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Hazop Brochure Editted 070110

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Time Topic Assoc. Prof Dr Mohamad Wijayanuddin Ali
Dr. Mohamad Wijayanuddin bin Ali is currently an
0930– y
Part 1: Introduction to Process Safety
associate professor specialising in process safety
1030 - Process safety, Hazard Identification: HAZID, and loss prevention. He obtained his masters
HAZOP, FMEA, LOPA etc, ALARP, Risk Ranking,
Video 1 and group discussion
degree in process safety and loss prevention and
his Ph.D in risk assessment from the University of
A Two Days Workshop on
Learning outcome: Importance of Process Safety Sheffield, UK. He has completed courses to
become safety and health officer and also chemical
health risk assessor and chemical health risk
1045– Part 2: Safety in Process Operation assessor. He has been involved as a consultant for
1300 - Safeguards and Layer of Protection,
Protection Common more than 30 industrial projects,
projects particularly on
Process Control Strategies, Alarm and Interlocks, Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP), quantitative risk assessment (QRA)
Relief, Video 2 & discussion, Exercise 1: Layer of and Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) in industries including offshore
Protection oil and gas platforms, power generation, oleochemicals, petrochemicals and
Learning outcome: Basic understanding of control polymers, waste management and logistics. Dr Mohamad is also an
strategy, and layer of protection in plant operation experienced occupational safety and health trainer where he has conducted
more than 100 training courses for the industries, universities and
1400– Part 3: HAZOP Study y Procedure government including National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
1530 - Basic Concepts, HAZOP Table, Guide words,
Exercise 2: Preliminary HAZOP of Heat Exchanger
(Class Discussion)
Prof Dr Arshad Ahmad
Learning outcome: Overall understanding to conduct
HAZOP study and ability to construct HAZOP table Prof Dr. Arshad Ahmad leads the Process Control and
29-30 March 2010
1545- Part 4: HAZOP Team Management
Safety Group that undertakes research, consulting
and training activities covering various aspects of
UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru
plant operation, control and safety. In particular, he
1700 - HAZOP team and functions, Exercise 3: Preliminary
focuses on the development of techniques related to
HAZOP of Exothermic reactor (Group Discussion) model-based control, plantwide control
Learning Outcome: Role of HAZOP team members. implementation, on-line estimation of product
Ability to construct HAZOP table for more complex properties as well as process safety. Over the years
process. he has worked with several companies in
implementing research projects with strong industrial
flavour He is also involved in consulting projects,
flavour. projects particularly on Hazard and
DAY 2 Operability Study (HAZOP) and quantitative risk assessment (QRA). He has
completed more than 20 projects for several types of industry including
Time Topic (DAY 2) offshore oil and gas platforms, power generation, oleochemicals,
petrochemicals and polymers, waste management and logistics. As an
0930– Part 5: HAZOP Workshop 1 experienced trainer, he has conducted more than 100 training courses to
1030 - Conducting HAZOP in Group (problem 1), Group participants from industries as well as government agencies. Some of these
courses were tailor-made for specific companies, while others were offered
to the general public. Among the popular topics are Process Control,
Learning Outcome: Ability to carry out HAZOP study Advanced Process Controls, Plant Operations and Troubleshooting, Hazard
and Operability Studies, Chemical Safety as well as Material and Energy
1045– Group presentation and discussion Balances.

1400– Part 6 : HAZOP Workshop 2

1530 - Conducting HAZOP in Group (problem 2)
Learning Outcome: Ability to carry out preliminary
HAZOP study
1545- Group presentation and discussion HRDC-ATP REG NO: 0451
1700 Review
The Importance of HAZOP Workshop Highlights COURSE FEE
RM 1,900 per participant (50% discount for student,
Hazard and Operability
p y Studyy ((HAZOP)) is a formal … Whyy does accidents happen
pp and how to pprevent ID required)
EURO 800 for overseas participants
systematic rigorous examination to the process and them?
RM 1,600/EURO700 per participant for more than one
engineering facets of a production facility. … How can HAZOP help prevent accidents? participants from the same company
HAZOP is a well-established procedure in the … How to use HAZOP methodology to manage risk and ( Fee is inclusive of lunch, refreshments and course materials )
process industries due to the operational hazards improve operability so as to drive bottom line
peculiar to those industries, which have at times led to performance?
… How does the HAZOP technique complements and 8Please complete and return the reply form to the address
catastrophic incidents resulting in loss of life, billions of
dollars in property damage and an incalculable cost in extends
d existing design
d practices? below (PROSPECT) together with your cheque/bank draft
bad publicity and the social license to operate. Years of … What is the fundamentals of HAZOP study made payable to BENDAHARI UTM.
corporate social responsibility efforts can be all too methodology 8The organisers reserves the right to make necessary
easily undone by a single accident. … What is the various roles in a HAZOP study team amendments that is in the best interest of he course.
Therefore, HAZOP and other risk assessment and how do they function? 8CERTIFICATE OF ATTENDANCE will be awarded at the
technique have become necessary components of … What is the common process control strategy and
Reply Form
end of the course.
process design,
design plant construction and modifications,
modifications an the layer s of protection needed in plant operation?
added dimension of operating costs. However, HAZOP … How to improve HAZOP effectiveness?
has the potential to be more than that.
Typically, during the design of a new plant, Who Should Attend A Two Days Workshop on
design personnel are under pressure to keep the project HAZOP & RISK ASSESSMENT
on schedule. This pressure frequently results in errors 29-30 March, 2010 (UTM Skudai, Johor Bahru)
and oversights.
oversights HAZOP study is an opportunity to 1 Process Engineers / Technologists
1 Process Designers Please register the following participants
correct these before such changes become too
1 Plant and Maintenance Managers
expensive, or impossible to accomplish. 1 HSE managers Name 1
Besides safety hazards, the HAZOP technique is 1 Chemists and Other Scientists
very effective for identifying plant operability 1 Technicians and Plant Operators
problems, threats to the environment, product quality, 1 University Lecturers Position
plant throughput
p g p and for highlighting
g g g critical 1 Researchers
maintenance requirements. Email


Please contact the course coordinator:
Ms Norziana Mat Zain Address , contact person and email
Dr Sharifah Rafidah Wan Alwi

Process Systems Engineering Centre (PROSPECT),

UTM Skudai 81310 Johor

Tel : 607-5536021/35533
Email : Tel : Fax :
Website :

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