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PeopleSoft HCM 9.

2: Candidate

June 2019
PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Candidate Gateway
Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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Preface: Preface...........................................................................................................................................xi
Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks............................................................. xi
PeopleSoft Hosted Online Help...................................................................................................... xi
Locally Installed Help..................................................................................................................... xi
Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files............................................................................................xi
Common Help Documentation...................................................................................................... xii
Field and Control Definitions........................................................................................................ xii
Typographical Conventions............................................................................................................xii
ISO Country and Currency Codes................................................................................................xiii
Region and Industry Identifiers.................................................................................................... xiii
Translations and Embedded Help................................................................................................. xiv
Using and Managing the PeopleSoft Online Help.............................................................................. xiv
Related Links for PeopleSoft HCM.................................................................................................... xiv
Contact Us............................................................................................................................................xiv
Follow Us.............................................................................................................................................. xv
Chapter 1: Getting Started with Candidate Gateway........................................................................... 17
Candidate Gateway Overview.............................................................................................................. 17
Candidate Gateway Business Processes............................................................................................... 18
Candidate Gateway Integrations........................................................................................................... 18
Candidate Gateway Implementation.....................................................................................................19
Chapter 2: Setting Up Candidate Gateway............................................................................................ 21
Understanding Candidate Gateway Setup............................................................................................ 21
Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching..................................................................... 23
Search Objects................................................................................................................................ 23
Facets.............................................................................................................................................. 24
Earliest Posting Date for Indexed Jobs..........................................................................................25
Index Creation................................................................................................................................ 25
Setting Up Sites.................................................................................................................................... 26
Page Used to Set Up Sites............................................................................................................. 26
Understanding Candidate Gateway Sites....................................................................................... 26
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 28
Site Setup Page...............................................................................................................................28
Edit Welcome Page........................................................................................................................ 41
Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder.......................................................................................................... 42
Configuring Text on Candidate Gateway Pages...................................................................................43
Pages Used to Maintain Text Catalog Entries for Candidate Gateway..........................................44
Understanding Text Catalog Configuration for Candidate Gateway............................................. 44
Identifying Text IDs for Specific Page Elements.......................................................................... 44
Maintaining Text Catalog Entries for Candidate Gateway............................................................ 48
Setting Up Candidate Gateway Password Controls............................................................................. 49
Page Used to Set Up Candidate Gateway Password Controls.......................................................49
Understanding Candidate Gateway Password Controls.................................................................49
Understanding Account Lockout....................................................................................................50
Password Controls Page................................................................................................................. 51
Forgotten Password Hint Page.......................................................................................................54
Understanding Access to Candidate Gateway......................................................................................55

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. iii

Conditional Navigation for Fluid Candidate Gateway.................................................................. 56

External Applicant Access to Candidate Gateway........................................................................ 56
Internal Applicant Access to Candidate Gateway......................................................................... 57
Chapter 3: (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information............................................... 61
Registering Online and Signing In....................................................................................................... 61
Pages Used to Register Online and Sign In.................................................................................. 61
Understanding Candidate Gateway Registration........................................................................... 61
Register Page.................................................................................................................................. 67
Sign In Page................................................................................................................................... 72
Registration Update Page............................................................................................................... 73
Forgot User Name Page................................................................................................................. 76
Forgot Password Page.................................................................................................................... 77
Password Reset Page......................................................................................................................80
Managing Account Information............................................................................................................81
Pages Used to Manage Account Information................................................................................ 81
Understanding Account Information..............................................................................................82
My Account Information Page.......................................................................................................82
My Contact Information Page........................................................................................................86
Change Password Page...................................................................................................................87
Change Secret Question Page........................................................................................................ 88
Chapter 4: (Classic) Searching for Jobs..................................................................................................89
Accessing Candidate Gateway..............................................................................................................89
Pages Seen When Initially Accessing Candidate Gateway........................................................... 89
Welcome Page................................................................................................................................ 89
Using the Candidate Gateway Navigation Bar.............................................................................. 90
Searching for Job Postings and Reviewing Posting Details.................................................................92
Pages Used to Search for Job Postings and Review Posting Details.............................................92
Understanding Job Searches...........................................................................................................92
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................... 94
Job Search Page..............................................................................................................................94
Search Tips Page.......................................................................................................................... 100
Search My Profile Page............................................................................................................... 101
Match Result Page........................................................................................................................102
Job Description Page....................................................................................................................103
Saving Searches and Job Agents........................................................................................................105
Pages Used to Save Searches and Job Agents.............................................................................105
Understanding Saved Searches and Job Agents.......................................................................... 105
Save Search Page......................................................................................................................... 106
My Saved Searches Page............................................................................................................. 107
Edit Search Page.......................................................................................................................... 109
My Saved Searches (Legacy Search Results) Page.....................................................................110
Viewing Favorite Jobs........................................................................................................................ 111
Pages Used to View Favorite Jobs...............................................................................................111
Understanding Favorite Jobs........................................................................................................ 111
My Favorite Jobs Page.................................................................................................................111
Emailing Job Postings to Friends....................................................................................................... 113
Pages Used to Email Job Openings to Friends............................................................................113
Understanding Emailing Job Descriptions...................................................................................113
Send Email Page.......................................................................................................................... 113
Chapter 5: (Classic) Applying for Jobs................................................................................................. 115
Understanding the Application Process..............................................................................................115

iv Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

The Online Application Process.................................................................................................. 115

Default Application Data............................................................................................................. 121
Integration With Resume Extractors............................................................................................ 121
Applying for Jobs............................................................................................................................... 124
Pages Used to Apply for Jobs..................................................................................................... 124
The Guided Application Process..................................................................................................126
Start Page......................................................................................................................................129
Job Details Page........................................................................................................................... 133
Prequalify Page.............................................................................................................................135
Prequalify Results Page................................................................................................................137
Resume Page.................................................................................................................................139
Copy & Paste Resume Page........................................................................................................ 142
Use Existing Resume Page.......................................................................................................... 143
<Step Name> Page.......................................................................................................................143
Attachments Section..................................................................................................................... 145
Add Attachment Page...................................................................................................................146
Employment Preferences Section.................................................................................................147
(USF) Federal Preferences Section.............................................................................................. 150
(USF) Priority Placement Section................................................................................................151
Priority Placement Page............................................................................................................... 152
Education History Section............................................................................................................153
Work Experience Section............................................................................................................. 154
Work Experience Page................................................................................................................. 154
Job Training Section.....................................................................................................................156
Job Training Page.........................................................................................................................156
Profile-Related Sections............................................................................................................... 157
<Profile Content Type> Page.......................................................................................................159
References Section....................................................................................................................... 160
Reference Page............................................................................................................................. 161
Personal Information Section....................................................................................................... 163
Application Questionnaire Section...............................................................................................163
Referrals Section...........................................................................................................................165
(NIR) Community Background Page...........................................................................................166
(USA) Disability Page..................................................................................................................167
Veteran Page................................................................................................................................. 169
(USA) Diversity Page...................................................................................................................174
Review/Submit Page.....................................................................................................................178
My Contact Information Page......................................................................................................185
Application Confirmation Page....................................................................................................186
Application Summary Page..........................................................................................................187
Chapter 6: (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities........................................................ 189
Reviewing Notifications......................................................................................................................189
Page Used to Review Notifications............................................................................................. 189
Understanding Notifications.........................................................................................................189
My Notifications Page..................................................................................................................189
Reviewing Activities and Uploading Attachments............................................................................ 192
Pages Used to Review Activities and Upload Attachments........................................................ 193
Understanding Applicant Activities............................................................................................. 193
Understanding Application Withdrawal....................................................................................... 193
My Activities Page....................................................................................................................... 195
Add/Edit Attachment Page...........................................................................................................198

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. v

Resume Page.................................................................................................................................200
Entering References............................................................................................................................ 200
Pages Used to Enter References.................................................................................................. 201
Understanding Reference Notifications....................................................................................... 201
Applicant References Page...........................................................................................................201
Reference Page............................................................................................................................. 202
Viewing Interview Details.................................................................................................................. 202
Pages Used to View Interview Details........................................................................................ 203
Understanding Interview Notifications........................................................................................ 203
Interview Details Page................................................................................................................. 203
Reviewing and Responding to Online Job Offers..............................................................................205
Pages Used to Review and Respond to Online Job Offers..........................................................205
Understanding Online Job Offers.................................................................................................205
Job Offer Page..............................................................................................................................206
Offer Attachment Note Page........................................................................................................209
Document Description Page.........................................................................................................210
Send Notification to Recruiter Page............................................................................................ 211
Chapter 7: (Classic) Entering Referrals................................................................................................213
Entering Referrals............................................................................................................................... 213
Pages Used in the Referral Process............................................................................................. 213
Understanding the Referral Process............................................................................................. 213
Refer Friend - Resume Page........................................................................................................ 215
Refer Friend Contact Details Page...............................................................................................215
My Referrals Page........................................................................................................................216
Review Referral Page...................................................................................................................217
Review Referral Details Page...................................................................................................... 218
Confirming Referrals.......................................................................................................................... 219
Pages Used to Confirm Referrals................................................................................................ 219
Understanding Confirmation of Applicant-Submitted Referrals................................................. 219
Confirm Referral - Access Page.................................................................................................. 220
Confirm Referral Page................................................................................................................. 221
Chapter 8: (Fluid) Using the Careers Page and the Actions List....................................................... 223
Using the Careers Page and the Actions List.....................................................................................223
The Fluid Candidate Gateway Careers Page and the Actions List.............................................. 223
Careers Page................................................................................................................................. 223
Actions List...................................................................................................................................227
Chapter 9: (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information................................................ 229
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Register and Sign In.................................................................. 229
Pages Used to Register Online and Sign In................................................................................ 229
Understanding Candidate Gateway Registration......................................................................... 229
New User Registration Page........................................................................................................ 235
Terms and Conditions Page..........................................................................................................240
Sign In Page................................................................................................................................. 240
Reset Password Page....................................................................................................................242
Registration Update Page............................................................................................................. 243
Forgot User Name Page............................................................................................................... 246
Forgot Password Page.................................................................................................................. 246
Password Reset Page....................................................................................................................249
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Manage Account Information.................................................... 250
Pages Used to Manage Account Information.............................................................................. 250
Understanding Account Information............................................................................................251

vi Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

My Account Information Page.....................................................................................................252

My Contact Information Page......................................................................................................256
Change Password Page.................................................................................................................258
Change Secret Question Page...................................................................................................... 258
Add/Edit Email Page....................................................................................................................259
Add/Edit Phone Page................................................................................................................... 260
Chapter 10: (Fluid) Searching for Jobs.................................................................................................263
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Search for Job Postings............................................................. 263
Pages Used to Search for Job Postings........................................................................................263
Understanding Job Searches.........................................................................................................263
Prerequisites.................................................................................................................................. 265
Search Jobs Page.......................................................................................................................... 265
Search Jobs Page on a Small Form Factor Device......................................................................274
Job Description Page....................................................................................................................278
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Save Searches............................................................................ 280
Pages Used to Save Searches.......................................................................................................280
Understanding Saved Searches and Job Agents.......................................................................... 280
Save Search Page......................................................................................................................... 281
My Saved Searches Page............................................................................................................. 282
Edit Saved Search Page............................................................................................................... 283
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to View Favorite Jobs.................................................................... 284
Pages Used to View Favorite Jobs...............................................................................................284
Understanding Favorite Jobs........................................................................................................ 285
My Favorite Jobs Page.................................................................................................................285
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Email Job Postings.....................................................................288
Pages Used to Email Job Postings...............................................................................................288
Understanding Emailed Job Postings...........................................................................................288
Email Job Page.............................................................................................................................289
Chapter 11: (Fluid) Applying for Jobs.................................................................................................. 291
Understanding the Application Process in Fluid Candidate Gateway................................................291
The Online Application Process in Fluid Candidate Gateway.................................................... 291
Default Data in New Applications...............................................................................................297
Integration With Resume Extractors............................................................................................ 298
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Apply for Jobs........................................................................... 301
Pages Used to Apply for Jobs..................................................................................................... 301
The Activity Guide Framework for Job Applications................................................................. 304
Start Page......................................................................................................................................308
Terms and Conditions Page..........................................................................................................311
Prequalify Page.............................................................................................................................312
Prequalify Results Page................................................................................................................315
Resume Page.................................................................................................................................316
Use Existing Resume Page.......................................................................................................... 319
Copy & Paste Resume................................................................................................................. 319
<Step Name> Page.......................................................................................................................320
Attachments Section..................................................................................................................... 322
Add/Edit Attachment Page...........................................................................................................323
Job Preferences Section................................................................................................................325
(USF) Federal Preferences Section.............................................................................................. 329
(USF) Priority Placement Section................................................................................................331
(USF) Add/Edit Priority Placement Page.................................................................................... 332
Education History Section............................................................................................................332

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. vii

Work Experience Section............................................................................................................. 333

Add/Edit Work Experience Page................................................................................................. 334
Job Training Section.....................................................................................................................337
Add/Edit Job Training Page......................................................................................................... 338
Profile-Related Sections............................................................................................................... 338
Add/Edit <Profile Content Type> Page....................................................................................... 340
References Section....................................................................................................................... 342
Add/Edit Reference Page............................................................................................................. 343
Personal Information Section....................................................................................................... 345
Questionnaire Section...................................................................................................................345
Referrals Section...........................................................................................................................347
(NIR) Community Background Page...........................................................................................348
(USA) Disability Page..................................................................................................................349
(USA) Veteran Page..................................................................................................................... 351
(USA) Diversity Page...................................................................................................................356
Add/Edit Ethnic Group.................................................................................................................360
Review and Submit Page............................................................................................................. 361
My Contact Information Page......................................................................................................368
Application Confirmation Page....................................................................................................369
Application Summary Page..........................................................................................................370
Chapter 12: (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities......................................................... 373
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Review Notifications................................................................. 373
Page Used to Review Notifications............................................................................................. 373
Understanding Notifications.........................................................................................................373
My Job Notifications Page...........................................................................................................373
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Set Up Configurable Application Statuses.................................377
Pages Used to Set Up Configurable Application Statuses...........................................................377
Candidate Application Status Page.............................................................................................. 378
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Manage Applications and Attachments..................................... 379
Pages Used to Manage Applications and Attachments............................................................... 379
Understanding Application Withdrawal....................................................................................... 379
My Job Applications Page........................................................................................................... 381
Resume Page.................................................................................................................................385
Add/Edit Attachment Page...........................................................................................................386
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Enter References........................................................................388
Pages Used to Enter References.................................................................................................. 389
Understanding Reference Notifications....................................................................................... 389
Applicant References Page...........................................................................................................389
Add/Edit Reference Page............................................................................................................. 390
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to View Interview Details.............................................................. 391
Pages Used to View Interview Details........................................................................................ 392
Understanding Interview Notifications........................................................................................ 392
Interview Details Page................................................................................................................. 392
Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Respond to Job Offers............................................................... 394
Pages Used to Review and Respond to Online Job Offers..........................................................394
Understanding Online Job Offers.................................................................................................394
Job Offer Page..............................................................................................................................395
Job Offer Note Page.....................................................................................................................399
Document Description Page.........................................................................................................400
Send Notification to Recruiter Page............................................................................................ 400
Chapter 13: (Fluid) Entering Referrals.................................................................................................403

viii Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Enter Referrals........................................................................... 403

Pages Used in the Referral Process............................................................................................. 403
Understanding the Referral Process............................................................................................. 403
Refer Friend - Resume Page........................................................................................................ 405
Refer Friend - Contact Details Page............................................................................................ 406
Referral Confirmation Page..........................................................................................................408

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. ix

x Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks

The PeopleSoft Online Help is a website that enables you to view all help content for PeopleSoft
Applications and PeopleTools. The help provides standard navigation and full-text searching, as well as
context-sensitive online help for PeopleSoft users.

PeopleSoft Hosted Online Help

You access the PeopleSoft Online Help on Oracle’s PeopleSoft Hosted Online Help website, which
enables you to access the full help website and context-sensitive help directly from an Oracle hosted
server. The hosted online help is updated on a regular schedule, ensuring that you have access to the
most current documentation. This reduces the need to view separate documentation posts for application
maintenance on My Oracle Support, because that documentation is now incorporated into the hosted
website content. The Hosted Online Help website is available in English only.

Note: Only the most current release of hosted online help is updated regularly. After a new release is
posted, previous releases remain available but are no longer updated.

Locally Installed Help

If you are setting up an on-premises PeopleSoft environment, and your organization has firewall
restrictions that prevent you from using the Hosted Online Help website, you can install the PeopleSoft
Online Help locally. If you install the help locally, you have more control over which documents users can
access and you can include links to your organization’s custom documentation on help pages.

In addition, if you locally install the PeopleSoft Online Help, you can use any search engine for full-text
searching. Your installation documentation includes instructions about how to set up Elasticsearch for
full-text searching. See PeopleSoft 9.2 Application Installation for your database platform, “Installing
PeopleSoft Online Help.” If you do not use Elasticsearch, see the documentation for your chosen search

Note: See Oracle Support Document 2205540.2 (PeopleTools Elasticsearch Home Page) for more
information on using Elasticsearch with PeopleSoft.

Note: Before users can access the search engine on a locally installed help website, you must enable the
Search field. For instructions, go to your locally installed PeopleSoft Online Help site and select About
This Help >Managing Locally Installed PeopleSoft Online Help >Enabling the Search Button and Field
in the Contents sidebar.

Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files

You can access downloadable PDF versions of the help content in the traditional PeopleBook format.
The content in the PeopleBook PDFs is the same as the content in the PeopleSoft Online Help, but it has

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. xi

a different structure and it does not include the interactive navigation features that are available in the
online help.

Common Help Documentation

Common help documentation contains information that applies to multiple applications. The two main
types of common help are:

• Application Fundamentals

• Using PeopleSoft Applications

Most product families provide a set of application fundamentals help topics that discuss essential
information about the setup and design of your system. This information applies to many or all
applications in the PeopleSoft product family. Whether you are implementing a single application, some
combination of applications within the product family, or the entire product family, you should be familiar
with the contents of the appropriate application fundamentals help. They provide the starting points for
fundamental implementation tasks.

In addition, the PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide introduces you to the various elements of the
PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. It also explains how to use the navigational hierarchy, components,
and pages to perform basic functions as you navigate through the system. While your application or
implementation may differ, the topics in this user’s guide provide general information about using
PeopleSoft Applications.

Field and Control Definitions

PeopleSoft documentation includes definitions for most fields and controls that appear on application
pages. These definitions describe how to use a field or control, where populated values come from, the
effects of selecting certain values, and so on. If a field or control is not defined, then it either requires
no additional explanation or is documented in a common elements section earlier in the documentation.
For example, the Date field rarely requires additional explanation and may not be defined in the
documentation for some pages.

Typographical Conventions
The following table describes the typographical conventions that are used in the online help.

Typographical Convention Description

Key+Key Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign

(+) between keys means that you must hold down the first key
while you press the second key. For Alt+W, hold down the Alt
key while you press the W key.

. . . (ellipses) Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any
number of times in PeopleCode syntax.

{ } (curly braces) Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax.

Options are separated by a pipe ( | ).

[ ] (square brackets) Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax.

xii Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Typographical Convention Description

& (ampersand) When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax,

an ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already
instantiated object.

Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

⇒ This continuation character has been inserted at the end of a

line of code that has been wrapped at the page margin. The
code should be viewed or entered as a single, continuous line
of code without the continuation character.

ISO Country and Currency Codes

PeopleSoft Online Help topics use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country and
currency codes to identify country-specific information and monetary amounts.

ISO country codes may appear as country identifiers, and ISO currency codes may appear as currency
identifiers in your PeopleSoft documentation. Reference to an ISO country code in your documentation
does not imply that your application includes every ISO country code. The following example is a
country-specific heading: "(FRA) Hiring an Employee."

The PeopleSoft Currency Code table (CURRENCY_CD_TBL) contains sample currency code data. The
Currency Code table is based on ISO Standard 4217, "Codes for the representation of currencies," and
also relies on ISO country codes in the Country table (COUNTRY_TBL). The navigation to the pages
where you maintain currency code and country information depends on which PeopleSoft applications
you are using. To access the pages for maintaining the Currency Code and Country tables, consult the
online help for your applications for more information.

Region and Industry Identifiers

Information that applies only to a specific region or industry is preceded by a standard identifier in
parentheses. This identifier typically appears at the beginning of a section heading, but it may also appear
at the beginning of a note or other text.

Example of a region-specific heading: "(Latin America) Setting Up Depreciation"

Region Identifiers
Regions are identified by the region name. The following region identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft
Online Help:

• Asia Pacific

• Europe

• Latin America

• North America

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. xiii

Industry Identifiers
Industries are identified by the industry name or by an abbreviation for that industry. The following
industry identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft Online Help:

• USF (U.S. Federal)

• E&G (Education and Government)

Translations and Embedded Help

PeopleSoft 9.2 software applications include translated embedded help. With the 9.2 release, PeopleSoft
aligns with the other Oracle applications by focusing our translation efforts on embedded help. We
are not planning to translate our traditional online help and PeopleBooks documentation. Instead we
offer very direct translated help at crucial spots within our application through our embedded help
widgets. Additionally, we have a one-to-one mapping of application and help translations, meaning that
the software and embedded help translation footprint is identical—something we were never able to
accomplish in the past.

Using and Managing the PeopleSoft Online Help

Click the Help link in the universal navigation header of any page in the PeopleSoft Online Help to see
information on the following topics:

• What’s new in the PeopleSoft Online Help.

• PeopleSoft Online Help accessibility.

• Accessing, navigating, and searching the PeopleSoft Online Help.

• Managing a locally installed PeopleSoft Online Help website.

Related Links for PeopleSoft HCM

PeopleSoft Information Portal

My Oracle Support

PeopleSoft Training from Oracle University

PeopleSoft Video Feature Overviews on YouTube

PeopleSoft Business Process Maps (Microsoft Visio format)

Contact Us
Send your suggestions to PSOFT-INFODEV_US@ORACLE.COM. Please include release numbers for
the PeopleTools and applications that you are using.

xiv Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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PeopleSoft Blogs


Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. xv
Chapter 1

Getting Started with Candidate Gateway

Candidate Gateway Overview

Candidate Gateway is the applicant self-service front-end to Oracle's PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions
platform. It provides a gateway for both internal and external candidates to search, apply for, and track job

Classic and Fluid Interfaces

Candidate Gateway offers two possible interfaces for your applicants. Classic Candidate Gateway uses
traditional PeopleSoft pages, while Fluid Candidate Gateway uses the PeopleSoft Fluid User Interface.
The Fluid User Interface offers a modern look and ease of use for applicants on all devices, including
mobile devices.

Note: This documentation includes separate topics for applicant-facing areas of Classic and Fluid
Candidate Gateway.

Job Applications and the Recruiting Process

Candidate Gateway job search capabilities enable applicants to search by keyword and to filter jobs
by criteria such as location, job family, department, and when the job was posted. Applicants can save
searches, request notifications when jobs meet search criteria, bookmark jobs as favorites, and email job
information to themselves or friends.

A guided application process helps applicants successfully complete and submit their applications. Built-
in screening functionality enables you to prescreen applicants at the very beginning of the application
process and to screen applicants immediately after an application is submitted.

When applicants apply online, the system creates applicant records in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition
Manager, where you manage the overall recruiting process. During the recruiting process, certain
information that originates in Talent Acquisition Manager (for example, interview schedules and job
offers) is made visible in Candidate Gateway. Candidate Gateway also displays notifications that Talent
Acquisition Manger generates during the recruiting process.

Much of the setup for Candidate Gateway occurs in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager. For example,
you use Talent Acquisition Manager to set system-wide defaults and to define resume templates that
control the layout and flow of the online application process.

Candidate Gateway Sites

Using Candidate Gateway, you can set up an unlimited number of applicant-facing career sites for your
organization. For example, you can set up separate sites for different business units or for different
countries, and you can use Talent Acquisition Manager to post job openings to the appropriate sites.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 17
Getting Started with Candidate Gateway Chapter 1

Candidate Gateway Business Processes

Using Candidate Gateway, applicants can:

• View job postings, and search for job postings that meet specific criteria.

• Save job searches, and request automated emails listing latest search results.

• Mark favorite job openings for future review or action.

• Email job postings to friends.

• Apply for jobs, or submit a general application that is not for a specific job.

• Submit employment references, cover letters, and other documents.

• View notifications and interview schedules.

• Respond to offers, requests for references, or invitations to apply for additional jobs.

• Update account information, including passwords and name and contact information (external
applicants), or view name and contact information as it is recorded in the PeopleSoft Human
Resources system (internal applicants).

• Refer friends, confirm referrals, and check the status of a referral (internal applicants only).

• Withdraw job applications as long as the application is in a status that is configured to allow this

Note: External applicants who are not signed in can view and search for job postings. However, they must
sign in to access all other Candidate Gateway features. If an applicant who is not signed in attempts an
action that is restricted to registered users, the system prompts the applicant to sign in or register.

Candidate Gateway Integrations

Candidate Gateway integrates with:

• PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager.

As the applicant self-service arm of recruiting solutions, Candidate Gateway gets both configuration
settings and job opening data from Talent Acquisition Manager. Talent Acquisition Manager accesses
applicant data from Candidate Gateway and delivers information to applicants using Candidate

• PeopleSoft Human Resources.

When employees use internal Candidate Gateway sites for their career searches, Candidate Gateway
brings various employee data into the applicant records. Candidate Gateway also gets certain
configuration options from PeopleSoft Human Resources. In particular, profile-related settings
provide much of the structure for job applications.

• Third-party vendors (via the Open Integration Framework).

18 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Candidate Gateway

The open integration framework enables Candidate Gateway to integrate with third-party resume
extractors, which parse resume data and enter the parsed data into job applications.

Image: Candidate Gateway integration flow with other PeopleSoft applications

This diagram illustrates how Candidate Gateway integrates with other applications.

Candidate Gateway Implementation

In the planning phase of your implementation, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information,
including the installation guides, table-loading sequences, data models, and business process maps.

Refer to the PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 - Reorganization of Component Interface Permissions (Doc ID
2342162.1) MOS posting for a list of system-delivered CIs and their usage, the mapping of CIs and
associated permission lists, and the mapping of CI permission lists and user roles.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 19
Getting Started with Candidate Gateway Chapter 1

20 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2

Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Understanding Candidate Gateway Setup

Setup for PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway includes both general recruiting setup and Candidate Gateway-
specific setup tasks.

The following table summarizes general Recruiting Solutions setup tasks of particular significance for
Candidate Gateway:

General Recruiting Significance for Candidate Gateway Reference

Solutions Setup

Set up general options The Recruiting Installation settings affect a wide variety of "Setting Up Recruiting Installation
in the Recruiting processing rules for Candidate Gateway, including (but not Settings" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Installation component. limited to) Talent Acquisition Manager)

• The maximum number of results for a job posting search.

• Whether screening questions and answers appear in a

random order.

• Whether online job offers are allowed.

• The maximum number of job agents an applicant can

have, and how long job agents stay active.

Set up profile Profile configuration determines which profile content types "Configuring Profiles for
integration. can be included in job openings and job applications. Recruiting" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager)
For each profile content type, you can choose whether
applicants can add items to an application or whether
applicants are limited to supplying information about
a predefined list of items (for example, ratings for a

Set up recruiting Status configuration defines the dispositions that are "Setting Up Recruiting Statuses"
statuses. used during the recruiting process. Settings of particular (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
important to Candidate Gateway include a disposition for Acquisition Manager)
draft applications, a default disposition for newly submitted
applications, and an indicator to control whether applicants
can withdraw applications in the specified disposition.

Set up screening Screening processes include Candidate Gateway-specific "Understanding Screening Setup"
processes. screening level options for prescreening and online screening. (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager)
Also, screening questions exist solely for use during the
Candidate Gateway online application process: recruiters
cannot enter an applicant’s answers in Talent Acquisition
Manager pages.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 21
Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

General Recruiting Significance for Candidate Gateway Reference

Solutions Setup

Set up recruiting Recruiting locations are the geographical categories that are "Setting Up Recruiting Locations"
locations. exposed to applicants in Candidate Gateway. Applicants (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
can search for jobs based on recruiting location. Applicants Acquisition Manager)
can also specify recruiting location preferences in their
applications, and recruiters can then use that as search criteria
when searching for applicants.

Set up the job posting Job postings that applicants see in Candidate Gateway "Setting Up the Job Posting
description library and originate in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager. The Description Library" (PeopleSoft
job posting templates. posting description library and job posting templates are used HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
to construct these postings. Manager)

"Setting Up Job Opening Posting

Templates" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager)

Set up application Application attachments include resumes, cover letters, "Setting Up Application
attachments and online transcripts, and other documents that can be attached to an Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
job offer attachments. application. Talent Acquisition Manager)

Online job offer attachments are standard documents that you "Setting Up Online Job Offer
associate with offers and that applicants can access when the Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
offer is posted to Candidate Gateway. Talent Acquisition Manager)

Set up integration with Resume extractors prepopulate the online application with "Resume Extractor Setup"
a third-party resume data from the resume that the applicant provides. (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
extractor. Acquisition Manager)

Set up recruitment To post jobs to a Candidate Gateway site, you need to "Setting Up Recruitment Sources"
sources. associate the site with a recruitment source that is then used (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
as the posting destination. (Recruitment sources can also Acquisition Manager)
represent other types of destinations besides Candidate
Gateway sites.)

Set up resume templates Resume templates control the content and organization of the "Setting Up Resume Templates"
and recruitment online job application. They are associated with job openings (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
templates. via recruitment templates. Acquisition Manager)

"Setting Up Recruitment Templates"

(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager)

Set up recruiting search PeopleSoft Recruiting Solutions uses the PeopleTools Search Understanding Setup for Candidate
indexes. Framework for the job posting search in Candidate Gateway. Gateway Searching

"Understanding Recruiting Search

Indexes" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager)

"Defining Search Index Settings for

Recruiting" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager),

"Building Recruiting Search

Indexes" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager)

22 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

The following table summarizes additional setup tasks that are specific to Candidate Gateway:

Candidate Gateway- Comments Reference

Specific Setup Tasks

Set up sites. Site definitions control several aspects of the applicant Setting Up Sites
experience, including various job search features and job
application features.

You can set up multiple sites (for different business units,

companies, countries, and so forth) and post job openings to
the appropriate sites.

Configure text on The HCM Text Catalog enables you to modify page text Configuring Text on Candidate
Candidate Gateway through configuration rather than customization. Entries in Gateway Pages
pages. the Text Catalog are context-sensitive, enabling you to vary
Candidate Gateway page text based on the site and applicant

Set up Candidate Password controls enable you to define minimum Setting Up Candidate Gateway
Gateway password requirements for application passwords and to set a password Password Controls
controls. expiration period.

Set up applicant access External applicants access Candidate Gateway using a link Understanding Access to Candidate
to Candidate Gateway that you place on your public website. You can also set up a Gateway
separate link for external users who want to use Candidate
Gateway in accessible layout mode.

Internal applicants access Candidate Gateway using a tile that

you add to a fluid homepage.

Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching

This topic provides an overview of setting up searching for Candidate Gateway and provides links to
more detailed instructions.

Search Objects
Candidate Gateway uses the PeopleSoft Search Framework for job searching. Before applicants can
search for jobs, you must deploy the necessary search definitions and search categories and build the
indexes. Until this is done, the Job Search page cannot show any job postings.

The following table summarizes the search definitions and associated search categories that are used
for Candidate Gateway searches. The table also identifies which categories are auto-deployed when the
search definition is deployed and which categories must be manually deployed.

Search Definition Search Category Description

HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING (must be This index contains job posting data for
manually deployed) the Job Search page.

HC_HRS_JOB_CONTENT HC_HRS_JOB_CONTENT (auto- This index contains job posting profile

deployed) data for the Search My Profile search.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 23
Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Search Definition Search Category Description

HC_JPM_PERSON_PROFILE HC_JPM_PROFILES (must be manually These indexes contain employee profile

deployed) data and non-person profile data (such as
HC_JPM_NONPERSON_PROFILE interest profiles or job codes profiles) for
the Search My Profile search.

Note: Do not be misled by the fact that the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition auto-deploys a
same-named category. The auto-deployed category supports Talent Acquisition Manager searches, not the
Candidate Gateway job search.

For more information about the PeopleTools Search Framework, search definitions, and search
categories,refer to PeopleTools: Search Technology

The Job Search page in Candidate Gateway provides faceted searching. Faceted job searching allows
browsing jobs from a set of pre-determined categories which appear in the Filter By area of the page.
Clicking a Filter By value narrows down the list of jobs accordingly.

For example, one of the delivered facets is for the job’s recruiting location. The “Filter By” area of the
page has a Location filter. This filter includes by links representing the recruiting locations for all of the
jobs in the search results. Selecting a location narrows down the list to include only postings with the
selected location.

Faceted searching is a feature of the PeopleTools Search Framework. For the Job Search page, fields are
marked as potential facets in the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition, and they are activated in
the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category.

For instructions on adding and removing facets from a search, see "Configuring Recruiting Search Facets"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Delivered Facets
As delivered, the Job Search page has the following facets:

• Location (recruiting location)

• Department

• Job Family

• Jobs Posted In

Facet Options for the Job Posting Date

Oracle delivers two options for a facet that helps applicants filter postings by the posting date.

• The Jobs Posted In facet offers hierarchical filtering based first on the year that the job was posted
and then, after an applicant selects a year, based on the month that the job was posted.

• The Jobs Posted Within facet, which requires PeopleTools 8.54 or later, filters based on how recently
the job was posted. Examples of filtering options include Last Week, Last Month, and so forth.

24 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Note: To ensure compatibility with versions of PeopleTools earlier than 8.54, the Job Search page is
delivered with the Jobs Posted In facet. If you are using PeopleTools 8.54 or later, you can deactivate
this facet and activate the Jobs Posted Within facet instead. For instructions, see "Configuring Recruiting
Search Facets" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Enabling Additional Facets

The following fields are marked as facets in the search definition and can be added to the Job Search page
simply by adding them to the facet list in the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category:

• Business Unit

• Close Date (the facet label is “Job Closing In”)

Note: This facet requires additional configuration to set up relative date range filters such as More
than 7 days. For detailed instructions, see "Configuring Recruiting Search Facets" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

• Desired Shift

• Full/Part Time Status

• Job Function

• Regular/Temporary Position

To add other facets, you need to modify both the search definition and the search category.

Note: The Type field (internal or external posting) and the My Association field (recruiter, hiring
manager, and so forth) are marked as facets in the search definition. However, they should not be added
to the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category for Candidate Gateway. They are marked as facets
for Global Search in Talent Acquisition Manager, which uses the same search definition with a different
search category. To avoid accidentally activating these facets for Candidate Gateway, do not use the Auto-
Detect Facets option for the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category.

Earliest Posting Date for Indexed Jobs

Use the Build Search Index Settings page to specify an earliest posting date for the search index. If you
specify a date, any jobs posted before this date are excluded from the index.

Regardless of whether you specify an earliest posting date, the search index includes only postings for job
openings that:

• Are in an open status.

• Are currently posted (internally or externally) to a Candidate Gateway site.

See "Build Search Index Settings Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

Index Creation
After you configure facets and define the earliest posting date for indexed job, you can build the search
indexes for Candidate Gateway.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

See "Building Recruiting Search Indexes" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Setting Up Sites
To set up sites, use the Setup Site ID (HRS_SITE_ID) component.

This topic provides an overview of Candidate Gateway sites, lists prerequisites, and discusses how to set
up Candidate Gateway Sites.

This video provides a demonstration of a subset of site configuration options:

PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 Image 22 Highlights: Fluid Enhancements for Candidate Gateway

Page Used to Set Up Sites

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Site Setup Page HRS_SITE_ID Set up site definitions.

Edit Welcome Page HRS_WELCOME_ED Create content for the Classic Candidate
Gateway welcome page.

Understanding Candidate Gateway Sites

You can set up an unlimited number of applicant-facing career sites for your organization. For example,
you can set up separate sites for different business units or for different countries, and you can then post
job openings to the appropriate sites.

Posting Jobs to Candidate Gateway Sites

Job postings are applicant-facing job listings. When you create postings, you specify posting destinations
where the listing will appear.

Posting destinations are simply another name for recruitment sources. To set up a posting destination
for a particular Candidate Gateway site, create a recruitment source with the source type Company and
use the "Recruitment Sources - Company Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) to
associate the recruitment source with one or more Candidate Gateway sites. A job posting that is sent to
this destination/source then appears on the specified sites.

26 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Image: Posting jobs to sites

This diagram illustrates the relationships that cause a job to be posted to a particular site.

Note: Recruiting Solutions does not assign postings to sites based on specific data (such as the job
opening’s country or business unit).

Site-Specific Configuration Options

You can manage the look and feel of each site through settings such as:

• Configuration options on the Site Setup Page.

Use the Site Setup page to configure a variety options such as job searching and certain elements of
the online application process.

• Site-specific text labels for various page objects.

Candidate Gateway uses HCM Text Catalog entries to define the labels for page elements such page
titles, group box titles, field labels, instructional text, and error or warning messages. The architecture
of the Text Catalog enables you to specify different text for different sites and for different applicant
types (internal and external).

Classic Candidate Gateway and Fluid Candidate Gateway and use different text catalog entries
because the different look and feel of the pages sometimes requires different labels or instructional

Internal and External Sites

Candidate Gateway presents slightly different functionality to internal and external applicants. For
example, external applicants must register before applying for jobs, while internal applicants are
identified through their PeopleSoft user ID and do not need to register. However, the system does not
use site definitions to differentiate the behavior of internal and external sites. Rather, the link that the
applicant uses to access the site controls whether the site appears in its internal applicant or external
applicant mode.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

You can access and test your sites in both internal and external mode using the following delivered

• Internal applicant mode: navigate to Self Service >Recruiting >Careers.

• External applicant mode: select Careers under the main menu.

A single site definition is associated with both the internal and external navigation paths. To choose
the site definition that is associated with these navigation paths, use the site ID field on the "Recruiting
Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Before you can complete site setup, you must:

• Set up a default resume template.

See "Setting Up Resume Templates" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

• (Optional) Set up a default resume extractor vendor.

See "Setting Up Recruiting Vendors" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Site Setup Page

Use the Site Setup page (HRS_SITE_ID) to set up site definitions.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Recruiting > Candidate Gateway > Site > Site Setup

28 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Image: Site Setup page (1 of 2)

This image is the first of three examples illustrating the Site Setup page.

Image: Site Setup page (2 of 3)

This image is the second of three examples illustrating the Site Setup page.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 29
Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Image: Site page (3 of 3)

This image is the third of three examples illustrating the Site Setup page.

Site ID Displays the unique identifier for the site definition. This is used
as a parameter on the URL to direct users to the correct site.

Resume Template Select the default resume template for the site. If an applicant
applies without a job opening, or if an applicant applies for
a job opening that is not associated with a resume template,
the system uses the default resume template to control the
application process.

Applicant Type This field is informational only. Select Employee, External

Applicant, or Non-Employee to indicate which type of applicant
uses this site.

This setting does not control the applicant type that is assigned
to applicants who submit applications on this site; that value
is determined by the navigation used by the applicant. For
example, if an applicant accesses the site using an external link,
the applicant is created as an external applicant.

Country Select the default country for the site. The selected country
controls the following:

• The default name format for applicants.

30 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

• The default country for applicant addresses.

The default country is also supplied to your resume extractor if

the resume extractor requires country information for formatting
names and addresses.

OFCCP Self-Identify (Office of Choose which types of OFCCP self-identification information

Federal Contract Compliance Programs to request from applicants during the Candidate Gateway
Self-Identify) application process. Because the self-identification pages are
intended for federal contractors, not federal agencies, this field
is not visible in a federalized system.

The options are Disability and Veteran, Disability, Veteran, and

Not Applicable. Any value other than Not Applicable causes the
relevant self-identification pages to appear in applications for
external applicants.

Even if the site is configured to request disability information,

the Disability and Veteran pages appear only if the job is in the
United States or, if the applicant is applying without a job, if the
applicant’s address is in the United States.

For internal applicants, disability and veteran status information

is based on the data provided in the Human Resources system,
so Candidate Gateway does not collect this information during
the application process. Instead, an informational message
(Text Catalog ID HRAM_CE_DIS_INSTR4) appears on
the Start page for internal applicants. As delivered, this text
provides internal applicants with information about using the
Human Resources pages to review and update their disability
and veteran information. Configuring a site to collect self-
identification information causes the Start step to appear in all
internal applications even if it has no other content and would
not otherwise appear.

Simplified Veteran Page Select this check box to present applicants with a simplified
version of the Veteran page. The simplified version enables
applicants to self-identify as protected veterans, but it does not
ask applicants to indicate specific classifications of protected
veterans. The simplified page also does not provide a field for
the applicant’s military discharge date.

This check box is disabled if the site is not configured to request

veteran information.

Default Extractor Select a default resume extractor. The system uses the resume
extractor that you specify here to extract information from
applicant's resumes. If you do not select a value, applicants can
attach resumes but the system cannot extract information from
the resumes.

Default SetID Select the setID that controls the values for the Location field in
the Preferences section of an application without a job opening.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 31
Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

(Applications with a job opening use the business unit of the job
opening to determine the appropriate setID.)

External ERP Site (external employee Use this field to match internal and external sites so that Email
referral program site) to Friend and Refer a Friend notifications that are triggered
in the current site have the correct links for both internal and
external applicants. These notifications include two links
because the system cannot know whether the recipient is
internal or external.

To build the external link for a notification that is triggered by

an internal applicant:

• If an External ERP Site is specified, and its configuration

includes an external portal and node, the system uses that
portal and node and site ID.

• If an External ERP Site is specified, but its configuration

does not include a portal and node, then the system uses
the current site’s external portal and node along with the
External ERP Site’s site ID.

• If the External ERP Site field is blank, the current site’s

external portal and node and site ID are used.

To build the internal link for a notification that is triggered by an

external applicant: , the system checks whether the current site
is the External ERP Site for any other sites:

• If the current site is not the External ERP Site for any other
sites, the system uses the current site’s internal portal, node,
and site ID to build the internal link.

• If the current site is the External ERP Site for one other site,
then the system uses the other site’s internal portal and node
and site ID to build the internal link.

• If the current site is the External ERP Site for multiple other
site, then the system uses any one of the other sites for
the portal and node and site ID in the internal link, giving
preference to a site where the job posting in question has
been posted.

Note: Except for this preference, the system does not

validate that the emailed or referred job is posted to a
particular internal or external site. For example, if an
employee emails a job to a non-employee, but the job is not
posted to any external sites, the link that is supposed to go to
the posting on the external site will not work.

Notice that this field is not used to build the external link in
notifications triggered by external applicants, nor is it used for
the internal link in notifications triggered by internal applicants.

32 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

• When an external applicant uses Email to Friend, the

external link is built using the current portal, node, and site.

• When an internal applicant uses Email to Friend or Refer

a Friend, the internal link is built using the current portal,
node, and site.

Internal Careers Setup and External Careers Setup

Use these fields to ensure that links within applicant notifications are correctly constructed for access to
internal and external sites.

Note: Notifications sent by the Email to Friend and Refer a Friend processes use the External ERP Site
field to determine which site’s link configuration settings are used to build internal and external links.

Internal Careers Setup The system uses the portal and node that you specify here to
build links to this site for internal applicants. If you do not
specify a portal and node, then the user’s current portal and node
are used.

External Careers Setup The system uses the portal and node that you specify here to
build links to this site for external applicants. If you do not
specify a portal and node, then the user’s current portal and node
are used.

Candidate Gateway
Display Welcome Page Select this check box to have Classic Candidate Gateway
display a welcome page when external users navigate to the
site. The welcome page includes an area for your own custom
content along with a button that applicants click to continue to
the Job Search page.

Click the Edit icon or link to access the Edit Welcome Page
page, where you can configure the content of the welcome page.

Note: Fluid Candidate Gateway does not display the welcome

page, regardless of how the site is configured.

Display Name Format Select this check box if you want the Name Format field to
appear on the pages where applicants register and where they
maintain account information (external applicants) or view
contact information (internal applicants).

Displaying the Name Format field enables external applicants to

choose a name format other than the default format for the site.

Do Not Allow Multiple Applications Select this check box to prevent applicants from creating more
for the Same Job Opening than one application for a job opening.

If this option is active, applicants who attempt to start an

additional application for a job opening see a message that an

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 33
Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

application already exists. The message tells the applicant to go

to the My Activities page to review the existing application (or
to restart it if the existing application is still unsubmitted). If this
check box is not selected, applicants still see a warning when an
application already exists, but they are allowed to continue with
the new application.

If an applicant already has multiple applications for the same job

opening at the time you activate this option, the applicant will
be able to continue with a draft application as long as there are
no submitted applications for the same job opening.

Even if this check box is selected, applicants can reapply for

jobs in these situations:

• The original application was withdrawn.

• The original application failed prescreening or online

screening (that is, the application disposition is either 112
Failed Prescreening or 115 Reject Online Screening)

• The original application was created when a recruiter linked

the applicant to a job with a questionnaire. In this situation,
the original application does not include questionnaire
answers, and the applicant is specifically invited to submit
a new application so that questionnaire answers can be

Note that this setting also applies to referrals if the person

who was referred has already submitted an application. More
commonly, however, the person who was referred has not
submitted an application and is therefore able to update and
submit the draft application that was created by the referral

Do Not Allow Email a Friend Select this check box to hide the Email this Job option in Fluid
Candidate Gateway.

Note: This setting does not apply to Classic Candidate Gateway.

Do Not Allow Refer a Friend Select this check box to hide the Refer Friend option in Fluid
Candidate Gateway.

Note: This setting does not apply to Classic Candidate Gateway.

Display Alternate Character Fields Use this field to choose whether Candidate Gateway displays
alternate character names and addresses for China, Japan, and
Hong Kong. Select from these options:

• Address: Display alternate character fields only for the

applicant’s address.

• Name: Display alternate character fields only for the

applicant’s name.

34 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

• Name & Address: Display alternate character fields for the

applicant’s name and address.

• None: Do not display any alternate character fields.

• Organization: Apply user-based settings for alternate

character fields. User settings come from the primary
permission list for the applicant’s user ID. (For an external
applicant, the user ID is the guest user ID that provides
access to the system.) The alternate character setting for
the permission list is on the "Org Defaults by Permission
Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application

If you leave this field blank, the system selects None when you
save the page.

Note: Candidate Gateway supports alternate character names

and addresses for China, Japan, and Hong Kong.

The following Classic Candidate Gateway pages can display

alternate character fields:

• Register Page

• Registration Update Page

• My Account Information Page

• My Contact Information Page

The following Fluid Candidate Gateway pages can display

alternate character fields:

• New User Registration Page

• Registration Update Page

• My Account Information Page

• My Contact Information Page

Use the following settings to configure the email notifications to registered candidates.

Notify Candidates after Registering Select this check box to send an email notification to candidates
when they register at the site.

Email Template Choose the email template to send the notification mail to
candidates when they register. The default template is HRS_

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

You can edit the template text at PeopleTools > Workflow >
Notifications > Generic Templates.

Notify Candidates with Unsubmitted select this check box to notify candidates who have job
Applications applications in draft mode and have not submitted.

Email Template Choose the email template to send notifications to candidates

who have job applications in draft status. The default template is

You can edit the template text at PeopleTools > Workflow >
Notifications > Generic Templates.

Number of Days before Sending Choose the number of days to send a reminder email after an
Notification unsubmitted job application is created. The default value is 2

Do not Notify Hours Before Job Choose the hours before the job closing date from which the
Close Date notifications to unsubmitted jobs should stop. The default value
is 24 hours.

Note: The email reminders to the candidates with unsubmitted jobs are scheduled using the Unsubmitted
Jobs Reminder Run Control Page.

Job Search
Use the following settings to configure the appearance and behavior of the page where applicants see the
results of a job search

Display Hot Jobs Select this check box if you want the Search Results list to
display a hot job icon next to postings for hot jobs.

Display Job Family Select this check box if you want job family information to
appear for each job posting.

If your system is configured to segment jobs by job family, the

job family is specified on the job opening pages. Otherwise, the
job family for a job opening is derived from the job code.

Display Job Function Select this check box if you want job function information to
appear for each job posting.

The Job Function for a job opening is derived from the job code.

Display Business Unit Select this check box if you want business unit information to
appear for each job posting.

Display Job Posting Close Date Select this check box if you want the job posting close date to
appear for each posting.

The close date is the last day that the job is posted. This is the
day before the remove date that is specified on the "Posting
Information Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition

36 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Manager) in the job opening. For example, if the remove date is

June 11, 2017, then the close date is June 10, 2017.

When a job posting does not have a remove date, the text
catalog entry HRAM_FL_CLSDT_TXT provides text that
appears in the Close Date field. The delivered text is Open Until
Filled. To change this value, click the Edit icon or the Edit link
next to this check box to access the text catalog entry on the
Maintain Text Catalog page.

If you select this check box, consider also activating a search

filter based on close date. For instructions on setting up this
search filter, see "Configuring Recruiting Search Facets"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Note: This setting applies only to Fluid Candidate Gateway.

Allow Multiple Job Selection Select this check box to allow applicants to apply for multiple
jobs from the job search results and from the My Favorite Jobs

When this check box is selected, buttons for applying for jobs
appear with job search results and on the My Favorite Jobs
page. Applicants can select multiple jobs using the check boxes
that appear next to each job on the list, and then they can initiate
a single online application that includes all selected jobs.

If you do not allow multiple job selection, applicants must

initiate job applications and referrals from the Job Description
page, which means that applications are always limited to a
single job opening.

Allowing multiple job selection also enables internal applicants

to initiate a referral for selected jobs on the job search page.
(The My Favorite Jobs page always allows internal applicants
to initiate referrals for selected jobs, regardless of the site

Note: Fluid Candidate Gateway does not allow multiple job

selection on small form factor devices. On these devices, the
small screen becomes would be too crowded and unusable with
additional page elements for multiple job selection.

Display “Apply Without Selecting a Choose whether and where to display the link that allows
Job” applicants to apply without selecting a job.

Top, Bottom, and Both refer to the location of the link relative to
the job search results list. You can show the link above the list ,
below the list, or in both places.

If you select Off, then the link does not appear at all,
and applicants must select a job before applying to your

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Display Latest Jobs Posted Days Enter a value from 1 to 99 if you want the Fluid Candidate
Gateway Careers page to show the View Jobs Posted in Last
<number> Days search option. For example, if you enter 30, the
Careers page will include the option to View Jobs Posted in Last
30 Days.

The default value is zero. When the value is zero, the Careers
page does not display the View Jobs Posted in Last <number>
Days search option.

Note: This setting does not apply to Classic Candidate Gateway,

which does not have a Careers page.

Job Application: Start Step Configuration

In Candidate Gateway, the job application process begins with a Start step that displays relevant
information, instructions, and agreements. All text comes from the HCM Text Catalog, so you can easily
change the text or define different text for different sites.

Certain text elements on the Start Step page are controlled by site-level settings.

Note: In Fluid Candidate Gateway, terms and agreements text is referred to as Terms and Conditions, and
it appears on a modal page that applicants access from the Start page. This is described in the topic Using
Fluid Candidate Gateway to Apply for Jobs. For purposes of this discussion, however, all text elements
are considered part of the Start page

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Image: Site-controlled elements on the start step

This example shows the text elements on the Start step in Classic Candidate Gateway. In this example, the
five site-controlled text elements are highlighted.

The first site-controlled element invites internal applicants to use Human Resources self-service pages to
provide disability and veteran information. Only internal applicants see this text, which appears when the
OFCCP Self-Identify field (described earlier in this topic) is set to any value other than Not Applicable.
To change the text, modify the related text catalog entry (HRAM_CE_DIS_INSTR4).

Use the following check boxes to choose whether the remaining four site-controlled text elements appear
on the Start step:

Display Start Step Administrator Select this check box to include administrator-configured text in
Configured Text the Start step, immediately following any OFCCP Self-Identify

Use this text for any purpose: to introduce your organization,

make announcements, and so forth.

Click the adjacent Edit icon or link to view or edit the related
text catalog entry on the Maintain Text Catalog page. The
system prompts you to choose one of these entries:

• HRAM_CE_ADMIN_TXT for Classic Candidate Gateway

• HRAM_FL_ADMIN_TXT for Fluid Candidate Gateway

Display Start Step Instructional Text Select this check box to include instructional text in the Start
step, immediately following any administrator-configured text.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

This text is intended for general instructions related to the

application process. Do not use it for instructions related to
terms and agreements. If any terms and agreements appear on
the Start step, separate agreement-specific instructional text
appears after your Start Step Instructional Text.

Click the adjacent Edit icon or link to view or edit the related
text catalog entry on the Maintain Text Catalog page. The
system prompts you to choose one of these entries:

• HRAM_CE_INSTR_TXT for Classic Candidate Gateway

• HRAM_FL_INSTR_TXT for Fluid Candidate Gateway

Display Application Terms and Select this check box to include application terms and
Agreements agreements in the Start step. Use this text for general terms
related to the submission of any job application. If you include
this text, applicants must accept the terms before they can
continue past the Start step.

Click the adjacent Edit icon or link to view or edit the related
text catalog entry on the Maintain Text Catalog page. The
system prompts you to choose one of these entries:

• HRAM_CE_APPL_INSTR for Classic Candidate Gateway

• HRAM_FL_APPL_INSTR for Fluid Candidate Gateway

Display Prequalification Terms and Select this check box to include prequalification (prescreening)
Agreements terms and agreements in the Start step. The prequalification
terms and agreements appear only when an application includes
prescreening. If you include this text, applicants must accept the
terms before they can continue past the Start step.

Click the adjacent Edit icon or link to view or edit the related
text catalog entry on the Maintain Text Catalog page. The
system prompts you to choose one of these entries:

• HRAM_CE_PREQ_INSTR for Classic Candidate Gateway

• HRAM_FL_PREQ_INSTR for Fluid Candidate Gateway

Note: If you have not implemented Fluid Candidate Gateway, then clicking the Edit button for any of the
start page text elements immediately open the Text Catalog entry for the classic text.

In addition to the five site-controlled text elements, the Start step also displays additional elements based
on context. You cannot prevent these notices from appearing:

• If prescreening is active, the explanatory text specified in the screening definition is shown.

This text comes from a text catalog entry that is specified in the job opening.

• If application terms and agreements or prequalification terms and agreements are shown, instructions
for terms and agreements are also shown.

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

This text comes from text catalog entry HRAM_CE_DINSTR_TXT.

Note: The system does not display the Start step unless at least one text section is visible. Applications
with prescreening always display the Start step because prescreening always requires explanatory text.

Job Application: Additional Settings

Require Answers to Questions Select this check box to require applicants to answer all
questions in job applications. When this option is active, the
system will prevent applicants from continuing to the next step
if there are any unanswered questions on the current step. This
settings applies to prescreening questions as well as to any non-
prescreening questionnaire.

Display Resume Language Select this check box to display the Language field on the
Resume step of the job application. The Language field is
informational only. Leaving this check box deselected so that
the Language field is hidden does not affect resume processing.

Test Links
The system generates site URLs based on the site ID and the portal and node. There are separate URLs
for internal applicant mode and external applicant mode.

Use the Internal Link and External Link test links to preview the site with your current settings.
Conditional navigation does not apply when you use these links.

You can also copy and paste the URLs into browser windows. If you do this, conditional navigation opens
either a Classic or Fluid page depending on the user’s security configuration. If you set up a public access
user ID for external applicants, you can use the external applicant URL to test public access

Edit Welcome Page

Use the Edit Welcome Page page (HRS_WELCOME_ED) to create content for the Classic Candidate
Gateway welcome page.


On the Site Setup page, click the Edit button next to the Display Welcome Page check box.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Image: Edit Welcome Page page

This example illustrates the Edit Welcome Page page.

This page contains a single rich text field where you create and format your welcome page content. Your
welcome page can include images, text, and links.

Use the OK or Cancel button to return to the Site Setup page.

Note: If you add images to your welcome page, use the Image Properties dialog box to enter alternative
text for the image. Alternative text describes the image to users who employ a screen reader.

Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder

Use the Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder Run Control Page (HRS_RUN_APP_NOTIFY) to schedule the
notification to the candidates who have not yet submitted their job applications..


Recruiting > Administration > Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder.

42 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Image: Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder page

Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder page

Run Click Run to run the Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder process.

Process Monitor Click the Process Monitor link to see the status of the process
that was run.

Configuring Text on Candidate Gateway Pages

This topic provides an overview of Text Catalog configuration for Candidate Gateway and describes how

• Identify Text IDs for specific page elements.

• Maintain Text Catalog entries for Candidate Gateway.

Note: This topic provides summary information about using the Text Catalog for Candidate Gateway.
Refer to the complete Text Catalog documentation for more detailed information.

See "Configuring the Text Catalog" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Pages Used to Maintain Text Catalog Entries for Candidate Gateway

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Configure Text Catalog Page: General HR_SSTEXT_CFG Control whether Candidate Gateway
tab pages display context-sensitive text or
Text Catalog IDs.

See Identifying Text IDs for Specific

Page Elements

Maintain Text Catalog Page HR_SSTEXT_TEXT Define text catalog entries, and define
the values for context-sensitive keys.

See Maintaining Text Catalog Entries for

Candidate Gateway.

Understanding Text Catalog Configuration for Candidate Gateway

The Text Catalog is a common framework for controlling text that appears on PeopleSoft HCM self-
service pages. The Text Catalog enables you to modify page text through configuration rather than
customization. Use the Text Catalog to configure page elements such as field labels, button names, links,
page instructions, and warnings.

Context-Sensitive Text
Entries in the Text Catalog are context-sensitive, allowing a particular piece of text on a page to vary. The
owner ID of each Text Catalog entry determines which fields are used to control the variable text.

The Text Catalog entries for Candidate Gateway have the owner ID HRAM, and the context keys are Site
ID and Applicant Type. This means that you can vary the text by any combination of site and applicant

For example, if you have different sites in different countries, and the terms & agreements for submitting
an application vary by country, then you can use the Text Catalog to specify appropriate terms &
agreements text for each country's site.

Text Catalog IDs

To modify the text for a particular page element, you need to know its Text Catalog ID. To help you, the
Configure Text Catalog page includes a Display Text ID check box that you can select to make Candidate
Gateway pages display the Text Catalog ID rather than the text.

Important! Equivalent pages in Classic and Fluid pages use different text catalog IDs. This architecture
lets you optimize labels and instructions for each interface. When you implement Fluid Candidate
Gateway, any changes you have made to text catalog entries for Classic pages are not present on the
corresponding Fluid pages.

Identifying Text IDs for Specific Page Elements

Use the General tab on the Configure Text Catalog page (HR_SSTEXT_CFG) to control whether
Candidate Gateway pages display context-sensitive text or Text Catalog IDs.

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Text Catalog and Notepad > Configure Text Catalog >
Configure Text Catalog

Image: Configure Text Catalog page: General tab

This example illustrates the Configure Text Catalog page: General tab.

Display Text ID To make Candidate Gateway pages display the text IDs for
all Text Catalog objects, locate the row for the Object Owner
Identifier HRAM and select the Display Text ID check box.

The following images illustrate the effect of the Display Text ID check box.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Image: Classic Candidate Gateway application step in regular display mode

This illustration shows a step in the Classic Candidate Gateway guided application process as it normally
appears to applicants:

Image: Classic Candidate Gateway application step in Text ID display mode

This illustration shows the same step as it appears when the Display Text ID check box is selected for the
HRAM object owner. In this mode, the page displays text IDs rather than text for the page elements that
are controlled by the Text Catalog.

Notice that there is an extra text catalog entry, HRAM_CE_SINST_02, above the Work Experience grid.
You can use this to provide additional instructional text related to the grid. If the text catalog entry does
not have any text, nothing appears on the page. Similar text catalog entries exist for other grids on the job
application pages.

Instructional Text for Resume Template Sections

Most sections in the job application include placeholder text catalog entries where you can add
instructional text. The following table identifies these sections and their text catalog entries.

Note that the text catalog IDs for classic and fluid pages are the same except that the IDs for classic pages
have the letters CE where the IDs for fluid pages have the letters FL.

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Resume Template Section Classic Candidate Gateway Text Fluid Candidate Gateway Text
Catalog ID for Instructional Text Catalog ID for Instructional Text

Prequalification HRAM_CE_SINST_37 (delivered non- HRAM_FL_SINST_37 (delivered non-

blank) blank)

Resume HRAM_CERES_PT01 (delivered non- HRAM_FLRES_PT01 (delivered non-

blank) blank)

Cover Letter HRAM_CECOV_PT01 (delivered non- HRAM_FLCOV_PT01 (delivered non-

blank) blank)


(USF) Federal Preferences HRAM_CE_SINST_05 HRAM_FL_SINST_05 (delivered non-

blank in Fluid Candidate Gateway

Education History HRAM_CE_SINST_32 HRAM_FL_SINST_32

Work Experience HRAM_CE_SINST_02 HRAM_FL_SINST_02


(USF) Priority Placement HRAM_CE_SINST_14 HRAM_FL_SINST_14 (delivered non-

blank in Fluid Candidate Gateway)

Profile sections, when no rows of data HRAM_CE_SINST_31 HRAM_FL_SINST_31

are present.

Profile sections, when at least one row HRAM_CE_SINST_30 HRAM_FL_SINST_30

of data is present and the applicant is
allowed to add rows.

Profile sections, when the applicant is HRAM_CE_SINST_35 HRAM_FL_SINST_35

not allowed to add rows.


Personal Information HRAM_CE_SINST_25 HRAM_FL_SINST_25

Application Questionnaire HRAM_CE_SINST_34 HRAM_FL_SINST_34


(USA) Diversity HRAM_CE_SINST_36 (delivered non- HRAM_FL_SINST_36 (delivered non-

blank) blank)

Review and Submit HRAM_CE_SINST_38 (delivered non- HRAM_FL_SINST_38 (delivered non-

blank) blank)

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Maintaining Text Catalog Entries for Candidate Gateway.

Use the Maintain Text Catalog page (HR_SSTEXT_TEXT) to define text catalog entries and to define the
values for context-sensitive keys.


Set Up HCM > Common Definitions > Text Catalog and Notepad > Maintain Text Catalog

Image: Maintain Text Catalog page

This example illustrates a text catalog entry where different text is associated with different context keys.

Owner ID (label is invisible) On this illustration, the text RS Applicant Manager is the
description for the owner ID HRAM, which identifies this as a
Candidate Gateway entry in the catalog.

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Context Keys and Text

Site ID and Applicant Type Site ID and Applicant Type are the pre-defined context keys for
Candidate Gateway.

Each text ID and effective date combination needs a default

value where both the Site ID and Applicant Type fields are
blank. The system uses this entry when context-specific text
does not exist.

For example, if you have five sites, and four of them use the
same set of terms & agreements while one uses a different set
of terms & agreements, then you would create one site-specific
entry for the unique site, but you would not need to create
entries for the other four sites, which all use the default text.

<Text Box> Although the text catalog framework allows long text entries,
the page element where the text appears at runtime can have
a lower character limit, resulting in truncated text. Any time
you change a delivered text catalog entry, be sure to test your
change. If the entry is truncated, you must shorten your text.

Setting Up Candidate Gateway Password Controls

This topic provides overviews of Candidate Gateway password controls and account lockout. It then
discusses how to set up password controls.

Page Used to Set Up Candidate Gateway Password Controls

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Password Controls Page HRS_PSWD_CFG Define password requirements for


Forgotten Password Hint Page HRS_FORGT_PSW_HINT Define questions that can be used to
authenticate the identity of a user who
requests a password resent using the
Forgot Password option.

Understanding Candidate Gateway Password Controls

External applicants must register for a Candidate Gateway account in order to apply for jobs or access
certain other features. Candidate Gateway accounts are part of the recruiting system; they are not
PeopleSoft user IDs. (External applicants access the PeopleSoft system using a generic guest ID that
bypasses the PeopleSoft signon page).

Candidate Gateway password control settings enable you to define password requirements such as
password strength, whether passwords expire after a specified time period, whether a secret question must
be answered before the system resets a forgotten password, and whether accounts are locked out after a
specified number of failed logon attempts.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Password Control Validations

If you activate password controls:

• When an applicant creates an account or changes the password for an existing account, the system
ensures that the new password meets all requirements.

• If a password expires, the user is forced to set a new password during the next logon attempt.

The expiration period for passwords is part of your password control settings.

• If the password control settings are changed, all applicants are forced to reset their password during
the next logon attempt, regardless of whether the previous password meets the new requirements.

• If the recruiting system generates a new password, the generated password conforms to password
requirements except that it does not observe the expiration period because system-generated
passwords are single-use passwords that must be reset on first use.

The system generates passwords when applicants use the Forgot Password option in Candidate
Gateway. The system also generates passwords when a recruiting user requests references from an
unregistered applicant. The generated password is included in the notification that the applicant

Password Requirement Instructions for Applicants

The system dynamically generates a description of the password requirements that you configure.
Applicants see this description any time they create a password: while registering or resetting a password.

You can override the dynamically generated description with your own text using the text catalog entry
HRAM_CE_PSWD_2. If this text catalog entry is populated, then the system uses the text catalog entry
instead of the system-generated description.

Understanding Account Lockout

Account lockout functionality enables you to lock applicants out of their Candidate Gateway accounts

• A specified number of failed logon attempts.

• A specified number of incorrect answers to the secret question that must be answered before a
forgotten password is reset.

Lockout for Failed Logons

When lockout is enabled for failed logons, and an applicant tries to sign on with an incorrect password,
the system displays a message informing the applicant how many attempts remain before the account is
locked. After the final failed attempt, a message advises the applicant that the account has been locked.
The system also sends the applicant this information in an email notification.

The messages about the locked account advises the applicant to use the Forgot Password option to obtain
a new system-generated password that will unlock the account.

The Forgot Password process sends the applicant a system-generated password. When the applicant signs
on with this password, the system forces the applicant to choose a new password. After the applicant
successfully chooses a new password, the account is unlocked.

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Lockout for Secret Questions

When lockout is enabled for secret questions, the system does not show any messages indicating whether
an answer is correct. Instead, the system sends an email notification to the applicant. If the answer was
correct, the email contains the new password. If the answer was incorrect, the email informs the applicant
that the password was not reset because the question was answered incorrectly. The notification also tells
the applicants how many attempts remain before the account is locked out.

When an account is locked due to incorrect answers to secret questions, the applicant can no longer use
the Forgot Password option to reset the password. Instead, the applicant must contact your organization
and ask an administrator to reset the password.

Email Address Required for Account Lockout

The Forgot Password option uses email to send a new system-generated password. For this reason, the
Forgot Password option (and, by extension, the secret question option and the account lockout option)
work only if the applicant’s email address is in the system.

To ensure that all applicants provide email addresses, go to the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) and set the Email Address Required field to Yes.

If you have not made applicant email addresses required, you can’t activate the secret question or account
lockout options. Conversely, if the secret question or account lockout features is active, you can’t change
the Email Address Required field to No.

Even if you make email addresses required for applicants, some older applicant accounts might not have
email addresses. If such an account is locked out, the system displays a message instructing the applicant
to contact a recruiter. The recruiter can then add the applicant’s email address to the applicant record,
making it possible for the applicant to use the Forgot Password option.

Password Controls Page

Use the Password Controls page (HRS_PSWD_CFG) to define password requirements for applicants.


Set Up HCM >Product Related >Recruiting >Candidate Gateway >Password Controls

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Image: Password Controls page

This example illustrates the Password Controls page.

Password Configuration
Enabled Select this check box to activate the password controls in the
Password Configuration section of this page. When you deselect
the check box, the current password configuration settings are
cleared and the fields become read-only.

This check box does not control the Secret Question for Forgot
Password settings or the Account Lockout settings.

52 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Password Expiration
Never Expires Select this option if you do not want to set a limit on how long
users can use a password before it must be reset.

Expires In <number of> Days Select the Expires In option to set a limit on how long a
password can be used, then define the expiration period by
entering the number of Days that the password remains valid.

Password May Match

User Name Select this check box to allow passwords that are identical to
the user name (the logon ID). Passwords must still meet all
password strength requirements.

Primary Email Select this check box to allow passwords that are identical to the
user’s primary email. Passwords must still meet all password
strength requirements.

Because password validation occurs only when a password is

resent, users will not be forced to change a password due to a
change in the primary email address.

Password Strength
Minimum Length Enter the overall minimum number of characters for passwords.
This number must be large enough to accommodate any
additional requirements for minimum numbers of special
characters, digits, lowercase letters, and uppercase letters.

Special Characters Enter the minimum number of special characters for passwords.
The following characters are considered special characters:

! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + \ |[ ] {} ; : / ? . > <

Digits Enter the minimum number of digits (numbers) for passwords.

Lowercase Enter the minimum number of lowercase letters for passwords.

Uppercase Enter the minimum number of uppercase letters for passwords.

Secret Question for Forgot Password

Enabled Select this check box to require applicants to answer a secret
question when requesting help with a forgotten password. The
applicant must answer the question correctly before the system
will send a temporary password.

When you select this check box, the system verifies that the
"Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is configured to require email
addresses from applicants. If applicant email addresses are not

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

required, an error message appears, and you cannot save the

password settings until you deselect this check box.

Failed Attempts If you enable a secret question for forgotten passwords, enter
the number of incorrect answers that will cause an applicant’s
Candidate Gateway account to be locked. This number must be
greater than zero.

Account Lockout
Enabled Select to activate the account lockout feature, which locks
applicants out of their Candidate Gateway accounts after a
specified number of failed logon attempts.

When you select this check box, the system verifies that the
"Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is configured to require email
addresses from applicants. If applicant email addresses are not
required, an error message appears, and you cannot save the
password settings until you deselect this check box.

Failed Attempts If you enable account lockout, enter the number of failed logon
attempts that will cause an applicant’s Candidate Gateway
account to be locked. This number must be greater than zero.

Forgotten Password Hint Page

Use the Forgotten Password Hint page (HRS_FORGT_PSW_HINT) to define questions that can be used
to authenticate the identity of a user who requests a password resent using the Forgot Password option.


Set Up HCM >Product Related >Recruiting >Candidate Gateway >Forgotten Password Hint

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

Image: Forgotten Password Hint page

This example illustrates the Forgotten Password Hint page.

Active Select this check box to make the question available to

applicants when they choose a secret question. At least
one secret question must be active when secret question
functionality is active.

Deselect this check box to make the question unavailable

without deleting it.

Secret Question Enter the text of the question.

Delete Question Click this button to delete the question. This is a more
permanent action than inactivating a question.

Warning! When you click this button, the system deletes the
question instantly without asking you to confirm the deletion.

Note: Both inactive questions and deleted questions remain available to applicants who previously
selected the question. Applicants who are already using an inactive or deleted question are not forced to
change their secret question, and they can even continue to change the answer. They don't lose access to
the question until they choose (and save) a different question.

Understanding Access to Candidate Gateway

This topic provides overviews of how external and internal applicants access Candidate Gateway.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Conditional Navigation for Fluid Candidate Gateway

If Fluid Candidate Gateway is implemented, then links or menu items for accessing Candidate Gateway
open either a classic or fluid page depending on the user’s permission lists. This behavior is known as
conditional navigation.

For example, email notifications to applicants include links to classic pages, but conditional navigation
reroutes applicants to fluid pages when the user ID for accessing the pages has access to fluid pages. For
internal applicants, the user ID is the applicant’s own personal user ID. For external applicants, the user
ID is the one that you use to provide public access to the system.

Note: Users should be given access to classic pages or to fluid pages, but not both.

PeopleSoft delivers these roles for Candidate Gateway:

• Applicant: Classic Candidate Gateway for internal applicants

• External Applicant: Classic Candidate Gateway for external applicants.

• Internal Applicant Fluid: Fluid Candidate Gateway for internal applicants.

• External Applicant Fluid: Fluid Candidate Gateway for external applicants.

External Applicant Access to Candidate Gateway

To give external users access to a Candidate Gateway site, place a link on a location such as your public

The External Link field on the Site Setup Page provides a URL that goes to classic Candidate Gateway
for external applicants. To get a direct link to Fluid Candidate Gateway, an implementer signs on as a user
with access to Fluid Candidate Gateway and uses the External Link URL or the Careers menu item under
the main menu. Conditional navigation redirects the implementer to Fluid Candidate Gateway. At this
point, the browser’s address bar contains a URL for Fluid Candidate Gateway, and the implementer can
copy that link to place on your public website.

Note: Internal and external applicants must use different links because link parameters control whether
the site is rendered in external or internal mode.

Public Access User IDs

External applicants, by definition, do not have PeopleSoft user IDs. Therefore, the web profile for the
PeopleSoft instance accessed by external applicants needs to be configured to allow public access through
a public access user ID that you define.

Using a public access user ID prevents external applicants from being presented with a PeopleSoft signon
page. Instead, the user bypasses signon and is taken directly to Candidate Gateway. The public access user
ID grants access to applicant Candidate Gateway pages through the External Applicant role or, if you use
Fluid Candidate Gateway, the External Applicant Fluid role.

Note: PeopleTools user IDs have types. Although there is a delivered External Job Applicant type, this is
not relevant to how external applicants access Candidate Gateway.

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Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

When an external applicant allows a Candidate Gateway session to be idle longer than the inactivity
timeout period you establish, the system's default behavior is to provide a link to the PeopleSoft logon
page with the public access user ID visible. Depending on your password logic, the public access user
ID could be locked if the applicant unsuccessfully attempts to sign in. For greater security and usability,
replace the signon page with a page that displays an appropriate message. For example, display a
message that the session has timed out, and provide a link to return to Candidate Gateway.

For more information about setting up a public access user ID to bypass signon for external users, refer to
My Oracle Support document IDs 652694.1 and 1527506.1

For additional information about user IDs and security, see PeopleTools: Security Administration

Accessible Layout Mode Configuration

User-specific settings can make PeopleSoft applications more accessible to people with visual
impairments and other disabilities. However, external applicants do not have individual PeopleSoft user
IDs that can be personalized this way.

Therefore, to support accessibility needs for external applicants, you must create a separate web profile
with a public access user ID that is configured to use accessible layout mode. You also need a separate
web server instance for the additional web profile. Your public website can then provide an additional
Careers link to be used by applicants who are using an assistive technology screen reader.

Language Settings for Sites

Use the Language field on the User Profile - General page to associate the external applicant guest user
ID with a specific language.

To support multiple languages, create a guest user ID and web profile for each language and then provide
a separate Careers link for each language.

Access Through the PeopleSoft Menu

Although external applicants do not have access to the PeopleSoft menu, implementers and testers can
access Candidate Gateway as an external applicant by selecting Careers under the main menu.

This menu navigation accesses the default site that is defined on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Banner Options for External Applicants

When external applicants use Fluid Candidate Gateway, the banner across the top of the page does not
display options that the external applicants should not see. This is controlled through a theme that is
specifically for external applicants. The theme uses the HRS_CG_GUEST_SS style sheet to control the
visibility of the banner icons.

Oracle delivers the theme for external applicants, but you must apply the theme manually during the Fluid
Candidate Gateway installation process. Refer to the Fluid Candidate Gateway installation documentation
for detailed instructions.

Internal Applicant Access to Candidate Gateway

Internal applicants access Candidate Gateway using their own PeopleSoft user IDs.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

Within the PeopleSoft system, internal applicants have two options for navigating to Candidate Gateway:

• Menu navigation: Self Service >Recruiting >Careers (for Classic Candidate Gateway).

This option is available only to users with access to Classic Candidate Gateway. Users should have
access to either Classic or Fluid (not both), which prevents conditional navigation from redirecting
users to Fluid pages.

• The delivered Careers tile (for Fluid Candidate Gateway) on the Employee Self Service homepage.

The Employee Self Service home page is delivered without the Careers tile, but the installation
instructions for Fluid Candidate Gateway include steps for adding the tile to this homepage. Those
steps are also provided below.

The delivered menu item and tile go to the default site defined on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). If you have multiple sites for internal
applicants, you can create additional menu items or tiles where the site ID parameter is hard coded.

You can also create links for internal applicants using the URL in the Internal Link field on the Site Setup
Page. You can use this URL to place links on your intranet or other web page. Employees who use the
link are prompted to sign in to the PeopleSoft system.

As with the External Link field on the Site Setup page, the URL from the Internal Link field provides
access to classic Candidate Gateway. If employees use Fluid Candidate Gateway, you can let conditional
navigation reroute them to the Fluid pages, but this is not efficient. Instead, for better performance, create
links that your employees can use to go directly to Fluid Candidate Gateway. Do this using the same
process that you use to get a Fluid link for external users. That is, sign in as a Fluid user, use the Internal
Link from the Site Setup page, let conditional navigation re-route you to the Fluid system, and copy the
Fluid URL from the browser’s address bar.

Adding the Careers Tile to a Homepage

Employees use the delivered Careers tile to access Fluid Candidate Gateway.

To make the Careers tile available on the Employee Self Service homepage:

1. Sign in as an administrator.

2. Use the menu to navigate to PeopleTools >Portal >Structure and Content.

3. Click the Fluid Structure Content item, then click the Fluid Homepages item.

4. Click the Edit link for Employee Self Service to open the Content Ref Administration component for
the HC_HR_SELF_SERVICE_GBL content reference.

5. Access the Tile Content page.

6. Locate the Recruiting section and select the Careers check box.

7. Select one of these options for the Careers check box:

• Opt-Dflt: The tile is visible to all users with the correct permission by default. These users can
move or remove the tile through personalization.

• Optional: The tile is not visible by default. Users with the correct permission can add it to their
homepage through personalization.

58 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 2 Setting Up Candidate Gateway

• Req-Fix: The tile is visible to all users with the correct permission by default. Users cannot move
or remove the tile.

• Required: The tile is visible to all users with the correct permission by default. Users can move
the tile, but they cannot remove it.

Note: Regardless of the option you choose, the Careers tile will not be added to homepages that
have already been personalized. If you allow employees to personalize home pages, you will need to
inform employees when the Careers tile becomes available so that they can manually add the tile to
their homepages.

8. Save your settings.

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Setting Up Candidate Gateway Chapter 2

60 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3

(Classic) Registering and Managing

Account Information

Registering Online and Signing In

This topic provides an overview of the Candidate Gateway registration and discusses how applicants can
register, sign in, and request help with forgotten user names and passwords.

Pages Used to Register Online and Sign In

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Register Page HRS_CE_HM_REG Register for a new Candidate Gateway


Sign In Page HRS_CE_HM_REG Sign in to Candidate Gateway with an

existing user name and password.

Registration Update Page HRS_CE_REG_MIS Supply a new password or enter

additional registration information when
prompted by the system.

Forgot User Name Page HRS_CE_FRGT_USR Request an email reminder with the user
name associated with the provided email

Forgot Password Page HRS_CE_FRGT_PSW Request an email with a new system-

generated password.

Password Reset Page HRS_APP_PSWD_REST Recruiting administrators use this page

to reset Candidate Gateway passwords
on behalf of applicants.

Understanding Candidate Gateway Registration

Internal applicants do not need to register to use Candidate Gateway; they receive access through their
PeopleSoft user IDs.

External applicants access the PeopleSoft system using a guest PeopleSoft ID, which bypasses the
PeopleSoft sign in page. This gives applicants access to the Job Search page, but applicants must register
for a Candidate Gateway account before they can apply for jobs or perform various other tasks.

Candidate Gateway accounts are valid across all sites.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Registration and Sign In

When an external applicant first accesses a site, the Job Search page displays links for signing in and
for registering. If an applicant attempts an action (such as applying for a job) that is available only to
registered users, then the system requires the applicant to sign in (registering first, if necessary) before

After an applicant signs in, the Job Search page displays links that give the applicant access to tools
for managing a career search. These tools enable the applicant to review notifications and applications,
upload attachments, save searches, work with favorite jobs, and update account information (including
choosing a new password and secret question).

Registration Requirements
To register, external applicants must enter their name and create a user name and password. Additional
registration requirements are configurable, as detailed in the following table:

Configuration Option Configuration Page Notes

Password requirements. Password Controls Page If password controls are active, then
passwords must meet all specified

Secret question requirements. Password Controls Page If the secret question option is active,
then the applicant must choose from a
predefined list of secret questions and
provide an answer to the question. The
secret question is used to authenticate
an applicant who requests help with a
forgotten password.

Contact information requirements. "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Choose whether an email address is
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent required, whether a phone number is
Acquisition Manager) required, whether address fields are
visible, and (if the address fields are
visible) whether an address is required.

62 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Configuration Option Configuration Page Notes

Registration terms and agreements. "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Choose whether the applicant must
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent agree to registration terms and
Acquisition Manager) agreements before registering or
updating registration information.

Use this functionality for any general

terms related to the use of Candidate
Gateway. For example, you can use the
registration agreement for a privacy

The Registration Agreement setting

applies to all of your Candidate Gateway
sites, but because the text of the
registration terms comes from the
text catalog, you can define different
registration terms for different sites. To
modify the registration terms, update text
catalog entry HRAM_CETRMAGRE_

After you activate a registration

agreement or change your terms,
applicants are prompted to agree to your
terms the next time they attempt to sign

However, the text catalog effective date

tracks only the date, not the time. When
you change your terms and agreements,
you must enter the changes in a future-
dated row so that applicants who signed
in on the date you made the change will
be prompted to agree to the new terms.

If you change your password requirements, all applicants are required to update their passwords the next
time they sign in, regardless of whether the original password meets the new requirements.

If you update your recruiting installation settings to require additional contact information from
registrants, applicants who have not already provided the required information are forced to add the newly
required information the next time they sign in.

Alternate Character Fields

PeopleSoft HCM supports alternate character data entry to enable users to use two character sets for one
language. This architecture is described in the topic "Working with Alternate Character Sets" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Within Candidate Gateway, applicant names and addresses support alternate character functionality for
China, Japan, and Hong Kong. Settings on the Site Setup Page control whether alternate character fields
for names and addresses appear on the Register page and on the My Account Information page.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

If the Display Alternate Character Fields setting on the Site Setup page is Organization, then the alternate
character setting on the "Org Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals) controls whether alternate character fields appear in Candidate Gateway. For
an external applicant, the default permission list is the primary permission list for the guest user ID that
provides access to the system.

Forgot Password Process

The Forgot Password process gives users who have forgotten their password a mechanism for requesting
that a new password be sent to their primary email address.

Note: When users request a new password, the confirmation message states that an email was sent if a
valid email exists for the user name that was entered. This generic message appears even if there is no
email address on file or if the supplied user name is not valid. The use of this generic message provides
additional protection by ensuring that unauthorized users do not receive any information about the
validity of the user ID or about what information is missing.

The behavior of the Forgot Password process depends on whether the Secret Question for Forgot
Password option is enabled on the Password Controls Page.

The following table describes the Forgot Password logic when the secret question option is not enabled:

Conditions Logic if Secret Question is Not Enabled

User ID is valid and is associated The system creates a new password and emails it to the applicant. When the applicant signs
with an email address. on with the system-generated password, the system immediately prompts the applicant to
set a new password.

User ID is invalid, or it is valid The system does not reset the password or send an email.
but it is not associated with an
email address. If an applicant without an email address contacts a recruiter, the recruiter can enter an email
address in the applicant’s record. After an email address is added, the applicant can use
the Forgot Password feature, or a recruiting administrator can reset the password for the

When the secret question option is active, the processing logic depends on the user ID and whether
the applicant previously provided an email address and a secret question. Note that enabling the secret
question option is possible only if you also require applicants to provide an email address when they

The following table describes the processing logic for secret questions:

64 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Conditions Logic if Secret Question is Enabled

User ID is valid, and the user has The system sends the user an email:
supplied both an email address
and a secret question. • If the answer is correct, the email contains a new system-generated password. When
the applicant signs on with this password, the system immediately prompts the
applicant to set a new password.

• If the answer is incorrect, the email states that the answer was incorrect and warns that
the account will be locked after a specified number of incorrect attempts.

• If the limit on incorrect attempts is reached, the email states that the account is locked
and the applicant must contact the system administrator.

User ID is valid, and the user has Because applicants are forced to choose a secret question when the secret question option is
supplied an email address, but the active, this scenario is possible only if an applicant uses the Forgot Password feature for the
user has not yet chosen a secret first signon attempt after you enable the secret question option.
In this scenario, the system behaves as if the secret question were not enabled: it emails a
system-generated password to the applicant without ever presenting a secret question.

When the applicant signs on with the system-generated password, the system immediately
prompts the applicant to set a new password and choose a secret question.

User ID is valid, but it is not Because applicants are forced to provide an email address when the secret question option
associated with an email address. is active, this scenario is only possible if an applicant uses the Forgot Password feature for
the first signon attempt after you enable the secret question option.

The system behaves as if the user ID has both an email address and a secret question.
Because the user has not yet set up a secret question, the system chooses a secret question
to display.

If the applicant enters an answer and submits the request for a new password, the system
displays the generic online message stating that an email was sent, even though it is
not possible to send an email when there is no email address. The attempt to get a new
password is not counted towards the limit for account lockout.

To obtain a new password, the applicant must contact a recruiter. The recruiter can then
enter an email address in the applicant’s record. After an email address is added, the
applicant can use the Forgot Password feature, or a recruiting administrator can reset the
password for the applicant.

User ID is invalid. The system behaves as if the user ID has both an email address and a secret question. The
system chooses the secret question to display.

If the applicant enters an answer and submits the request for a new password, the system
displays the generic online message stating that an email was sent. However, no notification
is actually sent.

If the same invalid user name is used again, the same secret question is shown so that it
appears as if the user name is valid.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Administrator Password Reset

If an applicant is locked out of a Candidate Gateway or is otherwise unable to use the Forgot Password
process to reset a password, a recruiting administrator can use the Password Reset Page to reset the
password on the applicant’s behalf. This option is available for active applicants who have an email
address in the system.

System-Generated User Names and Passwords

Applicants are provided with system-generated passwords when they submit a valid password reset
request on the Forgot Password page.

An applicant who does not already have a Candidate Gateway account is provided with a system-
generated user name and password when a Talent Acquisition Manager user sends the applicant a request
for references. When the applicant registers with these credentials, the system links the newly created
Candidate Gateway account with the correct applicant record.

When an applicant signs in using a system-generated password, the system immediately displays the
Reset Password page. The applicant cannot continue until a new password has been set.

System-generated password conform to any password requirements that have been configured on the
Password Controls Page.

Notification Templates
These notification templates are used to communicate with applicants about their Candidate Gateway

Template Name When Used Page Where Triggered

HRS_APPLICANT_ To send a forgotten user name or a system- Forgot User Name Page
PASSWORD generated password to an applicant.
Forgot Password Page

Password Reset Page

HRS_APP_ACCT_ To notify an applicant that an account has been Sign In Page

LOCK locked due to too many failed logon attempts.

HRS_APP_PERM_ACT To notify an applicant that an account has been Forgot Password Page
_LOCK locked due to too many incorrect answers to the
secret question.

HRS_APP_PSWD_ To confirm that the applicant has manually Change Password Page
CHANGE changed an account password.

Note that no notification is sent when an

applicant updates a secret question or answer.

66 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Template Name When Used Page Where Triggered

HRS_APP_SECRET_ To notify an applicant that the secret question Forgot Password Page
ATTEMPT on the Forgot Password page was answered
incorrectly, and to tell the applicant how many
Forgot Password attempts remain before the
account is locked.

HRS_UPDATE_ To send a system-generated user name and "Create Applicant Page: References Tab"
REFERENCES password when a recruiter requests references (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
from an applicant who is not registered for Manager)
Candidate Gateway.

Inactivated Accounts
There are two ways that Candidate Gateway accounts get inactivated:

• If applicant records are merged in Talent Acquisition Manager, Candidate Gateway accounts for the
inactivated applicant records are also inactivated.

These accounts are marked as duplicates and cannot be reactivated. Even though the account is
permanently disabled, the user name is not available to new registrants.

• A recruiter or other Talent Acquisition Manager user can inactivate the account using the Inactivate
Online Account check box on the "Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

The same check box is used to reactivate accounts that were inactivated this way.

If an applicant tries to sign in with the credentials for an inactive or duplicate account, an error message
states that the logon information is invalid.

Register Page
Applicants use the Register page (HRS_CE_HM_REG) to register for a new Candidate Gateway account.


• Click the New User link on the Job Search Page.

• Click the Register Now link on the Sign In page.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Image: Register page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Register page.

Image: Register page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Register page.

68 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Account Information
User Name The applicant must supply a user name to be used when signing
into this account. User names (including system-generated user
names) cannot be changed.

Password, and Confirm Password The applicant must supply and confirm a password to be used
when signing into this account. If password controls are enabled
on the Password Controls Page, a description of the password
requirements appears next to the Password field.

Applicants can change their passwords after registering.

Name Format If the site is configured to show the Name Format field,
applicants can use this field to choose a name format other than
the default format for the site. The default name format is based
on the Country field specified on the Site Setup Page.

<Name> Applicants must supply a name when registering. The name

fields and their order depends on the name format in use.

For more information about defining name formats, see "Setting

Up Additional Name Information" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals).

Alternate Character Name Settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is Organization, settings on the "Org
Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals)) control whether the
Alternate Character Name field appears . Even when the field
is configured to appear, it is visible only if the name format is
Chinese, Japanese, or Hong Kong.

A help icon appears next to the field if you have entered custom
help text in the Text Catalog entry HRAM_CE_SIGNIN_HLP.

Contact Information
Primary Email Type and Email An email address is required only if the Email Address
Address Required field on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is set to Yes.

After registering, external applicants can update email address

information on the My Account Information Page. The system
uses the primary email address for all email notifications,
including notifications for forgotten user names and passwords.

Each account must have a unique primary email address.

Applicants receive an error message if they attempt to register
with a primary email address that is already being used as
another applicant’s primary email address. This adds extra
security to the Forgot User Name and Forgot Password
processes, which both send account information to the
applicant’s primary email address.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Lack of an email address will prevent applicants from using the

Forgot User Name and Forgot Password functionality.

Primary Phone Type, Phone, and Ext A phone number is required only if the Phone Required field
(Extension) on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is set to Yes.

After registering, external applicants can change their primary

phone number on the My Contact Information Page.

Preferred Contact Method Applicants use this field to indicate how they prefer to be
contacted by your organization. Options include Email, Mail,
Phone, or Not Specified.

When a recruiter prepares an online job offer, the option to

notify the applicant of the offer is selected by default if the
applicant’s preferred contact method is Email.

Address Information
Settings on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
Manager) control whether the Address Information section appears and, if it appears, whether an address
is required.

Country The default country comes from the Country field on the Site
Setup Page. The country controls which additional address
fields appear.

Alternate Character Address

If the Address Information section appears, then settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is Organization, then settings on the "Org Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals)) control whether the Alternate Character Address
section appears.

Even when the alternate character address is configured to appear, it is visible only if the Country is
China, Japan, or Hong Kong.

Secret Question for Forgot Password

This section appears only if the Secret Question for Forgot Password option is enabled on the Password
Controls Page .

Secret Question The applicant selects a secret question from the list that you set
up on the Forgotten Password Hint Page. If the applicant later
uses the Forgot Password option, the system will present this
question to the applicant. If the applicant answers correctly,
the system will send the applicant a new system-generated

70 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Answer The applicant enters the answer to the secret question. When
applicants answer a secret question, the answer is not case-

Terms and Agreements

Terms and Agreements and I agree to The Terms and Agreements section appears only if the
the terms and agreements Registration Agreement check box on the "Recruiting
Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) is selected.

The actual terms come from the text catalog. To modify the
registration terms, or to configure different terms for different
Candidate Gateway sites, update text catalog entry HRAM_

If registration terms appear, the Register button is not available

until the applicants selects the I agree to the terms and
agreements check box.

Terms and Agreements

Terms and Agreements and I agree to The Terms and Agreements section appears only if the
the terms and agreements Registration Agreement check box on the "Recruiting
Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) is selected.

The actual terms come from the text catalog. To modify the
registration terms, or to configure different terms for different
Candidate Gateway sites, update text catalog entry HRAM_

If registration terms appear, the Register button is not available

until the applicants selects the I agree to the terms and
agreements check box.

Register Applicants click this button to complete the registration process.
The system creates the new account only if all required
information is present, the password meets the requirements (if
any) that are configured on the Password Controls Page, and the
applicant has agreed to any registration terms.

Sign In Now Click this link to access the Sign In page to sign into an existing

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Sign In Page
External applicants use the Sign In page (HRS_CE_HM_REG) to sign in with an existing user name and


• Click the Sign In link on the Job Search Page.

• Click the Sign In Now link on the Register page.

• If the applicant is not already signed in, this page appears if the applicant attempts a task (such as
applying for a job) that requires the applicant to be signed in.

Image: Sign In page

This example illustrates the Sign In page.

User Name and Password Enter the user name and password for an existing Candidate
Gateway account.

Forgot User Name Click this link to access the Forgot User Name page, where
an applicant can request an email reminder of the user name
associated with the provided email address.

Forgot Password Click this link to access the Forgot Password page, where an
applicant can request an email with a new system-generated
password. If the Secret Question for Forgot Password option
is enabled on the Password Controls Page, the applicant must
correctly answer the secret question chosen at registration before
the system sends a new password.

Sign In Click this button to sign in. The system validates the user name
and password that the applicant entered.

Normally, signing in returns the applicant to the previous

page or continues with the task that caused the Sign In page to
appear (such as applying for a job). However, if the applicant
is using a system-generated password, or if the password

72 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

configuration settings on the Password Controls Page have

changed since the applicant last signed on, the Reset Password
page appears first. The applicant must set a new password
before continuing.

Register Now Click this link to access the Register page to create a new
Candidate Gateway account.

Registration Update Page

Applicants use the Registration Update page (HRS_CE_REG_MIS) to supply a new password or
additional registration information when prompted by the system.


Click the Sign In button on the Sign In page. The Registration Update page appears if the applicant signs
in after:

• Using a system-generated temporary password.

• Candidate Gateway password requirements have changed (regardless of whether the applicant’s
password already meets the new requirements).

• The applicant’s account doesn’t include an email address, a phone number, or an address that is now
required because of a change to Recruiting Installation settings.

• The secret question for forgotten passwords feature is enabled, and the applicant has not yet provided
a secret question and answer.

• The Registration Agreement check box on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is selected, and the applicant has not signed in since the date
and time that the check box was selected.

• The text catalog entry for registration terms and agreements (HRAM_CETRMAGRE_03) is effective
dated later than the last date that the applicant signed in.

Important! The effective date for text catalog entries is just a date, not a date and time. Therefore,
when you change your terms and agreements, always enter the changes in a future-dated row. This is
necessary so that applicants who signed in on the date you made the change will be prompted to agree
to the new terms.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Image: Registration Update page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Registration Update page.

Image: Registration Update page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Registration Update page.

74 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Image: Reset Password page

When the only necessary registration update is a password change, the title of the Registration Update
page changes to Reset Password. In this mode, the only visible sections are the Update Password
Information section and, depending on your Recruiting Installation settings, the Terms and Agreements
section. This example illustrates the Reset Password page.

Required fields are indicated with a red data entry area and an asterisk next to the field label.

Update Password Information

This section appears if the applicant signed in with a temporary user ID or if Candidate Gateway
password requirements have changed since the applicant last signed in.

Instructional text provides information about the password requirements.

Account Information
This section displays the user name and the applicant’s name. The user name is not editable.

This section appears only if required information is missing. This is not common, but it can happen if you
modify a name format to make a previously optional name field required.

Contact Information and Address Information

These sections appear if Recruiting Installation settings have changed to require additional contact
information (an email address, phone number, or address) that does not exist in the applicant’s record.
Recruiting Installation settings can be configured to require any combination of an email address, a phone
number, and an address. As long as an applicant is required to add any one of those data elements, both
the Contact Information and Address Information sections appear during the registration update process.

The Contact Information and Address Information sections also appear when the Registration Update
page appears due solely to activation of registration terms. In this scenario, no additional contact or

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

address information is required. The applicant is simply given the opportunity to review and optionally
update the information.

If the site is configured to show alternate character fields for addresses and the country is China, Hong
Kong, or Japan, then an additional section labeled Alternate Character is visible. This section displays the
alternate character fields for the applicant’s address.

Secret Question for Forgot Password

This section appears only if password settings have been modified to enable the Secret Question for
Forgot Password option and the applicant has not yet provided a secret question and answer.

Terms and Agreements

This section appears if the Registration Agreement check box on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is selected.

When this section appears, applicants must accept the terms and agreements before they continue. This
is true even for applicants who already agreed to the same terms and agreements during their initial
registration or a previous registration update. The Update button is not available until the applicant selects
the I agree to the Terms and Agreements check box.

The text of the terms and agreements comes from the text catalog. To modify the terms, or
to configure different terms for different Candidate Gateway sites, update text catalog entry

Be sure to use a future effective date for any updates to your terms. This is necessary because the effective
date for text catalog entries is just a date, not a date and time. Using a future date for the change in terms
ensures that applicants who signed in on the same day that you made the change will be prompted to
agree to the new terms when they sign in on or after the effective date of the change.

Update Button
Applicants click the Update button to complete the registration update process.

The system updates the account information only if all required information is present, the password
meets the requirements (if any) that are configured on the Password Controls Page, and the applicant has
agreed to any registration terms.

Forgot User Name Page

Applicants use the Forgot User Name page (HRS_CE_FRGT_USR) to request an email reminder of the
user name associated with the provided email address.


Click the Forgot User Name link on the Sign In page.

76 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Image: Forgot User Name page

This example illustrates the Forgot User Name page.

Primary Email Address Applicants enter the email address that is associated with the
account. The system uses this email address to identify the

Email User Name When the applicant clicks this button, the system identifies the
user name that is associated with the specified email address and
sends the user name to the email address. The system uses the
HRS_APPLICANT_PASSWORD template for the notification.

If the email address is not recognized, a message appears stating

that there is no record of the applicant's email address.

Forgot Password Page

Applicants use the Forgot Password page (HRS_CE_FRGT_PSW) to request an email with a new
system-generated password.


Click the Forgot Password link on the Sign In page.

Forgot Password - One Step Process

When secret question functionality is not active, the process for requesting a new password is one step.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Image: Forgot Password page - no secret question

This example illustrates the Forgot Password page when secret question functionality is not active.

Enter Your User Name Applicants enter the user name for the Candidate Gateway
account for which a new password is needed.

Email New Password The applicant clicks this button to request a new password.

If the user ID is valid and it is associated with an email address,

the system immediately generates a new password and sends it
to the applicant. When the applicant signs on with the system-
generated password, the system prompts the applicant to set a
new password.

The system does not reset the password or send an email if the
user ID is invalid or if it isn’t associated with an email address.
To get help, the applicant must contact a recruiter. The recruiter
can enter an email address in the applicant’s record. After
the email address is added, the applicant can use the Forgot
Password feature, or a recruiting administrator can reset the
password for the applicant.

Note: When the user clicks the Email New Password button,
a confirmation message states that an email was sent if a valid
email exists for the user name. This generic message appears
even if there is no email address on file or if the supplied user
name is not valid. The use of this generic message provides
additional protection by ensuring that unauthorized users do
not receive any information about the validity of the user ID or
about what information is missing.

Forgot Password — Two Step Process With Secret Question

When secret question functionality is active, the process for requesting a forgotten password includes two

1. The applicant enters a user name and clicks the Continue button.

78 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

2. The applicant answers the secret question and clicks the Email New Password button.

Image: Forgot Password page – secret question active, step 1

This example illustrates the Forgot Password page when secret question functionality is active. This
example shows step 1, where the applicant supplies a user name.

Image: Forgot Password page – secret question active, step 2

This example illustrates the Forgot Password page when secret question functionality is active. This
example shows step 2, where the applicant answers the secret question.

These fields appear during step 1:

Enter Your User Name Applicants enter the user name for the Candidate Gateway
account for which a new password is needed.

Continue Click this button to continue to step 2, where the applicant must
answers a secret question.

If the user ID is valid, and the user has supplied an email

address, but the user has not yet chosen a secret question
(possible only if the user hasn’t signed in since you activated
the secret question feature), then the system skips step 2
and immediately sends the applicant a new password. When
the applicant signs in with the new password, the system

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

immediately prompts the applicant to set a new password and

choose a secret question.

These fields appear during step 2.

Secret Question Displays the user-selected secret question.

If the user ID from step 1 is invalid or does not have an email

address, the system selects the secret question to show.

Answer Enter the answer to the secret question.

Email New Password Click this button to request a new system-generated password.
An online message states that a new password was sent to the
applicant’s email address.

There are three possible email messages that the applicant can

• If the answer was correct, the email contains a new system-

generated password. When the applicant signs on with this
password, the system immediately prompts the applicant to
set a new password.

• If the answer was incorrect, the email indicates that the

answer was incorrect and warns that the account will be
locked after a specified number of incorrect attempts.

• If the limit on incorrect attempts is reached, the email states

that the account is locked and the applicant must contact the
system administrator.

Note: When the user clicks the Email New Password button,
a confirmation message states that an email was sent if a valid
email exists for the user name. This generic message appears
even if there is no email address on file or if the supplied user
name is not valid. The use of this generic message provides
additional protection by ensuring that unauthorized users do
not receive any information about the validity of the user ID or
about what information is missing.

Password Reset Page

Recruiting Administrators use the Password Reset Page (HRS_APP_PSWD_REST) to reset Candidate
Gateway passwords on behalf of applicants.

The password reset option on this page also unlocks Candidate Gateway accounts that were locked after
too many failed signon attempts or too many incorrect answers to the secret question that is used in
the Forgot Password process. The thresholds for locking out accounts are configured on the Password
Controls Page.

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Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information


Recruiting >Administration >Password Reset

Note: You can access this page only for applicants who are in an active status and who have both a
Candidate Gateway user name and an email address.

Image: Password Reset page

This example illustrates the Password Reset page.

Email New Password Click to send the applicant an email notification with a new
system-generated password.

Managing Account Information

This topic provides an overview of account information and discusses how applicants manage their name,
contact information, account passwords, and secret question and answer.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can perform these tasks.

Pages Used to Manage Account Information

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Account Information Page HRS_APP_PRFILEINFO External applicants use the My Account

Information page to view and update
their name and contact information and
to access pages for making changes to
passwords and secret questions.

My Contact Information Page HRS_APP_PRFILEINFO Internal applicants use this page to view
name and contact information from the
PeopleSoft HR system and to update
their preferred contact method.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Change Password Page HRS_APP_PSSWD_HLP External applicants use this page to make
password changes.

Change Secret Question Page HRS_APP_PSWDHINT Update or change the secret question
that the Forgot Password process uses to
authenticate a password reset request.

Understanding Account Information

External applicants use the My Account Information page to update their name and contact information
and to change their passwords, their secret questions, and the answers to their secret questions. Applicants
cannot change their user names.

Internal applicants do not self-register for Candidate Gateway, so they do not have Candidate Gateway
user names or passwords. Their account information is limited to read-only name and contact information
from the Human Resources system. The page where internal applicants view this data is accordingly
called My Contact Information rather than My Account Information.

Default Country for External Applicants

Contact information for external applicants include a Country field that is required, even if no other
address information exists. The system uses this country to determine whether an application with no
job opening will include the USA-specific Diversity step where applicants optionally supply gender and
ethnicity information.

The default value for the Country field comes from the Site Setup Page. If the site does not have a default
country, then the default country comes from the primary permission list for the user ID that is being used
to provide guest access to the site.

To set the default country for the guest user IDs:

1. Choose or create the PeopleTools user ID and permission list that you will use for this purpose.

See PeopleTools: Security Administration

2. Access the User Profiles - General page (PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles >
General) for the guest user ID, and enter the permission list in the Primary field in the Permission
Lists section of the page.

3. Access the Org Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults page (Set Up HCM > Foundation Tables >
Organization > Org Defaults by Permission Lst > Defaults) and enter the default country in the
Country field.

See "Setting Up Primary Permission List Preferences" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application

My Account Information Page

External applicants use the My Account Information page (HRS_APP_PRFILEINFO) to view and update
their name and contact information and to access pages for making changes to passwords and secret

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Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information


External applicants click the My Account Information link on the Job Search page or on other top-level
Candidate Gateway pages if the applicant is signed in.

Image: My Account Information page

This example illustrates the My Account Information page for external applicants.

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Image: My Account Information page with alternate character fields

This example illustrates the alternate character fields for the applicants name and address on the My
Account Information page. These fields are visible if the site is configured to show them and if the name
format and country are for China, Japan, or Hong Kong.

Account Settings
User Name Displays an external applicant’s user name. This cannot be

Change Password External applicants click this link to access the Change
Password page.

Preferred Contact Method Applicants select from the following preferred contact methods:
Email, Mail, Phone, or Not Specified. Recruiters can refer to this
information when they want to contact the applicant.

When a recruiter prepares an online job offer, the option to

notify the applicant of the offer is selected by default if the
applicant’s preferred contact method is Email.

Change Secret Question External applicants click this link to access the Change Secret
Question page.

This link is visible only if secret question functionality is

enabled on the Password Controls Page.

Name, Address, Email Address, and Phone Number

External applicants use these fields to view and update name and contact information.

84 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Name Format If the site is configured to show the Name Format field, external
applicants can use this field to choose a name format other than
the default format for the site. The default name format is based
on the Country field specified on the Site Setup Page.

<Name> The specific fields for the applicant’s name depend on the name

For more information about defining the fields for name

formats, see "Setting Up Additional Name Information"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Alternate Character Name Settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is Organization, settings on the "Org
Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals)) control whether the
Alternate Character Name field appears. Even when the field
is configured to appear, it is visible only if the name format is
Chinese, Japanese, or Hong Kong.

A help icon appears next to the Alternate Character Name field

if you have entered custom help text in the Text Catalog entry

Address Candidate Gateway displays only one address. If an employee
has multiple addresses in the HR system, Candidate Gateway
displays the one with type Home and a current effective date.
The specific address fields depend on the selected Country.

Alternate Character Address Settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is Organization, then settings on the "Org
Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Application Fundamentals)) control whether the Alternate
Character Address group box appears within the Address group

Even when the alternate character address is configured to

appear, it is visible only if the Country is China, Japan, or Hong

Email Address
Email Address Applicants can have multiple email addresses. In the Email
Address grid, each row must be associated with a type (home,
business, and so forth), and one row must be marked Primary
unless the grid is empty. Any email address that was supplied
during the registration process is initially designated as primary.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

Only applicants who provide an email address can receive

recruiting-related email notifications, which are always sent to
the primary email address.

Phone Applicants can have multiple phone numbers. In the Phone
grid, each row must be associated with a type (home, business,
and so forth), and one row must be marked Primary unless the
grid is empty. Any phone number that was supplied during the
registration process is initially designated as primary.

My Contact Information Page

Internal applicants use the My Contact Information page (HRS_APP_PRFILEINFO) to view name and
contact information from the PeopleSoft HR system and to update their preferred contact method.


Internal applicants click the My Contact Information link on the Job Search page or on other top-level
Candidate Gateway pages.

Image: My Contact Information page

This example illustrates the My Contact Information page for internal applicants.

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Chapter 3 (Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information

Preferred Contact Method

Preferred Contact Method Applicants select from the following preferred contact methods:
Email, Mail, Phone, or Not Specified. Recruiters can refer to this
information when they want to contact the applicant.

When a recruiter prepares an online job offer, the option to

notify the applicant of the offer is selected by default if the
applicant’s preferred contact method is Email.

Name, Address, Email Address, and Phone Number

These fields are the same as the fields on the My Account Information Page, except that they are read-
only for internal applicants. The data comes from the HR system.

Change Password Page

External applicants use the Change Password page (HRS_APP_PSSWD_HLP) to make password


Click the Change Password link on the My Account Information page.

Image: Change Password page

This example illustrates the Change Password page.

To change the password, an applicant enters the current password, enters the new password, reenters the
new password to confirm it, and clicks Save. The system validates that the new password is not the same
as the old password.

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(Classic) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 3

When the new password is saved, the system sends the applicant an email stating that the password has
been changed. This email uses the template HRS_APP_PSWD_CHANGE.

If password controls are enabled, a description of the password requirements appears at the top of the
page and the system validates that the password meets any requirements established on the Password
Controls Page.

Change Secret Question Page

Use the Change Secret Question page (HRS_APP_PSWDHINT) to update or change the secret question
that the Forgot Password process uses to authenticate a password reset request.

Note: This page is available only if secret question functionality is enabled on the Password Controls


Click the Change Secret Question link on the My Account Information page.

Image: Change Secret Question page

This example illustrates the Change Secret Question page.

The fields on this page are identical to the same-named fields on the Register Page.

88 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4

(Classic) Searching for Jobs

Accessing Candidate Gateway

This topic discusses the Candidate Gateway welcome page and the common navigation bar for Candidate
Gateway pages.

Pages Seen When Initially Accessing Candidate Gateway

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Welcome Page HRS_WELCOME_PG View an organization’s welcome

message if the site includes one. The
Welcome page is shown only when the
site appears in external applicant mode.

Job Search Page HRS_APP_SCHJOB This page appears when an applicant first
accesses a Candidate Gateway site. (If
the Welcome page appears first, this page
appears when the applicant clicks the
Search Jobs Now button to continue past
the Welcome page.)

For information about the standard

navigation controls on this page and
other Candidate Gateway pages,
see Using the Candidate Gateway
Navigation Bar

Welcome Page
External applicants use the Welcome page (HRS_WELCOME_PG) to view an organization’s welcome
message when visiting a Candidate Gateway site.


Once a site is deployed, you can provide applicants with a direct link to the site. Until then, implementers
can access a test external site by selecting Careers under the main menu.

This navigation displays the site specified on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). If the site does not include a welcome page, this navigation goes
directly to the Job Search page instead.

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Image: Welcome page

This example illustrates a sample Welcome page.

<Welcome Content> Displays the content that is defined for the site using the Edit
Welcome Page. The custom content can include images, texts
and links.

Search Jobs Now Applicants click this button to continue to the Job Search page.

Using the Candidate Gateway Navigation Bar

A consistent navigation bar appears on most pages throughout Candidate Gateway. (The navigation
bar does not, however, appear on the pages used to apply for a job, where the applicant uses a guided
application process to navigate through a fixed set of steps.)

90 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

Image: Navigation bar on the Job Search page

This example illustrates the navigation bar on the Job Search Page. The same navigation bar appears on
pages throughout Candidate Gateway.

Navigation Links
These links appear only if the applicant is signed in. The link to the current page is always disabled.

Job Search Click to access the Job Search Page

My Notifications Click to access the My Notifications Page.

If the signed-in user has any new (unread) notifications, a badge

indicating the number of unread notifications appears next to
this link. Notifications are counted as unread until the applicant
clicks the notification subject to view the notification details.

My Activities Click to access the My Activities Page.

My Favorite Jobs Click to access the My Favorite Jobs Page.

My Saved Searches Click to access the My Saved Searches Page.

My Account Information This link appears if the applicant is an external applicant. The
applicant clicks this link to access the My Account Information

My Contact Information This link appears if the applicant is an internal applicant. The
applicant clicks this link to access the My Contact Information

Links for Signing In or Registering

These links appear in the top right corner of the page when an external applicant is not yet signed in.

Sign In The applicant clicks this link to access the Sign In Page

New User The applicant clicks this link to access the Register Page.

Page Elements When the Applicant is Signed In

These elements appear in the top right corner of the page when an applicant is signed in.

Signed in as <first name> This message shows the first name of the applicant who is
currently signed in.

Sign Out This link is visible only for external applicants. The applicant
clicks this link to sign out.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Searching for Job Postings and Reviewing Posting Details

This topic provides an overview of job searches, describes the prerequisite setup to support job searches,
and discusses how applicants can search for job postings and review posting details.

Note: External applicants do not need to sign in to perform job searches or view job postings.

Pages Used to Search for Job Postings and Review Posting Details
Page Name Definition Name Usage

Job Search Page HRS_APP_SCHJOB Search for job postings and add or
remove the job from your favorites.

Search Tips Page PTSF_SEARCH_TIPS View tips for entering search keywords.

Search My Profile Page HRS_APP_SCHMYPRF Search for job openings that match one
of your profiles.

This page is available only to internal


Match Result Page HRS_COMPARE_RES View detailed information about how

well a job opening matches the profile
that was used for searching.

Job Description Page HRS_APP_JBPST • View complete posting information

for a job.
• Start an application for a single
job, add or remove the job from
your favorites, or email the job to a

• Refer a friend for the job (internal

applicants only).

Understanding Job Searches

This topic provides an overview of job searches in PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway.

Standard Job Search

The Job Search page displays a list of job postings that meet the applicant’s criteria. Applicants can
specify criteria two ways:

• Perform a keyword search using the search field that appears above the grid.

• Use the Filter By area to the left of the grid to choose filtering criteria.

The Filter By fields provides faceted filtering capability based on data such as the recruiting location,
department, job family, and so forth. Each field displays a set of links listing available values. The number
next to each value indicates how many jobs in the current list have that value. Clicking a link activates

92 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

the filter, updates the job openings list, and updates the Filter By area to show only values that exist in the
current set of job openings.

For example, suppose the job posting grid initially lists 100 postings. In the Filter By area, the
Department filter includes multiple links, including one labeled Human Resources (30). This indicates
that 30 of the 100 openings are in the Human Resources department. After the applicant clicks the Human
Resources link, the job postings list show only those 30 openings, and the other values for the Department
field disappear because the other departments are no longer represented in the current set of openings.
At the same time, the values for other filter fields change. Perhaps the original 100 openings included
openings from seven different recruiting locations, but after you click the Human Resources link, the
remaining 30 jobs represent only three recruiting locations. In this situation, applying the department filter
shortens the list of filtering values for the Recruiting Location field.

As you click the filtering links, each filter criteria appears directly above the Search Results list. To
remove a filter, click the adjacent x (the Remove Filter icon).

Because the available facets are based on the posted jobs, the system does not consider whether the
attributes are active. For example, if you make a recruiting location inactive, but a job in that recruiting
location is still posted to Candidate Gateway, the recruiting location is still a valid facet.

Search My Profile
Internal applicants can access a profile search that to find job postings that match their person, job,
or interest profiles. This search option is available only if you select Yes for both the Allow Profile
Utilization and Person Profile Integration fields on the "Recruiting Installation - General Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)I

Maximum Search Results

All job posting searches are powered by the PeopleTools Search Framework. If the Search Framework or
its underlying search engine has a system-wide setting that sets the maximum number of search results,
that is the maximum number of job postings in the search results.

You can further restrict the number of search results by entering a lower maximum in the Max Jobs
Returned from Search field on the "Recruiting Installation - Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). Note, however, that you cannot use this setting to increase the number of search
results beyond the search engine maximum.

Available Job Postings

Candidate Gateway gives applicants access to jobs that meet the following criteria:

• The job opening has an open status.

You define which job opening statuses are open using the "Statuses and Reasons Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

• The job posting is current.

Job postings dates are specified on the "Posting Information Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). Job postings are current from the beginning of the day on the Post Date until
the beginning of the day on the Remove Date. To ensure that the search index accurately reflects job
posting dates, you should run the index shortly after midnight every day.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

• The job is posted after the earliest posting date that you specify on the "Build Search Index Settings
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

A job is available as long as the posting is still open after the specified date, even if the actual posting
date is before the specified date.

• The job is posted to the site where the applicant is performing the search.

The posting destination for a job controls which site(s) the job is posted to. Jobs are posted to the
posting destinations specified on the "Posting Information Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). These posting destinations correspond to recruitment sources that you
define on the "Recruitment Sources - Source Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
Manager), and recruitment sources with the source type “Company” are associated with one or more
Candidate Gateway sites.

• The posting type must be External if the applicant accessed the site as an external user, and the
posting type must be Internal if the applicant accessed the site as an external or internal applicant.

The posting type comes from the Posting Type field on the Posting Information page.

Job posting searches use the PeopleSoft Search Framework. Before you can search for jobs, you must
deploy the necessary indexes and search categories and build the indexes.

See Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching .

Job Search Page

Applicants use the Job Search page (HRS_APP_SCHJOB) to search for job postings and add or remove
the job from your favorites.


• The Job Search page appears when applicants first access the site.

External applicant may see the Welcome page first., in which case they click the Search Jobs Now
button to continue to the Job Search page.

• Click the Job Search link in the navigation bar that appears on pages throughout Candidate Gateway if
the applicant is signed in.

See Accessing Candidate Gateway.

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Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

Image: Job Search page

This example illustrates the Job Search page on a site for internal applicants. In this example, the job
list has been filtered to show only jobs posted in 2014 (so the date facet lists months rather than years).
Additionally, the site has been configured to:

• Display the “Apply Without Selecting a Job” link above the job list.

• Allow multiple job selection: notice the check box column in the job list and the button below the job

• Include Job Family, Job Function, and Business Unit information for each job in the job list.

Text Search
Keywords Applicants use this field to enter search keywords. The system
looks for the keywords across all indexed fields, including
the posting title, posting description, job opening ID, regular/
temporary, full/part time, business unit, department, recruiting
location, job function, and job family. For internal applicants,
the keyword search also searches the hiring manager’s name and
the recruiter’s name.

Because the search results are limited to the search engine’s

maximum number of results, some posted job openings might
be excluded from the search results list even if the job openings
meet all of the filtering criteria. In this situation, the keyword
search provides a mechanism for accessing those job openings.
For example, you can use the keyword search to search for a
known job opening ID.

Search Tips Applicants click this link to view keyword searching tips on the
Search Tips Page.

Search Applicants click this button to perform a keyword search.

Clicking this button clears all search filters and updates the

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Filter By options to reflect the values that are present in the new
set of search results.

Reset Search An applicant clicks this button to clear all search criteria,
including both keyword criteria and filters. This reset restores
the Job Search page to its initial state.

Save Search An applicant clicks this button to access the Save Search Page,
where the applicant can save search criteria for later use or for
automated search result notifications.

More Options and Fewer Options An applicant clicks the More Options link to display certain
additional search fields. When the additional fields are visible,
the More Options link changes to Fewer Options. The applicant
clicks the Fewer Options link to hide the additional fields.

Search My Profiles This link is visible only to internal applicants. It appears

only if both the Allow Profile Utilization and Person Profile
Integration fields on the "Recruiting Installation - General Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) are set to

Internal applicants click this link to access the Search My

Profile Page, where they can search for jobs that match their
person, job, or interest profiles.

More Search Options

These search criteria fields are visible only after the applicant clicks the More Options link.

Job Opening ID Applicants use this field to enter a single job opening ID as
search criteria. The system searches for an exact match.

Minimum Pay and Currency Applicants use these fields to search for jobs that meet their
salary requirements. Job openings meet this criteria if the
maximum salary specified in the job opening is greater than or
equal to the specified minimum pay.

Recruiter This field is visible only to internal applicants.

Internal applicants use this field to search for jobs where the
recruiter they specify is the primary recruiter.

Hiring Manager This field is visible only to internal applicants.

Internal applicants use this field to search for jobs where the
hiring manager they specify is the primary hiring manager.

Active Filters
Above the Search Results list, the page displays your currently
Remove Filter active filters. Click the Remove Filter icon next to an active
filter to remove the filter.

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Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

Clear All Filters Click to remove all field-based filters. Clicking this link does
not clear the keyword search filtering.

Filter By

Note: Filtering facets can be added and removed in the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition and
activated in the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category. For example, because Business Unit is
already part of the search index, you can easily add a Business Unit facet. However, be aware that adding
facets can degrade performance. For more information, see Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway

As delivered, the Candidate Gateway job search has the following facets:

Location Applicants use this field to filter based on the job opening’s
recruiting location(s). If a job has multiple recruiting locations,
all of the recruiting locations are represented in the list of facets.

This facet offers hierarchical filtering based on the recruiting

location hierarchy that you set up on the "Recruiting Locations
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). The
initial list of values in the recruiting location facet includes only
top-level recruiting locations (including recruiting locations
that are not part of any hierarchy). For example, if the top level
of your hierarchy is for countries, then the recruiting location
facet lists the countries where you have job postings. Clicking
a country name drills into the hierarchy, and facet now lists the
next level of the hierarchy.

Recruiting location hierarchies are limited to five levels (the top

level and up to four levels of nested recruiting locations).

Department Applicants use this field to filter based on the job opening’s

Job Family Applicants use this field to filter based on the job family that is
associated with a job opening. If the system is not configured to
segment job openings by job family, the job opening does not
have job family data. In this situation, the system uses the job
family that is associated with the primary job code.

Jobs Posted In This facet offers hierarchical filtering based first on the year
that the job was posted and then, after an applicant selects a
year, based on the month that the job was posted. The facets for
months are two-digit numbers rather than month names. If you
look at the image in this section, you can see that the high-level
facet 2014 has been selected, and the new values in the Jobs
Posted In facet are 04 (for April) and 05 (for May).

If you are using PeopleTools 8.54 or later, consider removing

this facet and adding the Jobs Posted Within facet instead. The
Jobs Posted Within facet enables applicants to filter based on
how recently the job was posted (for example, Last Week or Last

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

For more information about the Jobs Posted Within facet and for
instructions on adding and removing facets, see "Configuring
Recruiting Search Facets" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager).

Apply Without Selecting a Job

Apply Without Selecting a Job Applicants click this link to begin a job application that is not
associated with any particular job. The site settings control
whether this link is shown and, if so, whether it appears above
the job list, below the job list, or in both places.

Search Results — General

<x> matches found Text above the Search Results title bar indicates how many
postings match the search criteria.

The number of postings that are included in the Search Results

list is limited based on the search engine’s maximum and by
the Max Jobs Returned from Search field on the "Recruiting
Installation - Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). If the number of matches found exceeds
the maximum for the Search Results list, the text takes the form
XXX matches found. Only the first XXX results can be displayed.

Sort By When an applicant selects a Sort By value, the system sorts the
search results first by the selected field and then by job title.

Sort options include Posted Date, Department, Job ID, Job

Title, and Location.

Additional sort options are available if the site is configured

to show the corresponding fields in the search results. The
additional sort options are Business Unit, Hot Jobs, Job Family,
and Job Function.

When an applicant first accesses the Job Search page, search

results are sorted by posted date (most recent first), then job
title. If the site is configured to show the hot job indicator, hot
jobs appear at the top of the search results.

If the result set is truncated because the number of jobs that

meet the filter criteria is greater than the search engine’s
maximum number of search results, sorting reorders the current
set of jobs and does not bring missing jobs into the result set.

Applicants use the icon next to the Sort By field to toggle

Sort Ascending or Sort between an ascending sort and a descending sort.
An upward-pointing arrow indicates that jobs are currently
sorted in ascending order; clicking the icon changes to a
descending sort. Conversely, a downward-pointing arrow

98 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

indicates that jobs are currently sorted in descending order, and

clicking the icon changes to an ascending sort.

All sort options except for Posting Date and Hot Jobs are
initially shown in ascending order (A to Z). Sorting by posting
date shows jobs in descending order (most recent first), and
sorting by hot jobs shows jobs in descending order (hot jobs

Search Results — Job Details

The Search Results lists the job postings that meet the current search criteria (including any filters).

<check box> If the Site Setup Page is configured to allow applicants to select
and act on multiple jobs, check boxes appear next to each job
listed. Applicants can select the check box for one or more jobs
and then use the buttons below the job list to apply for multiple
jobs or (for internal applicants) to refer a friend for multiple

If the site is configured to show hot jobs, the hot job icon
Hot Job appears next to each hot job. If there are no hot jobs in the
search results, this column is hidden.

Job Title and Job ID Each posting in the search results has a title consisting of the job
title followed by a hyphen and then the job opening ID. Clicking
this concatenated title displays the Job Description Page, where
the applicant can review the complete job posting information
and then apply for the job, email the job to a friend, or refer a

If a job posting has changed but has not yet been re-indexed, an
applicant who clicks the job title to view job details will see a
message that the information is temporarily unavailable.

Department Displays the department for the job opening.

Job Family Job family information is shown only if the site is configured to
show this data.

If the system is not configured to segment job openings by

job family, the job opening does not have job family data. In
this situation, the system uses the job family (if any) that is
associated with the primary job code.

Location If a job has one recruiting location, that location name appears

If the job has multiple recruiting locations, the text Multiple

appears. To see a full list of locations, the applicant can click the
job title to access the Job Description page.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Job Function Job function information is shown only if the site is configured
to show this data.

Business Unit Business Unit information is shown only if the site is configured
to show this data.

Posted Date Displays the date that the job was posted to the current site.

Applicants use the Favorite Job icon to add or remove a job

Favorite Job from a personal list of favorites.

A solid gold star for a job posting indicates that the posting is
currently a favorite. Clicking the star removes the job from the
favorites list.

A gray outline of a star indicates that the job is not currently a

favorite, and clicking the star marks the job as a favorite.

Applicants can easily access their list of favorite jobs by going

to the My Favorite Jobs Page.

Buttons for Acting on Multiple Job Openings

Note: These buttons appear only if the Site Setup Page is configured to allow applicants to select and
act on multiple jobs. In this configuration, the check boxes in the job list allow the applicant to select the
jobs, and the buttons below the list enable the applicant to act on the selected jobs.

Apply for Selected Jobs Applicants click this button to begin a job application for one or
more selected jobs.

See Applying for Jobs

Refer a Friend This button is visible only to internal applicants, who click this
button to initiate the process of referring a friend for one or
more selected jobs.

Search Tips Page

Applicants use the Search Tips page (PTSF_SEARCH_TIPS) to view tips for entering search keywords.


Click the Search Tips link on the Job Search page.

100 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

Image: Search Tips page

This example illustrates the Search Tips page.

Search My Profile Page

Internal applicants use the Search My Profile page (HRS_APP_SCHMYPRF) to search for job openings
that match the applicant’s own person, job, or interest profile.


Click the Search Your Profiles link on the Careers Home page.

Image: Search My Profiles page

This example illustrates the Search My Profiles page.

Search Criteria
Profile Information This grid lists the person, job, and interest profiles that are
associated with the internal applicant who is using the page. The
applicant selects a single profile to use for the search.

Search The applicant clicks this button to search for job openings with
profiles that have similar content to the selected profile.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Search Results
This grid is identical to the search results grid for the main Job Search except that the profile search
includes a Score column. The score indicates how closely the job opening matches the applicant’s profile.
The system initially sorts the results by score so that the closest match is first in the list.

Sort The Search My Profile page includes the same sorting options
as the main Job Search page, with an additional option to sort by

Score Click to access the Match Result page, which shows a detailed
comparison of how well the job opening matches the profile that
was used for searching.

Match Result Page

Use the Match Result page (HRS_COMPARE_RES) to view detailed information about how well a job
opening matches the profile that was used for searching.


Click the score for a job opening in the Search Results grid on the Search My Profiles page.

Image: Match Result page

This example illustrates the Match Result page.

102 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

The first column (or, in accessible mode, the first grid) displays the content sections and content items in
the profile that was used for searching.

The second column (or, in accessible mode, the second grid) shows the corresponding data in the job
opening whose score you clicked to access this page. The column displays an overall score for how
closely the job opening matches the source profile, and it also displays also scores for each content item in
the source profile. For information on how scores are calculated, see "Understanding Search and Compare
Profile Scores" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Human Resources Manage Profiles). Note that the Profile Match
search disregards settings marking any particular content item as required and sets the importance of
every content item to Average.

View Content Section Select View All Sections to list all the sections in the profiles, or
select a section to view the information for one content section.
The default is View All Sections.

Job Description Page

Applicants use the Job Description page (HRS_APP_JBPST or HRS_CE_JOB_DTL) to:

• View complete posting information for a job.

• Start an application for a single job, add a job to the saved jobs list, or email the job to a friend.

• Refer a friend for the job (internal applicants only)


• Click a job title on the Job Search page.

This opens the version of the page with object ID HRS_APP_JBPST.

• Click a job title on the My Favorite Jobs page.

This opens the version of the page with object ID HRS_CE_JOB_DTL.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Image: Job Description page

This example illustrates the Job Description page.

Previous in List and Next in List When you access this page from a list with multiple job
openings, click these links to navigate between job openings
without returning to the list.

Job Details This area of the page includes read-only summary information
about the job opening. If a job has multiple recruiting locations,
the location field lists all of them.

Applicants use the Favorite Job icon to add or remove a job

Favorite Job from a personal list of favorites.

A solid gold star for a job posting indicates that the posting is
currently a favorite. Clicking the star removes the job from the
favorites list.

A gray outline of a star indicates that the job is not currently a

favorite, and clicking the star marks the job as a favorite.

Applicants can easily access their list of favorite jobs by going

to the My Favorite Jobs Page.

<Posting Description> The posting description appears below the job details section.
The posting description comes from the "Posting Information
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

When a recruiter creates a posting description, sections within

the description can be marked as visible to internal applicants,
external applicants, or both. In Candidate Gateway, the

104 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

appropriate sections are concatenated based on whether the

applicant is internal or external.

Apply Applicants click this button to begin a job application for the
specified job.

See Applying for Jobs.

Email to Friend Applicants click this button to access the Send Email Page,
where they supply a friend’s email address and send the job
information to the friend.

Refer a Friend This button is visible only to internal applicants.

Internal applicants click this button to initiate the process of

referring a friend for a job opening. The Refer Friend - Resume
Page appears.

Saving Searches and Job Agents

This topic provides an overview of saved searches and job agents and discusses how applicants work with
saved searches.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can save searches and job agents. The system prompts
applicants to sign in if necessary.

Pages Used to Save Searches and Job Agents

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Save Search Page HRS_APP_SAV_SCH Save search criteria, and optionally

request email notifications with search

My Saved Searches Page HRS_APP_SEARCHES View, edit, delete, and run saved

Edit Search Page HRS_APP_EDTSCH Edit a saved search.

My Saved Searches (Legacy Search HRS_APP_SCHJOB_NF View the results of a search that was
Results) Page saved before the introduction of faceted
searching in Candidate Gateway

Understanding Saved Searches and Job Agents

When applicants are signed in to Candidate Gateway, they can save search criteria from the Job Search
page. (Search My Profile searches cannot be saved.) Saving enables applicants to rerun the searches
without having to re-enter keywords and reselect filters.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Applicants can run the saved searches from the My Saved Searches page. The My Saved Searches page
additionally enables applicants to delete and edit saved searches.

When saving a search, applicants can choose to receive automated email notifications listing jobs that
meet the saved search criteria. These saved searches are known as job agents, although this term is not
used on the Candidate Gateway pages.

To support job agent notifications, you must regularly run the Job Agent Application Engine process
(HRS_JOB_AGNT) as described in the topic "Using the Job Search Agent" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). Each time the process runs, the system checks for job openings that meet the
saved search criteria. If there are postings that match the criteria, the system sends the applicant both
a Candidate Gateway notification and an email with information about the search results. The email
includes links to individual job openings that match the applicant's criteria, up to the maximum number
of job openings specified in the Max Job Posts Per Notification field on the "Recruiting Installation -
Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). If the number of matches exceeds the
maximum, the email directs the applicant to visit the Candidate Gateway to view all of the search results.

In Candidate Gateway, the job agent notification is a link that, when clicked, runs the saved search and
displays the results on the Job Search page.

If the applicant has multiple job agents, the system generates separate emails and notifications for each
job agent.

Although applicants can save an unlimited number of searches, the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) page has two settings that limit an applicant’s
job agents:

• The Maximum Job Agents field controls how many job agents an applicant can have.

• The Days Job Search Agent Active field controls how long a job agent remains active.

After a job agent expires, no further notifications are sent. However, the search still remains available
as a regular saved search.

Save Search Page

Applicants use the Save Search page (HRS_APP_SAV_SCH) to save search criteria and to request email
notifications with search results.


Click the Save Search button on the Job Search page (after entering search criteria).

106 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

Image: Save Search page

This example illustrates the Save Search page.

My Saved Search
Name My Search Applicants enter a unique name to identify the saved search.

Notify me when new jobs meet my Applicants select this check box to save the search criteria as a
criteria job agent.

If the applicant already has the maximum number of job

agents (configured in the Maximum Job Agents field on the
"Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)), the system issues an error,
and the applicant must deselect the check box before saving.

Send email notification to If the search is being saved as a job agent, the applicant must
supply an email address for the job agent email notifications.
The applicant’s primary email address is the default value.

Save Search Clicking this button saves the search.

Current Saved Searches This grid lists the applicant’s existing saved searches to provide
context for the current saved search. Reviewing existing saved
searches helps applicants choose a unique name for the Name
My Search field.

Related Links
Understanding Saved Searches and Job Agents

My Saved Searches Page

Applicants use the My Saved Searches page (HRS_APP_SEARCHES) to view, edit, delete, and run saved

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4


• Click the My Saved Searches link in the navigation bar that appears on pages throughout Candidate
Gateway if the applicant is signed in.

• Click the Save button on the Save Search page.

Image: My Saved Searches page

This example illustrates the My Saved Searches page.

Saved Searches
Search Name Displays the unique search name entered by the applicant.

Created On Displays the date that the applicant created the saved search.

Notifications Email If the search was saved as a job agent, this field displays the
email where job agent notifications are sent. Otherwise, this
field displays the message No notifications will be sent.

Notification Expires On If the Days Job Search Agent Active setting on the "Recruiting
Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) has a value, then searches that were saved
as job agents expire after the specified number of days. The
expiration date is shown here in the Notification Expires On
field so that the applicant is aware of the expiration date.

The expiration date is also given in the email notifications that

the job agent process sends to the applicant.

This column is blank for searches that are not job agents.

Clicking this icon displays the Edit Search Page, where the
Edit applicant can modify search criteria and job agent settings.

The Edit button is not available for searches that were saved
before the introduction of faceted searching in Candidate
Gateway. However, applicants can still run these legacy

Clicking this icon deletes a saved search. An alternative to

Delete editing a saved search is to delete the original search and create
a new one.

108 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

Search Clicking this button performs the saved search. The Job Search
Page appears and displays both the search criteria and the search

Edit Search Page

Applicants use the Edit Search page (HRS_APP_EDTSCH) to edit a saved search.


Click the Edit icon for a saved search on the My Saved Searches page.

Image: Edit Search page

This example illustrates the Edit Search page.

Saved Search Settings

The fields from the Save Search Page appear so that applicants can change either the search name or the
job agent settings.

Search Criteria
The original search criteria appears. Applicants can review and modify the criteria. Clicking the Run
Search button enables applicants to preview their search results.

Saving Changes
Save Search Clicking this button saves the search. If the search name is
unchanged, saving updates the existing saved search. If the
search name is changed, saving creates a new saved search.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Search Results
The system performs the saved search when an applicant initially accesses the page, and updates the
results when an applicant clicks the Run Search button. The search results provide the applicant with
feedback about the search criteria.

Within the results, applicant can interact with single job postings, but the Edit Search page does not
provide options to act on multiple jobs, even if the site is configured to allow multiple job selection on the
Job Search page.

My Saved Searches (Legacy Search Results) Page

Use the My Saved Searches (legacy search results) page (HRS_APP_SCHJOB_NF) to view the results of
a search that was saved before the introduction of faceted searching in Candidate Gateway.


On the My Saved Searches page, click the Search button for a saved search that was created before
the introduction of faceted searching in Candidate Gateway. You can recognize a legacy search by the
disabled Edit icon.

Image: My Saved Searches (Legacy Search Results) page

This example illustrates the My Saved Search page that shows search results for legacy searches.

Saved Search Criteria (not editable) This area of the page displays the original search criteria.

Search Results The Search Results list for a legacy search are the same as the
Search Results list on the Job Search page. Applicants can sort
the list, access job details, and click the My Favorite Jobs icon.

110 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

Site settings control whether applicants can select and act on

multiple jobs.

Viewing Favorite Jobs

This topic provides an overview of favorite jobs and discusses how to review favorite jobs.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can save jobs. The system prompts applicants to sign in if

Pages Used to View Favorite Jobs

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Favorite Jobs Page HRS_APP_SVDJB_SEC View favorite jobs.

Understanding Favorite Jobs

Applicants can mark jobs as favorites to keep track of jobs that they are interested in. Applicants can
mark jobs as favorites from the Job Search page or from the Job Description page. Applicants view their
favorite jobs on the My Favorite Jobs page. There is no limit to the number of jobs that an applicant can

If the site is configured to support multiple job selection, applicants can initiate job applications for one or
more jobs directly from the list of favorite jobs.

My Favorite Jobs Page

Applicants use the My Favorite Jobs page (HRS_APP_SVDJB_SEC) to view favorite jobs.


Click the My Favorite Jobs link in the navigation bar that appears on pages throughout Candidate
Gateway if the applicant is signed in.

Image: My Favorite Jobs page

This example illustrates the My Favorite Jobs page.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Favorite Jobs
<check box> Applicants select this check box to choose one or more jobs to
act on. To act on the selected jobs, applicants click one of the
buttons at the bottom of the job list.

The Apply for Selected Jobs and Refer a Friend buttons are
visible only if the site is configured to allow multiple job
selection. However, the Remove Selected Jobs button is always
available, so the check boxes for selecting jobs are always
present, regardless of the site configuration.

Job Title Displays the job posting title. Clicking the title displays the Job
Description page.

Job ID Displays the unique identifier for the job opening.

Location Displays the job’s recruiting location. If the job is associated

with multiple recruiting location, the word Multiple appears. To
view a complete list of locations, applicants must click the job
title to access the Job Description page.

Status Displays the status of the job opening. The system does not
automatically remove closed, cancelled, or on hold jobs from
an applicant's list of favorite jobs. However, if the applicant
attempts to apply for a job that is not open, the system displays a
message that the job is no longer available.

Job Family Displays the job family for the posting. This column is visible
regardless of whether the site is configured to show job family
information on the Search Jobs page.

If the system is not configured to segment job openings by

job family, the job opening does not have job family data. In
this situation, the system uses the job family (if any) that is
associated with the primary job code.

Saved Date Displays the date that the job was marked as a favorite.

Apply for Selected Jobs Clicking this button initiates an application for the selected job
or jobs.

This button is visible only if the Allow Multiple Job Selection

check box on the Site Setup Page is selected.

Remove Selected Jobs Clicking this button updates the selected jobs so that they are
no longer marked as favorites and they no longer appear on this

Refer a Friend Internal applicants click this button to initiate the process of
referring a friend for the selected job or jobs.

When an internal applicant clicks this button, the Refer Friend -

Resume Page appears.

112 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 4 (Classic) Searching for Jobs

This button is hidden if the “Do Not Allow Refer a Friend”

check box is selected on the Site Setup page or if the applicant is

Emailing Job Postings to Friends

This topic provides an overview of emailing job postings and discusses how to email a job to a friend.

Note: Applicants do not need to sign in to email jobs to friends.

Pages Used to Email Job Openings to Friends

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Send Email Page HRS_JOB_EML_FRND Email jobs to friends.

Understanding Emailing Job Descriptions

When applicants find a job opening that might interest someone they know, they can use the system
to email the job opening to that person. The email is sent from the system and not from the applicant's
personal email address.

The applicant can modify the email subject at runtime. The body text is read-only, except that the Send
Email page includes a field where the applicant enters a name that the system embeds in the body text.
The applicant-entered name enables the recipient to see who requested that the email be sent.

The message text comes from the PeopleTools generic template HRS_CE_EML_FRND
(PeopleTools >Workflow >Notifications >Generic Templates). This template uses text catalog entry
HRAM_CEEMLFND_SUB1 as the email subject and text catalog entry HRAM_CEEMLFND_BOD1 as
the email message body.

The body of the message includes separate links that external and internal applicants use to access the
Candidate Gateway site and review the job posting. The links are valid only as long as the job is posted.
For example, if a job is posted internally but not externally, then the link for external applicants will not

Send Email Page

Applicants use the Send Email page (HRS_JOB_EML_FRND) to email jobs to friends.


Click the Email to Friend button on the Job Description page.

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(Classic) Searching for Jobs Chapter 4

Image: Send Email page

This example illustrates the Send Email page.

To An applicant enters a comma-delimited list of email addresses to

which the message will be sent.

Your Name An applicant enters his or her own name in this field. The
system references this name in the default email message text,
which begins with the sentence <Your Name> saw this job
opening and thought you might find it interesting.

Subject Applicants can optionally modify the email subject. The default
subject is Interesting job at <company>. The company name
comes from the job opening.

Message Applicants cannot modify the message text.

Send Clicking this button sends the email notification to the

designated recipients.

114 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5

(Classic) Applying for Jobs

Understanding the Application Process

This topic provides overviews of:

• The online application process.

• Default application data.

• Integration with resume extractors.

The Online Application Process

Starting an Application
Applicants can start a new job application from the Job Search page, the Job Details page, or the Saved
Jobs page. Depending on how the applicant initiates the application, the application can include one,
multiple, or no job openings:

• Clicking the Apply button on the Job Details page starts an application for a single job.

• If a site is configured to allow multiple job selection on the Job Search page, clicking the Apply for
Selected Jobs button on the Job Search page starts an application for one or multiple jobs, depending
on how many jobs were selected.

• Clicking the Apply for Selected Jobs button on the My Favorite Jobs page starts an application for one
or multiple jobs, depending on how many jobs were selected.

• Clicking the Apply Without Selecting a Job link on the Job Search page starts an application with no

This link can be hidden by deselecting the Display “Apply Without Selecting a Job” check box on the
Site Setup Page.

The Site Setup page lets you configure whether to allow multiple applications for the same job. If
multiple applications are allowed, applicants still see a warning when they start a duplicate application,
but they are allowed to continue with the new application. If multiple applications are not allowed,
applicants see an error message and are not allowed to continue. The message tells the applicant to go to
the My Activities page to review the existing application (or to restart it if the existing application is still

If an applicant created multiple applications for the same job opening before you activated the option to
disallow multiple applications, the applicant will be able to continue with a draft application as long as
there are no submitted applications for the same job opening.

Even if multiple applications are not allowed, applicants can reapply for jobs in these situations:

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 115
(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

• The original application was withdrawn.

• The original application failed prescreening or online screening (that is, the application disposition is
either 112 Failed Prescreening or 115 Reject Online Screening).

• The original application was created when a recruiter linked the applicant to a job with a
questionnaire. In this situation, the original application does not include questionnaire answers, and
the applicant is specifically invited to submit a new application so that questionnaire answers can be

Resume Template Selection

Resume templates control several of the steps in the application process. The system loads resume
template settings as follows:

• If an applicant applies without selecting a job opening, the system uses the default resume template
that is associated with the site.

• If the applicant applies for a single job opening, the system uses the resume template for that job

• If an applicant applies for more than one job at a time, the system merges the associated resume
templates so that all sections are included in the application (but no sections are duplicated).

See "Understanding Resume Templates" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

Steps in the Online Application Process

Candidate Gateway guides applicants through the job application with a horizontal bar that displays each
step in the process.

Image: Guided application process

This example illustrates the guided application process.

To complete an application, applicants must visit each step in the guided application process. The guided
process requires applicants to access each step in the order shown: the Next button is the only way to
move to the next step. Applicants can, however, revisit completed steps at any time.

The site definition, the resume template, and the job opening(s) can all impact the steps that appear during
the application process. Although the various configuration options affect which steps appear, the overall
sequence of steps is fixed, as shown in the following diagram.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Steps in the job application process

This diagram illustrates the sequence of steps during the job application process.

The following table describes the application steps and explains what causes each step to appear.

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Step Description Conditions When the Step Appears

Start Displays notices and terms and agreements. The start steps appears if either of the following
conditions is true:
If terms and agreements appear, the applicant must
agree to the terms before continuing to the next step. • The site definition is configured to display
one or more of these start step elements:
administrator-configured text, instructional text,
or application terms and agreements.

• The application requires prescreening, which

always places a prescreening notice on the Start

The site definition controls whether

prescreening terms and agreements appear in
addition to the prescreening notice.

Prequalify Displays prescreening questions. Depending on the The Prequalify step appears when either of the
site configuration, the applicant may be required to following conditions is true:
supply answers before continuing.
• The applicant applies for one or more job
When the applicant continues to the next step, the openings with prescreening.
system evaluates the answers and immediately
displays the prescreening results. Jobs where the • The applicant applies without a job opening,
applicant fails prescreening are removed from the and the site’s default resume template includes
application. prescreening.

If no jobs are left in the application, the applicant See "Setting Up Screening for a Job Opening"
cannot continue. If at least one job is left in the (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)
application, the applicant can continue, and system
updates the guided process to remove anything that is
no longer relevant to the remaining job openings.

Resume Enables applicants to supply a resume and cover The Resume step appears unless the resume template
letter using methods defined in the resume template. is configured to skip this step.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Step Description Conditions When the Step Appears

Configurable These steps, which are configured on the resume Resume templates define the configurable steps (and
steps template, can display any of the following data entry optional substeps) in the application process.

• Attachments

• Employment Preferences

• (USF) Federal Preferences

• Education History

• Work Experience

• Job Training

• (USF) Priority Placement

• Profile content types (for example, competencies

or languages)

• References

• Personal Information

• Online Questionnaire

• Referrals

(NIR) Enables applicants for jobs in Northern Ireland to The Community Background step appears if the Use
Community enter their community background information. Community Background check box is selected on
Background the Country Specific page in the resume template

The system does not consider the actual location

of the job opening, only the settings on the resume

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Step Description Conditions When the Step Appears

(USA) Self- Includes up to three substeps that are all related to The Self-Identify step appears only for USA job
Identify United States regulatory requirements: applications.

(external 1. Disability: invites applicants to self-identify their Applications are considered USA job applications
applicants only) disability status. if any of the included job openings have recruiting
locations that are associated with a physical location
2. Veteran: invites applicants to self-identify their in the United States. If a job opening’s recruiting
veteran status. location doesn't reference any physical locations, the
job is not treated as being in the United States.
3. Diversity: invites applicants to enter gender and
ethnicity information for Equal Employment If an applicant applies without a job opening, the
Opportunity reporting purposes. application is considered a USA job application if
the applicant's address is in the United States. All
The Veteran and Disability steps both relate to
applicant records have a Country in the address,
regulations from the U.S. Department of Labor’s
even if no other address information exists. For
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
information on default values for the Country field,
see Understanding Account Information.

The Diversity substep is not configurable, so it

appears in all USA job applications. The Disability
and Veteran substeps appear only when activated
in the OFCCP Self-Identify field on the Site Setup

Note: If the Disability and Veteran substeps are

not enabled, then Diversity appears as a main step
instead of a substep.

Review and Enables applicants to review their application before The Review and Submit step is the only required
Submit submitting it. step for every application. It is not configurable.

Draft Applications
The system automatically saves application data every time an applicant moves to a different step in the
application process. An application is also saved when an applicant clicks either the Save as Draft button
or the Exit button (except when the applicant immediately exits from the first step in the application). The
exception is that diversity data and Northern Ireland community background information are saved only
when an application is submitted.

Applications that have been saved without being submitted are draft applications. Draft applications have
the status Not Submitted in the Applications grid on the My Activities page.

When an applicant accesses a draft application, the system normally places the applicant on the last saved
step. If the applicant previously continued past either the Community Background step for Norther Ireland
or the Diversity step for the United States, the system returns the applicant to the those steps.

The system returns the applicant to the Start step if any of the following configuration changes have
occurred since the application was saved:

• Changes to the terms and agreements on the Start Step.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

These changes can occur because of changes to text catalog entries, or they can occur when changes
to the Site Setup page affect which terms and agreements sections appear on the Start Step page.

• Changes to the Resume step or to the configurable steps from the resume template.

When the system returns the applicant to the Start step, the applicant’s previously entered data is
preserved, but the applicant must still revisit each step.

Submitted Applications
After applicants submit an application, they cannot make changes to it.

Submitted applications have the status Submitted in the Applications grid on the My Activities Page page.

When an applicant accesses a submitted application, the system displays read-only application data on the
Application Summary Page.

Application-Related Notifications
When an application is submitted, the system sends a confirmation email to the applicant. This behavior is
not configurable. The notification uses the HRS_CE_APPL_APPLY_JOB template.

Prescreening and online screening can be configured to send the applicant an email with prescreening

Default Application Data

If an external applicant already has any existing draft or submitted applications, the system brings data
from the most recently created application (whether or not that application has been submitted) into
any new applications. The system does not bring in a default resume, answers to questions, competency
ratings, or referral information, but all other types of application data are brought into new applications.
Applicants can review and modify this default application data as they step through the application

For internal applicants, the system imports data from the employee profile (including training
information) and then supplements it with additional non-conflicting data from the most recently
created application. Even if imported profile content was manually removed from the most recently
submitted application, the system continues to bring it into each new application as long as it is part of the
employee's profile.

Note that work experience data from an internal applicant’s previous applications does not get brought
into new applications. For internal applicants, work experience is brought in only from the employee’s
human resources record (as seen on the "Prior Work Experience Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Human
Resources Administer Workforce)).

Integration With Resume Extractors

This topic provides a general overview of the use of resume extractors to populate the online application
form. For information about setting up resume extractors, see "Setting Up Recruiting Vendors"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) and "Setting Up Data Mapping" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

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The Resume Extraction Process

If you integrate with a third-party resume extractor, the extraction process parses data from the applicant's
resume attachment and populates application fields automatically. Resume parsing does not apply to
resumes that are entered using the Copy & Paste resume option.

See "Understanding Resume Management" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Here is how resume extraction works:

1. An applicant uploads a resume.

2. The resume extractor parses the resume and enters data in the appropriate application fields.

Parsing occurs immediately; the applicant does not need to continue to the next step

Data from the resume extraction process overwrites any existing application data, including the
default data that the system imports from a previous application or from an employee profile.

3. Applicants continue to step through the online application process, reviewing data and supplying any
missing information.

Sometimes the resume extraction process will create a row of data that is missing required
information. In this situation, the system prevents the applicant from moving past the step with the
missing information until all required data is supplied. A red warning icon identifies the incomplete
data, and the applicant must resolve the issue before continuing to the next step.

If an applicant returns to the resume step and supplies a new resume, the newly extracted data
replaces the previous data, and the applicant must go through each application step again to verify the
newly extracted information.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Resume extraction process

The following diagram shows how a resume extractor is used during the online application process. The
extractor uses resume information to enter default values into the application form. While proceeding
through the remaining steps, the applicant can review and modify the data provided by the resume

Extracting Name and Contact Data

The resume extraction process handles contact information as follows:

• The resume extractor does not overwrite any existing name or physical address in the system.

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If no physical address exists in the system, then the resume extractor inserts any physical address
found in the resume. Because Candidate Gateway stores only one address for the applicant, only the
first address is used if more than one is found in the resume.

• If no email address or phone number exists in the system, then the resume extractor will insert any
found in the resume.

• If email addresses and phone numbers already exist in the system, then the resume extractor will add
new ones found in the resume.

If an email or phone type is already in use (for example, the extractor finds a home phone number, but
one already exists in the system), then the new email or phone number is added using the type Other.
If the Other type already exists, it is overwritten, and any additional email or phone numbers in the
resume are ignored.

Applying for Jobs

This topic discusses the pages that applicants use to complete an online job application.

This Candidate Gateway overview video includes a demonstration of applying for a job:

Candidate Gateway Overview

Note: External applicants must sign in before starting a job application. The system prompts applicants to
sign in if necessary.

Pages Used to Apply for Jobs

Page Name Definition Name Usage

The Guided Application Process n/a A graphical representation of the

(common element on pages used to application process appears at the top
apply for jobs) of each step in the application process.
Applicants use the guided application
process to view the overall step sequence
and navigate between numbered steps.

Start Page HRS_CE_START Review notices and accept any terms and
agreements. If none exist, this page does
not appear.

Job Details Page HRS_JOB_DTL_SEC2 Review job opening details.

Prequalify Page HRS_APP_JOPRESCRN (for Answer prescreening questions.

applications with a job opening)

applications without a job opening)

Prequalify Results Page HRS_CE_JOSCR_RSLT2 Review prescreening results.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Resume Page HRS_RESUME_OPTION Supply a resume and cover letter as part

of a job application.

Copy & Paste Resume Page HRS_APPLY_RESUME Enter resume text into a rich text field,
and provide a resume title and language.

Use Existing Resume Page HRS_RESUMES_SEC Choose a resume from a list of

previously-submitted resumes.

<Step Name> Page (as configured on the HRS_CE_PROFILE Enter application data using steps that are
resume template) defined on the resume template. These
are the sections that can be configured to

• Attachments Section

• Employment Preferences Section

• (USF) Federal Preferences Section

• (USF) Priority Placement Section

• Education History Section

• Work Experience Section

• Job Training Section

• Profile-Related Sections

• References Section

• Personal Information Section

• Application Questionnaire Section

• Referrals Section

Add Attachment Page HRS_CE_D_ATTACH Select an attachment type and initiate the
file selection process.

Priority Placement Page HRS_CE_G_D_PP Enter priority placement information.

Work Experience Page HRS_CE_D_WRK_EXP Enter work experience information.

Job Training Page HRS_CE_D_TRAINING Enter job training information.

<Profile Content Type> Page HRS_CG_APP_DETAIL (when adding Enter details about a profile-based
a new profile item) qualification.

editing an existing profile item)

Reference Page HRS_CE_D_REFERENCE Enter name and contact information for a

person who can supply a professional or
personal reference.

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Page Name Definition Name Usage

(NIR) Community Background Page HRS_APP_CB2 Enter community background

information for Northern Ireland.

(USA) Disability Page HRS_CE_DISABILITY Enter self-identified disability

information. This page supports
compliance with regulations from the
U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of
Federal Contract Compliance Programs

Veteran Page HRS_CE_VETERAN Enter self-identified veteran status. This

page supports compliance with OFCCP
regulations from the U.S. Department of

(USA) Diversity Page HRS_CE_SELF_IDENT Enter gender and ethnicity information

for equal employment opportunity
reporting in the United States.

Ethnic Group Page or Race page HRS_CE_DIV_EXPLAIN Displays explanatory text to help
applicants answer the questions “Are
you Hispanic or Latino?” and “What is
your race?” These questions appear on
the Diversity page when the system is
configured to collect ethnicity and race
information using a two-part question.

To access this page, applicants click

the Explain link next to either of the
questions on the Diversity page. The
page title and content depend on which
Explain link is clicked.

Review/Submit Page HRS_CE_REVIEW Review application data, and submit an


My Contact Information Page HRS_APP_PRFILE_SEC External applicants use this page

to review and update name contact
information. Internal applicants can
review this information, but they
cannot make any changes because the
information comes from HR records.

Application Confirmation Page HRS_CE_CONFIRM View a confirmation that an application

has been successfully submitted, and
review online screening results for
job openings that include pass and fail
messages for online screening.

Application Summary Page HRS_CE_REVIEW Review a submitted application.

The Guided Application Process

The Candidate Gateway guided application process includes the following elements that appear on all

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

• A navigation bar showing the overall sequence of steps.

• A row of navigation buttons that appears below the horizontal bar and also at the bottom of the step.

• A page title and step count (for example, step 5 of 8).

• An Applying For link listing the job opening(s) that the applicant is applying for.

Image: Common elements in the guided application process

This example illustrates common elements in the guided application process. In this example, the
horizontal navigation bar includes eight steps. The icons for the first four steps are blue, indicating that
the applicant has already visited those steps. The icon for the next step is orange, indicating that it is
the step currently being viewed. The current step (Qualifications) also has substeps for Experience,
Education, and Accomplishment. These are shown under the main navigation bar. The icons for the final
three steps in the process are gray, indicating that the applicant has not yet visited those steps.

Navigation Bar
<Step> The navigation bar shows an applicant all of the steps in the
online job application process. An applicant must navigate
through all of the steps to complete the application. On the final
Review/Submit step, the applicant can submit the application.

Steps are represented by both a label and an icon. The icon for
the current step is orange. Unvisited steps have gray icons, and
the icons for completed steps are blue.

Depending on the resume template configuration, some steps

may have substeps. Substeps have a label, but no icon. They are
visible only when the applicant is on the parent step.

Applicants can return to already-visited steps and substeps by

clicking the icon or the label in the navigation bar. However,
applicants cannot use the navigation bar to access steps that they
have not yet visited. Instead, applicants use the Next button to
navigate to unvisited steps and substeps in sequence.

When an applicant moves to a different step (regardless of the

method), the system validates that all required information
is present on the current step. If any required information is
missing, a message appears, and the applicant must provide the
missing information before continuing.

If an application has more steps or substeps than the navigation

Display Previous Steps and bar can display at one time, these overflow icons appear at the
Display Next Steps

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edges of the navigation bar. Applicants can use these icons to

view the additional steps.

The number of steps that the navigation bar displays at one time
is based on the length of the step labels. (Resume templates
include a setting for overriding the number of steps to display,
but Oracle recommends against using this option.)

Exit Clicking this button exits the application process. If the
applicant has not moved past the Start step, the system does not
save the application. Otherwise, the system saves the application
in draft status (that is, with the Draft disposition) before exiting.

Draft applications show the status as Not Submitted in the

Applications grid on the My Activities page.

When an applicant accesses an unsubmitted application, the

system normally restarts the application on the last saved
step. However, if there have been changes to the terms and
agreements shown on the Start step, or if there have been
changes to steps controlled by the resume template, the system
returns the applicant to the Start step. The applicant’s previously
entered data is preserved, but the applicant must still revisit each

Save as Draft Clicking this button saves an in-progress application without

submitting it.

This button is not visible on the Start step.

Previous Clicking this button saves changes to the current step and
navigates to the previous step. The button is disabled for the
first step in the application process.

Next Clicking this button saves changes to the current step and
navigates to the next step. If any required information is missing
on the current step, a message appears, and the applicant must
provide the missing information before continuing to the next

On the last step of the application process (the Review/Submit

step), the next button is replaced by a Submit Application

Submit Application This button appears only on the Review/Submit step. An

applicant clicks this button to submit the application. Applicants
cannot make any further changes to an application that has been
submitted. To provide an updated application, the applicant can

128 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Applications that have been submitted have the status Submitted

in the Applications grid on the My Activities page.

Page Title and Step Number

<Title Text> Displays a page title that includes both the step name and the
step number, such as Start - Step 1 of 8

Job Openings in Application

Applying For Displays the posting titles of all job openings included in the
application. This text is a link that the applicant can click to
open the Job Details Page.

If the applicant applied without selecting a job, this field

displays the text You have not selected a job.

If an applicant fails prescreening for a subset of the jobs in a

multi-job application, the system removes that subset of jobs
from the list of job openings. Applicants can also manually
remove jobs from an application on the Review/Submit page.
Applicants cannot, however, add jobs to an application.

Start Page
Applicants use the Start page (HRS_CE_START) to review notices and accept any terms and agreements.

This page appears if the site definition is configured to show start step content or if the application
includes prescreening.


Begin a job application. To do this:

• Click the Apply button on the the Job Description page

• If applications for multiple jobs are allowed, click the Apply for Selected Jobs button on the Job
Search page or the My Favorite Jobs page.

• If applying without a job is allowed, click the Apply Without a Job Opening link on the Job Search

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Image: Start page with delivered text

This example illustrates the Start page with sample text. Oracle delivers these sample text examples.

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Image: Start page with descriptions of each text block

This illustration of the Start page replaces the sample notices with descriptions of each notice and the text
catalog ID for each notice.

Note: The following text elements appear on the Start step without labels, but the illustration above
identifies these text elements on the page.

1. OFCCP Invitation to Voluntarily Appears only for internal applicants, and only if the OFCCP
Self-Identify Self-Identify field on the Site Setup Page page is configured to
request veteran or disability self-identification from applicants.

This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_CE_DIS_INSTR4)

informs internal applicants that they can use HR self-service
to voluntarily self-identify as having a disability or a protected
veteran status. This notice is shown to internal applicants in
lieu of collecting self-identification information during the
application process.

2. Start Step Administrator Appears only if the Display Start Step Administrator Configured
Configured Text Text check box is selected on the Site Setup page.

This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_CE_ADMIN_TXT)

can serve any purpose. For example, use it to introduce your
organization, make announcements, and so forth.

3. Start Step Instructional Text Appears only if the Display Start Step Instructional Text check
box is selected on the Site Setup page.

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This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_CE_INSTR_TXT) is

intended for general instructions related to the application
process. It should not be used for instructions related to terms
and agreements, as a separate text block exists for that purpose.

4. Instructions for Terms and Appears only if the applicant must agree to any terms and
Agreements agreements. This occurs if the Display Application Terms and
Agreements check box is selected on the Site Setup page or, for
jobs with prescreening, if the Display Prequalification Terms
and Agreements check box is selected on the Site page.

This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_CE_DINSTR_TXT)

instructs applicants to read the terms and agreements and
explains that they must agree to the terms before continuing.

Prequalification Notices
5. Prequalification Notice Appears only if the application includes a Prequalify step. You
cannot disable prequalification notices.

The notice text comes from the Explain Text ID field in the job
opening’s prescreening setup (or, if there is no job opening,
from the prescreening setup on the resume template).

The relevant job title and job ID appear before the notice. If the
application includes multiple jobs with prescreening, notices for
jobs that use the same Explain Text ID are consolidated. That
is, the titles and job IDs for all jobs using a particular notice are
listed before the notice. If jobs use different Explain Text IDs,
the notices appear sequentially under the appropriate job titles
and IDs.

6. Prequalification Terms & Appears only if the application includes prescreening and the
Agreements Display Prequalification Terms and Agreements check box is
selected on the Site Setup page.

This text element (text catalog ID HRAM_CE_PREQ

_INSTRU) presents terms and agreement related to the
prescreening process.

7. Application Terms & Agreements Appears only if the Display Application Terms and Agreements
check box is selected on the Site Setup page

This text element (text catalog ID HRAM_CE_APPL_INSTR)

presents general terms and agreements related to the submission
of any job application.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Consent to Terms and Agreements

I have read and agree to the above Appears only if the Site Setup page is configured to show either
terms and agreements application terms & agreements or prequalification terms &
agreements. Applicants must select the check box to indicate
consent to the terms and agreements before they can continue to
the next step.

Job Details Page

Applicants use the Job Details page (HRS_JOB_DTL_SEC2) to review detailed posting information
for the jobs included in the application. For a multi-job application, the page lists all jobs in collapsible


Click the job title(s) in the Applying For field that appears on every step of the application.

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Image: Job Details page for a single job opening

This example illustrates the Job Details page when the application includes a single job opening.

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Image: Job Details page for a multi-job application

This example illustrates the Job Details page for a multi-job application. The page includes collapsible
sections for each job. Initially, the section for the first job is expanded and the sections for all other jobs
are collapsed.

Close Clicking this button closes the Job Details page and returns the
applicant to the guided application process.

Prequalify Page
Applicants use the Prequalify page (HRS_APP_JOPRESCRN for applications with a job opening, or
HRS_APP_PRESCREEN for applications without a job opening) to answer prescreening questions.


Click the Next button on the Start step.

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Image: Prequalify page

This example illustrates the Prequalify page.

Prequalification Questions This section displays a numbered list of questions. These

questions come from the prescreening definition on the job
opening (or, for applications without a job opening, from the
prescreening definition on the resume template). In a multi-job
application, prescreening questions for all jobs are consolidated
into one list.

Prescreening questions never have default answers, even if the

applicant previously applied for the job.

Radio buttons indicate that the question has one correct answer.
Check boxes indicate that the question has multiple correct
answers. Prescreening questions cannot be open-ended.

If the Require Answers to Questions check box on the Site

Setup Page is selected, the section title includes the word
(Required), and applicants must supply answers to all questions
before continuing.

When the applicant clicks the Next button to continue, the

system immediately evaluates the answers and determines
whether the applicant passes prescreening.

Note: After passing prescreening and continuing to the next

step, applicants can return to the Prequalify step to review the
questions and answers, but in this mode, the questions are read-

Related Links
"Understanding Prescreening and Online Screening" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Prequalify Results Page

Applicants use the Prequalify Results page (HRS_CE_JOSCR_RSLT2) to review prescreening results.


Click the Next button on the Prequalify step.

Image: Prequalify Results page

This example illustrates the Prequalify Results page when the applicant applies for a single job and passes

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Image: Prequalify Results page for multiple jobs.

This example illustrates the Prequalify Results page when the applicant applies for multiple jobs. In this
example, the applicant passed prescreening for one job and failed prescreening for another job. A third
job in the application did not have any prescreening questions, so it is included in the list of jobs for
which the applicant is eligible to apply.

Prescreening Summary
You are eligible to apply for <number One or both of these messages appear at the top of the page to
of> job(s) and You are not eligible to summarize the number of jobs that the applicant is eligible and
apply for <number of> job(s) ineligible to apply for.

If prescreening occurs in a multi-job application, any jobs

without prescreening are included in the count of eligible jobs.

Prescreening Details
You are eligible to apply for <this One or both of these sections appear depending on the
job / these jobs> and You are not prescreening results. Within each section, there is a list of the
eligible to apply for <this job / these eligible or ineligible jobs.
Each job appears in a collapsible section that shows the job title,
the job ID, and the pass or fail message from the prescreening

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Continue or Close
Continue Clicking this button displays the next step in the application
process. This button appears if the applicant is eligible to apply
for at least one job.

Close This button appears only when the applicant is not eligible to
apply for any jobs. Clicking this button closes the application
and returns the applicant to the Job Search page.

Resume Page
Applicants use the Resume page (HRS_RESUME_OPTION) to supply a resume and cover letter as part
of a job application.

The application process includes a Resume step unless the resume template is configured to skip this step.


Click the Next button on the Start Step page.

If the guided application process does not include the Start step, the Resume page is the first page in the
guided application process.

Image: Resume page with no resume or cover letter supplied

This example illustrates the Resume page before the applicant supplies a resume or cover letter. In this
example, the resume template is configured so that a resume is required and a cover letter is optional.

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Image: Resume page: files attached

This example illustrates the Resume page after an applicant attaches a resume and a cover letter.

Note: If resume parsing is active, it occurs as soon as an applicant uploads a resume. Parsing is used only
for attached resumes, not for resumes that are entered using the Copy & Paste Resume option.

The Resume group box appears if the applicant has not yet selected a resume.

The resume template controls which options are available and whether a resume is required. If the word
Required appears in the group box header, applicants cannot continue to the next step without supplying a
resume. If the resume is not required, applicants do not need to explicitly indicate that no resume will be
supplied. Instead, they can simply continue to the next step.

The resume template also controls which of the following options are available:

Attach Resume Clicking this button displays the File Attachment dialog so that
the applicant can upload an attachment.

PeopleTools manages the physical storage locations of file

attachments using the URL Maintenance page (PeopleTools >
Utilities > Administration > URLs). Settings for the HRS_APP_
ATCH_CG URL identifier determine whether there are any file
type restrictions for resumes that applicants upload.

The URL identifier settings also control the physical storage

location for the attached file, which must match the location for
the HRS_APP_ATCH URL identifier used for attachments that
are uploaded in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager.

See "Setting Up Application Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM

9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

140 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Use Existing Resume Clicking this button displays the Use Existing Resume page,
where applicants choose an already-submitted resume to reuse.

This button is hidden if the applicant does not have any already-
submitted resumes. Applicants can view all of their submitted
resumes in the Resumes grid on the My Activities page.

Copy & Paste Resume Clicking this button displays the Copy & Paste Resume page,
where applicants can enter formatted resume text in a rich text

Current Resume
The Current Resume group box appears after an applicant supplies a resume.

View Resume Clicking this link opens the resume.

For attached resumes, this link text is the file name. Clicking the
link opens the resume in a new window.

For copy/pasted resumes, the link text is the resume title.

Clicking the link opens the Copy & Paste Resume page in read-
only mode.

Resume Title This field appears only for attached resumes. Applicants use
this field to label the resume with a title that is not subject to file
name restrictions.

If an resume is used in more than one application (because

the applicant selected the Use Existing Resume option), a title
change is reflected in all applications that use the same resume.

Language Applicants use this field to select the language of their resume.
This field is informational only.

Use Different Resume Clicking this button removes the current resume from the
application. The Resume step returns to its initial appearance,
displaying the Resume Options group box instead of the Current
Resume group box.

Cover Letter
If the resume template is configured to include cover letters, the Cover Letter group box appears when the
applicant has not yet uploaded a cover letter.

Attach Cover Letter Clicking this button displays the File Attachment dialog so that
the applicant can upload a cover letter.

Although there are multiple options for supplying a resume,

there is just one option (uploading a file attachment) for
supplying a cover letter.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Current Cover Letter

The Current Cover Letter group box appears after the applicant supplies a cover letter.

Cover Letter Displays the file name of the cover letter. Clicking this link
opens the file.

Cover Letter Title Applicants use this field to enter a descriptive title for the cover

Copy & Paste Resume Page

Applicants use the Copy & Paste Resume page (HRS_APPLY_RESUME) to enter formatted resume text
into a rich text field.


On the Resume page, click the Copy & Paste Resume button, or click the View Resume link for a resume
that was already copied and pasted.

Image: Copy & Paste Resume page

This example illustrates the Copy & Paste Resume page.

Title Applicants use this field to enter a resume title. This title
becomes the link text in the Current Resume section of the
Resume page. It also identifies the resume on other Candidate
Gateway pages, including the My Activities page and the Use
Existing Resume page.

142 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Language Applicants use this field to select the language of their resume.
This field is informational only.

Resume Applicants can type or paste resume text into the Resume rich
field, and then use the available formatting tools and spell check
to further manage the presentation of the resume text.

Save Click to save the resume and return to the Resume step.

Cancel Click to return to the Resume step without saving changes.

Use Existing Resume Page

Applicants use the Use Existing Resume page (HRS_RESUMES_SEC) to select a previously-submitted
resume to associate with the job application.


Click the Use Existing Resume button on the Resume page. This button is hidden if no resumes have been
previously submitted.

Image: Use Existing Resume page

This example illustrates the Use Existing Resume page.

My Resumes This grid lists all of an applicant’s previously submitted

resumes. To use a resume in the current application, the
applicant selects the radio button next to the resume and then
clicks the OK button.

<Step Name> Page

Applicants use the <Step Name> pages (HRS_CE_PROFILE) to enter additional application information.
The step names and the sections that appear for each step are controlled by the resume template(s) for the


In the guided application process, click the Next button until you reach the steps that display sections
defined in the resume template.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: <Step Name> page

This example illustrates the <Step Name> page for a step with no substeps.

Image: <Step Name> page with substeps

This example illustrates the <Step Name> page for a step that has substeps.

Using a resume template, implementers define steps and optional substeps for the application process,
along with the sections that appear on each step or substep.

These are the sections that can appear on these steps:

1. Attachments Section

2. Employment Preferences Section

3. (USF) Federal Preferences Section

4. Education History Section

5. Work Experience Section

144 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

6. Job Training Section

7. (USF) Priority Placement Section

8. Profile-Related Sections (for example, competencies or languages)

9. References Section

10. Personal Information Section

11. Application Questionnaire Section

12. Referrals Section

Note: This list reflects the section order when multiple sections appear on the same step or substep. To
change the order, implementers must place the sections on separate steps and order the steps as needed.

Attachments Section
Applicants use the Attachments section to manage attachments in a job application.


In a Candidate Gateway job application, access a step that is configured to include the Attachments

Image: Attachments section

This example illustrates the Attachments section.

Note: This example shows instructional text before the Attachments grid. The instructional text is
configured in the resume template. Note that the sample text refers applicants to the job description
for more information. This text is appropriate only if job descriptions actually provide the necessary

Attachment Displays the file name of the attachment. Click to open the file.

Attachment Title Applicants use this field to enter a descriptive title for the

Attachment Type Displays the attachment type that the applicant selected at the
time the file was uploaded. Because this value is read-only, an
applicant who wishes to change the attachment type must delete
the existing attachment and re-upload the file.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Add Attachment Clicking this button opens the Add Attachment page, where
the applicant chooses an attachment type and selects a file to

Add Attachment Page

Use the Add Attachment page (HRS_CE_D_ATTACH) to select an attachment type and initiate the file
selection process.


On a step that shows the Attachments section, click the Add Attachment button.

Image: Add Attachment page before a file is uploaded

This example illustrates the Add Attachment page before a file has been uploaded

Image: Add Attachment page after a file is uploaded

This example illustrates the Add Attachment page after a file has been uploaded

Attachment Type Applicants must select an attachment type before uploading an


The available values are the attachment types where the

"Attachment Type Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) has a Max Occurrences Within a Job
Application value of one or more.

146 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

The system does not check whether the job application has
already reached the specified maximum for the attachment type
until the applicant clicks the Upload Attachment button.

After the applicant uploads a file, the file name appears after the
Attachment Type field. Click the file name to open the file.

Upload Attachment or Use Different Clicking the Upload Attachmentbutton initiates the process
Attachment of selecting and then uploading a file. After an attachment
is uploaded, the button name changes to Use Different

If the Attachment Type field is blank, clicking this button

displays a message instructing the applicant to select an
attachment type first.

If the job application already contains the maximum allowable

number of attachments for the selected Attachment Type,
clicking this button displays a message explaining the

Save After uploading an attachment, an applicant clicks this button to

close the page and add the attachment to the job application.

Cancel Clicking this button closes the page without adding an

attachment to the job application. If the applicant has already
clicked the Upload Attachment button and completed the upload
process, the uploaded file remains in the file repository for
Candidate Gateway attachments, but it is not visible in either
Candidate Gateway or Talent Acquisition Manager.

Employment Preferences Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Employment Preferences section to enter general work preferences.


Access a step that is configured to include the Employment Preferences section.

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Image: Employment Preferences section (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Employment Preferences section that can appear on a
resume template step.

Image: Employment Preferences section (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Preferences section that can appear on a resume
template step.

148 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

1. I can start my job on or after Applicants use this field to enter the first day that they are
available to work. During screening, the system checks that this
date is on or before the date in the job opening’s Desired Start
Date field.

2. I am looking for the following kind Applicants use this field to specify whether they will accept
of work regular work, temporary work, or either type of work. When
screening based on this preference, the system checks that the
applicant will accept the type of work that is specified in the job
opening’s Regular/Temporary field.

The default value is Either unless the applicant selected a

different value in the last saved application.

3. I want to work Applicants use this field to specify whether they will accept full-
time work, part-time work, or either. When screening based on
this preference, the system checks that the applicant will accept
the type of work that is specified in the job opening’s Schedule
Type field.

The default value is Either unless the applicant selected a

different value in the last saved application.

4. I am willing to travel Applicants use this field to indicate the maximum amount
of travel they will accept. When screening based on this
preference, the system checks that the applicant will travel at
least the amount that is specified in the job opening’s Travel
Percentage field.

The default value is Never or rarely unless the applicant

selected a different value in the last saved application.

5. I am willing to relocate Applicants use this field to indicate if they are willing to
relocate. This field is not used to screen applicants.

The default value is No unless the applicant selected a different

value in the last saved application.

6. I am available to work the Applicants use this field to indicate which days of the week they
following day(s) of the week can work. This field is not used to screen applicants.

The default selections are Monday through Friday unless the

applicant selected different values in the last saved application.

7. I want to work the following Applicants use this field to indicate which shifts they are
shift(s) available to work. When screening based on this preference, the
system checks that the applicant is available to work the shift
that is specified in the job opening’s Shift field.

The default value is Not Applicable.

8. I want to work <number of> hours Applicants use this field to indicate how many hours per
per week week they are willing to work. When screening based on this
preference, the system checks that the applicant is willing

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

to work at least the number hours that is specified in the job

opening’s Hours field.

The default value is 40 unless the applicant selected a different

value in the last saved application.

9. I require a minimum pay of For this question, applicants use the Amount, Currency, and
Frequency fields to specify their minimum acceptable salary.
When screening based on this preference, the system checks that
the applicant will accept the maximum salary specified in the
job opening.

10. I would prefer a work location in Applicants use the “my first choice” and “my second choice”
or around fields to indicate their preferred work locations. These fields
are drop-down list boxes if there are up to 75 values. They are
prompt fields if there are more values.

The available recruiting locations are the those that are valid for
the business unit(s) of the job opening(s).

If the applicant applied without a job opening, the available

recruiting locations the those that are associated with the default
setID identified on the Site Setup Page. If the site does not
have a default setID, the system uses the setID specified in the
primary permission list for the user ID. (Remember, external
applicants use a guest user ID to access Candidate Gateway.)
If neither the site nor the primary permission list have a default
setID, the location drop-downs do not show any values.

When screening based on this preference, the system checks

that at least one of the applicant’s choices is a valid recruiting
location for the job opening. The system does not consider the
relationships between recruiting locations for this purpose.
For example, if the Western Region recruiting location lists the
Headquarters recruiting location as one of its sub-locations, an
applicant whose first choice location is Western Region is not
considered a match for a job in the Headquarters region.

(USF) Federal Preferences Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Federal Preferences section to enter information that is specific to US Federal


Access a step that is configured to include the Federal Preferences section.

150 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Federal Preferences section

This example illustrates the Federal Preferences section that can appear on a resume template step.

Federal Preferences
The fields in the Federal Preferences section correspond to similarly-named fields in the Federal
Preferences group box on the "Application Details Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition

In Candidate Gateway, the following fields are visible only when the applicant selects at least one of the
Federal Civilian Employee check boxes:

• Highest Pay Plan

• Highest Grade

• Minimum Acceptable Pay Plan

• Minimum Acceptable Grade

• Highest Career Tenure

(USF) Priority Placement Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Priority Placement section to provide information about their US Federal priority
placement standing.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5


Access a step that is configured to include the Priority Placement section.

Image: Priority Placement section

This example illustrates the Priority Placement section that can appear on a resume template step.

Note: Within the resume template, the Priority Placement section can be marked as required, forcing
applicants to supply at least one row of data.

Priority Placement
Applicants use this section to enter their priority placement standing. The Priority Placement process uses
this information, along with the salary grade and level for the job opening, to identify any applicants that
have an entitlement to priority placement consideration.

See "(USF) Running the Priority Placement Process" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Priority Placement Page

Applicants use the Priority Placement page (HRS_CE_G_D_PP) to enter priority placement information.


On a step that shows the Priority Placement grid, click the Add Priority Placement button or click the Edit
icon on an existing row of data.

152 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Priority Placement page

This example illustrates the Priority Placement page. When adding new priority placement data, the page
title is Add Priority Placement.

This is the same "(USF) Priority Placement Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)
that Talent Acquisition Manager users access from the "Application Details Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager).

Education History Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Education History section to indicate their highest level of education.


Access a step that is configured to include the Education History section.

Image: Education History section

This example illustrates the Education History section that can appear on a resume template step.

Education History
Highest Education Level Applicants use this field to indicate their highest education level.
The selected value, in conjunction with work experience data,
is used during screening to determine whether the applicant

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

has the number of years of relevant work experience that are

required of applicants with the specified level of education.

Work Experience Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Work Experience section to enter information about their work history.


Access a step that is configured to include the Work Experience section.

Image: Work Experience section

This example illustrates the Work Experience section that can appear on a resume template step.

Note: Within the resume template, the Work Experience section can be marked as required, forcing
applicants to supply at least one row of data.

Work Experience
This grid displays summary information about work experience that the applicant has entered on the Work
Experience Page.

For internal applicants, the system brings in prior work experience from employee’s Human Resources
records (as seen on the "Prior Work Experience Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Human Resources
Administer Workforce)). The applicant can add or remove work experience in the application without
affecting the Human Resources data.

Unlike other types of application data, work experience that an internal applicant adds in an application is
not carried forward to subsequently created applications, which will show only the data from the Human
Resources system.

An applicant clicks this icon to view or modify work experience

Edit details on the Work Experience page.

Add Work Experience An applicant clicks this button to open the Work Experience
page and enter a new row of work experience.

Work Experience Page

Applicants use the Work Experience page (HRS_CE_D_WRK_EXP) to enter information about their
work history.

154 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs


On a step that shows the Work Experience grid, click the Add Work Experience button or click the Edit
icon on an existing row of data.

Image: Work Experience page

This example illustrates the Work Experience page. When adding new work experience data, the page
title is Add Work Experience.

Start Date and End Date These dates determine the number of years of experience
represented by this entry. When the end date is blank, work
experience is calculated through the current date.

When work experience and education are used as screening

criteria, the system uses an applicant’s total years of experience
(across all work experience entries) to determine whether the
applicant has the number of years of relevant work experience
that are required of applicants with the specified level of

Save An applicant clicks this button to save the current work

experience data and return to the guided application process.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Save and Add Another An applicant clicks this button to save the current work
experience data and clear the page. The applicant can then enter
an additional row of work experience. The Work Experience
grid (which is visible behind the dialog box) does not display
the saved data until the applicant closes the dialog box.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the guided application process without saving the current
data. Work experience data that was previously saved using the
Save and Add Another button is not canceled.

Job Training Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Job Training section to enter information about job training that they have received.


Access a step that is configured to include the Job Training section.

Image: Job Training section

This example illustrates the Job Training section that can appear on a resume template step.

Note: Within the resume template, the Job Training section can be marked as required, forcing applicants
to supply at least one row of data.

Job Training
This grid displays the job training information that the applicant has entered on the Job Training Page.

An applicant clicks this icon to modify training details on the

Edit Job Training page.

Add Job Training An applicant clicks this button to open the Job Training page
and enter a new row of training.

Job Training Page

Applicants use the Job Training page (HRS_CE_D_TRAINING) to enter job training information.

156 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs


On a step that shows the Job Training grid, click the Add Job Training button or click the Edit icon on an
existing row of data.

Image: Job Training Page

This example illustrates the Job Training Page. When adding new training data, the page title is Add Job

Save An applicant clicks this button to save the current job training
data and return to the guided application process.

Save and Add Another An applicant clicks this button to save the current job training
data and clear the page. The applicant can then enter an
additional row of job training. The Job Training grid (which is
visible behind the dialog box) does not display the saved data
until the applicant closes the dialog box.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the guided application process without saving the current
data. Job training data that was previously saved using the Save
and Add Another button is not canceled.

Profile-Related Sections
Note: The steps where profile-related sections appear are defined in the resume template.

Applicants use profile-related sections to enter various types of information that the system captures as
profile data.


Access a step that is configured to include a profile-related section.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: profile-related sections

This example illustrates a few of the profile-related sections that can appear on resume template steps.
The resume template controls if and where each profile-related sections appears.

Note: Within the resume template, profile-related sections can be marked as required, forcing applicants
to supply at least one row of data.

<Content Type> All profile-based qualifications (such as competencies, language

skills, or licenses & certificates) are rendered as grids.

The "Content Section Configuration – <Content Type> Page "

(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) in Talent
Acquisition Manager controls which fields appear in the grid.
It also controls whether applicants can add rows to a grid and
delete rows from a grid.

When the applicant cannot add and delete rows, the grid
is prepopulated with items that are associated with the job
opening, and the applicant can provide details related to
those items. The Competencies grid is delivered with this
configuration, so applicants can rate themselves with regard
to the competencies in the job opening, but they cannot add or
remove competencies.

Note: If an applicant cannot add items to a grid and the job

openings do not have any items to load into the grid, the section
is hidden. If the hidden grid is the only section on a step or
substep, the entire step or substep is removed from the guided
application process.

158 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

An applicant clicks this icon to view or modify details for a

Edit specific profile content item. This icon is not visible in grids that
are configured to prevent applicants from adding rows.

Add <Content Type> An applicant clicks this button to open a details page and add
new content for a particular profile content type. This button is
not visible for grids that are configured to prevent applicants
from adding rows.

<Profile Content Type> Page

Applicants use the <Profile Content Type> page (HRS_CG_APP_DETAIL when adding a new profile
item, or HRS_CG_APP_DTL_SEC when editing an existing profile item) to enter details about a profile-
based qualification.


On a page that shows a profile-related grid, click the Add <content type> button or click the Edit icon on
an existing row of data.

Image: <Profile Content Type> page

This example illustrates the <Profile Content Type> page. When adding new profile data, the page title is
Add <Profile Content Type>.

Page Title and Fields

All of the profile-based qualifications use the same detail pages, but the page title and content vary
according to the specific qualification. For example, when you access the page from the Language Skills
grid, the title is Language Skills (or Add Language Skills, if you are in add mode), and the page displays
fields that have been defined as part of the Language Skills profile content type.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Although your profile configuration determines the fields that are part of each content type and the
valid values for prompt fields, settings on the "Content Section Configuration – <Content Type> Page "
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) page in Talent Acquisition Manager control which
fields applicants can see on this detail page.

Effective-Dated Key Fields for Content Items

The detail page where you enter a content item always includes a field for the content item identifier
(for example, the language code or the competency code). The values for this field are controlled by an
effective date. The label for the effective date can vary.

For example, in the illustration above, the effective date field is labeled Evaluation Date, and the value
shown is January 8, 2013. The valid values for the Language field are the language codes that are active
as of that date.

Save An applicant clicks this button to save the current profile data
and return to the guided application process.

Save and Add Another An applicant clicks this button to save the current profile data
and clear the page. The applicant can then enter an additional
row of profile data. The related grid (which is visible behind the
dialog box) does not display the saved data until the applicant
closes the dialog box.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the guided application process without saving the current
data. Profile data that was previously saved using the Save and
Add Another button is not canceled.

References Section
Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the References section to supply the names of people who can provide personal or
professional references.


Access a step that is configured to include the References section.

Image: References section

This example illustrates the References section that can appear on a resume template step.

160 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Note: Within the resume template, the References section can be marked as required, forcing applicants to
supply at least one row of data.

An applicant clicks this icon to view or modify details for a

Edit specific reference.

Add Reference An applicant clicks this button to open the References page and
enter a new reference.

Reference Page
Applicants use the Reference page (HRS_CE_D_REFERENCE) to enter information for a reference.


On a page that shows the References grid, click the Add References button or click the Edit icon on an
existing row of data.

The References grid can appear in two places: on an application step, and on the Applicant References

Applicants access the Applicant References page from the Candidate Gateway notification that is
generated when a Talent Acquisition Manager user sends a request for references. The request for
references is triggered from the "Create Applicant Page: References Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager).

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: Reference page

This example illustrates the References page. When adding new references, the page title is Add

Applicants use this page to provide name and contact information for people who can be contacted to
supply professional or personal references.

Save An applicant clicks this button to save the reference and return
to the guided application process.

Save and Add Another An applicant clicks this button to save the current reference
and clear the page. The applicant can then enter an additional
reference. The References grid (which is visible behind the
dialog box) does not display the saved data until the applicant
closes the dialog box.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the guided application process without saving the current
data. References that were previously saved using the Save and
Add Another button are not canceled.

162 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Personal Information Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Personal Information section to enter marital status, birth date, and gender information.


Access a step that is configured to include the Personal Information section.

Image: Personal Information section

This example illustrates the Personal Information section that can appear on a resume template step.

A resume template that includes the Personal Information section also specifies which of the three
personal information fields to display.

The applicant’s gender is stored in the same record regardless of whether it is collected in the Personal
Information section or on the (USA) Diversity Page. Changes to the data on one page are reflected on the
other page as well.

Application Questionnaire Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Application Questionnaire section to answer questions.


Access a step that is configured to include the Application Questionnaire section.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: Application Questionnaire section

This example illustrates the Application Questionnaire section that can appear on a resume template step.

Note: If the job openings do not have any questions other than prescreening questions, this section is
hidden. If it is the only section on a step or substep, the entire step or substep is removed from the guided
application process.

Application Questionnaire This group box displays a numbered list of questions. The list
includes all questions from the job opening except for open-
ended questions and questions that were used for prescreening.
In a multi-job application, questions for all jobs are consolidated
into one list.

Radio buttons indicate that a question has one correct answer.

Check boxes indicate that a question has multiple correct

Settings on the "Recruiting Installation - Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft

HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) page control whether
questions appear in a random order or in the order specified on
the job opening(s). An additional installation setting controls
whether each questions’ answers appear in random order or in
the order specified in the question definition.

Open Ended Questions This group box displays any open-ended questions from the job

Word Count An applicant clicks this button, which appears under each open-
ended question, to obtain a current word count for the answer.
The word count appears in the Total Words field.

164 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Note: If the Require Answers to Questions check box on the Site Setup Page is selected, the section title
includes the word (Required), and applicants must supply answers to all questions before continuing.

Referrals Section
Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Referrals section to indicate how they learned about the job.


Access a step that is configured to include the Referrals section.

Image: Referrals Section

This example illustrates the Referrals section that can appear on a resume template step. In this example,
the applicant was referred by an employee, so several employee-specific fields are visible.

How did you learn of the job? Applicants use this field to select a referral source. The
available values are recruitment sources where the source type
is Marketing or Employee. For information about recruitment
sources, see "Setting Up Recruitment Sources" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

If the applicant selects an employee recruitment source, several

additional fields appear.

This field is required if the resume template is configured to

require applicants to enter a referral source.

Additional Information This field appears only if the referral source is a marketing
recruitment source for which subsources have been defined.
Applicants use the field to select from the list of predefined

A resume template that requires applicants to enter a referral

source can also require applicants to enter a subsource. If the
selected source does not have any subsources, this requirement
is ignored.

Specific Referral Source Applicants use this field to enter freeform text with additional
information about the referral source.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Name of Referring Employee This field appears only if the referral source is an employee
recruitment source. Applicants are required to enter the name
of the referring employee. Recruiters use this information when
looking up the employee ID of the referring employee.

Email Address This field appears only if the referral source is an employee
recruitment source. Applicants use this field to enter the email
address of the referring employee. The system uses this email
address to send the referring employee a notification requesting
verification of the referral. Only verified referrals are eligible for
awards under an employee referral program.

Member of your Family This field appears only if the referral source is an employee
recruitment source. Applicants use this field to indicate whether
the referring employee is a family member. Depending on an
employee referral program’s rules, family member referrals may
not be eligible for referral awards.

Are you a former employee Applicants use this field to indicate whether they are former
employees. This information is of interest to recruiters. It can
also affect a referring employee’s eligibility for a referral award.

(NIR) Community Background Page

Applicants use the Community Background page (HRS_APP_CB2) to enter community background
information for Northern Ireland.

Note: The Community Background step appears only if it is activated in the resume template.


In the guided application process, click the Next button until you reach this step.

Image: (NIR) Community Background Page

This example illustrates the Community Background Page.

Applicants cannot continue to the next step without supplying community background information.

166 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, community
background information is not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step
and must enter community background data again before continuing.

Community Applicants must supply select Catholic, Protestant, or

Undetermined/Other before continuing to the next step in the
application process.

(USA) Disability Page

Applicants use the Disability page (HRS_CE_DISABILITY) to enter self-identified disability
information. This page supports compliance with OFCCP regulations from the U.S. Department of Labor.


In the guided application process, click the Next button until you reach this step. This page appears only if
all of these conditions are met:

• The OFCCP Self-Identify field on the Site Setup Page is either Disability and Veteran, or Disability.

• The applicant is external.

• The job opening is in the USA, or if the application does not have a job opening, the applicant’s
address is in the USA.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: Disability page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Disability page.

Image: Disability page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Disability page.

Note: The text on this page comes from the Text Catalog. If the OFCCP changes the required wording for
disability self-identification, update the relevant Text Catalog entries.

168 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, disability
information is not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step and must
enter the information again before continuing.

Please select one of the options below The applicant can optionally select from the three choices given:

• YES, I HAVE A DISABILITY (or previously had a




There is no default selection, even if the applicant has

previously selected an option.

The explanatory text on the page provides the applicant with

information to help make a choice. An applicant who chooses
not to answer can click the Next button to move to the next page
without selecting any of the radio buttons.

If the applicant does not answer, or chooses the I DON’T WISH

TO ANSWER option, the system does not update the applicant’s
existing disability data. Otherwise, the system updates the
applicant’s Section 503 data in the Applicant Disability group
box of the "Create Applicant page: Eligibility & Identity Tab"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) .

Your Name and Today’s Date The system enters the applicant’s name and the current date in
these read-only fields.

The fields appear only after the applicant selects one of the
disability options. They represent the applicant’s electronic

The signature and date are not displayed on the Eligibility &
Identify section of the Manage Applicant page, but they are
stored in the PS_HRS_APP_DIS record. If a recruiting user
updates the applicant’s disability information on the Manage
Applicant page, the system clears the stored name from the HR
_EE_SIGNATURE field. The system also updates the HRS
_ROW_UPD_OPRID field with the user ID of the user who
made the update.

Veteran Page
Applicants use the Veteran page (HRS_CE_VETERAN) to optionally provide veteran status. This page
supports compliance with OFCCP regulations from the U.S. Department of Labor.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5


In the guided application process, click the Next button until you reach this step. This page appears only if
all of these conditions are met:

• The OFCCP Self-Identify field on the Site Setup Page is either Disability and Veteran or Veteran.

• The applicant is external.

• If the application includes job openings, at least one job opening is in the USA; if the application does
not have a job opening, the applicant’s address is in the USA.

Note: There are two versions of the Veteran page, a standard version and a simplified version. Settings on
the Site Setup page determine which version appears.

Image: Veteran page - standard version (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the standard version of the Veteran page.

170 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Veteran page - standard version (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the standard version of the Veteran page.

Image: Veteran page - simplified version

This example illustrates the Self-Identification section om the simplified Veteran page. (The rest of the
simplified Veteran page is identical to the standard version of the page.)

The text on both versions of the Veteran page comes from the Text Catalog. If the OFCCP changes the
required wording for veteran self-identification, update the relevant Text Catalog entries.

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, veteran information
is not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step and must enter the
information again before continuing.

Self-identification options depend on whether the site is configured to show the regular or simplified
version of the Veteran page.

• The regular version of this page includes a full set of self-identification options and a Military
Discharge Date field.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Selecting the “I identify as one or more of the classifications of protected veteran listed” radio button
causes four check boxes representing specific classifications become enterable. The applicant must
select at least one of the specific classifications.

The Military Discharge Date field is enterable if the applicant selects any option except the “I am not
a veteran” option.

• The simplified version of this page offers only two self-identification options: protected veteran or
not a protected veteran. Applicants cannot select specific classifications, nor can they enter a military
discharge date.

For both versions of the page, the explanatory text in the Definitions group box provides the applicant
with information to help make a choice. Data from previous applications appears on this page by default.

Reasonable Accommodations Notice and Custom Text

Organizations can add their own additional text (such as affirmative action program text) below
the Reasonable Accommodations Notice section on this page. Add this text in Text Catalog entry
HRAM_CE_VET_INSTR4, which is shipped empty as a placeholder.

Image: Text Catalog IDs for the Reasonable Accommodations Notice group box and custom text

This example shows the layout of the Reasonable Accommodations Notice group box and the space
reserved for custom text. In this example, Text Catalog IDs appear instead of the text from the catalog.
The HRAM_CE_VET_INSTR4 Text Catalog ID is for your custom text.

Corresponding Fields in Talent Acquisition Manager

An applicant’s veteran information is visible in Talent Acquisition Manager on the Manage Applicant
page: Applicant Data tab.

The system automatically maps veteran self-identification data from Candidate Gateway into these
Eligibility & Identity fields:

• In the Veteran group box in the main USA section of the Eligibility & Identity page:

• The Military Status field displays the applicant’s overall military status.

• The Disabled Veteran check box indicates whether the applicant is a disabled veteran in addition
to any other military status shown.

• In the Veteran group box in the USA Disability section of the Eligibility & Identity page, the Military
Discharge Date shows when the applicant left the military.

Mapping Simplified Self-Identification Options to Talent Acquisition Manager

The following table shows how options on the simplified Veteran page in Candidate Gateway map to
Talent Acquisition Manager:

172 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Veteran Option in Candidate Gateway Talent Acquisition Manager Fields

I identify as one or more of the classifications of protected Military Status is Protected, Not Classified.
veteran listed

I am not a protected veteran Military Status is Not a Protected Veteran.

Mapping Regular Self-Identification Options to Talent Acquisition Manager

The following table shows how options on the regular Veteran page in Candidate Gateway map to Talent
Acquisition Manager:

Veteran Option in Candidate Gateway Talent Acquisition Manager Fields

I identify as one or more of the classifications of protected • The Military Status field is updated based on the selected
veteran listed classification(s). A detailed mapping is provided in the
next table.

• Additionally, if the Disabled Veteran check box is selected

in Candidate Gateway, then the Disabled Veteran check
box in Talent Acquisition Manager is also selected.

I am a protected veteran, but I choose not to self-identify the Military Status is Protected, Not Classified.
classification to which I belong.

I am not a protected veteran Military Status is Not a Protected Veteran.

I am not a veteran. Military Status is Not a Veteran.

Military Discharge Date Military Discharge Date shows the same value that was
entered in Candidate Gateway.

Detailed Mapping for Protected Veteran Classifications

The following table lists how the four protected veteran classifications in Candidate Gateway map to
Military Status values in Talent Acquisition Manager:

Candidate Gateway Classification Check Box(es) Talent Acquisition Manager Military Status

Disabled Veteran Protected, Not Classified

Recently Separated Veteran Recently Separated Veteran

Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran Active Duty/Campaign Badge Vet

Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran Armed Forces Service Medal Vet

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Candidate Gateway Classification Check Box(es) Talent Acquisition Manager Military Status

Multiple values: Separated & Active Duty Vet

• Recently Separated Veteran

• Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran

Multiple values: Separated & Service Medal Vet

• Recently Separated Veteran

• Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran

Multiple values: Service Medal & Active Duty

• Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran

• Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran

Multiple values: Separated/Srvc Medal/Active

• Recently Separated Veteran

• Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran

• Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran

Multiple values: Based on the selected check boxes other than the Disabled
Veteran check box.
• Disabled Veteran
When used in combination with other classifications, the
• Any other value(s) Disabled Veteran check box does not affect the Military
Status field. When the Disabled Veteran check box is the
only selected check box, the Military Status is Protected, Not

(USA) Diversity Page

External applicants use the Diversity page (HRS_CE_SELF_IDENT) to enter gender and ethnicity
information for equal employment opportunity reporting in the United States. Internal applicants do not
see this page.


In the guided application process, click the Next button until you reach this step. This page appears only if
both of these conditions are met:

• The applicant is external.

• The job opening is in the USA, or if the application does not have a job opening, the applicant’s
address is in the USA.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: (USA) Diversity page with two-question format for ethnicity

This example illustrates the Diversity page when the system is configured to use two questions to collect
ethnicity and race information. In this example, there are no other self-identification steps, so the step for
the Diversity page is labeled Diversity.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: (USA) Diversity Page without the two-part question for ethnicity

This example illustrates the Diversity page when the system is not configured to use the two-question
format to collect ethnicity data. In this example, the application process includes three self-identification
pages, so the Diversity page appears as a Diversity substep under the Self-Identification step.

Applicants cannot continue to the next step without either supplying diversity information or explicitly
declining to answer questions. Applicants can provide one type of information while still declining to
provide the other.

Default answers come from the applicant’s most recently submitted application. Questions that the
applicant declined to answer in the most recently submitted application do not have default answers.

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, the settings on this
page are not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step and the default
values reappear.

Gender The applicant selects a radio button to answer Female or Male.

I decline to answer Applicants select this check box if they do not want to identify
themselves as male or female. If this check box is not selected,
the applicant must select one of the gender options before
continuing to the next step.

Selecting this check box clears any previous gender selection

and makes the Gender radio buttons read-only. Subsequently
clearing the check box does not restore any previous selection.

176 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Ethnicity and Race Identification (Two-Question Format)

If the Two-Question Format (Ethnicity) check box is selected on the "Country Specific Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals), this group box appears.

1. Are you Hispanic or Latino? The applicant selects a radio button to answer Yes or No.

2. What is your race? Select one or The applicant selects one or more of these check boxes:
• American Indian or Alaska Native

• Asian

• Black or African American

• Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

• White

I decline to answer Applicants select this check box if they do not want to answer
either of the ethnicity and race questions. If this check box is not
selected, the applicant must answer at least one of the ethnicity
and race questions before continuing to the next step.

Selecting this check box clears any answers that were previously
supplied for the ethnicity and race questions and makes those
questions read-only. Subsequently clearing the check box does
not restore any previous answers.

Ethnic Identification (One-Question Format)

If the Two-Question Format (Ethnicity) check box is not selected on the "Country Specific Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals), this group box appears.

Ethnic Group The applicant can choose a value from the ethnic groups that
are defined on the "Ethnic Groups Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Human Resources Administer Workforce).

The list of ethnic groups is based on the regulatory region that is

associated with the primary permission list for the user ID that
was used to access the page. For external applicants, this is the
guest user ID that is used to bypass the PeopleSoft sign in.

The primary permission list for a user ID is established in

the User Profile component in PeopleTools. The regulatory
region for the primary permission list is established on the "Org
Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Application Fundamentals). On the "Regulatory Region
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals), you
can view the setID that controls which ethnic groups are valid
for the regulatory region.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Add Ethnic Group An applicant who identifies as belonging to more than one
ethnic group can click this button to add additional Ethnic
Group drop-down list boxes to the page.

I decline to answer Applicants select this check box if they do not want to select
an ethnic group. If this check box is not selected, the applicant
must select at least one ethnic group before continuing to the
next step.

Selecting this check box removes all ethnicity information and

makes the Ethnic Group field read-only. Subsequently clearing
the check box does not restore any previous data.

Review/Submit Page
Applicants use the Review/Submit page (HRS_CE_REVIEW) to review application data and to submit an


In the guided application process, click the Next button until you reach this step.

178 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Review/Submit page (1 of 7)

This is the first of seven examples illustrating the Review/Submit page.

Image: Review/Submit page (2 of 7)

This is the second of seven examples illustrating the Review/Submit page.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: Review/Submit page (3 of 7)

This is the third of seven examples illustrating the Review/Submit page.

180 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Review/Submit page (4 of 7)

This is the fourth of seven examples illustrating the Review/Submit page.

Image: Review/Submit page (5 of 7)

This is the fifth of seven examples illustrating the Review/Submit page.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: Review/Submit page (6 of 7)

This is the sixth of seven examples illustrating the Review/Submit page.

Image: Review/Submit page (7 of 7)

This is the seventh of seven examples illustrating the Review/Submit page. In this example,

• The Veteran section includes fields that appear only if the applicant saw the regular (non-simplified)
version of the Veteran page.

This section does not display the Military Discharge Date field if the applicant saw the simplified
Veteran page, nor does it display the Classifications field if the applicant did not choose any

• The Diversity section shows the one-question format for ethnicity.

The Review/Submit step provides a read-only summary of application data.

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Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Submit Application On the Review/Submit page, the Submit Application button
replaces the Next button. When the applicant clicks the Submit
Application button, the system performs online screening, if
applicable, then displays the Application Confirmation page.

Applicants cannot make any further changes to an application

that has been submitted. To provide an updated application, the
applicant must re-apply.

Applications that have been submitted have the status Submitted

in the Applications grid on the My Activities page. They also
appear as submitted applications in the My Activities group box
on the Job Search page.

If the job opening is no longer open at the time the user attempts
to submit the application, an error message informs the user that
the job is no longer available and that the application cannot be

General-Purpose Sections
My Contact Information An applicant’s contact information is general to the applicant
(and not specific to an individual application), but the Review/
Submit page displays contact information so that the applicant
can verify the data. Clicking the Edit icon opens the My Contact
Information Page in a modal window where external applicants
can update their contact information. Contact information for
internal applicants comes from the HR system and cannot be
updated in Candidate Gateway.

Jobs Applied For This section appears only for multi-job applications. It lists the
jobs that are included in the application, and provides a delete
option so that the applicant can remove jobs. Removing a job
from an application is not reversible.

Jobs that were removed from the application because the

applicant did not pass prescreening are not listed here.

Prequalify The Prequalify group box appears only if the application

included prescreening. It lists all job openings that were
originally included in the application, even if some job openings
were subsequently removed because the applicant failed
prescreening. For each job, the grid displays a message stating
whether the applicant is eligible or ineligible to apply.

Online Screening Notice This group box appears only if online screening is active and
if the online screening definition includes an Explain Text ID
identifying the online screening notice.

The relevant job title and job ID appear before the notice. If
the application includes multiple jobs with online screening,
the notices for jobs that use the same Explain Text ID are

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

consolidated. That is, the titles and job IDs for all jobs using a
particular notice are listed before the notice. If jobs use different
Explain Text IDs, the notices appear sequentially under the
appropriate job titles and IDs.

Summary of Application Data

The following sections display read-only summaries of the application data:

1. Resume

2. Cover Letter

3. Attachments

4. Preferences

5. (USF) Federal Preferences

6. Education History

7. Work Experience

8. (USF) Priority Placement

9. Job Training

10. <Profile Sections>

11. References

12. Personal Information

13. Referrals

14. Community Background Information

15. Disability

16. Veteran

The format for the Veteran section depends on whether you collect information using the regular form
or simplified form.

17. Diversity

The format for the Diversity section depends on whether you collect ethnicity information using the
two-question format or using a list of ethnicities.

Note: The Review/Submit page does not display questionnaire data.

Modifying Data
An Edit icon enables applicants to easily access any data that
Edit they want to modify.

184 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

• For data that the applicant originally entered on a modal

detail page, clicking the Edit icon opens the same modal
detail page so that the applicant can modify the data without
leaving the Review/Submit step.

The Edit icon opens modal windows for existing rows in the
grids for Work Experience, Priority Placement, Job Training,
and References. It also opens modal windows for profile-
related data unless it is a profile type (such as competencies)
where the applicant originally entered data on the main step
page rather than on a modal detail page.

• For other sections, clicking the Edit icon returns the

applicant to the relevant step or substep.

Sections where the Edit icon does this include Resume,

Cover Letter, Attachments, Preferences, Federal
Preferences, Education History, Personal Information,
Referrals, Disability, Veteran, and Diversity.

My Contact Information Page

External applicants use the My Contact Information page (HRS_APP_PRFILE_SEC) page to review and
update name and contact information.

Internal applicants use this page to review name and contact information, but they cannot change this data
because it comes from HR records. The only change an internal applicant can make is to the preferred
contact method.


Click the Edit icon in the My Contact Information section of the Review and Submit page.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5

Image: My Contact Information page

This example illustrates the My Contact Information page. This is a partial illustration that does not show
the email and phone sections of the page or the Save button at the bottom of the page.

The fields on this page are the same as those on the My Account Information Page for external users or
the My Contact Information Page for internal users, except that external users do not see their user names,
nor do they see the link for changing a password.

Application Confirmation Page

Applicants use the Application Confirmation page (HRS_CE_CONFIRM) to:

• Receive confirmation that an application has been successfully submitted.

• Review online screening results for job openings that include pass and fail messages for online


Click the Submit button on the Review and Submit page.

186 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 5 (Classic) Applying for Jobs

Image: Application Confirmation page

This example illustrates the Application Confirmation page.

Job Applied For This grid lists the jobs that were included in the submitted
application. The grid does not show jobs that were removed
from the application because the applicant failed prescreening.

Online Screening Results This group box appears if any there are any online screening
pass or fail notices for the applicant. Pass and fail messages are
optional for online screening.

The relevant job title and job ID appear before the notice. If
the application includes multiple jobs with online screening,
the notices for jobs that use the same Explain Text ID are
consolidated. That is, the titles and job IDs for all jobs using a
particular notice are listed before the notice. If jobs use different
Explain Text IDs, the notices appear sequentially under the
appropriate job titles and IDs.

Application Summary Page

Use the Application Summary page (HRS_CE_REVIEW) to review a submitted application.

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(Classic) Applying for Jobs Chapter 5


Click the My Activities link in the navigation bar that appears on pages throughout Candidate Gateway.

In the Applications grid, click the link for an application with the status Submitted.

Image: Application Summary page

This example illustrates part of the Application Summary page.

The Application Summary page is a read-only version of the Review/Submit Page, rendered without the
guided application process.

188 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6

(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant


Reviewing Notifications
This topic provides an overview of Candidate Gateway notifications and discusses how applicants can
review and act on notifications.

Applicants must sign in before they can access the My Notifications page.

Page Used to Review Notifications

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Notifications Page HRS_CE_NOTIFY Review and act on notifications and

online job offers.

Understanding Notifications
Certain actions in Talent Acquisition Manager send applicants both an email message and a notification
that appears on My Job Notifications page in Candidate Gateway. On the My Job Notifications page,
applicants click notifications to view details. They can also delete notifications.

The My Job Notifications page also lists any job offers that have been posted to Candidate Gateway.
These appear in addition to the notifications for those offers.

If an application is withdrawn (either by the applicant or by a Talent Acquisition Manager user),

any related job offers, offer notifications, and interview notifications are removed from the My Job
Notifications page.

For information about the Withdraw Application action, see "Withdrawing Applications" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

My Notifications Page
Applicants use the My Notification page (HRS_CE_NOTIFY) to review and act on notifications and
online job offers.


Click the My Notifications link in the navigation bar that appears on pages throughout Candidate
Gateway if the applicant is signed in.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Image: My Notifications page

This example illustrates the My Notifications page.

Job Offers
This grid lists all of an applicant’s posted job offers, including accepted, rejected, and expired offers.

If an offer is unposted, or if the application is withdrawn, the offer no longer appears here.

View Offer Clicking this link displays the Job Offer Page, where the
applicant can review the offer and, if the offer has not yet
expired, the applicant can accept or reject the offer.

Job Title and Job ID These fields identify the job that is associated with the offer.

Status Displays one of the following values:

• New: the offer has been posted, but the applicant has not yet
viewed it.

• Viewed: the applicant viewed the offer, but has not yet acted
on it.

• Accepted: the applicant accepted the offer.

• Rejected: the applicant rejected the offer.

• Expired: the offer expired without being accepted or


Location Displays the primary recruiting location associated with the job.

Offer Date Displays the offer date as shown on the "Prepare Job Offer
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Expiration Date Displays the date that the offer expires.

190 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Notifications Grid
Subject The five types of notifications each have titles that summarize
the notification. These are described in the next section of this

Click the subject to view the notification details.

Status Notifications have the status New until the applicant clicks
the notification link to view the notification details. After the
applicant reviews the notification details, the status changes to

The My Notifications link on the Candidate Gateway

notification bar includes a red badge icon that indicates the
number of new notifications on the My Notifications page.

See Using the Candidate Gateway Navigation Bar.

Received Displays the date and time that the notification was received.

Delete Applicants click the Delete icon to remove a notification from

the My Notifications page.

Notification Titles
Your automated job search <search Job search notifications appear if an applicant saves search
name> has returned results criteria as a job agent and the Job Agent process generates
results for the saved search.

See "Using the Job Search Agent" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager)

Clicking the notification link displays the search results on the

Job Search Page.

You are scheduled for a job interview Interview notifications appear if a recruiter selects the Notify
Applicant check box when scheduling an interview on the
"Interview Schedule Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). The notification is removed if the
interview is subsequently cancelled.

Clicking the notification link displays the Interview Details

Page, where the applicant can review interview information.

Note: If Talent Acquisition Manager is configured for full

calendar integration with Microsoft Outlook, the system does
not create Candidate Gateway notifications for interviews.

Please add your references Reference request notifications appear if a recruiter clicks the
Request References button on the References section of the
"Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data Tab" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Clicking the notification link displays the Applicant References

Page, where the applicant can add or modify references.

You have a job offer: <job title and Offer notifications appear if a recruiter posts a job offer on
ID> the "Prepare Job Offer Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). If the offer is subsequently unposted, the
system removes the offer notification.

Clicking the notification link displays the Job Offer Page, where
the applicant can review and respond to the offer.

Note: Posted offers also appear the Job Offers grid on the My
Notifications page. Applicants cannot delete rows from this
grid, so the offer remains visible to the applicant even if the
offer notification is deleted.

You are invited to apply for a job: Invitations to apply for a job appear if a recruiter links an
<job title and ID> applicant to a job opening that includes screening questions. The
applicant's existing applications don't include answers to the
questions, so the applicant is invited to reapply.

Note: Even if the site is configured not to allow multiple

application for a job opening, applicants are allowed to reapply
in response to this invitation.

Recruiters can link applicants to job openings on the "Link

Applicant to Job Opening Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) or on the "Application Details Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Clicking the notification displays the Job Description Page,

where the applicant can review the job information and click the
Apply button to start an application.

Reviewing Activities and Uploading Attachments

This topic provides an overview of applicant activities and describes the My Activities page.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can access the My Activities page.

192 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Pages Used to Review Activities and Upload Attachments

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Activities Page HRS_CE_ACTVTY • Review summary information

about applications, resumes, and

• Withdraw applications.

• Add and remove attachments that

aren’t specific to an application.

Add/Edit Attachment Page HRS_APPL_ATTACH_NR Enter attachment information and upload


Resume Page HRS_VIEW_RESUME View a resume that was copied and

pasted into the system.

(For uploaded resumes, the system opens

the attached file directly rather than
displaying it on a PeopleSoft page.)

Understanding Applicant Activities

In Candidate Gateway, applicants use the My Activities page to review both submitted and unsubmitted
applications. This page also provides applicants with an option to withdraw draft applications and,
depending on the system configuration, to withdraw submitted applications.

The My Activities page additionally lists an applicant’s submitted resumes and enables the applicant to
upload or remove non-resume attachments.

Understanding Application Withdrawal

By withdrawing applications, an applicant can remove submitted applications from consideration and
make unsubmitted (draft) applications invisible in both Candidate Gateway and Talent Acquisition

Withdrawing applicants in Candidate Gateway generally does the same thing as using the Withdraw
Application action in Talent Acquisition Manager as described in the topic "Withdrawing Applications"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Withdrawing a Draft Application

When a draft application is withdrawn, the system performs a logical delete (but not a physical delete) of
the application. The applicant no longer sees the application on the My Activities page.

In Talent Acquisition Manager, where draft applications are normally visible to recruiting administrators
(but not to other users), the withdrawn draft application is no longer searchable or visible. If the draft
application is an applicant’s only application, then after the application is logically deleted and the
recruiting search indexes are rebuilt, the applicant is no longer searchable or visible in Talent Acquisition

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Withdrawing a Submitted Application

The difference between withdrawing a submitted application in Candidate Gateway versus in Talent
Acquisition Manager has to do with how the reason is assigned when the 130 Withdrawn Application
disposition is assigned. In Candidate Gateway, the system assigns the reason Candidate Withdrawn. In
Talent Acquisition Manager, the default reason is Recruiter Withdrawn, and the user who is performing
the action has the option to choose a different reason code.

Withdrawing a submitted application has these effects in addition to the disposition change:

• In Candidate Gateway, where dispositions are not shown, the application status on the My Activities
page changes from Submitted to Withdrawn and the Date Withdrawn appears.

When an application is in Withdrawn status, the link to the application details is disabled, and the
Withdraw button is disabled and relabeled Withdrawn.

• Any online job offer or notifications for the withdrawn application are removed from the My
Notifications Page.

• Any resume that was associated with the withdrawn application (and is not also associated with a
still active application) is no longer visible on the My Activities page and is no longer available for
selection in future applications.

The resume remains visible in Talent Acquisition Manager unless the application was a draft
application and was therefore logically deleted.

• If an applicant starts a new application for a job after the previous application was withdrawn, the
system does not alert the applicant that there was a previous application.

Configuring Applicant Withdrawal

In order for an applicant to withdraw an application, the application must be in a disposition that
is configured to allow applicant withdrawal. This option is configured on the "Status Area Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). To activate this option on the Status Area page, you
must also use the "Status Successors Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) to list 130
Withdrawn Application as a successor to every disposition that allows applicant withdrawal.

Note: Although successor configuration is all that is required to activate the Withdraw Application action
in Talent Acquisition Manager, configuring applicant withdrawal requires the additional step of explicitly
selecting the Applicant Withdrawal check box on the Status Area page.

The Withdraw Button

On the My Activities page, the Withdraw button is active for all applications except ones that have
already been withdrawn. However, if the application is in a disposition that does not permit applicants to
withdraw the application, then clicking the button displays a message stating that the application cannot
be withdrawn due to its status. If the application includes multiple jobs, the message appears if at least
one job has a disposition that prevents withdrawal.

Unsubmitted applications are in a draft disposition, which always allows applicant withdrawal. However,
if an unsubmitted application includes prescreening, and the applicant failed prescreening, then the ability
to withdraw the application depends on whether the failed prescreening disposition is configured to allow
applicant withdrawal.

194 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

My Activities Page
Applicants use the My Activities page (HRS_CE_ACTVTY) to:

• Review summary information about applications and resumes.

• Withdraw applications.

• Manage non-resume attachments.


Click the My Activities link in the navigation bar that appears on pages throughout Candidate Gateway if
the applicant is signed in.

Image: My Activities page

This example illustrates the My Activities page.

This grid lists an applicant’s submitted and unsubmitted applications.

Display Applications From Applicants use this field to filter the application grid to show
only applications that they created within a specified time frame.
Applicants can view all of their applications, or applications
from the last week, month, three months, or year.

Filtering applies only to the Applications grid, not to the

Resumes grid or the My Cover Letters and Attachments grid.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Job Title If the application has been submitted, clicking the job title
displays the Application Summary Page.

If the application is unsubmitted, clicking the job title opens the

guided application process so that the applicant can continue
with the job application.

This field displays the job posting title unless the applicant
initiated the application as a multi-job application. In this case,
the field displays the text Multiple Job Application.

Note: Multiple Job Application refers only to applications

where the applicant explicitly chose to include multiple jobs
in a single application. If a recruiter uses Talent Acquisition
Manager to link an applicant to additional jobs, those jobs are
technically added to an existing application. But although the
application now has multiple jobs, each job that was linked
using Talent Acquisition Manager appears in a separate row in
this grid in Candidate Gateway, and each row in the grid shows
the job posting title in the Job Title field.

Location Displays the primary recruiting location for the job. If the
application includes multiple jobs, this column is blank.

Status The status is Submitted if the application has been submitted.

Note: The system does not update this status as the application
moves through the recruiting process. Even if the application
is rejected or the job opening is filled, the status remains

The status is Not Eligible if an applicant failed prescreening

for all job openings and was not allowed to continue the job

The status is Not Submitted if the application was saved for later
and the applicant is able to continue with the job application.

The status is Withdrawn if the disposition is 130 Withdrawn.

This is the disposition that the system assigns when an applicant
or a recruiting user withdraws the application. However, if an
unsubmitted application is withdrawn, it disappears from the My
Activities grid entirely rather than appearing with a Withdrawn

Date Created Displays the date and time that the application was started,
regardless of whether it was submitted on that date.

Date Submitted Displays the date and time that the application was submitted.
This column is blank for applications that have not been

196 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Date Withdrawn Displays the date and time that the application was withdrawn.
This column is visible only if at least one application is
Withdrawn status.

Withdraw Application An applicant can click the Withdraw button in this column
to withdraw an application. If the application (or at least one
job in a multi-job application) is in a disposition that does not
allow applicant withdrawal, a message informs the applicant
that withdrawal is not allowed. Otherwise, the application is

Clicking the Withdraw button has different results depending on

the type of application:

• Withdrawing a draft application removes the application

from this page.

• Withdrawing a submitted application changes the Status to

Withdrawn, changes the button name to Withdrawn, and
disables the button.

The withdrawal process is discussed in more detail earlier in the

Understanding Application Withdrawal section of this topic.

This grid lists all resumes from the applicant’s submitted applications. A separate row appears for each
application with a resume, even if an application re-used a previously submitted resume.

The grid does not include rows for unsubmitted applications or for withdrawn applications.

Resume Displays the resume title that the applicant supplied during the
application process. If the resume is a file attachment, clicking
the title opens the file. If the resume was copied and pasted into
the application, clicking the title displays the Resume page.

Job ID Displays a job ID if the resume is from an application for a

single job.

Displays Multiple if the resume is from a multi-job application.

This field is blank if the resume is from an application that does

not include a job opening.

Attached File If the resume is a file attachment, this field displays the file
name. Otherwise, this field is blank.

Created Displays the date and time that the applicant first added this
resume to an application.

My Cover Letters and Attachments

This grid displays the applicant’s non-resume attachments, including attachments that were uploaded in
Talent Acquisition Manager.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Attachments to unsubmitted or withdrawn applications do not appear here. However, a Talent Acquisition
Manager user who views a withdrawn application can still see that application’s attachments.

Attachment Displays the file name of the attachment. Click to open the file.

Job ID Displays a job ID if the attachment is associated with an

application for a single job.

Displays Multiple if the attachment is associated with a multi-

job application.

Displays All if the attachment is not associated with a job

application. Because these attachments are associated with the
applicant rather than with a specific job application, Talent
Acquisition Manager users can see these attachments in all of
the applicant’s applications.

Attachments that are uploaded on the My Activities page are not

associated with job applications.

Attachment Title Displays the descriptive title for the attachment.

Attachment Type Displays the attachment type for the file. Attachments that an
applicant uploads always have an attachment type. However,
the attachment type is not required for attachments that are
uploaded in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Uploaded Displays the date and time that the attachment was uploaded.

Clicking this button opens the Edit Attachment page, where an

Edit applicant can change the Attachment Type or Attachment Title.

This button is available only for attachments that are not

associated with a job application (that is, where the Job ID is

Applicants cannot use the Edit Attachment page to change the

attached file. Instead, the applicant should delete the original
attachment and add a new one.

Delete Clicking this button deletes the attachment.

This button is available only for attachments that are not

associated with a job application (that is, where the Job ID is

Add Attachment Clicking this button opens the Add Attachment page, where the
applicant can upload a new attachment.

Add/Edit Attachment Page

Applicants use the Add Attachment page (HRS_APPL_ATTACH_NR) to enter attachment information
and upload attachments. When an applicant edits an existing attachment, the page title is Edit Attachment.

198 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities


• Click the Add Attachment button on the My Activities page.

• Click the Edit icon for an existing attachment.

Image: Attachment page

This example illustrates the Attachments page. In this example, page title is Add Attachment because the
applicant is uploading a new file attachment.

Note: An applicant who is editing an existing attachment can change the attachment type and purpose, but
the applicant cannot upload a new file.

Attachment Type Applicants must select an attachment type before uploading an


The available values are the attachment types where the

"Attachment Type Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) has a Max Occurrences Outside of
Applications value of one or more.

The system does not check whether the applicant has already
reached the specified maximum for the attachment type until the
applicant clicks the Upload Attachment button.

Attachment Title Applicants use this field to enter a free text title for the

Upload Attachment Clicking this button initiates the process of selecting and then
uploading a file. After an attachment is uploaded, the button is
no longer visible.

If the Attachment Type or Attachment Title field is blank,

clicking this button displays a message instructing the applicant
to enter the required information.

If the applicant already has the maximum allowable number

of attachments for the selected Attachment Type, clicking this
button displays a message explaining the restriction.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

<file name> After the applicant uploads a file, the file name replaces the
Upload Attachment button. The file name is a link that opens
the file.

Save After uploading an attachment, an applicant clicks this button to

close the page and add the attachment to the applicant record.

Cancel Clicking this button closes the page without adding an

attachment to the applicant record. If the applicant has already
clicked the Upload Attachment button and completed the upload
process, the file remains in the file repository for Candidate
Gateway attachments, but it is not visible in either Candidate
Gateway or Talent Acquisition Manager.

Resume Page
Applicants use the Resume page (HRS_VIEW_RESUME) to view a resume that was copied and pasted
into the system.


In the Resumes grid on the My Activities page, click the title of a resume that was copied and pasted into
the system.

Image: Resume page

This example illustrates the Resume page.

Entering References
This topic provides an overview of reference notifications and discusses how to add and review

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can enter references.

200 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Pages Used to Enter References

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Applicant References Page HRS_CE_APP_REF Review and update professional and

personal references.

Reference Page HRS_CE_D_REFERENCE Enter detailed information for a


Understanding Reference Notifications

If a recruiter clicks the Request References button on the References section of the"Manage Applicant
page: Applicant Data Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager), the system sends an
email notification (HRS_UPDATE_REFERENCES) asking the applicant to provide updated references.
The email notification contains a link to Candidate Gateway. The system also posts a Candidate Gateway
notification, which appears on the My Notifications page.

Applicants can click the notification link to access the Applicant References page, where they can submit

Note: If a recruiter sends a reference request to an applicant who is not a registered user of Candidate
Gateway, the email notification includes an auto-generated user name and password that enables the
applicant to sign in, see the notification, and submit references. By using these system-generated logon
credentials, the applicant ensures that the Candidate Gateway account is properly associated with the
existing applicant record.

Applicant References Page

Applicants use the Applicant References page (HRS_CE_APP_REF) to review and update their
professional and personal references.


Click a reference request notification on the My Notifications page.

Image: Applicant References page

This example illustrates the Applicant References page.

An applicant clicks this icon to view or modify reference details

Edit on the Reference page.

Add Reference An applicant clicks this button to open the Reference page and
enter detailed information for a new reference.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Reference Page
Applicants use the Reference page (HRS_CE_D_REFERENCE) to enter information for a reference.


• Click the Add Reference button on the Applicant References page.

• Click the Edit icon for an existing reference.

Image: Reference Page

This example illustrates the Reference page. When adding new references, the page title is Add

This is the same Reference Page that applicants use to enter references from within a job application.

Viewing Interview Details

This topic provides an overview of interview notifications and discusses how applicants can review
interview details.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can view interview schedules in Candidate Gateway.

202 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Pages Used to View Interview Details

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Interview Details Page HRS_NOT_INT_DTL View details for an interview.

Understanding Interview Notifications

If a recruiter selects the Notify Applicant check box when scheduling an interview on the "Interview
Schedule Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager), the system sends an email
notification (HRS_INTVWSCHED_APPL) with information about the interview schedule. The
email notification contains a link to Candidate Gateway. The system also posts a Candidate Gateway
notification that appears on the My Notifications page.

In Candidate Gateway, clicking the Candidate Gateway notification displays the Interview Details page,
where the applicant can review interview details such as the date and time, a list of interviewers, the
location, directions, and any applicant notes that were entered into the interview schedule. The Interview
Details page always shows the most current information for the interview, even if the interview details
have changed since the notification was sent.

If an interview is canceled in Talent Acquisition Manager, the system deletes any existing notification for
that interview. If the interview is later reinstated, the system sends a new notification only if the Notify
Applicant check box is selected when the reinstated interview is submitted.

If an applicant already has a Candidate Gateway notification for an interview, and a recruiting user makes
a change and sends a new notification, the system does not create an additional Candidate Gateway
notification. However, if the applicant deleted the previous Candidate Gateway interview notification,
then the notification process creates a new one.

Note: If Talent Acquisition Manager is configured for full calendar integration with Microsoft Outlook,
the system does not create Candidate Gateway notifications for interviews.

Related Links
"Scheduling and Managing Interviews" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)
"Understanding Calendar Integration Options" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

Interview Details Page

Applicants use the Interview Details page (HRS_APP_INT_DET_SB) to view the details for an


Click an interview notification on the My Notifications page.

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Image: Interview Details page

This example illustrates the Interview Details page.

Interview Details The Date, Start Time, End Time, and Time Zone fields show
the interview date and time in the time zone entered on the
"Interview Schedule Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager).

Interviewers Displays the names of the interviewers as entered on the

Interview Schedule page.

Location Displays the location text form the Interview Schedule page.

Directions Displays the directions that are associated with the interview
venue that is specified on the Interview Schedule page. The
venue directions are entered on the "Interview Facilities Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

This section of the page is hidden if the interview is not

associated with a venue or if the venue definition does not
include directions.

Recruiter Comments Displays any applicant comments entered on the Interview

Schedule page.

Note: This page does not display interview notes or attachments. It also does not display the text of the
interview email notification that the system sends the applicant.

204 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Reviewing and Responding to Online Job Offers

This topic provides an overview of online job offers and discusses how applicants review and respond to

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can access online job offers.

Pages Used to Review and Respond to Online Job Offers

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Job Offer Page HRS_ONL_OFR_CE_DTL Review a job offer, accept or reject it,
and upload documents.

Offer Attachment Note Page HRS_CE_ATTNOTE_SC2 View the text of an offer-related note
that was created using the document
definition capabilities of the PeopleSoft
HCM attachment framework.

See "Setting Up Online Job Offer

Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager)

Note: Document definitions are not

typically used in recruiting.

Document Description Page HRS_ONL_OFR_DD_SEC Enter a description for a file that is

uploaded to the Return Completed
Documents grid on the Job Offer page.

Send Notification to Recruiter Page HRS_ONL_OFR_NT_SEC Send uploaded documents to the primary
recruiter for the job opening.

Understanding Online Job Offers

When PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager is configured to support online job offers, recruiters can
post offers to Candidate Gateway. Applicants can then review offer documents, accept or reject the offer,
and upload offer or employment documents that need to be returned to your organization.

When the job offer is posted to Candidate Gateway, the system sends the applicant an email (notification
template HRS_OFFER_NOTICE) alerting the applicant that the offer is posted. In Candidate Gateway,
both the offer and the offer notification appear on the My Notifications page. Clicking either the offer or
the offer notification displays the detailed offer information on the Job Offer page.

The system creates an applicant note and sends the recruiter an email notification when the
applicant accepts or rejects the offer (notification template HRS_OFFER_RESPONSE) and when
the applicant uses the option to send uploaded documents to the recruiter (notification template
HRS_OFFER_DOC_ATCH). The recruiter notifications are sent to the email address that is associated
with the recruiter’s user ID rather than the recruiter’s personal data record. Note that the workflow
settings for the recruiter’s user ID must specify that the user is an email user.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Job Offer Page

Applicants use the Job Offer page (HRS_ONL_OFR_CE_DTL) to review job offers, accept or reject
them, and upload offer-related or employment-related documents.


Click an offer or an offer notification on the My Notifications page.

Image: Job Offer page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Job Offer page.

Image: Job Offer page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Job Offer page. In this example, the applicant has not
yet accepted or rejected the offer.

Offer Message
The greeting at the top of the offer page varies depending on the offer status. The following table lists the
text catalog entries that are used depending on the offer status.

206 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Offer Status Text Catalog ID for Delivered Text


Accepted HRAM_CEONLNOFR_10 Congratulations! We are delighted that you have accepted this offer of

Rejected HRAM_CEONLNOFR_11 We are sorry you have decided to reject this offer of employment.

Expired HRAM_CEONLNOFR_12 We are sorry this offer of employment has expired.

Open HRAM_CEONLNOFR_13 We’d like to hire you for the following position.

Step 1 - Review Offer Information

This grid lists the documents that were attached to the offer on the "Prepare Job Offer Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

The Action Required icon appears when the Action Required

Action Required check box was selected for an attachment on the Prepare Job
Offer page. This icon draws attention to documents that the
applicant needs to review or return.

Type Indicates whether the document is an Attachment, a URL, or

a Note. (Typically, the recruiting system is not configured to
support notes in offers. Instead, recruiters incorporate any notes
into the offer letter.)

Details Displays the document name. Clicking this link opens the
document. Attachments and URLs open in new windows. Notes
are displayed on the Job Offer Attachment Note page.

Step 2 - Acknowledge Offer

The fields in this step are disabled after the applicant accepts or rejects the offer, so applicants cannot
change their response. Any changes must be handled manually and require that the applicant contact the

I acknowledge that I have reviewed Before accepting an online job offer, the applicant must
and understand the job offer details acknowledge that the offer and all attachments have been
for the position listed. reviewed and understood. The Accept button is not available
until the applicant selects this check box.

Comments The applicant can enter comments before accepting or rejecting

an offer. The comments are included in the contact note that the
system creates when the applicant clicks the Accept or Reject
button. In Talent Acquisition Manager, contacts notes appear on
the "Manage Applicant Page: Notes Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager).

Comments remain visible on the Job Offer page after the

applicant accepts or rejects the offer.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

Accept An applicant clicks this button to accept a job offer. This button
is not available until the applicant selects the acknowledgement
check box.

The applicant is prompted to confirm the accept action, and

when the applicant confirms acceptance, the system:

• Updates the offer status to 020 Accept.

• Sends a notification (HRS_OFFER_RESPONSE) to the


• Creates an applicant contact note with the subject Online

Acceptance of Job Offer.

Reject An applicant clicks this button to reject an offer.

The applicant is prompted to confirm the reject action, and when

the applicant confirms the rejection, the system:

• Updates the offer status to 110 Offer Rejected.

• Sends a notification (HRS_OFFER_RESPONSE) to the


• Creates an applicant contact note with the subject Online

Rejection of Job Offer.

Note: Depending on the status change effects that you have configured, updating the offer status can also
trigger various other status changes, including changes to the applicant's disposition. If notifications are
active for the particular status changes that occur, the status changes also trigger the relevant recruiter
notifications. Notifications for changes to the Offer status use the OtherStsEffct template. Notifications
for changes to an applicant's disposition use the ApplicantStsEffct template.
See "Understanding Recruiting Statuses" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Step 3 - Return Completed Documents

Applicants can optionally upload documents such as completed offer forms either before or after
accepting an offer. For example, an applicant can print a confidentiality agreement, sign it, then scan and
upload the document.

The Return Completed Documents grid shows the documents that the applicant has uploaded and
provides a mechanism for sending those documents to the job opening’s primary recruiter.

<Select> To send selected documents to the recruiter, an applicant selects

the check box next to the documents.

File Name Displays the file name of a document that the applicant has

Description Displays the description that the applicant provided when

uploading the document. The applicant cannot change the

208 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

description except by deleting the document and uploading it


Attachment Date Time Displays the date and time that the applicant uploaded the

Sent Date Time If the applicant has already sent the document to the recruiter,
this field displays the date and time that the document was sent.
Otherwise, this field is blank.

Send Selected to Recruiter An applicant clicks this button to send selected documents to
the job opening’s primary recruiter. Although this button is
not available until at least one document has been uploaded,
applicants are not required to select documents before clicking
this button. If no documents are selected, clicking this button
enables the applicant to send a text notification to the recruiter.

Note: After a document has been sent to the recruiter, the

applicant cannot delete the document from the document list.

Upload Documents An applicant clicks this button to upload an additional

document. The standard PeopleTools file attachment dialog box
appears. After uploading a document, the system prompts the
applicant to enter the document description.

Offer Attachment Note Page

View the text of an offer-related note that was created using the document definition capabilities of the
PeopleSoft HCM attachment framework.

See "Setting Up Online Job Offer Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

Note: Document definitions are not typically used in recruiting.


On the Job Offer page, click the link for an offer attachment with the type Note.

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Image: Job Offer Attachment Note page

This example illustrates the Offer Attachment Note page.

This page displays the note date, subject, and text.

Document Description Page

Applicants use the Document Description page (HRS_ONL_OFR_DD_SEC) to enter a description for a
file that the applicant uploads to the Return Completed Documents grid on the Job Offer page.


Click the Upload Documents button on the Job Offer page, then upload a file. This page appears
immediately after the file is uploaded, before the Job Offer page is re-displayed.

Image: Document Description page

This example illustrates the Document Description page.

Note: , Applicants cannot cancel the upload from this page.

Description The applicant enters an optional description for the attachment.

The applicant cannot edit this description after closing this page,
nor can the applicant add a description later after leaving the
field blank on this page. To change or add a description, the

210 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 6 (Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

applicant needs to delete the original attachment and upload the

file again.

View Document Clicking this link opens the attached file in a new window.

Send Notification to Recruiter Page

Applicants use the Send Notification to Recruiter page (HRS_ONL_OFR_NT_SEC) to send uploaded
offer and employment forms to the primary recruiter for the job opening.


Click the Send Document button on the Job Offer page.

Image: Send Notification to Recruiter page

This example illustrates the Send Notification to Recruiter page.

Subject If no documents were selected when the applicant accessed this

page, the applicant enters a subject for the message. If there
were documents selected, then the system sets the subject text,
and this field is read-only.

Notes Applicants use this field to enter additional information to send

to the recruiter.

Completed Documents This grid appears only if the applicant selected documents
before accessing this page. The read-only grid displays the file
names and descriptions of the selected documents.

Send Clicking this button submits the message. The system creates
a contact note with the attachments and sends an email
notification (HRS_OFFER_DOC_ATCH) to the primary
recruiter for the job opening.

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(Classic) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 6

212 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7

(Classic) Entering Referrals

Entering Referrals
This topic provides an overview of the referral process and discusses how employees can refer friends for

Note: Only employees can refer friends. External applicants do not have access to this feature.

Pages Used in the Referral Process

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Refer Friend - Resume Page HRS_ERP_RES_OPTION Enter the friend’s resume. The resume
options (including the option to continue
without using a resume) depend on the
resume template for the application.

Refer Friend Contact Details Page HRS_ERP_APP_PRFILE Enter the friend's name and contact

My Referrals Page HRS_ERP_APP_APLC Confirms that a referral has been


Review Referral Page HRS_EE_REVW_SRCH Review a list of referred applicants.

Review Referral Details Page HRS_EE_REVW_DTL View the detailed information about a

Understanding the Referral Process

This topic describes the process where employees refer friends for job openings.

Employee Refers a Friend

When an employee refers a friend, the employee enters basic information about the friend, and the system
notifies the friend of the referral so that the friend can submit a complete application.

The Refer a Friend option is available on these pages:

Page Refer a Friend Options

Job Description Page Refer a friend for the current job opening.

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(Classic) Entering Referrals Chapter 7

Page Refer a Friend Options

My Favorite Jobs Page • Refer a friend for one or more selected job openings.

• If no job openings are selected, refer a friend without a

job opening.

Job Search Page • Refer a friend for one or more selected job openings.

The Refer a Friend button is available only if the site is • If no job openings are selected, refer a friend without a
configured to allow multiple job selection. job opening.

"Global Search for Job Postings" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Refer a friend for an internal posting that appears in the search
Acquisition Manager) results. Use the Related Actions menu to access the Refer a
Friend option.

During the referral process, employees must enter the friend's name and contact information and can
optionally submit the friend's resume.

When the referral is submitted, the system creates an applicant record and an application record. The
application has a disposition of Draft.

The system also sends the friend an email with a request to complete the application. The email includes
links for accessing the site as either an external applicant or an internal applicant.

Friend Registers and Completes an Application

In the email that the friend receives, the link for an external applicant includes an embedded referral code.
When the friend follows the link and then signs in (either by registering for a new account or signing in
to an existing account), the draft application that was created during the referral process is automatically
associated with the friend’s applicant record.

If the friend creates a new Candidate Gateway account, the name and contact information provided by
the employee are used as default values during the registration process, but the friend can override these
values. If the friend changes the default email address, the email address that the friend enters becomes
the primary email address. The email address that the referring employee provided is retained as a non-
primary address that the friend can modify or delete on the My Account Information Page.

After the friend signs in, the My Activities group box (on the Job Search page) and My Activities page
both show the draft application as an unsubmitted application. To start the application process, the friend
goes to the My Activities page and clicks the job title. This takes the friend into the guided application
process. The friend must start at the beginning, but the referral process prepopulates the following

• If the referring employee supplied a resume during the referral process, the Resume step uses that
resume by default.

• The referral section of the application (if included as part of the resume template) has Employee as the
default value in the “How did you learn of the job” field). This field is read-only.

The values for the “How did you learn of the job” field come from the "Recruitment Sources - Source
Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). The default Employee recruitment
source is delivered as system data, but you must associate it with your sites to make it available to

214 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7 (Classic) Entering Referrals

applicants. If this recruitment source is not available for the site, the default recruitment source is the
first one where the source type is Employee.

• The referral section of the application (if included as part of the resume template) enters the referring
employee’s name and email address in the Name of Referring Employee field and the associated
Email Address field. These fields are also read-only.

When the friend submits the application, the system sends a confirmation email to the referring employee.
The employee does not have to confirm the referral.

Employee Checks Referral Status

Employees who have referred friends can use the Review Referral Details page to see the referral status.

Refer Friend - Resume Page

Applicants use the Refer Friend - Resume page (HRS_ERP_RES_OPTION) to choose how and whether
to submit a friend's resume for a referral.


Click the Refer a Friend button on the Job Search page, the Job Description page, or the My Favorite Jobs

Image: Refer Friend - Resume page

This example illustrates the Refer Friend - Resume page.

This page works the same as the Resume Page that applicants use.

The resume options, including whether a resume is required, depend on the resume template for the job.
However, when referring a friend, it is never possible to use an existing resume.

Even if the resume template is configured to skip the resume step, the Refer a Friend - Resume page
always appears during the referral process.

Refer Friend Contact Details Page

Applicants use the Refer Friend Contact Details page (HRS_ERP_APP_PRFILE) to enter a friend's name
and contact information for a referral.

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(Classic) Entering Referrals Chapter 7


Click the Continue button on the Refer Friend - Resume page.

Image: Refer Friend Contact Details page

This example illustrates the Refer Friend Contact Details page.

The employee must enter at least a name and an email address before submitting the referral.

The specific fields for the applicant’s name depend on the name format. For more information about
defining name formats, see "Setting Up Additional Name Information" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals).

The email address is required so that the system can send an email to invite the applicant to apply.

Any name and contact information provided here carries through to the new Candidate Gateway account,
if the friend creates one.

My Referrals Page
Applicants use the My Referrals page (HRS_ERP_APP_APLC) to view a confirmation that a referral has
been submitted.

216 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7 (Classic) Entering Referrals


Click the Save and Submit button on the Refer Friend Contacts Details page.

Image: My Referrals page

This example illustrates the My Referrals page.

This page shows only the friend that was just referred. To view a full list of referrals, the applicant clicks
the Review Previous Referrals link to access the Review Referral page.

Review Referral Page

Use the Review Referral page (HRS_EE_REVW_SRCH) to review a list of previous referrals.


• Click the View Completed Referrals link on the My Referrals page.

• Self Service > Recruiting > Check Referral Status

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(Classic) Entering Referrals Chapter 7

Image: Review Referral page

This example illustrates the Review Referral page.

The Referred Applicants grid lists all friends whom the employee has referred. The employee clicks a
name to view the details for the referral.

If the employee accessed this page from the My Referrals page (that is, after completing the Refer a
Friend process), a Return to Job Search link appears so that the employee can return to the Job Search
page in Candidate Gateway.

If the employee accessed this page from the main PeopleSoft menu, the Return to Job Search link does
not appear.

Review Referral Details Page

Use the Review Referral Details page (HRS_EE_REVW_DTL) to view the detailed information about the


Click the name of a referred applicant on the Review Referral page.

218 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7 (Classic) Entering Referrals

Image: Review Referral Details page

This example illustrates the Review Referral Details page.

Confirming Referrals
This topic provides an overview of confirming applicant-submitted referrals and discusses how
employees confirm referrals that they did not initiate.

Pages Used to Confirm Referrals

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Confirm Referral - Access Page HRS_REF_CONFIRM1 Initiate the confirmation process by

entering the referral track ID and
password received by email.

Confirm Referral Page HRS_REF_CONFIRM2 Confirm or cancel the referral initiated

by an applicant.

Understanding Confirmation of Applicant-Submitted Referrals

When applicants use Candidate Gateway to apply for jobs, they use the Referrals Section in the
application to indicate how they learned about the job. (The resume template controls whether the
Referrals section is included in the application.)

When the recruitment source that the applicant selects in the How did you learn of the job? field is a
recruitment source with source type Employee, the Referrals section displays the Referral Name and
Email Address fields to collect additional information about the employee referral. The Member of Your
Family check box also appears, as this information can be relevant to award processing for an employee
referral program.

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(Classic) Entering Referrals Chapter 7

When the application is submitted, the system sends a notification to the referral email address provided
by the applicant. The notification requests confirmation of the referral. It includes a link to the Confirm
Referral - Access page, and provides a referral ID (called the “track ID”) and a password that the
employee uses to access the referral to confirm it. The email also contains a link to the Review Referral
page, where the employee can track the status of the referral after confirming it.

An employee's failure to confirm the referral does not affect the recruitment process for the applicant.
However, if the employee does not confirm an applicant-provided referral, the employee is not eligible to
receive award payments for the referral.

Note: This confirmation process is used only when the applicant provides the referral information.
No confirmation is necessary when an employee initiates a referral using the Refer Friend button in
Candidate Gateway.

Confirm Referral - Access Page

Use the Confirm Referral - Access page (HRS_REF_CONFIRM1) to initiate the referral confirmation
process by entering the referral track ID and password received by email.


Self Service >Recruiting >Confirm Referral >Confirm Referral-Access

Image: Confirm Referral - Access page

This example illustrates the Confirm Referral - Access page.

Referral Track ID An employee uses this field to enter the tracking ID for the
referral transaction. The system generates this ID when the
applicant submits the application with the referral, and the
system emails the ID to the employee.

Password An employee uses this field to enter the password for the
referral transaction. The system generates this password when
the applicant submits the application with the referral, and the
system emails the password to the employee.

220 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 7 (Classic) Entering Referrals

Submit An employee clicks this button to continue to the Confirm

Referral page so that the referral can be confirmed.

Confirm Referral Page

Use the Confirm Referral page (HRS_REF_CONFIRM2) to confirm or cancel a referral initiated by an


Click the Submit button on the Confirm Referral - Access page

Image: Confirm Referral page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Confirm Referral page.

Refer this Applicant An employee clicks this button to confirm the referral.

Cancel An employee clicks this button to cancel the transaction without

confirming the referral. This does not deny the referral, and the
employee can still confirm the referral later.

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(Classic) Entering Referrals Chapter 7

222 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 8

(Fluid) Using the Careers Page and the

Actions List

Using the Careers Page and the Actions List

This topic discusses the Careers page and the Actions List in Fluid Candidate Gateway.

The Careers page is the first page applicant see when they access Fluid Candidate Gateway. The Actions
List button appears on pages throughout Fluid Candidate Gateway. Both the Careers page and the Actions
List provide access to various applicant activities.

The Fluid Candidate Gateway Careers Page and the Actions List
Page Name Definition Name Usage

Careers Page HRS_CAREERS_FL Search for jobs, view counts of items

such as applications and notifications,
and access other areas of Candidate

Actions List n/a Quickly navigate to various areas of

Candidate Gateway.

Careers Page
Applicants use the Careers page (HRS_CAREERS_FL) to search for jobs, view counts of items such as
applications and notifications, and access other areas of Candidate Gateway. The Careers page is the first
page applicants see when they access Fluid Candidate Gateway.

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(Fluid) Using the Careers Page and the Actions List Chapter 8


• Internal applicants select click the Careers tile on the Employee Self Service homepage.

The Employee Self Service home page is delivered without the Careers tile, but the installation
instructions for Fluid Candidate Gateway include steps for adding it to this homepage. For more
information, see Internal Applicant Access to Candidate Gateway.

• External applicants click a Candidate Gateway link that your organization places on a public website.

For more information about creating this link, see External Applicant Access to Candidate Gateway

• Implementers and testers who want to access Fluid Candidate Gateway in external applicant mode can
select Careers under the main Navigator menu.

This menu item exists only for implementation and testing purposes, as external applicants do not
have access to the Navigator menu.

• From other Fluid Candidate Gateway pages, applicants can click the Careers item in the Actions List.

Image: Careers page when an applicant is not signed in

This example illustrates the Careers page as it appears to an external applicant who has not signed in.

224 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 8 (Fluid) Using the Careers Page and the Actions List

Image: Careers page when an applicant is signed in

This example illustrates the Careers page as it appears to an external applicant who has signed in.

Internal and External Versions of the Careers Page

The page appearance varies depending if the applicant is internal or external and, for external applicants,
whether the applicant has signed in. Here is a summary of how the page changes depending on who is
using it:

• Internal applicants do not see the links for registering, signing in, or signing out.

• External applicants see an option to access My Account Information, but internal applicants (who do
not have Candidate Gateway accounts) see an option to access My Contact Information.

• Internal applicants see more options in the banner across the top of the page. This topic does not
discuss those additional options, which provide generic PeopleSoft functionality.

Banner options are controlled through stylesheets that are attached to PeopleTools themes. The
installation documentation for Fluid Candidate Gateway includes instructions for applying the theme
for external applicants. Refer to the Fluid Candidate Gateway installation documentation for detailed

Page Elements for Searching Jobs

Search Jobs Applicants can perform a keyword search by entering search
keywords and then clicking the adjacent Search icon.

The instructional text that appears in the Search Jobs field

before the applicant enters keywords comes from the Text
Catalog. To modify or remove the text, update the Text Catalog
entry with Text ID HRAM_FL_PLCHLDR_01.

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(Fluid) Using the Careers Page and the Actions List Chapter 8

Applicants click this icon to search for jobs. The system

displays the search results on the Search Jobs Page.
It is not necessary for the applicant to enter search keywords
before clicking this icon. If no keywords were entered, the
search results show the latest job openings.

Page Elements for Registering and Signing In

Welcome The applicant’s first name appears next to the word “Welcome”
when the applicant has signed in. Internal applicants always see
their name because they always sign in before accessing this

Sign In This link is visible only to external applicants who are not
currently signed in. Clicking the link opens the Sign In Page,
where applicants sign in to Candidate Gateway.

New User This link is visible only to external applicants who are not
currently signed in. Clicking the link opens the New User
Registration Page.

Sign Out This link is visible only to external applicants who are currently
signed in. Clicking the link signs the applicant out.

Page Elements for Accessing Other Candidate Gateway Pages

The items under the Welcome text provides access to various Candidate Gateway functions. Clicking
these items enables applicants to perform the relevant action. When an external applicant who is not
signed in to Candidate Gateway clicks any item other than View Latest Jobs, the system prompts the
applicant to sign in.

If the applicant is signed in, certain items in the list also display counts of related activities.

View Jobs Posted in Last <number> Applicants click this option to access the Search Jobs Page with
Days the search results limited to jobs that were posted within the
specified number of days.

The number of days is configured on the Site Setup Page, in the

Display Latest Jobs Posted Days field. If the number of days
is set to zero, this search option does not appear on the Careers

View All Jobs Applicants click this option to view all job postings on the
Search Jobs page.

The number of jobs is constrained by the limits imposed by the

search engine and by the Max Jobs Returned from Search field
on the "Recruiting Installation - Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). If there are more job postings
than can be listed, the Search Jobs page shows the latest job
postings up to the limit.

226 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 8 (Fluid) Using the Careers Page and the Actions List

My Job Notifications Applicants click this option to access the My Job Notifications
Page. If the applicant is signed in, this item also displays a count
of unread notifications. A notification is considered unread until
the applicant clicks the notification to view its details.

My Job Applications Applicants click this option to access the My Job Applications
Page. If the applicant is signed in, this item also displays a
count of the applicant’s applications, including submitted and
withdrawn applications as well as submitted ones.

My Favorite Jobs Applicants click this option to access the My Favorite Jobs
Page. If the applicant is signed in, this item also displays a a
count of the applicant’s favorite jobs.

My Saved Searches Applicants click this option to access the My Saved Searches
Page. If the applicant is signed in, this item also displays a a
count of the applicant’s saved searches.

My Account Information Visible only to external applicants, who click this option to
access the My Account Information Page.

My Contact Information Visible only to internal applicants, who click this option to
access the My Contact Information Page.

Actions List
The banner that appears across the top of all Fluid Candidate Gateway pages includes an Actions List

Clicking the button displays a list of available actions. The items in the list are similar to the options on
the Careers page, and they enable applicants to navigate directly to various areas of Candidate Gateway
from pages other than the Careers page.

The Actions List is the same throughout Fluid Candidate Gateway except in the job application pages.
There, to keep applicants focused on completing the application process, the only item in the Actions List
is for saving the application.

Click this button to access a list of available actions. In

Actions List Candidate Gateway, items in this list enable applicants to
quickly navigate to various pages.

External applicants see different options depending on whether

they are signed in.

Internal applicants always see the list for signed-in applicants.

They also see additional non-Candidate Gateway actions that
are common to all PeopleSoft pages, but those actions are not
discussed here.

Candidate Gateway Actions List — Applicant Not Signed In

Careers Displays the Careers Page.

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(Fluid) Using the Careers Page and the Actions List Chapter 8

Sign In Visible only to external applicants. Displays the Sign In Page.

New User Visible only to external applicants. Displays the New User
Registration Page.

Candidate Gateway Actions List — Applicant Signed In

Careers Displays the Careers Page.

Search Jobs Displays the Search Jobs Page.

My Job Notifications Displays the My Job Notifications Page.

My Job Applications Displays the My Job Applications Page.

My Favorite Jobs Displays the My Favorite Jobs Page.

My Saved Searches Displays the My Saved Searches Page.

My Account Information Visible only to external applicants. Displays the My Account

Information Page.

My Contact Information Visible only to internal applicants. Displays the My Contact

Information Page.

Sign Out Visible only to external applicants. Signs the applicant out and
returns the applicant to the Careers page.

Non-Candidate Gateway Actions for Internal Applicants

Internal users also see general-purpose PeopleSoft items in the Actions List. These appear after all of the
Candidate Gateway options. The items are:

• My Preferences

• Sign Out

Note: The Sign Out option that Internal applicants see signs them out of the PeopleSoft system. This
differs from the Candidate Gateway Sign Out option that external applicants see, which signs the external
applicant out of Candidate Gateway without leaving the PeopleSoft system.

228 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9

(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account


Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Register and Sign In

This topic provides an overview of the Candidate Gateway registration process and discusses how
applicants can register, sign in, and request help with forgotten user names and passwords.

Pages Used to Register Online and Sign In

Page Name Definition Name Usage

New User Registration Page HRS_CG_HM_REG_FL Register for a new Candidate Gateway

Terms and Conditions Page HRS_REG_TERMS_SCF View registration terms and conditions.

Sign In Page HRS_APP_SIGNIN_SCF Sign in to Candidate Gateway with an

existing user name and password.

Reset Password Page HRS_RESET_PSW_SCF Supply a new password when prompted

by the system.

Registration Update Page HRS_CG_REG_MIS_FL Supply a new password along with

additional required registration
information when prompted by the

Forgot User Name Page HRS_FRGT_USR_SCF Request an email reminder with the user
name associated with the provided email

Forgot Password Page HRS_FRGT_PSW_SCF Request an email with a new system-

generated password.

Password Reset Page HRS_APP_PSWD_REST Recruiting administrators use this page

to reset Candidate Gateway passwords
on behalf of applicants.

Understanding Candidate Gateway Registration

Internal applicants do not need to register to use Candidate Gateway; they receive access through their
PeopleSoft user IDs.

External applicants access the PeopleSoft system using a public access PeopleSoft ID, which bypasses the
PeopleSoft sign in page. This gives applicants access to the Careers page and lets them search and view

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 229
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

job postings. However, external applicants must register for a Candidate Gateway account before they can
apply for jobs or perform various other tasks.

Candidate Gateway accounts are valid across all sites.

Registration and Sign In

When an external applicant first accesses a site, the Careers page displays links for signing in and for
registering as well as links for performing various actions. Applicants can search for jobs without signing
in, but if the applicant attempts another action (such as applying for a job) that is available only to
registered users, then the system prompts the applicant to sign in, registering first, if necessary.

Registration Requirements
To register, external applicants must enter their name and create a user name and password. Additional
registration requirements are configurable, as detailed in the following table:

Configuration Option Configuration Page Notes

Password requirements. Password Controls Page If password controls are active, then
passwords must meet all specified

Secret question requirements. Password Controls Page If the secret question option is active,
then the applicant must choose from a
predefined list of secret questions and
provide an answer to the question. The
secret question is used to authenticate
an applicant who requests help with a
forgotten password.

Contact information requirements. "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Choose whether an email address is
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent required, whether a phone number is
Acquisition Manager) required, whether address fields are
visible, and (if the address fields are
visible) whether an address is required.

230 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Configuration Option Configuration Page Notes

Registration terms and conditions. "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Choose whether the applicant must
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent agree to registration terms and
Acquisition Manager) conditions before registering or updating
registration information.

Use this functionality for any general

terms related to the use of Candidate
Gateway. For example, you can use the
registration agreement for a privacy

The Registration Agreement setting

applies to all of your Candidate Gateway
sites, but because the text of the
registration terms comes from the
text catalog, you can define different
registration terms for different sites. To
modify the registration terms, update text
catalog entry HRAM_CETRMAGRE_

After you activate a registration

agreement or change your terms,
applicants are prompted to agree to your
terms the next time they attempt to sign

However, the text catalog effective date

tracks only the date, not the time. When
you change your terms and conditions,
you must enter the changes in a future-
dated row so that applicants who signed
in on the date you made the change will
be prompted to agree to the new terms.

If you change your password requirements, all applicants are required to update their passwords the next
time they sign in, regardless of whether the original password meets the new requirements.

If you update your recruiting installation settings to require additional contact information from
registrants, applicants who have not already provided the required information are forced to add the newly
required information the next time they sign in.

Alternate Character Fields

PeopleSoft HCM supports alternate character data entry to enable users to use two character sets for one
language. This architecture is described in the topic "Working with Alternate Character Sets" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Within Candidate Gateway, applicant names and addresses support alternate character functionality for
China, Japan, and Hong Kong. Settings on the Site Setup Page control whether alternate character fields

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

for names and addresses appear on the New User Registration page and on the My Account Information

If the Display Alternate Character Fields setting on the Site Setup page is Organization, then the alternate
character setting on the "Org Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals) controls whether alternate character fields appear in Candidate Gateway. For
an external applicant, the default permission list is the primary permission list for the public access user
ID that provides access to the system.

Forgot Password Process

The behavior of the Forgot Password process depends on whether the Secret Question for Forgot
Password option is enabled on the Password Controls Page.

Note: When users request a new password, the confirmation message states that an email was sent if a
valid email exists for the user name that was entered. This generic message appears even if there is no
email address on file or if the supplied user name is not valid. The use of this generic message provides
additional protection by ensuring that unauthorized users do not receive any information about the
validity of the user ID or about what information is missing.

The following table describes the Forgot Password logic when the secret question option is not enabled:

Conditions Logic if Secret Question is Not Enabled

User ID is valid and is associated The system creates a new password and emails it to the applicant. When the applicant signs
with an email address. on with the system-generated password, the system immediately prompts the applicant to
set a new password.

User ID is invalid, or it is valid The system does not reset the password or send an email.
but it is not associated with an
email address. If an applicant without an email address contacts a recruiter, the recruiter can enter an email
address in the applicant’s record. After an email address is added, the applicant can use
the Forgot Password feature, or a recruiting administrator can reset the password for the

When the secret question option is active, the processing logic depends on the user ID and whether
the applicant previously provided an email address and a secret question. Note that enabling the secret
question option is possible only if you also require applicants to provide an email address when they

The following table describes the processing logic for secret questions:

232 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Conditions Logic if Secret Question is Enabled

User ID is valid, and the user has The system sends the user an email:
supplied both an email address
and a secret question. • If the answer is correct, the email contains a new system-generated password. When
the applicant signs on with this password, the system immediately prompts the
applicant to set a new password.

• If the answer is incorrect, the email states that the answer was incorrect and warns that
the account will be locked after a specified number of incorrect attempts.

• If the limit on incorrect attempts is reached, the email states that the account is locked
and the applicant must contact the system administrator.

User ID is valid, and the user has Because applicants are forced to choose a secret question when the secret question option is
supplied an email address, but the active, this scenario is possible only if an applicant uses the Forgot Password feature for the
user has not yet chosen a secret first signon attempt after you enable the secret question option.
In this scenario, the system behaves as if the secret question were not enabled: it emails a
system-generated password to the applicant without ever presenting a secret question.

When the applicant signs on with the system-generated password, the system immediately
prompts the applicant to set a new password and choose a secret question.

User ID is valid, but it is not Because applicants are forced to provide an email address when the secret question option
associated with an email address. is active, this scenario is only possible if an applicant uses the Forgot Password feature for
the first signon attempt after you enable the secret question option.

The system behaves as if the user ID has both an email address and a secret question.
Because the user has not yet set up a secret question, the system chooses a secret question
to display.

If the applicant enters an answer and submits the request for a new password, the system
displays an online message that a new password has been sent, even though it is not
possible to send an email when there is no email address. The attempt to get a new
password is not counted towards the limit for account lockout.

To obtain a new password, the applicant must contact a recruiter. The recruiter can then
enter an email address in the applicant’s record. After an email address is added, the
applicant can use the Forgot Password feature, or a recruiting administrator can reset the
password for the applicant.

User ID is invalid. The system behaves as if the user ID has both an email address and a secret question. The
system chooses the secret question to display.

If the applicant enters an answer and submits the request for a new password, the system
displays an online message that a new password has been sent. However, no notification is
actually sent.

If the same invalid user name is used again, the same secret question is shown so that it
appears as if the user name is valid.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Administrator Password Reset

If an applicant is locked out of a Candidate Gateway or is otherwise unable to use the Forgot Password
process to reset a password, a recruiting administrator can use the Password Reset Page to reset the
password on the applicant’s behalf.

This option is available for active applicants who have an email address in the system. If an applicant did
not supply an email address in Candidate Gateway, the recruiting administrator must add one in Talent
Acquisition Manager before resetting the applicant’s password.

System-Generated User Names and Passwords

Applicants are provided with system-generated passwords when they submit a successful password reset
request on the Forgot Password page.

An applicant who does not already have a Candidate Gateway account is provided with a system-
generated user name and password when a Talent Acquisition Manager user sends the applicant a request
for references. When the applicant registers with these credentials, the system links the newly created
Candidate Gateway account with the correct applicant record.

When an applicant signs in using a system-generated password, the system immediately displays the
Reset Password page. The applicant cannot continue until a new password has been set.

System-generated password conform to any password requirements that have been configured on the
Password Controls Page.

Notification Templates
These notification templates are used to communicate with applicants about their Candidate Gateway

Template Name When Used Page Where Triggered

HRS_APPLICANT_ To send a forgotten user name or a system- Forgot User Name Page
PASSWORD generated password to an applicant.
Forgot Password Page

Password Reset Page

HRS_APP_ACCT_ To notify an applicant that an account has been Sign In Page

LOCK locked due to too many failed logon attempts.

HRS_APP_PERM_ACT To notify an applicant that an account has been Forgot Password Page
_LOCK locked due to too many incorrect answers to the
secret question.

HRS_APP_PSWD_ To confirm that the applicant has manually Change Password Page
CHANGE changed an account password.

Note that no notification is sent when an

applicant updates a secret question or answer.

234 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Template Name When Used Page Where Triggered

HRS_APP_SECRET_ To notify an applicant that the secret question Forgot Password Page
ATTEMPT on the Forgot Password page was answered
incorrectly, and to tell the applicant how many
Forgot Password attempts remain before the
account is locked.

HRS_UPDATE_ To send a system-generated user name and "Create Applicant Page: References Tab"
REFERENCES password when a recruiter requests references (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
from an applicant who is not registered for Manager)
Candidate Gateway.

Inactivated Accounts
There are two ways that Candidate Gateway accounts get inactivated:

• If applicant records are merged in Talent Acquisition Manager, Candidate Gateway accounts for the
inactivated applicant records are also inactivated.

These accounts are marked as duplicates and cannot be reactivated. Even though the account is
permanently disabled, the user name is not available to new registrants.

• A recruiter or other Talent Acquisition Manager user can inactivate the account using the Inactivate
Online Account check box on the "Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

The same check box is used to reactivate accounts that were inactivated this way.

If an applicant tries to sign in with the credentials for an inactive or duplicate account, an error message
states that the logon information is invalid.

New User Registration Page

Applicants use the New User Registration page (HRS_CG_HM_REG_FL) to register for a new Candidate
Gateway account.


• Click the New User link on the Careers page.

• Click the New User item in the Actions List.

• Click the Register Now link on the Sign In page.

The New User link and Actions List item appear only when the applicant is not signed in.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Image: New User Registration page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the New User Registration page.

236 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Image: New User Registration page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the New User Registration page.

Sign In Now The applicant clicks this link to access the Sign In page to sign
into an existing account.

Register The applicant clicks this button to complete the registration

process after entering information on this page. The system
creates the new account only if all required information is
present, the password meets the requirements (if any) that are
configured on the Password Controls Page, and the applicant
has agreed to any registration terms.

Account Information
User Name The applicant must supply a user name to be used when signing
into this account. User names (including system-generated user
names) cannot be changed.

Password and Confirm Password The applicant must supply and confirm a password to be used
when signing into this account. Applicants can change their
passwords after registering.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

If password controls are enabled on the Password Controls

Page, a description of the password requirements appears before
to the Password field.

Name Format If the site is configured to show the Name Format field,
applicants can use this field to choose a name format other than
the default format for the site. The default name format is based
on the Country field specified on the Site Setup Page.

<Name> Applicants must supply a name when registering. The name

fields and their order depends on the name format in use.

For more information about defining name formats, see "Setting

Up Additional Name Information" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals).

Alternate Character Name Settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is Organization, settings on the "Org Defaults
by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals)) control whether the Alternate
Character Name field appears . Even when the field is
configured to appear, it is visible only if the name format is
Chinese, Japanese, or Hong Kong.

A help icon appears next to the field if custom help text has
been entered in the Text Catalog entry HRAM_FL_SIGNIN_

Email Address An email address is required only if the Email Address

Required field on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is set to Yes.

The email address that is entered during registration is saved as

the applicant’s primary email address and is assigned a default
type of Home. The system uses the primary email address for
all email notifications, including notifications for forgotten user
names and passwords.

After registering, external applicants can update email address

information on the My Account Information Page.

Each account must have a unique primary email address.

Applicants receive an error message if they attempt to register
with an email address that is already being used as another
applicant’s primary email address. This adds extra security to
the Forgot User Name and Forgot Password processes, which
both send account information to the applicant’s primary email

Lack of an email address will prevent applicants from using the

Forgot User Name and Forgot Password functionality.

Phone A phone number is required only if the Phone Required field

on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is set to Yes.

238 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

The phone number that is entered during registration is saved as

the applicant’s primary phone number and is assigned a default
type of Home.

After registering, external applicants can change phone number

information on the My Account Information Page.

Address Information
Settings on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
Manager) control whether the Address Information section appears and, if it appears, whether an address
is required.

Country The default country comes from the Country field on the Site
Setup Page. The country controls which additional address
fields appear.

Alternate Character
If the Address Information section appears, then settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is Organization, then settings on the "Org Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals)) control whether the Alternate Character section for
addresses appears.

Even when the alternate character address fields are configured to appear, they are visible only if the
Country is China, Japan, or Hong Kong.

Secret Question for Forgot Password

This section appears only if the Secret Question for Forgot Password option is enabled on the Password
Controls Page .

Secret Question The applicant selects a secret question from the list that you set
up on the Forgotten Password Hint Page. If the applicant later
uses the Forgot Password option, the system will present this
question to the applicant. If the applicant answers correctly,
the system will send the applicant a new system-generated

Answer The applicant enters the answer to the secret question. When
applicants answer a secret question, the answer is not case-

Terms and Conditions

The Terms and Conditions footer area appears only if the Registration Agreement check box on the
"Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is
selected. This footer area remains visible as the applicant scrolls through the page.

View Terms and Conditions The applicant clicks this link to access the Terms and Conditions
page, which displays the registration terms and conditions for

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 239
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

your organization. The text of the terms and conditions comes

from the text catalog entry HRAM_FLTRMAGR_03.

I agree to the Terms and Conditions The applicant must select this check box before registering. The
Register button is available even if the check box is blank, but
clicking the Register button displays an error message stating
that the applicant must accept the terms and conditions before

Terms and Conditions Page

Use the Terms and Conditions page (HRS_REG_TERMS_SCF) to view registration terms and conditions.


Click the View Terms and Conditions link on the New User Registration page, the Registration Update
page, or the Reset Password page.

Image: Terms and Conditions page

This example illustrates the Terms and Conditions page.

This read-only page displays the text of your organization’s registration terms and conditions. This text
comes from the from the text catalog text catalog entry HRAM_FLTRMAGRE_03.

Use the text catalog to modify the registration terms or to configure different terms for different Candidate
Gateway sites. Remember that the text catalog enables you to vary this text by site.

Sign In Page
External applicants use the Sign In page (HRS_APP_SIGNIN_SCF) to sign in with an existing user name
and password.

240 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information


• Click the Sign In link on the Careers page.

• Click the Sign In item in the Actions List.

• Click the Sign In Now link on the New User Registration page.

• If the applicant is not already signed in, this page appears if the applicant attempts a task (such as
applying for a job) that requires the applicant to be signed in.

The Sign In link and menu item appear only when the applicant is not currently signed in.

Image: Sign In page

This example illustrates the Sign In page.

User Name and Password The applicants enters the user name and password for an
existing Candidate Gateway account.

Sign In The applicant clicks this button to sign in. The system validates
the user name and password that the applicant entered.

Normally, signing in returns the applicant to the previous

page or continues with the task that caused the Sign In page to
appear (such as applying for a job). However, if the applicant
is using a system-generated password, or if the password
configuration settings on the Password Controls Page have
changed since the applicant last signed on, the Reset Password
page appears first. The applicant must set a new password
before continuing.

Forgot User Name The applicant clicks this link to access the Forgot User Name
page and request an email reminder of the user name associated
with email address.

Forgot Password The applicant clicks this link to access the Forgot Password
page and request an email with a new system-generated

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 241
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

password. If the Secret Question for Forgot Password option

is enabled on the Password Controls Page, the applicant must
correctly answer the secret question chosen at registration before
the system sends a new password.

Register Now The applicant clicks this link to access the New User
Registration page for creating a new Candidate Gateway

Reset Password Page

Applicants use the Reset Password page (HRS_RESET_PSW_SCF) to supply a new password when
prompted by the system.

Note: If applicants need to update their registration info with more than just a new password, the
Registration Update page appears instead of the Reset Password page.


Click the Sign In button on the Sign In page. This page appears if the applicant signs in after:

• Using a system-generated temporary password.

• Candidate Gateway password requirements have changed (regardless of whether the applicants
password already meets the new requirements).

Image: Reset Password page

This example illustrates the Reset Password page.

Applicants enter and confirm a new password and then click the Reset Password button to submit the
password change.

242 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Registration Update Page

Applicants use the Registration Update page (HRS_CG_REG_MIS_FL) to supply additional registration
information when prompted by the system. If a password change is also required, the applicant can also
make that change on this page.

Note: If the only required update is a password change, the Reset Password page appears instead of the
Registration Update page.


Click the Sign In button on the Sign In page. The Registration Update page appears if the applicant signs
in after:

• Using a system-generated temporary password.

• Candidate Gateway password requirements have changed (regardless of whether the applicant’s
password already meets the new requirements).

• The applicant’s account doesn’t include an email address, a phone number, or an address that is now
required because of a change to Recruiting Installation settings.

• The secret question for forgotten passwords feature is enabled, and the applicant has not yet provided
a secret question and answer.

• The Registration Agreement check box on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) is selected, and the applicant has not signed in since the date
and time that the check box was selected.

• The text catalog entry for registration terms and conditions (HRAM_CETRMAGRE_03) is effective
dated later than the last date that the applicant signed in.

Important! The effective date for text catalog entries is just a date, not a date and time. Therefore,
when you change your terms and conditions, always enter the changes in a future-dated row. This is
necessary so that applicants who signed in on the date you made the change will be prompted to agree
to the new terms.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Image: Registration Update page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Registration Update page.

Image: Registration Update page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Registration Update page.

Required fields are indicated with a red data entry area and an asterisk next to the field label.

Update Button
After entering any necessary registration update information, applicants click the Update button to
complete the update process.

244 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

The system updates the account information only if all required information is present, the password
meets the requirements (if any) that are configured on the Password Controls Page, and the applicant has
agreed to any registration terms.

Update Password
This section appears if the applicant signed in with a temporary user ID or if Candidate Gateway
password requirements have changed since the applicant last signed in.

Instructional text provides information about the password requirements.

Account Information
This section displays the user name, the applicant’s name, the preferred contact method, and email and
phone information. The user name is not editable.

Recruiting Installation settings control whether the email address and phone number are required.

Address Information and Alternate Character

The Address Information section displays the applicant’s address. Recruiting Installation settings control
whether the address is required.

If the site is configured to show alternate character fields for addresses and the country is China, Hong
Kong, or Japan, then an additional section labeled Alternate Character is visible. This section displays the
alternate character fields for the applicant’s address.

Secret Question for Forgot Password

This section appears only if password settings have been modified to enable the Secret Question for
Forgot Password option and the applicant has not yet provided a secret question and answer.

Terms and Conditions

The shaded bar with options for viewing and agreeing to terms and conditions appears if the Registration
Agreement check box on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) is selected. Clicking the View Terms and Conditions link opens the Terms and
Conditions Page.

When this section appears, applicants must accept the terms and conditions before they continue. This
is true even for applicants who already agreed to the same terms and conditions during their initial
registration or a previous registration update. The Update button is not available until the applicant selects
the I agree to the Terms and Conditions check box.

The text of the terms and conditions comes from the text catalog. To modify the terms, or
to configure different terms for different Candidate Gateway sites, update text catalog entry

Be sure to use a future effective date for any updates to your terms. This is necessary because the effective
date for text catalog entries is just a date, not a date and time. Using a future date for the change in terms
ensures that applicants who signed in on the same day that you made the change will be prompted to
agree to the new terms when they sign in on or after the effective date of the change.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Forgot User Name Page

Applicants use the Forgot User Name page (HRS_FRGT_USR_SCF) to request an email reminder of the
user name associated with the provided email address.


Click the Forgot User Name link on the Sign In page.

Image: Forgot User Name page

This example illustrates the Forgot User Name page.

Primary Email Address The applicant enters the email address that is associated with
the account. The system uses this email address to identify the

Email User Name When the applicant clicks this button, the system identifies the
user name that is associated with the specified email address and
sends the user name to the email address. The system uses the
HRS_APPLICANT_PASSWORD template for the notification.

If the email address is not recognized, a message appears stating

that there is no record of the applicant's email address.

Forgot Password Page

Applicants use the Forgot Password page (HRS_FRGT_PSW_SCF) to request an email with a new
system-generated password.


Click the Forgot Password link on the Sign In page.

246 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Forgot Password - One Step Process

When secret question functionality is not active, the process for requesting a new password is one step.

Image: Forgot Password page - no secret question

This example illustrates the Forgot Password page when secret question functionality is not active.

User Name The applicant enters the user name for the Candidate Gateway
account for which a new password is needed.

Email New Password The applicant clicks this button to request a new password.

If the user ID is valid and it is associated with an email address,

the system immediately generates a new password and sends it
to the applicant. When the applicant signs on with the system-
generated password, the system prompts the applicant to set a
new password.

The system does not reset the password or send an email if the
user ID is invalid or if it isn’t associated with an email address.
To get help, the applicant must contact a recruiter. The recruiter
can enter an email address in the applicant’s record. After
the email address is added, the applicant can use the Forgot
Password feature, or a recruiting administrator can reset the
password for the applicant.

Note: When the user clicks the Email New Password button,
a confirmation message states that an email was sent if a valid
email exists for the user name. This generic message appears
even if there is no email address on file or if the supplied user
name is not valid. The use of this generic message provides
additional protection by ensuring that unauthorized users do
not receive any information about the validity of the user ID or
about what information is missing.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Forgot Password — Two Step Process With Secret Question

When secret question functionality is active, the process for requesting a forgotten password includes two

1. The applicant enters a user name and clicks the Continue button.

2. The applicant answers the secret question and clicks the Email New Password button.

Image: Forgot Password page – secret question active, step 1

This example illustrates the Forgot Password page when secret question functionality is active. This
example shows step 1, where the applicant enters a user name.

Image: Forgot Password page – secret question active, step 2

This example illustrates the Forgot Password page when secret question functionality is active. This
example shows step 2, where the applicant answers the secret question.

These fields appear during step 1:

User Name The applicant enters the user name for the Candidate Gateway
account for which a new password is needed.

Continue The applicant clicks this button to continue to step 2, which asks
the applicant to answer a secret question.

If the user ID is valid, and the user has supplied an email

address but has not yet chosen a secret question (possible only if
the user hasn’t signed in since you activated the secret question

248 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

feature), then the system skips step 2 and immediately sends the
applicant a new password. When the applicant signs in with the
new password, the system immediately prompts the applicant to
set a new password and choose a secret question.

These fields appear during step 2.

Secret Question Displays the user-selected secret question.

If the user ID from step 1 is invalid or does not have an email

address, the system selects the secret question to show.

Answer The applicant enters the answer to the secret question.

Email New Password The applicant clicks this button to request a new system-
generated password. An online message states that a new
password was sent to the applicant’s email address.

There are three possible email messages that the applicant can

• If the answer was correct, the email contains a new system-

generated password. When the applicant signs on with this
password, the system immediately prompts the applicant to
set a new password.

• If the answer was incorrect, the email indicates that the

answer was incorrect and warns that the account will be
locked after a specified number of incorrect attempts.

• If the limit on incorrect attempts is reached, the email states

that the account is locked and the applicant must contact the
system administrator.

Note: When the user clicks the Email New Password button,
a confirmation message states that an email was sent if a valid
email exists for the user name. This generic message appears
even if there is no email address on file or if the supplied user
name is not valid. The use of this generic message provides
additional protection by ensuring that unauthorized users do
not receive any information about the validity of the user ID or
about what information is missing.

Password Reset Page

Recruiting Administrators use the Password Reset Page (HRS_APP_PSWD_REST) to reset Candidate
Gateway passwords on behalf of applicants.

The password reset option on this page also unlocks Candidate Gateway accounts that were locked after
too many failed signon attempts or too many incorrect answers to the secret question that is used in
the Forgot Password process. The thresholds for locking out accounts are configured on the Password
Controls Page.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9


Recruiting >Administration >Password Reset

Note: You can access this page only for applicants who are in an active status and who have both a
Candidate Gateway user name and an email address.

Image: Password Reset page

This example illustrates the Password Reset page.

Email New Password Click to send the applicant an email notification with a new
system-generated password.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Manage Account Information

This topic provides an overview of account information and discusses how applicants manage their name,
contact information, account passwords, and secret question and answer.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can perform these tasks.

Pages Used to Manage Account Information

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Account Information Page HRS_APP_PRFINFO_FL External applicants use the My Account

Information page to view and update
their name and contact information and
to access pages for making changes to
passwords and secret questions.

My Contact Information Page HRS_APP_PRFINFO_FL Internal applicants use this page to view
name and contact information from the
PeopleSoft HR system and to update
their preferred contact method.

250 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Change Password Page HRS_APP_PSSWD_SCF External applicants use this page to make
password changes.

Change Secret Question Page HRS_APP_PSWDSQ_SCF External applicants use this page to
update or change the secret question
that the Forgot Password process uses to
authenticate a password reset request.

Add/Edit Email Page HRS_CE_E_EMAIL_SCF External applicants use the Add/Edit

Email page to add, update, or delete an
email address.

Add/Edit Phone Page HRS_CE_E_PHONE_SCF External applicants use the Add/Edit

Phone page to add, update, or delete a
phone number.

Understanding Account Information

External applicants use the My Account Information page to update their name and contact information
and to change their passwords, their secret questions, and the answers to their secret questions. Applicants
cannot change their user names.

Internal applicants do not self-register for Candidate Gateway, so they do not have Candidate Gateway
user names or passwords. Their account information is limited to read-only name and contact information
from the Human Resources system. The page where internal applicants view this data is accordingly
called My Contact Information rather than My Account Information.

Default Country for External Applicants

Contact information for external applicants include a Country field that is required, even if no other
address information exists. The system uses this country to determine whether an application with no
job opening will include the USA-specific Diversity step where applicants optionally supply gender and
ethnicity information.

The default value for the Country field comes from the Site Setup Page. If the site does not have a default
country, then the default country comes from the primary permission list for the user ID that is being used
to provide guest access to the site.

To set the default country for the guest user IDs:

1. Choose or create the PeopleTools user ID and permission list that will be used use for this purpose.

See PeopleTools: Security Administration

2. Access the User Profiles - General page (PeopleTools > Security > User Profiles > User Profiles >
General) for the guest user ID, and enter the permission list in the Primary field in the Permission
Lists section of the page.

3. Access the Org Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults page (Set Up HCM > Foundation Tables >
Organization > Org Defaults by Permission Lst > Defaults) and enter the default country in the
Country field.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 251
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

See "Setting Up Primary Permission List Preferences" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application

My Account Information Page

External applicants use the My Account Information page (HRS_APP_PRFINFO_FL) to view and update
their name and contact information and to access pages for making changes to passwords and secret


• Click the My Account Information action on the Careers page

• Click the My Account Information item in the Actions List. This menu item appears only when the
applicant is already signed in.

Image: My Account Information page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the My Account Information page for external applicants.

252 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Image: My Account Information page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the My Account Information page for external applicants.

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(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Image: My Account Information page with alternate character fields

This example illustrates the alternate character fields for the applicant’s name and address on the My
Account Information page. These fields are visible if the site is configured to show them and if the name
format and country are for China, Japan, or Hong Kong.

Account Settings
User Name Displays an external applicant’s user name. This cannot be

Preferred Contact Method Applicants select from the following preferred contact methods:
Email, Mail, Phone, or Not Specified. Recruiters can refer to this
information when they want to contact the applicant.

When a recruiter prepares an online job offer, the option to

notify the applicant of the offer is selected by default if the
applicant’s preferred contact method is Email.

Change Password External applicants click this link to access the Change
Password page.

Change Secret Question External applicants click this link to access the Change Secret
Question page.

254 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

This link is visible only if secret question functionality is

enabled on the Password Controls Page.

External applicants use these fields to view and update name information.

Name Format If the site is configured to show the Name Format field, external
applicants can use this field to choose a name format other than
the default format for the site. The default name format is based
on the Country field specified on the Site Setup Page.

<Name> The specific fields for the applicant’s name depend on the name

For more information about defining the fields for name

formats, see "Setting Up Additional Name Information"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals).

Alternate Character Name Settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is None, settings on the "Org Defaults by
Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals)) control whether the Alternate
Character Name field appears. Even when the field is
configured to appear, it is visible only if the name format is
Chinese, Japanese, or Hong Kong.

A help icon appears next to the field if you have entered custom
help text in the Text Catalog entry HRAM_FL_SIGNIN_HLP.

Address Candidate Gateway displays only one address. If an employee
has multiple addresses in the HR system, Candidate Gateway
displays the one with type Home and a current effective date.
The specific address fields depend on the selected Country.

Alternate Character Address Settings on the Site Setup Page (or, if the site’s alternate
character setting is None, then settings on the "Org Defaults
by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals)) control whether the Alternate
Character Address section appears.

Even when the alternate character address is configured to

appear, it is visible only if the Country is China, Japan, or Hong

If the system requires an email address during registration, the grid title includes the word Required.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 255
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Applicants click this icon to open the Add Email page.

(Add Email Address icon)

Email Address Applicants click an existing email address row to access the Edit
Email page, which is used for deleting email addresses as well
as for updating them.

Each email address must be associated with a type (home,

business, and so forth), and one row must be marked Primary
unless the grid is empty. To change the primary email address,
go to the Add Email or Edit Email page to mark a new email
address as primary. This removes the primary designation from
the previous primary email address.

If an email address was provided during registration, that email

is assigned the type Home and is the default primary address.

Only applicants who provide an email address can receive

recruiting-related email notifications, which are always sent to
the primary email address.

If the system requires a phone number during registration, the grid title includes the word Required.

Applicants click this icon to open the Add Phone page..

(Add Phone icon)

Phone Applicants click an existing phone row to access the Edit Phone
page, which is used for deleting phone numbers as well as for
updating them.

Each phone number must be associated with a type (home,

business, and so forth), and one row must be marked Primary
unless the grid is empty. To change the primary phone number,
go to the Add Phone or Edit Phone page to mark a new phone
number as primary. This removes the primary designation from
the previous primary phone number.

If a phone number was provided during registration, that

number is assigned the type Home and is the default primary
phone number.

My Contact Information Page

Internal applicants use the My Contact Information page (HRS_APP_PRFINFO_FL) to view name and
contact information from the PeopleSoft HR system and to update their preferred contact method.

256 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information


• Click the My Contact Information link on the Careers page

• Click the My Contact Information item in the Actions List.

Image: My Contact Information page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the My Contact Information page for internal applicants.

Image: My Contact Information page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the My Contact Information page for internal applicants.

Preferred Contact Method Applicants select from the following preferred contact methods:
Email, Mail, Phone, or Not Specified. Recruiters can refer to this
information when they want to contact the applicant.

When a recruiter prepares an online job offer, the option to

notify the applicant of the offer is selected by default if the
applicant’s preferred contact method is Email.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 257
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Name, Address, Email, and Phone

These fields are the same as the fields on the My Account Information Page, except that they are read-
only for internal applicants. The data comes from the HR system.

Change Password Page

External applicants use the Change Password page (HRS_APP_PSSWD_SCF) to make password


Click the Change Password link on the My Account Information page.

Image: Change Password page

This example illustrates the Change Password page.

To change the password, an applicant enters the current password, enters the new password, reenters the
new password to confirm it, and clicks Save. The system validates that the new password is not the same
as the old password.

When the new password is saved, the system sends the applicant an email stating that the password has
been changed. This email uses the template HRS_APP_PSWD_CHANGE.

If password controls are enabled, a description of the password requirements appears at the top of the
page and the system validates that the password meets any requirements established on the Password
Controls Page.

Change Secret Question Page

Use the Change Secret Question page (HRS_APP_PSWDSQ_SCF) to update or change the secret
question that the Forgot Password process uses to authenticate a password reset request.

258 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information

Note: This page is available only if secret question functionality is enabled on the Password Controls


Click the Change Secret Question link on the My Account Information page.

Image: Change Secret Question page

This example illustrates the Change Secret Question page.

The fields on this page are identical to the same-named fields on the New User Registration Page.

Add/Edit Email Page

Applicants use the Add/Edit Email page (HRS_CE_E_EMAIL_SCF) to add, update, or delete an email

The page has the same fields in Add mode and Edit mode, except that the delete option appears only in
Edit mode.


• Access the Add Email page by clicking the Add icon in the Email grid on the My Account
Information page.

• Access the Edit Email page by clicking an existing row in the Email grid on the My Account
Information page.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 259
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

Image: Add/Edit Email page

This example illustrates the Edit Email page.

Email Address The applicant enters an email address in this field. The system
validates that this field contains a properly formatted email

Email Type The applicant selects Business, Campus, Dormitory, Home, or


Primary The applicant selects this check box to make this email address
into the primary email address that is used for all notifications.
If this is the first email address for the applicant, it will be
marked as the primary address even if this check box is not
selected. If this is not the first email address for the applicant,
marking it as primary also removes the primary designation
from the previous primary email address.

Delete The applicant clicks this button to delete this email address. This
button appears only if the applicant accesses the page in Edit

If the system is configured to require an email address, the

button is visible only if another email address exists.

If the primary email address is deleted, the system marks the

applicant’s next email address as the new primary one.

Add/Edit Phone Page

Applicants use the Add/Edit Phone page (HRS_CE_E_PHONE_SCF) to add, update, or delete a phone

The page has the same fields in Add mode and Edit mode, except that the delete option appears only in
Edit mode.

260 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 9 (Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information


• Access the Add Phone page by clicking the Add icon in the Phone grid on the My Account
Information page.

• Access the Edit Phone page by clicking an existing row in the Phone grid on the My Account
Information page.

Image: Add/Edit Phone page

This example illustrates the Edit Phone page.

Phone Number and Extension Enter a phone number and, if needed, an extension. The system
validates that the phone number field contains only numbers,
but it does not validate the phone number format.

Type Select a phone type such as Home or Cellular.

Primary Select this check box to make this phone number into the
primary phone number.

If this is the first phone number for the applicant, it will be

marked as primary even if this check box is not selected. If this
is not the first phone number for the applicant, marking it as
primary also removes the primary designation from the previous
primary phone number.

Delete Click to delete this phone number. This button appears only if
the applicant accesses the page in Edit mode.

If the system is configured to require a phone number, the

button is visible only if another phone number exists.

If the primary phone number is deleted, the system marks the

applicant’s next phone number as the new primary one.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 261
(Fluid) Registering and Managing Account Information Chapter 9

262 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10

(Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Search for Job Postings

This topic provides an overview of job searches, describes the prerequisite setup to support job searches,
and discusses how applicants can search for job postings and review posting details.

Note: External applicants do not need to sign in to perform job searches or view job postings.

Pages Used to Search for Job Postings

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Careers Page HRS_CAREERS_FL Perform a simple keyword search for job

postings. When an applicant performs a
search, the Search Jobs page appears and
lists the search results.

Search Jobs Page and Search Jobs Page HRS_APP_SCHJOB_FL Search for job postings.
on a Small Form Factor Device

Apply Without a Job HRS_WOJO_HELP_SCF Displays information about the option to

apply without a job.

This dialog box appears when an

applicant clicks the i (information) icon
next to the Apply Without a Job link.

Job Description Page HRS_APP_JBPST_FL • View complete posting information

for a job.

• Start an application for a single job

• Favorite or unfavorite a job.

• Email the job to someone.

Understanding Job Searches

This topic provides an overview of job searches in PeopleSoft Candidate Gateway.

Search Options
The Search Jobs page displays a list of job postings that meet the applicant’s criteria. Applicants can
search two ways:

• Perform a keyword search.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

• Use filters to restrict which jobs appear in the search results.

Search Filters
As delivered, the Search Jobs page enables applicants to filter job postings based on the recruiting
location, department, job family, and when the job was posted. Administrators can modify the delivered

Filters, also known as facets, are added and removed in the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition
and activated in the HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category. For example, because Business Unit
and Close Date are already part of the search index, you can easily add a Business Unit facet. However,
be aware that adding facets can degrade search performance. For more information, see Understanding
Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching.

Maximum Search Results

All job posting searches are powered by the PeopleTools Search Framework. If the Search Framework or
its underlying search engine has a system-wide setting that sets the maximum number of search results,
then that is the maximum number of job postings that can appear in the search results.

Administrators can further restrict the number of search results by entering a lower maximum in the Max
Jobs Returned from Search field on the "Recruiting Installation - Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). Note, however, that you cannot use this setting to increase the number of search
results beyond any search engine maximum.

Available Job Postings

Candidate Gateway gives applicants access to jobs that meet the following criteria:

• The job opening has an open status.

You define which job opening statuses are open using the "Statuses and Reasons Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

• The job posting is current.

Job postings dates are specified on the "Posting Information Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). Job postings are current from the beginning of the day on the Post Date until
the beginning of the day on the Remove Date. To ensure that the search index accurately reflects job
posting dates, you should run the index shortly after midnight every day.

Note: Depending on the timing of the search index process, there can be a lag time where the posting
is still visible in Candidate Gateway even though it is past its close date. In this scenario, clicking on
the job posting displays an explanatory message, and the applicant is not able to view the job details
or act on the job.

• The job is posted after the date that you specify in the From Post Date field on the "Build Search
Index Settings Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

A job posting is available if its is open any time after the specified From Post Date, even if the it was
originally posted before the specified date.

• The job is posted to the site where the applicant is performing the search.

264 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

The posting destination for a job controls which site(s) the job is posted to. Jobs are posted to the
posting destinations specified on the "Posting Information Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). These posting destinations correspond to recruitment sources that you
define on the "Recruitment Sources - Source Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
Manager), and recruitment sources with the source type “Company” are associated with one or more
Candidate Gateway sites.

• The posting type must be External if the applicant accessed the site as an external user, and the
posting type must be Internal if the applicant accessed the site as an external or internal applicant.

The posting type is specified in the Posting Type field on the "Posting Information Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Job posting searches use the PeopleSoft Search Framework. Before an applicant can search for jobs, you
must deploy the necessary indexes and search categories and build the indexes.

See Understanding Setup for Candidate Gateway Searching.

Search Jobs Page

Applicants use the Search Jobs page (HRS_APP_SCHJOB_FL) to search for job postings.


• Perform a search on the Careers Page.

• Click the View All Jobs search option on the Careers page.

• Click the View Jobs Posted in Last <number> Days search option on the Careers page, if this option is

• Click the Search Jobs item in the Actions List.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Image: Search Jobs page without optional fields

This example illustrates the Search Jobs page when the site is configured not to display any optional

266 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Image: Search Jobs page with optional fields

This example illustrates the Search Jobs page when the site is configured to display all optional fields,

• The Apply Without a Job link.

• Check boxes for selecting multiple jobs, and a button for acting on the selected jobs.

• Job Family, Job Function, Business Unit, and Close Date information for each job.

• The Hot Job icon for jobs that your organization has identified as hot job.

Note: On small form factor devices such as phones, the left panel with the search filters is initially
hidden. For more information and illustrations, see Search Jobs Page on a Small Form Factor Device.

This button appears only if the screen is too narrow to

accommodate both panels of the Search Jobs page—for
Show or Hide Panel example, on a table in portrait orientation. In this situation, the
panel with the search filters is initially hidden. Applicants click
this button to show or hide the panel.

Note that small form factor devices have a different method of

displaying and hiding the filter panel, so this button does not
appear on those devices.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Understanding Filter Searching

The left panel on the Search Jobs page includes a section for each field on which applicants can filter
jobs. Each section lists available filters—the values that exist in the current set of search results. These
values are links, and clicking the link filters the search results to show only jobs with that value.

Sections initially display a limited number of values, but applicants can click the More link to expand the
list. A number next to each value indicates how many jobs in the current set of search results have that

Consider this example of searching with filters. Suppose the search results initially lists 100 postings. The
Department filter lists multiple values, including one labeled Human Resources (30). This indicates that
30 of the 100 openings are in the Human Resources department.

After the applicant clicks the Human Resources link, the search results are limited to those 30 openings.
The other values for the Department filter disappear because the other departments are no longer
represented in the current set of openings. At the same time, the values for other filter options change.
Suppose the original 100 openings included openings from seven different locations, but after the
applicant clicks the Human Resources link, the remaining 30 jobs represent only three locations. In
this situation, applying the department filter shortens the list of values that are available for filtering by

Because the available filters are based on the posted jobs, the system does not consider whether the
attributes are active. For example, if you make a location inactive when a job in that location is still
posted to Candidate Gateway, the location is still a valid filter value.

Delivered Filters

Note: This section describes the delivered Candidate Gateway filters. To add and remove filter
fields, update the facet settings on the HC_HRS_JOB_POSTING search definition and the
HC_HRS_CG_JOB_POSTING search category. Facet is the PeopleTools term for a filter field. For
more information, see "Configuring Recruiting Search Facets" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition

Location Applicants use this filter to narrow the list of jobs based
on the job opening’s recruiting location(s). If a job has
multiple recruiting locations, all of the recruiting locations are
represented in the list of values.

This filter offers hierarchical filtering based on the hierarchy

that you set up on the "Recruiting Locations Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). The initial list of
values in the Location filter includes only top-level recruiting
locations (including recruiting locations that are not part of any
hierarchy). For example, if the top level of your hierarchy is for
countries, then the filter lists the countries where you have job
postings. Clicking a country name filters postings based on the
selected country, and the Locations filter now shows the next
level of the hierarchy.

Recruiting location hierarchies are limited to five levels (the top

level and up to four levels of nested recruiting locations).

268 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Department Applicants use this filter to narrow the list of jobs based on the
job opening’s department.

Job Family Applicants use this filter to narrow the list of jobs based on the
job family that is associated with a job opening. If the system
is not configured to segment job openings by job family, the
job opening does not have job family data. In this situation, the
system uses the job family that is associated with the primary
job code.

Jobs Posted In This filter offers hierarchical filtering based first on the year
that the job was posted and then, after an applicant selects a
year, based on the month that the job was posted. The values
for months are two-digit numbers rather than month names.
For example, if there are open job postings from January and
February, of 2017, then when an applicant clicks the filter for
the year 2017, the new values in the Jobs Posted In filter will be
01 (for January) and 02 (for February).

If you are using PeopleTools 8.54 or later, consider removing

this filter and adding the Jobs Posted Within filter instead. The
Jobs Posted Within filter enables applicants to filter based on
how recently the job was posted (for example, Last Week or Last

For more information about the Jobs Posted Within filter and for
instructions on adding and removing filters, see "Configuring
Recruiting Search Facets" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager).

Information on Filters That Have Been Applied

<Active Filter Criteria> A box for each current filter appears above the list of search
results. Applicants can remove a single filter by clicking
anywhere in the box with the filter description; it is not
necessary to click the x in the corner of the box.

Clear All This link appears only if more than one filter has been applied.
Click the link to remove all filters. Clicking this link does not
clear the keyword search.

Keyword Searching
Search Jobs Applicants use this field to enter search keywords. The system
looks for the keywords across all indexed fields, including
the posting title, posting description, job opening ID, regular/
temporary, full/part time, business unit, department, recruiting
location, job function, and job family. For internal applicants,
the keyword search also searches the hiring manager’s name and
the recruiter’s name.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Keyword searching enables applicants to use search criteria

that’s more specific than the broad categories. Also, because
administrators can set a maximum number of search results,
keyword searching enables applicants to find posted job
openings that might not be shown in the current list of jobs. For
example, an applicant can use the keyword search to search for
a known job opening ID.

Applicants click this button to perform a keyword search.

Clicking this button clears all filter criteria and updates the filter
Search options to reflect the values that are present in the new set of
search results.

If an applicant searches without entering a keyword, the search

results show the latest job postings.

Clear Search Applicants click this link to clear all search criteria, including
both keyword criteria and filters. This reset restores the Search
Jobs page to its initial state.

Save Search Applicants click this link to open the Save Search Page, where
applicants can save search criteria for later use or for automated
search result notifications.

If an external applicant who is not signed in attempts to save a

search, the system displays the Sign In page, and the applicant
must sign in before continuing to the Save Search page.

Apply Without a Job

Apply Without a Job Applicants click this link to begin a job application that is not
associated with any particular job. The site settings control
whether this link is shown and, if so, whether it appears above
the job list, below the job list, or in both places.

Even if this link is configured to appear in both locations,

accessibility mode displays the link only once, above the job

Click to open a dialog box with explanatory text about applying

Information without a job.

Search Results - General Information

<summary of search results> Text above the list of search results states how many jobs are
listed in the search results.

In the following situations, the text also includes information

about the search criteria:

• If the search criteria includes keywords, the summary

includes the keyword text.

270 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

• If the search results were accessed using the View Jobs

Posted in Last <number>Days option, the summary refers
to the “latest” jobs.

The number of postings that are included in the Search Results

list is limited based on any maximum allowed by the search
engine and by the Max Jobs Returned from Search field on the
"Recruiting Installation - Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager). If the number of matches found
exceeds the maximum, the text includes a statement that Only
the first <number> jobs can be displayed.

Apply for Job Applicants click this button to begin a job application for one or
more selected jobs.

This button appears only if the Site Setup Page is configured to

allow applicants to select and act on multiple jobs.

Note: This button is not visible on small form factor devices,

which also do not display the check boxes for selecting jobs.

Refer Friend Internal applicants click this button to begin the process of
referring a friend for one or more selected jobs.

When an internal applicant clicks this button, the Refer Friend -

Resume Page appears.

The Refer Friend button is not visible if any one of the

following is true:

• The user is an external applicant.

• The “Do Not Allow Refer a Friend” check box is selected

on the Site Setup Page.

• The “Allow Multiple Job Selection” check box on the

Site Setup page is not selected. (Multiple job selection is
necessary because the applicant needs to select the jobs for
the referral.)

• The user is on a small form factor device such as a phone.

(These devices do not display the check boxes for selecting

Applicants click this button to display a pop-up list of sorting

options. When the applicant clicks a sort field, the system
Sort Search Results List performs the sort immediately. However the pop-up list remains
open until the applicant clicks outside the pop-up or clicks the x
(close) button in the pop-up.

If the applicant select the same sort option again, the sort order
is reversed.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

The default sort is by posted date (most recent first), then by job
title. If the site is configured to show the hot job indicator, then
hot jobs are listed first.

These sort options are always present: Job Title, Job ID,
Location, Department, and Posted Date.

Additional sort options are available if the site is configured

to show the corresponding fields in the search results. The
additional sort options are Business Unit, Job Family, and Job

If the result set is truncated because the number of jobs that

meet the filter criteria is greater than the search engine’s
maximum number of search results, sorting reorders the current
set of jobs and does not bring missing jobs into the result set.
Also, the default sort that puts hot jobs first only applies to hot
jobs within the truncated data set of jobs with the most recent
posting dates.

When an applicant clicks an item within the pop-up list of

Sort Ascending or Sort
sorting options, this icon appears next to the item to indicate the
current sort field and sort direction.

An upward-pointing arrow indicates that jobs are currently

sorted in ascending order (A to Z); clicking the icon or the
field changes to a descending sort (Z to A). Conversely, a
downward-pointing arrow indicates that jobs are currently
sorted in descending order, and clicking the icon or the field
changes to an ascending sort.

All sort options except for Posting Date initially use an

ascending sort. Sorting by posting date shows jobs in
descending order (most recent first).

Search Results - List of Postings

When the search results list does not display check boxes, applicants can click anywhere in a row to
access posting details on the Job Description Page.

When check boxes are visible, the row as a whole is no longer actionable, so a View Details button
appears in each row instead.

<check box> If the Site Setup Page is configured to allow applicants to select
and act on multiple jobs, check boxes appear next to each job

Applicants can select the check box for one or more jobs and
then use the Apply for Job button above the job list to start a job

Internal applicants can also select jobs and then use the Refer
Friend button above the job list to start a referral for the selected
jobs. (However, the Refer Friend button is hidden if the Do Not

272 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Allow Refer a Friend check box is selected on the Site Setup


When the check boxes are not visible, applicants can click
anywhere on a row to access job posting details. But because the
check boxes are an interactive area within a row, the presence
of the check box means that the row as a whole is no longer
treated as a single clickable object. Therefore, when check
boxes appear, each row also has a button that an applicant clicks
to access the Job Description page.

Job Title The job posting title is the first line in each row of search

Job ID Displays the unique identifier for the job opening.

Location If a job has one recruiting location, that location name appears

If the job has multiple recruiting locations, the text Multiple

appears. To see a full list of locations, the applicant must access
the Job Description page.

Department Displays the department for the job opening.

Job Family Job family information is shown only if the site is configured to
show this data.

If the system is not configured to segment job openings by

job family, the job opening does not have job family data. In
this situation, the system uses the job family (if any) that is
associated with the primary job code.

Job Function Job function information is shown only if the site is configured
to show this data.

Business Unit Business Unit information is shown only if the site is configured
to show this data.

Posted Date Displays the date that the job was posted to the current site.

Close Date Displays the last day that the job is posted. This is the day
before the remove date that is specified in the job opening.

When a job posting does not have a remove date, the text
catalog entry HRAM_FL_CLSDT_TXT provides text that
appears instead of a date. The delivered text is Open Until

Job postings that are past their close date are removed from
Candidate Gateway when the job posting search index runs.
Depending on the timing of the search index process, there
can be a lag time where the posting is still visible in Candidate
Gateway even though it is past its close date. In this scenario,
clicking on the job posting displays an explanatory message,

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 273
(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

and the applicant is not able to view the job details or act on the

The Close Date field appears only if the site is configured

to show this field. The configuration to display the Close
Date field does not activate the Close Date search filter. For
instructions on setting up the Close Date search filter, see
"Configuring Recruiting Search Facets" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager).

If the site is configured to identify hot jobs, postings for hot jobs
Hot Job include this icon.

This icon indicates that the posting has been added to the
Favorite Job applicant’s personal list of favorites. The applicant cannot
favorite or unfavorite a job on this page. Instead, the applicant
must access the Job Description page to favorite or unfavorite a

Applicants can see a list of all their favorite jobs on the My

Favorite Jobs Page

Click this button to view job details on the Job Description

Page. If a job posting has been updated in Talent Acquisition
View Details button Manager but has not been re-indexed since it was updated, an
applicant who tries to access job details will see a message that
the information is temporarily unavailable.

This button is only visible when the check boxes for selecting
postings are visible. Because check boxes are an actionable area
within a row, the presence of the check box prevents the row
as a whole from being actionable. This makes the View Details
button necessary.

When the check boxes are not visible, the row still displays the
> icon to indicate that applicants can click the row to access the
job details.

Search Jobs Page on a Small Form Factor Device

The Search Jobs page adjusts to small form factor devices such as phones by initially hiding the search
filters. A Filter button gives applicants access to a panel with the search filters. The filter panel overlays
the Search Jobs page.

274 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Search Jobs Page With Hidden Filters

Image: Search Jobs page with hidden filters on a small form factor

This example illustrates the Search Jobs page on a small form factor device such as a phone. This
illustration shows the page without any optional fields.

Note: On a small form factor device, the Search Jobs page does not allow applicants to select multiple
jobs. Therefore, the Apply for Job button, the Refer Friend button, and the check boxes for selecting jobs
do not appear on this page regardless of how the site is configured.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Applicants tap this button to display a panel with the search

Filter filters. The filter panel overlays the Search Jobs page.

This button is green when filters have been applied.

Selected Filters This button appears only if filters have been applied. When
an applicant taps this button, a list of current filters pops up.
The applicant can tap the Clear All link to cancel all filters, or
tapping the x for an individual filter to close just that one.

276 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Filters Overlay on a Small Form Factor Device

Image: Filters overlay on the Search Jobs page on a small form factor device

This example illustrates the Filters overlay that appears when an applicant clicks the Filters button on the
Search Jobs page on a small form factor device

This overlay shows the same filter options that appear on other form factors. The applicant selects the
filters to be applied, then selects the Done button to remove the overlay. When the Search Jobs page
reappears, the selected filters are applied.

The Selected Filters button appears only if at least one filter is already selected. Applicants select this
button to see the list of currently applied filters and to remove some or all of them.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Job Description Page

Applicants use the Job Description page (HRS_APP_JBPST_FL) to:

• View complete posting information for a job.

• Start an application for a single job,

• Favorite or unfavorite a job

• Email the job to someone.


• If the Search Jobs page does not allow multi-job selection, click a job posting row on the Search Jobs

• if the Search Job page allows multi-job selection, click the View Details button in a job posting row
on the Search Jobs page.

• Click the View Job button on the My Favorite Jobs page.

• Click a You are invited to apply for a job notification on the My Job Notifications Page.

Image: Job Description page

This example illustrates the Job Description page.

278 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Summary Information
Job Title The job posting title appears in the center of the gray header at
the top of the page.

Previous Job and Next Job When an applicant accesses this page from a list containing
multiple job postings, the gray header at the top of the page
includes these links. Applicants click these links to navigate
between postings without returning to the list.

<Job Summary> This area of the page includes read-only summary information
about the job opening, including the Job ID, Location, Full/Part
Time information, and Regular/Temporary information.

If a job has multiple recruiting locations, the location field lists

all of them.

Apply for Job Applicants click this button to begin an application for the job.

See Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Apply for Jobs.

An applicant clicks these icons or links to favorite and
Add To Favorite Jobs or unfavorite the job.
Remove From Favorite Jobs
If the job is not a favorite, the icon is an empty outline of a star
and the link is Add to Favorite Jobs. Clicking the icon or link
favorites the job.

If the job is already a favorite, the icon is a solid star and the
link is Remove from Favorite Jobs. Clicking the icon or link
unfavorites the job.

Applicants can access a list of favorite jobs by going to the My

Favorite Jobs Page.

Email this Job Applicants click this link to access the Email Job Page, where
they can email the job posting information to email addresses
that they supply.

This link is hidden if the Do Not Allow Email a Friend check

box is selected on the Site Setup page.

Refer Friend Internal applicants click this link to begin the process of
referring a friend for one or more selected jobs.

When an internal applicant clicks this link, the Refer Friend -

Resume Page appears.

This link is hidden if the Do Not Allow Refer a Friend check

box is selected on the Site Setup page or if the applicant is

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Posting Details
<Posting Description> The complete job posting description appears below the links
section of the Job Description page. The posting description
comes from the "Posting Information Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

When a recruiter creates a posting description, sections within

the description can be marked as visible to internal applicants,
external applicants, or both. In Candidate Gateway, the
appropriate sections are included in the posting description
based on whether the applicant is internal or external.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Save Searches

This topic provides an overview of saved searches and job agents and discusses how applicants work with
saved searches.

Note: External applicants must sign in before they can save searches and job agents. The system prompts
applicants to sign in if necessary.

Pages Used to Save Searches

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Save Search Page HRS_SAVE_SCH_SCF Save search criteria, and optionally

request email notifications with search

My Saved Searches Page HRS_APP_SAVSCH_FL Run saved searches.

Edit Saved Search Page HRS_EDIT_SCH_SCF Edit or delete a saved search.

Understanding Saved Searches and Job Agents

When applicants are signed in to Candidate Gateway, they can save search criteria from the Search Jobs
page. Saving enables applicants to rerun the searches without having to re-enter keywords and re-select

Applicants can run the saved searches from the My Saved Searches page. The My Saved Searches page
additionally provides access to the Edit Saved Search page, where applicants can rename or delete a saved
search or change their notification settings for the saved search.

When saving a search, applicants can choose to receive automated email notifications listing jobs that
meet the saved search criteria. These saved searches are known as job agents, although this term is not
used on the Candidate Gateway pages.

To support job agent notifications, you must regularly run the Job Agent Application Engine process
(HRS_JOB_AGNT) as described in the topic "Using the Job Search Agent" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent

280 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Acquisition Manager). Each time the process runs, the system checks for job openings that meet the
saved search criteria. If there are postings that match the criteria, the system sends the applicant both
a Candidate Gateway notification and an email with information about the search results. The email
includes links to individual job openings that match the applicant's criteria, up to the maximum number
of job openings specified in the Max Job Posts Per Notification field on the "Recruiting Installation -
Jobs Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). If the number of matches exceeds the
maximum, the email directs the applicant to visit the Candidate Gateway to view all of the search results.

In Candidate Gateway, the job agent notification is a link that, when clicked, runs the saved search and
displays the results on the Search Jobs page.

If an applicant has multiple job agents, the system generates separate emails and notifications for each job

Although applicants can save an unlimited number of searches, the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) page has two settings that limit an applicant’s
job agents:

• The Maximum Job Agents field controls how many job agents an applicant can have.

• The Days Job Search Agent Active field controls how long a job agent remains active.

After a job agent expires, no further notifications are sent. However, the search still remains available
as a regular saved search.

Save Search Page

Applicants use the Save Search page (HRS_SAVE_SCH_SCF) to save search criteria and to request email
notifications with search results.


Click the Save Search link on the Search Jobs page (after entering search criteria).

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Image: Save Search page

This example illustrates the Save Search page.

Save Applicants click this button to save the search.

Search Name Applicants enter a unique name to identify the saved search.

Email me when new jobs meet my Applicants select this check box to save the search criteria as a
criteria job agent.

If the applicant already has the maximum number of job agents

allowed, the system issues an error. The applicant must deselect
the check box before saving.

Email To If the search is being saved as a job agent, the applicant must
supply an email address for the job agent email notifications.
The applicant’s primary email address is the default value.

Related Links
Understanding Saved Searches and Job Agents

My Saved Searches Page

Applicants use the My Saved Searches page (HRS_APP_SAVSCH_FL) to run saved searches.


• Click the My Saved Searches action on the Careers page.

• Click the My Saved Searches item in the Actions List.

282 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Image: My Saved Searches page

This example illustrates the My Saved Searches page.

My Saved Searches
Search Name Displays the unique search name entered by the applicant.

Created On Displays the date that the applicant created the saved search.

Notifications Email If the search was saved as a job agent, this field displays the
email where job agent notifications are sent. Otherwise, this
field displays the message No notifications will be sent.

Notification Expires On Displays the expiration date, if any, of the job agent. This date
is based on the value in the Days Job Search Agent Active field
on the "Recruiting Installation - Applicants Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). If the Days Job Search
Agent Active field is blank, then the Notification Expires On
value is No Expiry.

This field is blank for searches that are not job agents.

Note that job agent expiration dates are also included in the job
agent email notifications the applicant receives.

Search Clicking this button performs the saved search and displays the
results on the Search Jobs Page.

Clicking this button displays the Edit Saved Search Page, where
applicants rename or delete a saved search or change their
Edit button notification settings for the saved search.

Note: Searches that were saved before the introduction of faceted searching in Candidate Gateway do
not appear on the My Saved Searches page. These legacy searches cannot be accessed in Fluid Candidate

Edit Saved Search Page

Applicants use the Edit Saved Search page (HRS_EDIT_SCH_SCF) to edit or delete a saved search.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10


Click the Edit button for a saved search on the My Saved Searches page.

Image: Edit Saved Search page

This example illustrates the Edit Saved Search page.

The fields from the Save Search Page appear so that applicants can change either the search name or
the job agent settings. If the applicant changes the search name, a new saved search is created with the
original criteria and the new name. The saved search with the original name continues to exist unless it is
explicitly deleted.

Delete Clicking this button deletes the saved search.

Because applicants cannot modify the criteria used in a saved

search, an applicant who wants to use an existing search name
for different criteria must delete the original search and create a
new one.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to View Favorite Jobs

This topic provides an overview of favorite jobs and discusses how to review favorite jobs.

Note: External applicants must sign in before they can save jobs. The system prompts applicants to sign
in if necessary.

Pages Used to View Favorite Jobs

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Favorite Jobs Page HRS_APP_SVDJB_FL View favorite jobs.

284 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Understanding Favorite Jobs

Applicants can mark jobs as favorites to keep track of jobs that they are interested in.

Applicants mark jobs as favorites from the Job Description page. Applicants view their favorite jobs on
the My Favorite Jobs page. There is no limit to the number of jobs that an applicant can save.

If the site is configured to support multiple job selection, applicants can initiate job applications for one or
more jobs directly from the list of favorite jobs.

My Favorite Jobs Page

Applicants use the My Favorite Jobs page (HRS_APP_SVDJB_FL) to view favorite jobs.


• Click the My Favorite Jobs action on the Careers page.

• Click the My Favorite Jobs item in the Actions List.

• Internal applicants can select the Add to My Favorite Jobs related action for an internal job posting
after searching for job postings using PeopleSoft Global Search.

Image: My Favorite Jobs page — Desktop View

This example illustrates the My Favorite Jobs page as seen on a desktop device.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

Image: My Favorite Jobs page - Smartphone View

This example illustrates the My Favorite Jobs page as seen on a smartphone.

Apply for Job Clicking this button initiates an application for the selected job
or jobs.

This button is visible only if the Allow Multiple Job Selection

check box on the Site Setup Page is selected.

286 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Refer Friend This link is visible only to internal applicants, who click this
button to begin the process of referring a friend for one or more
selected jobs.

When an internal applicant clicks this button, the Refer Friend -

Resume Page appears.

The Refer Friend button is not visible if any one of the

following is true:

• The user is an external applicant.

• The “Do Not Allow Refer a Friend” check box is selected

on the Site Setup Page.

• The “Allow Multiple Job Selection” check box on the Site

Setup page is not selected.

Remove Favorite Clicking this button updates the selected jobs so that they are
no longer marked as favorites and they no longer appear on this

Favorite Jobs
<check box> Applicants select this check box to choose one or more jobs to
act on. To act on the selected jobs, applicants click one of the
buttons at the top of the page.

Although the Apply for Selected Jobs button is visible only

if the site is configured to allow multiple job selection, the
Remove Favorites button is always available. Therefore, the
check boxes for selecting jobs are always present, regardless of
the site configuration.

Job Title Displays the job posting title.

Job ID Displays the unique identifier for the job opening.

Location Displays the job’s recruiting location. If the job is associated

with multiple recruiting location, the word Multiple appears.
To view the specific locations for a job with multiple locations,
applicants must access the Job Description page.

Job Status Displays the status of the job opening. The system does not
automatically remove closed, cancelled, or on hold jobs from
an applicant's list of favorite jobs. However, if the applicant
attempts to apply for a job that is not open, the system displays a
message that the job is no longer available.

Job Family Displays the job family for the posting. This column is visible
regardless of whether the site is configured to show job family
information on the Search Jobs page.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

If the system is not configured to segment job openings by

job family, the job opening does not have job family data. In
this situation, the system uses the job family (if any) that is
associated with the primary job code.

Date Posted Displays the date that the job was posted to the current site.

Close Date Displays the close date for the job opening.

Date Saved Displays the date that the job was marked as a favorite.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Email Job Postings

This topic discusses how to email a job posting.

Note: This functionality is not available if the Do Not Allow Email a Friend check box is selected on the
Site Setup Page.

Note: External applicants do not need to sign in to email jobs.

Pages Used to Email Job Postings

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Email Job Page HRS_JOB_EML_FRDSCF Email job information to an address that

the applicant supplies.

Understanding Emailed Job Postings

Applicants can use Candidate Gateway to email job information to themselves or to another person. The
email is sent from the system and not from the applicant's personal email address.

The applicant can modify the email subject at runtime. The body text is read-only, but it dynamically
embeds a name that the applicant enters elsewhere on the Email Job page. The applicant-entered name
enables the recipient to see who requested that the email be sent.

The message text comes from the PeopleTools generic template HRS_CE_EML_FRND
(PeopleTools >Workflow >Notifications >Generic Templates). This template uses text catalog entry
HRAM_FLEMLFND_SUB1 as the email subject and text catalog entry HRAM_FLEMLFND_BOD1 as
the email message body.

The body of the message includes separate links that external and internal applicants use to access the
Candidate Gateway site and review the job posting. The links are valid only as long as the job is posted.
For example, if a job is posted internally but not externally, then the link for external applicants will not

288 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 10 (Fluid) Searching for Jobs

Email Job Page

Applicants use the Email Job page (HRS_JOB_EML_FRDSCF) to email job information to an address
that the applicant supplies.


Click the Email this Job link on the Job Description page.

Image: Email Job page

This example illustrates the Email Job page.

Send Clicking this button sends the email notification to the

designated recipients.

To An applicant enters a comma-delimited list of email addresses to

which the message will be sent.

Your Name An applicant enters his or her own name in this field. The
system references this name in the default email message text,
which begins with the sentence <Your Name> saw this job
opening and thought you might find it interesting.

Subject Applicants can optionally modify the email subject. The default
subject is Interesting job at <company>. The company name
comes from the job opening.

Message Applicants cannot modify the message text.

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(Fluid) Searching for Jobs Chapter 10

290 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11

(Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Understanding the Application Process in Fluid Candidate

This topic provides overviews of:

• The online application process in Fluid Candidate Gateway.

• Default application data.

• Integration with resume extractors.

The Online Application Process in Fluid Candidate Gateway

Starting an Application
Depending on how the applicant initiates the application, the application can include one, multiple, or no
job openings. These are the different ways that applicants can start a new job application:

• Click Apply for Job button on the Job Description Page to start an application for a single job.

• If the site is configured to allow applications without a job, click the Apply Without a Job link on the
Search Jobs Page.

• If the site is configured to allow applications with multiple jobs, select one or more jobs then click the
Apply for Job button on the Search Jobs page or the My Favorite Jobs Page.

Note: On small form factor devices such as phones, applicants cannot select multiple jobs and start an
application that includes all of them.

Applying for The Same Job Multiple times

The Site Setup page lets you configure whether to allow multiple applications for the same job. If
multiple applications for the same job are allowed, applicants see a warning when they start a duplicate
application, but they are allowed to continue with the new application. If multiple applications for the
same job are not allowed, applicants see an error message and are not allowed to continue. The message
tells the applicant to go to the My Job Applications page to review the existing application (or to restart it
if the existing application is unsubmitted).

If an applicant created multiple applications for the same job opening before you activated the option to
disallow multiple applications, the applicant will be able to continue with a draft application as long as
there are no submitted applications for the same job opening.

Even if multiple applications for the same job are not allowed, applicants can reapply for jobs in these

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

• The original application was withdrawn.

• The original application failed prescreening or online screening (that is, the application disposition is
either 112 Failed Prescreening or 115 Reject Online Screening).

• The original application was created when a recruiter linked the applicant to a job with a
questionnaire. In this situation, the original application does not include questionnaire answers, and
the applicant is specifically invited to submit a new application so that questionnaire answers can be

Resume Template Selection

Resume templates control several of the steps in the application process. The system loads resume
template settings as follows:

• If an applicant applies without selecting a job opening, the system uses the default resume template
that is associated with the site.

• If the applicant applies for a single job opening, the system uses the resume template for that job

• If an applicant applies for more than one job at a time, the system merges the associated resume
templates so that all sections are included in the application (but no sections are duplicated).

See "Understanding Resume Templates" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

Steps in the Online Application Process

Candidate Gateway guides applicants through the steps in the job application.

The site definition, the resume template, and the job opening(s) can all impact the steps that appear during
the application process. Although configuration options affect which steps appear, the overall sequence of
steps is fixed, as shown in the following diagram.

See The Activity Guide Framework for Job Applications.

292 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Steps in the job application process

This diagram illustrates the sequence of steps during the job application process.

The following table describes the application steps and explains what causes each step to appear.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Step Description Conditions When the Step Appears

Start Displays notices and provides a link to terms and The start steps appears if either of the following
conditions. conditions is true:

If terms and conditions apply, the applicant must • The site definition is configured to display
agree to the terms before continuing to the next step. one or more of these start step elements:
administrator-configured text, instructional text,
or application terms and agreements.

• The application requires prescreening, which

always places a prescreening notice on the Start

The site definition controls whether the

application includes prescreening terms and
conditions in addition to the prescreening

Prequalify Displays prescreening questions. Depending on the The Prequalify step appears when either of the
site configuration, the applicant may be required to following conditions is true:
supply answers before continuing.
• The applicant applies for one or more job
When the applicant continues to the next step, the openings with prescreening.
system evaluates the answers.'
• The applicant applies without a job opening,
If the applicant passes prescreening for all jobs, the and the site’s default resume template includes
applicant continues directly to the next step. prescreening.

If the applicant fails prescreening for at least one job, See "Setting Up Screening for a Job Opening"
the system displays a message with the prescreening (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)
results. Jobs where the applicant fails prescreening
are removed from the application.

If no jobs are left in the application, the applicant

cannot continue. If at least one job is left in the
application, the applicant can continue, and system
updates the list of steps to remove any that are no
longer relevant to the remaining job openings.

Resume Enables applicants to supply a resume and cover The Resume step appears unless the resume template
letter using methods defined in the resume template. is configured to skip this step.

Fluid Candidate Gateway does not allow applicants

to copy and paste resume text into an application
regardless of the resume template settings.

294 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Step Description Conditions When the Step Appears

Configurable These steps, which are configured on the resume Resume templates define the configurable steps (and
steps template, can display any of the following data entry optional substeps) in the application process.

• Attachments

• Preferences

• (USF) Federal Preferences

• Education History

• Work Experience

• Job Training

• (USF) Priority Placement

• Profile content types (for example, competencies

or languages)

• References

• Personal Information

• Online Questionnaire

• Referrals

(NIR) Enables applicants for jobs in Northern Ireland to The Community Background step appears if the Use
Community enter their community background information. Community Background check box is selected on
Background the Country Specific page in the resume template

The system does not consider the actual location

of the job opening, only the settings on the resume

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Step Description Conditions When the Step Appears

(USA) Self- Includes up to three substeps that are all related to The Self-Identify step appears only for USA job
Identify United States regulatory requirements: applications.

(external 1. Disability: invites applicants to self-identify their Applications are considered USA job applications
applicants only) disability status. if any of the included job openings have recruiting
locations that are associated with a physical location
2. Veteran: invites applicants to self-identify their in the United States. If a job opening’s recruiting
veteran status. location doesn't reference any physical locations, the
job is not treated as being in the United States.
3. Diversity: invites applicants to enter gender and
ethnicity information for Equal Employment If an applicant applies without a job opening, the
Opportunity reporting purposes. application is considered a USA job application if
the applicant's address is in the United States. All
The Veteran and Disability steps both relate to
applicant records have a Country in the address,
regulations from the U.S. Department of Labor’s
even if no other address information exists. For
Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs
information on default values for the Country field,
see Understanding Account Information.

The Diversity substep is not configurable, so it

appears in all USA job applications. The Disability
and Veteran substeps appear only when activated
in the OFCCP Self-Identify field on the Site Setup

Note: If the Disability and Veteran substeps are

not enabled, then Diversity appears as a main step
instead of a substep.

Review and Enables applicants to review their application before The Review and Submit step is the only required
Submit submitting it. step for every application. It is not configurable.

Draft Applications
Applications that have been saved without being submitted are considered draft applications. Draft
applications have the status Not Submitted on the My Job Applications page.

The system automatically saves application data every time an applicant moves to a different step in the
application process. An application is also saved when an applicant clicks either the Exit button or the
Save as Draft item under the Actions List. However, the application is not saved if applicant exits from
the Start Step without ever continuing to the next step.

With two exceptions, an applicant who re-opens a draft application is placed on the last saved step.

The first exception relates to the self-identification and Northern Ireland community background steps.
Information on these steps does not get saved until the application is submitted. This is because the
information is saved directly to the applicant record rather than being part of an individual application.
Therefore, if an applicant continued past these steps before exiting the application, the application re-
opens on the first one of these steps so that the applicant can re-enter the information.

296 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

The second exception relates to changes that require the applicant to re-start at the beginning. The system
returns the applicant to the Start step if any of the following configuration changes have occurred since
the application was saved:

• Changes to any Start Step notices or terms and conditions.

These changes occur if there are text changes within the relevant text catalog entries or if changes to
the site configuration affect which Start Step text is visible.

• Changes to the application steps due to resume template changes.

When the system returns the applicant to the Start step, the applicant’s previously entered data is
preserved, but the applicant must still revisit each step.

Submitted Applications
After applicants submit an application, they cannot make changes to it.

Submitted applications have the status Submitted on the My Job Applications Page.

When an applicant accesses a submitted application, the system displays read-only application data on the
Application Summary Page.

Application-Related Notifications
When an application is submitted, the system sends a confirmation email to the applicant. This behavior is
not configurable. The notification uses the HRS_CE_APPL_APPLY_JOB template.

Settings on the "Job Opening - Screening Criteria Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
Manager) control whether the system sends applicant email with results of prescreening and online

Default Data in New Applications

When applicants start new applications, the default data depends on whether the applicant is external or

External Applicants
If an external applicant already has any existing draft or submitted applications, new applications
copy data from previous applications. The system does not bring in a resume, answers to questions,
competency ratings, or referral information. For other sections, the system copies data from the most
recent application that included the section, regardless of whether the most recent application was
submitted, unsubmitted, or withdrawn.

Self-identification data (diversity, disability, veteran, and Norther Ireland community background) is
copied from the applicant record, not from other applications. Self-identification data is saved to the
applicant record when an application is submitted.

Internal Applicants
When internal applicants create new applications, the system copies data from their employee profiles
(including training information) and then adds additional non-conflicting data from the most recently
created application.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

For example, if an employee adds profile content in an application, the new data gets brought into the
next new application. But if an employee removes or modifies profile content that came from the HR
system, the next new application will still bring in the original profile content as long as it remains in the
employee’s HR record.

Work experience data from an internal applicant’s previous applications does not get brought into new
applications. For internal applicants, work experience is brought in only from the employee’s human
resources record (as seen on the "Prior Work Experience Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Human Resources
Administer Workforce)).

Integration With Resume Extractors

This topic provides a general overview of the use of resume extractors to populate the online application
fields. For information about setting up resume extractors, see "Setting Up Recruiting Vendors"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) and "Setting Up Data Mapping" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

The Resume Extraction Process

If you integrate with a third-party resume extractor, the extraction process parses data from the applicant's
resume attachment and populates application fields automatically.

See "Understanding Resume Management" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

298 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Resume extraction process

The following diagram shows how a resume extractor is used during the online application process. The
extractor uses resume information to enter default values into the application form. While proceeding
through the remaining steps, the applicant can review and modify the data provided by the resume

Here is how resume extraction works:

1. An applicant uploads a resume.

2. The resume extractor parses the resume and enters data in the appropriate application fields.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Parsing occurs immediately after the resume is added to the application; the applicant does not need to
continue to the next step

Data from the resume parsing process overwrites any existing application data, including the default
data that the system imports from a previous application or from an employee profile.

3. Applicants continue to step through the online application process, reviewing data and supplying any
missing information.

Sometimes the resume parsing process will create a row of data that is missing required information.
In this situation, the system prevents the applicant from moving past the step with the missing
information until all required data is supplied. A red warning icon identifies the incomplete data, and
the applicant must resolve the issue before continuing to the next step.

If an applicant returns to the resume step and supplies a new resume, the newly extracted data
replaces the previous data, and the applicant must go through each application step again to verify the
newly extracted information.

Image: Error handling for resume parsing

This example illustrates the error handling when the resume parser creates a row of data that is missing
required information.

Extracting Contact Data

Because applicant records in Candidate Gateway allow only one address, resume addresses are added
only if the applicant record does not already have one. If the resume includes multiple addresses, only the
first is added.

Candidate Gateway does support multiple email addresses and phone numbers, but it allows only one of
each type (for example, one home phone number).

If an email or phone type is already in use (for example, the extractor finds a home phone number, but one
already exists in the system), then the new email or phone number is added using the type Other. If the
Other type already exists, it is overwritten, and any additional email or phone numbers in the resume are

300 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Apply for Jobs

This topic discusses how applicants complete an online job application.

These videos demonstrate Fluid Candidate Gateway, including the job application process:

Fluid Candidate Gateway Video Feature Overview

PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 Image 18 Highlights: Fluid Candidate Gateway

PeopleSoft HCM 9.2 Image 19 Highlights: Fluid Candidate Gateway Enhancements

Note: External applicants must sign in before starting a job application. The system prompts applicants to
sign in if necessary.

Pages Used to Apply for Jobs

Page Name Definition Name Usage

The Activity Guide Framework for Job n/a In Fluid Candidate Gateway, the
Applications application appears within the context
of a PeopleTools Activity Guide. The
(common elements on pages used to Activity Guide shows the steps in
apply for jobs) the application process and provides
navigation buttons for proceeding
through the steps.

Start Page HRS_CE_START_FL Review notices and accept any terms and
conditions. If none exist, this page does
not appear.

Terms and Conditions Page HRS_CE_TERMS_SCF Review any terms or conditions that
must be agreed to before continuing the

Prequalify Page HRS_APP_JOPRESC_FL (for Answer prescreening questions.

applications with a job opening)

applications without a job opening)

Prequalify Results Page HRS_JPSCR_RSLT_SCF (for Review prescreening results when the
applications with a job opening) applicant fails prescreening for at least
one job.
applications without a job opening)

Resume Page HRS_RESUME_OPTN_FL Supply resume and cover letter

attachments for the application.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Use Existing Resume Page HRS_RESUMES_SCF Select a previously submitted resume to

associate with the job application.

Copy & Paste Resume HRS_RES_PASTE_SCF View a resume that was pasted into an

Applicants cannot paste resumes into

applications in Fluid Candidate Gateway,
but they can use pasted resumes from
applications that were started in classic
Candidate Gateway.

<Step Name> Page (page title is HRS_CE_PROFILE_FL Enter application data using steps that are
configured on the resume template) defined on the resume template. These
are the sections that can be configured to

• Attachments Section

• Job Preferences Section

• (USF) Federal Preferences Section

• (USF) Priority Placement Section

• Education History Section

• Work Experience Section

• Job Training Section

• Profile-Related Sections such as

languages or competencies.

• References Section

• Personal Information Section

• Questionnaire Section

• Referrals Section

Add/Edit Attachment Page HRS_CE_D_ATTCH_SCF Enter attachment information and initiate

the file upload process.

(USF) Add/Edit Priority Placement Page HRS_CE_G_D_PP_SCF Enter U.S. Federal priority placement

Add/Edit Work Experience Page HRS_CE_D_WRK_SCF Enter work experience details.

Add/Edit Job Training Page HRS_CE_D_TRAIN_SCF Enter job training details.

Add/Edit <Profile Content Type> Page HRS_CE_D_JPM_A_SCF (when adding Enter details about a profile-based
a new profile item) qualification.

HRS_CE_D_JPM_E_SCF (when editing

an existing profile item)

302 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Add/Edit Reference Page HRS_CE_D_REFS_SCF Enter name and contact details for a

(NIR) Community Background Page HRS_APP_CB2_FL Enter community background

information for Northern Ireland.

(USA) Disability Page HRS_CE_DISABILI_FL Enter disability information.

This page supports compliance with

regulations from the U.S. Department
of Labor’s Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs (OFCCP).

(USA) Veteran Page HRS_CE_VETERAN_FL Enter veteran information.

This page supports compliance with

OFCCP regulations from the U.S.
Department of Labor.

(USA) Diversity Page HRS_CE_SELF_IDE_FL Enter gender and ethnicity information

for equal employment opportunity
reporting in the United States.

Ethnic Group Page or Race Page HRS_CE_DIV_EXP_SCF Displays explanatory text to help
applicants answer the questions “Are
you Hispanic or Latino?” and “What is
your race?” These questions appear on
the Diversity page when the system is
configured to collect ethnicity and race
information using a two-part question.

To access this page, applicants click

the Explain link next to either of the
questions on the Diversity page. The
page title and content depend on which
Explain link is clicked.

Review and Submit Page HRS_CE_REVIEW_FL Review application data and submit an

My Contact Information Page HRS_PRFILEINFO_SCF External applicants use this page to

review and update name and contact
information before submitting an

Internal applicants can review this

information, but they cannot make any
changes because the information comes
from HR records.

Application Confirmation Page HRS_CE_CONFIRM_FL View a confirmation that an application

has been successfully submitted, and
review online screening results for job
openings that include results messages
for online screening.

Application Summary Page HRS_CE_REVIEW_FL Review a submitted application.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

The Activity Guide Framework for Job Applications

In Fluid Candidate Gateway, the application appears within the context of a PeopleTools Activity Guide.

The Activity Guide shows a list of application steps in the left panel and the page that corresponds to the
current step in the right panel. The Activity Guide also provides navigation buttons in the page banner.

Image: Activity Guide framework for job applications

This example illustrates the Activity Guide framework within which the job application pages appear.

304 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Activity Guide framework for small form factors

This example illustrates the Activity Guide framework on a small form factor device. In the first image,
the step list is hidden. In the second image, the step list is exposed.

Note: Throughout this topic, the page illustrations show sections of the job application without the
context of the Activity Guide step list. Even though the Activity Guide framework is not illustrated,
remember that all job application steps appear within that framework.

Page Banner
The blue area at the top of PeopleSoft pages is called the page banner. In other PeopleSoft applications,
the banner displays several standard icon buttons.

On most Candidate Gateway pages, internal applicants see the standard set of banner icon buttons.
However, in the job application Activity Guide, only the Notification and Actions List icon buttons are

External applicants don’t see any of the standard banner icon buttons except for the Actions List.

Clicking this button exits the application. If the applicant has

or Exit not moved past the Start step, the system does not save the
application. Otherwise, the system saves the application before
exiting, and the application appears on the My Job Applications

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Page page as an unsubmitted application. The applicant can

resume the application later.

Clicking this button saves changes to the current step and

or Previous navigates to the previous step or substep. The button is not
visible on the first step in the application.

Clicking this button saves changes to the current step and

or Next navigates to the next step or substep. If any required information
is missing on the current step, a message appears, and the
applicant must provide the missing information before
continuing to the next step.

On the last step of the application (the Review and Submit step),
the Next button is replaced by a Submit button.

Submit This button appears only on the Review and Submit step. An
applicant clicks this button to submit the application. Applicants
cannot make any further changes to an application that has been
submitted. To provide an updated application, the applicant
can re-apply. If the site is configured not to allow multiple
applications for a job opening, the applicant can withdraw the
original application before reapplying.

Applications that have been submitted appear on the My Job

Applications page with the status Submitted.

Within a job application Activity Guide, the Actions List in the

Actions List banner includes one item: Save As Draft. Selecting this option
saves an in-progress application without moving to a new page
or exiting the application.

Saving as draft before moving past the Start Step does not create
a draft application because there is no application information to

Note: The Exit, Previous, and Next buttons appear as icon buttons on small form factor devices and as
text buttons on larger form factors. The Submit button is a text button on all devices.

Job Application Header

A gray area under the main page banner displays contextual information that is specific to the job

<Job Posting Title> Displays the posting title of the job. Clicking the posting title
displays a pop-up window with the job title, location, and job

If the application is for multiple jobs, the text indicates the

number of jobs in the application, and the pop-up window lists
information about each job. If an applicant fails prescreening
for a some of the jobs in a multi-job application, the system
removes those jobs from the list of job openings.

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Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

If the applicant applied without selecting a job, the applicant

sees the text You have not selected a job.

<Progress Indicator> (small form Small form factor screens don’t have room to show the panel
factor only) with the list of steps at the same time as the current step.
Therefore, these devices display a progress indicator in the page
header. The progress indicator consists of:

• A progress bar that gets filled in as the applicant completes


• Text that indicates the current step number and the total
number of steps—for example, Step 3 of 5.

List of Steps
The Activity Guide framework includes a panel that lists the steps in the job application process. This
panel appears on the left on devices other than small form factor devices. On a small form factor such as
phone, the panel is initially hidden.

On a small form factor device, tap this button to show or hide

the panel with the list of steps.
Show or Hide Panel

<Step Name> On the panel with the list of steps, individual steps are
numbered and labeled. The current step is highlighted.

Depending on the resume template configuration, some steps

may have substeps. These are indicated by an expand/collapse
icon next to the step name. The step is automatically expanded
when the applicant reaches it. The applicant can also click the
parent step at any time to expand or collapse it. Substeps are not

All required information on a step must be complete before an

applicant is allowed to move to a different step. If any required
information is missing, a message appears, and the applicant
must provide the missing information before continuing.

<Step Status> Each step and substep has a status.

• Unvisited steps are in Not Started status.

• When the applicant first reaches a step, the status changes to

In Progress.

• When the applicant continues past a step, the status changes

to Complete. Steps with substeps are not marked complete
until the last substep is completed.

Applicants cannot use the step list to access Not Started steps.
Instead, applicants must use the Next button to navigate to
unvisited steps and substeps in sequence.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Applicants can return to Complete and In Progress steps and

substeps by clicking the step.

If an applicant returns to a previous step, that step’s status

returns to In Progress.. There cannot be Completed steps after
an In Progress step, so when the applicant returns to an earlier
step, any completed steps that follow the now-current step also
return to In Progress status.

Job Application Pages

Within the Activity Guide framework, the main panel displays the page for the current step in the job

<Title Text> Displays a page title that includes the step number and step
name—for example, Step 1 of 8: Start

For substeps, the page title includes both the step and substep
name, separated by a hyphen. For example, Step 4 of 8:
Qualifications - Experience indicates that the step title is
Qualifications and the substep title is Experience.

Start Page
Applicants use the Start page (HRS_CE_START_FL) to review notices and accept any terms and

If no notices exist, this page does not appear. Job applications that include prescreening always include


Begin a job application. To do this:

• Click the Apply for Job button on the Job Description page.

• If applications for multiple jobs are allowed, click the Apply for Job button on the Search Jobs page or
the My Favorite Jobs page.

• If applying without a job is allowed, click the Apply Without a Job link on the Search Jobs page.

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Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Start page with delivered text

This example illustrates the Start page with sample text. Oracle delivers these sample text examples.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Start page with descriptions of each text block

This illustration of the Start page replaces the sample notices with descriptions of each notice and the text
catalog ID for each notice.

Note: The following definitions refer to the notices using the descriptions on the illustration above.

1. OFCCP Invitation to Voluntarily Appears only for internal applicants, and only if the OFCCP
Self-Identify Self-Identify field on the Site Setup Page page is configured to
request veteran or disability self-identification from applicants.

This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_FL_DIS_INSTR4)

informs internal applicants that they can use HR self-service
to voluntarily self-identify as having a disability or a protected
veteran status. This notice is shown to internal applicants in
lieu of collecting self-identification information during the
application process.

2. Start Step Administrator Appears only if the Display Start Step Administrator Configured
Configured Text Text check box is selected on the Site Setup page.

This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_FL_ADMIN_TXT)

can serve any purpose. For example, use it to introduce your
organization, make announcements, and so forth.

3. Start Step Instructional Text Appears only if the Display Start Step Instructional Text check
box is selected on the Site Setup page.

This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_FL_INSTR_TXT) is

intended for general instructions related to the application
process. It should not be used for instructions related to terms
and conditions, as a separate text block exists for that purpose.

310 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

4. Instructions for Terms and Appears only if the applicant must agree to any terms and
Conditions conditions. This occurs if the Display Application Terms and
Agreements check box is selected on the Site Setup page or, for
jobs with prescreening, if the Display Prequalification Terms
and Agreements check box is selected on the Site page.

This notice (text catalog ID HRAM_FL_DINSTR_TXT)

instructs applicants to read the terms and conditions and
explains that they must agree to the terms before continuing.

Prequalification Notices
5. Prequalification Notice Appears only if the application includes a Prequalify step. You
cannot disable prequalification notices.

The notice text comes from the Explain Text ID field in the job
opening’s prescreening setup (or, if there is no job opening,
from the prescreening setup on the resume template).

The relevant job title and job ID appear before the notice. If the
application includes multiple jobs with prescreening, notices for
jobs that use the same Explain Text ID are consolidated. That
is, the titles and job IDs for all jobs using a particular notice are
listed before the notice. If jobs use different Explain Text IDs,
the notices appear sequentially under the appropriate job titles
and IDs.

Terms and Conditions

The Terms an Conditions area of the page appears only if the applicant must agree to terms and conditions
before continuing. This occurs if the Display Application Terms and Agreements check box is selected
the Site Setup page or, for jobs with prescreening, if the Display Prequalification Terms and Agreements
check box is selected on the Site Setup page.

View Terms and Conditions Click to open the Terms and Conditions page and read the terms
and conditions for the application.

Note: The system does not force applicants to open the Terms
and Conditions page before agreeing to terms and conditions.

I have read the Terms and When the Terms and Conditions area of the page is visible,
Conditions applicants must select this check box to indicate consent to the
terms and conditions before they can continue to the next step.

Terms and Conditions Page

Applicants use the Terms and Conditions page (HRS_CE_TERMS_SCF) to review any terms or
conditions that must be agreed to before continuing the application.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11


Click the View Terms and Conditions link on the Start page.

Image: Terms and Conditions page with delivered text

This example illustrates the Terms and Conditions page with sample text. Oracle delivers this sample text.

Image: Terms and Conditions page with descriptions of each text block

This illustration of the Terms and Conditions page replaces the sample terms and conditions with
descriptions and the text catalog ID for each text block.

This page is read-only. To close the page, click the x (Close) button in the top right corner of the page.

The following field definitions refer to the text elements using the numbered list on the illustration above.

1. Prequalification Terms & Appears only if the application includes prescreening and the
Conditions Display Prequalification Terms and Agreements check box is
selected on the Site Setup page.

This text element (text catalog ID HRAM_FL_PREQ_INSTRU)

presents terms and conditions related to the prescreening

2. Application Terms & Conditions Appears only if the Display Application Terms and Agreements
check box is selected on the Site Setup page

This text element (text catalog ID HRAM_FL_APPL_INSTR)

presents general terms and conditions related to the submission
of any job application.

Prequalify Page
Applicants use the Prequalify page (HRS_APP_JOPRESC_FL for applications with a job opening, or
HRS_APP_PRESCRN_F for applications without a job opening) to answer prescreening questions.

312 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

The Prequalify page appears only in applications that include prescreening.


Click the Next button on the Start step.

Image: Prequalify page

This example illustrates the Prequalify page before the applicant continues to the next step.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Prequalify page with prescreening results

This example illustrates the Prequalify page when an applicant returns to the Prequalify step after
continuing to subsequent steps.

Before Prequalification
Prequalify This section displays a numbered list of questions. These
questions come from the prescreening definition on the job
opening (or, for applications without a job opening, from the
prescreening definition on the resume template). In a multi-job
application, prescreening questions for all jobs are consolidated
into one list.

Prescreening questions do not have default answers, even if the

applicant previously applied for the job.

Radio buttons indicate that the question has one correct answer.
Check boxes indicate that the question has multiple correct
answers. Prescreening questions cannot be open-ended.

If the Require Answers to Questions check box on the Site

Setup Page is selected, the title above the list of questions
includes the word (Required), and applicants must supply
answers to all questions before continuing.

When the applicant clicks the Next button to continue, the

system immediately evaluates the answers and determines
whether the applicant passes prescreening.

After Prequalification
After passing prescreening and continuing to the next step, applicants can return to the Prequalify step,
but in this mode, the page displays prescreening results rather than the original prescreening questions.

Eligible to apply for Displays the Job Title and Job ID of all jobs that passed

314 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Not eligible to apply for Displays the Job Title and Job ID of jobs that were removed
from the application due to failed prescreening.

Related Links
"Understanding Prescreening and Online Screening" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

Prequalify Results Page

Applicants use the Prequalify Results page (HRS_JPSCR_RSLT_SCF for applications with a job
opening, HRS_PSCR_RSLT_SCF for applications without a job opening) to review prescreening results
after failing prescreening for at least one job.

The Prequalify Results page does not appear if the applicant passes prescreening for all jobs in the


Click the Next button on the Prequalify step.

Image: Prequalify Results page

This example illustrates the Prequalify Results page. In this example, the applicant applied for multiple
jobs. The applicant passed prescreening for one job and failed prescreening for another job. A third job in
the application did not have any prescreening questions, so it is included in the list of jobs for which the
applicant is eligible to apply.

Continue This button appears only if the applicant is eligible to apply for
at least one job. The applicant clicks this button to continue to
the next step in the application, but jobs where the applicant
failed prescreening are removed from the application.

x (Close) If the applicant is not eligible for any jobs, the dialog box has a
close box, but no Continue button. The application process ends
when the applicant closes this dialog box.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Eligible to apply for Lists the jobs where the applicant passes prescreening or where
no prescreening existed.

Not eligible to apply for Lists the jobs where the applicant failed prescreening.

Resume Page
Applicants use the Resume page (HRS_RESUME_OPTN_FL) to attach a resume and a cover letter to the

The application process includes a Resume step unless the resume template is configured to skip this step.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach this step.

Image: Resume page with no resume or cover letter supplied

This example illustrates the Resume page before the applicant supplies a resume or cover letter. In this
example, the resume template is configured so that a resume is required and a cover letter is optional.

316 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Resume page with files attached

This example illustrates the Resume page after an applicant attaches a resume and a cover letter.

Note: If resume parsing is active, it occurs as soon as an applicant uploads a resume.

The resume template controls whether resumes and cover letters are required. If the word Required
appears next to either the Resume Attachment title or the Cover Letter Attachment title, applicants cannot
continue to the next step without supplying the relevant document.

Resume Attachment (Before Resume Is Provided)

The resume template controls which of the following resume options are available:

Attach Resume Clicking this button displays the File Attachment dialog so that
the applicant can upload an attachment.

PeopleTools manages the physical storage locations of file

attachments using the URL Maintenance page (PeopleTools >
Utilities > Administration > URLs). Settings for the HRS_APP_
ATCH_CG URL identifier determine whether there are any file
type restrictions for resumes that applicants upload.

The URL identifier settings also control the physical storage

location for the attached file, which must match the location for
the HRS_APP_ATCH URL identifier used for attachments that
are uploaded in PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

See "Setting Up Application Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM

9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Use Existing Resume Clicking this button displays the Use Existing Resume page,
where applicants choose an already-submitted resume to
reuse. Applicants cannot reuse resumes from unsubmitted or
withdrawn applications.

This button is hidden if the applicant does not have any already-
submitted resumes. Applicants can view all of their submitted
resumes in the Resumes grid on the My Job Applications page.

Note: Fluid Candidate Gateway does not provide applicants with an option to copy and paste a resume
into the system, even if the resume template is configured to allow this.

Resume Attachment (After Resume Is Provided)

Resume Title Applicants use this field to give the resume a descriptive title.

If a resume is used in more than one job application (because

the applicant selected the Use Existing Resume option), a title
change is reflected in all applications that use the same resume.

Language Applicants use this field to select the language of their resume.

This field is visible only if the Site Setup Page is configured to

display the resume language. This field is informational only, so
consider hiding it unless your organization has a specific use for

Attached File Displays the file name of the resume. Clicking this link opens
the file.

Change Resume Clicking this link removes the current resume from the
application. The Resume Attachment section returns to its
initial state, displaying the resume selection buttons so that the
applicant can choose a different resume.

Cover Letter Attachment (Before Cover Letter Is Provided)

This section is visible only if the resume template is configured to include cover letters.

Attach Cover Letter Clicking this button displays the File Attachment dialog so that
the applicant can upload a cover letter.

Applicants cannot reuse previously uploaded cover letters.

Cover Letter Attachment (After Cover Letter Is Provided)

Cover Letter Title Applicants use this field to give the cover letter a descriptive

318 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Attached File Displays the file name of the cover letter. Clicking this link
opens the file.

Change Cover Letter Clicking this link removes the current cover letter from the
application. The Cover Letter Attachment section returns to its
initial appearance, displaying the Attach Cover Letter button so
that the applicant can choose a different document.

Use Existing Resume Page

Applicants use the Use Existing Resume page (HRS_RESUMES_SCF) to select a previously submitted
resume to associate with the job application.


Click the Use Existing Resume button on the Resume page. This button is hidden if no resumes have been
previously submitted.

Image: Use Existing Resume page.

This example illustrates the Use Existing Resume page.

My Resumes Lists all of an applicant’s previously submitted resumes. The

applicant clicks a resume to use it in the current application and
return to the Resume page.

Copy & Paste Resume

Applicants use the Copy & Paste Resume page (HRS_RES_PASTE_SCF) to view a resume that was
pasted into an application.

Applicants cannot paste resumes into applications in Fluid Candidate Gateway, but they can use pasted
resumes from applications that were started in classic Candidate Gateway.


On the Resume page, click the name of a pasted resume.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Copy & Paste Resume page

This example illustrates the Copy & Paste Resume page.

This is a read-only modal page. The applicant closes the modal to return to the application.

<Step Name> Page

Applicants use the <Step Name> page (HRS_CE_PROFILE_FL) to enter additional application
information. The page name corresponds to the step name that is defined in the resume template. The
sections that appear on the page are those that are associated with the step in the resume template


Click the Next button until you reach a step that show resume template sections.

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Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: <Step Name> page

This example illustrates the <Step Name> page. This example shows a substep, so the step title includes
both the step name (Qualifications) and the substep name (Experience). The step includes multiple
sections from the resume template.

These are the sections that can appear on this page:

1. Attachments Section

2. Job Preferences Section

3. (USF) Federal Preferences Section

4. Education History Section

5. Work Experience Section

6. Job Training Section

7. (USF) Priority Placement Section

8. Profile-Related Sections (for example, competencies or languages)

9. References Section

10. Personal Information Section

11. Questionnaire Section

12. Referrals Section

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Note: This list reflects the section order when multiple sections appear on the same step or substep.
To present the sections in any other order, implementers must place the sections on separate steps and
order the steps as needed. For example, if you want the Job Preferences section to appear before the
Attachments section, those sections must be on different steps so that you can put the step with Job
Preferences before the step with Attachments.

Attachments Section
Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Attachments section to add attachments other than resumes and cover letters to the


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the
Attachments section.

Image: Attachments section

This example illustrates the Attachments section.

Note: This example shows instructional text before the Attachments grid. The instructional text is
configured in the resume template. Note that the sample text refers applicants to the job description for
more information. Fluid Candidate Gateway does not give applicants a way to review the job description
while completing a job application, so this sample text is not typically appropriate for Fluid Candidate
Gateway implementations.
Within the resume template, the Attachments section can be marked as required, forcing applicants
to supply at least one attachment. With this configuration, it is important for your instructional text to
explain what attachment(s) are required.

Applicants click this button to add an attachment to the

application. This button opens the Add Attachment page.
Add Attachment

Attached File Displays the file name of the attachment. Click to open the file.

Attachment Title Displays a descriptive title for the attachment.

322 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Attachment Type Displays the attachment type that the applicant selected at the
time the file was uploaded.

Applicants click this button to open the Edit Attachment page,

where they can change the attachment information, upload a
Edit different document, or delete the attachment.

Add/Edit Attachment Page

Use the Add Attachment or Edit Attachment page (HRS_CE_D_ATTCH_SCF) to enter attachment
information and initiate the file upload process.


On a step that shows the Attachments section, click the Add or Edit button.

Image: Add Attachment page before a file is uploaded

This example illustrates the Add Attachment page before a file has been uploaded. After a file is
uploaded, it looks like the Edit Attachment page except that it does not have a Delete button.

Image: Edit Attachment page

This example illustrates the Edit Attachment page.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Fields Visible in Add Mode Before a File is Uploaded

Attachment Type Applicants must select an attachment type before uploading an

The available values are the attachment types where the

"Attachment Type Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) has a Max Occurrences Within a Job
Application value of one or more.

The system does not check whether the job application has
already reached the specified maximum for the attachment type
until the applicant clicks the Continue button.

Attachment Title Applicants enter a descriptive name for the attached file.

Continue After supplying all required information, applicants click this

button to open a generic File Attachment dialog box. The
options for selecting files depend on the device and on any
available integrations to cloud storage.

Fields Visible in Edit Mode and in Add Mode After a File is Uploaded
In Add Attachment mode, these fields appear after the applicant uploads a file and closes the File
Attachment dialog box. These fields are always visible in Edit Attachment mode.

Attached File Displays the file name of the attachment. Clicking this link
opens the file.

Use Different Attachment Applicants click this button to reopen the File Attachment
dialog box to select and upload a new file. Before opening
the File Attachment dialog, the system performs the same
validations (required fields and attachment type maximums) as
it does during the initial document upload.

Done Applicants click this button to close the page and save the
attachment to the job application.

Cancel Clicking this button closes the page without updating the
application. If the applicant has already uploaded a file, the
uploaded file remains in the file repository for Candidate
Gateway attachments, but it is not visible on any recruiting

Fields Visible Only in Edit Mode

Delete Applicants click this button to remove an attachment from an
application. The file remains in the file repository for Candidate
Gateway attachments, but it is not visible on any recruiting

324 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Job Preferences Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Job Preferences section to enter general work preferences.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Job
Preferences section.

Image: Job Preferences section (1 of 3)

This is the first of three examples illustrating the Job Preferences section.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 325
(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Job Preferences section (2 of 3)

This is the second of three examples illustrating the Job Preferences section.

326 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Job Preferences section (3 of 3)

This is the third of three examples illustrating the Job Preferences section.

1. I can start my job on or after Applicants use this field to enter the first day that they are
available to work. During screening, the system checks that this
date is on or before the date in the job opening’s Desired Start
Date field.

2. I am looking for the following kind Applicants use this field to specify whether they will prefer
of job regular work, temporary work, or either type of work. When
screening based on this preference, the system checks whether
the applicant prefers the type of work that is specified in the job
opening’s Regular/Temporary field.

The default value is Either unless the applicant selected a

different value in the last saved application.

3. I want to work the following kind Applicants use this field to specify whether they prefer full-time
of employment work, part-time work, or either. When screening based on this
preference, the system checks that the applicant prefers the type
of work that is specified in the job opening’s Schedule Type

The default value is Either unless the applicant selected a

different value in the last saved application.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 327
(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

4. I am willing to travel Applicants use this field to indicate the maximum amount
of travel they will accept. When screening based on this
preference, the system checks that the applicant will travel at
least the amount that is specified in the job opening’s Travel
Percentage field.

The default value is Never or rarely unless the applicant

selected a different value in the last saved application.

5. I am willing to relocate Applicants use this field to indicate if they are willing to
relocate. This field is not used to screen applicants.

The default value is No unless the applicant selected a different

value in the last saved application.

6. I am available to work the Applicants use this field to indicate which days of the week they
following days of the week can work. This field is not used to screen applicants.

The default selections are Monday through Friday unless the

applicant selected different values in the last saved application.

7. I want to work the following Applicants use this field to indicate which shifts they want to
shift(s) work. When screening based on this preference, the system
checks that the applicant is wants to work the shift that is
specified in the job opening’s Shift field.

At least one option must be selected. The default value is Not


8. I want to work this number of Applicants use this field to indicate how many hours per week
hours (per week) they want to work. When screening based on this preference,
the system checks that the applicant wants to work at least the
number hours that is specified in the job opening’s Hours field.

The default value is 40 unless the applicant selected a different

value in the last saved application.

9. I require a minimum pay of For this question, applicants use the Amount, Currency, and
Frequency fields to specify their minimum acceptable salary.
When screening based on this preference, the system checks that
the applicant will accept the maximum salary specified in the
job opening.

10. I would prefer a work location in Applicants use the My First Choice and My Second Choice
or around fields to indicate their preferred work locations. Applicants can
also enter free text in the Comments About Where I Prefer to
Work field.

The first and second choice fields are drop-down list boxes if
there are up to 75 values; they are prompt fields if there are
more values.

The available recruiting locations are the those that are valid for
the business unit(s) of the job opening(s).

328 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

If the applicant applied without a job opening, the available

recruiting locations are the ones associated with the default
setID identified on the Site Setup Page. If the site does not
have a default setID, the system uses the setID specified in the
primary permission list for the user ID. (Remember, external
applicants use a public access user ID to bypass signon when
accessing Candidate Gateway.) If neither the site nor the
primary permission list have a default setID, the location drop-
downs do not show any values.

When screening based on this preference, the system checks

that at least one of the applicant’s choices is a valid recruiting
location for the job opening. The system does not consider the
relationships between recruiting locations for this purpose.
For example, if the Western Region recruiting location lists the
Headquarters recruiting location as one of its sub-locations, an
applicant whose first choice location is Western Region is not
considered a match for a job in the Headquarters region.

(USF) Federal Preferences Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Federal Preferences section to enter information that is specific to US Federal


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Federal
Preferences section.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 329
(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Federal Preferences section (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Federal Preferences section.

Image: Federal Preferences section (1 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Federal Preferences section.

Federal Preferences
The fields in the Federal Preferences section correspond to similarly-named fields in the Federal
Preferences group box on the "Application Details Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition

In Candidate Gateway, the following fields are visible only when the applicant selects Yes for at least one
of the Yes/No questions in the Federal Civilian Employee group box (thus indicating that the applicant is
a previous or current federal or agency employee):

• Highest Pay Plan

330 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

• Highest Grade

• Minimum Acceptable Pay Plan

• Minimum Acceptable Grade

• Highest Career Tenure

(USF) Priority Placement Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Priority Placement section to provide information about their US Federal priority
placement standing.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Priority
Placement section.

Image: Priority Placement section

This example illustrates the Priority Placement section.

Note: Within the resume template, the Priority Placement section can be marked as required, forcing
applicants to supply at least one row of data.

Priority Placement
Applicants use this section to enter their priority placement standing. The Priority Placement process uses
this information, along with the salary grade and level for the job opening, to identify any applicants that
have an entitlement to priority placement consideration.

See "(USF) Running the Priority Placement Process" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

This grid displays a summary of the applicant’s Priority Placement information. The applicant enters this
information on the (USF) Add/Edit Priority Placement Page.

When the grid is empty, applicants click the Add Priority Placement button to open the Add Priority
Placement page and enter information. When the grid has data, the button is an icon with a plus sign.

Applicants click an existing Priority Placement row to edit or delete it on the Edit Priority Placement

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 331
(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

(USF) Add/Edit Priority Placement Page

Applicants use the Add Priority Placement and Edit Priority Placement pages (HRS_CE_G_D_PP_SCF)
to enter priority placement information.


On a step that shows the Priority Placement grid, click the Add button to access the page in add mode, or
click an existing row to access the page in edit mode.

Image: Edit Priority Placement page

This example illustrates the Edit Priority Placement page. In add mode, the page title is Add Priority

This page displays the same fields as the "(USF) Priority Placement Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) that Talent Acquisition Manager users access from the "Application Details Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Education History Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Education History section to indicate their highest level of education.

332 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Education
History section.

Image: Education History section

This example illustrates the Education History section.

Education History
Highest Education Level Applicants use this field to indicate their highest education level.
The selected value, in conjunction with work experience data,
is used during screening to determine whether the applicant
has the number of years of relevant work experience that are
required of applicants with the specified level of education.

Work Experience Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Work Experience section to supply information about their work history.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Work
Experience section.

Image: Work Experience section

This example illustrates the Work Experience section.

Note: Within the resume template, the Work Experience section can be marked as required, forcing
applicants to supply at least one row of data.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Work Experience
This grid displays a summary of the applicant’s work experience. The applicant enters this information on
the Add/Edit Work Experience Page.

For an internal applicant, the system brings in prior work experience from the employee’s Human
Resources records (visible on the "Prior Work Experience Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Human Resources
Administer Workforce)). The applicant can add or remove work experience in the application without
affecting the Human Resources data.

Unlike other types of application data, work experience that an internal applicant adds in an application is
not carried forward to subsequently created applications.

Adding and Editing Work Experience

When the grid is empty, applicants click the Add Work Experience button to open the Add Work
Experience page and enter information. When the grid has data, the button is an icon with a plus sign.

Applicants click an existing reference to edit or delete it on the Edit Work Experience page.

Add/Edit Work Experience Page

Applicants use the Add Work Experience and Edit Work Experience pages (HRS_CE_D_WRK_SCF) to
enter work experience details.


On a step that shows the Work Experience grid, click the Add button to access the page in add mode, or
click an existing row to access the page in edit mode.

334 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Edit Work Experience page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Edit Work Experience page. In add mode, the page title is
Add Work Experience.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Work Experience page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Work Experience page.

Work Experience Details

The work experience fields are a subset of the fields on the "Work Experience Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Start Date and End Date These dates determine the number of years of experience
represented by this entry. When the end date is blank, work
experience is calculated through the current date. The "Work
Experience Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition
Manager) in Talent Acquisition Manager displays the calculated
years of experience.

When work experience and education are used as screening

criteria, the system adds an applicant’s total years of experience
across all work experience entries. That total is then compared

336 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

to the amount of experience required of applicants with the

specified level of education.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the application step without saving changes.

Done An applicant clicks this button to save changes and return to the
application step.

Delete This button is visible only in edit mode. An applicant clicks the
button to remove the row from the application.

Job Training Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Job Training section to enter information about job training that they have received.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Job
Training section.

Image: Job Training section

This example illustrates the Job Training section.

Note: Within the resume template, the Job Training section can be marked as required, forcing applicants
to supply at least one row of data.

Job Training
This grid displays a summary of the applicant’s job training. The applicant enters this information on the
Add/Edit Job Training Page.

When the grid is empty, applicants click the Add Job Training button to open the Add Job Training page
and enter information. When the grid has data, the button is an icon with a plus sign.

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 337
(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Applicants click an existing row of job training to edit or delete it on the Edit Job Training page.

Add/Edit Job Training Page

Applicants use the Add Job Training and Edit Job Training pages (HRS_CE_D_TRAIN_SCF) to enter
job training details.


On a step that shows the Job Training grid, click the Add button to access the page in add mode, or click
an existing row to access the page in edit mode.

Image: Edit Job Training Page

This example illustrates the Edit Job Training Page. In add mode, the page title is Add Job Training.

Job Training Details

Job training information consists of three fields: the Course Title, School Name, and Course Start Date.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the application step without saving changes.

Done An applicant clicks this button to save changes and return to the
application step.

Delete This button is visible only in edit mode. An applicant clicks the
button to remove the row from the application.

Profile-Related Sections
Note: The steps where profile-related sections appear are defined in the resume template.

Applicants use profile-related sections to enter various types of information that the system captures as
profile data.

338 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes a profile-
related section.

Image: Profile-related sections

This example illustrates a few of the profile-related sections that can appear on resume template steps.
The resume template controls which profile-related sections are included in the job application and which
steps show profile-related sections.

Note: Within the resume template, profile-related sections can be marked as required, forcing applicants
to supply at least one row of data.

<Content Type> All profile-based qualifications (such as competencies, language

skills, or licenses & certificates) are rendered as grids on this

The "Content Section Configuration – <Content Type> Page "

(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) in Talent
Acquisition Manager controls which fields appear in the grid. It
also controls whether applicants can add and delete grid rows.

When adding and deleting rows is allowed, the applicant

clicks the Add button or icon to create a new row and clicks an
existing row to edit or delete it.

When the applicant cannot add and delete rows, the grid
is prepopulated with items that are associated with the job
opening, and specific grid columns become editable so that
the applicant can provide the necessary information. The
Competencies grid is delivered with this configuration as shown
in the page illustration.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Note: If an applicant cannot add items to a grid and the job

openings does not have any items to load into the grid, the
section is hidden. If the hidden grid is the only section on a
step or substep, the entire step or substep is removed from the

Add/Edit <Profile Content Type> Page

Applicants use the Add <Profile Content Type> page and the Edit <Profile Content Type> pages
(HRS_CE_D_JPM_A_SCF) to enter profile information.


On a page that shows a profile-related grid, click the Add button to access the page in add mode, or click
an existing row to access the page in edit mode.

340 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Edit <Profile Content Type> page

This example illustrates the Edit <Profile Content Type> page for the language skills content type. In add
mode, the age title is Add <Profile Content Type>.

Page Title and Fields

All of the profile-based qualifications use the same detail pages, but the page title and content vary
according to the specific qualification. For example, when an applicant accesses the page from the
Language Skills grid, the title includes the label Language Skills, and the page displays fields that have
been defined as part of the Language Skills profile content type.

Although profile configuration determines the fields that are part of each content type and the valid
values for prompt fields, settings on the "Content Section Configuration – <Content Type> Page "
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) page in Talent Acquisition Manager control which
fields applicants can see on this detail page.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Effective-Dated Key Fields for Content Items

The detail page where applicants enter a content item always includes a field for the content item
identifier (for example, the language code or the competency code). The values for this field are
controlled by an effective date. The label for the effective date can vary.

For example, in the illustration above, the effective date field is labeled Evaluation Date. The valid values
for the Language field are the language codes that are active as of the specified date.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the application step without saving changes.

Done An applicant clicks this button to save changes and return to the
application step.

Delete This button is visible only in edit mode. An applicant clicks the
button to remove the row from the application.

References Section
Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the References section to supply the names of people who can provide personal or
professional references.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the References

Image: References section

This example illustrates the References section.

Note: Within the resume template, the References section can be marked as required, forcing applicants to
supply at least one row of data.

This grid displays a summary of the applicant’s references. The applicant enters this information on the
Add/Edit Reference Page.

When the grid is empty, applicants click the Add References button to open the Add Reference page and
enter reference information. When the grid has data, the button is an icon with a plus sign.

342 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Applicants click an existing reference to edit or delete it on the Edit References page.

Add/Edit Reference Page

Applicants use the Add Reference and Edit Reference pages (HRS_CE_D_REFS_SCF) to enter name and
contact details for a reference.


On a step that shows the References grid, click the Add button to access the page in add mode, or click an
existing row to access the page in edit mode.

The References grid can appear in two places: on an application step, and on the Applicant References
Page. Applicants access the Applicant References page from the Candidate Gateway notification that
is generated when a Talent Acquisition Manager user sends a request for references. The request for
references is triggered from the "Create Applicant Page: References Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager).

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Edit Reference page

This example illustrates the Edit Reference page. In add mode, the page title is Add Reference.

Applicants use this page to supply name and contact information for people who can provide professional
or personal references.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the application step without saving changes.

Done An applicant clicks this button to save changes and return to the
application step.

Delete This button is visible only in edit mode. An applicant clicks the
button to remove the row from the application.

344 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Personal Information Section

Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Personal Information section to enter marital status, birth date, and gender information.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Personal
Information section.

Image: Personal Information section

This example illustrates the Personal Information section.

A resume template that includes the Personal Information section also specifies which of the three
personal information fields to display: Marital Status, Date of Birth, and Gender.

The applicant’s gender is stored in the same record regardless of whether it is collected in the Personal
Information section or on the (USA) Diversity Page. Changes to the data on one page are reflected on the
other page as well.

Questionnaire Section
Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Questionnaire section to answer questions.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the
Questionnaire section.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Questionnaire section

This example illustrates the Questionnaire section.

Note: If the job openings do not have any questions other than prescreening questions, the Questionnaire
section is hidden. If the Questionnaire section is hidden when it is the only section on a step or substep,
the entire step or substep is removed from the application.

Questionnaire Displays a numbered list of questions. The list includes all

questions from the job opening except for open-ended questions
and questions that were used for prescreening. In a multi-job
application, questions for all jobs are consolidated into one list.

Radio buttons indicate that a question has one correct answer.

Check boxes indicate that a question has multiple correct

An option on the "Recruiting Installation - Jobs Page"

(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager) page
control whether questions appear in a random order or in the
order specified on the job opening(s). An additional installation
setting controls whether answers appear in random order or in
the order specified in the question definition.

Open Ended Questions Displays any open-ended questions from the job opening(s).

Word Count An applicant clicks this button, which appears under each open-
ended question, to obtain a current word count for the answer.
The word count appears in the Total Words field.

Note: If the Require Answers to Questions check box on the Site Setup Page is selected, the section titles
include the word (Required), and applicants must supply answers to all questions before continuing.

346 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Referrals Section
Note: The step where this section appears is defined in the resume template.

Applicants use the Referrals section to indicate how they learned of the job opening


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach a step that includes the Referrals

Image: Referrals section

This example illustrates the Referrals section. In this example, the applicant was referred by an employee,
so several employee-specific fields are visible.

How did you learn of the job? Applicants use this field to select a referral source. The
available values are recruitment sources where the source type
is Marketing or Employee. For information about recruitment
sources, see "Setting Up Recruitment Sources" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

If the applicant selects an employee recruitment source, several

additional fields appear.

This field is required if the resume template is configured to

require applicants to enter a referral source.

Additional Information This field appears only if the referral source is a marketing
recruitment source for which subsources have been defined.
Applicants use the field to select from the list of predefined

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 347
(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

A resume template that requires applicants to enter a referral

source can also require applicants to enter a subsource. If the
selected source does not have any subsources, this requirement
is ignored.

Specific Referral Source Applicants use this field to enter freeform text with additional
information about the referral source.

Name of Referring Employee This field appears only if the referral source is an employee
recruitment source. Applicants are required to enter the name
of the referring employee. Recruiters use this information when
looking up the employee ID of the referring employee.

Email Address This field appears only if the referral source is an employee
recruitment source. Applicants use this field to enter the email
address of the referring employee. The system uses this email
address to send the referring employee a notification requesting
verification of the referral. Only verified referrals are eligible for
awards under an employee referral program.

Member of your Family This field appears only if the referral source is an employee
recruitment source. Applicants use this field to indicate whether
the referring employee is a family member. Depending on an
employee referral program’s rules, family member referrals may
not be eligible for referral awards.

Are you a former employee Applicants use this field to indicate whether they are former
employees. This information is of interest to recruiters. It can
also affect a referring employee’s eligibility for a referral award.

(NIR) Community Background Page

Applicants use the Community Background page (HRS_APP_CB2_FL) to enter community background
information for Northern Ireland.

Note: The Community Background page appears only if it is activated in the resume template.


In application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach this step.

348 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: (NIR) Community Background Page

This example illustrates the Community Background Page.

Applicants cannot continue to the next step without supplying community background information.

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, community
background information is not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step
and must enter community background data again before continuing.

Community Applicants must supply select Catholic, Protestant, or

Undetermined/Other before continuing to the next step in the

(USA) Disability Page

External applicants use the Disability page (HRS_CE_DISABILI_FL) to optionally enter disability
information. Internal applicants do not see this page. This page supports compliance with OFCCP
regulations from the U.S. Department of Labor.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach this step. This page appears only if
all of these conditions are met:

• The OFCCP Self-Identify field on the Site Setup Page is either Disability and Veteran or Disability.

• The applicant is external.

• The job opening is in the USA, or if the application does not have a job opening, the applicant’s
address is in the USA.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Disability page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Disability page.

Image: Disability page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Disability page.

Note: The text on this page comes from the Text Catalog. If the OFCCP changes the required wording for
disability self-identification, update the relevant Text Catalog entries.

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, disability
information is not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step and must
enter the information again before continuing.

Please select one of the options below The applicant can optionally select from the three choices given:

• YES, I HAVE A DISABILITY (or previously had a



350 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs


There is no default selection, even if the applicant has

previously selected an option.

The explanatory text on the page provides the applicant with

information to help make a choice. An applicant who chooses
not to answer can click the Next button to move to the next page
without selecting any of the radio buttons.

If the applicant does not answer, or chooses the I DON’T WISH

TO ANSWER option, the system does not update the applicant’s
existing disability data. Otherwise, the system updates the
applicant’s Section 503 data in the Applicant Disability group
on the Eligibility & Identity tab of the "Manage Applicant page:
Applicant Data Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition

Your Name and Today’s Date The system enters the applicant’s name and the current date in
these read-only fields.

The fields appear only after the applicant selects one of the
disability options. They represent the applicant’s electronic

The signature and date are not displayed on the Eligibility &
Identify section of the Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data
tab, but they are stored in the PS_HRS_APP_DIS record. If a
recruiting user updates the applicant’s disability information on
the Manage Applicant page, the system clears the stored name
from the HR_EE_SIGNATURE field. The system also updates
the HRS_ROW_UPD_OPRID field with the user ID of the user
who made the update.

(USA) Veteran Page

External applicants use the Veteran page (HRS_CE_VETERAN_FL) to optionally enter veteran
information. Internal applicants do not see this page.

This page supports compliance with OFCCP regulations from the U.S. Department of Labor.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach this step. This page appears only if
all of these conditions are met:

• The OFCCP Self-Identify field on the Site Setup Page is either Disability and Veteran or Veteran.

• The applicant is external.

• If the application includes job openings, at least one job opening is in the USA; if the application does
not have a job opening, the applicant’s address is in the USA.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Note: There are two versions of the Veteran page, a standard version and a simplified version. Settings on
the Site Setup page determine which version appears.

Image: Veteran page - standard version (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the standard version of the Veteran page.

Image: Veteran page - standard version (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the standard version of the Veteran page.

352 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Veteran page - simplified version

This example illustrates the Self-Identification section on the simplified Veteran page. The rest of the
simplified Veteran page is identical to the standard version of the page.

The text on both versions of the Veteran page comes from the Text Catalog. If the OFCCP changes the
required wording for veteran self-identification, update the relevant Text Catalog entries.

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, veteran information
is not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step and must enter the
information again before continuing.

Self-identification options depend on whether the site is configured to show the regular or simplified
version of the Veteran page.

• The regular version of this page includes a full set of self-identification options and a Military
Discharge Date field.

Selecting the “I identify as one or more of the classifications of protected veteran listed” radio button
causes four check boxes representing specific classifications become enterable. The applicant must
select at least one of the specific classifications.

The Military Discharge Date field is enterable if the applicant selects any option except the “I am not
a veteran” option.

• The simplified version of this page offers only two self-identification options: protected veteran or
not a protected veteran. Applicants cannot select specific classifications, nor can they enter a military
discharge date.

For both versions of the page, the explanatory text under the Definitions heading provides the applicant
with information to help make a choice. Data from previous applications appears on this page by default.

Reasonable Accommodations Notice and Custom Text

Organizations can add their own additional text (such as affirmative action program text) below
the Reasonable Accommodations Notice section on this page. Add this text in Text Catalog entry
HRAM_FL_VET_INSTR4, which is shipped empty as a placeholder.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Text Catalog IDs for the Reasonable Accommodations Notice text and custom text

This example shows the layout of the Reasonable Accommodations Notice text with the space reserved
for custom text. In this example, Text Catalog IDs appear instead of the text from the catalog.

Corresponding Fields in Talent Acquisition Manager

An applicant’s veteran information is visible in Talent Acquisition Manager on the Manage Applicant
page: Applicant Data tab.

The system automatically maps veteran self-identification data from Candidate Gateway into these
Eligibility & Identity fields:

• In the Veteran group box in the main USA section of the Eligibility & Identity page:

• The Military Status field displays the applicant’s overall military status.

• The Disabled Veteran check box indicates whether the applicant is a disabled veteran in addition
to any other military status shown.

• In the Veteran group box in the USA Disability section of the Eligibility & Identity page, the Military
Discharge Date shows when the applicant left the military.

Mapping Simplified Self-Identification Options to Talent Acquisition Manager

The following table shows how options on the simplified Veteran page in Candidate Gateway map to
Talent Acquisition Manager:

Veteran Option in Candidate Gateway Talent Acquisition Manager Fields

I identify as one or more of the classifications of protected Military Status is Protected, Not Classified.
veteran listed

I am not a protected veteran Military Status is Not a Protected Veteran.

Mapping Regular Self-Identification Options to Talent Acquisition Manager

The following table shows how options on the regular Veteran page in Candidate Gateway map to Talent
Acquisition Manager:

354 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Veteran Option in Candidate Gateway Talent Acquisition Manager Fields

I identify as one or more of the classifications of protected • The Military Status field is updated based on the selected
veteran listed classification(s). A detailed mapping is provided in the
next table.

• Additionally, if the Disabled Veteran check box is selected

in Candidate Gateway, then the Disabled Veteran check
box in Talent Acquisition Manager is also selected.

I am a protected veteran, but I choose not to self-identify the Military Status is Protected, Not Classified.
classification to which I belong.

I am not a protected veteran Military Status is Not a Protected Veteran.

I am not a veteran. Military Status is Not a Veteran.

Military Discharge Date Military Discharge Date shows the same value that was
entered in Candidate Gateway.

Detailed Mapping for Protected Veteran Classifications

The following table lists how the four protected veteran classifications in Candidate Gateway map to
Military Status values in Talent Acquisition Manager:

Candidate Gateway Classification Check Box(es) Talent Acquisition Manager Military Status

Disabled Veteran Protected, Not Classified

Recently Separated Veteran Recently Separated Veteran

Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran Active Duty/Campaign Badge Vet

Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran Armed Forces Service Medal Vet

Multiple values: Separated & Active Duty Vet

• Recently Separated Veteran

• Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran

Multiple values: Separated & Service Medal Vet

• Recently Separated Veteran

• Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran

Multiple values: Service Medal & Active Duty

• Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran

• Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran

Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 355
(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Candidate Gateway Classification Check Box(es) Talent Acquisition Manager Military Status

Multiple values: Separated/Srvc Medal/Active

• Recently Separated Veteran

• Active Duty Wartime or Campaign Badge Veteran

• Armed Forces Service Medal Veteran

Multiple values: Based on the selected check boxes other than the Disabled
Veteran check box.
• Disabled Veteran
When used in combination with other classifications, the
• Any other value(s) Disabled Veteran check box does not affect the Military
Status field. When the Disabled Veteran check box is the
only selected check box, the Military Status is Protected, Not

(USA) Diversity Page

External applicants use the Diversity page (HRS_CE_SELF_IDE_FL) to enter gender and ethnicity
information for equal employment opportunity reporting in the United States. Internal applicants do not
see this page.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach this step. This page appears only if
both of these conditions are met:

• The applicant is external.

• The job opening is in the USA, or if the application does not have a job opening, the applicant’s
address is in the USA.

356 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: (USA) Diversity page with two-question format for ethnicity

This example illustrates the Diversity page when the system is configured to use two questions to collect
ethnicity and race information. In this example, the application includes multiple self-identification pages,
so the page title indicates that the Diversity page is a substep of the Self-Identify step.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: (USA) Diversity Page with a single grid for ethnicity

This example illustrates the Diversity page when the system is not configured to use the two-question
format to collect ethnicity data. In this example, the Diversity page is the only self-identification page in
the application, so the page title is used as the full step title.

Applicants cannot continue to the next step without either supplying diversity information or explicitly
declining to answer questions. Applicants can provide one type of information while still declining to
provide the other.

Default answers, if any, come from the applicant record. The applicant record is updated when the
applicant submits an application.

If an applicant supplies information and then exits the application without submitting, changes made
on this page are not saved. When resuming the application, the applicant is returned to this step and the
default values reappear.

Gender The applicant selects a radio button to answer Female or Male.

The applicant’s gender is stored in the same record regardless of

whether it is collected in the Personal Information Section or on
this page. Changes to the data on one page are reflected on the
other page as well.

I decline to answer Applicants select this check box if they do not want to identify
themselves as female or male. If this check box is not selected,
the applicant must select one of the gender options before
continuing to the next step.

Selecting this check box clears any previous gender selection

and makes the Gender radio buttons read-only. Subsequently

358 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

deselecting the check box does not restore any previous


Ethnicity and Race Identification

If the Two-Question Format (Ethnicity) check box is selected on the "Country Specific Page" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals), the following fields are used to collect ethnicity and race

1. Are you Hispanic or Latino? The applicant selects a radio button to answer Yes or No.

2. What is your race? Select one or The applicant selects one or more of these check boxes:
• American Indian or Alaska Native

• Asian

• Black or African American

• Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander

• White

I decline to answer Applicants select this check box if they do not want to answer
either of the ethnicity and race questions. If this check box is not
selected, the applicant must answer at least one of the ethnicity
and race questions before continuing to the next step.

Selecting this check box clears any answers that were previously
supplied for the ethnicity and race questions and makes those
questions read-only. Subsequently deselecting the check box
does not restore any previous answers.

Note: The two-question format is not valid for US Federal implementations.

Ethnic Identification
If the Two-Question Format (Ethnicity) check box is not selected on the "Country Specific Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals), the following fields are used to collect ethnic group

When the grid is empty, applicants click the Add Ethnic button
to open the Add Ethnic Group page and enter information.
Add Ethnic Group When the grid has data, the button is an icon with a plus sign.

What is your ethnicity? This grid lists the applicant’s ethnic groups. Applicants click an
ethnic group to access the Edit Ethnic Group page.

I decline to answer Applicants select this check box if they do not want provide
ethnic group information. If this check box is not selected, the
applicant must add at least one ethnic group before continuing
to the next step.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Selecting this check box removes all ethnic groups from the
grid and disables the Add Ethnic Group button. Subsequently
clearing the check box does not restore any previous data.

Add/Edit Ethnic Group

Applicants use the Add Ethnic Group and Edit Ethnic Group pages (HRS_CE_D_DIV_SCF) to enter job
training details.


On the Diversity page, click the Add button to access the page in add mode, or click an existing row to
access the page in edit mode.

Image: Edit Ethnic Group page

This example illustrates the Edit Ethnic Group Page. In add mode, the page title is Add Ethnic Group.

Ethnic Group Applicants use this field to select an ethnic group to which they

Ethnic groups are defined on the "Ethnic Groups Page"

(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Human Resources Administer

The list of ethnic groups is based on the regulatory region that is

associated with the primary permission list for the user ID that
was used to access the page. Remember that external applicants
access the system using a public access user ID that bypasses
the PeopleSoft sign in page.

The primary permission list for a user ID is established in

the User Profile component in PeopleTools. The regulatory
region for the primary permission list is established on the "Org
Defaults by Permission Lst - Defaults Page" (PeopleSoft HCM
9.2: Application Fundamentals). On the "Regulatory Region
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Application Fundamentals), you

360 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

can view the setID that controls which ethnic groups are valid
for the regulatory region.

Cancel An applicant clicks this button to close the dialog box and return
to the Diversity page without saving changes.

Done An applicant clicks this button to save changes and return to the
Diversity page.

Delete This button is visible only in edit mode. An applicant clicks the
button to remove the row from the application.

Review and Submit Page

Applicants use the Review and Submit page (HRS_CE_REVIEW_FL) to review application data and to
submit an application.


In the application Activity Guide, click the Next button until you reach this step. Review and Submit is
always the final step in the application process.

Image: Review and Submit page (1 of 8)

This is the first of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Review and Submit page (2 of 8)

This is the second of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page.

Image: Review and Submit page (3 of 8)

This is the third of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page.

362 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Review and Submit page (4 of 8)

This is the fourth of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Review and Submit page (5 of 8)

This is the fifth of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page.

Image: Review and Submit page (6 of 8)

This is the sixth of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page.

364 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Review and Submit page (7 of 8)

This is the seventh of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page.

Image: Review and Submit page (8 of 8)

This is the eighth of eight examples illustrating the Review and Submit page. In this example:

• The Veteran section corresponds to the simplified version of the Veteran page. Additional information
appears for the non-simplified version, including any protected classifications and any military
discharge date that the applicant supplied.

• The Diversity section corresponds to the two-question format for ethnicity and race.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

The Review and Submit step provides a read-only summary of application data.

Submit On the Review and Submit page, the Submit button replaces the
Next button. When the applicant clicks the Submit button, the
system performs online screening, if applicable, then displays
the Application Confirmation page.

Applicants cannot make any further changes to an application

that has been submitted. To provide an updated application, the
applicant must re-apply.

Applications that have been submitted have the status Submitted

in the Applications grid on the My Job Applications page.

If the job opening is no longer open at the time the user attempts
to submit the application, an error message informs the user that
the job is no longer available and that the application cannot be

General-Purpose Sections
My Contact Information Contact information is general to the applicant (and not specific
to an individual application), but the Review and Submit page
displays contact information so that the applicant can verify
the data. Clicking the Modify link opens the My Contact
Information Page in a modal window where external applicants
can update their contact information. Contact information for
internal applicants comes from the HR system and cannot be
updated in Candidate Gateway.

Jobs Applied For This section appears only for multi-job applications. It lists the
jobs that are included in the application and provides a delete
option so that the applicant can remove jobs. Removing a job
from an application is not reversible.

This list does not include jobs that were removed from the
application because the applicant failed prescreening.

Prequalify The Prequalify section appears only if the application included

prescreening. This section always lists the jobs that the applicant
is eligible to apply for. They appear under the heading Eligible
to apply for.

If any jobs were removed from the application because the

applicant failed prescreening, this section lists those jobs under
the heading Not eligible to apply for.

Online Screening Notice This section appears only if online screening is active and if the
online screening definition includes an Explain Text ID for an
online screening notice.

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Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

The notice appears after the relevant job title and job ID. If
the application includes multiple jobs with online screening,
the notices for jobs that use the same Explain Text ID are
consolidated. That is, the titles and job IDs for all jobs using a
particular notice are listed before the notice. If jobs use different
Explain Text IDs, the notices appear sequentially under the
appropriate job titles and IDs.

Summary of Application Data

The following sections display read-only summaries of the application data:

1. Resume Attachment

2. Cover Letter Attachment

3. Attachments

4. Preferences

5. (USF) Federal Preferences

6. Education History

7. Work Experience

8. Job Training

9. (USF) Priority Placement

10. <Profile Sections>

11. References

12. Personal Information

13. Referrals

14. Community Background

15. Disability

16. Veteran

The format for the Veteran section depends on whether you collect information using the regular form
or simplified form.

17. Diversity

The format for the Diversity section depends on whether you collect ethnicity information using the
two-question format or a single list of ethnic groups.

Note: The Review and Submit page does not display questionnaire data.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Modifying Data
Applicants have several ways to modify information:

• Click a step in the Activity Guide step list to return to that step.

• For sections where applicants entered data directly on the step page, a Modify link in the
corresponding Review and Submit section returns the applicant to the relevant step or substep.

Sections with a Modify link include Resume Attachment, Cover Letter Attachment, Attachments,
Preferences, Federal Preferences, Education History, Personal Information, Referrals, Community
Background, Disability, Veteran, and Diversity. The Modify link is also available for profile-related
sections such as competencies where the applicant originally entered data on the main step page.

• For sections where applicants entered data on a modal detail page, tapping an individual row of data
item opens the modal detail page so that the applicant can make changes without leaving the Review
and Submit step. If no data is present, a Modify link appears instead, and applicants can click that link
to return to the step and add data.

This option is available for existing rows in the grids for Work Experience, Priority Placement, Job
Training, References, and most profile-related sections. It does not work for profile-related sections
such as competencies where the applicant originally entered data on the main step page.

My Contact Information Page

External applicants use the My Contact Information page (HRS_PRFILEINFO_SCF) page to review and
update name and contact information before submitting an application.

Internal applicants use this page to review name and contact information, but they cannot change this
data because it comes from HR records. The only change an internal applicant can make is to the contact


Click the Modify link in the My Contact Information section of the Review and Submit page.

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Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: My Contact Information page

This example illustrates the My Contact Information page. This is a partial illustration that does not show
the email and phone sections of the page.

For internal users, this page is identical to the My Contact Information Page.

For external users, this page displays the same contact information as the My Account Information Page.
However, unlike the My Account Information page, this page does not display information related to the
user name and password.

Application Confirmation Page

Applicants use the Application Confirmation page (HRS_CE_CONFIRM_FL) to:

• Receive confirmation that an application has been successfully submitted.

• Review online screening results for job openings that include results messages for online screening.


Click the Submit button on the Review and Submit page.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Image: Application Confirmation page

This example illustrates the Application Confirmation page.

Job Applied For This grid lists the jobs that were included in the submitted
application. If the applicant failed prescreening for some jobs,
those jobs were removed from the application and are not listed

Online Screening Results This section appears if any there are any online screening
pass or fail notices for the applicant. Pass and fail notices are
optional for online screening.

The notice appears after the relevant job title and job ID. If
the application includes multiple jobs with online screening,
the notices for jobs that use the same Explain Text ID are
consolidated. That is, the titles and job IDs for all jobs using a
particular notice are listed before the notice. If jobs use different
Explain Text IDs, the notices appear sequentially under the
appropriate job titles and IDs.

Application Summary Page

Use the Application Summary page (HRS_CE_REVIEW_FL) to review a submitted application.


• Click the View Submitted Application link on the Application Confirmation page.

• On the My Job Applications page, access the details for an application in Submitted. status.

370 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 11 (Fluid) Applying for Jobs

Image: Application Summary page

This example illustrates part of the Application Summary page. Additional sections that correspond to the
original job application also appear on the page.

Image: Application Summary page for applications that fail prescreening

This example illustrates the Application Summary page for an application that was ended because the
applicant failed prescreening.

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(Fluid) Applying for Jobs Chapter 11

Job Application Header

If the application failed prescreening, the gray page header includes the text You are not eligible for this

For all other applications, the gray page header indicates which jobs, if any, the applicant applied for:

• For a single-job application, the job posting title appears.

• For a multi-job application, the number of jobs applied for appears. If the applicant failed
prescreening for a subset of the jobs, that subset is not included in the count.

• For an application without a job, the text You have not selected a job appears.

Clicking the job posting title or the number of jobs applied for displays a pop-up with additional job
information, including the posting title, recruiting location, and job opening ID.

Additional Application Details

The rest of the Application Summary page is a read-only version of the Review and Submit Page,
rendered without the activity guide framework.

For applications that fail prescreening, the Application Summary page includes only two sections: My
Contact Information and Prequalify.

372 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12

(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant


Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Review Notifications

This topic provides an overview of Candidate Gateway notifications and discusses how applicants can
review and act on notifications.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can access the My Job Notifications page.

Page Used to Review Notifications

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Job Notifications Page HRS_APP_NOTIFY_FL Review and act on notifications and

respond to online job offers.

Understanding Notifications
Certain actions in Talent Acquisition Manager send applicants both an email message and a notification
that appears on My Job Notifications page in Candidate Gateway. On the My Job Notifications page,
applicants click notifications to view details. They can also delete notifications.

The My Job Notifications page also lists any job offers that have been posted to Candidate Gateway.
These appear in addition to the notifications for those offers.

If an application is withdrawn (either by the applicant or by a Talent Acquisition Manager user),

any related job offers, offer notifications, and interview notifications are removed from the My Job
Notifications page.

For information about the Withdraw Application action, see "Withdrawing Applications" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

My Job Notifications Page

Applicants use the My Notification page (HRS_APP_NOTIFY_FL) to review and act on notifications and
respond to online job offers.


• Click the My Job Notifications action on the Careers page.

• Click the My Job Notifications item in the Actions List.

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Image: My Job Notifications page

This example illustrates the My Job Notifications page.

My Job Offers
This grid lists all of an applicant’s posted job offers, including accepted, rejected, and expired offers. If an
offer is unposted, or if the application is withdrawn, the offer no longer appears here.

For information about posting and unposting job offers, see "Creating Job Offers" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager).

Applicants click an offer to access the Job Offer Page, where the applicant can review details and accept
or reject the offer as long as it has not expired.

Appears in rows where the status is New to help applicants

New quickly identify new offers. After the applicant clicks the offer,
this icon no longer appears.

Job Title and Job ID These fields identify the job that is associated with the offer.

Status Displays one of the following values:

• New: the offer has been posted, but the applicant has not yet
viewed it.

• Viewed: the applicant viewed the offer, but has not yet
responded to it.

• Accepted: the applicant accepted the offer.

• Rejected: the applicant rejected the offer.

• Expired: the offer expired without being accepted or


374 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Location Displays the primary recruiting location associated with the job.

Offer Date Displays the offer date as defined on the "Prepare Job Offer
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Expiration Date Displays the date that the offer expires.

My Notifications
This grid lists the applicant’s notifications.

The Enable Select Mode icon above the grid toggles the grid between normal mode and Select mode. In
normal mode, applicants click a row to access notifications details. In Select mode, applicants can select
and delete rows, but they cannot click a row to view details.

Image: My Notifications grid in Select mode.

This example illustrates the My Notifications grid in Select mode.

Click to toggle the Notifications grid between normal mode and

Select mode. In Select mode:
(Enable Select Mode icon or
Disable Select Mode icon) • The icon turns green to show that selection mode is enabled.

• A Delete button appears above the grid so that applicants

can delete selected rows.

• Each row has a check box so that applicants can select rows
to delete.

• Applicants cannot click individual notification rows to view


Delete This button is visible only in Select mode. Click to delete

selected notifications. Deleting an offer notification does not
delete the corresponding offer in the My Job Offers grid.

Appears in rows where the status is New, helping applicants

New quickly identify new notifications. After the applicant clicks the
notification, this icon no longer appears.

The New icon is not visible in Select mode.

Subject The five types of notifications each have titles that summarize
the notification. These are described in the next section of this

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Status Notifications have the status New until the applicant clicks the
notification to view details. After the applicant accesses the
notification details, the status changes to Viewed.

On the Careers page, the My Job Notifications item displays a

count of notifications in New status.

Date Received Displays the date and time that the notification was received.

Notification Titles
Your automated job search <search Job search notifications appear if the Job Agent process
name> has returned results generates results for a saved search.

See Save Search Page and "Using the Job Search Agent"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Clicking the notification displays the search results on the

Search Jobs Page.

You are scheduled for a job Interview notifications appear if a recruiter selects the Notify
interview: <job title and ID> Applicant check box when scheduling an interview on the
"Interview Schedule Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). The notification is removed if the
interview is subsequently cancelled.

Clicking the notification displays the Interview Details Page,

where the applicant can review interview information.

Note: If Talent Acquisition Manager is configured for full

calendar integration with Microsoft Outlook, the system does
not create Candidate Gateway notifications for interviews.

Please add your references Reference request notifications appear if a recruiter clicks the
Request References button on the References section of the
"Manage Applicant page: Applicant Data Tab" (PeopleSoft
HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Clicking the notification displays the Applicant References

Page, where the applicant can enter and update reference

You have a job offer: <job title and Offer notifications appear if a recruiter posts a job offer using
ID> the "Prepare Job Offer Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager). If the recruiter subsequently unpost the
offer, the system removes the notification.

Clicking the notification displays the Job Offer Page, where the
applicant can review and respond to the offer.

376 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Note: Posted offers also appear the My Job Offers grid on this
page. Applicants cannot delete rows from the My Job Offers
grid, so the offer remains visible to the applicant even if the
notification is deleted.

You are invited to apply for a job: Invitations to apply for a job appear if a recruiter links an
<job title and ID> applicant to a job opening that includes screening questions.
The link creates an incomplete application because the
original application did not include the job’s questionnaire. The
applicant is therefore invited to reapply.

Note: Even if the site is configured not to allow more than one
application for a job opening, applicants are allowed to reapply
in response to this invitation.

Recruiters can link applicants to job openings on the "Link

Applicant to Job Opening Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) or on the "Application Details Page"
(PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

When an applicant clicks the notification in Candidate Gateway,

the Job Description Page appear. The applicant can review
the job information and click the Apply button to start a new

You have a Registration Registration Confirmation notification appears when a user

Confirmation notification registers in Candidate Gateway.

You have an Unsubmitted Jobs Unsubmitted Jobs Reminder notification appears when a
Reminder notification candidate receives a notification that the application is still in
draft status. The notification thresholds specified in the Site
Setup Page controls the delivery of the notification.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Set Up Configurable

Application Statuses
The Candidate Application Status page allow recruiters to control what status they want to show to the
Applicant. You can enter the description for the status of applicants to convey where they are in the
recruiting process.

Pages Used to Set Up Configurable Application Statuses

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Candidate Application Status Page HRS_APPL_STATUS Setup the Candidate Gateway

configurable application statuses so that
candidates can see more specific statuses
of their in-process and processed job

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Candidate Application Status Page

Use the Candidate Application Status (HRS_APPL_STATUS) page to setup the Candidate Gateway
configurable application statuses so that candidates can see more specific statuses of their in-process and
processed job applications.


Set Up HCM > Product Related > Recruiting > Candidate Application Status

Image: Candidate Application Status page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Candidate Application Status page.

Order By Align the ordering of statuses in a logical sequence within the

drop-down field when mapping candidate application statuses
on the Status Area page.

Application Status Enter the status of the application within 30 characters and
with only alpha characters. No numerical or special characters

Status Description Provide a description of the status.

Add an application status row.

Remove an existing application status row.

378 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Note: It is recommended to make changes only after deactivating the Candidate Application Status
feature in the Status Area page and after unmapping the statuses for which the changes have to be done.
Once changes are done in the Candidate Application Status page, the Candidate Application Status feature
in the Status Area page can be activated after the re-mapping.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Manage Applications and

This topic describes the My Job Applications page and the activities that applicants perform there.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can access the My Job Applications page.

Pages Used to Manage Applications and Attachments

Page Name Definition Name Usage

My Job Applications Page HRS_CE_ACTVTY_FL • Review summary information

about applications, resumes, and

• Withdraw applications.

• Add and remove attachments

that aren’t associated with an

Resume Page HRS_APP_CE_RES_SCF View a resume that was copied and

pasted into the system.

Although Fluid Candidate Gateway

does not provide a way for applicants
to paste resumes into applications,
applicants use this page to see resumes
that were previously pasted using classic
Candidate Gateway.

Add/Edit Attachment Page HRS_APPL_ATCH_SCF Enter attachment information and upload


Understanding Application Withdrawal

By withdrawing applications, an applicant can remove submitted applications from consideration and
make unsubmitted (draft) applications invisible in both Candidate Gateway and Talent Acquisition

An applicant withdrawing an application in Candidate Gateway is equivalent to a recruiter using the

Withdraw Application action in Talent Acquisition Manager as described in the topic "Withdrawing
Applications" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Withdrawing an Unsubmitted Application

When an unsubmitted application is withdrawn, the system performs a logical delete (but not a physical
delete) of the application. The applicant no longer sees the withdrawn application on the My Job
Applications page in Candidate Gateway. In Talent Acquisition Manager, the withdrawn draft application
is no longer searchable or visible, even to recruiting administrators.

If the draft application is an applicant’s only application, then after the application is logically deleted
and the recruiting search indexes are rebuilt, the applicant is no longer searchable or visible in Talent
Acquisition Manager.

Withdrawing a Submitted Application

Withdrawing a submitted application assigns the 130 Withdrawn Application disposition to the
application. When an applicant uses Candidate Gateway to withdraw an application, the disposition
change has the reason Candidate Withdrawn. (When an application is withdrawn in Talent Acquisition
Manager, the default reason for the change is Recruiter Withdrawn, but the user has the option to choose a
different reason code.)

Withdrawing a submitted application has these effects in addition to the disposition change:

• In Candidate Gateway, the application status on the My Job Applications page changes from
Submitted to Withdrawn and the Date Withdrawn appears.

Candidate Gateway does not display dispositions.

• Any online job offer or notifications for the withdrawn application are removed from the My Job
Notifications Page.

• Any resume that was associated with the withdrawn application (that is not also associated with a still
active application) is no longer visible on the My Job Applications page and is no longer available for
selection in future applications.

The resume remains visible in Talent Acquisition Manager unless the application was a draft
application and was therefore logically deleted.

• If an applicant starts a new application for a job after the previous application was withdrawn, the
system does not alert the applicant that there was a previous application.

Configuring Applicant Withdrawal

In order for an applicant to withdraw an application, the application must be in a disposition that is
specifically configured to allow applicants to withdraw the application. This option is configured on
the "Status Area Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). To activate this option on
the Status Area page, you must also use the "Status Successors Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) to list 130 Withdrawn Application as a successor to every disposition that allows
applicant withdrawal.

Note: Although successor configuration is all that is required to activate the Withdraw Application
action in Talent Acquisition Manager, configuring Candidate Gateway to permit withdrawal requires the
additional step of explicitly selecting the Applicant Withdrawal check box on the Status Area page.

380 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

The Withdraw Button

On the My Job Applications page, the Withdraw button is visible for all applications except ones
that have already been withdrawn. However, if the application is in a disposition that does not permit
applicants to withdraw the application, then clicking the button displays a message stating that the
application cannot be withdrawn. If the application includes multiple jobs, the message appears if at least
one job in the application has a disposition that prevents withdrawal.

Unsubmitted applications are in the Draft disposition, which always allows applicant withdrawal.
However, if an unsubmitted application includes prescreening, and the applicant failed prescreening,
then the ability to withdraw the application depends on whether the failed prescreening disposition is
configured to allow applicant withdrawal.

My Job Applications Page

Applicants use the My Job Applications page (HRS_CE_ACTVTY_FL) to:

• Review summary information about applications, resumes, and attachments.

• Withdraw applications.

• Add and remove attachments that aren’t associated with an application.


• Click the My Job Applications action on the Careers page.

• Click the My Job Applications item in the Actions List.

Image: My Job Applications page — Desktop

This example illustrates the My Job Applications page as viewed on a desktop.

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Image: My Job Applications page — Smartphone

This example illustrates the My Job Applications page as viewed on a smartphone

My Job Applications
This grid lists an applicant’s submitted and unsubmitted applications.

Job Title This field displays the job posting title unless the applicant
initiated the application as a multi-job application. In this case,
the field displays the text Multiple Job Application.

Note: Multiple Job Application refers only to applications

where the applicant explicitly chose to include multiple jobs
in a single application. If a recruiter uses Talent Acquisition
Manager to link an applicant to additional jobs, those jobs are
technically added to an existing application. But although the
application now has multiple jobs, each job that was linked
using Talent Acquisition Manager appears in a separate row in
this grid in Candidate Gateway, and each row in the grid shows
the job posting title in the Job Title field.

Job ID Displays the job opening ID for the application, or displays the
word Multiple if the application is for multiple jobs.

Location Displays the primary recruiting location for the job. If the
application includes multiple jobs, this column displays a dash.

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Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Application Status The Application status is Submitted if the application has been

Note: The system does not update this status as the application
moves through the recruiting process. Even if the application
is rejected or the job opening is filled, the status remains

The Application status is Not Eligible if an applicant failed

prescreening for all job openings and was not allowed to
continue the job application.

The Application status is Not Submitted if the application was

saved for later and the applicant is able to continue with the job

The Application status is Withdrawn if the disposition is 130

Withdrawn. This is the disposition that the system assigns when
an applicant or a recruiting user withdraws the application.
However, if an unsubmitted application is withdrawn, it is
logically deleted and disappears from the My Job Applications
grid entirely rather than appearing with a Withdrawn status.

Note: For Multiple Job Application, the statuses of Not Eligible

and Not Submitted will be shown.

Application Status Information Lists the application statue information.

Review the application status.

Date Created Displays the date and time that the application was started,
regardless of whether it was submitted on that date.

Date Submitted Displays the date and time that the application was submitted.
This column is blank for applications that have not been

Date Withdrawn Displays the date and time that the application was withdrawn.
This column is visible only if at least one application is in
Withdrawn status.

Withdraw Application An applicant clicks the Withdraw button in this column to

withdraw an application. If the application (or at least one job
in a multi-job application) is in a disposition that does not allow
applicant withdrawal, a message informs the applicant that
withdrawing the application is not allowed. Otherwise, the
application is withdrawn.

Clicking the Withdraw button has different results depending on

the type of application:

• Withdrawing a draft application removes the application

from this page.

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

• Withdrawing a submitted application changes the Status to

Withdrawn and hides the Withdraw button in the row.

The withdrawal process is discussed in more detail earlier in the

Understanding Application Withdrawal section of this topic.

If the application has been submitted, clicking this button

displays the Application Summary Page.
Open Application
If the application is unsubmitted, clicking this button opens the
application so that the applicant can continue.

My Resumes
This grid lists all resumes that are associated with the applicant’s submitted applications. If a resume has
been used more than once, it appears multiple times in the grid—once for each time it was used.

The grid does not include rows for unsubmitted applications or for withdrawn applications.

Attached File If the resume is an attachment, this field displays the file name.
Clicking the file name opens the file.

If the resume was pasted into the application, this field displays
the text Pasted Resume. Clicking this text displays the Resume

Although Fluid Candidate Gateway does not provide a way for

applicants to paste resumes into applications, applicants use this
page to see resumes that were previously pasted in using classic
Candidate Gateway.

Job ID Displays the job ID if the resume is from an application for a

single job.

Displays Multiple if the resume is from a multi-job application.

This field is blank if the resume is from an application that does

not include a job opening.

Resume Title Displays the resume title that the applicant supplied during the
application process. The default resume title is the file name.

Date Created Displays the date and time that the applicant first added this
resume to an application.

My Cover Letters and Attachments

This grid displays the applicant’s non-resume attachments, including attachments that were uploaded in
Talent Acquisition Manager.

Attachments that are associated with unsubmitted or withdrawn applications do not appear here.
However, a Talent Acquisition Manager user who views a withdrawn application can still see that
application’s attachments.

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Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Applicants click this button to add an attachment. This button

opens the Add Attachment page.
Add Attachment
If no attachments have been uploaded yet, the Add Attachment
button has a text label rather than appearing as an icon.

Attachments that are added here are not associated with a

specific application.

Attached File Displays the file name of the attachment. Click to open the file.

Job ID Displays a job ID if the attachment is associated with an

application for a single job.

Displays Multiple if the attachment is associated with a multi-

job application.

Displays All if the attachment is not associated with a job

application. Because these attachments are associated with the
applicant rather than with a specific job application, Talent
Acquisition Manager users can see these attachments in all of
the applicant’s applications.

Attachments that are uploaded on the My Job Applications page

are not associated with specific job applications.

Attachment Title Displays the descriptive title that the applicant supplied when
adding the attachment.

Attachment Type Displays the attachment type (not the file type) for the

An applicant who uploads a file must specify an attachment

type. However, an attachment type is not required for
attachments that are uploaded in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Date Uploaded Displays the date and time that the attachment was uploaded.

Applicants click this button to open the Edit Attachment page,

where they can change the attachment information, upload a
(Edit button) different file, or delete the attachment.

This button is available only for attachments that are not

associated with a job application. These are attachments where
the Job ID is All.

Resume Page
Applicants use the Resume page (HRS_APP_CE_RES_SCF) to view a resume that was pasted into the

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In the Resumes grid on the My Job Applications page, click the Pasted Resume link that appears for
resumes that were pasted into the system.

Image: Resume page

This example illustrates the Resume page.

This is a read-only page. Close the modal window to return to the My Job Applications page.

Add/Edit Attachment Page

Applicants use the Add Attachment or Edit Attachment page (HRS_APPL_ATCH_SCF) to enter
attachment information and upload attachments. Applicants additionally use the Edit Attachment page to
delete attachments.


• Click the Add button above the My Cover Letters and Attachments grid on the My Job Applications

• Click the Edit button for an existing attachment in the My Cover Letters and Attachments grid on the
My Job Applications page. The Edit button is present only for attachments that are not associated with
a specific application.

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Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Image: Add Attachment page

This example illustrates the Add Attachment page.

Image: Edit Attachment page

This example illustrates the Edit Attachment page.

Cancel Clicking this button closes the page without adding or updating
an attachment.

If the applicant already uploaded a file before canceling, the

file remains in the file repository for Candidate Gateway
attachments, but it is not visible in either Candidate Gateway or
Talent Acquisition Manager.

Add Attachment Fields

Continue After supplying all required information, applicants click this
button to open a generic File Attachment dialog box. The
options for selecting files depend on the device and on any
available integrations to cloud storage.

Save After uploading an attachment using the File Attachment dialog

box, the Save button replaces the Continue button. Clicking the
Save button closes the page and adds the attachment to the My

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Cover Letters and Attachments grid on the My Job Applications


Attachment Type Applicants must select an attachment type before uploading an


The available values are the attachment types where the

"Attachment Type Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager) has a Max Occurrences Outside of
Applications value of one or more.

The system does not check whether the applicant has already
reached the specified maximum for the attachment type until
the applicant clicks the Continue button. At that point, an error
appears if the maximum has been reached.

Attachment Title Applicants enter a descriptive title for the attachment.

Edit Attachment Fields

Note: The Attachment Type and Attachment Title fields are the same on the Edit Attachment page and the
Add Attachment page.

Save Applicants click this button to save attachment changes and

close the page.

Attached File Displays the file name of the uploaded attachment. Clicking this
link opens the file.

Use Different Attachment Applicants click this button to reopen the File Attachment
dialog box and upload a new file. Before opening the File
Attachment dialog, the system performs the same validations
(required fields and attachment type maximums) as it does
during the initial document upload.

Delete Applicants click this button to delete an attachment. The

file remains in the file repository for Candidate Gateway
attachments, but it is not visible on any recruiting pages.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Enter References

This topic provides an overview of reference notifications and discusses how to add and review

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can enter references.

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Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Pages Used to Enter References

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Applicant References Page HRS_CE_APP_REF_FL Review and update professional and

personal references.

Add/Edit Reference Page HRS_CE_D_REFS_SCF Enter detailed information for a


Understanding Reference Notifications

If a recruiter clicks the Request References button on the References section of the"Manage Applicant
page: Applicant Data Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager), the system sends an
email notification (HRS_UPDATE_REFERENCES) asking the applicant to provide references. The email
notification contains a link to Candidate Gateway.

The system also creates a Candidate Gateway notification, which appears on the My Job Notifications
Page. Applicants use this notification to access the Applicant References page, where they can add

Note: If a recruiter sends a reference request to an applicant who is not a registered user of Candidate
Gateway, the email notification includes an auto-generated user name and password that enables the
applicant to sign in, see the notification, and submit references. By using these system-generated logon
credentials, the applicant ensures that the Candidate Gateway account is properly associated with the
existing applicant record.

Applicant References Page

Applicants use the Applicant References page (HRS_CE_APP_REF_FL) to review and update their
professional and personal references.


Click a reference request notification on the My Job Notifications page.

Image: Applicant References page

This example illustrates the Applicant References page.

This grid displays a summary of the applicant’s references.

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Adding and Editing References

When the grid is empty, applicants click the Add References button to open the Add Reference page and
enter reference information. When the grid has data, the button is an icon with a plus sign.

Applicants click an existing reference to edit or delete it on the Edit References page.

Add/Edit Reference Page

Applicants use the Add Reference and Edit Reference pages (HRS_CE_D_REFS_SCF) to enter or
modify information for a reference.


On the Applicant References page:

• Click the Add Reference button to open the page in add mode.

• Click the row for an existing reference to open the page in edit mode.

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Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Image: Edit Reference page

This example illustrates the Edit Reference page. When the applicant is adding new references, the page
title is Add Reference.

This is the same Add/Edit Reference Page that applicants use to enter references from within a job

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to View Interview Details

This topic provides an overview of interview notifications and discusses how applicants can review
interview details.

Note: Applicants must sign in before they can view interview schedules in Candidate Gateway.

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Pages Used to View Interview Details

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Interview Details Page HRS_NOT_INT_DTL_FL View details for an interview.

Job Description HRS_JOB_DTL_SCF View job details for the interview.

This modal dialog displays the same
information as the Job Description
Page, but it does not include options for
acting on the job (applying, marking as a
favorite, or emailing the job).

Understanding Interview Notifications

If a recruiter selects the Notify Applicant check box when scheduling an interview on the "Interview
Schedule Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager), the system sends an email
notification (HRS_INTVWSCHED_APPL) with information about the interview schedule. The email
notification contains a link to Candidate Gateway. The system also creates a Candidate Gateway
notification that appears on the My Job Notifications page.

In Candidate Gateway, clicking the notification displays the Interview Details page, where the applicant
can review the interview date and time, a list of interviewers, the location, directions, and any applicant
notes that were entered into the interview schedule in Talent Acquisition Manager. The Interview Details
page always shows the most current information for the interview, even if the interview details have
changed since the notification was sent.

If an interview is canceled in Talent Acquisition Manager, the system deletes any existing notification for
that interview. If the interview is later reinstated, the system sends a new notification only if the Notify
Applicant check box is selected when the reinstated interview is submitted.

If a recruiting user makes a change to the interview schedule and chooses to notify the applicant, but the
applicant already has a Candidate Gateway notification for the interview, a second Candidate Gateway
notification is not created. However, if the applicant deleted the previous Candidate Gateway interview
notification, then a new notification is created.

Note: If Talent Acquisition Manager is configured for full calendar integration with Microsoft Outlook,
the system does not create Candidate Gateway notifications for interviews.

Related Links
"Scheduling and Managing Interviews" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)
"Understanding Calendar Integration Options" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)

Interview Details Page

Applicants use the Interview Details page (HRS_NOT_INT_DTL_FL) to view the details for an


Click an interview notification on the My Job Notifications page.

392 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Image: Interview Details page

This example illustrates the Interview Details page.

Interview Details Displays the job title, job ID, applicant name, and interview

The job title is a link that opens the Job Description page in a
modal page. This page displays the same information as the Job
Description Page, but it does not include options for acting on
the job (applying, marking as a favorite, or emailing the job).

Date and Time Displays the interview date and time in the time zone entered
on the "Interview Schedule Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager).

Location Displays the location text from the Interview Schedule page.

Directions Displays directions to the interview location. These directions

are associated with the interview venue that is specified on the
Interview Schedule page. The venue directions are entered on
the "Interview Facilities Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent
Acquisition Manager).

This section of the page is hidden if the interview is not

associated with a venue or if the venue definition does not
include directions.

Interviewers Displays the names of the interviewers as entered on the

Interview Schedule page.

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Comments Displays any applicant comments entered on the Interview

Schedule page.

The Interview Schedule page provides options for both

applicant comments and interviewer comments, but only the
applicant comments are visible in Candidate Gateway.

Note: This page does not display interview notes or attachments. It also does not display the text of the
interview email notification that the system sends the applicant.

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Respond to Job Offers

Pages Used to Review and Respond to Online Job Offers

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Job Offer Page HRS_ONL_OFR_DTL_FL Review a job offer, accept or reject it,
and upload documents to send to the

Job Description HRS_JOB_DTL_SCF View job details for the interview.

This modal page displays the same
information as the Job Description
Page, but it does not include options for
acting on the job (applying, marking as a
favorite, or emailing the job).

Job Offer Note Page HRS_CE_ATTNOTE_SCF View offer-related notes that were
created using the document definition
capabilities of the PeopleSoft HCM
attachment framework.

Note: Document definitions are

not typically used in recruiting.
See "Setting Up Online Job Offer
Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Talent Acquisition Manager)

Document Description Page HRS_ONL_OFR_DD_SCF Enter a description for a file that is being
attached to the Return Documents grid
on the Job Offer page.

Send Notification to Recruiter Page HRS_ONL_OFR_NT_SCF Send attached documents to the primary
recruiter for the job opening.

Understanding Online Job Offers

When PeopleSoft Talent Acquisition Manager is configured to support online job offers, recruiters can
post offers to Candidate Gateway. Applicants can then review offer documents and accept or reject
the offer. Applicants can additionally upload and send any documents that need to be returned to your

394 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

When the job offer is posted to Candidate Gateway, the system sends the applicant an email (notification
template HRS_OFFER_NOTICE) alerting the applicant that the offer is posted. In Candidate Gateway,
both the offer and the offer notification appear on the My Job Notifications page. Clicking either the offer
or the offer notification displays the detailed offer information on the Job Offer page.

The system creates an applicant note and sends the recruiter an email notification when:

• The applicant accepts or rejects the offer (notification template HRS_OFFER_RESPONSE)

• The applicant uses the option to send uploaded documents to the recruiter (notification template

The recruiter notifications are sent to the email address that is associated with the recruiter’s user ID
rather than the recruiter’s personal data record. Note that the workflow settings for the recruiter’s user ID
must specify that the user is an email user.

Job Offer Page

Applicants use the Job Offer page (HRS_ONL_OFR_DTL_FL) to review job offers, accept or reject
them, and upload documents to send to the recruiter.


Click an offer or an offer notification on the My Job Notifications page.

Image: Job Offer page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Job Offer page.

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Image: Job Offer page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Job Offer page. In this example, the applicant has not
yet accepted or rejected the offer.

Offer Message
The greeting at the top of the offer page varies depending on the offer status. The following table lists the
text catalog entries for the greeting:

Offer Status Text Catalog ID for Delivered Text


Accepted HRAM_FLONLNOFR_10 Congratulations! We are delighted that you have accepted this offer of

Rejected HRAM_FLONLNOFR_11 We are sorry you have decided to reject this offer of employment.

Expired HRAM_FLONLNOFR_12 We are sorry this offer for employment has expired.

Open HRAM_FLONLNOFR_13 We’d like to hire you for the following position.

Offer Summary
Job Title Click to open the Job Description page in a modal page. This
page displays the same information as the Job Description Page,
but it does not include options for acting on the job (applying,
marking as a favorite, or emailing the job).

Job ID Displays the unique identifier for the job opening.

Offer Date Displays the offer date as shown on the "Prepare Job Offer
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Expiration Date Displays the last date that the applicant can respond to the offer

<instructional text> Lists the steps for the applicant to respond to the offer.

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Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Step 1 - Review Offer

This grid lists the documents, links, and notes that were attached to the offer on the "Prepare Job Offer
Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). Typically this grid includes an offer letter.

The Action Required icon appears when the Action Required

Action Required check box was selected for an item on the Prepare Job Offer
page. This icon draws highlights items that the applicant needs
to review or return.

Type Indicates whether the item is a Document, a URL, or a Note.

Typically, the recruiting system is not configured to support

notes in offers. Instead, recruiters incorporate any notes into the
offer letter.

Details Displays the item name. Clicking this link opens the document,
URL, or note. Documents and URLs open in new windows.
Notes are displayed on the Job Offer Note page.

Step 2 - Accept/Reject Offer

The fields in this step are disabled after the applicant accepts or rejects the offer. This prevents applicants
from changing their responses. To change a response, the applicant must contact the recruiter, who can
update the response in Talent Acquisition Manager.

Comments The applicant can enter comments before accepting or rejecting

an offer. The comments are included in the contact note that the
system adds to the applicant record when the applicant clicks
the Accept or Reject button. In Talent Acquisition Manager,
contact notes appear on the "Manage Applicant Page: Notes
Tab" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

I acknowledge that I have reviewed Before accepting an online job offer, the applicant must select
and understand the job offer details this check box to acknowledge that the offer has been reviewed
for the position listed. and understood. The Accept button is not enabled until the
applicant selects this check box.

Accept An applicant clicks this button to accept a job offer. This button
is not available until the applicant selects the acknowledgement
check box.

An applicant who clicks the Accept button is prompted to

confirm the accept action. If the action is confirmed, the system
does the following:

• Updates the offer status to 020 Accept.

• Sends an email notification (HRS_OFFER_RESPONSE) to

the recruiter.

• Creates an applicant contact note with the subject Online

Acceptance of Job Offer. The note details include the date

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

and time of acceptance and any comments the applicant

entered before accepting the offer.

Reject An applicant clicks this button to reject an offer.

An applicant who clicks the Reject button is prompted to

confirm the reject action. If the action is confirmed, the system
does the following:

• Updates the offer status to 110 Offer Rejected.

• Sends an email notification (HRS_OFFER_RESPONSE) to

the recruiter.

• Creates an applicant contact note with the subject Online

Rejection of Job Offer. The note details include the date
and time of the rejection and any comments the applicant
entered before rejecting the offer.

Note: Depending on the status change effects that you have configured, updating the offer status can also
trigger various other status changes, including changes to the applicant's disposition. If notifications are
active for the particular status changes that occur, the status changes also trigger the relevant recruiter
notifications. Notifications for changes to the Offer status use the OtherStsEffct template. Notifications
for changes to an applicant's disposition use the ApplicantStsEffct template.
See "Understanding Recruiting Statuses" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager).

Step 3 - Return Documents

Applicants can optionally upload and send documents such as completed employment forms either before
or after accepting an offer. For example, an applicant can print a confidentiality agreement, sign it, scan
and upload it, then send it to the recruiter.

The Return Documents grid shows the documents that the applicant has uploaded and provides a
mechanism for sending those documents to the job opening’s primary recruiter.

An applicant clicks this button to open a generic File

Attachment dialog. The options for selecting files depend on the
Add Document device and on any available integrations to cloud storage.

After the applicant uploads a document, the Document

Description page appears to prompt the applicant to enter a
descriptive title.

Send to Recruiter An applicant clicks this button to send the selected documents to
the job opening’s primary recruiter. Applicants are not required
to select documents before clicking this button. If no documents
are selected, clicking this button enables the applicant to send a
text notification to the recruiter.

Remove An applicant clicks this button to remove any selected

documents from the grid.

398 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

After a document has been sent to the recruiter, it can no longer

be selected, and the applicant cannot remove it.

<check box> A check box appears next to documents that have been uploaded
but not sent to the recruiter. Applicants select this check box
to choose the documents that the Send to Recruiter or Remove
button will act on.

Attached File Displays the file name of a document that the applicant has
uploaded. Clicking the link opens the document.

Description Displays the description that the applicant provided when

uploading the document. The applicant cannot change the
description except by deleting the document and uploading it

Date Attached Displays the date and time that the applicant uploaded the

Date Sent If the applicant has already sent the document to the recruiter,
this field displays the date and time that the document was sent.
Otherwise, this field is blank.

Job Offer Note Page

Applicants use the Job Offer Note page (HRS_CE_ATTNOTE_SCF) to view offer-related notes that were
created using the document definition capabilities of the PeopleSoft HCM attachment framework.

Note: Document definitions are not typically used in recruiting. See "Setting Up Online Job Offer
Attachments" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager)


On the Job Offer page, click the link for an offer note. These are items in the Review Offer grid that have
the type Note.

Image: Job Offer Note page

This example illustrates the Job Offer Note page.

This page displays the note subject, date, and text.

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

Document Description Page

Applicants use the Document Description page (HRS_ONL_OFR_DD_SCF) to enter a description for a
file that is being attached to the Return Documents grid on the Job Offer page.


Click the Add Document button on the Job Offer page, then upload a file. This page appears immediately
after the upload is complete.

Image: Document Description page

This example illustrates the Document Description page.

Cancel Click to close this page without adding the uploaded document
to the offer.

Save Click to save the document and description to the offer.

Description The applicant enters an optional document description. The

default value is the file name.

The applicant cannot edit this description after closing this page,
nor can the applicant add a description later after leaving the
field blank on this page.

To change or add a description, the applicant needs to remove

the original document and upload the file again.

Attached File Displays the file name of the document. Clicking the link opens
the attached file in a new window.

Send Notification to Recruiter Page

Applicants use the Send Notification to Recruiter page (HRS_ONL_OFR_NT_SCF) to send attached
documents to the primary recruiter for the job opening.


Click the Send Document button on the Job Offer page.

400 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 12 (Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities

Image: Send Notification to Recruiter page

This example illustrates the Send Notification to Recruiter page.

Cancel Applicants click this button to close the dialog box without
sending a message to the recruiter.

Send Applicants click this button to submit the message. The system
creates a contact note that includes any attachments and sends
an email notification (HRS_OFFER_DOC_ATCH) to the
primary recruiter for the job opening.

Subject If no documents were selected when the applicant accessed this

page, the applicant enters a subject for the message. If there
were documents selected, then the system sets the subject text,
and this field is read-only.

Notes Applicants use this field to enter additional information to send

to the recruiter.

Completed Documents This grid appears only if the applicant selected documents
before accessing this page. The read-only grid displays the file
names and descriptions of the selected documents.

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(Fluid) Managing Additional Applicant Activities Chapter 12

402 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 13

(Fluid) Entering Referrals

Using Fluid Candidate Gateway to Enter Referrals

This topic provides an overview of the referral process and discusses how employees can refer friends for

Note: Only employees can refer friends. External applicants do not have access to this feature.

Pages Used in the Referral Process

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Refer Friend - Resume Page HRS_ERP_RESUME_FL Attach the friend’s resume. The resume
template for the application controls
whether the resume is optional or
required. The resume template can also
be configured to skip this step entirely if,
for example, you do not allow users to
upload files.

Note that Fluid Candidate Gateway does

not allow users to copy & paste resume
text into the system. The only way to
supply a resume is to upload it.

Refer Friend - Contact Details Page HRS_ERP_CONTACT_FL Enter the friend's name and contact

Referral Confirmation Page HRS_ERP_CONFIRM_FL View a confirmation that the referral has
been submitted.

Understanding the Referral Process

The referral process includes these operations:

• The employee refers the friend.

• The friend registers for Candidate Gateway and completes the application.

• The employee optionally checks the status of the referral.

Employee Refers a Friend

When an employee refers a friend, the employee uploads the friend’s resume and enters basic information
about the friend. The system then notifies the friend of the referral so that the friend can submit a
complete application.

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(Fluid) Entering Referrals Chapter 13

The Refer a Friend option is available on these pages:

Page Refer a Friend Options

Job Description Page Refer a friend for the current job opening.

My Favorite Jobs Page • Refer a friend for one or more selected job openings.

• If no job openings are selected, refer a friend without a

job opening.

Search Jobs Page • Refer a friend for one or more selected job openings.

The Refer a Friend button is available here only if the site is • If no job openings are selected, refer a friend without a
configured to allow multiple job selection. job opening.

"Global Search for Job Postings" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Refer a friend for a job posting that appears in the search
Acquisition Manager) results. Use the Related Actions menu to access the Refer a
Friend option.

During the referral process, the employee must enter the friend's name and contact information. Resume
template settings determine whether the employee can also upload the friend’s resume and whether the
resume step is required or optional.

When the referral is submitted, the system creates an applicant record and an application record. The
application has a disposition of Draft.

The system also sends the friend an email with a request to complete the application. The email includes
links for accessing the site as either an external applicant or an internal applicant.

Friend Registers and Completes an Application

In the email that the friend receives, the link to Candidate Gateway includes an embedded referral code.
When the friend follows the link and then signs in (either by registering for a new account or signing into
an existing account), the draft application that was created during the referral process is automatically
associated with the friend’s applicant record.

If the friend creates a new Candidate Gateway account, the name and contact information provided by
the employee are used as default values during the registration process. The friend can override these
values. If the friend changes the default email address, the email address that the friend enters becomes
the primary email address. The email address that the referring employee provided is retained as a non-
primary address that the friend can modify or delete on the My Account Information Page.

After the friend signs in, the My Job Applications page shows the draft application as an unsubmitted
application. To start the application process, the friend goes to the My Job Applications page and opens
the draft application. This takes the friend into the guided application process. The friend must start at the
beginning, but the referral process prepopulates the following information:

• If the referring employee supplied a resume during the referral process, the Resume step uses that
resume by default.

• The referral section of the application (if included as part of the resume template) has Employee as the
default value in the “How did you learn of the job” field). This field is read-only.

404 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 13 (Fluid) Entering Referrals

The values for the “How did you learn of the job” field come from the "Recruitment Sources - Source
Setup Page" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Talent Acquisition Manager). The default Employee recruitment
source is delivered as system data, but you must associate it with your sites to make it available to
applicants. If this recruitment source is not available for the site, the default recruitment source is the
first one where the source type is Employee.

• The referral section of the application (if included as part of the resume template) enters the referring
employee’s name and email address in the Name of Referring Employee field and the associated
Email Address field. These fields are also read-only.

When the friend submits the application, the system sends a confirmation email to the referring employee.
The employee does not have to confirm the referral.

Employee Checks Referral Status

Employees who have referred friends can review the status of their referrals. The review pages are classic
pages (not fluid pages), and they are discussed in the Entering Referrals topic in this documentation.

These are the pages used to check referral status:

• The Review Referral Page lists all of the employee’s referrals.

• The Review Referral Details Page provides details about individual referrals.

Refer Friend - Resume Page

Applicants use the Refer Friend - Resume page (HRS_ERP_RESUME_FL) to attach a friend's resume for
a referral.


• Click the Refer Friend button on the Job Description page or on the My Favorite Jobs page.

• If the site is configured to allow multi-job selection, click the Refer Friend button on the Search Jobs

• Use global search to search for job postings, and use the Refer Friend related action for a posting.

Note: All of these navigation options start the referral process, which normally begins on the Refer Friend
- Resume page. However, if the resume step is skipped because of the resume template configuration,
these navigation options go directly to the Refer Friend - Contact Details page.

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(Fluid) Entering Referrals Chapter 13

Image: Refer Friend - Resume page

This example illustrates the Refer Friend - Resume page as it first appears.

Image: Refer Friend - Resume page after uploading a resume (fluid)

This example illustrates the Refer Friend - Resume page after the employee has uploaded the friend’s
resume. The site can be configured so that an additional Language field appears, but this configuration is
not common.

This page is similar to the Resume Page that applicants use. However, Fluid Candidate Gateway does not
provide an option to copy and paste resume text. Furthermore, when referring a friend, it is never possible
to use an existing resume. Therefore, the only way to provide a resume is to attach a file. If the resume
template does not include the option to attach a file, this step is skipped during the refer a friend process.

The resume template controls whether a resume attachment is required.

Next Click to continue to the Refer Friend - Contact Details page.

Refer Friend - Contact Details Page

Applicants use the Refer Friend - Contact Details page (HRS_ERP_CONTACT_FL) to enter a friend's
name and contact information for a referral.


Click the Next button on the Refer Friend - Resume page.

406 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
Chapter 13 (Fluid) Entering Referrals

Image: Refer Friend - Contact Details page (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the Refer Friend - Contact Details page.

Image: Refer Friend - Contact Details page (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the Refer Friend - Contact Details page.

The employee must enter at least a first and last name and an email address before submitting the referral.

The specific fields for the applicant’s name depend on the name format. For more information about
defining name formats, see "Setting Up Additional Name Information" (PeopleSoft HCM 9.2:
Application Fundamentals).

The email address is required so that the system can send an email to invite the applicant to apply.

Name and contact information provided here carries through to any new Candidate Gateway account that
the friend creates using the referral link in the notification email.

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(Fluid) Entering Referrals Chapter 13

Referral Confirmation Page

Applicants see the Referral Confirmation page (HRS_ERP_CONFIRM_FL) after a referral has been


Click the Submit button on the Refer Friend – Contacts Details page.

Image: Referral Confirmation page

This example illustrates the Referral Confirmation page.

Careers Applicants click this link to return to the Careers Page.

408 Copyright © 1988, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

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