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Framework, Web Form Fundamentals - Web Control

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The .NET Framework – Learning the .NET languages – Introduction – .Net Revolution
– .Net Framework and its Architecture – CLR – What is Assembly – Components of
Assembly – DLL Hell and Assembly Versioning – Objects and Namespaces – Setting Up


Developing VB.NET Applications – Introduction to VB.Net, The .Net Frame Work and
Common Language Runtime, Building VB. Net Application, VB IDE, Forms, Properties,
Events, VB Language - Console Application and 46 Windows Application, Data Type,
Declaring Variable, Scope of Variable, Operators and Statements - Windows Applications -
Forms, Adding Controls to Forms, Handling Events, MsgBox, Input Box, Multiple Forms,
Handling Mouse and Keyboard Events, Object Oriented Programming Creating and Using
Classes and Objects, Handling Exceptions – On Error Goto.


Developing ASP.NET Applications – ASP.NET Applications – Understanding ASP.NET

Controls – Overview of ASP.NET Framework, Web Form Fundamentals – Web Control
Classes – Using Visual Stdio.NET – Validation and Rich Controls – State Management –
Tracing, Logging, and Error Handling.


Developing C#.NET Applications – Introducing C# – Overview of C# – Literals,Variables –

Data Types, – Operators – Checked and Unchecked Operators – Expressions – Branching –
Looping – Object Oriented Aspects Of C#: Class – Objects – Constructors and its Types –
Inheritance, Properties, Indexers, Index Overloading – Polymorphism – Sealed Class and
Methods – Interface – Abstract Class, Operator Overloading, – Delegates, Events, Errors and
Exception – Threading.


ADO.NET – Overview of ADO.NET – ADO.NET Data Access – Connected and

Disconnected Database, Create Connection using ADO.NET Object Model, Connection
Class, Command Class Data binding – Data List – Data Grid – Repeater – Files, Streams and
Email – Using XML.
Unit- I

What is .Net Framework?

.Net Framework is a software development platform developed by Microsoft for

building and running Windows applications. The .Net framework consists of developer tools,
programming languages, and libraries to build desktop and web applications. It is also used
to develop Form-based applications, Web-based applications, and Web services and games.

The .Net framework was meant to create applications, which would run on the
Windows Platform. The first version of the .Net framework was released in the year 2002.
The version was called .Net framework 1.0. The Microsoft .Net framework has come a long
way since then, and the current version is .Net Framework 4.7.2.

The Microsoft .Net framework can be used to create both – Form-based and Web-

based applications. Web services can also be developed using the .Net framework.
In easy words, it is a virtual machine for compiling and executing programs written in
different languages like C#, VB.Net, etc. So developers can choose and select the language
to develop the required application.

There is a variety of programming languages available on the .Net platform, VB.Net

and C# being the most common ones. It is used to build applications for Windows, phones,
web, etc. It provides a lot of functionalities and also supports industry standards.  .NET
Framework supports more than 60 programming languages in which 11 programming
languages are designed and developed by Microsoft. The remaining  Non-Microsoft
Languages are supported by .NET Framework but not designed and developed by
11 Programming Languages which are designed and developed by Microsoft are: 
 C#.NET
 C++.NET
 J#.NET
 F#.NET
 ASML(Abstract State Machine Language)

Main Components of .NET Framework

Common Language Runtime(CLR) : CLR is the basic and Virtual Machine component of
the .NET Framework. It is the run-time environment in the .NET Framework that runs the
codes and helps in making the development process easier by providing various services
such as remoting, thread management, type-safety, memory management, robustness, etc..
Basically, it is responsible for managing the execution of .NET programs regardless of
any .NET programming language. It also helps in the management of code, as code that
targets the runtime is known as the Managed Code, and code that doesn’t target to runtime
is known as Unmanaged code. 
Framework Class Library(FCL): It is the collection of reusable, object-oriented class
libraries and methods, etc that can be integrated with CLR. Also called the Assemblies. It is
just like the header files in C/C++ and packages in java. Installing the .NET framework
basically is the installation of CLR and FCL into the system. Below is the overview of
the .NET Framework 

Is .NET application platform dependent or platform independent?

.NET Revolution : An Overview of
the .Net Framework Versions
The .Net Framework, a programming model developed by Microsoft supports building as well as running
applications for Windows, Windows Phone, Windows servers, XML Web services, and Microsoft Azure.
The framework includes a large class library called FCL (Framework Class Library) as well as CLR
(Common Language Interoperability) across various programming languages like VB.Net, C++, F#, and
C#. The .Net framework solutions provide the Base Class Library that covers the broad range of
programming needs in a large number of areas using data access, Interface, Cryptography, data
connectivity, numerous algorithms, network communications, and web application development.

.Net framework is one of the most popular Frameworks used today, according to a survey of
StackOverflow. In the survey, 37.4% of the developers have responded they are using .Net Framework. So
many changes have made with .Net Framework in various versions. Let us proceed with the journey
of .Net framework versions and their features.

.Net Framework Timeline

Different .Net Framework Versions and Features

Each release of the .Net Framework is updated with new features; let us dig deep into each
version and its features:

1) .Net Framework 1.0

 CLR Version: 1.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net
The .Net 1.0 is the first version of .Net Framework and includes everything you require to run
the .Net Framework applications. It includes the CLR, Class Library and ASP.Net.
Features of .Net Framework 1.0:
 Introduced CLR 1.0
 Use of DLL class Libraries
 Support for Object-oriented web app development

2) .Net Framework 1.1

 CLR Version: 1.1
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2003
.Net Framework version 1.1 is the first major upgrade from its earlier version. This version
comes with ASP.Net mobile controls that support mobile device development. It also
includes classes that aid communication using Oracle Databases and Database
Connectivity (ODBC). This release has fixed some security issues discovered in the .Net
Framework 1.0 and ensuring the code access security in your ASP.Net apps. It offers support
for IPv6.
Features of .Net Framework 1.1:
 Enhanced features with ADO.Net and ASP.Net
 Security Enhancement along with secure coding guideline
 Support for IPv6
 Built-in support for databases and ODBC

3) .Net Framework 2.0

 CLR Version: 2.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2005
After the success of .Net Framework 1.1, Microsoft released the compact version of the
framework and named as .Net Framework 3.0. This version focuses primarily on increasing
the developer’s productivity. The version was updated with new features in ADO.NET like
asynchronous database operations, XML data types, user-defined types (UDT), and snapshot
isolation. In addition, it includes significant advancements in all areas of ASP.Net like new
data controls, enhanced code-behind model, caching features and many more.
Features of .Net Framework 2.0:
 Enhancements to ASP.Net & ADO.Net
 Authenticated Stream
 Trace Data Filtering
 I/O enhancement
 Access Control List Support
 Data Protection APIs
 Programmatic control of caching
 EventLog Enhancement
 Console Class addition
 FTP Support
 Generics & Generic Collection
 Serialization

4) .NET Framework 3.0:

 CLR Version: 2.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2005
Microsoft .Net Framework 3.0 embraced rich GUI capabilities that ensured a user-friendly
way of communication with the users. It serves as the managed programming model as it
comprises new sets of managed code APIs, which are an integral part of Windows Server
2008 and Windows Vista. The four core components included in this version are as follows:
1. Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF): This component is mainly used for rich
client applications and web application windows. It employs the Extended
Application Markup Language (XAML) to build a rich user interface. This
component supports to apply hardware accelerated and 2D & 3D graphics effects.
2. Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) – This component aims to develop
service-oriented applications – the distributed applications that run between servers
and clients. It was formerly known as Indigo.
3. Windows Workflow Foundations (WWF)– It provides an API, a rehostable
designer and an in-process workflow engine to implement the process as workflow
within your .Net apps.
4. Windows CardSpace – This component aids users to manage as well as control their
personal information. It is client software intends to aid users in the web service or
website authentication by offering a digital identity in a secure, trusted and simple
Other Features of .Net Framework 3.0
 Implicit Typed local variable
 Object and Collection Initializers
 Extension Methods
 Implicitly Typed Arrays
 Lambda Expressions
 Anonymous Types
 Auto-Implemented

5) .Net Framework 3.5

 CLR Version: 2.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2008
The .Net Framework 3.5 is the next incarnation of the Windows programming environment.
Extending its predecessor .Net 3.0, version 3.5 goal is to aid the building of modern
applications. .Net Framework 3.5 comprises some useful additions that affect several areas of
version 3.0. For instance – there are notable enhancements in WCF, WPF, and WF. In
addition, ASP.Net received Ajax support, and LINQ (Language –Integrated Query) become
accessible to ADO.Net. Moreover, base class library encompassed various additions like
unordered gatherings of unique elements and enhanced encryption support. The version 3.5
runs only on Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows XP and Windows
Other additional features of .Net Framework 3.5
 NET Ajax-enabled Websites
 ThreadPool Performance Enhancement
 LatencyMode in Garbage Collection
 TimeZoneInfo
 Cryptography Enhancements
 Socket Performance Enhancements
 Peer-to-peer networking
 Web Service Interoperability

6) .Net Framework 4.0

 CLR Version: 4.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2010
The new version of this Framework is not just an extension of features, but the .Net
architecture has been examined and enhanced. The .NET 4.0 includes parallel extensions to
enable parallel computing support that targets distributed or multi-core systems. This version
is highly compatible with apps that are created with earlier versions, except for some
modification that was done to enhance standard compliances, reliability, performance and
Features of the .Net Framework 4.0
 Dynamic Language Runtime
 Expanded Base Class
 Parallel Computing
 Managed Extensibility Framework
 Covariance and Contravariance
 BigInteger and Complex Numbers

7) .Net Framework 4.5

 CLR Version: 4.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2012
The .Net Framework version 4.5 is a highly compatible update to the .Net 4. By using this
version together with programming languages like Visual Basic, C#, or F#, you can create
your Windows applications. The .Net Framework 4.5 encompasses a significant framework
and language enhancement for Visual Basic, C#, and F#. The version is also blended with
control flow, web app scalability, and a responsive UI. The .Net 4.5 adds considerable
expansions in other functional areas like Managed Extensibility Framework, ASP.NET,
Windows Workflow Foundation, Windows Communication Foundation, and Windows
Identity Foundation. This version provides better reliability, security, and performance.
Features of .Net Framework 4.5
 Enhanced CLR 4.0
 Support for Windows Store (Metro) application development
 Built-in support to Async
 Enhanced WPF, WCF, WWF
 Native support for Zip compression
 NET support enhanced

8) .Net Framework 4.5.1

The .Net Framework 4.5.1 was released on October 17, 2013, and here are the features added
in this update:
 Edit & Continue controls (64-bit)
 Possibility to handle return values
 Improved performance & reliability
 Compact large object heaps
 Trace & sample activities
 Support for Automatic binding redirection
 Expanded support for Windows store application development

9) .Net Framework 4.5.2

.Net 4.5.2 was released on May 5, 2014, and it includes the following additional features:
 Enhancement for high DPI Scenarios
 Expanded resizing Windows Forms controls
 New Workflow features

10) .Net Framework 4.6

 CLR Version: 4.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2015
The .Net Framework 4.6 is an extremely compatible update to the .Net version 4, 4.5, 4.5.1
and 4.5.2. This version supports Windows Vista SP2, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows
Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2.
Features of .Net Framework 4.6
 Introduced JIT compiler called RyuJIT
 Supports Code page encodings
 Includes open source .Net Framework packages
 Event-tracking enhancement
 HTTP/2 support
11) .Net Framework 4.6.1
.Net 4.6.1 was released on November 30, 2015, and here is the list of features added with this
 Native Image Generator (NGEN) PDBs
 Spell checking developments in WPF
 Support for X509 certificates covering ECDSA

12) .Net Framework 4.6.2

.Net 4.6.2 was launched on August 2, 2016, and includes the following key features:
 Element Initializers
 Cryptography enhancements
 Indexed Members
o Collection initializers
o Exception Filter
o SignedXml support for SHA-2 hashing
o Support for persisted-key symmetric encryption

13) .Net Framework 4.7

 CLR Version: 4.0
 IDE Released: Visual Studio .Net 2017
.Net Framework 4.7 is an in-place update of the earlier version .Net Framework 4.6.2; hence,
applications compatible with the .Net 4.6.2 runs fine even after the upgradation to .Net 4.7.
The version 4.7 adds Object Cache Extensibility with ASP.Net. This new addition offers
developers tools, which replace default ASP.Net. Moreover, developers can replace memory
monitoring, object cache store and memory limit reactions. The .Net framework 4.7 is
equipped with reliability and performance enhancements.
Features of .Net Framework 4.7
 Improved TLS (Transport Layer Security)
 Enhanced Cryptography
 More features for touch & style in WPF
 Object Cache Extensibility
 High DPI support
 New implementation for WPF printing APIs

14) .Net Framework 4.7.1

This framework was released on October 17, 2017, and it includes the following features:
 Performance improvement in garbage collection
 Support for portable PDBs
 Support for .NET Standard 2.0
 Run-time feature detection
 Support for read-only references

15) .Net Framework 4.7.2

.Net 4.7.2 was released on April 30, 2018, and it encompasses the following updates:
 New overloads of DSA.Create and RSA.Create
 Ephemeral keys Support
 Support for same-site cookies
 HttpClientHandler properties implementation

16) .Net Framework 4.8

The .Net Framework 4.8 extended on earlier versions of .Net 4.x by performing many fixes
and including several additional features. Microsoft announced that the runtime of the version
will be incorporated in the update of Window 10 2019. If you want to derive the advantages
of this .Net latest version, you should install updated Windows 7 SPI on your machine.
Features of .Net Framework 4.8
 JIT improvements
 Updated ZLib
 Reducing FIPS Impact on Cryptography
 Antimalware Scanning for All Assemblies
 Reducing FIPS Impact on Cryptography
 Accessibility Enhancements
Since its first launch in 2002, the .Net Framework has developed into the leading platform for
new Windows apps. Used widely by Microsoft, enterprises, and ISVs, the .Net Framework
versions has proven their values. With all features, Microsoft .Net Framework represents the
current state of the art in the development of applications.

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