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Design and analysis of annular combustion chamber of a low bypass turbofan

engine in a jet trainer aircraft

Article  in  Propulsion and Power Research · May 2016

DOI: 10.1016/j.jppr.2016.04.001


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Priyant Mark
Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal


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Propulsion and Power Research 2016;5(2):97–107


Propulsion and Power Research


Design and analysis of annular combustion

chamber of a low bypass turbofan engine in a jet
trainer aircraft
C. Priyant Marka,n, A. Selwynb

Department of Aerospace Engineering, Karunya University, Coimbatore, T.N., India
A.E.R.D.C., Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd., Bangalore, KA, India

Received 19 May 2014; accepted 4 March 2016

Available online 26 May 2016

KEYWORDS Abstract The design of an annular combustion chamber in a gas turbine engine is the
backbone of this paper. It is specifically designed for a low bypass turbofan engine in a jet
Aerodynamic design;
Annular combustion trainer aircraft. The combustion chamber is positioned in between the compressor and turbine.
chamber; It has to be designed based on the constant pressure, enthalpy addition process. The present
CFD (computational methodology deals with the computation of the initial design parameters from benchmarking of
fluid dynamics) analy- real-time industry standards and arriving at optimized values. It is then studied for feasibility
sis; and finalized. Then the various dimensions of the combustor are calculated based on different
Gas turbine engine; empirical formulas. The air mass flow is then distributed across the zones of the combustor.
Optimization; The cooling requirement is met using the cooling holes. Finally the variations of parameters at
Real-time model different points are calculated. The whole combustion chamber is modeled using Siemens NX
8.0, a modeling software and presented. The model is then analyzed using various parameters
at various stages and levels to determine the optimized design. The aerodynamic flow
characteristics is simulated numerically by means of ANSYS 14.5 software suite. The air-fuel
mixture, combustion-turbulence, thermal and cooling analysis is carried out. The analysis is
performed at various scenarios and compared. The results are then presented in image outputs
and graphs.
& 2016 National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (C. Priyant Mark).
Peer review under responsibility of National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics, China.

2212-540X & 2016 National Laboratory for Aeronautics and Astronautics. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the
CC BY-NC-ND license (
98 C. Priyant Mark, A. Selwyn

1. Introduction for ease of use. Silva [4] has discussed a consolidated design
methodology for an automotive turbocharger utilizing a
Gas turbine engine evolved as a critical part and the most micro gas turbine combustor. It gives a brief report along
efficient propulsion unit for aircrafts. It is now used in with heat-transfer analysis. Generally, the computational
almost all of the passenger aircrafts worldwide with fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis of a combustor is carried
different variations. Military aircraft made the debut in out based on different combustion models [5]. Few models
using the turbojet engine. As the technology progressed, such as Westbroor-Dryer one step model and Westbroor-
high performance military aircraft began using low bypass Dryer two step model hold good for laminar combustion
turbofan engines due to its advanced capabilities, efficiency simulation. Likewise K-epsilon model, K-omega model and
and reliability, even at supersonic speeds. K-omega shear stress transport (SST) model hold good for
Low bypass turbofans have a bypass ratio of around 1:1 turbulent combustion simulation. The present paper discusses
or less [1]. A high specific thrust/low bypass ratio turbofan mainly about designing a gas turbine combustor at a scale of
normally has a multi-stage fan, developing a relatively high a jet trainer aircraft engine using the most straightforward
pressure ratio and, thus, yielding a high (mixed or cold) and transparent approach. It also focuses on reducing the
exhaust velocity. The core airflow needs to be large enough development time and gives ample support for refining the
to give sufficient core power to drive the fan. A smaller core design at every phase. The paper also presents a computer
flow/higher bypass ratio cycle (for the fan operation) can be aided design (CAD) model designed using the same princi-
achieved by raising the high pressure (HP) turbine rotor ples to show the practicality in using the design. For an
inlet temperature. The temperature rise of the airflow from accurate CFD analysis result of a gas turbine combustion
the intake to the nozzle of the engine is also less, which chamber, it needs to simulate combustion and turbulence
results in a reduced fuel flow leading to a better specific fuel simultaneously. This paper gives a detailed CFD analysis
consumption (SFC) for the same pressure ratio. Thus, a low report of the designed combustor based on the combustion-
bypass turbo fan would add to the efficiency of the engine. turbulence interaction model.
Jet fighters as well as trainers are high performance
aircraft that use the most powerful engines for producing
thrust. The process of upgrading military hardware has 2. Aerodynamic design
initiated the race to develop even more powerful engines.
By increasing power, the engines require more fuel input, 2.1. Preliminary design procedure
thereby resulting in fuel guzzling engines. This directly
points to an inefficient engine in terms of fuel consumption. The procedure purposed by Melconian and Modak
Fuel consumption efficiency is required even in military (1985) [6] to design a combustor is described in Figure 1.
aircraft as it can aid in increasing the range. For improving The equations utilized in the design procedure is presented,
efficiency, the very fundamentals lie in the combustion which is sufficient for the reader to understand the design
chamber. An efficient combustion chamber is the answer methodology idea.
for better performance.
The most commonly used type of combustor is the fully
annular combustor, the others being tubular and tuboannu- 2.2. Initial design parameters
lar combustor. Annular combustors [2] do away with the
separate combustion zones and simply have a continuous The initial design parameters are mostly the compressor
liner and casing in a ring (the annulus). There are many exit and turbine inlet constraints, which is usually absorbed
advantages to annular combustors, including more uniform for any combustion chamber design. Others include custo-
combustion, shorter size (therefore lighter), and less surface mer specifications, constants, experimental values and
area. Additionally, annular combustors tend to have very limits. Table 1 shows the initial parameters used for the
uniform exit temperatures. They also have the lowest design, which were obtained from real-time data.
pressure drop of the three designs (on the order of 5%).
The annular design is also simpler, although testing gen-
erally requires a full size test rig. Most modern engines use
annular combustors; likewise, most combustor research and 3. Dimensions
development focuses on improving this type. This paper
deals with designing an efficient annular combustion 3.1. Casing area
chamber for use in jet trainer aircrafts.
Conrado [3] has discussed a design methodology which Eq. (1) calculates the reference area [7].
follows a similar approach for designing a micro gas turbine "  2   #0:5
R m_ 3 T 0:5 ΔP3  4 ΔP3  4  1
combustor. It also showcases an example and further Aref ¼ 3
automating the same approach using a computer program 2 P3 qref P3
Design and analysis of annular combustion chamber of a low bypass turbofan engine in a jet trainer aircraft 99

Nomenclature R3 inlet radius (unit: m)

Ro snout outer radius (unit: m)
Dout outer diameter (unit: m) T3 inlet temperature (unit: K)
m_ 3 inlet air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) T4 exit temperature (unit: K)
m_ DZ dilution zone air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) T in zone inlet temperature (unit: K)
m_ Dcool dome cooling air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) T max max exit temperature (unit: K)
m_ PZ primary zone air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) T out zone exit temperature (unit: K)
m_ RZ recirculation zone air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) kb backward rate constant
m_ SW swirler air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) kf forward rate constant
m_ SZ secondary zone air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) nB number of swirler blades
m_ an annulus air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) qref reference dynamic pressure (unit: kg/(m  s2))
m_ cool cooling air mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) ΔT temperature rise (unit: K)
m_ f fuel mass flow rate (unit: kg/s) CAD computer aided design
ΔP3  4
combustor pressure loss CFD computational fluid dynamics
ΔP3  4
CPF circumferential pattern factor
qref combustor pressure drop factor FAR fuel air ratio
ΔPL HP high pressure
qref liner pressure drop factor
R reactant
qref swirler pressure drop factor RPF radial pattern factor
ΔPdif SFC specific fuel consumption
P3 diffuser pressure loss
A empirical constant, A¼ 4.0
A3 inlet (compressor exit) area (unit: m2)
B empirical constant, B¼ 0.5
AL liner area (unit: m2)
C molar concentration (unit: (kg  mol)/m3)
AS snout area (unit: m2)
N number of reactions
ASW swirler flow area (unit: m2)
P product
Aan annulus area (unit: m2)
PF pattern factor
Ao snout outer area (unit: m2)
R universal gas constant (unit: (N  m)/(kg  K))
Aref reference area (unit: m2)
R net rate of production
Cds snout discharge coefficient
Y mass fraction
D3 inlet diameter (unit: m)
i; j species
Dhub injector hub diameter (unit: m)
r reaction
DL liner diameter (unit: m)
DSW swirler diameter (unit: m)
Dint inner diameter (unit: m) Greek letters
Do snout outer diameter (unit: m)
Dref reference diameter (unit: m) βSW turning angle of the airflow (unit: 1)
K SW swirler concordance factor η rate exponent for reactant
LDZ dilution zone length (unit: m) η rate exponent for product
LL liner length (unit: m) ηcc combustor efficiency (unit: %)
LPZ primary zone length (unit: m) θRZ recirculation zone angle (unit: 1)
LRZ recirculation zone length (unit: m) ϵ0 large-eddy mixing time scale
LSZ secondary zone length (unit: m) ν stoichiometric coefficient for reactant
Ldif diffuser length (unit: m) ν stoichiometric coefficient for product
Ldome dome length (unit: m) Γ net effect of third bodies on the reaction rate
Mw molecular weight (unit: kg/mol) ρ density (unit: kg/m3)
P3 inlet pressure (unit: Pa) φ diffuser angle (unit: 1)
R^ arrhenius molar rate of creation/destruction

Aref ¼ 0:08217 m2 AL ¼ 0:05423 m2

3.2. Liner area 3.3. Annulus area

The combustor sectional area (AL) can be calculated by The annulus area Aan, is the difference between Aref and
Eq. (2) [6]. AL and can be calculated from Eq. (3).
AL ¼ 0:66Aref ð2Þ Aan ¼ Aref  AL ð3Þ
100 C. Priyant Mark, A. Selwyn

3.5. Pattern factor

The pattern factor or temperature traverse quality gives

the temperature distribution of the efflux gasses across the
radial and circumferential direction at the exit of the
combustor. It is an important factor for the turbine inlet
blades. It also influences the liner length. It is defined in
Eq. (4).
T max  T 4
Pattern factor ¼ ð4Þ
T4 T3

PF ¼ 0:25

3.6. Liner length

Figure 1 Preliminary design procedure.
The liner length [7] provides the total length of the zones.
It can be calculated from Eq. (5).
Table 1 Initial design parameters. LL ¼ ΔPL
0:05 q ln ð1  PF Þ
Parameter Value Units

m_ 3 28.7103 kg/s
LL ¼ 0:15719 m
T3 743.352 K
P3 2083450 Pa
m_ f 0.25818 kg/s 3.7. Primary zone length

The length of the primary zone can be calculated from

Eq. (6) [6].
LPZ ¼ DL ð6Þ
LPZ ¼ 0:03020 m

3.8. Secondary zone length

The length of the secondary zone can be calculated from

Eq. (7) [6].
LSZ ¼ DL ð7Þ
Figure 2 Reference length Dref for annular configuration. LSZ ¼ 0:02013 m

3.9. Dilution zone length

Aan ¼ 0:02794 m2
The length of the dilution zone can be calculated from
3.4. Casing and liner diameter Eq. (8) [6].
LDZ ¼ DL 3:83 11:83PF þ 13:4PF 2 ð8Þ
Figure 2 presents the reference length Dref for annular
combustor configuration. The value of Dref is calculated LDZ ¼ 0:06933 m
from Aref and DL is calculated from AL and it must be
chosen such that it accommodates the aerodynamic con-
siderations in every operating condition. 4. Air flow distribution
Dref ¼ 0:061 m
For conventional design [2], about half of primary zone
DL ¼ 0:04026 m air mass flow rate would be admitted through the swirler
Design and analysis of annular combustion chamber of a low bypass turbofan engine in a jet trainer aircraft 101

Table 2 Air mass flow rate distribution.

Air mass flow rates Symbol Percentage/%

Inlet m_ 3 100
Recirculation zone/snout m_ RZ 20
Swirler m_ SW 12
Dome cooling m_ Dcool 8
Annulus m_ an 80
Primary zone m_ PZ 20
Secondary zone m_ SZ 10
Dilution zone m_ DZ 10
Cooling air m_ cool 40
Figure 4 Front end geometry of combustor.

5. Diffuser dimensions
The diffuser, swirler and the recirculation zone geometry
is presented in Figure 4.

5.1. Snout outer area

Figure 3 Airflow apportioning. The snout outer area Ao is calculated assuming the air
velocity in this sectional area is equal to Aan air velocity,
then use Eq. (9) [3].
Table 3 Fuel/air ratio and equivalence ratio for the zones. m _3
Ao ¼ Aan ð9Þ
m_ an
Parameter Recirculation Primary Secondary Dilution
zone zone zone zone
Ao ¼ 0:03492 m2
Fuel/air ratio 0.0450 0.0150 0.0118 0.0090
Equivalence 0.6701 0.2234 0.1763 0.1340
ratio 5.2. Snout outer diameter

The snout outer diameter is obtained from Ao with the

and as dome cooling. The mass flow rate m_ RZ corresponds calculations similar to liner diameter.
to the sum of the air admitted in primary zone through the Do ¼ 0:02593 m
swirler and the air admitted through dome cooling slots.
The swirler mass flow rate (m_ SW ), for flame ignition and
stability, should have an equivalence ratio above 1. The rest 5.3. Diffuser angle
of the airflow goes through the annulus (m _ AN ). Then it is
distributed to the primary, secondary and dilution zones as The diffuser angle φ can be obtained from Eq. (10) [7].
per the requirement. For cooling, based on the formula [5]: 2 31=1:22
Cooling air% ¼ 0:1T 3  30, 40% of the total mass flow rate ΔPdif 2 2
6 A3 P3 7
φ ¼ tan  1 4
is taken and distributed along the zones based on the  2 5 ð10Þ
temperature. Table 2 and Figure 3 show the air mass flow 502:4 1  Ao m
_ 3 T3

rate distribution in the combustor.

The primary/recirculation zone equivalence ratio should φ ¼ 60:141
never be richer than 1.5 in order to minimize smoke, carbon
monoxide (CO) and unburned hydrocarbons (UHC) in the
exhaust gases. To prevent nitrous oxides (NOx) and other 5.4. Diffuser length
pollutants due to thermal dissociation, the equivalence ratio
is capped at a maximum value of 0.6. The equivalence ratio The diffuser length can be obtained with the help of
of secondary zone shall not be higher than 0.8. The fuel/air Eq. (11) [3], where Ro and R3 are Do/2 and D3/2,
ratio and the equivalence ratio [8] for the respective zones respectively.
was calculated and was found to be within the above limits. ðRo  R3 Þ
Ldif ¼ ð11Þ
It is presented in Table 3. tan φ
102 C. Priyant Mark, A. Selwyn

Table 4 The holes for the zones.

Ldif ¼ 0:00170 m
Zones Main holes Cooling holes

No. of Hole No. of Hole

6. Swirler dimensions holes diameter/m holes diameter/m

Primary zone 40 0.01516 600 0.00395

6.1. Snout area Secondary 20 0.01502 480 0.00240
The snout area can be calculated from Eq. (12) [6]. Dilution zone 20 0.01502 600 0.00329

m_ RZ 1
AS ¼ Ao ð12Þ
m_ 3 Cds

AS ¼ 0:01075 m2
LRZ ¼ 2DSW ð15Þ

LRZ ¼ 0:04579 m
6.2. Snout diameter

The snout diameter is calculated from AS with the 7.2. Recirculation zone angle
calculations similar to liner diameter.
The recirculation zone angle can be obtained from Eq.
Do ¼ 0:00798 m (16) [3].

" pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi#
 DL ðDL  2DSW Þ ðDL  4LRZ Þ DL 2  4DL DSW þ 4DSW 2  8DL LRZ þ 16LRZ 2
θRZ ¼ cos  1 ð16Þ
2DL 2  4DL DSW þ 4DSW 2  8DL LRZ þ 16LRZ 2

6.3. Swirler flow area

θRZ ¼ 14:41
The swirler flow area can be calculated from Eq. (13) [3].
u Aref 2
u 7.3. Dome length
ASW ¼ u ΔPSW  
t qref m_ 2 Aref 2
K SW m_ SW
þ AL cos βSW 2
The dome length can be calculated from Eq. (17) [3].
ASW ¼ 0:00464 m2 Ldome ¼ ð17Þ
2 tan θRZ

Ldome ¼ 0:03448 m
6.4. Swirler diameter

The diameter of swirler is calculated using Eq. (14). 8. Holes


ASW π  4
DSW ¼ þ Dhub 2 ð14Þ Firstly, it is necessary to verify if there is enough air to
nB 4 π enter through every combustion chamber zone holes. Then,
it is determined how much air enters through the primary
DSW ¼ 0:02290 m zone, the secondary zone and the dilution zone from the
difference between the total amount of air to enter each
zone and the amount of air that enters through other means
7. Recirculation zone dimensions (for example, through the swirler or slots). After the
determination of the mass flow rate in each zone and the
7.1. Recirculation zone length main hole type – plain and cooling hole type – ‘stacked
ring’, then it is possible obtain the hole area for each zone.
The length of the recirculation zone approximates two This is an iterative process that follows a structured
swirler diameters and can be obtained from Eq. (15) [3]. sequence [3,9]. Table 4 shows the calculated holes.
Design and analysis of annular combustion chamber of a low bypass turbofan engine in a jet trainer aircraft 103

Figure 7 The whole combustor.

Figure 5 Adiabatic temperature rise curves for kerosene (JP-5) fuel.

Figure 8 The combustor with the casing removed.

Figure 6 The gas temperature profile.

9. Gas temperature profile

9.1. The adiabatic flame temperature

The gas temperature profile is predicted theoretically

using numerical calculations to obtain design point values.
The profile is more associated with the core temperature of
the gas mixture due to the flame concentration at the core
where the combustion is at the maximum. It is connected
with the adiabatic flame temperature as this temperature
determines the core temperature of the gas mixture inside Figure 9 The analyzable model.
the liner. This is the temperature that the flame would attain
if the net energy liberated by the chemical reaction that
converts the fresh mixture into combustion products were
Table 5 CFD modeling data.
fully utilized in heating those products. In practice, heat is
lost from the flame by radiation and convection, so the Parameter Value
adiabatic flame temperature is rarely achieved. It means
Discretization Finite volume method
that, the theoretical calculations give only an approximate Domain Combustion-eddy dissipation
value of the gas temperature. Nevertheless, it plays an Meshing method Octree/advancing front
important role in the determination of combustion efficiency Total elements 2906742
and in heat-transfer calculations. Total nodes 592157

9.2. Calculation

For the average gas temperature calculations [3] inside The combustor is divided into four zones: recirculation
the liner at different zones, only the core air mass flow rate zone, primary zone, secondary zone and dilution zone. For
is considered. The core air mass flow excludes cooling air each zone, the local temperature is assumed to vary linearly
and other combusted byproducts. between the zone inlet temperature (Tin) and zone outlet
104 C. Priyant Mark, A. Selwyn

Figure 10 The velocity vector in the model.

Figure 11 The velocity streamline in the model.

Figure 12 The total pressure contour in the model.

temperature (Tout). For every zone, the outlet temperature is For recirculation zone, Tin is assumed to be equal to T3
calculated by Eq. (18). and the inlet temperature for every other zone is the outlet
temperature of the preceding zone. ΔT is the temperature
T out ¼ T 3 þ ηcc ΔT ð18Þ rise from T3 to adiabatic flame temperature which is
Design and analysis of annular combustion chamber of a low bypass turbofan engine in a jet trainer aircraft 105

Figure 13 The total temperature contour in the model.

Figure 14 The temperature contour at the outlet.

calculated from the chart [7] on Figure 5 for the fuel JP-5 11. Aerodynamic analysis
using the corresponding FAR values of each zone.
The computational aerodynamic analysis is carried out to
9.3. Theoretical results validate the theoretical results and to obtain a detailed
preview of the outcome of the design in real-time working
The calculated zone outlet temperatures [4] for each zone conditions. It was done using the commercially available
is presented as graph in Figure 6. CFD code ANSYS 14.5 CFX to get a quick report of the
computed data. The analysis was performed using the
design parameters from Table 1 as inlet and turbine inlet
10. Modeling data as outlet conditions. The initial setup data is given in
Table 5. The eddy dissipation combustion model which
10.1. CAD model uses Eq. (19) and (20) [10], in combination with the finite
rate chemistry model which uses Eq. (21) [10] was used in
The design was modeled using Siemens NX 8.0. The the analysis, which allows accurate simulation of the heat
views are presented in Figures 7 and 8. release and the distribution of the main chemical species.
This is a combustion-turbulence interaction model, which
10.2. Analyzable model significantly improves accuracy of analysis results.
Figures 10–14 give the results.
To analyze the created model and obtain quicker results, !
due to computing limitations, the model was simplified into 0 ϵ min YR
a 201 cut section for a single burner. The view is presented Ri;r ¼ νi;r M w;i Aρ 0 ð19Þ
κ R νR;r M w;R
in Figure 9.
106 C. Priyant Mark, A. Selwyn

The comparison [11] of radial and circumferential pattern

factor is given in Figure 16.
The comparison of target and achieved pressure loss
across the combustor is given in Figure 17.

12. Results and discussion

The complete annular combustor design using just the
initial design parameters has been clearly discussed in this
paper. This is a more refined design methodology which
can be used for the preliminary design. The transparent and
detailed approach is focused on reducing design time and
Figure 15 The gas temperature comparison. complexity. This gives an overall advantage in total design
time and prototype building. Using the methodology, a
practical design is presented. It follows the optimum values
for a preliminary setup. The obtained values are used for
modeling and further simplified for analysis. The analysis
was also carried out with higher accuracy using the
combustion-turbulence interaction model and the results
show that the optimum (higher) gas exit temperature was
obtained for the present design. This gives a very promising
outcome with respect to the exit temperature. The pattern
factor was obtained as desired. The SFC was also reduced
by regulating the temperature rise across the combustor.
The required efficiency and pressure loss was achieved by a
thin margin. The designed combustor was found to be
shorter than the other combustors of its class, which gives it
an edge over others in the space constraint category. Based
Figure 16 The radial and circumferential pattern factor. on theoretical calculations and obtained results, the design
point combustor exit temperature (enthalpy addition) was
achieved within 96% efficiency. Thus, the design is capable
of reaching higher exit temperatures.

13. Conclusions
The design was successfully calculated and modeled. The
required simpler model for analysis was also created. Then
the model was aerodynamically analyzed at design point
and the geometry was optimized based on the results. This
has delivered one of the most efficient combustion chamber
design that can be used in the Jet Trainer Aircraft.
Figure 17 The pressure loss.
0 ϵ ΣP Y P
Ri;r ¼ νi;r M w;i ABρ ð20Þ The authors are grateful to HAL, Bangalore for the
κ ΣNj ν″j;r M w;j contribution of resources to complete the design and
analysis successfully.
  N η0j;r N η00
R^ i;r ¼ Γ νi;r  νi;r
00 0
k f ;r ∏ Cj;r  kb;r ∏ C j;r j;r References
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