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Artificer: by Tom "Evhelm" Donovan

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by Tom "Evhelm" Donovan

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There's always a way to make magic—always! Versatility and Adventure
Finding it is just a matter of confidence, sulfur, Artificers are constantly seeking new and
and a bit of luck. interesting problems, something that often
—Fiera Lakeheart, draws them to the life of adventure. Just as a
Wandloren Artificer great engineer may be intrigued by a new way to
move the earth, construct a building, or forge
Artificers are magical engineers, savants of the new materials, so an artificer may be equally
Weave who fuss and fidget with physical objects entranced by the promise of lost, forbidden
in order to foster connections between the magic or new, unexplored magic. Even artificers
magical and mundane worlds. From rakes who who work in the relative safety of wizard
use their magical baubles and trinkets for enclaves, libraries, or guilds, are eventually
mischievous ends, to noble scholars who attracted to the vast world of practical magic in
research and forge new and wondrous magic the world outside. Few artificers are as happy as
items, to explorers and builders who work to when they're on the hunt for a new magical tool.
build magical empires in the vast untamed
wilderness, artificers run the gamut of
adventuring types.
Creating an Artificer
The most important thing to consider when
Artificers fill a variety of roles in an adventuring creating an artificer is the question of what drove
party. Some are veritable mobile artillery, your character to become one. Is there a problem
spewing powerful blasts from makeshift wands. that only magic could solve which your character
Some are quiet students of other adventurers still seeks the answer to? Do you have a
who step in to fill roles of their overextended particularly affinity for magic and magical
comrades, factotums of the most versatile order. devices? When did you first come in contact with
Some learn to apply the healing arts, while your first magic item?
others apply their knowledge of magic to the
study of combat tactics, using their infusions to For many artificers, that first exposure to a magic
inspire, protect, or enhance their companions. item is a transcendent experience. Do you search
for a way to cure a disease? Create a key to an
Whenever there's a problem, an artificer might ancient lock? Save your people from famine or
be found there using magic to solve it. drought? Repel a conquering army? Or are your
desires more decadent, seeking a way to turn
Magical Engineers lead into gold, or to charm the heart of the one
To an artificer, magic is not a mystery to be you love?
intimately loved and contemplated, but an
endlessly versatile tool to solve problems. For Artificers are generally as disinterested in gods,
many, it is both the source and solution to the churches, temples as they are in arcane schooling,
world's problems. martial training, or acrobatic arts. In other words,
artificers as a group are unconcerned with such
Artificers' lives are focused on the problems they things, but individual artificers are a diverse lot.
wish to solve, incessantly seeking solutions that What separates your artificer from another could
apply the magical tools they are continually be a passionate worship of Gond, a love affair
honing and repurposing. with bladed weapons, or a desire to use magic to
become the greatest thief alive; the only thing all
artificers share is a burning zeal to use magic to
solve their problems--whatever they may be.

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The Artificer
Proficiency Cantrips Spells Spell Slot
Level Bonus Features Known Prepared Slots Level
1 +2 Infusion Magic 2 2 1 1st
Artificer Insight (2), Magic Item Creation (Spell
2 +2 Scrolls) 2 3 2 1st
3 +2 Artificer Archetype 2 4 2 2nd
4 +2 Magic Item Creation (Potions), Ability Score Increase 3 5 2 2nd
5 +3 Magic Item Creation (Wondrous Items) 3 6 2 3rd
Magic Item Creation (Arms & Armor), Archetype
6 +3 Feature 3 7 2 3rd
7 +3 Artificer Insight (3) 3 8 2 4th
8 +3 Magic Item Creation (Wands), Ability Score Increase 4 9 2 4th
9 +4 4 10 2 5th
10 +4 Magic Item Creation (Rods), Archetype Feature 4 10 2 5th
11 +4 4 11 3 6th
12 +4 Artificer Insight (4), Ability Score Increase 4 11 3 6th
13 +5 Magic Item Creation (Staffs) 4 12 3 6th
14 +5 Archetype Feature 4 12 3 6th
15 +5 Magic Item Creation (Rings) 4 13 3 6th
16 +5 Ability Score Increase 4 13 3 6th
17 +6 Artificer Insight (5) 4 14 4 6th
18 +6 Artifice Mastery 4 14 4 6th
19 +6 Ability Score Increase 4 15 4 6th
20 +6 Grand Artifice 4 15 4 6th

Class Features Equipment:

 (a) a mace or (b) a warhammer (if
As an artificer, you gain the following class
 (a) scale mail or (b) leather armor
Hit Points  (a) a light crossbow and 20 bolts or (b) any
Hit Dice: 1d8 per artificer level simple weapon
Hit Points at 1st level: 8 + your Constitution  (a) an explorer's pack or (b) a scholar's pack
Hit Points at Higher Levels : 1d8 (or 5) + your Infusion Magic:
constitution modifier per artificer level after 1st. As a tinkerer and meddler in all things magical,
Proficiencies: you have learned how to create infusions of
Armor: Light armor, medium armor magical power. Through a unique and
Weapons: Simple weapons idiosyncratic combination of intuition, scholarly
Tools: Thieves' tools and one other tool set of training, and observation, you've learned to
your choice infuse ordinary objects with magical power. In
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Charisma many ways, this allows you to mimic spells cast
Skills: Choose two skills from Arcana, History, by more conventional magic users.
Investigation, Medicine, Nature, and Religion,
then two additional skills of your choice. In order to create infusions, you need to bind
yourself to an Artificer Focus, described below.
Artificers learn spells from the wizard spell list.
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Artificer Focus: Spellcasting Ability:
This focus can be mundane or magical, but it Charisma is your spellcasting ability for your
must be present on your person to cast infusions. artificer infusions, so you use Charisma
Infusions work in one of two ways; if the spell whenever an infusion refers to your spellcasting
has a range of touch, it is infused directly into the ability. In addition, you use your Charisma
target; if the spell has a range greater than touch, modifier when setting the saving throw DC for an
it is cast into or through your Artificer Focus. artificer infusion you cast and when making an
attack roll with one.
You may bind yourself to a new focus during a
long rest; this removes your connection to any Spell save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus +
previous focus. (Note that you may also attune to your Charisma modifier
your focus if it is a magic item, but this is not the
same process as binding—though it can be done Spell attack modifier = your proficiency bonus
at the same time.) + your Charisma modifier

Cantrips: Ritual Caster:

You know two wizard cantrips of your choice You can cast an artificer infusion as a ritual if
from the wizard cantrip list. Artificers refer to that spell has the ritual tag and you have the
these as "Exercises." You learn additional wizard infusion in your spellbook. You don't need to
cantrips of your choice at higher levels, as shown have the infusion prepared.
on the Artificer table.
Artificer Insight:
Spell Slots: In your experience dealing with magic and
The artificer table shows how many spell slots magical devices, you have discovered--whether
you have. The table also shows what the level of through intense study, sheer luck, or repeated
those slots is; all of your slots are of the same experience--how to use an infusion to mimic a
level. To cast one of your infusions of 1st level or magical spell you have witnessed, studied, or
higher, you must expend a spell slot. You regain developed that is of a spell level you can cast (as
all expended spell slots when you finish a short an artificer).
or long rest. Unlike the warlock, starting at 13th
level your spell slots become 6th level. These infusions are not recorded in your
spellbook, but are rather known innately; they
Spellbook: do not count against your "Spells Prepared."
At 1st level, you have a spellbook containing six
first level wizard spells of your choice. This Starting at 2nd level, you learn two new spells of
spellbook functions exactly as a wizard's your choice from any spell list; you will cast
spellbook, except that you use it to prepare your these as artificer infusions and may treat them as
infusions. on the artificer infusion list. Additionally, when
you gain a level in artificer, you may choose one
Learning Spells of 1st Level and Higher of your spells learned from Artificer Insight and
Each time you gain an artificer level, you can add replace it with another spell of a level you can
two wizard spells of your choice to your cast (as an artificer).
spellbook. Each of these spells must be of a level
for which you have spell slots, as shown on the You learn an additional spell as an infusion of
Artificer table. your choice at 7th (total of 3), 12th (total of 4)
and 17th (total of 5).
When you reach 6th level, for example, you may
learn spells as infusions of 1st, 2nd, or 3rd level.

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Magic Item Creation by Rarity, Type, and Level
Item Type Max Item 25% Discount Double Ingredient
Level Ingredient
Available Rarity Rarity Ignore
1 - - - -
2 Common - - -
3 Scrolls Common Common - -
4 Common Common Common -
5 Potions Common Common Common Common
6 Uncommon Common Common Common
7 Arms & Armor Uncommon Uncommon Common Common
8 Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Common
9 Wands Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
10 Rare Uncommon Uncommon Uncommon
11 Rods Rare Rare Uncommon Uncommon
12 Rare Rare Rare Uncommon
13 Rare Rare Rare Rare
14 Staffs Very Rare Rare Rare Rare
15 Very Rare Very Rare Rare Rare
16 Rings Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare Rare
17 Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare
18 Legendary Very Rare Very Rare Very Rare
19 Legendary Legendary Very Rare Very Rare
20 Legendary Legendary Legendary Very Rare

Magic Item Creation:

Your clear perception of the nature of magic and At 3rd, 7th, 11th, 15th, and 19th level, artificers
its interactions with the physical world make you gain the ability to ignore one ingredient to the
uniquely suited to creating a wide variety of magic item recipe at the various levels of rarity.
magical items even if you lack the normally
associated skill set. At 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th level, artificers'
item creation costs are discounted by 25% at the
Starting at second level, an artificer gains insight various levels of rarity.
into the creation of permanent (both one-use and
persistent) magical items. As the artificer gains At 5th, 9th, 13th, and 17th level, artificers gain
experience and power, these insights become the ability to ignore a second ingredient in the
more numerous and more valuable. As with all magic item recipes at the various levels of rarity.
magical item creation, it is up to the DM to (Legendary rarity items cannot have more than
outline the necessary parts/specifics required to one ingredient ignored.)
create magic items.
These item creation bonuses apply only to item
Use of this class feature is entirely up to DM types for which the artificer can craft.
Consult the Magic Item Creation by Rarity, Type,
At 2nd, 6th, 10th, 14th, and 18th level, artificers and Level Chart table for details.
gain access to new rarities of item creation.
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Scribe Spell Scroll: who is skilled in particular crafts or tools, who
Starting at second level, you may create Spell has access to unusual or esoteric knowledge,
Scrolls of infusions you know. You may similarly who is from a particular background, or who
work with other spellcasters to create Spell possesses levels in another class may be able to
Scrolls for spells that they know. You may only create a particular kind of magic item of a
create Spell Scrolls for spell levels which you particular rarity earlier than the Magic Item
know (or for levels of infusions you are able to Creation by Rarity, Type, and Level chart
cast). An artificer may scribe a scroll for a spell specifies.
without using up the source. For example, an
artificer may duplicate a scroll in his possession, For further guidelines on costs and magic item
may mimic a spell from a decoded wizard's creation, see the Dungeon Master's Guide,
spellbook, or may scribe a scroll from a spell particularly Chapter 7.
known by a cooperating spellcaster who is
assisting in the preparation and crafting of the Artificer Archetype:
scroll and is present throughout the process. At third level, you choose an archetype to assume
in the pursuit of magical knowledge: Wandloren,
Brew Potion: Tinker, Mechanist, or Magewright. The
Starting at fourth level, an Artificer is capable of Wandloren is detailed at the end of the class
brewing magical potions and elixirs. description. Your archetype choice grants you
features at 3rd, 6th, 10th, and 14th levels.
Craft Wondrous Item: At fifth level, an artificer
gains the ability to craft wondrous items.
Ability Score Improvement:
Craft Magic Arms and Armor: At sixth level, an When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th,
artificer gains the ability to craft magical arms 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability
and armor. score of your choice by 2, or you can increase
two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal,
Craft Wand: At eighth level, an artificer may you can't increase an ability score above 20 using
craft magic wands. this feature.

Craft Rod: At tenth level, an artificer may begin Artifice Mastery:

crafting magic rods. At 18th level, you have achieved such complete
control over magic's interactions with the
Craft Staff: At thirteenth level, an artificer may physical world that you have developed a few
begin crafting magic staffs. foolproof infusions which you may use at will.
Choose a 1st-level wizard spell and a 2nd-level
Forge Ring: At fifteenth level, an artificer may wizard spell that you know. You can now cast
begin forging magic rings. those spells as infusions at their lowest level at
will without expending a spell slot. To cast either
DM's Note: Magic items do not have "costs," but infusion at a higher level, you must expend a
it's only sensible that forge upkeep and use, the spell slot as normal.
hiring of skilled craftsmen, and materials that are
used in construction of the item may form just By spending 8 hours in study, you can exchange
some of the costliness of magic item construction. one or both of the spells you chose for different
As a DM, you know the gold-per-level rate that spells meeting the same criteria.
you're using in your campaign and setting. Use
that, in proportion to whether magic items are Grand Artifice:
common or not, to determine the approximate At 20th level, your well of inspiration becomes
gold costs associated with magic item nearly limitless. You may draw on inner reserves
construction. Remember also that an artificer of magical power by spending one minute in
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contemplation of the problem or challenges that The tempered baton you create has 1d3+2
lie before you. Regain all of your expended spell charges, and becomes a simple non-magical
slots from the Infusion Magic class feature. You object when the final charge is expended. Many
must finish a long rest before you can do so again. Wandlorens have a favored object which they
give a pet name and imbue each day.
Artificer Archetypes: Using one charge of your tempered baton casts
the spell contained inside at its lowest level. You
may cast it at a higher spell level by using one
The Wandloren: additional charge per spell level. You may only
This is Gertrude. Have I introduced you to cast it up to a spell level you could normally
Gertrude? You'll probably never see another infuse. For example, a tempered baton of magic
shard of orc bone that can shoot fireballs! missile created by a sixth level artificer could be
—Fiera Lakeheart, used to cast magic missile at first level and
Wandloren Artificer expend a single charge. The same artificer could
use the same tempered baton to cast magic
As a Wandloren, you are a versatile spellcaster missile as a third level spell by expending three
whose strength lies in creating temporary charges, but could not cast it as a fourth level
magical implements and in maximizing the spell since the highest spell slot available to her
potential of more permanent magical devices. (as an artificer) is third.
You've devoted your life to the study of wands,
rods, and staves. Even the simplest non-magic Implement Extension:
stick can instantly become a magical implement At sixth level, your control over wands and other
in your expert hands, so attuned are you to the magical implements greatly improves, coaxing
pathways that magic takes through such objects. even greater magics from your chosen wands.
When you create your tempered baton, your
creation now has 1d3+4 charges. Additionally,
Tempered Baton:
any other single permanent magical wand in
At 3rd level, you have learned exactly what your possession is considered to have two
differentiates an ordinary bar, baton, or stick additional charges per day (or other period, as
made of metal, bone, or wood (or other suitable specified by the wand). You must designate this
material), from a magically treasured wand. Once wand after each long rest.
per day, you may attune yourself to a non-
magical bar, baton, or stick, imbuing it with one Instead of a wand, you may endow a staff with
spell of your choice from those you are capable one additional charge. As with wands, this
of infusing, creating a tempered baton. This endowment only lasts until your next long rest,
attunement takes one minute, but otherwise at which time you may designate a new magical
follows standard attunement rules. Though the device in your possession or re-endow the same
device you've created functions exactly as a one.
wand, it can only be attuned to you and will only
retain its magic until you take a long rest. You In addition, you recognize magic wands simply
may use your Artificer Focus as your tempered by handling them; even the briefest physical
baton. touch lets you know the wand is magical. If you
handle a magic wand for at least one full round,
The spell you choose cannot have a casting time you know the spell stored inside, how many
of greater than one action, must be a spell you charges it has, when it recharges, and any other
can cast as an infusion, and cannot have a costly conditions affecting the wand's use, including
material component. command words.

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Strengthened Implement: expertise in implement magic allows you to imbue
At tenth level, you begin to use your own power a simple or martial one-handed melee weapon—
to push the limitations of wands and other magical or nonmagical—as your tempered baton.
implements. When you create your tempered You still need to attune yourself to the weapon to
use the wand functions as usual, but can now cast
baton, your creation may store an additional
spells while wielding the weapon, rather than
spell of first level with its own 1d3+3 charges.
needing to have a the wand drawn separately.
In addition, your
Implement Extension
feature is improved: you
may now endow a staff
with two additional
charges (instead of one),
or a single permanent
wand attuned to you
and in your possession
is considered to have
three (instead of two)
additional charges (per
day or other period as
specified by the wand or

Wand Virtuoso:
At fourteenth level, your
level of control and
expertise over wands
becomes so extensive
that wands cannot
completely fail you.
When you expend the
final charge of a wand,
roll a d20 as normal. On
a roll of a 1, the wand is
not destroyed, and on a
roll of a 20, the wand
regains one charge. This
also applies to your
tempered baton (which,
on any roll but a 20, does
lose its magical status
granted by your
Tempered Baton

A Wand Virtuoso is
capable of breaking the
laws of magic as they
pertain to magical
implements. Your
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