English 12: Practice Test 13: LISTENING: (50 PTS)
English 12: Practice Test 13: LISTENING: (50 PTS)
English 12: Practice Test 13: LISTENING: (50 PTS)
Part 2.
You will hear two people discussing a survey connected to the “nanny state.” For each of the
following questions, choose the option which best fits to what you hear. You will listen to the
recording twice.
1 What does the man say about the woman’s opinion of the “nanny state?”
A He used to agree with it.
B It may not be widely shared.
C It isn’t logical.
2 The man says that the survey indicates that most people ________.
A have changed their minds about the “nanny state”
B feel that there is no such thing as the “nanny state”
C want the government to tell them what to do on certain issues
3 The woman believes that government action on various health issues ________.
A is the right thing for the government to do
B shows that the “nanny state” can be a good thing
C annoys a great many people
4 The woman thinks that the survey results ________.
A suggest that people have the wrong attitude
B show that people have become very confused
C do not indicate approval of the “nanny state”
5 The woman says that the report in the paper ________.
A may change people’s view on the “nanny state”
B won’t be believed by most readers
C has interpreted people’s opinions incorrectly
Part 3.
You will hear a conversation between a boy, William and a girl Sophie in a music shop. Listen and decide
if the following sentences are True (T) or False (F). Write your answers in the corresponding numbered
A. LEXICO-GRAMMAR (50 points)
Part 1. Choose the best option A, B, C, or D to complete the following sentences and write your
answers in the corresponding numbered boxes.
1. I am going to go round the _________ if they don’t turn that music down soon.
A. bell B. bend C. leg D. stock
2. I was so tired that I couldn’t even think _________
A. mind B. doubt C. focus D. straight
3. The cat slept peacefully _________ in the long grass.
A. huddled B. nestled C. snuggled D. cuddled
4. Mr. Wright _________ his vegetable garden very carefully.
A. tends B. grows C. maintains D. attends
5. She _________ a few clothes into the case and hurried to the airport.
A. shoved B. scattered C. piled D. heaved
6. No teenager really knows what _________ for them career-wise in the future.
A. knuckles own B. lies head C. whiles away D. crops up
7. The consultant called in by the firm brought a _________ of experience to bear on the problem.
A. wealth B. realm C. bank D. hoard
8. Several passengers received minor injuries when the train unexpectedly came to a _________
A. delay B. halt C. break D. stand
9. John refused to put his career in _________ by opposing his boss.
A. jeopardy B. hazard C. risk D. stake
10. The area is famous for its _________ gardens, where all kinds of different vegetables are grown
for cash.
A. market B. hothouse C. trade D. greenhouse
11. It is essential to be on the _________ for any signs of movement in the undergrowth since there
are poisonous snakes in the area.
A. guard B. care C. alarm D. alert
12. I could see the lantern _________ in the dark.
A. gleaming B. glowing C. glistening D. glimmering
13. It was a daring robbering, which took place in _________ daylight.
A. broad B. total C. wide D. absolute
14. For my _________ of mind, promise you’ll wear a life jacket in the boat.
A. satisfaction B. contentment C. peace D. calmness
15. By using all the latest technology, the yatchman managed to cross the Atlantic in _________ time.
A. quickest B. lightning C. top D. record
16. I’m afraid Tim doesn’t take much care over his homework. He usually does it _________
A. any old how B. any how C. how on earth D. how come
17. What a mad thing to do! You could all have been killed! It was _________ folly.
A. merely B. only C. sheer D. wild
18. The bark of a tree thickens _________
A. with age B. it gets older C. as older D. by age
19. Widely reproduced in magazines and books, _________
A. Ansel Adams depicted the Western wilderness in his photographs.
B. the Western wilderness was depicted in the photographs of Ansel Adams.
C. Ansel Adam’s photographs deppicted the Western wilderness.
D. it was through his photographs that Ansel Adams depicted the Western wilderness.
20. When I advised you to change jobs, I had your best _________ at heart.
A. feelings B. interests C. thoughts D. aspects
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
11. 12. 13. 14. 15.
16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
Part 2. Read the passage below which contains 10 mistakes. Identify the mistakes and write the
corrections in the corresponding numbered boxes.
Example: Line 1: wrongly wrong
Human memory, formerly believing to be rather inefficient, is really more sophisticated than that of
a computer. Researchers approaching the problem from a variation of viewpoints have all concluded
that there is a great deal more storing in our minds than has been generally supposed. Dr. Wilder
Penfield, a Canadian neurosurgery, proved that by stimulating their brains electrically, he can elicit
the total recall of specific events in his subjects’ lives. Even dreams and another minor events
supposedly forgotten for many years suddenly emerged in details. Although the physical basic for
memory is not yet understood, one theory is how the fantastic capacity for storage in the brain is the
result of an almost unlimited combination of interconnections between brain cell, stimulated by
patterns of activity. Repeated references with the same information support recall. In other words,
improved performance is the result of strengthening the chemical bonds in the memory.
Your answers:
Line Mistakes Corrections
Part 3. Complete each sentence with one suitable particle or preposition. Write your answer in the
box provided.
1.Something’s cropped _________, I am afraid I won’t be able to make it this afternoon.
2. They are planning to wind ________ their operation in Greece and concentrate on Eastern Europe.
3. Tina is an authority _________ Byzaantine architecture.
4. His sense of fun has rubbed _________ his children.
5.– “ Will the concert start soon?”
_ “ It should get _________ way any minute now.”
6. Being rich doesn’t count _________ much on a desert island.
7. The company’s announced it’s laying _________ 1,000 workers.
8. Could you lend me some money to tide _________ me to the end of the month?
9. If the business does well, I’ll hopefully be able to take _________ a part-time assistant in the
10. When I was younger I wanted to be an air pilot but I soon went _________ the idea when I
realised I hated flying.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 4. Write the correct form of the words given in the brackets. Write your answers in the spaces
provided below.
Many people have given (0. ASSIST) ...assistance… to me during the writing of this book, but it is to
Miss Leigh Keith, senior editor of Ramsay and Brown that I am most deeply (1. DEBT) _________
for her loyalty and (2. DEVOTE) _________ during the four years the project lasted. She gave her
time and advice (3. STINT) _________ in order for this work to be completed, giving both moral and
(4. PRACTICE) _________ support for the lengthy research into social conditions the project (5.
NECESSARY) _________ Her assurance and encouragement sustained me in my (6. BELIEVE)
_________ that this was valuable work and it was (7. DOUBT) _________ what enabled me to
continue in the face of often discouraging circumstances. I must also thank my father, who has been a
(8. WILL) _________ collaborator in all my efforts and who spent long hours in libraries and on
trains to distant parts of the country in search of material. I know that he will say that he enjoyed it, but
without his (9. FLAG) _________ enthusiasm this book would never have been written. Finally, I
would like to thank my friends and family, who have had to put up with what must have seemed to
them an (10. EXCEPT) _________ long drawn out piece of writing. Thank you, all of you, very
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
According to the rules , all the cars in the rally must be more than thirty years old, which means that
the (8) roads and high altitude are a (9) _________ test of both the cars and the drivers. A sense of
adventure is essential. One driver said, 'Our (10) _________ is to have a good time, enjoy the
experience and the magnificent scenery - and the adventure of a lifetime.'
1 A adapt B moderate C improve D form
2 A revolution B circle C rotation D turn
3 A head B move C set D try
4 A crossings B passes C directions D passages
5 A get B take C have D make
6 A closing B final C ending D finishing
7 A forward B ahead C front D advance
8 A crude B undeveloped C broken D rough
10 A firm B strict C severe D grave
10 A aim B target C proposal D intent
Your answer:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 2. Read the following text and fill in the blank with ONE suitable word. Write your answers in
corresponding numbered boxes.
Universally, work has been a central focus point (0) ... in ... society. As old as the idea of work (1)
_________ is the question of what constitutes ‘real work’. This is, in fact, a very subjective question
indeed. (2)_________ you to ask a miner, or any labourer for that matter, what real work is, he would
probably reply that real work entails working (3) _________ your hands and, in the process, getting
them dirty. To the average blue-collar worker, whitecollar workers are those people who sit in their
offices day (4)_________ day doing little or (5)_________ in the line of actual work.
By (6)_________, if you approached a white-collar worker or a professional of (7) _________ sort
with the same question, you can rest assured that they (8) _________ adamantly maintain that the
world would stop revolving (9) _________ their invaluable intellectual contribution to the scheme of
This idea is reflected in the vocabulary used to describe work and its related subjects. Words like
career, vocation and profession carry a more elevated connotation than the simple term ‘job’. The (10)
_________ three lexical items convey the idea of learned persons sitting at desks and using their grey
matter to solve matters involving financial, legal or medical matters, while the humble slave away at
some mundane work station or assembly line task.
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 3. Read the following passage and circle the best answer to each of the following questions.
Write your answers in corresponding numbered boxes.
In the last couple of decades, self-help books have been a publishing phenomenon, often
topping the bestseller lists. Readers have lapped up their advice on how to do a wide variety
of things, from becoming successful and rich to improving their relationships. If you’re facing
a particular problem in your life, there’s a host of self-help books for you. If you have the idea
that you want to improve yourself in some way, there are any number of self-help titles just
waiting to advise you. If you want a successful career, no problem – step-by-step guides will
tell you exactly what to do. But, despite their enormous success, there’s a question many
people ask: do these books actually do what they claim to?
Obviously, as in any field of publishing, some self-help books are better than others. Some
may be based on actual research and case studies – there’s some substance to them that
suggests they can, at least to some extent, be taken seriously. Others, however, amount to
little more than psychobabble – empty nonsense dressed up as serious psychological insight.
These books bombard the reader with a mass of meaningless jargon, disguising the fact that
they have nothing to say beyond the obvious that you would not need to buy a book to know.
It’s the latter category that has given self-help books a bad name among critics of the genre.
The kind of advice given in self-help books is often more or less the same. What really
amounts to pretty standard statements are made in many of them, but does this advice stand
up to scrutiny? Psychologists who have studied a range of self-help books connected with
happiness say the answer to this is “not always.” They say that although the emphasis the
books place on aiming for good relationships with families, friends, and colleagues has, in
some ways, some scientific basis in terms of what does actually lead to personal happiness, in
other ways the advice given is actually false.
For example, the books commonly tell you that it is good to express your anger; the
psychologists say this simply causes you to remain angry. You are often told to try to think
happy thoughts when you are sad; the psychologists say that attempting to do this simply
emphasizes your unhappiness for you. The books tell you to focus entirely on your aims in
life, looking only at the desired outcome; psychologists say you need to focus just as much on
the problems you have to overcome in order to reach your goals. The books tell you to keep
praising yourself to increase and maintain a high level of self-belief; the psychologists say
that actually this doesn’t work because you need praise from other people in order to increase
your self-esteem.
Perhaps the key question on self-help books is: do they work? Do people feel they have
directly helped them? Whatever critics may say, do the people who buy and read them get real
results from them? The answer to this question appears to be “sometimes.” Research indicates
that the kind of book that deals with a particular problem can be effective in helping people
with that problem, particularly if the problem in question isn’t a severe one, for example mild
depression or anxiety. The situation is less clear with books dealing with personal growth or
development. Some people do say that these books have helped them but it is by no means
certain, and hard to measure, whether this is really the case.
What is clear about all self-help books, however, is that they offer people hope. The actual
advice they give and whether or not this is accurate or effective is probably less important
than the fact that they tell the reader that change is possible, that there is hope of a better life,
that people can overcome difficulties and improve themselves and their situation. While this
may sound like a good thing, there is, however, a downside to it. To get people to buy them,
these books often make exaggerated claims about what they will do for people. They can raise
unrealistic expectations in the reader, suggesting that a better life can quite easily be achieved,
that anyone can get what they want out of life. The truth is, of course, that changing yourself
and your life may be very difficult indeed and require an immense amount of effort, if it is
even achievable at all. So self-help books are open to the claim that they present a false
picture that can only lead to disappointment in the end.
1 In the first paragraph, what does the writer emphasize about self-help books?
A The number of them available.
B How quickly the genre became popular.
C The fact that one person might buy many of them.
2 In the second paragraph, the writer expresses a preference for self-help books which ________.
A don’t use any jargon at all
B explain technical terms in a clear way
C give examples to support their advice
3 The writer says that self-help books containing a lot of “psychobabble” ________.
A are seldom popular with readers
B exist in greater numbers than other kinds of self-help books
C have affected the reputation of all self-help books
4 What does the writer say about self-help books connected with happiness?
A There is evidence to support some of the advice they give.
B They vary more than other kinds of self-help books.
C They are the most popular kind of self-help book.
5 Psychologists say that some advice in books about happiness ________.
A could produce different bad feelings in people
B could make people feel worse than they did
C is too hard for people to carry out
6 Which of the following do psychologists believe?
A Focusing on problems is more important than focusing on goals.
B You won’t have greater self-confidence unless other people praise you.
C Thinking only about aims can result in greater unhappiness.
7 Research into whether self-help books really help people suggests that ________.
A those dealing with personal growth and development are the least useful
B people want to believe that they have helped them a lot
C they are not very useful for serious problems
8 What do all self-help books have in common, according to the writer?
A They all contain some useful advice.
B They all have the same basic message.
C They all sympathize with the reader.
9 When asking whether self-help books work, the writer suggests that ________.
A this may be more important than whether the advice is correct
B not enough attention has been paid to this
C readers may not be honest about this
10 The writer concludes in that last paragraph that self-help books ________.
A are more influential than is generally thought
B are only taken seriously by certain kinds of person
C may actually be harmful to people
Your answers:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Part 4. Read the following text and do the tasks that follow.
This review was commissioned by the Food Standards Agency to examine the current research
evidence on:
• the extent and nature of food promotion to children
• the effect, if any, that this promotion has on their food knowledge, preferences and behaviour.
A Children’s food promotion is dominated by television advertising, and the great majority of this
promotes the so-called ‘Big Four’ of pre-sugared breakfast cereals, soft-drinks, confectionary and
savoury snacks. In the last ten years advertising for fast food outlets has rapidly increased. There is
some evidence that the dominance of television has recently begun to wane. The importance of strong,
global branding reinforces a need for multi-faceted communications combining television with
merchandising, ‘tie-ins’ and point of sale activity. The advertised diet contrasts sharply with that
recommended by public health advisors, and themes of fun and fantasy or taste, rather than health and
nutrition, are used to promote it to children. Meanwhile, the recommended diet gets little promotional
B There is plenty of evidence that children notice and enjoy food promotion. However, establishing
whether this actually influences them is a complex problem. The review tackled it by looking at
studies that had examined possible effects on what children know about food, their food preferences,
their actual food behaviour (both buying and eating), and their health outcomes (eg. obesity or
cholesterol levels). The majority of studies examined food advertising, but a few examined other forms
of food promotion. In terms of nutritional knowledge, food advertising seems to have little influence
on children’s general perceptions of what constitutes a healthy diet, but, in certain contexts, it does
have an effect on more specific types of nutritional knowledge. For example, seeing soft drink and
cereal adverts reduced primary aged children’s ability to determine correctly whether or not certain
products contained real fruit.
C The review also found evidence that food promotion influences children’s food preferences and
their purchase behaviour. A study of primary school children, for instance, found that exposure to
advertising influenced which foods they claimed to like; and another showed that labelling and signage
on a vending machine had an effect on what was bought by secondary school pupils. A number of
studies have also shown that food advertising can influence what children eat. One, for example,
showed that advertising influenced a primary class’s choice of daily snack at playtime.
D The next step, of trying to establish whether or not a link exists between food promotion and diet
or obesity, is extremely difficult as it requires research to be done in real world settings. A number of
studies have attempted this by using amount of television viewing as a proxy for exposure to television
advertising. They have established a clear link between television viewing and diet, obesity, and
cholesterol levels. It is impossible to say, however, whether this effect is caused by the advertising, the
sedentary nature of television viewing or snacking that might take place whilst viewing. One study
resolved this problem by taking a detailed diary of children’s viewing habits. This showed that the
more food adverts they saw, the more snacks and calories they consumed.
E Thus the literature does suggest food promotion is influencing children’s diet in a number of ways.
This does not amount to proof; as noted above with this kind of research, incontrovertible proof simply
isn’t attainable. Nor do all studies point to this conclusion; several have not found an effect. In
addition, very few studies have attempted to measure how strong these effects are relative to other
factors influencing children’s food choices. Nonetheless, many studies have found clear effects and
they have used sophisticated methodologies that make it possible to determine that i) these effects are
not just due to chance; ii) they are independent of other factors that may influence diet, such as
parents’ eating habits or attitudes; and iii) they occur at a brand and category level.
F Furthermore, two factors suggest that these findings actually downplay the effect that food
promotion has on children. First, the literature focuses principally on television advertising; the
cumulative effect of this combined with other forms of promotion and marketing is likely to be
significantly greater. Second, the studies have looked at direct effects on individual children, and
understate indirect influences. For example, promotion for fast food outlets may not only influence the
child, but also encourage parents to take them for meals and reinforce the idea that this is a normal and
desirable behaviour.
G This does not amount to proof of an effect, but in our view does provide sufficient evidence to
conclude that an effect exists. The debate should now shift to what action is needed, and specifically to
how the power of commercial marketing can be used to bring about improvements in young people’s
Questions 1-6
Reading Passage 1 has seven paragraphs, A-G.
Choose the most suitable heading for paragraphs A-G from the list of headings below.
Write the appropriate numbers (i-x) in boxes 1-6. Paragraph A has been done for you.
List of Headings
i General points of agreements and disagreements of researchers
ii How much children really know about food
iii Need to take action
iv Advertising effects of the “Big Four”
v Connection of advertising and children’s weight problems
vi Evidence that advertising affects what children buy to eat
vii How parents influence children’s eating habits
viii Advertising’s focus on unhealthy options
ix Children often buy what they want
x Underestimating the effects advertising has on children
→ To the ____________________________________________________________________
→ In all _____________________________________________________________________
→ The longer_________________________________________________________________
5. You could be arrested for not giving a breath sample to the police.
→ Refusal __________________________________________________________________
Part 2: Use the word(s) given in brackets and make any necessary additions to complete a new
sentence in such a way that it is as similar as possible in meaning to the original sentence. Do NOT
change the form of the given word(s).
1. Jenny isn't a bad accountant, but I don't think it is a very suitable occupation for her.
I just don't think Jenny ___________________________ an accountant.
2. We had no problems at all during our holiday in Turkey.
Everything ___________________________ during our holiday in Turkey.
3. It's possible Clare phoned while we were out.
Clare ___________________________ while we were out.
4. Our class has won the History Quiz for the third year running.
For the ___________________________ , our class has won the History Quiz.
5. The thunderstorm brought their tennis match to an abrupt end.
They had to ___________________________ because of the thunderstorm.
Some people believe that unpaid community service such as working for a charity, improving the
neighborhood or teaching sports to younger children should be a compulsory part of high school