms the tops of the ridges
and hillocks, which are often of great magnitude. Most of them contain high grade ores near the
surface, with an iron content of over 60% and are associated with even larger quantities of low
grade ores. Where metamorphosed, regionally or by igneous intrusives, these banded haematite
jaspers have been converted into banded quartzite magnetite rocks, which also attain
considerable importance in certain areas in Tamil Nadu and in Southern Karanataka. These ores
are of low grade, as they occur, containing only about 35 to 40% iron, but are amicable to
concentration after crushing to a suitable size. At some places in Singhbhum and Mayurbhanj
districts, titaniferous magnetite bodies are associated with basic and ultrabasic intrusives. These
deposits are considered to be of ortho-magnetic origin.

2.2.2 Gondwanas
The Barakar formations in rare instances contain concretionary masses of limonite. In the
Auranga Coalfield in Bihar, clay-iron stones are found in these formations. Some of these
deposits appear to have been derived from the original carbonate ore by oxidation and
hydration. The ironstone shale stage, particularly of Raniganj Coalfield, contains considerable
amount of clay. Ironstone derived from siderite is irregularly distributed as thin lenses in the
formation. At some places, iron ore lenses and concretions are reported to form 5 to 7% volume
of strata. In the succeeding Raniganj-Kamthi group, there is much disseminated iron to produce
the prevailing red tints in the sandstones, but nowhere sufficient concentration of the material to
constitute workable ore is found.

2.2.3 Deccan Traps

The tropical weathering of Deccan traps at and near the surface has given rise to massive beds
of laterite which at many places is fairly rich in iron, averaging 25 to 30% of the metal. The
laterite also contains deposits of titaniferous bauxite. They are likely to assume importance in
future when attention is focused on lower grade ores. It is known that the Late Sir Cyril Fox
conducted some experiments to smelt laterite to obtain pig iron. Laterite also occurs over
gneissic rocks in Malabar and Travancore and over the Rajmahal Traps in Bihar. The limonitic
material from laterite, often forming rich concretions, has been won and smelted by the
indigenous artisans for many centuries. At present, however, they are of little values as ores,
because the rich haematite ores of the pre-Cambrian formations are available in abundance.


2.3.1 Iron Ore Deposits

The iron ore deposits of India can be broadly divided in to the following six groups on the
basis of mode of occurrence and origin:
1. Banded Iron Formations(BIF) of Pre-Cambrian Age

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
2. Sedimentary Iron Ore Deposits of Siderite and Limonitic Composition
3. Lateritic Ores derived from the Sub-Aerial Alternations
4. Apatite-Magnetite Rocks of Singhbhum Copper belt
5. Titanifereous and Vanadiferous Magnetites
6. Fault and Fissure Filling Deposits

Indian deposits of haematite belong to Pre-Cambrian Iron ore series and the ore is within
Banded Iron Ore Formations (BIF) occurring as massive, laminated, friable and also in powdery
form. Extensive outcrops of BIF are found in the States of Jharkhand, Bihar, Orissa, Madhya
Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Maharastra, Karnataka, Goa and Tamil Nadu. The most common names
used in India to designate BIF are Banded Haematite Quartzite (BHQ) and Banded Magnetite
Quartzite (BMQ). In Jharkhand and Orissa, the names like Iron-Ore series and Iron-Ore group
are used as stratigraphic names. Elsewhere in the world, names like taconite (Lake Superior),
itabirite (Barzil), jaspilite (Western Australia) and Calico rock (South Africa) have been in use.
In recent years, however, BIF has come to be generally acceptable both as a field term as well
as stratigraphic term to designate iron-rich sedimentary rocks.

The BIF has given rise to vast accumulations of commercial grade iron ore deposits in India;
more than 90% of the iron ore supplied to the industry comes from the BIF. The major ore
minerals are haematite and magnetite. Important accumulations are in Singhbhum district
(Jharkhand), Keonjhar (Orissa), Bellary (Karnataka), Bastar district (Chattisgarh) and Goa.
Magnetite ore deposits are mainly confined to the Chikmagalur district in Karnataka and Salem
and North Arcot districts in Tamil Nadu.

Different types of iron ore derived from banded haematite rocks met within the deposits of this
group are (a) massive ore, (b) laminated ore and (c) blue dust. The massive ores occur as
massive bodies in which no planar structures are seen. The laminated ores, though
mineralogically and chemically similar to massive ores, have planar structures, which may be
very closely spaced giving rise to biscuity ores. The blue dust is a form of very fine-grained
powdery ore consisting of loose haematite and magnetite crystals. It often occurs as pockets in
harder ores and forms the major constituent at depth. Major part of blue dusts is minus 10 mesh
in size and generally these are from 10 to 50% of 100 mesh size, the proportion of minus 325
mesh to 100 mesh fraction being 80%. In addition, float ore accumulations on the slopes and
foot of the hills as a result of disintegration of in situ ore bodies are commonly met with. The
float ores are of different sizes and of different degrees of purity. In certain places, like deposits
in the vicinity of Banspani in Keonjhar district, Bailadila range and Bellary-Hospet area, the
float ore concentration is mostly free from any major impurities. The percentage recovery of ore
from such horizons varies within very wide limits and is cent percent in some cases. Wherever
such float ores are derived from massive or hard laminated ore bodies, the grade of the float ore
is fairly rich. Thus, in the float ore workings in the vicinity of Banspani and in Bellary-Hospet
sector, grade of the ore is about 64% or even more. The gangue minerals in case of float ore s
are usually shale, BHQ, dolerite and clay. Sometimes reconsolidated ores occurring as angular
and sub-angular fragments cemented in the matrix of laterite is also noticed in float ore zones.
For example, in Jharkhand and Orissa area, this type of re-cemented ore is found, where it is
locally called as “Canga”. The embedded high grade iron ore pieces cannot be easily dislodged
from adhering material. Though angular pieces can alone give 63 to 66% Fe, the overall
material analyses only 55 to 60% Fe.

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
2.3.2 Iron Ore Resources/Reserves and Distribution in India
Iron ore is abundantly available in the Earth’s crust. It forms basic raw material for Iron & Steel
industry. India has large reserves of good quality of iron ore which can meet the growing
demand of domestic iron & steel industry and can also sustain considerable external trade. With
the total resources of over 25.25 billion tonnes (both haematite & magnetite), India is one of the
leading producers as well as exporters of iron ore in the world.
Haematite and magnetite are the most prominent of the iron ores found in India. Indian
deposits of haematite belong to pre-Cambrian iron ore series and the ore is within banded iron
ore formations occurring as massive, laminated, friable and also in powdery form. The major
deposits of iron ore are located in Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Karnataka and Goa States.

About 60% of haematite ore deposits are found in the Eastern sector and about 80% magnetite
ore deposits occur in the Southern sector, especially in Karnataka. Of these, haematite is
considered to be superior because of its high grade. Indian deposits of haematite belong to the
pre-Cambrian iron ore series and the ore is within banded iron ore formations occurring as
massive, laminated, friable and also in powder form. India possesses haematite resources of
14,630 million tonnes of which 7,004 million tonnes are reserves and 7,626 million tonnes are
remaining resources. Major haematite resources are located mainly in Jharkhand-4036 million
tonnes (28%), Orissa-4761 million tonnes (33%), Chattisgarh-2731 million tonnes (19%),
Karnataka-1676 million tonnes (11%) and Goa-713 million tonnes (5%). The balance
resources are spread over in the state of Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Andhra Pradesh,
Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh and Assam together contain around 4% of haematite.

Magnetite is the other principal iron ore occurring in the form of oxide which is either of
igneous or metamorphoses banded magnetite silica formation, possibly of sedimentary origin.

The magnetite resources are placed at 10,619 million tonnes of which only 207 million tonnes
constitute reserves located mainly in Karnataka and Goa. The balance 10,413 million tonnes
constitute remaining resources. A major share of magnetite resources is located in Karnataka-
7812 million tonnes (74%), Andhra Pradesh-1464 million tonnes (14%), Rajasthan-527
million tonnes & Tamil Nadu-482 million tonnes (5% each), and Goa-214 million tonnes
(2%). Assam, Jharkhand, Nagaland, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra together
account for a meager share of magnetite resoures. The most important magnetite deposits are
located in Babubadan, Kudremukh, Bellary, Anadurga and Bangarkal areas of Karnataka, Goa
region, Ongole and Guntur districts of Andhra Pradesh etc. Other deposits are also located in
Jharkhand, Bihar, Tamilnadu, Kerala and Assam etc. However, reserves of high grade ore
may be a cause of concern. The total iron ore resources are estimated at 25.25 billion tonnes,
of which Heamatite ore resources stands to the order of 14.63 billion tonnes and the
remaining 10.61 billion tonnes are magnetite as on 1.4.2005 (Source: IBM, Nagpur).
The details of iron ore resources/reserves as per UNFC system for haematite & magnetite ores
and its distribution in the different states of India are given in the Table No. to
The Indian resources of iron ore have been made compatible with United Nations Framework
Classification (UNFC) which is more scientific and adopted in most countries of the world. The
resource positions since 1-1-1980 till 1-4-2005 have been given in table below.

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Table No. Iron Ore Resources & Production in India between 1980, 1990, 2000 & 2005
(Unit: million tonnes)
Grade Resources Production Resources Production Resource Production Resources
as on between as on between as on
1.1.1980 1980-90 1.4.1990 1990-2000 1.4.2000 Between as on

2000-2005 1.4.2005

Haematite 11469 12197 11426 14630

(+728) (-771) (+3204)

Magnetite 6095 10590 10682 10619

(+4495) (+92) (-63)

Total 17564 470 22787 656 22108 532 25249

(+5223) (-679) (+3141)

Figures in parenthesis indicate decrease(-)/increase(+) in resources
Note: (1) Annual average production: 1980-90 = 47 Mt; 1990-2000 = 66 Mt; 2000-05 = 106 Mt
(2) These resources do not include around 1000 Mt of haematite iron ore recently discovered by
DMG, Chhatishgarh in Kabirdham district.
Source: Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur. The iron ore resources in India have been estimated at
25249 Mt (Haematite-14630 Mt & Magnetite-10619 Mt - as per UNFC as on 1-04-05).

Table No. State wise Reserves/Resources of Iron Ore (Haematite) as on 1.4.2005
(Unit:in ‘000tonnes)
Sl. No State Reserves Resources Total
1 Andhra Pradesh 39,596 123,443 163,039
2 Assam - 12,600 12,600
3 Bihar - 55 55
4 Chhatishgarh 760,512 1,970,275 2,730,787

5 Goa 458,704 254,244 712,948

6 Jharkhand 2,494,423 1,541,323 4,035,746
7 Karnataka 940,430 735,792 1,676,222

8 Madhya Pradesh 33,917 171,021 204,938

9 Maharashtra 13,997 251,359 265,356
10 Meghalaya - 225 225
11 Orissa 2,251,771 2,508,848 4,760,625
12 Rajasthan 10,813 19,035 29,848
13 Uttar Pradesh - 38,000 38,000

All India 7,004,167 7,626,220 14,630,387

Source: Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India

Table No. State wise Reserves/Resources of Iron Ore (Magnetite) as on 1.4.2005 (Revised)
(Unit:in ‘000tonnes)
Sl. No State Reserves Resources Total
1 Andhra Pradesh - 1,463,541 1,463,541
2 Assam - 15,380 15,380
3 Bihar - 2,659 2,659
4 Goa 50,112 164,057 214,169
5 Jharkhand 3,391 6,879 10,269
6 Karnataka 148,437 7,663,347 7,811,784
7 Madhya Pradesh - 83,435 83,435
8 Maharashtra 621 - 621
9 Meghalaya - 3,380 3,380
10 Nagaland - 5,280 5,280
11 Orissa 156 54 210
12 Rajasthan 4,225 522,652 526,877
13 Tamil Nadu - 481,876 481,876

All India 206,941 10,412,540 10,619,481

Source: Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur

Table No. Grade wise iron ore resources as on 01.04.2005 (provisional)
(Unit: Million Tonnes)
Ore Type Grade Resources as on 01.04.2005
Iron ore (Haematite) (+) 65% Fe 2132
(+) 62% to 65% Fe 6694
Below 62% Fe (including all 5804
other grades)
Total 14630
Iron ore (Magnetite) Metallurgical 2186
Coal washery 8
Foundry 1
Others 25
Unclassified 8113
Not known 287
Total 10620
Source: Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
The iron ore mining is mainly being carried out in the following four zones of India. The detail
distribution is shown in the map in the following pages.

Table No. Iron Ore Zones in India

Zone –A Haematite Ore

(Eastern Zone) Singhbhum District in Jharkhand and Keonjhar and

Sundergarh in Orissa. About 60% of the ore is concentrated in
Jharkhand & Orissa this sector.

Zone – B Haematite Ore

(Central Zone) Covers Dalli-Rajhara deposit of Durg district, Rowghat-

Chattisgarh, M.P. and Bailadila of Baster District and Surajgarh Deposit in
Maharastra Maharastra

Zone – C Haematite Ore

(Southern Zone) Bellary-Hospet Sector covering iron ore deposits in Sandur

Range in Bellary district and includes Kumarswamy and
Ramandurg Deposits, etc


Magnetite Ore

Metamorphosed banded iron formation along West coast,

Karnataka, Kerala, etc. About 80% of known reserves of
Magnetite Ore are concentrated in Karnataka.

Zone –D Haematite Ore

(Western Zone) Goa-Redi covering iron ore deposits of Goa and Redi in
Ratnagiri district of Maharastra.

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Production of iron ore in the country is through a combination of large mechanised mines in
both public and private sectors and several smaller mines operated in manual or semi
mechanised basis in the private sector. These can be broadly grouped as under:
• Captive Mines: Owned and operated by individual steel plants both in public and
private sectors mainly for their own use (i.e. SAIL, TISCO etc.)
• Non-captive mines: These are mainly in public sector owned and operated by
companies like National Mineral development Corporation Ltd. (NMDC),
Kudremukh Iron Ore Co. Ltd. (KIOCL) and the state government undertakings like
Orissa Mining Corporation (OMC), Mysore Minerals Ltd.(MML) etc.
• Non captive mines owned and operated by private parties for exports as well as
for internal consumption. The companies include M/s Sesa Goa Ltd., M/s
Chowgule & Co. Pvt. Ltd., M/s Mineral Sales Pvt. Ltd., Rungta Mines Private Ltd.,
Jindal Steel and Power Ltd. etc.
The domestic production of iron ore in 2005-06 was 154.436 million tonnes including lumps,
fines & concentrates, which accounts about 10 % of the total world iron ore production of 1542
million tonnes during 2005-06. The public sector contribution for iron ore production during
2005-06 was about 40% and the remaining was private sectors contribution. During 2005-06,
Orissa was the highest producer (32%) followed by Karnataka (22%), Chhatisgarh (16%), Goa
(15%) and Jharkhand (11%). Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra and Rajasthan
accounted for remaining. The domestic production of iron ore during 2006-07 is about 172.296
(P) million tonnes, which is about 10.2 % of the total world iron ore production of 1690 million
tonnes during calender year 2006.

During 2001-02, 215 numbers of iron ore mines were operating with a lease area of 1, 05,093
hectares and produced 86.22 million tonnes of iron ore (including lumps, fines and concentrate).
During 2005-06, 261 numbers of Iron Ore mines were operating in a total 505 leases (as on 31-
03-06) with a lease area of 78,238.44 ha and produced 154.436 million tonnes of Iron Ore
(including lump, fines & concentrate), out of which 41 iron ore mines were working under
public sector and remaining 220 mines are under private sector. During 2006-07, India has
produced 172.296 (P) million tonnes of iron ore including lump, fines & concentrate.

Details of Indian iron ore statistics collected from IBM and other sources are given below (from
A to J):
A) Iron Ore Resources/Reserves as per UNFC Classification
Grade Reserves & Resources as on 1-4-2005 (Unit.: Million tonnes )
Haematite Reserves 7004
Remaining resources 7626
Total 14630
Magnetite Reserves 207
Remaining resources 10412
Total 10619
Total Reserves 7211
Remaining resources 18038
Total 25249
Source: IBM, Nagpur;

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
B) Status of Iron Ore Mining Leases in India

Leases as on No. of Leases Lease Area (ha)

Mining Leases as on 31-3-2001 638 1,05,093.46

Mining Leases as on 31-03-2006 505 78,238.44

Source: IBM, Nagpur
C) Iron ore mining leases in India as on 31-03-06
Sl. No State Total Public Private
Nos. Area (Ha) Nos. Area (Ha) Nos. Area (Ha)
1 Andhra 25 1511.15 01 266.33 24 1244.82
2 Chhatishgarh 15 6544.88 11 6402.97 04 141.91
3 Goa 187 14002.79 - - 187 14002.79
4 Haryana 01 86.20 01 86.20 - -
5 Jharkhand 48 12700.29 13 7091.79 35 5608.50
6 Karnataka 73 10501.58 02 6642.80 71 3858.78
7 Madhya 09 124.67 - - 09 124.67
8 Maharashtra 29 1060.86 01 43.82 28 1017.04
9 Orissa 103 30806.73 26 15887.29 77 14919.44
10 Rajasthan 15 899.29 - - 15 899.29
All India 505 78238.44 55 36421.20 450 41817.24
Source: IBM, Nagpur

D) Number of Reporting Iron Ore Mines in India

Year No. of reporting mines
2000 – 01 208
2001 – 02 215
2002 – 03 242
2003 – 04 266
2004 – 05 270
2005 - 06 261
Source: IBM, Nagpur

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
E) Iron ore production by sectors: Captive vs. Non-captive
(Unit.: Million Tonnes)
Year 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06
All India Total 80.76 86.22 99.07 122.83 142.711 154.436
(7.76) (6.77) (14.90) (23.99) (16.18) (5.82)
Public Sector 43.49 45.09 49.69 57.54 57.17 58.813
(5.16) (3.70) (10.20) (15.79) (-0.64) (3.13)
Private Sector 37.27 41.12 49.37 65.29 85.53 95.623
(10.96) (10.35) (20.05) (32.24) (31) (7.55)
Captive 28.67 28.03 29.97 33.48 35.202 35.079
(6.78) (-2.25) (6.95) (11.71) (5.12) (-0.35)
Non-Captive 52.08 58.19 69.09 89.34 110.74 119.357
(8.31) (11.73) (18.73) (29.32) (23.94) (7.78)
Source: IBM, Nagpur
Figures in parenthesis indicate the % age rise or fall over previous year.
Note: Most of the increase in production of iron ore has been from non-captive mines
in private sector and was export driven, especially for China.

F) State-wise Iron Ore Production (including lump, fines & concentrates) in India
(Unit: ‘000tonnes)
State 2000 – 01 2001-2002 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-06

Chattisgarh 20,016 18,660 19,781 23,361 23,118 24,750

Jharkhand 12,403 13,068 13,702 14,682 16,087 17,435

Orissa 14,382 16,602 22,077 31,288 40,567 49,880

Karnataka 18,902 22,595 24,797 31,635 37,176 33,669

Goa 14,564 14,784 17,889 20,246 22,309 23,744

Others 495 517 826 1,626 3,454 4,958

All India Total 80,762 86,226 99,072 122,838 142,711 154,436

Source: IBM, Nagpur

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
G) Production and Consumption of Indian Iron Ore
Year Production (MT) Export (MT) Domestic % of production
Consumption (MT) exported
2000-2001 80.76 37.49 36.02 46.42
2001-2002 86.22 41.64 37.71 48.29
2002-2003 99.07 48.02 40.94 48.47
2003-2004 122.84 62.57 44.97 50.9
2004-2005 142.711 78.14 48.15 54.75
2005-2006 154.436 89.27 52.23 57.8
2006-2007 172.296 (P) 93.26 (P) 56.28 (P) 54.1 (P)
Source: IBM, Nagpur; Joint Plant Committee, Kolkata; MMTC, New Delhi; GMOEA,
DGCI&S, Kolkata, Panjim, Goa, P = Provisional.
H) Iron Ores and Concentrates: Indian Production (Product-wise)
(Unit.: ‘000 tonnes)
Grade 2000 - 01 2001 - 02 2002 – 03 2003 - 04 2004 – 05 2005 – 06

Lumps 33567(41.56) 34572(40.09) 39581(39.95) 48960(39.85) 57590(40.35) 62643(40.56)

Fines 41189(51) 45224(52.45) 52994(53.49) 67670(55.1) 79976(56.04) 87900(56.92)

Concentrates 6006(7.44) 6430(7.46) 6497(6.56) 6119(5.05) 5145(3.61) 3893(2.52)

Total 80762 86226 99072 122838 142711 154436

Source: Indian Bureau of Mines, Nagpur;
Figures in parenthesis indicate the %age contribution of lumps, fines & concentrates
respectively in the total production

I) Destination wise Export of Indian Iron Ore (in MT)

(Unit.: Million Tonnes)
Country 2000 - 01 2001 - 02 2002 – 03 2003 - 04 2004 – 05 2005 – 06 2006 – 07(P)
China 14.10 19.22 26.27 42.06 60.46 74.13 79.78
Japan 16.77 15.62 15.75 13.10 10.91 10.33 8.69
S. Korea 2.31 3.00 2.41 2.14 2.17 1.32 1.90
Taiwan 0.90 0.43 0.58 0.88 0.57 0.14 -
Europe 1.48 1.81 2.04 2.47 2.82 2.10 1.97
Others 1.93 1.56 0.97 1.92 1.21 1.25 0.92
Total 37.49 41.64 48.02 62.57 78.14 89.27 93.26
Source: MMTC, New Delhi & Goa MOEA, Panjim; DGCI&S, Kolkata,
IBM, Nagpur, P = Provisional

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
(J) Major Iron Ore Mines in India
Company Name & Address of Mine
Central Zone/Chattisgarh
M/s. National Mineral Bailadila Iron Ore Project,Deposit-5, Bacheli, Dantewada,
Pin - 494553
Development Corporation
Ltd. Bailadila Iron Ore Project, Deposit-14,Kirandul,Dantewada,
Pin- 494556
Bailadila Iron Ore Project,Deposit-11C,Kirandul,Dantewada,
Pin- 494556
Bailadila Iron Ore Project,Deposit-10,Bacheli, Dantewada,
Pin- 494553
Bailadila Iron Ore Project, Deposit-11A,Bacheli,Dantewada,
Pin- 494553
M/s. Steel Authority Rajhara Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Rajhara, Dist. Durg, Pin - 491001
of India Ltd. Dalli Mechanised Mine, P.O.Dalli-Rajhara, Dist-Durg,
Pin - 491228
Dalli Manual Mine, P.O.Dalli-Rajhara, Dist-Durg, Pin - 491228
Jharandalli Iron Ore Mine,P.O.Dalli-Rajhara, Dist-Durg,
Pin - 491228
Mahamaya-Dulki Iron Ore Mine, P.O.Balod/Durg, Dist-
Western Zone/Goa & Maharashtra
M/s. Sesa Goa Ltd. Codli Iron Ore Mines, Codli, P.O. Kirlapale, Taluk-Sanguem,
Dist-South Goa, Pin - 403706
Sonshi Gaval Iron Ore Mine, Sonshi, P.O. Honda, Taluk-Sattari,
Dist-North Goa
M/s. Dempo Mining Bicholim Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Bicholim, Dist–North Goa, Pin –
Corporation Ltd. 403504
M/s. Chowgule & Co. Ltd. Costi & Tundu Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Pale, Dist-South Goa, Pin –
M/s. Bandekar Brothers Jaquela ou Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Vasco da gama, Dist-North Goa,
Pvt.Ltd. Pin - 493802
M/s. Sociedade De Fomento Shigao Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Collem,
Industries Pvt. Ltd. Dist-South Goa, Pin – 403410
M/s. V M Salgaoncar & Bros Velguem/Surla Iron Ore Mines, Vill-Velguem/Surla, Dist–North
Ltd. Goa,
M/s. Salgaonkar Mining Smi Tatodi Iron Ore Mines, Dist-South Goa
India Ltd.
M/s. Gogte Minerals Pvt. Redi Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Redi, Dist–Sindhudurg, Pin–416517
M/s. Sociedade Timblo Gautona Dusrifal Iron Ore Mines, Kirlapal, Dist South Goa, Pin-
Irmaos Pvt. Ltd. 403727
M/s Gahra Minerals Pvt.Ltd. Gunjewahi Iron Ore Mines, P.O./Dist-Chandrapur, Maharastra

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Company Name & Address of Mine
M/s. Maharastra State Khuisipar Iron Ore Mines, Dist-Bhandara, Maharastra
Mining Corporation Ltd.
M/s. D B Bandodkar & Sons Matta & Dando Iron Ore Mines, Via Pale, PO Velgudi, Dist-
Pvt. Ltd. North Goa, Pin-403105
M/s. M Talaulicar & Sons Saniem Iron Ore Mines, Sancordem, Dist-South Goa, Pin-403406
Pvt. Ltd.
Southern Zone/Karnataka
M/s. Kudremukh Iron Ore Kudremukh Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Kudremukh, Dist –
Co. Ltd. Chikmagalur, Pin – 577142
M/s. National Mineral Donimalai Iron Ore Mines, Donimalai, Sandur, Dist-Bellary,
Development Corporation Pin - 583118
Ltd. Kumarswamy Iron Ore Mines, Dist-Bellary
M/s. R Pampapathy Pvt. Ltd. Aarpee Iron Ore Mines, 19/43, Bellary Road, P.B. No.64, Hospet,
Dist-Bellary, Pin-583201
M/s. Tungabhadra Minerals Bellary Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Taranagar, Dist-Bellary, Pin –
Pvt. Ltd. 583119
M/s. Sandur Manganese & Deogiri Iron Ore Mines, Dist-Bellary, P.O. Deogiri, Pin – 583112
Iron Ore Ltd.
M/s. Bellary Mining Halakundi Iron Ore Mines, P.O./Dist-Bellary, Pin – 583101
M/s. Mysore Minerals Ltd. Jambunathanahalli Iron Ore Mines, Dist-Bellary
Ubbalagundi Iron Ore Mines, Sandur,Dist Bellary, Pin – 583119
M/s. Mineral Sales Pvt. Ltd. Vyasanakere Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Hospet, Dist-Bellary, Pin –
M/s. Dalmia Cement Bharatarayanaharu Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Hospet, Dist-Bellary,
(Bharath) Pvt. Ltd. Pin – 583203
M/s. Visvesvaraya Iron & Kemmangundi Iron Ore Mines, Tigada Village, Tarikere, Dist-
Steel Co. Ltd., Steel Chikmagalur, e-mail ID –
Authority of India Ltd.
M/s. S V Minerals Pvt. Ltd. S V K Iron Ore Mines, K R Road, Hospet, Dist-Bellary, Pin –
M/s. P Balasubba Setty & Karadikolla Sureeh Iron Ore Mines, Dist-Bellary, Pin – 583201
Sons Pvt. Ltd.
Eastern Zone/Jharkhand & Orissa
M/s. TATA Iron & Steel Noamundi Iron Ore Mines, Noamundi, Dist-West Singhbhum,
Company Ltd. Jharkhand, Pin – 833217
Joda East Iron Ore Mines, Joda, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa,
Pin - 758034
M/s. Steel Authority of India Barsua Iron Ore Mines, Tensa, Dist-Sundargarh, Orissa,
Ltd. Pin - 770041
Bolani Ore Mines, Bolani, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa, Pin – 758037

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Company Name & Address of Mine
Kalta Iron Ore Mines, Kalta, Dist-Sundargarh, Orissa,
Pin - 770052
Kiriburu Iron Ore Mines, P. O. Kiriburu, Dist-West Singhbhum,
Jharkhand, Pin – 833222
Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines, P.O. Meghahatuburu Dist-West
Singhbhum, Jharkhand, Pin – 833223
M/s. Indian Iron & Steel Co. Manoharpur(Chiria) Iron Ore Mines, Dist-West Singhbhum,
Ltd. Jharkhand, Pin – 833106
Gua Iron Ore Mines, Gua, Dist-West Singhbhum, Jharkhand,
Pin – 833213
M/s. Essel Mining & Jilling Langolata Iron Ore & Manganese Mines, Jajang, Barbil,
Industries Ltd. Dist- Keonjhar, Orissa, Pin – 758035
Kasia Iron Ore Mines, Barbil, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa,
Pin – 758035
M/s. Orissa Mineral Thakurani Iron Ore Mines, Thakurani, via-Barbil, Dist-Keonjhar,
Development Co. Ltd. Orissa, Pin – 758035
Belkundi Iron Ore Mines, Thakurani, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa,
Pin – 758035
Bagaiburu Iron Ore Mines, Thakurani, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa,
Pin – 758035
M/s. Serajuddin & Co. Balda Iron Ore Mines, Balda, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa
M/s. Orissa Mining Balda Palsa Jajung Iron ore Mines, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa
Corporation Ltd. Barpada Kasia Iron Ore Mines, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa
Daitari Iron Ore Mines, Talpada, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa, Pin –
Gandhamardhan Iron Ore Mines, Shuakathi, Dist-Keonjhar,
Roida Iron Ore Mines, Matkambeda, Orissa, Pin – 758036
M/s. Rungta Mines Pvt. Ltd. Jojang Iron Ore Mines, Dist-Keonjhar, Orissa
M/s. Patnaik Minerals Pvt. Joribahal Iron Ore Mines, Boneikala (Joda), Dist-Keonjhar,
Ltd. Orissa, Pin – 758038
M/s. Jindal Steel & Power TRB Iron Ore Mines, Tensa, Dist-Sundergarh, Orissa, Pin –
Ltd. 770042
M/s. D R Patnaik Pvt. Ltd. Murgabeda Iron ore Mines, P.O.- Boneikala (Joda), Dist-
Keonjhar, Orissa, Pin – 758034
M/s. S L Sarda & M L Sarda Thakurani Iron ore Mines, Thakurani, via-Barbil, Surabli, Dist-
Keonjhar, Orissa
M/s. Kalinga Mining Joruri Iron Ore & Manganese Mines, Joruri, PO-Jajang, Dist-
Corporation Keonjhar, Orissa, Pin-758058

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India

2.5.1 Iron Ore requirement during 2006-07 and 2011-12

The expected production target of the Mild/Carbon Steel based on the Macro Economic model
and the growth rate of the GDP as projected in the 10th Five year plan working group committee
report (Working Group on Mineral Exploration & Development, other than Coal and Lignite) is
projected as follows:

Table No. Future Iron Ore Requirement in India

(Figures in Million Tonnes)
Year Net Finished Steel Crude Steel BF/BOF Share EAF Share
Production Equivalent (60%) (40%)
2006 – 2007 43.83 50.09 30.00 20.09

2011 - 2012 61.15 69.89 42.00 27.89

To meet the above projected tonnage of steel, the requirements of various grades/ specifications
of iron ore are estimated to be 122 million tonnes and 156 million tonnes during 2006-07 and
2011-12, respectively. The detail estimation as per the Working Group on Mineral Exploration
& Development (other than Coal and Lignite) committee report is given in the tables below:

Table No. Iron Ore Requirement during 2006 – 07

S. Process Quantity in million Estimation of iron ore
No. tonnes requirement (million tonnes)
1. BF/BOF (Crude Steel) 30.00
Hot Metal(30/0.85) 35.29 35.29 x 1.6 = 56.47
2. Pig Iron 3.77 3.77 x 1.6 = 6.03

3. DRI 7.30
a) Coal based 3.15 3.15 x 1.6 = 5.04
b) Gas based 4.15 4.15x 0.5 x 1.5 = 3.11
(50% requirement of lump)
4. Pellet Production
Essar 6.00
Kudremukh 3.00
Mandovi 1.80
JVSL 3.00
Total 13.80 x 1.0 13.80
Sub total for Domestic consumption 84.45
Expected Export including pellets & concentrates 45.00
Total requirement 84.45 + 45 – 7.50* 121.95
Say 122.00 Million Tonnes
* 6.5 Million Tonnes pellets & 1 Million Tonne concentrate is expected to be exported out of
13.80 Million tonnes of total pellet production.

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Table No. Iron Ore Requirement during 2011 - 12
S. Process Quantity in Estimation of iron ore
No. million tonnes requirement (million
1 BF/BOP (Crude steel) 42.00
Hot Metal (42/0.85) 49.42 49.42x1.6=79.07
2 Pig Iron 4.37 1.37 x 1.6 = 6.99
3 DRI 20.65
a) Coal Based 6.50 6.50 x 1.6 = 10.40
b) Gas Based 4.15 4.15 x 0.5 x 1.5 = 3.11
(50% requirement of lump)
4 Pellet Production 13.80 13.8 x 1.0 = 13.80
Sub Total for domestic consumption 113.37
Expected Export (including pellets & 50.00
Total requirement (113.37 + 50 – 7.5*) 155.87
Say 156.00 Million Tonnes
As per the National Steel Policy, 2005 the total demand of iron ore is placed at 290 million
tonnes including 190 million tonnes for domestic consumption & 100 million tonnes for export
by 2019-20. The current mining capacity of iron ore in the country is around 160 million
tonnes. This capacity can be enhanced, through consolidation of leases, mechanised mining
operations in Bellary-Hospet area and improvement in the operating capacity of existing mines
in Bailadila and opening up of new deposits of Bailadila, new deposits in the eastern sector,
Chhatisgarh area, and in Karnataka etc. Through better infrastructure handling, the existing
capacity can be expanded in the eastern sector mines such as Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, Bolani,
Kalta etc. and by opening up of new mines in the eastern sector covering Chiria, Malangtoli,
Gandhamardan and Dubna deposits and also at Rowghat of central zone.

2.5.2 Future Development Programme

The tenth five year plan has projected the iron ore demand of the country at about 122 million
tonnes by 2006 – 07 and 156 million tonnes by 2011 – 12. Though, India has already achieved
172.296 million tonnes (Provisional) during 2006-07. With the total demand of iron ore likely
to increase to 290 million tonnes by 2019-20 (as per National Steel Policy, 2005), both on
account of domestic requirements (190 million tonnes) and export (100 million tonnes),
capacity of around 305 million tonnes per annum (MTPA) is required at 95% capacity
utilisation by 2019-20. The country has planned for capacity expansion on a large scale from its
existing mines and development of new mines. Apart from expansion plans of present iron ore
mines in all the sectors, development of following identified hematite and magnetite
deposits/mines are envisaged for further exploration wherever required, and exploitation by
interested parties from within or outside the country.

The additional capacity is expected to come from the following sectors:

1. From Bellary – Hospet sector, if consolidation of the leases is attempted and suitable size
mechanised mine operations are started by developing new deposits, it is possible to
increase the existing capacity.

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
2. From Bailadila region, opening up of Deposit No. 10 & 11A, 1, 4, 11B & 13 and
improving the operating capacity & expansion of existing mines in Bailadila Sector may
enhance the capacity.
3. Eastern region has the maximum share of the total iron ore resources in India. Capacity
of this sector is proposed to be increased from the existing level. This can be achieved by
improving the excavation arrangement through better infrastructure facilities and capacity
expansion from the Eastern Sector mines including the mines of Bolani, Kiriburu,
Meghahatuburu, Barsua, Kalta, Chiria, Thakurani, Taldih, TISCO, Jindal, Rungta, ESSEL
Mining and other private mine owners.
4. In Goa – Redi region, the present capacity has already been enhanced. According to
experts, consolidation in this area may help to produce an additional 3 to 5 MTPA.
5. In Karnataka, less than 800 MT of proven reserves of Magnetite deposit in Bababudan
area can be tapped after overcoming the environmental hurdles.
In general, to meet the increased requirement, the existing production will have to be expanded
in mines like Bolani and new mines will have to be opened up in Chiria in Jharkhand, Rowghat
and other deposits of Bailadila in Chattisgarh, Malangtoli in Orissa, Ramandurg in Karnataka.
Thus it would be possible to meet the increased requirement by the year 2019 – 2020 provided
action is taken to improve the railway line infrastructure and the port infrastructure in Paradeep,
Chennai and Goa, which will help in increasing export of the surplus medium and low grade
materials. It may be noted that India has already achieved 172.296 MT (Provisional) iron ore
production during 2006 – 07. However, during the next decade some of the large mines like
Kudremukh already closed and iron ore reserve in some mines like Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu,
Rajhara and Dalli will deplete.


In India, iron ore deposits mostly occur in dense forest areas and on hill tops, which are water
shed of important river valley and these deposits of iron ore are located in the states of
Jharkhand, Orissa, Chattisgarh, Goa and Karnataka. The iron ore deposits of the Eastern,
Central and Southern zone do not contain much overburden material except laterite and some
low grade ferruginous shales and BHQ patches, whereas, in Western zone (Goa region) more
than 30 MT of iron ore is produced during 2006-07 and another 2.5 to 3.5 times of the waste is
excavated as overburden. Normally, iron ore mining in India is done by opencast method and
on the basis of mining methods, the mining can be broadly divided into two categories, i.e.
manual and mechanized. Majority of the large mechanised mines are in the public sectors
whereas manual mines are mainly in the private sector. The present production capacity of iron
ore in India is around 160 MT per year.

2.6.1 Manual Mines

This method of mining is generally confined to float ores. Mining of reef ore is also being done
manually on a small scale. The float ore area is dug - up manually with picks, crowbars and
spades, and the material is manually screened to separate plus 10 mm float ore, which is then
stacked up. The waste is thrown back into the pits. Generally, the recovery of float ore ranges
from 30 to 50% or at times even more. As regards to reef ore workings, holes of 0.6 m deep and
35 - 40 mm diameter are drilled with hand-held Jackhammers with a spacing of about 0.6m and
each hole is charged with 150 - 200 g gunpowder or special gelatine cartridges. Usually
Jackhammer drills are operated with the help of portable air - compressors. The tonnage broken
per kg of gunpowder is around 2.5 - 3 tones. The blasted ore is manually loaded into trucks for

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
transport either to the railway station or to the buyers’ destination directly. Cost of mining and
OMS (output per man per shift) varies from mine to mine. Presently, OMS in manual iron ore
mines for producing 10 - 30 mm lump is about 1.5 - 2.0 tones and the –10 mm fraction is
rejected at site. This method of mining is still prevalent in the two important zones of the Indian
iron ore sector namely, Barajamda (Bihar & Orissa) and Bellary – Hospet (Karnataka). To
increase the production from manual mines, setting up of centralised crushing & screening
plants will be required, which also helps in optimal utilisation of resources.

2.6.2 Mechanised Mines

The history of mechanised mining operation starts with the establishment of iron ore mines in
Gua in Singhbhum district, Jharkhand followed by TISCO’s Gorumohisani mine in Mayurbhanj
district, Orissa and Noamundi iron ore mine in Singhbhum district, Jharkhand. Mechanisation in
Goan iron ore mines came into effect from the late 50s. With the establishments of integrated
steel plants in India, setting up of captive mechanized iron ore mines was developed at Kiriburu,
Rajhara, Bailadila, Barsua, Joda, Bolani, Daitari, Donimalai, Kudermukh, Meghahatuburu and

Apart from a few mines developed for iron ore export, most of the fully mechanised mines are
captive to various steel plants and have been developed up to their requirements. In these mines,
the methodology being adopted for mining of ore / overburden by shovel-dumper combination,
mining is invariably done systematic formation of benches by drilling and blasting. The loading
operations are also fully mechanised and transportation is facilitated by maintaining mine haul
roads. Further, ore handling, washing and screening operations are mechanised. The degree of
mechanisation and the size of the machinery vary with the material required to be handled by
the mines.

In iron ore mines in India, generally, benching is started from the top of the hill and carried
downwards as the ore at the top gets exhausted. Except in uniform deposits, if the direction of
the bench is along the strike of the beds, it encounters different beds of ores as the working face
advances, resulting in considerable fluctuations of the grade of ore produced, unless many
benches are worked simultaneously at different depths. This, in turn, requires a large number of
smaller machines which create their own problems of supervision, maintenance, etc. It is
therefore, commonly preferred to open - up benches as far as possible across strike of the beds,
so that more uniform grade of the ore is produced.

Mechanised mining operation by

4.6 m Electric Rope Shovel with 50 T rear discharge Dumpers

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
The height of the benches is dependent on several factors, such as output requirement, shape,
size and depth of occurrence of ore body, geological disturbances suffered by the ore body,
hardness and compactness of ore body, type and size of the machinery proposed to be deployed,
availability of finances, etc. All are interdependent factors. The bench height generally adopted
in fully mechanised mines varies between 8 and 14 m. However, in Goa region, where the ore is
softer, hydraulic excavators (backhoe) and wheel loaders is the principal loading equipment
used; height of benches is restricted between 4 and 7 m. The length of the face is also dependent
on various factors, such as contours of deposit, output required, variation in grade and blending
requirements, capacity of loading machinery, etc. and varies between wide limits from as small
as 60 m to as large as 400 m. The width of the bench is governed to a large extent by the size of
the largest machinery deployed and varies, i.e. three times of the width of the dumper.

As an universal practice, iron ore is dislodged by drilling blast holes according to a particular
pattern which depends on the bench height, the hole diameter, the drilling machinery deployed,
nature of rock and the types of explosives used. These blast holes are vertical but can be
inclined also for obtaining better blasting results.

The 310 mm dia rotary drill is the largest so far being deployed in India. Rotary drill is used
normally in the size from 150 to 250 mm. Thus, the depth and diameter of the holes allow
expanded drilling patterns in general and help in reducing generation of fines in softer ores. On
the other hand, in hard ores or in strata where the hard bands are present, they can give poor
fragmentation and toe formation. The poor fragmentation leads to lower rate of loading and
increased wear and tear on the loading machinery. Investigations carried out by the Swedish
State Power Board, by comparing the performance with 100 mm and 50 mm diameter blast
holes, have shown that the digging rate of the shovels was 50 percent higher with small
diameter blast holes. Drilling with 150 mm diameter blast holes has been the common practice
in Indian iron ore mines. Probably, this is due to ready availability of indigenous drill machines
of the size. But higher rate of production makes the incumbent to adopt greater bench heights
and larger diameter holes. The greater bench heights permit the use of large shovels, which in
turn can handle larger boulders and permit larger spacing and burdens. All the above drills are
equipped with dry dust extraction system or wet drilling arrangements, sound proof cabin, dust
hood at the collar of the hole to prevent air pollution due to drilling in the major iron ore
mechanised mines in India. However, in Bellary – Hospet of Karnataka, where the rainfall is
less than 750 mm per annum and there is a scarcity of water, the wet drilling practice is absent.

To cope up with the need of higher production of iron ore, blasting materials are also being
developed / manufactured at the same pace. From the conventional explosives, development has
taken place in stages from NG based explosives, ANFO, Slurry, Emulsions are in use in the
country today. Development of most advanced ICI’s computer aided blast model SABREX,
VIBREX etc. are already in use in the iron ore mines in India with significant improvement in
productivity and blast induced environmental hazards. In the field of blasting accessories
significant improvement has been made due to introduction and adoption of “non-electric delay
initiation system” for reducing blast induced ground vibration and air blast noise. Introduction
of “Bulk Explosive Systems” in India like global experience, use of slurry, emulsions, ANFO
and HANFO in bulk explosive systems have been well established with considerable benefit to
Indian Iron ore Mining Industries. Introduction of “Opti Blast” and “Air decking” techniques
are already in use at Kudremukh Iron Ore Mines for reducing consumption of explosives,
ground vibration and Air Blast Noise etc. Controlled blasting techniques are also in use in the
major iron ore mechanised mines in India. Secondary drilling and boulder blasting in mines is
usually done by jackhammer drills powered by compressed air and with slurry / gelatine

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
cartridges. However, in order to avoid secondary blasting and to reduce noise due to blasting,
the major iron ore mines are using hydraulic rock breaker instead of boulder blasting. Due to
availability of high capacity ripper dozers (700 hp), in some cases, drilling/blasting, especially
in case of overburden removal, is eliminated. High capacity dozer can rip and doze more
effectively where contact plane of overburden/ore and that of different grade ores is uneven.
This ripping/dozing operation is eco-friendly; noise/vibration is practically nil and generation of
dust is very less.

For loading of blasted ore, generally electric rope shovels of capacity 3.5 m3 to 6m3 bucket
capacity are in use in the mechanised haematite iron ore mines but large capacity shovels of 10
m3 are in use in magnetite iron ore mine at Kudremukh in Karnataka. For haulage of the blasted
ore larger dumpers have been deployed indigenously of 35 to 120tonnes capacity. However,
imported dumpers of 120 t and 170 t capacity are also being used in India. Because of the large
sized equipment deployed in the mining front, the processing plant has also made significant
developments matching with mining machineries. The size of crushers, conveyors etc., have
gone up and processing plant equipments of capacity 2000 – 3000 tonnes per hour have been
installed for iron ore mines to match the size of mining equipments. Further innovations have
been made in loading plant equipments such as bucket wheel reclaimers, wagon loaders etc., of
matching capacity. However, the reclaimers and wagon loaders needed larger layout of railway
tracks and while the loading track itself required a length of 1 Km, the length of railway yard is
about 2 to 3 times of the loading tracks. Of late, flood loading system has come into prominence
which is out dating the reclaimer-wagon loader combination of loading equipments. In India,
the system of bunker loading exists at many mines and for shunting purpose, some locos have
been maintained by the mining companies where the operation level is high.

As mechanised open cast iron ore mines becoming larger, deeper and more capital intensive,
continuing efforts are being made to improve upon the open cast mining activities through
advances in the equipment size / design and practices and also through introduction of
innovative techniques. Significant results have been achieved through increasing size of
stripping and hauling units, which apparently has reached a plateau, efforts on further
improvements are being spear headed through new concepts in equipment utilization by
restoring to automation and control. The application of high capacity continuous surface mining
techniques to harder formations, new concept of high angle belt conveying system, in-pit
crushing systems (mobile and semi-mobiles), high capacity dumpers, automatic truck dispatch
system, non-electric blast initiation systems etc. and developments in the area of bulk explosive
systems hold out almost unlimited opportunities for upgrading the performance of opencast iron
ore mining in India.

The reserves of high grade iron ore are limited. Therefore, it would be necessary at this stage to
ensure conservation of high grade ore by blending with low grade ores. As a matter of policy,
only low and medium grade iron ore, fines and temporary surplus high grade iron ore (+67 %
Fe), particularly from Bailadila (Chattisgarh) need to be exported in the coming years. R&D
efforts are needed for developing necessary technologies for utilising more and more fines in
the production of steel as a measure of conservation of iron ores. With the present high capacity
of iron ore mines, total utilisation of iron ore has become the need of the hour so as to obtain
maximum returns. In most of the mechanised mines more than 50 to 60 % fines (except for
Bailadila and some mines in the eastern zone where the ore is very hard) are generated. Blue
dusts in these mines are to be fully utilised to make various value added products. Blue dust can
also be used as additive in concentration of iron ore fines to the extent of 20-40 % for use in
steel plants. Further, in the iron ore mines where wet processing of the ore is done, around 10-

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
20 % of ROM is lost as slime, depending on the nature of ore feeds and in this context, coarse
fines can be recovered up to 5 % by introducing hydro-cycloning and slow speed classifiers in
wet circuit system, even though, the Fe content of such fines will be slightly low which can be

Efforts are also necessary to utilise the tailings/waste as well. It has been found feasible to make
bricks using 8 % of binding material such as cement and lime in slimes and 12 % in shale. As
reported by IBM, a mixture of slimes and shale in the ratio of 4:1 by weight with 8% binder
cement has shown good results in brick making. In the Bellary-Hospet area of Karnataka, the
production of iron ore fines from the private mines is substantial, but the fines are unwashed
and contain high percentage (40% of -100mesh fraction). In various R&D studies carried out so
far, it has been found feasible to consume –100 mesh fraction up to 30% blue dust in
concentrate feed. The fines from Bellary-Hospet region generally have 63-64 % Fe content and
if 100 mesh fractions can be limited to 3%, these fines can be used as sintering feed.

In case of magnetite deposits of Kudremukh, it is estimated that the weathered ore in the
leasehold of KIOCL is underlain by 400 million tonnes of primary BMQ in the area. Whereas
with the prevailing production rate, the weathered ore reserves would last for another five to six
years, the hard / compact, fine grained and silicious nature of the primary ore does not make it
amendable for mining. Hence, the techno-economic aspects of mining and beneficiation of
primary magnetic ore in Karnataka for production of concentrates need to be examined at this

In general, iron ore mining in India being done by developing benches from the top of the hill
and carried downwards as the ore at the top gets exhausted. The methodology being adopted for
winning of iron ore is by shovel – dumper combination in case of major mechanised iron ore
mines. The bench height generally adopted in iron ore mines in India is ranging from 6 Mts. to
14 Mts. and the slope of the benches ranging from 450 to 600 depending on the consistency /
tensile strength of the rock. However in Goa region where the ore is softer, hydraulic excavator
and wheel loaders are the principal loading equipment used, height of benches is restricted
between 4 Mts. and 7 Mts.

The Iron ore industry in Goa operates under certain difficult conditions specific to Goan iron
ore mines. Some of these are listed below:

• Mining activity in several places is being carried out below the water table, which
required dewatering of pits for operation to continue.
• Restricted drilling and blasting due to limited lateritic overburden, presence of villages
and inhabited areas in the vicinity of the mines.
• Restricted lateral mine development due to smaller areal extension since the lease area of
individual mines is less than 100 ha.
• Transport is a problem within the mine, due to greater working depth.
• High overburden to ore ratio (of an average of about 2.5 to 3.0:1) implies that a large
amount of overburden is generated when ore is extracted. Since the mining leases are less
than 100 ha, there is very limited space (or non at all) available within the lease area to
dump the waste material. This leads to requiring land outside the lease area for dumping
• Land being in short supply, dumps are typically steep with slopes greater than 30o and
height of 30-50 Mts. Many waste dumps are situated in the upper part of the valley
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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
regions and during monsoon, run off from dumps is common, which blankets agricultural
fields and settles in water courses.
• Because of small holdings, large amount of ore is blocked in barriers of adjoining mines;
operations could be carried out close to common boundaries of two lease holders with
mutual understanding. Structurally, majority of ore deposits are in synclinal form.
Consequently, almost 60% (by volume) of ore production comes from terrain below
ground water table.
The iron ore processing flow sheet depends on the type of ROM ore feed and the optimum
product. For high quality flaky ore and blue dust, termed, “direct ore”, dry screening into lumps
and fines are practised, because, if wet treated, good quality material is rejected in slime.
Further, dry screened fines also retain ultra fines particles required for sintering. Beneficiable
ore types are subjected to wet screening - classification or scrubbing - wet screening -
classification for more tenacious gauge. Iron values are recovered from classifier for dewatering
of hydrocyclone underflow. Ore processing plants at Barsua, Bolani, Bailadila, Donamalai,
Dalli, Gua, Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, Noamundi and Rajhara use dry screening for direct ore.

In addition, except for Rajhara and Gua all these plants use wet screening - classification for
beneficiable ores. Scrubbers are additionally used at Barsua, Bolani, Dalli and Noamundi. Jigs
to treat classifiers sand have been provided at Barsua. In Sesa Goa, washing in log washers
produces stable and better quality lumps. The beneficiation equipments used in the major iron
ore processing plants in India are given below.

Table No. 2.7.1 Crushing Equipment used in Major Iron Ore Processing Plants in India
Sl. Mine Ore sizes (mm) Crushing Equipment size (mm) Crushing
No. ROM Crushed Primary Secondary Tertiary Quarternar Scheme
Ore Ore Crusher Crusher Crusher y Crusher
1. Barsua -1200 -80 Jaw 1500 Reduction -- -- Two stages
X 2100 gyratory 610 each in open
2. Bolani -1200 -50 Gyratory Standard cone -- -- -do-
1372 2134
3. Bailadila 14 -1200 -150 Gyratory Reduction -- -- -do-
1372 gyratory 610
4. Bailadila 11C -1200 -150 Gyratory Reduction -- -- -do-
1372 gyratory 610
5. Bailadila 5 -1200 -30 Gyratory Standard cone Short -- Three stages,
1500 2134 head first two
stages each in
cone open circuit &
third stage in
closed circuit
6. Donamalai -1200 -30 Gyratory Standard cone Short -- -do-
1372 2134 head
7. Dalli -1200 -40 Jaw 1500 Standard cone -- -- Two stages
X 2100 2200 each in open
8. Gua -1200 -75 Jaw 1500 Standard cone -- -- -do-
X 2100 2134

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Sl. Mine Ore sizes (mm) Crushing Equipment size (mm) Crushing
No. ROM Crushed Primary Secondary Tertiary Quarternar Scheme
Ore Ore Crusher Crusher Crusher y Crusher
9. Kiriburu -1200 -40 Jaw 1500 Reduction Standar Short head Four stages,
X 2100 gyratory 610 d Cone cone 2200 first three
stage each in
2200 open circuit
and fourth
stage in
closed circuit
10. Meghahatubu -1200 -40 Gyratory Standard cone -- -- Two stages
ru 1372 2200 each in open
11. Noamundi -1200 -50 Gyratory Standard cone -- -- Two stages
1372 2134 second stage
in closed
12. Rajhara -1200 -40 Jaw 1500 Standard cone Short -- Three stages
X 2100 2200 head each in open

Table No. 2.7.2 Beneficiation Plant Equipment used in Major Iron Ore Mines in India
All dimensions are in mm
Sl. Mine Screen Scrubber Classifier Cyclone Jig Width
No. Dry Wet width Dia. x Rake Spiral Dia. x length
width x x length length width x Dia.x
length length Length
1. Barsua 1524 x 1830 x 2400 x -- 1500 x -- 1500 x
3658 4280 4500 8460 4800
2. Bolani 3000 x 2400 x 3000 x 4800 x -- -- --
7000 6000 11500 11500
3. Bailadila 14 2130 x -- -- 1830 x 610 --
6100 9800
4. Bailadila 11 2400 x 2400 x -- -- 1830 x -- --
C (new) 6100 6100 9800
5. Bailadila 5 -- 2400 x -- -- 1800 x -- --
6100 11580
6. Donamalai 2135 x 2450 x -- 1830 x 600 --
4880 5470 11000
7. Dalli 1750 x 1750 x 2400 x -- 2400 x -- --
3500 3500 6100 9200
8. Gua 1830 x -- -- -- -- -- --
9. Kiriburu 2100 x 2100 x -- 1500 x -- --
6000 6000 10000
10. Meghahatub 1830 x 1830 x -- 3657 x -- 610 --
uru 6000 6000 10972
11. Noamundi 1830 x 1830 x 2400 x 2438 x -- -- --
4877 4877 8800 11582
12. Rajhara 1500 x -- -- -- -- -- --

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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Various test work have carried out in India to improve the quality of lumps and fines and
recover iron values from slime. Air - pulsated Jigs have been tested and it is reported that Al2O3
has reduced to 1.5 - 2% from 3.14 - 4% for Noamundi fines at a yield of 72 - 83%. Testing of
slime from Noamundi plant in multigravity separator (MGS) showed that a concentrate of
2.78% Al2O3 could be produced from a feed of 5.59 % Al2 O3 at a yield 65% No commercial
model of MGS has yet been developed in India. One stage wet high intensity magnetic
separation at 1.8 mm gap and field intensity of 1.2 Tesla could produce Iron Ore of 63.1% Fe,
2.56 % Al2 O3 and 1.47 % SiO2. This equipment produces good results for worse quality slime
also. High gradient magnetic separators also produced good results in beneficiating iron ore
slime from Bailadila 14 and Goan Ores. Gravity separation of slime by hydrocycloning and
WHIMS are also carried out by prime research organisations in the country. Various techniques
and methods generally being used in the Indians iron ore processing are schematically shown in
the figures below.

Fig. No. 7.2.1 Dry Screening Process



Fig. No. 2.7.2 Wet Screening - Classification




Fig. No. 2.7.3 Scrubbing – Wet screening - Classification




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CHAPTER TWO Iron Ore Mining in India
Fig. No. 2.7.4 Washing and Gravity Separation Process (Jigging)









--- XXX ---

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
3. Chapter THREE International Scenario


Iron is the fourth most abundant rock-forming element and composes about 5% of the Earth's
crust. Astrophysical and seismic evidence indicate that iron is even more abundant in the
interior of the Earth and has apparently combined with nickel to make up the bulk of the planet's
core. Geologic processes have concentrated a small fraction of the crustal iron into deposits that
contain as much as 70% of the element. The principal ore minerals of iron are hematite,
magnetite, siderite, and goethite. An estimated 98% of the ore shipped in the world is consumed
in the manufacture of iron and steel. The remaining 2% is used in the manufacture of cement,
heavy-medium materials, pigments, ballast, agricultural products, or specialty chemicals. As a
result, demand for iron ore is tied directly to the production of raw steel and the availability of
high-quality ferrous scrap.

3.1.1 World Resource

World resources of Iron Ore are estimated to exceed 800 billion tons of crude ore containing
more than 230 billion tonnes of iron. The world mine production, crude ore reserve base and
its iron contents are given below:
Table No. World Mine Production, Reserves and Reserve Base
Figures are in Million Tonnes
Country Mine Production Crude Ore Iron Content
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 Reserves Reserve Reserves Reserve
Base Base
China * 231 261 280 420 520 21000 46000 7000 15000
Brazil 225 212 220 292.4 300 23000 61000 16000 41000
Australia 187 187.2 220 261.7 270 15000 40000 8900 25000
India 94 105.5 110 145.5 150 6600 9800 4200 6200
Russia 84 91.7 95 96.8 105 25000 56000 14000 31000
United 51 46.4 54 54.5 54 6900 15000 2100 4500
Ukraine 59 62.5 66 68.6 73 30000 68000 9000 20000
Canada 31 31 31 28.3 33 1700 3900 1100 2500
South 36 38.1 40 39.5 40 1000 2300 650 1500
Sweden 20 21.5 22 23.3 24 3500 7000 2200 5000
Kazakhstan 15 17 20 16.5 15 8300 19000 3300 7400
Mauritania 10 10 11 10.7 11 700 1500 400 1000
Other 75 79.9 31 84.6 95 11000 30000 6200 17000
World 1,118 1,163.8 1,250 1,542.4 1,690 160000 370000 79000 180000

Source: Steel Statistical Yearbook, 2004 & 2005; IISI and U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January,
2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007, the iron ore market, 2005-07, UNCTAD
N.B.: World iron ore production during the calender year 2006 is 1,690 MT (Source: USGS Jan, 2007).
* China’s iron ore production are significantly higher than that of the other countries, because China reports crude ore
production only with an average iron content of 33%, where as other countries report production of usable ore.

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
3.1.2 Production
World iron ore production was 1,690 MT, during 2006, the details of production figures
(calender year) of major iron ore producing countries up to 2006 is given in the tables below.
The comparative production trends of iron ore in India versus that of the world for last 5 years
up to 2006 are shown in the graphs below.


1800 1542.4
1400 1118 1164
Production in MT





200 94.3 105.5 110 145.5 150

2002 2003 2004 2005 2006



150 11.5
130 10
% World Production

Production in MT

90 7.5
50 5
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
Table No. Major Iron Ore producing Countries of the World
Figures are in Million Tonnes
Country Mine Production (calender year)
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006

China * 231 261 280 420 520

Brazil 225 212 220 292.4 300
Australia 187 187.2 220 261.7 270
India 94 105.5 110 145.5 150
Russia 84 91.7 95 96.8 105
United 51 46.4 54 54.5 54
Ukraine 59 62.5 66 68.6 73
Canada 31 31 31 28.3 33
South 36 38.1 40 39.5 40
Sweden 20 21.5 22 23.3 24
Kazakhstan 15 17 20 16.5 15
Mauritania 10 10 11 10.7 11
Other 75 79.9 31 84.6 95
World 1,118 1,163.8 1,250 1542. 4 1,690

Source: Steel Statistical Yearbook, 2004 & 2005 IISI and U.S. Geological Survey, Mineral Commodity Summaries, January,
2004, 2005, 2006 & 2007, the iron ore market, 2005-07, UNCTAD.
N.B.: World iron ore production during the calender year 2006 is 1,690 MT (Source: USGS Jan, 2007).
* China’s iron ore production are significantly higher than that of the other countries, because China rports crude ore
production only with an average iron content of 33%, where as other countries report production of usable ore.

Although iron ore is being produced from more than 50 countries, the bulk of world production
came from just a few countries. The five largest producers, in decreasing order of production of
gross weight of ore, were Brazil, China, Australia, India and Russia. These top five countries
accounted for about 80% of world production. Brazil was the largest producer of iron ore.

3.1.3 Consumption
The China driven high demand for iron ore continued in the year 2006-07 also. The world
production of iron ore during the year 2006 went up to 1690 Mt, and India’s contribution therein
was 172.296 Mt (P), which accounted for 10.2%. The world-wide trade of iron ore was 759 Mt
in 2006, in which India’s share in export was 97 Mt (P), about 12.8 %. China has remained the
largest iron ore consuming nation since 1992. About 98% of iron ore is used in producing pig
iron, which is, therefore, the best indicator of iron ore consumption world-wide. During 2006,
Australia was the leading exporter at 248.4 Mt followed by Brazil at 246.6 Mt and India at 97
Mt (Provisional).

China’s astonishing growth affected the large global iron ore producers long before it had an
impact on U.S. production. The three leading iron ore producing companies i.e. CVRD, Rio
Tinto and BHP Billiton, located in Brazil and Australia, continued to invest large sums of
money to increase production to satisfy Chinese demand.
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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
In 2006, around 1.5 billion tonnes of iron ore was consumed by the world steel makers of which
around 759 Mt of iron ore was shipped around the world. In China alone, consumption of
imported iron ore had grown meteorically from 70 Mt in 2000 to 300 Mt in 2006.

3.1.4 Trade & Transportation

Global trade in iron ore was 759 Mt in 2006 as against 719 Mt in 2005, of which a vast majority
was seaborne trade (711 Mt). The two major exporters, Australia and Brazil both notched up
record exports. Australia exported 248.4 Mt and Brazil exported 246.6 Mt in 2006. The largest
importing countries during 2005 were China 275 Mt followed by the EU15 164Mt and Japan
132 Mt. Four company’s viz. CVRD, Rio-Tinto, BHP-Billiton and Mitsui accounts for 70 per
cent of seaborne iron ore trade globally.

Australian iron ore exports volume is reached 248.4 Mt during 2006 and expected to rise further
over the next five years to reach 375 million tonnes in 2011. Brazilian iron ore exports are also
expected to continue to grow strongly over the next few years, while Indian iron ore export
growth is likely to be contained as strong domestic demand of iron ore.

Consequently, Chinese demand is expected to remain the main driver of increased global
demand for iron ore. It is expected that China’s imports of iron ore to rise to 448 million tonnes
by 2011. Demand for iron ore by China is expected to account for 77 per cent of growth in
world imports for iron ore in the period of 2011. China’s share of total world imports of iron ore
is 300 Mt (39% of Global trade) in 2006 and expected to reach 52 per cent by 2011.

With strong growth in global demand, close proximity to growth markets, and investment in
new production and export capacity, Australia is well placed to continue to benefit from strong
growth in iron ore exports.

3.1.5 Mergers and Acquisitions

The consolidation of the iron ore industry that began in 2000. The major acquisitions in 2000
were the Rio Tinto hostile takeover of North Ltd. and the CVRD purchases of Mineração
Socoimex S.A. (Socoimex), S.A. Mineração Trinidade-Samitri (Samitri), and one-half of the 4
Mt/yr pellet plant in Bahrain.

Due to increased demand of iron ore and the lucrative market has led to expand production
capacity of iron ore mines around the world. It is implied that around 240 Mt rise in demand
between 2004 and 2010. Rio Tinto is adding 90 Mt by 2010. BHP-Billiton is adding 65-70 Mt
by 2010. CVRD is adding 1850 Mt in 2007 from its northern system and 140Mt by 2008 from
its southern system and about 15 Mt will be added by South Africa.

The purchase of North gained Rio Tinto 53% of the Robe River iron ore venture, a share of the
West Angelas iron ore deposit, both in Western Australia, plus 56% of Iron Ore Company of
Canada (IOC), Canada’s largest iron ore producer. The CVRD purchase of Socoimex brought
CVRD an iron ore mine on the CVRD-owned Victoria Minas railroad. CVRD then purchased
Samitri, which owned 51% of Samarco Mineração S.A. (Samarco) with BHP holding the
remaining 49%. BHP and CVRD agreed to enter a joint venture to rationalize the Alegria Iron
Ore Complex in Brazil. The companies agreed that BHP would acquire a further 1% holding in
Samarco to equalize its ownership with CVRD at 50-50. Samitri and Samarco both have iron
ore mining and processing facilities in the Alegria Complex in Minas Gerais State.

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
In April 2001, CVRD purchased Ferteco Mineração (Ferteco) SA, a Brazilian iron ore producer
and palletiser, from Thyssen Krupp Stahl AG (TKS), a German steel maker. CVRD, based in
Brazil, is the world’s largest iron ore producer. CVRD paid TKS $556 million and assumed
$131 million in debt for Ferteco, Brazil’s third largest iron ore producer. As part of the
transaction, CVRD negotiated a long-term iron ore supply contract with TKS, traditionally
Ferteco’s largest customer, taking 6 Mt of iron ore in 2000. Ferteco, which produced 25 Mt of
ore in 2000, owns two iron ore mines, Fábrica and Feijão, and a 4-Mt/yr pellet plant in Minas
Gerais State, where CVRD’s southern system iron ore mines are also located. Plans for a second
pellet plant and a capacity expansion to 30 Mt/yr were well advanced. Ferteco also owns 10.5%
of MRS Logistica System, which until the purchase had been the only iron ore carrying railway
in Brazil in which CVRD did not have a stake. Ferteco also owns 100% of the iron ore export
terminal Guaíba, whose capacity was being expanded to 20 Mt/yr. The company reportedly had
263 Mt of reserves. The acquisition of Ferteco gave CVRD shares in all of Brazil’s pellet plants.
Early in the year, BHP and CVRD made offers for a 20% shareholding of Caemi Mineração e
Metalurgica SA (Caemi), which was equivalent to 60% of Caemi’s voting shares. Caemi was a
Brazilian nonoperational holding company based in Rio de Janeiro that owned 84.80% of
Mineração Brasileiras Reunidas SA (MBR) and 50% of Quebec Cartier Mining Co. Caemi
owned 49% of MBR directly and 35.8% through Empreendimentos Brasileiros de Mineracao
SA. BHP made the larger offer ($332 million) but could obtain Caemi only if Mitsui & Co. Ltd.
chose not to exercise its right of first refusal.

Mitsui & Co., a Japanese iron ore trader, owned 40% of Caemi and had first-refusal rights to
buy Caemi at the price offered by the winning bidder (TEX Report, 2001e). In April, Mitsui
announced that the company had decided to purchase the 60% of Caemi that it did not own and
sell 50% of Caemi to CVRD (TEX Report, 2001j). The European Commission (EC)
antimonopoly regulators then began an investigation to determine whether competition issues
existed that could have an adverse effect on European steel producers. A major portion of the
iron ore imported into Europe each year comes from Brazil and Canada, and the EC was
concerned that, without the divestiture of QCM, the transaction would create or strengthen a
dominant position by Caemi in the iron ore market. Brazil’s share of Western Europe iron ore
imports rose to 45% in 2000 from 35% in 1990, while Canada’s share remained steady at
slightly more than 10%. To gain acceptance by the EC, Mitsui agreed to sell its 50% stake in
QCM that it owned through Caemi. The other 50% of QCM was owned by Dofasco Inc., a
Canadian steel maker that decided to sell its stake as well. As agreed, Mitsui bought Caemi and
sold 50% of it to CVRD. Although Caemi will be run as a distinct joint venture, its acquisition
completes the consolidation of Brazil’s iron ore industry.

CVRD also bought the 5% of MBR owned by Bethlehem Steel for $25 million. CVRD paid
$4.4 million in cash, and the remainder will be paid in the form of iron ore shipments to
Bethlehem over a 9 month period. Caemi held 85% of MBR, and a group of Japanese steel
makers and traders owned the remaining 10%.

BHP Limited (BHP), the world’s third largest iron ore producer, merged with Billiton PLC on
June 29. Billiton, with major holdings in other metals, had not previously produced iron ore.
BHP Billiton will be run by a unified board and management team, with headquarters in
Melbourne, Australia, and a significant corporate management center in London, United
Kingdom (BHP Billiton, 2001§). When Rio Tinto purchased North Ltd., in 2000, it gained a
56.1% interest in IOC. In late 2000, Rio Tinto began an effort to acquire the 18.9% of IOC
owned by the Labrador Iron Ore Royalty Income Fund through its Labrador Mining Co.
subsidiary. This would bring Rio Tinto’s ownership in IOC to 75%. The other 25% is owned by

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
Mitsubishi Corp. of Japan (Skillings Mining Review, 2001y; Dow Jones Newswires, 2001§).
As of April 2001, Rio Tinto had acquired 20.26% of the fund. There had been no change in their
holding since then (Rio Tinto, written common, February 5, 2002). There also was acquisition
activity in the United States, but in this case it was because financially troubled steel companies
wanted to sell their shares in iron-ore-producing companies. Between 1997 and mid-2001, 18
domestic steel mills had filed for bankruptcy (Webb, 2001§). Cliffs, the leading iron ore
company in North America, announced that consolidation of the North American iron ore
industry would lead to a more cost-efficient industry and that the company intended to lead that
consolidation (Metal Bulletin, 2001a).

Just as Bethlehem sold its share of MBR, the financially troubled company intended to sell its
70% share of Hibtac (Bloomquist and Passi, 2001§). Cliffs announced that it would like to buy
Hibtac, raising its ownership share to 85% (Bloomquist, 2001a§). Cliffs also announced the
planned acquisition of Algoma Steel, Inc.’s 45% interest in the Tilden Mine. The deal would
raise Cliffs’ ownership in the mine to 85% from 40% (Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., 2001d§). In the
fall 2000, Cliffs purchased the 12.5% share of the Empire Mine that was owned by Wheeling-
Pittsburgh Steel Corp., another steel maker that had filed for bankruptcy protection (Singer,
2001§; Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., oral commun., February 14, 2002). National Steel Pellet was
being marketed by National Steel Corp., 100% owner of the facility (Bloomquist, 2001b§).

Minnesota Iron & Steel Co. (MIS) were seeking a $25 million loan guarantee from the State of
Minnesota so that the company could acquire additional financing needed to purchase National
Steel Pellet (Webster, 2001). MIS, a Minnesota based company, was formed with the idea that it
would build & operate the first fully integrated sheet steel minimill in the United States at the
former Butler taconite mine near Nashwauk, MN, on the western end of the Mesabi iron range.
Acme Steel Inc., Riverdale, IL, operating under bankruptcy protection, announced its intention
to sell its 15.1% share of the Wabush Mine in Canada. Acme stopped providing its share of the
mine’s cash requirements in August, forcing a cutback in production (Sacco, 2001b).

The iron ore industry is consolidating more or less continuously since the 1970s. The three
largest companies, CVRD, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton, together control 35 % of the global
market. After a period of limited merger & acquisition activity during 2004-05, possibility of an
extended period of high prices together with both mining & steel companies having coffers fully
loaded with cash triggered another merger and acquisition wave in 2006, which has continued
into 2007. The trend towards creating a network of captive mines, which started in CIS, has
strengthened and over a few years Mittal Steel has built a strong holding in the iron ore sector.


Among the top producers of iron ores in the world, Brazil, Australia, China, India and CIS
(former USSR) are important for their levels of production and Sweden is equally important for
underground mining and its automation. In case of former four countries, 80 to 90 percent ores
comes from opencast mines whereas in case of latter, actually entire production comes from
underground mining. Mass production of iron ore in these countries has resulted in
technological development especially in opencast mines, but every country has retained her
technology culture in a particular form.

3.2.1 China
Since the formation of People’s Republic of China, iron ore mining has been developing from
0.6 million tonnes in 1948 to 520 million tonnes of crude ore (usable ore : 276.4 million tonnes)
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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
in the year during 2006. Iron ore production from underground mines has only 10 – 12 percent
share. Considerable progress has been made in the field of mining technology and mining
machinery. China is presently producing crude steel 420 Mt in the year 2006. This level of
crude steel production will demand around 660 Mt of iron ore annually and to cope up with this
situation, the country has taken sound steps. Present Status
The methodology of extraction of iron ore being adopted in China is through open cast mining
methods by shovel-dumper combination, shovel-dumper conveyor transport / Railway haulage
transport. There are also few underground iron ore mines in China. Mining technology and
major technical equipment for large opencast mines having production of 10 Mt and above have
come up to the level of world’s developed countries. The recovery of iron ores from
underground mines has come to about 80 percent, but dilution of ore with waste has come down
to 15-20 percent, and for the under ground mines, labour productivity has gone close to 2,000
tonnes per man-year. Development of Heavy Duty and High Efficiency Mining Equipment

There are several iron ore mines having annual production over 5 Mt and up to 12 Mt where
drilling rigs (rotary) of 310 mm dia bits, 7.6 - 12 m3 shovels, 108 - 240 tonne electric wheel
trucks and other supporting equipment are being used. But 250 mm dia rotary drills or 200 mm
dia down the hole drills are common. Likewise 4 - 7.6 m3 shovels, 20 - 27 tonne trucks and 100
- 150 tonne electric locomotives are also commonly deployed in other opencast mines
producing below 5 Mt per year. Since 1980, mechanisations in iron ore mines has been started
especially in opencast mines and at the same time foreign equipment imported from other
countries are now being manufactured in that country and some 10 types of such equipment are
now being manufactured by indigenous companies including a few joint ventures with foreign
companies. Considerable improvement has been made in the transfer facilities for ore-waste
transportation within the constraint of small floor area, especially in the area of railway - track
haulage system. To improve the automation level of truck haulage, computerised despatch
system has been introduced. Further, computer control rotary drills, excavators, crushers, and
in-pit crushing conveying system are now in practice. Now the semi-mobile crusher-transfer
units, high strength steel cord conveyor belts and overburden spreaders with 60 m long boom
are being developed. Also in underground mines, computer control system for hydraulic
jumbos, remote control LHD units and automatic hauling- hoisting system are being developed.

There are several underground iron ore mines, producing more than 1 Mt per year, of which
Jingtieshan mine having annual capacity more than 3 Mt, has deployed two boom hydraulic
jumbos, 2-3.8 m3 electric and diesel LHDs and 20 tonne electric locomotives, and in other
mines, single boom pneumatic jumbos, 1-2 m3 electric or diesel LHDs and 8 - 12 tonne electric
locomotives are used. Development of High Intensity and Low Loss Mining Technology

For the technology improvement, certain thrust areas have been identified, viz. increase in
mining intensity, reduction of ore loss and mineral dilution including increase in extraction rate,
especially from underground mines.

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
In China, earlier mining with gentle slope was in practice. Working slope was 8 - 15o in general.
Therefore, removal of waste was high in pre-production stage and construction period was also
high. Thus, to have achieved full production, it used to take a long time. In 1980s, experiment
on steep slope mining had been made successfully in certain mines and now slope angles of 20 -
30o are achieved in working opencast iron ore mines. Stripping ratio during production period
was decreased by 20 percent and also has the flexibility as to performing the exposure of final
pit walls by 3 - 9 years. In Nanfen Iron Ore Mines, truck haulage has been introduced replacing
the inflexible rail haulage which was predominant haulage system in China till the recent past.
According to the feasibility report of this mine, which has been implemented now, stripping
ratio during production has decreased from 3.4 to 4.8/t. Now, yearly development and stripping
during the early period can be reduced by 15 Mt rock. Some 180 Mt rock stripping can be
postponed during the full period. So the steep slope mining has brought in increased high wall
and its steep angle of slope. There are a few mines having 13 to 15m bench height which are
now being increased to 15 - 17 m. Stability of these benches is being maintained by multiple
row millisecond delay blasting technique. Such mining intensity and positive effects on
economy of opencast iron ore mining have been experienced in China in recent years. In-Pit/Crushing/Conveying System
Contrary to Indian practice, in China, both rail haulage and truck transportation are employed
and the former accounts for 53 percent of total iron ores handled. Some opencast mines have
turned deep (more than 100m) and more than ten such mines are working at present. Under
these circumstances, only rail haulage cannot handle such transportation of ores and this rail
transportation necessitated increased traction force and raised climbable grade (4 percent). So,
combined haulage system, such as truck-rail-road and truck-belt conveyor is now being
deployed. This practice has given full advantage of both flexibility of truck haulage and large
haulage capacity with steep grade negotiation of belt conveyors which relatively cost less. Till
recently, truck railway and truck, and electric shovels were being used for reloading. But this
mode was proved to be less effective and costly. For this purpose, a fixed transfer station having
facility of apron feeder has now been used in some opencast mines and this practice is giving
better results. As a whole, this combined system has brought in considerable cost reduction,
improved labour productivity and decrease in truck haulage. Further, a rail road and conveyor
system for disposal of waste was built in Donganshan open pit. This conveyor system is 3 km
long with 1.2 m wide belt having disposal capacity of 6 Mt per year and height of disposed
waste is 90 - 130 m. Another medium size mine has 2.5 km long conveyor having disposal
capacity of 5 Mt per year. In Daugshan open-pit, two conveyor belt systems for ore haulage and
waste disposal, respectively, are installed in inclined shaft having total belt length of 2.8 km.
Although a few problems exist in belt conveyor haulage system in China, advantages outweigh
those problems. The conveyor belt systems in opencast iron ore mines are becoming popular
especially in large open pits of more than 100 m deep. Blasting Technology

Since 1970, considerable progress has been made in blasting technique of metal mines in China.
Along with the advent of big mining machinery, large area multiple row millisecond blasting
technique has been developed. Site specific blasting practices like pre-splitting near the pit slope
walls, buffer blasting and smooth blasting for underground are also developed. In big mines, 0.5
- 0.7 Mt of ore/waste are now being blasted in a single shot. Some 200 - 400 boreholes in 10
rows are now commonly blasted in a single fire involving 100 - 200 tonnes of explosives and
good powder factors of 5-8 tonnes per kg. have also been achieved. Boulder yield and formation

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of toe were also remarkably reduced. Shovel efficiency was increased by 30 percent due to
better fragmentation of rock/ore.

To cope with the need of higher production of iron ore, blasting materials are also being
developed/manufactured at the same pace. Nonel electric priming tube, detonators of non-
priming charge, high precision millisecond relays and electric delay detonators, granulated
ANFO, new TNT, powder rock explosives, emulsion explosives heavy ANFO and high power
liquid explosive have been developed and are being effectively used in iron ore mines.
Detonators of non priming charges and emulsion explosive have come up to the level of world
class. As the quantum of rock/minerals blasted in a single shot has increased considerably,
controlled blasting technique has also come to play an important role in the iron mining for
which enough research work is being carried out, especially in the area of optimum blasting
principal for reducing boulders and formation of toe, reduction of shock waves, flying rocks,
noise dust, etc. and for increasing the utilisation factor of explosive energy. Pit slope stability

There are several opencast iron ore mines which are being mined at deeper horizons (200 - 300
m vertical depth) and some opencast mines have proposals for working below 500m depth.
Therefore, slope stability studies have assumed greater significance both for technical and
economic reasons. The pit slope angles of metal mines in China is 40o in general whereas in
advanced countries, it is 45o which is being followed by this country now and for which
continuous monitoring technique and pit slope maintenance and management are being
practiced including effective drainage system.

To improve mining methods of underground mines and to reduce ore loss and mineral dilution,
several steps have been taken. Though share of the iron ore production from underground mines
is only 10 percent, due to convenient locational advantage and high grade ore compared to that
of opencast mines, this segment of mines is also important.

In underground iron ore mines in China, predominantly non-pillar sub-level caving method is in
practice and its share is about 70 percent of the total production from underground mines. This
method results in high ore loss and mineral dilution. In large mines, percentage of dilution was
as high as 20 percent but extraction rate was hardly 70 percent. Labour productivity was hardly
750 tonnes per man-year which is poor compared to that in advanced countries. Main reasons
are complicated ore deposits and improper selection of mining methods. Due to these reasons,
intensive researches are being carried out since 1986 as to how the method of mining can be
improved, especially for existing mines having complicated, broken and soft ore. In the light of
geological conditions of these mines, different mining methods have been tested, stope and
blasting parameters have been improved, drive support reinforced, which finally resulted in
reduction in mineral loss and its dilution but higher extraction. High efficiency mining methods
are further experimented mainly on decreasing amount of shaft sinking and driving of headings,
lowering development ratio, speeding up deepening and reconstruction as well as employing
deep hole drilling and large capacity LHDs. All these concerted efforts are now going to give
labour productivity close to 2,000 tonnes per man-year.

Further, in the field of ground control, significant achievements have been made including dust
treatment, blasting safety, control of harmful gases and noise. All these research achievements
are now in practice in underground iron ore mines in China.

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3.2.2 The CIS (Former USSR) General Information

The former USSR (now CIS) produced 193 Mt of Iron ore during 2006. Out of the total
production of iron ores, about 85 % comes from surface mining and rest from underground
mines. The Independent States like Ukraine and Kazakhstan are the main centres of iron ore
production. Most of the iron ore deposits are inclined or steep-dipping ones. Some mines have
reached the depth beyond 350m. Of the total production of iron ores from opencast mines, about
60 percent is from mines having 250 - 300 m depth.

The commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) is technologically one of the world leaders,
especially on the face of deterioration of mining and geological conditions like.
Increase of pit depth (maximum vertical depth at some large open-pits reaching up to
360 m.)
Decrease of ore content with pit depth.
Increase in stripping ratio
Increase in lift height and transportation distance including rehandling and re-

Iron ore mines in the CIS are characterised by high concentration of production. The share of
production from large mines of capacity over 10 Mt per year is 85 percent at present. In the last
decade, average depth of opencast mines was 150 - 200 m, but in the current decade, it is about
300 m, and volume of hard rock mass removed has grown from 66 to 75 percent. The average
rock hardness and its removal have also increased. But the raw iron ore mining decreased by 2
percent as the working condition of mining and transport equipment has been deteriorated along
with increase in overburden removal and thus the mining cost. An increase in mining depth by
100m (from 200 to 300 m) has led to increment of 25 - 30 percent cost per tonne.

It is projected that most of the above mentioned trends and characteristics of opencast mining
evolution in the CIS will be maintained. However, due to recent political and economic reasons,
production of raw ores and removal of rock mass have somewhat fallen, but it is stable.

Though most of mining operations are confined to deep seated deposits, productivity and cost
effectiveness have increase. Also, detrimental mining impact on the environment has decreased.
To achieve these goals, certain actual scientific and technical problems associated with mining
are being faced and these are:

Development of progressive ecologically harmless waste-free and resource -

saving mining methods for complicated mining conditions.
Securing open-pit wall stability up to 500 - 700 m depth.
Development and deployment of new fleet of high performance mining and transport
equipment of higher capacities.
Electrification of railway transport
Development and use of new slurry explosives and other blasting agents.
Maintenance of normal hygiene and sanitary conditions, especially at deep opencast
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To exploit iron ore effectively and to enhance the production capacity in deep deposits, a
process of dividing the working horizons in stages and increasing high wall slope angle in
stripping areas, using temporary rock pillars are now in practice. Another step has been taken up
by the way of increasing heights of working benches up to 20 - 30 m. This technology has been
implemented in some important deep pits and is found to be effective. Another major trend in
increasing mining intensification and efficiency is the changing over to cyclical - and -
continuous method (CCW) in case of deep open-pits, i.e. from rigid railway transportation to
track railway and truck - conveyor systems. Due to introduction of these systems, some 15
mining complexes, with annual capacity from 10-22 Mt are now benefited and these mines are
now handling up to 170 to 180 Mt of rock mass per year. Till now over 1,200 Mt of rock mass
and 900 Mt of iron ores were extracted by using this method. In pit primary ore crushing and its
transportation by off-highway trucks conveyors are now very common in many mines. Jaco
crushers and cone crushers are used in pits and conveyor system feeds ore at a secondary
crushing and preparation plant for further treatment while rock is transferred into railway
transport units with the purpose of delivering it to outside dump sites. All these methods
together have resulted in cutting 20 - 30 percent operating cost for rock mass transportation
from deep pits, decrease in truck number, increase in labour productivity by a factor of 1.2 - 1.5
reduction in ore mining cost by 10 - 15 percent and improved ecological conditions.

In the CIS, portable crushing and transferring plants with up to 2,000 tonnes per hour capacity
as well as high angle belt conveyors are now available. The uses of portable units have provided
reduced construction activities and stone drivage. The share of these crushing and transferring
points (CTP) in removal ores from mines is 50 - 60 percent. This has further helped reduction in
truck haulage. For implementation of this system, the erection of the expensive stationary in pit
CTPs has been eliminated in certain cases, resulting in more effective operation of CCW - based
complexes at deep opencast mines.

The concept of in pit overburden dumping is also being introduced in certain cases, it has
provided not only a compensation of negative consequences of mining, but also it offers some
improved efficiency which ultimately helps cut labour and material costs and reduces
detrimental impact on the environment.

With the increase in depth of opencast mines, slope stability problems increase especially
maintaining pit walls and bench stability in the final configuration when slope angle increases.
In this direction, enough attention is being paid and for this purpose, more reliable data on
geology and related engineering are being collected at the time of exploration and exploitation
as well. In some mines, pit wall slope angles have been realised up 2-4o and at one mine, final
pit wall slope could be increased by 5o, which resulted in decrease in the overburden removal by
96 million cubic metres. Mining Machinery
To meet the requirement for huge production of iron ores and removal of waste rock in much
higher quantity from deep opencast mines, a compatible fleet of equipment has been developed
and now is being used. Roller cone drill rig of bit dia 320 mm has been developed and deployed
for drilling at flexible angles of 45 - 75o for smooth blasting. On the basis of satisfactory results
from rigs, higher capacity rig of bit dia 400 mm has been developed. Their productivity exceeds
that of the existing rigs by a factor of 1.5 due to automatic control of drilling. Another module
of roller cone drilling rig has been developed and preliminary trial results showed increased
drilling rate by factor of 2.5 - 3 and reduction in power consumption by factor of 1.5 - 2.

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The most vital activity in opencast mines is the extraction and loading operations which need,
for iron ore mining, shovels. Different types of shovels manufactured in the CIS are in use
including hydraulic shovels. These are the world class products so far s operating cost and
service life are concerned. In the CIS, loading equipment, namely ‘Uralmash’, Izhorsky Zarod”
and “Krasmash” are specialised excavators for ferrous metal opencast mines. Bucket capacity of
these shovels is 12 to 16 cu m and boom/arms can be extended for heavy and tough working

As the transportation expenses at some mines is 60 percent of total mining cost, one of the thrust
area of equipment development goes to this field. From the experience gained over the years, it
is concluded that effective transport system is the judicious combination of railway transport,
trucks haulage and conveying.

In the CIS opencast mines, certain characterisations have been attained and these are large -
scale production, favourable ecological condition and relatively low transportation cost. The
main trends in the opencast mines are –

Improvement of facilities already available as well as development of new ones, such

as locomotives and self - cleaning cars which will provide high technical levels and
efficiency of mining operations;
Technical requirements of transport systems for deep opencast mines.
Using railway transport at deep levels of existing open-pits (up to 350 - 450 m depth)
by introduction of heavy gradients and in pit tunnels. Locomotives of 450 tonnes are
required to be manufactured in that group of countries as their application in deep
opencast mines will result in increasing the rolling stock productivity by 20-23
percent, improving a conveying capacity of transport inclines by 20-25 percent and
decreasing power consumption by 5-7 percent. Further, in the CIS carriage, wagon
factories are going to manufacture the reinforced self-closing cars with capacity in the
range of 105 - 200 tonnes.

In Russia and Ukraine, where diesel locomotives were traditionally in use, now electric
locomotives of higher traction force are replacing them. This substitution results in increase of
the railway transport efficiency, expanded field of application, reduced fuel consumption, and
improvement of ecological conditions at opencast mines. Construction of in-pit tunnels and
inclines has augmented the application of electric locomotives further. Locomotives are being
used in inclines having grade up to 50 - 60o. A tunnel in a particular mine, allowed the railway
transport up to 280 m depth to have reached to the pit bottom. Further, off highway trucks of 75
- 110 tonne capacity are being commonly used in deep pits, but 120 - 180 tonne capacity trucks
are also now deployed. In the CIS, now multi - drive conveyors are also developed and are in
use. The main advantage of this system is that rock mass can be transported from deep levels to
surface without rehandling. Further, high inclination conveyors upto 45o are developed, which
can handle/transport up to 2,000cu.m/hr. In the CIS, high capacity crushers (over 2000 cu.m/hr)
are being manufactured at present.

Environmental problems associated with the ultra-large mines are stupendous as vast expanse of
land is destroyed, occupied or disturbed by mining and related activities, especially lands are
disturbed by overburden/tailings dam, and ambient air and groundwater are polluted. To
mitigate these problems to some extent, more than 3,000 ha disturbed land is being withdrawn
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from mining operation for rehabilitation purpose. It is heartening to note that more than the half
of this land is being made suitable for agricultural use. Further, to reduce the negative
consequences, some specialised research institutes have been carrying out studies for further
improvement of environmental degradation caused by mining operations. Air normalisation in
deep opencast mines is the single most environmental hazard. Due to lack of natural ventilation,
dust content at work place sometimes goes as high as 28 mg/cu m and carbonic oxide and nitric
oxide go up to 14 mg/cu m and 5.8 mg/cu m, respectively. This unnatural ambient air at deep
pits not only takes 10 - 15 percent of working time, but also leads to equipment breakdown.
These problems are now being solved by taking following measures:

Effective suppression of dust at their source;

Use of air-conditioning system in cabins of mining equipments
Introduction of rational means of artificial ventilation for ‘stagnation zones’
In future, the CIS will be planning for returning alienable lands which will be rehabilitated
after mining operations to the permanent land users at the rate of 900 -1000 ha per year.

3.2.3 Sweden
Among all the leading countries producing iron ore throughout the globe, opencast mines are
the major sources of minerals (80-90 percent), but Sweden is the only exceptional country
where practically the entire production comes from underground mines and that too from two
mines only- Kiruna Mine of northern Sweden and Malamberget near Kiruna. During 2005,
Sweden has produced 24 Mt of iron ore by underground method of mining. The Kiruna Mine

The Kirunavaara (Swedish language) ore deposit has north-south and it dips to the east at 60o.
The extent of the deposit along strike is 4 km and average thickness about 80m. The ore body
has been explored to the depth of 2 km.

The predominant method of mining is sublevel caving and about 25 percent of total ore has
been extracted by this method. Of the total yearly production by sublevel, caving yields 12 Mt,
sublevel stopping 4 Mt and the remaining comes from development work.
The sublevel interval of 27 m has been introduced in 1990 and in 1993 about 70 percent of the
ore was produced by this method. Starter raise of 760 mm dia is normally drilled on the hang
wall side for the purpose of stoping with the help of LKAB made large dia drill or an Alimak
driven raise. The plane of the ring drill is maintained at an angle of 80o with the horizontal and
the ring consists of 9 - 10 holes. Production drilling is carried out by five rigs capable of drilling
115 mm dia holes. Four of these have top hammer drills and fifth has an in the hole hammer. A
fleet of 18 electric toro LHDs, each of 15 tonnes capacity has been deployed for loading ore
which is discharged to 44 ore passes, leading to the current main haulage level at 775 m horizon
(levels at Kiruna are counted downwards with reference to the top of the original mountain
which had been mined out long back). The mine used to operate on two shifts, but seven days a
week with blasting in the night shift. Recently, 3 shift working has been introduced. Now 100
percent blast holes in development tunnels are loaded with emulsion explosives. For the purpose
of reinforcement of roofs, three bolting jumbos are deployed and some 55,000 rock bolts are
being installed every year, but shotcrecting is carried out by a subsidiary company of M/s
LKAB, the owner of the Kiruna Mine.

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Ore is removed by remote - controlled trains to a discharge station on the main haulage level,
where the bottom discharge rail cars are emptied and ores are delivered to a crushing station.
The crushed ore passes to ore pockets from which skip in seven (out of eight) shafts carry the
same to the surface. Selective mining is practiced and blending is done on the main haulage.

So far, 820 Mt ore has been mined and only 100 - 110 Mt of mineable reserves remains above
the current haulage level (775 m). So, it has been planned (and partially executed) to develop
the ore-body between 775 m and 1045 m horizon, called “ the KVJ 2000 Development” which
will add some 330 Mt reserves for sustaining production for another 20-25 years at the present
level of production.

The deposit plunges to the north and its northern part in depth has boundary under the lake
luorsajarvi. To exploit the deposit in a better way, a proposed dam may be constructed beside
the lakeside train terminal for the purpose of draining part of the lake. The proposal could make
available extra 25 Mt ore.

As mentioned above, 3-shift production system has been introduced with phased blasting which
has been made possible by the introduction of new network of ventilation which divides the
mines into eight sections. Some, 16 new ventilation raises of 3 m dia having total length of
16,000 m are being raise-bored into the footwall, to ensure that they are not affected by rock
movement as the caving practice has already gone to greater depths. These raises are arranged in
eight pairs out of which four pairs are angled in such a fashion that all of them connect at
surface with just four fan house buildings.

3.2.4 Australia Overview of Iron Ore Mining in Australia

Iron ore is Australia’s fourth largest minerals earner, has produced 270 Mt in 2006, almost 16%
of the world’s production. About 92% of its annual production is exported to integrated steel
markets in Asia. In order to cater for expected demand from Asian markets, iron ore exported in
the year 2006 was 248.4 Mt out of its production of 270 Mt The Hamersley Range in the Pilbara
region of the northwest Australia is host to 98% of Australia’s iron ore mines, with minor
production from Tasmania, New South Wales, Queensland and South Australia. The big two
producers in the Pilbara are BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto. Australia’s iron ore resources have
been estimated at 32 billion tons.

BHP Billiton’s wholly owned subsidiary, BHP Iron Ore Pty Ltd. is Australia’s largest iron ore
producer, with total reserves estimated at 3,200 Mt. BHP operates three primary iron ore
operations that produce in the region of 70 Mt of ore per year, most being destined for steel
makers in Japan, South Korea, China, Taiwan and Europe.

The Mount Whaleback ore body at Mount Newman mine alone contains 750 Mt of ore grading
at 64.7% of which 33 Mt of high-grade iron is produced per year. Other mines proximal to
Mount Newman are the Ore-bodies 29, 23 and 25. BHP Billiton has other mines at
Goldsworthy, Yandi and Jimbledar. Goldsworthy comprises the Yarrie and Nimingarra ore
bodies that have an annual capacity of 5.6 Mt. The Yandi Mine produces approximately 23 Mt
per year and is also located close to the MAC (Mining Area C) that has resources estimated at
800Mt of high grade ore ranging from 60 - 64% iron. Jimbledar is located 40km east of Mt
Newman and is wholly owned by BHP Billiton. The decision to develop the MAC has been

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given the go ahead, following negotiations with local Aboriginal groups. The mine has already
started production since 2003 reaching capacity of 15 Mt/year. BHP Billiton is the world’s
second largest iron ore exporter, after Brazil’s CVRD. BHP Billiton also has operations in
South Australia, where hematite ore is mined at Iron Duke and Iron Knob in the Middle-back
Ranges by BHP Steel and used in iron and steel making at Whyalla.

The Mining Area C development has the potential to increase iron ore production by up to 15
million tonnes per annum (Mtpa) by 2011. Rio Tinto’s Hamersley Iron produced a record 70 Mt
of iron ore in 2001 from its five wholly owned mining operations in the Pilbara region, making
it Australia’s second largest iron ore producer. The Yandicoogina mine has ore reserves of 310
Mt grading at 58.5% iron and has a rated capacity of producing 15Mt/year. Other mining
operations are Mount Tom Price, Paraburdoo, Brockman and Marandoo, all situated in the
Hamersley Ranges, Pilbara region. All of Rio Tinto’s production is railed to the port of Dampier
on the North West coast of Australia. Rio Tinto is developing its sixth mine, Nammuldi, located
next to the Brockman mine, which it is also extending. Through Hamersley, Rio Tinto also
owns 53% of Robe River, Australia’s third largest producer. Robe has resources between three
and four billion tonnes containing greater than 57% iron - enough to last 100 years at current
production levels. The major deposit currently being mined is Mesa J near Pannawonica. Robe
River produced 27 Mt iron ore from its mines at Pannawonica. Production is shipped from the
port facility at Cape Lambert. Robe River's West Angelas deposit is remote from its
Pannawonica operations and about halfway between Newman and Paraburdoo. The nearest port
facilities to West Angelas at Cape Lambert are 400km away. West Angelas has a resource of at
least 1 billion tonnes, including a proven and probable reserve of over 440 Mt grading at 62%
iron. Rio Tinto and Robe's partners have finally reached an agreement of the development of a
rail link to West Angelas that is anticipated to have development costs in the region of A$ 800

South Africa's Kumba Resources are evaluating one of the last major deposits in Australia,
Hope Downs. A feasibility study is underway at Hope Downs that will have to include a 360 km
railway link from the project to the nearest port facilities. Over 50% of planned capital
expenditure for the development of this project hinges on developing the infrastructure to
service the mine. The deposit has a recoverable resource of 442 Mt grading at 61.7% iron.
Production has already been started at 6 Mt /year and is planned to be increased to 25 Mt per
year in 2008 with an estimated life of mine of around 30 years.

Ivanhoe Mines have reopened the Savage River mine in north-western Tasmania. The mine has
proven and probable reserves of 105 Mt which will sustain operations for the next 25 years.
Ivanhoe intends selling 50% of its production to BHP, with the remainder sold to steel
companies in South Korea and China. ABM and Ivanhoe Mines have merged their operations.
Ivanhoe are to acquire the Long Plains magnetite deposit from Pasminco. Long Plains is located
just south of the Savage River operation and has resources estimated at containing 30 Mt of

Portman Limited is currently expanding its operation at its Koolyanobbing Iron Ore Project,
which has indicated and inferred resources totalling over 95 Mt grading at an average of over
63% iron (using a cut off grade of 58% iron).

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario Geological background
The Proterozoic occurrences of iron ore in Australia include the Middle-back Range in South
Australia, Yampi Sound in north-west WA and the major Hamersley Iron Province in the
Pilbara Region of WA. This is an 80,000 km2 sedimentary basin, which contains in its structure
two Banded Iron Formations, the Brockman Iron Formation (670 m thick) and the Marra
Mamba Formation (180 m thick) which are host to economic deposits of iron ore. These
occurrences have been succinctly described as strata bound sediment hosted deposits.

Open cut iron ore mining at

Koolanooka, (courtesy Western Mining

The Province also contains a number of Tertiary Age pisolitic limonite deposits of considerable
significance. They have resulted from deposition in ancient drainage channels of weathering
products of the outcropping primary ore.

More than 33 billion tonnes of iron ore with a grade in excess of 55 per cent Fe have been
proven in the Pilbara region comprised mostly of hematite and hematite geothite ores but with
some major occurrences of limonite Operations
The major deposits currently developed and the installed production capacities of the respective
operations include:
• Mt Tom Price and Paraburdoo
-Hamersley Iron (46 Mt/a)
• Mt Whaleback
-Mt Newman Mining (40 Mt/a)
• Deepdale Limonite deposits
-Robe River Mining (20 Mt/a)
• Shay Gap/Sunrise Hill area
-Goldsworthy Mining Associates (8 Mt/a)

Prospective operations include the Yandicoogina (CRA) and Marillina Creek (BHP) limonite
deposits and McCamey's Monster (Hancock/BHP Joint Venture).

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In the Brockman deposits large scale conventional open pit mining operations precede three
stages of crushing and screening to produce two products, lump (-30+6 mm) and fines (-6 mm).
Limonite is sold as an all fines product.

Due to the relatively heterogeneous nature of the ore bodies sophisticated selective mining
practices and quality control procedures have been developed at each mine site to optimize
mining efficiency and to ensure product quality specifications are achieved.

At the time of the commencement of exports (mid 1960s) the market demand was
predominantly for lump ore which accounted for approximately 50 percent of output. To
minimize excess fines stocks, Hamersley built a plant to convert the fines to a prepared blast
furnace feed pellets. A second plant was commissioned by Cliffs Robe River in 1972 to convert
portion of its limonite fines into pellets -a first for the industry. However, the oil price rises of
the 1970s and the rapidly advancing technology of Japanese iron makers established sinter as
the preferred blast furnace burden material with the resultant drastic reduction in the use of
pellets as a raw material. Pellets are no longer produced in the Pilbara and the idle plants stand
as a grim reminder of the effect of changing technology in the steel industry. Technology trends

The general philosophy adopted by all levels of management is to do things 'smarter' and to
maintain a position 'at the cutting edge of technology'.

Technology advances in the mining arena have focussed on the development of large units of
plant and equipment (e.g. shovels, trucks, drills, etc.) and the industry has been quick to
introduce new models and innovations. In the areas of fixed plant, transportation and port
operations the emphasis has been on improvements in such things as

• wear resistant materials

• maintenance planning and procedures
• process control through use of computers
• quality control techniques
• improved communications
• automation and so on
During the short history of the Pilbara iron ore industry there have been numerous examples of
major technological innovations on the part of the industry itself and of companies working in
conjunction with equipment manufacturers to adapt the results of advanced and developing
technology to best suit local conditions.

Mount Tom Price open cut iron ore

mining, (courtesy Hamersley Mining)

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
Two somewhat diverse examples are found in the areas of communications and in haul truck
technology. In the early 1960s exploration teams in the Hamersley Ranges depended upon pedal
radio via the Royal Flying Doctor network for communications. At the start of construction in
1965 HF radio was used between Dampier, Mount Tom Price and Perth with a full time
operator required at each location. Later automatic PABX systems provided a company network
with restricted and oft times difficult access via two VHF radio links to the public telephone
network. This was superseded by the extension to Dampier of the Perth/Carnarvon co-axial
cable which in addition to improved telex and telephone services brought national TV to the
town. A tropospheric scatter system connected Mount Tom Price (and Paraburdoo) to the
national network. Later with the advent of microwave technology communications between the
mine sites and the coast were further upgraded.

With the increasing demand for data transmission between all sites and head office, PABX
obsolescence and improving technology, the latest in communications systems viz. digital SPC
(stored program controlled) PABX units which can switch both voice and data were installed in
the Hamersley operation in 1987. Together with Telecom's expanding national digital network
the Hamersley facility will provide one of the largest and most modern company systems
capable of providing efficient and flexible communications into the foreseeable future.

The example of changes in haul truck technology is no less impressive. The major haul units at
the Mount Tom Price mine in 1965 were the largest and latest 'state of the art' 100 short ton
articulated 3-axle, ten wheeled mechanical drive 700 HP (520 kW) diesel engine trucks -
behemoths of the day! At present 240 tonne, 2 axle, six wheeled 2400HP diesel electric
(Electric wheel) tracks with air conditioned sound proof operator’s cabin are in use. The use of
'electric wheel' transmission, increased capacity dynamic braking systems, solid state circuitry
and an on-board computer to monitor loads, log general performance factors and provide
maintenance diagnostic information, have all resulted from improved and new technology and
result in easier maintenance, more efficient and better controlled, lower cost operations. The
latest trucks in the Hamersley fleet are effectively custom made for the local conditions and

Similar developments are evident in other major pit equipment including drills (i.e. change from
230 mm down hole hammer drills in the 1960s to 380 mm rotary percussive automatic drills at
present with sound proof temperature controlled operator’s cabin and wet drilling arrangements
are in use. 7.6 – 20m3 shovels (diesel electric in 1966 to all electric modern units at present),
high capacity front end loaders, graders, bulldozers are already in use in Australia. Noteworthy
technologies are the Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring for HEMM used in high
precision, their applications on a board a variety of mining machines, blast hole drills, shovels,
scrappers and dozers.

To cope with the need of higher production of iron ore, blasting materials are also being
developed / manufactured at the same pace. Use of slurry, emulsions, ANFO and HANFO in
bulk explosive systems has been well established with considerable benefit to the iron ore
mining industries in Australia.

In the field of blasting accessories, the introduction and adoption of “non-electric delay
initiation system” contributed significantly to the improvement in blasting results and reduction
levels of blast induced ground vibrations and air blast. Electronic delay detonators (Prototypes
of which are under trial in Australia) are considered to be the next stage of evolution due to
accurate timing, it has the potential to provide better noise and vibration control, increased

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
selectivity, improved fragmentation and reduced blast damage, less fly rock and thus makes the
blasting environment friendly.

The use of high speed cameras to photograph blasting operations to enable the analysis of blast
dynamics has led to more efficient use of explosives, drill hole spacings and better rock
fragmentation. Modern explosive emulsions enhance the effects of the simple ANFO
(ammonium nitrate/fuel oil) mixtures.
Customized conveyor belting reflects the manufacturer's and the operator's recognition of the
specific requirements of conveying abrasive iron ore over long distances in the plus 45° hot dry
conditions of the Pilbara summers.

Use of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for analysis of iron and other constituents of drill hole
samples, plant products, etc. has replaced the traditional wet chemical methods in many
applications. Spectrographic oil analysis and other condition monitoring techniques have
assisted in minimizing loss of equipment availability due to premature failures.

On-stream analysis of iron and alumina by measuring the back scatter gamma radiation of
irradiated ore has been developed in conjunction with CSIRO and is in the prototype testing
stage on product conveyors in the Hamersley system. Integrated with weightometers, its
potential lies in operational product quality control during blending and ship loading functions
replacing the more time consuming sampling, sample preparation and assaying. Similar
application for down hole in situ analysis is under investigation.

Some of the more spectacular use and development of modern technology has occurred in the
iron ore railway operations. These systems operate the largest and heaviest trains in the world
utilizing head-end power only. They have increased in Hamersley from combinations of one
head-end locomotive and 76 wagons with 9000 t gross load to the current configuration of three
head-end locomotives and 200 wagons with a gross of 25,000 t. This improvement has resulted
in part from the local development of a train simulator which enables prediction of the forces
generated in the long and heavy trains, knowledge of which enables the formulation of
appropriate operational driving strategies. These are further refined by analysing the drivers'
actual control actions recorded on locomotive data loggers.

Asymmetrical rail profile grinding to ensure better wheel and rail interface, developed in
conjunction with Mt Newman Mining, is now almost standard practice world-wide. Another
development with CSIRO is a semi-continuous rail profile measuring device. The equipment
mounted in a rail car measured rail profiles at 5 m intervals along the track whilst moving at
speeds of up to 80 km/hr. Locally developed computer programs produce 'real-time' results.
The days are now long past when large rail gangs are required to work manually in almost
intolerable conditions to replace sleepers. In a major sleeper replacement program in which
modern technology concrete sleepers are substituted for the original wooden ones, Hamersley's
rail maintenance contractor employs an automatic sleeper laying and track relining machine
which automatically, whilst travelling along the line,

• spreads and lifts the rails

• removes the old sleeper
• positions a concrete sleeper
• replaces and fixes the rail and
• tamps the ballast

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
New and old sleepers are stored on a trailing section of the machine. Other innovations in the
rail system include

• 'hot-box' detectors to identify high bearing temperatures on ore wagons 'on the move'
• track side detectors to locate dragging equipment such as broken axles, air hoses, etc.
• track research wagon to monitor track conditions
• stream flow level detectors which warn of high-water levels in culverts via the CTC

In the exploration field conventional methods are now being supplemented by the latest
geophysical methods (gravity, aeromagnetic, sedimentology, etc.) to select hidden or 'blind'
drilling targets. Use of Landsat imagery has greatly facilitated exploration planning, map
making and geological interpretation.

A significant technological development of the late 1970s was the application in the Pilbara of
advanced process technology (principally developed in the diamond mines of South Africa) to
the upgrading of otherwise unsaleable low grade ore (e.g. less than 60 per cent Fe). This has
permitted significant extensions to the total ore reserves at two existing mines (Newman and
Hamersley). The principal process involved (heavy medium separation) utilizes the difference
in specific gravity between the heavy hematite mineral and the lighter shaley contaminant to
effect the separation. Alumina levels of approximately 4.5 per cent in the low grade feed are
reduced to the order of 2.3 per cent in products.

Mount Tom Price iron ore beneficiation

plant, (courtesy Hamersley Mining)

Goldsworthy Mining has advanced plans (1987) to apply gravity separation techniques of
jigging and cone concentration to lower grade ore adjacent to existing mining areas.

Over-riding the specific introduction of new technology has been the almost awe-inspiring rates
of development and application of computers, especially personal computers. Mine and
geological planning, maintenance planning, technical, commercial and personnel data

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
manipulation and recording, communications, PLC systems in the operations, diagnostic
applications and so on have all received a major fillip by the use of computers -the future
applications are almost inconceivable.

In a developing industry the rate of implementation and the number of applications have been
relatively high as new techniques and applications became available. Until major breakthroughs
and innovations are introduced to iron and steel making technology it can be assumed that
overall progress will continue to be steady rather than spectacular as the industry consolidates
into a more mature phase commensurate with the current market and economic situations.

3.2.5 Brazil Over View of Iron Ore Mining

Brazil is the one of the world’s largest iron ore producers and exporters. Iron ore has
traditionally been country’s largest export product, accounting for 82 % of the total iron ore
production of the country. Iron ore production during 2006 was 300 Mt and exported 246.6 Mt.
Japan, Germany, China and South Korea were the main importers of Brazilian iron ore. CVRD
and MBR (Mineracao Brasileiras Reunidas) are Brazil’s largest iron ore exporters. Other major
iron ore producers include Samitri, Ferteco, Samarco Mineracao and CSN (Companhia
Siderurgica Nacional). Ferteco is Brazil's third largest iron ore producer - and was purchased by
CVRD in mid 2001. Ferteco operates the Fabrica and Feijao mines that are located in the Iron
Quadrangle of the State of Minas Gerais. Annual production capacity from the two facilities
amounts to around 15 Mt with mineable reserves estimated at 260 Mt.

Samarco Mineracao is a joint venture between BHP Billiton and CVRD that operates the
Alegria opencast mine and the Germano concentrator. Alegria has measured reserves containing
701 Mt grading at an iron ore content of 47%. The Samarco project produced 10.4 Mt of pellets
and has a capacity to produce 12 Mt/year. Rio Tinto own 80% of the Corumba mine located in
the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. The mine produces 1Mt of lumpy destined for markets in
Argentina. Production and export trend of iron ore of Brazil for the calendar year 2000 to 2005
is shown below:
Table No. Iron Ore Production & Export, Brazil
(Unit : Million tones)
Year 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Production 208.8 210.0 225.1 212 220 292.4 300
Export 160.1 155.7 170.0 184.4 237.0 225 246.6 Mining Companies

BHP Billiton - Through its 49% interest in Samarco Mineracao S.A. (Samarco), BHP Billiton
operates the Alegria iron ore complex in Brazil.
Companhia Vale do Rio Doce - CVRD is on of the world's largest iron ore producers with
several large scale operations in Brazil.
Rio Tinto - Rio Tinto produce iron ore from the 80% owned Corumba mine in the state of
Mato grosso do Sul.

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario Technology Trends
The methodology of extraction of Iron ore and over burden being adopted in Brazil is Open
Cast mining methods either by shovel - dumper combination or Shovel - Dumper-Conveyor
transport systems. The bench heights are being maintained varies from 15 m to 17m and the
mines are deploying wide variety of HEMM. Drilling is done by Bucyrus Eric and Tamrock’s
rotary drills (microprocessor based) having bit diameter 380 mm or 445 mm with sound proof
temperature controlled operator’s cabin and wet drilling arrangements. For excavation high
capacity electric rope shovels (22yd3 capacity), Demag H485 hydraulic excavators, high
capacity electric wheel loaders and caterpillar 9920 wheel loaders. Note worthy technologies are
Global Positioning System (GPS) monitoring for HEMM used in high precision, three
application on a board a variety of mining machines, blast hole drills, shovels and dozers etc. At
present 240 tonne, 2 axles, six wheeled 2400 H.P diesel - electric (Electric Wheel) trucks with
air-conditioned sound proof operator’s cabin are in use in Brazil. All the truck movements are
controlled by a modular mining dispatch system.

To cope with the need of higher production of Iron Ore, blasting materials are also being
developed/manufactured at the same pace. Use of slurry, emulsions, ANFO & HANFO in bulk
explosive systems have been well established with considerable benefit to the Brazilian Iron Ore
In the field of blasting accessories, the introduction and adoption of “non-electric delay
initiation system “contributed significantly to the improvement in blasting results and reducing
the levels of blast induced ground vibration and air blast noise. Post blast analysis is also being
done through high speed video camera. As few opencast Iron ore mines have gone deep more
than 200m in Brazil, In-pit crushing-conveying transportation (using mobile/semi-mobile
crushers with High angle belt conveyors) of Iron ore and Over burden materials are already in
use successfully.

A significant technological development was the application of WHIMS for treating hematite
and limonatic ores in order to produce concentrate. At CVRD, 28 Jones separators (WHIMS)
have been installed to treat > 25 Mt/y to produce 10 Mt/Y concentrate.


3.3.1 Drilling
As an universal practice, iron ore is dislodged by drilling blast holes according to a particular
pattern which depends on the bench height, the hole diameter, nature of rocks, the drilling
machinery deployed and the types of explosives used.
Generally two types of drills are being deployed for open cast iron ore mining i.e. Down the
hole percussive drills & Rotary drills.
• At global level use of high speed large diameter rotary drills up to 500 mm started
several years ago. Bucyrus International, a world leader in Blast Hole drills are making
49R series of drills, which are known to have features as chainless rack and pinion pull
down, state of the art drive system, and a chainless hydrostatic propel with planetary
drives. Bucyreus continues to focus on the comfort, safety of the machine operator and
maintenance personnel by providing a pressurised sound dampen, temperature
controlled operator’s cabin and automatic labelling system with four labelling jacks.

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
• In India, 10 inch rotary drills are being used in Bailadila Iron Ore Mines of NMDC and
121/4” high speed rotary drills are being used in Kudremukh Iron Ore Mines. Further,
large diameter holes allows expanded drilling patterns in general and help in reducing
generations of fines in softer iron ores. Drilling with 150 mm diameter blast holes has
been the common practice in Indian iron ore mines.
• Now the present trend is towards large diameter blast holes along with expanded
drilling pattern in conjunction with appropriate energy explosives, tall mast to match
with single pass drilling, Dry dust extraction / Wet dust suppression systems to prevent
the air pollution due to dust, and automation of large diameter rotary drills is one of the
major innovations. Noteworthy technologies are the Global Positioning System (GPS)
monitoring for HEMM used in high precision, three applications on a board a variety of
mining machines, blast hole drills, shovels, scrappers and dozers.
• In the process of making drills, an environment friendly, recently Sandvick Tamrock
has tackled the problems of noise and dust in drilling with supplying the drill machines,
which uses Shroud that completely encloses a drilling rig’s mast. The shroud would be
easily detachable following maintenance access to its various components. However,
one major problem which almost all the drills are facing, particularly the days when the
technology is progressing faster and the mining industry is switching over to
automation, is one of environmental pollution. In most of the drills dust extraction
system provided is of rotocone type of dust collector, which invariably does not work
satisfactorily. The Russian drills have adopted a system of using blowers. But, this is of
no avail except that it helps only when the drilling is going on, dust is blown away from
the drill location, but generally pollution problem in the area continues, as the dust gets
disseminated and distributed in the atmosphere. Even we have observed at times, when
the drill is operated in the upper bench the dust obscures the vision for the shovel in the
lower bench and thus some times forcing the stoppage of the shovel. Wet drilling may
be considered to be one solution to work on dust problem. Considering the pollution
problems and particularly when this has become the talk of the day, it is absolutely
necessary for the drill manufacturers to pay special attention to this aspect and see that
an appropriate technology is introduced to ensure the dust suppression without restoring
to wet drilling.

3.3.2 Blasting
To cope with the need of higher production of iron ore, blasting materials are also being
developed / manufactured at the same pace.
• Recent developments in explosives have revolutionalised their application from Alfred
Nobels’ nitro glycerine (NG) based explosives. Today emulsion explosives have largely
replaced nitro-glycerine and water gels throughout the world. Recently emulsion based
non-permitted small diameter cartridge explosives were introduced in India and the
results have been quite comparable with NG/slurry based explosives. Electronic delay
detonators (Prototypes of which are under trial in Australia) are considered to be the
next stage of evolution due to its accurate timing, it has the potential to provide better
noise and vibration control, increased selectivity, improved fragmentation and reduced
blast damage, less fly rock and thus makes the blasting environment friendly.
• In the field of blasting accessories, the introduction and adoption of “non-electric delay
initiation system” contributed significantly to the improvement in blasting results and

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
reduction in levels of blast induced ground vibrations and air blast, Raydets of IDL and
EXEL system of ICI are already in use in Indian Iron Ore Mines.
• Introduction of “bulk explosive systems” in India like global experience, use of slurry,
emulsions, ANFO and HANFO in bulk explosive systems have been well established
with considerable benefit to the mining industries.
• Introduction of “Opti-blast” and “Air decking” by gas bags blasting techniques are
already in use in Kudremukh Iron Ore Mines successfully reducing consumption of
explosives by 15% to 20%, considerable reduction in ground vibration, air blast and
back break.
• Analysis of Blasts through latest Video equipment methods are in use in the world and
in India too.
• Introduction of Controlled Blasting Technique - As the quantum of rock / minerals
blasted in a single shot has increased considerably, controlled blasting technique has
also come to play an important role in the iron ore mining, especially in the area of
optimum blasting principal for reducing boulders and formation of toe, reduction of
shock waves, fly rocks, noise, dust, etc., and for increasing the utilisation factor of
explosive energy.
• Innovations in Blast initiation system coupled with sequential blasting machinery’s.
Sophisticated seismograph for monitoring of blast vibrations and controlled blasting
techniques will reduce vibration with better fragmentation besides advances in special
blasting techniques.
• A new quarry face survey equipment, based on laser transit and computer
technology, offers improved control over rock fragmentation and blasting efficiency.
• Measurement of detonation velocity in the blast hole through fibreoptic system
introduced in India, like global experience. Since the amount of energy released from an
explosive is related to the detonation velocity, the measurement of in the hole VOD can
provide information about the performance of the explosives.
• ICI’s most advanced computer blast model, SABREX(scientific approach to Breaking
rocks with explosives) has been used all over the world, including many Indian mines
and is widely recognised as best model to predict blasts for the end results required.
• ICI’s VIBREX computer model has helped to control blasting vibration, assists in
selecting best delay intervals and charge weight per delay at many Indian mines, besides
other advanced countries.
• Considerable advances have been made recently into the understanding of high stress
dynamic rock / explosive interaction which in turn enabled the development of
computer based blasting tool. Such tools are also being used by some explosive
manufactures in India to assist drilling and blasting engineers to modify blast output and
improved productivity through more consistent and reproducible results.
• Electronic delay detonators (Prototypes of which are under trial in Australia) are
considered to be the next stage of evolution due to its accurate timing, it has the
potential to provide better vibration control, increased selectivity, improved
fragmentation and reduced blast damage.

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
3.3.3 Excavation
As the quantum of excavation in iron ore mining has increased year by year the
technology has undergone a sea change in all aspects of mining activity like loading,
hauling and transportation.
• Most of the surface mine is following the conventional shovel dumper combination, the
concept of “bigger is better” has successfully percolated in the mineral exploitation
technology. For example, bucket capacity and size of conventional machines have
increased. Electric rope shovels with bucket size over 38m3 , diesel- electric front end
loaders with 15m3 buckets and hydraulic shovels with buckets over 23m3 are now
available in the world market. Recently P & H has come up with 4100BOSS model of
excavators having 47.5m3 bucket capacity, it has got some other features like higher
payload capacity and cycle time expected to be 3 or 4 second faster than the other old
versions. It uses latest digital drive technology for highest label of mining productivity
compared to the other electric or diesel powered excavators available in the world
market. In India, shovels of 10m3 and 20m3 bucket capacity and dumpers of 85 ton and
120 ton are seen.
• During last three decades the introduction of high level of mechanisation in large
capacity opencast iron ore mines have led to a dramatic change in the utilisation trend of
HEMM. The 5 m3 rope shovels which were in common use are now being replaced with
10m3 and 20m3 - 25 m3 rope shovels. 10 m3 hydraulic shovels are finding wide
application in a number of Indian mines for raising coal and metal due to its lower
capital cost and high mobility. Biggest hydraulic shovels so far built in the world are of
42 m3 bucket capacity.
• At Global level, large conventional shovels with bucket capacity 20m3 - 30m3 have been
in service for several years now. In our country, 4.6 m3 electric shovels are in use of
Bailadila - 14, 14 cu. yd. electric shovels are used at Kudremukh project and 10 m3 P&
H shovels are being used at Malanj Khand copper project, CIL etc. It is a fact that
electric rope shovels in opencast mines are much easier to maintain, environment
friendly and are widely accepted throughout the world.
• Deployment of material handling equipments using electric shovels and dumper
combination is very much popular in Indian Iron Ore Industry, which is being followed
successfully over the years. Use of 10m3 bucket capacity electric rope shovel along with
85 tons dumpers is the best combination, presently adopted in big Indian mechanised
iron ore mines. In order to achieve higher production, a trend is emerging for deploying
20m3 capacity rope shovels along with the combination of 120tons or 170 ton dumper.
Electrically driven shovels in place of diesel driven shovels substantially reduce
operating cost, besides having favourable effects on environmental requirements.
• Introduction of high capacity Ripper Dozer (700 HP) are already in use in the western
zone (Goa region) as an alternative to drilling and blasting, especially in case of over
burden (OB) and soft iron ore. This ripping / dozing operation is eco-friendly, noise /
vibration is practically nil and generation of dust is very less. Back hoe excavators are
also used in western region of India (Goa) for excavating and loading of virgin soils/
soft iron ore without blasting where the blasting is not necessary after removing the
laterite capping or logistics factors like human inhabitations nearby.
• Redesigning of Buckets of loading equipment to improve digging, to achieve higher fill
factor and to lower the dead weight by geometric redesign and use of higher and

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
stronger materials for fabricating buckets. New designs of “Stealth” bucket are now
available in the world market. Longer booms for shovels are being made available
giving a 15% to 30% increase in digging force from the same hoist pull.
• In the case of hydraulic shovels, Syncrude Power, O & K Mining, Canada has delivered
the world’s largest hydraulic excavator, class RH 400 with bucket capacity 42 m3, Dual
engine concept, a centrifugal oil filter system replaces the traditional paper filter,
improved Pump Managing System (PMS) assures optional usage of engine output,
controlling the pumps to achieve the required hydraulic performance in the most
economic way.
• Use of sound proof and air-conditioning systems in cabins of all HEMM equipments are
already in use in the world as well as in India too.
• Introduction “Surface Miner” machine manufactured by M/s WIRTGEN GMBH,
Germany for excavating minerals in a Environment friendly manner. In India surface
miner SM - 2100 are in operation at Gujrat Ambuja limestone mines. This has not yet
tested in the Indian iron ore mining.
The surface miner offers following advantages over conventional mining by Shovel- Dumper:
Higher productivity and lower costs for multi-seam mining.
Elimination of Drilling and Blasting, which avoids the chance of dilution of pay
minerals and offers more safety. It will also create the possibility of mining in the
areas where administrative regulations are imposed against blasting.
Possibility of combined operation both dumpers and conveyors. For bigger haul
length and dipper seams conveyor transport can be more economic than dumper
Pre crushing and elimination of separate crushing plant.
Higher yield of pay minerals
Trying this new technology in Indian iron ore mines shall open a new era in iron ore mining.
It shall be proven to a boon in mining technology in 21st Century. Introduction of Global
Positioning System (GPS) Technology to enhance the Shovel productivity is one of the major
innovations. The use of GPS technology on shovel provides a number of benefits to the mine:
The ability to determine actual location of each dipper load, which may be required
when operating near pit limit.
The capability of continuous grade control, eliminating the needs of the survey stacks
that are destroyed with the constant mine advancement. The elevation of the shovel
track or bucket can be displayed within centimetres of the desired bench grade. This
allows the operator or pit supervisors to instantly determine whether the shovel is
excavating at the designed grade and correct for any deviation resulting in improved
pit floor profiles.
Improves the ability to control dilution and ore quality when blending is required
from various areas of the mines.

3.3.4 Haulage and Transportation System

• At global level, high horse power (2400hp) and large capacity dumpers up to 350T have
already been in service. In our country, in order to match the increased production

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
requirements by deploying bigger shovels, Dumpers of 35 T and 50 T are being
replaced gradually with 85 T, 120 T and 170 T dumpers. Presently combinations of
10m3 shovels with 85 T, 120 T dumpers and 20 m3 shovels with 170 T dumper is
proving effective and is being preferred for achieving higher productivity in India. The
Current trend however is towards larger equipment which matches excavator, primary
crusher and wheel loader capacities and enables mines to increase productivity by
hauling more material in fewer cycles.
• In advanced countries, trolley assisted dumpers of 120 T and unto 170 T are in use in
view of the spiralling fuel costs, faster cycle and better productivity. Conventional
electric drive dumpers can be converted after few years of operation into trolley assist
with minor modifications which can finally result in fuel savings. The feasibility of
trolley assisted truck haulage system in the future deep open pit in India should be
studied and explored. This type of trolley assisted trucks are operating presently at
USA, Canada , Australia and Brazil etc.The major advantages are:
Reduction of fuel consumption unto 35 %.
Increase productivity 14 to 15 % due to increased truck speeds, shortened
haulage cycle times etc.
Increased engine life.
• Introduction of statically excited electric control drive system eliminating rotating field
in case of 170 T dumpers. In India, electric drive control systems of 120 T dumpers are
operating at Kudremukh iron ore and 170 T dumpers are operating in coal mines of
Singrauli coal fields, Rajmahal and Amlohri project.
• Deployment of Articulated Dumpers for negotiating uneven topography and sharp
bends are already in use Goa region of India.
• Introduction of haul road geometry (i.e. Design construction and maintenance etc.)
concept throughout the World in order to improve cycle time, life of the tyre to improve
the fuel consumption per hour, to reduce the maintenance cost and to improve the
productivity of the mines. Use of large capacity vibrating rollers and impact rollers will
be imperative to lay high compaction haul road more quickly. For haul road
construction, the overall dimension of the dumpers, its weight distribution, volume and
traffic are taken into consideration.
• In-pit crushing and conveyor transport technology have been in service for several years
in the advanced countries. Today, Indian mining industries, aim at minimising dumper
haulage and maximisation of belt conveying of materials due to increase in oil prices,
increasing mine depths of more than 100 Mts., increased prices of tyres and from the
environmental point of view.
• The use of computer aided truck dispatch system has been an innovative
development in enhancing productivity in open cast operation. World - wide it has been
reported that large mines have accrued a productivity gain to the tune of 15% after using
this system. The pioneering developments made in communication technology have
resulted in the system transforming to a completely operator independent system using
Global Positioning Systems (GPS).
• Concept of Condition based maintenance using monitoring techniques such as
vibration shock pulse monitoring, oil debris and temperature analysis are being used
world wide and India too to increase the operating life of the costly equipment. In recent
years, the idea of relating a machines condition to its level of performance, vibration,

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CHAPTER THREE International Scenario
noise, temperature rise machine condition. Advance method of condition monitoring are
being adopted which have proved advantageous in giving uninterrupted production
cycles and in cutting down the cost of maintenance by minimising unwarranted
replacement of spares

3.3.5 Ore Crushing & Screening

In earlier mechanised opencast mines, processing involved was crushing to required size and
separation of various products by dry screening. With the increasing emphasis on cleaner
product, wet screening has come in vogue in place of dry screening. Small capacity crushers
have now given place to large capacity crushers with improved reduction ratio. From Jaw
crushers, mine operations have switched over to gyratory and cone crushers where closely
sized materials are required. Since steel plants are switching over to sinter, iron ore fines are
now finding market and full recovery of these fines, classifiers, hydro cyclones and filters are
increasingly used. For obtaining iron ore concentrates from low grade ore various processing
routes of gravity separation, flotation and magnetic separations are in practice through out the
world and India too.

3.3.6 Ore Beneficiation

Currently the demand of high grade Iron ore is being met, basically by selective mining of
high grade ore and / or by simple method of washing. The method of washing results in
minimal quality up gradation and high loss of values in slime posing environmental problems.
The practice in other countries like Australia emphasise on optimum Fe up gradation and high
recovery of concentrates using the state of art technologies. The technological improvements
include introduction of Air - Pulsated jigs, spirals and slow speed classifiers, hydro cyclones,
log washers, recuperates, floated density separators and wet high intensity magnetic separators
and a wide range of process controls. This coupled with the computerised mine planning and
blending through intermediate stockpiles and stackers, allows mining of low grade ores with
50 to 54% Fe content and yields iron ore lumps and fines with 64% Fe and recoveries as high
as 90%. Iron Ore recovery from tailings using high gradient permanent magnetic separator is
one of the major innovation now a days. It is developed by Eriez magnetic, LISA, termed as
Ferrous Wheel Separator (FWS), is a matrix type separator employing permanent ferrite
ceramic type magnetic to generate high magnetic field gradients capable of separating
magnetic / Paramagnetic material from non - magnetic. Ferrous Wheel Separator (FWS) is
used for beneficiation of ultra fine hematite and taconite ore samples drawn from around the
world. These ultra fines are presently thrown away as tailings.

3.3.7 Slurry Transportation of Iron Ore

A notable development in transportation is slurry transport of fine ore concentrate in
pipelines. The first such pipeline (225 mm diameter) was put into operation in Tasmania
(Australia) for transporting 2.25 Mt of magnetite concentrate over a distance of 85Kms. It is
generally preferred when other modes of transport are cost prohibitive. M/s Kudremukh Iron
Ore Company, India, is transporting by slurry pipeline about 7.5 Mt of fine ore concentrates
from Kudremukh to Mangalore over a distance of 65 Kms.

--- XXX ---

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
4. Chapter FOUR Environmental Impact of Iron Ore Mining


It is recognised that minerals and metals are the mainstay of the economic development and
welfare of the society. However, their exploration, excavation and mineral processing directly
infringe upon and affect the other natural resources like land, water, air, flora and fauna, which
are to be conserved and optimally utilized in a sustainable manner. The mineral sector in India
is on the threshold of expansion with more and more open cast iron ore mines being opened-up
in the state of Jharkhand, Orissa, Karnataka and Chattisgarh. Under such scenario, systematic
and scientific exploitation of iron ore, compatible with environment is essential for survival of
our future generation.

Mining being site specific activity, excavation is bound to be done at a place where mineral
actually exist. Hence, the mining process changes the landuse of the area and is of no use to the
mining companies once mineral is exhausted completely. In the process, mining affects all the
components of environment and the impacts are permanent/temporary, beneficial/harmful,
repairable/irreparable, and reversible/irreversible. Mines especially open cast iron ore mines,
due to its own peculiarities can cause disturbance in ecology, resulting in various pollution
problems. The environmental problems are more significant in India, as most of the iron ore
mines located on top of hills and in dense forest areas.

The environmental problems associated with the iron ore mining are diverse. The removal of
vegetation, top soil, overburden/waste and ore, brings about the inevitable natural consequences,
which manifest in many ways, deforestation, climatic change, erosion, air and water pollution
and health hazards. Iron ore mining and processing of ore, affects the environment in myriad
ways causing:

• Land disturbance and change in land use pattern

• Affecting floral and faunal habitat
• Disturbing the natural watershed and drainage pattern of the area
• Disturbing the aquifer causing lowering of the water table
• Air pollution due to dust and noxious fumes
• Water pollution due to surface run off from different areas of mines, spoil dumps,
seepages/overflow from tailings dam leads to siltation of surface water bodies and
blanketing the agricultural fields.
• Noise and ground vibrations due to blasting.
• Socio-economic impacts

The magnitude and significance of these impacts on environment and ecology due to mining
will depend on the size and scale of mining activity in conjunction with the topography &
climatic conditions of the area, the nature of mineral deposits, method of mining & capacity of
mines, agricultural activities in the region, forest reserves etc. A line diagram showing various
unit operations of iron ore mines and its associated environmental aspects is given below in
Figure No. 4.1.1.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Fig. No. 4.1. 1 Environmental Aspect of Iron Ore Mines

Developmental Activities Loss of flora & fauna

- Clearing vegetation
- Removal of topsoil & waste Dust & Noise

Drilling Dust, SO2, NOx & Noise

Dust cloud, SO2, NOx
Waste Noise, Vibration & Fly-rock

Excavation, Loading Dust, SO2, NOx, CO & Noise

Waste Dumps & Trnsportation
Pit water discharge: SS & Fe
(working below water table)
Crushing Dust & Noise
Runoff during
monsoon Dust & Noise
Dry Circuit Wet Circuit Make-up
Noise Water
Dust & Noise Screening Scrubbing and /
or Wet Screening
Water Reservoir
& Noise

Dust Fine Ore Lump Ore Classification

& Noise Stockpile Stockpile


Dust & Noise Loading Thickeners

Dust, SO2,
NOx & Noise DESPATCH Tailing Pond
Dust from Reclaimed
dried areas water
Overflow / Seepage
SS & Iron
Metallic & Non- Service Facilities: Oil contaminated hazardous wastes
metallic wastes Workshops,
Garages, Stores etc. Effluents: Oil & Grease and SS
Used Batteries

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
4.1.1 Impact on Land
Mining is a temporary land use of the area. Being a site specific industry there is no choice in
siting a mining project, a luxury available to most other industries. Land is required not only for
the mine excavation proper and laying approach / haul roads, but also for beneficiation plant, ore
handling & dispatch units, waste dumps, tailing ponds etc. Land is also required for ancillary
facilities and statutory buildings (workshops, stores, offices, canteen, and crèche). In addition to
these, residential colony and related welfare amenities like school, hospital, shopping centre,
recreation centre etc. also require land.

The major impact on the land use during the pre-mining phase is removal of vegetation and
resettlement of displaced population. During mining and post-mining phases, drastic changes in
landscape with landform take place. The major associated impacts are soil-erosion, loss of top
soil, creation of waste dumps and voids, disposal of wastes, deforestation etc. The impacts of iron
ore mining on land are as outlined hereunder;

Topography and land scenario changes due to excavation of open pits and dumping of
overburden rock mass in the form of land heaps.
The land-use pattern undergoes a change due to the use of the land for mining, dumping,
and other mining and associated activities.
The land-use in the surrounding areas may get affected due to the impacts of mining on
water regime.
Leachates from overburden dumps and other rock masses and polluted water from the
pits affect the characteristics of the top-soil affecting the land-use.
In the mines having mineral concentration/processing plants, it is required to make
tailing’s pond to store the tailings generated from the processing plants. These tailing
ponds require massive area and may cause pollution of ground and surface water bodies,
if proper care is not taken.
The drainage pattern of the area undergoes a change due to the alterations in the surface
topography due to mining and associated activities.

It is evident from the above that the mining and associated activities can significantly change
the land use and drainage pattern of the region. These changes can be minimized by careful
planning the surface layout of the mining areas and by integrating the environmental aspects of
each and every unit operation of mining activity. Another important aspect of the land
management is the planning and design of the land reclamation programme right from the
inception, including the development of the post mining land use planning for optimum
utilisation of land in an efficient manner and for overall improvement in environmental

4.1.2 Impact on Ecology

The mining activities like excavation, transportation and processing of ore, disposal of
overburden & tailings etc, are posing various complex situations for managing the ecology. Over
the years the large scale mining operations in the forest areas, have caused substantial impact on
the ecosystem like degradation of land, deforestation, displacement of wildlife, effect on aquatic
eco-system etc.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
The major adverse impacts due to premining and mining phases are loss of habitat, biodiversity,
rare flora & fauna, other aquatic life, migration of wildlife and overall disruption of the ecology
of the area. Major impacts of iron ore mining on ecology are as follows;

Removal of vegetation (flora) from the area required for mining and other purposes, and
thereby displacement of fauna.
Pollution of water in the surrounding water bodies due to leaching from overburden
dumps, seepage/overflow water from tailings pond and from the other activities. These
affect the aquatic ecology of surrounding water bodies.
Dust in the atmosphere, contributed by mining and associated activities, when deposits
on the leaves of the plant in the surrounding area hampers the process of photosynthesis
and retards their growth.
Noise and vibrations due to blasting, movement of HEMM/vehicles and operation of
fixed plants and machineries drive away the wild animals and birds from the nearby
Water scarcity caused due to the impacts of opencast mining on water regime affects the
growth of vegetation and agricultural crops in and around the mines.
Discharge of mine effluents to the nearby surface water bodies without proper treatment
may affect vegetation in the surrounding area.

It is evident that mining and associated activities have considerable impacts on the ecology of
the mining and surrounding areas. The ecological impacts are more severe in India as most of
the iron ore mines are located in the dense forest areas and on hill tops. These impacts are
evident in most of the iron mining zones in our country. By proper reclamation of mined out
areas and rehabilitation of waste dumps through massive afforestation with local saplings, the
ecological impacts can be minimised.

4.1.3 Impacts on Water Regime

Mining and associated activities have quantitative and qualitative impacts on the water regime in
and around the mines. These are briefly outlined hereunder;
All the surface water bodies have to be removed from the area designed for the mining
and associated activities.
All the aquifers, including the water–table aquifer, above the mineral deposit to be
extracted are damaged
If there are high pressure aquifers below the mineral deposit it becomes necessary to
pump the water from the aquifers to reduce the water pressure to facilitate mining
Water in the nearby water bodies gets polluted due to leaching from the overburden
dumps, discharge of pumped mine water, and other activities in the vicinity of the water
During rainy season the run off water from the areas surrounding the mines carries with
large quantity of the suspended solids into the nearby water bodies.

It is evident from the above that the mining and associated activities changes in ground water
flow patterns, lowering of water table, changes in hydrodynamic conditions of river/underground
recharge basins, reduction in volumes of subsurface discharge to water bodies/rivers, disruption
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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
and diversion of water courses/drainages pattern, contamination of water bodies, affecting the
yield of water from bore wells and dug wells etc. Therefore, it is necessary to plan the mining
and associated activities in such a manner that their impacts on the water regime are as minimum
as possible.

4.1.4 Impacts on Society

It is generally believed that all the activities of the human beings are for the benefit of the society.
Hence, the impacts of the human activities, specially mining and associated activities, on the
society assume a great importance. As soon as a mineral is discovered and proved, and its mining
potential is established, the impacts on the society start as with this the value of the land
increases, people from outside start buying land and establish business etc. Mining and
associated activities cause the following impacts on the society.

Displacement of the people: For mines, it is required to clear the surface of all the buildings and
structures along with the vegetation not only in the area designated for mining purposes but also
in a large area nearby which is required for making external dumps and placing associated
activities. Therefore, all the people lining in this area get displaced.

Loss of livelihood: The people living in the designated areas depend generally for their
livelihood on the land. Since, in mining areas the land is taken for mining and associated
activities these people loss their livelihood.

Changes in population dynamics: Invariably all the managerial, skilled and semi-skilled
manpower required for mining and associated activities come from outside as such trained
manpower in usually not available in ethnic population. In addition, people come to the mining
areas for trade etc. Thus, the population dynamics of the area undergoes a major change over the
years resulting in dilution of the ethnic population and their culture and religion, reduction in sex
ratio etc.

Cost of living: Societies dependent on agriculture and forests usually have a lover level of
economic scenario. The development of industrial and other associated activities in such areas
increase the level of the economic activities manifolds. Increased industrial and economic
activities generate more money and increase the buying power of the people directly and
indirectly associated with these activities. This leads to an increase in the cost of living, which
adversely affects the other people, including ethnic people, who are not associated with these

Water scarcity: Mining by open cast methods damages the water regime and thus causes a
reduction in the overall availability of water in and around the mining areas. In the sedimentary
deposit mining areas the water table and aquifers are damaged and thus the availability of water
from these sources reduces.

Health impacts: Health and well being of the people living in and around the mining complexes
got affected due to the pollutants in the air and water, noise and vibrations. In fact, the society in
the mining complexes has to bear the various costs of abating the affects of environmental
pollution in various ways. The people working in the mines and associated facilities also get
affected by the work place environment, which can cause various problems, e.g. skin problems,
lung diseases, deafening etc.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Infrastructure facilities: The mining and associated activities in the mineral bearing areas bring
about infrastructural development, i.e. roads are constructed, schools and hospitals are
established, and communication facilities are developed etc., which tend to improve the quality
of life of the complexes.

Employment opportunities: The mining and associated activities offer opportunities of

employment to the eligible people from the ethic population. The Project Affected People
(PAPs) are given jobs and are trained for self employment as a result of the provisions in the
Rehabilitation and Resettlement (R&R) Schemes. People also get employment in the other
developmental activities and also the mineral based activities in and around the complexes.

Increase in aspiration: The ethnic people of the mineral bearing areas, with the advent of
mining and associated activities are exposed to various developments and this tends to increase
their aspirations. In fact, this is necessary for the overall community development in the mining

4.1.5 Air Pollution

The air quality in the mining areas mainly depends on the nature & concentration of emissions
and meteorological conditions. The major air pollutants from mining include:
• Particulate Matter (Dust) of various sizes

• Gases, such as, Sulphur Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide etc. from
vehicular exhaust.
Dusts are the single largest air pollutant observed in the iron ore mines. Diesel power stations,
diesel operating drilling machines, blasting and movement of HEMM/vehicles produce NOx,
SO2 and CO emissions, usually at low levels. Dust can be a significant nuisance to surrounding
land users and potential health risk in some circumstances. Dust is being produced from a
number of sources and through number of mechanisms such as land clearing, removal of top
soil (during opening up of new areas), removal of OB/ore, drilling, blasting, crushing &
screening, processing of ore, loading & unloading of material on site & subsequent transport off
the site etc. In addition to this, wind action affecting stockpiles, dry tailings, exposed mining
areas and waste dumps also generate significant amount of dust. Dust emissions from these
operations manly depend on moisture content of the ore and type of control measures adopted.

The major gaseous pollutants of concern in iron ore mines are sulphur dioxide and oxides of
nitrogen. Sulphur dioxide can cause respiratory problems. Oxides of nitrogen can react in the
atmosphere with hydrocarbons to produce photo-chemical smog. In addition to this, the sulphur
dioxide and oxides of nitrogen can generate an acid rain harmful to vegetation and materials.

4.1.6 Noise Pollution

Mining operations usually generate noise during different stages of mining and handling of ores.
In open cast mines, noise is due to drilling, blasting, excavation, sizing and transportation of
ores. In case of ore processing, noise is due to operations like crushing, screening, washing,
storage and dispatch of ores. These noise generating sources can be grouped into two categories
viz fixed plant and mobile plant sources. Fixed plant machineries such as crushers, grinders,
screens, conveyers, etc., generate noise & vibration. Similarly, the mobile plant used on-site
associated with drilling, blasting, loading, haulage or service operations cause noise.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
4.1.7 Water Pollution
Water pollution from the mining operations mainly depend on topography of the area, intensity
of rainfall, type of ore, method of mining & ore processing, etc. The major impacts are water
pollution from erosion of waste dumps/mining areas, oil & grease, contamination of water
bodies due to discharge of mine water/effluents, pollution from domestic effluents, and
sedimentation of rivers and other stored water bodies, solid waste disposal sites, etc. The
following are the major sources of water pollution from the Iron Ore Mines.
Effluent generated from the Ore Processing Plant
Pit water discharge from mines operating below water table
Surface run-off from various mining areas during monsoon e.g., waste/reject
dumps, tailings pond seepage/overflow etc.
Oil and grease pollution from workshops effluent

Effluent from Ore Processing Plant: In most of the mechanised iron ore mines, ore is being
processed either in dry or in wet circuits depending on the quality of ore feed. Ore having high
alumina and silica are generally being processed in the wet circuit mainly to improve the quality
of the ore and to remove the impurities for smooth Blast furnace operation. In wet circuit, the
ore is being crushed, scrubbed, washed, wet-screened, classified etc. Water requirement for this
purpose is in the tune of 1 m3 per tonne of ROM for adding at various stages. A line diagram
showing the general layout of the wet processing of ore is given below.
Make-up water

ROM Crushing Scrubbing / Washing Water


Washed Lump Ore Screening

Washed Fine Ore De-wateriser Classifiers

Clarified Overflow

Underflow Tailings
tower Pump
Clarified water


Settled Tailings
Fig. No. 4. 1.7.1 Ore Washing Efflunet Handling System

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Effluents generated from the ore washing mainly consists suspended solids. The effluent is
initially treated in classifier to recover the coarser particles as ore fines. The overflow of the
classifier, mainly consist of finer solids i.e. tailings, is sent to thickener for solid liquid
separation. After settling of the tailings at the bottom of the thickener, clarified overflow water
(about 60 %) is reclaimed and recycled to the system. Underflow tailings are discharged to
Tailings Pond for further solid - liquid separation. Clarified water from the Tailing Pond are also
reclaimed and recycled back to the system in most of the major iron ore mines in India. In some
mines, where there is no provision of reclaiming water from the pond, the clarified water is
discharged through a weir.

Pit water discharge from mines: Iron ore mines, which are operating below water table or just
above the confined aquifers, water accumulated in the mine pit is required to be pumped out to
facilitate the mining operation. The pit water is normally laden with suspended solids, derived
from within the pit and generally used for ore washing purposes or discharged to the nearby
water bodies, which is not a major concern. However, pumping of pit water creates a cone of
depression around the mine area, which give rise drying of nearby wells and springs in the
neighbouring villages. A large percentage of iron ore in the Goa region is located below the
water table and a number of mines are now operating below water table. In most of the big
mines, the pit water is being discharged to the exhausted pits and being utilised for ore washing

Surface runoff: The single most important environmental aspect of mines is the surface runoff
from various areas during monsoon, as most of the iron ore mines in India are located in hill
tops with steep slopes and in dense forest areas, and sometimes in areas with high rainfall.
Surface run off from the mining and other areas gets laden with aluminous lateritic soil from
mine benches, exposed outcrops etc. As the iron ore contains only traces of sulphur, the surface
run off water does not get acidic, but become highly turbid due to loosening of soils by the
mining activities. Direct discharge of the surface runoff to the natural nallas will certainly affect
the water quality of the nallas as well as rivers in the region. Major sources of runoff from the
mines are as follows;

- Waste dump areas

- Ore handling and stockpile areas
- Mine proper and haul roads
- Other areas like workshops, garages, service centres etc.

In most of the big mines, sedimentation basins have been provided for treatment of the surface
runoff or diverting to the tailings ponds. In addition to this, garland drains around the waste
dumps along with retaining walls & toe bunds and check dams across the nallas were provided
to arrest the runoff, besides establishing vegetation cover over the waste dumps.

Effluent from Workshops and Garages: The effluent generated from the Workshop and Auto
Garage mainly consists of oil and solids. Separate effluent treatment plants have been provided
for treatment of these effluents in most of the big iron ore mines. The effluent is treated in series
of sedimentation tanks with oil traps. As the effluent generation is very low, these treated
effluents are discharged to the nearby lands where it is evaporated.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
4.1.8 Vibration & Air Blast
Vibration and air blast are among the most significant issues for communities located near the
mining industries. The vibration and air blast from blasting can lead to community concern
primarily due to fear of structural damage. This fear occurs because people are able to detect
vibration at levels which are well below those which result in even superficial damage to
buildings and items of heritage value.

Vibration is the term used to describe the reciprocating motion in a mechanical system and can
be described by the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations. When an explosive charge is
detonated in a confined drill hole, tremendous amount of pressure and temperature develops
with in a very short time interval. The process melts, flows, crushes and fractures surrounding
rocks. After some distance from the explosion site, inelastic process ceases and elastic effect
starts. The excess explosive energy, not utilised in shattering the rock is transferred to elastic
zone and thus propagates the disturbance away from the explosion site. The disturbance is
known as seismic wave or ground vibration. It is generally measured as Peak Particle Velocity
(ppv) in mm/ sec at a specified frequency.

The use of explosives creates airborne pressure fluctuations (air blast) over a vide frequency
range. When in the higher frequency range, this energy is audible and is perceived as “noise”.
At frequencies of less than 20 Hz, the sound energy is inaudible but it is capable of causing
objects to vibrate such as rattling of loose windows and crockery. Low frequency waves (<6HZ)
causes more damage to structure particularly in case of multi-storeyed buildings.

Damage caused by ground vibration is dependent on the frequency of ground motion. In order
to safeguard the nearest residential buildings and other important structures, various countries
have set the limits for blast vibrations depending upon the socio-economic values of life. All the
vibration standards till date are based on the resultant peak particles velocity (PPV) of ground
vibration because this is accepted as the best criterion for assessing levels of damage due to
vibration. In India, DGMS prescribed 10 mm/sec as the safe limit of ground vibration at the
foundation level of the structures within a distance of 300m, depending on dominant excitation
frequency and nature/construction of the building/structure.

4.1.9 Solid Wastes generation from mines

The major solid wastes generated from the mining operations are topsoil, over burden & inter
burden, tailings from ore processing and wastes generated from the maintenance and repair of
the HEMM and light vehicles. The wastes generated from the mines and associated activities
have been classified into following categories:

Top Soil
Waste / Rejects
Tailings from Ore Processing Plant
Wastes from Service Facilities

Top Soil: In virgin mining areas, after clearing the vegetation, the top soil (generally up to 30
cm thickness) is generally stripped and stacked separately in most of the mines. The top soil is
vastly superior in quality and contains plant nutrients, microbes and humes, which can be used
in future for stabilisation / rehabilitation of waste dumps and reclamation of mined out areas.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Mining Wastes/Rejects: As a measure of quality control, generally a cut-off point for Fe is fixed
depending on the type of ore to ensure ROM feed of acceptable quality to the Ore Processing
and handling Plants. All the ores having Fe below cut off point are classified as waste /
rejects/subgrade material, and mined out separately and dumped in designated waste dump
areas, keeping in view of the future use if techno-economics permit.

The iron ore deposits of the Eastern, Central and Southern zone do not contain much waste /
rejects, except laterite and some low grade ferruginous shales and BHQ patches. Whereas, in
Western zone (Goa region), the waste generation is vary high to the tune of 2.5 to 3.5 times per
ton of ore excavated.

Tailings from Ore Processing Plant: The iron ore extracted from the mines are beneficiated to
separate out the valuable mineral content. The prime function of beneficiation of iron ore is to
improve the Fe content and to decrease the Alumina / Silica ratio for smooth Blast Furnace
operations. The left over residue of the iron ore after the beneficiation in the state of fine
particles mixed in water in a slurry form, known as tailings and are needed to be disposed of in
the tailings pond for containment. The disposal of tailings is a major environmental problem,
which is becoming more serious with increasing extraction of lower grade deposits. The tailings
are usually transported and deposited as slurry of high water content into a massive pond for
containment, which are generally called as tailing ponds / tailing dams.

Wastes from Service facilities: There are three types of wastes, being generated from the
service centres viz, metallic, non-metallic and oil contaminated wastes. The metallic wastes
generated in the workshops mainly iron & steel scrap, are collected & stored and sold. The non-
metallic saleable wastes like, tyres, tubes etc. are also stored separately and sold. The oil
contaminated wastes like waste cotton, oily muck oil filters etc., are categorised as hazardous
wastes. In some of the big mines, secured hazardous waste landfills are provided for disposal of
these wastes. In most of the mines these are being dumped or burned.


Iron ore mining industry is one of the oldest industries in this civilized world. Its contribution
to the growth of nations and economic prosperity worldwide is immense. However, their
exploration, exploitation and associated activities directly infringe upon and affect the other
natural resources like land, water, air, flora and fauna which are to be conserved and optimally
utilized in a sustainable manner. The single most important factor that is responsible for
environmental degradation due to iron ore mining is inadequate landscape management during
operation stage and improper rehabilitation during and after the mining.

The iron ore demand is expected to be increased at a greater phase and this will lead to opening
up of new mines and expansion of existing mines as discussed in Section 2.0 of this report. It is,
therefore, necessary that the environmental concerns be integrated right from the beginning. To
achieve this, the industry has to have a framework of policies that are environmental friendly.
The concern for environmental issues, is well reflected in the new National Mineral Policy 1993
(non fuel and non atomic minerals) as reproduced below:

“The New National Mineral Policy 1993 prohibits mining operations in identified ecologically
rich areas and strip mining in forest areas should as far as possible be avoided. The latter could
be permitted only when accompanied by a comprehensive time bound reclamation programme.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
It states further that no mining lease would be granted to any party, private or public, without a
proper mining plan including the environmental management plan approved and enforced by
statutory authorities. The environmental management plan should have adequate measures for
minimizing the environmental damage, restoration of mined areas and for planning of trees in
accordance with the prescribed norms. As far as possible, reclamation and afforestation will
proceed concurrently with mineral extraction. Efforts should also be made to convert old mining
sites into forests and other forms of land use.”

Realising the importance of the impacts of iron ore mining on environment, most of the big
iron ore mining companies have established a systematic organisation structure, solely to look
after environmental impacts and issues, both at their corporate level and mines. Now a
number of Indian Iron Ore mining companies have implemented Environment Management
Systems (EMS) linked to ISO-14001 and certified. For example Noamundi of TISCO, all the
mines of M/s Sesa Goa in Goa, and Dalli, Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu & Bolani Iron Ore mines
of SAIL, few mines in NMDC, KIOCL and a number of mining companies have already been
certified. The details about the existing environmental management practices of some of the
selected mines covered under “In-depth” study in the four different zones have already been
discussed in the Interim Report submitted during December, 2001. But while discussing the
environmental impacts of Indian iron ore mines in the following sections of this chapter, a
brief of the existing environment management practices has also been discussed, at present.

4.2.1 Study Area

The entire iron ore mining areas in India is divided into the following four zone / sectors
which is mainly based on the distribution of iron ores
• Western Zone
• Central Zone
• Eastern Zone
• Southern Zone
The distribution of the iron ore deposits have already been discussed in detail in the section 2
of this report. However, for the purpose of in-depth study, selected mines were studied in
detail. The representative mines were selected to represent all the cross-section of mining
companies with respect to the geological condition, geographical locations, nature of the
deposits, scale of operation, capacity, product profile, mode of operation and the present
environmental management practices. Due importance was given to select mines having
proven environmental management practices for the in-depth study. The following mines and
mining companies were covered during the in-depth study:
Mining Zone Company Mining Site
Western 1. M/s Sesa Goa 1. Codli Iron Ore Mines
Zone Limited At: Codli , P.O: Kirlapale
Taluk: Sangeum
Dist.: South Goa – 403706
2. Sonshi Gaval Iron Ore Mine
At: Sonshi, P.O: Honda
Taluk: Sattari , Dist.: North Goa
3. Besides, two closed and rehabilitated mines of
M/s Sesa (one at Cudnem and the other one at
Sanqleium) were also visited

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Mining Zone Company Mining Site
Western 2. M/s Dempo Mining 4. Bicholim Mine
Zone Corporation Ltd. At/P.O.: Bicholim,
(contd..) Dist.: North Goa – 403504
Central Zone 1. M/s National 1. Bailadila iron Ore Project, Deposit-5
Mineral Bacheli - 494553
Development Dist.: Dantewada,Chhatisgarh
Corporation 2. Bailadila iron Ore Project,
Limited Deposit-14 &11C
Kirandul - 494556
Dist.: Dantewada,Chhatisgarh
2. M/s Steel Authority 3. Rajhara Iron Ore Mines
of India Limited P.O. Rajhara
District – Durg, Chattisgarh- 491001
Eastern Zone 1. M/s TATA Iron and 1. Noamundi Iron Ore Mines,
Steel Company Mines Division,
Dist.: West Singhbhum, Jharkhand
2. M/s Steel Authority 2. Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines,
of India Limited Raw Materials Division,
P.O. Meghahatuburu,Dist.: West Singhbhum
Jharkhand – 833223
3. Kiriburu Iron Ore Mines,
Raw Materials Division,
P.O. Kiriburu, Dist.: West Singhbhum
Jharkhand – 833222
3. M/s Orissa Mineral 4. Thakurani Iron Ore Mines
Development At/P.O.: Thakurani
Company Limited. Via- Barbil, Dist.: Keonjhar , Orissa
4. M/s Essel Mining 5. Jilling Langalota Iron and Manganese Mines
& Industries Ltd. P.O.: Jajang
Barbil – 758052
Dist.: Keonjhar, Orissa
Southern 1. M/s Kudremukh 1. Kudremukh Iron Ore Mine
Zone Iron Ore Company Kudremukh – 577142
Limited Chikmagalur District, Karnataka
2. M/s National 2. Donimalai Iron Ore Mine
Mineral Donimalai – 583118
Development Sandur,
Corporation Dist. Bellary, Karnataka
3. M/s R Pampapathy 3. Aarpee Iron Ore Mines
19/43, Bellary Road, P.B. No. 64
Hospet – 583 201
Bellary District

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
4.2.2 Study Methodology
The following methodology was adopted during the in-depth study in each mine, the findings
of which was already elaborated in the interim report submitted during December 2001.
Mining area
1. The present practices of mining were looked into,
2. The condition of benches, haul roads, drilling pattern, blasting practices, condition of the
HEMMs and other equipments, transportation practice of Ores & OB, incidences of back
breaks on blasting, over loading of dumpers, etc. were observed.
3. The associated Environment management problems like dust control methods used, water
management practices followed during monsoon, any problem of dewatering, monitoring
locations, etc. were studied.
4. Photographs of the salient features were taken.

Ore Processing/ Beneficiation

1. The process flow studied.
2. All the key operational locations like hopper, crushers, screens, etc were visited and the
working condition observed.
3. The conditions of the PC equipment were observed, if provided.
4. The associated environment management issues like dust control methods used, water
management practices followed, etc were observed.
5. The tailings pond visited and the condition of the over flow, dam, etc observed. Discussed
about any incidence of dam failure, non-compliance, etc with the concerned official

Loading / Transfer Point

1. The process and associated environmental problems studied.
2. Near by area was visited to find out reaction of the inhabitants in close proximity, if any.

OB Dump
1. Both old rehabilitated and new waste dumps visited.
2. The methodology being adopted for top soil preservation, waste dump stabilisation, slope
stabilisation, terracing, afforestation, any innovative methods followed were studied.
3. The precautions adopted for runoff management and silt arrestation practices during
monsoon were observed and the check dams visited, if provided.
4. Discussed about - if they have any mine closure plans, plan for rehabilitation of mined out

Workshop and Stores

1. Workshop visited and observed about the general house keeping, waste management
practice for used oil, used tyres/tubes, used cottons/papers, metallic wastes, used filters,
used batteries, asbestos materials, PCB oils for transformers, packaging materials, etc.
2. The ETP (Oil catchpit) provided for HEMMs and light vehicles washings were studied.
3. Stores visited to observe the stockings of the materials and discussed the methodology
followed for waste management.

Environment Laboratory and Monitoring Locations

1. The environmental laboratory visited to assess the adequacy of the facilities.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
2. All the monitoring and sampling locations studied to assess the adequacy of the
3. General reconnaissance survey of the area conducted to get a feel of the receiving
environment and habitants around the mines and allied facilities.

However, for the evaluation of regional impacts of iron ore mining clusters in the above four
identified zones, various study reports by the agencies like IBM, TERI, CMRI, NEERI, State
Pollution Control Boards, State Govt. Agencies, concerned mining companies were also
consulted. Four season environmental quality monitoring was conducted at Meghahatuburu &
Kiriburu iron ore mines of SAIL. Detailed study of fugitive dust emissions from various unit
operations has also been conducted at Kiriburu & Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines. Besides
the environmental quality monitoring data collected from the mines covered under in-depth
study, regular monitoring results of other SAIL mines, monitoring data generated by different
outside agencies like IBM, NEERI, TERI, CMRI, State Pollution Control Boards etc. were
also collected. All the data are summarized and placed in a separate booklet as addendum to
this report.


4.3.1 Natural Setting Location and Topography

The State of Goa, with an area of 3700 km2, is located along the mid-west coast of India
between coordinates 14o53’57” to 15o47’59” N and 73o40’54” to 74o20’4”E. Land use is
dominated by agriculture (35%) and forest (39%). The map of the state is shown below:

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
The territory is divided into four physiographical subdivisions and three terrains, the hilly
region towards east, the intermediate undulating tracts and the level and low-lying lands along
the coast. It consists of a chain of high and imposing hills cut by deep gorges, steep valleys
and ravines, constituting Western Ghat in the east, the coastal plains in the west and
intermediate undulating tracts and planes and low lying land in the centre. Climate
The climate of the area is generally tropical and influenced to a large extent by conditions in
the Arabian Sea. There are four seasons corresponding to winter (December to February),
summer or Pre-monsoon (March to May), monsoon (June to September) and post-monsoon
(October and November). The climate is characterised by high humidity and temperature
varying between 20o and 35oC. Annual rainfall varies from 3000mm to 5000mm and the
average number of rainy days is 110. The bulk of rainfall is received during the southwest
monsoon (June to October). Average relative humidity is 70 – 90%. The 1980 – 1991 wind
records show that wind speed is generally higher in the afternoon than in the morning. In the
morning, the prevailing winds are northeast to east (wind speed below 10km/h), except in
June, July and August when they are westerly (wind speed above 20km/h), whereas in the
afternoon, the winds are easterly or south easterly (wind speed often above 20km/h). Land and Soil

The state is endowed with a wide range of physiography, landforms, geology and vegetation,
which have influence on the genesis of the soils. Depending upon elevation, slopes and
ruggedness of terrain. Goa has been divided into two major physiographic regions, i.e.
Konkan Coast and Central Sahyadri (NBSS & LUP, 1995). Based on relief and geology,
Konkan coast, in turn, is subdivided into fluvio-littoral landform and dissected hilly landform.
Central Sahyadri is subdivided into granite-genesis landform, quovestite schisyose landform
and basalt landform.
Nearly 2/3rd of Goa is covered by laterite ranging in thickness from a couple of meters to over
25 meters. Generally the maximum thickness is observed along the west coast and minimum
along the ghat section in the east. The laterite is generally vermicular and cavernous and
sometimes prisolitie. There are rock outcrops and laterite crusts associated with the soils. The
soil units associated with rock outcrops cover 0.25% while soil unit with laterite crusts cover
4.4% of geographical area. Water Resources

The state is drained by a number of rivers mainly Mandovi, Zuari, Tiracol and Chapora
flowing westwards in to the Arabian Sea. The Mandovi originates in the main Sahayadris of
Karnataka and its various tributaries i.e. Bocholim, Mapusa, Kudne, Khanderpar and Madai
Rivers contribute directly or indirectly to its in charge. The Mandovi has the largest drainage
basin of Goa. The Kushavati River is the major tributary of the Zuari. The river basin of
Mandovi and Zuari cover of about 69% of the total area of the state. Hydrogeology
The entire state of Goa is underlain by crystalline and metamorphic rocks belonging to Pre-
Cambrian age, comprising granite, gneisses, metagray-wackes, phyllites and metabasalts.
These rocks are overlain by laterite, lateritic soils and alluvium. Structurally, the area has been

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subjected to folding and faulting. These fractured rocks represent favourable locations for
groundwater storage. Ground water is related to topography and shows a close relationship
with the various geological formations in the area. It is stored in two main types of aquifers:
• The top lateritic layer, which is quite extensive in the area, has undergone major
denudation, and stripping or extraction due to mining and other human activities.
Where preserved, this layer holds groundwater in perched aquifers, which can be
either confined or unconfined.
• The powdery iron ore formations worked at the mine site close to the surface also
existing at depth. The friable powdery iron ore is highly porous (30 to 35%
porosity), permeable and completely saturated with water, whereas the hard rock
formations only bear water in their network of clefts and fractures.

4.3.2 Mining Operation in Goa

The state is rich in minerals (i.e. iron ore, manganese, bauxite) and mining is an important
activity for its economy and foreign exchange. Mineral production in Goa began in the late
1940s, originally for manganese and ferro-manganese. By the mid 1950s, emphasis shifted to
lumpy iron ore and the 1970s witnessed a phenomenal growth in iron ore production. Iron
mining is currently the major extractive industry and is concentrated along the Ghat section in
the east of Goa where a mining belt extends 65 km from southeast to northwest spanning some
700 km2. Goa is the only state in India where such a large number of iron ore mines are
concentrated in such a small area. All the iron ore produced in Goa is exported to Japan, China,
Korea, Taiwan and some European countries. During 2006 - 07, Goa’s total iron ore production
and export was in the range of around 30 million tonnes.

Entire mineral belt of Goa has been leased out to private mine operators. During the rush for
mining rights in the fifties, people acquired “Mining concessions” from the then Portuguese
authorities with very little knowledge of the mineral potential of the concerned land. The
concessions are perpetual and gave property rights for an unlimited period. At one time, total of
868 mining leases/concessions, covering an area of 65,400 ha, existed. A number of
“concessions” have since been terminated by the Government for violation of the essential
condition that it would be exploited for the production of minerals. About 50% of these leases
have been terminated. During 2006-07, 62 iron ore mines were operating in Goa region and
produced 30 Mt of iron ore. All mines and barge loading jetties are situated in/ surrounded by
human habitat/ villages.

Mining operations are essentially carried out by open cast method. Iron ore mining is fully
mechanized, comprising of variety of heavy earth moving equipment. Most of the large mines
also have mineral beneficiation plants comprising crushers, classifiers, hydrocyclones,
logwashers and magnetic separators.

Mining operations are being carried out by conventional open cast mining method forming
systematic benches using shovel - dumper combination and the pits are laterally extended in
stages in all directions with increasing depths. In general, bench height and width are
maintained at 7m and 15m respectively. The pit configurations are planned in such a way that
the overall pit slopes remains at 30o or less with the horizontal. Sequence of mining operations
involves systematic removal of laterite over burden and mining lumpy ore zone followed by
powdery ore zone. Soft laterite is removed by ripping and dozing. Drilling and blasting is
practised in hard laterite and lumpy ore zone where ever necessary. To extract a tonne of iron
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ore, an average of 2.5 – 3 tonnes of O.B material is required to be removed. This O.B material,
which consists of laterite, laterite clay, manganiferous clay and phyllites, is dumped generally
within the leasehold along the hill slopes, road sides and valleys. In some cases, O.B. material is
being transported to dumping sites acquired outside the leasehold area. Normally O.B. dump are
up to 30 m height but because of non-availability of land, mine operators have raised the height
of dumps beyond 30m, on the basis of working face sample results as well as considering the
bore hole results, the quality of ore is controlled by stock - piling different grades of ore
separately and mixing them at the required proportion, either at the beneficiation plant or at the
loading point, to obtain the exportable grade of ore.

The demand for Iron Ore is in the form of Sinter grade fines of -10 mm size with Iron content of
more 62%. The ore being generally low grade (59% - 60%) has to go through processing and
beneficiation to meet the requirements of buyers. The mining companies have set up dry
screening facilities at the mine and wet beneficiation plant at the mines or near loading points.
There are about 18 dry screening plants with an installed capacity of 6000 t/h and 24 wet
beneficiation plants with a capacity of over 17 MT/annum. The normal process of ore
beneficiation as applicable to most of the Goan ore is briefed as under.

The low grade ore with oversize > 10 mm is crushed in stages in Jaw cone roll crusher to size
below 10 mm and screened or scrubbed wet. The undersize in the form of slurry, is fed into the
classifier where the classifier sand is collected as part of the concentrate and the classifier
overflow is treated in hydrocyclone. The under flow from the hydro cyclone constitutes the
other part of the concentrate. The overflow from the hydrocyclone is the tailing’s rejects of the
process. The oversize from screen scrubber can be treated as concentrate provided quality of the
combined concentrate suits the overall grade. On the other hand, it can be ground wet in a ball
rod mill and treated again in the hydrocyclone.

Ore produced and processed at mines is transported by 10 ton tippers to river jetties using public
roads, for loading in to barges. These barges take the ore to Murmagao harbour for loading in to
ships. Most of the barge-loading jetties are away from mines about 13 to 15 kms. from mine, on
an average. Depending upon shipment program and tide timings, ore from mine is either stacked
or loaded in to barges. For barge loading, tipper and wheel loader combination is deployed.

4.3.3 Environmental Impacts

The mining industry in Goa has witnessed a number of positive and significant impacts on the
economic development of the state. There are, however, also been several environmental
impacts, some of which are due especially to the unique features of mining in Goa and some
due to bad mining practices and poor environmental management. The Iron ore industry
operates under certain difficult conditions specific to Goan iron ore mines. The production of
iron ore in the future will be maintained at the existing level of more than 20 million tonnes per
annum in the Goa region. Mining will lead to all associated activities such as ore transportation,
dry/wet screening, beneficiation and loading operations and all these operations will continue at
the present levels. All these operations would impact on the environment of the area. Impacts on Air Quality
Dust is the single largest pollutant observed in any of the iron ore mining carried out in India.
Dust can be a significant nuisance to surrounding land users, as well as a potential health risk in
some circumstances. Dust are being produced from a number of sources and through number of
mechanisms including land clearing and removal of top soil (in the beginning of a new mining

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project) and overburden removal, drilling and blasting operations, operation of crushing and
screening equipment, loading and unloading of material on site and subsequent transport off
site, transport by vehicles on access roads and haul roads, wind action affecting stockpiles, dry
tailings and exposed areas of the site, processing of the minerals , etc. For most of the mining
operations, the major sources of dust are mine haul roads, followed by drilling and then blasting.
For many material handling facilities, the main sources of fugitive dust are stock piles.

The existing levels of air quality in the region as per the air quality monitoring data collected
from the individual mines visited, from different study conducted by agencies like IBM,CMRI,
TERI, etc. are discussed. The annual average total dust (SPM) and RPM concentration observed
in the ambient areas in the region were 323 µg/m3 and 117 µg/m3 respectively. The maximum
SPM and RPM concentration observed in the ambient, was 1615 µg/m3 and 518 µg/m3 during
summer season. The annual 98 percentile values of SPM and RPM were calculated to be 992
µg/m3 and 381 µg/m3, respectively. The annual variation of SPM & RPM is shown below in the
SPM Variation in AAQ_Western Zone




SPM in micrograms/cum


98 Percentile Value (992)



Average (323)


1 31 61 91 121 151 181 211 241 271 301 331 361 391 421 451 481 511 541 571 601 631 661 691 721 751 781 811 841 871
No of Observations

RPM Variation in AAQ_Western Zone



98 Percentile Value (381)

RPM in micrograms/cum


Winter Postmonsoon


Average ( 117 )

1 6 11 16 21 26 31 36 41 46 51 56 61 66 71 76 81 86 91 96 101 106 111 116 121 126 131 136 141 146 151 156 161 166 171
No of Observations

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The concentration of SO2 and NOx were observed to be insignificant, though the maximum
value of SO2 and NOx were 99 µg/m3 and 67.5 µg/m3 during winter and summer,
respectively. The annual average value of SO2 and NOx were 14 µg/m3 and 9 µg/m3,
respectively. Lead and CO in ambient air was also found to be insignificant. The variations of
SO2 and NOx concentration in the area are shown in the graphs below:
SO2 Variation in AAQ _ Western Zone


SO2 in micrograms/cum

80 Summer

98 Percentile Value (64)

60 Winter


20 Average (14)

1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100 109 118 127 136 145 154 163 172 181 190 199 208 217 226 235 244 253 262 271
No of Observations

NOx Variation in AAQ _ Western Zone



NOx in micrograms/cum


98 Percentile Value (30)


10 Average (9)

1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100 109 118 127 136 145 154 163 172 181 190 199 208 217 226 235 244 253 262 271
No of Observations

Regarding workzone air quality, the annual average total dust (SPM) and RPM concentration
were 508 µg/m3 and 196 µg/m3 respectively. The maximum SPM and RPM concentration
observed in the workzone, was 4955 µg/m3 and 1077 µg/m3 during winter and summer
respectively. The annual 98 percentile values of SPM and RPM were calculated to be 1862
µg/m3 and 811 µg/m3, respectively. The annual average of SO2 and NOx were 22 µg/m3 and 12
µg/m3 respectively.

The summarised data are given in the following tables below for Ambient Air Quality and
Workzone Air Quality, where as the details are placed in a separate booklet.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Western Zone
Maximum Value ( µg/m3) Average Value ( µg/m3) Minimum Value ( µg/m3)
Annual Summer Winter Post Monsoon Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 1615 1615 1526 1344 323 351 349 240 64 73 71 64
RPM 518 518 426 251 117 114 144 83 29 33 32 29
SO2 99.09 96.38 99.09 37.17 14.03 19.04 14.48 10.3 BDL BDL BDL BDL
NOx 67.56 67.56 58.76 22.3 9.32 10.41 10.86 6.53 BDL BDL BDL BDL

Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Western Zone (Cont'd)
98 Percentile Value ( µg/m3) No. of Observations
Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 992 1035 930 877 869 376 305 188
RPM 381 358 410 228 172 55 73 44
SO2 64.11 84.82 54.05 32.46 257 77 96 84
NOx 30.35 34.1 28.03 19.23 275 96 96 83

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. 2 Summary of findings for Workzone Air Quality Monitoring in the Western Zone
Maximum Value ( µg/m3) Average Value ( µg/m3) Minimum Value ( µg/m3)
Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 4955 3151 4955 4457 508 608 475 372 100 100 105 105
RPM 1077 1077 914 817 196 236 190 156 50 51 59 50
SO2 123.21 109.8 123.21 77.03 22.28 27.5 24.6 14.5 BDL BDL BDL BDL
NOx 55.06 51.3 55.06 33.1 12.41 12.1 14.3 10.3 BDL BDL BDL BDL

Table No. 2 Summary of findings for Workzone Air Quality Monitoring in the Western Zone (Cont'd)
98 Percentile Value ( µg/m3) No. of Observations
Annual Summer Winter Post Monsoon Annual Summer Winter Post Monsoon
SPM 1862 1907 1705 1342 741 319 246 176
RPM 811 833 761 739 216 74 79 63
SO2 81.68 77 93.7 37.9 263 76 104 83
NOx 39.8 42.7 35 32.5 283 96 104 83

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Most of the major big mining companies like M/s Seasa Goa and M/s Dempo are taking proper
care for the dust suppression inside the mines. As the drilling and blasting in the mines are
limited only during the monsoon, the dust generations are limited to the fair weather because of
transportation and beneficiation (dry process). During excavation, the dust generation is much
less because of high in-situ moisture content in the ore itself. The haul road dusts are normally
being suppressed by using normal hired water tankers by the companies. The drilling machines
of M/s Sesa Goa at their Codli mines were observed to be fitted with proper and effective wet
drilling arrangements. But, still dust generation is identified as a key issue, and is mainly due to
the clustered nature of the mines, the narrow uncovered gravel roads and the fact that ore is
transported in open trucks normally of 10 ton capacity running thousands of round-trips per day
between the mines and the beneficiation plants or loading points. This causes a direct nuisance
for the nearby villagers. The situation is worse in the mining area of north Goa in comparison to
South Goa, where recently the High Court has passed a order for the use of covered trucks to
transport iron ores in the public road in response to a Public Litigation case. The measures taken
by some mines operating in North Goa to suppress dust by spraying water has only worsened
the situation by making the roads slushy and slippery. The maintenance of these roads is also
generally poor. The problem is most alarming in the 6 km. stretch of Guddemol-Capxem road
handling 5.4 million tonnes of ore and the 8 km. stretch of Sanguem-Curchorem road. The
major cause of dust generation is overloading and over speeding of trucks. As per the estimates
of TERI (AEQM, November 1997), the estimated annual ore spillage is 1385-2770 tonnes per
year for handling of 5.4Mt of ore in the Codli-Sanvordem stretch and a consequent fugitive dust
generation of 139 – 277 t/year (7.4 – 12.3 g/s), leading to an ambient dust concentration of 850
– 1500 µg/m3 in the surrounding areas. In the Ugem-Xelvona stretch, the ore spillage is
estimated to be 655-1310 t/yr for handling 1.5Mt of ore, and dust generation of 66 – 131 t/yr
(3.5 – 5.8g/s) leading to a dust concentration of 400 - 500µg/m3.

Existing rail yard at Curchorem for handling Bellary ore is also a source of dust generation.
Because of frequent public resentment against dust pollution, the Government of Goa
constituted a committee in 1994 (Fernades Committee) to assess the dust pollution in
Curchorem due to mining activities and recommended suitable measures to ameliorate the
effects. The committee had recommended for building alternate transport routes and shifting of
loading points to control dust in the area. The study by the committee revealed that the health
centre in Curchorem suffered from infections resulting from an excess of atmospheric dust. This
study also revealed an increase in the number of respiratory infections in the Curchorem region.
Respiratory infections due to an excess of dust were identified by the Government Goa as early
as 1994. Impacts on Water Quality
Mining is an intensive resource development industry. Its operations are often of relatively short
duration and can result in dramatic impacts on the natural environment during the operational
period and for many years after mining. An integral component of all mining operations is water
in exploration, mine development and operation, rehabilitation and long term post mining
landuse. Water is a basic requirement in the provision of worker amenities, in drilling, in
conditioning construction materials and a means of dust suppression, as a medium for washing
or processing the mine product and as an aid in establishing vegetation on post mining
landforms. Water also plays an important role in mobilizing environmental containments and is
the primary medium for the transport of contaminants off the mine site into the wider
environment. Mining operations, through their mine water management systems, can impact on
the environment by altering the distribution of water through the hydrologic cycle, and in turn

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
affecting the ecological systems that rely on the established water distribution, or by adding
contaminants to the environment. In an iron ore mining, these additional contaminants include
an increased sediment loads from the erosion of exposed area due to mining, stock piles and
waste dumps, tailings products from rainfall leaching of ore stock piles and waste dumps etc.

Tailings and their pore waters represent a long-term source of potential contaminants to the
environment. Tailings are typically placed in a tailings impoundment (pond). In the long-term,
tailings could be released if the containment structure failed, an issue that has received little
attention to date. In the shorter term, contaminants could be transported from the tailings
impoundment predominantly through the ground water system or through overflow. The
mechanisms affecting the transport of a pollutant through ground water system are advective,
dispersive and diffusive fluxes, solid-solute interactions and various chemical reactions decay
phenomena. Impact on Surface Water Quality

Mining activities in Goa contribute to water pollution mainly due to the following three
• Dewatering of the mining pit water to enable to proceed the mining below the ground
water level
• Effluent discharge from beneficiation plants and workshops
• Stormwater run-off from mine dumps and surrounding areas

Accidental spillages of oil by the barges during ore transportation are also another source for
water pollution in Goa region.

A large percentage of ore in the region is located below the water table and a number of mines
are now operating below the water table. A cone of water table depression is created around the
mine area being worked and it is reported that in certain areas this has given rise to drying up of
the nearby wells and springs which serve the neighboring villages. This problem is most acute
during the summer months and during this period particularly the affected population will tend
to resort to surface waters including the rivers and streams that are the recipients of the effluent
waters from the working pits. The water discharged from the working pit is normally laden with
suspended solids derived from within the pit.

Another existing water pollution concerns the management of beneficiation plants, associated
loading points and stacks. Where the water containing very fine (colloidal) inorganic particulate
solids in suspension generated out of washings from the beneficiation plants are discharged
directly to a natural watercourse, the environmental impact is very serious. Where the
wastewater is recovered and recycled through the process, the environmental impact is

The data collected from different iron ore mines on the effluent and surface water quality are
summarised in the tables below.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. Effluent Quality for Iron Ore Mines in Goa
(Unit : mg/l except for pH)
Parameters TSS pH O&G Mercury Lead Cadmium Cr (Hexa) Copper Zinc Nickel Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum 266 9.6 9.8 0.0018 0.032 0.007 0.022 1.03 1.397 0.59 8.85 56.28 2.6
Annual Minimum 2 5.3 0 0.00046 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.008 0.001 0 0.001 0
Average 46.67 6.87 4.57 0.0007 0.0096 0.0043 0.0067 0.0431 0.1961 0.0618 0.48 12.18 0.33
No. of
Observations 60 103 98 12 9 19 10 33 48 15 99 54 98
Parameters TSS pH O&G Mercury Lead Cadmium Cr (Hexa) Copper Zinc Nickel Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum 256 9.6 9.8 0.0018 0.014 0.003 0.022 0.008 0.263 0.034 8.85 56.28 1.032
6.54 5.3 0 0.00046 0.008 0.003 0.019 0.003 0.008 0.01 0 0.76 0
Monsoon Minimum
Average 45.11 6.5 2.85 0.0007 0.011 0.003 0.0205 0.0046 0.0844 0.0174 0.31 15.76 0.14
No. of
Observations 41 48 43 9 2 1 2 9 14 5 47 35 47
Parameters TSS pH O&G Mercury Lead Cadmium Cr (Hexa) Copper Zinc Nickel Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum 266 8.6 9.2 0.0014 0.032 0.007 0.008 1.03 1.397 0.59 4.64 14.07 2.6
Non Minimum 2 5.6 0 0.0005 0.001 0.002 0.001 0.002 0.022 0.001 0.03 0.001 0
Average 50.02 7.21 5.91 0.0008 0.0091 0.0043 0.0033 0.0575 0.2421 0.084 0.64 5.57 0.5
No. of
Observations 19 55 55 3 7 18 8 24 34 10 52 19 51

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. : Surface Water Quality near the Iron Ore mines in Goa Region
(Unit : mg/l except for pH)
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Cadmium Lead Zinc Cr (Hexa)
Maximum 8.6 0.75 2.07 2007.8 0.00046 0.04 0.06 0.971 0.018
Annual Average Minimum 5 0.001 0 0.17 0.00046 0.001 0.009 0.01 0.005
Average 7.21 0.55 0.38 242.82 0.00046 0.0045 0.03 0.11 0.01
No. of Observations 93 20 89 48 6 21 7 57 8
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Cadmium Lead Zinc Cr (Hexa)
Maximum 7.62 0.011 0.48 12.58 0.00046 NM NM 0.108 NM
Monsoon Minimum 5 0.002 0 1 0.00046 NM NM 0.01 NM
Average 6.83 0.0043 0.17 6.43 0.00046 NM NM 0.0532 NM
No. of Observations 30 4 30 11 6 NM NM 17 NM
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Cadmium Lead Zinc Cr (Hexa)
Maximum 8.6 0.75 2.07 2007.8 NM 0.04 0.062 0.971 0.018
Non Monsoon Minimum 6.02 0.001 0 0.17 NM 0.001 0.009 0.02 0.005
Average 7.37 0.0573 0.49 313.09 NM 0.0045 0.0313 0.132 0.0093
No. of Observations 63 16 59 37 NM 21 7 40 8
Note : NM – Not monitored

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
The pH varies from 5.3 to 9.6 with an average value of 6.87 out of 103 observations. The
maximum pH value of 9.6 was observed during monsoon period in the pit water, whereas the
minimum of 5.3 was observed during monsoon period in the waste dump run-off water. The
variation of recorded pH values are shown in the graph below:

pH Variation in Effluent



Average 6.87
pH Value

1 5 9 13 17 21 25 29 33 37 41 45 49 53 57 61 65 69 73 77 81 85 89 93 97 101
No. of Observations

The Suspended Solids (SS) in the effluent varies from 2.0mg/l to 266 mg/l in the western zone.
The maximum SS value of 266 mg/l was recorded during winter season in the pit water and the
minimum of 2.0mg/l was recorded during winter in pit water. The variation of the recorded SS
values is shown in the graph below:
Suspend Solids in Effluent



TSS in mg/l


Average 46.67 mg/l


1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59
No. of Observations

The dissolved iron (Fe) in the effluents varies from 0 mg/l to 8.85mg/l with an average value
of 0.48 mg/l. Both the maximum and minimum Fe values were recorded during monsoon
from the waste dump runoff. The variation of Fe in the effluent is shown in the graph below:

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Variation of Fe in Effluent


Fe in mg/l

Average (0.51 mg/l)

1 4 7 10 13 16 19 22 25 28 31 34 37 40 43 46 49 52 55 58 61 64 67 70 73 76 79 82 85 88 91 94 97
No of Observations

The oil & grease in the effluents varies from 0 mg/l to 9.8 mg/l with an average value of 4.57
mg/l. The presence of other parameters like Sulphate, Manganese and heavy metals (mercury,
hexavalent chromium, cadmium, copper, zinc and nickel) are insignificant. Erosion of waste
dumps due to heavy rainfall leads to turbidity of natural drainage system because of the
suspended solids carried by the run-off. Currently, however its impact on the receiving streams
and rivers is invariably detrimental but varies in degree. At its worst the water course can be
rendered lifeless and virtually unusable. At best the mineral solids present will cause a hazard to
the river biology which would otherwise flourish. Detailed studies of the impact of these waters
on the river or marine ecology have not been carried out in Goa to date and in the absence of
proper base data on the situation prior to the advent of mining activities requires some
speculation regarding the extent of the damage caused. It would appear most likely however that
marine plants, fish, crusticans, smaller creatures and micro organisms must have suffered and
the food chain might have been thus disrupted.

A study conducted by TERI reported that the most affected rivers in the region are Bicholim,
Madei and Khanderpar. The prominent nullahs affected are Cudnem, Sonshi and Advoi. As a
general practice, storm water run-off in the active mining area is allowed to go out of the lease
area after passing it through filter bunds and /or intermediate settling ponds. In some mines,
lime and other reagents are being added to accelerate the settling process. During fair season,
the pumped out water from the working pits are discharged to the natural water course after
passing through filter bunds. Where the beneficiation plants are present near the working pit, the
pumped water is utilised in the beneficiation plant. Tailings disposal is carried out by ponding
and some times by using the exhausted pits as tailings pond. The water from the tailings pond
are either recycled in the beneficiation plant or being discharged to the natural water course.

Although management seems to be generally poor, certain cases of effective management are
observed, i.e. water treatment followed by discharge into small pit without major turbidity
effects, and the existence of efficient peripheral drainage system at different levels of the open
pits. In certain mines, they have taken some good measures to reduce the adverse environmental
impacts on water bodies, specifically for preventing the downwash of the overburden dumps by
the way of construction of very substantial and extensive lateritic stone walls at the contour
levels around and along the face of the tip face on horizontal terraces and use of geo-textiles in
some of the iron ore mines.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Impact on Ground Water Quality
The mining belt in Goa has two proved aquifer, namely the top laterite layer and the powdery
iron ore formation at depth. The top layer with laterite cover is quite extensive in the area and
even though mining activities have denuded much of these areas of laterite cover, still some
areas are left which have laterite cover. Here, the water is in the form of parched water table
with or without any confined pressure. The friable powdery iron ore at depth are highly porous,
permeable and are completely saturated with water. During mining, these ore bodies (aquifers)
are exposed and water in them gushes into the mine pits under pressure. This belt is spread
across a strike length of 50 km with an average of 1 m and average thickness of 30m.
Considering 35% yield, the total quantity of water likely to be confined to this area alone is
expected to be about 525 Mcm. It is good quality potable water and if harnesses properly can
meet the demands of the surrounding villages. The present practice is that mine water is simply
pumped out and allowed the natural topography. The ground water quality data of the area is
presented in the Table No. One vexed issue is the alleged impact that mining
activity is having on local shallow aquifers. To evaluate and confirm the extent of these impacts,
a systematic ground water investigation survey was carried out by TERI in the Cudnem river
catchment areas in the mining belt of North Goa during April, 1997. The study confirms that;
• The ground water being pumped from the mine pits comes from shallow unconfined and
deep confined aquifers layers.
• The shallow aquifer water levels are affected due to mining and this phenomenon is site
specific and time specific. For example, the case of drying of shallow open wells around
Pissurlem area is not witnessed around Kudne mines as these mines are located at the
receiving end of the ground water(all ground water is flowing towards these areas) besides
having local ground water barriers which are isolating the shallow aquifer water from
being let into the mine pits. However, with passing of time and the spread of mining
activity this may change. On the other hand mines around Pissurlem are located at the
surface water divide of the catchment and therefore at the loosing end of ground water
(ground water flows away from these points) and hence magnifying these effects.
• The linkage between mine pit water and the aquifer water is more than evident from the
study; however at some locations it is yet to be felt.
• Under natural conditions the rain water percolates down into soil and slowly emerges at
the stream banks as lean-period flow or base flow. As most of this flow emerges after the
rainy season, this forms an important resource for various purposes. In Goa, most of the
mines are located in close proximity of the rivers. When ground water from mine pits
which are far below the river bed level are pumped, the base flow getting into the river is
cut off besides the river bed itself may go dry if the mine is very close by. Mining in Goa
has not only diverted the base flow component from rivers, but the nearby surface water
bodies, springs and even soil moisture in nearby agricultural lands have been depleted.
However, some of the above findings have been contradicted by another study conducted by
IBM during November 1999 under the study titled”Regional Environmental Assessment of the
North Goa Iron Ore Mines”, which concluded that;
• Piezometry is controlled by rainfall. A groundwater recharge zone was observed on the
higher relief, corresponding to the mining zone in the Cudnem. Hence, pumping in the pits
has no regional influence on the water table.
• Most of the ground water analysed show the presence of coliform and Manganese content
above the drinking water standards.
• Interpretation of piezometric variation and conductivity data show that pit dewatering does
not have an impact on sea water intrusion.
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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. Ground water quality data near the Iron Ore Mines in the Goa Region
(Unit : mg/l except for pH)
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Cadmium Lead Zinc Chromium(Hexa)
Maximum 8 0.191 1.14 36.73 0.00093 0.008 0.031 0.96 0.022
Annual Average Minimum 5.4 0.001 0 0.001 0.00046 0.002 0.001 0.019 0.001
Average 7.25 0.02 0.23 6.81 0.0006 0.0035 0.0043 0.36 0.01
No. of Observation 45 57 65 37 11 35 34 61 39
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Cadmium Lead Zinc Chromium(Hexa)
Maximum 6.6 0.191 0.51 17.46 0.00093 NM 0.008 0.893 0.006
Monsoon Minimum 5.4 0.002 0 0.001 0.00046 NM 0.002 0.035 0.005
Average 6.05 0.0276 0.18 3.73 0.0006 NM 0.0052 0.291 0.0053
No. of Observation 4 17 24 19 11 NM 13 20 3
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Cadmium Lead Zinc Chromium(Hexa)
Maximum 8 0.18 1.14 36.73 NM 0.008 0.031 0.96 0.022
Non Monsoon Minimum 6 0.001 0.05 1.39 NM 0.002 0.001 0.019 0.001
Average 7.37 0.0202 0.26 10.07 NM 0.0035 0.0038 0.393 0.0055
No. of Observation 41 40 41 18 NM 35 21 41 36

Note : NM – not monitored

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Impacts on Land, Topography and Forest
Goa has a total surface area of 365,000 ha out of which approximately 6,000 ha is covered by
the mining concessions (about 70 mines) which are active and contribute more than 80% of the
total iron ore production from Goa. It is estimated that the land required for mining of 1Mt of
ore will be 9 ha and about 1850ha of land would be affected by mining operation during 1997 –
2012. The land requirement is basically for expansion of mining pit area, dumps for ore and
waste material and tailings pond.

The topography of all the areas to be utilised for mining will obviously be altered. The small
sizes of the dumps with steep slopes and the pits changes the landscape of the area,
substantially. Most of the waste dumps are up to 50 meters high with steep slopes due to
scarcity of land availability near the mines. The wastes are estimated to be generated at a rate of
around 45Mt each year and the dumps are either located on flat land or hill slopes. The high
over burden-to-ore ratio in the region makes the waste disposal a problem and coupled with
scarcity of land availability (as normally the leases are restricted to 100 ha) near the mines, it
results in a tendency to scatter the dumps wherever land is available in an unplanned manner.
The waste dump rehabilitation has become an integral part of the mining activity of Goa. This is
normally been accomplished through surfacing, terracing, final shaping and developing the
drainage network and the practice vary from very rudimental to good, depending on the
concerned mines. Some of the mines like Codli and Bicholim are using some excellent
innovative methods like use of geo-textiles and stone pitching for the slope stabilisation , while
most of the mining companies are adopting plantation on the natural slope dump having more
than 30o slope angle, without reducing the dump slope to around 20-23 degree. From a study of
satellite imagery (1997) and aerial photographs (1988), it was reported that an area of
approximately 300 ha of waste dumps have been partially or fully vegetated. There was a
backlog of 833ha of dump area for rehabilitation and in-addition 315 ha of land likely to be
damaged during next 10 years needs to be rehabilitated.

The surface run offs from the waste dumps affect the agricultural lands nearby due to saltation
and it was estimated during eighties that around 250ha of agricultural land located close to the
mines had been adversely affected. The estimate increased to 320ha that have been affected due
to surface run off from the waste dumps during 1997.

Forest ecosystem in Goa, according to the latest land use classification (Govt. of Goa, 1995),
occupy an area of 125,473 ha constituting over one third (34.8%) of the total geographical area
of the state; forestry being a major land use next only to agriculture (138,091 ha). The actual
forest cover in the state, however, is of the order of 125,000 ha (Forest Survey of India, 1996).
Almost 94% of the total forest area in the state is confined to the four Talukas of Sanguem
(56.924 ha), Satari (28.099ha), Canacena (18.581 ha) and Quepem (11.491 ha), while the three
talukas of Sanguem (56.924ha), Satari (28.099 ha) and Bicholim (808 ha) contain about 70% of
the total forest area. Goa presents a wide range of altitudes, slopes, drainage which coupled with
abundant rainfall and high humidity give rise to a variety of locality factors reflected in the
occurrence of a number of forest types from tropical evergreen to mangrove forests. The coastal
tracts with marine alluvium are mainly covered by palms. The borderline of Arabian Sea and
the west coast are thickly palm-fringed with a small area covered by mangroves. Patches of
scrub vegetation with other xerophytic species are found in association with tropical fruit trees
like jackfruit and cashew.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Most of the mining areas in the state are confined to Laterite Thorn Forest type, which consists
of irregular open scrub of stunted trees of deciduous habitat and thorny trees. The undergrowth
is thin and xerophytic. Soils are dry and shallow with outcrops of laterite. At places the
underlying laterite is soft and extracted for commercial purpose. Mainly the species of this type
are Terminalla paniculate, Careya arborea, Buchanania lanzan, Bridelia retusa, Lannea
coromandalica, Strychonos nux-vomica, Randla dumatorum, and Phyllanthus emblica.
However other important species like Shisham, Terminalias, bamboos, canes, Xylia xylocarpa,
Adina cordifolia, LagerstroeMta paryflora, teak, Rhizophora mueronata are also found in the
various forests types.

The total forest area affected by the mining during 1988-1997 has been estimated at about 2500
ha and about 100 ha. more of the forest area will be affected by mining during next 10 years.
Department of forest under the State Government is aware of the problem and insisting the
mining authorities to pay for the compensatory afforestation in double of the forest land leased
for the mining activities. Impacts on Community
The development of Goa is mainly related to mining activities between the Second World
War and the 1970s when some 12% of Goa’s economy was related to mining. In 1994, this
figure had dropped to `8%, although ore production saw an increase from 13Mt in 1990 to
18Mt in 1997. Most of the iron ore is exported (Japan – 56%; Europe – 21%; Korea – 9%).
Since the 1970s, Goa’s economy has been diversified as given below (figures are in %):
Sector 1971 1991
Agriculture 23.6 25.9
Forestry and fishing 2.9 5.9
Mines and quarries 54.9 14.5
Secondary 12.9 29.6
Tertiary 12.9 26.8

The employment created by mining activities concerns 37% of the working population (65%
directly and 35% indirectly), compared to 35% for the agricultural sector.
The inhabitants of this region have a high percentage of literacy (62%). Population is
relatively stable with more than 60% present in the region since more than 20 years and a
recent immigration rate is less than 12%.
The views of the villagers near the mining areas of Goa indicate that they would not like
increased mining activity in their areas, however the economic dependence of the locals on
mining can not be ruled out. Besides direct and indirect employment in the mines, the mining
companies are also involved in lot of community development projects in the area. Many of
the villages in Bordem, Sangod, Sigao, Darbandora, Cormonrm, Surla, Pale, Velguem and
Ponocem area, where presently extensive mining is being carried out, are supporting the
mining because of the following reasons:
• To the people of these villages, mining is a means of providing employment to the local
people and thus it is felt that by encouraging mining in village; local people are likely to
prosper through greater employment opportunities.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
• The dependence of people on mining is largely due to the lack of other avenues for
• Large tracts of the village are either owned or leased to mining companies; therefore, there
is insufficient availability of land to undertake other forms of development activities.
• Some of the mining companies have provided the local community with certain of
amenities which has led to an improvement in the relationship between the community
and the mining companies. For example, the water pipeline provided to Ponocem by a
mine company. Besides, some mining companies have made their pit water available for
irrigation of village fields.

However, majority of the population has expressed their concern over expansion of mining in
Goa. Normally, the villages located below the mining areas like that of the village Mulgao,
oppose mining activity because of siltation of their agricultural fields from the surface run-off
from the waste dumps. In addition to the problem of siltation, there is another more real fear
that of mine related accidents. There is incidents that due to the collapse of the Dempo mine
benches that led to a flood of water which caused the death of 5 persons of the nearby village.
The villagers also have perceived that the shortage of fuel wood is the direct consequence of
increased mining activity in the area. Besides, the local people also suffer from dust pollution,
water pollution and shortage of water availability. For example, Sonshi village is located in
the very heart of the mining activity in the village. The houses are surrounded by mine dumps,
most agricultural fields and cashew plantations are destroyed and dust pollution caused by the
continuous movement of trucks and the proximity of dumps has made the lives in this village
an ordeal. Households of Vaguriem view mining as an activity that has provided no benefits
for the people of the village and only contributed in terms of greater water and dust pollution
and destruction of land. Most of the villagers, those who oppose mining activity, have
identified the increased incidence of ill health and morbidity as one of the negative impacts of


Geographically, the state of Chattisgarh is located in the middle of India and is a part of the
erstwhile Madhya Pradesh. Large deposit of excellent quality iron ore are found in the Bailadila
(Bastar), Durg and Rowghat regions of the state. Presently the working iron ore mines in this
area are all public sector undertaking, belonging to Bhilai Steel Plant (BSP) of Steel Authority
of India Limited (SAIL) and Bailadila Iron Ore deposits of National Mineral Development
Corporation (NMDC). The total numbers of working mines in this area were 11, 6 numbers
belonging to NMDC and rest 5 to SAIL. Out of these, 3 mines of NMDC (all are highly
mechanised) and 5 of SAIL/BSP (2 highly mechanised, 2 semi-mechanised and one manual)
reported production during 2005-06. These are mostly mechanised opencast mines, the
production of which ranges from 3.5 Mt to 6.6 Mt per annum.

4.4.1 Natural Setting Location and Topography

Bailadila range is a group of hills about 40 km in length and 10 kms wide existing in southern
part of Dantewrara district of Chattisgarh. The Bailadila iron ore complex is situated about 414
kms away by an all-weather road from Raipur (MP) and 115 kms from Jagdalpur, the district
head quarters of Baster. The area is connected with Visakhapatnam city by rail extending to
about 475 kms and 444 kms by road.
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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Dalli-Rajhara area is located 95Km south of Bhilai Steel Plant. The Mines formed in
continuation with a series of hills of Bastar Area. Geologically the deposits are Hematitic rich
with iron ore with iron grades of +64% Fe. The location map of the area is given below. The
area is connected by State Highway no.9 through Rajnandagaon and Jagdalpur and also linked
to Durg by a broad gauge railway line. The location map is given below:

The topography of the area covered by these iron ore deposits is mostly hilly terrain with
undulating plains.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Geo-morphologically, the terrain of the Bailadila is characterized by relict hill ridges with cliffs
due to hard resistant ore body or iron formations, terraces formed by lateritisation at elevations
of around 1000 to 1100 metre above MSL and deflected profile due to the above. These reflect a
more mature topographic feature. The highest peak of the area is about 1276Mts above MSL
and the entire range approximately forms a Y shape, with the tip pointing north direction. The
total range lies between 18040’6”N to 18041’45”N latitudes and 81011’00”E to 81012’23”E
longitudes. The Bailadila range is divided into 14 deposits, Deposits 1 to 5 occur in the western
range. Deposits 6 to 12 in the eastern ridge, while Dep-13 and 14 in the southern closure of the
ridges. The lower undulating plains of elevation varying from 300 meters to 400 metre have
occasionally hills rising up to 600 Metres above MSL.

The Dalli-Rajhara area is of hilly terrain. The general ground level is located at 425m RL and
the topmost ore benches are at 543m RL. The drainage of the region is controlled by Jharana
Nullah, cutting across the Rajhara pahar and Dalli hill. The main iron ore body occurring in the
Pandradalli and Rajhara pahar lease area is running in an almost east-west direction with a
varying dip of 400 to 600 due north, extending along the dip slope. The resistant outcrops of iron
ore bodies in Rajhara area form conspicuous hillocks and ridges in the general peneplain, giving
rise to a saddle type of topography. Climate
The climate of the area is of Sub-tropical type. Rainfall in the Dalli-Rajhara area is strongly
seasonal, which averages about 1200 to 1600mm per year; most of it occurring during the
monsoon season which extends from June to September./mid October. The temperature ranges
from 9oC in winter to 47oC in summer.

The climate of the Bailadila area, while similarly seasonal, is much wetter than that of Dalli-
Rajhara, with average annual rainfall of 2660 to 3000mm. Low cloud commonly shrouds the
mountain tops during July and August, lowering visibility and disrupting mining activities. The
temperature of the region is generally moderate with annual day average recording about 24 to
35oC and the night average to 11- 17oC. During summer seasons, the climate turns slightly arid
with Relative humidity dipping down to about 20% and the temperature rising to about 40oC.
The predominant wind velocity is ranging from 19 to 29 KMPH with SW and NE directions.
During monsoon and pre-monsoon seasons, the wind velocities touch as high as 60-70 KMPH. Hydrology Bailadila Area
The entire region is a part of the Godavari river basin. There are a number of perennial streams
flowing from the hills. The eastern slope of the area drains through streams, which flow towards
north east to Sankani river. Drainage in between the eastern and western ridges is through two
streams flowing in opposite direction, i.e. Galli nalla towards south and Sankani nalla towards
north and their division point exists near Deposit no. 14. Sankani nalla cuts across the eastern
ridge near Jhikra village and flows down east and north-east and becomes Dantewada river
which ultimately flows west and joins Indravati river. The western slope of the area is drained
by Mari nadi, Berudi nadi and other small streams, all of which meet river Indravati at different
points. Southern part of the area is drained through Malinger nadi joining Sabori river and Galli
nalla to Talperu river, all again flow in to Godavari river.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Dalli Rajhara Area
The drainage of the region is controlled by Jharana Nullah, cutting across the Rajhara pahar and
Dalli hill. Mining and processing activities over a long period have modified drainage patterns
in the Dalli-Rajhara area. Large quantities of sediment are removed through erosion of waste
rock dumps and other disturbed areas. Numerous catch dams have been established along
streams though out the area of operations. These dams, from which sediment is removed each
year prior to monsoon season, have proved to be effective in reducing sediment loads in
downstream areas.

4.4.2 Mining Operation

Mining is being done with the formation of systematic benches by open cast method with deep-
hole drilling (150mm to 250mm dia), blasting with heavy explosives and muck removal with
heavy-duty earth moving machines. The overburden and side burden wastes generated are
dumped mostly along the hill slopes. A generalised land use in the mines is that 25 to 35% is
under quarrying, 2 to 10% under waste dumps and 4 to 15% under plant and other infrastructure
facilities. The generation of waste ranges from 0.15 to 0.35 tonnes per tonne of ROM. Waste
rock (overburden and intra-burden) is taken by dumpers to the nearest waste rock dump, where
it is end-dumped behind the face and then pushed over the face by bulldozer. This “top down”
method of waste rock dumping results in marginally unstable slopes at or close to the angle of
repose. Presently no simultaneous backfilling operations are being done to accommodate the
wastes generated. Mineral processing plants, which include crushing, grinding, screening and
classification plants, are also attached to the large mines. For these mines tailing
impoundment/dams are also located, mostly outside the mining lease area. These slimes/tailings
generated are of the order of 3 to 5% of the ROM produced. The production from the state of
Chattisgarh during the year 2005-06 was around 24.75 Mt.

4.4.3 Environmental Impacts

The main significant negative environmental impact due to mining in Chattisgarh (Bailadila and
Dalli-Rajhara area) is deforestation, whereas the positive impact being the economic upliftment
of these predominantly tribal dominated area. Impacts on Air Quality
The major air pollution in this region is due to the movement of the earth moving machineries,
blast hole drilling and predominantly by the ore processing plants. Here again the dusts are the
single largest pollutant observed. The existing levels of air quality in the region as per the air
quality monitoring data collected from the individual mines visited and generated by different
agencies and concerned mining authorities are discussed below:

The annual average of total dust (SPM) and RPM concentration observed in the ambient areas
in the region were 114µg/m3 and 27µg/m3 respectively. The maximum SPM and RPM
concentration observed in the ambient areas were 227µg/m3 and 80µg/m3 during winter and
summer, respectively. The 98 percentile values of the SPM and RPM were 193 µg/m3 and 53
µg/m3 The annual variation of SPM & RPM in the ambient are shown graphically in the
following graphs.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
SPM Variation in AAQ _ Central Zone


98 Percentile Value (193)

SPM in micrograms/cum

150 Winter Post Monsoon





1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 169 181 193 205 217 229 241 253 265 277 289 301 313 325 337 349 361 373 385 397 409 421 433
No of Observations

RPM Variation in AAQ _ Central Zone




RPM in micrograms/cum

98 Percentile Value (53)



30 Average(27)



1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87
No of Observations

The values of SO2 and NOx in the ambient were observed as insignificant. The maximum
values recorded in the ambient air quality for SO2 and NOx were 63 µg/m3 and 36µg/m3,
respectively. The 98 percentile and average values of SO2 were observed as 33.76 µg/m3 and
17 µg/m3, respectively. The 98 percentile and average values of NOx were observed as 27.48
and 27.48 µg/m3 and 17 µg/m3, respectively. The variations of SO2 and NOx in the ambient
air are shown in the graphs below:

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
SO2 Variation in AAQ _ Central Zone




Post Monsoon
SO2 in microgram/cum

Summer Winter

98 Percentile Value (33.76)


Average (17)


1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 169 181 193 205 217 229 241 253 265 277 289 301 313 325 337 349 361 373 385 397 409 421 433
No of Observations

NOx Variation in AAQ _ Central Zone



98 Percentile Value (27.48)
NOx in microgram/cum

25 Post Monsoon

Average (17)



1 13 25 37 49 61 73 85 97 109 121 133 145 157 169 181 193 205 217 229 241 253 265 277 289 301 313 325 337 349 361 373 385 397 409 421 433
No of Observations

Regarding workzone air quality in the Central region, the annual average total dust(SPM) and
RPM concentration were 217 µg/m3 and 66 µg/m3 respectively. The maximum SPM and RPM
concentration observed in the workzone, was 618 µg/m3 and 112 µg/m3 during winter and
summer respectively. The annual 98 percentile values of SPM and RPM were calculated to be
387 µg/m3 and 94 µg/m3, respectively. The annual average of SO2 and NOx were 21 µg/m3 and
25 µg/m3 respectively.

The summarised data are given in the tables below for Ambient Air Quality and Workzone
Air Quality, where as the details are placed in a separate booklet.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Central Zone

Maximum Value ( µg/m3) Average Value ( µg/m3) Minimum Value ( µg/m3)

Annual Summer Winter Post Monsoon Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 227 225 227 216 114 114 116 117 41 51 41 43

RPM 80 80 - 27 27 10 10

SO2 62.68 53.4 62.68 33.99 17 15 16 16.24 BDL 8 8 BDL

NOx 36 24 36 12.02 17 18 20 4.95 BDL BDL BDL BDL

Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Central Zone (Cont'd)

98 Percentile Value ( µg/m )

No. of Observations
Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 193 194 168 210 438 168 249 21

RPM 53 53 88 88

SO2 33.76 25.16 35.76 32.54 438 168 249 21

NOx 27.5 23.7 28.54 12 427 166 242 19

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. Summary of findings for Workzone Air Quality Monitoring in the Central Zone

Maximum Value Average Value Minimum Value No. of Observations

98 Percentile Value
( µg/m )3
( µg/m ) 3
( µg/m )3
( µg/m3)

Parameters Annual Summer Winter Annual Summer Winter Annual Summer Winter Annual Summer Winter Annual Summer Winter

SPM 618 344 618 217 218 197 107 121 107 387 313 400 786 402 384

RPM 112 112 66 66 30 30 94 103 216 216

SO2 37 32 37 21 22 20.21 9 9 10 28.45 30 33 784 402 382

NOx 46 41 46 25 26 21.97 12 14 12 35 38 43 786 402 384

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
It can be observed form the above analysis, air pollution (dust pollution) is not a major issue
in the area. The mining authorities are practicing wet drilling, water sprinkling at the mine
haul road, water spraying at the hopper of the crusher plants, mist spraying at the fines dumps
and covered conveyors. The dust control practice at the Bailadila mines can be rated as one of
the best in the country’s iron ore mining industry. These have already been discussed in detail
in the Interim report. Impacts on Water Quality

Single largest source of water pollution in the area is the wash offs from the waste dumps. As
most of the mining sites are located almost along the hill ranges, the waste dumps are being
located along the hilly slopes. These dumps along with the exposed mining areas on the hill tops
are prone for wash off during heavy rains, silting nearby water courses and damaging the soil
quality of the nearby agricultural fields. Even though, the water flow in the nallahs is mostly
seasonal, their flow in the monsoon season can be observed to be very turbid with reddish
colour resulted from the wash of iron ore fines.

The data collected from different iron ore mines on the effluent and surface water quality are
summarised below.

Table No. Effluent Quality for Iron Ore Mines in Central Zone
(Unit: mg/l except for pH)
Parameters TSS pH O&G Cr 6+ Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum 200 8.1 18 BDL 2.8 8.5 0.1

Annual Minimum 7 5.61 0 BDL 0.04 0.6 0.1

Average Average 37.05 7.21 3.25 BDL 0.51 4.04 0.1

No. of
Observations 70 79 73 77 78 71 19
Parameters TSS pH O&G Cr 6+ Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum 200 7.51 8 BDL 2.8 8 BDL
Minimum 8 5.61 0 BDL 0.14 2 BDL
Average 55.29 6.96 3.2 BDL 0.84 4.57 BDL

No. of
Observations 7 11 6 9 10 7 9
Parameters TSS pH O&G Cr 6+ Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum 80 8.1 18 BDL 1.9 8.5 0.1

Non Minimum 7 6.31 0 BDL 0.04 0.6 0.1

monsoon Average 33.59 7.25 3.26 BDL 0.46 3.96 0.1

No. of
Observations 63 68 67 68 68 64 19

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Although the maximum Suspended Solids in the effluents were observed as 200 mg/l during
monsoon, the average was only 37 mg/l as against the norm of 100 mg/l. Similarly, the
maximum Oil & Grease in the workshop effluent was observed as 18 mg/l, but the average
was only 3.25 mg/l. The pH and Iron were always found below the existing standards.

Table No. Surface Water Quality near the Iron Ore Mines in Central Region
(Unit: mg/l except for pH)

Parameters pH Sulphates Zinc Iron Cadmium Copper (Hexa)

Maximum 8.4 13.1 0.69 4.49 0.18 BDL BDL

Average Minimum 6.1 0.4 0.005 0.02 0.02 BDL BDL

Average 7.41 3.28 0.13 0.52 0.05 BDL BDL

No. of
Observations 181 181 181 181 178 181 178

Parameters pH Sulphates Zinc Iron Cadmium Copper (Hexa)

Maximum 7.5 5 BDL 0.51 BDL BDL BDL

Monsoon Minimum 6.26 2 BDL 0.05 BDL BDL BDL

Average 7.01 3.75 BDL 0.18 BDL BDL BDL

No. of
Observations 16 16 16 16 13 16 13

Parameters pH Sulphates Zinc Iron Cadmium Copper (Hexa)

Maximum 8.4 13.1 0.69 4.49 0.18 BDL BDL

Monsoon Minimum 6.1 0.4 0.005 0.02 0.02 BDL BDL

Average 7.45 3.23 0.1284 0.56 0.0489 BDL BDL

No. of
Observations 165 165 165 165 165 165 165

The mining authorities have taken several steps in controlling the surface wash offs by
constructing check dams, buttress walls around the toe of the waste dump, chain linked boulder
mesh walls around the toe of old fine ore dumps, trench cutting and provision of garland/ storm
water drainage network, provision of steel launders for properly routing mine drainage etc. They
have also constructed effluent treatment plants for controlling the oil and grease flow to the
natural streams from their workshops. These have been discussed in detail in the Interim report
for each of the mine visited. However, to prevent wash-off, causing water pollution from the
mine/waste dumps, it is necessary to follow:

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
• Protecting peripheral waste dumping with suitable strong retaining walls and simultaneous
afforestation over the peripheral surface.
• Design the waste dumps with intermittent berms to reduce their overall slope angles below
the angle of repose.
• Creating thick peripheral afforestation around the waste dumps to prevent form of air-
borne dust, due to wind blow.
• Developing garland drains surrounding the waste dumps as well as surrounding the
quarries to collect the wash-off / run-off.
• Construction of sedimentation ponds for the mine / dump & plant discharge water.
• Consideration of strong check dams in all nallas, passing through the lease area, to reduce
sediment pollution load and also to improve up on the recharge for the ground water

Discharge of mine water through

steel launders Impact of Noise and Ground Vibration

Though the mines are practicing deep-hole drilling and blasting, the blast induced ground
vibrations may not affect the residential villages, as they are quite far away. But they may affect
ground water aquifer system. Thus, this have an important bearing on the existing forest in this
area, as these plants / trees depend upon the ground water, which occur as a water table
immediately below the earth surface. Further, these blasting operations produce impulsive noise
that may affect the wild life habitat existing in the nearby forest area. Also the noise produced
by earthmoving machinery and the mineral processing plants, to a major extent, effect the
stillness for the forest area.

Rubber Padding at Transfer

Points for reducing the noise

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Impacts on Land, Topography and Forest
The topography of the area covered by the iron ore mines in Baster and Durg districts of
Chattisgarh is mostly hilly terrain with undulating plain. Mining in these areas results in the
destruction of the existing vegetation and soil profile, thereby affecting the topography, forest
and ecology of the area severely. Removal of overburden and waste rock and its replacement in
waste dumps have significantly changed the topography and stability of the landscape of the
area. “Top down” dumping practices are being followed in these areas for waste rock disposal,
where the waste rock is dumped over steep slopes. Retaining walls have been constructed to
limit the down slope encroachment of the dumps. Mining authorities have taken a lot of
initiatives in the area for stabilization of these waste dumps and rehabilitation of the area mainly
through afforestation.

Afforestation is carried out in the Dalli-Rajhara area, by the Social Forestry Unit of Madhya
Pradesh State Government. Efforts are directed almost entirely to the establishment of trees,
which are planted at the rate of 2,500 per hectare. Survival rate is reported to be 92 % to 95 %.
The contract requires replacement of any plants that die within the first five years. Seeds are
reported to be all obtained locally, although many of the 20 to 30 species are exotics. Seedlings
are raised in a nursery located in Rajhara. Labouring work is all done by locally recruited
people, under the direction of professional foresters. Seedlings are planted in 45 cm diameter by
45 cm deep holes, back filled with a mixture of transported high-quality soil, topped with cow
manure. Subsequently, nitrogen / phosphorous fertilizer is applied annually. Plants are watered
at intervals throughout the dry season, at a frequency that depends upon the weather, but as
often as alternate days. Essentially the same techniques are used for afforestation of disturbed
areas around town sites, infrastructure areas, mining areas and waste dumps, although the town
site plantings include more ornamental plants. Those responsible for the work report that the
results that can be achieved on waste rock dumps are comparable to those on natural sites, but
that this is the case only where there is strict attention to detail.

Rehabilitation practices being followed in the Bailadila region are pretty similar to those at
Dalli-Rajhara. Only small areas of waste rock dump surface have been rehabilitated, as
quantities of waste rock produced to date have been relatively small. However, extensive
afforestation has been done, particularly surrounding the access roads, avenue roads, colonies
and processing facilities.

The Bailadila forest is fairly dried dense supported by good rainfall and is rich in flora and
fauna. The hill tops, however, is barren due to rocky out crops and lack of soil, but supports
only scrubs, grasses and stunted trees. The mining activity is mostly confined to these areas.
Most of the mining leases in both Dalli-Rajhara and Bailadila are covered under forest area. Out
of the total lease area of 6629.192 hectares (2703.62 ha of BSP and 3925.572 ha of NMDC)
under the iron ore mines, 81.7 % (2021.62 ha of BSP & 3393.822 ha of NMDC) falls under
reserve forest area. A study conducted by a committee constituted by MoEF during March’1998
consisting of representative from Forest Survey of India (FSI), Botanical Survey of India (BSI),
Indian Bureau of Mines (IBM), Geological Survey of India (GSI), National Remote Sensing
Agency (NRSA), Indian School of Mines (ISM), Federation of Indian Mining Industries (FIMI)
and SAIL found out that a total of 14,111 ha of forest cover exist over the iron ore mining lease
area in the state in three districts, the details of which is presented in the table below. The
findings were based on using remote sensing and GIS.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. District wise forest cover over iron ore mining leases in Chattisgarh
District Lease Area (ha) Forest cover (ha)
Dense Open Total
Baster 13,470 9,839 1,818 10,657
Durg 1,942 604 150 754
Rajnandgaon 1,944 1,416 284 1,700

Corollary temporal study of satellite data showed that there is an increase in the forest cover
in the Bailadila area due to the rehabilitation measures taken by M/s NMDC. The LANDSAT-
TM data for October’1989 and IRS-IB LISS II data for June 1997 was analysed to detect the
change in the forest cover. The study revealed about 10% gain in the forest cover in the lease
area during the period. The details as given in the Table No. below:
Table No. Forest Cover in Bailadila Iron Ore Mine lease
Period Lease area Dense Open forest Total forest Non-Forest
(ha) Forest (ha) (ha) (ha) area (ha)
1989 8514 512 1623 6744 1770
1997 8514 5961 1474 7435 1079
Change + 840 - 149 + 691 - 691

However, it is observed that the ecological principles were not taken into account while carrying
out the rehabilitation of the mines out areas and the waste rock dumps in the reserved forest
areas, which require a completely different approach, and the utilization of substantially
different procedures from those being carried out at both Bailadila and Dalli-Rajhara. Current
rehabilitation is principally directed at restoring visual amenity, stabilizing disturbed areas and
growing trees that will prove useful to the future generations. Rehabilitation practices for
Reserved Forests, while also meeting these objectives, should also aim to restore the native
forest in all its diversity. Restoration of the forest vegetation requires re-establishment of all
forest components, not only trees. The rehabilitation programme in these areas should take into
account the growing of exotic species. Impacts on Community
In terms of social and community factors, the Dalli-Rajhara and Bailadila operations are similar.
Both support quite large local communities that are totally dependent on mining and the
processing operations. The mining areas were mainly inhabited by the tribal people. Due to the
mining operations, the tribal communities have been exposed to both the positive and negative
impacts of urbanization. Better health care, education, living standards being some of the
benefits the locals had got due to the mining. NMDC has favoured the recruitment and
employment of the local tribal people who constitute more than 40% of the workforce at
Bailadila. Similarly, SAIL/BSP employs several thousand tribal people directly and indirectly,
in the mines. Besides, the mining authorities are spending lot of money on the development of
the peripheral villages by providing free health check-ups, medicines, schooling, approach roads
to the villages, drinking water by constructing bore well etc. However, the rights of the
indigenous community and the impacts of the development on people, who by conscious choice
or circumstances follow traditional life styles, constitute some of the most controversial and
difficult issues facing the worldwide mining industry.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
In this area more than 67 Mt of iron ore is produced from the Eastern Region of Jharkhand-
Orissa belt known as Singhbhum-Keonjhar-Bonai group of iron ore deposits during the year
2005-06. Apart from the captive mines of major steel producers like SAIL, TISCO, IISCO and
Jindals, a large number of other private operators extract iron ore from this area. There are 102
reporting iron ore mines operating in Orissa & Jharkhand states at present.

4.5.1 Natural Setting Location and Topography

The iron ore deposits of the Singhbhum- Keonjhar- Bonai group form an important group of
iron ore deposits in India and occur in a series of prominent hills stretching from south - western
part of Singhbhum district of Jharkhand into the Keonjhar and Sundergarh districts of Orissa
within an area of 1,550 sq. km. The location of the deposits are shown in the map below:

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
The main Bonai iron ore range, nearly 48 km long, starts in Sundergarh district from a point
near Routha to about 4.8 km south - west of Gua. This range is capped for the most part by
massive haematite, which is continuous except for short breaks at three or four places.
Laterisation of cappings is evidenced but not pronounced. In the northern part of this range,
there are parallel ore bands, which may represent repetition of the same zone due to folding
and faulting. The parallel ranges are capped by high-grade ore beyond and north of Gua and
these represent the crests of parallel isoclinal folds. Some larger ore bodies of this region are
situated in the hills/Pahar of Budhaburu, Bogordmburu, Kotamatiburu, Meghahatuburu,
Parshriburu, Raijoriburu, Thakurani Pahar, Bara Pahar, Banspani Pahar and the hills near
Kurband. The well-known workable deposits of both Keonjhar and Sundergarh districts are
Malangtoli, Bolani, Banspani, Barsua, Joda Thakurani, Murgabera, Khandadhar and Kalta,
where as the most important deposits of Singhbhum district are Noamundi, Gua, Barajamda,
Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, Manoharpur and Chiria. The topography of the area is of hilly
undulating terrain covered with dense sal forest. Climate
The entire area essentially comes under tropical monsoon climate. The climate of the area is
characterised by three main predominant seasons in the year. The climate is with hot and dry
summer having high humidity prevailing almost rounds the year. It has short humid winters.
Normally there is heavy rainfall during south west monsoon and that of light rain during the pre-
monsoon periods. The south west monsoon usually onsets during second week of June and
retreats by mid September.

Climatically the area experiences with four distinct seasons.

1. Pre Monsoon Period: This is the hot season which starts from the month of March and
remains till May.
2. Monsoon Period: South west monsoon onsets causing rain during this period and starts
from mid June till September.
3. Post Monsoon Period: Though there is no distinct feeling of this period which starts just
after monsoon period i.e. October and remains till November when the cold season starts.
4. Winter Period: December to March is the cold season and known as winter period. Hydrology
The drainage of the area is controlled by two major rivers, namely Koina and Karo flowing on
the West and East respectively. These rivers, perennial in nature, along with their respective
feeder nallahs of second and third order, constitute the drainage system of the area. Both the
river flow independently for fairly long distance till they join the main river Koel, which
ultimately drains out to river Brahmani. Karo river flows on the eastern slopes for 4.8 -6 km. in
Orissa State along the Orissa Jharkhand border and, thereafter, flows into Jharkhand. The
important tributaries of the Koina are Sankoja, Gagirathi, Prospecting nalla, Sasangda, Pardih,
Rangring and Meghahatu nalla. Many of these tributaries originate, in fact, from fresh water
springs emerging at 600- 620 RL on the slopes of this range. These springs/ nallahs flow into
the Koina river. These nullahs not only sustain the wild life but also supply drinking water to the
township and industrial water to the mines. Most of the hill streams originating in this area
maintain a flow of water throughout the year thus perennial in nature owing to the presence of
large laterite plateau and dense vegetative cover as compared to other parts of the district.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
4.5.2 Mining Operation
Iron Ore mining in the area is being done by opencast method and is a combination of both
large mechanised mining by SAIL, TISCO, IISCO & OMC and small manual and semi-
mechanised mining by private mine owners. There are around 82 operating iron ore mines in the
state of Orissa and 20 operating mines in the state of Jharkhand. The large mining companies,
mostly public sector and big corporate bodies are operating with their own ore processing units,
whereas small manual mine owners are sometimes using common crushing and screening units
or have their most rudimentary crushing units.

4.5.3 Environmental Impacts

The significant negative environmental impact due to mining in this area is deforestation,
change in land use pattern and land degradation whereas the positive impact being the
economic upliftment of these predominantly tribal dominated area. In the following sections a
generalised environmental impacts are discussed due to iron ore mining in the region based on
collected information, study reports and field visits. Impacts on Air Quality

The major sources (areas, operations and activities) responsible for dust generation due to iron
ore mining are from Operation of HEMM, Drilling, Blasting, Excavation, Haul roads due to ore
transportation, Mining benches, Hopper due to ore unloading, Crushing Plant , Screening,
Transfer points/chutes on ore conveyance, Loading into wagons, Dust around dumping areas,
Stock piles, etc. Transportation of ore by tripper trucks through public roads by the private
mines is the major contributor in enhancing the dust levels in the region.

The existing levels of air quality in the region as per the air quality monitoring data collected
from the individual mines visited, generated by different agencies and by the concerned mining
authorities are discussed here. The annual average total dust (SPM) and RPM concentration
observed in the ambient areas in the region were 191 µg/m3 and 93 µg/m3 respectively. The
maximum SPM and RPM concentration observed in the residential areas were 1289 µg/m3 and
350 µg/m3 during winter and summer seasons respectively. The annual variation of SPM &
RPM are shown below in the graphs.
SPM Variation in AAQ _ Eastern Zone



SPM in micrograms/ cum


Summer Post monsson
98 Percentile Value (534)


Average (191)

1 11 21 31 41 51 61 71 81 91 101 111 121 131 141 151 161 171 181 191 201 211 221 231 241 251 261 271 281 291 301 311 321 331 341
No of Observations

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
RPM Variation in AAQ _ Eastern Zone


90 Percentile Value (314)

RPM in micrograms/ cum


Summer Winter

Post Monsoon
Average (93)



1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73
No of Observations

The maximum values recorded in the ambient air quality for SO2 and NOx were 44 µg/m3 and
79µg/m3, respectively. The annual average of both SO2 and NOx were calculated to be
13µg/m3. The 98 percentile values of SO2 and NOX were observed as 36 µg/m3 and 37
µg/m3, respectively. The Lead and CO levels in the ambient were also found to be
insignificant. The variations of SO2 and NOx are shown in the graphs below:

SO2 Variation in AAQ _ Eastern Zone



98 Percentile Value (36)

SO2 in micrograms/ cum

Post Monsoon
Summer Winter


Average (13)


1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100 109 118 127 136 145 154 163 172 181 190 199 208 217 226 235 244 253 262 271 280 289 298 307 316 325 334 343
No of Observations

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
NOx Variation in AAQ _ Eastern Zone




NOx in micrograms/ cum


40 98 Percentile Value (37)

Summer Post Monsoon

Average (13)


1 10 19 28 37 46 55 64 73 82 91 100 109 118 127 136 145 154 163 172 181 190 199 208 217 226 235 244 253 262 271 280 289 298 307 316 325 334 343
No of Observations

The major air pollution in this region is due to generation of dust from the movement of small
private dumpers carrying iron ore lumps from the small privately owned mine to common
crushers, which are invariable of dry type crushing and screening without any environmental
protective measures. The small mining companies are mainly using the public road as the haul
road and the dumpers are observed to be running mostly in overloaded condition. The dumpers
are not covered either and the spillage of the material and repeated crushing on the roads by the
truck movement add to the dust generation. The nearby villagers are most affected and these
dust forms thick slurry after the first monsoon rains and add to the water pollution in the area.
However the bigger mining companies are using better air pollution control and management
practices like wet drilling, water sprinkling at the mine haul road, water spraying at the hopper
of the crusher plants, mist spraying at the fines dumps and using covered conveyors and thereby
minimizing dust dispersion to the nearby residential areas.

Regarding workzone air quality in the Eastern region, the annual average total dust (SPM) and
RPM concentration were 305 µg/m3 and 215 µg/m3 respectively. The maximum SPM and RPM
concentrations observed in the workzone, were 2531 µg/m3 and 697 µg/m3 during winter and
summer respectively. The annual 98 percentile values of SPM and RPM were calculated to be
1321 µg/m3 and 560 µg/m3, respectively. The air quality in the eastern region is further
deteriorated mainly due to small / private mining activities.

The annual averages of SO2 and NOx in the workzone were 14 µg/m3 and 13 µg/m3
respectively. The maximum and 98 percentile values SO2 were 82 µg/m3 and 44 µg/m3
respectively. The maximum and 98 percentile values NOx were 70 µg/m3 and 29 µg/m3

The summarised data are given in the tables below for Ambient Air Quality and Workzone Air
Quality, where as the details are placed in a separate booklet.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Eastern Zone

Maximum Value ( µg/m3) Average Value ( µg/m3) Minimum Value ( µg/m3)

Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 1289 1067 1289 418 191 205 189 175 56 62 66 56
RPM 350 350 314 103 93 95 108 51 28 32 40 28
SO2 44 39.2 44 15.4 13 13 14 12 BDL BDL 6 BDL
NOx 79 41.8 79 37 13 13 14 12 BDL BDL 6.4 BDL

Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Eastern Zone (Cont'd)

98 Percentile Value ( µg/m )

No. of Observations
Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 534 704 534 321 347 133 121 93
RPM 314 240 314 103 74 33 29 12
SO2 36 28 40 15 347 133 121 93
NOx 37 25 50 21 346 133 120 93

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. Summary of findings for Workzone Air quality in the Eastern Zone

Maximum Value ( µg/m3) Average Value ( µg/m3) Minimum Value ( µg/m3)

Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 2531 2283 2531 927 305 315 338 252 102 105 102 104
RPM 697 697 452 353 215 238 234 128 65 65 80 70
SO2 82 82 70.6 26.2 14 15 14 12 BDL BDL 6 9.5
NOx 70 70 36 30.5 13 14 13 12 BDL 6 BDL 6

Table No. Summary of findings for Workzone Air quality in the Eastern Zone (Cont'd)

98 Percentile Value ( µg/m )

No. of Observations
Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 1321 1160 1584 623 476 173 153 150
RPM 560 635 440 316 56 25 20 11
SO2 44 53 40 17 475 173 152 150
NOx 29 49 22 17 475 173 152 150

Page No.4-51
CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Impacts on Water Quality
The identified water pollution sources due to iron ore mining in the area can be broadly
categorized into the following categories:

Mines surface run-off during monsoon

Tailings/slimes generated from the ore beneficiation plant.
Oil and grease pollution from workshops operating in the bigger mines
Sewages from the mines township

Amongst these, the single largest source of water pollution in the area is due to wash offs from
the waste dumps. As most of the mining sites are located almost along the hill ranges, the waste
dumps are being located along the hilly slopes. These dumps along with the exposed mining
areas on the hill tops are prone for wash off during heavy rains, silting nearby water courses and
damaging the soil quality of the nearby agricultural fields. Even though, the water flow in the
nullahs is mostly seasonal, their flow in the monsoon season can be observed to be very turbid
with reddish colour resulted from the wash off iron ore fines.

The run off water during monsoon gets laden with aluminous lateritic soil from mine benches,
exposed out crops etc and become highly turbid. Most of the bigger mines operating in the area
having beneficiation plants have the tailings dam and the tailings generated are being led to the
tailings pond through closed conduits. Normally clear water is allowed to get discharged to the
natural river or stream in the area as seepage water from the dam. The normal working of the
workshops operating in the mines deals with maintenance works of HEMM, drills and light
vehicles etc. The identified water pollution sources from these workshops are due to washings
of light vehicles and HEMMs. During washings of the light vehicles and HEMMs at the
servicing bay, oil and grease gets laden with the washings. Oils also get spilled during changing
of oils in transformer and Oil Circuit Breaker (OCB). The data collected from different iron ore
mines on the effluent and surface water quality are summarised in the tables below.

Table No. Effluent Quality form the Iron Ore mines in Eastern Region
(Unit : mg/l except for pH)
Parameter pH TSS Fe Mn
Maximum 9 226 3.34 2.4
Annual Average Minimum 6.2 7 0 0
Average 6.79 38.6 0.33 0.17
No. of Observations 76 75 66 42
Maximum 8.02 226 3.34 2.4

Monsoon Minimum 6.2 9.5 0.1 0

Average 6.77 48.36 0.47 0.35
No. of Observations 21 21 14 8
Maximum 9 154 3.1 0.42
Non Monsoon Minimum 6.21 6.8 0 0
Average 6.8 34.78 0.29 0.13
No. of Observations 55 54 52 34

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. Surface Water Quality near Iron Ore Mines in Eastern Zone
(Unit : mg/l except for pH)
Parameter pH TSS Fe Mn O & G Sulphate Cr+6 Pb Hg
Maximum 8.2 39.5 10.5 0.2 1.5 25 ND ND ND
Annual Minimum 6.1 2 0.11 0 0 0 ND ND ND
average Average 6.92 24.39 0.74 0.11 0.56 9.19 ND ND ND
No. of Observations 128 127 124 76 17 17 17 17 17
Parameter pH TSS Fe Mn O & G Sulphate Cr+6 Pb Hg
Maximum 7.52 31.7 10.5 0.14 1.5 25 ND ND ND
Monsoon Minimum 6.5 20.3 0.19 0 0 0 ND ND ND
Average 6.95 26.8 1.09 0.11 0.85 13.13 ND ND ND
No. of Observations 28 28 28 13 4 4 4 4 4
Parameter pH TSS Fe Mn O & G Sulphate Cr+6 Pb Hg
Maximum 8.2 39.5 8 0.2 1.5 20 ND ND ND
Minimum 6.1 2 0.11 0.08 0 0.6 ND ND ND
Average 6.91 23.71 0.63 0.11 0.48 7.98 ND ND ND
No. of Observations 100 99 96 63 13 13 13 13 13
ND: Not Detectable Soil and Ground water Pollution control

Iron Ore mining in the area does not directly affect the Soil and Ground water quality, as such.
But due to land degradation associated with the mining operations like top soil removal,
deforestation and over burden dumping, affect the quality and the quantity of soil and ground
water. Due to over turning of the soil layers, during mining and associated activities, the fertility
of the soil decreases. It aggravates further due to deforestation which gives rise to deficiency in
the natural biological matter replenishment, in the long term. Due to deforestation, the
infiltration capacity of the soil decreases and the surface run off increases, which ultimately
affect to the quantity of the ground water. As the proper mining activity does not involve any
chemical process discharge, the chance of quality deterioration of ground water, is very rare.

In the absence of regular monitoring of both quality and quantity of the soil and ground water in
and around the mines, it is very difficult so ascertain the exact pollution status of both soil and
ground water. But it is imperative that the quantity and to some extent the quality, of both soil
and ground water may change due to mining and the associated activities. Though there are no
direct soil and ground water pollution control activities, but the following environmental
activities indirectly act as a preventive measure for the soil and ground water pollution.

• Top soil Management

• Land Reclamation and Rehabilitation
• Afforestation and Environmental Plantation
• Silt trapping from the surface run off
• Water harvesting by ponds and ditches
• Tailings management, etc.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
The monitoring results of the ground water are compiled is summarised below:
Table No. Ground Water Quality near the Iron Ore mines in Eastern Region
(Unit : mg/l except for pH)
Parameter pH TSS Fe Mn

Maximum 7.5 32.8 1.15 0.3

Annual Average Minimum 6.4 0 0 0
Average 6.82 11.34 0.22 0.09
No. of Observation 60 62 62 44
Parameter pH TSS Fe Mn
Maximum 7.27 23 0.66 0.3
Monsoon Minimum 6.6 6.3 0.08 0
Average 6.87 10.44 0.21 0.09
No. of Observations 13 14 14 8
Parameter pH TSS Fe Mn
Maximum 7.5 32.8 1.15 0.2
Non Monsoon Minimum 6.4 0 0 0
Average 6.8 11.61 0.23 0.09
No. of Observations 47 48 48 36 Impact of Noise and Ground Vibration

No specific noise control measures were observed in the iron ore mining in the area, specifically
in the smaller and manual mines. However, the existence of natural forests at places acts as a
natural acoustic barrier for the local villages. The following steps are being taken for
minimising the ground vibrations and air blast pressure due to blasting;

• By proper blasting design and by selecting right explosives.

• Reduction of charge weight per delay between the holes
• Adopting suitable delays (millisecond delays) and initiation
• Adopting “Non-electric delay initiation system”.
• Ensuring a minimum stemming length of not less than 0.7 times of the burden.
• Adopting muffle blasting and controlled blasting technique.
• Discouraging practice of collar priming.
• Avoidance of over fly confined charges and subgrade drilling.
• Orientation of the quarry faces, where possible, so that they do not face directly
towards residential areas.
• Surveying fly rock distances for reference.

Though the bigger mines are practicing deep-hole drilling and blasting, the blast induced ground
vibrations do affect the nearby residential villages, as apparent from the cracks developed in the
residential units of the concerned mining company’s townships. It also can not be ruled out that
the vibrations induced due to blasting do not affect the ground water aquifer system of the area.
Thus, this have an important bearing on the existing forest in this area, as these plants / trees
depend upon the ground water, which occur as a water table immediately below the earth

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
surface. Further, these blasting operations produce impulsive noise, which may affect the wild
life habitat existing in the nearby forest area. Also the noise produced by earthmoving
machinery and the mineral processing plants, to a major extent, effect the stillness for the forest
area. Impacts on Land, Topography and Forest
The topography of the area covered by the iron ore mines in the Singhbhum district of
Jharkhand and Keonjhar & Sundergarh districts of Orissa is mostly hilly terrain with undulating
plain. Mining in these areas results in the destruction of the existing vegetation and soil profile,
thereby affecting the topography, forest and ecology of the area severely. Removal of
overburden and waste rock and its replacement in waste dumps have significantly changed the
topography and stability of the landscape of the area. “Top down” dumping practices are being
followed in these areas for waste rock disposal, where the waste rock is dumped over steep
slopes. Jharkhand has 3,092 ha of degraded lands constituting 21% of the total iron ore lease in
this State, whereas in the three districts (Keonjhar, Sundergarh and Mayurbhanj) of Orissa
4,519ha of land has been degraded. The forest in the region comes under Champua range and is
classified into two major types, namely:
• Northern Tropical moist deciduous type
• Northern tropical dry deciduous type
Sal is a major species found in the area. The other species such as Terminalia tomentosa, T.
Belerica, Lagerstroemia parviflora, Anogeissus latifolia, Sizigium cumini, Magnifera Indica,
schleichera oleosa, Pterocarpus marsupium, Diospyrus melanoxylon, Adina cordifolia,
Terminalia chebula, Buchanania lanzan, Lannea coromondelica, Dalbergia latifolia. The
common plants are wendlandia species, Emblica officinalis, cassia fistula, Morinda tinctonia
and the like. There are patches of Dhaura, with other xerophytic miscellaneous species seen in
the area.

A study conducted by a committee constituted by MoEF during March’1998 consisting of

representative from Forest Survey of India (FSI), Botanical Survey of India (BSI), Indian
Bureau of Mines (IBM), Geological Survey of India (GSI), National Remote Sensing Agency
(NRSA), Indian School of Mines (ISM), Federation of Indian Mining Industries (FIMI) and
SAIL found out that a total of 20,968ha of forest cover exist over the iron ore mining lease area
in these area, the details of which is presented below. The findings were based on using remote
sensing and GIS.

Table No. District wise forest cover over Iron & Manganese ore mining leases.

District Lease Area (ha) Forest cover (ha)

Dense Open Total
Singhbhum, 5,127 2,735 1,143 3,878
Sundergarh, 4,448 1,138 1,928 3,066
Keonjhar, 25,615 7,530 6,494 14,024
Total 35,190 11,403 9,565 20,968

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
In this region, afforestation of land is the main means of reclamation of degraded lands or of
improvement of land uses. Only about 4.5% of the degraded lands were under afforestation. In
Jharkhand, about 6, 31,000 saplings were planted over an area of 138 ha of degraded lands
where survival rate varies from 30-85 % (average 55 %). In Orissa, about 2, 84,000 saplings
were planted over an area of 199 ha, where survival rate was found to be between 25 and 85%
(average 54%)

In this region, various species were planted important ones are Ecalyptus, Neem, Seris,
Gulmohar, Jamun, Mango, Teak, Karanj, Gehmar, Accasia, Sal, Sisam, Charkunda, Jackfruit
and Deodar. The details of the degradation of lands and their reclamation are given below:

Table No. Details of Land Degradation by Mining Industry

State No. ML Mining Dumping Others Total % Degradation Afforestation Survival rate (%)
ML area


Keonjhar 50 19573 1816 335 457 2608 13 119 54

Sundergarh 23 5714 235 76 414 730 13 79 55

Mayurbhanj 25 5352 648 464 69 1181 22 1 30

TOTAL 88 30939 2699 875 940 4519 14.6* 199 (4.4) 54*

138 55*
Singhbhum 33 14698 1705 696 691 3092 21* (4.5) 54.4 @
TOTAL 121 45637 4404 1571 1630 7611 16.7 @ 337

Note: * Weighted average, @ overall average, Figures in the parenthesis indicates afforestation as percentage of
degraded lands Impacts on Community

The mining in the area support quite large local communities those are totally dependent on
mining and the processing operations. Due to the mining operations, the communities have been
exposed to both the positive and negative impacts of urbanization. Better health care, education,
living standards being some of the benefits the locals had got due to the mining. Some of the
smaller townships like Barbil, Joda, Noamundi, Kiriburu & Meghahatuburu, Bolani, Gua,
Tensa, etc. have been come up mainly because of iron ore mining in the area. A large
community now depend on it and the townships are now growing and fulfilling the educational
and medical requirements of the area. The big mining companies in the area have also favoured
the recruitment and employment of the local tribal people. People directly or indirectly depend
on the mining activities. Besides, the mining authorities are spending lot of money on the
development of the peripheral villages by providing free health check-ups, medicines,
schooling, approach roads to the villages, drinking water by constructing bore well etc.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Among southern states, Karnataka plays a dominant role in the iron ore production owing to
its naturally abundant iron ore deposits spread across the state. In this state, there are two
important areas where iron ore mining is being carried out since long. These areas are:

• Kudremukh (mining operation has been suspended at present) and

• Bellary-Hospet

Karnataka has produced 33.6 Mt of iron ore during the year 2005-06. Majority of the iron ore
mines are located in Bellary-Hospet belt, which is in the semi-arid zone, where water scarcity
and dust concentration are the main environmental issues. The environmental impacts due to
iron ore mining in these two areas are discussed below.

4.6.1 Natural Setting Location and Topography

Kudremukh Iron Ore Company Ltd. (KIOCL), A Government of India Enterprise, under the
Ministry of Steel, was established in 1976 to develop mine and plant facilities for production of
6.8 million tonnes of iron ore concentrate annually and were commissioned in 1980. The mine
had production capacity of 7.5 Mt of iron ore concentrate and 4 Mt of high grade pellets from
22.5Mt of ROM. The project is located at Kudremukh in Chikamagalur district of Karnataka
and is about 350 Kms from the capital city of Bangalore and 110 Kms from the coastal city of
Mangalore. The Mining lease area is located between latitude 130 10’/ to 130 17/ N and
longitude of 750 10/ to 750 20/ E. The topography of the area is hilly, except the valley portion
through which the river Bhadra flows. The hill ranges between Kudremukh and Gangamula
contain extensive deposits of magnetite ore. The hills and ridges of this region are quite rugged
and often reach an elevation of 1200m above MSL. Presently, mining operation in Kudremukh
is suspended on account of environmental grounds as per Supreme Court order.

Bellary district is situated in the north-eastern part of Karnataka. The western part of the district
is in general a plain country with small hillocks occupied by granitic gneisses. The eastern part
shows both plain and rugged topography occupied by granitic and schistose formations,
respectively. The topography of the iron ore mining area consists of hillocks, mainly close to
Bellary, around Hospet and in Sandur valley which itself runs over a length of 40km with a
width of about 10km.

Both these areas are marked in the iron ore distribution map of Karnataka is given below:

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Climate
The Kudremukh area enjoys a tropical climate and falls in high rainfall region with an annual
rainfall averaging 7000 mm between June-September. The variations in temperature occur
between a minimum of 40 C and a maximum of 360C and humidity varying from 40 to 100 %.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Mine area is situated on the southern side of the river Bhadra, one of the major rivers of the

The climate of the Bellary-Hospet region is of semi-arid type having annual rainfall of less than
750mm. The maximum temperature rises to about 38- 39oC in summer and the minimum
temperature falls to about 12oC in winter. The predominant wind direction is from SW to NE.
The relative humidity of the region varies from 38% to 95%. Drainage
In the Kudremukh mining area, river Bhadra is the major river flowing and controls the
drainage of the area. River Bhadra joins River Thunga further downstream and becomes
Thungabhadra river. The River Thunga with its origin and course well away from the mining
area and meets River Bhadra far away from mining area. There are two major nallahs in the
area i.e. Lakya hole and Sitabhumi holey. In between these two nullahs there is another nallah
Kuniya holey, which runs parallel to the other two nallahs with a lean flow. On the right bank of
Bhadra River, the ore zone is bounded by Kochige holey on the western side and the
Kudremukh holey on the eastern side. The ridges between these holeys (streams) are slopping
northwards towards Bhadra river. Nethravati is also another river originating form the Western
Ghats. However, this is a west flowing river and the point of origin is well away from the mine
lease area.

The Bellary –Hospet area has three small springs one at the foot hill of Donimalai, which is
known as Doni spring and the other two in Kumaraswamy hill range. A seasonal nallah called
Narihalla, which s usually dry during summer traverses the major part of the Sandur valley in a
direction SW to NE and covers two gorges namely Ubbalagundi on the SW and Bhimagundi on
SE. Another small stream namely Narsapur nallah flows by the eastern side of Donimalai town
ship which ultimately joins the Narihalla stream. Karnataka Government constructed a dam
across Narihalla at a distance of 10Kms from Donimalai town ship, which caters to the
industrial and domestic demands of NMDC.

4.6.2 Mining Operation

Mining operation in the Kudremukh was highly mechanised (mining operation presently
suspended). The company has an annual production capacity of 7.5 Mt of iron ore concentrate
and 4Mt of high grader pellets from 22.5Mt of ROM. For the planned production of 22.5Mt of
ROM, this operates as a fully mechanized open cast mine by 8nos. Shovels (10.7m3 capacity)
and 30 Nos. Dumpers (120 tonnes) in combination with advance bench blast lay Site Mixed
Slurry (SMS) explosives. 12 Nos. of Drills of 310mm dia. and capacity to drill 17m deep holes
in a single pass are in use. The other auxiliary equipment such as drills for secondary blasting,
water sprinklers (8Nos.) motor graders, conveyors (14Nos.) etc. have also been provided. In
view of stringent quality requirements for assorted feed systematic development of benches on
regular basis is sometimes found to be difficult and larger number of benches need to be kept in
operation simultaneously.

In the Bellary Hospet area, there are about 116 iron ore mining leases with more than 60 mines
in operations covering about 16,000ha where mining operations by opencast method. Mining in
this region are being carried out for more than 45 years. Mining is being done in this area in a
combination of highly mechanised, semi-mechanised and manual methods. In most of the
private sector mines, machinery is mainly deployed for mine development, while actual ore
collection is done manually. In most of the manual mines, no systematic benches are being

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
developed. In the mechanised and semi-mechanised mines, the bench height varies from 6 to
12m. The slope of the benches ranges from 45 to 60o depending on the consistency and tensile
strength of the ore body and rocks. Donimalai Iron Ore Mines is one of the fully mechanised
Iron Ore Mines of National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC), Government of India
Undertaking operating in this sector with a production capacity of 4Mt. The iron ore produced
from the mine is being supplied mainly to MMTC Ltd., for export to Japan, South Korea,
China, Pakistan etc., thereby facilitating earning of valuable foreign exchange to the country.
About 10% of the production is supplied to domestic consumers like Vizag Steel Plant, Bhilai
Steel Plant, Lanco Industries Ltd., Southern Iron & Steel Co. Ltd., VISL Bhadravati etc. Mining
is carried out by open cast method and is fully mechanised. The bench heights are kept at 12 m
and the slope of the mine in longitudinal section is 4 to 5 degrees only and the pit slope is 45
degrees. At any point of time ore will be excavated by operating a total of 3 to 4 benches in
south block and north block deposits by optimum blending of low grade and high grade ores to
get the lump ore and fine ore of required specifications stipulated by the buyers.

4.6.3 Environmental Impacts

The mining in Kudremukh and Bellary-hospet are operating in contrasting climates i.e.
Kudremukh is operating in a high rainfall area whereas the Bellary – Hospet is of semi-arid
type. Dust pollution is predominant in the Bellary-Hospet region, whereas water quality
management is important in the Kudremukh region. The impacts due to mining in both these
regions are discussed below. Impacts on Air Quality

Activities that cause air pollution in both these mining areas can be broadly classified in to two
groups. One is the ground level area source pollution resulting from activities like vehicle
movement, wind blown dusts etc. and the other is the elevated discharge of air pollutant which
is due to blasting operation.

The existing levels of air quality in the nearby residential areas of Kudremukh Iron Ore mine is
given in a separate booklet in detail. The gist is presented below:

Table No. Summarised AAQ around Kudremukh mine.

Parameters SPM(µg/m3) RPM(µg/m3) SO2(µg/m3) NOx(µg/m3)

Minimum 38 26 <6 <6

Maximum 313 176 7 38

98 percentile value 301 171 7 33.92

Average 120 69 4.11 14.45

It may be observed that the air quality around the residential area of the mine is relatively better.
Lower levels of dust in the nearby residential areas is due to fact that the iron dusts of the area
being heavy (high density of the iron ore of the area) combined with higher moisture contents
due to heavy rainfall, most of the dust generated due to mining and processing gets deposited
near to the generation sources. However the mining authorities have taken the following

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
mitigating measures.
a) Water injection at drills is resorted to for dust suppression around the drill hole collar.
b) The fugitive dust generated at various locations in mines is controlled by water
sprinkling during non-monsoon period.
c) Blasting is carried out during afternoon when the wind speed is moderate whereby
mixing height is very high with no inversion conditions.
d) Use of controlled /opti blast technology for ore blasting to attain less air pollution, less
explosive, better slope stability and increased fragmentation are achieved.
e) The techniques adopted for blasting of ore is as below:
-Opti blasting
-Split charge with gas bag with air decking
-Split charge with material deck
-SMS slurry explosives are used in blasting of ROM
f) Operator cabins in all major heavy earth moving equipment have dust proof
enclosures. Regular maintenance and minimizing idle run hours are achieved.
g) Road berms and dumps are turfed and planted.
h) Extensive plantation has been done to arrest airborne dust and noise.
i) Since crushing units are installed below the ground level (at a deep of 40m) and is
fully covered on top and due to a moisture content of about 6% in mined ore, dust
generation from the crushing operations is almost negligible.
j) Personnel working at the mines area, crushers and beneficiation plants are provided
with respirators and dust masks as a precautionary measure to avoid prolonged
exposure to dust.
k) Air quality monitoring is being carried out periodically as per KSPCB directives.
l) 5 Nos. of 28Kl and 1no. of 72Kl water sprinklers are being used to suppress the dust
on haul road at frequency of one hour.
m) The fugitive dust generated at various locations in the mines near mine’s office, mines
service station and mines control office is controlled by static water sprinklers.
n) In order to reduce the dust puffs (fugitive) emission during blasting, proper stemming
of blast holes is being carried out.

But, the dust is the main pollutant in the Bellary-Hospet area. The semi-arid climatic
condition (scarcity of water) combined with unscientific mining (specifically by smaller
mining companies operating either manual mining or semi-mechanised mining) has worsened
the situation. It has been reported that the mining companies are also facing problem in
finding sufficient water in the region to use them in dust suppression through sprinkling or
wet drilling. As most of the mining are being carried out on the top of the hill, water to be
carried out from more than 20kms from the valley. However, NMDC operating at Donimalai

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
has taken a number of steps to reduce the dust in the ambient air. The details of control
measures, which are being adopted by them, are given below:

a. Water sprinkling/spraying on roads and other dust generating areas /centres. Water is
sprinkled periodically in the areas like roads leading working face to crushing/dumper
platforms, dumper platform etc. to prevent air-borne dust emissions. In order to
achieve dust suppression in the mines area, dumpers have been converted into water
sprinklers each with a capacity of 25,000 litres. Besides there are two TMB chassis
water sprinklers of 70,000 litres capacity each.

b. Around the top of the primary crusher, high pressure water jets, filled with specially
designed adapters and nozzles are provided to inject misty (foggy) water jets. This
practice eliminates dust at the area of unloading into crusher as well as in transfer
points as the ore passes through a system of conveyors right up to the screening plant.
Washing of ore is done at the screening plant for reducing dust formation.

c. Well maintained haul roads in project area reduce fugitive dust emissions.

d. Wet-drilling suppresses dust at source in the drill holes.

e. Controlled blasting technique, effective stemming and using milli-second delay

detonators during blasting.

f. Avoiding blasting during high wind period.

g. Enclosing conveyors to control dust emission

h. Regulating the feed on conveyors to prevent spillage.

i. Development of green barriers (belts) helps to prevent propagation of particulate and

gaseous emissions by the trapping them suitably in the foliages.(Surface area)
Already about four lakhs plants and trees have been grown by the project authorities in
various areas such as waste dump hill slopes, around infrastructures, along roads and
around township etc.

The collected ambient air quality data combined for both the areas are analysed and presented

The maximum total dust (SPM) and RPM concentration observed was 508µg/m3 during post-
monsoon and 176µg/m3 during summer season, respectively. The annual 98 percentile values of
SPM and RPM were calculated to be 410 µg/m3 and 141 µg/m3, respectively. The annual
average values of SPM and RPM were calculated to be 177 µg/m3 and 72 µg/m3, respectively.
The annual variations of SPM & RPM are shown below in the graphs.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

SPM Variation in AAQ _ Southern Zone



98 Percentile Value (410)

SPM in micrograms/cum

Post monsson

Average (177)


1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 257 273 289 305 321 337 353 369 385 401 417 433 449 465 481 497 513 529 545 561 577
No of Observations

RPM Variation in AAQ _ Southern Zone




98 Percentile Value (141)

RPM in micrograms/cum


Summer Winter

Post monsson

Average (72)



1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 57 64 71 78 85 92 99 106 113 120 127 134 141 148 155 162 169 176 183 190 197 204 211 218 225 232 239 246 253
No of Observations

The concentration of SO2 and NOx were observed to be insignificant. The maximum annual
SO2 and NOx concentrations observed were 19.53µg/m3 and 38µg/m3 respectively. The
annual 98 percentile values of SO2 and NOx were calculated to be 15 µg/m3 and 23 µg/m3,
respectively. The annual variations are presented in the graphs below:

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
SO2 Variation in AAQ _ Southern Zone



98 Percentile Value (15.31)

SO2 in micrograms/cum


Post monsson


Average (8.01)

1 17 33 49 65 81 97 113 129 145 161 177 193 209 225 241 257 273 289 305 321 337 353 369 385 401 417 433 449 465 481 497 513 529 545 561 577
No of Observations

NOx Variation in AAQ _ Southern Zone




Post monsson
NOx in micrograms/cum


Summer 98 Percentile Value (23.1) Winter


Average (10.89)


1 20 39 58 77 96 115 134 153 172 191 210 229 248 267 286 305 324 343 362 381 400 419 438 457 476 495 514 533 552 571 590
No of Observations

Regarding workzone air quality in the Southern region, the annual average total dust(SPM) and
RPM concentration were 490 µg/m3 and 179 µg/m3 respectively. The maximum SPM and RPM
concentrations observed in the workzone, were 2979 µg/m3 and 895 µg/m3 during summer. The
annual 98 percentile values of SPM and RPM were calculated to be 2175 µg/m3 and 515 µg/m3,
respectively. The maximum values of SO2 and NOx in the workzone were observed as 32
µg/m3 and 36 µg/m3 respectively.

The summarised data are given in the tables below for Ambient Air Quality and Workzone
Air Quality, where as the details are placed in a separate booklet.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Southern Zone

Maximum Value ( µg/m3) Average Value ( µg/m3) Minimum Value ( µg/m3)

Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 508 478 500 508 177 128 241 162 53 53 55 62
RPM 176 176 171 132 72 64 80 52 21 22 21 21
SO2 19.53 16.55 14.42 19.53 8.01 8.13 7.69 9.06 BDL BDL BDL BDL
NOx 38 18 38 23.48 10.89 8 13.42 15.3 BDL BDL BDL BDL

Table No. Summary of findings for AAQ Monitoring in the Southern Zone (contd..)

98 Percentile Value ( µg/m3) No. of Observations

Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 410 305 412 493 591 309 244 38
RPM 141 164 112 112 259 69 152 38
SO2 15.31 14.47 13.71 19.38 591 309 244 38
NOx 23.1 16 29.28 23.12 591 309 244 38

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. Summary of findings for Workzone Air quality in the Southern Zone

Maximum Value ( µg/m3) Average Value ( µg/m3) Minimum Value ( µg/m3)

Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 2979 2979 2605 2936 490 327 597 337 102 102 104 110
RPM 895 895 560 429 179 98 310 88 32 49 66 32
SO2 31.7 31.7 26.24 23.38 15.44 16.16 14.36 16.35 BDL BDL 6 BDL
NOx 36 36 32 29.56 17.74 17.31 16.51 21.72 BDL BDL 9 BDL

Table No. Summary of findings for Workzone air Quality in the Southern Zone (contd..)

98 Percentile Value ( µg/m )

No. of Observations
Annual Summer Winter Post Annual Summer Winter Post
Parameters Monsoon Monsoon
SPM 2175 1147 2287 2046 608 208 329 71
RPM 515 241 528 375 286 102 113 71
SO2 24.87 28.69 23.34 22.94 608 208 329 71
NOx 27.94 28.22 24.73 29.45 608 208 329 71

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Impacts on Water Quality
Water pollution in the Kudremukh region is mainly attributed to the runoff and washouts from
the mining area, dumps and other exposed areas carrying the fine silt and loose soil from the
mining areas and ultimately join the surface water courses like nallahs and Bhadra river. This
problem is prevalent mainly during the rainy season. Because of heavy rainfall in the region
this problem aggravates and silts get carried over to the river. Another major source of water
pollution is due to tailings generated from the processing units. As no chemicals are being
used in the beneficiation process, no chemical pollution is expected to occur. Further, most of
the water used in the processing plant is getting recycled. The make-up water is drawn from
the Lakya dam by gravity system. To arrest the siltation in the nearby natural drainage areas,
KIOCL has already taken appropriate measures towards controlling the water pollution of the
nearby sources due to mining and other associated operations, which are briefed below:

Construction of Pollution Control Dams

Two rock filled dams are constructed across two major valleys to arrest mines washouts
during monsoon season and prevent them from entering into the Bhadra river. The total
catchment area of the dams is about 4.3Sq.Km. These dams are regularly desilted and
processed in the beneficiation plant, whereas the material desilted from the river banks is
utilised for road maintenance works.

Construction of a by pass diversion channel

Kudremukh hole (nullah) which earlier flowed through the mine lease area is by-passed or
diverted slightly away by constructing an artificial channel which take the nallah to meet
Bhadra river directly now. This measure was intended to prevent any mine washouts joining
the nullah, thus avoiding any chances of water pollution.

Construction of Dump Pond

The ore processing and beneficiation unit, called Concentrator Plant continuously process
ROM mined. There is a chance of tripping off wherever a power failure occurs or even in case
of failure of some equipment. In each tripping, about 2000 tonnes of ore is flushed. In order
to prevent these solids from entering into Bhadra river, two dump ponds of 50000 tonnes
capacity are constructed which also enable pumping of solids in slurry form back into the
process (recycling). Also a channel has been constructed in 2000 with a cost of Rs. 25 lakh to
divert the flow alternatively to these ponds in series enabling easy desilting of the
accumulated material.

Construction of Check Bunds

Check bunds are temporarily constructed across the areas, which usually contribute mine
washouts to Bhadra river during monsoon, to check the water pollution. The accumulated
material is desilted in dry season.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Construction of Contour trenches
The hilly terrain at Kudremukh is steep and the problems of siltation are compounded due to
the incessant rains during monsoon season. The mining washouts from the areas beyond
catchment of pollution control dams I and II is arrested by cutting of contour trenches.

Disposal of tailings and discharge of water from tailings pond

The ore mined at KIOCL mines contains only 36% Fe and rest are gangue material, which
comes out as tailings during beneficiation. Production of 6Mt concentrate out of 22.5Mt ROM
shows the generation of considerable amount of waste to be disposed off carefully so as to
prevent the pollution of water bodies nearby. An earthen dam is constructed at a distance of
3Km from the ore processing plant. Tailings are pumped through three pipelines regularly and
discharge into Lakya dam for storage.
The present accumulation of iron ore tailings at Lakya dam is around 130Mt. Lakya dam
serves dual purpose as entire process water requirement is also drawn from the dam by gravity
tunnel. The overflow spillway for the dam does not exist on dam body, which is the common
practice in case of conventional irrigation dams, but the spillway is provided at a distance of
2Kms downstream from the discharge end of tailings close to the dam body. The solids settle
down and the supernatant flows through the spillway. The discharge of excess water from the
dam takes place only during monsoon season through a spillway (vertical shaft) designed to
maintain enough water reserve for ore processing during summer season. The water quality is
regularly monitored and found to be very good.

Proper drainage pattern

In the process of direct runoff or sub surface runoff through weathered zone, the rainwater
will find its way into the benches. However, benches are suitably graded and the water is
properly diverted to flow out by gravity (through proper gradient) to one of the two PC dams.
Bench floors are sloped at 2% towards the high wall. Longitudinally along the toe of the high
wall also, the bench is sloped at 1% along the whole length, up to the nearest culvert outlet.

On the abandoned benches, a 2m high stable berm is built along the outer edge of the bench,
to prevent water spilling over to the lower bench. All roads are cross sloped at 2-3% towards
the inner edge i.e. the hill side and are also sloped all along longitudinally at 6.25% towards
the nearest box culvert. Box culverts have been built in adequate number to receive the
runoff water that flows out to the valley towards the settling ponds behind the PC dams.

Ground water pollution

The ground water pollution can possibly arise when the top soil/ loose material contain certain
chemical constituents and heavy metals and can be leached away with precipitation and
percolate to ground water. In a study conducted by NEERI, it had been concluded that the
concentrations of heavy metals like zinc, cadmium, lead, manganese, iron and copper are very
low and are most unlikely the leaching will have any significant adverse impact on the ground
water quality. With regards to the impact of the tailings from the concentrator plant, since the
tailings are being sent to Lakya tailings dam and the slurry characteristics do not indicate
presence of any heavy metal constituents in it, the impact of Lakya dam impoundment on

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
nearby water bodies is negligible. Moreover, the seepage water from the tailings dam does not
indicate presence of any heavy metals.

Whereas, due to less rainfall in the Bellary-Hospet region, the water shortage in the area is more
acute than water pollution. However, the main cause of water pollution during the short span of
the rainy season is due to wash off from the waste dumps. Due to unplanned dumping of the
wastes on the higher altitudes coupled with loose and fine material from the exposed ore body,
are more susceptible to erosion specially in the rainy season even with low amount of rainfall
and is being carried out by the surface run off and gets deposited along the down slopes, stream
courses, agricultural fields and ultimately reach the tanks and reservoirs. The study carried out
by the Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology reveals that on an average of
13.96gm of silt is being carried out by every litre of water. However, big mining company like
NMDC at Donimalai has taken some effective steps in controlling the water pollution in the
area. They have constructed a huge tailings dam to take care of the tailing generated from the
processing plant. The tailings dam has a capacity to take care of industry effluents from
screening plant throughout the life of the mine. It is an exceptional fact to mention here that
right from inception, there has been no overflow from tailing dam over the over-flow weir. The
success of control measures adopted is evident from the fact that only clear water flows to the
perennial stream location at the western side of the hill. This is also controlled by ensuring
proper and systematic maintenance of classifiers, hydro-cyclones and thickeners for better
recovery of solids from the wash offs. However, the continuous seepage from the tailings dam is
helping in recharging the ground water of the area. It has been reported that the ground water
table of the area has risen considerably benefiting the villagers of Narsapura, Ranjitpura and

To prevent washouts from waste dumps and degraded lands during rainy season and for soil
conservation, one check dam is constructed at bottom of western slope and five check dams at
the bottom of eastern slope. As waste dumping is done only in closed valleys, soil erosion is
automatically minimised. Besides, provision of an upward gradient on top of waste dumps and
adequate drainage channels in the mines ensures that heavy wash-outs from dumps and mines
area during heavy monsoon period do not cause water pollution of natural streams. Even if
some wash outs take place for any reason, it is completely contained by the check dams.
Prevention of soil erosion/wash-outs at the mined out areas and dumps is also achieved by
means of afforestation in dumps and excavated areas by suitable soil binding spices.

Provision of oil and grease traps and settling tanks enable to treat the oily waste water for
industrial wash-outs from workshop vehicle depots.

The water quality data collected from different iron ore mines in both the area are summarized
in the tables below.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. Summarized data for Effluent Quality in the Southern Region
(Unit : mg/l except pH)
Parameters TSS pH O&G Lead Copper Zinc Nickel Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum Value 186 8.6 18.5 0.05 0.13 0.3 0.009 2.8 114 0.13
Annual Average Minimum Value 18 6.7 0 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.005 0.01 2 0.02
Average value 75.11 7.53 6.16 0.03 0.0756 0.1825 0.007 0.76 42.25 0.056
Number of observations 19 28 14 6 9 12 2 27 12 10
Parameters TSS pH O&G Lead Copper Zinc Nickel Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum Value 186 8.2 3.4 ND ND ND ND 2.8 114 ND
Monsoon Minimum Value 48 7.6 2.6 ND ND ND ND 0.5 114 ND
Average value 95.2 7.84 3 ND ND ND ND 1.1 114 ND
Number of observations 5 5 2 ND ND ND ND 5 1 ND
Parameters TSS pH O&G Lead Copper Zinc Nickel Iron Sulphates Manganese
Maximum Value 98 8.6 18.5 0.05 0.13 0.3 0.009 2.8 73 0.13
Non Monsoon Minimum Value 18 6.7 0 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.005 0.01 2 0.02
Average value 67.93 7.47 6.69 0.03 0.0756 0.1825 0.007 0.68 35.73 0.056
Number of observations 14 23 12 6 9 12 2 22 11 10
Note : ND – Monitoring not done

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
Table No. Summarized data for Surface Water Quality in the Southern Region
(Unit : mg/l except pH)
Parameters( pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Lead Zinc
Maximum Value 8.4 0.14 1.94 80 0.001 0.02 0.35
Annual Average Minimum Value 7.1 0.03 0.09 2 0.001 0.01 0.01
Average value 7.6 0.08 0.35 21.75 0 0.02 0.17
Number of observations 39 8 38 39 1 2 16
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Lead Zinc
Maximum Value 7.9 ND 1.94 38 ND ND ND
Monsoon Minimum Value 7.2 ND 0.14 8.1 ND ND ND
Average value 7.6 ND 0.73 27.66 ND ND ND
Number of observations 12 ND 12 12 ND ND ND
Parameters pH Copper Iron Sulphates Mercury Lead Zinc
Maximum Value 8.4 0.14 0.48 80 0.001 0.02 0.35
Non Monsoon Minimum Value 7.1 0.03 0.09 2 0.001 0.01 0.01
Average value 7.6 0.08 0.17 19.13 0 0.02 0.17
Number of observations 27 8 26 27 1 2 16
Note : ND – Monitoring not done

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact

Table No. Summarized data for Ground Water Quality

in the Southern Region
(Unit: mg/l except pH)
Parameters( pH Iron Sulphates Zinc
Maximum Value 7.9 0.803 611 0.6
Annual Average Minimum Value 6.5 0.03 6 0.45
Average value 7.36 0.23 124.31 0.54
Number of observations 39 39 39 39
Parameters pH Iron Sulphates Zinc
Maximum Value 7.8 0.24 182 ND
Monsoon Minimum Value 7.2 0.15 6 ND
Average value 7.63 0.19 58.67 ND
Number of observations 9 9 9 ND
Parameters pH Iron Sulphates Zinc
Maximum Value 7.9 0.803 611 0.6
Non Monsoon Minimum Value 6.5 0.03 28 0.45
Average value 7.27 0.24 144 0.5375
Number of observations 30 30 30 4
Note: ND – Monitoring not done Impacts of Noise and Vibrations

Noise pollution in the Kudremukh is mainly due to the mining operations such as drilling,
blasting, crushing, haulage etc. The noise levels in the nearby residential areas are being
regularly monitored by the mine and shows lower noise levels. Further, the location of the
concentrator has been so planned that the noise generated would be attenuated to an
acceptable level by the time it traverses to the township and for the purpose, thick barriers of
trees have been raised. Studies of blasting vibrations at Kudremukh mines conducted during
1998 by the Training and Safety Department of KIOCL revealed that the vibrations are well
within the DGMS limits. Moreover, no building (other than those owned by KIOCL) is
located with in a distance of 2Km from the mine workings. The present workings are well
away from the final slopes of the pits. However, when the area being worked out comes
within 300m of the final slopes, only controlled blasting will be carried out. Control in this
context, implies reduction of the maximum charge per delay, from the present level of over
two tonnes to less than a tonne, by judicious use of delays. Since blast vibrations are directly
proportional to the charge, the already low vibration levels can be reduced to half or even one
third of the present levels by such controlled blasting.

In the Donimalai, the locations of mines and plant are quite far away from the Township and
other adjoining villages like Narasingpur, Ranjitpura etc., the horizontal and vertical distances
being more than 3.5 kms and 400 m respectively. Due to the natural barrier like configuration

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact
of the hilly terrain, the noise levels in the mine and infrastructural areas do not affect the
township and office buildings etc., as the latter are situated far away in the flat terrain down
the hill. Moreover, the noise produced from various locations in the mines is also not
continuous and only intermittent. Waste Management

The major solid waste contributions from the mining and beneficiation processes are
overburden, waste rocks, and soil washouts during monsoon and tailings from beneficiation.
In the Kudremukh mine, the solid waste generated in the mines is negligible. This is used
mainly in developmental works and maintenance of haul roads with in the mines and the
balance is disposed in various identified dumps. The solid waste also generated by the way of
soil erosion leading to washouts having potential for use. This is collected in Pollution
Control (PC) dams constructed at the foot of the mines at suitable locations i.e. valleys with
proper drainage facility and is desilted during non monsoon period. Over 1 Mt of material is
desilted every year from PC dams and recycled to beneficiation plant to produce concentrate.
The tailings in the form of slurry generated by beneficiation process and still contain 22% Fe.
This is stored in Lakya dam about 4Km away from the mines for settling. KIOCL has already
started investigations in association with M/s Mineral Technologies, Australia, the possibility
of recovering iron. The total quantity of tailings deposited in the Lakya dam is about 140 Mt
since inception. During beneficiation of iron ore in the concentrator plant, the waste other than
tailings generated is the ore itself in case of any power trippings and mechanical breakdown of
any equipment. There are 4 lines of operation and 500 T of solids (iron ore) is collected in
Dump ponds of capacity 1.5 Lakh Tonnes of solids. This material is continuously pumped
back to the process as an effective measure of conservation of resources.

In the Bellary-Hospet sector, most of the mining activity is confined to higher altitudes such
as ridges, hillocks. To expose the ore body, the overburden which is mainly composed of
shale/phyllite, manganiferous shales, ferruginous quartzites, metabasalt, lateritic capping and
top soil, is being dumped after excavation on steep hill slopes and less commonly along the
intermittent valleys, thus destroying the prime forest land. Similarly in some of the mines, in
the interest of quick return of investment, selective mining is being done. Easy approach to
ore body is being followed and after exploitation of ore body the place is being left as it is,
leading to further generation of sedimentation and ultimately accelerating the soil erosion.
However, the big companies like NMDC has taken proper care in waste management in their
Donimalai iron ore mines. Waste dump locations were selected in the closed valleys devoid of
thick vegetation, keeping in view the land degradation due to dumping and subsequent erosion
due to water, wind etc so that the dumping operations will not have any adverse impact on the
existing flora and fauna of the area. Moreover, to check any wash-outs of the waste dumps
into the streams and surrounding areas, check dams have been constructed. Four check dams
in South Block and one check dam in North Block in the eastern valley and two check dams
and one tailing dam (to impound the slimes) in the western valley have been constructed.
During last 5 years mining operations with effect from 1999, a quantity of over 9 million
tonnes of waste has already been excavated. An additional quantity of balance 20.5 million
tonnes of waste has been excavated. The present surface area occupied by the dumps is
around 28.9 ha and the ultimate occupied area by the dumps will be 44.90 ha with a height of
80 m and with a slope angle of about 37 degrees. The abandoned waste dumps have been
reclaimed by way of afforestation and the waste dump slopes have been stabilised by planting
agave, grass etc. after suitably terracing the dumps.

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CHAPTER FOUR Environmental Impact Afforestation and Ecology
One of the peculiar observations made at Kudremukh is that most of the hills both on the ore
body as well as on the northern side of the township are bald with only a thick mat of grass and
no trees except in the “Sholas” where a thick line of trees are existing. After the successful
mining operations, in the mine abandoned area plantation of acacia has been achieved during
the last few years. With the guidance and assistance from other organisations such as Karnataka
Forest Deptt. and Karnataka Cashew Development Corporation , the mining authorities at
KIOCL has taken up large-scale afforestation resulting in achieving a cumulative plantation of
nearly 75 lakhs seedlings till now, covering extensive areas within the lease area. The entire
waste land extending over 2970 acres in the lease area has been fully covered with plantation.

In Donimalai mines, intensive afforestation programmes have already been adopted in

successive phases based on the immediate need, priority and availability of resources. About 4
lakhs saplings were planted so far for checking of slimes flow and water pollution from
distributed zones by planting soil binding species and to create effective green belt. In
intervening space between the township and the loading yard, part of the area is already covered
by green belt. In the vacant sites available in this area, steps were taken to cover the locations
near the roadside, nullah banks etc. by planting predominantly Eucalyptus. In addition, other
species like Polyalthia longigolia, Accacia Auriculiformis etc. have also been planted in order to
form a protective barrier against dust between loading plant and the Donimalai town ship. In
and around the township, plantation has massively and meticulously carried out, keeping in
view the ecological as well as aesthetic aspects. Plants concentrated along the roads within the
area creating a beautiful avenue effect along the roads, around the public buildings, schools,
hospital, community centre, administrative office etc. The species in above mentioned areas
consist of plants like Eucalyptus, Auriculiformis, Gulmohar, Jacaranda etc. Trees of ornamental
type have been planted in the guest house and surrounding area, whereas, trees of less
ornamental type and wider foliage have been planted along the periphery of the houses and
between adjacent rows of houses. The township area contains more than 6000 fruit bearing trees
like Archars Zapota, Annona Mamelos, Emblica Managnifera Indica, Tamarindus India etc.
NMDC has carried out systematic and methodical plantation programmes at the hilltop areas in
various sites such as along the haul roads, around infrastructures, around office buildings, on the
east dumps and in all possible vacant areas.

Most of the small individual mines producing lass than one lakh tonnes of saleable iron ore per
annum in the Bellary-Hospet region, are reported to unable to obtain required species in
sufficient quantity in time during the onset of monsoon from local forest department. It would
be a better to encourage these small mine owners to form a co-operative among them selves for
maintaining common nurseries at convenient places like Sandur, Hospet, Toranagallu and
Bellary. Many mine owners have made efforts to raise plantation in and around their mining
leases. But maintaining/raising plants at these mines is becoming difficult as iron ore occurs on
the top of the hills, which are at much higher levels than that of the water table and the
availability of water is a problem in the area.

--- XXX ---

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
5. Chapter FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Environment Management Practices


As mechanised open cast iron ore mines are becoming larger, deeper and more capital intensive,
continuing efforts should be made to improve upon the open cast mining activities through
advances in the equipment size / design and practices and also through introduction of
innovative techniques. The application of high capacity continuous surface mining techniques to
harder formations, new concept of high angle belt conveying system, in-pit crushing systems
(mobile and semi-mobiles), high capacity dumpers, automatic truck dispatch system, non-
electric blast initiation systems etc. and developments in the area of bulk explosive systems hold
out almost unlimited opportunities for upgrading the performance of opencast iron ore mining in
India, while minimising the environmental impacts. In addition, the following proved cleaner
technologies are need to be implemented in Indian iron ore mines, considering the suitability to
the particular site:

• Adoption of Wet drilling

• Use of ripper dozer as an alternative to drilling and blasting
• Use of hydraulic hammer/rock breaker as an alternative to the secondary boulder
• Use of opti blast technology and split charge blasting techniques wit air decking by the
gas bags
• Use of non electric (NONEL) initiation devices (EXEL of ICI and RAYDET of IDL)
• Application of in-pit crushing and conveyor transport system as an alternative to all
dumper transport system in deep mines
• Dry Fog dust control system at the crushing, screening & material handling/processing
plant as an alternative to de-dusting system with bag-house
• Use of Hydro-cyclones and Slow Speed Classifiers in the wet beneficiation circuits to
maximise the recovery of iron ore fines.

The details of the feasible cleaner technologies for Indian iron ore mines are discussed below:

5.1.1 Control Technologies for Drilling Operation

Presently, in most of the opencast iron ore mines in India, the drills of 100mm to 250mm
diameter are being used, except for the KIOCL where 311mm dia rotary drills were in use. The
drill may be electrically operated or diesel operated. Normally dust extractors can be fitted with
these drills. The system runs with a hydraulic pump to run a fan. This fan creates suction in the
suction chamber. From this chamber, a hose is connected to the mouth of drill bit assembly. The
drill bit assembly is provided with thick cotton flaps on four sides to completely cover the drill
hole when the drilling operation is going on. The drill cuttings which come out at the drill
mouth on the surface are drawn to this suction chamber and get accumulated in it. In some of
the larger diameter drills, there is a provision to throw the finer particles into the atmosphere
which is at a level above the operator’s cabin.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
The main disadvantages of this system are:

i. The flaps provided at the mouth of the drill hole get missing and even if they are provided
intact, the effectiveness of sucking of the drill cutting into dust extractor is only 60 %. The
remaining 40 % dust particles rise above the drill hole.

ii. Though the dust extractor draws the drill cuttings, it again discharges the dust into the
atmosphere at a level higher than operator’s cabin. This again pollutes the entire area of
drill machine and its surroundings. A cloud of dust can be seen in and around the drill

iii. The operators are provided with dust mask / dusk respirators to prevent inhalation of dust
particles. But most of these dust respirators are found ineffective after use of 10 to 15
minutes as dust accumulates on the filter and breathing becomes difficult. So most of the
operators are reluctant to use dust mask.
The dry dust extractors are mostly ineffective. Wet drilling was first introduced in Iron Ore
Mines in India during 1991-92. Initially, there was an apprehension from the management that
wet drilling arrangements might not be effective due to soft nature of strata (compared to hard
rock in metalliferous mines) and was difficult to adopt. However after continuous persuasion
in one of the mines, the wet drilling arrangement in drill machine was introduced and it was
very effective in suppressing dust. Mainly, the drill operators were relieved of the dust
menace. Wet drilling Arrangement

With very simple modifications in the existing drilling machines, the wet drilling system
could be adopted.

(a) Accessories
The following accessories are required for modification:

i. A water tank of about 200 litres capacity is to be mounted on drill machine chassis.
The tank should have the capacity to withhold the pressure of at least 10 Kgs. per

ii. Hoses of 12.5mm. diameter is to be connected from the receiver to water tank and
these have to withhold the pressure of 8 - 10 Kgs. per centimetre square.

iii. Water hose of 12.5 mm. diameter of suitable length to connect from water tank to
compresses air delivery pipe.

iv. 12.5 mm. full flow G.M. Valve.

v. Pressure release Valve.

vi. Nozzles.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
(b) Operation
Fill up the water tank (90 % of the tank) before starting the drill machine. Close the air
delivery sluice valve, let the air pressure rise to 8 Kgs. per square centimetre inside the air
receiver. This pressurised air will flow from air receiver to water tank and exert approximate 8
Kgs. per square centimetre pressure on the top of the water inside the tank. Due to this, water
will flow through water hose from the water tank and finally will be discharged into the air
delivery pipe. There is a water control G.M. valve to control the flow of water as per the
requirement. Then open the air delivery slice valve. The pressurised air will carry the
atomised water inside the delivery pipe through Rotary Head Drill pipes and will finally
discharge through the Drill bit inside the hole. Dust generated due to the cutting action of the
drill bit will be suppressed by the spray of water inside the hole itself. As a result there will be
no air borne dust nearby the drill.
(c) Considerations
The following aspects are to be considered while modifying to wet drilling arrangements:

i. Adequate strength of water tank to withhold the pressure of 8 - 10 Kgs. per centimetre
square and also should have a capacity to run for at least one shift.

ii. It was observed that in 100 mm. drill machines, the water consumption was about 10 litres
per 8meters drill hole. As such a tank capacity of 200 litres is required for drilling 20 holes
in a shift.

iii. Provision of a pump to the water tank to pump water to the air system eliminates the water
tank to withhold the pressure of 10 Kgs. per centimetre square and so the tank capacity
can be increased as per the space available on the chassis to the drill machine.

iv. The above suggested modifications can be done at the mine level and the cost is nominal.
High pressure drums of rejected 35T/50T dumpers can be used as water tanks.

Advantages of Wet Drilling

i. In this system dust get suppressed close to its formation. Dust suppression become very
effective and the work environment will be improved from the point of occupational
comfort and health.

ii. Due to dust free atmosphere, the life of engine, compressor etc. will be increased.

iii. The life of drill bit will be increased.

iv. The rate of penetration of drill will be increased.

v. Due to the dust free atmosphere visibility will be improved resulting in safer working
conditions after day light hours.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
Line Diagram and photograph for Wet Drilling Arrangements are shown below.

Fig. No. Line Diagram for Wet Drilling Mechanism

Fig. No. Wet Drilling in Operation

5.1.2 Ripper - An environment friendly alternative for Drilling & Blasting.

Basically Ripper is a farmer’s plough type steel shank (furrow) mounted with tooth and attached
with a beam at an interval of 1m to 2m a part - (average total numbers of shanks are 4 but 6
teeth are also available) and the whole unit is attached at the rear side of the crawler truck
mounted heavy duty diesel operated tractor in case of tractor mounted type ripper. The steel
plough body attachment has cutting tool at the bottom of it which dips into the ground (to be

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
ripped) at a depth varying from 0.4 m to more than 1.2 m depending upon the design of the
machine, by the thrust applied by the hydraulic system. When the tractor dozer starts moving
the friable soft to medium hard rocks or mineral body breaks up properly which are then loaded
either with the help of a scrapper or a loader or simply dozed with the help of bull dozer.

This type of machine is suitable for ripping alluvial surface, soft rocks, coal, laterite deposits
etc. The degree of rippability depends upon the brittleness of rock, degree of stratification and
lamination of rock, well defined fracture plane, moisture contenting the rock, geological
disturbances like fault and other fractures, grain size, degree of consolidation and weathering,
wet condition physico mechanical properties of rocks like compressive strength, tensile
strength, shear strength etc. Some times pre-fracturing of the consolidated ground (by blasting)
is necessary for efficient operation. The rippability of rocks can be determined by measuring the
magnitude of the seismic wave velocity in the rockmass. Lower the velocity better would be the
rippability of the rock. A seismic wave velocity less than 3000 m/s in the rock are - amenable
for ripping. The ripping (scarification) depends upon the nature of the ground, power and type
of ripper, the downward thrust to the shank tooth, weight of the tractor/dozer unit, etc. Ripper’s
cutting teeth is forced to penetrate into the ground with the help of hydraulic pressure and cause
a sheer failure of the rock when the force exceeds - the compressive strength of the rock mass.
The tractor / dozer with the ripper attachment when starts moving the draw bar pull cause tensile
breakage of rocks. In case of fractured rock mass, the rock failures occur when the drawbar pull
exceeds the cohesion between the fractured blocks of rocks.

In order to eliminate conventional drilling and blasting the ripper is most suitable for rock which
is soft, friable and fractured. Ripper dozer (700 HP) is extensively used in the iron ore mines of
Goa region, where laterite / iron ore is soft and friable. Drilling and blasting is almost nil and
thereby reducing noise and dust pollution. The photograph given below depicts a Ripper Dozer
working in Bicholim Iron Ore Mines in Goa region.

Fig. No. Ripper Dozer Working at Bicholim I/O Mines in Goa

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
5.1.3 Hydraulic Hammer/ Rock Breaker – An environment friendly alternative to
Secondary Boulder Blasting
The most convenient application in opencast iron ore mines for secondary breaking of
boulders is a hammer mounted on a regular hydraulic excavator on wheels. The structure of a
modern hydraulic hammer/rock breaker is very simple. There is a piston moving up and down
and striking directly against the tool. To produce big energy pulses during the downward
stroke, the hammer is equipped with a nitrogen accumulator which is able to supply the
necessary volume of compressed oil in a very short time. The accumulator is charged
continuously by the pump of the excavator or by an electrically driven hydraulic power pack.

When the quarry machinery is coupled with a hydraulic hammer unit, the following
advantages can be achieved

• Drilling, loading and haulage can be carried out without interruption and production will
• Fly rocks from secondary blasts do not damage the neighbouring machinery, cables and
structures. Heavy hydraulic hammer can be used in open cast mines not only for boulder
breaking but also for the following purposes :-

i. When a heading blast has failed and the rockpile is so tight that cannot be loaded,
the hammer is an excellent tool to loosen the pile.
ii. In sections where the rock is very fissured, drilling and charging of blasthole is
difficult, the big hammer can be used for benching.
iii. Noise pollution due to boulder blasting can be completely eliminated by using
hydraulic hammers
iv. Toes on the quarry floor can be easily removed and faces can be cleaned by use of
the hammer

Different types of hydraulic hammer/ rock breaker and its breaking capacity are given below:

Weight of the hammer Boulder size Breaking capacity m3/8h

and its energy
800 Kg, 2000 Joule < 1 m3 150 - 250
1600 Kg, 4000 Joule <3m 200 - 400
2400 Kg, 6000 Joule <6m 300 - 600
3200 Kg, 8000 Joule < 6 m3 300 - 1000

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
5.1.4 Environment friendly Blasting Technology Opti Blast Technology

The Opti Blast method of blasting economises on the consumption of explosive by about 15%
to 20 % as compared to conventional blasting. This method is already in use in KIOCL (figure
above shows the opti-blast technology at Kudremukh Iron Ore Mines). The saving is affected by
creating an Air Deck (1.0 to 3.0 m) in the top column, between the column charge and
stemming. In this method in KIOCL, out of 17.0 m depth of hole, the bottom 1.6 m is back
filled with drill cuttings, followed by explosive column containing 3 m of bottom charge
(approx. 219 Kg) and about 5 m of column charge (366 Kg). Above the explosive column, an
Air gap of 1.4 m is created by suspending a cone basket from the collar of the hole. Column
above the basket is stemmed with drill cuttings. Like conventional blasting, two boosters (500
gms) are placed in the explosive column - one in the bottom and the other, about 3 - 4 m above.

Fig. No. Conventional Blast vs. Opti Blast

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
The advantages of opti blast technology are as follows;
1. Explosive consumption is less compared to conventional method of blasting.
2. Ground vibration, noise and fly rock generations are much less compared to conventional
method of blasting.
3. Better utilisation of explosive energy compared to conventional blast.
4. Good fragmentation. Split Charge Blasting techniques with Air Decking by Gas Bags
It differs from opti-blast in the sense that the Air Deck is created in the middle of explosive
column (Fig B) and gas bags are used in place of cane baskets (Fig A). The gas bags are made
up of multiple layers of NylonCo-polymers and contain an aerosol can with a plunger.

Fig- A Fig - B
Fig. No. 5.1.4. 2.1 Split Charge Blasting with Air Decking by Gas Bags

The capacity of the can is 200 cc and it contains 100 gms of propane gas. One tag is provided on
the top of the bag for lowering it down the hole, using a string. When the plunger is pressed,
propane gas is released from the can and it inflates the bag within 45 seconds. After that, the bag
becomes tight at the pre-determined depth, and the tag is pulled out.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
In this method also two boosters (500 gms. each) are used – one in the bottom of the explosive
charge, and the other on the top of the gas bag, in the column charge. Gas bag is a new
introduction in KIOCL and helps in creating mid-column air decks. Experiments conducted by
Melnikov and others have shown that by introducing air gaps in explosives columns, there is
considerable increase in the utilisation of explosive energy. Melinikov’s Theory of Air Decking Blasting Techniques

The detonation of a confined explosive without any Air-Deck can be divided in to the following
four stages. Shock and stress wave Propagation

Detonation stage : Generates pressure front or shock front which acts on the Bore
hole wall
Shock and stress wave Occurs in conjunction with detonation producing crack network
propagation : in the surrounding rock mass.
Gas pressure : During or after stress wave propagation the high pressure gases
impart stress field around the blast hole that can expand original
hole, extending radial cracks.
Mass movement : The fragmented material is moved out under the pressure of the
explosive gases.

Although explosive/material interactions can be conveniently divided into four stages, in reality,
these events can occur at the same time. Melinikov has suggested that air decks provide a
mechanism by which a secondary stress wave can be readily and inexpensively generated. The
theory postulates that shock wave reflections within the hole produce a secondary stress wave
which extends micro fractures network prior to gas pressurisation. According to Melnikov, Air
decks reduce the final hole pressure produced by the explosive products but increases the
duration of their action on the rock (Air deck do not affect the detonation pressure of the

These after shocks arise from the different velocities or distances travelled within the air deck
by three main pressure fronts:

Shock front.
Pressure front resulting from the formation of explosive products behind the
detonation front.
Reflected waves from the bottom of the blast hole or from the base of the stemming.
As these shock fronts move within the air gap, they generate radial cracks from the
discontinuities in the bore hole, provided the pressure is greater than the toughness of
the material.

This method of Blasting is practiced in Australia and also has been successfully introduced in
KIOCL resulting in reducing ground vibration, noise & air blasts due to reduction in explosive

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
Table No. Comparison among Conventional, Opti-blast & Split-charge
Blasting Techniques
Sl. Area Conventional Opti-Blast with Cane Split-Charge with Gas-
No. Baskets Bags
1. Decking No Decking Suitable for ‘top’ of Suitable for Mid-
column Air Deck only column, Top & Bottom
Air Decks
2. Air Gap No Air Deck
Not very effective in Effective in
maintaining the Air maintaining Air Gaps
3. Technology General Method Crude method Advanced Technology
4. Ease of - Cumbersome to use They are light and
Handling compact and quick and
easy to apply
5. Fragmentati Fragmentation Produces satisfactory Fragmentation is better
on is not fragmentation than Opti Blast
6. Flyrock Severe Comparatively much Negligible
7. Ground Ground Ground vibrations are Ground Vibrations are
Vibrations vibrations are less compared to low and well within the
high conventional and are statutory limits
within the statutory
8. Watery Can be applied Not suitable for watery Suitable for watery
Conditions in watery conditions holes
9. Exp. Wastage of Lots of explosive Better utilisation of
Energy explosive energy get wasted explosive energy
Utilisation energy is
10. Cost Expensive Comparatively cheaper Most economical

5.1.5 Environment Friendly Blast Initiation Devices

The first phase of production cycle in the open cast iron ore the mining operations is rock
breaking by drilling and blasting. Optimisation of this processes are very important because the
fragmentation obtained in this operation affects the inter-related operations like loading,
hauling, crushing and grinding.

Use of explosives for breaking the rock began in the year 1627. Black powder, the oldest low
explosive used for rock fragmentation, couldn’t prove to be an efficient blasting agent due to its’
low strength. Therefore, it was gradually replaced by more powerful explosives such as Nitro -
Glycerine (NG) based explosives, Ammonium Nitrate Fuel Oil (ANFO), slurry explosives,
emulsion explosives and liquid oxygen explosives etc. Commercial explosives are designed to

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
be relatively stable for safe usage, transport, storage and manufacture. A powerful localised
shock or detonation is required to initiate commercial explosives this is achieved by use of an
initiating device. The initiative device may be electric or non-electric. The initiation system will
influence the blast results. While handling large size blasting, two important parameters to be
considered are:

1. Proper utilisation of explosive energy: Means how much of energy is actually utilised
for rock breakage i.e. the quality of fragmentation obtained. The remaining energy results
in the form of ground vibration, noise and fly-rock. The cost factor is also dependent of
effective & efficient use of explosive energy.
2. Effect on environment: It has become a major concern for mining industry. Therefore it
is necessary to conduct environment friendly blast which will reduce the problems like
flyrock, airblast, ground vibrations etc. Since, type of initiation system influences these
parameters. It is necessary to select the appropriate initiation system. Initiation Systems

An initiating system consists of three basic parts.
1. An initial energy source
2. An energy distribution network that conveys energy into the individual blast holes, and
3. An in hole component that used energy from the distribution network to initiate a cap
sensitive explosive.
The initial energy source may be electrical such as a generator or a condenser discharge
blasting machine or a power line used to energise an electric blasting cap, or a heat source
such as a spark generator or a match. The energy conveyed to and into the individual blast
holes may be electricity, a burning fuse, a high energy explosive detonation or a low energy
dust or gas detonation.
There are basically two methods of initiation systems. Those are:
1. Electrical initiation system and
2. Non-electrical initiation system

1. Electric initiation systems utilise an electrical power source with associated circuit wiring
to convey electrical energy to the detonator. Again in electrical initiating systems, there
are different initiating devices like :
• Electric detonators
• High intensity detonators
• Electronic detonators
• Seismic detonators and
• Submarine electric detonators

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
2. Non-electrical initiation system utilise various types of chemical reactions ranging from
deflagration to detonation as a means of conveying the impulse to non-electric detonators.
Different types of devices are available for surface initiation or for in the hole initiation. In
non-electric initiating system, the different types of devices are :
Non-electric initiation using safety fuse and plain detonator and plastic ignite cord
Non-electric initiation using detonating cord
• Detonating cord with delay element
• Low energy detonating cord (LEDC) initiation
• High energy detonating cord (HEDC) initiation
Non-Electric initiation systems (not utilising detonating cord) are :
Although the detonating cord-based ignition system and also (safety fuse and plain detonator)
ignition system is non-electric, usually in practice Non-electric refers to the “NONEL and
NONEL type systems”. NONEL refers to non-electric detonator initiation system. It is the
common name of a series of blast accessories developed by Nitro Nobel of Sweden, which uses
shock tube principle. It combines the advantages of electric detonator and detonating cord. Electric Initiation

Electrical initiation system utilises an electrical power source with an associated circuit to
convey the impulse to the electric detonator which in turn initiates the explosive charge.
Basically there are two types of detonators.
1. Ordinary electric detonators (instantaneous type),
Low tension detonators
High tension detonators
2. Delay electric detonators
Half second or long delay detonators
Milli second or short delay detonators

Electric Detonators
In this type electric circuit to the detonator is supplied from the power source through the
circuit wiring by means of two lead wires that are internally connected by a small length of
high resistance bridge wire. The electrical energy is concerted into heat energy on passing the
fire current through the bridge wire. The heat energy heats the pyrotechnic composition that
surrounds the bridge wire on the bridge edge assembly. The resulting flame ignites initiating
charge or delay element, these intern setoff the base charge.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices Non-electric Initiating Systems (Without Detonating cords)
Shock Tube Detonators: Shock tube as the name suggests, is a plastic tube of about 3-4 mm
outer diameter and 1.5 mm internal diameter. It is coated inside with a explosive composition
(reactive substance). The quantity of explosive is about 20 mg/m. It consists of a length of
shock tube whose one end sealed and the other end is crimped with a delay detonator.
Initiation is provided by using detonator or detonator cord to the sealed end. A mild shock
wave in the form of dust explosion travels at a speed of 2000 m/s. The mild shock is very
weak and hence it does not damage the shock tube. The shock wave intern detonates the high
explosives primed with it.

It was invented in late 1960’s and patented by the NOBLE in the trade name of NONEL. In
many countries like Australia, USA they were manufactured by taking permission from
NOBEL. In the last five years, after the expiry of the original patent, shock tube detonators of
various types have come into the world market, some are in developing stage. Few developed
ones are EXEL from ICI, RAYDET from IDL, HERCUDET from HERCULES.

NONEL: Nonel is the common trade name of a series of blast initiation accessories developed
by Nitronobel of Sweden, which uses “shock tube principle”. Nonel is a flexible plastic tube
having outer dia of 3 mm and internal dia of 1.5 mm respectively. It is coated with a reactive
substance internally. It maintains the propagation velocity of 2000 meter/sec. It consists of a
delay detonator at one end and other end is sealed. The sealed end is initiated by either
detonator or detonating cord. It sets a shock wave which travels through the shock tube. The
Nonel detonator consists of following elements:

1. The visible part is an aluminium shell, the length of which may vary according to the
length of delay element.
2. A base charge of high explosive is present at the bottom of the tube as shown in the figure
below, which gives NO:8 strength.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
3. A prime charge made of flame sensitive explosives is present above the base charge as
shown in the figure.
4. The desired delay interval is provided by an aluminium tube delay element filled with
pyrotechnic composition, part of which is directly pressed into the shell.
5. The detonator is crimped against a rubber sealing plug which also protects a portion of
Nonel tube against wear.
6. A specific length of Nonel tube with it’s free end sealed is attached to the nonel detonator. Special Variants of Nonel Detonators

NONEL GT/MS: It is an all round initiation system which is used in all applications where
millisecond delay is required, e.g., blasting above or below the ground. It is made up in a
conventional manner. The detonators have individual delay and the activation is simultaneous.
The range of delay varies from 3 to 20 with 25 milliseconds between each period starting with
75 milliseconds.

AYDET: This product was developed by IDL industries Ltd. India. It is similar to NONEL and
uses shock tube principle. RAYDET consists of a hollow polymer tube having an internal dia of
1.5 mm and external dia of 3 mm. The tube is thinly coated on the inner side with a reactive
material 10 - 15 mg/m (PETN). The detonation velocity passing through the shock tube is of the
order of 1800-2000 m/s (M.O. Sarathy, 1995). One end of the tube consists of a detonator and
another end is sealed. It can be initiated by detonating card or detonator, or with special starter
caps. Presently up to 20 delays is available starting with 50 ms and with an interval of (25 or 50

Raydet DTH (Down the hole) : Raydet DTH is essentially a Raydet milli second delay with an
accurate firing time of 475 and 500 ms. Raydet DTH is used in-hole in conjunction with surface
delay unit Raydet TLD. Other delay intervals are also available. Raydet DTH units are
assembled with heavy-duty tube. The idea of using high delay interval of 475 ms is to ensure
that the detonation of the surface hook-up would be at least several rows or drill holes ahead
before the first hole gets initiated and ground movement starts subsequently.

Raydet TLD (Trunk Line Delay) : Raydet TLD is a surface delay initiation unit, which
assists, in non-electric sequential blasting. Raydet TLD consists of a Raydet MS delay detonator
assembly with delay intervals of 0,17,25,34,42,50,67 and 100 ms. A specially designed bunch
block connector is fitted on the detonator shell. The bunch box connector has facility for
hooking-up up to six shock tubes at a time. The bunch block connectors are coloured coded for
easy identification. The colour codes are :

Delay Interval (ms) Colour

0 Green
17 Yellow
42 / 50 White
67 Blue
100 Black

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
EXEL: In 1989 ICI patented a new method of producing the shocktube called EXEL (Bhushan
& Srihari, 1995). This product was developed by ICI, in late 1970’s. EXEL is a new type of
shock tube which has good resistance to contamination by water and diesel fuel and has high
strength, toughness. Therefore, it is able to withstand rough handling, low temperatures up to
3.5 degrees centigrade and high surface temperature of 65 degrees centigrade. It has four times
the abrasion resistance & tensile strength compared to regular shock tube. EXEL shock tube is a
plastic tube of 3 mm outer dia and 1.5 mm. inner dia. A fine dust of HMX and aluminium
powder is sprayed during extrusion thus forming a fine coating of explosive in the inner walls of
the tube. The quantity of explosive is between 14 to 16 mg/m. thus the tube remains intact after
the passage of the shock wave.

Exel shock tubes cannot be normally be initiated by an electrical source, such as mains
electricity, batteries, static electricity. They will not burn and cannot be initiated by an open

EXEL MS detonator: Exel MS (milli second) detonators consist of a no-electric detonator

with mill-second delay interval, a length of signal tube which has an inner coating of reactive
powder, one of the ends of the tube being crimped into the detonator shell and a inert plastic
cobra connector to provide a rapid mean of attaching the tube to a trunkline of detonating cord.
EXEL MS detonator provide a series of delay times suitable for blasting in surface mining,
tunnelling, quarrying and underground operation.

MS delays : 17 ms, 42 ms, 100 ms, 150 ms, 175 ms, 200 ms, 250 ms, 300 ms, 400 ms, 450ms.

Exel LP detonators: Exel LP (long period) detonators are similar to EXEL MS detonators with
long period delay intervals. LP delays : 200 ms, 400 ms, 600 ms, 1000 ms, 1400 ms, 1800 ms,
2400 ms, 3000 ms, 3800 ms, 4600 ms.

Exel MS and Exel LP incorporates detonator with high strength base charge and can directly
initiate detonator sensitive boosters and NG explosives. The detonators provide a high level of
safety as the Exel detonators incorporate a isolation cup which allows any electrostatic charges
which may prevent spark discharge in the detonator. Advantages of NONEL
In conventional initiation method, detonation fuse (10 to12 gm PETN per m length) is used as
trunk and down the hole lines and delays between rows or between the holes are provided by
using cord relays (25 milli seconds or 50 milli second delay timing). The short comings of the
conventional system of initiation are:
a) Detonating fuse generates a high degree of shock due to high grammage of PETN present
in it and thereby generating high volume of noise of air over-pressure.
b) Loosening and ejection of stemming material in the stemming column takes place due to
the gasses coming out during travelling of shock wave through detonation fuse.
c) Deflagration of desensitisation of non-cap sensitive column charge occur when shock
wave travels through detonating fuse, which is in contact with the column charge in the
blast tube.
d) True bottom initiation cannot be done with conventional system of initiation as prime /
booster charge is distributed along the length of the blast hole.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
e) In-hole delay system cannot be used with conventional system of initiation. Thus, deck
charge cannot be separated in terms of delay time hence ground vibration is more in this
The above shortcomings of the conventional system of initiation with detonating fuse and
cord relay can be to the great extent eliminated by using shock tube delay initiation (non-
electric) system.
a) One of main plus point of shock tube initiation (non-electric) system is down-the-hole
delay timings. As indicated earlier with multi-deck in-hole delay timing the ground
vibration can be minimised as charge per delay can be kept minimum.
b) De-sensitisation of column charges non-cap sensitive in the blast holes is minimum or nil,
as the shock wave travels through the inside of the shock tube and thereby enabling true
bottom initiation of explosive column.
c) Loosening the compactness of stemming material and premature venting of explosion
energy through stemming column is avoided by using non-electric system as the shock
wave passes through inside the shock tube and the emanating of gases resulting in
injection of stemming material is avoided.
d) Noise generated due to air-over pressure (air blast) is minimum as a low degree of shock
wave travel through the inside of shock tube at surface trunk lines and the contact shock
wave with the general air is minimum.
e) Reduced problem of fly rock.
Apart from the above advantages, it has better fragmentation and minimisation of toe
problems. The technology of NONEL has been proved to be good for fragmentation and
minimise the ill effects of blasting like ground vibration and noise which can improve the
safety, production and productivity. Stemming control during blasting operation

Recently several innovations have allowed improved utilisation of gas energy during blasting
operation by stemming control. Stemming is used in order that a high explosive charge
functions properly and release the maximum energy, the charge must be confined in the bore
hole. The primary function of stemming is to confine the gases produced by the explosive
until they have adequate time to fracture and move the ground. By reducing premature venting
of high-pressure explosion gases to atmosphere, however, a stemming column of suitable
length and consistency enhances fracture and displacement by gas energy.
Recently the value of effective stemming column design has been re-evaluated. It is
confirmed that an inverse relationship between stemming ejection velocity and face velocity
exists. Reduced stemming ejection has since been directly linked to improved fragmentation,
improved safety, decreased dust emission and lower air blast.
In order to extract the maximum energy from the expanding gases the stemming plug should
never blow out and allow the gases to escape prematurely. Three types of items have been
introduced which are placed in the stemming part of the hole.
1. Stem plug
The stem plug is an injection moulded cone shaped device constructed of high-impact
polystyrene with a 15,000PSI compressive strength. This is commonly known a funnel,
placed within the stemming material at an optimal distance above the explosive column, the

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
plug actively seals the borehole collar upon detonation to confine explosive energy at the
typical path of least resistance.

2. Maxplug is a flexible plastic moulded plug and used in similar manners stem plug.
Rock lock a stemming filled, high tensile, non-brittle, plastic sphere, functions by reducing
and controlling the random variables leading to borehole venting and stemming ejection. For
stemming to lock under explosive compression, resistance must be present in the stemming
area for the frictional forces to over ride a tendency to vent or have stemming ejection.
All these stemming control plugs have reduced stemming ejection and enabled the benefits of
energy confinement. The blast control plug works with the blast energy to consistently
replicate a “clogged gun barrel” effect. Essentially, the plug is self -driving wedge. When a
blast control plug is introduced in the stemming column, it is subjected to explosive pressure.
When the blast force hits the bottom of the control plug, the force pushes the bottom up
causing the plug to expand and seal against the drill hole wall, where severe crushing of the
stemming material in advance of the cone results in the lateral pressurisation of the bore hole
walls. As the bottom moves upwards it forms a wedge forcing the stemming against the plug
wall, locking the plug into place.
Water filled, high tensile, non - brittle plastic balls, have been used in stemming column. The
ball works as a lock or obstruction to blow out of stemming material for a little time where as
water inside it is acts as a dust. This avoids releasing of explosive energy from top, which in
turn is used in productive work of rock breaking.
PVC ampules (water filled or gel filled) are used as safe stemming material. They
significantly reduce dust and fumes from blasting. Water-filled plastic bags are permitted
device for stemming. Water stemming bags have proven very effective in providing
confinement and reducing dust.

Stem Plug Rock Lock

Fig No. Stemming Control by Stem Plug / Rock Lock

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
5.1.6 In-Pit Crushing and Conveyor Transport System
In the world 80 % of iron ores are extracted from open cast mines and rest only 20 % by
underground mines. The conventional “All Dumper transport” system in the iron ore mines,
represented a very flexible means of material transport, in the past few decades, when energy /
fuel was abundant and cheap. However, the situation is different today.

Over the past few decades, a ten to twenty fold increase in oil prices and increased prices of
tyres has made mine-operators aware of increasing transportation costs. Increasing mine depths,
distances between mine face and the ore processing plants, increasing over burden to ore ratios,
depletion of high grade iron ore reserves (at or near the surface iron ore deposits) and need to
exploit even poorer laws for reclamation of mined out areas, all call for larger material volumes
to be moved over longer distances and steeper gradients. On account of these factors, today,
dumper haulage alone account for more than half of total mining costs. This trend is visible to
look for alternative means of environment friendly transport.

This system has significant and cost effective application in mines having considerable lift,
transport of material to transport over fairly long distance (more than 1.5 to 2 Km), having large
quantity of material to transport and for minimising low grade and high stripping ratio deposit at
greater depth. Although this system of transportation is applicable from starting of mining
operations but it is much beneficial from 30m depth onwards and up to 200m or more.

The cost economics between shovel-dumper combination transport system are in-pit crushing-
conveying system vary from mine to mine depending upon

• Depth of the mines

• Gradient in the mines
• Position of mine face
• Amount of material (tonne/hr) to be handled
• Basic characteristics of the materials, compressive strength of the rocks, maximum
lump size, amount of fines, watery condition, roughness, abrasivity etc.
• Availability of electricity in the site, type (whether AC or DC), frequency, voltage
• Climatic condition
• Cost economy
• Length in the dip direction
• Incubation period etc.

Today, mine operators abroad, aim at minimising dumper haulage and maximisation of belt
conveying of materials. A comparison of dumper & conveyor transport is shown below :

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
Table No. Transportation through Dumper vs Conveyer
Sl. No. Dumper Transport Conveyor Transport
01. Diesel oil operated. Electrically powered.
02. 40 % of total energy is used to transport 80 % of total energy is used to transport
payload. 60 % is used to move self weight payload. 20 % is used to move weight of
of the dumper. the belt and overcome frictional
resistance of the moving parts. Energy
cost savings upto 70 % is obtained as
compared to dumper transport.
03. Can overcome maximum gradient of 6 – 8 Can safely overcome gradients upto 35
% only. % and more by high-angle belt conveyor.
04. Discontinuous system. Continuous system.
05. Dumper fleet requires large manpower for Operation and maintenance is simple and
operation and maintenance. requires less manpower.
06. Dumper technology of only upto 85 T No such limitations.
capacity is indigenously available in India,
posing limitations to increase volume of
mining activity.
07. Pollution of mine environment with No such problems.
exhaust fumes, dust and noise.
08. Dumper operation is severely affected by Insensitive to weather conditions, hence
bad weather e.g. fog, rains, heat, snow etc. can be effectively used round the year.
09. Dumper needs specially built and Trough careful mine planning costs of
maintained haulage roads with heavy conveyor routing can be reduced or
investment. avoided.

Thus, we see from the above comparison that the conveyor transport has major economical,
environmental friendly and operational advantages over dumper transport. These advantages
can now be realised in the hard rock mines through introduction of the in-pit crushing system. Elements of In-PIT crushing systems

There are three main elements of In-pit crushing and conveying system. These are In-pit
Crushers, loading mechanisms to In-pit crushers, and conveying systems for crushed material. In-pit Crushers

Depending upon the degree of mobility of crusher In-pit crushers can be grouped primarily
into two categories e.g. mobile In-pit crushers & semi-mobile In-pit crushers. Mobile In-pit Crushers

Mobile IPC are those which are self propelled and equipped with an integral transport
mechanism. It has three main types of travelling mechanism walking pads, wheels and trucks
and can be specified with either an electric, diesel or diesel/electric power source. Mobile IPCs
are generally used at working face just near the excavators. These are directly fed by excavator
and moved with excavator. The frequency relocation of these crushers from one place to another

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
depends on the rate of face advance. Due to its excellent manoeuvrability and high speed, they
provide the highest flexibility in comparison of all other In-pit crushing systems.

Because mobile In-pit crushing plants are designed to follow and be loaded directly from the
working face, they usually have to be moved out of the danger area during blasting. It, therefore,
follows the frequency of blasting and changes in working face will have a direct influence on
the type of crushing plant that is selected for In-pit crushing.

A vast range of crushers of hammers, roll, jaw & gyratory types are used in mobile units.
Generally for small capacity roll and hammer crushers are used for high capacity jaw &
gyratory crushers are used. The crusher installed in a mobile plant depends on a number of
parameters e.g., material strength, abrasiveness, feed size distribution, product size and required
capacity. Apart from crusher, in general the main components of mobile IPC unit include feed
hopper; apron feeder; discharge conveyor; and propelling device.

1. Feed Hopper
2. Apron Feeder
3. Discharge Conveyor
4. Propelling Device
Suitability of a propelling device under different conditions is given below:-
a) Rubber Tired Wheel Mechanism: Wheel-mounted crushers are more suited to in-pit
crushing applications where long distances have to be covered in a short time. Enjoying
growing market acceptance, particularly in Scandinavia, France and North America, they
feature trailing or powdered axles and levelling jacks that raise the whole machine off the
ground during operation. This design allows easy movement between sites, but makes
wheel-mounted crushers less manoeuvrable on-site and more susceptible to poor ground
conditions than track-mounted units. Operating experience in Europe indicates that the
wheel-mounted mobile crusher is ideal for companies wishing to move between a number
of smaller deposit, crushing upwards of 5000 tonnes per site.
b) Crawler or Track mechanism: The latest track-mounted crushers are versatile, highly
manoeuvrable machines that can be easily loaded by a hydraulic excavator or wheel
loader. Their heavy duty tracked under carriage allows them to operate in difficult ground
conditions and travel across a site at speeds upto 2.0 Km/hr. Capacities range from 70 to
1600 T/hr. with the largest models having an operating weight of upto 250T. These
features make track-mounted crushers ideal for applications where the working area of the
face is frequently changed.
c) Walking Shoes or Pads mechanism: The walking mechanism is suitable for large mobile
units. They are used in mobile crushers when crawler system becomes uneconomical.
They are used upto weight 2000 to 3000T of crushers. This system requires level and
stable ground condition and offers slow propelling speed and are not suitable for frequent
d) Rail: Carriage on rails has very limited application, as the crusher unit is restricted to
movement only in the direction of the rails. It is unsuitable for frequent relocation. Semi-mobile in-pit crusher

Semi-mobile IPCs do not have any integral mechanism. They are moved from one place to
another with the help of a separate transporting device, called transporter. Most of the larger

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
semi-mobile crusher units are of modular design in order to facilitate relocation. The relocation
frequency of semi-mobile crushing plants ranges between three and five years, depending on
mining plan and cost evaluations.

In a semi-mobile IPC unit, a crusher may be of any type i.e., Jaw, gyratory, impact or roll
crusher. But generally gyratory or jaw crushers are used. The crusher has space or rooms, for
variable speed crusher motor, hydraulic power pack for rock breaker etc. Semi-mobile crushing
plants equipped with gyratory crushers can reach capacities of upto 10,000 T/hr. At such high
capacities the design of the feed hopper allowing simultaneous dumping of two trucks is of
importance. Another important design parameter for a direct fed crushing plant is a sufficiently
large rock box below the crusher. Some operations have such an effective rock fragmentation
that the major part of a truck load can pass the crusher in a very short time. Most crushers,
except the gyratory crusher, require a regulated feed by an apron feeder. Some mining
operations using a gyratory crusher and having favourable rock conditions and longer relocation
cycles prefer direct fed semi-mobile crushing plants.

Like mobile IPC, a semi-mobile IPC also consists of feed hopper, apron feeder and a discharge
conveyor. The details of these items are almost similar to the one discussed in mobile IPC units.
In semi-mobile IPCs apron feeder is mounted on a sliding table with hydraulic rams which
allows the discharge end of the feeder to be located at optimum location to feed the crusher.
Further in these units, discharge conveyor is equipped with a fabric belt conveyor and a metal
detector and discharges the material into conveying mechanism of transporting system. The
inclination angle of conveyor can be changed with the help of supporting jacks.

In irregular or disturbed deposits many faces may be working simultaneously or in a given

sequence. If belts were extended to each working face on each bench, then several mobile
crushers would be needed and the utilisation will be low and investment will be high. In such
cases, one or more crushing plants can be conveniently located so that each can serve two or
more loading machines and having minimum distance of transportation. The crusher movement
frequency would depend on the short term mining plan, ranges from once or twice a week up to
several week or more. So a semi-mobile IPC system provides a best solution under such
conditions. Out of 16 big installations of IPC systems in various mines of copper, gold, coal etc.
during 1956 to 1987 are semi-mobile plants.

In some semi-mobile crushing systems dump-trucks are still used for a short and horizontal
haul. These systems, therefore, utilise the flexibility of truck haulage for grade control, but
avoid the truck haulage’s low productivity at long uphill haul sections. Loading Mechanism of In-pit Crushers

Loading mechanism of IPCs is an important element of In-pit crushing system as it affects the
economy of the system. Excavators can directly load mobile crushers as they are placed at face
just near the excavator and moved with excavators. In some mobile IPCs pay loaders are also
used to load the crushers, placed 50 to 60 M away from the excavator. In all other cases, i.e. in
semi-mobile, semi-stationary and in stationary crushers an intermediate transportation system
between face and crusher is required. This intermediate haulage system is generally dumper
system. These crushers are loaded either from upper bench or from a loading ramp made for
dumping the material into the crusher. Mobile IPC can completely eliminate the dumper system
of transportation from mine. Dumpers can directly feed semi-mobile crushing plant or feed
apron feeder that can further feed crusher.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices Conveying system for Crushed material
Conveying system for crushed material for various types of crushers is different as they have
different amount of flexibility. A mobile IPC requires a highly mobile belt conveyor system.
Semi-mobile IPC requires movable units but not so mobile as required in mobile crusher units.
But in case of semi-stationary and stationary crushing units such movable belt conveyor units
are not required. Conveying system for mobile and semi-mobile crushing units generally
include crawler mounted or tyre mounted, belt wagons, movable high angle conveyors and
fixed conveyors. Conveying system for stationary and semi-stationary crushers generally
include fixed conveyors in different arrangement and high angle conveyors. For handling of
wastes, tripper car, spreaders etc. are also required in all cases. Application of In-Pit Crushing Systems

In-Pit crushing system was first introduced in 1922. The wide application of In-pit crushing
started only in fifties but its significant application has been increased in only last decade. In
initial year’s application of stationary and semi stationary crushing system was prominent in
mines. But it was experienced that when pit expands and deepens these systems become
uneconomical and obstructs the mining of newly discovered deposits.

Initially application of In-pit crusher was popular in areas of world where diesel fuel was not
available in plenty, primarily in Europe and in South Africa. Now application of In-pit crusher
has become very wide throughout the world in most types of mines, i.e., copper, gold, coal, Iron
etc. In India application of In-pit crushing system has started only a decade ago, but these
applications are restricted to only limestone mines attached to cement industry and in some coal
mines. Application of this system in Indian mines is now on rise. The Coal India has also
decided mobile crushers with throughput capacity of 100 to 1000T/hr. have been used in hard
rock mines. Only a few large units having output of 1000 to 1660 T/hr. have been
predominantly used in limestone mines. In recent years some of the installations have throught
capacity in excess of 3500 T/hr. Advantages of In-Pit Crushing

In-pit crushing can be adaptable to nearly any production rate and set geological constraints. It
can significantly reduce the cost of moving materials between the face and main processing
plant. The main benefits of switching from off-highway trucks to an in-pit crushing system with
conveyor haulage are:
• Smaller loading machines can be used;
• Less labour and maintenance cost;
• Less auxiliary equipment;
• Reduced fuel costs;
• Longer economic life of conveyor system and
• Environment friendly.
Cost and operational benefits are not the only advantages to be gained from using an in-pit
crushing and conveyor system. But considerable reduction in vehicle movements also helps to
reduce environmental problems such as dust and noise and makes a valuable contribution to site
safety. Current estimates are that safety and environmental considerations can, depending on the
location, add up to 30 percent to the overall cost of a new quarry or mine development. The
benefits of In-pit crushing become even more apparent while extending the life of the quarry or
open cast mine by increasing its depth. The ability of conveyors to work at angles of up to 18

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
degrees gives them an obvious advantage over off highway trucks that are usually limited to a
maximum gradient of between 5 to 10 degrees. The new generation of “steeply inclined” or
“high angle” conveyors reduce the amount of “sterilised” by the in-pit material transportation
system still further. These elevating or paddle type conveyors can operate at a maximum incline
of 70 degree or single lifts of upto 150 M, maximising the area of recoverable mineral reserves.

It is high time when we should examine the feasibility of In-Pit crushing conveying transport
system in Indian Iron Ore Mines. The figures below depict the mobile in-pit crushing –
conveying transport system:

Fig No. In-pit Crushing & Conveying System Transportation System by Trolley assisted dumpers

In advanced countries, trolley assisted dumpers of 120 T and up to 170 T are in use in view of
the spiraling fuel costs, faster cycle and better productivity. Conventional electric drive
dumpers can be converted after few years of operation into trolley assist with minor
modifications which can finally result in fuel savings. The feasibility of trolley assisted truck
haulage system in the future deep open pit in India should be studied and explored.
Reduction of fuel consumption up to 35%, which results in reduced vehicle emission
Increase productivity 14 to 15% due to increased truck speeds, shortened haulage
cycle times etc., resulting overall reduction in emissions
Increased engine life
This type of trolley assisted trucks is operating presently at USA, Canada, Australia and
Brazil etc.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
5.1.7 Dry Fog Dust Control System
Dry Fog Dust Control Systems have been in operation worldwide for over 30 years. The
patented dual fluid (air & water) Sonicore atomizing nozzles control virtually all breathable and
fugitive dust. This system is very well suited for suppression of dust in mineral processing
plants. Dry fog is better suited for crushing and screening applications where the addition of
large amount of water could cause problems. Dry fog would not be a first choice for outdoor
areas as it is very sensitive to air currents. A cost effective alternative to de-dusting system with
bag house

Theory and application: The ‘dry fog’ dust control system works on the principle of
agglomeration. The dust particles released from a material handling/processing plant which
became air borne, are made to pass through a blanket of extremely fine fog. The dust particles
and the Micronics size fog droplets collide and adhere to each other, thus increasing their mass.
After a series of such collisions, the mass becomes heavy enough to cause settlement of the
agglomerates on the large mass of material being handled. The ‘dry fog’ system is capable of
controlling all types of breathable and fugitive dust ranging from 1 to 800 microns.

Dry Fog Dust Control System

Without Dust Control With Dry Fog Dust Control

Fig. No. Dust Control through Dry Fog Control System

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
Lower capital, operating and maintenance cost compared to de-dusting bag house system.
There is no secondary dust disposal problem.
Since particulate knock down is achieved in situ, there is no need for long duct runs to
convey the dust to control collection point.
Easy installation in existing plant.
In most cases, the system can be installed while the plant operates at full capacity.
The dry fog system takes less space and can be installed in the plants where there is no
space for installation of bag house de-dusting system.
Water addition to the process is as low as 0.1% of the weight of the material being
No requirement of chemical.

5.1.8 Utilisation of Tailings – Resource Recovery

After the beneficiation of iron ore, tailings, which are being disposed to tailings pond for
contaminant, still contain iron concentration around 45% or more. Based on the present day
techno-economic considerations it may not be worthwhile to extract the iron constituent from
this lean source but in future when the present day resources will die down by huge extractions,
it may become economically viable to extract iron content by applying futuristic technologies.
However, due to huge land cost and also keeping in mind that forest land which normally are
found around iron ore mines for which deforestation for construction of tailing’s pond is
statutorily not allowed, it is worthwhile to examine the feasibility to minimize the pondage
volume (Sen and Ghosh 1997) on tailings management point of view reduction of tailing
volume is feasible, if maximum iron content is extracted by suitable technology by adding
additional units to the beneficiation plant (Down and Stocks 1977).

A scheme for further recovery of usable iron ore fines from tailings slime from conventional
iron ore beneficiation plant extends the life of tailing pond. It also makes available the recovered
fines for use as sinter feed. This scheme may be an ultimate strategy for environmental
management for tailing disposal. Since it reduces pressure on utilization of land space. In this
regard the available technologies are WHIMS (Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation) and
Slow Speed Classifiers (SSC). Brief description about these techniques is as follows. Wet High Intensity Magnetic Separation Method (WHIMS)

WHIMS plants are used for the separation or concentration of weakly magnetic materials (Iron
ore). Commercial models ranging in capacity from 1 to 120t/hour are available. Magnetic
separation is achieved by the combination of a magnetic field and a field gradient.

On continuous type models, the high gradient high intensity magnetic fields needed to separate
or concentrate feebly magnetic materials are generated by oil-cooled coils, each with expansion
tank and relief valve. The cools are completely enclosed to protect them from moisture,
chemicals or other elements. A background field from 7000 to 10000 gauses in the open air gap
is produced by these coils in the separation zone to recover feebly magnetic minerals like

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This saturates the matrix and results in the fields of 2 Tesla or more in the separation zone. The
matrix is a select type of magnetics soft iron that files the moving part and produces the gradient
to hold feebly magnetic particles, while allowing non-magnetic particles to pass through when
the matrix is in the magnetic field.

Slurry feed is introduced into the magnetic matrix, which is contained in a stainless steel ring
moving at controlled speed between the poles of powerful stationary electro magnets. The
variable drive system is located under the ring to allow full visibility of the separation area. The
feed pulp enters the matrix just ahead of each magnetic zone and as the magnetically susceptible
particles flowed on through the highly induced expanded metal grid they are attracted and held.
Most of the non-magnetic particles are passed right through to the discharge tray by the drag
force of the slurry water. To further assist the flow of the non-magnetic particles, a low pressure
water rinse spray is directed to the ring at the trailing edge (just beyond the feed point) of the
magnetic field to dislodge additional physically entrapped non-magnetics.

As the rotating rings moves the metrical elements loaded with magnetic particles out of the field
remaining in the material grid drops sharply and a high pressure water spray rinses the magnetic
material in to the discharge tray. Adjustable dividers in the compartmented discharge tray
separate the middling and magnetic fractions. A line diagram showing the details of proposed
WHIMS scheme at Barsua Iron Ore Mines is given below.

Fig No. Proposed WHIMS Scheme for Barsua Iron Mine, SAIL

Thus installation of WHIMS plant will enable resource recovery of substantial quantity of fines
from tailings, thereby reducing the quantity of tailings discharged of the environment by about
50%. As a result, the rate of inundation of the forestland and consequent damage to the trees
may get reduced to the great extent. Besides, the life of existing pond may be extended and
construction of a new pond as well as encroachment / invasion in fresh forest land may get
deferred substantially. Moreover, the size of new pond will get reduced and thus the
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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
requirement of forest area for tailing disposal may come down considerably. In view of the
foregoing, WHIMS process may be considered as a positive environment management strategy
for its utilization to have land space for tailing pond and resource recovery from tailings. These
types of magnetic separators are extensively used in Brazil, Canada, Norway, Finland and
NMDC (India) successfully.

Installation of WHIMS plant will enable resource recovery of substantial quantity of fines from
tailings, there by reducing the quantity of tailings discharged to the environment. As a result, the
rate of inundation of the forest land and consequent damage to the trees may get reduced to a
great extent. Besides, the life of existing pond may be extended and construction of a new pond
as well as encroachment/ invasion in fresh forest land may get deferred substantially. Moreover,
the size of the new pond will get reduced and thus the requirement of forest area for tailing
disposal may come down considerably.

In view of the foregoing, WHIMS process may be considered as a positive environment

management strategy for its utilisation to save and space for tailing pond and resource recovery
from tailings. Slow Speed Classifiers

Classifier is equipment for iron ore beneficiation for sinter grade fine ore. Recovery of iron ore
fines can be maximised by installing Slow Speed Classifier (SSC) in the wet beneficiation
circuit, wherever feasible. Because of this installation only a small amount of iron ore micro-
fines along with shaly/poor quality material is let out to the tailings dam for quiescent settling.
The use of slow speed classifiers will not only increase the recovery of fines/microfines, but
also increase the life of the tailings pond.

Fig. No. Slow Speed Classifiers

5.1.9 Magnetic Elutriation Technology

A new patented magnetic elutriation process developed by US mining industries uses moving
water to flush away impurities and deliver a highly refined product. The magnetic elutriation
technology was specifically developed to allow US iron ore mines to meet DRI mills
emerging market demand for DRI grade ore.

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Magnetic elutriation improves the quality of low-grade iron ore by using an alternating
current, pulsed magnetic field to clean iron a highly refined product. This innovative process
differs from conventional element type magnetic separation systems by using permanent
magnets that cause magnetic entrapment. Drum Separators use a less effective, static magnetic
field middlings, which ultimately contaminate the iron product. The capacity of the magnetic
elutriation device is 100 tons/hr and it is ready for commercialisation at US.

Fig. No. Magnetic Elutriation Technology

Process: As crude iron ore enters the system (shown in Fig. No. gravity pulls the
magnetically gathered iron ore particle string downwards. Only rich iron ore particles move
downwards, while tailings particles move upwards. The selective downward movement of the
product is assisted by powerful electro magnets that agitate and hold the strongly magnetic iron
ore preventing it from being flushed out of the system. Then water flushes the weakly magnetic
middlings and sandy tailings out of the system. Highly refined iron ore is the final product.

5.1.10 Utilisation of Iron Ore Slimes for making Value-added Products

India ranks as the fourth largest producer of iron ore in the world with a total iron ore resources
of more than 25 billion tonnes as on 01/04/2005 (Source IBM, Nagpur). The current practice of
washing iron ore in India results in the generation of huge quantity of tailings. The generation of
tailings is estimated to be around 14 million tonnes per year in India. These tailings are stored in
massive ponds and pose severe environmental hazards. Safe disposal or utilisation of these
materials thus remains a challenging task for the iron ore industry in India. One of the possible
solutions is to convert the tailings into value added products for building industry. With the
traditional building materials industry under pressure and unable to cope up with the demand,
there is growing concern in many developing countries for updating production processes, as
well as promotion of alternative building materials. Ceramic floor and wall tiles are one of such
value-added products where industrial wastes can be used as raw material.

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The tailings generated by iron ore industry may be used as one of the raw materials for making
ceramic floor and wall tiles. Its high silica content favour formulation of tile body compositions.
These tiles are superior with respect to scratch hardness and strength, maintaining most of the
other properties comparable to EN specifications. Iron Ore tailings substitute some of the
expensive minerals used in commercial tile compositions and lower the product cost. Further,
these tailings are in powder form, thus requiring less grinding time, there is thus scope for
energy saving. This new development may be cost-effective solution in managing tailings of
iron ore and controlling environmental pollution.

Process flow sheet for manufacturing ceramic floor and wall tiles from iron ore tailings are as

Raw Material
Wet Milling
(Iron Ore Tailings)


Spray Drying

Binder Mixing




Floor / Wall Tiles

Fig. No. Process Flow Sheet for Manufacturing Tiles from Tailings

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
Very few low capacity iron ore mines were operating during the pre-independence time. For the
economic development of the country, new manufacturing industries came up during the post
independence era, which resulted in the rapid growth of mineral exploration. During the period
of development and rapid expansion of mining activities, environmental issues were not given
major consideration by the industry for the society. However, now the society expects and
demands the resource sector to apply high standards of environmental management to all
projects. The Mining industry unfortunately has a legacy of environmental damage to live down
and the public is now aware of it. Since last two decades, statutory bodies have taken stringent
measures to tackle this problem, by adopting/imposing certain conditions during planning stage
itself and monitoring continuously. Now, it has been realized by the mining authorities that
careful planning and implementation of proper environment management practices are essential
for sustainable development.

Some of the different aspects of the best environment management practices need to be
followed in Indian Iron Ore Mining Industry with respect to the qualities of air, water and noise,
vibration & air blast management, waste management practices, rehabilitation strategies and
practices, etc. are discussed in the following sections.

5.2.1 Mine Planning for Environmental Protection

In the past (and to some extent now for the small mine owners), it was practiced that to see
whether a iron ore deposit is feasible for mining or not without planning for or to keep
provision for other aspects. Even in some areas, the land allotments/ mining leases are so
small that the mine can not be properly planned for its development. However, the time has
come to realise that the manner in which a mine is planned can have a major influence on the
magnitude and duration of impacts over the life of the development, operation and following
its closure. With the operational variations, nature of deposits and locations, mining
techniques to minimise environmental impacts can not be standardised. Each deposit is unique
in its combination of physical, social and resource opportunities and constraints. The use of
consistently appropriate mine planning is the most effective way to harmonise mining with the
environment. No single element of mining, by itself, minimise environmental impacts. The
first step in planning is to recognise the environmental issues that need to be faced during
designing a feasible mine layout. It may range from air quality, noise and vibration, water
management, water quality, soil conservation, flora and fauna, transport, rehabilitation, visual
impacts, hazard and risk assessment, waste management to socio-economic issues. All the
environmental considerations are to be firmly integrated into the planning of each stage of a
mining project. As well as the method and rate of mining, some of the issues to be considered
during mine planning for environment protection include the location of the mine
infrastructure such as:
• Haul roads
• Surface facilities, i.e. offices, workshops, garage, ware houses, power stations, etc.
• Tailings and waste disposal areas and methods
• Transport and service corridors, i.e. railway lines, roads, pipe lines, conveyors etc.
• Product stock piles
• Ore processing facilities
• Chemical and fuel storage
• Township and housing locations.

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As the mining progress from the planning and concept design stages through to operation and
possibly for decommissioning, proper planning can reduce environmental impacts, result in
good environmental performance and enhance the public perception of the mining as able to
operate in an ecologically sustainable way. Followings need to be considered and planned for
over the life of the mine. Mine Location
For developing a new mine, the general environmental constraints need to be considered and
addressed by asking the typical questions, such as -
Location of the drainage basin – Will it flood? Is there a substantial upstream catchment
that would need diverting around the mine? Who uses water downstream and what do they
use for? What is the ecological need of aquatic and terrestrial flora and fauna? Will there be
enough water to operate the mine?
Surrounding Land use - How is land surrounding the mine site is currently being used? Are
there any sensitive users? Is the land is already zoned/earmarked for certain use?
Proximity to utility infrastructure - Where are the nearest main roads, railways, water
supply, electricity, telecommunications, ports, etc.? Do they have sufficient capacity and will
their intensified use cause environmental impacts? Can they be supplemented or modified to
satisfy the needs of the mine?
Visual Exposure – Is the deposit in a visually prominent area? If it is, does this matter to the
local community? What can be done by the facilities location to minimise future impacts?
Cumulative Impacts – Is there a potential for the impacts of the proposal to add to those
from other mining or industrial operations? Will there be competition for water, transport
services or employees? Will air quality, noise or water quality be cumulatively satisfactory? Pre-Mining Investigations

Adequate baseline information is necessary before mining can be planned in an
environmentally responsible way. An essential pre-requisite is proper identification and
requirement of the deposit itself. The key requirement is an adequate understanding of the
baseline environmental conditions. This would normally be obtained by an integrated
monitoring programme that established pre-mining conditions in meteorology, flora and
fauna, water quality, noise and air quality, transport and other characteristics of the site
surrounding area. Conventionally, this would be collected over at least 12 months to account
for seasonal variations. This baseline data is essential to enable the mine planners and
environmentalists to understand the environmental issues that will be addressed. Construction
Some of the more significant environmental impacts associated with projects can occur during
their construction. Pollution control during construction are most of the times not designed
for, and if any, they are of very low standards because they do not form part of the on going
mine. However, there is little point in building elaborate controls for the operational phase of
mining if the environment they are supposed to protect has been destroyed during the
construction itself. It also undermines the environmental integrity of the mine owners and
managers, who may have gone to considerable lengths to reassure local communities about
the potential for impacts and their commitment to responsible environment performance.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices Pollution Prevention and Control
Pollution prevention and controls are needed to be incorporated during the design phase of the
mine operation. The underlying principle for effective pollution prevention and control is to
contain contaminants on the site itself. This can include covering chemicals, avoiding
unplanned equipment maintenance, etc. Air quality controls include the use of water tankers for
dust suppression, water sprays on conveyors and ore stock piles, controls on blasting and
limiting freefall distances while stockpiling the ores and overburdens. The design and
maintenance of haul roads is also an important consideration in dust control. Similar control
measures need to be integrated to each operation of the mine during the planning stage. One of
the critical factors in successful pollution prevention and control is through proper training of
the workforce. It is no matter how sound the plant design or committed the mine management,
ultimately environment protection can only be achieved with the understanding and
commitment of the every person working in the mine. An untrained or thoughtless dumper
operator can cause significant harm and expose the company to serious legal liabilities. Biophysical Impacts
Apart from identifying rare and endangered plants and animals, planners must consider the
ecological sensitivity and integrity of an area and what role it plays as a part of a regional
environment. Relevant questions include how well species and habitats are protected in the
area and the role of the site as a part of a habitat corridor. Climate, soils and the rehabilitation
strategy are important considerations in minimising impacts on native flora and fauna. Soil
erosion can be minimised by a proper understanding of soil structure, conservative landform
design, utilising complex drainage networks, incorporating runoff silt traps and dry detention
ponds in the rehabilitated landform. A dry detention pond is designed to hold water over a
short period and allow its later controlled release. Careful use of topsoil can promote
vegetation cover if the topsoil material is structurally appropriate and contains propagules of
native vegetation. Selection of native floral species can be desirable in promoting a stable and
robust vegetation cover. Where possible, species endemic to the area should be used,
preferably those from the site itself. Socio-economic Issues

Mining of iron ore affect the local and national economics in a variety of ways. Mines are
built to exploit the mineral resources of the country to provide economic benefit to the
community and the government, while earning profit for the share holders of the mining
company. Some people will get direct benefit via the creation of employment and business
opportunities, while other people may feel aggrieved by the project proceeding. Where
communities exist at a potential mine site, mining impacts on the host environment can
significantly influence community attitude to the operation. Measures are available to promote
positive aspects of mining while recognising and addressing potentially adverse side effects.
This applies to community infrastructure, employment and land use planning. Environmental Monitoring

Ongoing operational environmental monitoring provides factual information to test
environmental performance, demonstrate compliance with environmental legislation, refine
operational practices and safeguard the interests of both the mining company and the
surrounding community. A well conceived monitoring programme must give attention to what
is being measured and the ultimate use of the data. Monitoring within the minesite can be

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useful in checking source emissions, but it gives little information on the environmental
effects on surrounding communities and the region. Environmental monitoring, including
physical, chemical and biological elements, needs to be extended to areas that may be affected
around the mine site. Decommissioning
Ideally mine decommissioning should be planned at the commencement of operations. Where
this is not possible because the mine is already long established, there is a greater potential for
proper decommissioning if it is integrated with the final year of mine operation. Final
rehabilitation should be influenced by the long term post-mining land use and environmental
condition of the site determined in partnership with the local community. Mine sites often have
established transport links, heavy workshops and other infrastructure that can be put to a range
of post-mining uses. Whether this is not the case or where restoration of pre-mining condition is
required, hauls roads and buildings should be removed and the site rehabilitated and
revegetated. One of the longer-term challenges is to ensure the safety and environmental
appropriateness of final mining voids. It is, sometimes, possible to use these voids for disposal
of surplus rejects and overburden from an adjoining mine, or to provide make up water and
additional sedimentation capacity to other operations. A coordinated and planned approach to
the issue of final voids for adjacent mines can significantly reduce environmental impacts.

It is essential that the mine planner and developer has an excellent understanding of all the
environmental issues and constraints so that they can be considered at the start of the projects
planning in order to produce the best outcome in terms of economic feasibility, resource
utilisation, community acceptance and minimal environment impact.

5.2.2 Rehabilitation and Revegetation

Rehabilitation is the process used to repair the impacts of mining on environment. The long
term objectives of rehabilitation can vary simply converting an area to a safe and stable
condition to restoring the pre-mining conditions as closely as possible with all the area’s
environmental values intact. Planning is the key to successful rehabilitation. A clear objective
for the rehabilitation must be defined including final land use planned for the area.
Rehabilitation plan should be prepared to meet the objective and shall be an integral part of the
mine plan. It should take into account an appropriate and agreed final land use for the area and
the level of management that will be required to maintain the land use. The post mining land use
for the area should be defined in consultation with relevant interest groups including
government departments.

The long-term objectives of rehabilitation vary but can be categorised as:

Restoration of the area so that the pre-mining conditions are replicated as closely as
possible with all the area's environmental values intact. This term generally applies to
the restoration of native ecosystems.
Reclamation of the area so that the pre-mining land use can be re-established under
similar conditions. Reclamation can refer to returning to low maintenance native
vegetation or restoring a land use such as agriculture or forestry.
Developing the area for a land use significantly different to that which existed before
mining. This type of rehabilitation aims to achieve new landforms and land uses
which bring about a greater overall community benefit than would occur if the former
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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
land use was restored. For example mined land could be developed for wetlands,
recreational areas, urban development, forestry, agriculture of numerous other uses.
Converting low conservation value areas in regions with intrinsically low productivity
to a safe and stable condition.
Rehabilitation normally comprises two stages:
Landform design and the reconstruction of a stable land surface; and
Re-vegetation or development of an alternative land use on the reconstructed
landform. Principles of Rehabilitation

In the iron ore mining, removal of overburden and waste rock and its replacement in waste
dumps or the mined-out pit can significantly change the topography and stability of the
landscape. These materials can sometimes be selectively placed so that they don't cause
problems, or they may require special rehabilitation treatments. Followings are the basic
principles of rehabilitation, which needs to be always followed.

Prepare a rehabilitation plan prior to the commencement of mining.

Agree on the long-term post-mining land use objective for the area with the relevant
government departments, community and other stake holders. The land use must be
compatible with the climate, soils, topography of the final landform and the degree of
management available after rehabilitation.
Progressively rehabilitate the site, where possible, so that the rate of rehabilitation is
similar to the rate of mining.
Prevent the introduction of noxious weeds and pests
Minimise the area cleared for mining and associated facilities to that absolutely
necessary for the safe operation of the mine.
Reshape the land disturbed by mining so that it is stable, adequately drained and
suitable for the desired long-term land use.
Minimise the long-term visual impacts by creating landforms which are compatible
with the surrounding landscape.
Reinstate natural drainage patterns disrupted by mining wherever possible.
Minimise the potential for erosion by wind and water both during and following the
Remove or control residual hazardous materials. Identify any potentially toxic
overburden or exposed strata and manage them so as to prevent environmental
Characterise the top soil and retain it for use in rehabilitation. It is preferable to reuse
the topsoil immediately rather than storing it in stockpiles. Only discard if it is
physically or chemically undesirable, or if it contains high levels of weed seeds or
plant pathogens.
Consider spreading the cleared vegetation on disturbed areas.

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Deep rip compacted surfaces to encourage infiltration, allow plant root growth and put
the topsoil to the subsoil, unless sub- surface conditions dictate otherwise.
Ensure that one or two meters of soil is capable of supporting plant growth.
If topsoil is unsuitable or absent, identify and test alternative substrates, eg overburden
that may be a suitable substitute after addition of soil improving substances
Revegetate the area with plant species consistent with the post-mining land use.
Make the area safe.
Remove all facilities and equipment from the site.
Monitor and manage rehabilitated areas until the vegetation is self-sustaining and
meets the requirements as envisaged, or until their management can be integrated into
the management of the surrounding area. Rehabilitation Procedure
Despite the wide range of climate and soil-conditions, and different methods of mining
operations the basic rehabilitation procedures which, with appropriate modification for local
conditions, may be applicable to most situations are as follows:

Objective: A clear objective for rehabilitation must be defined. It should include a statement of
the final land use planned for the area. This land use should take into account of the land
capability of the rehabilitated area and the level of management that will be required to maintain
this land use. Rehabilitation plans should be drawn up as early as possible in the development of
a project. Sufficient resources must be allocated to enable the rehabilitation aims to be met.
Comprehensive and accurate records should be kept of all rehabilitation activities.

Clearing: The area cleared should always be the least necessary for safe operation of the mine.
Where possible, a use should be found for the cleared vegetation. It can often be used during
rehabilitation as a source of seed, as a much to protect soil from erosion or as habitat for fauna.
When the rehabilitation objective is to restore the original ecosystem, the optimum time for
clearing may be determined by the time when the important plant species set seed.

Soil Handling: Topsoil is often the most important factor in successful rehabilitation,
particularly where the objective is to restore a native ecosystem. If the topsoil contains large
numbers of seeds of undesirable species then it may be better to use the sub-soil as a substrate
for rehabilitation. However, in most situations, the topsoil from all areas being cleared should be
retained for subsequent rehabilitation. The topsoil contains the majority of the seeds and other
plant prop gules (such as rhizomes, lignotubers, roots etc.), soil micro-organisms, organic matter
and much of the more labile (more readily cycled) plant nutrients.

The timing of topsoil stripping can be important for subsequent rehabilitation. Soils should not
be stripped or replaced when they are too wet or too dry, as this can lead to compaction, loss of
structure, and a loss of viability of seeds and mycorrhizal inoculum (a natural eco-system
component that increases uptake of plant nutrients from the soil). The ideal moisture content to
handle soil to resist damage will vary with different soils. Local knowledge and experience will
be required to determine when soils can be handled without damage. In most areas there is a
distinct period when many native species flower and set seed. Clearing and soil stripping should
take place after seed set, where possible, to maximize the stores of seed in the soil.

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Topsoil should be replaced along the contour where possible. This will help in erosion control
by reducing water flow down slope and increasing water storage. Wherever possible, the topsoil
should be immediately replaced on an area where the land form reconstructions are complete.
Direct returns have several advantages compared with placing the topsoil in stockpiles and
storing it for later rehabilitation. First, it avoids double handling. Second, the need to create
stockpiles may mean that extra land must be cleared. Thirds, and most importantly, stockpiling
reduces the quality of the soil resource. Stockpiles become anaerobic, soil structure deteriorates,
organic matter and nutrients may be lost, seeds deteriorate, other plant propagules die and
populations of beneficial soil micro-organisms are reduced significantly. For example, fresh,
soil contained around five to ten times as many seeds as soil stockpiled for three years.
Researches have shown that both the density and numbers of species of native plants are
significantly decreased when an area is rehabilitated with stockpiled rather than direct-returned

If the topsoil must be stockpiled then it should be for as short a time as possible and:

the stockpiles should be as low as possible with a large surface area (2m height or
the stockpiles should be re-vegetated to protect the soil from erosion, discourage
weeds and maintain active populations of beneficial soil microbes and
the stockpiles should be located where they will not be disturbed by future mining as
excessive handling will adversely affect soil structure.

Alternatives to topsoil: If topsoil is not available, the cost of transporting is prohibitive, or the
topsoil contains such high levels of week seed or plant pathogens that it is unsuitable for
rehabilitation, then subsoil, overburden, waste rock or similar materials must be used as a
substrate for re-vegetation. These materials will generally require techniques to increase their
organic matter content and nutrient status. Their physical characteristics may require
ameliorations and their pH may need to be adjusted. The physical and chemical properties of the
proposed substrates should be thoroughly investigated prior to their use in rehabilitation. The
following are techniques which can be considered to improve the ability to support plant growth
in the long term.

Application of organic matter such as animal manures, sewage sludge or other

Chemical amendments such as
• Gypsum to improve the structure and reduce the pH of highly alkaline
• Lime to raise the pH of acid substrates and
• Inorganic fertilizers.
Solid conditioners. Many proprietary soil conditioners, such as polyvinyl alcohol
polymers are available which may have application in certain situations. Trial
areas should be treated to assess their value before large areas are treated.
Growing green manure crops which can be incorporated into the substrate.

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Establishing nitrogen fixing species to increase the organic matter and nitrogen
content of the substrate.
Applying mulch.
Seeding rates will probably have to be increased compared to those on topsoils to establish a
satisfactory cover of plants on these alternative substrates. Rehabilitation Earthworks

Landform design and reconstruction
The re-shaping and grading of a site is an essential aspect of rehabilitation. The need for
extensive re-shaping of soils piles can sometimes be minimized by good mine planning and
management. The final landform must be hydrologically compatible with the surroundings area.
Slopes must be stable and will be less obtrusive if they have a similar gradient to natural slopes
in the area. The following factors should be considered during landform design.

Stability: The maximum angle and lengths of slope that will be stable at a specific site depends
on site specific variables such as spoil and top soil characteristics and rainfall intensity. The
erosion potential of the different materials on site needs to be assessed and a geo-technical
investigation may be required. Terraced landforms with short, steep (angle of repose) slopes and
gently sloping terraces (<5%) may be as stable and have a higher land capability than a
conventional landform of around 15-18% slope.

Drainage Density: The drainage density of surroundings areas will provide a guide. An
increase in drainage density may be required if there have been an increase in the gradient of
slopes and changes in the nature of the surface materials.

Erosion Control: Control of erosion is important both during mining and the rehabilitation
program. A major objective of rehabilitation should be to establish an adequate cover of
vegetation to stabilize the site and prevent or control erosion. Until an adequate cover of
vegetation has been established, it is imperative that provision be made to control erosion from
disturbed areas. Soil particles can be lost in three ways - they can be blown away; washed away;
or the whole surface may slip away or slump.

Before a vegetation cover is established, wind erosion can be controlled by the following three
basic methods:-
• Protecting the soil surface with a mulch of natural or manufactured materials
• Maintaining the soil in an erosion resistant condition (i.e. moist, or with a compact
surface crust); and
• Reducing wind velocity across the disturbed areas by establishing wind breaks.

Measures to protect the soil from water erosion should be carried out on a catchment basis.
Drainage from external catchments must be controlled by diversion channels or holding
structures such as banks, drains or dams. Water leaving the site or diverted around the site must
also be controlled. It is necessary to discharge this water so that it does not cause erosion or
carry sediment downstream. Sediments dams are the most common means of controlling
sediments levels in runoff. On disturbed areas control of water erosion is achieved by:

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
• Slowing the water flow across the soil surface;
• Reducing the impact of raindrops on the soil surface; and
• Maintaining the soil in an erosion resistant condition.

Water flow across the soil surface can be reduced by encouraging infiltration and building
drainage control structures to channel water off the site. Slopes of the dumps should be designed
to reduce the velocity of runoff ( See Figure No. Infiltration can be encouraged by
ripping and cultivating on contour and constructing contour banks. Water can be channelled off-
site by drains, graded banks and stabilized waterways. Ripping encourages infiltration, relieves
soil compaction, increases the volume of soil readily accessible to plant roots and binds the
topsoil to the subsoil. Ripping should always be along the contour. Areas can ripped after the
topsoil has been returned or before top soiling, in which case the area will normally need to be
cultivated before revegetating. When ripping after topsoil return, care must be taken to avoid
burying significant quantities of the topsoil and therefore losing its benefits. Ripping should not
continue when conditions are too wet to allow the soil to shatter or when it brings large amounts
of rock to the surface.

Fig. No. Dump Slopes for Controlling Velocity of Runoff

Mulches can be used to protect the soil from raindrop impact. Most suitable materials are
brush matting, stubble mulch; lazy mulch, sawmill wastes, bitumen, and other chemical
stabilizers. These materials may also aid, or in some cases inhibit, germination of seeds in the
revegetation program. One technique for soil erosion control in drainage lines by use of jute
mesh is shown in Figure below.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices

Fig. No. Techniques for Soil Erosion Control Revegetation
When attempting to restore a native ecosystem, the initial revegetation effort is unlikely to
produce vegetation identical to the original. This does not mean that the final canopy species
cannot be established in the first instance, merely that other species may dominate the
vegetation in the early stages of rehabilitation. The initial revegetation effort must establish the
building blocks for a self-sustaining system, so that successional processes lead to the desired
vegetation complex. The best time to establish vegetation is determined by the seasonal
distribution and reliability of rainfall. All the preparatory works must be completed before the
time when seeds are most likely to experience the conditions they need to germinate and
survive, i.e. reliable rainfall and suitable temperatures.

Species Selection: The species selected for establishment will depend on the future landuse of
the area, soil conditions and climate. If the objective is to restore the native vegetation and fauna
then the species are pre-determined.

Some indigenous species may not thrive in areas where soil conditions are substantially
different after mining. If this is the case, and the objective is to re-establish vegetation which
fulfils the functions of the original native vegetation, then some species from outside the mining
area will have to be introduced. Species which have similar growth forms to the original
vegetation, and thrive in areas with comparable soil types, drainage status, aspect and climate of
the rehabilitated area, are the most appropriate. Care must be taken to avoid introducing a
species which could become an unacceptable fire hazard, invade surrounding areas of native
vegetation or become a weed for the local agriculture.

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Establishment: Plant species can be established on rehabilitated areas from:
• Propagules (seeds, lignotubers, corns, bulbs, rhizomes and roots) stored in the topsoil
• Sowing seeds
• Spreading harvested plants with bradysporous seed (seed retained on the plant in
persistent woody capsules) onto areas being rehabilitated;
• Planting nursery-raised seedlings;
• Transplants of individuals from natural areas;
• Habitual transfer – the transfer of substantial amounts (around 1 m2 or more in area
and 200-300 mm depth) of relatively undisturbed soil with its vegetation intact from
natural areas;
• Invasion from surrounding areas through vectors including birds, animals and wind.

Topsoil: The topsoil has an important role, particularly in the establishment of native species.
Maximising the return of species from the seed resource in the topsoil is one of the most
important aspects of restoring the full suite of pre-mining species to rehabilitated areas. The
members and diversity of seeds in the topsoil could not be duplicated economically by
collecting and sowing seed.

Seeding: Sowing seed is an economical and reliable method for establishing some species.
Seeding results in a more random distribution of plants than planting seedlings, and leads to
more natural looking vegetation. The species best established from sown seed are those which
produce large numbers of easily collected, viable seeds which have high germination and
survival rates in the field. These species are easy to establish and quickly provide cover, erosion
control and other benefits. However, they can also have significant and long-lasting effect on
the numbers and cover of small shrub and herb species. Care must be taken when re-
establishing the original landuse in areas of native vegetation, that these easy to establish species
do not dominate the rehabilitation at the expense of botanical diversity.

Transplanting and habitat transfer: Direct transplanting of species (which cannot be

established by other means) is possible by transferring slices or front end loader buckets of soil
with the vegetation intact. However, it is an expensive option. Success of transplanting is
influenced by the climatic conditions. In general, transplanting is best carried out in cool, wet

Seed collection: A consistent supply for quality seed is essential for the success of revegetation.
There are many difficulties inherent in collecting native seeds. Some of the points which should
be considered when collecting seed are:

Consider establishing a seed orchard of species which are rare, produce limited seed or
have seed which is difficult to collect.
Identify collection areas before the seed matures
Collect seed only when it is mature.
Avoid seed or fruits that have been attacked by insects or show signs of fungal
When operating in forest areas seed can often be collected from trees that have been
felled for saw-milling.

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Seed processing, Storage and Treatments: Seed should be cleaned before storage to remove
as much debris and chaff as possible. Techniques include: drying the capsules or pods in the sun
or in an oven; threshing, using commercially available threshers; burning seed cones to release
the seed; soaking fleshy fruits in water before recovering the seed, etc. Seed of some species
requires pre-sowing treatments. Germination of most native legumes and a number of other
species is enhanced by heat treatment. These species are commonly immersed in boiling water
for 30 seconds to five minutes before sowing.

Seed bed preparation: The preparation of a suitable seedbed is an important factor in the
successful establishment of plants from seed. The objective in creating a seedbed is to place the
seed in a suitable place for germination. The seed must be in good contact with the soil to
ensure it can take up water easily and the soil must be well aerated. The soil around the seed
must be loose enough for the seedling to grow up through the soil and allow root growth. The
seedbed should be free of weeds. Care should be taken not to over prepare the soil as a rough
surface provides more niches for the seeds and encourages infiltration of rain. A variety of
conventional agricultural equipment can be used to prepare seed beds. Soils should be cultivated
when moisture levels are adequate, to avoid powdering, but not so wet that compaction and loss
of structure become a problem.

Seedling methods: Seed can either be broadcasted onto the surface of the soil or drilled into the
soil using some form of mechanical seeder. Target densities for each of the seeded species, and
an estimate of how much seed is required to obtain these densities, needs to be established. The
seeding technique chosen will depend on local factors such as topography, the size of the area
being rehabilitated and the type of seed. Hydro seeders are a convenient way of seeding steep
areas. Aerial seeding is used to seed large areas, especially when the soil is too wet or the slope
too steep to use tractor mounted seeders.

Timing of seeding can also be important for successful revegetation. In most cases seed should
be sown immediately prior to the expected consent of reliable rains or after the break of the
season. Native seeds may require specific moisture and temperature conditions to germinate, so
that they establish at the optimum time of the year for survival. Seed theft by ants, birds and
small mammals is a potential problem when seed is sown early, although less likely than in
areas of native vegetation, because of the impact of disturbances of fauna populations. Fertilisers and Soil Amendments

Most rehabilitation programs will include an application of fertilizer in the establishment phase.
Initial applications of fertilizer can result in increase species numbers, plant cover and density,
and growth rates. The type of fertilizer and the application rate will vary according to the site,
soil type and post mining landuse. Application rates of up to 80 kg/ha. Nitrogen, 5-80 kg/ha of
phosphorus and varying rates of potassium and micro-nutrients can be used.

The pH of acid soils can be increased by application of lime (calcium carbonate). Low pH
(below about 5.5. when measured in water) can cause aluminium or manganese toxicity and
reduce the availability of some nutrients. Application rates of lime are usually in the range of
2.5 tonnes / ha but will vary according to soil type, initial pH and the source of the lime.

Gypsum can be used to improve the structure of poorly-structured soils. An exchangeable

sodium proportion of greater than 6% can indicate unstable soil structure. Gypsum is normally

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incorporated into the soil at around 5-10 tonnes/ha. The application of gypsum results in the
replacement of sodium with calcium on the soil exchange surfaces, which can improve soil
structure, reduce surface crusting and increase water infiltration. It may also reduce the pH of
sodic soils (i.e. soils with pH>8.5).

Various organic wastes (e.g. animal manures, sewage sludge, and blood and bone) can have
value as both fertilizers and soil amendments. However, supply may be unreliable and they are
often too expensive, variable in composition and too hard to spread to be used for large-scale
rehabilitation. Fauna
Encouraging the native fauna to return to areas cleared for mining is a fundamental part of any
rehabilitation program that aims to restore a natural ecosystem. Some invertebrate species will
be introduced if fresh topsoil is placed on the areas, but most fauna species will need to
recolonise from surrounding areas. The rate of recolonisation by fauna is influenced by a range
of factors including the size of the rehabilitated area, the fauna populations in surrounding areas
and the success of the revegetation programme.

Many fauna groups will quickly colonise in areas which contain the resources they require such
as food, shelter and breeding sites. In many cases the main aim in a fauna return strategy should
be the re-establishment of the native vegetation. If this is successful, then the fauna should
colonise from surrounding areas.

Fauna may be slow to return where species require resources which are not available in young
rehabilitation. The return of these species can be expedited by creating fauna habitats and
corridors during rehabilitation using logs, stumps and other natural materials. Fauna corridors
running from the surrounding areas to the center of the rehabilitated areas encourage smaller
species of mammals and reptiles, which are reluctant to traverse large distances of open ground,
to colonise. Tree hollows can be substituted by providing nest boxes of appropriate size for the
target species in developing rehabilitated areas.

Animals, particularly invertebrate species, are important in many ecological processes such as
nutrient cycling, litter decomposition, soil aeration, seed dispersal, seed predation and
pollination. Invertebrates also form part of the diet of a wide range of species from other fauna
groups. The abundance and diversity of invertebrates has been used to evaluate the success of
restoration programs. Ants are the dominant functional group throughout the arid zone. Because
of their abundance, diversity and functional importance in natural ecosystems, it has been
suggested that ants are the ideal faunal group to use as bio-indicators to evaluate restoration
programs. Maintenance
Rehabilitated areas need to be monitored and managed after rehabilitation. Rehabilitation
success is often compromised by the invasion of feral and stock animals, weeds and human
activities. Self-sustaining conditions may take many years to reach. Maintenance may include;

Replanting failed or unsatisfactory areas;

Repairing any erosion problems;
Fire management;

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Pest and weed control;
Control of floral and native animal populations, including fencing;
Fertilizer applications;
Watering plants in drier areas, especially in the establishment phase;
Application of lime or gypsum to control pH and improve soil structure Success criteria and monitoring

It is essential to monitor the success of any rehabilitation program and to be prepared to rework
any areas of rehabilitation not developing adequately. Components of the success criteria could

• Physical (stability, resistance to erosion, re-establishment of drainage).

• Biological (species richness, plant density, canopy cover, seed production, fauna
return, weed control, productivity, establishment or nutrient cycles)
• Water quality standards for drainage water; and
• Public safety issues.
Rehabilitation can be considered successful when the site can be managed for its designated
landuse without any greater management inputs than other land in the area being used for a
similar purpose. Restored native ecosystem may be different in structure to the surrounding
native ecosystems, but there should be confidence that they will change with time along with or
towards the make up of the surrounding area. The rehabilitated land should be capable of
withstanding normal disturbance such as fire or flood.

5.2.3 Dust Control

The impacts of mining and mineral processing operations on the air quality depends on the
nature and concentrations of the emissions, the meteorology and the nature of the receptors –
humans, flora, fauna or materials. The major air pollutants from mining include:

• Particulate matter of various sizes and chemical constituents (Dusts)

• Gases, such as, sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen from combustion activities.

Dust is the main air pollutant produced by the iron ore mining. Diesel power stations and
vehicles produce some NOx and SO2 emission, usually at low levels. The major sources of dust
are haul roads, followed by drilling and then blasting. For many material handling facilities, the
main sources of fugitive dust are stock-piles. Dust control can be done by appropriate planning
in case of new or expanding mining operations, and by identifying and controlling dust sources
during the active phases of all mining operations. The steps to be followed are:

• A systematic identification of the potential sources of dust
• Prediction of the duct levels likely to occur near the mine site

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• Evaluating the potential for dust particles to effect human health and environment,
• Incorporating dust predictions and control measures into mine planning and design.

• Observation: Existing dust sources, particularly point sources, can be readily
identified by visual observation. In many cases this is all that is required to confirm
the existence of problems that require attention. Around a process plant, visual
inspection by an experienced operator is often the most effective means to identify
and rank dust sources.
• Dust Emission Rates: The identification of diffuse dust sources, and the task of
assessing the relative contributions of all sources to total dust levels.
• Models: Models that predict ambient dust concentrations or deposition rates are
commonly used in mine planning. The models use source dust emission rates in
conjunction with meteorological data to produce contour maps of dust concentrations.

• Workforce awareness
• Integrating dust control provisions into operations planning e.g. construction, top soil
stripping, blasting etc.
• Integrating dust control provisions into work practices
• Monitoring and feed back mechanisms
• Using observational and quantitative assessments to guide control efforts
• Awareness of current methods and technology.

A long term view of dust control has proven consistently cost effective. Mine planning has a
particularly important role to play in dust control. The application of dust controls after
problems arise is often difficult, impractical or costly. The location of items such as process
plants or haul roads may be flexible at the planning stage. Once established in the “wrong”
place in terms of prevailing winds and neighbours, a dust problem may be very difficult to
rectify and be an irritating factor with surrounding residents. In general, control of dust emission
can be achieved by taking a number of considerations into account, including:

• Appropriate use of water to dampen dust-generating areas such as stockpiles, haul roads
or exposed soil.
• Enclosure of the dust emitter, eg. covering conveyors and enclosing crushers and
conveyor belts (this may have other benefits in noise control);
• Vegetating exposed spoil heaps and cleared areas;
• Minimization of exposed areas through careful planning
• Collection of the dust at the emission point through the use of dust extractors and
subsequent capture using electrostatic precipitators, bag house or wet scrubbing.

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• Good housekeeping to minimize the accumulation of loose dust piles.
• Removing odors emitted by the process plant by passing the off-gas through a burner to
combust the offending chemical.
• Incorporating the effects of the meteorology in the mine or processing plant design, eg.
Alignment of stockpiles at right angles to the prevailing wind pattern.
• Carefully controlling blasting procedures to avoid high wind periods, and restricting
blast sizes to those actually necessary.
• Minimizing the height that material will freefall on dumping.
• Using hard, unfriable materials for haul roads.
• Adding certain chemicals to water sprays to enhance their effectiveness through forming
crusts (though the potential pollution effects of these additives must also then be
• Limiting the speed of vehicles on haul roads as increased speed increases dust
emissions. Source wise Dust Control Measures Land Clearing & Top Soil Removal

In the surface mining process, overburden and top soil will be stripped and relocated. Mining,
loading, transport and dumping can all produce dust. The options for control are limited to a
certain extent. Clearly the location of the ore body is fixed, but the siting of transport routes and
waste dumps and stockpiles may offer opportunities to limit the impact of dust on sensitive
adjacent areas. Locating such activities from sensitive areas is desirable.

Control options during mining, loading and dumping of topsoil and overburden are generally
limited to dust suppression by watering. Scheduling these activities to coincide with favourable
winds and weather conditions may be option. There may be advantages in scheduling this
activity to occur during periods when soil moisture can be expected to be optimal. Application
of water during topsoil stripping may be necessary. Drilling and Blasting

The initial removal of ore and surrounding waste rock involves drilling and blasting. Blasting is
usually a relatively minor contributor to total dust emissions. However, blasting dust is
produced as a concentrated cloud that is highly visible and potentially may effect near
neighbours downwind of the blast. The blasting of near-surface weathered materials that contain
a high proportion of fines creates large dust emissions.

The options for controlling dust from blasting are somewhat limited. Watering of the blast area
following the charging of blast holes with explosives may assist. Another method that can be
effective in protecting areas adjacent to the mine from dust pollution is to avoid blasting under
unfavourable wind and atmospheric conditions. This requires some flexibility in blasting
schedules, but can be highly effective. Planning mining so that adequate buffer stocks of ore are
available is required to accommodate delays in blasting. Knowledge of seasonal and daily wind
patterns will give some degree of predictability to the likelihood and frequency of blast

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Blast-hole drilling also contributes to the dust generated from open pit mining. To some extent
this is mitigated by dust retention of the pit and use of modern drilling machines fitted with dust
collection apparatus. Wet drilling may also mitigate dust emissions. Transportation
Loading material into haul trucks usually occurs within the pit, trucks then transport the waste
rock and ore to its next destination along designated haul routes. Fugitive dust emissions are
produced by the contact of the tyres with the unsealed road surface and are affected by the total
distance travelled. Each stage of material transfer involves loading, transport and unloading,
also generate fugitive dust. Control measures for fugitive dust control are as follows:

• Applying water, or a mixture of water and chemical for dust suppression on mine
haul roads,
• Compaction & gradation and drainage on both sides of haul roads
• Chemical treatment of permanent road
• Proper maintenance of transport vehicles
The following photograph shows the high pressure water sprinkler, while it is in operation
indicating effective dust suppression on haul roads.

Fig. No. Haul Road Water Sprinkling System

In case of public road is being used for transport of materials, the following additional measures
need to be taken:

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• Strengthen, reinforce and widen the roads wherever feasible.
• Green belt on both sides of the road of adequate width (10m)
• Prevent spillage by changing design of chassis; all trucks to have a free board of 9”
on the chassis.
• Overloading to be controlled by installing weigh bridges in the mines
• Loaded trucks to be covered with tarpaulin or any other suitable material while
transporting dry ore. Use of high capacity dumpers with automated hooding
arrangements should be encouraged.
• Enforcing speed limit
• Introduce wheel wash system of trucks at the mine
• Spraying loaded trucks with water
• Regular checks by government and mine officials to enforce these measures. Processing, Crushing and Screening

Dust generated when processing mined materials, primarily occurs as a result of the mechanical
handling of ore. The main points which produce dust are hopper, primary crusher, transfer
points, discharge points, stockpiles, dry screens and conveyer belts. Centralized dust collection
systems are very effective to capture, transport and separate dust emitted around the processing
and handling areas. General dust control measures in ore processing are given in table below:

Table No. Dust Control Methods for Ore Processing Units
Source Dust Control Dust Suppression
Whole Plant Enclosures/ barriers -
Plant Equipment Dust Proofing -
Enclosure Regular maintenance -
Dump Hopper - Three sided, roofed sheds for truck
dumping, with low volume high
pressure adjustable water atomising
sprays actuated at the time of dumping.
If hoppers are open, fogger sprays at a
higher level coupled with atomisers at
dumping level will increase fall out rates
and prevent dust surges due to the up
flow of displaced air. Wind breaks are
also effective.
Conveyers Side wind guards, covers on Sprays at transfer points to wet dust and
high and steep conveyors, particles and prevent liberation, mist/fog
belt cleaning, dust systems to increase fall out rates. Belt
collection systems, clean up cleaning sprays in opposite direction to

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Source Dust Control Dust Suppression
program, maintenance of travel.

Stockpiles - - Minimising discharge heights and

discharge conveyor speeds, use of rill tower,
enclosure of stockpiles, atomising water
sprays to wet failing stream. Drainage
often required at stockpile base and
Stockpiles - - Fixed water cannons, or vehicular based
Storage sprays for small stock piles. Drainage
often required at stockpile base and
foundations. Material Handling

Ore surge piles and stockpiles used to transfer ore to processing facilities are frequently
disturbed and may be considered as active disturbance areas. Run-of-mine ore stockpiles
contain fewer fines, but can be very large in size. Regular watering of these stockpiles is
necessary to control the dust emissions. Stockpile dust suppression can be expensive to install
and operate due to the volumes of water required to cover large areas and the associated
plumbing and pumping costs. The following figure shows the stationary water sprinkling
system on ore stockpile.

Fig. No. Stockpile Water Sprinkling System

Conditioning of the ore with water (7.5 – 9.5 %) can also be practiced as a primary method to
minimize the dust emissions without affecting flow of ore in the ore processing and handling
areas. The conditioning is being used in the iron ore industry to control particulate matter from material
handling, where the optimum moisture from a particulate matter emission and material handling
viewpoint is maintained. This is illustrated in the following figure using the rotating drum test and a

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Durham flow test to determine the optimum moisture range for lessening particulate matter emissions
and material handling problems such as blocked chutes.

Fig. No. Particulate matter number and Durham cone flow time as a
function of moisture content for an iron ore Waste Rock Dumps

Waste rock dumps and dry tailings present in exposed surfaces may be prone to wind erosion
during non-monsoon period. It is desirable to plan the waste dump rehabilitation to occur as
early as possible in the life of the mine. Establishing the final faces of waste dumps early and
revegetating these surfaces will significantly reduce wind erosion. The same principle applies to
open areas, i.e. areas cleared of vegetation in advance of mining, waste dumps etc. Mine
planning should aim to minimize open areas and clear vegetation only when necessary for the
upcoming mining program.

Tailings are distinct in silt and moisture content from both ore and waste rock, and differ in their
potential for particulate emissions from wind erosion. Tailings contain a high proportion of
fines, but usually deposited as wet slurry. While tailings remain dry, there is likelihood of dust
problems occurring. However, the exposed surfaces of tailings dried out, wind erosion is likely
to become a significant problem. Dry exposed tailings can be a problem in climates with strong
seasonal rainfall. It needs appropriate planning and design of the impoundment and the
associated water circuit in order to accommodate both seasonal events and the decommission

In order to mitigate this problem, tailing surface treatment at decommissioning is to be

undertaken with the aim of stabilizing them. Revegetating tailing surfaces may be possible,
depending on the ability of the tailings material to support vegetation. The tailing surfaces shall
be covered with rock and / or soil for better and successful stabilization and vegetation. As this
approach can cause very high costs, appropriate provision must be built into financial planning
for the mine. Alternative methods which still offer long term dust mitigation include the in situ
inducement of permanent crusts that are resistant to erosion.

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5.2.4 Noise, Vibration and Airblast Control
Noise, vibration and air blast are unavoidable by-products of mining operations, which involve
using large mobile equipment, fixed plant and blasting. Noise, vibration and airblast are among
the most significant issues for communities located near mining projects. The growth in public
awareness and expectations of environmental performance has led mining companies to focus
their attention on the potential impacts arising from noise, vibration and airblast generated by
mining activities. The initial planning phase of a mining project should recognise the potential
for adverse impacts due to noise, vibration and air blast emissions and preferably follow the
following three stage approach for its management:
1. Noise, vibration and air blast impact assessment.
2. Developing and implementing a noise, vibration and air blast management plan.
3. A monitoring and audit program. Noise Control
Noise, vibration and air blast are unavoidable by-products of mining operations, which involve
using large mobile equipment, fixed plant and blasting. The basic task in determining whether
or not the noise of mining activity is causing an undesirable impact is done by comparing the
background sound levels (the average of the minimum sound levels without the mining) with
the average of the maximum sound levels of mining at the affected residences. If the
background sound level is exceeded by more than 5 dB(A), then the mining noise is considered
excessive and should be controlled. The noise control management strategies should include the
• Maintaining adequate separation distances (buffer zones) between mining operations
and residential development.
• Ensuring that the actual noise emissions of the equipment are as low as possible.
Manufacturers' stated external noise levels should be in accordance with the
applicable standards.
• Locating haul roads at sufficient distance from residences and in such a way that there
is as much screening (eg by hills and ridges) from residences as possible.
• Locating processing plant (eg crushers, screens, washing plant) at sufficient distance
from residences.
• Lining noise-impacting components of processing plants (eg bins, hoppers, chutes)
with resilient material to dampen vibrating surfaces.
• Enclosing high noise sources (eg vibratory screens, crushers) with high-mass acoustic
• Establishing high-mass acoustic barriers or screens between residences and noise
sources. Such barriers or screens should be located as close to the source as possible.
• Forming earth mounding along or around high noise sources. Earth mounds should be
at least as high as the noise source and preferably higher (generally, the higher the
mound with respect to the source the greater the noise reduction; use natural contours
to best effect).
• Fitting effective mufflers to all items of equipment.

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• Maintaining all roads in good conditions to reduce vehicle noise. Vehicle noise is
exacerbated by high speed and by deceleration and acceleration, and these should be
avoided where nuisance can be caused (corrugations, bumps and cattle grids all
contribute significant noise).
• Limiting hours of operation. Noise impacts are less significant during the day- time
and this is when the noisiest operations should be scheduled to occur. Vibration Control
Vibration is the term used to describe the reciprocating motion in a mechanical system and can
be defined by the frequency and amplitude of the oscillations. In the mining, vibration is
experienced and /or generated by many items of plant and equipment. The major source of
vibration emission, which can be of sufficient strength to cause community concern, is blasting.
When an explosive charge detonates in the blast hole, intense strain waves are transmitted to the
surrounding rock. The energy carried by there strain waves, known as strain energy fragments
the rock medium due to different breakage mechanisms such as crushing, radial cracking and
reflection breakage in the presence of a free face when the strain wave intensity diminishes to
the level where no permanent deformation occurs in the rock mass (i.e. beyond the
fragmentation zone), strain wave propagate through the medium in the form of elastic waves,
oscillating the particles through which they travel. These waves in the elastic zone are known as
ground vibration. Basically ground vibrations at a point near blast site depends on the distance
from blast site, maximum charge/delay type and amount of explosives, stemming length,
initiation sequence of pattern, time delay between holes and rows, priming sequence, geo -
mechanical characteristics of the strata and sequence of blast hole detonation.

Damage caused by ground vibration is dependent on the frequency of ground motion. All the
vibration standards till date are based on the resultant peak particles velocity (PPV) of ground
vibration because this is accepted as the best criterion for assessing levels of damage due to
vibration. The recent trend is to refer to frequency of the ground motion. Low frequency waves
(<6HZ) causes more damage to structure particularly in case of multi-storeyed buildings.

In India, DGMS prescribed 10 mm/sec as the safe limit of ground vibration at the foundation
level of the structures within a distance of 300m, depending on dominant excitation frequency
and nature/construction of the building/structure. Permissible Peak Particle Velocity (PPV) at
the foundation level of structures in mining area in mm/sec [(DGMS) (Tech) (S&T) Circular
No.7 of 1997)] is given below:
Table No. Permissible Peak Particle Velocity & Dominant Excitation Frequency
Type of structure Dominant Excitation Frequency
<8 Hz 8 - 25 Hz > 25 Hz
A) Buildings/structures not belonging to the owner PPV in mm/sec
i) Domestic houses/structures (Kuchha, Brick & cement) 5 10 15
ii) Industrial Buildings (RCC & Framed structures) 10 20 25
iii) Objects of historical importance & sensitive structures 2 5 10
B) Building belonging to owner with limited span of life PPV in mm/sec
i) Domestic houses/structures (Kuchha, Brick & Cement) 10 15 25
ii) Industrial Buildings (RCC & Framed structures 15 25 50

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The ground level vibration can be altered or reduced by optimum blast design. Some of them
• Reducing the maximum instantaneous charge (MIC) by using delays, reduced hole
diameter and/or deck loading. Blast vibration research shows the level of ground
vibration is proportional to the Scaled Distance (vibration), which is defined as the
distance to the blast divided by the square root of the MIC. So, at a given distance,
reducing the MIC will generally result in lower levels of vibration.
• Changing the burden and spacing by altering the drilling pattern, and/or delay layout,
or altering the hole inclination. The optimum use of explosives in blasting occurs
when the available energy is efficiently used in fragmenting and moving the rock.
When the hole inclination (relative to the force angle) is decreased or the burden and/
or opening are increased, the explosive energy cannot fully fracture the rock and the
energy instead dissipates through the ground in the form of vibration.
• Exercise strict control over spacing and orienting all blast drill holes.
• Use the minimum practicable sub- drilling which gives satisfactory toe conditions.
Less than optimum sub-drill in blast holes results in "toe" being left after the blast, i.e.
rock remains intact above the level of the previous bench floor. Too great a sub-drill
will result in higher levels of ground vibration due to confinement of the explosives.
• Investigate alternative rock breaking techniques. Hydraulic rock breakers and digging
and ripping of product and overburden can (where feasible) ameliorate excessive
levels of vibration caused by blasting.
• Establish times of blasting to suit local conditions. Least disruption and concern is
caused by blasting when firing times are scheduled to coincide with periods of high
activity rather than when people are sitting and relaxing in their homes. Air Blast Control

When blasting is carried out, it is accompanied by a loud noise called airblast. It is an
atmospheric pressure wave consisting of high frequency sound that is audible (from 20 Hz to 20
Khz) and low frequency sound or concussion (< 20 Hz) that is sub-audible and cannot be heard,
but is capable of causing objects to vibrate such as the rattling of loose windows and crockery.
Although air blast seldom causes structural damage but sudden great noise causes psychological
fear in the nearby inhabitants.

Air blast may be produced by one or more of the following mechanism:

1. Premature release of the high pressure gaseous products from a confined or partially
confined detonation known as stemming release pulse. This is the result of an
improper and inadequate stemming.
2. The escape of explosion gases through the fractured rock which is identified as gas
venting pulse. This release may also occur if mud pockets are present in the rock strata
surrounding the borehole.
3. The sudden movement of the earths surface when displaced by the blast. This is very
common in mines where faces are high and long. This is known as Air Pressure Pulse.
4. The detonation of an unconfined explosive, such as an exposed detonating fuse trunk-
line or down-line.

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However, the main cause of noise is the energy released in open air by the initiation system and
inadequate stemming column, burden etc.

To reduce airblast the following measures can be investigated and incorporated where found
to be effective:

• Reduce the MIC- Blast emissions research has shown that the level of airblast at a
point is proportional to the Scaled Distance (airblast) which is defined as the distance
to the blast divided by the cube root of the MIC. Hence, at a given distance, reducing
the MIC will generally result in lower levels of airblast.

• Ensure stemming depth and type is adequate. Excessive levels of air blast are often
associated with stemming ejection, which commonly occurs when drill cuttings are
substituted for stemming aggregates. Optimising the depth of stemming should also
maximise energy into the overburden or ore body.

• Eliminate exposed detonating cord and secondary blasting. In the event that an
explosive detonating cord is used to detonate the blast holes, it should be covered
with suitable aggregate material. However, the potential for initiation related airblast
emissions can be minimized with the use of NONEL (non electric) initiation system.

• Restrict blasts to favourable weather conditions. The propagation of airblast

emissions is subject to meteorological conditions including refractions by wind and
temperature gradients. Wherever possible blasting should be confined to between
0900 hours to 1700 hours to minimize the noise-enhancing effects of temperature

• Orient quarry faces away from potentially sensitive receivers. Subsonic airblast
noise levels are often associated with face heave which generally propagates
noise emissions from the blast face. Orientating the blast face away from
receiver locations can therefore reduce airblast levels.

• Use a hole spacing and burden which will ensure that the explosive force is just
sufficient to break the ore to the required size. Excessive use or explosives may result
in the release of energy into the atmosphere in the form of acoustic emissions.

• Take particular care where the face is already broken and consider deck loading
where appropriate to avoid broken ground or cavities in the face. High airblast levels
may arise from face "blowout" which commonly results from existing fractures or
uneven face burden.

• Bore Tracking - in mining industry, recent initiatives to survey blast holes

(orientation) have significantly reduced airblast. Uncontrolled drilling of blastholes
can result in wide divergence of the hole from the intended position, thus causing
blast problems, including "Blowout" airblast.

• Conduct blasting at a set time, or implement a pre-warning signal for nearby

In addition to reducing airblast, many of these control techniques will maximize rockbreaking
efficiency, which in turn results in the use of less explosives and an associated cost savings.

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5.2.5 Water Quality Management
Water is integral to virtually all mining activities and typically the prime medium, besides air,
that can carry pollutants into the wider environment. Consequently, sound water management
and practice are fundamental for most mining operations to achieve sustainable development.

Mining operations can substantially alter the hydrological and topographic characteristics of
lease areas. Typically, massive volumes of spoil are shifted, major road and rail infrastructure
built and an ore processing plant with associated water supply requirements constructed.
Finally, a major open cut pit may remain. These activities affect the surface runoff, soil
moisture, evapo transpiration and groundwater behaviour of lease areas. Potentially adverse
effects of inadequate minesite water management and design include:

• the rehabilitation process not having enough water;

• the risk of flooding;
• unacceptably high levels of suspended solids and dissolved solids in surface runoff;
• bed and bank erosion in waterways;
• ineffective rehabilitation and revegetation operations; and
• the excessive build-up of 'dirty water' in mine site storages, possibly curtailing
mining operations and complicating the rehabilitation process.

At most mine sites, ore extraction and processing, workforce health and safety, and
rehabilitation, all require water. Developing water management systems for a mine must
account for site-specific physical, chemical and climatic characteristics as well as mine process
factors. Minesite Water Management System

A minesite water management system consists of a number of physical elements to control the
movement of clean and 'dirty' water onto, across and off the minesite, together with a number
of process elements to control potential water problems at source, while maintaining and
verifying the appropriate functioning of the water management system. It is essential that
every effort should be made to avoid uncontrolled releases. By definition, uncontrolled
releases are events beyond the capacity of the system (or due to a system failure). While it is
important to include design features that mitigate their effects, an uncontrolled release almost
automatically represents a failure of the water management system and, consequently, is not
best practice. Physical Elements

A minesite water management system has several inter-connected physical elements that:
• supply water required for the mine to operate;
• convey water;
• store water and liquid-based wastes (eg tailings);
• dispose of water by evaporation or discharge elsewhere; and
• improve water quality.

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Conveyance: The use of pumps, pipelines and open channels to convey water around a
minesite is self-evident. Water management issues associated with these elements include:
• Pumps - capacity and reliability.
• Pipelines - capacity and integrity (potential for rupture).
• Open channels - channel capacity (overtopping), bank and bed erosion.

Storage: The usual ways of storing raw water, dirty water and liquid-based process wastes on
minesites are water storages and tailings dams. Mine pits can sometimes provide suitable
alternative storage for clean or contaminated water or tailings. Water management issues
associated with each of these include:
• Water Storages Storage capacity; spillway capacity (ability to safely pass the design
flood); likelihood and frequency of spills; impact of spills on downstream receiving

• Tailings Dams Capacity; ability to contain the design rainfall event; likelihood and
frequency of spills; impact of spills on downstream receiving waters; seepage and
impact on groundwater quality. (see Tailings Containment in this series.)

• Open Cut Pits Treatment at mine closure; seepage and impact on groundwater quality
when used as a tailings dam.
Treatment: Water flows on minesites can undergo various types of treatment before ultimate
disposal. Three types of treatment are commonly being used on minesites, namely sediment
basins, oil catch pits and wetlands.

• Sediment basins provide a simple form of physical treatment to reduce the level of
suspended solids (filterable residue) in surface runoff. Ideally, sediment basins should
be used in conjunction with a soil erosion management plan to limit soil erosion at
source. The sediment basins are an effective way to remove coarse sized particles from
sediment laden runoff i.e. sand-sized particles or greater (0.1 mm diameter or grater).
The sediment basins are not effective at removing clay-sized particles (0.005 mm
diameter or less) unless supplemented by chemical dosing.
• Oil catch pits / Air Flotation units can treat the effluent generated from the workshops
and garages for removal oil & grease and suspended solids.
• Wetlands treat waters passing through them physically and biologically and can
improve water quality in various ways, including raising pH and removing nutrients and
heavy metals. Wetlands act as sediment basins and commonly 'polish' effluent from
other processes, eg treated mine water from mines. Wetlands are being increasingly
used as cost effective and aesthetically attractive components of minesite water
management and treatment systems.
Disposal: There are only three ways to dispose of excess water on a minesite:
• By evaporation (from water storages, evaporation basins, tailings dams, open cut pits
and application).
• By release to surface waters as a 'controlled release' from a storage (via a pump or
valve-controlled outlet) or as an 'uncontrolled release' (such as a spill from a storage).
• By recharge to groundwater.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices Process Elements
'Process elements', as well as physical elements, need to be included in a minesite water
management system to control problems at source, and maintain and verify the functioning of
individual physical elements and the whole system. Process elements typically incorporated in a
minesite water management system include:

• an erosion/sediment control plan;

• a hazardous Materials Management Plan;
• an inspection and maintenance plan for the physical elements of the system;
• monitoring water volumes, water flows and water quality; and
• reporting.

Erosion and Sediment Control Plan: Developing and implementing a comprehensive erosion
and sediment control plan is a fundamental approach for responsible minesite water
management. The plan must define a coordinated approach to sediment and erosion control
throughout the life of the mine, and include standard techniques to control the risk of sediment
loss from disturbed areas, eg silt fencing and the construction of sediment dams. The plan also
needs to address rehabilitation and revegetation options.

One of the most effective ways to reduce erosion risk from spoil piles and other disturbed areas
is to rehabilitate and revegetate these areas as quickly as practicable.

Managing Hazardous Materials : All mining operations use hazardous materials of some type,
or materials potentially hazardous to human health or the environment when improperly
managed, treated, stored or disposed of. This includes grease, oils and petroleum products, as
well as other more toxic processing materials. Many of these materials are liquids, water-based
or water soluble, able to cause water pollution, health risks and environmental damage if they
escape. Consequently, another key element of a minesite water management system is a
hazardous materials management plan.

Inspection and Maintenance: It is one thing to appropriately design and construct the physical
elements of a minesite water management system. It is another to ensure these elements are
adequately maintained at full operational readiness and function. An inspection and
maintenance plan is another important component of a minesite water management system.
Note that inspection and maintenance planning applies to both physical and process elements of
a minesite water management system.

• for physical elements, only simple visual inspections of key elements is generally
needed eg bed and bank erosion in open channels, damage to above ground pipelines,
silt build-up in sediment basins. Sometimes, more refined procedures may be required,
for example, calibrating monitoring equipment such as water level recorders and water
quality sensors.
• for process elements, the importance of inspecting the operation of sediment and control
plans and managing geochemically aggressive wastes and hazardous materials is self-
evident. Note that 'maintenance' activities for process elements may include modifying
processes to achieve outcomes.

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Monitoring: Monitoring hydro-meteorological, water quality and biological parameters at key
points throughout a minesite water management system is essential to acquire:
• reliable pre-mining baseline data to use as an objective yardstick when assessing the
impact of mining operations on hydrological processes ('baseline monitoring').
• data to design physical and process elements of the water management system ('design
• regular data to verify the water management system's adequate operation ('operational
• data documenting the consequences of any incident affecting minesite water eg an
uncontrolled spill from a dirty water dam, a spill of hazardous material, etc. ('incident
The monitoring program must be well designed and regularly reviewed. Otherwise, additional
monitoring will need to be paid for and the program will be unable to provide objective and
appropriate data at critical times, for example when water quality incidents occur, thereby
negating a key objective of the program. Principles for Minesite Water Management Plan

A comprehensive Minesite Water Management Plan (MWMP) is the most appropriate way to
identify effective management measures and integrate these into a minesite water
management system. Erosion control and water quality management plans are essential
components of the MWMP.
A comprehensive planning process is the best way to realize the multiple objectives of a
minesite water management plan. The planning process should include:
• in the first instance, adopting a catchment-based approach to minesite water
management. This will identify current and potential water management issues in the
catchment containing the mine leases, and will assess how mining may exacerbate or
ameliorate problems. This approach will ensure minesite water management takes
account of catchment issues as well as lease-area ones.
• incorporating public consultation (with regulators and stakeholders) to ensure all issues
are identified and addressed.
• planning to address the three phases of mining: development, operation and
• recognizing the cost-effectiveness of jointly formulating minesite water management
and mine plans. This optimizes coordination of minesite infrastructure and minesite
water management measures.
• recognizing the most cost-effective solutions to minesite water management issues
come from an integrated 'whole of mine' investigation, rather than investigating specific
issues in isolation and on an ad hoc basis.
• a risk management approach to how changing levels of flood, drought and water quality
risks should be addressed.
• a risk management approach to identify and deal with operational risks that generate
potentially adverse water management consequences.

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• undertake appropriate technical studies to adequate standards.
• identify and assess a full range of management measures and options.
• identify and implement appropriate performance indicators.

A water management plan must consider and/or develop site-specific standards, targets,
operational or contingency plans and procedures (as appropriate) for all of the following:
• Community expectations,
• Statutory requirements,
• Risk management,
• Minesite Water Balance,
• Monitoring of Hydrological Process,
• Operational Monitoring,
• Emergency Monitoring,
• Flood Risk and Hazard,
• Water Supply,
• Soil Erosion,
• Water Quality,
• Computer Models,
• Performance Indicators, and
• Training and Research.

Managing water used on, and leaving, a mine site is a key aspect of minimizing environmental
impacts. The water environment is the mechanism which can most easily and quickly carry and
disperse pollutants from the site. To be most effective, the water management system needs to
be incorporated in the initial planning stages and adapted as conditions and mine layout develop
during operations, right through to decommissioning and beyond.

5.2.6 Tailings Management

The iron ore extracted from the mines are beneficiated to separate out the valuable mineral
content. The prime function of beneficiation of iron ore is to improve the Fe content and to
decrease the Alumina / Silica ratio for smooth Blast Furnace operations. The nature of iron
minerals and associated gangue minerals decides the method of beneficiation to be adopted. The
left over residue of the iron ore after the beneficiation in the state of fine particles mixed in
water in a slurry form, known as tailings and are needed to be disposed of in the tailings pond
for containment. The tailings vary considerably in their physical, chemical and mineralogical
properties. These properties influence the behaviour of the material, storage facilities, resistance
to erosion and reuse of tailings if any. Along with the physical properties, chemical properties of
the tailings contribute significantly towards environmental contamination. During 2006-07
India has produced 172.296 (P) MT of iron ore (including lumps, fines & concentrate) and
generated more than 14 MT tailings per annum.

The disposal of tailings is a major environmental problem, which is becoming more serious with
increasing extraction of lower grade deposits. The tailings are usually transported and deposited
as slurry of high water content into a pond for containment, which are generally called as tailing
ponds / tailing dams. The major short term and long term environmental problems associated
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with the tailing dams are:

• Water pollution ( including ground water)

• Dam safety and stability
• Air pollution
• Visual impact
• Reclamation an restoration

Management of the tailings dam at iron ore mines is an important issue from pollution point of
view and conservation of resources. Tailings contain more than 45% of iron. In future when the
present day rich source will be used up, it may become economically viable to extract iron from
tailings. But, due to huge land cost and also for the safety of the dam, it is worth examining the
feasibility to evaluate the appropriate tailings pond size to a minimum level.
The objective of tailings dam is safe storage of tailings material and separation of water and
solids. The tailings dam should be so designed as to permit retention of the tailings indefinitely
and minimize long-term impact on the environment. Reclamation objectives, inter-alia, include,

• Achieving long term stability of the ‘dam’

• Reducing long term erosion
• Abating long term effects on ground water and surface water
• Retaining the area to productive use

The design, construction an operation of the tailings dams is rapidly becoming a major
consideration for most new mining developments as well as existing operations. The tailings
dam can be built as conventional water dams and then filled, or built progressively using the
tailings in their construction. There are three main following approaches when considering the
progressive construction of a dam. These methods allow for staged construction of the
embankments which minimise start-up capital costs, and have the potential to improve the
overall mining economics. They are

• Up stream method
• Downstream method
• Centre line method Tailings Dam – Upstream Method

In this method, a small starter dam is placed at the extreme downstream points and subsequently
dam wall is raised progressively on upstream side. The various methods used in raising the dam
may be by using hydraulic techniques when, the initial pond is nearly filled, the dyke is raised
and the cycle is repeated. The diagram of upstream tailing dam is given in figure below. The
upstream method is generally suited for hard rock mining products, which produces silt and
classify into sandy beach.

The main advantages of the upstream construction are the low cost and the speed with which the
dam can be raised by each successive dyke increment. However, the method suffers from the
disadvantage that the dam wall is built on the top of previously deposited unconsolidated slimes
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retained behind the wall, which limits the height of the dam. The limiting height of the dam to
which this type of dam can be built before failure occurs and tailings flow out, and because of
this, the upstream method is now less commonly used.

Fig. No. Upstream Dam Method Tailings Dam – Downstream Method

The downstream method is a relatively new development which has evolved as a result of
efforts to devise methods for constructing larger and safer dams. This type of dam is usually
constructed by reverse of the upstream method. In this, the dam wall is raised and the centreline
shifts downstream and the dam remain founded on coarse tailings. The common procedure
involves the use of cyclones to produce sand for dam construction. Construction of downstream
tailing dam is given in figure below.

Fig. No. Downstream Dam Method

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Downstream dam building is the only method that permits design an construction of tailings
dams to acceptable engineering standards. All tailings dam in seismic areas, and all major dams,
regardless of their location, should be constructed using some form of the downstream method.
The major disadvantage of the technique is the large amount of sand required to raise the dam
wall. Tailings Dam - Centreline method

Centreline method is a variation of the method used to construct downstream dam. Here the
crest remains in the same horizontal position as the dam wall is raised. For this purpose,
smaller volumes of and fills may be used to raise the crest at any given height. Construction of
centreline tailing dam is given in figure below.

Fig. No. Centreline Dam Method

This method has the advantage of requiring the smaller volumes of sand fill to raise the crest to
a given height. The dam can thus be raised more quickly and there is less trouble keeping it
ahead of the tailings pond during the early stages of construction. Care, however, must be
exercised in raising the upstream face of the dam to ensure that unstable slopes do not develop
temporarily. Guidelines for Tailings Management

Important factors need to be considered in tailing management are as follows:

• Selection of an appropriate site

• Delineation of the most appropriate method of storage and management of tailings
• Monitoring of the operation
• Developing an appropriate rehabilitation and closure strategy.

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The following general principles should be followed while designing the disposal methods for
the tailings:

• Mine / mill waste water should be recycled to the maximum practicable extent.
• Re-vegetation of tailing disposal areas should be phased to synchronise with the
disposal schedule.
• Tailing area decant ponds must be adequately deep to provide a quiescent settling zone
for the particles. Wind and wave action would prevent settling if pond is too shallow.
• The water in a decant pond should not come into direct contact with the tailing dam. In
such eventuality, the water depth should be minimal with protection against wave
action provided.
• Tailing dams should be redesigned to provide for storm water run-off.
• Decant tunnels (within a tailing mass) should be kept as short as possible.
• Whenever practicable, tailing should be used for filling in the mine workings after
proper testing to ward off ground water contamination.

Site Selection: It is economically advantageous to site the impoundment close to the mine, but
this imposes limits on site selection. The ground underlaying the dam must be structurally sound
and able to bear the weight of the impoundment. If such a site can not be found close to the
mine, it may be necessary to pump the tailings to a desirable location. The following factors
need to be considered for selecting the dam site:

• A site underlain by maximum available thickness of unsaturated material (deep water

table) should be selected.
• A site underlain by material with lowest permeability should be chosen.
• The site should not be underlain by shallow unconfined aquifers.
• Sites adjacent to streams, where the contaminated seepage or leachate and ground
water may discharge into them are not acceptable. If such locations are not available,
the designs should provide for minimum seepage. Cut off zones beneath dams,
impermeable lines and segregation of mill tailings are important design parameters to
ensure this.

Tailing Storage Facility: While considering the tailings storage area, it is important to consider
the various types of impoundments and select the most appropriate one depending on
topography, drainage pattern & geology/hydro-geology of the area. Tailings storage structures
fall into three main categories viz. dumps, impoundment dams and storage in exhausted mine
pits. Impoundment dams / tailing dams are generally used in India for tailing storage. The
following are the some of the new environmental friendly technologies related to tailing
disposal methods;

• Thickened Tailing Disposal

• Sub Marine Tailing Disposal

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Thickened Tailings Disposal: Compared to conventional wet disposal, thickened tailings
disposal technology for surface disposal of tailings has potentially wide application in some
countries, which eliminate environmentally undesirable, high perimeter dams retaining a wet
settling pond on top of saturated tailings. In this method, the under flow slurry from the
thickener need to be dewatered for thickening to paste consistency, which can be achieved
through Deep Thickener, Paste Thickeners or pressure filters. New generation thickeners can
more economically produce paste at the limit permeability and of consistency just below that of
vacuum filters. Addition of flocculants (25 - 45 grams/ton.) may be necessary to get the desired
concentration. Then the thickened paste tailings may be transported by pipeline, trucks or
conveyer and discharged as stack configuration, which requires less storage space. The
thickened tailings disposal therefore reduces the footprint of land occupied by waste, thereby
maximizing storage capacity and minimizing the surface runoff water potentially requiring
treatment. Stabilization and revegetation of the dried tailings can be done faster and easier than
the conventional tailing ponds.

Although the technology was introduced more than 25 years ago, its application was limited in
few mines due to lack of facilities for dewatering of slurry to adequately consistent solids. More
recently interest in stacking of tailings has been received, because of significant advances in
design, availability and performance of compact automated deep thickeners able to produce
stackable paste solids without need for the use of filters or centrifuges.

Marine Disposal of Tailings: Disposal of tailings slurry in a marine as a submerged granular

solid at the sea bottom is being practiced in some of the countries. Near-shore marine tailings
disposal may be the best for the following conditions, provided that the physical, chemical and
biological conditions are met:

• Restricted terrain availability or unfavourable contour

• Engineering or environmental restrictions on replacing the tailings in the mine or
• Unfavourable weather or seismic conditions

Water Management (collecting and recycling of seepage water from tailings dam)
In spite of all efforts it is sometimes not possible to make tailings dam completely seepage free.
The common way to control water pollution from such seepage is to prepare a small toe dam on
the downstream side and collect the seepage water which can be pumped back to the main
reservoir. In this manner zero discharge can be achieved from the tailings pond. Minimising the
quantity of water escaping from the tailings dam will be necessary to avoid water pollution, and
is good environmental practice. This can be achieved by recirculation of process water and
control of seepage. Measures used to control seepage from a tailing’s dam might include:

• Use of clay liners and synthetic liners

• Foundation grouting and the use of cut-off trenches
• Controlled placement of tailings and
• Inclusion of toe drains and under drains to collect and treat or recycle seepage.
Many major dam failures are due to inadequate decant design of the tailing dams. Many older
dams used decant towers with discharge lines running through the base of the dam to

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downstream pump-house. Failures of such structures were common due to the high pressure
exerted on the pipelines, leading to uncontrolled losses of fluids and tailings downstream.
Floating, or movable, pump houses situated close to the tailings pond are now in common use.

Recycling of water from decant is becoming more important due to pressures from governments
as well as water scarcity. As much water as possible must be reclaimed from the tailings pond
for reuse in the beneficiation and the volume of fresh water make-up water used must be kept to
a minimum. The clarified water from the tailing pond can be reclaimed by using floating or
movable pump for reuse in the beneficiation plant or other purposes. In order to collect the
seepage from the dams, a seepage pond shall be constructed in downstream of the dam. The
seepage from the downstream can then be pumped back to the tailing pond. A typical water
reclamation system for tailing ponds is shown in figure below:

Fig. No. Water Recirculation System at Tailings Pond

Rehabilitation and Closure Systems:

There are number of objectives that need to be considered when planning the closure of a tailing
storage area. They include:

• Containing / encapsulating tailings to prevent leaching into ground and surface waters
• Providing surface drainage and erosion protection to prevent surface water
transporting tailings from the storage area;
• Providing a stabilized surface cover to prevent wind erosion; and
• Designing the closure to minimize post closure maintenance.

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The physical characteristics of the tailings generally determine the type of erosion protection
required, while the chemical characteristics and the amount of rainfall will determine the need
for and requirements of a surface cover.

By adopting all the above principles of best practice environmental management during the
planning, design and operational stages of a facility, and using effective environmental
monitoring and auditing, relatively inexpensive tailings storage methods can be practiced, while
avoiding the many pitfalls that can lead to short and long term environmental problems.

5.2.7 Mine Closure Plan Introduction
While mining is often a short-term landuse, an important aspect of mine planning is the
rehabilitation of disturbed lands to a stable and productive post-mining landform, which is
suitable or acceptable to the community. Normally it is being observed that the iron ore mining
or for that matter any mining operation leaves scar mark or voids at the mining site after the
mining is being completed. The existence, ultimate shape and size of final void at the end of an
open cut mine’s life depends on a range of factors. These include mining method, the resource
size and extend, physical constrains (such as roads, railway lines, rivers, lease boundaries, etc.)
government regulatory requirements and economics, both in terms of resource amounts that can
be viably extracted and the cost of backfilling voids. Determining the end use for final voids is
undoubtedly the most difficult aspect of rehabilitation planning, especially during the early
phases of mine planning and development. Not only is the creation of the residual void many
years or perhaps even decades into the future, but variations in mining methods, technology and
economics during a mine’s life can mean that the ultimate location, size and configuration of the
voids can only be an educated guess.

The concepts and standards underlying mine rehabilitation and closure today are much more
demanding than they were just a few years ago and reflect changing public priorities and
environmental imperatives, worldwide. Mine rehabilitation is an ongoing programme designed
to restore the physical, chemical and biological quality or potential of air, land and water
regimes disturbed by mining to a state acceptable to the regulators and to post-mining land
users. The objective of mine closure is to prevent or minimize adverse long-term environmental
impacts, and to create a self-sustaining natural ecosystem or alternate land use based on an
agreed set of objectives.

More recently, the emphasis for management of the environmental aspects of mine closure and
decommissioning has shifted towards the idea of “planning for closure” (Sassoon, 1996). Mine
closure is a continuous series of activities that begins with pre-planning prior to the project’s
design and construction and ends with the achievement of long-term site stability and the
establishment of a self-sustaining ecosystem. Not only will the implementation of this concept
result in a more satisfactory environmental conclusion, but it can also reduce the financial
burden of mine closure and rehabilitation.

Now, there is a need to lay down procedures and guidelines on how mine owners should act in
the post-mining scenario. Before exhausted mine is abandoned, all reclamation activities
including safety, environmental mitigation and required social impact mitigation’s have to be

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So now the issue is the development of an effective and efficient approach for the development
of comprehensive Closure Plans that return all mine sites to viable, and wherever practicable,
self-sustaining ecosystems, and that these plans are adequately financed, implemented and
monitored within all jurisdictions. Mine closure should be made mandatory for all types of
mines irrespective of their size and location. Decommissioning process calls for proper closing
down the mine by closing its operations and reducing steep slopes of surface excavations and
removing buildings and other structures from the site. For this purpose necessary guidelines are
discussed in the following sections. Regulatory Frameworks Indian Regulations

Thousands of abandoned mines, after working, have been left over and now form a historical
legacy. But, there in no single law, which regulates mining and environmental aspects of
mining. An extensive regulatory system is now needed to be developed to cover current mining
operations as well as to guide cleanup of these abandoned mine sites. The framework primarily
exists but requires new regulations for mine closure. Recently, draft notification has been
circulated among FIMI members with a proposal to make mine closure mandatory and
consequent upon suitable amendments in MCDR, 1988 and MCR,1960. Australian Regulations

Regulation to meet growing community expectations of environmental management is
increasing in all Australian jurisdictions. The Commonwealth Environment Protection and
Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999, which came into effect in July 2000, has established a new
and nationally consistent framework for environmental assessment of new projects and
variations to existing projects, based on consultative agreements between the Commonwealth
and State and Territory Governments. Issues related to mine closure are an important
consideration in the assessment process for mining proposals. Appropriate planning and
adequate provision for mine closure are issues now being addressed by both the regulators and
the minerals industry across Australia. Australian State and Territory Governments (and in some
cases local government) are responsible for the regulation and management of mine closure and
rehabilitation requirements on industry. All States and Territories have mine closure policies
requiring site-specific post-mining rehabilitation plans developed by companies for approval by
the respective mining agencies in each jurisdiction. State and Territory Governments also
require some form of security bond, usually in the form of a bank guarantee or a cash payment
for smaller operations, but the calculation process for bonds varies between jurisdictions. USA
Mining and mine closure is covered by a variety of legislation both at Federal and State level.
The Bureau of Land Management regulates mining activity of Federal lands, while most States
have a Mines Lands Reclamation Act or similar. Overall, there is a requirement for every mine
to develop a closure plan, which is then submitted to the applicable regulatory agencies for
approval prior to implementation of the plan. The focus of most agencies is to prevent
unnecessary and undue degradation of land and to ensure the long-term chemical stability of
process components, specifically spent heap leach areas, pit lakes and tailing impoundments. A
general feature of the US regulatory environment is the multiplicity of permits which have to be
obtained, and the strict regulatory approach taken to mine closure.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
For abandoned mine sites, the two key pieces of legislation are the Comprehensive
Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA or “Superfund”)
and the SMCRA. CERCLA was intended to deal with abandoned unregulated waste sites where
no ongoing regulatory scheme was in place to monitor environmental impacts. It provides that
those responsible for releases of hazardous substances (i.e. incidents) were responsible for
cleaning up or remediating the problems created. Remediation would return the natural resource
to a condition such that it would not pose a substantial danger to public health or welfare or the
environment. CERCLA also provided for the collection of monetary damages to society for the
resource lost as a result of an Incident. In practice, however, the Superfund scheme has become
enmeshed in legal argument and investigatory studies, to the detriment of many actual
successful remediation exercises.

SMCRA also established a fee on coal produced from both surface and underground mines for
the purpose of reclaiming coalmines abandoned without adequate reclamation prior to the
effective date of the Act. This money is paid into an Abandoned Mine Fund. Priorities for
reclamation of abandoned mines are set by the States and the reclamation is paid for out of the
Fund. There is also provision for reclamation of non-coal mines, which are posing a significant
pollution threat. South Africa

Under the Minerals Act, 1991, the South African Government requires the owner of every mine
to submit and obtain approval for an Environmental Management Programme before mining
operations may commence. The Environmental Management Programme Report (EMPR) must
include assessment of the environmental impact of the decommissioning phase of a mine, and
any residual impacts after closure. The Environmental Management Programme must
incorporate a section on the decommissioning phase and closure. Every effort should be made
during the life of the project to minimise the cost and amount of the work required for this
phase. The EMPR should cover:

• Closure objective
• Infrastructure areas- demolition or disposal of structures and buildings, removal of
foundations and debris and rehabilitation of the surface
• Management of mine residue deposits, including ongoing seepage, control of rainwater,
long-term stability and final rehabilitation in respect of erosion and dust control.
• Sealing of underground workings and rehabilitation of dangerous excavations
• Final rehabilitation of open cast mine haul ramps and roads and final voids
• Maintenance of the decommissioned site until closure is approved.

Mine closure should ensure that:

• The safety and health of humans and animals are safeguarded from hazards resulting
form mining operations;
• Environmental damage or residual environmental impacts are minimised to such an
extent that it is acceptable to all involved parties;

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
• The land is rehabilitated, as far as practicable, its natural state, or to a predetermined and
agreed standard or land use which conforms with the concept of sustainable
• The physical and chemical stability of the remaining structures should be such that risk
to the environment is not increased by naturally occurring forces to the extent that such
increased risk cannot be contended with by the installed measures;
• The optimal exploitation and utilisation of South Africa’s mineral resources are not
adversely affected.
• Mines are closed efficiently and cost effectively; and
• Mines are not abandoned but closed in accordance with the Mine Closure Policy.

The Department of Minerals and Energy Affairs requires that adequate financial provision be
made by mining companies in order to meet their obligations under the EMPR, including final
closure of the mine.

The State accepts responsibility for rehabilitation of derelict and/or defunct mine for which no
owner exists or can be traced. There is provision for a proportional payment towards this cost
by anyone who will benefit from the rehabilitation, such as the landowner or a regional
authority. There is also provision for the State to fund rehabilitation of derelict and/or defunct
mines for which an owner can be identified but where it would be impracticable or inequitable
to require this person to be responsible for the rehabilitation. Components for the Development of Mine Closure Plan Stakeholder Involvement

Consultation with relevant internal and external stakeholders is a necessary step in ultimately
receiving employee, regulatory and community endorsement for the Closure Plan. Stakeholders
are those parties with the potential to be affected by the mine closure process. They are distinct
from interested parties, who have an interest in the process or outcomes of mine closure.
Identifying key stakeholders and interested parties, and developing a good relationship with
them, is fundamental to a successful closure process. Consultation should commence during the
development of a Closure Plan to ensure issues are adequately considered. Consultation with
relevant stakeholders will assist with:

• Developing realistic employee, community and regulatory expectations

• Establishing a satisfactory post-closure land use
• Understanding internal and external stakeholder issues
• Enabling stakeholders to participate in the process
• Enabling stakeholders to prepare for closure
• Minimising dependency on the company
• Avoiding costly surprises

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
Annual reporting against completion criteria (which need to be established early in the process),
commitments and proposed and/or actual closure planning activities is an effective means of
communicating the Company’s closure strategy and assists in providing a consistency to the
planning process. Financial Provisioning

Determining the costs associated with closure and accruing these costs during the life of the
operation is a fundamental part of closure planning. A provision is a mechanism to ensure that
there are sufficient funds to close the operation and that closure costs do not become a burden in
later years of a mine life when revenues are typically diminishing. Closure provisions should
reflect the real cost of closure.

Determining a closure provision during the feasibility stage of a project is an important element
in determining if a project is economically feasible. If a provision is not determined at this stage
in the project life it is recommended that it be developed as soon as possible and reviewed at
regular intervals in the mine life to ensure that the closure cost is considered as part of the
ongoing evaluation of mine economics.

Developing a provision will assist in determining the real costs associated with:

• Decommissioning
• Rehabilitation (Reclamation)
• Impacts on the surrounding environment
• Impacts on community
• Post-closure environmental monitoring
• Site maintenance
• Long term treatment facilities
• Relinquishment
Provisioning may also assist in the establishment of economic completion criteria for closure. Resources
Closure planning should consider both physical and human resource aspects of closure to
minimise risk and maximise outcomes. Communication with, and involvement of, employees is
fundamental to successful implementation of strategies. Issues relating to retention,
retrenchment and retraining of employees require careful consideration. Closure planning for
human resources should consider:

• Mechanisms to retain key employees during closure

• Retraining and relocation requirements
• Mechanisms for reducing employees near or at the time of decommissioning
• Inclusion of suitable skills within the closure team Research
Contributing to focussed and relevant research on strategic mine closure issues is an important
part of closure planning as it contributes to site specific, regional and industry knowledge.
Research also provides the information required to make informed decisions in relation to
closure design options, financial provisioning as well as assisting in developing improved mine
closure outcomes through mechanisms such as completion criteria.

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices Closure Plans
At least two types of closure plan will be required through the life of a mine; a Conceptual
Closure Plan (project phase) and the main Closure Plan (operations phase):

• A Conceptual Closure Plan for use during feasibility, development and detailed
design; and
• A Closure Plan for use during construction, operation and post-operation Conceptual Closure Plan

A Conceptual Closure Plan identifies the key objectives for mine closure to guide project
development and design. It should include broad land use objectives and indicative closure
costs. (This does not preclude land use objectives being varied during the mine life to reflect
changes in both knowledge and technology.) Closure Plan

Closure planning includes a commitment to progressive rehabilitation and detailed plan
development and implementation. A number of subsidiary plans need to be developed as the
Closure Plan evolves. These typically include: a rehabilitation plan, a decommissioning plan
and maintenance and monitoring plan.
• Rehabilitation plan: A key component of the Closure Plan is a commitment to
progressive rehabilitation. In conjunction with an active research and trials
programme, this may assist in minimising ongoing contamination and reduce final
costs by confirming or modifying completion criteria and demonstrating that they can
be met. Progressive rehabilitation allows best use of available personnel and
equipment and should assist in minimising required security deposits.
• Decommissioning plan: As a detailed component of the Closure Plan, a
decommissioning plan should be developed towards the final stages of an operation.
(As the exact date for ceasing production is rarely known, it is suggested that the
decommissioning plan be developed 2 to 4 years prior to estimated cessation.) Once
established it should be updated annually. The decommissioning plan include such
things as: details of the demolition and removal or burial of all structures not required
for other uses; removal, remediation or encapsulation of contaminated materials; and
the procedures for making safe and sealing, openings to underground workings.
• Maintenance and monitoring plan: The last aspect of the Closure Plan is performance
monitoring, which should be designed to demonstrate that the completion criteria have
been met. This period should also plan for remedial action where monitoring
demonstrates completion criteria are unlikely to be met. If progressive rehabilitation
has been successful, with stabilisation and revegetation meeting completion criteria
this last phase of closure may be shortened. It is, however, unlikely to be less than 5
years in duration. Typical Contents of a Closure Plan

The development of a Closure Plan needs to take into account both the legal requirements and
the unique environmental, economic and social properties of the operation. Outlined below are
the typical contents of a Closure Plan, which will vary depending on individual circumstances.
In developing the Closure Plan, the following four key objectives should be kept in mind:

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CHAPTER FIVE Cleaner Technologies and Management Practices
• to protect the environment and public health and safety by using safe and responsible
closure practices;
• to reduce or eliminate environmental effects once the mine ceases operations;
• to establish conditions which are consistent with the pre-determined end land use
objectives; and
• to reduce the need for long-term monitoring and maintenance by establishing
effective physical and chemical stability of disturbed areas.
The typical contents of a Closure Plan should have the followings:
• Introduction & Project Description
• Objectives of Closure
• Baseline Environmental Data
• Legal & Other Obligations
- Key statutes & regulations
- Responsible Authority
- Regulatory instruments
• Stakeholder Involvement
- Stakeholder identification
- Community consultation
• Risk Assessment
- Existing legacies
- Future risks
- Cost/benefit analysis
• Closure Criteria
• Closure Costs
- Provisions
- Securities
• Closure Action Plan
- Human resources/responsibilities
- Progressive rehabilitation
- Decommissioning
- Remediation
- Geotechnical assessment
- Landform establishment
- Revegetation
- Aesthetics
- Health & safety
- Post-closure maintenance & monitoring
- Survey (remaining structures & areas of contamination)
- Documentation/reporting/records
• Tenement Relinquishment
--- XXX ---

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
6. Chapter SIX Formulation of Environmental Standards

It is recognised that minerals and metals are the mainstay of the economic development and
welfare of the society. However, their exploration, excavation and mineral processing directly
infringe upon and affect the other natural resources like land, air, water, flora and fauna, which
are to be conserved and optimally utilised in a sustainable manner. The Mineral Sector in our
country is on the threshold of expansion, with more and more mines being opened up. Among
the metalliferous minerals, iron ore is one of the economically most important mineral for our
country. Production of iron ore in our country is through a combination of large mechanised
mines in both public and private sector and several small mines operate in manual or semi
manual in the private sector. Major environmental damages resulting from iron mining are as

Alternation of the land form

Air pollution with dust and gases due to drilling, blasting; crushing & screening,
loading, unloading, waste dumps, exhausted tailings pond, mine haulage and
transportation etc.
Water pollution due to discharge of mine effluent
Modifying water regime such as surface flow water availability and lowering down of
water table.
Soil erosion, soil modification with dust and salt
Noise and vibration problem in the mine and adjoining areas
Deforestation affecting flora & fauna
Spoiling aesthetics with unstabilised waste dumps

It is therefore necessary that environmental concerns must be integrated with the mining
operations at the planning stage itself to minimise all these adverse affects. To protect the
environment, mining sector in general, is regulated by the Environment (Protection) Act, 1986,
the Forest Conservation Act, 1980, the MMRD Act 1957, Wild life Act, 1972, Water
(Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and Air (Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act,
1981, etc.

In order to protect the environment, environmental standards specific for Indian Iron Ore
Mines are being proposed under Environment (Protection) Act, 1986. The details of proposed
standards for air, water & noise quality, and guide lines for solid waste management and code
of practices for pollution prevention & control for achieving the proposed standards, are
described in this section.


6.2.1 Sources of Emissions & Parameters of Concern

The air quality of mining and mineral processing operations on the environment is depend on
the nature and concentrations of the emissions, and meteorology of the environment. The major
air pollutants from the iron ore mining are particulate matter of various sizes & its chemical
constituents and gaseous emissions such as sulphur dioxide and oxides of nitrogen.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
In mining operations dust is the single largest air pollutant and can be a significant nuisance to
surrounding land users as well as a potential health risk in some circumstances. As the mining
and mineral processing activities do not involve any chemical processes, the emission of
gaseous pollutants such as Sulphur Dioxide, Oxides of Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide, is only
from the vehicle exhaust and diesel operating machines. Levels of these gaseous pollutants are
also observed very low in the iron ore mining areas. Major sources of dust emissions from the
iron ore mining are as follows:

Land clearing and removal of topsoil and overburden

Drilling and Blasting
Operation of crushing and screening equipment
Loading and unloading of material on site and subsequent transport off site
Transport by vehicles on access roads and haul roads
Wind action on stockpiles, dry tailings impoundment’s and exposed areas of the site

6.2.2 Existing Air Quality

Field monitoring was conducted at the iron ore mines in the Eastern Zone i.e. Kiriburu Iron Ore
Mines and Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines for four seasons through out the year. Air quality at
both the ambient and work zone was monitored for RPM, total dust, SO2 and NOx. Chemical
analysis of work zone dust was done for parameters of concern i.e. lead, silica and Fe, etc. Total
chemical analysis of the work zone dust samples was also analysed. The presence of crystalline
silica was also checked in the RPM and total dust. Besides the air quality data of the major iron
ore mining operating all over India in the four identified zones were collected. The existing air
quality for all the four zones are discussed in Section Four of the Report, while discussing the
impact on air quality of the respective mining zones. The detail data are compiled and presented
in a separate booklet.

Observations from the statistical analysis of available ambient and work zone air quality
monitoring data for the annual average and 98 percentile values of SPM, RPM, SO2 and NOx in
the four different zones are given in the table below:

Table. No. Ambient Air Quality at Iron Ore Mines in India
(Unit: µg/m3)
Zone Eastern Western Southern Central
Parameter 98 Avg. 98 Avg. 98 Avg. 98 Avg.
Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile

SPM, 534 191 992 323 410 177 193 114

RPM, 314 93 381 117 141 72 53 27

SO2, 36 13 64 14 15 8 34 17

NOx, 37 13 30 9 23 11 27 17

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Lead in dust & CO in AAQ are very insignificant. Maximum of the observed Lead value was
0.77 µg/m3 and most of the values are in the range of 0.01 to 0.02 µg/m3. The CO values were
reported as less than 1ppm.
Table. No. Workzone Air quality at Iron Ore Mines in India
(Unit : µg/m3)
Zone Eastern Western Southern Central
Parameter 98 Avg. 98 Avg. 98 Avg. 98 Avg.
Percentile Percentile Percentile Percentile

SPM, 1321 305 1862 508 2175 490 387 217

RPM, 560 215 811 196 515 179 94 66

SO2, 44 14 82 22 25 15 28 21

NOx, 29 13 40 12 28 17 35 25

Detailed analysis of work zone dust, which include analysis of parameters of concern i.e. lead,
silica & Fe, and crystalline silica, was conducted. Size distribution of respirable dust was also
analysed and found that 0 -5 µm and 5 – 10 µm were in the range of 20 – 45 % and 55 – 80 %,
respectively. Chemical analysis of dust is given below;

Table. No. Chemical Analysis of Workzone Dust

Parameter Respirable Dust Coarse Dust

Lead as Pb 0 – 0.04 % 0 – 0.12 %
Silica as SiO2 14 – 56 % 2–8%
Iron as Fe 0.28 – 3.3 % 4 – 4.4 %

Crystalline silica in coarse dust was found to contain approximately 2%, whereas in the
respirable dust it was only in traces. Total chemical analysis of the dust samples indicates that,
the major constituents were Silica, Alumina, Iron and Lime.

6.2.3 Existing Emission & Air Quality Standards

Emission standards in many countries are determined by the policy of promotion of best
available technology or state-of-the-technology or best practicable means, apart from ensuring
protection of environment and human health. There are no air emission standards specific to the
iron ore mines in any country. However, work zone and or ambient air quality standards were
notified by most of the countries, which need to be complied by all the industries in order to
protect environment and humans. The factors that determine the formulation of the ambient air
quality standards are the protection of human health, vegetation, property, sensitive areas /
locations and overall development. The existing air quality standards in India and other
countries are given below.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards Existing Air Quality Standards in India National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS)
During April, 1994, Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB), has notified the National
Ambient air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Respirable
Particulate Matter (RPM -PM10), Sulphur Dioxide ( SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX), Lead in
RPM, Carbon Monoxide (CO) and Ammonia (NH3) for industrial, residential and sensitive
areas under the Air ( Prevention & Control of Pollution) Act, 1981. Later on in April, 1996, the
NAAQS were also notified under Environment (Protection) Act, 1984 by Ministry of
Environment & Forests (MoEF). The ambient air quality shall be monitored twice in a week for
24 hourly at uniform intervals so that minimum 104 measurements can be taken in a year. The
24 hourly values should be met 98 % of the time in a year. However, 2 % of the time, it may
exceed but not on two consecutive days. National Ambient Air Quality Standards notified under
the Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 are given in the following table.

Table No. Indian National Ambient Air Quality Standards

Pollutant Time Weighted Concentration in Ambient Air

Average Industrial Residential, Rural Sensitive
Areas & other areas Area
Sulphur Dioxide Annual Average * 80 60 15

SO2 (µg/m3) 24 Hours ** 120 80 30

Oxides of Nitrogen Annual Average * 80 60 15

As NO2 (µg/m3) 24 Hours ** 120 80 30

Suspended Particulate Annual Average * 360 140 70

Matter – SPM (µg/m ) 24 Hours ** 500 200 100
Respirable Particulate Annual Average * 120 60 50
Matter – RPM (µg/m ) 24 Hours ** 150 100 75

Lead(Pb) (µg/m3) Annual Average * 1.0 0.75 0.50

24 Hours ** 1.5 1.0 0.75

Carbon Monoxide 8 hours ** 5.0 2.0 1.0

(CO) (mg/m3) 1 Hours 10.0 4.0 2.0
* Annual Arithmetic mean of minimum 104 measurements in a year taken twice in a
week 24 hourly at uniform interval.
** 24 hourly / 8 hourly values should meet 98 % of time in a year. However, 2 % of the
time, it may exceed but not on two consecutive days.
In addition to the above, during October, 1998, CPCB has notified Ambient Air Standard for
Ammonia (NH3) as 0.4 mg/m3 and 0.1 mg/m3 for daily average and annual average
respectively, under the Air Act.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards World Bank Guidelines
World Bank has developed guidelines on standards for ambient air, liquid effluents and
ambient noise, which are used in making decisions regarding provision of World Bank Group
assistance. The emission levels must be consistently achieved by well designed, well operated
and well maintained pollution control systems. Ambient air quality standards under the World
Bank Group for mining are as follows:
Table No. Ambient Air Quality Standards - World Bank Guidelines
S. No Parameter Annual Arithmetic Maximum 24 hrs.
Mean Average
1 Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM) 100 µg/m3 500 µg/m3
2 Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) as NO2 100 µg/m3 200 µg/m3
3 Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 100 µg/m3 500 µg/m3

The concentration of above mentioned contaminants, measured outside the project property
boundary, should be achieved for at least 95 % of the time that the mine is operating. United States of America

There are no air quality standards specific to the Iron Ore Mining in USA. However,
occupational health and safety regulations are set in the US at the federal level under the
Department of Labour by the two following organisations:
• Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA): is responsible for
general occupational environment
• Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA): is responsible for mining.
The OSHA and MSHA have recommended a set of limits for DPM (Diesel Particulate Matter),
CO, CO2, NO, NO2, HCHO & SO2, which generally found in diesel exhaust. Under the Clean
Air Act, two types of National Air quality Standards i.e. primary and secondary Standards were
notified. The primary Standards set limits to protect public health, including the health of
sensitive populations such as asthmatics, children and the elderly people. The secondary
standards set limits to protect public welfare including protection against decreased visibility,
damage to animals, crops, vegetation, and building. The EPA Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards (OAQPS) has set National Ambient Air Quality Standards for six principal
pollutants, which are called "criteria" pollutants. They are listed below. Units of measure for the
standards are parts per million (ppm) by volume, milligrams per cubic meter of air (mg/m3), and
micrograms per cubic meter of air (µg/m3).The National Ambient air Quality Standards under
the Clean Air Act are as follows:
Table No. US National Ambient Air quality Standards

Pollutant Standard Value * Standard Type

Carbon Monoxide (CO)
8-hour Average 9 ppm (10 mg/m3) Primary
1-hour Average 35 ppm (40 mg/m3) Primary

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Annual Arithmetic Mean 0.053 ppm (100 µg/m3) Primary & Secondary
Ozone (O3)
1-hour Average 0.12 ppm (235 µg/m3) Primary & Secondary
8-hour Average ** 0.08 ppm (157 µg/m ) Primary & Secondary
Lead (Pb)
Quarterly Average 1.5 µg/m3 Primary & Secondary
Particulate (PM 10) Particles with diameters of 10 micrometers or less
Annual Arithmetic Mean 50 µg/m3 Primary & Secondary
24-hour Average 150 µg/m3 Primary & Secondary
Particulate (PM 2.5) Particles with diameters of 2.5 micrometers or less
Annual Arithmetic Mean ** 15 µg/m3 Primary & Secondary
24-hour Average ** 65 µg/m3 Primary & Secondary
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2)
Annual Arithmetic Mean 0.03 ppm (80 µg/m3) Primary
24-hour Average 0.14 ppm (365 µg/m ) Primary
3-hour Average 0.50 ppm (1300 µg/m3) Secondary

* Parenthetical value is an approximately equivalent concentration.
** The ozone 8-hour standard and the PM 2.5 standards are included for information only.
A 1999 federal court ruling blocked implementation of these standards, which EPA
proposed in 1997. EPA has asked the U.S. Supreme Court to reconsider that decision. South Africa

Mining in South Africa is primarily regulated by “National Environment Management Act
(NEMA) and the Water Act. In most of the cases, the requirements are the same for all mining
operations, regardless of the commodity.

The Minerals Act, 1991 requires that an EMP must be submitted to the Director, Mineral
Development of the Department of Minerals and Energy (DME) for approval and the approved
EMP must be implemented during the life of the mine until closure is granted. No operation
shall be commenced before obtaining approval. Thus the EMP can be seen as an environmental
management and regulatory tool through the requirement of the Minerals Act, 1991, for the
purpose of environmental management in the mining industry. The EMP represents the basis of
the legally binding contract between the mining company and the Department of Minerals and
Energy. The main purpose of an EMP is, to ensure that a binding commitment is gained
regarding the environmental measures that are to be implemented during the construction,
operational and decommissioning phases and at closure. Regulations promulgated under the

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Minerals Act 50 of 1991 requires that no dust, fumes or smoke from any extraction system may
be discharged in to the atmosphere unless adequate provisions has been made to ensure that
such discharge is harmless and inoffensive. Canada
There are no standards specific to the iron Ore Mines in the Canada. However, the desirable
Ambient Air Quality Criteria are defined in Regulation 337 under the Environment Protection
Act. Standards for selected parameters, which are relevant to Mining Industry, are as follows:
Table No. Air quality Standards for Mining Industry in Canada
Parameter Point of Impingement Standard Ambient Air Quality
Half hour point of impingement Criteria - 24 hourly
standard (µg/m3) average(µg/m3)
SPM (PM44) 100 120
SO2 830 275
NOx 500 200
Silica in RPM, Crisitabolite, 15 5
quartz & tridymite (each)
Lead 6 2 European Union

The European Commission, on 8th September 1997 adopted a proposal for a Directive setting
new ambient air quality limit values for Sulphur Dioxide (SO2), Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx),
Particulate matter and Lead (Pb). The new limit values are based on the revised Air Quality
Guidelines for Europe adopted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1996 (since then
the WHO’s air quality guidelines have been revised and updated twice during 1998 and 1999).
The major goals of this directive are to provide a high level of protection for public health
through out the European Union, and to set for the first time ambient air quality limit values
designed to protect the environment. The limiting values for these pollutants are given in the
table below:

Table No. Limit Values for Air Pollutant adopted by European Commission
Parameters Averaging time Limit Value (µg/m3)

Respirable Particulate 24 hourly 50 (not to exceed 25 time a year)

Matter (PM10) Annual 30
One Hour 350 ( not to exceed 24 times a year)
Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) 24 Hourly 125 ( not to exceed 3 times a year)
Annual 20
One Hour 200 ( not to exceed 3 times a year)
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)
Annual 40
Lead Annual 0.5

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards People’s Republic of China
No standards specific to the iron ore mining exists in China. Similar to the India, Ambient Air
quality Standards are notified for Class # 1, 2 & 3 areas, which need to be complied. The
areas and AAQ standards are as follows:
Class 1 State designated nature, conservation beauty spots, historic sites and places of
Class 2 Residential areas, mixed commercial traffic and residential zones, cultural areas,
historic sites, villages and other zones as designated in municipal plans.
Class 3 Cities, towns and industrial zones with relatively high atmospheric pollution,
city traffic, intersections, major arteries and other zones.
Ambient Air Quality Standards in China
Pollutant Sampling time Concentration (µg/m3)
Class 1 Class 2 Class 3
All atmospheric particles Average over one year 150 300 500
(TSP) Maximum at any time 300 1000 1500
Dust (PM10) / RPM One day average 50 150 250
Maximum. 150 500 700
SO2 Average over one year 20 60 100
One day average 50 150 250
Maximum. 150 500 700
NOx One day average 50 100 150
Maximum. 100 150 300
CO One day average 4,000 4,000 6,000
Maximum. 10,000 10,000 20,000
Ozone One hour Average 120 160 200

6.2.4 Proposed Emission Standards for Iron Ore Mines

In mining and mineral processing operations, dust is the single largest air pollutant and can be a
significant nuisance to surrounding land users, deteriorates the ambient air quality as well as a
potential health risk in some circumstances. Dust is being produced from a number of sources
and through number of unit operations such as land clearing, removal of top soil (during
opening up of new areas), overburden removal, drilling, blasting, crushing & screening,
processing of ore, loading & unloading of material on site & subsequent transport off the site
etc. In addition to this, wind action affecting stockpiles, dry tailings and exposed mining areas
also contribute generation of dust.

Various types of dust control measures have been adopted by the Indian Iron Ore Mines. Dust
extraction systems have been installed in some of the big mechanised mines mainly to cover
dust prone areas like crushing & screening areas and transfer points. Dust suppression through
application of water or in some cases mixed with chemical additives is being practiced at the
other sources such as haul roads, loading & unloading points, stock piles, transfer points etc.
Use of cleaner technologies like Wet Drilling, NONEL initiation, air decking using gas bags,
use of ripper dozer, etc. are also in practice to prevent the dust emissions.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
In order to maintain the air quality in and around the mines, all the high dust prone areas need to
be equipped with dust extraction and / or dust suppression facilities. The dust levels in the mines
mainly depend on the type of dust control measures adopted & its effectiveness. The dust levels
also depend on the nature of the ore feed, method of mining & ore processing, topography &
climatic conditions of the area etc. Keeping in view of all these factors, environmental standards
specific to Indian Iron Ore Mines have been proposed for both point and area sources. Stack Emission Standard

Dust collection, extraction and emission for proper dispersion through stack have been
installed (or need to be installed) in the mechanised mines to control the pollution generated
from the units, such as crushing, screening and material transfer points etc. To assess the
effectiveness of the dust collection and extraction system, the stack emission standard has
been proposed as given in the following table:
Table No. Proposed Stack Emissions Standards
S. No Parameter Standard

1. Particulate Matter (PM) 100 mg/Nm3

Height of the stack attached to the de-dusting system should be calculated for proper
dispersion of particulate matter using the formula H = 74 Q 0.27 m (where H = Stack height in
metre and Q = PM emission in tonnes/hr). Height of the stack should be at least 2.5 m above
the nearest building height. But in any case, stack height should not be less than 15 m.
Sampling portholes and platforms shall be provided as per the CPCB guidelines.
Stack height for various particulate matter emission rates (kg/hr) are given below for

S. No. PM Emission Q (kg/hr) Stack Height H (m)

1. 2.71 kg/hr 15

2. 7.86 kg/hr 20

3. 17.96 kg/hr 25

4. 35.29 kg/hr 30

Stacks attached with power generating units / DG Sets shall follow the existing stack emission
standards and guidelines for the Power Plants/ DG Sets. Fugitive Dust Emission Standards

In order to develop the fugitive dust emission standards for Iron Ore Mines, a detailed study on
fugitive dust emissions from various mining unit operation has been conducted at Kiriburu and
Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines during November, 2005. The Kiriburu Iron Ore Mine (KIOM)
and Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mine (MIOM) are fully mechanised open-cast mines equipped
with state-of-art facilities and each has a capacity of 5.0 MTPA ROM each. These mines are

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
located in West Singhbhum Dist., in Jharkhand.

In order to assess the dust settling characteristics, the dust levels (SPM & RPM) at various
distances i.e. 5m, 10m, 15m, 20m, 25 m, 30m m and 40m have been measured from various
sources in downwind direction. The measured dust levels at various distances for the selected
locations are given in the following table.

Table No. Dust Levels at Various Distances from the Source
Location Dis. form Dust Levels in µg/m RPM/SPM
Source in m RPM SPM ratio
Transfer Point 5 1068 3314 0.32
Transfer Point 5 925 2967 0.31
Primary Crusher/ Hopper 5 972 3148 0.31
Primary Crusher / Hopper 5 926 3383 0.27
Double Deck Screen 5 980 2368 0.41
Transfer Point 10 874 2890 0.3
Transfer Point 10 866 2704 0.32
Primary Crusher/ Hopper 10 728 2413 0.3
Primary Crusher/ Hopper 10 670 2378 0.28
Double Deck Screen 10 784 1982 0.4
Double Deck Screen 10 684 1682 0.41
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 10 884 2860 0.31
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 15 816 2173 0.38
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 15 720 1868 0.39
Ore Stock Pile 15 782 1650 0.47
Ore Stock Pile 15 824 1874 0.44
Double Deck Screen 15 615 1487 0.41
Double Deck Screen 15 480 1138 0.42
Primary Crusher/ Hopper 15 538 1248 0.43
Primary Crusher/ Hopper 15 673 1386 0.49
Excavation at Mine Face 15 687 1378 0.5
Excavation at Mine Face 15 784 1579 0.5
Excavation at Mine Face 15 812 1684 0.48
Double Deck Screen 20 518 937 0.55
Double Deck Screen 20 586 1216 0.48
Double Deck Screen 20 615 1186 0.52
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 20 682 1486 0.46
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 20 718 1793 0.4
Ore Stock Pile 20 761 1459 0.52
Ore Stock Pile 20 805 1632 0.49
Excavation at Mine Face 20 652 1348 0.48
Excavation at Mine Face 20 718 1476 0.49
Excavation at Mine Face 20 687 1562 0.44

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Location Dis. form Dust Levels in µg/m RPM/SPM
Source in m RPM SPM ratio
Double Deck Screen 25 480 916 0.52
Double Deck Screen 25 546 1024 0.53
Double Deck Screen 25 515 991 0.52
Excavation at Mine Face 25 612 1286 0.48
Excavation at Mine Face 25 658 1352 0.49
Excavation at Mine Face 25 593 1246 0.48
Ore Stock Pile 25 716 1562 0.46
Ore Stock Pile 25 685 1456 0.47
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 25 616 1384 0.45
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 25 702 1463 0.48
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 30 618 1346 0.46
Double Deck Screen 30 538 984 0.55
Excavation at Mine Face 30 584 1197 0.49
Ore Stock Pile 30 616 1259 0.49
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 40 584 1162 0.5
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 40 652 1357 0.48
Double Deck Screen 40 476 856 0.56
Excavation at Mine Face 40 496 911 0.54
Ore Stock Pile 40 492 894 0.55
Stock Pile at Screening Plant 40 512 987 0.52

The graphs showing distance vs dust levels are as follows;

SPM vs Distance

SPM in micrograms per cum







0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Distance in m etres

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

RPM vs Distance

RPM in micrograms per cum





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Distance in m

It can be observed from the above graphs that the both the SPM and RPM, mostly settle within
the 25 m distance from the source of generation. After 25 m, the rate of settlement of dust is
comparatively less and uniform. Keeping this in view, fixing of fugitive dust level standards at a
distance of 25 m away from the source of generation has been considered.

The measured dust levels at 25 m distance from the various sources with dust control measures
are given in the following tables.

Table No Dust Levels at 25 m Distance from the Source

with Dust Control Measures
Area/ location RPM (µg/m3) SPM (µg/m3) Dust Control measures
Drilling 372 - 414 683 - 879 Wet drilling.
Excavation & 593 - 658 1246 - 1352 Pre-wetting of ore
Loading (Moisture content in ore: 7 - 8 %)
Haul Road 359 - 432 734 - 876 Water sprinkling on haul roads.
Hopper & 314 - 508 785 – 1098 Dust suppression through water (spray
Primary nozzles)
Stock Piles 616 - 702 1384 - 1463 Moisture content in ore: 7 -8 %)
Screen 480 - 515 916 – 1024 Dry screening and dust suppression
through water (spray nozzles)
Ore Stock Piles 685 - 716 1456 - 1562 Moisture content in ore: 7 -8 %
& loading

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

It can be observed from the above tables and graphs, that the SPM levels were in the range of
683 – 1562 µg/m3 and RPM in the range of 314 – 716 µg/m3, with dust control measures. The
dust levels can be further brought down to lower levels by improving the performance of the dust
control measures. Keeping in view of the existing dust levels and best management practices, it is
proposed that the Fugitive dust emission levels of Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM) and
Respirable Particulate Matter (RPM) from the dust generation sources identified and mentioned
below in the table, should not exceed 1200 µg/m3 and 500 µg/m3 respectively at a distance of 25
m (± 5 m) from the source of generation in downwind direction considering the predominant
wind direction.
Table No. Sources of Fugitive Dust Emissions
Area Sources of Dust Generation / Monitoring Location
Mine face / benches Drilling, Excavation & Loading
(Not required for benches operating below water tables.
However applicable for operating benches above water table)
Haul Roads / Service Roads Haul roads leading to Ore Processing Plant, Waste dumps &
Loading areas and Service Roads.
Crushing Plant Run-off-mine unloading at Hopper, Crushing Areas, Screens,
Transfer Points
Screening Plant Screens, Transfer Points
Ore Storage & Loading Intermediate Stock Bin / Pile areas, Ore stock bin / pile areas,
wagon / truck loading areas
Waste Dump Areas Active waste / reject dumps

The measurement shall be done for a period of 8 hours in any working shift. However,
depending upon the prevalent conditions at site, the period of measurement can be reduced. Guidelines / Code of Practices for Pollution Prevention & Control at Source for
Fugitive Dust emissions in Iron Ore Mines
Dust is the main air pollutant generated from the iron ore mining. The major source of dust
emissions in mines are haul roads, followed by drilling, blasting, excavation & loading, ore
processing and handling operations.The nature of mining operations are such that complete
elimination of dust from mining process would not be possible. However, some preventive
measures i.e. control at source like provision of dust collectors, wet drilling etc. and control at
receptor level like dust suppression during the course of various mining operations, can
minimise fugitive dust emission. In iron ore mining industry, conditioning of the ore with
water (7.5 – 9.5 %) is being practiced as a primary method to minimize the dust emissions
with out affecting flow of ore in the ore processing and handling areas.
Source wise dust control measures have been discussed in the Section # 5 under the best
environmental management practices. The following prevention & control measures shall be
practiced in order to reduce the fugitive dust emissions in iron ore mines;

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
1. To control fugitive dust at source, wet drilling shall be practiced. Where there is a
scarcity of water, suitably designed dust extractor shall be provided for dry drilling
along with the dust hood at the mouth of the drill hole collar.
2. Pre-wetting of blasting site shall be practiced or need to be done as far as possible.
3. Establish time of blasting to suit the local conditions. Avoiding blasting i.e., when
temperature inversion is likely to occur and strong wind blows towards residential
4. Conditioning of the ore with water (moisture content: 7.5 – 9.5 %) shall be
practiced as a primary method to minimize the fugitive dust emissions without
affecting flow of ore in the ore processing and handling areas.
5. All the long life permanent haul roads shall be black- topped metal roads to the
extent feasible.
6. Water sprinklers of fixed type shall also be provided at the mine HEMM
maintenance shop, other service centers and approach roads from mine face /
benches to crusher hopper to prevent the generation of dust to be air borne.
7. Dust consolidation on mine haul roads, active OB dumps and mine working
benches shall be done by spraying water through water sprinklers along with
chemical binders/wetting agents at frequent interval in order to reduce water
consumption, to improve retention & re-absorption capacity of water & effective
dust consolidation.
8. The speed of dumpers/trucks on haul roads shall be controlled as increased speed
increases dust emissions. Overloading of transport vehicles shall be avoided.
9. Planting of trees all along main mine haul road and regular grading of haul roads
shall be practiced to prevent the generation of dust due to movement of
10. During transportation of ore by trucks/tippers through public roads, the truck shall
be properly covered with tarpaulin sheets/leak proof and shall ply in safe speed.
The trucks/tippers shall have sufficient free board. Spillage of ore on public roads
shall be cleared immediately on occurrence.
11. Use of wheel wash facilities to minimize mud and dust track-out from unpaved
approach roads to main paved and/or public roads.
12. Dust suppression and/or dust extraction systems shall be provided at crusher-
hopper, crushing, screening, ore bunkers, transfer points, loading points & other
strategic dust generating areas. Proper enclosures of crushing & screening areas,
conveyors, transfer points etc. shall be provided in order to reduce spread of air
borne dust to possible extent.
13. The ore, right from primary crusher to screening plant for further processing shall
be done through a system of closed conveyor belts in order to control the dust
generation during transportation of ore at strategic transfer points.
14. At the iron ore stockpiles areas, atomized stationery mist spray of water or
conditioning of ore with water shall be practiced to prevent the dust to be air

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
15. Green belt of adequate width shall be developed all around the perimeter of
crushing and screening plant, ore stockpile & loading areas, boundaries of mine
pits etc., when these are located close proximity to the villages and residential
16. Appropriate transfer chutes shall be provided at ore discharge points at ore stock
piles, loading points etc., to minimize the discharge height and spread of air borne
17. The operator’s cabin in the drills, shovels, dumpers and other HEMMs shall be
provided with dust proof enclosure and the persons working at high dust prone
areas shall be provided with dust mask. In case of bigger capacity HEMMs,
operators cabin shall be air- conditioned based with dust & noise proof enclosures
as far as possible.
18. Re-vegetation of exposed surfaces shall be done as far as possible in mines.
Techniques such as hydro-seedling & use of geo-textiles shall be used on steep
slopes and other difficult areas as a measure of soil erosion control and slope
19. Proper house keeping at the mining, ore crushing & screening areas, loading &
dispatch areas, service facilities, etc., shall be practiced.


6.3.1 Necessity of Effluent Discharge Standards

Water is a basic requirement for drinking and domestic use, in drilling, in conditioning
construction materials, as a means of dust suppression, washing of ore to improve the quality
and as an aid in establishing vegetation on post mining land reclamation and rehabilitation.
Water plays an important role in mobilising environmental contaminates and is the primary
medium for the transport of contaminants off the mine site into the water environment. It is
therefore necessary to maintain the quality of effluent discharged from the mines to protect
the receiving water bodies including ground water. The quality and quantity of mine effluent
discharged mainly depend on the following major functions:

Method of mining
Climatic variables
Hydrological and hydro-geological factors
Geo-chemical characteristics of the rock material

6.3.2 Sources of Effluents and Parameters of Concern

The major source of effluent generation from the iron ore mines is from the ore washing
operation. Other sources are from workshops / garages, seepage from the tailings ponds &
exposed waste dumps etc. In some of the areas like in western region, the mining is being
carried out below the water table, huge quantity of water is being pumped out from the mine
pit to facilitate excavation of ore. The various sources of the effluent generation from the iron
ore mines are discussed below:
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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Process Effluent from Ore Washing
This mainly gets generated where the mine is equipped with the wet beneficiation process for
washing of iron ore to improve the quality by removing excess of silica and alumina. The
effluents get generated in the form of thickened slurry known as tailings and are led to a dam
or pond known as tailings pond via open channel or closed conduit.
Effluents from the Workshops / Garage
Water is being used for washing / cleaning of HEMM, light vehicles and others auxiliary
equipment in the Workshops / Garages. The wash water generated from the workshop / garage
contains suspended solids and oil & grease. These effluents are being treated in ETPs for
removal of oil & grease and suspended solids.
Mine Pit Water
Wherever mining is carried out below the water table, dewatering of pit water is done to
facilitate the excavation of the ore. The mine pit water is normally laden with suspended
solids derived from within the pit. In western region, a large percentage of ore is located
below the water table and numbers of mines are now operating below the water table. In most
of the mines, the mine pit water is being discharged to the exhausted pits and used for ore
washing purpose.
Seepage Water
Seepage comprises water discharged to the environment by seepage from waste management
areas (eg. tailing ponds, waste rock dumps) or waste water impoundment areas (eg. tailing
ponds, clarification ponds, mine water ponds). Seepage may be intercepted by premier
collection ditches or drain directly to the environment.

Storm Water
Storm water from a mining operation comprises surface runoff from rainfall and natural
drainage. Typically drainage is diffuse with large no. of discharge points to the environment.
This is the main source of pollution from the iron ore mining area which contains lots of
suspended solids.

The parameters of concern from Indian iron ore mining are mainly pH, Oil & Grease,
Suspended Solids, Dissolved Iron and Manganese. During monsoon, the quantity of surface
runoff increases and is directly proportional to the amount of suspended solids in the
discharge. The most significant parameter during the period is the total suspended solids
(TSS) present in the discharge. In addition to these, the surface run off and the mine effluents
may also contain traces of heavy metals like Cadmium, Chromium, Copper, Lead, Mercury,
Nickel, Zinc etc. These may either get way to the surface water and ground water aquifer
system through leaching of tailings impoundments, waste dumps etc or get dissolved with the
mine effluent and surface runoff due to mining (by exposing the rocks) and beneficiation.

6.3.3 Quality of Effluent Discharged from Iron Ore Mines

Water quality monitoring was conducted at the iron ore mines in the Eastern Zone i.e. Kiriburu
Iron Ore Mines and Meghahatuburu Iron Ore Mines for four seasons through out the year. All
the effluents generated from various sources have been analysed for relevant parameters
mentioned in the discharge quality standards under the Schedule – VI of Environment

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
(Protection) Rules, 1986. Surface and ground water quality were also monitored in and around
the both the mines. In addition to this, water quality data of the major iron ore mining operating
all over India in the four identified zones were collected. The existing water quality for all the
four zones are discussed in Section Four of the Report, while discussing the impact on air
quality of the respective mining zones.

It was observed from the analysis of the data generated and collected from various sources,
Suspended Solids, Oil & Grease, pH, Iron and Manganese are most relevant parameters in the
effluents generated from the iron ore mines. The other parameters including heavy metals were
found well below the standards and mostly below detectable limits. The quality of effluents
discharged from the various sources in the iron ore mines of the four different zones are given in
the table below:

Table. No. Quality of Effluent Discharged from Iron Ore Mines in India
(Unit : mg/l except for pH)
Zone Eastern Western Southern Central
Parameter Max. Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Avg. Max. Avg.

Suspended Solids 226 39 266 47 186 75 200 37

pH 9 6.8 9.6 6.9 8.6 7.5 8.1 7.2

Oil & Grease 16.8 3.1 9.8 4.6 18.5 6.2 18 3.25

Iron as Fe 3.34 0.33 8.85 0.48 2.8 0.8 2.8 0.51

6.3.4 Existing Effluent Discharge Standards India General Effluent Discharge Standards under Environment (Protection) Act
MoEF notified General Standards for Discharge of environmental Pollutants into various
receiving water bodies in Schedule - VI, Environment (Protection) Rules, 1986 in May, 1993.
These standards were effective from 1st January, 1994 and applicable to discharge of effluents
from industries, operations or processes other than those industries, operations for which
standards have been already specified in Schedule - 1. The Schedule - 1, contains industry
specific standards, where mining industry was not included. There are standards for about 33
pollutants in the Schedule - VI for discharging into various receiving water bodies. However,
the industries need to monitor and comply only for relevant parameters among the 33 specific to
that industry. The standards given in the Schedule - VI of the Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 are as follows:

Table No. General Effluent Discharge Standards

Sl. Parameters Standards for Discharge to
Inland Surface Public Land for Marine/
Water sewer Irrigation Coastal
1. Colour and Odor See Note below - See Note below See Note below

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Sl. Parameters Standards for Discharge to
Inland Surface Public Land for Marine/
Water sewer Irrigation Coastal
2 Suspended Solids 100 600 200
mg/l, max
3 Particle size of Shall pass 850
suspended solids micron IS
4 pH value 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0 5.5 to 9.0
5 Temperature Shall not exceed Shall not
50C above the exceed 50C
receiving water above the
temperature receiving water
6 Oil & grease mg/l, 10 20 10 20
7 Total Residual 1.0 - - 1.0
chlorine, mg/l max
8 Ammonical Nitrogen 50 50 - 50
(as N) mg/l, max
9 Total kjeldahl nitrogen 100 - - 100
(as N); mg/l, max
10 Free ammonia (as 5.0 - - 5.0
NH3), mg/l max
11 BOD (3 days at 270C), 30 350 100 100
mg/l, max
12 Chemical Oxygen 250 - - 250
Demand, mg/l max
13 Arsenic (as As) mg/l, 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
14 Mercury (as Hg), 0.01 0.01 - 0.01
mg/l, max
15 Lead (as Pb) mg/l, 0.1 1.0 - 2.0
16 Cadmium (as Cd) 2.0 1.0 - 2.0
mg/l, max
17 Hexavalent Chromium 0.1 2.0 - 1.0
(Cr+6) mg/l, max
18 Total Chromium (as 2.0 2.0 - 2.0
Cr) mg/l, max
19 Copper (as Cu), mg/l, 3.0 3.0 - 3.0
20 Zinc(as Zn) mg/l, max 5.0 15 - 15

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Sl. Parameters Standards for Discharge to
Inland Surface Public Land for Marine/
Water sewer Irrigation Coastal
21 Selenium (as Se) mg/l, 0.05 0.05 - 0.05
22 Nickel (as Ni) mg/l, 3.0 3.0 - 5.0
23 Cyanide (as CN) mg/l, 0.2 2.0 0.2 0.2
24 Fluoride (as F) mg/l, 2.0 15 - 15
25 Dissolved Phosphate 5.0 - - -
(as P) mg/l, max
26 Sulphide (as S) mg/l, 2.0 - - 5.0
27 Phenolic Compounds 1.0 5.0 - 5.0
(as C6H5OH) mg/l,
28 Radioactive Materials,
µ curie mg/l max
a) α - emitters 10-7 10-7 10-8 10-7
b) β - emitters 10-6 10-6 10-7 10-6
29 Bio-assay test 90% survival 90% 90% 90% survival
of fish after 96 survival survival of of fish after
hour in 100% of fish fish after 96 hour in
effluent after 96 96 hour in 100%
hour in 100% effluent
100% effluent
30 Manganese, mg/l 2 2 - 2
31 Iron (as Fe), mg/l 3 3 - 3
32 Vanadium (as V),mg/l 0.2 0.2 - 0.2
33 Nitrate Nitrogen, 10 - - 20
Note: All efforts should be made to remove colour and unpleasant odour as far as practicable. International Standards for Effluent Discharge World Bank Guidelines for Base Metal & Iron Ore Mining
World Bank issued the following guidelines for effluents normally acceptable to them in
making decisions regarding provision of World Bank Group Assistance. Any deviations from
these levels must be described in the World Bank Group project documentation. These effluents
levels as given in the table below to be achieved during operation of the mine and after the mine

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Table No. Effluent Limit for Base Metal and Iron Ore Mining

Parameters Max. value ( mg/l except for pH)

pH 6-9
TSS 50
Oil & Grease 10
Cyanide 1.0
• Free 0.1
• Weak Acid dissociable 0.5

COD 150
Arsenic 0.1
Cadmium 0.1
Chromium ( Hexavalent) 0.1
Copper 0.5
Iron 3.5
Lead 0.2
Mercury 0.01
Nickel 0.5
Zinc 2
Total metals 10

All of the maximum values should be achieved for at least 95 % of the time that the plant or unit
is operating, to be calculated as a proportion of annual operating hours.

Liquid effluents, including tailing dam outflows, should be monitored daily for pH and
suspended solids. Metals, when appropriate, thiosalts and flotation chemicals should be
monitored on monthly basis. If treatment is required to control soluble metals, metals and other
parameters such as turbidity should be monitored more frequently. Frequent sampling may be
required during the start-up and upset conditions.

World Bank has also issued following general guidelines for effluents discharged from tailings
impoundments, mine drainage, sedimentation basins, sewerage systems and storm water
drainage. They do not apply to direct discharge of tailings to the marine environment.

pH - 6 to 9
BOD - 50 mg/l
Oil & grease - 20 mg/l
TSS - 50 mg/l

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Temperature, at the edge of designated mixing zone - Maximum 50C above ambient
temperature of receiving water and maximum 3 0C if receiving water temperature > 280C.

Residual Heavy Metals:

Arsenic - 1.0 mg/l
Cadmium - 0.1 mg/l
Cr - 0.05 mg/l
Cr, total - 1.0 mg/l
Copper - 0.3 mg/l
Iron, total - 2 mg/l
Lead - 0.6 mg/l
Mercury - 0.002 mg/l
Nickel - 0.5 mg/l
Zinc - 1.0 mg/l
• These are recommended target guidelines below which there is expected to be no risk for
significant adverse impact on aquatic biotic or human use.
• In cases, where natural background concentrations exceed these levels, the discharge may
contain concentrations upto natural background levels.
• Concentration upto 110 % of natural background can be accepted if no significant adverse
impact can be demonstrated. USA
The USEPA has notified effluent guidelines and standards for Iron Ore Mines under Subpart A,
Part 440. The norms are applicable to discharges from (a) mines operated to obtain iron ore,
regardless of the type of ore or its mode of occurrence, (b) mills beneficiating iron ores by
physical (magnetic and non-magnetic) and / or chemicals separation; and (c) mills beneficiating
iron ores by magnetic and physical separation. Under the USEPA effluent discharge standards
for iron ore mines are given in three categories i.e. BPT, BAT and NSPS. The details are as

The following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by the
application of the Best Practicable Control Technology currently available (BPT). The standards
are applicable for existing point source. The concentration of pollutants discharged shall not

Parameter Effluent Limitations

Maximum for any 1 day Average of daily values for 30
consecutive days
pH 6.0 to 9.0 6.0 to 9.0
TSS 30 mg/l 20 mg/l
Fe (dissolved) 2.0 mg/l 1.0 mg/l

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
The following effluent limitations representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by
the application of the Best Available Technology Economically Achievable (BAT). The
standards are applicable for existing point source. The concentration of pollutants discharged
shall not exceed:
Parameter Effluent Limitations
Maximum for any 1 day Average of daily values for 30
consecutive days
Fe (dissolved) 2.0 mg/l 1.0 mg/l

New Source Performance Standards (NSPS): Any new source must achieve the following
NSPS representing the degree of effluent reduction attainable by applying the best available
demonstrated technology (BADT):
Parameter Effluent Limitations

Maximum for any 1 day Average of daily values for 30

consecutive days
pH 6.0 to 9.0 6.0 to 9.0
TSS 30 mg/l 20 mg/l
Fe (dissolved) 2.0 mg/l 1.0 mg/l CANADA
In Canada, Metal Mining Effluent Regulations (MMER) are notified under “Fisheries Act” to
limit the deposit of deleterious substances into waters frequented by fish. The limits for
deleterious substances in mine effluent under the MMER, as published in the Canada Gazette,
Part-I, Ottawa, July 28, 2001, Saturday, are as follows:
Table No. Authorised Limits of Deleterious Substances
Sl. No. Parameter Maxm Authorised Maxm authorised Maxm authorised
monthly mean concentration in a concentration in a
concentration composite sample grab sample

1. Arsenic 0.50 0.75 1.00

2. Copper 0.30 0.45 0.60
3. Cyanide 1.00 1.50 2.00
4. Lead 0.20 0.30 0.40
5. Nickel 0.50 0.75 1.00
6. Zinc 0.50 0.75 1.00
7. TSS 15.00 22.50 30.00
8. Radium 226 0.37 Bq/l 0.74 Bq/l 1.11 Bq/l
9. pH 6 – 9.5 6 – 9.5 6 – 9.5
[Note: All concentrations are total values in mg/l except for pH and Radium 226]

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
The above limits are applicable for all new and existing metal mines in Canada including gold
mines that use cyanide in the milling process. The effluent quality shall be monitored at least
once in a week. These limits were developed based on a comprehensive review and
assessment of national and international mining effluent standards, pollution prevention
practices and control technologies of relevance to the mining sector. South Africa

There are no specific effluent discharge limits for iron ore mining in South Africa. However,
effluent discharges are governed under Regulation 991 of Water Act 54 of 1965. The respective
general standards are as follows:
pH - between 5.5 to 9.5
DO - at least 75 % saturation
Typical faecal coli - no typical faecal coli per 100 ml
Temperature - Maxm 350C
Oxygen absorbed - from acid n/80 potassium permanganate in 4 hrs at 270C not to
exceed 10 mg/l
Conductivity - Not to increase by more than 75 milli siemens per metre
determines at 250C above that of intake water
TSS - 25 mg/l
Sodium content - Not to be more than 90 mg/l above that of the intake water.
Oil & Grease - 2.5 mg/l
Residual Chlorine - 0.1 mg/l
Free & saline ammonia (as N) - 10.0
Arsenic as As - 0.5 mg/l
Boron - 1.0 mg/l
Cr - 0.05 mg/l
Cr, total - 0.50 mg/l
Copper, Cu - 1.0 mg/l
Phenolic compounds- 0.10 mg/l
Lead as Pb - 0.10 mg/l
Cyanide, CN - 0.50 mg/l
Sulphide, S - 1.0 mg/l
Fluoride, F - 1.0 mg/l
Zinc, Zn - 5.0 mg/l
Manganese, Mn - 0.40 mg/l
Cadmium, Cd - 0.05 mg/l
Mercury, Hg - 0.02 mg/l
Selenium, Se - 0.05 mg/l

In addition to the above, sum of the concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg & Pb not to exceed 1
(one) mg/l in the effluents. Provisions are existing to exempt for some / all the parameters and

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
their discharge limit for any particular project. The waste water or effluent may contain no other
constituents in concentrations which are poisonous or injurious to humans, animals, fish or other
forms of aquatic life, or which are deleterious to agricultural use.

Under the National Water Act, the following guidelines were given for mining and related
activities aimed at the protection of water resources:

Prevent water containing waste or any substance which causes or is likely to cause
pollution of a water resource from entering any water course, either by natural flow or by
seepage, and to retain or collect such substance or water containing waste for use, reuse,
evaporation or for purification and disposal.
Minimise the flow of any surface water or floodwater into mine workings, opencast
workings, other workings or subterranean caverns, through cracked or fissured formations,
subsided ground, sinkholes, outcrop excavations, audits, entrances or any other openings.
Ensure that water used in any process units is recycled as far as practicable. AUSTRALIA
In Australia, the environmental aspects of mining operations are controlled by mineral
Resources Act. As per this Act, the mining industry have the right to discharge effluents into
rivers and streams in the area provided, that any discharge shall not be dangerous or injurious
to public health or shall not render the natural water in the river or stream less fit for human
consumption by stock or for marine life, shall not cause harmful pollution of waters and shall
not contain harmful solids. General effluent discharge standards in Australia under various
regulations are as follows:
Table No. General Effluent Discharge Limits in Australia
Parameter EPA Victoria NSW Clean Waters Act Tasmania Env. Protection
pH 6–9 6.5 – 8.5 --
Non metals
NFR, mg/l 60 -- 30 to 60 (>50X)
Cl -- 250 250
CN -- Total 0.05 0.05
F -- 1.5 1.5
SO4 -- 250 250
As 0.50 0.05 0.05
Ba -- 1.00 1.00
Cd 0.10 0.01 0.01
Cr 0.30 0.05 0.05
Cu 0.20 1.00 1.00
Fe 2.00 Filtrate .03 1.00
Pb 0.10 0.05 0.05

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Parameter EPA Victoria NSW Clean Waters Act Tasmania Env. Protection
Mn 0.50 Filtrate 0.03 1.0
Hg 0.005 0.002 0.002
Ni 0.50 -- --
Se 0.05 0.01 0.02
Ag 0.10 0.05 0.10
Zn 0.50 5.00 5.00

6.3.5 Proposed Effluent Discharge Standards for Iron Ore Mines

In order to maintain the quality of water in the receiving environment, concentration base
standards and restrictions in discharge of effluents are being proposed for the iron ore mines in
the country. Proposed Effluent Discharge Standards

After a detailed analysis of quality of effluents discharged from the Iron ore mines and existing
standards in India and other countries, the following effluent discharge quality standards are
proposed for iron ore mines. It is proposed that the quality of effluents discharged from iron ore
Mining, beneficiation and associated activities or any other discharges leaving the mining lease
boundary, to natural river / stream / water bodies / sewer / land to conform to the following
standards given in the table below.

Table No. Proposed Effluent Discharge Standards

S. No Parameter Standards

1. pH 6.0 – 9.0

2. Suspended Solids 50 mg/l *

200 mg/l - during monsoon

3. Oil & Grease 10 mg/l

4. Dissolved Iron as Fe 2 mg/l

5. Manganese as Mn 2 mg/l

* Existing iron ore mines are allowed up to 100 mg/l for one year from the date of notification to
upgrade existing treatment facilities / installation of new facilities.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards Guidelines/ Code of Practices for Water Pollution Prevention & Control from Iron
Ore Mines
In order to prevent water pollution in and around the iron ore mines, the following shall be

1. All efforts shall be made to re-use and re-cycle the treated effluents to the
maximum possible extent in order to achieve zero effluent discharge.
2. At the beneficiation plant, process waste water to be recycled from the thickener
overflow to the maximum possible extent in order to reduce surface water
pollution due to less discharge to the surrounding environment and less process
water requirement. Thickeners underflow slurry may be sent to tailings pond for
further solid-liquid separation.
3. Provision of a suitably designed tailings dam with reclamation of clarified water
shall be provided to minimize the discharge and reduce the make-up water
4. In water scarce areas, recovery of tailings dam seepage water shall be provided by
constructing seepage water collection ditch at the downstream side along with the
re-circulation facilities.
5. Maximum recovery of iron ore fines/micro fines need to be encouraged by
adoption of hydro-cyclones, slow speed classifiers/or any other suitable method
depending on nature of the deposit / ore feed in the wet beneficiation circuit in
order to reduce slurry discharge and to increase the life of the tailings dam.
6. Surface run off during monsoon from the mining areas, waste dumps & other areas
shall be properly collected & treated in series of sedimentation basins before
discharge water into natural stream/water courses. Check dams shall be
constructed at all strategic points to control the surface run off and carry over of
suspended solids. Sedimentation ponds and check dams shall be de-silted at
regular interval during non monsoon periods.
7. Surface run off from the stock pile and loading areas shall be collected through
network of drains and passed through sedimentation ponds and check dams before
discharge water into natural stream/water courses.
8. Pit water discharged from mine working below the water table shall be properly
treated & shall be used in ore beneficiation, dust suppression, etc. The treated pit
water may be supplied to villages nearby for agricultural purpose if demand arises.
9. Domestic effluents shall be treated in suitable & well-designed oxidation ponds or
any other suitable treatment methods.
10. Service centers, i.e., auto shops, HEMM shops, and other areas, wherein, water
pollution due to wash outs of oil and grease and suspended solids are expected due
to washing of light vehicles, HEMM etc., Effluent Treatment Plant shall be
provided (oil catch pits / air flotation units and sedimentation tanks) for treatment
of these effluents.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
11. Rain water harvesting technique shall be practiced as a measure of conservation of
Ground Water
12. Mines which are operating below the water table shall monitor the ground water
level [expressed in Reduced Level(RL), m] at the periphery of the mine pit in at
least three locations (preferably 1200 apart each other) in order to assess the trend
of depletion.
13. In case the depletion in ground water table has been observed as considerable by
Central Ground Water Board, appropriate action shall be taken to control the
Mine sites include a wide variety of equipment which generates a range of noise levels.
Continuous exposure to high levels of noise, will come both physiological and phsycho-somatic
problems in the workers exposed to it. The major sources of noise in mining and related
operations include drilling, blasting, loading, excavation, crushing, screening, beneficiation,
movement of heavy earth moving vehicles and wagon loading etc. Planing of noise control in
open cast mines is not an easy task, as the noise sources move around the site to different
activities. The noise levels in mine working environment in many places in India exceed 90

Most of the HEMM’s generate high noise levels and the noise can travel long distance and
become annoying to surroundings. Noise level impact is particularly significant at night and is
affected by topographic and climatic conditions etc. The environmental noise can be controlled
by constructing noise barriers like green belts, quarry boundaries, waste dumps between source
and affected areas. Keeping in view of the undesirable noise affects on the mine workers and
surrounding environment, standards have been notified under various Acts / Regulations.

6.4.1 Existing Noise & Airblast Standards India
MoEF had notified Noise Pollution (Regulation and Control) Rules, 2000 on 14th. February,
2000 under Environment Protection) Rules, 1986. The following Ambient Air Quality
standards in respect of noise were notified under these rules:
Table No. Ambient Air Quality Standards in Respect of Noise
Area Code Category of Area Limit in dB(A), Leq
Day Time Night Time

A Industrial Area 75 70

B Commercial Area 65 55

C Residential Area 55 45

D Silence Zone 50 40

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
a) Day time is reckoned in between 6.00 AM to 9.00 PM
b) Night time is reckoned in between 9.00 PM to 6.00 AM
c) Silence Zone is defined as areas up to 100 meters around such premises as hospitals,
educational institutions and courts. The Silence Zones are to be declared by the Competent
d) Mixed Categories of areas should be declared as “one of the four above mentioned
categories” by the Competent Authority and the corresponding standard shall apply.

At present, there is no standard for airblast resulting from blasting operations in India. IBM’s Standard for Iron Ore Mines
Occupational exposure limits of noise and limits for blast induced ground vibration have already
been prescribed by DGMS.

6.4.2 International Standards World Bank Industry Sector Guidelines for Base Metal Mining:
Noise abatement measures should achieve either the levels given below or a maximum
increase in background levels of 3 days dB(A). Measurements are to be taken at Noise
Receptors located outside the project property boundary. The ambient noise standards
specified by World Bank Group for Base Metal & Iron Ore Mines are as follows:
Table No. Ambient Noise Standards Specified by World Bank for base Metals
Receptor Maximum allowable Leq dB(A)
Day (07.00 - 22.0) Night (22.00 -07.00)
Institutional & Educational 55 45
Industrial & Commercial 70 70

In addition to the above mentioned ambient noise level standards, the following guidelines are
issued by the World Bank Group to minimize the work zone noise levels:
1. Feasible administrative and engineering controls, including sound-insulated
equipment and control rooms should be employed to reduce the average noise
level in normal work areas.
2. Plant equipment should be well maintained to minimize noise level
3. Personal must use hearing protection when exposed to noise levels above 85
dB(A). Australia
Noise standards for various industries are notified under the “Environmental Protection (Noise)
Regulations 1997 on 31 October 1997, to come into effect from 31st January, 1998. Noise

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
emissions which exceed the prescribed standard can be regarded as “pollution” and
“unreasonable noise” under this Act. Under these regulations, noise standards are specified for
certain activities like Agriculture, Blasting, Construction, Community activities etc. The
standards / regulations related to the Blasting are as follows;

• “blasting” is defined as the use of explosives to fracture –

rock, coal and other minerals for later recovery; or
structural components or other items to facilitate removal from a site or for reuse
• “air blast level” means a noise level resulting from blasting;
The assigned noise levels set in regulations 7 and 8 do not apply to air blast levels from
The regulation on blasting sets specific air blast levels for blasting, which form a
“prescribed standard”;
These air blast levels apply to blasting carried out on any premises or public place; and
The regulation does not address ground vibration from blasting
Day time Blasting : For blasting carried out between 7am and 6pm on any day which is not a
Sunday or public holiday, the air blast level received on any other premises must not exceed –

125 dB Llinear, peak for any blast; and

120 dB Llinear, peak for nine in any10 consecutive blasts, regardless of the interval
between blasts.
Blasting on Sundays & Public Holydays: For blasting carried out between 7am and 6pm on a
Sunday or public holiday, the air blast level received on any other premises must not exceed

125 dB Llinear, peak for any blast; and

120 dB Llinear, peak for nine in any10 consecutive blasts, regardless of the interval
between blasts.

Blasting in Other Times: Air blast levels resulting from blasting on any premises or public
place must not exceed 90 dB Llinear, peak at any other premises outside the periods between 7am
and 6pm on any day. The only exception to this is that explosives which have previously been
placed and primed may be fired if necessary to meet a safety requirement of the Department of
Minerals and Energy, in which case the levels must meet those given above for daytime and
weekend blasting, for the time when the blast was scheduled to be fired.

6.4.3 Proposed Noise & Airbalst Standards Proposed Noise Level Standards

Keeping in view of the adverse impacts of noise generated from the mining and associated
activities, standards for noise levels and guidelines for controlling work zone noise are
proposed. The noise levels in the mining and other associated activities shall not exceed the
following limits:

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Table No. Proposed Noise Level Standards for Iron Ore Mines

S. No Parameter Noise Limits

Day time Night time
(6.00 AM to 10.00 PM) (10.00 PM to 6.00AM)
1. Noise Level – Leq 75 dB(A) 70 dB(A)

Noise levels shall be monitored both during day and night times on the same day while in
operation. The noise measurements shall be taken outside the broken area, boundary of ore
processing & material handling areas, which include mine site & general offices, statutory
buildings, workshops, stores etc.
In addition to this, occupational exposure limit of noise specified by the Director General of
Mines Safety (DGMS) shall be complied with by the iron ore mines. Proposed Airblast Standard

Airblast level resulting from blasting on any premises or public place must not exceed 120 dB
Linear, peak.

Ground vibrations from the blasting operation shall be within the permissible Peak Particle
Velocity (ppv) specified by DGMS at the foundation levels of various types of structures in
mining areas depending on dominant excitation frequencies. Guidelines / Code of Practices for Pollution Prevention & Control of Noise,
Vibration & Airblast in Iron Ore Mines
Iron ore mining and mineral processing activities generate obnoxious levels of noise and
vibration. Generally noise and vibration is created by impact/operation of fixed plants,
movement of HEMM and due to blasting. Drills, movement of HEMM, material handling
facilities, crushing, screening and beneficiation plant equipments are prominent noise and
vibration sources, besides blasting operation. The noise causes detrimental effects on health of
the workers exposed at the worksite, if proper precautions are not taken.

The following measures shall be practiced for reduction in noise from mining & associated
activities, and ground vibration & airblast resulting from blasting operations;

1. Noise is best abated at source by selecting right machinery and equipment, by

proper mounting of equipment, and by providing noise insulating enclosures or
padding as far as possible.
2. Noise barriers shall be constructed between sources and affected areas (thick belt
of trees around mine boundaries, waste dumps, hills and mountainous land forms
can act as such barrier).
3. Lining noise-impacting components of processing plants (eg bins, hoppers, chutes)
with resilient material to dampen vibrating surfaces.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
4. Enclosing high noise sources (eg transfer points, vibratory screens, crushers) with
high-mass acoustic enclosures.
5. Regular repair and maintenance of HEMMs, ore crushing, screening and loading
plant equipment etc. as per the recommendation of the manufacturers.
6. Improved design mufflers of HEMMs and enclosing its engine part with thick
quality isolating material shall be provided.
7. Avoid secondary blasting by using hydraulic rock breakers, wherever feasible.
8. Safety fuse shall be covered with sand layer of 15 cm thick in order to reduce noise
level during blasting operation.
9. Ground vibration, airblast and dust cloud resulting from the blasting operations,
shall be minimized through (a) site-specific optimum blast design, (b) selecting
right explosive matching with the nature of rocks to be blasted (c) reducing the
maximum instantaneous charge per delay, (d) avoiding overcharging the holes, (e)
adopting air-decking technique (wherever feasible), (f) use of delay detonators, (g)
adopting in-hole initiation system, (h) proper stemming of holes and (i) adopting
controlled blasting technique etc.



6.5.1 Necessity of Waste Management

Mining operations, especially opencast mining, generate considerable quantities of spoils
depending upon the nature of occurrence of deposit, method of mining, processing methods
etc. The solid waste management is an essential component of any mining operation as it is
one of the critical factors causing degradation of land and effects siltation and rolling mass
downhill. Sometimes dumps are the major sources of dust which gets airborne and affects
surrounding land and nearby habitats where this dust finally settles. The major types solid
wastes generated from the iron ore mines are as follows, Top soil, Overburden, Subgrade rock
and tailings. Disposal of these wastes is done in predetermined locations usually within the
leasehold and they need proper design, stabilisation and revegetation to contain the
degradation of land.

In addition to these, other types of main wastes generated from the service centres and repair
& maintenance activities, are metallic wastes, non-metallic wastes, used batteries, used oils
and oil contaminated wastes. The metallic wastes are of iron and steel scrap, are generally
stored and sold. The non-metallic wastes like, tyres, tubes, rubber conveyers etc., are also
stored and sold. The used oils generated from generated from various sections are also stored
grade wise and sold. The other oil contaminated wastes like used filters, muck, jute wastes
etc., are categorised as hazardous wastes as per the Hazardous Waste (Management &
Handling) Rules, 2003. Some of the big mines have constructed secured hazardous waste pits
for disposal of these oil contaminated wastes.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
6.5.2 Existing Rules / Guidelines for Waste Management
The Government of India has taken a number of steps and equipped the concerned regulatory
agencies and authorities for enforcement of the enactment and regulations related to the
environment including waste management. In addition to norms and guide lines for protection
of the environment under Air, Water & Environment (Protection) Acts, rules and regulations
specific to the mines are notified under the Mineral Conservation & Development Rules
(MCDR), 1988 under the Mines and Minerals (Regulation and Development) (MMRD) Act,

Under the MCDR, 1988, it has now been made obligatory for every holder of Prospecting
Licence (PL) or Mining Lease (ML) to take all possible precautions for the protection of
environment and control of pollution while conducting prospecting, mining, beneficiation or
metallurgical operations in the area. The Rules # 32 & 33 of the MCDR, related to the
management of top soil and overburden respectively.

The Rule # 32 stipulates for the storage and utilisation of top soil. The top soil is excavated
during the prospecting or mining operations is generally thrown along with other waste rock,
hence does not become available for restoration/rehabilitation of the area. It has, therefore, been
provided in this rule that every holder of PL and ML shall remove the top soil separately, utilise
for restoration or rehabilitation of land or store it in a separate heap for future use since it is
necessary for land reclamation and rehabilitation. It is not only the storage but the top soil
should also be vegetated to maintain humus and fertility of the soil. The vegetal cover on the top
soil will also help in checking it’s erosion or escape during monsoon.

The Rule # 33 has been dealt with effective storage of overburden and waste rock etc. Since,
insufficient care taken for the dumping and storage of different types of solid wastes generated
during mining operations were resulting in environmental hazards, land and stream pollution
and adverse impacts on mineral conservation, so it has now been made obligatory that the
overburden, waste rock, rejects and fines generated during prospecting and mining operations as
well as tailings, slimes and fines produced during sizing, storing and beneficiation operations
should be stored in separate dumps. Further, it has also been provided that these dumps shall be
properly secured to prevent escape of material there from in harmful quantities which may
cause degradation of environment and to prevent cause of floods. Providing of vegetal cover or
afforestation may be most effective way to prevent the escape of material.

Regarding the site selection for dumps, tailings and slimes the provision under the sub clause
(3) states that a site should be as far as possible on an impervious ground to ensure minimum
effects of leaching due to precipitation. Sub clause (4) of this rule states that overburden/waste
rock etc. should be back-filled into main excavations to the maximum extent possible in order to
restore the land to its original form and use as far as practicable. Such a practice will reduce the
demand of land for storage and subsequent environmental degradation.

Sub clause 5 stipulates that the waste dumps should be suitably terraced and stabilised through
vegetation or otherwise. Such measures should be started right from the beginning of the
dumping so that the escape of the material, if any, may be checked in the initial stages itself.
The sub clause (6) provides for disposal of fines, rejects, tailings from beneficiation in a suitable
way so as not to cause land degradation or damage to agricultural field, pollution of surface
water bodies and ground water. It would mean that a proper tailings pond of suitable design on
an impervious ground should be constructed to arrest the flow and store the fines. This will also

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
give the chance to the suspended material to settle down or its treatment to make it suitable for
reuse or final discharge to the water streams.

It has now been made obligatory under the Rule 34 that every holder of PL or ML shall
undertake the phased restoration and rehabilitation of lands affected by prospecting or mining
operations and shall complete this work before conclusion of such operations while earlier there
was no attempt on the part of licence or lessee to restore or rehabilitate the land disturbed,
damaged or occupied by mining or ancillary operations.

In addition to the above rules, IBM has issued certain guidelines on dump management and
rehabilitation. The salient features are given below:

1. The design of the waste dump should accommodate progressive rehabilitation to ensure a
minimum area of disturbance at any one time.
2. The height, area and shapes of the waste dump should be designed having regard to the
area of land available, the general topography of the area, nature of material being dumped
and climatic conditions.
3. All completed surfaces of the waste dump should be stable and able to resist long term
4. Top soil should be scraped out from the dump site in advance and preserved in low height
dumps, duly covered with grass and vegetal cover to increase its life.
5. Previously stockpiled subsoil and top soil should be spread on all completed surfaces
where practicable and re-vegetated with suitable vegetation.
6. The design and construction of the waste dumps should be such that the completed out
slopes do not exceed 20 degrees from the horizontal.
7. Drainage should be constructed to handle heavy rainfall. Appropriate garland drains should
be provided all around and specially to the ultimate boundary of the dump.

6.5.3 Proposed Guidelines / Code Practices for Waste Management

From the review of the existing guidelines and regulations on waste management, it is
observed that proper and sufficient guidelines exists in the Indian Regulation for the
management of mining wastes. However, additional guidelines are discussed below. These
guidelines are mainly intended to handle the mining wastes in the form of overburden and
rejects, properly. Guidelines for Mine waste Management

The following guidelines shall be practiced during handling and disposal of various types of
wastes generated from the iron ore mines;

1. The top soil (20-30cm) shall be removed separately, utilize for restoration or
rehabilitation of land or store it in a separate heap for future use, duly covered with
grass and vegetal cover to preserve its fertility / biomass.
2. Overburden(OB) / Interburden (IB) / waste rocks shall be back filled into mine
excavations to the maximum extent possible.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
3. The OB / IB/waste rock dumps shall be located away from the natural nallas, rivers
of the area and on an impervious & non-mineralized area, to minimize the water
pollution. Design and construction of the waste dumps shall be such that the
completed out slopes do not exceed than 28 degrees from horizontal to avoid
excessive erosion and easy vegetation.
4. The OB/IB/waste rock dumps shall be properly dressed, benched, sloped at low
angle with terracing and bamboo barricades in the slopes, making retaining
walls/stone barriers at the toe of the dumps, gully plugging etc., to prevent the soil
erosion during monsoon, besides establishing vegetation on dump top as well as its
slope surface. In steep slopes, hydro-seeding technique or use of geo-textiles mat
embedded with seeds shall be adopted.
5. To prevent fine particles from OB/IB/waste rock dumps getting washed off due to
rains, every year, before onset of monsoon, deep garland type trenches all around
the waste dump shall be made to arrest the fine particles in the trenches. The
accumulated water in the garland drains shall be passed through check
dams/settling tanks to allow the silt to be settled before final discharge to
surrounding environment. At the outlet of garland drains, proper de-silting
arrangements shall be made before onset of monsoon.
6. Oil contaminated wastes like oil filters, oily muck, cotton wastes etc. generated
from workshops, garages and other areas shall be disposed in a secured landfills,
specially designed for disposal of hazardous wastes.
7. Tailing ponds shall be located on impervious areas with deep water table. The
ground underlying the dam must be structurally sound and able to bear the weight
of the impoundment. Wherever practicable, tailings shall be used for filling in the
exhausted mine pits.
8. Efforts shall be made for use of tailings generated from wet beneficiation plant for
making value added products like ceramic floor tiles, wall tiles, bricks etc.
9. The exposed tailing pond areas shall be properly covered with vegetation. The
whole tailing pond area shall be covered through vegetation once the life of the
pond is over. Dump Design

External dumps are permanent source of land pollution through wash off with rains and air
blown dust through wind action. They also present an ugly and repulsive look to the viewer, if
not duly afforested. The following measures are recommended to minimise land pollution due
to external dumps.
A) The design of the waste dumps should accommodate progressive rehabilitation to ensure
a minimum area of disturbance at any one time and to establish final rehabilitation at the
earliest opportunity. Alternative uses for part of the material, such as in landfill or road
construction, may also be possible. It is advisable to acquire sufficient extra area over and
above the mining lease area to cater to a planned external dump.

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B) The following basic objectives for waste dump need be considered in the planning phase,
• The height area and shape of the waste rock dump to be designed having regard to the
area of land available, the general topography of the area and the vegetation, in the
• All completed surfaces of the waste dump should be stable and able to resist long term
• Wherever it is possible to use a portion of waste dump for building purposes or as road
material, such material should be stacked separately so that it is not buried under or
mixed with unusable material and can be transported to its place of use whenever
• Top soil (20 cm) should be scraped out from the dump site in advance and preserved
in low height dumps, duly covered with grass and vegetal cover to preserve its
• Previously stockpiled subsoil and topsoil should be spread on all completed surfaces
wherever practicable and re-vegetated with suitable vegetation.
• The designed land construction of the waste dumps should be such that the completed
out slopes do not exceed 20 degree from the horizontal.
• Drainage should be constructed to handle heavy rainfall events. Appropriate garland
drains and drains at individual terrace should be provided to guide the rain water to
main drainage channel without wash off of the dumps.

In meeting these objectives, it is essential that consideration is given to the aesthetic of the
constructed waste dump. The long distance perspective of the shape and colour of the dump in
relation to the surrounding landscape needs to be assessed from the main access ways and
viewing points of the site. At closer range the view of the dump area should provide the
viewer with a impression that the area has been rehabilitated to both blend with the natural
land form and that the area supports a stable vegetative cover similar to the surrounding area.

C) Design of dumps : Since external dumps, which can not be used for backfilling of old pits
or otherwise, must be afforested for greenery and land stability. Their outer ultimate slopes
must be very gentle, preferably not more than 28 degrees, because steeper the slope more
difficult it is for biological rehabilitation. As estimated relationship between the angle of
dump slope and efficiency of revegetation, as given in Fig. below, may be kept in view for
general guidance in this regard.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

Dumping in Valley : Valleys are natural drains in hilly areas. In mines in hilly terrain where
there is no other place for dumping waste material, even deep valleys can be utilised for waste
dumping. In such case base of the dump i.e. bottom of the valleys are to be filled with big
boulder, above this smaller boulders and still smaller boulders and so on and on top finer
materials are to be dumped. This will enable rain water to pass during rains from the voids
between big boulders. The thickness of big boulders will depend upon the size of the valley,
precipitation in the area and catchment area for water which will flow in that particular valley
some fines will be carried away along with rain water and this will require check dams on
down stream where fines will settle and clear water will pass away through Hume pipes.
These check dams have to be cleared periodically so that after filling with fines to its full
capacity, they are not carried further down with rain water. Over this filled material soil can
be spread and plantation can be done to add to the aesthetic beauty of the area. By this not
only waste can be successfully disposed off, but the necked rocks in the valley can be
converted into lush green area. This has been done successfully in a wollastonite mine in
Sirohi district of Rajasthan. Dump Rehabilitation

Establishing a vegetative cover is the only best term strategy for stabilisation and erosion
control. To begin this process the topsoil should be replaced to all similar depths as that
removed from the site originally (i.e. 200 - 300 mm). If topsoil is in short supply it may be
necessary to place the topsoil in strips. This at least provides areas of improved surfaces for
To increase the success of vegetation establishment, rehabilitation techniques should aim to
increase rainfall infiltration. The term used for this approach is “water harvesting”, the
concept of which is shown in the figure below:

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

Fig. No. Concepts of Moon Scaping, Terracing and Water Harvesting for the
ultimate Dump design

Many specific techniques have been developed for various applications. The most basic of these
techniques is to leave the surface of the dump as rough as possible by deep ripping along the
contour after the topsoil has been spread. The roughness and ripping allows for water
penetration and provides places for seeds to lodge. Replacing pre-stripped vegetation also helps
this process and reduces wind erosion. Creating a surface which enhances water harvesting will
also help to leach soil salts out of the surface profile and aid the revegetation programme. In all
cases the surface and faces of waste dumps will need to be ripped to break composition and to
allow water penetration. This ripping will usually be carried out by a dozer after the topsoil and
old vegetation material is spread. It is stressed that water harvesting and erosion control are the
key issues in establishing the final surface for the rehabilitation programme.

It is widely recognised that waste from iron ore mines are very difficult material for vegetation.
The reasons that iron ore mine wastes present difficulties for the plant growth are complex. In
some case the main cause is the mineralogy of the original mineral. In addition it also has very
adverse and different chemical and physical properties from natural occurring soil and are
totally unsuited to plant growth. The chemical properties that can create difficulties for
reclamation include lack of plant nutrients, excessively low or high pH and presence of toxic
substances particularly metals. For establishment of a mat of vegetation is an important element
in rehabilitation program. Application of organic matter, hydraulic seeding, chemical
stabilisation, vegetative restoration by planting are some of the ways of rehabilitation of waste
dumps. Some of the following techniques are recommended for revegetating the waste dumps.

Organic Materials: This method is normally applicable for the areas where topsoil is not
available as surface layer and the physical structure of the site is poor for rehabilitation. The
surface layer is poor in organic matter and in most of the cases surfaces tend to crust after rains
and dry out rapidly, raising the temperatures. Mulching of surface may help in such areas due to

Page No.6-37
CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
its moderating temperature change and by conservation of soil moisture. Mulching also helps by
decreasing erosion, adding to fertility and by detoxifying toxic metals and moderating
temperature near the ground. A variety of materials are used for mulching depending on site
conditions, availability, cost etc. Use of pulp, fibre, straw, sawdust, wood chips, cured hay
chemical are used as in situ mulch.

Hydro seeding & Hydro mulching: Recently hydraulic seeding is being successfully practised
to stabilise barren steep slopes and fragile unstable surface. The system requires large volumes
of water, seed fertiliser and mulch, which are applied on the surface in the form of a fine spray.
Non-toxic dyes can be used by the operator to confirm the area covered. Some studies suggest
the use of hydraulic seeding device to provide a plug of vegetative material for transplanted
trees on stony ground.

Any organic material which is capable of being shredded can be used in hydro seeding.
Shredded bark wastes mixed with fines to avoid clogging. Studies in U.S. have shown that
wood mulch at 2.5 ton./ha prevent soil crusting. In UK, 2.5 tonnes/ha. of previously moistened
sphagnum peat have been used on China clay wastes. Use of mixture of grass seed, fertiliser and
mulch of composted garbage material has also been recommended by some workers.

Hydro seeding has been found to be most useful for establishment of grass cover, however, a
few tree and shrub species also germinate and survive well. Use of hydraulic seeders for higher
slopes developed a prototype hydro seeding device for use in barren in rocky surfaces. A
number of hydraulic mulching materials have been tried all over the world these include
chemical as well as biopolymers and natural fibre based.
Chemical Stabilisers: A number of chemical stabilisers have been used as substitutes of mulch.
Most common and useful among these are bitumen or tar materials used as sprays to hold the
sand as an alternative to costly brush material mulch hydrophobic bituminous emulsion and
hydrophilic polyacrylamide solution as soil conditioner. Use of a numbers of stabilizers like
polymers, lignin, and resins. However, chemical stabilizers have been found to be less effective
than peat mulch when hydro mulching combated the steep surfaces. Economically, also
chemical stabilizers appear to be more costly if they are to be used on large scale as required in
mine rehabilitation programme.

Geo-textiles: Coir Geo-textiles have the mechanical strength necessary to hold soil in place and
prevent erosion. The netting breaks up run-off from heavy rains and dissipates the energy of
flowing water. Coir also promotes the growth of new vegetation by absorbing water and
preventing the topsoil from drying out. Coir geo-textile resembles natural soil in its capacity to
absorb solar radiation. This means that there is no risk of excessive heating which is sometimes
a problem with synthetic geo-textiles. When the coir geo-textile eventually disintegrates, it
leaves only humus. Thus is no need for post installation work. This is particularly of much help
in the heavy rainfall zones. M/s Sesa Goa has successfully applied geo-textiles in their waste
dump rehabilitation. Some of the photographs of the application of geo-textiles in the waste
dump stabilisation in the Codli Mines of M/s Sesa Goa are shown below:
U Geeoo TTeexxttiilleess ffoorr W
Ussee ooff G Duum
Waassttee D Miinneess
Orree M
mpp SSttaabbiilliissaattiioonn iinn tthhee iirroonn O

Page No.6-38
CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards Guidelines for Disposal of Oil Contaminated Wastes

Oil contaminated wastes like waste cotton, oily muck, oil filters etc., generated from the
workshops, garages and other areas of iron ore mines, are categorized as hazardous wastes as
per the Hazardous Waste (Management & handling) Rules, 2003. As per these rules, the
generator / occupier, shall design and set up disposal facilities for hazardous wastes. There are
two feasible methods are available for treatment and disposal of these oil contaminated wastes
i.e. incineration and disposal into hazardous waste pit.

Incineration: Incineration is a controlled high temperature oxidation process that converts all
organic hazardous substances into gases and incombustible residue, quickly and safely. The flue
gases are required to be cleaned before being finally emitted to the atmosphere. The residue
produced can be disposed in ordinary landfill.

Hazardous Waste Pit: Disposal of hazardous wastes into secured landfill / pit is the
predominant method of disposal and has proved to be cost effective in many countries. A
properly sited and designed secured landfill minimizes the adverse impacts on the human health
and environment.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards
Owing to inherent advantages of the secured landfill / pit, it is recommended that each mine
shall have secured hazardous waste pit for disposal of oil contaminated wastes. Guidelines
published by CPCB under the “Criteria for Hazardous Waste Landfills – HAZMAS/17/2000-
01)” can be considered while designing of the Hazardous Waste Pit. Details of hazardous wastes
pit and design consideration have been briefly given in the following sections. Hazardous Waste Pit

A Hazardous Waste Landfill / pit is defined as that system designed and constructed to contain
the waste so as to minimize releases of contaminants to the environment. A simplified cross
section of a hazardous waste landfill indicating main elements is given in the figure below;

Fig . No. Cross-section of Hazardous Waste Pit

The main aspects need consideration while designing an construction of a hazardous waste
landfill are briefly given as follows:

Site selection

Design life

Waste Compatibility

Waste Volume & Pit Size

Pit Layout and section

Liner and leachate collection system

Final cover system

Closure and Post Closure care

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

Site Selection: Hazardous waste pit should not be located within a certain distance from
specific areas like ponds, lakes, rivers, wetlands, flood plains, highways, habitation, water
supply wells etc. Preferably, the landfill should be located in areas of low population density,
low alternative land use, low ground water table & contamination potential and at sites having
high clay content in the subsoil. In addition to these issues, the logistical issue of transportation
and nearness to the waste generation sources, ought to be considered during the site selection.

Design Life: A landfill design life will comprise of an active period and a closure and post
closure period. The active period shall comprise of the period for which waste filling is in
progress at the landfill and typically range form 10 - 15 years. The closure and post closure
period for a landfill is generally about 20 years.

Waste Compatibility: Many wastes may react with each other, resulting in the potential for heat,
combustion, and or toxic fumes. A landfill must comprise separate cells / units for disposal of
compatible wastes. In iron ore mines, only oil contaminated wastes will be dumped in the
hazardous waste pit, which are compatible to each other, hence does not require any separate
cells. The hazardous waste pit at the mines can have one cell for disposal of these oil
contaminated wastes.

Landfill Area: Area required for the landfill should be computed on the basis of waste volume
and designed height of the landfill (usually 5 to 10 m). Approximately 20 - 30 % area more than
the area required for landfill should be allotted to accommodate all infrastructure and support
facilities as well as to allow the development of a green belt around the landfill.

Landfill Layout & section: Landfills may have different types of sections depending on the
topography of the area. The landfills may take forms like above ground landfills, below ground
landfills, slope landfills, valley landfills and combination of the above. Generally, the landfills
are operated in phases because it allows the progressive use of the landfill area, such that at any
given time a part of the site have final cover, a part being actively filled, a part being prepared to
receive waste, and a apart undisturbed. Each phase is generally designed for a period of 12
months. Above and below ground landfill is generally preferred as it not only provides cover
material but also enables easy disposal of wastes.

Liner & Leachate Collection System: Liner and leachate collection system is the main
component of the hazardous waste landfill and its objective is to control the bottom of the
landfill to maximize the collection of leachate and minimize the contaminant transport through
the bottom to the surrounding environment. The bottom of the landfill shall consists of (a)
alternating layers of materials to provide barriers to contaminants attempting to migrate from
the landfill and (b) layers providing collection of these contaminants through collection system.
Various types and combinations of landfill bottoms have been developed for hazardous waste
landfills. Two types of liner systems are presently used in hazardous waste landfills viz., single
composite liner system and double composite liner system. Line diagram of these two systems
depicting various components are shown in following figures.

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

Figure No. . Single Composite Liner System

Figure No. Double Composite Liner System

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

The double composite liner system is generally preferred in regions where rainfall is high and /
or subsoil is highly permeable (e.g. gravel, sand, silty sand) and / or the water table is with in
2.0 to 6.0 m beneath the base of the landfill.

Leachate collection system shall be provided at the base of landfill, which comprises a drainage
layer, a perforated pipe collection system, collection tank. The collected leachate shall be treated
for adjustment of pH and reduction in level of contaminants to below the discharge quality
standards before discharging to natural receiving water bodies.

Final Cover System: Main objectives of final cover system are to enhance surface drainage,
minimize infiltration, supports vegetation to prevent erosion and control of release of landfill
gases. A final landfill cover, comprising of several layers each with a specific function. General
final cover for hazardous waste landfill showing the details of various components is given in
following figure.

Figure No. Final Cover for Hazardous Waste Landfills

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CHAPTER SIX Environmental Standards

Closure & Post closure Care: The closure of hazardous waste landfill facility should minimize
or eliminate, to the extent necessary to protect human health and the environment, post-closure
escape of hazardous waste, hazardous constituents, leachate, contaminated runoff to the ground
or surface waters or to the atmosphere. The closure and post-closure plan for the hazardous
waste landfills must be evolved and should indicate the following components:

Plan for vegetative stabilization of the final landfill cover and side slopes
Plan for management of surface water runoff when effective drainage system
Plan for periodical inspection and maintenance of landfill cover facilities
Plan for post closure management of leachate
Plan for post closure environment monitoring.

Period of inspection and routine maintenance of a closed hazardous waste landfill shall be
carried out for a period of 30 years after closure. SPCB shall inspect all facilities during the
closure and post-closure period at least once in a year. The owner / operator of the landfill shall
provide a copy of the environmental monitoring report to the respective SPCB once in year.

--- XXX ---

Page No.6-44
CHAPTER SEVEN Environmental Monitoring
7. Chapter SEVEN Environmental Monitoring

Monitoring of pollutants of concern in the environment is required to obtain reliable information
which documents the quality of the media as a part of an environmental management system,
both in public and private sectors. Such information provides the basis for decision-making, and
the development of environmental management strategies. In order to be sure that such
decisions are on a sound basis, it is essential to be confident that these measurements reflect the
existing situation, in other words, the data must be clearly defined and documented quality. The
ultimate purpose of monitoring is not merely to collect data, but to provide the information
necessary for the planners, policy makers and the operators to make informed decisions on
managing and improving the environment. Environmental monitoring is to be directed to
address the key environmental issues. The key environmental issues are to:

• Develop improved practices and procedures for environment protection

• Detect short and long term trends
• Measure impacts
• Recognise environmental changes and enable analysis of their cause
• Check the accuracy of predicted impacts
• Develop improved monitoring systems, and
• Provide information on the impact of mining activities

Presently all the major iron ore mines in India are conducting regular environmental monitoring,
mostly aimed at satisfying the regulatory requirement including consent compliance conditions
and EMS - ISO 14001 (wherever certified) requirements. The air quality monitoring is mostly
aimed at monitoring of the work zone and ambient at a varying frequency from mine to mine.
Water quality monitoring is also being done by most of the major iron ore mines mainly for the
surface water quality in and around the mine and at the final outfalls (discharge points) only for
the parameters as per the requirement of "Consents to Discharge". Noise quality monitoring is
also being done in the work zone and ambient areas.

Present environmental monitoring results of the major iron ore mines of India are given in a
separate booklet. It is apparent that the present monitoring practices are not uniform and
adequate with respect to;

• Network
• Parameters
• Frequency

So, it is very much essential to standardise the environmental monitoring practices for all the
iron ore mines in India with respect to:
What to measure
Where to measure
When to measure
How to measure
Evaluation methods to be used

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CHAPTER SEVEN Environmental Monitoring
The effectiveness of a monitoring programme depends mainly how best the objective of the
monitoring is addressed through its core elements e.g.

♦ Monitoring Network
♦ Frequency of Monitoring
♦ Parameters to be Monitored
♦ Method and Duration of Sampling
♦ Method of Analysis
Monitoring plans are designed and implemented for collecting data on ambient air, water
quality and noise levels as well as releases of pollutants of concern from the major point
sources. The elements of a monitoring plan normally include selecting the parameters of
concern, method of collection and handling of samples (specifying the location, frequency, type
and quantity of samples and sampling equipment) sample analysis and a format for reporting the
results. Development of standardisation of a monitoring programme should also address to other
issues like manpower and facility (equipment) requirement.

The existing systems and practices at Indian Iron Ore Mines demand a need for standardised
monitoring programme applicable to all the iron ore mines. The proposed monitoring schedule
for the air, water and noise monitoring are given in the subsequent sections.

7.2.1 Air Quality Monitoring

Intense mining activities and transport of ore by open dumpers / trucks through public / private
corridors are deteriorating the air quality in villages surrounding mines and traffic corridors.
Near by villages are also getting affected considerably due to exposed ore stockyards and
transport activities. It is therefore essential to have air quality monitoring stations in the nearest
residential and commercial establishments around the mining and allied operations to assess the
pollution levels throughout out the year. This would facilitate to develop better management
practices to ensure compliance with the standards and protect human health. According to
USEPA guidelines for network design, three factors i.e. surface influences, demographic
influences and meteorological influences, are of paramount importance while selecting
monitoring stations.

The main sources of the fugitive emissions in the mining are mining /broken area (drilling,
blasting excavation), haul roads, overburden dumps, crushing, screening and beneficiation plant,
stock piles, loading point / railway siding, abandoned / exhausted tailings pond. Based on the
local conditions and dust sources, monitoring stations can be located in consultation with the
SPCB. The number of sampling stations will depend on the local conditions, but should not be
less than 4 locations around the mine. The stations would be located in various mining and non-
mining villages to assess the status of ambient air quality. Monitoring of background
concentration is useful to understand the contribution of pollutant due to the mining activities to
air environment. The Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), Respirable Particulate Matter
(RPM), Sulphur Dioxide (SO2) and Oxides of Nitrogen as NO2 are the parameters of concern
for iron ore mining industry and hence shall be monitored at all the selected ambient locations.

In addition to the ambient air quality monitoring, fugitive dust levels (RPM & SPM) shall be
monitored at all the dust prone areas to check the efficiency of the dust control measures
Page No.7-2
CHAPTER SEVEN Environmental Monitoring
adopted to achieve compliance with the proposed standards. The locations of the various mining
areas to be covered under the fugitive dust monitoring are given in the following table;

Table No. Fugitive Dust Monitoring Locations

Area Sources of Dust Generation / Monitoring Location
Mine face / benches Drilling, Excavation & Loading
(Not required for benches operating below water tables.
However applicable for operating benches above water table)
Haul Roads / Service Roads Haul roads leading to Ore Processing Plant, Waste dumps &
Loading areas and Service Roads.
Crushing Plant Run-off-mine unloading at Hopper, Crushing Areas, Screens,
Transfer Points
Screening Plant Screens, Transfer Points
Ore Storage & Loading Intermediate Stock Bin / Pile areas, Ore stock bin / pile areas,
wagon / truck loading areas
Waste Dump Areas Active waste / reject dumps

Methods for monitoring of SPM, RPM and SO2 and NOx are given in the following table.

Table No. Methods for Air Quality Monitoring

Sl. No Parameter Apparatus Method/ Reference Method of
1 RPM & Respirable Dust BIS 5182 Part IV – 1973 Gravimetric
Total dust Sampler and High
(Average flow rate not to
Volume air be less than 1.1 m3/minute)
2 Sulphur Respirable Dust BIS 5182 Part II – 1969 Colorimetric
Dioxide Sampler and High Improved West & Gaeke Ultraviolet
Volume air method ( Pararosaniline fluorescence
sampler method)
3 Nitrogen Respirable Dust BIS 5182 Part VI – 1975
Oxides Sampler and High Jacob & Hochheiser Colorimetric
Volume air modified (Na-Arsenite)
sampler Gas phase
method Chemiluminescen

Page No.7-3
CHAPTER SEVEN Environmental Monitoring
Frequency of Sampling:
Fugitive dust (SPM & RPM) shall be monitored at all the locations for 8 hourly basis in
any working shift at least once in a month other than monsoon.
Ambient air quality monitoring shall be monitored as per the National Ambient Air
Quality Standards i.e. twice in week at each location for 24 hourly at uniform intervals so
that minimum 104 measurements can be taken in a year.

7.2.2 Stack Emissions

Dedusting systems are installed in some of the mines at crusher and screening houses and
material handling areas in order to control the fugitive emissions. The dedusting systems are
mainly designed to capture and clean the dusty emissions generated from the various sources.
Therefore, the particulate matter (PM) is only concerned parameter for dedusting stacks. The
PM emission from dedusting stacks is entirely dependent on performance of the installed
pollution control unit. Proposed monitoring schedule for the de-dusting stacks is given below:
Stack Monitoring Requirement For De-dusting Systems
Sl. No. Stack Frequency Parameters

1.0 Dedusting stacks Monthly PM

Method of Monitoring:
The Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has published comprehensive document on
emission testing regulations (“ Emission Regulations Part- 3, 1985) which is an extremely
useful guide to source emission testing. There is a number of useful additional procedures and
expressions that are of relevance to measurement of stack emissions, which are recommended to
supplement the CPCB procedures. Those procedures relevant to the PM monitoring are
summarised below:

Particulate Matter (PM)

The CPCB method and IS 11255 (Part - 1) adopt a very similar approach to particulate
sampling. There are some differences in the expressions used, but they are generally of no
practical significance. It is recommended that the CPCB method be adopted.

Equipment Calibration
For accurate testing of emission sources, it is essential that components of the sampling train be
calibrated against known secondary standards which are kept on-site especially for that purpose.
The secondary standards should in turn be calibrated against a primary standard from an
accredited standards laboratory.

7.2.3 Effluent Quality Monitoring

The water quality monitoring network needs to be established so as to check the efficiency of
the control measures adopted to achieve compliance with the proposed standards. Water
quality standards are set with source specific controls devised for abatement of water
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CHAPTER SEVEN Environmental Monitoring
pollution. Water quality monitoring programme in the iron ore mines shall have the following
• To check the compliance status of mining companies, it is essential to monitor the
water quality parameters for the effluents arising out of the mining operations for all
the parameters.
• To identify sources of pollution and to plan proper management strategy to maintain
the quality of receiving water bodies.

The primary parameters of concern for iron or mines are SS, pH, Oil & Grease, Mn and Fe,
which need to be monitored in all point sources on regular basis. Special attention must be paid
to sampling and for the preservation and handling of samples prior to analysis. Methods of
analysis of proposed parameters in the effluents are given in the following table.

Table No. Methods for Effluent Quality Monitoring

Sl. No Parameter Method of usual Practice Suggested Method
1 Suspended Solids Gravimetric Method Gravimetric Method
2 O&G Soxhlet Method DR 3000 / SQ 118
3 pH Colorimetric pH Meter
4 Fe Colorimetric DR 3000 / SQ 118
5 Mn Colorimetric DR 3000 / SQ 118

Sampling and Frequency of Monitoring:

The discharge from tailings dam, workshop effluent (washings of HEMM & light
vehicles), pit water, check dams or/and any other discharge leaving the lease boundary of
the mine need to be monitored at a frequency of once a fortnight.
Grab samples to be collected at the point of discharge to the natural stream/ river/ natural
water bodies/ sewer/ land or at the place, where the discharge is leaving the lease
boundary or the treatment facility.
Dissolved iron is considered to be that passing through 0.45 µm membrane filter but
colloiadal iron may be included. For accurate determination of dissolved iron,
immediately after collection filter the sample through a 0.45 µm membrane filter into a
vacuum flask containing 1 ml of con. HCl/100 ml sample. Analyze the filtrate for total
dissolved iron as per the standard procedure.
Mines which are operating below the water table shall monitor the ground water level
(expressed in RL, mm) at the periphery of the mine pit by setting up at least three
pizometric stations / wells (preferably 1200 apart to each other) to assess the impact of
pumping out water on the ground water table at least once in a quarter.

Page No.7-5
CHAPTER SEVEN Environmental Monitoring
7.2.4 Noise & Airblast Monitoring
The major sources of noise in mining and related operations include drilling, blasting, loading,
excavation, crushing, screening, beneficiation, movement of heavy earth moving vehicles and
wagon loading etc. Most mine equipment noise levels are high and the noise can travel long
distance and still be annoying to surrounding residents. Noise level impact is particularly
significant at night and is affected by topographic and climatic factors, as well as proximity.

Noise levels shall be monitored both during day and night times on the same day while in
operation. The noise measurements shall be taken outside the broken area, boundary of ore
processing & material handling areas, which include mine site & general offices, statutory
buildings, workshops, stores etc. The noise monitoring to be conducted continuously for
30minutes or till the Leq gets stabilised, both during day and night time at random at least once
in a month for each location.

Airblast level resulting form blasting operations shall be monitored at the nearest authorised
premises and public places at least once in a month. Airblast level shall be monitored in dB


Most of the iron ore mines in India are getting the environmental monitoring conducted by
engaging outside consultants/ laboratories. Few big iron ore mines are conducting the
environment quality monitoring (mostly air, water and noise quality monitoring) by their own
resources. Smaller mines are normally not conducting the environmental quality monitoring,
and if at all, it is very in-frequent. However, in almost all the mines, persons are earmarked to
handle the issues relating to environment management (rather to address the issues arising out of
regulatory compliance only). Some of the big mining companies like SAIL, NMDC, TISCO,
KIOCL, M/s Sesa Goa, etc. have developed organisation structure, adequate to handle the
environmental issues and infrastructure for conducting environmental monitoring. Keeping the
present practice and the requirements in to consideration, it has become essential that all the
mining companies should have dedicated person or organisation structure to take care of the
environmental issues. The iron ore mines shall conduct the environmental quality monitoring to
satisfy the recommended standards, by engaging CPCB/ SPCB approved laboratory or by their
own resources. The minimum tentative manpower and laboratory requirements for any iron ore
mines for conducting the environmental quality monitoring are suggested below:

Minimum Manpower Requirement

i. Environmental Engineer - 1no

ii. Chemist - 1no

iii. Field Staff - 2 nos.

Page No.7-6
CHAPTER SEVEN Environmental Monitoring
Minimum Monitoring Instrument/Equipment Requirement

i. Respirable Dust Samplers with accessories - 3nos

ii. High Volume Air Samplers with accessories - 3 nos
iii. Noise Level Meter with accessories - 1 set
(should be capable of measuring Leq, Lmax in dB(A) and duration
of monitoring in minutes)
iv. Electronic balance with accessories (4 digit) - 1 set
v. pH meter with accessories - 1 set
vi. Double distilled water system - 1 set
vii. Spectrophotometer with accessories - 1set
viii. Standard laboratory glass wares and accessories.

All the monitoring instruments shall be calibrated at the recommended frequency

specified by the supplier / manufacturers.

--- XXX ---

Page No.7-7
CHAPTER EIGHT Recommendations
8. Chapter EIGHT Recommendations

As per the National Steel Policy, 2005 the total demand of iron ore is placed at 290 million
tonnes including 190 million tonnes for domestic consumption & 100 million tonnes for export
by 2019-20. The current mining capacity of iron ore in the country is around 160 million tonnes.
This capacity can be enhanced, through consolidation of leases, mechanised mining operations
in Bellary-Hospet area and improvement in the operating capacity of existing mines in Bailadila
and opening up of new deposits of Bailadila, new deposits in the eastern sector, Chhatisgarh
area, and in Karnataka etc. Through better infrastructure handling, the existing capacity can be
expanded in the eastern sector mines such as Kiriburu, Meghahatuburu, Bolani, Kalta etc. and
by opening up of new mines in the eastern sector covering Chiria, Malangtoli, Gandhamardan
and Dubna deposits and also at Rowghat of central zone.

During the year 2006-07 India has produced 172.296 (Provisional) million tonnes of iron ore
including lump, fines and concentrate. The demand for iron ore is expected to increase at a
greater pace with a projected requirement of 290 million tonnes by 2019-20. This will obviously
lead to opening up of new iron ore mines and as well as capacity augmentation of the existing
mines. The exploration, exploitation and associated mining activities will directly infringe upon
and affect the natural resources and environment to a larger extent. With the increased mining
activity, it is expected that the environmental impacts will further aggravate if proper
environment management practices and technologies are not followed. Even the present
operations have largely affected the natural pristine environment around the existing iron ore
mines in India and this is particularly an issue of concern for the management of forest ecology
and landscape, as majority of the iron ore in India are located in dense forest area. Large
numbers of smaller mines are operating mostly, either in manual or in semi mechanized manner,
with limited resources has further worsened the situation. However, due to increased awareness
of the importance on resource preservation and pollution control with increased legislative and
regulatory pressure, mine operators today are more concern on proper environment management
than earlier. Now, there is a greater need for adopting better operational practices and cleaner
technologies in the iron ore mining so as to achieve sustainable development.

The objective of the present study is to develop environmental standards for iron ore mining in
India and suggesting appropriate cleaner technologies for achieving the proposed environmental
standards. The broad general recommendations are listed below. It may be emphasized that
better environment management practices and disciplined operational practices are key to
achieve the desired environmental protection. It is important to realize that the manner in which
a mine is planned will have major influence on the magnitude and duration of impacts over the
life of the development, operation and following the mines closure. As the mining progress
from the planning and concept design stages through to operation and possibly for
decommissioning, proper planning can reduce environmental impacts, resulting in good
environmental performance and enhancing the public perception of the mining as able to
operate in an ecologically sustainable way. But, with the operational variations, nature of the
deposits and locations, mining techniques to minimize environmental impacts can not be
standardized. However, the followings are the general recommendations on different issues,
operational practices and management practices.

1. Lease size shall be reasonably large enough so that iron ore can be exploited
systematically and in a scientific manner with the scope for proper associated
infrastructure development. Small scale iron ore mining should be discouraged.

Page No.8-1
CHAPTER EIGHT Recommendations
2. Scientific mine planning with Environmental Protection Plans need to be prepared before
commencing mining, to accommodate early simultaneous back filling operations with the
waste material generated. There shall be periodic inspection to find out the progress of
mining and environmental management as per plans and governing laws by the statutory

3. It is recommended to explore the feasibility of working in higher bench heights. Higher

benches would have the potential to reduce waste stripping and increase the overall
effective slope angle there by reducing the final open pit foot print. It is required to
undertake rock mechanics study to arrive at optimum safe pit slope. Again, higher bench
height means less equipment and less environmental impact.

4. Selection of mining equipment should be based on low cost, high productivity option. For
example, minimum truck size should be 85t rear dumpers with appropriately matched
hydraulic face shovels. This equipment will reduce overall fleet size and is substantially
more cost effective than 50 t rear dumpers and rope shovels. From an environmental
impact perspective, larger equipment means less dust and fewer workers. However, this is
particularly applicable to big mechanized iron ore mines.

5. Drilling operation need to be conducted as per the recommendations of the manufacturer

using sharp drill bits, applying sufficient thrust on the drill bit and providing dust hood at
the mouth of drill hole collar to prevent the generation of dust to be air borne.

6. Fugitive dust generated during drilling operation need to be controlled at source by

providing suitably designed dust extractor for dry drilling (where there is a scarcity of
water) or otherwise wet drilling shall be practiced. The operator’s cabin in the drills shall
be noise proof and the persons working at high noise prone areas to be provided with ear
plugs/muffs, besides adopting proper maintenance schedule for the drills to reduce their
noise level and gaseous emissions.

7. Blasting operation is associated with ground vibration, air blast noise, fly rocks, dust and
fumes. To minimise the above ill effects of blasting the following measures are
• Scientific Blast design using softwares of ICI’s SARBEX & VIBREX of IDL
• Optimised blasting methods i.e., matching the explosives to the drilling pattern, rock
characteristics, adequate stemming of holes by proper stemming material and using
delay detonators etc.
• By avoiding over charging of explosives
• Reduction of charge weight of explosives.
• Use of milli-seconds delay detonators and controlled blasting techniques.
• Adopting suitable delays and initiation pattern which will allow adequate release of
burden by each blast hole before firing the next one.
• By using non-electric initiation systems (NONEL) etc. like EXEL of ICI and

Page No.8-2
CHAPTER EIGHT Recommendations
• Ensuring a minimum stemming column (with moist drill cutting using water gel,
water ampules) of not less than 0.7 times the burden. For better protection, it may be
taken as greater than or equal to burden.
• Discouraging practice of collar priming.
• Avoiding blasting at a time when temperature inversion is likely to occur and when
strong wind blows towards residential areas
• Clearing of loose pieces of rocks from the blast site before charging
• Surveying fly rock distances for reference
• Conducting ground vibration studies as per the guidelines of DGMS. In this
connection DGMS (Tech) (S&T) circular no.7 of 1997 shall be followed.
• Pre wetting of blasting site need to be done.
• Physically guarding the danger zone area shall be done. Mines Act, Regulations, rules
etc. to be followed.
• Planting rows of trees in and around the mines and township to mitigate the noise.
In case of secondary boulder blasting, noise and generation of dust shall be avoided by using
Hydraulic rock breakers

8. Ripping and dozing machines shall be used (where ever feasible i.e. in soft, friable and
fractured Iron Ore/laterite/O.B) replacing drilling and blasting to reduce noise levels and
dust emissions. It is also required to undertake seismological studies for ripping over
burdens/ iron ore, replacing conventional drilling and blasting.

8. All the service and long life haul roads shall be black topped metal roads to the extent
feasible. The speed of dumpers/trucks on haul roads shall be controlled as increased speed
increases dust emissions. Overloading of transport vehicles shall be avoided. The
operators cabin in the haul dumpers/trucks to be noise proof as far as possible. Proper
maintenance schedule of dumpers/trucks to be adopted as per the recommendations of the
manufacturer. Dust consolidation on mine haul roads shall be done by spraying water
along with chemical binders/wetting agents through water sprinklers at frequent interval in
order to reduce water consumption and to improve retention and re-absorption capacity of
water. In this connection DGMS India circulated their recommendations vide circular no.
8 (Tech) of 1997 for the use of pulver bond and dust bond for haul road dust consolidation
shall be followed. In case of trucks plying on the public roads, the trucks shall be properly
covered, leak proof and ply in safe speed.

9. Use of electric rope shovels need to be maximized for its advantages of less vibration,
noise and no emission over the other shovels.

10. Establishing in pit mobile/semi-mobile crushing conveying transport systems wherever

feasible as an alternative to all dumper transportation system for reducing spread of air-
borne dust in to the surrounding mine environment and also to reduce the spread of noise
level. Site specific techno economic analysis need to be carried out before selecting the
transport system.

Page No.8-3
CHAPTER EIGHT Recommendations
11. Adequate dust suppression and/or extraction facilities like bag-filter, wet scrubber, dry fog
dust control system etc. need be provided at the ore handling plants, crushing, screening
units and the material transfer points. Proper enclosures of crushers and screens are
necessary in the reduction of dust emissions. Atomised mist spray of water to be provided
at the crusher hopper during unloading operations. To minimise dust pollution measures
such as adoption of hoods at transfer points, proper design of chutes, vulcanizing of
conveyor belt joints, apart from installation of dust suppression and/or dust extraction
system for conveyors are required to be introduced. Dust emissions shall be minimised by
installing a telescopic chute or by installing a loading spout during loading into barges,
trucks and railway wagons. The falling material shall be enclosed by a flexible duct acting
as a chute, which retracts as the height of the material pile increase. At the iron ore
stockyard atomised stationary mist spray to be provided to prevent the dust being air

12. To prevent fine particles from OB/waste dumps getting washed off due to rains, every
year, before onset of monsoon, deep garland type trenches all around the waste dump shall
be made to arrest the fine particles in the trenches. The accumulated water in the garland
drains shall be passed through check dams/settling tanks to allow the silt to be settled
before final discharge to surrounding environment. At the outlet of garland drains, proper
de-silting arrangements shall be made before onset of monsoon.

13. OB/waste dumps shall be properly dressed, benched, sloped at low angle with terracing
and bamboo barricades in the slopes, making retaining walls/stone barriers at the toe of the
dumps, gully plugging etc. to prevent the soil erosion during monsoon, besides
establishing vegetation on dump top as well as its slope surface. In difficult cases, hydro-
seedling technique or use of geo-textiles mat embedded with seeds shall be adopted.

14. At stockpile and loading plant area, a network of drains with concrete bottom shall be
constructed at a depth of 1.5 meter below the lowest level on the sites parallel to the
stockpile area with interconnected box culverts. The sloping of surface shall be given
inward to the stockpiles so that, surface water will only infiltrate in to the drain.

15. Sedimentation ponds shall be constructed at strategic points in order to guide all surface
run-off water containing sediments for settlement of suspended solids before discharge of
water in to natural stream/water courses, during monsoon.

16. At the beneficiation plant, process waste water to be recycled from the thickener over flow
to the maximum possible extent in order to reduce surface water pollution due to less
discharge to the surrounding environment and less process water requirement. Provision
of a suitably designed tailings dam with recirculation of process water and control of
seepage water to be provided by constructing seepage water collection ditch at the
downstream side of the dam with re-circulation facility along with the wet beneficiation
plant. De-silting of tailings shall be done periodically before monsoon and the material
need to be either dispatched by rail after screening/processing or stored at a place away
from the catchments of natural water courses. Exhausted pit shall also be used for storage
of tailings, where there is a scarcity of land for tailings disposal. Early vegetation over
tailings pond shall be practiced once its life is over.

Page No.8-4
CHAPTER EIGHT Recommendations
17. Maximum recovery of Iron Ore fines need to be encouraged by adoption of hydro-
cyclones, slow speed classifiers and thickeners in the wet beneficiation circuit. Installation
of WHIMS as an additional unit in the wet beneficiation plant may be provided wherever
feasible for recovering substantial quantity of Iron ore fines from slurry tailings and makes
available for use as sinter feed in the blast furnace and thereby reduces the discharge by
about 50% and will increase the life of the tailings pond.

18. The tailings generated due to wet beneficiation plant can be used as raw materials for
making value added products like ceramic floor tiles, wall tiles and bricks. R&D efforts
are needed for developing necessary technologies for utilising more and more. Iron Ore
fines in the production of steel as a measures of conservation of Iron ores. Blue dust is to
be fully utilised to make various value added products. Blue dust can also be used as
additive in concentration of Iron Ore fines to the extent of 20-40% for use in steel plants.
Conservation of high grade Iron ore should be done by blending with low grade ore as a
matter of policy of the Iron ore industry as the reserves of high grade iron ore are limited.

19. Service centres i.e. Auto shops, HEMM shops and other areas where in water pollution
due to wash offs of oil & grease are expected, due to washing of light vehicles, HEMM
etc., ETP shall be provided.

20. Domestic effluents shall be treated in suitable and well-designed oxidation ponds.

21. Rehabilitation of mined out areas and waste dumps of iron ore mines should take in to
account of ecological principles, which would require a completely different procedures
from those presently being followed by the mining authorities. Current rehabilitation is
directed at restoring visual amenity, stabilizing disturbed areas and growing trees. But the
aim of the rehabilitation should be, to restore, as closely as practicable the pre-mining land
use of the area. This would involve:

• Reshaping the mined out areas to a configuration consistent with the surrounding
• Re-establishing a suitable growth medium, most likely by the application of a layer of
waste rock overlain by a layer of top soil.
• Re-establishing the full range of plant species and micro-organisms now existing (or
were existing during pre-mining era, if baseline data exists) in the area. This does not
mean that each species needs to be individually planted, as many species can be
expected to emerge from the applied top soil, while others will re-colonise from
adjacent, undisturbed areas. What is important is to provide rapid and effective
protection against erosion, initiate the natural succession process, and avoid
introducing anything (i.e. weeds, or livestock) that could inhibit succession.
Involvement of State Forest Department through their Social forestry division for
afforestation and waste land development will enable the mine management to get
better know how to restore the ecology of the area.

22. There is a need to lay down procedures and guidelines on how mine owners should act in
the post mining scenario. Proper mine closures plans needs to be developed by the mine
authorities. Mine closure should be made mandatory for all mines, irrespective their

Page No.8-5
CHAPTER EIGHT Recommendations
location and size. Before, the mine is decommissioned, all reclamation activities including
safety, environmental mitigation and social impacts mitigation activities have to be
completed. It should be made mandatory for mine owners to furnish financial and
performance bonds for ensuring proper mine closure with rehabilitation of the site. It is
very important to manage the “residual footprint” of the mine. Residual foot print is that
portion of the mining area that can not be fully rehabilitated and a void is left.

23. At the final stage of an open cast iron ore mine, it should be the national policy to create a
water body of say, less than 30 meter depth which would be a community asset in
providing irrigation water and recharge of ground water in the region, besides water
harvesting practices.

24. List of activities which should get addressed for opening up of any new iron ore mine in
India is given below:
• Development of a mine plan which minimizes the effective working footprint.
• A mine water (run-off and ground water) management plan development
• Development of water management systems, in and around the open pit
• Visual impact assessment of mining operation both during and after final rehabilitation
of the disturbed area.
• Progressive staged mine development and rehabilitation
• A low impact development strategy to open up the deposit
• Detailed site layout for mining activities including ex-pit haul roads, water
management bunds and drains, maintenance facilities, refuelling and wash down areas,
explosive magazines and associated earthworks etc. This site layout should aim to
minimize the amount of disturbed land and base the location of infrastructure on the
environment value of the various areas adjacent to the open pit.
• A quantified assessment of waste management options including back dumping /filling
in to the open pit.
• Dust and noise minimization strategies for mining operations
• Ore transport options study
• A detailed mine closure plan including options assessment.
• Details of an environmental training and awareness programme for mine site
• Detail of mine safety programme.
• A technical and environmental risk assessment of mining operations.

--- XXX ---

Page No.8-6
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Page No.9-6




(Ministry of Environment and Forests, Govt. of India)
Parivesh Bhawan, East Arjun Nagar, New Delhi – 110032
Website : e-mail :
August, 2007
The Cover Photographs used are Controlled Blasting in Bailadila, NMDC, Sluury disposal of KIOCL,
Excavation & Loading in KIOCL, Dump stabilization & Dust suppression at Bailadila, NMDC (clockwise
from top left)

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