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Welcome To The Club (Excerpt)

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to the Club

creator of The Ugly Volvo blog


to the Club

creator of The Ugly Volvo blog

Copyright 2016 by Raquel DApice.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced in any form without written permission
from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication
Names: DApice, Raquel.
Title: Welcome to the club : 100 parenting milestones you never saw coming /
Raquel DApice.
Description: San Francisco : Chronicle Books,
Identifiers: LCCN 2015046632 | ISBN
9781452153476 (hardcover : alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: ParentingHumor.
Classification: LCC PN6231.P2 D38 2016 | DDC
649/.10207dc23 LC record available at http://
Manufactured in China

Designed by Tonje Vetleseter

Illustrations by Raquel DApice
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
Chronicle Books LLC
680 Second Street


San Francisco, California 94107

The early days | 7

To my mother, my father,
and Titi, for somehow getting
me to adulthood.
And to Jonathan, for making
adulthood feel like the best
parts of childhood.


The Early Days
This Is Disgusting. Please Send
Interactions with Other Adults
Eating, Sleeping, and Other Total Disasters
Minor Panic Attacks
Toys, Games, and Other Vague Attempts
at Recreation
Stolen from the Traditional Baby Book
It All Goes By So Fast!
Stuff You Never Saw Coming


Introduction | 9

I bought a baby book to record my sons milestones because
I thought that was something I was supposed to do. The book
had all the milestones I expected it to have. First tooth. First
word. First step. Most of these books are the same. Sometimes
they have creative prompts, tipping you off on what to write
to your child.
The first time I saw your face
My favorite part of the day with you is
A cute thing you did recently was

And then there are the dates, which baby book manufacturers
seem to feel are very important. What was the date of his first
car ride? Her first bath? His first visit to Nanas house? After
about 15 seconds of these I want to scrawl I CANNOT BRING
MYSELF TO CARE ABOUT ANY OF THIS in block letters across
the page. Today he rolled from back to front is not a story I
would tell people over coffee unless I was hoping they would
fall into a sleep deep enough for me to steal their iPhones or
draw penises on their foreheads in Magic Marker.
Still, like everyone, there are days when I feel like completing


these prompts with gushes of overpowering love.

The first time I saw your face, I held you with tears in my
eyes, totally overwhelmed by your existence.
My favorite part of the day with you is when you sleep on
my chest with your legs askew like a little tree frog.
A cute thing you did recently was blow kisses to the people
in the waiting room of the dentists office.

But those answers are not the entirety of the parenting

experience. There are other answers that are just as valid
as the ones above. Many days, when confronted with these
sentences, my first instinct is to write:
The first time I saw your face, I felt like running away into
the woods to avoid the responsibility of raising a child.
My favorite part of the day with you is the part where you
are not screaming the words PANTS OFF! PANTS OFF! while
also having a bowel movement in a restaurant.
A cute thing you did recently was eat a molted cicada skin in
the parking lot of a Talbots.

While traditional baby books focus on recording baby milestones, this book is an attempt to highlight the parenting

Introduction | 11



he early days | 13

all of us go
through. Not to
record them,
per se, since
we may not
need a book

with prompts like:

First time he sneezed into your mouth

Number of hours spent anxiously second-guessing all
your decisions

Instead of a book of milestones you halfheartedly hope youll

remember, this is a book of occurrences you will probably
never forget. It is a list of things that are happening to all new
parents but which people are hesitant to talk about, lest they
seem like they are doing a mediocre job.
This is not a book designed to be read all in one sitting,
because the phase of your life when you could read things
all in one sitting is (Im sorry!) probably behind you. This book
doesnt claim to have all (or possibly any) of the answers, but
rather accepts that a lot of the time the answers will be different for each of us. It is a book to remind you that a lot of what
you are going through is real and normal, even when it seems
like it was staged by a special-effects department.
This is a book to let you know there will be different levels
of hardshipssome that youll handle with a smile and a
good-natured eye roll, and some that will make you sob hysterically into your phone because you want your old life back.
Its okay. This book is a reminder that both of these things will
pass and that, anxious as you may be about everything that
is happening, you will somehow make it through all of this in
one piece.*
Having a child is a new experience for everyone involved.
Your child emerged from a quiet, fluid-filled sack into a world
filled with angst, reality show spin-offs, and an overwhelming

The early days | 15

number of gum flavors. You emerged from your cocoon of

childlessness into a world in which you spend hours trying
to pull dried boogers out of someones nose using plastic
tweezers.** Being a parent is a marathon of unpredictable
insanity. This book is an attempt to celebrate the chaos.
Welcome to the club.
**If you havent done it yet, its eerily similar to the Hasbro game Operation.



The early days | 17

First Time You Hold Your Child

Immediately after giving birth a nurse asked me, Would you like
to hold the baby? and I said, No, because I did not feel ready.
For some people, holding a baby is the most natural thing
on earth, and for the rest of us it is only slightly less stressful
than being asked to hold a grenade. For those of us regularly
shattering our iPhone screens, the idea of being responsible
for a delicate human life can be overwhelming because we
are not sure we are cut out for the job. Here, a nurse will
say. You know that tiny, miraculous human with a head like
a Faberg egg who means more to you than anything in the
world? Wed like to place him in your arms, despite the fact
that every fifteen minutes you trip over your laptop cord.

First Time Packing a Diaper Bag

I used to take pride in the fact that I could leave my house
with nothing but my wallet, keys, and phone, and I cant wait
to revisit that lifestyle at some point in my early seventies.
Babies need a lot of things and youll never know which
things theyll need at which times. If youre wondering, How
much stuff do I need to bring if Im out with a baby for forty
minutes? the answer is Only slightly less than someone
traveling the Oregon Trail. A good rule of thumb is to bring
everything you need to survive for 4 to 6 months in the wil-


derness for each hour spent outside the house.

First Baby Carrier Ride

1 Fasten child safely and snugly against your chest, adjusting
the straps to be certain child is secure.
2 Walk out of house smiling. Congratulations! You are a real
parent now, just like the parents pictured on the carrier packaging, only your hair has not been washed as recently.
3 Quickly check on baby to make sure baby is still breathing,
because her face is buried in the fabric of the carrier and she
could suffocate.
4 Assess that she is breathing and seems fine. Keep walking!
People are looking at you and thinking, How wholesome
and tender! If I ever become a parent I would like to look as
self-assured as that man/woman with the infectious smile
and ineffable look of contentment!
5 Check again on the breathing thing.
6 Shrug and go, Oh, I am being so ridiculous! I need to lighten
up. Obviously she is totally fine. People use these things
every day! Remind yourself that other primates, like lemurs
and orangutans, carry their young in a similar manner with
low suffocation rates.

The early days | 19

7 Smile! Parenthood is very primal and fulfilling!

8 Wonder if lemurs are in fact primates???
9 Decide you should be supporting the carrier with both


arms since you are not convinced you have secured it correctly. Realize that if you trip and fall you will land on baby.

10 Worry about this while simultaneously checking (again)

to make sure baby is breathing. Are you still smiling? Keep
11 Ascertain that child is still breathing. (You think? How can
you even really tell? Mirror test?)
12 Walk with one hand supporting baby and the other awkwardly extended to break your fall if you trip on something,
looking not unlike a football player who is both cradling the
ball and trying to avoid being tackled.
13 Walk one block before deciding that maybe this is not
worth it and you should turn around and go back.
14 Arrive back home and frantically scan carrier instructions for any mention of babies suffocating in or falling out
of or being crushed in carriers. Wonder if anxiety over this
issue negates any joy derived from carrier use. Stare in dismay at the detailed diagram showing you how to put it on.
15 Google the Wikipedia entry for lemurs to ascertain that
yes, they are, in fact, primates.

First Time You Try to Install a Car Seat

and Curse Yourself for Not Getting That
The early days | 21

PhD in Theoretical Physics

Little-known fact: After his work on relativity was well
received, Einstein presented the scientific community with
instructions on how to correctly install a childs car seat, to
which the scientific community responded by rubbing their
heads and saying, Stop! Stop! Too confusing!

Babys First Photo Session

Good newborn photographers must be exceptionally skilled,
as most parents have incredibly high hopes for their photo
shoot and most newborns look like Gollum from Lord of the
Rings.* Much of a newborn photographers job is to distract
people from the fact that (while much beloved) your child
looks like a cross between a naked mole rat and a miniature,
shriveled version of your father-in-law. While some parents
opt for a simple, JCPenney-style photo shoot, others bring
in a professional photographer whose fees range from what
youd pay for a fancy dinner for two to the cost of a used car.
Newborns, in general, are not beautiful. But yours will be
beautiful to you. Yours will be so beautiful that you will stare
at her, dumbfounded, marveling at the tiny perfectness of her
wrinkled legs. The real, actual job of a newborn photographer is
to take photographs of your baby that (using soft lighting and a
variety of cute, crocheted hats) will allow everyone else to see
what you see.


*Obviously not yours. Yours is adorable. But some of the others, right?

First Time You Realize That All the

Thought You Put into Decorating the
Nursery Was Not That Important
I have no experience in interior design (and until a few years
ago still utilized milk crates as furniture), and yet I became
strangely excited by the idea of decorating a nursery. A
serene nursery where everything came together perfectly,
like one I had seen once on a design website. Tasteful but
inexpensive! Comforting enough for a baby (soft colors!)
and yet engaging enough for a child (also bright colors!). I
wanted a beautiful library corner with display shelves made
from white vinyl rain gutters (Pinterest) and my childs name
on the wall in fabric letters (Etsy), and I wanted a wooden
rocking chair where I would sit endlessly with my child and
indulge the insatiable love of reading he would obviously
have. I sewed him a little blanket despite the fact that I had
no idea how to sew, and found a beautiful watercolor print I
decided to have custom-framed (which, for those of you who
have never had anything custom-framed, is only slightly less
expensive than buying a solid-gold yacht).
Did I enjoy decorating my nursery for my sons arrival? I did.
That being said, setting up a beautiful, color-coordinated
nursery for the arrival of a newborn is like putting on formal
wear to walk through a hurricane.

The early days | 23

First Time Breastfeeding the Baby

Breasts. You may know them as things that make jumping
rope difficult, and the cause of Dolly Partons inevitable
back problems. Now a diminutive person you met only
recently wants to drink fluid out of yours.
Questions you might have about this:
Q: Is the whole breastfeeding thing as magical as people say?
A: Okay, heres the thing. As weird as it sounds, yesit can
be. In the quiet sort of way where a thing you considered
abhorrently bizarre brings you a strange sort of inner peace
and connectedness to another personyes, for some people
it can be magical. In addition to being good for the baby,
many women find that it is extremely rewarding and strengthens the bond between them and their children.
Q: Is it ever not magical?
A: Sometimes, for some people, it is not magical.
Q: Hey, uh, so just hypothetically, if it turned out I was one of
the people for whom it is not magical . . .
A: Wait, you didnt find it magical??
Q: No! I mean I did! I mean I found it sort of magical . . .
A: (Gestures for other people to come over) Hey, everyone
look who didnt find breastfeeding magical!
Q: (Runs into dark alley to escape from angry villagers, many



of whom are roaming the streets with medieval-style torches,

looking for people at whom to hurl rocks)
Okay, we sort of lost our focus. Lets try this again on the
following page.
Breastfeeding. Feeding out of the breasts. It seems as if
women fall into three categories:
Women who managed to breastfeed exclusively
This is great. Are you doing this? You are a superhero. For real.
Breastfeeding is really healthy for the baby. Yes, it is hard and
tiring. Yes, sometimes you wake up with your body smelling like spoiled milk and it is gross, and sometimes there is
something inside your breasts that feels like walnuts. (WHAT
ARE THOSE?) Yes, sometimes you feel like a cow and PUMPING
IS TERRIBLE, especially when you are also working, and yes, it
is sometimes harder for a partner to help with feeding duties
since the baby cannot drink the nectar of life out of the fathers
sagging pectoral muscles. But in general breastfeeding is wonderful. Did you do it? Fabulous job. Ten points to Gryffindor.
Women who were like, Im totally going to breastfeed, and
who after a few weeks of breastfeeding were like, Uh, f**k this.
Im definitely going to breastfeed, I thought. And then
I attempted breastfeeding.
Part of it was that I never produced anywhere close to
enough milk, while other women were packing their freezers
like breast milkcollecting squirrels. Part of it was the back
pain and the sensation that I was having my nipples chewed
off by raccoons. And part of it was that no matter how much
advice I got and no matter how many articles I read, nothing
I did seemed to help or make any difference. Other mothers


around me seemed to have visible rays of sunlight emanating

from their faces, while I was constantly miserable and the
baby was miserable and anyone who had
to be around me was miserable.
So I stopped completely after about two months. And part
of it, the main part of it, was that, much like a job in finance or
a pair of madras capri pants, while it works fine for some people, it just didnt work for me. So my son drank formula. Which
may not be as perfect for the baby as breast milk, but which
was (at least in my case) much more plentiful. And rather than
having a mother who was unhappy and constantly doubting
herself and wondering what she was doing wrong, he had a
mother who was upbeat and happy and not overwhelmed by
self-doubt. I dont know if theyve done any studies on that,
but it must count for something.
Women who did not breastfeed or even attempt to breastfeed
So lookyou really dont want to breastfeed? Thats your
decision. Do you love and care about your baby and are
you doing the best you can with the resources you have?
Wonderful. That is more or less the criteria for being a good
parent. I never had breast milk as a child and I somehow
made it to my mid-thirties without getting tuberculosis or
murdering anyone.

First Outing with the Baby When

You Forget Something Crucial

The early days | 27


You decide to
take your infant
for a long walk in

The early days | 29

her stroller, and you are out with her, a mile from home, when
she begins to cry. After a few dozen unsuccessful guesses
you are able to deduce what she wantsher pacifier. No
problem. Youll just reach into the diaper bag and grab her

For some reason (possibly because you never get more

than three hours of uninterrupted sleep) you have forgotten
to pack her pacifier. Heres what happens next.

1 A mass text message will be sent out to all parents in a

two-mile radius, alerting them to the fact that you are such
a terrible parent you somehow forgot to pack the one thing
that comforts your daughter.
2 An enormous cartoon arrow will appear alongside you,
pointing you out to anyone who was not on the list for the
text message.
3 Nearby newspaper editors hankering for a juicy story will
be contacted and will immediately begin typing the headline
Local Parent Unable to Handle Demands of Parenthood.
The comments section of the eventual article will be a turf
war of unconscionable hostility.
4 Your child will grow up cheerless and unable to experience
joy. She will eventually drop out of school, fall in with the
wrong crowd, and spend her life chasing an elusive happiness
that will always seem just beyond her grasp.
I am kidding! Do you know what will happen? Absolutely
nothing. Your child will cry for a while and you will eventually
get home and give her the pacifier and she will be totally


fine. On your walk home you will pass no fewer than four
other parents with enormous cartoon arrows hovering next
to their strollers and oh my god, dont stress about this.

First Time You Have the Thought What

If Having a Baby Was a Mistake?

Oops | 31

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