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Implementing Lease Accounting

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Implementing Lease Accounting

Oracle Lease Accounting
Implementing Lease Accounting



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Oracle Lease Accounting
Implementing Lease Accounting


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1 Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting Implementation 1

Overview of Lease Accounting Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 1
Lease Accounting Setups .............................................................................................................................................................. 1
Functional Setup Manager File Upload ..................................................................................................................................... 2
User Interface Setup ...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Rapid Implementation .................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Enable Lease Accounting Features ........................................................................................................................................... 12
Other Lease Accounting Setups ................................................................................................................................................ 17

2 Security - Job Roles, Duties, and Privileges 19

Assign Job Roles for Lease Accounting Users ....................................................................................................................... 19
Security Tasks You Might Need to Perform ............................................................................................................................ 19
Manage Data Security Policies .................................................................................................................................................. 19
Manage Duties .............................................................................................................................................................................. 20
Assign Duty Roles for Lease Accounting Users .................................................................................................................... 20
Assign Privileges for Lease Accounting Users ...................................................................................................................... 20

3 Implementation Tasks 23
Roadmap for Setting Up ............................................................................................................................................................. 23
Set Up Payables Financials Option ........................................................................................................................................... 23
Set Up General Ledger Calendars ............................................................................................................................................ 23
Set Up Payables Suppliers And Sites ....................................................................................................................................... 24
Set Up Document Sequencing .................................................................................................................................................. 24
Set Up Currency Conversions .................................................................................................................................................... 24
Set Up Payment Terms ............................................................................................................................................................... 24
Set Up Inventory Organizations ................................................................................................................................................ 24
Set Up Master Item List .............................................................................................................................................................. 25
Set Up Business Functions ........................................................................................................................................................ 25
Set Up Payables Integration ....................................................................................................................................................... 25
Oracle Lease Accounting
Implementing Lease Accounting

Set Up Subledger Accounting ................................................................................................................................................... 25

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Implementing Lease Accounting

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Oracle Lease Accounting Get Help
Implementing Lease Accounting

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

1 Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Overview of Lease Accounting Implementation
The Lease Accounting implementation is a simple setup of system options, discount rate indexes, and payment term
templates using the any of the following three methods offered in Lease Accounting.

• Functional Setup Manager (FSM) File Upload

• User Interface Setup
• Rapid Implementation

Setup Components
The following components are also required to be set up for Lease Accounting:

• Payables Financial Options

• General Ledger Calendars
• Payables Suppliers and Sites
• Document Sequencing
• Currency Conversions
• Payment Terms
• Inventory Organizations
• Master Item List
• Business Functions

Each component setup has been explained in the subsequent chapters.

Payables Integration
You also need to set up Payables Integration, if required.

Subledger Accounting
You need to set up Subledger Accounting for payment accounting.

Lease Accounting Setups

You must use one of the following methods for Lease Accounting setup:

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting
Functional Setup Manager (FSM) File Upload

Functional Setup Manager File Upload

User Interface Setup

User Interface Setup

Rapid Implementation

Rapid Implementation

Functional Setup Manager File Upload

You can set up system options, discount rate indexes, and payment term templates using a .csv spreadsheet from the
Manage Lease Accounting Configuration page.

Create and Upload Setup Files

You need to use the following steps to download the .csv format files, fill up the relevant information, and upload the
files to Lease Accounting:

Manage Lease Accounting Configuration:

1. Sign in using the user role: Financial Application Administrator.

2. Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance page from the My Enterprise menu.
3. Change the functional area to Financials from the functional area list.
4. Click Lease Accounting.
5. On the 'Manage Lease Accounting Configuration' task, click Actions > Export to CSV.
6. Click Create New.
7. Click Export only Template files option in the Export Data Setup to CSV File page.
8. Click Submit.
9. Click Ok and review the log when it is ready.
10. Download the compressed file from Ready for Download.
11. Extract the downloaded file to get 6 setup files (5 .csv) files.
12. Fill up all the required information in the .csv files. Compile all the six files into a compressed file.
13. Click Actions > Import Setup Data from CSV file.
14. Browse for the compressed file and Click Submit to create the setup data.
The following are the CSV files:


You can use the information in these files to upload system options, discount rate indexes, and payment term

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting
Note: Even if you are uploading only the system options, the input compressed file must contain all the six files
(five .csv and one .xml).

You can use the same infrastructure to upload multiple objects for setups such as 6 or 10 different discount rate indexes.

You can update the setups by exporting the setup data and then making changes and importing the compressed file.

Manage Payment Increase Configuration:

The setups for the payment increase configuration for CSV file uploads are also available for the following:

• Agreement Templates
• Payment Increase Indexes

System Options
You use the system options to create the business unit for lease creation. It is a prerequisite.

You set up the system options to do the following processes:

• Capture compliance standards options

• Capture calculation options
• Capture auto-numbering options
• Create additional calendar for "Daily" calculations
• Set the Inventory Item Master for setting up Equipment Leases
• Enable Payables integration

You must provide the following system options information among other attributes:

• Org Name: The business unit name.

• Ledger Name: The ledger identifier in General Ledger.
• Primary Regime: You must select the primary accounting standard. The valid options are IFRS16 and ASC842.
The accounting for compliance leases and their balances are generated according to the selected accounting
• Secondary Regime: You must only select the secondary accounting standard if you need to comply with both
standards. If the primary is IFRS16, the secondary will be ASC842 if both accounting standards are applicable
for reporting and vice versa.
• Interest Calculation Method: The interest calculation method is 'Daily Compounding Interest.'
Lease Accounting converts the periodic interest rate of 5% per annum to the daily compound interest rate. It
employs the rate in the PV and Interest Expense calculations. The formula to convert rate is (1+R%) ^ (1/360 or
1/365) - 1.
• Amortization Method: You can choose the 'Periodic' or 'Daily' amortization method.
In periodic amortization, the expense is uniform for all full periods.
Lease Accounting calculates and applies a daily rate based on the total number of days in that calendar period
in daily amortization. You can select a custom calculation calendar for daily amortizations or use the GL
calendar. Daily amortization only supports the 'Days/Month' proration for the lease.
• Default Currency Conversion Type: The currency conversion type.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting
• Calendar Name: The name of the GL calendar. You can provide a user-defined calendar like 4-4-5 for deriving
calculations only for daily calculations. You can use your GL calendar for reporting and other General Ledger
• Item Master Organization Name: The inventory item master identifier. You can use an item from the Item
Master reference for creating the equipment lease's assets.
• Auto Asset Number Flag: The identifier to enable auto-numbering of the asset.
• Auto Lease Number Flag: The identifier to enable auto-numbering of the lease.
• Secondary Ledger Name: The name of the secondary ledger.
Add a secondary ledger only if you need to comply with the secondary accounting standard.
Note: You don't need to choose a secondary ledger if you don't need to report and account in multiple

Note: You can use only those business units with completed AP Financial options for creating lease accounting

Note: You can create leases only for those business units defined in the system options setup.

Discount Rate Indexes

You set up the discount rate index to do the following processes:

• Capture the Cost of Funds

• Create the discount rates to use in PV calculations
• Generate the amortization start date
• Associate to the lease for applying the discount rate
• Activate the index for lease use
• Provide the appropriate names and descriptions for categorizing indexes

You must provide the following information for discount rate indexes among other attributes:

• Name: The discount rate index name.

• Business Unit: The business unit name.
• Rate Value: The discount rate value for the effective dates.
• Effective Start Date: The effective start date of the discount rate line.
• Final Flag Display: The identifier to activate the discount rate index.

You can provide multiple discount rates within the same .csv file if the dates don't overlap and are in sequential order.

Payment Term Templates

You set up the payment templates to do the following processes.

• Accelerate payment creation

• Create error-free payments

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting
• Implement financial policies onto payments consistently
• Drive calculation option of balances for right-of-use, liability, and expenses
• Capture accounts for SLA accounting
• Capture accounts for primary and secondary ledgers accounting
• Capture tax attributes for defaulting onto AP Invoice

You must provide the following information for payment term templates among other attributes:

• Name: The name of the payment term template.

• Description: The description of the payment term template.
• BU Name: The business unit name.
• Payment Frequency Code Display: The frequency of the payment. The valid values are Daily, Monthly, Quarterly,
or Annually.
• Intercompany Flag Display: The identifier to mark Intercompany transactions.
• Liability Flag Display: The identifier to enable liability.
• ROU Asset Flag Display: The identifier to enable right-of-use.
• Payment Purpose Code Display: The name of the payment purpose.
• Payment Type Code Display: The name of the payment type.
• Vendor ID Display: The name of the supplier.
• Vendor Site ID Display: The site of the supplier.

• Option Flag Display: The identifier to mark the option payment template.
• Option Type Code Display: The type of option.

You must provide the following information from the FLA_LEASE_ACCOUNT_CLASS lookup among other attributes:

• Account Detail Number: The unique account detail number used in the payment term template.
• Account Class Code Display: The account class of the account in this distribution.
• Ledger Name: The GL identifier associated with the payment term template.
• CCID Segment: The identifier of code combination.

Accounting Information
Accounting Classes

You can use the following accounting classes:

• Right-of-Use: The right-of-use account. You require it for Lease Booking.

• Lease Liability: The lease liability account. You require it for Lease Booking.
• Reserve: You use the reserve account when the right-of-use amount isn't the same as the lease liability
• Interest Expense:You use the interest expense account to capture the interest expense accrual in IFRS16, and
include in Lease Expense in ASC842. You require it for IFRS16.
• Amortization Expense: You use the amortization expense account (the equivalent of depreciation charge)
to capture amortization expense accrual in IFRS16, and include in Lease Expense in ASC842. You require it for

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting
• Accumulated Amortization: Lease Accounting collects the accumulated amortization expense in this account.
You require it for the Lease Expense accounting event.
• Lease Expense: The ASC842 lease expense account. You require it for ASC842.
• Noncompliance Expense: The charge account for the noncompliance expense (no liability or right-of-use
checks). Lease Accounting uses this account on noncompliance invoices on the expense distribution when it
reaches Payables. You require it if the Payables setup doesn't have an 'Expense' account defined in the setup.
• Payables Clearing: For compliance payments, Lease Accounting uses the payables clearing account as an
offset for creating a temporary Payables Liability charge. You require it for the Lease Payments Approval event.
• Payables Liability:You use the payables liability account on the credit side of AP invoice. Lease Accounting
sends this account on the invoices that are sourced from it. If Payables setup doesn't have this account, you
must define this account on the payment.
• Gain/Loss: For all terminations and scope decrease amendments, Lease Accounting calculates the gain or loss
in this account.
• Foreign Exchange Gain/Loss: You use this account during the revision of transactions to reevaluate the right-
of-use for foreign exchange transactions.

User Interface Setup

You can also set up system options, payment term templates, and discount rate indexes from the Manage Lease
Accounting Configuration page.

You must do the following steps to start the setup process:

Ensure you have the Financial Application Administrator role assigned to you.

Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance page from the My Enterprise menu.

Change the functional area to Financials from the functional area list.

Click Lease Accounting.

You can set up Lease Accounting using the new user interface for setup under the 'Manage Lease Accounting
Configuration' option.

Manage Lease Accounting Configuration UI Setup:

You can complete the setup required for system options, discount rate indexes, and payment term templates directly
from the Search page.

You can select the following options from the Search Options:
• Search System Options
• Search Discount Rate Indexes
• Search Payment Term Templates
You can also edit, update, and duplicate the setups from the Manage Configuration setup.

System Options Setup

You can give the following information for system options setup:

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

Business Unit Select the business unit.

Primary Accounting Standard Select the primary accounting standard.

The valid options are IFRS16 and ASC842. The accounting for compliance leases and their balances are
generated according to the selected accounting standard.

Secondary Accounting Standard Select the secondary accounting standard, if you require.

You must only select the secondary accounting standard if you need to comply with both standards.
If the primary is IFRS16, the secondary will be ASC842 if both accounting standards are applicable for
reporting and vice versa.

Item Master Select the item master.

Default Currency Conversion Type Select the default currency conversion type.

Ledger Name Displays the ledger name.

Secondary Ledger Select the secondary ledger.

Add a secondary ledger only if you need to comply with the secondary accounting standard.

Note: You don't need to choose a secondary ledger if you don't need to report and account in
multiple GAAPs.


Field Description

Amortization Calculation Frequency Select 'Daily' or 'Periodic' as the calculation frequency of amortizations.

Calculation Calendar Select the calculation calendar.

Interest Calculation Method Currently, 'Daily Compound Interest' is the default method.


Field Description

Auto Lease Numbering Select this option to allow autonumbering of leases.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

Auto Asset Numbering Select this option to allow autonumbering of assets.


Field Description

Lease Transactions Approval Select to allow approval of imported lease transactions.

Import Preference Select the import preference. You can choose from the following import preferences:

• Auto Approve All Leases: Select to set all the leases to be auto approved for accounting.
• Auto Approve Migrated Leases: Select to set only the migrated leases to be auto approved for
• Auto Approve All Leases: Select to set only the nonmigrated leases to be auto approved for
• No Auto Approval: Select to set all the imported leases not to be auto approved for accounting.

Payment Processing:

Field Description

Payables Integration Select to allow Payables accounting integration in Lease Accounting.

Click Save and Close.

Discount Rate Indexes Setup:

You can give the following information for setting up the discount rate indexes:

Field Description

Business Unit Select the business unit.

Index Name Enter the name of the index.

Effective From Select the effective start date for the index.

Description Enter a description for the index.

Click Save and Close.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Payment Term Templates Setup

You can give the following information for setting up the payment term templates:


Field Description

Business Unit Select the business unit.

Payment Template Name Select the payment template name.

Template Type Select whether the template is for a payment or an option.

Active Select whether the template is active or not.

Description Enter a description for the template.

Payment Details:

Field Description

Payment Purpose Select a payment purpose.

You can choose from the following purposes:

• Base Rent
• Cleaning
• Depreciation
• Insurance
• Operating Expense
• Rent
• Percentage

Payment/Option Type Select the payment or option type.

Template Type Select whether the template is for a payment or an option.

If the template is for a payment, you can choose from the following template types:

• Abatement
• Appliance Rental
• Base Rent
• Common Area Maintenance
• Cleaning

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

• Deposit
• Depreciation
• Direct
• Escalation
• Payment for Option
If the template is for an option, you can choose from the following template types:

• Allowance
• Construction Warranty
• Expansion
• Holdover
• Purchase
• Renewal
• Early Termination
• Adjustment
• Residual

Payment Term Select the payment term.

Payment Frequency Select the payment frequency.

Supplier Name Select the supplier.

Supplier Number Displays the supplier number.

Supplier Site Select the supplier site.


Field Description

Liability Select to allow liability balances on leases.

Right-of-Use Select to allow right-of-use balances on leases.


Field Description

Primary Intended Use Select the primary intended use.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

Tax Classification Select the tax classification.

Tax Included Select whether to include tax or not.

Withholding Tax Group Select the withholding tax group.

Product Category Select the product category.

Product Fiscal Classification Select the product fiscal classification.

Product Type Select whether the template is for goods or a service.

Transaction Business Category Select the transaction business category.

User-defined Fiscal Classification Select the user-defined fiscal classification.


Click (+) to add distribution information.

Field Description

Ledger Select the distribution ledger name.

Account Name Select the associated account.

Code Combination Enter the code combination.

Click Save and Close.

Rapid Implementation
You can set up rapid implementation from the Manage Lease Accounting Configuration page.

You can use the following steps for rapid implementaton:

• Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance page from the My Enterprise menu.
• Change the functional area to Financials from the functional area list.
• Click Lease Accounting.
• You can set up Lease Accounting using the new user interface for setup under the 'Manage Lease Accounting
Configuration' option.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting
• Select Download-Upload Configuration from the Actions menu.
• Click Download Configuration Template.
• Fill the template with the relevant information for rapid implementation. Refer to the Functional Setup Manager
File Upload section for more information.
• Click Choose File to select the completed template.
• Click Upload to update the setup information.
Lease Accounting also provides rapid implementation for Payment Increase Configuration components.

Enable Lease Accounting Features

Lease Accounting is under the Financials functional area.

Manage Features:

Navigate to the FSM page using My Enterprise > Setup and Maintenance.

Feature Opt-In Description

Create Property and Equipment Lease You can enable this feature to create and maintain property and equipment leases in Lease

Lease Contract Activation You can enable this feature to activate lease contracts in Lease Accounting.

Lease Amendments for Scope Increases You can enable this feature to include scope increase for lease amendments in Lease Accounting.

Lease Amendments for Scope Decreases You can enable this feature to include scope decrease for lease amendments in Lease Accounting.

Asset End Dates and Options You can enable this feature to create options and include asset end dates for leases in Lease

Lease Contract Import and Conversion You can enable this feature to import and convert lease contracts in Lease Accounting.

Lease Payment Processing You can enable this feature to allow payment processing for leases in Lease Accounting.

End of Lease Processing You can enable this feature to allow termination of leases in Lease Accounting.

Rapid Implementation for Lease You can enable this feature to allow rapid implementation of setup features in Lease Accounting.

Lease Disclosure and Transaction Reports You can enable this feature to create the lease disclosure and transaction reports in Lease Accounting.

Lease Payment Updates You can enable this feature to allow updates to payments for leases in Lease Accounting.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Feature Opt-In Description

Fixed Rent Increases You can enable this feature to allow fixed rent increase for payments in Lease Accounting.

Note: All features are a "Customer Must Take Action before Use by End Users," which means it's delivered disabled,
and you must use the opt-in method to enable the feature.

To access its setup tasks:

1. On the Setup and Maintenance page, select Financials from the list.
2. Click Lease Accounting and select Change Feature Selection.
3. Select the check box in the Enable column for the feature.
4. Click Done.
Manage Tasks.

Tasks Description

Manage Lease Accounting Configuration Manage Lease Accounting Configuration task is predefined for the setups.

Manage Payment Increase Configuration You can search for the Manage Payment Increase Configuration task using the Search Tasks option.

Click the task to open the setup page for agreements.

Manage Payment Increase Configuration:

Search Agreement Templates:

1. The following fields are available as search parameters:

Field Description

Business Unit The search is based on the business unit.

Agreement Template Name The search is based on the agreement template name.

Payment Purpose The search is based on the payment purpose.

Supplier Name The search is based on the supplier name.

Default Relation Type The search is based on the default relation type.

Payment Basis Type The search is based on the payment basis type.

Status The search is based on the agreement template status.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

Index Short Name The search is based on the index short name.

2. Click Search.
3. The results are displayed in the Agreement Templates Display section of the Manage Payment Increase
Configuration page.
4. Click the agreement template to open the template details.
5. Click Save to retain the search information.
6. If needed, you can use Reset to clear the search information.
7. Use Advanced Search to deep search for agreement template information.
1. Click New (+) to display the Create Payment Increase Agreement Template page.
2. The following fields are available as part of the Payment Increase Agreement Template creation:

Payment Increase Agreement Template: General Section

Field Description

Business Unit Select the business unit for the template.

Agreement Template Name Enter the agreement template name.

Payment Purpose Select the payment purpose.

You can choose from the following purposes:

◦ Base Rent

◦ Cleaning

◦ Depreciation

◦ Insurance

◦ Operating Expense

◦ Rent

◦ Percentage

◦ Allowance

◦ Purchase

User Responsible Select the user responsible for the creation of the template.

Supplier Name Select the supplier name.

Currency Select the agreement template currency.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

Status Select the status of the template. You can make the template active and enable it for the
creation of the payment increase agreement.

Description Enter a description of the template.

Payment Increase Agreement Template: Details Section

Field Description

Assessment Frequency Select the assessment frequency for the template.

You can choose between Annual and Semiannual.

Payment Basis Type Select the payment basis type for the template.

You can choose between Previous Cycle and Current Cycle.

Default Relation Type Select the default relation type for the template.

You can choose from the following relation types:

◦ Fixed

◦ Index

◦ Lesser of Index or Fixed

◦ Greater of Index or Fixed

Basis Adjustment Factor Enter a default basis adjustment factor for the template.

Assess in Years Enter the default assessment in years period for the template.

Basis Compounding Select whether you want basis compounding for the template or not.

Payment Increase Rounding Select whether the payment increase rounding should be in Tens or Ones for the template.

Payment Increase Agreement Template: Fixed Increase Values Section

Field Description

Fixed Increase Percentage Enter a default fixed percentage for the template.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

Fixed Increase Amount Enter a default fixed amount for the template.

Payment Increase Agreement Template: Index Increase Values Section

If you have selected Index, Lesser of Index or Fixed, or Greater of Index or Fixed option as the default relation
type, then this section is displayed.

Field Description

Index Short Name Select the index short name for the template.

Minimum Increase Percentage Enter the minimum increase percentage for the template.

Maximum Increase Percentage Enter the maximum increase percentage for the template.

Treatment of Unused Increase Select the treatment option for the unused increase.

You can choose between No Carry Forward and Carry Forward.

Index Type The index type is displayed.

Index Finder Months Enter the index finder months.

Missing Index During Assessment Select whether there should be no derivation or a fixed percentage for missing indexes during

Missing Index During Activation Select whether there should be no derivation or a fixed percentage for missing indexes during

3. Click Save and Close.

Search Payment Increase Indexes:

1. The following fields are available as search parameters:

Field Description

Business Unit The search is based on the business unit.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting

Field Description

Index Short Name The search is based on the index short name.

Effective From The search is based on the effective from date.

2. Click Search.
3. The results are displayed in the Search Payment Increase Indexes section of the Manage Payment Increase
Configuration page.
4. Click the index short name to open the index details.
5. Click Save to retain the search information.
6. If needed, you can use Reset to clear the search information.
7. Use Advanced Search to deep search for information on payment increase indexes.
1. Click New (+) to display the Create Payment Increase Index page.
2. The following fields are available as part of the Payment Increase Index creation:

Payment Increase Index

Field Description

Business Unit Select the business unit for the template.

Index Name Enter the index name.

Index Short Name Enter the index short name.

Index Type Select the index type.

Index Status Select the index status.

Description Enter a description of the index.

3. Click Save and Close.

Other Lease Accounting Setups

You can set up other features of Lease Accounting such as descriptive flexfields.

Descriptive Flexfields

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 1
Implementing Lease Accounting Getting Started with Your Lease Accounting
The following descriptive flexfields are added:

• Manage Lease Accounting Transaction Descriptive Flexfields

◦ Lease Assets Descriptive Flexfield

◦ Lease Details Descriptive Flexfield

• Manage Lease Accounting Configuration Descriptive Flexfields

◦ Payment Increase Templates Descriptive Flexfields

◦ Payment Templates Descriptive Flexfields
◦ System Options Descriptive Flexfields

• Manage Subledger Accounting Descriptive Flexfields

Use the following steps to manage the flexfields:

• Navigate to the Setup and Maintenance page from the Settings and Action menu.
• Change the functional area to Financials from the functional area list.
• Click Lease Accounting.
• You can set up Lease Accounting using the new user interface for setup under the 'Manage Lease Accounting
Configuration' option.
• Search for the flexfields in the Tasks search.
• Select any flexfield and run a blank search.
• Select any row and perform Edit.
• Click Manage Contexts.
• Click Add to add a new context. You can add context information, context-sensitive segments, and validators as
• Click Save and Close.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 2
Implementing Lease Accounting Security - Job Roles, Duties, and Privileges

2 Security - Job Roles, Duties, and Privileges

Assign Job Roles for Lease Accounting Users

This table gives the job roles of a Lease Accounting user.

Role Role Code Description

Financial Application Administrator ORA_FUN_FINANCIAL_APPLICATION_ Individual responsible for creating, managing,

ADMINISTRATOR_JOB and approving lease accounting users.

Security Tasks You Might Need to Perform

These are some of the security tasks you might need to do:

• Manage Data Security Policies

• Manage Duties
For more information, refer to My Oracle Support Knowledge Document 1387777.1, Getting Started with Oracle Fusion
Applications, Common Implementation.

Manage Data Security Policies

The following data security function should be entered for your roles in the security console for the Manage Lease
Contract Data and Generate Amortization Schedule Data privileges:

The setup of this feature is through the Financial Application Administrator.

Create Data Security Policy using Tools > Security > Roles

• Policy Name: Enter a name for the policy.

• Start Date: Enter the start date of the policy.
• Data Resource: Select the business unit.
• Data Set: Select by Instance Set.
• Action: Access the business units for which the user is explicitly authorized.
New data access privileges are created, which can be assigned through the data security policy.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 2
Implementing Lease Accounting Security - Job Roles, Duties, and Privileges

Manage Duties
A new duty called Lease Contract Duty is seeded for Lease Accounting.

The duty needs to be assigned to the user who had been created by the implementor for carrying out lease duties of
lease creation and amortization generation.

The Financial Application Administrator has been enhanced with the privilege to add Lease Accounting setups through

You can access the Create Property and Equipment Leases functionality using the Lease Contract duty.

You must create a new job role, "Manage Lease Contract," using this duty.

Assign Duty Roles for Lease Accounting Users

You can assign the following duty role to a Lease Accounting user.

Name Code Description

Lease Contract Duty ORA_FLA_LEASE_CONTRACT_DUTY Manage leases.

Generate amortization schedules.

For information, see:

• Role-Based Access Control, Oracle Fusion Applications Understanding Security guide

Assign Privileges for Lease Accounting Users

This table gives the privileges that Lease Accounting users require to perform various functions.

Privilege Code Description Assigned to Duty Role

Manage Lease Configuration FLA_MANAGE_CONFIGURATION Allows viewing and configuration Financial Application Administrator
of lease setups.

Manage Lease Contract FLA_MANAGE_CONTRACT Allows viewing and configuration Lease Contract Duty
of lease setups.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 2
Implementing Lease Accounting Security - Job Roles, Duties, and Privileges

Ensure that ORA_FLA_LEASE_CONTRACT_DUTY_OBI is also added to your role. This generates the Lease Details
Report and moves the version status to Finalized.

Note: The lookup ORA_FLA_OPTIN_OPTIONS has all the lookup values enabled for the Attach Lease Detail Report
button to appear on the screen.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 2
Implementing Lease Accounting Security - Job Roles, Duties, and Privileges

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 3
Implementing Lease Accounting Implementation Tasks

3 Implementation Tasks

Roadmap for Setting Up

Use this roadmap as the high-level procedure to implement lease accounting.

• Payables Financial Options

• System Options
• Primary Discount Rate Indexes
• Payment Term Templates
• General Ledger Calendars
• Account Payables Suppliers and Sites
• Document Sequencing
• Currency Conversions
• Payment Terms
• Inventory Organizations
• Master Item List
• Business Functions

Set Up Payables Financials Option

You must set up the Payables Financials Options before setting up the system options.

This can be completed from the Manage Common Options for Payables and Procurement setups in Implementing
Payables Invoice to Pay, Oracle Financials Cloud for your business unit.

Set Up General Ledger Calendars

You must configure the GL calendars to enable selection of accounting dates for leases.

For daily calculations, set up the GL calendar as per your business needs such as 4-4-5.

You can set up a daily calendar only for calculations and follow the GL calendar for reporting and transaction creation.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 3
Implementing Lease Accounting Implementation Tasks

Set Up Payables Suppliers And Sites

You must set up the Payables supplier and supplier site information to complete the payment information in the leases.

You will need the Procurement Buyer role for assigning the suppliers and sites to your business units.

Set Up Document Sequencing

You must set up document sequencing to leverage the auto-numbering functionality of lease objects such as leases and

You can set up document sequencing through Task > Manage Document Sequences and completing the following
• Create a new sequence.
• Associate the new sequence to 'Lease Accounting Lease Sequence Category.'
• Associate the new sequence to the business unit.

Set Up Currency Conversions

You must configure the currency information to enable the selection of currency for payment information in the lease.

Set Up Payment Terms

You must set up the payment terms after setting up the payment term templates.

Set Up Inventory Organizations

You must set up the inventory organizations to select the items for the creation of assets. Items can be used for
reference only, and these references don't impact on-hand quantity.

Defining items in the Master Item list of the Inventory Organization saves your time as it can be quickly referenced for
attributes like Item category, Fixed Assets category, and such. You can add an existing inventory organization to your
business unit or create one and add it to your business unit.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 3
Implementing Lease Accounting Implementation Tasks

Set Up Master Item List

You must set up the master item list to enable the selection of asset items.

A master item list provides a list of inventory items for the asset allocated to a lease. These are classified as equipment

Set Up Business Functions

You must set up business functions for a business unit enabling it to perform leasing functions.

You can set up business functions for any business unit using the Organization Structures functional area and selecting
Lease Accounting under the Assign Business Unit Business Function task.

You must provide the necessary data access and business unit access to the roles created for managing leasing data.
You may need to additionally provide Payables roles if your user also desires to launch Payables Invoices generation
from Lease Accounting.

Set Up Payables Integration

You must set Up Payables Integration in System Options using the 'Manage Lease Accounting Configuration' task in
Lease Accounting setups.

Set Up Subledger Accounting

You must set up Subledger Accounting.

All subledger components seeded as part of Lease Accounting are added to the accounting method: 'Standard Accrual.'

If you're using any custom accounting method, then you will need to add the Accounting Event Classes such as Lease
Booking, Lease Expense, Lease Revision, Lease Pay Approval, and Lease Termination along with their relevant Journal
Entry rule sets.

You can add these components from the Task: Manage Accounting Methods. After adding these subledger
components, run the ESS: Update Subledger Accounting Options for the changes to take effect.

You can duplicate the seeded components and change the default accounts and such.

Oracle Lease Accounting Chapter 3
Implementing Lease Accounting Implementation Tasks


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