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Vatican Today News That Matters

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News that matters

Exposing fake and falsehood

Pope: Not Being Catholic Offense to Christ

January 30, 2011

(h p://ivar
The Pope says to be a Christian is to be Catholic. Anything less is an offense to God.

During Christian Unity Week (January 18-25) the Pope declares that if Christians are to be a
witness to the world, there must be a visible witness of unity.

Pope Benedict stressed the four marks of true Christianity.

He said Christians must base their lives on the four elements that make them a “sign and
instrument of the intimate union with God and of unity among men in the world.”

These four are listening to the God’s Word transmi ed through the strong Tradition of the
Church, fraternal communion, the Eucharist and prayer.

The Pope said that God was offended by the division of the Church:

1 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
In order to be a Christian, according to the Pope, you must believe you need to eat God.

“Every division in the Church is an offense to Christ,” the Holy Father stated, noting that in Christ “we
can find unity among ourselves, by the inexhaustible power of his grace.”

He says this division is why we need to repent:

“This is where the call, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand,” from Sunday’s Gospel comes in.“

He stressed that the ecumenical movement was a sign of the Holy Spirit bringing the divided
church back together again. Pope Benedict prayed that Mary would lead the church into full

“The serious commitment of conversion to Christ is the way that leads the Church … to full
visible unity,” he said. He noted that ecumenical encounters as a sign of this serious

Sources: CNA (h p://

among-christians-today-says-pope/), Zenit (h p://

(h p://ivar
More and more Christians are heading back Rome via the Emerging Church.

My Comments:

So what is the serious commitment he’s talking about?

The Pope is saying in order to be a Christian you must be Catholic. You must believe in the
Traditions of the Church. You must believe that Jesus Christ..body..blood..soul..and..divinity is
present in the communion bread and in order to have life within you, you must eat that bread.
He says you must listen to scripture, only interpreted by the church and if you are serious about
following Christ, you must convert to Catholicism.

The Vatican wants control over Christianity, just as she did during the Inquisition during the

2 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

Middle Ages. The Vatican is rapidly making concordats with nation-states to enable Church law
to be made valid through civil law of the nations she has agreements with. That is why she
works so closely with the United Nations; to ride the beast of civil power.

In the Pope’s recent encyclical the Pope said he wanted a stronger United Nations with ” teeth
(h p://” If you know anything about the UN, the last thing
this world needs is a stronger UN.

Pope Benedict XVI prayed to Mary to lead the church into unity. “Mary” will not only lead the
the protestants into the Catholic Church, but all the world religions as well. Evangelical
churches need to be on their guard..but most are sliding into apostasy quickly; embracing
contemplative prayer, walking labyrinths, and reading the lives of Catholic ‘Saints”.

Ma hew 24:4-5

And Jesus answered them, “See that no one leads you astray. For many will come in my name,
saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray.

The Pope says he is Christ’s mouthpiece on earth, that he is his representative. When Jesus left
us on earth, he said he would send us the Holy Spirit to guide us in all truth, he did not say he
was sending a man–the Pope–to take His place. For a man to claim to take Christ’s place is
blasphemy. Why is the church running into the arms of Rome? The spirit of the Antichrist has
come to deceive even the elect. Let’s pray for our churches and our families not to fall for the
false peace that is coming, and coming fast.

Wri en by: Sue

20 Comments | False Christianity, Vatican, Vatican today | Tagged: pope, Vatican |

Posted by sueliz1

Homer Simpson Isn’t a Catholic, He Eats Meat

on Fridays

October 22, 2010

D’oh! The producer for television show “The Simpsons” had a holy cow after learning that the
Vatican considered Homer Simpson a Catholic.

3 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
Can Friday meat lovers among the Simpsonʺs be good Roman Catholics?

Executive producer Al Jean told Entertainment Weekly on Monday he was in “shock and awe”
when he heard the assertion, saying, “I guess it makes up for me not going to church for 20 years.”

The headline in the semi-official Vatican newspaper, the Osservatore Romano, recently read:
“Homer And Bart Are Catholic,” and backed it up by arguing the family prays before meals and
that the show explores issues such as family, community, education and religion in a way that
few other popular television programs do.

Father Francesco Ocche a, writing in La Civilta Ca olica, said the series is not without its
dangers, but that if the show is taken with a grain of salt, parents should not be afraid to let
their children watch it.

“The Simpsons remains one of the few TV programs for kids in which Christian faith, religion, and the
question about God are recurring themes,” Ocche a wrote.

But Jean told Entertainment Weekly the Vatican’s analysis was a stretch.

“We’ve pre y clearly shown that Homer is not Catholic. I really don’t think he could go without eating
meat on Fridays — for even an hour.”
He also said the Simpson family a ends the First Church of Springfield “which is decidedly
Presbylutheran,” and pointed out that Homer and Bart only considered converting in the 2005

This isn’t the first time Ma Groening’s popular television family has received the Vatican’s
blessing. Last December the newspaper also praised the show on its 20th anniversary for its
philosophical leanings and irreverent take on religion.

Source: Sueliz blog. (h p://


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Islam, pope, Vatican | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

4 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

200 Lutheran priests in Norway are hired freemasons

in Vatican orders

October 19, 2010

All freemasons are under the secret leadership of the «Black Pope». He is the Jesuit General in Rome. The
Church of Norway has 200 priests who are freemasons. 150 of them have reached the eight grade.

(h p://ivar
Adolfo Nicolas is the new Superior General of the Jesuit Roman Catholics. Here together with
the «White Pope».

The head of all freemasons are the Jesuit General in Rome. He is also called the «Black Pope», a
man who keep a low profile. The mission of the freemasons is to infiltrate all kinds of Protestant
Churches. Their task is to bring these Churches back under the control of Rome. If not back to
Rome, at least weaken or destroy them. (h p://ivar

The leaders of the freemasons are called Grand Masters. Only on this level
the link to the Vatican is established and fully known. The Grand Masters
takes the orders directly from the Black Pope.

A few weeks back the a book named «The secrets of the freemasons» were published in
Norway. The author Roger Aase worked inside the system for 15 years, and reached the ninth

5 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

grade, before leaving and exposing this satanic system.

(h p://ivar
Black and white heads in the Vatican.

Lutheran Christians in Norway are unknowingly supporting priests that have sworn secret oats
based on an anti-Christian agenda. The problem is much more serious than earlier known, and
are at present destroying the reformed Christian Church of Norway. The Church is approaching
the level of Spiritual bankruptcy.

There are 1200 priest in Norway working in different parishes all over the nation. 200 of them
are freemasons, and 150 of these confused and hidden Papal soldiers have reached the eight

Lutheran Christians in Norway have for years swallowed camel after camel. If you are able to
stay put in this state controlled Church after this huge camel has been exposed, you will never
be able to duck and hide from the coming judgment.

Stand up for the truth. Wake up before its too late.

First published: 20.10.2009.

4 Comments | Vatican today | Tagged: Bible, Christianity, Church, jesus, pope, Religion,
rome, Vatican | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

Catholics in Northern Ireland launches new Intifada

July 15, 2010

Look towards Belfast today. This is how George Mitchell’s “peace plan” for Israel will end for the Jewish
people. Renewed violence.

6 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
Catholic peace makers in Belfast looks mistakenly similar to Arab Islamic peace makers.

Tony Blair and George Mitchell have received many medals for bringing a “lasting peace” to
Northern Ireland. But three days ago Catholic youth started a new Intifada in cities like Belfast.

The violent uprising is a protest against Protestant Christians planning a peace march through
mainly Catholic neighborhoods.

(h p://ivar
Catholic or Islamic. What is the difference?

The British Newspaper The Guardian (h p://

rioting-ardoyne-belfast-clashes) reports, that a Belfast councilor confirms that Catholic Children
as young as 10 were involved in a third night of sectarian violence.

North Belfast SDLP councillor Nicola Mallon said she had spent most of Tuesday night in
Ardoyne, where she said she had seen a night of “absolute madness and mayhem”.

Residents were growing increasingly worried about the situation, she added.

7 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

Up to six shots were fired at police lines in Ardoyne during the disturbances. Nationalist rioters
also threw petrol bombs and fired a pipe bomb, and about 100 officers used water cannon and
baton rounds.

Thursday morning the BBC reported that 82 Police officers have been wounded in the riots, that
now has entered its 4th day.

Source: Multiple media.

Lets take a look at more pictures of the Catholic Intifada in Northern Ireland, that for the last
three days has erupted out of the “perfect Mitchell peace plan”.

(h p://ivar
The Catholic Hamas, the IRA seems to be back in Belfast.

(h p://ivar
Have we not seen this kind of youth before? Like in Jennin and Hebron.

Blair receives medal for conflict resolution

30th of June 2010: David Eisner, President and CEO of the National Constitution Center,
announced today that former British Prime Minister Tony Blair will receive the 2010 Liberty
Medal in recognition of his steadfast commitment to conflict resolution.

“It was a privilege to work with my friend Tony Blair to help end 30 years of sectarian violence andbroker
a lasting peace in Northern Ireland, to stop the killing in and mass exodus from Kosovo, and to develop

8 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

policies that would

improve living
conditions for people in
both our countries,”
said President Bill

(h p://ivar Source: PRNewswire.

Tony Blair
George Mitchell
handpicked from
Northern Ireland to bring “peace” to Israel

(h p://ivar
George Mitchell

22nd of February 2010: “We had 700 days of failure in Northern Ireland [where Mitchell served as a
central negotiator] and one day of success. I cannot guarantee you a result, but I can guarantee you an
effort,” he said, adding that “we have a firm and unshakable commitment to the security of the State of
Israel, and a commitment to seek a lasting peace based on a two-state solution.”

Source: Israeli daily newspaper Haare .

My comment:

We who claim that Muslims and Catholics worship the same god, are trying our best to expose
their falsehood.

The images taken of Catholic youth in Northern Ireland and Arab Muslim youth during the two
intifadas in Israel, can speak for them selves.

(h p://ivar
Arab Muslims in Nablus in 1988. They are a part of a true ʺpeace movementʺ, according to
men like Tony Blair.

9 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

People of Israel.

There is no truth in the message from men like Tony Blair.

They reject that there is a God of Israel, that have enemies that will try to create another
genocide of Jews.

Men like Blair and George Mitchell are blind. They do not have a clue of what kind of spiritual
forces they are dealing with.

Israel must not put their trust in “peace plans” coming their way from Blair and Mitchell. The
unique Jewish nation must repent, and put their trust in their God, and His Messiah. Only His
return will bring true peace. Y’shua is the Prince of Peace, the King of the Jews.

14 Comments | endtimes, Israel, Vatican today | Tagged: Belfast, Catholic, Christianity,

Islam, Northern Ireland, Palestine, Religion | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

Former Norwegian “peace builder” serves as

Ambassador in the Vatican

July 3, 2010
Be aware of Rolf Trolle Andersen. The former Norwegian “peace builder” in the Middle East, is now
serving as an Ambassador in the Vatican.

Norway is one of the 170 nations that have ratified the Roman Catholic statehood in the Vatican.
And the present diplomat Rolf Trolle Andersen is the Norwegian Ambassador to the Papal

It interesting to see the movement of this employee of the Foreign Ministry of Norway.

From 1994 to 1997, He was central in the “peace process” in the Middle East, building Oslo-accord
inspired institutions inside Israel to undermine the Jewish state.

In 2004 He was appointed the head of staff at the Norwegian Castle of the King of Norway in

29th of March 2009, Trolle Andersen left the King of Norway, to serve the Papal system. As the
Norwegian Ambassador to the Vatican.

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Posted by ivar eld

10 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
Rolf Trolle Andersen.

Ratzinger kept pedophile priest to aviod public scandal

April 12, 2010

«Consider the good of the Universal Church. We need more time to decide on this priest».

11 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
The Jewish Chief rabbis must stay away from Rome, and keep out of the pagan Roman Catholic

In 1985, four years after a California priest and convicted child molester asked to be defrocked,
his bishop pleaded with the future Pope Benedict XVI to remove the man from the priesthood.
Then-Cardinal Joseph Ra inger replied, urging caution.

«Consider the good of the Universal Church», Ra inger wrote to Oakland Bishop John Cummins. «It is
necessary for this Congregation to submit incidents of this sort to very careful consideration, which
necessitates a longer period of time».

Two more years would pass before the Vatican acted on the Rev. Stephen Kiesle’s request to

A copy of the le er, typewri en in Latin and signed by Ra inger, was obtained by The
Associated Press. It constitutes the strongest challenge yet to the Vatican’s insistence that
Benedict played no role in blocking the removal of pedophile priests during his years as head of
the Catholic Church’s doctrinal watchdog office.

The le er is part of years of correspondence beginning in 1981 between the diocese of Oakland
and the Vatican about Kiesle, who pleaded no contest to misdemeanors involving child
molestation in 1978.

The case then languished for four years at the Vatican before Ra inger finally wrote to the
Oakland bishop. It was two more years before Kiesle was removed. During that time he
continued to do volunteer work with children through the church.

In the November 1985 le er, Ra inger says the arguments for removing Kiesle were of «grave
significance» but added that such actions required very careful review and more time. He also
urged the bishop to provide Kiesle with «as much paternal care as possible» while awaiting the
decision, according to a translation for AP by Professor Thomas Habinek, chairman of the
University of Southern California Classics Department.

Kiesle, who married after leaving the priesthood, was arrested and charged in 2002 with 13

12 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

counts of child molestation from the 1970s. All but two were thrown out after the US Supreme
Court struck down as unconstitutional a California law extending the statute of limitations.

Source: Associated Press

My comment:

During the reformation, Martin Luther came to the conclusion that the pope in Rome serves as
an antichrist.

During the 500 years that have passed since the Reformation, it seems that nothing has changed.
Based on the false teachings of Rome, there is no Holy Spirit present. And when God of the
Bible is thrown out of the Vatican, than Satan is permi ed to come and establish his throne.

5 Comments | endtimes, Israel, Vatican today | Tagged: Catholic, Christianity, Church,

pope, rome, Vatican | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

An untouchable Pope run the risk of being arrested in

the UK

April 8, 2010
British law`s`can be used to get the Pope arrested and prosecuted for the claimed cover up of sex crimes by
pedophile priests.

(h p://ivar
The Pope can no longer hide among his cardinals. Truth and justice must prevail.

More than 10,000 people have signed a petition on Downing Street’s web site against the pope’s
4-day visit to England and Scotland in September. The visit of the Pontiff will cost U.K.
taxpayers an estimated 15 million pounds ($22.5 million). The campaign has gained momentum
as more Catholic sex abuse scandals have swept across Europe.

13 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

Although Pope Benedict has not been accused of any crime, senior British lawyers are now
examining whether the pope should have immunity as a head of state and whether he could be
prosecuted under the principle of universal jurisdiction for an alleged systematic cover-up of
sexual abuses by priests.

Universal jurisdiction — a concept in international law — allows judges to issue warrants for
nearly any visitor accused of grievous crimes, no ma er where they live. British judges have
been more open to the concept than those in other countries.

Lawyers are divided over the immunity issue. Some argue that the Vatican isn’t a true state,
while others note the Vatican has national relations with about 170 countries, including Britain.
The Vatican is also the only non-member to have permanent observer status at the U.N.

Then again, no other top religious leaders enjoy the same U.N. privileges or immunity, so why should the

The U.N Appeals judge Geoffrey Robertson wrote a legal opinion on the topic that was
published in the British newspaper the Guardian on Saturday.

«Unlike in the United States, where the judges commonly uphold what the executive says, the British
courts don’t accept these things at face value», Robertson told The Associated Press on Saturday.
«The Vatican is not a state — it was a construct of Italian dictator Benito Mussolini».

Source: Associated Press

My comment:

If the Pope in Rome can not be persecuted under International law, than the Pope of Rome is
above the law.

Than the Pope has been elevated by men to be «God».

To give this kind of legal immunity to a religious leader is a disgrace. The Cardinal that is
elected as Pope gets a license to commit and cover up any kinds of crimes.

The Pope of Rome do neither run the risk of being court arrested when he has completed his
service. All the popes take the truth about their crimes with them down in the grave.

1 Comment | False Christianity, Vatican today | Tagged: Catholic, Christianity, Church,

pope, rome, Vatican | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

Divorced Catholic president candidate got «half of

Jesus» in his pocket

February 16, 2010

Girlfriend Deborah put the holy host in the pocket of the Presidential candidate O o Guevara. The event
was covered by TV in Costa Rica.

14 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
/2010/02/juventud_liberalismo_y_politica_entrevista_a_o o_guevara_por_luis_figueroa.jpg)
O o Guevara was banned from taking the Holy Communion. But half of «Jesus» ended up in
his pocket.

The Catholic Church in Costa Rica is fuming after the girlfriend of president candidate O o
Guevara misunderstood the «Holy Communion».

Miss Deborah Formal thought the Eucharist host was a blessing, and asked the priest if she
could share this blessings with her boyfriend. Guevara had not come forward to take the host,
since he is divorced.

Covered on TV Miss Formal commi ed the mortal sin. She consumed only half of the body of
Jesus, and kept the other half in the chest pocket of her boyfriend, the President candidate.

Lets take a look at the TV-pictures:

(h p://ivar
Miss Formal receive the host from the priest.

15 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
Than she walks back to her seat with the host in her hand.

(h p://ivar
And eats half of the host

(h p://ivar
and put the other half in the chest pocket of her boyfriend.

«I tried to do something that would allow O o to carry a part of God in his heart,», Formal explains, in
a story covered by the Catholic News Agency (CNA)

After priests were notified of Formal’s actions, they asked the presidential candidate to return
the consecrated host. He returned it and it was immediately consumed by one of the
concelebrating priests.

Source: CNA.

16 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

My comment:

This event is a brilliant example of the consequences of false Roman Catholic teaching on the
body of Christ.

If Jesus the Messiah is to be physically found in a li le round piece of bread, than what was the
Messiah doing in the pocket of a Presidential candidate in Costa Rica?

What will now happen to his girlfriend, who accepted and consumed only half of the Messiah?

What will happen to the Catholic priest who also consumed the «half-Messiah», after this
incomplete «Jesus» was released from the pocket of the Costa Rican politician?

Catholic priests might give the host to Catholic drunkards and womanizers, and corrupt politicians. But
only if they are willing to «eat the whole Jesus».

There is no truth in what the Roman Catholics are doing.

The Messiah Jesus can only be found in the Bible. You can only receive Him by accepting His
Words, and cleansed by His blood shared once and for all at Calvary Hill in Jerusalem. I guess
non of the three involved in this «eucharistic drama», pays to much a ention to the scriptures,
and «do» the gospel?

8 Comments | False Christianity, Vatican today | Tagged: Catholic, jesus, pastors, pope,
Religion, rome, theology, Vatican | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

The Pope gets the booth by reformers in Costa Rica

February 10, 2010

500 years after the reformation, a wind of religious freedom strikes Costa Rica. Now protestant Christians
can become teachers in religion.

17 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
The Pope has to find another place to lay his hat, than in public schools in Costa Rica.

CNA yesterday reported that Costa Rica’s Constitutional Court, by a vote of 4-3, struck down
the agreement between the Catholic Church and the government. This agreement has given the
Bishop’s Conference of Costa Rica the right to approve teachers of Catholic religion in public

The arrangement, which allowed the Church to reject a teacher on moral grounds as well as
knowledge of religion, was seen by those challenging it as an intrusion by bishops into affairs of
the public schools.

Source Catholic News Agency (CNA)

My comment:

While Northern Europe got rid of the Papal yoke 500 years ago, the reformation did not come to
Spanish Costa Rica before 2010.

It is easy to forget the Spain remained a Catholic Fascist dictatorship up to the year 1974. Slowly
the Fascist grip is loosening also over Catholic Latin America

No doubt that Latin America has suffered a lot. Even after Latino colonialism ended, the
American hispanish people have been under the yoke of religious dictatorship and monopoly.

Today there is rejoicing in Heaven over what has happened in Costa Rica.

1 Comment | Vatican, Vatican today | Tagged: Catholic, Church, costa rica, Human rights,
jesus, pope, Religion, rome | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

Pope wants unity around virgin Mary, «the Mother of

the Church»

January 28, 2010

«The Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, says yes that Her Son’s wish is realized as soon as possible,that
they may all be one… that the world may believe».

18 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
The death cult is worshiping the Queen of Heaven in Leon in France, whom the Pope calls the
Mother of the Church

This is a statement made by Pope Benedict XVI, when he closed the week of Prayer for Christian
Unity with Vespers at the Roman Basilica of St. Paul’s Outside-the-walls on the Monday

The Pope emphasized that everyone is called to seek «full communion between all of the disciples of

He recounted the story of St. Paul’s conversion and his subsequent life of devotion to preaching
the Word of God, which «reached it’s culmination in his martyrdom», as a model of the
Christian witness.

The Holy Father concluded his message by saying that «each of us is called to do our part to
take those steps that bring us towards full communion between all disciples of Christ, without
ever forge ing that this is, above all, a gift of God to pray for constantly.

The ecumenical movement marks a milestone this year, celebrating a century since the
missionary conference between representatives from Protestant and Anglican Churches met
along with a single orthodox delegate in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1910. The goal of the gathering
was work towards unity and define a shared approach to spreading the Good News.

Source: Catholic News Agency (CNA).

My comment:

Since the Pope says Virgin Mary is the «Mother of the Church», there should be some kind of
Biblical reference to such a statement.

But there is non.

If you search the Bible with two key words together «mother» and «Church», you will get zero

19 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

(h p://ivar
The death cult worship Virgin Mary during Easter in Spain in 2007.


The Church was neither established by Virgin Mary, nor does the Bible give her any prominent
role to play in the New Testament. In fact, she is not even mentioned after the second chapter of
the book of Act. Neither did she ever teach anything, nor was she appointed to be in any
leading position while Jesus walked on Earth.

(h p://ivar

20 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

The head of the dead cult, the Pope, worship a statue of the Catholic Lady of Fatima.

To the radical opposite of what the Pope is claiming, Jesus warned us not to give his Earthly
mother any special a ention, above other believers. The Mother of Jesus was a law observant
Jew, and even production of images and idols was considered a grave sin.

Luke 11:27-28:

As Jesus was saying these things, a woman in the crowd called out, “Blessed is the mother who gave you
birth and nursed you.”

He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it.”

Mark 3: 32-35

A crowd was si ing around him, and they told him, “Your mother and brothers are outside looking for

“Who are my mother and my brothers?” he asked.

Then he looked at those seated in a circle around him and said, “Here are my mother and my brothers!
Whoever does God’s will is my brother and sister and mother.”

(end of scripture)

(h p://ivar
Catholic priests kept it a secret who they had hired as butchers during the Spanish
Inquisition. This was a treatment given to those who refused to bow down before an idol of
«Catholic Mary».

The first time I saw an Easter parade in Spain, I was astonished. I thought:

«Who led the Ku Kux Clan into this city?»

I did not fully know that the Catholics in Spain do carry on their legacy from the Dark Ages,
and also display their freemason cult traditions in broad daylight.

21 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15
Vatican today « News that matters

A Pope that defend and promote the pagan «Queen of Heaven», a name the Jewish Mother of
Jesus was forbidden to take on her lips, can not be saved. He will keep on listening to the
demons that entertains him. For 1500 years, the Popes have not left their idols of stone and
wood. If you want to live, stay away from the Catholic religion.

14 Comments | endtimes, False Christianity, Vatican today | Tagged: Bible, Catholic,

Christianity, Church, jesus, pastors, pope, theology, Vatican | Permalink
Posted by ivar eld

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22 z 22 2012-12-31 00:15

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