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2D Flow Simulaton Ansys

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International Journal of Advances in Applied

Science and Engineering (IJAEAS)

ISSN (P): 2348-1811; ISSN (E): 2348-182X
Vol-1, Iss.-4, SEPTEMBER 2014, 105-111


1 2 3
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.
H.O.D. Department of Mechanical Engineering, Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Godavari College of Engineering, Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.

ABSTRACT:-The present study demonstrates the use of optimization technology in improving the mass flow rate in nozzle pipe. Nozzle
model consists of narrow channel with sharp edge and rounded outlet section. One of the important factors that affect the fuel consumption
is that design of carburettor. The venturi of the carburettor is important that provides a necessary pressure drop in the carburettor device.

Drawing exploration from AutoCAD Workbench is used in the study. The objective of the study was to maximize the volumetric
efficiency of air flow.CFD and experimental results were compared for its accuracy and to develop a standard methodology for future
iterations. It uses a finite-volume method, the k-ε turbulence model, and a multigrid method. The calculated results for velocity and pressure
distributions are discussed. The mass flow rates through the bend pipes are shown to be in good agreement with the measured values.

KEY WORDS:-Carburettor, Mass Flow-rate, CFD, k-ε turbulence model.

1. INTRODUCTION will deliver, thereby regulating engine power and

speed. The throttle is connected, usually through
Internal combustion engines in now a days is a cable or a mechanical linkage of rods and joints or
the best available reliable source of power for all rarely by pneumatic link, to the accelerator pedal on a
domestic, large scale industrial and transportation car or the equivalent control on other vehicles or
applications. The major issue arises at the efficiency equipment.
of these engines. Every attempt made to improve
Fuel is introduced into the air stream
these engines tends to attain the maximum efficiency.
through small holes at the narrowest part of the
The internal combustion (IC) engine is designed to
venturie and at other places where pressure will be
produce power from the energy that is contained in its
lowered when not running on full throttle. Fuel flow
fuel. More specifically, its fuel contains chemical
is adjusted by means of precisely calibrated orifices,
energy and together with air, this mixture is burned to
referred to as jets, in the fuel path.
output mechanical power. Modelling of an entire IC
engine is a very important and complicated process 1.2 WORKING PRINCIPLE OF CARBURETTOR
because engines are nonlinear, multi inputs-multi
Modern passenger vehicles with gasoline
outputs and time variant. [2]
engines are provided with different compensating
devices for fuel air mixture supply. Even then there is
1.1 BASICS OF CARBURETTOR :- high fuel consumption because of many factors. The
A carburettor basically consists of an open venturie of the carburettor is important that provides a
pipe through which the air passes into the inlet necessary pressure drop in the carburettor device.
manifold of the engine. The pipe is in the form of a
venturie it narrows in section and then widens again, The apparatus used for atomizing and
causing the airflow to increase in speed in the vaporizing the fuel and mixing it with the air in
narrowest part. Below the venturie is abutter fly varying proportion to suit the changing operating
valve called the throttle valve — a rotating disc that conditions of the engine is called as carburettor. The
can be turned end-on to the airflow, so as to hardly mechanical braking up of the liquid fuel into very
restrict the flow at all, or can be rotated so that it minute particles so that it is properly mixed with air is
(almost) completely blocks the flow of air. This valve known as atomization.
controls the flow of air through the carburettor throat
and thus the quantity of air/fuel mixture the system The carburettor works on Bernoulli's
principle: the faster air moves, the lower its static
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science Vol-1, Iss-4, 2014

2D CFD Simulations Of Nozzle Flow Analysis For Carburettor

pressure, and the higher its dynamic pressure. CFD (Virtual Flow Bench), an analysis tool
The throttle (accelerator) linkage does not directly used to improve the port design by simulating the
control the flow of liquid fuel. Instead, it actuates flow in alternative port designs. CFD simulation
carburettor mechanisms which meter the flow of air provides fluid velocity and pressure throughout the
being pulled into the engine. The speed of this flow, solution domain with complex geometries and
and therefore its pressure, determines the amount of boundary conditions. With this efficient and effective
fuel drawn into the airstream. tool, designers can evaluate the effect of various
design modifications and boundary conditions on the
Most production carburetted (as opposed
alternative port designs. This reduces the amount of
to fuel-injected) engines have a single carburettor and
experimentation necessary to develop a new product,
a matching intake manifold that divides and
which ultimately reduces cost and time.CFD
transports the air fuel mixture to the intake, though
simulation makes it possible to analyze a new design
some engines (like motorcycle engines) use multiple
in less time and provide complete information on
carburettors on split heads.
flow velocity and pressure throughout the model. [7]
Under all engine operating conditions, the carburettor
 Measure the airflow of the engine.
 Deliver the correct amount of fuel to keep the Aim of the present work is to increase the
fuel/air mixture in the proper range (adjusting for volumetric efficiency of engine and to check the mass
factors such as temperature). flow rate of air.CFD simulations are carried out on
 Mix the two finely and evenly. bend L-shape VenturieNozzle pipe geometric model
as shown in AutoCAD Figure-1.In bend L-shape pipe
having connected to (Convergent-Divergent-
1.3 CFD TOOLS: BRIEF OUTLINES Convergent nozzle) venturie. In which Inlet pressure
is 1bar and 35mm diameter. Outlet Pressure is0.8 bar
Computational fluid dynamics, usually and 12.36mm diameter. From these two values we
abbreviated as ‗CFD‘, defines a branch of fluid can calculate mass flow rate which is 130Kg/hr-
mechanics that uses numerical methods and 135Kg/hr.
algorithms to predict physical fluid flows and heat
transfer. Nowadays, the on-going research yields
software achieving the accuracy and speed of
complex simulation scenarios (turbulent and unsteady
flows): hence, CFD tools can be used to calculate
design mass-flow rates, pressure drops, heat transfer
fluxes and fluid dynamic forces.
Once the fluid and its thermodynamic
working properties are defined, CFD software can
simulate the interaction of liquids and gases with
surfaces defined by boundary conditions: this,
through the numerical resolution of mathematical
equations which govern these processes, called
indeed „governing equations‟. The way to solve the
problem is always by numerical iteration, both in Figure-1Venturie Nozzle (AutoCAD)
steady or unsteady flow (for which, the step time
definition is needed too). [9]Also, flowbench testing 3. LITERATURE SURVEY
does not provide a very efficient path to the final
design because the designers do not have an insight A review of prior air flow rate research was
on the details of recirculation areas, turbulence and performing to help device a strategy for the current
design-imposed pressure loss. [[7] problem. The applicable prior work considered
primarily of intake port air flow rate analysis for

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science Vol-1, Iss-4, 2014

2D CFD Simulations Of Nozzle Flow Analysis For Carburettor

―Bend L-shape nozzle pipe‖. An overview is consumption. According to the author, in SI engine
provided herewith detailed discussions are as alternative fuels like LPG, CNG are used in the
follows:- present day in vehicle to reduce the pollution and fuel
consumption, still for better economy and uniform
I Prof. Laxmikant P. Narkhede& our fuel air supply so their is a need to design the
respected Guide Prof. AtulPatil[1] conducted the carburettor with effective analytical tool.
experiment on ―Optimization For Intake Port‖. In this For further analysis he had used GAMBIT
experiment we performedto Analyze in CFD and FLUENT these two CFD software. He had
simulation and experimental using academic engine mentioned in his paper about principle of carburetion
flow model. This analysis could be used to increase and venturie of pipe as shown in following fig.
efficiency of volumetric flow rate and maximizing
usage of air fuel in combustion process, which reduce
emission toenvironment. Even though air flow have
been optimized on its intake port, but still intake
system could be improve by considering other parts
of engine also such as intake manifold, Valve etc.
By using the academic engine specification Figure-2 Operation of venturie tube (Ref Fig 8.6, Ganeshan V, IC
Engines, TMH, 2009)[5]
model here the results were compared between flow
coefficient and swirl ratio obtained from steady state
Finally he had also concluded that, when
CFD calculation. The calculation was carried out at
flow inside the carburettor was analysed for different
discrete valve lifts to obtain air flow rate and
angles of throttle plate opening, it was found that
rotational speed. CFD and experimental results were
pressure at throat of venturie decreased with increase
compared for its accuracy both flow coefficient and
in opening of the throttle plate. Because when throttle
swirl ratio calculated through CFD which gives
plate opening increases the flow of air through
satisfactory results.
carburettor also increases.
So that, the performance of the engine can be
Harshwardhan Sharma, Satyendra Singh and
improved by efficient design of intake ports. In the
Ravi Goel[6] conducted the Research on ―CFD
process of optimizingthe port flow for improving
Analysis of the Natural Gas Based Carburettor for a
engine performance,Computational fluid dynamics
Two Stroke Spark Ignition Engine‖. In this Research
(CFD) simulation plays a very important role by
Paper author had work on carburettor for two strokes
adding cost effectiveness.
Spark Ignition Engine using CFD analysis carried out
to study characteristic of Methane (CH 4) and Air.
PadmeshMandloi,GunjanVerma[4] conducted
Authors also shown in his Research Biogas (mainly
the experiment on ―Design Optimization Of An In-
Methane CH4) is the best fuel for substituting
Cylinder Engine Intake Port‖. He had use
conventional fuel because of low Pollutant and
optimization technology in improving the intake port
Carbon dioxide emission.
design. Design exploration from ANSYS Workbench
This paper also examined that the effect of
is used in study. The objective of study was to
fuel placements technique on flow behaviour of the
maximize the effective flow area in order to optimize
natural gas in specially designed prototype
the Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (BSFC).Author
carburettor for two stroke scooter engine. Also the
had shows the entire work flow CAD creation was
experimental CFD solutions show that uniformity of
the only experimental step in the entire process where
fuel distributions was heavily affected by location of
as all the other steps were performed within the
fuel inlets.Authors finally concluded that, the
workbench framework.Author had done analysis
prototype of carburettor is proven to be the best
process in CATIA. A full tetrahedral CFD mesh
replacement for the existing carburettor when engine
imported to FLUENT for simulation and k-ε
is operating on natural gas for optimum performance,
turbulence model was used for simulations.
indicated by results and analysis from CFD software.
Anshul Singhal, Mallika Parveen[8] ―Air
Deepak RanjanBhola[5] conducted work on
Flow Optimization via a Venturie Type
―CFD Analysis Of Flow Through Venturi Of A
AirRestrictor‖ Author had carry out the experiment
Carburettor‖ He had explained his paper about design
on flow restriction device to be fitted in FSAE
of carburettor and how it was affect on fuel
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science Vol-1, Iss-4, 2014

2D CFD Simulations Of Nozzle Flow Analysis For Carburettor

(Formula Society of Automotive Engineers) car being at point 2 downstream, we have a narrowing where
built by Team Gear Shifters of BITS-Pilani, Dubai the fluid velocity increases. This means v2 is greater
Campus. Author had work on air restrictor that is than v1. For the left and right sides of the Bernoulli
being designed is basically a kind of obstruction equation to remain equivalent, p1 must be greater
meter. Since the aim is to optimize the Mass Flow than p2. Thus, the high velocity at the narrowing
rate. The obstruction meters used in industries like yields low pressure.
Orifice and Venturi meters.Authors finally concluded
that, the optimum solution to achieve maximum Following Table-1 shows the Name of Various parts and
possible mass flow rate of air as quickly as possible is its Dimensions.
to minimize the pressure loss through the flow
restriction device. The best general design for this Table-1
objective is to use the Venturi design.
Name of Part Dimensions (mm)
Outlet Diameter 12.36
The Navier-Stokes equations are vector Throat diameter 19
equations, meaning that there is a separate equation Length of Venturi 92.5
for each of the coordinate directions. But as we can Horizontal length of 176.88
see, all the above calculations have been made based Pipe
on one assumption – Incompressible Flow. The Vertical length of Pipe 150
conservation of mass is a fundamental concept of
physics. Within some problem domain, the amount of
mass remains constant; mass is neither created nor ρ ρ
destroyed. The mass of any object is simply the
volume that the object occupies times the density of V1=0
the object. For a fluid (a liquid or a gas) the density,
volume, and shape of the object can all change within 101325 = 8000 + ½ * 1.225 * V22
the domain with time and mass can move through the
domain. The conservation of mass (continuity) tells V2 = 186 m/s.
us that the mass flow rate through a tube is a constant
and equal to the product of the density ρ, velocity V,
m = ρ1 * V1 * A1 = ρ2 * V2 * A2
and flow area A:

V1 = 0

To understand how carburettors work, you m = 1.225 * Π/4 * (0.01236)2 *186

have to understand the Bernoulli principle. Shown
below, the Bernoulli equation demonstrates that an m = 0.0273 kg/sec.
increase of a fluid‘s velocity (kinetic energy)
necessitates a decrease in pressure (potential m = 98.28 kg/hr
ρ ρ
CFD simulation makes it possible to analyze
p1, ρ1, and v1 are the static pressure, a new design in less time and provide complete
density, and velocity, respectively at point 1. p2, ρ, information on flow velocity and pressure throughout
and v2 are the static pressure, density, and velocity at the model. CFD analysis was carried out to aid the
another location in the flow. We can assume that the design of effective air intake system. An extensive
density of the fluid is remaining approximately study was conducted to convert the physical model to
constant, so ρ1 is about the same as ρ2. Let's say that comparable computational model in order to reduce

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science Vol-1, Iss-4, 2014

2D CFD Simulations Of Nozzle Flow Analysis For Carburettor

the modeling/numerical error with fewer numbers of model, Realizable κ −ε is used to capture the flows
iterations. involving rotation, boundary layer under
FLUENT was used to perform steady state strongAdverse pressure gradients, separation and
CFD simulations. Standard k-epsilon turbulence recirculation. To accurately represent the flow in the
model was used. Using journaling capabilities, the near wall region, Non-equilibrium wall function is
solution was first converged with first order and later used to predict the wall bounded turbulent flows since
second order schemes.[4] walls are the main source of mean vorticity


Research and approach will be described Pressure based segregated solver is used to
clearly in flow chart, procedures, dimension solve the transport equation for mass, momentum and
measurements, modeling and simulation. The energy. Pressure field is obtained using SIMPLE
collected data from the simulation will be use for algorithm for Pressure-Velocity coupling.[7]
further analysis.
Software Used:-
1. Modelling – AutoCAD 2014
Air at the inlet is at room temperature and
2. Data Tabulation - MS Excel 2007
pressure. The static pressure at outlet is 80,000 Pa
4. Data Interpretation - MATLAB
below the atmospheric pressure. All cases studied
5. Data Compilation - MS Word 2007
assume flow to be incompressible.
6. Paper Formatting - Adobe in Design
ICEM-CFD4.3 was used for meshing the domain and
Variable pressure is used as boundary
FLUENT 14.0 solver was used for CFD simulations.
condition at both the inlet and outlet Part. Attach
boundaries are specified on the coincident cell face
The flow is assumed to be steady and follows the
near the cells above / below the pipe. No slip wall
ideal gas law.
boundary condition in conjunction with logarithmic
Working Fluid:-
law of wall is used. Walls are considered to be
Air is used as the working fluid.
The followings boundary conditions were used in the
5.2 GOVERNING EQUATIONS INCFD Simulations (Geankoplis, 1995):
• Turbulent flow: Turbulence intensity and Hydraulic
There are mainly three equations we solve in diameter were given as input. Kåtransport equation
computational fluid dynamics problem. They are was used in this study.
Continuity equation, Momentum equation (Navier • Incompressible: In the incompressible flow, the
Stokes equation) and Energy equation. The flow of density of fluids is constant.
most fluids may be analyzed mathematically by the • Air Inlet: Fixed inlet pressure condition was
use of two equations. The first, often referred to as considered.
the Continuity Equation, requires that the mass of • Outlet: Fixed Pressure outlet boundary condition
fluid entering a fixed control volume either leaves was considered.
that volume or accumulates within it. It is thus a The fully turbulent flows inside the prototype
"mass balance" requirement posed in mathematical carburettor geometry encouraged the use of standard
form, and is a scalar equation. The other governing k-Ɛ model.
equation is the Momentum Equation, or Navier-
Stokes Equation, and may be thought of as a
"momentum balance".[3]
The mesh geometry shown in figure no.-3 is
The calculations are performed by solving
2 dimensional models used to simulate the mass flow
compressible Navier-Stokes equation for mass,
rate analysis in bend L-shape nozzle pipe for
momentum and energy. Also two equation turbulence
carburettor. The Mesh geometry shown in Figure-3 is
International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science Vol-1, Iss-4, 2014

2D CFD Simulations Of Nozzle Flow Analysis For Carburettor

a 2- Dimensional model used to simulate the flow

analysis in a carburettor with mesh grid density of
around 200000 computational nodes is considered. In
bend L-shape nozzle pipe for carburettor the mesh
density should be high enough to capture all relevant
flow features.The grid is an unstructured mesh with a
maximum mesh grid size of 10mm. In this cases
Global mesh parameter consist of Global Element
Scale factor is 1. And Global Element Seed size 0.5.

Figure-4 contour plot of the static pressure (Pascal)

In Figure -5 and Figure -6 represents a two

dimensional view of the carburettor venturie, along
with a Velocity vectors colored by velocity
magnititude (m/s) at outlet red colour shows
velocity is maximum and pressure is minimum at
nozzle.The CFD study was extended to get a
comprehensive analysis of the performance of the
carburettor with varying mass flow rates ranging
from 0.02-0.04 kg/s.

Figure-3 2D Venturie Nozzle (CFD Meshing)


The inlet air was assumed to enter the

carburettor at normal temperature and the pressure
was taken to be 1 atm. The following are results of
the analysis of the carburettor on bend L-shape nozzle
pipe. The results obtained from CFD analysis are
correlated with experimentally analytical measured
Figure-5 Velocity vectors
values from flow bench.


The Figure-4 shows the flow pattern at the
outlet of the carburettor with plot showing the
contour for gas mass fraction, for a total mass flow
rate of 0.026kg/s i.e.94kg/hr
Figure-4 Represents the most optimal
configuration considered, that shows a two
dimensional view of the carburettor venturie, along
with a contour plot of the static pressure (Pascal)
having colour scale with red for 1*105 and blue for
negative pressure i.e. suction pressure 0.8*104. It
means at nozzle blue colour shows pressure is

Figure-6 Velocity vectors

International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science Vol-1, Iss-4, 2014

2D CFD Simulations Of Nozzle Flow Analysis For Carburettor

7. CONCLUSION 3. H.SushmaAnd Jagadeesha.K.B, CFD Modeling Of The In-

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International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Applied Science Vol-1, Iss-4, 2014


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