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Jana - Electronic Individual Pathway Plan

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Name: JANA CAJANDAB Year: 12 Date of IPP: Review Date:

Long Term Plans (10 years +)

Personal Goals
Personal Goal Why is this What are my Who can help What do I need
What is it? important to barriers? me? to do to
me? achieve this?
Family (get married To have Relationship My partner Work Hard
& have 3 children) someone by my problems/issue
side for the rest &
of my life.
Own 2- storey Get married
house with 4 For my family Not enough Myself
bedroom, 2 (esp. children) money to buy/
bathroom, pool, build house
garage and garden.

Professional Goals
Career Goal Why is this What are my Who can help What do I need
What is it? important to barriers? me? to do to
me? achieve this?
Full time work in To have stable Lack of Myself & Friends
Hosp. industry. income experience & Work hard &
Own business like Financial Business Save money
Café or Term
Short Restaurant
Plans (1-5 years) Problem
Personal Goals
Personal Goal Why is this What are my Who can help What do I need
What is it? important to barriers me? to do to
me? achieve this?

Travel to Greece, To learn from Not enough Myself/ Partner Work hard &
Paris, Japan for different culture money Save money
few weeks

Professional Goals
Professional Why is this What are my Who can help What do I need
Goals important to barriers me? to do to
me? achieve this?
Educational goal
What is it? To get a decent Laziness
job Myself/ Parents Study hard
Finish TAFE (Cert
III/IV in Hospitality
Career Goal
What is it? To earn money Lack of Myself Keep looking for
experience Parents work and ask
Part time job in friends / family
Hosp. Industry friends.
What Am I Like?
Personal Attributes Skills and/or abilities Values to work
Personal How I can use Skills How I can My values How these will be
attributes I these to and/or use these to met by my
demonstrate achieve my abilities I achieve my professional goals
goals have goals
I’ll be able to I can finish or Honesty will help
Flexibility get a job by Punctual do my tasks Honesty me in my
being flexible on time in workplace
because school or at because I will get
employer work. along easily with
prefer flexible my
employee. colleague/manager
and they will be
able to trust me.
To I can Having enough
Communication communicate Efficient complete Knowledge knowledge will
Skills easily with tasks/work help me to have a
people at easily and great job. The
school, work faster by more
or even in an being knowledgeable
interview. efficient or you are, the more
well likely for you to be
organized. hired.

Jobs/Career Areas I am considering for 2017 +

Option 1 Option 2

Chef Job title Business Owner

Institution I am
TAFE interested in attending TAFE
Name of course
Certificate III in Hospitality Certificate III in Business
Length of Course
2 years 2 years
Pre-requisites to get
Certificate I or II or passed into course/training Certificate I or II or passed
Plans for Up skilling/Professional Development/Retraining - Long Term
What up skilling/professional
development/retraining might I New technology for new products will help me keep
need? up with change.
Learn higher level knowledge.
Who can help me find out about
this? Colleague, Employer, Friends, Training Department

How might upskilling/professional

Development/retraining help me? It will make me more employable and will improve
my career pathway prospect.

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