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The document describes several magical weapons called Weapons of Legacy and the abilities they provide.

The weapons provide abilities like supplemental healing, conjuring ammunition, draconic strength and senses, puzzle solving, and various combat abilities.

Some weapons like Northwind's Grace and Ringmaster's Lash provide roleplaying opportunities to unlock additional powers, while others like Heart Carver provide roleplaying opportunities related to their histories.

Weapons of Legacy

Legacy Items At a Glance

Crownfall. This longsword is looking to make up for blood- Northwind’s Grace. This fine vestment of gold rings and red
shed from its storied past. In the hands of a paladin, the item silk is the only remnant of the lost Storm Council of Evergale.
confers its nobility, although it cannot escape its stigma. Useful While a monk that wields it may seek structure and discipline,
for adding supplemental healing and ruggedness to a character. it yearns to ride the winds through the open sky, and requires
Devilstring. This bow was fashioned to do great good, but some dramatic (and dangerous!) role-playing opportunities to
events have seen it strung with the ligaments from a fiend most unlock its tiers.
evil. It has a useful ability to conjure its own ammunition of Ringmaster’s Lash. Designed for bards, this whip adds some
myriad types, which is sure to be a great boon to its wielder. combat versatility while allowing creative opportunities to
The Dreadwall. When the dragon Blackrazor the Dread was unlock all its powers. Whoever holds it exerts his or her domi-
slain, his hide, horns, and talons were used to craft this shield. nance over man and beast alike, which can lead to quite a circus
When given to a character, this shield dons him or her with dra- if things go horribly wrong (or right!)
conic strength and senses, including their famed breath weapon Sarah’s Hammer. The astral mace is intended to give the party
and penchant for terrifying others. cleric a little bit of everything: empowered healing, extra melee
Gnorm’s Puzzle Box. This arcane focus may bring a Rubik’s damage, the ability to overcome resistance, and other useful util-
Cube to mind, but its use is far more complex. An ideal item in ity. It requires a good-aligned character to wield, someone who
the hands of an inquisitive character that likes to explore and shouldn’t abuse the power.
isn’t bothered by puzzles or riddles in lieu of combat. Sons of Slate. This pair of daggers used to be the tools of the
Harvester. Not for the faint of heart, the staff has a reputa- trade for a relatively unknown assassin (that’s how you know he
tion of past bearers dying seemingly without reason. Unlocking was good at his job). A fine set for a rogue or otherwise special-
this staff ’s powers requires the death of NPCs - something that ized dual wielder.
might tempt a player towards evil. Consider this before handing Splinter of Branchworth. The druid Tyranna was gifted this
it to the party’s warlock. tree limb from the treant Branchworth, and it has grown to
Heart Carver. A sad story of jilted lovers haunts this woods- become a symbol of the forest and preservation of the natural
man’s axe, and it longs to find such love again. Its powers are world ever since. A druid will find the staff highly versatile, of-
themed in such respect, and is a useful thrown weapon as well. fering enhancement to both his or her spells and Wild Shapes.
A lot of role-playing opportunities with this one! Viperkiss. While it’s unknown which duelist originally had
Last Word. A tally is notched into the handle of this terrific this blade commissioned, the countless corpses it has left in its
maul for every kill it makes. When given to a barbarian, you can path is undeniable. The weapon is beautiful and vain, and seeks
be sure there will be many more tallies to come. All of its abili- to kill for the entertainment of others and to be showered with
ties are combat-centric, so be prepared for its PC to become just their compliments.
as bloodthirsty as the weapon!

Copyright © 2017 Dan Coleman. This Dungeons on Demand product is published through the Open Gaming License. See the License section for complete details.
Dungeons On Demand

What is a Weapon of Legacy? Legacy Tier Prerequisites

A weapon of legacy is a powerful magic item with a rich his- The prerequisites for each legacy item are designed to preserve
tory and special use… although it may not appear as such when game balance and to promote role-playing; these items may ask
first discovered. Similar to sentient magic items and artifacts, a more of your players, or your game world, than you might be
weapon of legacy is typically fashioned for a special purpose, or is prepared for. It’s up to you whether or not a character knows the
“born” at the height of a dramatic event or in the hands of a heroic prerequisites to gain a new legacy tier. The decision is yours – a
figure. When wielded by one that resonates with such an item’s character might know them as soon as he or she attunes to the
philosophy or purpose, it grows in power to the heights that rival item, they may be required to go on a quest to seek a wise sage to
even legendary arms. reveal them, or you may prefer to not reveal them at all, and see
what happens naturally.

Legacy Tiers and Powers

Like many magic items, legacy items require attunement to a play-
Legacy Items vs. Sentient Items
er character, and some items can only be attuned to characters of The presented items “remember” their legacy – and they have a
specific classes, races, or alignments. However, a legacy item does way of communicating this to their wielders. Each legacy item has
not grant its wielder the benefits of all its magical properties right a listed personality which describes their outlook and how they
away. Instead, more and more of its powers are unlocked as the behave when its wielder is operating within or outside of its views.
wielder’s experience, actions, and rapport with the item develops. This is very similar to how sentient items operate.

A legacy item’s magical abilities are divided into legacy tiers; when Unlike sentient items, however, these items do not possess senses
an attuned character satisfies all of the prerequisites of a new lega- or ability scores, and do not communicate to its wielder other
cy tier, they gain access to the abilities listed for that tier instead of than sending signals when it approves of or enjoys a course of ac-
the previous one. Legacy tiers are determined by an item’s wielder, tion. If you prefer the items to behave like sentient items, feel free
not the item itself, and a newly attuned wielder always begins at to add the relevant statistics to each (DMG pg. 214).
legacy tier 1. A character resumes whichever legacy tier he or she
last left on with a legacy item should they lose attunement to it,
and attune to it again in the future.

For instance, if a player at legacy tier 3 with an item relinquishes

Make this Your Own
it, and a different character attunes to it, the new wielder begins at As with any Dungeons on Demand product, you’re encouraged to
legacy tier 1 with the item. If the original wielder were to attune to make the items presented in this document your own. Rename
the same item in the future, they would resume at legacy tier 3. these items. Change their histories. Alter their powers. Tweak
their personalities. Rewrite their descriptions. You just may dis-
The Game Master has final say over what does, or does not, fulfill cover you (and your players) are making weapons with legacies of
an item’s perquisites for a wielder to move to the next legacy tier, your own.
and there are no hard and fast rules over what actions may cause a
wielder to slide back down this scale. Certainly, if the player con-
sistently behaves in a manner conflicting to the item’s personality,
it is likely the item will withhold these powers!
Weapons of Legacy

This longsword proves to be of uncanny craftsmanship, withstanding the ravages of countless years. The cross-guard bears
the image of a coat of arms, some forgotten kingdom or family you cannot place, and the pommel is fashioned into an ornate
crown that encircles a dark amethyst. The sword handles well enough, although there’s an odd weight to it – as if burdened by
some unseen weight it seeks to rid itself of.

Crownfall was the ancestral sword and birthright to the Paladin
Kings of Autumnsmet, although in their time the weapon was
known by a different name, Kingsrise. The coronation of a new
king of Autumnsmet was a celebration that would last for days,
ultimately concluding in a ceremony in which the blade would be
presented to the new sovereign. The sword served dozens of kings,
serving them through uncounted battles and wars, a symbol of
their lineage and dominance.
The sword passed through the line’s successors until it was given
to King Janus Stoutheart. Janus had served stoically for decades,
and knew his time was coming to an end when he fell ill with
a fever that robbed him of his sight, and shackled him to his
bed. Of Janus’ two twin sons, Rosen and Darius, the dying king
named Rosen as his successor, surprising all. Darius, the assumed
successor, was immensely crestfallen at his father’s decision, and
noticeably absent during his brother’s coronation.
When it came time for the new heir to receive the sword and
begin his reign as king, the macabre truth was discovered: Darius
had slain his twin brother, and had been impersonating Rosen
since. Even Janus could not tell the difference, nearly blind in his
illness. Had Rosen’s bloodied corpse not been found at the last
moment, perhaps Darius would have gotten away with this ruse
long enough to become king.
Enraged and grieved, Janus cut down his surviving son with the
very sword he was to hand to him. The king succumbed to his
illness less than a day later. Bereft of kings, the sword was forever
renamed Crownfall, and was discarded from the kingdom.

Crownfall is proud and noble, and despises the morbid history
that marks its final days as a symbol of kingship. It is ambitious
for prestige, even to its own detriment, and seeks a wielder with
the same aspirations. It recognizes the conviction of a paladin,
and in the hands of such, Crownfall flourishes.
While wielded by a paladin in pursuit of order and honor, the
sword is a beacon of hope and inspiration. Those around it act
in confidence and zeal. The sword abhors deceit, treachery, and
wanton murder; these things remind it of the awful deeds that
ended its glory. If the sword is present for such deeds, haunting
whispers and the echoes of weeping kings emanate about from it
in a terrifying fashion.
Dungeons On Demand
Crownfall If this is your first time attuning to the weapon, then you gain
Weapon (longsword); legacy (requires attunement by a paladin) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the weapon before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this weapon, the amethyst set in its pommel of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
fills with a deep, purple glow, as if it encased a thundercloud. attuned to it.
You immediately become familiar with the weapon’s history and You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
personality, and you know if a creature you can see has attuned to tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the weapon’s
the weapon in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Nobility. While the weapon is on your person, other creatures’ Charisma (Intimidation)
checks against you have disadvantage.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must use the • Nobility. While the weapon is on your person, other creatures’ Charisma (Intimidation) and
weapon to win a contest, Charisma (Persuasion) checks against you have disadvantage.
challenge, or test of skill. • Ominous. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast bane as a 1st level spell (save
DC 14). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• The weapon must be • Nobility. While the weapon is on your person, other creatures’ Charisma (Intimidation)
used in a prominent role and Charisma (Persuasion) checks against you have disadvantage, and your Charisma
of a knighting ceremony. (Persuasion) checks have advantage.
• Ominous. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast bane as a 1st level spell (save
DC 15). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• Rectify. While the weapon is on your person, your paladin class level counts as 2 higher for
the purpose of your lay on hands class feature.
• Sovereignty. While holding this weapon, you can use your reaction when you are critically
hit by a creature you can see to treat the attack as a normal hit. You cannot use this ability if
you are incapacitated. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• The weapon must be • Nobility. While the weapon is on your person, other creatures’ Charisma (Deception),
used for the public Charisma (Intimidation), and Charisma (Persuasion) checks against you have
execution of a traitor disadvantage, and your Charisma (Persuasion) checks have advantage.
or otherwise heinous • Ominous. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast bane as a 1st level spell (save
criminal. DC 16). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• Rectify. While the weapon is on your person, your paladin class level counts as 4 higher for
the purpose of your lay on hands class feature.
• Sovereignty. While holding this weapon, you can use your reaction when you are critically
hit by a creature you can see to treat the attack as a normal hit. You cannot use this ability if
you are incapacitated. This ability can be used twice and regains both uses daily at dawn.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Twin brothers must • Nobility. While the weapon is on your person, other creatures’ Charisma (Deception),
both grip the weapons Charisma (Intimidation), and Charisma (Persuasion) checks against you have
blade at the same time, disadvantage, and your Charisma (Persuasion) checks have advantage.
and forgive it of its dark • Ominous. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast bane as a 1st level spell (save
history. DC 17). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• The weapon must be • Rectify. While the weapon is on your person, your paladin class level counts as 6 higher for
used in a prominent role the purpose of your lay on hands class feature.
in the coronation of a new • Sovereignty. While holding this weapon, you can use your reaction when you are critically
king or ruler of a nation. hit by a creature you can see to treat the attack as a normal hit. You cannot use this ability if
you are incapacitated. This ability can be used three times and regains all uses daily at dawn.

Weapons of Legacy

There’s a certain contradiction at work in this longbow. Its handle and limbs are fashioned from pristine white wood, banded
in silver and ivory. The bowstring, however, is a thick, dark strand of sinew born of no earthly creature you can imagine. It
bears the blackness of empty midnight. Dark burns mar the wood on the top and bottom of the bow’s nocks, as if some great
conflagration had seared this foul string into place.

Brandehild Oakheel was a wise and patient elf, and prominent
arcane archer. She spent much of her life with those that shared
her ardor for knowledge, discovery, and, above all, justice. It
was these passions of Brandehild‘s that led her directly into the
depths of Hell of itself, in the company of some of the strongest
adventurers the world had ever known. Brandehild and her
companions had tasked themselves with recovering a relic,
guarded by none other than an Archduke of Hell, swearing not to
rest until it was reclaimed.
The elf ’s was never far from her iconic longbow, and from the
weapon Brandehild launched volley after volley of arrows, each
imbued with some of her magical power. It’s unknown what fate
befell Brandehild and her allies, or whether or not they were
successful in their endeavor, but one thing was known: at some
point, Brandehild’s bowstring was severed.
In a grand, and gruesome, act of desperation, Brandehild restrung
her longbow with the only option available – a fibrous ligament
from a slain devil lord. Henceforth, the elf called her weapon
Devilstring, and it served her until her dying day.

Devilstring shares much of the same perspective as Brandehild; it
is calm, patient, and seeks justice above all else. When in pursuit
of an evil-doer, or used in battle against fiends, the bow seems
to shimmer with an opalescent aura. It is resistant to acting
recklessly or hastily, and users have found it difficult to draw in
such situations.
If there’s one thing Devilstring loathes, it’s the fiendish tendon that
serves as its own bowstring. Though the sinew is wound taunt
along its string nocks, small tendrils seem to shift and squirm as if
grasping to be freed of it. However, whatever method Brandehild
used to bind the string to her bow has proven to be uncannily
resilient – the bowstring remaining despite Devilstring’s future
wielders’ many attempts to untie or severe it. It would seem the elf
did not want to face having an unstrung bow ever again.

Dungeons On Demand
Devilstring If this is your first time attuning to the weapon, then you gain
Weapon (longbow); legacy (requires attunement) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the weapon before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this weapon, the seared portion of the bow of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
flares with heat and red embers, occasionally producing tufts of attuned to it.
ash. You immediately become familiar with the weapon’s history You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
and personality, and you know if a creature you can see has tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the weapon’s
attuned to the weapon in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Conjure Ammunition. By pulling upon the bowstring, the weapon magically conjures an
arrow, nocked into place, ready to shoot.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have sworn an • Conjure Ammunition. By pulling upon the bowstring, the weapon magically conjures an
oath to a local authority or arrow, nocked into place, ready to shoot.
ruler to uphold the law. • Warded. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast protection from evil and good
targeting yourself only. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have used • Conjure Ammunition. By pulling upon the bowstring, the weapon magically conjures an
the weapon in an effort arrow, nocked into place, ready to shoot. You can choose for an arrow fired in this fashion
to uphold the law or to deal cold, fire, or lightning damage instead of piercing damage, determined before the
enact justice, such as attack roll is made.
chasing down a wanted • Alert. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
man or slaying a known that rely on sight.
murderer. • Fiend-Slayer. Fiends hit by this weapon take an extra 1d10 radiant damage.
• Warded. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast protection from evil and good
targeting yourself only. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must initiate contact • Conjure Ammunition. By pulling upon the bowstring, the weapon magically conjures an
with a fiend of significant arrow, nocked into place, ready to shoot. You can choose for an arrow fired in this fashion
power, only to warn it you to deal acid, cold, fire, lightning, or thunder damage instead of piercing damage, determined
will kill it. before the attack roll is made.
• Alert. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks.
• Fiend-Slayer. Fiends hit by this weapon take an extra 1d10 radiant damage.
• Warded. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast death ward and protection from
evil and good targeting yourself only once each. Once used, the spell cannot be used again
until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have dealt the • Conjure Ammunition. By pulling upon the bowstring, the weapon magically conjures an
killing blow to a fiend of arrow, nocked into place, ready to shoot. You can choose for an arrow fired in this fashion
significant challenge with to deal acid, cold, fire, force, lightning, or thunder damage instead of piercing damage,
the weapon. determined before the attack roll is made.
• The weapon must be • Alert. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks. So
used in the name of great long as you are not blinded, deafened, or incapacitated, you have advantage on Dexterity
justice, such as assisting saving throws against effects you can see, such as traps and spells.
the overthrow of a despot • Fiend-Slayer. Fiends hit by this weapon take an extra 1d12 radiant damage.
or slaying a corrupt and • Warded. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast death ward and protection from
treacherous noble. evil and good targeting yourself only once each. Once used, the spell cannot be used again
until the next dawn.

Weapons of Legacy

The Dreadwall
A moldy stink accompanies this black, spiked shield, as if it were pulled from a swamp only moments ago. It’s made of steel,
with black dragon hide stretched over its front face. Bone spikes of varying length protrude from the shield’s surface, and curved
horns frame its sides. For all its pageantry, it’s remarkably light and incredibly sturdy – just holding it gives you a surging sense
of dominance and superiority.

Many tales are told of Blackrazor the Dread, an ancient black
dragon of infamy. It’s told the dragon established his lair in a bog
that bordered several human kingdoms, all that made their homes
in these places knew better than to tread past the borders into
Blackrazor’s domain.

Nothing delighted the dragon more than reveling in the agony of

his victims. Blackrazor routinely hunted the bog for the brazen,
the lost, or the woefully unaware. Any intruders he found were
quickly overpowered, their bodies broken, and collected back to
his lair where they’d be tormented until their inevitable demise.

For generations Blackrazor haunted the swamp, earning his

title the Dread from the humans who feared him. Such was the
dragon’s reputation he garnered the attention of many adventurers
seeking to rid the bog of his presence. Blackrazor languidly
met these challengers, delightfully slaying each who rose to the
challenge. Until the dragon met the one who bested him.

Sadly, not much is known of the person that finally slew

Blackrazor the Dread. Humans, elves, and dwarves each claim
the hero was one of their own. He or she crafted a kite shield
from the dragon’s hide, horns, and talons – a signal to all the
Dread was no more.

A lingering essence of Blackrazor is still tangible within the
Dreadwall. Even in the dragon’s death, the shield carries his
arrogance and appetite for terror, bestowing these qualities upon
its bearer. One who would seek its protection soon begins to view
all others as inferiors.

Those willing to indulge the shield these dark fancies become

more and more draconic in appearance, twisted with monstrous
power, senses, and abilities. In this way, the Dread continues to
haunt the land through its shield bearers.

The Dreadwall
Dungeons On Demand
The Dreadwall If this is your first time attuning to the item, then you gain
Shield; legacy (requires attunement) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the item before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this shield, the black dragon hide on its face of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
glistens with a slimy sheen, and it emits an acrid odor in a 5 foot attuned to it.
area around it. You immediately become familiar with the item’s You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
history and personality, and you know if a creature you can see tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the item’s
has attuned to the item in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).
Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Shield Bash. If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to
shove a creature within 5 feet of you with the shield. If you’re successful, the creature also takes
1d4 piercing damage. This counts as a magical weapon attack.
• Keen Senses. While you hold the shield, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
that rely on smell.
Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Shield Bash. If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to
shove a creature within 5 feet of you with the shield. If you’re successful, the creature also takes
• The shield must be used 1d4 piercing damage. This counts as a magical weapon attack.
in an act of intimidating a • Keen Senses. While you hold the shield, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
person who threatened that rely on smell.
you verbally or otherwise. • Acid Resilience. While you hold the shield, you have resistance to acid damage.
Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Shield Bash. If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to
shove a creature within 5 feet of you with the shield. If you’re successful, the creature also takes
• The shield must be 1d6 piercing damage. This counts as a magical weapon attack.
returned to the lair of • Keen Senses. While you hold the shield, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
Blackrazor the Dread, that rely on hearing or smell.
where it must be soaked • Acid Resilience. While you hold the shield, you have resistance to acid damage.
in the stale bog water • Acid Breath. While you hold the shield, you can use your action to exhale acid in a 30-ft. line
for no less than 24 that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 15 Dexterity saving throw, taking
uninterrupted hours. 5d8 acid damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one. Once used,
this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• Dread. While holding the shield, you can use it to cast fear (save DC 15). Once used, this ability
cannot be used again until the next midnight.
Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Shield Bash. If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to
shove a creature within 5 feet of you with the shield. If you’re successful, the creature also takes
• You must use the shield 1d6 piercing damage. This counts as a magical weapon attack.
while defending yourself • Keen Senses. While you hold the shield, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
from the attacks of a that rely on hearing or smell.
powerful dragon. The • Acid Resilience. While you hold the shield, you are immune to acid damage.
dragon must pose a • Acid Breath. While you hold the shield, you can use your action to exhale acid in a 30-ft. line
threat you. that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving throw, taking
7d8 acid damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one. Once used,
this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• Dread. While holding the shield, you can use it to cast fear (save DC 16). Once used, this ability
cannot be used again until the next midnight.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Shield Bash. If you take the Attack action on your turn, you can use a bonus action to try to
shove a creature within 5 feet of you with the shield. If you’re successful, the creature also takes
• You must engineer an 1d8 piercing damage. This counts as a magical weapon attack.
event that terrifies a • Keen Senses. While you hold the shield, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception) checks
significant amount of that rely on hearing, sight, or smell.
people, such as most of • Acid Resilience. While you hold the shield, you are immune to acid damage.
the citizens of a town or • Acid Breath. While you hold the shield, you can use your action to exhale acid in a 30-ft. line
soldiers on a battlefield. that is 5 feet wide. Each creature in that line must make a DC 17 Dexterity saving throw, taking
The shield must be 9d8 acid damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one. Once used,
present for the event or this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
used in some way. • Dread. While holding the shield, you can use it to cast fear (save DC 17). Once used, this ability
cannot be used again until the next midnight.

The Dreadwall
Weapons of Legacy

Gnorm’s Puzzle Box

This cube is fashioned from dark wood. Grooves divide its faces, and small panels bearing symbols, shapes, numbers, and colors
decorate each panel. It looks like you could move these panels along its faces, but despite your best effort, they don’t budge. Just
as you’re about to give into frustration, you imagine a panel shifting in your mind, and at the same time the corresponding
panel on the box moves as well - gliding through some unseen force. As if pleased by your efforts, the box jostles itself free of
your grasp, and floats gently above your palm as you concentrate upon it.

History Personality
Whatever world Gnorman Gjonbaronn originally came from, it Gnorm’s Puzzle Box aptly loves puzzles and riddles; when its user
certainly wasn’t this one. engages in such its buoys with excitement, constantly shifting the
The gnome wayfarer counted as many different worlds in his panels about its faces.
lifetime as most people count seasons in their own. Whether It is also fond of travel and exploration; when its user is exploring
Gnorm came to this world in exploration, or out of plain an unknown area, it is similarly excitable.
boredom, his arrival has had a lasting impact. The absent-minded The puzzle box gets bored if it’s kept in the same place for too
gnome mistakenly dropped a puzzle box of foreign-make (very long, especially if its user does not attempt to solve it frequently.
foreign-make) in one of the venues he visited, shortly before he
unceremoniously left for new realm to explore. If left unattended in the same place for the period of a year, the
puzzle box teleports to a random location, awaiting a new user to
Since then, the puzzle box has been handled by an innumerable accompany and travel with.
amount of creatures. Most of them have not thought more of it
than an amusing token, and only a very few have managed to
unlock its powers. Those that bored the box by staying in the
same place for too long have, inexorably, found it missing the next
time they’ve gone to look for it.
In this way, the box has found its way to continue to explore
where Gnorm left off.

Gnorm's Puzzle Box

Dungeons On Demand
Gnorm’s Puzzle Box If this is your first time attuning to the item, then you gain
Wondrous item; legacy (requires attunement by a sorcerer, warlock, access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
or wizard) attuned to the item before, you gain access to all of the abilities
of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
When you attune to this item, it magically floats in your hands, attuned to it.
and you can shift the tiles on its faces into different positions by You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
concentrating upon them. You immediately become familiar with tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the item’s
the item’s history and personality, and you know if a creature you personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).
can see has attuned to the item in the past 100 years.

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Arcane Focus. The item can be used as an arcane spellcasting focus.
• Mindful. While holding this item, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks.
Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Arcane Focus. The item can be used as an arcane spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• You must explore a have a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
relatively unknown area, • Magic Sensitive. While holding this item, you can use it to cast detect magic. This ability
such as an old catacomb cannot be used again until the next dawn.
or mountain cave. • Mindful. While holding this item, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and you
gain a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus on Intelligence (Investigation) checks.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Arcane Focus. The item can be used as an arcane spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• You must assist in have a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
solving a major puzzle or • Labyrinthine. While holding this item, your spell save DC is increased by 1.
challenge of mind while • Magic Sensitive. While holding this item, you can use it to cast detect magic. This ability
exploring a new area, can be used twice and regains both uses daily at dawn.
such as dungeon puzzle • Mindful. While holding this item, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and you
or deducing the answer gain a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus on Intelligence (Investigation) checks.
to a riddle that opens a • Reserve. You can use an action to cause the puzzle box to open and regain one expended
secret door. spell slot of up to 3rd level. Once you use this ability, the box immediately closes and the
box cannot be used in this manner again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Arcane Focus. The item can be used as an arcane spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• You must challenge and have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.
defeat another person or • Labyrinthine. While holding this item, your spell save DC is increased by 1.
intelligent creature to a • Magic Sensitive. While holding this item, you can use it to cast detect magic. This ability
contest of riddles. There can be used twice and regains both uses daily at dawn.
must be significant stakes • Mindful. While holding this item, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and you
or a wager that depends gain a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus on Intelligence (Arcana) and Intelligence
on the contest’s outcome. (Investigation) checks.
• Reserve. You can use an action to cause the puzzle box to open and regain one expended
spell slot of up to 4th level. Once you use this ability, the box immediately closes and the
box cannot be used in this manner again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Arcane Focus. The item can be used as an arcane spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• You must explore a wholly have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.
exotic new location, such • Labyrinthine. While holding this item, your spell save DC is increased by 2.
as a different plane of • Magic Sensitive. While holding this item, you can use it to cast detect magic. This ability
existence or a continent can be used three times and regains all uses daily at dawn.
that has recently risen • Mindful. While holding this item, you have advantage on Wisdom (Insight) checks and you
from the sea. gain a bonus equal to half your proficiency bonus on Intelligence (Arcana) and Intelligence
(Investigation) checks.
• Reserve. You can use an action to cause the puzzle box to open and regain one expended
spell slot of up to 5th level. Once you use this ability, the box immediately closes and the
box cannot be used in this manner again until the next dawn.

Gnorm's Puzzle Box

Weapons of Legacy

You get an unsettling feeling just looking at this staff. It’s well-made, finished with red leather straps and brass plating. It’s
topped with a brass crown, fashioned into splayed crow’s wings and embossed with the relief of a jawless human skull. An
intangible blackness bubbles and sparks from the head of the staff, like the stuff of night flickering out from within.

The warlock Vhilen Nehk’Mahn forged the staff Harvester,
spending decades of his life devoted to its creation at the
behest of his enigmatic, dark patron. Vhilen tended to a
nameless entity from beyond the veil of life and death.
Harvester was fashioned for the warlock to serve in its image,
to turn Vhilen into a reaper of souls.

The histories have no mention of Vhilen Nehk’Mahn however,

because Vhilen Nehk’Mahn never got the chance to bear the
staff as his own. Moments after its completion, Vhilen’s heart
ran its last beat. The warlock died alone, squirrelled away
in his lair, his last sights watching the staff he’d worked so
long to complete clatter unceremoniously to the ground in
concert with his body. And thus, the first soul ever collected by
Harvester was Vhilen’s own.

Harvester would later be claimed by grave robbers decades later,

passing hands to different bearers as previous ones met their ends.
The few who awakened the staff ’s full powers used it to carve
black titles for themselves; these feared warlocks would be known
as demons, shades, and gods of death.

Harvester is a tool of darkness, a weapon made for an evil patron
last served long ago. It desires to be fed the souls of the living,
and urges any who hold it in its hands to kill. When used to slay a
living creature, its soul is siphoned through the staff, transferring
that energy to bolster its bearer’s own life force.

The staff doesn’t care what purpose it is used for. It doesn’t

distinguish between the lives of man or child, the lives of evil men
or good, lives taken in acts of courage or acts of malice. It only
desires for its appetite to be sated. If its hunger grows too deep,
or if Harvester loses faith in its bearer, the staff will seek a soul
from the one holding it. In these cases, bearers asphyxiate, dying
slowly and painfully and often all alone. Many times Harvester has
changed hands to a new, unsuspecting owner when discovered
near a corpse with no apparent cause of death.

Dungeons On Demand
Harvester If this is your first time attuning to the item, then you gain
Staff; legacy (requires attunement by a warlock) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the item before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this staff, flecks of darkness roil around its of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
brass head, and in utter darkness red pinpoints of light glow attuned to it.
from within the eye sockets embossed into the staff ’s crown. You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
You immediately become familiar with the item’s history and tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the item’s
personality, and you know if a creature you can see has attuned to personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).
the item in the past 100 years.

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Reap. Once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with this weapon or a warlock
spell, you regain 2 hit points. You don’t gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Soul Blade. You can use a bonus action to create or dismiss a blade of necrotic energy to
• The staff must be used
extend from the head of the staff causing it to deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning
to disturb the grave site
damage. While active, attacks made by the weapon deal an additional 1d6 necrotic damage
of a legendary hero or
creature. against creatures that are not constructs or undead.
• Reap. Once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with this weapon or a warlock
spell, you regain 3 hit points. You don’t gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.
Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Soul Blade. You can use a bonus action to create or dismiss a blade of necrotic energy to
• A king or ruler must be
extend from the head of the staff causing it to deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning
slain in the presence of
damage. While active, attacks made by the weapon deal an additional 1d8 necrotic damage
the staff and his or her
blood used to anoint it. against creatures that are not constructs or undead.
• Reap. Once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with this weapon or a warlock
spell, you regain 4 hit points. You don’t gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.
• Black Mantle. While holding this weapon, creatures that are not undead or constructs
within 5 feet of you cannot regain hit points from magical healing or regeneration.
• Deadrise. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast animate dead as a 4th level
spell. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 24 hours.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Soul Blade. You can use a bonus action to create or dismiss a blade of necrotic energy to
• The staff must be taken
extend from the head of the staff causing it to deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning
to a site of many lost
damage. While active, attacks made by the weapon deal an additional 1d10 necrotic
lives, such as an historic
battlefield or tragic damage against creatures that are not constructs or undead.
shipwreck. There the • Reap. Once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with this weapon or a warlock
staff’s power must be spell, you regain 5 hit points. You don’t gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.
used to animate undead • Black Mantle. While holding this weapon, creatures that are not undead or constructs
creatures. within 10 feet of you cannot regain hit points from magical healing or regeneration.
• Deadrise. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast animate dead as a 5th level
spell. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 24 hours.
Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Soul Blade. You can use a bonus action to create or dismiss a blade of necrotic energy to
• A powerful undead
extend from the head of the staff causing it to deal slashing damage instead of bludgeoning
creature, such as a
damage. While active, attacks made by the weapon deal an additional 1d12 necrotic
mummy lord, vampire, or
lich, must be destroyed in damage against creatures that are not constructs or undead.
the presence of the staff • Reap. Once per turn when you kill one or more creatures with this weapon or a warlock
and its remains used to spell, you regain 6 hit points. You don’t gain this benefit for killing constructs or undead.
anoint it. • Black Mantle. While holding this weapon, creatures that are not undead or constructs
within 15 feet of you cannot regain hit points from magical healing or regeneration.
• Deadrise. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast animate dead as a 6th level
spell. Once used, this ability cannot be used again for 24 hours.

Weapons of Legacy

Heart Carver
At first look, this appears to be an ordinary handaxe – small enough to be held in one hand with a short haft and falcate blade.
Holding it, however, fills you with an almost dizzying sense of melancholy, a kind of sorrow comparable to that of horrible loss.
It passes in the moment, allowing you to collect your senses, but there’s no denying there’s some tragedy inseparable from the
axe – a tragedy it remembers.

No one living may know the sad story of the human Neville
Smith and the elf Vashti Dawnblossom, but Heart Carver carries
the sorrow of the jilted lovers to this day. Neville was but sixteen
years old when he became a lumberjack, given the axe to use for
clearing brush and falling small timber. It wasn’t a job the boy
was particularly fond of, he was more likely to sing songs of axes
than he’d be to carry one, and Neville often found himself day-
dreaming and wandering through the forests he serviced.
It was in such a daydream, one day, he stumbled upon Vashti.
She was alone in a clearing, petting a fawn, singing in Elvish. He
was immediately taken with her, intrigued by her mystique and
sylvan beauty. Vashti was enamored with him as well, admiring
his strong build yet gentle soul. Henceforth, Neville would vanish
from the logging camps to return to Vashti’s grove day after day,
and their relationship deepened with each meeting. Neville made
sure to record each visit with Vashti by notching out a heart in a
tree trunk with his axe.
Neville’s fellow lumberjacks quickly grew suspicious of the
youngster’s long disappearances – particularly when he would
return with only a meager pile of logs to show for them. One
day, when Neville crept away to find Vashti, these woodsmen
shadowed his footsteps to spy upon the boy and the elf. In a fit
of jealousy and anger, the loggers returned later to Vashti’s grove,
clearing it of every tree in a manner of hours.
Upon discovering her decimated grove, Vashti was inconsolable.
She cursed and fled from Neville, never to be seen again. The
boy could not stand the thought of losing his love, and chased
after her. For days he wandered the forest aimlessly, calling her
name, until he expired of hunger and exhaustion. The rest of the
woodsmen found his corpse ,gripping the axe in his hand, at the
base of an oak tree. Carved into its trunk was a heart.

Heart Carver remembers the great love, and greater sorrow, of By contrast, Heart Carver cannot abide callousness, or any actions
the two young lovers, and passes these emotions onto its wielder. to separate two that truly love each other. If its wielder acts with
When its wielder fights to protect love, or in the pursuit of love, such heartlessness, the weapon is ice cold to touch. The air about
the axe is comfortably warm to hold. The natural world around it is sharp and silent, and the natural world becomes imbued with
it seems more beautiful – bird song seems to loft among the air, a certain grayness only perceptible to its wielder. It feeds a feeling
flowers carry a certain vibrancy, the wind is sweet and soft, and of doubt and melancholy to the one that holds it, in an effort to
the smell of summer is ever present. stop whatever maliciousness is at hand.

Heart Carver
Dungeons On Demand
Heart Carver If this is your first time attuning to the weapon, then you gain
Weapon (handaxe); legacy (requires attunement) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the weapon before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this weapon, a heart is magically engraved of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
upon its wooden handle, encircling the letters “NV”. You attuned to it.
immediately become familiar with the weapon’s history and You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
personality, and you know if a creature you can see has attuned to tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the weapon’s
the weapon in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Somber. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on saving throws against being
Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• True lovers must share • Somber. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on saving throws against being
a kiss while each has a charmed.
hand on the weapon. • Lonely. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast charm person as a 1st level spell
(save DC 14). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• The weapon must have • Somber. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on saving throws against being
a prominent role as charmed.
a prop in a marriage • Lonely. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast charm person as a 1st level spell
ceremony. The couple (save DC 15). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
being married must be of • Requite. Immediately after you make a ranged attack with this weapon, it magically flies
some significance, such back to your hand.
as a duke and duchess or • Lovestruck. While holding this weapon, you can use an action to force a creature that can
other couple of import. see you to succeed on a DC 15 Charisma saving throw or be magically charmed by you for
1 hour. If you are of a species and gender the creature is attracted to, it regards you as its
true love while charmed. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have used • Somber. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on saving throws against being
the weapon to fall a tree charmed or frightened.
whose wood is made into • Lonely. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast charm person as a 1st level spell
a marriage podium. The (save DC 16). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
tree must be rare or of • Requite. Immediately after you make a ranged attack with this weapon, it magically flies
special significance, and back to your hand.
not easily attained. • Lovestruck. While holding this weapon, you can use an action to force a creature that can
see you to succeed on a DC 16 Charisma saving throw or be magically charmed by you for
8 hours. If you are of a species and gender the creature is attracted to, it regards you as its
true love while charmed. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have used the • Somber. While holding this weapon, you have advantage on saving throws against being
weapon in an effort to charmed or frightened.
assist true love, such • Lonely. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast charm person as a 1st level spell
as slaying a monster (save DC 17). This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
that had captured the • Requite. Immediately after you make a ranged attack with this weapon, it magically flies
princess’s betrothed, or back to your hand.
harvesting an herb to cure • Lovestruck. While holding this weapon, you can use an action to force a creature that can
the farmer’s ailing wife. see you to succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving throw or be magically charmed by you for
24 hours. If you are of a species and gender the creature is attracted to, it regards you as
its true love while charmed. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Heart Carver
Weapons of Legacy

Last Word
The head of this maul is crudely fashioned from stone, and small chips and fissures along its surface tell the tales of countless
battles it must have witnessed. The weapon is roughshod, clearly made to serve its purpose rather than to look impressive, but
its construction is solid. Running down its stock to its handle are rows upon rows of tallies, notched into its woodwork. If these
are an accurate count of its wielders’ victories, then this weapon is responsible for the deaths of thousands.

The warlords of the numerous barbarian clans which roamed the
vast wilds often sported immense mauls, great weapons of force
only those of incredible strength could wield. Of the warlords that
possessed such weapons, none was more terrifying or bloodthirsty
than Schall Rageheart, Scourge of Five Empires. The barbarian
was cruelly efficient in his conquests, leaving a trail of corpses
and rubble in his wake as he led his clan from city to city, and
back again. His maul was named Last Word, because the warlord
always had it, and for each kill he made the barbarian tallied a
notch upon its shaft.
Such was Schall’s reputation that seeing his banners on the
horizon no longer caused cities to muster an army in resistance,
instead prompting them to prepare food and gifts in hopes
the clan would spare their homes from raid. Schall earned his
namesake as the Scourge of Five Empires, as at one time five
separate kings and sovereigns bowed to his whims, terrified to
incur his wrath and see their provinces left in ruin.
Last Word passed to Schall’s sons and grandsons after the warlord
died, but his memory remains with the weapon. The maul has a
way of winning others over, building armies around its wielder of
faithful soldiers. The legend says Schall’s spirit still travels with the
old maul, evoking his blood thirst wherever it goes. There may not
be any truth to this legend, but without fail, whenever Last Word
makes a kill, another tally is added to its count.

Last Word possesses the intensity and passion that fueled Schall
Rageheart to his victories. It wants nothing more than its wielder
to charge into combat and batter its foes with abandon. It seeks
to test the mettle, courage, and strength of one that wields it, and
stokes his or her enemies to strike at them with great fury as well.
Last Word only finds true solace in the clash of metal that makes
the song of war.
The maul boasts its victories, eager to display its score. Each time
the maul makes a kill, another tally is added to its death toll,
tracked in notches upon its shaft. Should the user wish to add
notches of their own, the maul is sure to “correct” its total to an
accurate listing. It feels superior to all other arms, especially those
fashioned in extravagance, and proudly wears these tallies as a
measure of its bloodshed.

Last Word
Dungeons On Demand
Last Word If this is your first time attuning to the weapon, then you gain
Weapon (maul); legacy (requires attunement by a barbarian) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the weapon before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this weapon, you always know the exact of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
amount of tallies upon its handle without need to count. You attuned to it.
immediately become familiar with the weapon’s history and You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
personality, and you know if a creature you can see has attuned to tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the weapon’s
the weapon in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Strength of Schall. While holding this weapon, your Strength score increases by 2 and can
exceed 20, but not 30.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have dealt the • Strength of Schall. While holding this weapon, your Strength score increases by 2 and can
killing blow to a creature exceed 20, but not 30.
of significant challenge • Warlord. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast heroism as a 1st level spell, using
that was Large-sized or your Strength modifier for its effect. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
larger with the weapon.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have used the • Strength of Schall. While holding this weapon, your Strength score increases by 3 and can
weapon to break down exceed 20, but not 30.
a wall, door, or barrier to • Bloodthirst. While you are raging, once per round when you score a critical hit with this
reach and kill an enemy. weapon to a creature that is not a construct or undead, you regain 2d8 hit points.
• You must have convinced • Indomitable. While you are raging and holding this weapon you cannot be knocked prone.
a group of strangers to • Warlord. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast heroism as a 3rd level spell, using
assist you in combat. your Strength modifier for its effect. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have dealt the • Strength of Schall. While holding this weapon, your Strength score increases by 3 and can
killing blow to a creature exceed 20, but not 30.
of significant challenge • Bloodthirst. While you are raging, once per round when you score a critical hit with this
that was Huge-sized or weapon to a creature that is not a construct or undead, you regain 3d8 hit points.
larger with the weapon. • Indomitable. While you are raging and holding this weapon you cannot be knocked prone.
When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack with this weapon, that creature takes an
additional 1d10 bludgeoning damage.
• Warlord. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast heroism as a 5th level spell, using
your Strength modifier for its effect. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have used the • Strength of Schall. While holding this weapon, your Strength score increases by 4 and can
weapon to slay an enemy exceed 20, but not 30.
warlord or leader in war. • Bloodthirst. While you are raging, once per round when you score a critical hit with this
weapon to a creature that is not a construct or undead, you regain 3d8 hit points.
• You must have convinced
a group of strangers • Indomitable. While you are raging and holding this weapon you cannot be knocked prone.
to follow you into a When you hit a creature with an opportunity attack with this weapon, that creature takes an
dangerous locale, such additional 2d10 bludgeoning damage.
as a battlefield or another • Warlord. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast heroism as a 5th level spell, using
plane of existence. your Strength modifier for its effect. This ability can be used twice and regains both uses daily
at dawn.

Last Word
Weapons of Legacy

Northwind’s Grace
This set of four gilded ringlets are bound in a row with a red silk wrap that flows from it like a pair of fine scarves. Faint white
stitches, imperceptible at first, become apparent upon examination; they embroider the garment with a cloud motif. You can
slip the ringlets between your fingers, and as soon as you do the silk wraps about your open palm and up forearm, comfortably
securing itself there. As you grip the vestment in your fist, a small breezes gathers around you. Your hair and clothes jostle in its
path for a moment before it fades.

It is customary for the wind-worshippers of Evergale to appoint When properly adorned, Northwind’s Grace is a spectacle to
their strongest monks as heads of the Storm Council – each behold, its silken lengths constantly moving as if tossed by an
representative coming from one of the nation’s four regions. unseen breeze. It loathes to be used in any other manner – those
These leaders were decorated with vestments fitting their station that have found Northwind’s Grace have attempted to knot it into a
– elegant garments of gold and silk, loose and flowing to ensure sash or belt, all the while the wrap wriggling to be free of them.
they’ll be carried upon the winds that caress the peaks of their Nothing has kept the vestment from the open sky it so strongly
homelands. Even to lay eyes upon such an outfitted Storm seeks to dance upon; its former wielders have perished at the
Councilor was considered an honor. bottom of the sea and underground tombs, yet inevitably,
It’s said the day Jevyn Su was appointed as a Storm Councilor, the Northwind’s Grace will be found, floating in the wind, shortly
clouds cried in joy. The woman was everything the people could thereafter.
ask for in a Councilor – strong of body and will, devout in the
teachings of the Wind God, and unwavering in her leadership.
Upon taking office, she was presented with a red arm wrap so
beautiful she claimed it to be the north wind made manifest.
Jevyn thusly named the garment Northwind’s Grace, and her
image was forever entwined with that of the red scarves wrapped
upon her forearm.
A time would come when Jeyvn Su, and the rest of the Storm
Council, needed to retreat to the Wandering Cliffs to meditate
and discuss policy. They never returned.
Evergale was struck a mighty blow, bereft of their coveted
Councilors, forced to appoint new ones amid the turmoil of their
loss. What happened to lost Storm Council remains a mystery,
as no remnants of the Councilors was ever found – with a single
exception. A year to the day after the disappearance, Northwind’s
Grace was discover, sailing upon the wind like a red omen in the
sky. Whether the omen was for good or ill is yet to be decided.

In sharp contrast to Jeyvn Su’s adherence to discipline and
structure, Northwind’s Grace has grown to become capricious and
flighty, as carefree as the wind itself. It does not seem to mind
a wielder like that of Jeyvn, indeed it doesn’t seem to mind any
wielder at all, so long as it is free to move.

Northwind's Grace
Dungeons On Demand
Northwind’s Grace If this is your first time attuning to the item, then you gain
Wondrous item; legacy (requires attunement by a monk) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the item before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this item, it magically wraps about your of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
forearm, and you are constantly circled by a pleasant breeze. attuned to it.
You immediately become familiar with the item’s history and You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
personality, and you know if a creature you can see has attuned to tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the item’s
the item in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).
Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Your unarmed strikes count as magical while you wear this item.
• Soar. While wearing this item, you can spend 1 ki point to gain a flying speed of 60 feet for
the turn.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to your unarmed strike attack and damage rolls while you
• The user must give his wear this item. These attacks count as magical.
blessing to the Wind God • Soar. While wearing this item, you can spend 1 ki point to gain a flying speed of 60 feet for
on a blustery day while the turn.
wearing the item. • Gale. While wearing this item, you can use it to cast gust of wind. This ability cannot be used
again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to your unarmed strike attack and damage rolls while you
• The item must be wear this item. These attacks count as magical.
loosed in the winds of a • Soar. While wearing this item, you can spend 1 ki point to gain a flying speed of 60 feet for
thunderstorm, and not 1 minute.
touched again until it hits • Gale. While wearing this item, you can use it to cast gust of wind. This ability cannot be used
the ground. The user again until the next dawn.
remains attuned to the • Feather Falling. While wearing this item, you descend 60 feet per round and take no falling
item during this time. damage.
• Wind Armor. While wearing this item, you gain a +1 bonus to your Unarmored Defense
against ranged weapon attacks. When you use your Deflect Missiles feature, you reduce the
damage done to you by an additional 3.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to your unarmed strike attack and damage rolls while you
• The item must be wear this item. These attacks count as magical.
purposefully flung from • Soar. While wearing this item, you can spend 1 ki point to gain a flying speed of 60 feet for
the top of a mountain to 1 minute.
sail upon the wind, and • Gale. While wearing this item, you can use it to cast gust of wind. This ability can be used
not touched again until it twice and regains both uses daily at dawn.
hits the ground. The user • Feather Falling. While wearing this item, you descend 60 feet per round and take no falling
remains attuned to the damage.
item during this time. • Wind Armor. While wearing this item, you gain a +2 bonus to your Unarmored Defense
against ranged weapon attacks. When you use your Deflect Missiles feature, you reduce the
damage done to you by an additional 3.
Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to your unarmed strike attack and damage rolls while you
• The item must stay aloft wear this item. These attacks count as magical.
in the air through some • Soar. While wearing this item, you can spend 1 ki point to gain a flying speed of 60 feet for
fantastic measure for at 10 minutes.
least 24 hours, such as • Gale. While wearing this item, you can use it to cast gust of wind. This ability can be used
the flag of a castle built three times and regains all uses daily at dawn.
in the clouds, or adorning • Feather Falling. While wearing this item, you descend 60 feet per round and take no falling
the collar of a sleepless damage.
dragon in flight. • Wind Armor. While wearing this item, you gain a +2 bonus to your Unarmored Defense
against ranged weapon attacks. When you use your Deflect Missiles feature, you reduce the
damage done to you by an additional 6.

Northwind's Grace
Weapons of Legacy

Ringmaster’s Lash
At first there’s not much to garner from this bullwhip; it’s made of odd, almond-colored leather and its grip sports a pommel
studded with small metal spikes fashioned to look like animal teeth. When you grip it, however, you’re filled with an airy
lightheartedness, and an intense urge to crack the whip in a showy display. Somewhere at the edge of your hearing you’d swear
you hear the pitched tones of circus horns.

Ringmaster’s Lash is a relic of history, an enigma surviving from
a time long forgotten. It bears no marks of its creator, fashioned
from a bleached leather of dubious origin and studded with metal
“teeth” at the bottom of its grip. Its magical powers seem to suggest
it was made to assert its possessor’s dominance over beasts, perhaps
fashioned by druids or beast-cultists of a primal time.

In recent history, however, the whip has become a symbol of

spectacle. It’s clear Ringmaster’s Lash only reveals its full retinue of
powers to those who can inspire and captivate – qualities possessed
by true leaders – and by result the whip has found its way into the
hands of gregarious bards throughout the ages. The most notable
of the lot is undeniably the half-elf Bailey Baladras, the self-titled
“ringmaster” of her Carnival of Exotic Wonders & Fantastic Feats.
With whip in hand, the half-elf traveled from town to town, using
its powers to engage and enthrall her audiences.

It’s unknown whether Bailey named Ringmaster’s Lash, or if the

weapon was so pleased with this role under her ownership it
adopted the title itself. It is known, however, that since Bailey the
whip had made root in songs and stories, surfacing every century
or so in the hands of a new “ringmaster.”

Ringmaster’s Lash feeds off confidence, charisma, and
showmanship, making it a natural choice for bards who possess
such qualities. It might be said its natural disposition to exert its
dominance over beasts has evolved to fill that roll over people as
well. Whether it is in battle or for show, the whip yearns to crack
to the sound of applause.

To this end, the weapon has little use for the discreet, the humble,
or the timid. Such individuals that invariably get their hands on
the whip quickly discard it. Of course, Ringmaster’s Lash bears
little remorse in the hands of an owner it’s unimpressed with, and
in these cases ill fortune often befalls such owners. On more than
one occasion the whip has met a new owner when pulled from the
rotting carcass of its former one.

Ringmaster's Lash
Dungeons On Demand
Ringmaster’s Lash If this is your first time attuning to the item, then you gain
Weapon (whip); legacy (requires attunement by a bard) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the item before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this weapon, the metal teeth that stud its grip of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
flex, and in perfect silence you can hear the echoes of carnival attuned to it.
music, as if one were miles away. You immediately become You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
familiar with the item’s history and personality, and you know if a tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the item’s
creature you can see has attuned to the item in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Adept. You have proficiency with this weapon while you are attuned to it. When one or more
creatures within 60 feet of you has one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, this weapon’s damage die
is the same as your Bardic Inspiration die type.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Adept. You have proficiency with this weapon while you are attuned to it. When one or more
• The whip must play a key
creatures within 60 feet of you has one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, this weapon’s damage die
role in a performance
is the same as your Bardic Inspiration die type.
to entertain a crowd of
• Ringmaster. While holding this weapon, you always know the command spell as a bard spell,
and this spell does not count against your normal limit of bard spells known. Also, you can use
the weapon to cast conjure animals as a 3rd level spell once per day.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Adept. You have proficiency with this weapon while you are attuned to it. When one or more
• You must use the whip in
creatures within 60 feet of you has one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, this weapon’s damage die
rearing a powerful beast
is the same as your Bardic Inspiration die type.
without the aid of any
• Circus. While holding the weapon you have advantage on Charisma (Performance) checks.
magic. The beast must
• Trip Strike. During your turn when you hit a Large or smaller creature with this weapon, you can
pose some threat to you.
use a bonus action to force it to make a DC 15 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
• Ringmaster. While holding this weapon, you always know the command spell as a bard spell,
and this spell does not count against your normal limit of bard spells known. Also, you can use
the weapon to cast conjure animals as a 3rd level spell once per day.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Adept. You have proficiency with this weapon while you are attuned to it. When one or more
• You must win a battle of
creatures within 60 feet of you has one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, this weapon’s damage die
wits against an opponent
is the same as your Bardic Inspiration die type.
who considers him or
• Circus. While holding the weapon you have advantage on Charisma (Performance) and Wisdom
herself your equal. The
(Animal Handling) checks.
battle need not be violent,
• Trip Strike. During your turn when you hit a Large or smaller creature with this weapon, you can
such as trading insults or
dueling performances. use a bonus action to force it to make a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
The whip must play a role • Ringmaster. While holding this weapon, you always know the command spell as a bard spell,
in your victory. and this spell does not count against your normal limit of bard spells known. Also, you can use
the weapon to cast conjure animals as a 5th level spell once per day.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• Adept. You have proficiency with this weapon while you are attuned to it. When one or more
• The whip must be tied
creatures within 60 feet of you has one of your Bardic Inspiration dice, this weapon’s damage die
to a powerful beast and
is the same as your Bardic Inspiration die type.
remain there for at least
• Circus. While holding the weapon you have advantage on Dexterity (Acrobatics), Charisma
24 hours. The beast
(Performance) and Wisdom (Animal Handling) checks.
must pose some threat
• Trip Strike. During your turn when you hit a Large or smaller creature with this weapon, you can
to you and must not be
restrained or otherwise use a bonus action to force it to make a DC 17 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
unable to act freely during • Ringmaster. While holding this weapon, you always know the command spell as a bard spell,
this time. and this spell does not count against your normal limit of bard spells known. Also, you can use
the weapon to cast conjure animals as a 5 level spell once per day.

Ringmaster's Lash
Weapons of Legacy

Sara’s Hammer
There’s nothing elegant or fancy about this mace; it’s common look and make belies its storied history. Its flanged head is bitten
with grooves and marks showing it’s seen its share of combat, and its grip is ruddy with grime and faded blood in complement.
Etched into the clasp at the mace’s pommel, inscribed in an elegant hand, is the name “Sara.”

Sara’s Hammer is a mace of modest construction. It’s the type
of weapon a pragmatic individual would carry into battle, one
seeking to get a job done without concern for honor, glory, or
other such frivolities. Despite its humble make, the mace has seen
some of the most climatic battles of the ages, clashes true legends
were born of.

The mace’s only distinguishing feature is the engraved name of its

first owner, Sara, a character of nebulous origin. Scholars disagree
on just who Sara was. Some suggest she was a human whose
descendants are modern kings, some believe she may have been of
an extraplanar race, others theorize the name is bluff (or, perhaps,
a riddle) and no such individual ever existed.

Whoever Sara was, if she was at all, Sara’s Hammer has existed for
millennia or more – surfacing time and time again in a cleric’s
hands – often completely unaware of the power the weapon
contains. Historic battles have turned on the weapon revealing
itself to its bearer, all the tales speaking of the sun and stars flaring
in acknowledgement of the new owner. Because of this, Sara’s
Hammer is known in many other cultures as the Star Hammer or
Astral Mace.

Different religions each claim the origin of the Hammer or some

tie to it – surely such a relic must have been divinely inspired.
While the weapon only reveals its full complement of powers to
individuals of a good heart and true faith, it seems that this itself
is enough – dedication to a particular deity is not required.

Sara’s Hammer charges itself with the protection of those who
cannot protect themselves. It values an owner who will put
his or her life on the line for a good cause and, above all, their
humility in service.

In the hands of a brash individual, the weapon becomes

uncomfortably cold, growing to the point where it becomes
cloaked in frost, and feels as unwieldy as a tree.

Sara's Hammer
Dungeons On Demand
Sara’s Hammer If this is your first time attuning to the item, then you gain
Weapon; mace (requires attunement by a good-aligned cleric) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the item before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this weapon, the sky above you clears, of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
and the sun (or stars, if night time) all shine with a remarkable attuned to it.
radiance for a few moments. You immediately become familiar You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
with the item’s history and personality, and you know if a creature tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the item’s
you can see has attuned to the item in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Spellcasting Focus. The mace can be used as a cleric spellcasting focus as if it were a holy
symbol. While holding it, cleric spells you cast ignore resistance to fire and radiant damage.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• The mace must be used • Spellcasting Focus. The mace can be used as a cleric spellcasting focus as if it were a holy
to sanctify a place in a symbol. While holding it, cleric spells you cast ignore resistance to fire and radiant damage.
night time ritual. • Soulfire. While holding the weapon, whenever you use a cleric spell of 1st level or higher to
restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains an additional 4 hit points.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• The mace must be • Spellcasting Focus. The mace can be used as a cleric spellcasting focus as if it were a holy
used in service or in the symbol. While holding it, cleric spells you cast ignore resistance to fire and radiant damage.
defense of others, such • Astral Resonance. After you use your Channel Divinity while holding this weapon, it bursts
as in battle with a warring with astral fire, shining bright light in 30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet for 1
kingdom or warding off minute. While the weapon is aflame, it deals an extra 1d4 fire damage and 1d4 radiant
invading goblins from a damage to any target it hits.
town. • Purge. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast dispel magic as a 3rd level spell.
Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• Soulfire. While holding the weapon, whenever you use a cleric spell of 1st level or higher to
restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains an additional 5 hit points.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• The mace must be used • Spellcasting Focus. The mace can be used as a cleric spellcasting focus as if it were a holy
in a ceremony to ordain symbol. While holding it, cleric spells you cast ignore resistance to fire and radiant damage.
a new cleric of your faith • Astral Resonance. After you use your Channel Divinity while holding this weapon, it bursts
under the night sky of with astral fire, shining bright light in 30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet for 1
a major meteorological minute. While the weapon is aflame, it deals an extra 1d6 fire damage and 1d6 radiant
event such as a meteor damage to any target it hits.
shower or passing comet. • Purge. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast dispel magic as a 4th level spell.
Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• Soulfire. While holding the weapon, whenever you use a cleric spell of 1st level or higher to
restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains an additional 6 hit points.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• The mace must be • Spellcasting Focus. The mace can be used as a cleric spellcasting focus as if it were a holy
used to prevent a great symbol. While holding it, cleric spells you cast ignore resistance to fire and radiant damage.
peril, such as stopping • Astral Resonance. After you use your Channel Divinity while holding this weapon, it bursts
a powerful demon from with astral fire, shining bright light in 30 feet and dim light for an additional 30 feet for 1
entering the realm or minute. While the weapon is aflame, it deals an extra 1d8 fire damage and 1d8 radiant
keeping an ancient red damage to any target it hits.
dragon from burning a city • Purge. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast dispel magic as a 5th level spell.
to the ground. Once used, this ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• Soulfire. While holding the weapon, whenever you use a cleric spell of 1st level or higher to
restore hit points to a creature, the creature regains an additional 7 hit points.

Sara's Hammer
Weapons of Legacy

Sons of Slate
It’s easy to see each of these two daggers was designed with the other in mind. Both are crafted from fine steel, curved like
crescent moons, and bear menacing fullers which run the length of each blade. One has a hilt wrapped in white leather,
its pommel studded with an onyx. The other’s hilt is as black as midnight, its pommel boasting a white pearl. They’re both
incredibly light for their size, and cut through the air without sound. There’s something sinister and beautiful about them, like
the calm before a hurricane.

The most well-known assassins are, given the clandestine nature
of their work, perhaps the worst of their trade.
It might be considered an honor, then, that the assassin known
simply as Slate lived and died in relative obscurity. Certainly his
pair of daggers, the Sons of Slate, would never be known by such
a name, as there are no minstrel songs carrying Slate’s name or
deeds this day. The assassin performed his odious duties with
ruthless effectiveness; he never sought glory nor credit for his
kills, and, above all, carried out each in a manner that never
attracted undue attention.
Slate had his daggers, the tools of his trade, custom made by
a reclusive smith six days ride from the nearest vestiges of
civilization. He paid the smith handsomely, making the smith
promise not to tell a soul of the commission. Then, Slate returned
under the cover of night to ensure the smith’s promise would be
kept forever.
The Sons of Slate are the assassin’s philosophy given form – motifs
of black and white, good and evil, and balance in everything. The
daggers accompanied Slate everywhere, and when he called upon
them, bodies littered the ground.
The daggers have long out-lived Slate, but their duty hasn’t
changed. Those that have found the Sons of Slate find ease at
taking them to task, and in doing so Slate’s legacy continues. It
is remarkable the daggers have continued to pass from wielder
to wielder as a pair, and a credit to their craftsmanship that they
remain as sharp as silence.

The Sons of Slate are, true to their namesake, silent and If the Sons of Slate are displeased with their wielder, he or she will
purposeful. They wish to perform their jobs without seeking experience quite the opposite effect. Floorboards creek under
credit or glory, and do not tolerate a wielder that does. They are their footsteps, the air cries with the daggers’ use, and all that see
most contented by a wielder that walks divided between light and the Sons marvel at their craftsmanship.
dark, a wielder that believes in balance in all things. The Sons of Slate believe that one that seeks too much attention
In the hands of such, the Sons are deftly quiet – even dropping will be rewarded with it.
the daggers upon a stone floor produces only the softest of sounds
– and onlookers seem to take no special notice of them, despite
their inspired design.

Sons of Slate
Dungeons On Demand
Sons of Slate If this is your first time attuning to the weapons, then you gain
Weapons (daggers); legacy (requires attunement by a creature of access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
neutral alignment) attuned to the weapons before, you gain access to all of the
abilities of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were
You can attune to both these weapons as if they were one item, previously attuned to them.
and you must wield both to gain their abilities. When you do, You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
you immediately become familiar with the weapons’ history and tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the weapons’
personality, and you know if a creature you can see has attuned to
personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).
the weapons in the past 100 years.

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with these weapons are magical.
• Synergy. If you hit the same creature with both of these weapons on your turn, that
creature takes 2 additional piercing damage.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. Attacks made with these weapons are magical.
• The weapons must be • Synergy. If you hit the same creature with both of these weapons on your turn, that
interred in an assassin’s creature takes 2 additional piercing damage.
grave or tomb overnight. • Predatory. While holding these weapons, you can use them to cast pass without trace
targeting yourself only. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic weapons.
• Both weapons must be • Synergy. If you hit the same creature with both of these weapons on your turn, that
bathed in a mixture of the creature takes 3 additional piercing damage.
blood of a good creature • Predatory. While holding these weapons, you can use them to cast pass without trace
and an evil creature, both targeting yourself only. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
of which the weapons • Dual Wielding. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while holding these weapons in each hand.
must have caused the • Wounding. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using either of these
killing blow upon. weapons, you can wound it. At the start of each of the wounded creature’s turns, it takes
1d4 necrotic damage for each time you’ve wounded it, and can then make a DC 15
Constitution saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on a success.
Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic weapons.
• You must use the • Synergy. If you hit the same creature with both of these weapons on your turn, that
weapons to slay a creature takes 3 additional piercing damage.
person or creature you • Predatory. While holding these weapons, you can use them to cast expeditious retreat
were contracted to kill. and pass without trace targeting yourself only, once each. Once used, the spell cannot be
The person must be of used again until the next dawn.
some significance or the • Dual Wielding. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while holding these weapons in each hand.
process must pose some • Wounding. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using either of these
threat or danger to you. weapons, you can wound it. At the start of each of the wounded creature’s turns, it takes
1d4 necrotic damage for each time you’ve wounded it, and can then make a DC 16
Constitution saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on a success.
Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic weapons.
• You must use the • Synergy. If you hit the same creature with both of these weapons on your turn, that
weapons to slay a creature takes 4 additional piercing damage.
prominent authority • Predatory. While holding these weapons, you can use them to cast expeditious retreat
figure, such as a regent and pass without trace targeting yourself only, once each. Once used, the spell cannot be
or bishop, during a public used again until the next dawn.
event, such as while • Dual Wielding. You gain a +1 bonus to AC while holding these weapons in each hand.
delivering a speech or • Wounding. Once per turn, when you hit a creature with an attack using either of these
performing a ceremony. weapons, you can wound it. At the start of each of the wounded creature’s turns, it takes
You must not be detected 1d4 necrotic damage for each time you’ve wounded it, and can then make a DC 17
while accomplishing this. Constitution saving throw, ending the effect of all such wounds on a success.

Sons of Slate
Weapons of Legacy

Splinter of Branchworth
Though old and mottled with moss and dirt, this staff is remarkably sturdy and easily handled. Even calling it a “staff ” is a
bit of a stretch; it’s girth enough to be wielded as a staff, but its appearance suggests it was a merely a branch severed from its
tree ages ago. Its bottom is a mess of splintered word, and its top curves into a tangle of sticks and leaves – leaves that appear
natural, yet defying all reason, should have wilted ages ago. Moments after you pluck one, another grows swiftly in its place.

When Tyranna Wolfskin first met the treant Branchworth, she
didn’t know she was capable of magic. The orphan girl had been
through quite an ordeal that led to their meeting, and her nascent
abilities were beginning to manifest. Pursued by those that thought
her a demon, or worse, Tyranna was driven from her home for fear
of her life. She found herself trotting barefoot through the forest,
eyes welling with tears, with nothing more than a white wolf pelt to
keep her warm, and an angry mob at her back.
That’s where she met Branchworth, that was the night her life
changed forever. Tyranna had perched herself within the folds
of his roots, catching her breath and doing her best to stay silent
despite sobbing. When Branchworth moved to examine the small
child, she was understandably terrified, though it wasn’t long
before he was able to console her.
The two grew to be fast friends, and although their time together
was short, the memory of their meeting would prove lasting.
Branchworth recognized the natural magic within the young girl,
and convinced Tyranna to embrace her talents. Before parting, the
treant plucked a branch from his body, offering it to her as a gift.
Tyranna would grow to become a mighty druid, often stalking
her woods as a white wolf. In her human form, she always had the
treant’s gift clutched in hand, a symbol of their friendship and her
bond to the natural world. On the day she died, the beasts of the
forest saw her body properly returned to the earth. Driven within
the pile of dirt, and leaves that marks Tyranna’s grave, the Splinter
of Branchworth stands – awaiting her equal to come and claim it.

The Splinter is an extension of both the treant and the druid,
encompassing their values and philosophy. It is fond of the
outdoors and natural world, particularly forests, and enjoys the
company of beasts and birds. It aims to preserve nature’s beauty
and harmony between it and mankind.
When the Splinter’s wielder acts accordingly to these values, the
staff is lush with color; its wood a healthy mix of browns, the
moss that grows upon it a rich green, and its leaves varied greens,
yellows, and reds. If its wielder retains the Splinter in urban areas,
or acts destructively towards nature, the staff appears to wither. In
these cases its wood becomes brittle, its color draining to grays,
and its moss losing all vibrancy. Its leaves shrivel and wilt, to a
point where only stems remain.
Splinter of Branchworth
Dungeons On Demand
Splinter of Branchworth If this is your first time attuning to the staff, then you gain
Staff; legacy (requires attunement by a druid) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the staff before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this staff, more leaves magically sprout from of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
its top. Any time a leaf is removed from the staff, a new one grows attuned to it.
in its place seconds later. You immediately become familiar with You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
the staff ’s history and personality, and you know if a creature you
tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the staff ’s
can see has attuned to the staff in the past 100 years.
personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).
Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Druidic Focus. The staff can be used as a druidic spellcasting focus.
• Magical. The staff can be wielded as a magic quarterstaff. When you use Wild Shape so
the staff merges with your form, weapon attacks in your new form count as magical.
Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Druidic Focus. The staff can be used as a druidic spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• The staff must be used to have a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
dig a plot of dirt in which • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic quarterstaff.
an acorn or suitable tree When you use Wild Shape so the staff merges with your form, weapon attacks in your new
seed is planted. form count as magical.
• Pack. You can use the staff to cast animal friendship as a 1st level spell. This ability cannot
be used again until the next dawn.
Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Druidic Focus. The staff can be used as a druidic spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• The staff must be used have a +1 bonus to spell attack rolls.
for a bird to build a nest • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic quarterstaff.
within, in which the nest When you use Wild Shape so the staff merges with your form, weapon attacks in your new
must stay for at least 24 form count as magical, and you have a +1 bonus to these attack and damage rolls.
hours before it can be • Pack. You can use the staff to cast animal friendship as a 3rd level spell. This ability cannot
safely transferred to a be used again until the next dawn.
new location. • Nature’s Vigor. When you use your Wild Shape so the staff merges with your form, your
new form’s hit point maximum and current hit points increase by half your druid class level.
• Resistance. While the staff is on your person or merged in your Wild Shape form, you have
advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects from beasts and plants.
Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Druidic Focus. The staff can be used as a druidic spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• The staff must be present have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.
for the birth of a creature • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic quarterstaff.
of great significance to When you use Wild Shape so the staff merges with your form, weapon attacks in your new
nature, such as the first form count as magical, and you have a +2 bonus to these attack and damage rolls.
sprouts of a treant podling • Pack. You can use the staff to cast animal friendship and animal messenger once each as a
or fiery inception of a 3rd level spell. Once used, the spell cannot be used again until the next dawn.
phoenix. • Nature’s Vigor. When you use your Wild Shape so the staff merges with your form, your
new form’s hit point maximum and current hit points increase by half your druid class level.
• Resistance. While the staff is on your person or merged in your Wild Shape form, you have
advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects from beasts, plants, and fey.
Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Druidic Focus. The staff can be used as a druidic spellcasting focus. While holding it, you
• The staff must be on have a +2 bonus to spell attack rolls.
your person while you • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic quarterstaff.
defend a forest from When you use Wild Shape so the staff merges with your form, weapon attacks in your new
some great peril, such as form count as magical, and you have a +3 bonus to these attack and damage rolls.
extinguishing a forest fire • Pack. You can use the staff to cast animal friendship and animal messenger once each as a
or stopping a war band of 5th level spell. Once used, the spell cannot be used again until the next dawn.
orcs from chopping down • Nature’s Vigor. When you use your Wild Shape so the staff merges with your form, your
all of the trees. new form’s hit point maximum and current hit points increase by half your druid class level.
• Resistance. While the staff is on your person or merged in your Wild Shape form, you have
advantage on saving throws against spells and magical effects from beasts, plants, and fey.

Splinter of Branchworth
Weapons of Legacy

It only takes a brief glance at this exquisite rapier to appreciate its splendor and craftsmanship. The sword’s handle is decorated
by a brass serpent, its body coils and contorts in forming the cross-guards, the pommel in the grip of its tail, and the blade
protruding from its open mouth. The relief of a forked tongue extends down the flat of the blade, nearly to its tip. You notice a
sheen glint off the weapon, as if freshly polished, and you can’t help but take note of an acrid tinge to the smell of it.

The Blade Dancers of Mur-Rae were renowned duelers, their skill
in swordsmanship out matched only by their unscrupulousness.
The art of Blade Dancing was as much a performance as a method
of combat, but those that embraced its teachings learned that
subtlety was often as deadly as flourish. When two of the order
engaged in a duel, the notes of clashing swords heralded their
Dance – a spectacle that would end in a spray of blood and one of
the dancers’ death rattles.
It’s proposed the rapier Viperkiss was originally commissioned for
legendary dancer Jacob Swift, but it’s impossible to know with any
accuracy. The swordsmen were keen on spreading lies and rumors
that added to their own intrigue and reputation, and on many
occasions victors would claim their opponent’s blades as trophies
or to replace their own. It can be assumed, however, the rapier was
responsible for far more deaths than those slain in duels.
Likely crafted in the snake-touched Serpraxid Empire, Viperkiss
possesses an innate ability to produce a coat of poison upon its
blade. Often, the rapier would be claimed from a defeated duelist,
only for the victor to die from such poison shortly later, “kissed”
by the blade throughout the Dance enough to fall victim to it.
Thus, Viperkiss has exchanged hands many, many times.

Viperkiss enjoys attention and praise. The rapier is truly
extravagant, and demands others recognize and commend its
It’s not surprising then, that Viperkiss seeks a wielder that is as
conceited as it is, one that revels in the admiration of others.
When pleased with such a wielder, the brass snake that creates
its handle appears polished, and its blade remains reflective and
unblemished despite its countless use in battle. It abhors being
insulted or belittled, and cannot abide being upstaged by a more
exquisite weapon.
The rapier enjoys combat, but has little care for whether or not
its wielder lives or dies. It knows it will pass hands from person
to person despite who is slain, and sees each new wielder as an
opportunity to dance again.

Dungeons On Demand
Viperkiss If this is your first time attuning to the weapon, then you gain
Weapon (rapier); legacy (requires attunement) access to all of the abilities listed under legacy tier 1. If you have
attuned to the weapon before, you gain access to all of the abilities
When you attune to this weapon, the relief of the serpent’s tongue of the legacy tier you had qualified for when you were previously
upon the blade magically appears to dart and flicker every so attuned to it.
often. You immediately become familiar with the weapon’s history You must satisfy each prerequisite to move to into the next legacy
and personality, and you know if a creature you can see has tier. If you consistently act in a manner in contrast to the weapon’s
attuned to the weapon in the past 100 years. personality, you may fall back a tier level (at the GM’s discretion).

Legacy Tier 1
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• No prerequisites • Magical. Attacks made with this weapon are magical.
• Poison. When you score a critical hit against a creature with the weapon, it takes an
additional 1d6 poison damage.

Legacy Tier 2
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 5 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• A total stranger must • Poison. When you score a critical hit against a creature with the weapon, it takes an
compliment the beauty of additional 1d8 poison damage.
the weapon. • Dueler. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast compelled duel (save DC 14).
This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 3
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 9 or higher • Magical. You gain a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have caused • Poison. When you score a critical hit against a creature with the weapon, it takes an
the death of another additional 1d10 poison damage.
creature through the • Poison Resistance. While holding this weapon, you have resistance to poison damage.
use of poison via any • Dueler. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast compelled duel (save DC 15).
other method than this This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
weapon’s abilities. • Venom. You can use an action to cause the blade to become coated in a clear poison that
remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must
succeed on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage and become
poisoned for 1 minute. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 4
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 12 or higher • Magical. You gain a +2 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have killed a • Poison. When you score a critical hit against a creature with the weapon, it takes an
creature with the sole additional 1d12 poison damage.
purpose to harvest its • Poison Immunity. While holding this weapon, you are immune to poison damage.
natural poison. • Dueler. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast compelled duel (save DC 16).
• You must have killed This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
a creature for the • Venom. You can use an action to cause the blade to become coated in a clear poison that
entertainment of others. remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must
succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving throw or take 2d10 poison damage and become
poisoned for 1 minute. A creature poisoned by this weapon takes 3 poison damage at the
start of each of its turns. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Legacy Tier 5
Prerequisites: Tier Abilities:
• Level 15 or higher • Magical. You gain a +3 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with this magic weapon.
• You must have defeated • Poison. When you score a critical hit against a creature with the weapon, it takes an
another creature of additional 1d12 poison damage.
significant challenge • Poison Immunity. While holding this weapon, you are immune to poison damage.
without assistance, using • Dueler. While holding this weapon, you can use it to cast compelled duel (save DC 17).
this weapon alone. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.
• A prominent authority • Venom. You can use an action to cause the blade to become coated in a clear poison that
figure, such as a king, remains for 1 minute or until an attack using this weapon hits a creature. That creature must
duke, or baron, must succeed on a DC 17 Constitution saving throw or take 3d10 poison damage and become
compliment the beauty of poisoned for 1 minute. A creature poisoned by this weapon takes 6 poison damage at the
the weapon. start of each of its turns. This ability cannot be used again until the next dawn.

Weapons of Legacy


The following text is the property of Wizards of the 2. The License: This License applies to any Open Game
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Dungeons On Demand

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Open Game License v 1.0a

Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.

System Reference Document 5.0

Copyright 2016, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Mike
Mearls, Jeremy Crawford, Chris Perkins, Rodney Thompson,
Peter Lee, James Wyatt, Robert J. Schwalb, Bruce R. Cordell,
Chris Sims, and Steve Townshend, based on original mate-
rial by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson.

Weapons of Legacy
Copyright © 2017 Dan Coleman


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