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Active Analytics FrameWork-PeopleSoft

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PeopleSoft HCM 9.

2: Active Analytics

May 2023
PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Active Analytics Framework
Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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Preface: Preface..........................................................................................................................................vii
Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks............................................................ vii
Hosted PeopleSoft Online Help.....................................................................................................vii
Locally Installed Help....................................................................................................................vii
Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files...........................................................................................vii
Common Help Documentation...................................................................................................... vii
Field and Control Definitions....................................................................................................... viii
Typographical Conventions...........................................................................................................viii
ISO Country and Currency Codes................................................................................................viii
Region and Industry Identifiers...................................................................................................... ix
Translations and Embedded Help................................................................................................... ix
Using and Managing the PeopleSoft Online Help................................................................................. x
PeopleSoft Enterprise Components Related Links.................................................................................x
Contact Us...............................................................................................................................................x
Follow Us................................................................................................................................................ x
Chapter 1: Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework...................................................11
Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework.....................................................................11
Understanding Policies and Trigger Points.......................................................................................... 11
Understanding the Data Library........................................................................................................... 12
Understanding the Action Framework................................................................................................. 13
Understanding Application Data Sets...................................................................................................13
Chapter 2: Building and Managing Policies........................................................................................... 17
Building Policies................................................................................................................................... 17
Pages Used to Build, Edit, and Activate Policies..........................................................................17
Prerequisites to Building Policies.................................................................................................. 17
Manage Policies - Search Page......................................................................................................17
Managing Trigger Points...................................................................................................................... 28
Page Used to Manage Trigger Points............................................................................................ 28
Manage Trigger Point Page............................................................................................................28
Removing a Policy or Policy Groups............................................................................................ 29
Reordering Policy or Policy Groups..............................................................................................30
Adding a Policy or Policy Group.................................................................................................. 30
Reusing Policies............................................................................................................................. 30
Adding a Precondition....................................................................................................................31
Setting Execution Options..............................................................................................................31
Understanding Execution Options..................................................................................................32
Chapter 3: Setting Up the Data Library.................................................................................................37
Understanding the Data Library........................................................................................................... 37
Creating Implementations..................................................................................................................... 37
Registering an Implementation...................................................................................................... 38
Creating Terms...................................................................................................................................... 39
Defining Term Properties............................................................................................................... 39
Using Generic Implementations.....................................................................................................41
Using Contextual Implementations................................................................................................ 41
Managing Terms....................................................................................................................................42
Pages Used to Manage Terms........................................................................................................42

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. iii


Term Definition Page..................................................................................................................... 42

Test Term Implementation Page.....................................................................................................45
Chapter 4: Managing Contexts................................................................................................................ 49
Understanding Contexts........................................................................................................................ 49
Configuring Contexts............................................................................................................................ 50
Pages Used to Configure Contexts................................................................................................ 50
Generate Context Object Page....................................................................................................... 50
Manage Context Object - Definition Page.....................................................................................53
Chapter 5: Setting Up the Action Framework....................................................................................... 57
Understanding the Action Framework................................................................................................. 57
Architecture of the Action Framework.......................................................................................... 57
Understanding Action Types.................................................................................................................57
Understanding How Actions Execute...................................................................................................58
Registering Action Types and Action Type Bundles........................................................................... 58
Pages Used to Register Action Types and Action Type Bundles.................................................. 59
Register Action Type Page.............................................................................................................59
Action Type Triggers Page.............................................................................................................61
Register Action Type Bundle Page................................................................................................61
Chapter 6: Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework............................................. 63
Setting Logging and Installation Options.............................................................................................63
Pages Used to Set Logging and Installation Options.................................................................... 63
Data Library Log Settings Page.....................................................................................................63
Install Options Page....................................................................................................................... 64
Registering Action Objectives.............................................................................................................. 67
Page Used to Register Action Objectives......................................................................................67
Register Action Objective Page..................................................................................................... 67
Registering Trigger Types and Trigger Points..................................................................................... 68
Pages Used to Register Trigger Types and Trigger Points............................................................ 68
Register Trigger Type Page............................................................................................................68
Register Trigger Point Page........................................................................................................... 69
Defining Subject Areas.........................................................................................................................70
Page Used to Define Subject Areas...............................................................................................71
Define Subject Areas Page.............................................................................................................71
Registering Operators and Operator Sets............................................................................................. 72
Pages Used to Register Operators and Operator Sets....................................................................73
Register Operators Page................................................................................................................. 73
Register Operator Sets Page...........................................................................................................74
Registering Resolution Methods...........................................................................................................75
Page Used to Register Resolution Methods...................................................................................75
Register Method Page................................................................................................................... 75
Registering Business Domains and Categories.................................................................................... 77
Pages Used to Register Business Domains and Categories...........................................................77
Register Business Domain Page.................................................................................................... 77
Register Category Page.................................................................................................................. 78
Maintaining Cache................................................................................................................................ 78
Pages Used to Maintain Cache...................................................................................................... 78
Understanding Cache Maintenance................................................................................................78
Maintain Cache Page......................................................................................................................79
Results Page....................................................................................................................................80
Chapter 7: Considerations for Enabling the Framework..................................................................... 83
Considerations for Creating Contexts...................................................................................................83

iv Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Considerations for Creating Custom Operator Expressions.................................................................84

Considerations for Creating a Trigger Point........................................................................................ 85
Considerations for Enabling a Trigger Point in a PeopleCode Event.................................................. 86
Considerations for Enabling the Display Action in a PeopleSoft Application Page............................ 86
Considerations for Creating a New Action Type................................................................................. 86
Configuring the Action Type......................................................................................................... 87
Creating Design and Runtime Application Class Code.................................................................90
Considerations for Creating an Application Class Implementation..................................................... 91
Technical Details of Application Class Implementations.............................................................. 91
Example of an Application Class Accessing Implementation Binds.............................................91
Sample Methods of an Application Class Resolving Terms..........................................................92
Example of How a Value Can Be Passed to the Data Library...................................................... 93
Sample Code of an Application Class Implementation................................................................. 93
Considerations for Creating a PS Query Implementation.................................................................... 94
Considerations for Creating a Policy................................................................................................... 94

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. v


vi Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


Understanding the PeopleSoft Online Help and PeopleBooks

The PeopleSoft Online Help is a website that enables you to view all help content for PeopleSoft
applications and PeopleTools. The help provides standard navigation and full-text searching, as well as
context-sensitive online help for PeopleSoft users.

Hosted PeopleSoft Online Help

You can access the hosted PeopleSoft Online Help on the Oracle Help Center. The hosted PeopleSoft
Online Help is updated on a regular schedule, ensuring that you have access to the most current
documentation. This reduces the need to view separate documentation posts for application maintenance
on My Oracle Support. The hosted PeopleSoft Online Help is available in English only.

To configure the context-sensitive help for your PeopleSoft applications to use the Oracle Help Center,
see Configuring Context-Sensitive Help Using the Hosted Online Help Website.

Locally Installed Help

If you’re setting up an on-premise PeopleSoft environment, and your organization has firewall restrictions
that prevent you from using the hosted PeopleSoft Online Help, you can install the online help locally.
See Configuring Context-Sensitive Help Using a Locally Installed Online Help Website.

Downloadable PeopleBook PDF Files

You can access downloadable PDF versions of the help content in the traditional PeopleBook format on
the Oracle Help Center. The content in the PeopleBook PDFs is the same as the content in the PeopleSoft
Online Help, but it has a different structure and it does not include the interactive navigation features that
are available in the online help.

Common Help Documentation

Common help documentation contains information that applies to multiple applications. The two main
types of common help are:

• Application Fundamentals

• Using PeopleSoft Applications

Most product families provide a set of application fundamentals help topics that discuss essential
information about the setup and design of your system. This information applies to many or all
applications in the PeopleSoft product family. Whether you are implementing a single application, some
combination of applications within the product family, or the entire product family, you should be familiar
with the contents of the appropriate application fundamentals help. They provide the starting points for
fundamental implementation tasks.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. vii


In addition, the PeopleTools: Applications User's Guide introduces you to the various elements of the
PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture. It also explains how to use the navigational hierarchy, components,
and pages to perform basic functions as you navigate through the system. While your application or
implementation may differ, the topics in this user’s guide provide general information about using
PeopleSoft applications.

Field and Control Definitions

PeopleSoft documentation includes definitions for most fields and controls that appear on application
pages. These definitions describe how to use a field or control, where populated values come from, the
effects of selecting certain values, and so on. If a field or control is not defined, then it either requires
no additional explanation or is documented in a common elements section earlier in the documentation.
For example, the Date field rarely requires additional explanation and may not be defined in the
documentation for some pages.

Typographical Conventions
The following table describes the typographical conventions that are used in the online help.

Typographical Convention Description

Key+Key Indicates a key combination action. For example, a plus sign

(+) between keys means that you must hold down the first key
while you press the second key. For Alt+W, hold down the Alt
key while you press the W key.

. . . (ellipses) Indicate that the preceding item or series can be repeated any
number of times in PeopleCode syntax.

{ } (curly braces) Indicate a choice between two options in PeopleCode syntax.

Options are separated by a pipe ( | ).

[ ] (square brackets) Indicate optional items in PeopleCode syntax.

& (ampersand) When placed before a parameter in PeopleCode syntax,

an ampersand indicates that the parameter is an already
instantiated object.

Ampersands also precede all PeopleCode variables.

⇒ This continuation character has been inserted at the end of a

line of code that has been wrapped at the page margin. The
code should be viewed or entered as a single, continuous line
of code without the continuation character.

ISO Country and Currency Codes

PeopleSoft Online Help topics use International Organization for Standardization (ISO) country and
currency codes to identify country-specific information and monetary amounts.

viii Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.


ISO country codes may appear as country identifiers, and ISO currency codes may appear as currency
identifiers in your PeopleSoft documentation. Reference to an ISO country code in your documentation
does not imply that your application includes every ISO country code. The following example is a
country-specific heading: "(FRA) Hiring an Employee."

The PeopleSoft Currency Code table (CURRENCY_CD_TBL) contains sample currency code data. The
Currency Code table is based on ISO Standard 4217, "Codes for the representation of currencies," and
also relies on ISO country codes in the Country table (COUNTRY_TBL). The navigation to the pages
where you maintain currency code and country information depends on which PeopleSoft applications
you are using. To access the pages for maintaining the Currency Code and Country tables, consult the
online help for your applications for more information.

Region and Industry Identifiers

Information that applies only to a specific region or industry is preceded by a standard identifier in
parentheses. This identifier typically appears at the beginning of a section heading, but it may also appear
at the beginning of a note or other text.

Example of a region-specific heading: "(Latin America) Setting Up Depreciation"

Region Identifiers
Regions are identified by the region name. The following region identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft
Online Help:

• Asia Pacific

• Europe

• Latin America

• North America

Industry Identifiers
Industries are identified by the industry name or by an abbreviation for that industry. The following
industry identifiers may appear in the PeopleSoft Online Help:

• USF (U.S. Federal)

• E&G (Education and Government)

Translations and Embedded Help

PeopleSoft 9.2 software applications include translated embedded help. With the 9.2 release, PeopleSoft
aligns with the other Oracle applications by focusing our translation efforts on embedded help. We
are not planning to translate our traditional online help and PeopleBooks documentation. Instead we
offer very direct translated help at crucial spots within our application through our embedded help
widgets. Additionally, we have a one-to-one mapping of application and help translations, meaning that
the software and embedded help translation footprint is identical—something we were never able to
accomplish in the past.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. ix


Using and Managing the PeopleSoft Online Help

Select About This Help in the left navigation panel on any page in the PeopleSoft Online Help to see
information on the following topics:

• Using the PeopleSoft Online Help.

• Managing hosted Online Help.

• Managing locally installed PeopleSoft Online Help.

PeopleSoft Enterprise Components Related Links

PeopleSoft Information Portal

My Oracle Support

PeopleSoft Training from Oracle University

Contact Us
Send your suggestions to

Please include the applications update image or PeopleTools release that you’re using.

Follow Us

Icon Link



PeopleSoft Blogs


x Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 1

Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics


Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework is a suite of tools that make up a closed-loop decision-making
system in which business-intelligent applications or transactions can respond when conditions are met and
specific actions are recommended, for example:

• Giving a priority service or a better discount for high-value customers.

• Sending pertinent email messages or notifications.

• Displaying alerts and warning messages.

PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework provides components for setting up the analytic framework
that enable you to manage the data library, build policies, and manage trigger points and actions. These
components provide a way to define flexible business rules, called policies, that can be altered without
modifying application code. Business analysts and other functional users define policies with an intuitive
user interface.

Functional users can create policies that use data elements of various forms and shapes residing in
different sources such as the transactional environment, data warehouses, legacy systems, and so on.
The data elements are exposed to the business user as terms defined in the PeopleSoft Active Analytics
Framework data library.

The extensible action framework supports the definition and execution of consequential actions.
Application developers can create customized action types within product lines to accommodate their
functional needs. PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework also delivers a built-in action type for
displaying alerts to the user.

Understanding Policies and Trigger Points

Policies are the result of combining trigger points, conditions, and defined actions to complete a desired
business request. The framework includes components for building policies.

Application developers and functional business analysts use a wizard-like interface to build, manage,
and associate trigger points with policies. Business analysts can create interactive policies that react to
customer behavior of particular interest to them. For example:

• If a banking customer deposits more than ten thousand dollars, a banking analyst can create a
regulatory IRS notification.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 11

Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 1

• If a high-value customer has logged three or more critical support issues with a call center within a
week, a business executive could send a letter of apology.

Policies supplement, but do not alter, normal transactional processing. Therefore, a policy cannot be
used to stop a particular behavior due to some specified restriction. If the condition portion of a policy
evaluates to true, the policy causes an action to be performed. If the specified condition evaluates to false,
then no consequential actions occur. Policies are evaluated independently from each other. Therefore, if
more than one policy is to be evaluated at the same time, the consequential actions of one policy cannot
alter or influence the actions of another. Likewise, the sequence of policy execution cannot affect the
results of another policy.

You construct a policy by defining one or more conditions, specifying one or more actions, and
associating them with a trigger point. A policy cannot be activated without defining at least one condition
and action. You can reuse defined policies with multiple trigger points if the elements of the policy agree
with the contexts of the trigger points.

Trigger points are events from which the analytic decision engine is invoked by the application. The
framework supports the registration of new trigger points, when needed. Examples of trigger points are:

• When a customer is identified.

• When a product is selected.

• After you sign in to a self-service application.

Registration of a trigger point involves specifying:

• The type of actions to be invoked.

• The context in which the associated policies are to be carried out.

During runtime, policies are triggered by specific trigger points within application components, resulting
in defined actions being taken.

Note: Registration of a trigger point also involves introducing necessary code in the application to request
the decision engine to evaluate the policies pertaining to a trigger point.

Understanding the Data Library

The data library is a repository for information within the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework. Each
element in the data library is exposed by way of a term, which is a pointer to a unit of data within the
PeopleSoft system. This data may reside in a relational database, or it may be derived at runtime.

Terms in the data library are organized hierarchically into functional categories called subject areas.
Terms can be assigned to more than one subject area at a time; for example, if a term represents a
customer it could be located both in a marketing subject area and in a financial subject area.

The data library enables functional users to:

• Access data (terms) residing in different sources such as an operational CRM environment, data
warehouses, legacy systems, and so on.

12 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 1 Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

• Use the data in variety of contexts, such as input in rule applications, tokens in correspondence
templates, or placeholders for customized text in questions or for presenting disparate pieces of
information in different screen applications.

PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework includes components to define new terms in the data library and
can automatically create terms for data elements in a component.

Understanding the Action Framework

The action framework is a suite of components that are designed to manage actions and to invoke actions
at runtime. The primary purpose of the action framework is to enable functional users to specify and
configure the actions to be performed when policy conditions evaluate to true.

Also, Oracle designed the action framework to enable application developers and IT personnel to
introduce new action types for use in policies and to invoke them at runtime.

The action framework components:

• Register and maintain action types. An action type is metadata pertaining to a class of actions that can
be performed at runtime.

• Register and maintain action bundles. Action bundles are groups of combinable action types.

• Embed and configure consequential actions within policies.

• Provide a display alert action type for use with all product lines.

Understanding Application Data Sets

The Application Data Set functionality includes the Data Set Designer component (PTADSMMGR) and
the Data Migration Workbench component (PTADSDMW):

1. Data Set Designer - Authorized administrators use the Data Set Designer to create data set definitions
(ADS definition) as a hierarchical structure of records and their collective properties. A data set
definition, with its group of records, constitutes a data set. Both record definitions and data set
definitions are metadata that define the shape of the migration data.

2. Data Migration Workbench - Authorized administrators can then use the Data Migration Workbench
to insert data set instances (data content) into projects that represent a unit of work as a data migration
project. Data migration projects are like managed object projects: a collection of data set instances
with various data set definitions. The Data Migration Workbench enables administrators to copy and
compare projects containing data sets as well as view compare reports and validation reports.

You can also integrate the Enterprise Components Approval Framework to provide administrative
control of the Project Copy from File process. Employ enhanced security to ensure that the Data Set
definitions are suitable for copying data, to enable user security for the PIA data set pages, and assign
access to copy and compare the data. PeopleSoft delivers the MigrateData process ID for enabling
data migration Approval Framework.

The following Data Sets are available in Enterprise Components:

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 13

Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 1

Data Set Definition Name Description














EOCF_IMPL_DEFINITION EOCF Implementation Definition







14 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 1 Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

Data Set Definition Name Description






Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 15

Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 1

16 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2

Building and Managing Policies

Building Policies
You build and manage policies with a wizard-like interface called a policy builder. During the creation
of policies, you associate them with trigger points. At runtime, policies are evaluated by specific trigger
points in application components, resulting in defined actions being taken.

The policy builder enables business analysts to change conditions, actions, or both in policies to enable
a business process change in an application component without having to modify application code or
needing the help of IT personnel.

Note: Policies cannot be shared among different setIDs.

Pages Used to Build, Edit, and Activate Policies

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Manage Policies - Search Page EOCF_RULE_CFGSRCH Build and manage policies.

Manage Trigger Point Page EOCF_MANAGE_TP Manage trigger points.

Prerequisites to Building Policies

Before you build a policy:

• Define trigger points.

• Define data library terms.

• Define action types, categories, and action objectives.

See Registering Trigger Types and Trigger Points, Understanding the Data Library, Understanding the
Action Framework.

Manage Policies - Search Page

Use the Manage Policies - Search page (EOCF_RULE_CFGSRCH) to build and manage policies.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Policies > Manage Policies

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 17

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

Use the Manage Policy (EOCF_RULE_CFGSRCH) page to build a new policy or edit an existing policy.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Policies - Search page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

If you want to edit an existing policy, use the search criteria to find the desired policy, then click the
policy name on the results grid to open the policy definition.

Note: If you select a trigger point name as a search criterion, only policies directly associated with the
trigger point are retrieved. To retrieve policies associated with policy groups of a trigger point, specify
search criteria other than the trigger point name.

To create a new policy, click the Build a Policy button to access the Build a Policy

18 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build a Policy page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Policy Name Enter a unique and descriptive name for the policy.

Trigger Point Name Select a trigger point from the drop-down list box.

A policy is always associated with at least one trigger point.

Category Name Select a policy category name from the drop-down list box.

This name is used to functionally classify policies and aid in

searching for policies.

SetID Select from a list of set IDs that are defined within the
PeopleSoft system.

Specify a setID and a trigger point for every policy. This value
is used to select the valid set of policies associated with a
trigger point at runtime. This value also constrains the prompt
list for the right-hand side values entered in conditions by
performing a setID to setID indirection.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 19

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Status The default value for a new policy is In Design.

When you click the Activate button and activate the policy,
the status changes to Active.

Start Date and End Date Enter the start and end dates. These dates define the validity of
a policy at runtime.

Complete the appropriate fields and click Add Conditions.

Adding and Editing Conditions

Click the Add Condition button on the Build a Policy page to access the Add Condition page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Condition page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Two modes are available for specifying conditions:

• Basic.

This is the default mode; the default logical operator is AND.

• Advanced.

You can group condition rows using parentheses, specify logical operators (AND, OR), and specify
terms as values in the right-hand side.

To add a condition row:

1. Select a term. Configure the term if it is linked.

2. Select an operator.

3. Enter or select one or more values on the right-hand side.

20 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

Selecting Available Terms

Click Select Term on the Add Condition page to access the Term Selection page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Term Selection page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

The Term Selection page has two modes by which to search for and select terms for a condition: browsing
by subject area and searching by entering search criteria. Terms that appear are limited to those that can
be resolved by the trigger point. Therefore, all terms having contextual implementations for the context
pertaining to this trigger point and all terms having generic implementations in which binds can be
supplied by the context are available.

Terms returning multiple rows are not available for use in conditions. Terms that retrieve data from detail
rows in the component buffer cause the decision engine to evaluate the condition once for each row. The
decision engine generates actions for every row for which the condition is true.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 21

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

Configuring a Term
If you select a term that is configurable— it has design time binds—it must be configured when you build
the condition. Configurable terms are displayed as links. Subsequently, while building the condition, click
the link of the term to access the Configure Term page and configure the term.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Configure Term section. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

The prompt of valid values displayed for configurable terms relies on the prompt configuration specified
in the Manage Terms component.

See Creating Terms.

Selecting an Operator
The list of operators available when you select a term depends on the return data type defined for that
term and the context of the selected trigger point.

Each operator defined in the Register Operators page supports certain data types; this determines which
operators are available when you select a term in the condition builder. Furthermore, the selection of an
operator determines how many fields are required on the right-hand side for entering values.

For example, if you select the is between operator, two right-hand side fields appear to enter values.

See Registering Operators and Operator Sets.

Entering Right-Hand Side Values of a Condition

Prompt options that you specify when defining a term determine the right-hand side field type. The field
may be a prompt, drop-down list box, or multiselect prompt. SetID-based prompt tables specified in the
term definition use the setID value specified on the policy definition page to perform a setID to setID
indirection, thus constraining the prompt list.

Note: Use a semicolon as a separator in multiselect prompts.

In advanced mode, you can specify a term on the right-hand side of a condition—this term is resolved at
runtime and the resolved value used as the right-hand side value.

After you enter the condition, click Done to save the condition. Before a successful save, the system
validates that right-hand side values are present and are of the appropriate data types; that parentheses
match; and that configurable terms have been configured.

22 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

Adding, Editing, and Configuring Actions

Click Add Actions or Edit Actions on the Build a Policy page to access the Add or Edit Actions page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Actions page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

If the action type is configurable, the Configure button is enabled on the page. Individual action types
have specific configuration pages.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 23

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Display Alert Configuration page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework delivers a display alert action type. Other action types may
be delivered by individual product lines. Please refer to the appropriate product line documentation to get
more information about delivered action types.

See Registering Action Types and Action Type Bundles.

Configuring the Display Alert Action

Access the Display Alert page by selecting Display Alert action type.

24 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Display Alert Configuration page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

1. Click Configure.

The Display Alert Configuration page appears.

2. Enter text in the Display Alert Text field and include any term aliases in braces.

Term aliases are placeholders for dynamic content to be merged in the alert text at runtime.

3. Click Extract Aliases to extract term aliases to populate the grid, thus enabling you to map each alias
to a term.

4. Click Get Term to map a term for each term alias in the grid.

Only terms that return a single value can be used within the display text. Return data types of record
or rowset, or terms with Many rows specified are not allowed.

5. Click OK or Apply to save the display alert configuration.

This configuration is retrieved at runtime to generate the alert text and display it in a popup box.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 25

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

Activating a Policy
Access the Build a Policy page (Enterprise Components, Active Analytics Framework, Policies, Manage

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build a Policy page. You can find definitions for the
fields and controls later on this page.

On the Build a Policy page, click the Activate button.

The system sets the status to active after executing validations. Activating a policy disables field editing;
however, the policy can still be copied and associated with another trigger point.

Note: Upon activation of the policy, any modifications made are in effect only in new user sessions.
Therefore, you must sign out and sign in again to see any changes made to the policy.

Associating a Policy to Another Trigger Point

A policy can be associated with more than one trigger point within the same setID. Do this by:

1. Adding a new row to the Associated Trigger Points grid.

2. Selecting a valid trigger point from the drop-down list box:

26 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Select Trigger Point page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: The trigger points available for selection in the drop-down list box are constrained by the
terms used in the policy condition and the actions configured in the policy. Also, a policy cannot be
associated with multiple trigger points spanning multiple setIDs.

3. Saving the policy to associate the policy with the new trigger point.

Copying a Policy
Create a new policy by copying an existing one, provided that you can use the same condition and
actions. While copying a policy (by clicking the Copy button at the bottom of the Build a Policy page),
you'll be prompted for a trigger point and setID. Selecting from the list of valid trigger points results in
creating a new policy, which appears on the screen.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build a Policy page showing Copy button clicked to
copy that policy (1 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 27

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Build a Policy page showing Copy button clicked to
copy that policy (2 of 2). You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Note: When you copy a policy, the condition and actions, but not the action configurations, are copied
to the new policy. Therefore, you need to reconfigure the actions by clicking Edit Actions. A reminder
message appears when you're transferred to the new policy.

Managing Trigger Points

The Manage Trigger Point page provides a comprehensive view of policies that are associated with a
specific trigger point. This page displays policies and policy groups in a hierarchy, with the trigger point
as the root and policy groups (if any) as parents of policies.

In addition, this page enables you to assign execution options at the trigger point level and at the policy
group level, facilitating policy arbitration and better policy management.

Page Used to Manage Trigger Points

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Manage Trigger Point Page EOCF_MANAGE_TP Manage trigger points.

Manage Trigger Point Page

Use the Manage Trigger Point page (EOCF_MANAGE_TP) to manage trigger points.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Policies > Manage Trigger Point

28 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Trigger Point page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

The trigger point hierarchy on the left-hand side of the page displays all the policies and policy groups
associated with the selected trigger point. The trigger point appears as the highest-level item in the
hierarchy while policy actions appear as the lowest level items.

Field or Control Description

Filter This field applies only to policies displayed in the hierarchy

and the Existing Policies/ Policy Groups grid. It displays
active policies, in-design policies, or all policies depending on
the selection.

SetID Toggle the value in this field to view policies for this setID.

Removing a Policy or Policy Groups

You can remove a policy or policy group from a trigger point by selecting the policy or policy group to
be deleted, and then clicking the Delete icon. Removing a policy or policy group from the trigger point
disassociates it from the trigger point, but does not delete it from the database.

A policy group is not reusable—once the policy group is disassociated from a trigger point, it can not be

Any changes made to a trigger point by adding or removing policies or policy groups or by modifying
execution options take effect at runtime and only for new user sessions. Therefore, you must sign-out and
again to see any changes made.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 29

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

Note: A policy that is associated with a single trigger point (either directly or within policy groups)
cannot be removed from the trigger point. To disable such a policy, you must edit it and set the status to In

Reordering Policy or Policy Groups

To set priorities to policies, you may need to reorder policies or policy groups within a trigger point or a
parent policy group. Reorder policies and policy groups by using the Reorder icon.

Adding a Policy or Policy Group

Click Add Policy to create a new policy and associate it with the trigger point. The Build a Policy page

Click Add Policy Group to create a new policy group and to associate it with this trigger point.

A policy group may be used to set policy priority within a group, to deactivate policies, to nest child
policy groups, and to assign preconditions.

Reusing Policies
Reuse a policy in multiple trigger points and policy groups if the contexts are compatible.

Click the Reuse Policy link in the Existing Policies/Policy Groups section of the Manage Trigger Points
page to reuse an existing policy.

Select one of the policies listed in the grid by selecting the appropriate option. Click OK. The selected
policy is associated with the trigger point or policy group.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Reuse Policies page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

30 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

Note: If a policy is reused within a single trigger point through direct association with the trigger point, or
by association with a policy group within the trigger point, you cannot remove this policy from either the
trigger point or the policy group within the trigger point. If you want to remove such a policy, you must
deactivate the policy by setting its status to In Design.

Adding a Precondition
Preconditions are combinations of one or more conditions. They are optional and only policy groups can
have preconditions.

At runtime, the policies within a policy group are not evaluated unless the precondition evaluates to true.

For example, you could have a precondition defined for a self-service policy group, such as “Is this user
on the internet?” Consequently, all policies within that policy group would not be executed unless the
precondition of being on the internet evaluates to true.

Click Add Precondition to access the Add Precondition page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Add Precondition page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Select terms and operators; specify values on the right-hand side.

Setting Execution Options

The following execution options can be specified for a trigger point or a policy group:

Field or Control Description

Execute All This is the default, if specified for a trigger point. This option
enables execution of all policies within a trigger point or
policy group. During runtime, when executing policies within
a policy group, the system adheres to the execution option
specified for the policy group.

Execute Limited Number Enables execution of a maximum (of the number specified)
policies that evaluate to true.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 31

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

Field or Control Description

Use Parent Execution Options (Policy groups only). This is the default for policy groups. At
runtime, this uses the execution options of either the trigger
point or the parent policy group.

Understanding Execution Options

This section describes the execution options and various scenarios of how they can be used.

Execute All
The Execute All option tests all policies in a trigger point; that is, all policies in the trigger point can cause
actions to occur if their conditions prove true.

For example, if a trigger point has three policies and the execution option is set to Execute All, all three
policies are evaluated.

Execute Limited Number

The Execute Limited Number option evaluates all policies in the trigger point until one of the policies'
conditions evaluates to true. Therefore, suppose that you set Execute Limited Number to 1 for a trigger
point that has three policies, where Policy 1 evaluates to false and Policy 2 evaluates to true; Policy 3 will
not be considered and Policy 2 is executed.

Various Scenarios of Execution Options

Policy groups may have their own execution options that could affect the option setting. For example,
consider the following diagram:

Diagram showing scenario 1 execution options

32 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

In Scenario 1, if Policy 1 proves false, then all policies in Policy Group 1 are evaluated because its
execution option overrides the trigger point's execution option. Therefore, even though the trigger point is
set to execute one policy, if Policy 2, 3, and 4 evaluate to true, those three policies' actions will execute.

Consider Scenario 2:

Diagram showing scenario 2 execution options

In this scenario, assume that all policy conditions are true; actions from Policy 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 will

Consider Scenario 3:

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 33

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

Diagram showing scenario 3 execution options

In this scenario, the trigger point's execution option is the default (as is Policy Group 1). Assuming that all
policy conditions are true, this trigger point executes exactly as in Scenario 2; that is, actions from Policy
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 8 will execute.

Consider Scenario 4:

34 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 2 Building and Managing Policies

Diagram showing scenario 4 execution options

In this scenario, assume that all policy conditions are true. The execution option for Policy Group
2 overrides that for Policy Group 1; therefore, all of the policy actions for Policy Group 2 execute.
However, Policy 5 is not considered, nor is Policy 6 because three policy actions have already executed
(Policy 2, 3, and 4).

Guidelines for Setting Execution Options

Unless you have a specific reason to set options, Oracle recommends using the default execution options.
If only a few conditions could be true for a trigger point, and these conditions are logically exclusive
(only one could be true at a time), set the number of policies considered to one (Execute Limited Number
=1) to improve performance.

If, for whatever reason, only a few policy options should be considered, and no policy groups exist,
setting a limitation for the trigger point is a good practice.

If you have a trigger point containing unrelated policies and a category of possible conditions that may
be true, for which only one set of consequent actions should be taken, the best practice is to separate the
unrelated policies into a separate policy group with a limitation on the number of policies allowed to fire.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 35

Building and Managing Policies Chapter 2

36 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3

Setting Up the Data Library

Understanding the Data Library

The data library is a repository for information within the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework. Each
element in the data library is exposed by way of a term, which is a pointer to a unit of data within the
PeopleSoft system. This data may reside in a relational database, or it may be derived at runtime.

See Also Understanding PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

Creating Implementations
Use the Define Implementations component (EOCF_IMPL_DEFN) to create and define implementations.

An implementation refers to the mechanism through which the data is retrieved, derived, or computed.
The implementation knows either where the data physically resides or it knows the algorithm for deriving
the value. All terms must be associated with an implementation unless the data to which the term refers is
present in the component buffer.

An implementation can be associated with more than one term. Conversely, a term may require multiple
implementations if it needs to be resolved from multiple contexts. Typically, application developers or IT
personnel develop implementations.

Note: Terms that are resolved by accessing data available in the current operating component's buffer do
not need implementations to be developed. PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework provides mechanisms
to access data that is available in the component buffer.

Oracle recommends that when multiple related terms will be accessed during a single business event,
you create a single implementation to return a rowset containing the data for several terms; then, specify
which data element or field position in the rowset or record is to be used for the term.

You develop Implementations using:

• Application class.

Use application class implementations when retrieval or derivation of data involves writing
procedural code, or as a resolution method when data must be retrieved from an external source such
as another PeopleSoft database or legacy systems. The application class can return data to the data
library in a variety of forms: rowset, record, date, datetime, string, number, date array, datetime array,
string array, number array, and array of any. Use PeopleSoft Application Designer to develop the
application classes.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 37

Setting Up the Data Library Chapter 3

Note: Oracle does not recommend: 1) Using an application class to retrieve data from a component
buffer; 2) Using an application class to retrieve the values for the binds directly by accessing the
component buffer without registering them as implementation binds. Application classes must use
Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to retrieve the values for the implementation binds (input

• PS Query.

Use Query Manager in PeopleSoft Application Designer to develop PS Query-based implementations.

PS Query implementations are not appropriate for applications that get data from external databases
or systems. The data library invokes the appropriate queries based on the information provided when
you register the implementation. The data returned is available to the data library in the form of a

• SQL object.

Use this implementation when the SQL used needs to be platform-independent and the data need not
undergo complex transformations. SQL object implementations are not appropriate for applications
that get data from external databases or systems. The data library invokes the appropriate SQL
object based on the information provided when you register the implementation. The data returned
is available to the data library in the form of a record or an array of any objects. Use PeopleSoft
Application Designer to create a SQL object.

• Record.Field.

Create a Record.Field-based implementation when the data can be retrieved directly from a table
without going through complex transformations. The data returned is available to the data library in
the form of string, date, datetime, number, string array, date array, datetime array, and number arrays.

Registering an Implementation
With the exception of component buffer implementations, all implementations must be registered in
the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework. Before you register an implementation, you must define
the PeopleSoft Application Designer objects if using application class, PS Query, or SQL Object
implementation methods.

Specify the following items in the registration component:

• Functional name.

• Resolution method used for that implementation.

• Values for the parameters needed for invoking the implementation. The list of parameters varies
depending upon the resolution method.

• List of binds that are expected by this implementation.

Note: The binds specified for an application class implementation are referenced in the application
class object for retrieving the values. Therefore, changing these implementation bind names can have an
adverse effect on the term resolution.

For IT users, the list of implementation binds specified are used for two purposes:

38 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Data Library

• To allow implementations to access these bind values.

For any implementation, bind values are passed by position regardless of the resolution method used.
Application class-based implementations alone have the additional capability to access the bind values
by name.

• To allow the data library engine to use these binds to uniquely tag the data in application cache.

If IT users take a shortcut by retrieving the necessary data by directly accessing the context (by not
registering the data as implementation binds), the data library engine may, as a result, tag the data
with incomplete key information. This could cause the same cached data to be incorrectly reused for
resolving terms for which it is not valid.

Creating Terms
A term is a user-friendly name that refers to the data library content. It's essentially a piece of information
that could exist in the PeopleSoft system or an external system, or it could be derived. For example,
the data could be available in the component buffer; retrieved using a PS Query or an SQL object; or
computed using an application class.

Terms are the building blocks in policies. Functional users can build conditions for a policy using terms
present in the data library. Terms must be registered in the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework before
they can be used.

Registering a term is a multistep process that includes:

1. Developing an implementation.

2. Registering the implementation.

3. Defining the term.

4. Associating the term with one or more subject areas.

5. Testing and activating the term.

Defining Term Properties

Defining a term involves specifying:

• Term name, code, and type (constant or variable).

• Data type.

The data library supports primitive data types of string, number, datetime, date, time; and PeopleSoft-
specific data types of record and rowset.

• Number of rows to be returned and whether they are scalar or vector (returning an array).

Terms that are record or rowset data types have number of rows set to One.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 39

Setting Up the Data Library Chapter 3

Note: Terms returning a vector (where value of number of rows is many) do not appear in the term list
while you are building a condition for a policy.

• User binds.

These are values that would be supplied either during the construction of a condition or at the time of
associating the term with the application. Not all terms will have the binds; however, user binds may
make a term more reusable.

• Optionally, details about how the data needs to be captured for user binds: whether a prompt or drop-
down list box needs to be shown and how to derive the values.

• Which implementation needs to be used for resolving the term.

• Whether the term can potentially be resolved from any context, or only from specific contexts.

• How the data library needs to extract the data from the content returned by the implementation.

• Prompt details for the term.

Specifying prompt details for a term is needed only when the term will be used to build a condition.
The prompt details convey how the data needs to be captured on the right-hand side for a term
participating in a condition.

• Configuration details for prompts.

The details that you provide are used during the construction of a condition. When a term is selected
as an element in a condition, the right-hand side widget will be constructed based on the configuration
details specified for the prompts. You can configure the following prompt types:

• Translate

Specify a translate field name in which its values appear to the end user on the right-hand side of a

• Dropdown

Specify a record name, data field name, and description field name. The record and data field
names supply the valid data values to display in the drop-down list box; the description field
provides a user-friendly description of the data value.

• Prompt

Specify a record name, data field name, and description field name. The record and data field
names supply the valid data values to display in the prompt; the description field provide a user-
friendly description of the data value.

• Custom

Specify a custom application class, a data field name, and a description field name. Valid values
are retrieved by execution of the specified application class method and presented as a prompt.

• Scope of each term implementation.

40 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Data Library

• When caching is activated for a term, data that is cached is uniquely identified by the
implementation ID and all of the implementation bind values for that implementation.

• When scope is specified as the trigger point, after the first invocation of a term, subsequent
references to the same term in one or more policies associated with the same trigger point force
the data library engine to retrieve the data from the cache, provided that all the values for the
implementation binds match those of the ones belonging to the data present in the cache.

• When scope is defined as a component, the longevity of the data is for a specific instance of the

• When scope is defined as global, the cached data is available for the entire user session.

• When scope is defined as Do Not Cache, data is retrieved by invocation of the implementation
every time.

• Association of a term with subject areas.

Subject areas act as file cabinets. You must assign a term to at least one subject area, but you can
associate it with more than one.

Note: PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework does not format the data. The term user or term
implementer is responsible for formatting it according to his or her needs. For example, the term Current
Date is always resolved using the standard YYYYMMDD format.

Using Generic Implementations

A generic implementation can resolve terms within the requesting context. You define generic
implementations for terms when they can be used in various contexts and when any new contexts may
want to use that term.

Examples of generic implementations are:

• Customer-specific measures such as customer value, the number of cases reported in a period of time,
or the number of telephone interactions with the customer.

• Customer profile information, such as first and last name, email address, and customers within a

Using Contextual Implementations

If the input data needed for invoking an implementation is too specific and cannot be supplied outside of
the component, then the implementation must be associated with the component's context. For example,
terms such as case status, order creation date, and case description cannot be resolved from components
other than those in which they are present.

Terms that have different implementations depending upon their contexts will have an implementation
associated with a specific context. For example, the term Revenue for a customer / segment / segment
group is computed based on the context from which it originates. The implementation specific to the
customer context calculates the revenue value from that customer. The implementation specific to a

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 41

Setting Up the Data Library Chapter 3

segment context calculates the revenue value generated from all the customers belonging to that segment,
and so on for each segment group.

Managing Terms
This section discusses how to manage terms.

Pages Used to Manage Terms

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Term Definition Page EOCF_TERM_DEFN Define and manage terms.

Subject Areas Page EOCF_TERM_SUBAREA Define the subject area details.

Policy Options Page EOCF_TERM_INACTION Define policy options.

Extended Attributes Page EOCF_TERM_ATTR Add additional attributes to terms.

Notes Page EOCF_TERM_NOTES Add notes to the term.

Define Implementation Page EOCF_IMPL_DEFN Define an implementation.

Notes Page EOCF_IMPL_NOTES Add notes to the implementation.

Test Term Implementation Page EOCF_TEST_TERM Test a term's implementation.

Term Definition Page

Use the Term Definition page (EOCF_TERM_DEFN) to define and manage terms.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Data Library > Manage Terms > Term

42 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Data Library

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Term Definition page (1 of 2). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Terms page (2 of 2). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 43

Setting Up the Data Library Chapter 3

Field or Control Description

Term Name The unique identifier of the term. This is the label that will
be displayed to the functional users. Though allowed, Oracle
recommends that special characters not be used in term names.

Term Type Select to specify whether a term is a variable or constant.

Variable terms must have at least one implementation.

Term Code Uniquely identifies a term when you access a term

programmatically. This is user-defined.

Number of Rows The number of rows to be returned, one or many (scalar or

vector). If this field is Many, the term cannot participate in
policy conditions.

Note: Applications directly integrating with the data library

are responsible for converting the resolved output value of a
term (which will be of data type any) to the appropriate data

Status Valid values are Active, Inactive, and In-Design. Only active
terms are used in policy conditions and other applications.

Data Type Returns the data type of the term. Possible values are string,
number, date, datetime, time, record, and rowset.

Run-Time Display Specify user binds for this term, which will be needed when
the resolved value of the term depends on user-defined binds.

Prompt Users for Bind Values Specify the bind name; (optional) specify prompt options.

Generic Implementation Specify a generic implementation. Generic implementations

are resolved by deriving the bind values from the runtime
context. Terms having generic implementations can be
resolved by multiple contexts. You specify a generic
implementation by selecting an existing implementation from
the prompt or creating a new one using the Create button.
Click the View applicable contexts link to view the list of
contexts in which this term would be resolved.

Contextual Implementation Select an implementation that is specific to a context.

Contextual implementations are resolved by deriving the bind
values from this specific context.

Input Mapping Maps the implementation binds to context variables or to

constant values. If the term has user binds, one or more
implementation binds must be mapped to the user binds. For
generic implementations, this mapping is critical for this term
to be resolved by multiple contexts.

44 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Data Library

Field or Control Description

Output Mapping Specify the extraction parameters for a term implementation

such that a subset of the value returned by the implementation
is returned as the resolved value of the term.

Note: Use caution when making changes to the term definition after the term has been associated with
one or more policies. Changes to term attributes such as data type, number of rows, implementation
category, and implementation details; or changing a non-configurable term to a configurable term and
vice versa, could have significant impact on the policies that reference this term. These changes could
possibly result in invalidating these policies. Before making any of these changes, view the policies using
a term by clicking the link View Policies Using This Term.

Test Term Implementation Page

Use the Test Term Implementation page (EOCF_TEST_TERM) to test a term's implementations.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Data Library > Manage Terms > Test
Term Implementation

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 45

Setting Up the Data Library Chapter 3

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Test Term Implementation page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Specify Implementation Specify whether you want to test the generic or contextual
implementation defined for the term.

• If you select Contextual, you must specify a context

name from the drop-down list box to display a list of bind
values that are required by this implementation in a grid.

• If you select Generic, the context from which the term is

resolved must be specified.

Select Flush Cache if you do not want the system to fetch the
value for this implementation from the memory cache.

List values Enter sample values for the parameters expected by the
implementation and click Run Test.

Test Results Displays the resolved value of a term implementation being

tested and the elapsed time to retrieve the value.

46 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 3 Setting Up the Data Library

Note: Context-variable implementations of a term cannot be tested. Also, terms that have application
class implementations accessing data from a component buffer or directly from the context cannot be
tested in the Term Tester page. Testing these terms will result in an error message.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 47

Setting Up the Data Library Chapter 3

48 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4

Managing Contexts

Understanding Contexts
Contexts are a key component of how the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework works—their purpose
is to describe the computing environment from which the decision engine is invoked and select the
appropriate term implementation at runtime.

Online and Generic Contexts

Contexts can be online or generic. Online contexts must be associated with a PeopleSoft online page,
whereas generic contexts can be used anywhere (including online pages).

The data elements within a context are called context variables. Online contexts have built-in context
variables—they are the fields of the online page. However, the data elements in an online context are not
limited to the online fields; both online and standalone contexts can have additional context variables

Within a given context, all context variables must be assigned unique code names called aliases. Aliases
are used to associate data with the input binds required by term implementations. For example, a field
representing the customer ID may be named CUSTOMER_ID in the application page, but may have an
alias of CUST_ID. Using aliases enables terms to be used in the largest possible set of contexts. Page
variables exist on a one-to-one basis with their underlying fields; that is, two or more context variables
may point to the same page field as long as the aliases of these context variables are distinct. This enables
the context user to have aliases named both CUSTOMER_ID and CUST_ID, thereby facilitating term
reuse. Context variables are exposed to the user by corresponding term definitions.

At runtime, applications can request the data library engine to automatically populate the online context
in memory, provided that the request is made from the component from which the online context can
be constructed. In case of generic contexts, applications can either construct the context explicitly by
populating values for these context variables, or request the data library to automatically copy values from
level 0 context variables of an online context to similar context variables of a generic context.

Context variables can be:

• Page variables that correspond to fields within PeopleSoft application pages.

Page variables are also referred to as native context variables, because they are native to the pages
from which their values come.

Note: Use caution when altering the component structure after generating page variables for an online
context (using the Generate Context component). Changes made to existing fields on the application
page might invalidate the corresponding context variables and the terms from which they are resolved.

• Constants.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 49

Managing Contexts Chapter 4

Generic contexts usually consist of named constants. Constant-type context variables may not have
specific values associated with them when the context is registered; some of these variables may get
values at runtime.

• Term variables.

These context variables are data library terms that have been inserted into the context. A context may
have any number of terms included within it. However, if a term's implementations require binds, then
the context must provide them from its page variables and constants. Term variables can be used to
add extended data elements for implementation binds and actions without your having to customize
the application.

Configuring Contexts
This section discusses how to generate and manage context objects.

Pages Used to Configure Contexts

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Generate Context Object Page EOCF_CTX_IMPORT Generate context objects.

Manage Context Object - Definition EOCF_CONTEXT_DEFN Manage context objects.


Manage Context Object - Notes Page EOCF_CTXDEFN_NOTES Enter text descriptions for context

Generate Context Object Page

Use the Generate Context Object page (EOCF_CTX_IMPORT) to generate context objects.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Generate Context Object

50 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Managing Contexts

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate Context Object page (1 of 4). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Component Interface Name Used to extract the contents of a PeopleSoft component for use
in generating the context. A component interface is required to
create an online context.

Context Name The required, unique, and descriptive name of a context.

Description The required, appropriate description of the intent of this


Library Subject Name The default subject area for terms created by this process. The
prompt for this field shows the subject area selection list.

Primary Context Select to denote the context to be generated as the primary

context for this online transaction.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 51

Managing Contexts Chapter 4

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate Context Object page (2 of 4). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Review and configure the context variables and terms that were automatically generated based on the
component interface that you selected. Select the Log check box to denote that the field should be logged
when a context is persisted at runtime (this is a key to the transaction, and the process automatically sets
this field).

Select the Term Options tab to create a new term for each context variable that is created. Also, you can
add a contextual implementation to an existing term for this context variable.

Select the Subject Area tab if you want to override the default subject area chosen on the first page.

52 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Managing Contexts

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate Context Object page (3 of 4). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Select Import to create the context and terms. The Generate Context Object page displays the import

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Generate Context Object page (4 of 4). You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Manage Context Object - Definition Page

Use the Manage Context Object - Definition page (EOCF_CONTEXT_DEFN) to manage context objects.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Manage Context Object

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 53

Managing Contexts Chapter 4

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Context Object - Definition page (1 of 2).
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Manage Context Object - Definition page (2 of 2).
You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

You can, if applicable, enter descriptive information in the text box on Manage Context Object - Notes

Field or Control Description

Corresponding Generic Context This field is used to programmatically create a standalone

context from its corresponding online context. Applications
directly embedding data library terms need this information to
supply context information to the data library runtime engine.

54 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 4 Managing Contexts

Field or Control Description

Context Variables - Page This section is used to define the page context variables.

• Select Component Field. Click to select a component

field from the displayed component buffer hierarchy.

• Type. This column specifies the object type of the

selected component field. Valid values are Field, Record,
and Rowset.

• Data Type. Specifies the PeopleSoft data type of the

selected component field.

• Level. Specifies the scroll level of the selected component


• Alias. The unique identifier for a context variable.

• L0 Key. Specifies whether a component field is a key

field for this component.

Context Variables - Term This section defines the context variables of the type term.

• Term name. Select a term name from the prompt.

The resolved value of this term is used as the value of this

context variable.

• Data Type. Specifies the data type of the term selected.

Context Variables - Constant Value This section defines the context variables of the type constant.

• Constant Value.

• Specify a constant value to be used as the runtime

value for this context variable.

• Leave blank and a value has to be supplied at


• Data Type. Specify the data type of this context variable.

Note: A constant value specified for a context variable cannot

be overridden at runtime.

Operator Set Optionally, specify an operator set to be used for this context.
This operator set is used to present the list of valid operators
for selected terms in policy conditions. A default operator set
is automatically entered.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 55

Managing Contexts Chapter 4

56 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5

Setting Up the Action Framework

Understanding the Action Framework

The action framework enables users to specify the actions to be executed when policy conditions evaluate
to true within a trigger point.

Architecture of the Action Framework

The architecture of the action framework comprises:

• An action type registration component for creating and maintaining action types by programmers and
IT staff. An action type is metadata pertaining to a particular class of actions that might be performed
at runtime.

• An action type bundle registration component for creating and maintaining action type bundles, or
classes of actions that can be combined. An action type can be in only one action type bundle.

Note: In this release, if other display action types are created by a PeopleSoft product line, they must
be combinable with the delivered display alert action type and must be registered in the display action
type bundle.

• A design-time environment facilitating the embedding and configuring of consequent actions within

• A runtime environment that enables the decision engine to invoke particular actions as needed.

• A generic display alert action type, which is available to all product lines using the framework. It can
be used to display important information about a customer or a suggestion for a course of action. For
example, if a high-value customer calls on the phone, a pop-up window appears with an alert and a
suggestion that the phone connection be routed to a manager.

Understanding Action Types

An action type refers to a category of actions that can be associated with a policy. For use in the
framework, an action type must be registered with the following information:

• Location of the code that handles the design-time and runtime aspects of the action type.

• Configuration requirements.

When adding actions of specific action type to a policy, policy-specific configuration requirements
must be set before the policy can be enacted.

• Whether actions of an action type terminate the analytic processing.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 57

Setting Up the Action Framework Chapter 5

For example, if the action is a transfer from an application page to another page, the action terminates
the framework processing that was triggered by a trigger point associated with the original page.

Note: A terminal action type is not combinable.

• Whether the action can be combined with other actions at runtime. Such an action is referred to as a
combinable action.

For example, the display alert action type can be combinable; therefore, when two display alert
actions are specified, they are combined, and a single window appears that includes both alerts.

• Whether the action is part of an action bundle.

If actions of different action types are combinable with each other, the action types must be included
in an action type bundle. Consequently, if combinable action types are not combinable with certain
other action types, then the action type does not need to be part of an action type bundle.

• Triggering environment—where the action can be deployed.

For example, the display alert action executes only from an application page, not from an Application
Engine program.

• The trigger types and trigger points that include the action type as a valid action type.

For example, you may want an action to be valid for a ComponentPostBuild trigger type, specifically
the When a Customer is Presented trigger point, associated with this trigger type.

Understanding How Actions Execute

After the framework evaluates conditions for all a trigger point's policies, the actions associated with
the policies having true conditions are forwarded to the action framework. The action framework is
responsible for firing the actions.

Only one terminal action can be fired for any trigger point. Because a trigger point may be associated
with one or more policies, and each policy may include more than one action, more than one terminal
action might be associated with a trigger point. In this case, the first terminal action in the first policy that
evaluates to true is executed. If present, a terminal action fires after executing all the nonterminal actions.

Individual action types determine how actions can be combined. Some action types, such as the display
alert, combine all their actions from the same trigger point. Therefore, at runtime all the display items
appear in the same pop-up window.

Note: For display actions to execute, pop-up blockers must be turned off.

An action that is not combinable will not affect the execution of another action.

Registering Action Types and Action Type Bundles

This section discusses how to register action types and action type bundles.

58 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up the Action Framework

Pages Used to Register Action Types and Action Type Bundles

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Register Action Type Page EOCF_ACTN_TYPE_REG Register an action type.

Action Type Triggers Page EOCF_ACT_TYP_EVNTS Specify action type triggers.

Register Action Type Bundle Page EOCF_ACTION_BUNDLE Register action type bundles.

Register Action Type Page

Use the Register Action Type page (EOCF_ACTN_TYPE_REG) to register an action type.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Action Framework > Register Action

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 59

Setting Up the Action Framework Chapter 5

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Action Type page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Action Type Name The name of a class of similar actions.

DesignTime Action Behavior Specify the design time details of the action type. When you
add actions of this action type in a policy, these design time
specifications are used to present the action type configuration
page and store the configuration.

60 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 5 Setting Up the Action Framework

Field or Control Description

RunTime Action Behavior Specify the runtime details of the action type. The application
class details specified here are executed at runtime to trigger
actions of this type.

Triggering Environment Specify the triggering environments to be supported for this

action type.

Action Type Triggers Page

Use the Action Type Triggers page (EOCF_ACT_TYP_EVNTS) to specify action type triggers.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Action Framework > Register Action
Type > Action Type Triggers

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Action Type Triggers page . You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Select the appropriate check boxes to associate this action type with listed trigger types and trigger points.

• Selecting a trigger type makes this action type available for the selected trigger type.

• One or more trigger points can be selected only if the corresponding trigger type is selected.

Register Action Type Bundle Page

Use the Register Action Type Bundle page (EOCF_ACTION_BUNDLE) to register action type bundles.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 61

Setting Up the Action Framework Chapter 5


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Action Framework > Register Action
Type Bundle

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Action Type Bundle page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter a name and description for this action type bundle. Select the action types that can be combined
from the drop-down list box in each row.

62 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6

Administering the PeopleSoft Active

Analytics Framework

Setting Logging and Installation Options

This section discusses how to set the data library log and installation options.

Pages Used to Set Logging and Installation Options

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Data Library Log Settings Page EOCF_DL_LOG_SET Set Data Library logging options.

Install Options Page EOCF_INSTALL Set Active Analytics Framework

installation options.

Data Library Log Settings Page

Use the Data Library Log Settings page (EOCF_DL_LOG_SET) to set the data library logging options.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Data Library Logging Settings

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 63

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Data Library Log Settings page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Log File Name Enter a name for the log file and select Append to an Existing
File, if desired.

Term Resolution Log technical details of the resolution of individual terms.

Context Generation Log technical details about the generation of contexts.

Bind Substitution Log technical details about implementation binds substituted

with values from the runtime context.

Cache Management Log technical details about usage of cache.

Object Factory Processing Log technical details about the loading of framework object

Install Options Page

Use the Install Options page (EOCF_INSTALL) to set Active Analytics Framework installation options.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Install Options

64 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Install Options page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Data Source The product line for this database, for example CRM or HCM.

Default SetID The setID value to use for a component that does not use set

% of Trigger Points to Log When you are logging for performance monitoring, the impact
of logging can be alleviated only by logging a percent of
trigger points executed. Specify a percent value between 1 and

Enable Runtime This option enables all trigger points from running.

Note: Enable Runtime" is necessary for ‘Preview the form’.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 65

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

Field or Control Description

Log to Database Determines whether the log will be written to the database or
to a text file.

Log File Name Prefix If a file is logged instead of the database, this prefix is
prepended to each user's log file.

Note: The decision engine log file is created in the default

files directory for this application server instance. Typically,
the application server uses the directory %PS_CFG_HOME
%\appserv\<servername>\files. The application server creates
this directory as needed; therefore, if no log files have been
written, it may not yet exist.

Log Everything If selected, causes all normal logging options to be activated.

Data Library Logging Includes the data library log entries in the decision engine log.

Log Driver Keys Log the primary key values driving each trigger point's
context (transaction).

Log Messages Log messages that policies or actions may generate.

Context Bind Values Log values retrieved directly from the operant context.

Elapsed Trigger Point Time Log the time required to complete a trigger point.

Elapsed Term Evaluation Time Log the time required to evaluate a term.

Term Values Log the values of evaluated data library terms.

Trigger Point Action Count Log the number of actions created by the execution of a trigger

Trigger Point Policy Count Log the number of policies evaluated for a trigger point.

Trigger Point created Actions Log the actions created during the evaluation of policy
conditions for a trigger point.

Elapsed Policy Time Log the time required to evaluate the condition portion of a

Policy Fired Log whether a policy condition was true or false.

Action Counts per Policy Log the number of actions created by a policy.

66 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

Field or Control Description

Terminal Actions Generated Log terminal actions created by a policy.

Elapsed Action Time Log the time that an action to takes to finish.

Actions Combined Together Log actions that were combined during execution.

Ignored Terminal Actions Log any terminal actions that could not be invoked.

Debug Trace Log debugging information; this option is not normally used.

Registering Action Objectives

This section discusses how to register action objectives.

Page Used to Register Action Objectives

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Register Action Objective Page EOCF_ACTION_OBJ Use to functionally categorize actions

defined in policies.

Register Action Objective Page

Use the Register Action Objective page (EOCF_ACTION_OBJ) to use to functionally categorize actions
defined in policies.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Action Framework > Register Action

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 67

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Action Objective page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter the action objective name and a description.

Registering Trigger Types and Trigger Points

This section discusses how to register trigger types and trigger points.

Pages Used to Register Trigger Types and Trigger Points

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Register Trigger Type Page EOCF_EVTYP_DEFN Define trigger types.

Register Trigger Point Page EOCF_EVENT_DEFN Define trigger points.

Register Trigger Type Page

Use the Register Trigger Type page (EOCF_EVTYP_DEFN) to define trigger types.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Register Trigger Type

68 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Trigger Type page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter details about the trigger type that you are defining and select the valid actions.

Register Trigger Point Page

Use the Register Trigger Point page (EOCF_EVENT_DEFN) to define trigger points.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Register Trigger Point

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 69

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Trigger Point page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Field or Control Description

Trigger Point Name The unique and descriptive name of the trigger point.

Trigger Type Used by IT developers to determine which PeopleSoft event

in the component needs to be enabled with this trigger point.
This option also restricts the list of valid action types that can
be used when you are creating policies for this trigger point.

Code Name Use to reference the trigger point when programmatically

enabling this trigger point for a PeopleSoft component.
Changes made to the code name, after you enable this trigger
point for a PeopleSoft component, may disrupt the execution
of policies for this trigger point at runtime.

Context Name Defines the context for the trigger point.

Defining Subject Areas

This section discusses how to define subject areas.

70 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

Page Used to Define Subject Areas

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Define Subject Areas Page EOCF_SUBJ_HIER Define subject areas.

Define Subject Areas Page

Use the Define Subject Areas page (EOCF_SUBJ_HIER) to define subject areas.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Define Subject Area

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Define Subject Areas page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 71

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

Field or Control Description

Subject Area Detail Enter a subject name and description and click Apply Subject
Name. The subject area name does not need to be unique.

Click Show Associated Terms to display the list of terms

associated with this subject area node. Order the terms
appearing for a subject area node by specifying display order
numbers. The order depicts how the terms are displayed for
a subject area node in the term list presented in the condition

Subject Area Tree The subject area tree displayed on the left-hand side has the
following icons:

• Expand All. Expands all subject area nodes.

• Collapse All. Collapses all subject area nodes.

• Add Sibling. Adds a new sibling node under the subject

area node currently selected. Enter a subject area name
and description on the right-hand pane and click Apply
Subject Name to apply changes.

• Add Child. Adds a new child node for the subject area
node currently selected. Enter a subject area name and
description on the right-hand side and click Apply
Subject Name to apply changes.

• Delete Node. Deletes the selected node.

• Cut. Cuts the currently selected node.

• Paste as Sibling. Pastes the node previously cut as a

sibling of the currently selected node.

• Paste as Child. Pastes the node previously cut as a child

of the currently selected node.

Registering Operators and Operator Sets

This section discusses how to register operators and operator sets.

Operators within PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework are defined in text expressions that are used
to evaluate a condition at runtime. The operand values in the text expressions must be substituted for
an operator definition for integration with policies. The substitution of operand values is ensured by the
correct placement of metatext corresponding to the desired operand or source term.

To refer to the left-hand side of a condition, use %0 as the value. To refer to right-hand-side operands
1-4 , use the text values %1, %2, %3, and %4, respectively. For example, the following operator
expression determines whether the numeric term's value is less than a right-hand-side value:
%0 < %1

72 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

Note: If you edit operators, policies that reference them must be recompiled. Do this by editing and
saving the policy.

Pages Used to Register Operators and Operator Sets

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Register Operators Page EOCF_OPERATOR_DEFN Define operators.

Register Operator Sets Page EOCF_OPERSET_DEFN Define operator sets.

Register Operators Page

Use the Register Operators page (EOCF_OPERATOR_DEFN) to define operators.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Register Operators

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Operators page. You can find definitions
for the fields and controls later on this page.

Register custom operators by defining the left-hand-side and right-hand-side operand specifications and
entering expression text.

Field or Control Description

Operator Name Enter the name of the operator you are defining. Operator
names do not need to be unique as long as the expression texts
are different.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 73

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

Field or Control Description

Number of RHS (right-hand side) Parameters Specify the number of right-hand-side parameters that are
required to evaluate the Boolean value for this operator. The
condition builder uses this to display one or more right-hand-
side fields to enter values.

Note: In this release, the condition builder interface supports a

maximum of two right-hand-side parameters for an operator.

Left operand data types Specify the supported data types for the left-hand-side operand
of this operator. This data is used to constrain the list of
operators in the condition builder.

Right operand specifications Specify the type for each of the right-hand-side parameters.

• Match LHS Type. Supports the left-hand operand data


• Fixed Type. Specify a fixed data type for this parameter.

• Multi-Select. Enables selection of multiple values for this

parameter at condition building time.

Expression Specify the technical expression defining how the operator


Register Operator Sets Page

Use the Register Operator Sets page (EOCF_OPERSET_DEFN) to define operator sets.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Register Operator Sets

74 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Operator Sets page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Operator sets define the list of valid operators for a term selected on the left-hand side of a condition.

Enter a unique operator set name and description, and add valid operators for this set.

Registering Resolution Methods

This section discusses how to register a resolution method.

Page Used to Register Resolution Methods

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Register Method Page EOCF_DEF_RESLMTHD Define the resolution method.

Register Method Page

Use the Register Method page (EOCF_DEF_RESLMTHD) to define the resolution method.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Register Resolution Method

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 75

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Method page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Resolution methods are used to build implementations. Oracle supports the following resolution methods:

• Application class

• PS Query

• SQL Object

• Record.Field

Field or Control Description

Resolution Method Name The unique name of the resolution method.

Driver Class The application class that encapsulates the data retrieval
mechanism for this resolution method.

List out the parameters that need to be supplied by Lists the parameters that an implementation using this method
implementation using this method needs to supply.

List out the data types that can be returned by the Lists the valid data types that can be returned by an
implementation implementation using this resolution method.

76 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

Registering Business Domains and Categories

This section discusses how to register business domains and categories.

Pages Used to Register Business Domains and Categories

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Register Business Domain Page EOCF_BUS_DOMAIN Define a business domain, which is used
to functionally classify trigger points.

Register Category Page EOCF_IACATEGORY Use to functionally classify policies.

Register Business Domain Page

Use the Register Business Domain page (EOCF_BUS_DOMAIN) to define a business domain, which is
used to functionally classify trigger points.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Register Business Domain

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Business Domain page. You can find
definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter the business domain name and description and select the appropriate status.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 77

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

Register Category Page

Use the Register Category page (EOCF_IACATEGORY) to use to functionally classify policies.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Register Category

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Register Category page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Enter the category name and description and select the appropriate status.

Maintaining Cache
This section provides an overview of cache maintenance.

Pages Used to Maintain Cache

Page Name Definition Name Usage

Maintain Cache Page EOCF_CLR_CACHE Run the cache maintenance AE process.

Results Page EOCF_CLR_RESULTS Review the cache maintenance process


Understanding Cache Maintenance

To improve the overall performance of transactions, AAF implements rowset cache, which is used for
populating the information on AAF objects, such as terms, implementations, contexts, subject areas and
so on. Data caching occurs when AAF objects are added and updated. However, with caching in place,
sometimes the system may not pick up all updates that are made to existing objects.

78 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

To avoid missing updates, AAF provides an application engine (AE) process that, when run, clears rowset

Maintain Cache Page

Use the Maintain Cache page (EOCF_CLR_CACHE) to run the cache maintenance AE process.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Maintain Cache

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Maintain Cache page. You can find definitions for
the fields and controls later on this page.

Cache maintenance is a two-step process. First, perform a synchronization check on the types of cached
objects you selected. When the process instance completes successfully, load the cached objects. When
the loading process is also completed successfully, reboot the application server and web server, clear all
caches, and check to make sure that modified AAF objects have in fact been updated in the system.

Note: You need to sign into the PeopleSoft system in the same language that was used to run the cache
maintenance process to view any AAF object updates that occurred as a result of the process.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 79

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

Field or Control Description

Check Synchronization Select to run a synchronization check on the types of cached

objects that are selected in the Cached Object Types group
box. This is the first part of the cache maintenance process.

Bulk Load Select to load the selected types of cached objects to the
system. This is the second part of the cache maintenance

Examine Cache Click to start the cache maintenance (EOCF_DCACHE)

process (for either Check Synchronization or Bulk Load) in
Process Scheduler. Both the link and the current status of the
actual process instance are available on this page.

If you wish to run the process periodically, select the applicable server and frequency for its run schedule.

Results Page
Use the Results page (EOCF_CLR_RESULTS) to review the cache maintenance process result.


Enterprise Components > Active Analytics Framework > Setup > Maintain Cache

80 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 6 Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Results page. You can find definitions for the fields
and controls later on this page.

Use this page to review the EOCF_DCACHE AE process result. The counts or status of fixed cache
objects is stored in the EOCF_CLR_STATS table.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 81

Administering the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework Chapter 6

82 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7

Considerations for Enabling the Framework

Considerations for Creating Contexts

To create an online context, you must be able to specify a component interface. You may encounter
situations in which sets of components share the same base records and display the same information on-
screen, but for different purposes. In this case, decide whether you need to create two contexts or whether
you can use one.

Whether to Create One or Two Contexts

Determine whether the common terms for the two contexts should be registered as the same term objects
or as different term objects. When common terms have the same meaning, the most economical practice is
to reuse the common term definitions for both contexts.

Create two contexts if:

• The components have actionable fields that they do not share in common.

• One or the other of the components needs significant customization.

Considerations for Exposing Component Buffer Fields as Terms

Carefully consider which component buffer fields are to be made available as terms.

• Remember the big picture—select terms that can be reused at some point.

However, you do not want to expose every component field as a term. Some of the transactional
components that enable users to perform complex tasks may have component fields that are used as
work fields to implement the component, but which do not represent functional data. Exposing these
fields as terms could overpopulate the data library.

• Oracle recommends that you expose terms of those data elements on the component that are displayed
to the end user and the elements that make up the component’s search keys.

• Work-fields may contain valuable data and may be exposed as terms, but if these fields have not yet
been populated by the time that the values from the corresponding terms are requested, unpredictable
results may occur. If you know for certain that the work-fields will contain data at the appropriate
times, such as in the example of a work-field for which data is computed as part of component
prebuild, then exposing the data element as a term is not harmful. Although a Manage Context
component is available for adding terms to a context, configuring terms is easier in the Generate
Context component.

Considerations for Naming Terms

Note the following guidelines when you name terms:

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 83

Considerations for Enabling the Framework Chapter 7

• The framework prefixes each alias with the name of the context to reduce the creation of duplicate

• In record and rowset objects, the default term name is the name of the page buffer scroll, which will
not be meaningful for the end user.

Oracle recommends this name be changed to something that is meaningful for the user.

• Generally, rowset object names should be plural and record object term names should be singular.

For example, if a component's scroll-level 1 contained purchase order line items, the rowset object is
named Detail Items and the record object is named Line Item.

• If any terms are filed under alternate subject areas and you want your alternate heading to override,
use the Overridden Subject Area prompt.

Oracle recommends that you carefully consider whether all the names generated are meaningful
before importing the context. Whenever context terms have the same functional meaning, have the
context refer to preexisting terms rather than creating new ones.

Considerations for Creating Custom Operator Expressions

Each operator definition contains an operator expression, a text template that defines the meaning of the
operator and how operands are integrated into the expression. All operator expressions must be Boolean

Comparisons supported in operator expressions are =, <. >, <=. >=, <> (not equal). All comparisons are
type-driven; for example, a number cannot be compared to a string.

If type conversion is necessary, the value to be converted may be preceded by the token's string, number,
date, datetime, or time, as needed.

Values are placed in expression text with two types of substitution tokens, location number and ?
(question mark).

Location Number As an Operand

Location number determines the operand in the expression that is being referred to. For the left-hand-
side term, the location number is zero; for the right-hand-side elements, the range is from one to four,
depending on which right-hand-side parameter is being referred to. Usually, the location number is
preceded by a percent sign. The percent sign and location number combination form a complete operand

A complete operand token refers to the value of the configured operand. When you create a condition, an
expression-text entry is substituted for the operand token. This expression-text entry corresponds to the
definition of the operand value's source.

Sometimes a term ID value needs to be provided in the expression instead of a location number. In this
rare case, instead of a percent sign, a dollar sign is used to precede the location number.

Parentheses around subexpressions are allowed, so long as each left parenthesis has a corresponding right
parenthesis, and so long as the subexpressions denoted within parentheses are valid. (While “(%0) > %1”

84 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Considerations for Enabling the Framework

and “(%0 > %1) are valid, “(%0 >) %1” is not.) Constants are available for the current date, date-time,
and current time by means of the items “%today”, “%timestamp” and “%now”.

Use of Term Code

In addition to referring to the results of terms that have been configured in the Operator Definition
page, references to terms can be embedded directly in the expression text by means of the term code. A
reference to a term is made by placing the term code name (which may not contain spaces) within square
brackets. The bind parameters needed for the term must be part of the context; therefore, the operator
should be part of a restricted operator set that is available only where the operator will be known to be

You can also manually specify parameters for a term by following the term code name with a parameter
specification, which consists of a name, a colon symbol, and the value to be bound to the parameter.

In the following example, a term is used as an input to another term in a condition to detect whether a
customer's car is out of warranty:

[WarrantyExpirationDate VIN:[PrimaryVehicle DriversLicense:%0]] < %today

Generally, this type of construction is awkward and difficult to maintain, but it is available if needed. A
more maintenance-friendly facility that doesn't require the configuration overhead of a term definition is a
member-function call on an application class.

Two rules must be satisfied to use this facility:

• The class must not require any constructor arguments.

• The method to be invoked must accept an array of any as its only parameter.

To use this facility, set up an operator expression as if you are referring to a term; instead of using a
term code name, use a quoted string value giving the fully qualified name of the class to be instantiated
followed by a period and the name of the member function to be invoked. For example:

["MyAppPackage:MySubPackage:MyClass.MyMethod" MyParm1:%0 MyParm2:%2] = %1

Should an application class method need to return a Boolean result, the standard practice is to return a
number, and to compare the number to 0 for false values or to 1 for true values.

Note: Be aware that when you create operators for a specific purpose, they are neither valid nor relevant
except in a specific situation. Therefore, the operator should belong to an operator set that corresponds to
the context or term for which the custom operator makes sense.

Considerations for Creating a Trigger Point

Use caution when introducing new trigger points, especially in the Field Change PeopleTools event.
These trigger points, depending on where they are set, could result in significant overhead to the system.

In addition, introducing a new trigger point increases the likelihood of adding policies. These policies,
depending on the number of terms and the mode of retrieval, could increase system overhead. This can
result in an unfavorable user experience and throughput.

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 85

Considerations for Enabling the Framework Chapter 7

Oracle recommends that Field Change event trigger points be introduced only when it is critical. Consider
deferring the execution of policies to a Save event.

Considerations for Enabling a Trigger Point in a PeopleCode

The events in which a trigger point is to be executed must include PeopleCode. The following is a
minimal example:
Declare Function GetRuleService PeopleCode FUNCLIB_EOCF.EOCF_DE_PUBLIC FieldFormula⇒

; GetRuleService().reset.SET_CONTROL = &mySetControlValue;
GetRule Service.fireEvent(My_Trigger_Point_Code_Name);

Note: The use of the reset property on the first line is critical to the framework's correct functioning.
If reset is not used, the state of the RuleService (the runtime API for triggering the decision engine) is
unknown from previously executed PeopleCode.

Considerations for Enabling the Display Action in a PeopleSoft

Application Page
To enable the provided display alert action type:

• Add the PeopleTools subpage EOCF_DISPLAY_SUBPG at Level 0 to each page within the

• Ensure that no other fields overlap the read-only display alert subpage; otherwise, the display alert
action will not work correctly.

• Ensure that the roles having access to the transactional component that requests the framework to
evaluate policies have access to the EOCF9002 permission list.

• Ensure that all pop-up blockers have been disabled.

Note: Any display action types created must be registered in the display action type bundle in addition to
the delivered display alert action type.

Considerations for Creating a New Action Type

When creating a new action type, consider:

• The location of the code that handles the design-time and runtime aspects of the action type.

• The configuration requirements of the new action type before being enabled.

• Whether the action type is a terminal action.

86 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Considerations for Enabling the Framework

For example, the action is to transfer to another page terminates the framework processing. If several
terminal actions are associated with a trigger point, only the first of the terminal actions is chosen, and
it fires after all other nonterminal actions have been fired.

Configuring the Action Type

If your action type requires a configuration page:

• Create record definitions, keyed by EOCF_ACTION_ID, to capture design time configuration data.

• Create an action configuration component and page.

• Insert EOCF_ACTN_CFG_SBPG in the configuration page.

This displays the action type and action name on the configuration page.

• Insert the policy information subpage, EOCF_RULEINFO_SBP, on the page.

This displays policy information, including the policy name and condition text.

• If you need to access terms, put a clone of EOCF_SRCH_DSP_AL as a secondary page on your
action configuration page, and add the following code in the page's activate code.

See the display alert action configuration page, EOCF_DSPL_ALRT_CFG, as an example of a

configuration page.
import EOCF_CLF_RB:Definition:Rule:Rule;
import EOCF_CLF_RB:UI:*;

Component SearchBuilder &cobjSearchBuilder;

Component SearchConfig &cobjSearchConfig;
Global Rule &gobjRule;
Local RuleBuilder &objRuleBuilder = create RuleBuilder();
&cobjSearchConfig = create EOCF_CLF_RB:UI:SearchConfig();

/*** Build Search page display **/

/*** Add where clause to filter terms by scalar **/
&cobjSearchConfig.AddCustomWhereClause(FetchSQL(SQL.EOCF_WHERECL_TMSCALAR), 0,
&cobjSearchBuilder = create SearchBuilder(EOCF_ACTION_WRK.EOCF_CONTEXT_ID,
&cobj SearchConfig);
/*** Populate Rule info **/

• Insert a push button on the configuration page to transfer to this secondary page (for the purpose of
choosing a term).

Some of the terms on your configuration page may be configurable. Therefore, you must paste
another subpage, EOCF_TERMCFG_SBP, on the configuration page for this purpose.

• Insert the following page activate code on your action configuration page to initialize the term
configuration subpage:
import EOCF_CLF_RB:Definition:Rule:Rule
import EOCF_CLF_RB:UI:*;
import EOCF_CLF_RB:UI:ConfigBuilder;
import EOCF_CLF_RB:Definition:RuleTermConfig;
import EOCF_CLF_DL:Factory:DataLibraryFactory;
import EOCF_CLF_DL:Definition:Term:TermDefn;

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 87

Considerations for Enabling the Framework Chapter 7

import EOCF_CLF_DL:Utility:DLConstants;
Local Rowset &rs_level0, &rsActionTypeDefn;
Local number &bundleId, &actionId;
Local number &actionTypeId;
Local string &isTerminal, &isCombinable, &isConfigurable;
Local string &aeTriggered, &appMsgTriggered, &ciTriggered, &piaTriggered;
Local string &commit, &path, &id, &dtAppClassId, &appClsPath, &dtAppClsPath,
&rtApp ClassId, &rtAppClsPath, &actTypeName, &actionName;
Global EOCF_CLF_RB:Definition:Rule:Rule &gobjRule;
Local EOCF_CLF_RB:UI:RuleBuilder &objRuleBuilder = create EOCF_CLF_RB:UI:
Rule Builder();
Local EOCF_CLF_RB:Definition:RuleTermConfig &objRuleTermConfig = create
EOCF_CLF_RB: Definition:RuleTermConfig();
Local EOCF_CLF_DL:Factory:DataLibraryFactory &objDlFactory = create
EOCF_CLF_DL: Factory:DataLibraryFactory();
Local EOCF_CLF_DL:Definition:Term:TermDefn &objTermDefn = create
EOCF_CLF_DL: Definition:Term:TermDefn();
Local EOCF_CLF_DL:Utility:DLConstants &objDLConstants = create EOCF_CLF_DL:
Utility: DLConstants();

Local ConfigBuilder &objConfigBuilder;

Local Rowset &rs1 = GetLevel0()(1).GetRowset(Scroll.EOCF_DS_ALT_TRM);
&objConfigBuilder = create ConfigBuilder();
For &i = 1 To &rs1.ActiveRowCount
&termId = &rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_ALT_TRM.EOCF_LIB_TERM_ID.Value;
If All(&termId) Then
If All(&rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_ALT_TRM.EOCF_CONFIG_ID.Value) Then
&objRuleTermConfig = create EOCF_CLF_RB:Definition:RuleTermConfig();
&objRuleTermConfig.EOCF_CONFIG_ID = &rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_ALT_TRM.
&objRuleTermConfig.getConfiguredTerm( True);
&rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_AL2_WRK.EOCF_GOTO_BTN.Label = &objRuleTermConfig.
Get ConfigTermLabel(EOCF_ACTION_WRK.SETID.Value);
&rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_AL2_WRK.EOCF_GOTO_BTN.Enabled = True;
&objTermDefn = &objDlFactory.getTermDefn(&termId, False,
&rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_AL2_WRK.EOCF_GOTO_BTN.Label = &objTermDefn.
&rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_AL2_WRK.EOCF_GOTO_BTN.Enabled = False;
&rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_AL2_WRK.EOCF_GOTO_BTN.Label = " ";
&rs1(&i).EOCF_DS_AL2_WRK.EOCF_GOTO_BTN.Enabled = False;

Local Grid &TERMGRID;



&TERMCOLUMN.Label = " ";
&LOOKUPCOLUMN.Label = MsgGetText(18112, 2541, "Message not found - Get Term");


88 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Considerations for Enabling the Framework

&rs_level0 = GetLevel0();
&actionId = &rs_level0(1).EOCF_ACTION_WRK.EOCF_ACTION_ID.Value;
&actionTypeId = &rs_level0(1).EOCF_ACTION_WRK.EOCF_ACTION_TYP_ID.Value;
&actionName = &rs_level0(1).EOCF_ACTION_WRK.EOCF_ACTION_NAME.Value;

/* Get details of Action Type */

rem SQLExec(SQL.EOCF_ACTTYP_DTLS2_SEL, &actionTypeId, &actTypeName,
&dtAppClassId, &dtAppClsPath, &rtAppClassId, &rtAppClsPath, &isTerminal,
&isConfigurable, &is Combinable, &aeTriggered, &appMsgTriggered,
&ciTriggered, &piaTriggered, &Commit Flag, &dtCommit, &descr);

/***** Get details of Action Type ***/

/**** Modified by SB to enable rel. language processing for action type name *⇒


&rsActionTypeDefn = CreateRowset(Record.EOCF_ACTN_TYPE);
&numrows = &rsActionTypeDefn.Fill("WHERE EOCF_ACTION_TYP_ID = :1",

If &numrows > 0 Then

&actTypeName = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_ACT_TYP_NAME.Value;
&dtAppClassId = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_DT_APPCLASSID.Value;
&dtAppClsPath = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_DT_APPCLSPATH.Value;
&rtAppClassId = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_RT_APPCLASSID.Value;
&rtAppClsPath = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_RT_APPCLSPATH.Value;
&isTerminal = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_IS_TERMINAL.Value;
&isConfigurable = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_IS_CFG_FLAG.Value;
&isCombinable = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_IS_CMBIN_FLAG.Value;
&aeTriggered = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_AE_TRIGGERED.Value;
&appMsgTriggered = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_APPMSG_TRIGGR.Val⇒

&ciTriggered = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_CI_TRIGGERED.Value;
&piaTriggered = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_PIA_TRIGGERED.Value;
&CommitFlag = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_COMMIT_FLAG.Value;
&dtCommit = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).EOCF_DT_COMMIT.Value;
&descr = &rsActionTypeDefn(1).GetRecord(1).DESCR.Value;

/* Populate the ActionTypeName field for display */

&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_ACT_TYP_NAME.Value = &actTypeName;

/* This Display Alert action Does not need these details*/
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_DT_APPCLASSID.Value = &dtAppClassId;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_DT_APPCLSPATH.Value = &dtAppClsPath;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_RT_APPCLASSID.Value = &rtAppClassId;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_RT_APPCLSPATH.Value = &rtAppClsPath;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_IS_CFG_FLAG.Value = &isConfigurable;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_IS_CMBIN_FLAG.Value = &isCombinable;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_IS_TERMINAL.Value = &isTerminal;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_APPMSG_TRIGGR.Value = &appMsgTriggered;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_CI_TRIGGERED.Value = &ciTriggered;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_AE_TRIGGERED.Value = &aeTriggered;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_PIA_TRIGGERED.Value = &piaTriggered;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_COMMIT_FLAG.Value = &CommitFlag;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_DT_COMMIT.Value = &dtCommit;
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.DESCR.Value = &descr;
/* This Display Alert Action , though combinable, does not need this */
SQLExec(SQL.EOCF_ACT_BUNDLE_SEL, &actionTypeId, &ActnBundleId);
&rs_level0(1).EOCF_DSTIME_WRK.EOCF_ACT_BUNDLE_ID.Value = &ActnBundleId;*/

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 89

Considerations for Enabling the Framework Chapter 7


Creating Design and Runtime Application Class Code

To create the design-time and runtime application class code:

1. Create an application package named <your product code>_AAF_ACTIONS.

2. Create a class in the package to be your design-time action application class.

It must extend the EOCF_CLF_AF: ActionCfgBase and must implement the designAction() method.

This class is responsible for transferring from the policy builder page to the action configuration page
previously created.

All relevant information regarding the rule and the context will be available to the configuration page.

(See the EOCF_CLF_ACTIONS: DisplayAlertCfg as an example.)

3. Create another class in the package to be your runtime application class.

This class must extend EOCF_CLF_AF:ActionBase and must implement the runAction() method.

This class is responsible for launching the action.

In order to perform the action, all of the relevant information will be available.

(See the EOCF_CLF_ACTIONS: DisplayAlert as an example.)

4. Register the action type in the Register Action Type page.

Specify the name of your new action type, the names of your design-time and runtime application
classes, and other action type characteristics.

Specify the trigger types and trigger points that may have policies using this action type.

For example, you may want an action to be triggered during ComponentPostBuild trigger types,
specifically the trigger point “When a Defect is Presented, in Quality Management.” After you
complete these configuration steps, the action type is available for use.

5. If an action type is combinable with other action types, register it in an action type bundle in addition
to the other combinable action types.

All display action types must be included in a single action type bundle.

6. If your new action is configurable, click Configure on the page.

This transfers you to the action configuration page for more specifications.

7. Insert the subpage EOCF_DISPLAY_SUBPG in Level 0 on all pages that you want display-enabled.

Note: This display subpage must not overlap any other field and no pop-up blockers should be

90 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Considerations for Enabling the Framework

Considerations for Creating an Application Class Implementation

Oracle recommends that:

• Implementations of related terms be grouped in a single class in which different methods are
responsible for deriving the term's value.

This practice facilitates maintaining a manageable number of application classes.

• In situations in which the probability is high that multiple related terms are accessed during a single
business event:

• You have a single implementation return a rowset, record, or vector containing the data for as
many of the terms as possible.

• When defining the term, you specify which data element in the rowset, record, or vector is to be
used for the term.

Technical Details of Application Class Implementations

The data library calls the appropriate application class based on the class and package information
registered with the implementation. The application class is instantiated automatically and the specified
application class method is invoked. The application class constructor must be coded to accept an instance
of the AccessMethod class.

For example:
class LeadOppMetrics
method LeadOppMetrics(&_oAccessMethod As EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:AccessMethods:
Access Method);
method LeadCountbyBO();
private instance EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:AccessMethods:AccessMethod
&ioAccess Method;

The AccessMethod object enables the application class to access values for all the implementation binds
(input parameters) that are needed by the implementation and all the information about the term being

Example of an Application Class Accessing Implementation Binds

The following partial code shows how an application class can access any of its implementation binds.
method GetCaseID Local any &CaseID;
&CaseID = &ioAccessMethod.getBindValueByName("CASE_ID");
Local EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Results:ResultsScalar &oResultsScalar;
&oResultsScalar = create EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Results:ResultsScalar(&CaseID);
&ioAccessMethod.Results = &oResultsScalar;

The application class does not need to know how the data is retrieved and passed by the data library
engine. The data could have been passed by the calling application, defined as a constant in context

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 91

Considerations for Enabling the Framework Chapter 7

definition, or defined as a term and resolved by the data library engine. The application class can retrieve
the data either by position or by name.
/* BO_ID is the name of the implementation bind;the bind name specified
here matches the one to be specified at the time of registering the
implemenation in &nBOID = &ioAccessMethod.getBindValueByName("BO_ID");
Here the request is made to retieve the value for the first bind. */
&nBOID = &ioAccessMethod.getBindValueByPosition(1);

Another way that the calling application can pass additional information to implementations or policy
actions is to have the calling application use the addUserVariable method to add the information to the
context object. To access this information, the application class uses the getUserVariable method.

For example:
&AdditionalData = &oAccessMethod.AMContext.getUserVariable("ExtraInfo);

Note: The shape of the data received by an application class using any of the previous methods will be
a PeopleCode Any object. Therefore, the application class is responsible for converting the object to the
appropriate data type before the value is consumed. If the application class has a method to be invoked by
the data library engine, then that method should not require any parameters.

Sample Methods of an Application Class Resolving Terms

The following code is an example of an application class that has several methods for resolving terms.
class OperatorInfo
method Get_Person_Name();
method Get_Person_Salutation();
method Get_Person_Title();
method Get_Person_Gender();
method Get_Person_BirthDate();
method OperatorInfo(&_oAccessMethodParam As EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:
AccessMethods: AccessMethod);
instance EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:AccessMethods:AccessMethod &ioAccessMethod;

If the data library engine invokes an application class method, that method is responsible for deriving
the results and for inserting the results in the AccessMethod object. The data library engine transmits the
results to the calling application. If an application class method is not specified in the implementation
definition, the constructor is responsible for performing these tasks.

The data library provides several mechanisms through which the application class can return the output
value to the data library:

• The application class instantiates one of the following application classes with the output value that
needs to be passed to the engine.

• ResultsRecord Record &oResultsRecord = create

EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime: Results:ResultsRecord(RecordVariable);

• ResultsRowset Rowset &oResultsRowset = create

EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime: Results:ResultsRowset(RowsetVariable);

• ResultsScalar Scalar &oResultsScalar = create

EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime: Results:ResultsScalar(ScalarVariable);

92 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Chapter 7 Considerations for Enabling the Framework

• ResultsVector Vector &oResultsVector = create

EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime: Results:ResultsVector(VectorVariable);

• The type of class to be instantiated depends upon the type of data that needs to be returned.

• The instantiated object is assigned to the member of AccessMethod object.

Note: Application class objects are not cached. When the data library engine invokes the application
class because the data is not available in the cache, the application class is instantiated by invoking the
constructor, then the method specified in the implementation. Therefore, the instance variables created in
the constructor cannot be shared across multiple methods of the same class to resolve different terms.

See Defining Term Properties.

Example of How a Value Can Be Passed to the Data Library

The following example is a partial code listing of how a value can be passed to the data library:
method GetCaseID
Local any &CaseID;
&CaseID = &ioAccessMethod.getBindValueByName("CASE_ID");
/* use the appropriate sub class of Results class for assigning value */
Local EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Results:ResultsScalar &oResultsScalar;
&oResultsScalar = create EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Results:ResultsScalar(&CaseID);
&ioAccessMethod.Results = &oResultsScalar;end-method;

Sample Code of an Application Class Implementation

The following is an example of an application class implementation.
import EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:AccessMethods:*;
import EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Resolution:*;
import EOCF_CLF_DL:Contexts:*;
import EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Results:*;

class CaseRecordInformation
method CaseRecordInformation(&_oAccessMethod As EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:
Access Methods:AccessMethod);
method GetResultRecord();

instance EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:AccessMethods:AccessMethod &ioAccessMethod;

method CaseRecordInformation
/+ &_oAccessMethod as EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:AccessMethods:AccessMethod +/

&ioAccessMethod = &_oAccessMethod;

method GetResultRecord
Local Record &result;
Local number &nResolved_value, &nCaseID;
Local string &sBusUnit;

/* Retrieving the implementation bind using the API */

&nCaseID = &ioAccessMethod.getBindValueByName("CASE_ID");


&nCaseID, &s BusUnit);

Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates. 93

Considerations for Enabling the Framework Chapter 7

&result = CreateRecord(Record.RC_CASE);
&result.CASE_ID.Value = &nCaseID;
&result.BUSINESS_UNIT.Value = &sBusUnit;
/* Passing the values (in this case, it is a record) back to the data
library engine - this record could be used to resolve multiple terms */
&ioAccessMethod.Results = (create EOCF_CLF_DL:Runtime:Results:
ResultsRecord (&result));


Considerations for Creating a PS Query Implementation

Oracle recommends that you perform these tasks when multiple related terms may be accessed during a
single business event:

1. Create a single PS Query implementation to return a rowset containing the data for several terms.

2. Specify which data element or field position in the rowset or record is to be used for the term.

3. Ensure that appropriate privileges have been set for accessing the objects present in the query.

Note: Use caution when using this type of implementation because the query may execute very slowly.

Considerations for Creating a Policy

The PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework is neither a programming tool nor a substitute for
PeopleCode. Do not use the framework as a way to program policies that do not need to be configurable.
If policies are static, the use of PeopleCode is the best method. The framework should not be used as
a tool to configure the presentation layer: for dynamically hiding or unhiding fields, making the fields
editable, and so on. Furthermore, the data library should not be used when no need exists for the data
abstraction layer.

Use the PeopleSoft Active Analytics Framework when a need exists for business users to configure
business processes with business rules, without having to customize the application.

Before building policies, consider that each term used in conditions or in actions within policies could
negatively affect performance of the application component, especially if the term's retrieval mechanism
is time consuming.

94 Copyright © 1988, 2023, Oracle and/or its affiliates.

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