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Mock Test 13

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Section 1. You will hear part of a radio interview in which the comedian and writer Jane Clarkson is
talking about her work. For questions 1- 5, choose the answer (A, B, C or D) which fits best
according to what you hear.
(10 points)
1 What did Jane find difficult about writing a book?
A She couldn’t travel around the country.
B She didn’t get any instant reaction to her work.
C She had to spend time looking after her daughter.
D She found the process itself very challenging.
2 According to Jane, why did some critics dislike her novel?
A They didn’t think the book was funny.
B They were dismissive of her initial success.
C They thought her male colleagues were better writers.
D They thought she should stick to being a comedian.
3 Which aspect of Jane’s work as a comedian helped her to write?
A her patience B her ability to listen
C her habit of watching people D her rational way of thinking
4 According to Jane, how do many people react to female comedians?
A They’re convinced women can’t tell jokes.
B They’re afraid the women will break down.
C They find women’s humour too intense.
D They find women’s jokes embarrassing.
5 What was the disadvantage of the stage image which Jane developed?
A It frightened the audience.
B It made the audience angry.
C People thought it reflected her real personality.
D People did not take her seriously any more.
Section 2. Listen to the recording and decide whether the following statements are true (T) or false
(F). (10 pts)
1. The speaker has come from the Theosophical Society.
2. One of the main points of the talk is to save money.
3. She thinks students should do more housework.
4. She argues that plastic containers won't biodegrade quickly.
5. She warns that asthma sufferers should be careful with her recipes.
Section 3. Listen to the talk about women in the workplace and answer the following questions (10
1. How is the situation for women in the workplace changing?
2. In which management role that women constitute 17% of the staff?
3. How many percent of employees think that gender equality is a priority?
4. What is the action companies should take to understand the problem of gender inequality?
5. What should companies do to make sure opportunities and advancement are equitable?
Section 4: Listen and fill in the blanks with the missing information
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
Over the past few years as first lady, I have had the (1)______________ of traveling all across this
country and everywhere I’ve gone and the people I've met and the stories I’ve heard, I have seen the very
best of the (2)______________.
See, our life before moving to Washington was, was filled with simple joys. Saturdays at soccer
games, Sundays at grandma’s house, and a date night for Barack and me was either dinner or movie because
as an exhausted mum I couldn’t stay awake for both.
Even back then when Barack was a senator and (3)______________ to me he was still the guy who picked
me up for our dates in a car that was so (4)______________ that I could actually see the pavement going by
in a hole in the passenger side door. He was the guy whose (5)______________ was a coffee table he'd
found in a dumpster.
 Well today, after so many (6)______________ and moments that’ve tested my husband in ways I
never could have imagined, I have seen first-hand that being president doesn’t change who you are. No it
(7)______________who you are.
When it comes to the health of our families, Barack refused to listen to all those folks to told him to
leave (8)______________ for another day, another president. He didn’t care whether it was the easy thing to
do politically, no that's not how he was raised. He cared that it was the right thing to do.
 When we were first married our combined monthly student loan bill was actually higher than our
Yeah!! We were so young, so in love, and so in debt.
If we wanna give all of our children a foundation for their dreams and opportunities worthy of their
promise. If we wanna give them that sense of (9)______________, that belief that here in America there
was always something better out there if you're willing to work for it. Then we must work like never before,
and we must once again come together and stand together for the man we can trust to keep moving this
great country forward.
My husband, our president, Barack Obama.
Thank you, God bless you, God bless America.
Section 1. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences. (10 points)
1. The decision was ......................... to a later meeting.
A. cancelled B. arranged C. deferred D. delayed
2. Tempers began to ................... as the lorries forced their way through the picket lines.
A. break B. fray C. grate D. fire
3. The old ship will be towed into harbour and ............................... .
A. broken up B. broken down C. broken in D. broken off
4. Making private calls on the office phone is severely .......... on in our department.
A. frowned B. criticised C. regarded D. objected
5. Apart from the ..................... cough and cold. I’ve been remarkably healthy all my life.
A. odd B. opportune C. irregular D. timely
6. The company was declared bankrupt when it had ...................... more debts than it could hope to repay.
A. inflicted B. incurred C. entailed D. evolved
7. Architectural pressure groups fought unsuccessfully to save a terrace of eighteenth century houses
from .................. .
A. disruption B. abolition C. demolition D. dismantling
8. Before I went to drama school, I had to .................... quite a lot of family pressure for me to study.
A. resist B. restrain C. refuse D. reconcile
9. Strong protests were made .................. with demands for an international enquiry.
A. joined B. added C. coupled D. included
10. What her problems all seemed to ............................. to was lack of money.
A. analyse B. condense C. boil down D. sum up
Section 3. Complete each of the following sentences with a suitable preposition or particle. (5 points)
1. Gareth Bale is a brilliant young footballer who is ______________ the up and up.
2. Jan's good at keeping secrets, so you'll have to worm it _____________  her!
3. None of us could fathom ___________  why the experiment wasn't working.
4. Jim seems to be___________  the misapprehension that tomorrow’s a holiday. It isn't.
5. That’s enough TV! It’s time to knuckle _____________  and get on with your homework now.
Section 4. Write the correct form of each bracketed word. Write your answer in the corresponding
numbered boxes. (10 points)
Power napping is an effective, and under-used tool. It is a quick, intense
sleep which (1) DRAMA improves alertness. These naps are especially 1___________________
useful for those whose sleep is constrained by a (2) DEMAND 2___________________
schedule: for example, mothers of small children or travelling business 3___________________
(3) EXECUTE. However, the conditions must be right and practice is
required for maximum effect.
Power naps should be short, between ten and twenty-five minutes, to 4___________________
prevent (4) ORIENT on awakening in such a short time, but (5) 5___________________
ACQUIRE of the habit is simply a question of practice. At the (6) 6___________________
OUT, it is more important to relax for a while than actually fall asleep.
Power napping is not a good idea if you find it difficult to wake up at 7___________________
the (7) DESIGN time or have problems sleeping at night after a power
nap in the day. The kind of dozing that can (8) COMPANY a sensation 8___________________
of overwhelming 9___________________
(9) SLEEP is not a true power nap, but a desperate attempt to
compensate for a poor sleep routine.
However, with practice, you will find that power naps can lead to a 10__________________
welcome (10) ENHANCE of your performance when you need it most.
Section 1. Choose the option A, B, C, or D that best fits each blank in the following passage. (10
The popular writer J K Rowling has agreed to end her part in the (1) _____ of the world’s forests by
having her books printed on paper which is environmentally friendly. The multimillionaire author,
Whose novels about a teenage wizard have consumed 6.5 million trees so far, is one of a number of
high profile authors who have (2) _____ their support for the environment by stipulating that only recycled
paper (3) _____ for their books. Techniques (4) _____ in Canada mean that, for the first time, paper made
from such materials as office waste paper can be used to make books. The Canadian edition of Rowling’s
last book was printed without chopping down a single tree, saving an (5) _____ 40,000 of them.
In the past, it was difficult to print books on recycled paper because the paper was not strong enough
to (6) _____ a lifetime’s reading. Technological advances mean that paper which is (7) _____ from waste
material is now just as durable as paper made from virgin fibre in terms of quality and strength.
Despite the high cost of developing recycled paper that has the required strength and whiteness
needed for books, there will not (8) _____ be a price rise for the reader. Instead, publishers are likely to (9)
_____ for the higher paper cost by using cheaper book covers, as (10) _____ in Canada.
1. A. demolition B. desolation C. destruction D. destitution
2. A. contracted B. pledged C. secured D. undertaken
3. A. be used B. is used C. using D. to be used
4. A. founded B. inaugurated C. led D. pioneered
5. A. estimated B. assessed C. established D. evaluated
6. A. experience B. withstand C. confront D. encounter
7. A. manufactured B. constructed C. devised D. formed
8. A. certainly B. naturally C. absolutely D. necessarily
9. A. balance B. compensate C. return D. refund
10 A. developed B. arose C. happened D. followed
Section 2. Read the text and think of a word that best fits each gap. Use ONLY ONE word in each
gap. (15 points)
Over the last century the world has become increasingly smaller. Not geographically, of course, but in the
sense that media, technology and the opening of borders has enabled the world’s citizens to view, share and
gain (1)__________ to a much wider range of cultures, societies and world views. In this (2)__________
pot that the world has become, today’s child is privy (3)__________ facets of the human experience that his
immediate predecessors had no inkling even existed. It (4)__________ to reason that in order to absorb,
configure and finally form opinions about this information-laden planet, children must be supplied with
certain tools. (5)__________ in this list of ‘tools’ are: education, social skills, cultural awareness and the
acquisition of languages, the most important of these being the latter. Until recently, a child who had the
ability to speak more than
one language would have been considered a very rare entity. (6)__________ one-language phenomenon
could be attributed to a combination of factors. One of them is that the monolingual environment in which a
child was raised played a strong role, (7)__________ did the limited, biased education of the past. With
regard to immigrants, the sad fact was that non-native parents tended to withhold the teaching of the mother
tongue so that the child would acquire the ‘more prestigious’ language of the adopted country. Nowadays,
the situation has (8)__________ an almost complete reversal. In the majority of North American and
European countries, most children are given the opportunity to learn a second or (9)__________a third
language. Children acquire these foreign languages through various and diverse means. In many countries,
learning a foreign language is a compulsory subject in the state school curriculum. Other children rely on
language schools or private tuition to achieve their goal. In other instances, children are (10)__________ to
bilingual parents, who, if they so desire, may teach the children two languages.
Section 3. Read the passage and choose the best option A, B, C, or D to answer the questions. (10
When people learn to play video games, they are learning a new literacy. Of course, this is not the
way the word "literacy" is normally used. Traditionally, people think of literacy as the ability to read and
write. Why, then, should we think of literacy more broadly, in regard to video games or anything else, for
that matter? There are two reasons.
First, in the modem world, language is not the only important communicational system. Today
images, symbols, graphs, diagrams, artifacts, and many other visual symbols are particularly significant.
Thus, the idea of different types of "visual literacy" would seem to be an important one. For example, being
able to “read” the images in advertising is one type of visual literacy. And, of course, there are different
ways to read such images, ways that are more or less aligned with the intentions and interests of the
advertisers. Knowing how to read interior designs in homes, modernist art in museums, and videos on MTV
are other forms of visual literacy.
Furthermore, very often today words and images of various sorts are juxtaposed and integrated in a
variety of ways. In newspapers and magazines as well as in textbooks, images take up more and more of the
space alongside words. In fact, in many modem high school and college textbooks in the sciences images
not only take up more space, they now carry meanings that are independent of the words in the text. If you
can’t read these images, you will not be able to recover their meanings from the words in the text as was
more usual in the past. In such multimodal texts (texts that mix words and images), the images often
communicate different things from the words. And the combination of the two modes communicates things
that neither of the modes does separately. Thus, the idea of different sorts of multimodal literacy seems an
important one. Both modes and multimodality go far beyond images and words to include sounds, music,
movement, bodily sensations, and smells.
None of this news today, of course. We very obviously live in a world awash with images. It is our
first answer to the question why we should think of literacy more broadly. The second answer is this: Even
though reading and writing seem so central to what literacy means traditionally, reading and writing are not
such general and obvious matters as they might at first seem. After all, we never just read or write; rather,
we always read or write something in some way.
So there are different ways to read different types of texts. Literacy is multiple, then, in the sense
that the legal literacy needed for reading law books is not the same as the literacy needed for reading
physics texts or superhero comic books. And we should not be too quick to dismiss the latter form of
literacy. Many a superhero comic is replete with post-Freudian irony of a sort that would make a modem
literary critic's heart beat fast and confuse any otherwise normal adult.
Literacy, then, even as traditionally conceived to involve only print, is not a unitary thing but a
multiple matter. There are, even in regard to printed texts and even leaving aside images and multimodal
texts, different "literacies."
Once we see this multiplicity of literacy (literacies), we realize that when we think about reading and
writing, we have to think beyond print. Reading and writing in any domain, whether it is law, rap songs,
academic essays, superhero comics, or whatever, are not just ways of decoding print, they are also caught up
with and in social practices... Video games are a new form of art. They will not replace books; they will sit
beside them, interact with them, and change them and their role in society in various ways, as indeed, they
are already doing strongly with movies. (Today many movies are based on video games and many more are
influenced by them.) We have no idea yet how people "read" video games, what meanings they make from
them. Still less do we know how they will "read" them in the future.
1. According to the first paragraph, the traditional definition of ’’literacy” is ______.
A. the ability to analyze literature B. the ability comprehend basic cultural cues
C. the ability to read and write D. the ability to compose poetry
2. All are mentioned as being types of "visual literacy” EXCEPT ______.
A. musical tones B. interior design C. diagrams D. Modem Art
3. An example from a science textbook of the phenomenon the author describes in the third paragraph could
be ______.
A. a genetic tree that coincides with the discussion of specific mammal classes in the text
B. a diagram of a specific chemical reaction that is used to explain a broad definition in the text
C. an illustration of a plant cycle that accompanies a chapter on photosynthesis
D. a cartoon that references the same methods discussed in the text about laboratory safety
4. What is an example of a "multimodal” text?
A. A dictionary B. A movie script C. A photo album
D. An art book that describes the art as well as reproduces images of the original prints
5. The phrase "beyond print” is closest in meaning to ______.
A. reading to understand the underlying meanings and themes of the author's words-not just a literal
B. reading text that defines different types of wheat and grains
C. to read the text from right to left rather than left to right
D. to read books that use recycled paper and other green alternatives
6. In the seventh paragraph, the author suggests that literacy is multiple, meaning that ______.
A. to be "literate" can mean participating in any form of expression
B. one's literacy increases exponentially as greater mastery of reading and writing is achieved
C. different genres and modes of expression require different background knowledge and perspectives to
understand them
D. literacy can only be gained by exploring every type of media and expression
7. Why does the author give the example of superhero comics to explain multiple literacies?
A. To explain that comic books are written for children and purely for entertainment. They require only a
basic knowledge of the action that occurs in the story.
B. To once again refer to his earlier points about "multimodal" texts
C. To insist that even when an author may intend multiple meanings and interpretations, they are rarely
successful in conveying those to readers
D. Things that may seem on the surface to be only meant for a particular group of people can actually have
very profound meanings to those who possess other types of literacy
8. The author suggests that all of the following require different types of literacy and the ability to decode
meaning EXCEPT ______
A. Rap music B. Comic books C. Academic papers D. Symphonies
9. The author says that video games ______.
A. are not yet entirely understood in terms of literacy, but are already impacting other forms of expression
such as filmmaking.
B. are unrealistic and should not fall into the same categories as the other texts he describes
C. are too violent to risk experimenting with for the purposes of understanding literacy
D. are irrelevant in academic discussion because no one has yet determined how to explain the ways that
people understand them
10. What would be the most logical information for the next paragraph to contain if the article continued?
A. A technological definition of video games, how they are made, and how they are played
B. A historical explanation of the very first video game and its evolution
C. Examples of the way that some people currently interpret video games and what they mean to them
D. A price comparison of video game consoles and whether or not quality has a direct impact on literacy
Section 4. Read the passage and answer the questions as required. Write all your answers in the
corresponding numbered boxes.
(10 points)

A. Our daily lives are largely made up of contacts with other people, during which we are constantly
making judgments of their personalities and accommodating our behavior to them in accordance
with these judgments. A casual meeting of neighbors on the street, an employer giving instructions
to an employee, a mother telling her children how to behave, a journey in a train where strangers eye
one another without exchanging a word - all these involve mutual interpretations of personal

B. Success in many vocations largely depends on skill in sizing up people. It is important not only to
such professionals as the clinical psychologist, the psychiatrist or the social worker, but also to the
doctor or lawyer in dealing with their clients, the businessman trying to outwit his rivals, the
salesman with potential customers, the teacher with his pupils, not to speak of the pupils judging
their teacher. Social life, indeed, would be impossible if we did not, to some extent, understand, and
react to the motives and qualities of those we meet; and clearly we are sufficiently accurate for most
practical purposes, although we also recognize that misinterpretations easily arise - particularly on
the part of others who judge us!

C. Errors can often be corrected as we go along. But whenever we are pinned down to a definite
decision about a person, which cannot easily be revised through his 'feed-back', the inadequacies of
our judgments become apparent. The hostess who wrongly thinks that the Smiths and the Joneses
will get on well together can do little to retrieve the success of her party. A school or a business may
be saddled for years with an undesirable member of staff, because the selection committee which
interviewed him for a quarter of an hour misjudged his personality.

D. Just because the process is so familiar and taken for granted, it has aroused little scientific curiosity
until recently. Dramatists, writers and artists throughout the centuries have excelled in the portrayal
of character, but have seldom stopped to ask how they, or we, get to know people, or how accurate is
our knowledge. However, the popularity of such unscientific systems as Lavater's physiognomy in
the eighteenth century, Gall's phrenology in the nineteenth, and of handwriting interpretations by
graphologists, or palm-readings by gipsies, show that people are aware of weaknesses in their
judgments and desirous of better methods of diagnosis. It is natural that they should turn to
psychology for help, in the belief that psychologists are specialists in 'human nature'.

E. This belief is hardly justified: for the primary aim of psychology had been to establish the general
laws and principles underlying behavior and thinking, rather than to apply these to concrete
problems of the individual person. A great many professional psychologists still regard it as their
main function to study the nature of learning, perception and motivation in the abstracted or average
human being, or in lower organisms, and consider it premature to put so young a science to practical
uses. They would disclaim the possession of any superior skill in judging their fellow- men. Indeed,
being more aware of the difficulties than is the non-psychologist, they may be more reluctant to
commit themselves to definite predictions or decisions about other people. Nevertheless, to an
increasing extent psychologists are moving into educational, occupational, clinical and other applied
fields, where they are called upon to use their expertise for such purposes as fitting the education or
job to the child or adult, and the person to the job. Thus a considerable proportion of their activities
consists of personality assessment.

F. The success of psychologists in personality assessment has been limited, in comparison with what
they have achieved in the fields of abilities and training, with the result that most people continue to
rely on unscientific methods of assessment. In recent times there has been a tremendous amount of
work on personality tests, and on carefully controlled experimental studies of personality.
Investigations of personality by Freudian and other 'depth' psychologists have an even longer
history. And yet psychology seems to be no nearer to providing society with practicable techniques
which are sufficiently reliable and accurate to win general acceptance. The soundness of the methods
of psychologists in the field of personality assessment and the value of their work are under constant
fire from other psychologists, and it is far from easy to prove their worth.

G. The growth of psychology has probably helped responsible members of society to become more
aware of the difficulties of assessment. But it is not much use telling employers, educationists and
judges how inaccurately they diagnose the personalities with which they have to deal unless
psychologists are sure that they can provide something better. Even when university psychologists
themselves appoint a new member of staff. They almost always resort to the traditional techniques of
assessing the candidates through interviews, past records, and testimonials, and probably make at
least as many bad appointments as other employers do. However, a large amount of experimental
development of better methods has been carried out since 1940 by groups of psychologists in the
Armed Services and in the Civil Service, and by such organizations as the (British) National Institute
of Industrial Psychology and the American Institute of Research.

List of Headings
i. The advantage of an intuitive approach to personality assessment
ii. Overall theories of personality assessment rather than valuable guidance
iii. The consequences of poor personality assessment
iv. Differing views on the importance of personality assessment
v. Success and failure in establishing an approach to personality assessment
vi. Everyone makes personality assessments
vii. Acknowledgement of the need for improvement in personality assessment
viii. Little progress towards a widely applicable approach to personality assessment
ix. The need for personality assessments to be well-judged
x. The need for a different kind of research into personality assessment
Question 1-6. Choose the correct headings for the paragraphs below.
Example : Paragraph A vi
1. Paragraph B ______ 2. Paragraph C ______ 3. Paragraph D ______
4. Paragraph E ______ 5. Paragraph F ______ 6. Paragraph G ______
Question 7. Choose THREE letters A-F. Write your answers in box 7.
Which THREE of the following are stated about psychologists involved in personality assessment?
A. 'Depth' psychologists are better at it than some other kinds of psychologist.
B. Many of them accept that their conclusions are unreliable.
C. They receive criticism from psychologists not involved in the field.
D. They have made people realize how hard the subject is.
E. They have told people what not to do, rather than what they should do.
F. They keep changing their minds about what the best approaches are.
Questions 8 - 10. Do the following statements agree with the views of the writer in the Reading Passage.
In boxes 8 - 10 write
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
8. Unscientific systems of personality assessment have been of some use.
9. People make false assumptions about the expertise of psychologists.
10. It is likely that some psychologists are no better than anyone else at assessing personality.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Section 5. Read the following article about how to be environmentally friendly and decide in which
paragraph (A-E) the following are mentioned. For each question 1-10, write your answer (A, B, C, D or
E) in the corresponding numbered boxes. Write one letter for each answer. The paragraphs may be
chosen more than once.
(15 points)
Farmers in developing countries are some of the most vulnerable people on earth, prey to world commodity
markets, middle men and the weather. So-called “fair trade” arrangements guarantee cooperative groups a
price above the world market and a bonus on top. The growing fair-trade market has distributed hundreds of
millions of pounds to more than 50 million people worldwide. But critics say that fair trade will never lift a
country out of poverty; indeed, it may keep it there, because the money generated from sales goes almost in
its entirety to rich countries which promote the products. As a simple guide, only about 5% of the sale price
of a fair-trade chocolate bar may actually go to the poor country.
For food to be organic it must be free of added chemicals, both in the growing of the food and in the killing
of the pests that might damage the crop. In a world where many manufactured chemicals have never been
properly tested for safety, this is a very big selling point. Parents are thus prepared to pay a premium for
organic food, especially when chemicals suspected of causing a variety of problems have been found, albeit
in tiny quantities, in most children’s blood. The problem is that many farmers have not switched to organic
in sufficient numbers to satisfy this growing market. As a result, supermarkets are often forced to fly
vegetables as they can label “organic” halfway round the world, at a great cost to the planet in extra
greenhouse gases. Environmentalists are now urging shoppers to buy locally produced vegetables, even if
they are not organic and have been sprayed with pesticides.
If you want to make yourself feel better about the planet, there are lots of ways for you to ease your
conscience by becoming “carbon neutral”. One of the most appealing methods is to pay for someone to
plant trees, preferably creating or regenerating new forests. The theory is that trees grow by absorbing
carbon dioxide and giving out oxygen, storing the carbon in their trunks. But woods and forests create their
own mini-climate, which collects and stores water and creates rainclouds. Added to this, there is the
potential problem that planting trees often releases carbon stored in the soil - and what happens if the forests
catch fire, or are chopped down and harvested for timber? Another and perhaps better solution might be to
invest in small-scale hydro-electric schemes, so that people who live in the Himalayas, for example, and
currently do not have electricity, can develop a 21st century lifestyle without polluting the planet.
The idea of “green” tourism is to persuade local people not to chop down forests, shoot elephants or wipe
out tigers, but to preserve them so rich tourists visit and peer at the wildlife through binoculars.
Unfortunately, the best money is made from reintroducing animals for trophy hunting by the very rich - an
idea which does not always meet with approval and has caused much debate. While tourists may help
sustain some national parks, they often create as many problems as they solve. One is that they tend to
demand all mod cons in their hotels, such as a great deal of water for showers; a luxury sometimes not
available for locals. Eco-tourism, when properly managed, can offer the locals and the animals a brighter
future. Sometimes, though, the only winners are a few business people who own hotels.
A great shift has taken place in the way we think about rubbish. Where once we were happy to bury it in
landfills or dump it at sea, we are now being urged by national and local governments to recycle it and think
of waste as a resource. The wheelie-bin culture is being replaced by a series of kerbside collections of paper,
metals, plastic, bottles, clothes and compost. The idea is to cut landfill as well as saving the planet. It is,
however, having some unexpected consequences. Most of Britain’s plastic and paper is now being sent for
recycling in China or India, which creates more greenhouse gases just to get it there, plus workers then have
to separate it. Meanwhile, some paper and bottles carefully sorted out by householders end up being
dumped in landfills after all, because the demand for recycled materials constantly fluctuates.

In which section is the following mentioned?

a controversial pastime that raises considerable money 1. ______
an action which creates a different weather pattern 2. ______
an undesirable result of unnecessary global transportation 3. ______
(NB. You must provide two different options) 4. ______
inadequate research into harmful substances 5. ______
people at the greatest risk from factors beyond their control 6. ______
a benefit for those the scheme was not originally intended for 7. ______
(NB. You must provide two different options) 8. ______
the bringing of a source of energy to remote areas 9. ______
a failure to adapt in order to meet increasing demands 10. ______

Section 1. Read the following extract and use your own words to summarize it. Your summary should be
about 80 - 100 words long. You MUST NOT copy the original.
(15 points)
The way in which information is taught can vary greatly across cultures and time periods. Entering a British
primary school classroom from the early 1900s, for example, one gains a sense of austerity, discipline, and a
rigid way of teaching. Desks are typically seated apart from one another, with straight-backed wooden
chairs that face directly to the teacher and the chalkboard. In the present day, British classrooms look very
different. Desks are often grouped together so that students face each other rather than the teacher, and a
large floor area is typically set aside for the class to come together for group discussion and learning.
Traditionally, it was felt that teachers should be in firm control of the learning process, and that the
teacher’s task was to prepare and present material for students to understand. Within this approach, the
relationship students have with their teachers is not considered important, nor is the relationship students
have with each other in the classroom. A student’s participation in class is likely to be minimal, aside from
asking questions directed at the teacher, or responding to questions that the teacher has directed at the
student. This style encourages students to develop respect for positions of power as a source of control and
discipline. It is frequently described as the “formal authority” model of teaching.
A less rigid form of teacher-centred education is the “demonstrator” model. This maintains the formal
authority model’s notion of the teacher as a “flashlight” who illuminates the material for his or her class to
learn, but emphasises a more individualized approach to form. The demonstrator acts as both a role model
and a guide, demonstrating skills and processes and then helping students develop and apply these
independently. Instructors who are drawn to the demonstrator style are generally confident that their own
way of performing a task represents a good base model, but they are sensitive to differing learning styles
and expect to provide students with help on an individual basis.
Many education researchers argue for student-centred learning instead, and suggest that the learning process
is more successful when students are in control. Within the student-centred paradigm, the “delegator” style
is popular. The delegator teacher maintains general authority, but they delegate much of the responsibility
for learning to the class as a way for students to become independent thinkers who take pride in their own
work. Students are often encouraged to work on their own or in groups, and if the delegator style is
implemented successfully, they will build not only a working knowledge of course specific topics, but also
self-discipline and the ability to co-ordinate group work and interpersonal roles.
Section 2. The line graph below gives information about the rates of unemployment between 1991 and
2005 in three different countries in Europe. The table shows the percentage of men and woman in the
workforce in these three countries.
Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where
relevant. Write at least 150 words.
(15 points)
Employment rates of men and women in three countries in Europe in 1991

Men Women
Germany 76.5% 54.4%
Spain 66.2% 32.3%
Italy 77.1% 37.8%
Section 3. Write an essay of about 300 – 350 words on the following topic:
Some people feel that in order to improve the quality of our education we should encourage high school
students to evaluate and criticise their teachers. Others feel that it will cause the loss of respect and
discipline in the classroom.
To what extent do you agree or disagree?
(30 points)

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