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WFRP 4th Ed - Kingdom of The Shifting Sands

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Kingdom of the
Shifting Sands

By Amaury G.


Compiled, Edited and Partly Written by :

Amaury G.

Cover art by :
Magus Verus

Art :
Ubisoft Montreal, Neocore Games, Arvid Hjorth, Alex Konstad, Bruno Gentile, John Blanche, Jeremy Fenske, Chen Guan Yu, Sebastien
Grenier, Guiseppe Raca, unfor54k3n, Peter Lee, javieralcalde, warlordwardog, ay han, ArtDisaster, Dong Lu, daroz, Giacombino, Chris
Kuhlmann, erenarik, syarul, zamroniagufan, zaskar32, Sabin Byokinov, Skyrion, elementofsuprize, AnthonyFoti, DeusInDaemone,
MelUran, MittMac, prelude2tragedy, bitterashes, Majimaune, Genzoman, vinzenwoo, erenerdogan, Ganbat- Bad, Ischler, MEYERanek,
Paul Herbert, sugarsart, Tony Ackland, howlinghorse, grantlion, Kamikazuh, narcotic nightmares, Paul Spitzyn, Tom Edwards, Gabriel
Verdon, Zenarion, Sam Burley, acaco, Matthew J Alishah, ilkerserdar, ertacaltinoz.

Original Material :
Aaron Rosenberg, Andrew Law, Anthony Ragan, Anthony Reynolds, Brian Craig, Chris Pramas, Chris Wraight, Clint Lee Werner,
David Chart, David Pringle, Eric Cagle, Games-Workshop, Gary Astleford, Gav Thorpe, Gordon Rennie, Graham McNeill, Jeff Tidball,
Jody Macgregor, Josh Reynolds, Marijan von Straufer, Mike Lee, Nathan Long, Paulo Coelho, Robert Earl, Robert J. Schwalb, Sandy
Mitchell, Steve Darlington, Steven Savile

Major contributors :
Dave (Glynn), Jaalib

Special thanks to : All the players that have contributed with feedback and ideas.

This book is completely unofficial and in no way endorsed by Games Workshop Limited. The Chaos
devices, the Chaos logo, Citadel, Citadel Device, the Double-Headed/Imperial Eagle device, 'Eavy Metal,
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Table of Content
Introduction............................................................................10 Al-Haikk....................................................... 53
Chapter 1 : The Land............................................. 53
The Land and its People.....................................12
The People........................................... 54
The Land............................................................. 12
Significant Places................................. 54
The Arabyans.......................................................15
Al-Haikk.............................................. 54
Arabyan Architecture........................................... 15
Arjijil.................................................... 54
Arabyan Dress......................................................16
El-Khabbath........................................ 55
Corsairs and Piracy...............................................16
Fyrus.................................................... 55
Religion in Araby..................................................17
Sample NPC........................................ 56
Slavery.................................................................. 17
Plot Hooks........................................... 56
The Tribes............................................................19
Atalan Mountains.......................................... 57
Chapter 2 :
History of Araby................................................ 20 The Land..............................................57
Chapter 3 : The People........................................... 57
Politics and Foreign Relationships................. 26 Significant Places................................. 58
Structures of Rulership........................................ 26
Cobra Pass............................................ 58
The Sheiks........................................................... 26
Land of the Dervishes.......................... 58
The Caliphs......................................................... 26
Palace of the Wizard-Caliph................ 58
The Emirs and Princes........................................ 27
The Forlorn Sanctuary..........................58
The Sultans.......................................................... 27
Vulture Mountain.................................59
Military Matters...................................................27
Sample NPC........................................ 59
Religion and Magic..............................................31
Plot Hooks........................................... 59
Arabyans Abroad................................................. 33
Copher.......................................................... 61
Chapter 4 :
Religion and Customs........................................ 37 The Land............................................. 61
The Djinns.......................................................... 37 The People........................................... 61
The Desert Gods................................................. 41 Significant Places................................. 62
Forbidden Cults................................................... 43 Amhabal............................................... 62
Minor Gods......................................................... 45 Copher..................................................62
Pilgrims................................................................ 46 The Crimson River...............................63
Marriage...............................................................46 Ma’arra................................................. 63
Funerals................................................................46 Ras-Karim............................................64
Evil Eye................................................................48 Sample NPC........................................ 65
Chapter 5 : Plot Hooks........................................... 65
A Tour of Araby................................................. 49 The Great Desert...........................................66
Aiir................................................................ 49
The Land..............................................66
The Land..............................................49
The People........................................... 66
The People........................................... 49
Significant Places................................. 67
Significant Places................................. 50
Bel-Aliad.............................................. 67
Djambiya.............................................. 67
Elven Ruins.......................................... 50
Haytin Plains........................................67
Kust...................................................... 51
Khalibon............................................... 68
Sadiz..................................................... 51
Sample NPC........................................ 52
Plot Hooks........................................... 52
Sample NPC........................................ 70
Plot Hooks........................................... 70

Table of Content
Gulf of Medes............................................... 72 The Eye of the Panther........................ 92
The Land............................................. 72 Sample NPC........................................ 93
The People........................................... 73 Plot Hooks........................................... 93
Significant Places................................. 73 Notable Tribes............................................... 94
Akhaba................................................. 73 Bedouins...............................................94
Antoch................................................. 74 Ghutani................................................ 94
Bur-Shitrak.......................................... 75 Malaluk.................................................94
Dakisir.................................................. 75 Muzil.................................................... 95
El-Kalabad........................................... 75 Tuareg...................................................95
Kadira................................................... 76 Turjuk................................................... 95
Meknes................................................. 76 Chapter 6 :
Quadir.................................................. 76 Adventuring in Araby.........................................97
Arcane Magic.......................................................97
Suddenburg.......................................... 76
Travels.................................................................. 97
Sample NPC........................................ 78
Dehydration......................................................... 97
Plot Hooks........................................... 78
Clothing and the heat.......................................... 97
Perception............................................................ 97
The Land..............................................79
Chapter 7 :
The People........................................... 80
Characters and Careers.......................................99
Significant Places................................. 81 New Talents......................................................... 99
Kamt.................................................... 81 Character Generation.......................................... 100
Ka-Sabar............................................... 81 Human (Aiiri)...................................... 101
Ksar Motza........................................... 82 Human (Atalan)................................... 101
Songhai.................................................82 Human (Haikite)..................................101
Sample NPC........................................ 83 Human (Copheri).................................101
Plot Hooks........................................... 83 Human (Desert Dweller)..................... 102
Lashiek.......................................................... 84 Human (Lashieker).............................. 102
The Land..............................................84 Human (Marteker)............................... 102
The People........................................... 84 Human (Medan)...................................102
Significant Places................................. 85 Human (Sabarite)..................................102
Eunuch Mountains...............................85 Human (Suddenburger)........................ 102
Land of Assassins................................. 85 Slave PCs............................................................. 103
Lashiek................................................. 85 New Careers.........................................................104
Shark Straits......................................... 86 Antiquarian.......................................... 104
The Sorcerer Islands............................. 86 Beast Tamer.......................................... 105
Sample NPC........................................ 87 Caliph.......................................... 106
Plot Hooks........................................... 87 Corsair.......................................... 107
Martek.......................................................... 88 Dervish.......................................... 108
The Land..............................................88 Desert Nomad...................................... 109
The People........................................... 88 Fakir......................................................110
Significant Places................................. 89 Hashishin............................................. 111
Dimashque........................................... 89 Shepherd.............................................. 112
Gobi-Alain........................................... 90 Tomb Pillager....................................... 113
Martek..................................................91 Where are the other careers ?............... 114
Oasis of a Thousand and One Camel...91

Table of Content
Chapter 8 : Noble Efreet.........................................163
Magic of Araby................................................... 116 Noble Nymph...................................... 164
Binding Magic..................................................... 116
Noble Djinn......................................... 164
Petty Spells...........................................................120
The Monstrous Beasts of Araby....................... 165
Elemental Spells.................................................. 122
Carnosaur............................................. 165
Magic Items Creation.......................................... 129
Giant Vulture....................................... 165
Magic Items......................................................... 132
Gorgon................................................. 166
Wishes................................................................. 142
Appendix 1 :
Radiant Pegasus....................................167
Consumer Guide................................................. 143
Reworked Crafting.............................................. 143 Sand Spider.......................................... 168
Revisited Skills......................................143 Sepulchral Stalker................................ 168
Revisited Talents...................................144 Tomb Scorpion.....................................169
Practicing a Craft..................................144 Ushabti................................................. 169
New Trappings..................................................... 146 The Restless Dead..............................................170
Armour and Weapons.......................................... 147 Carrion................................................. 170
Clothing and Accessories..................................... 151 Liche Priest.......................................... 171
Food, Drinks and Lodging...................................151 Mummy................................................ 172
Tools and Kits...................................................... 152 Nehekharan Skeleton........................... 172
Animals and Vehicles........................................... 152 Sgull..................................................... 173
Drugs and Poisons............................................... 152 Tomb Guard......................................... 173
Draughts and Herbs............................................ 153 Tomb King........................................... 174
Miscellaneous Trappings...................................... 153 Slaves to Darkness............................................. 175
Appendix 2 : Apeman................................................ 175
Bestiary.................................................................. 155 Beast of Nurgle.....................................176
The Beasts of Araby........................................... 155 Flamer of Tzeentch...............................176
Camel................................................... 155 Pink Horror of Tzeentch...................... 177
Dolphin................................................ 156 Plaguebearer of Nurgle......................... 178
Elephant............................................... 156 The Loathsome Ratmen................................... 179
Great Ape............................................. 157 Eshin Assassin...................................... 179
Jackal.................................................... 157 Night Runner....................................... 180
Lion...................................................... 158 Poisoned-Wind Globadier....................180
Monkey.................................................158 Warlock-Engineer................................ 181
Panther................................................. 159 New Creature Traits...........................................182
Shark.................................................... 159
Tomb Beetles Swarm............................160
The Elemental Djinns...................................... 161
Lesser Djinn......................................... 161
Minor Djinn......................................... 161
Dust Devil............................................ 162
Fire Efreet............................................ 162
Sea-Nymph.......................................... 162
Tempest Djinn......................................163
Noble Devil......................................... 163

Welcome to Araby, a kingdom lying far south of the Old Chapter 4: Religion and Customs
World, past the Black Gulf. Here, Caliphs and Sultans The chapter surveys the important religions and cults in

rule wondrous cities of white stone, and their realms are Araby, as well as customs influenced by religion.

made of vast deserts, oases that glitter like jewels, and

impassable mountains. Chapter 5: A Tour of Araby
This is by far the longest chapter. Each of the nine
This document contains all the information you need to
major areas are described, with details of the land,
set your WFRP campaign in Araby, a land very different
people, notable sites, and current tensions and
from the Empire, or to bring Imperial characters on a
opportunities for adventures. Some of the most
visit. It sets a new stage for your stories.
prominent nomad tribes are also described.
This document is a toolkit. Use what you like and ignore
what you don’t. All the sections have been written with an
Chapter 6: Adventuring in Araby
eye to material immediately useful in play, but nothing is
This short chapter covers some new rules and
set in stone for your campaign.
conditions essential to differentiate a game set in Araby
from a game set in the Old World.

Whats’ inside ? Chapter 7: Characters and Careers

This chapter covers the creation of Arabyan characters.
The eight chapters following this introduction provide New racial characteristics are given for each provincial
extensive information on Araby, broken up by topic. origin as well as for slaves from faraway lands. There are
also nine new careers, from the Tomb Pillager to the
Chapter 1: The Land and its People devout Dervish.
This first chapter describes the general lay of the land of
Araby and the culture of its people. Chapter 8: Magic of Araby
This section covers the unique magics of Araby, how to
use it in your campaign, as well as sample magic items
Chapter 2: History of Araby
The second chapter is a quick summary of Araby’s 4500 and rules for creating new ones.
years, from it’s unification to the present day.
Appendix I: Consumer Guide
This appendix provides new items for your WFRP
Chapter 3: Politics and Foreign Relationships
This section looks at how Araby organises itself, how it campaign as well as new expanded crafting rules.
deals with foreign powers and the problems, dangers and
opportunities posed by each. Appendix II: Bestiary
This appendix provides new creatures to challenge your
players with, complete with a base template and a
sample profile for each entry.

Chapter 1 : The Land and its People
The kingdom of Araby encompasses the regions have built some of the most wonderous cities of the
bordering the great desert north of the Southlands. It world. They are educated, often multilingual and
is a land of contrasts, where the people are both open to foreign cultures. The Arabyans of the
devout and godless. Exotic and extravagant cities hinterlands are hardier folks, used to surviving in the
where massive vaulted palaces, full of wealth beyond desert where almost no water or shade can be found
the imagination of the dwarfs, loom over adobe and and heat is pervasive. They are a mystical and harsh
stucco houses in winding streets. Its cheerful and people, shaped by their home desert and daily
bustling nights, street performers, music, alcohol, struggles for survival.
narcotics, fiery food and concubines make Araby a
charming and irresistible place for many travelers. However, the apparent prosperity of the land
These islands of civilization are isolated by vast conceals many problems. Often enough, a sorcerer
expanses of arid badlands and suffocating deserts. It oversteps one of the few taboos and delves into the
is a land where few ideas are forbidden and where forbidden arts. Nomad bandits scour the desert, and
human sciences and philosophy rival even the elves are but the least of many threats a traveler may
of Ulthuan in sophistication. Sun-bleached ruins encounter across the expanses of Araby. Ancient
stand as reminders of the tumultuous past of Araby, curses slumber in the ruins that dot the landscape
but the invaders of old are the partners of today and while undead remnants of past wars still wander the
almost all languages of the known world can be desert or wait patiently beneath unsuspecting cities.
heard in the streets of its ports and bazaars. The mysterious ratmen are still rumored to monitor
the evolution of Araby from their lairs in the
Even united under the distant rule of the Great mountains, and secret cults to blasphemous deities
Sultan, the people of Araby are a disparate lot. The lurk in the deepest valleys and ruins.
coastal Arabyans live in relatively fertile lands and

The Land
Traveling through Araby by foot is a daunting distinct environments : the coasts where most of the
endeavour but rewards the traveler with breathtaking major cities are located, farmlands usually found near
vistas. The shining cities are but one of the many oases and rivers, the grasslands where Arabyans graze
wonders of the land, where snow-capped mountains their animals, the arid plains, the forests, the
dominate arid grasslands and a dune can conceal a mountains, the deserts and the rivers.
flourishing oasis where hundreds of caravaners stop
to resupply. This section discusses these areas in general terms,
The lands of Araby can be divided into seven more specific information is provided in Chapter 5.

The dominant crop in Araby is millet, although barley
and wheat are grown along the Serpent River and in the
northern regions of the kingdom where enough water is
available. The southern cities mainly grow sorghum. The
short growing season for most of these cereals means that
the fields are left fallow and untended for a good half of
the year, which gives visiting foreigners the impression of
an even more hostile and arid land than it really is. Fruit
bushes and the temperature in the salt flats can rise to
orchards and vineyards are common in the hills and lower
unbearable highs in the middle of the day. Still,
slopes of the mountains, where terrain is too steep for easy
smugglers, bandits and other characters of ill-repute
farming. Goats and sheeps are often grazed under fruit
seek shelter in these parts, where justice is unlikely to
come for them.

Most of Araby’s hills are devoted to pastoral farming.

Araby’s forests are mainly located in the north and the
The grazing animals include goats and sheeps, but also
west, between the Great Ocean and the Atalan
buffalos, cows, camels, horses, donkeys and domesticated
mountains range which serve as a natural barrier that
boars. The sparse grass of the hills means that flocks and
traps rain clouds and provides larger precipitations to
herds are often kept in large grazing areas under the
the western areas. The forests are usually sparse and
surveillance of shepherds, herdsmen and their many dogs.
made of cedars, chestnut trees, oaks, cypress, cherry
These scattered flocks are particularly attractive to
trees, quinces or spruces. The larger ones are home to
predators, which range from common wolves to beastmen,
thriving villages and communities with the undergrowth
along with cattle thieves which means the life of a
neatly kept in check. More isolated forests are haven for
shepherd is not a quiet one. Many of them possess a horse
human bandits, monsters and beastmen, and rumors tell
and are skilled at rounding their cattle, fighting and
of ancient ruins older than the first Arabyan cities lost
sometimes even tracking thieves from horseback.
in the darkest, deepest reaches of the woods.

The arid plains are the areas with too little water to be
The mountains in Araby usually refers to the Atalan
used as pastoral or arable lands, but not dry enough to
range, although the World’s Edge Mountains form a
turn into a proper desert. These plains are mostly left
natural border east of Ka-Sabar and solitary mountains
unused and uninhabited by Arabyans, which make them
like the Eunuch Mountain, Vulture Mountain or
very attractive for anyone wishing to disappear. Roads
Wraith Mountain exist. The gentle lower slopes are
across these plains are often garrisoned and safe to use,
home to thriving herding and mining communities,
but straying from the path and venturing into the searing
characterized by their steep roofs, unusual for the
wilderness is tantamount to suicide if one doesn’t know
continent. Further in, human settlements become
where to go. Venomous serpents lurk under the few

more sparse and the towering cliffs and shining snow- bright blue and violet flames.
capped summits are the territory of wyverns, hydras and
dragons. Some villages are so isolated that they barely get Stretching to the limits of sight, the sand dunes of
visitors from the outside world once per generation. The Araby’s deserts are constantly baked by the blazing sun.
tales told about these communities usually speak of Not a single stone shows through the glittering grains,
debased mutants, blasphemous cults and dark secrets. and the heavy silence of the sand-sea is oppressive and
forbidding. The oases are islands of life and civilization,
Araby’s coasts are marked in equal measure by cliffs and hidden behind the dunes and the shimmering desert air.
broad beaches of white sand or pebble stone. The many Journeying across the desert requires a good knowledge
coves, bays and lagoons that dot the littoral are as many of the area and local guides are in high demand. Tracks
safe harbors, with villages and even small towns built in between oases and cities are marked by guideposts, tall
the more important ones. Most of these villages have poles with a wisp of colored cloth attached to their top
docks and small shipyards, and rely on fishing for their as a banner and silvery bangles hanging just below,
official income. Smugglers wishing to avoid the high tolls reflecting brilliantly in the light when stirred by the
of major port cities often use these secondary ports, and wind. While each of the bangles is highly polished, the
the authorities regularly send troops in the hope of wind-blown sands tend to dull them over time and
catching smugglers and other shady characters. Knowing sandstorms can carry guideposts away. On heavily used
this, the smuggling ports have devised codes to warn tracks, these guideposts are regularly replaced and

seafarers when the law is present in town, usually by maintained but on less-used tracks, guideposts become

burning driftwood along the shore, which produces rare and unreliable.

The Arabyans
Unlike the Old World, Araby is almost exclusively
inhabited by humans. Elves are a common sight in the
major ports but dwarfs, halflings and gnomes are
practically unheard of. Owing to the many invasions and
migrations that punctuated Araby’s history, most
Arabyans can trace a lineage to at least one Southlander,
Imperial, Bretonnian, Estalian, Tilean or Nehekharan
ancestor, and many people from the coasts exhibits traits
common in distant, foreign lands.

Araby is viewed with some rejection from the Old

World, for it is thought that Araby is an arid wasteland
ruled by a greedy and cruel people. Nothing is further
from the truth. The denizens of Araby are welcoming,
friendly, proud and lively. It is said the sun itself courses
through their veins for they are vigorous, passionate and of
an indomitable spirit. Their rulers have a remarkable
patterns or natural elements. Individual bedrooms are
interest in science, medicine and magical knowledge, and
elevated above the rest of the building in small towers..
their nobles invest large sums in cutting edge research of
all kinds
Outposts and small forts are a common sight in Araby,
protecting mountain passes and important roads. These
Arabyan Architecture are built in stone, with high towers and ornamented
battlements. Temples are built with a large central
Arabyan architecture is regarded as the most advanced
building, a small central tower and small annexes for the
amongst human nations, being beautiful, elegant, sturdy
shrines. Every wall is decorated with statues and idols to
and practical. The buildings are distinguished by their
the Djinns. Sultans, caliphs and emirs live in vast
vaulted ceilings and horseshoe arches. It is often the case
palaces of white stone surmounted by gigantic golden
that a single stone or brick building will house a whole
vaults. These colossal buildings house dozens of rooms
family around a central courtyard. If the family is wealthy,
and gardens and serve as a demonstration of their
the courtyard is transformed into a garden. Otherwise, it
inhabitants' power. Examples of this architecture can
is repurposed as a storage or workspace. The wall
still be found in southern Estalia thanks to the centuries
decorations can be disconcerting for Old Worlders,
of arabyan colonization before the rise of Tylos. Further
reminding them of Chaos imagery. Far from it, these
discussion of local architectural particularities can be
arabesques drawn on small mosaics correspond to abstract
found in Chapter 5: A Tour of Araby.

Arabyan Dress
Most Arabyans wear turbans as a protection against the
punishing heat of the sun. They often adorn these with
skulls and small trinkets. Clothes are loose and
ornamented with pearls and jewelry, complemented with
bracelets and earrings. Sorcerers replace these with lamps
and ornamented jars storing their djinns. Women sport
exotic hairstyles and baggy pants, often in an ensemble
exposing their midriff called bedlah. Arabyan jewelry is
made of gold or silver set with precious stones and pearls.
In the highlands and mountainous areas, the traditional
wear is a long and loose hooded white cloak made of
coarse woollen fabric called a burnous. During winter,
mountain folk exchange these for brown garments made
of camel hair and wool which offer better protection
against the cold.

For Arabyans, clothes are no trifling matter. Dressing

properly is a sign of composure and decency. Civilized
folks must dress appropriately and failing to do so is an
insult to their compatriote. As such, Arabyans care greatly
about their appearance and clothing.

powers merchant ships to monopolize the trade routes.

During wartime, corsairs operate as independent
Corsairs and Piracy auxiliaries to the regular navies of Araby. What set apart
Arabyan corsairs from regular pirates is their discipline,
Araby is infamous for its dreaded corsairs, setting forth
fighting more like professional military units than sea-
from Lashiek and a hundred lesser ports aboard war
bandits and using complex strategies, often in
dhows to plunder trade lanes and distant shores. In Araby
coordination with other corsair crews.
however, corsairs are esteemed and respected as an
essential part of the economy. During peacetime, they
The wealth and fame of the corsairs is such that many
plunder ships and coastal settlements, bringing back slaves
of them retire early and become full-time merchants
and wealth that they sell like any legitimate merchant,
and shipowners. Many of the wealthiest merchants of
paying taxes to the local authorities. They also sink rival
Araby were pirates and slavers at some point in their

life, and the wealth they bring back from their excursions
ensure their continued popularity and full support from
the Sultans. They are so influential that the most
renowned and powerful among them is bestowed the title
of Sultan of the Seas, with the current one being a wizard
known only as the Golden Magus.

The corsairs appeared out of necessity early on in Araby’s

history when it was first subjected to raids from norsemen
and druuchis. The exploits that crowned them as the best
pirates in the world happened more recently however,
during the vicious trade war against Cathay and Ulthuan
in 1148 I.C, with the control of the southern seas and the Arabyans believe gods exist but hold no true sway over
rich spice trade at stake. A large contingent of corsairs their day to day life, prefering to trust and worship
sailed from Lashiek and fought the elven Sea Guard and elemental spirits called Djinns. Others still, descendants
Cathayan sailors for decades, finally securing the trade of Old Worlders or influenced by a close relationship
roads with Ind and Cathay for the Sultans. with foreigners have adopted the worship of foreign
gods. A fuller discussion of religion in Araby can be
In more recent memory, the bloody Pirate Wars saw found in Chapter 4 : Religion and Customs.
Nafel Muq, then Sultan of the Seas, invade Tilea with a
fleet of corsairs at his command. They defeated the Norse
mercenaries hired to defend Sartosa and pillaged the
coasts and cities of the peninsula for three centuries. The Slavery is a fact of life in Araby, as slaves form an
war ended when Luciano Catena crushed the forces of essential part of both the economy and culture. Slavery
Emir Abd al Wazaq, depleted after answering the is a source of unparalleled wealth for the privateers and
summons of Sultan Jaffar to aid against the Crusade. nobles of Araby, who fill their markets with slaves from
all over the world. The city of Lashiek is famous as the
worldwide capital of slave trade and the simple mention
Religion in Araby
of its corsairs and slavers is enough to send shiver down
Araby’s early history was heavily influenced by the the neck of any seafarer.
Nehekharan civilization. This influence was strongest in
the eastern areas where people adopted the religion and Life for a slave in Araby can be harsh although they
customs of their neighbours. After the destruction of often suffer less cruel fates than those ending in the
Nehekhara and the Wars of Death, these beliefs faded in hands of Skaven or Dark Elves. Men may end up
most of Araby but still have followers amongst the serving as guards or warriors, faithfully following their
easternmost tribes. master’s commands. Others are destined to the mines

beneath the Atalan Mountains where they are forced to reputation. Many slaves, especially those serving the rich
work themselves to exhaustion. Some slaves are bought as princes and sultans, end up being freed as a reward for
infants and trained from their youth as Eunuch Warriors, their service, in addition to being rewarded with
elite fighters with iron discipline and knowing no fear. exuberant riches and the title of Mamluk. Many slaves
Their training takes place at the Eunuch Mountain where ascend in Arabyan society, either for their military
reside the most famous unit of Eunuch Warriors : the successes or for their wisdom and courage. Araby is said
Silent Guard. Other males are sold as domestics servants to be the only place where a slave can end up becoming
to the emirs and sheikhs of the desert. Slave women end Vizier.
up generally being part of the harems of nobles and
wealthy rulers, or as their personal servants. Many others Arabyan slavers travel to distant Norsca in search of
are sent to the Palaces of Pleasure, a fate shared by some new slaves. Old World pirates and less scrupulous
men too. merchants also come to Arabyan shores to sell captured
sailors or victims of bandit raids. Even with all this
Slaves have rights however. Arabyan law require slaves to trade, Arabyans have not established an active, regular
be paid for their services and slaves can request to put slave exchange with Naggaroth as the Asurs seek to
aside some of their wage to pay for their freedom in the prevent any ship from heading west of their islands.
future. Furthermore, the children of slaves are free and Privateers travel to distant lands to sell and buy exotic
are taken care of by the owner of their parents. The well- slaves, even trading with the Chaos Dwarfs. Slaves from
being and appearance of slaves is seen as a reflection of distant lands and exotic races are specially sought after,
their owner’s prestige and so slaves living in view of others and the most renowned harems are full of elven and
are often well-treated and fed, all to enhance their owners Cathayan beauties, guarded by eunuch ogres.

The Tribes
The peoples of Araby are divided between those who live boasting about the Alcazzars’ legendary strength and
in the cities, considered more civilized, and the fierce amazing feats.
nomads who roam among the dunes, ruled by the Desert
Sheikhs. The nomadic inhabitants of the desert have lived The last of these was Shahid the Red Fox, but no one
in Araby since its founding, but after the Wars of Death, has managed to claim the title after he perished fighting
their numbers soared exponentially. The destruction of Nagash alongside the Seven Kings of Nehekhara.
Bel-Aliad, and many other cities of the Great Desert, such
as Dakisir, forced its inhabitants to become nomads,
wandering the dunes in search of resources. The stories of
this time have been kept in the collective memory of the
tribes, through stories and songs, recalling the torment
that the Undeads brought to their land. Some tribes tend
to occupy a specific territory, while others travel to distant
lands, reaching the Border Kingdoms or the Empire itself.

The tribal hierarchy is a simple and clear one. The

undisputed leader of the tribe is the Sheikh, who can
receive many names, but always acts as the supreme
authority. The second most important place is held by the
Ani Mukta, the oldest woman in the tribe, who represents
wisdom. The Sheikh has many experienced warriors
serving as a personal guard, often trusted companions
with whom he roamed the desert with in his youth. The
ambitious young warriors of the tribe hold the lowest
position of authority, and are responsible for keeping the
tribe safe. Many tribes consider the horse a sacred animal,
and resolve disputes and conflicts with desert races.

In ancient times, there was an Alcazzar, a Sheikh of

Sheikhs, who united all the tribes under his banner. Many
songs and legends are retold among the tribes,

Chapter 2 : History of Araby
Long before the age of Sigmar, Araby rose as one of the civilization by the hand of the Great Necromancer.
most powerful human nations in the world. They
established colonies in the Old World, across the Back then, Araby was a divided nation, even more than
territories where Tilea, Estalia and the Border Kingdoms today. Each city had its own sovereign ruler, and no
now stand. Arabyan sultans remember this golden age and figures could bring them together in the event of
still lay claim to the southern regions of the Old World. conflict. That was an era of chaos and civil war between
the different Arabyan states, until around -2000 C.I.,
The High Elves established colonies on the coasts of when Mullah Aklan'd managed to unify all of Araby
Araby during their maritime expansion. This contact with under the rule of a Great Sultan. To this day his lineage
the Asur greatly helped the Arabyans in their has remained on the throne of Araby, though not
technological and cultural advances, as well as learning without interruption, as happened during the Crusades.
from the elves many of the secrets of magic. Arabyan In present times, Arabyans still venerate his figure as the
architecture is highly influenced by Elven art, as their greatest legend born among the Arabyan people.
towns grew alongside the Asur, and their close bound has
endured over the centuries.

The Arabyan nomads came into contact with the Priest

Kings of Nehekhara very early, making forays into their
lands during the reign of Rakaph III of Khemri. He
confronted the desert tribes, and his reign was marked by
a series of looting and skirmishes in the various attempts
of the nomads to ravage the cities of Nehekhara. In
addition, the tribes had a strong presence in the western
reaches of the empire and would come to occupy cities, as
was the case with Bhagar. From the time of Settra, who
was known as the "Tyrant of Araby" and "Archisultan of
the Atalans", the Arabyans of Bel-Aliad were vassals of
the Priest Kings. They helped their Nehekharan neighbors
during their wars against the undead legions of Nagash.
As a result, Araby suffered invasions by Arkhan the Black
and vengeful Tomb Kings after the fall of Khemri's

• -2000 (Approx.) - Mullah Aklan'd, a young and • -1170 - The armies of Araby depart from Bel-
celebrated Arabyan warrior and sorcerer native to Aliad to support Nehekhara in the looting and
the island of Fyrus, begins to assemble a large destruction of Lahmia. Many vampires
army to expel the High Elves from Araby. His remember this act and seek revenge against
hatred of the Elves stems from a series of looting Araby to this day.
and assaults perpetrated by supposed Asur, but • -1150 - Terrible sandstorms and plagues
since these clashes and the War of the Beard harrow Arabyan cities. Bel-Aliad is hit the
began simultaneously, it is possible that the Witch hardest when much of the town perishes from
King was involved. Aklan’d manages to recapture the terrible drought and subsequent famine.
Fyrus from the hands of the elves, then to unite • -1149 - Arkhan the Black invades Araby with
Araby under his command, becoming the first his undead army and loots the city of Bel-Aliad,
Great Sultan of Araby. starting what would be known as the War of
• -1750 - The hosts of Araby march to war Death, a thousand-year conflict in which
together with the armies of the Seven Kings, with Arkhan reduced the once powerful and rich
the aim of ending Nagash’s reign of terror. This Arabyan civilization to a few weak city-states
act will condemn the kingdom to the continued and a handful of fiercely independent desert
assaults of the undead for the rest of its history. tribes.
• -1744 - The Battle of Bronze. The army of Great • -1147 - The Battle of the Widow happens at
Sultan Suhedir al-Khazem faces an alliance the heart of Lashiek. While Arkhan the Black
between Ka-Sabar and Bhagar, led by Akhmen- sweeps through eastern Araby, Neferata allies
hotep, who suspected the Great Sultan of having herself with the Sultana of Lashiek, the Widow
secretly allied with Nagash in order to restore its Concubine and together they attempt to take
independence. After days of fighting, the armies down W'soran who was hiding in an
of Nehekhara emerge victorious and force the abandoned house within the city. Two large
Arabyans to renew their allegiance to Khemri. hordes of undead collide in the bazaars while
• -1500 - Mullah Aklan'd's descendants finish Neferata hunts her enemy.
their war to drive the High Elves out of Araby, • -39 - The War of Death end, as Nagash calls
destroying the last Elven stronghold on the Arkhan back to the Land of the Dead. Araby is
southern coast of the Great Arabyan Desert. broken and weakened after a millennium of
• -1420 - The Skaven venture for the first time in war.
Araby and start to establish their underground • 271 - Following ancient prophecies, the Slann
fortresses. This great Skaven invasion of Araby, realign the continents. A series of earthquakes
remembered as the Plague of Scholars, is regarded ravage the lands of Araby.
by the Arabyan people as divine punishment.

• 500 (Approx.) - The Prince Abdul ben Raschid base from which they launch further attacks on
departs from Ka-Sabar to enter the desolate the shores of Tilea. Numerous naval battles are
Nehekhara. His eight-year journey drives him fought between the corsairs and the galleys of
mad, leading him to write his famous Book of the Luccini, Remas and Tobaro around the island.
Dead in the process, and dying in strange This period marks a return to the splendours of
circumstances soon after. old, as the cities of Araby have at last recovered
• 800 - The coasts of Araby are targeted for the from the ravages of the War of Death.
first time by the barbarians of Norsca. Their • 1435 - Jaffar, a powerful Arabyan sorcerer,
incursions continue to this day. forges a coalition with several desert tribes and
• 1148 - A brutal trade war between Araby, Cathay expands his power to create a small empire by
and the High Elves begins for control of trade capturing Al-Haikk, Copher, Martek and
routes in the Southern Seas. Arabyan merchants Lashiek and proclaims himself Great Sultan.
are assisted by Lashiek's corsairs, who attack their Legends says he invoked demons and conversed
rivals in an attempt to end their ambitions. with spirits. The Skaven of Araby secretly ally
• 1150 - Ibn Jellaba, a famous explorer from Araby, with him, spying and murdering his rivals in
discovers the lost Lizardmen city of Zlatlan. He is exchange for warpstone.
well received, as the Slanns had predicted his • 1437 - By order of Jaffar, an expedition of
arrival, and allow the Arabyans to trade peacefully. Arabyan sorcerers arrives in Nehekhara in
They exchange the pearls and spices of Araby for search of scrolls and sacred texts. They loot
the abundant gold of the Lizardmen, as gold has Zandri and kill many Lich Priests in charge of
no value to them. Jellaba return to Ka-Sabar and guarding the scrolls. The expedition then heads
become a very rich man after establishing the first to the Necropolis of Khemri, waking the Priest
trade agreement between Lizardmen and Kings who massacre the looters.
Mankind. • 1448 - Convinced by the wicked Skaven that
• 1230 - The demented Arabyan sorcerer Mahik the Estalians plan to invade his dominions and
al'Rak creates the Portal of Twilight in the ruins overthrow him, Jaffar assembles a vast army and
of Bel-Aliad, a series of mirrors that acts as a link prepares his fleet for war. He quickly takes the
to the Realms of Chaos. Soon after, his body is city of Magritta, and marches against nearby
possessed by a Lord of Change, who would Tobaro and the inner Estalian Kingdoms. In
influence Araby's magical practices according to response, large contingents of knights from
Tzeentch’s plans. Bretonnia and the Empire rally and expel
• 1240 - The corsairs of Araby, guided by Nafel Arabyan forces back to their lands after the
Muq, take the island of Sartosa and establish a

Battle of Magritta. Many Knightly Orders have • 1456 - Emir Wazar the Cruel is defeated in the
their roots in this conflict, including the Knights siege of Magritta, ending the Arabyan presence
of the Blazing Sun or the Knights of Magritta. on the Estalian Peninsula. The Emir himself is
This marks the beginning of the Crusades against crushed to death alongside his Black Scimitar
Araby. Guard under the weight of a statue of
• 1450 - Combined forces arrive in Araby to end Myrmidia.
Jaffar's threat. They quickly take Copher in a • 1475 - A combined force of Crusaders from
bloody massacre, where soldiers and civilians alike the Empire and Bretonnia plunder the ruins of
are killed. Soon after, the Crusaders suffer a the Arabyan city of Bel-Aliad. They
crushing defeat at the hands of Mehmed-bey at inadvertently activate the Portal of Twilight,
the Battle of the Nine Jackals. Little by little, the disappearing into the Realm of Chaos where
Crusaders make their way towards the Arabyan they become part of Khorne’s eternal war.
capital. • 1500 - Great Sultan Daryus-e Qabir launches a
• 1451 - The Battle of Al-Haikk. Jaffar and his series of religious wars against the Old World,
forces are defeated, with Jaffar himself dying at without achieving any lasting success. The
the hands of an unknown Bretonnian. His defeat legends of this era have strained the attitudes of
was preceded by the desertion of the nomadic the Old World towards the inhabitants of
tribes, and the betrayal of the inhabitants of Al- Araby, but trade between the two regions
Haikk who revolted against the sorcerer and allied remains steady.
themselves with the Crusaders to end the tyran's • 1501 - The island of Sartosa is taken from
reign. They force him to face the invaders in the Emir Abd al Wazaq and his corsairs by a
open field, condemning him to defeat. Mehmed- mercenary army led by Luciano Catena of
bey departs to his lord's aid, but is intercepted and Luccini. After a long and bloody siege, Luciano
defeated by the Duke of Aquitaine at the Battle allowed Al Wazaq to return to Araby, leaving
of the Black Lizard. his treasures behind, including his harem. These
• 1452 - The Crusaders, united with the women were trained specifically to act as the
inhabitants of Araby, liberate the cities in the former Emir’s personal guard and found a new
hands of Jaffar loyalists, such as Martek and life serving as mercenaries in the ranks of
Lashiek. The Crusaders decide to settle in the Tilean armies.
Gulf of Medes, founding the cities of Suddenburg • 1515 - The Battle of the Haytin Plain. “Prince”
and Antoch. The few Jaffar forces that managed Arnyld of Bretonnia and his army are trapped
to escape Al-Haikk are hunted and annihilated in in the Plain of Haytin by the troops of Nur-
a ravine of the Atalan Mountains by the Knights Salih, Sultan of El-Kalabad. The Bretonnian
Panther, giving the area its name of the Eye of the noble is killed, his army scattered and most
Panther. Daryus Al-Adil is appointed the new survivors enslaved.
Great Sultan, and re-reunites Araby.

• 1550 - After sacking the final stronghold of Jaffar • 2295 - Scyla Anfinngrim, renowned champion
loyalists, the Imperial faction of knights withdraw of Khorne, raids the shores of Araby. He is
from Araby, concluding the Crusades. confronted by a fleet of war dhows under the
• 1600 - Abdul Al'Shar invades the Masserschloss command of Admiral Ibn Dhul. The fleet is
region of the Border Kingdoms. He settles the quickly reduced to splinters by the servant of
area next to a bountiful iron mine after defeating Chaos.
a local greenskin tribe. Abul is killed a few • 2475 - The colonies of the New World create
months later by one of his servants. an extensive trading network and treasures
• 1681 - The Night of the Living Dead. Hordes of found in the jungles are soon sold in the ports
undead invade Araby once again, sowing terror of Nippon, Cathay, Marienburg and Araby.
and panic. The armies of Araby are forced to fight • 2498 - The Siege of Suddenburg. Undead
them, pushing them back into the depths of the armies from Khemri attempt to destroy the
desert. Imperial colony. The combined Imperial,
• 1726 - King Rakaph of Khemri invades Araby Arabyan and Bretonnian armies, supplemented
with his armies. Three great battles are fought in by hired mercenaries manage to push the Tomb
the desert between the wars hosts of the Arabyans Kings back into the desert. This marks the
and the invading Tomb King. Although Rakaph beginning of the War against Khemri.
does not achieve any significant or lasting • 2500 - The city of Antoch is destroyed at the
conquest, he does force the rulers of Araby to pay hands of the Lizardmen after the theft of a
him war tributes. sacred artifact seven centuries ago. The
• 1800 - The Arabyan principality in settlement is razed, weakening the alliance that
Masserschloss is reduced to a small number of protected the area from the Tomb Kings.
young men after the iron mine is depleted. • 2502 - The Sultan of Copher begins spying on
Plagued by widespread corruption, the small the Knights of Magritta, following the
kingdom quickly collapses. destruction of several ships in his fleet. The
• 1900 - Arabyan cities begin to trade with the leader of his spies is the fakir Shihab Ibn Alim
Kislevan port of Erengrad, increasingly influential who uses his Djinns to obtain information on
after its conquest by the Gospodars. the Old Worlders.
• 2103 - The Blood Hunt tribe invades the shores • 2507 - The Prophet of Law begins preaching in
of Araby with the aim of honoring Khorne and Araby. Recalling the glorious era of Mullah
force the emirs to send their vast armies against Aklan'd, he preaches for a return to purity and
them. Although the invaders are eventually morality, and that non-human races are a
defeated, the trail of blood and destruction they corrupting influence that should be expelled
left behind was such that Khorne immortalized from Araby. From this year onwards he
their offering with the Crimson River that still continues to win adherents, and his speech takes
crosses Araby. root amongst the Arabyan people and their

Chapter 3 : Politics and Foreign Relations
Araby is a highly decentralized kingdom currently ruled by Great Sultan Padishah. It is an immense, hard to travel
and mostly empty country, with leagues of land containing little more than sand and rocky hills. Such vast distances
make governance a challenge. As such, the sultans and emirs wield the real day to day authority in Araby. Great
Sultan Padishah is well aware that his authority depends entirely on the good will of his fickle vassals and takes great
care to not disturb their power or laws to ensure their continued compliance.

Structures of Rulership
The Sheiks The Caliphs

Sheikhs are local leaders, tribe patriarchs or rulers of The position of Caliph is one of great importance,
small villages. The minor nobles of the cities also receive both political and religious. In theory, they are the
this title. There are many sheikhs, and many of them are representatives of the most widespread Arabyan religion,
renowned warriors, impetuous and fierce fighters, as well the Worship of the Djinns. As such, there is a Caliph
as effective commanders. It is expected for them to for every city, town and village. In practice, their
accompany and lead the armies of Araby in time of need. influence on the people of Araby is such that their
Sheikhs who inhabit cities tend to be more extravagant political power rivals that of the sultans.The Caliphs
and to live in excessive luxury, focused on their command warriors, spies and agents and ensure the
commercial businesses. The sheikhs of the desert are enemies of Araby, dangerous cults and rogue wizards do
tougher and more brutal, like the land they live in. not take root in their territory. Amongst their agents are
Roaming among the dunes of the searing hell they call the Dervishes, warriors whose fury and skill are such
home, they are forced to fight bandits, rival tribes, and the that they can make short work of any enemy of the
hated undeads. The Desert Sheikhs are the leaders of the Faith.
nomadic tribes, but their place is not assured. They must
pass tests of strength and courage to earn the respect of The two greatest figures of authority amongst the
their own. If someone of noble birth wishes to take a Caliphs are the High Priest of Araby, leader of the
Sheikh's role, he must challenge the current leader to Djinn Cult ruling from the city of El-Khabbath ; and
singular combat, which will determine the rightful ruler of the Wizard-Caliph, a mysterious figure and protector of
the tribe. the southern Atalans, always watchful from his distant

The Emirs and Princes becomes the de facto ruler of the city. Even when a ruler
takes its duties at heart, viziers are often the power
Emirs and princes are the noble class of Araby. Each behind the throne.
noble family boasts a great wealth, mostly obtained from
trade, whether of real estate, spices or slaves. Their power
and influence within the court is significant, and each The Sultans
family will struggle to gain a foothold among the upper
echelons of Araby. It is therefore not uncommon for a The sultans live in unimaginable luxury and are said to
young emir to become an adventurer, thus demonstrating be wealthier than even the dwarf kings. They lack for
their courage and impetus, and gaining renown. Minor nothing and tend to delegate the government to the
cities are usually ruled by emirs, always under the vizier, their personal advisor. There are only six sultans,
authority of their Sultan. ruling over the cities and territories of Copher, Lashiek,
Martek, Aiir, Ka-Sabar and El-Kalabad. Although all
The Viziers current sultans are male, the rules of successions do not
prevent females from becoming sultanas. Above them
Although not part of the noble class, the vizier is a figure reign the Great Sultan from the golden throne of Al-
of utmost importance in the politics of Araby. They are Haik. The Great Sultan is personally responsible for
the counselors of both the sultans and princes who rule leading the armies of Araby, thus proving the bravery
over the cities of Araby. They serve as personal advisor, and strength of the crown, a tradition dating back to
treasurer and sometimes regent. It is very common for Mullah Aklan’d himself.
rulers to delegate all their duties to a trusted vizier, who

Military Matters

The threat of the undeads and the dangers inherent to the desert means the military forces of Araby are a matter of
constant concern. Many Arabyans have fought under the banners of their armies, and even more have some basic
understanding of how to defend themselves. The varied nature of this service depends on the individual’s social rank
and cultural background.

Akinci Riders

The Akinci Riders are skilled horse warriors who make

up a vital part of the armies of Araby. Lightly equipped,
they form units of reconnaissance and exploration and
often accompany armies as fast reinforcement units. They
are also tasked with patrolling the desert and farthest
reaches of Arabyan territory, tracking down bandits and
monitoring encroaching invaders, fulfilling a similar role
to the Road Wardens of the Empire.

The Akincis are poorly equipped, as they are low-born,

adventurers or nomad mercenaries. They are often only Eunuch Warriors
armed with a long spear and a versatile shortbow, with
Trained to fight from earliest childhood, the eunuch
leather and skins to protect themselves.
warriors form some of the most devastating and reliable
infantry in the known world. Those in charge of
Arabyan Knights training these warriors buy babies or very young
children as slaves in order to train them from an early
Horses are highly prized in Araby, both by the Sultans of
age. The eunuchs are castrated, but they are also
coastal cities and by the Sheikhs of the inland deserts.
accustomed to pain through constant physical and
Arabyan steeds are descendants of the elven horses of
mental torture, so that they gain unsurpassed resistance.
Ulthuan, and still retain many of the characteristics of
After a long preparation, their body and mind have
these graceful mounts. That is why the Arabyans treat
become indomitable, and they are resold to serve in the
their steeds with great affection and attachment, seeing
armies of the Sultans, or as personal guard of nobles and
the horse as a faithful companion rather than a simple

Most eunuch warriors are trained on the Eunuch

The Arabyans are extremely proud of their cavalry. Their
Mountain, in the Lands of Assassins, south of Araby.
knights wear ornate equipment, including long spears,
For those who survive, the instruction lasts for years,
high helmets and heavy shiny scale armor. The Sultans
while the others are thrown to the vultures and desert
and Princes invest a good part of their fortune in keeping
beasts. This mountain also houses the most fearsome of
their knights, and their steeds well equipped. In addition,
eunuch warriors : the Silent Guard, whose warriors are
steeds also carry armor, protecting them from enemy
not only castrated but tongueless too.
attacks and projectiles. This has a drawback however, as
heavy armor quickly tires the horse, so this heavy cavalry
cannot fight long in the terrible heat of the desert.


An order of warriors initially founded in Bel-Aliad, the

Kontois are the greatest warriors of the land, each one
with skills and equipment worthy of a hero. This order of
bodyguards is made of the bravest warriors of all the
sultanate and they are trained to fight without ever going
back a single step. They are easily recognizable by their
heavy armor, immense halberd that they wield with
superlative skill, and the chainmail covering their face like
a mask. Although they are excellent riders, many of them
prefer to fight on foot, as they are tremendously agile and
fast despite their heavy equipment. They are few, but their
reputation is such that every prince and sultan wants a
Kontoi as the leader of their personal guard.

Personal Guard
duty. Other guards train in strange martial arts, using
exotic weapons such as the Katar or Jambiya. All guards
The personal guards of the lord of Araby are famous for
receive an extensive military training, becoming just as
their loyalty and equipment, as they carry the highest
effective bodyguards and soldiers on the battlefield.
quality weapons and wear bright and colorful clothes with
Many nobles, those who have their own harem, train
silk brocades. Each sultan, caliph, minor noble and
their sons and daughters as personal guards.
sorcerer has his own bodyguards. Legendary units include
the fearsome Daughters of Tariq from the Land of
The role of a guard is vital, and they accompany and
Assassins, and the Black Scimitar Guard, famous
protect their lord everywhere. Some merchants hire
throughout Araby. As a reward for their faithful services,
these faithful mercenaries during their long journeys, for
they are given a wealth of jewellery and riches. Although
they know that no one will bother them when
most are free men and women, those guards who are
surrounded by such a fearsome escort. In the palace, the
slaves are also rewarded with freedom. The vast majority
guards endlessly patrol their lord's domains, handling
are human, but there is no shortage of ogres, elves or
unexpected visitors. Someone who is appointed Captain
dwarfs, reserved for the wealthiest and most eccentric
of the Guard is rewarded with great riches, as well as
with the favor of their lord. Most often, the position is
occupied by the Champion of the noble in question,
It is considered a great boast for a guard to not carry any
while on other occasions the most loyal and wise
weapon, as it means they are confident enough in their
member of the guard is chosen.
skill to not even carry the simplest blade to fulfill their

Sipahis Knights Standing Army

The revered Sipahis are the renowned elite cavalry of the The armies of Araby are based on infantry regiments,
Arabyan armies. Carrying heavy armor, ornate scimitars which guard cities and towns, impose law and order
and shimmering spears, they are decked in even heavier throughout the country, and make up their permanent
armor than regular knights. They also adorn their mounts army. Most of these warriors wear long spears and
and themselves with skins of exotic animals, jewelry and shields and fight in well-disciplined ranks. Throughout
all kinds of silk. The first Sipahis were nobles from El- its extensive history, Araby has fought all kinds of
Kalabad, called to protect their city when Sultan Nur- enemies, and the lancers have traditionally composed
Salih refused to kneel before Grand Sultan Jaffar in 1436 the core of their forces. Whether fighting the Old
I.C. They fought alongside the Crusaders and each time Worlds heavy cavalry, or the Tomb Kings chariots and
the combined army liberated a city, some of the local monsters, the lancer lines always stood firm in their
nobles took arms and formed new units of Sipahis to join wake. Their equipment comes from the rulers of Araby,
the crusade. Today, the Sipahis are still a cast of noble- who invest some of their wealth in keeping the base of
born warriors, famed and feared for their thunderous their forces trained and in good condition. In addition,
charges. lancers are an essential part of city governance, as their
patrol and surveillance work helps maintain peace in

Slave Warriors Araby.

Much of the permanent armies of the various princes The men of Araby rely heavily on their archers, and all
and rulers of Araby consists of Slave Warriors, slave their cities maintain large bodies of bowmen. Although
soldiers who are bought, inherited or collected as tribute. firearms are known in Araby, they are relatively rare and
They are the best-trained warriors money can buy, and rarely distributed among common troops. They are
they are in high demand by the Emirs, who seek brave usually reserved for the most prominent members of
adventurers and fierce soldiers. Occasionally, a slave may society, or for the most expert shooters.
come to command an army himself and some of the
greatest leaders who fought during the Crusades were After centuries of fighting the Tomb Kings, Araby's
slaves or sons of slaves. archers have taken the habit of shooting flaming arrows,
unleashing a rain of fire on their enemies. Araby's most
renowned archers also receive magical bows with Djinns
trapped inside, whose powers are unleashed with every
arrow fired.

Religion and Magic

While many Arabyans are ungodly, the number of gods

in Araby seems to have no end, and both magic and spirits
take a central role in day-to-day life. As such, Arabyans
are a very mystical people.

The Djinns Cult

It is commonly believed that spirits should be appeased

with prayers and small displays of respect, such as gifts of
food and drink. The leaders of the Djinns Cult are the
Caliphs. There is one of them for every Arab community,
from the largest city to the smallest village. They are
responsible for fighting dark cults and averting the wrath
of desert spirits. Many caliphs have great political power,
derived from their influence over the Arabyan people.

The Cult of the Desert Gods

In ancient times, at the height of Nehekhara, the

Aabyans worshipped the gods of their neighbours, such as
Djaf and Asaph, but after the fall of the mighty empire The Fakirs
Araby gradually abandoned this cult in favor of djinn
Fakirs, or sorcerers, are the magical authority of Araby.
worship. Today, the cult of the desert gods is made of
Araby never outlawed magic and so spellcasters are an
countless variations and alterations of the ancient religion
integral and respected part of society. Every year, envoys
and is kept alive amongst the eastern nomadic tribes and
from the Sorcerer Islands visit the villages and town of
in the city of Ka-Sabar were temples and priests to theses
Araby and meet the hopeful youths, seeking the few
gods can still be found.
who possess the spark of magic. Becoming a sorcerer is a
sure path towards wealth and power, to be chosen to
study at the Arabyan Sorcerer’s College is a great

Most apprentices begin their instruction while in called Djinn Binding, enclosing capturing elemental
adolescence and no later than their mid-twenties. If spirits and using them to fuel their spells or unleash
someone with the spark of magic is born amongst the devastating elemental powers on their foes.
nomadic tribes, they may get sent to the cities to pass the
examination, unless the tribe has a resident sorcerer who The power of sorcerers in Araby is considerable and it
will take care of the instruction of the fledgling sorcerer. is no wonder to see them play politically important roles
in the courts of the Sultans and Princes, and even
Some sorcerers decide to visit distant lands, such as the become Viziers. Sorcerers never back away from an
Empire, and pursue their researches there. The Winds of opportunity to obtain ancient magical relics, or
Magic are weak in Araby and the sorcerers have become knowledge lost to time. That's why they hire a
masters of creating arcane focus and magical items used to multitude of thieves and tomb raiders, in an attempt to
enhance their abilities, as well as a rare form of magic collect as many arcane objects as possible. The Magic
Lamps are perhaps the most sought after among the
relics, and these are stored and studied in the most
secret chambers of the Arabyan Sorcerer's College.

These practices have caused some disagreements with

religious authorities, for the Caliphs believe that
enclosing the vengeful spirits will cause their divine
wrath. The Wizard-Caliph, a figure bridging the two
worlds, serves as mediator between religious and
sorcerers and seeks to avoid awakening the anger of the
Djinns, while continuing to investigate their origin and

Foreign Cults

Old Worlders, descendants of Old Worlders and

fiercely polytheistic Arabyans sometimes worship
foreign gods too and many small chapels to Myrmidia
from the time of the crusades can be found scattered
across the lands. While the most influential, she is by no
means the only Old World deity with a presence in
Araby. These cults are politically toothless however, and
their clergy mainly concerns themselves with tending to
Old Worlders and not interfering with local issues.

Arabyans Abroad
Foreign relations are vital to maintain Araby’s wealth and The Empire
prosperity, and its scholars, merchants and mercenaries Araby and the Empire have been close allies and

can be found everywhere across the world. Arabyans are a partners since the reestablishment of the Sultanate at

common sight in Lothern, Bretonnia and the Empire, and the end of the Crusades. Arabyan merchants and

they have even established some permanent enclaves in scholars are a common sight in the streets of Altdorf

major cities, like Arabierstadt in Marienburg. Arabyans and other trading centers, and some of the greatests

travelers master countless languages and learn the culture engineers and wizards of recent times have been

of other countries, being able to praise with gifts when Arabyans, like Haqiqah al-Hikmah, Lord Magister of

needed, as well as awaken the greed or interest of the the Golden Order.


The Estalian Kingdoms maintain a cautious peace

Bretonnia with Araby. While the crusades happened more than a

The relations between both kingdoms have been strained millenia ago, the Estalians have not forgotten the
for centuries following the exactions and raids invasion and many families still hold unavenged
orchestrated by the Holy Order of Saint Origo and grudges. A large Arabyans minority lives in Estalia,
knights such as Fracasse Langoustine or “Prince“ Arnyld. descendants of those left behind during the crusades
Bretonnia has often been subject to raids by corsairs and and treated as second-class citizens, oppressed by the
merchants have such low status that Arabyans often prefer authorities and blamed for every petty crime or
to trade with those bretonnians who came by themselves. annoyance. The Great Sultan still lays claim to the
As such, prejudices are rife. Relations have noticeably peninsula which does nothing to appease the relations
improved these last decades however, leading to an between the two powers, and the Estalian armadas and
alliance between Araby and Bretonnia around the Gulf of Arabyan Corsairs often fight for control of the southern
Medes. Arabyan merchants are now becoming a more seas..
welcome sight in Bordeleaux and l’Anguille.

Cathay Arabyan merchants and sorcerers often visit the Land
The relations between the Sultanate of Araby and the of a Thousand Gods. The excellent relations between
Celestial Empire have normalized since the trade wars both nations and the rich exchanges of wealth and ideas
and although an intense rivalry still exists between means Arabyans are highly regarded at the courts and
merchants of both nations, they are too distant and the cities of Ind, while Indish art, craft and products are
trade too profitable to allow a war. For now, both nations relatively common in the marketplaces of Araby.
are content of growing wealthy from their exchanges and
do little to antagonize their rival.

Naggaroth Norsca
Some merchants are too greedy for their own good and Norscans are a common sight in Araby, both as
brave the Asur blocus in order to reach Naggaroth. These mercenaries and bodyguards, but also as raiders and
merchants are tolerated only as long as they bring ample despoilers. Conversely, Arabyans themselves often make
supply of slaves to sell and never attempt the journey the journey to Norsca in order to buy slaves, ivory and
without a heavy guard of corsairs and mercenaries. other rare products. As Norscans are unpredictable, the
caravans and ships making their way to the northern
peninsula often do so under heavy protection, but the
cheap slaves make the journey very worthwhile.

Ogre Kingdoms
Ogres have developed a fondness for the merchants of
Araby and love negotiating small fortunes for the exotic
goods they sell. They often sell their services as convoy
guides and guards on the Silk and Spice roads, and
many Maneaters have made the journey to Araby,
becoming fearsome and valued bodyguards or enforcers
in the service of the sultans and emirs.

Ever since the expedition of Ibn Jellaba in 1148 I.C,
trade has been active between Araby and the temple-
city of Zlatlan. The exchanges however have stayed
exclusively mercantile and Arabyans are not welcome
for any other purpose than exchanging their pearls and
spices against Lizardmen gold.Relations with the
human inhabitants are friendly and many southlanders
have settled in the southern cities or become
mercenaries in the employ of the emirs.

regularity. The merchants and travelers are tolerated in
Relations with Tilea are tumultuous. The city-states and Lothern and the Asur wont risk an assault on the
their trade routes are the prime target for corsairs, and Arabyan mainland, but the trade war never really
battle between the fleets of Remas, Tobaro, Luccini and stopped. On the other hand, both Arabyans and Asur
the corsairs are a common occurrence. The establishment remember the ancient friendship between their nations
of Tilean land trade with Cathay and Ind makes the city- and have always banded together when a greater threat
states of Tilea direct rivals for the control of spice, silk, emerged, the most recent example being the
jade and other commodities. On the other hand, Tilean Scintillating Hosts allying with Bretonnia, the Empire
accepts to deal with anyone as long as there is profit for and Araby to thwart the ambitions of Settra the
them and so the merchants, scholars and mercenaries of Imperishable around the Gulf of Medes.
Araby are welcome in Tilea, where some even rise to
important positions at the courts of local princes.
The Wasteland
Marienburg is the seat of Araby’s largest Old World
enclave and most ships sailing to Norsca or Kislev
Ulthuan makes at least a stop in the mercantile city. The Great
Ulthuan and Araby are at odds, having fought for the
Sultan and the Directorate have little official relations,
control of the eastern sea routes, and still fighting every
but the trade between both nations ensure the relations
time their navies meet in these parts. The Arabyans are
remain at least cordial.
also trying to breach Naggaroth’s blocus with infuriating

Chapter 4 : Religion and Customs
Arabyans have been described as godless heathens worshipping demons. There is some truth in it as most Arabyans
are not particularly god-fearing, seeing gods as more powerful and distant spirits amongst a plethora of other spirits.
There are many agents of the seas, deserts and skies and all must be respected. Ignoring them is a luxury only the
nobles, powerful merchants and sorcerers can afford. Respect is a central part of Arabyan religion, as their gods and
spirits are fickle and cruel. Showing proper reverence can spares one’s life, if only for a day.

The Cult of the Djinns, Spirits of the Elements

Seat of Power: El-Kabbath, Pirate Coast
Head of the Cult: Grand Caliph of Araby
Primary Orders: Order of the Dervishes
Major Festivals: Hexenstag
Popular Holy Books: Discussions of Khar-Mel, Spirits
of the Land, The Book of the Djinns
Common Holy Symbols: Effigies, Crescent, Flames,
Swirling Winds, Waves, Dunes

Djinn is the general name given to a race of elemental

spirits which has inhabited Araby since before the time of
man or the coming of the elves. The djinns are creatures people know the power of these beings, and are aware of
of the elements and can take on many different forms, the destruction they are capable of causing. Therefore,
such as sandhorses, columns of fire or powerful Arabyan the Arabyans make frequent offerings, trying to quell
warriors made of air swirls. their anger with food or amulets. The temples of Araby
are full of idols of the djinns, as are the palaces of the
The djinns are worshipped as the main gods of Araby. sultans, princes and emirs. These temples can become
The members of the Djinns Cult are the Caliphs ,and the truly immense and see a constant stream of faithful
most powerful of them is the High Priest of Araby. Their seeking fortune in their future endeavors. Many djinns
job is to guide the Arabyan people, avoiding infuriating act as protective deities for the Arabyans and that is why
the terrible spirits that dwell in the arabyan desert. The they always carry small idols, in order to feel the
djinns are revered and feared alike, for the Arabyan protection of their gods.

The Djinns harassing rural communities into worshipping them as
tiny, angry gods.
The djinns are a race of powerful elemental beings made
of living matter and embodying the spirit of the elements. Greater Djinns
Their origins are unclear, but as far as scholars know, the Greater djinns are the ones pictured in most stories.

djinns have always roamed the expanses of Araby. Djinn- Sea-nymphs, Fire Efreets, Tempest Djinns and Desert

binding was already a known art during the unification or Spirits are all greater djinns and can assume a humanoid

Araby under Mullah Aklan'd, around -2000 I.C. form. Most live as recluse, deep in the desert or
mountains, but some mingle with mortals and usually

According to the djinns themselves, they were once the earn themselves a great amount of fear and respect from

rulers of Araby, before the coming of men and elves. How their local community.

their ancient kingdoms and empires crumbled, they do

not say, but they have to this day retained a cast system. Noble Djinns
Princes and princesses of the djinns are incredibly
Each and every djinn is defined by its element as well as
powerful creatures. Most are rumoured to live in
it's rank amongst other djinns. Higher ranked djinns are
opulent palaces deep under the seas, in caves lined with
usually more powerful and intelligent, with the lowest
gleaming gems far beneath the mountains or in
djinns being barely sentient sparks of elemental magic,
alabaster towers built on the highest clouds. Still, some
and the highest princes and princesses wielding
roam the lands of Araby and are much sought after by
tremendous powers and boasting an intellect far superior
priests and sorcerers alike for their knowledge and
to most humans.

Lesser Djinns
The lesser djinns are the most numerous of djinns and Genies
Genies are rumored to be the viziers of the Royal
barely qualify as sentient. Their nature is entirely
Djinns and know many forgotten secrets from the dawn
dependent on their element and the scope of their abilities
of time. They are the fusion of the four djinn elements
is limited to the point that describing them as living spells
and wield phenomenal elemental powers. They can only
wouldn't be too far off. They most often manifest as dust
be bound in magical lamps, artifacts of tremendous
devils, small whirlpools or wildfire.
power created before the beginning of time and beyond
the ability of any living wizard, mage or sorcerer to
Minor Djinns
Minor djinns are the first category of djinn with which reproduce. Once bound inside a lamp, the Genies may

communication is possible. Their mastery over their grant wishes to their owner: the same Genie won't grant

element makes them both useful tools for a sorcerer and a more than three spells to any mortal, the spells can’t

nuisance for almost anyone else. As proud as their greater outright kill someone, influence the opinion of others or

kin, but lacking the power to actually command respect bring the dead back to life. Care must be taken,

and obedience, minor djinns often act as nuisances, however, as they won’t hesitate to torment their master
if they have the chance.

Royal Djinns lighthouse lit or heating water in a public bathhouse.
Royal djinns are the apex of the djinn casts. They boast
almost godlike mastery over their elements and command The Sultan of Flames is the most terrible and titanic
the obedience of all other djinns. Many of them are Efreet that inhabits the world. Roaring like a wild
worshipped out of fear and respect, and temples dedicated cataclysm and burning with the heat of the sun, the
to the royal djinns can be found in most major cities. Sultan of Flames fly over the earth like a gigantic
column of flames while his swords burn all they touch.
It’s twin heads roar like the sound of a forest fire while
terrible, scorching steam emanating from his body
The Elements carries the scent of coal and sulfur. It is said that his
Air Djinns wrath is absolute and that nothing can face this being
The Air Djinns or Tempest Djinns, are elementals of and survive. The peoples of Araby tell the legend that in
storms and winds. They are free, uncaring and aloof and a past life he was a Great Sultan who ended up
prefer to roam the world rather than to settle down and devoured and burned by his own anger and transformed
live amongst mortals. They are highly sought after for the into an unstoppable living hell.
powers they can bestow to items. Once bound, they can be
used to craft the famous flying carpets or enchant the sails
of a ship. Sand Djinns
The Dust Devils are elementals of earth and sand.
The most important Tempest Djinn is known as the They are savage spirits and manifest as living
Raging Tempest, considered a god of the winds able to sandstorms. In their natural state, sand djinns use their
cause hurricanes so powerful they make empires tremble. mastery over the sands and the desert to choke travelers
The Raging Tempest is the most feared and adored by the or flay the flesh from their bones. Sometimes, they
Arabyans and sailors carry small idols to avoid his wrath. simply use illusions to create mirages and lead caravans
to their deaths, far from any oasis. Once bound,
Fire Djinns however, a skilled sorcerer can use their abilities to
The Fire Efreets are the most destructive djinns and
protect allies, raise structures or enchant armours.
manifest as living flames, shooting curses that sound like
the sizzling of raw flesh over a bonfire. They are choleric,
The Flaying Storm is the most feared of the Dust
violent, and lack any of the positive qualities sometimes
Devils, a living sandstorm concealing the form of a
associated with fire. A majority of bound djinns in Araby
shadowy creature of gigantic proportions roaming the
are Efreets, although it has less to do with their usefulness
Great Desert of Araby. It is believed the Flaying Storm
and more to do with the trail of destruction an unbound
is the embodiment of the desert itself and Arabyans
Efreet leaves behind it.
make copious offerings to it before crossing the desert,
for it is the cruellest of its kin.
Still, a sorcerer can use an Efreet for more peaceful
purposes, such as powering a furnace, keeping an isolated

Water Djinns The foremost of the Sea-Nymphs is the Sea-Monarch,
Sea-Nymphs, also called Marids or Salt Devils amongst a being like a living tsunami whose power makes every
the pirates of Sartosa, are usually represented as female sailor and pirate shiver. She takes the form of a beautiful
spirits. Their mastery over water makes them greatly young woman covered in watery silk, rising from the
feared by sailors, but at the same time highly sought after waves like an icy tower in the middle of a storm.
for their healing capabilities. They are the most social and
vain of the djinns, capable of incredible fits of wrath when
they feel slighted. Some of them have been known to
control ice as well as water despite the climes of Araby.

The Cult of the Desert Gods, Forebearers of Mankind
Seat of Power: Ka-Sabar
Head of the Cult: High Hierophant
Primary Orders: None
Major Festivals: The Day of the Great Covenant
Popular Holy Books: None
Common Holy Symbols: Animals, Skulls, the Sun

Millenias ago, Araby shared its religious beliefs with the

Nehekharan empire. Following the fall of their overlords,
the Arabyans gradually abandoned this religion. In the
east however, where Nehekharan refugees had fled with
nomadic tribes and where the former Nehekharan city of
Ka-Sabar had survived, the religion thrived. Although
each tribe now has its own interpretations, idiosyncrasies
and rites, they share a common set of beliefs in gods and
goddesses who are roughly the same as the old Basth
Goddess of Goodness and Love. She is depicted as a
Nehekharan pantheon.
tall and graceful woman, with tawny skin, feathered
brown hair and with green cat eyes.
The cult of the Desert Gods is reasonably powerful in
Ka-Sabar but practically unheard of in other parts of
Araby. As such, the Djinns Cult and the Desert Gods co-
Djaf is the irascible god of War and the Dead. He is
exist peacefully.
described as a tall, burly man and rites to honor him are
conducted before each battle as well as during
Geheimnisnacht. Amulets bearing his holy symbol are
The Gods said to be powerful protection against evil spirits and
the undeads.
Asaph is the Goddess of Beauty and Revenge. She was
the one who took pity on mankind and convinced Ptra to Geheb is the god of the Earth and Strength. He is
give them a land to dwell in. Asaph is also the patron of depicted as a very tall and incredibly muscular man with
archers and hunters, and some tribes still forge and bless strong, rough features and a thick beard. He has been
the tips of their arrows under the guidance of a priest of the patron deity of Ka-Sabar since ancient times and its
Asaph. representation as a lion is still visible on the streets of
the city.

He is highly revered by warriors for whom the scars of Phakth
combat are offerings to Geheb. Geheb servants and priests Phakth, the falcon god of Heaven and Justice, is

are tall, robust and muscular, and expected to be fearsome depicted as a muscular man whose gaze can see the sins

warriors. of each person after they have died. As his holy animal,
sheikhs and nomads often own a falcon to prove their

Khsar righteousness.
Known as the Faceless or the Hungry God, Khsar is the
fierce desert god whose breath gives life to sandstorms. He Ptra
is considered a cruel and avid god and his gifts are often Ptra the Father is the greatests of the gods, the creator

double-edged, constantly subjecting his followers to trials of the world and represents Eternity and Immortality.

to prove their strength and worthiness in the face of the He is regarded as the creator of Mankind. His gaze is

elements. said to contain all the stars of the firmament and every
morning he rises on his steed to survey his world and

Khsar does not have priests. Instead, nomad tribes have a chase after his beloved Neru.

Daughter of the Sands who becomes the wife of Khsar,

arbiter of his will and speaking with his voice. The rivalry Sakhmet
Sakhmet, the Green Witch, is the goddess associated
between a tribe's Daughter of the Sands and the Ani
with Morrslieb, Magic and Dark Rites. She is the
Mukta is often fierce, both competing for the ear of the
intriguing and vengeful concubine of Ptra and is jealous
Sheikh with one speaking the will of the desert god and
of his love for mankind. She is the mother of the most
the other speaking with the wisdom of the tribe.
terrible creatures, always ready to cause harm and
The tribes believe the only true gift of Khsar was a race of
destruction to humans.
powerful desert horses, faster and thinking in unison with
their rider.
Everytime Neru rises from her gardens, Sakhmet
follows her, watching the children of Ptra and trying to
Neru is the goddess of the Moon and Protection, and the usurp the position of Neru. Most nights, Neru triumphs

benevolent wife of Ptra. While Ptra the father rules in and her swift feets guide her through the night, but

heaven, Neru the Mother takes care of the afterlife and occasionally Sakhmet’s ruses confounds her and

welcomes the souls of the dead who have earned their Sakhmet takes her place in the heavens. When this

place in paradise. When her husband’s work is done at the happens, the world trembles as creatures of darkness

end of the day, she rises from her gardens to protect her unleash their evil against humanity.

childrens from wild beasts and spirits. As such the white

moon known as Mannslieb to Old Worlders is called
Neru in Araby.

Sokth Usirian
Sothk is the treacherous Scorpion God, protector of The faceless god of the Underworld is never physically
Thieves and Assassins, appearing as a dark-skinned man depicted. Usirian is in charge of guiding the souls of the
with black eyes. Although all scorpions are associated with dead on their journey to the afterlife and judge whether
Sokth, the black scorpions are known as the Children of they are worthy to enter paradise. If a soul has led a
Sokth because they like to shelter among the living and virtuous life, it is allowed to enter the golden fields of
their dreadful sting causes their victim to die in agonizing Neru’s paradise. Otherwise, it is thrown in the howling
silence. Yet, despite being the god of thieves, Sokth immensities of the Underworld where it will suffer for
strongly forbids stealing from the dead. all eternity. He is said to send owls to guide souls to
him. More recently, some tribes who came in contact
with Old Worlders have begun associating him with
dreams and omens.

Forbidden Cults
Brotherhood of the Serpent Chaos. Be that as it may, the cult of the First One is
A cult worshipping an ancient and cruel serpent deity currently hunted down by the Caliphs and their
whose priest-assassins are notorious for using terrible servants. Ishmail is deeply related to the Moon, Stars,
magical objects against their enemies. They once gained Silver, Divination and Mysteries.
so much influence among the courts of Araby that the
Great Sultan of the time had to declare them enemies of Its worshippers are sometimes called Ishmailites and
the crown and hunt them down. Even today, the each of them possess unparalleled knowledge of the
Brotherhood of the Serpent wields formidable power in world. They collect all kinds of volumes and scrolls and
the courts of Araby for no one is safe from its daggers. their lairs are repositories of knowledge like few others.
Centuries ago, the cult settled in the Atalan Mountains
but an army or Bretonnians and Arabyans stormed the
Cult of Ishmail fortress, massacring all the worshippers they could find.
The First One, called Ishmail or the Nameless by its
Arabyans fakirs confronted the demons in human shape
enemies, is an ancient deity often related to Chaos and the
who walked among the cult and, unable to destroy
demons worshipped in Araby. It is a mysterious and
them, sealed them in containers that were then
elusive being whose true intent has never been pierced by
dispersed and hidden across the world.
mortals. Many in Araby consider it a dangerous god of
Chaos, but those who serve it do not accept such a title,
for they speak of it as an entity older and beyond

These scholars tend to travel to distant lands, infiltrating
foreign courts and institutions to locate and “rescue” lost
knowledge. In addition, they are all-powerful sorcerers
whose abilities are almost unmatched by other mortal
spellcasters. They speak their own language written in
ancient hieroglyphs from archaic Arabic and keep their
information in puzzle boxes so intricate that no one but
them will ever be able to solve them. When forced to
fight, they wear fearsome silver masks in the likeness of
Ishmail’s own face to instill terror in the heart of their

The Cult of Ishmail believes their deity was present

before the Old Ones and is the creator of the Djinns. As
such, the Genies are considered its most direct servants
and that is why they keep such knowledge of the ancient
times. It is the duty of the faithful to locate the magical
lamps binding the Genies and free them, with the goal of Worm perform a multitude of rituals where slaves and
acquiring the ancient secrets they possess. prisoners are sacrificed by the thousands before being
devoured, granting his acolytes unique powers : a
mixture between chaotic gifts and a strange mastery
Cult of the Great Worm over necromancy.
An unnamed evil crawl under the deserts of Araby, going
unnoticed by the sultans and caliphs. Its claws extend
Makeshift altars decorated with corpses, full of
further every day, and its acolytes, hidden in the dark,
markings and inscriptions dot the desert. When one is
prepare for the resurgence of their lord. Some nomads
discovered, the caliphs unleash their dervishes to wipe
speak in hushed whispers about worshippers of a terrible
out the cultists but they rarely manage to capture them.
and bloody god in the dark caverns beneath the desert
The shadow hides these worshipers of Chaos and the
sands. They are the abominable members of the Great
will of the Great Worm protects them from a deserved
Worm Cult.
punishment at the hand of the righteous. Some scholars
have surmised that the Great Worm was an aspect of
Crowds of acolytes and warlocks gather in the dire
Nurgle, or one of his demon princes. Whatever the
Worm Caverns, hoping to honor their mighty god.
answer is, the cult lurks in the shadows of the desert,
Chaotic powers endlessly swirls through these caverns,
always ready to spread its corruption in the heart of the
overflowing with mutating energies and attracting all
kinds of nefarious creatures. The worshippers of the

Mirror Cult and amorphous creatures and terrible monsters ready to
Conspiring from the shadows, the Mirror Cult conspires torment anyone daring to travel to the city.
to advance the interests of its master : Tzeentch. Their
influence spreads silently and gradually takes hold of the The most famous leader of the Mirror Cult was Mahik
courts and hearts of the Arabyans. The headquarter of the al’Rak who created the Portal of Twilight in 123 I.C.
cult is located in the ruins of the city of Bel-Aliad, where His body was possessed soon after by a Lord of Change
the Portal of Twilight stands, a direct link to the Realms who would influence the practice of magic in Araby to
of Chaos. The city is full of demons of Change, horrible further its interests.

Minor Gods
Arabyans don’t limit their worship to only one pantheon and elven gods like Loec and Ladrielle are worshiped by
some tribes and families. Other ancient deities are worshipped locally, like the Goddess of Destiny Ishtra and the
God of Protection Uzzal. These ancient and minor gods do not have any temples or priests and the few shrines and
altars dedicated to them are usually found in isolated places of mystical significance.

Arabyan Customs
Pilgrimages are acts of devotion and self-enlightenment
undertaken by the most devout of Arabyans. By venturing
into the wilderness of Araby with little comfort or even
food, they aim to grow closer to the harsh nature of their
land and learn the wisdom of the djinns. Their journey
has no physical destination and it is an arduous one as
they believe wisdom is earned through suffering and
privation. Many pilgrims never complete their journey,
falling prey to beastmen, dark cults, starvation, the heat of
the desert or simply abandonning before its term.

Still, some conclude their journey and meet one of the

djinns, earning some scraps of knowledge and insight.
Arabyans who have successfully completed their
pilgrimage receive the title of Ulama and are greatly
respected figures, it is then no surprise that many
merchants and nobles undertake the pilgrimage to Relations in the nobility are somewhat more diverse,
improve their status. Caliphs and Fakirs undertake it too especially marked by widespread polyamory. Like
but for different reasons, seeking the wisdom of the djinns common folks, the nobility maintain technically
or new spells respectively. Being on a sacred journey and
monogamous relationships, being able to marry only
carrying little wealth, pilgrims are usually left alone by once. The marriage oath is completed by swearing
common bandits and it is considered inappropriate to “before the people of Araby to rule and serve justly” .
refuse food, water and a shelter to a passing pilgrim. But that does not mean that noble men and women do
not have relationships with other people, especially
those who possess a harem. Sexuality is more permissive
Marriage in Araby and there are no stigma for relations between
people of the same sex, or a taste for both.

Marriages in Araby differ slightly from those of the Old

World. Among the common folk, the ceremony uniting a
man and a woman is a simple one with both swearing “by Funerals
the spirits of the wind, of the earth, of the water, to unite
Given the presence of undeads in their land, Arabyans
in marriage by our will and to love each other forever” .
take funerals very seriously. The tradition requires the

deceased to be embalmed and buried in a mausoleum or Evil Eye
large personal tomb. The local Caliph blesses the soul of
the departed before a procession carries the mummy to it’s Arabyans greatly fear the power of the Evil Eye, and
mausoleum. Only relatives and friends can enter the blame most downturn of luck on this curse. Folks who
mausoleum, and only close relatives and some suffer from the Evil Eye usualy are not certain about
exceptionally close friends are allowed to enter the burial how they picked it up or who gave them the sinister
chamber itself. glare. The Evil Eye is a curse that can appear from
anyone. The hate-filled stare of a wronged woman or a
Once interred and the sarcophagus closed, the tomb is compliment laced with jealous toughts can both curse a
sealed, often by collapsing the entrance. The tomb is filled person. Whatever the source, the victim is cursed and
with wealth, art pieces and statues to placate the spirit of only desperate measures can lift the Evil Eye.
the dead. Furthermore, the heavy doors are sealed from
the outside and engraved with warding symbols destined Getting rid of the curse is especialy difficult and only
to keep the curse of undeath away. Lastly, the tomb is Fakirs or Caliphs can lift it reliably. The best defence
filled with traps, destined as much to deter potential tomb against this curse is to avoid being struck to begin with.
robbers as to prevent the escape of a dead body feeling As such, Arabyans offen carry eye-shaped amulets called
frisky. Nazars. A typical nazar is made of handmade glass
featuring concentric circles or teardrop shapes. Nazars
For the vast majority of people who can’t afford a are often strung in homes, workplaces or incorporated
personal mausoleum, a large pyre is built and the relatives in jewelry and ornaments. Poorer folks make nazars out
and friends of the deceased gather around the body, of tarnished glass or pebble, while wealthy merchants
sharing stories and memories of its life, often exaggerated and nobles wear intricately ornate nazars made of
in comical ways. Once everyone has had a moment with gemstones and precious metals.
the corpse, it is thrown into the fire. The bones are ground
to dust and the ashes are dispersed in the sea or the desert. The nazar symbol is sometimes represented in the palm
To Old Worlders and Morrites especially, burning the of an open hand. Arabyans believe this ward is more
dead is a barbaric practice that only underlines the powerful and the Caliphs of Araby use it to ward off
backward customs of Araby. against undead and Chaos, but also in exorcism rituals.

Chapter 5 : A Tour of Araby
Araby is often described as an united realm, while it is in reality a loose coalition of semi-independent sultanates
spanning an area as large as the Old World. From the jagged coasts of Aiir to the lush forests of Copher and the
foreboding peaks of Martek, Araby is a land rich in tradition and scenic landscapes with each of its sultanates
enjoying its own unique culture and customs. But beneath the exotic panoramas, Araby, like the rest of the
Warhammer World, hides its own dark secrets. This chapter provides all the details needed to explore this faraway

Quick Data and cultists have all been found clinging to the coast.
Official Name : The Sultanate of Aiir
Ruler: Hamqa the Divine, Sultan of Aiir, Sovereign of Inland Aiir is almost entirely devoid of life, with a few
Kust and Sadiz scattered oases irrigating what little agriculture exists in
Capital: Aiir the sultanate. Villages in the area are built around a few
Free Towns: None scattered oases and the distance between each
Major Exports: Ceramic, clothes, fish, salt, silk community means help, if needed, may arrive too late.
As such, most communities in Aiir are walled and self-
sufficient, trading what little harvest they grow for the
The Land commodities they cannot produce with the coastal

Aiir is an arid stretch of land on Araby’s southern coast, cities.

west of the rich Gulf of Medes. Despite the fame of the

port at Aiir, the coast is rugged with few natural ports, and The People
jagged cliffs plunging into the sea below make up most of
the coastline. The currents are treacherous in the Gulf of The people of Aiir are divided in two categories : those
Sadiz and ships are wrecked by the currents and tropical from the coastal cities, and those from the inland
storms every year. communities. They differ radically and yet retain some
similarities, shaped by the harshness of their land.
There are very few settlements along the coast, with the
notable exceptions of Aiir itself, Kust and Sadiz. Those Those from the cities are sailors, fishermen, slavers and
who live outside the three major towns generally want to traders. They live from the sea and are proud of it,
keep to themselves : hermits, smugglers, wreckers, pirates having managed to build great cities despite the poverty

of their homeland through trade and exploration. The
Sultanate has always had good relations with their
neighbours of El-Kalabad, whose power serves to dissuade
pirates and looters. Coastal Aiiri are open to foreigners
and have managed to monopolize much of the southern

Countryfolk consist mostly of farmers, shepherds and

craftsmen. They are a hardy and reliable folk who value
hard work and claim citydwellers are adventurers and
gamblers who can’t be trusted with a hard day’s work and
dominate the bay from the northern cliff while the
who seek their fortune elsewhere instead of making their
southern cliff is occupied by the estates of powerful
own land prosper. Aiir is removed from the land trade
nobles and merchants.
routes and as such, countrymen only contact with
outsiders happen at the city markets once or twice a year,
While the sultan is also a powerful merchant-prince
or when bandits attack their villages. This means inland
and brings unparalleled wealth to the city, it is his
aiiri are wary of outsiders and value acts over words.
daughter and heiress, Cendenai, who enjoys the favors
of the population. She is the captain of Aiir’s flagship,
A common trait found in all the inhabitants of the
The Rose of Araman, and tales of her daring exploits at
sultanate, however, is their fondness for clothing, and Aiiri
sea fills the taverns and salons of the Aiir. Lately,
have been noted to wear extraordinarily opulent dress,
rumours have begun to circulate about assassins from
oversized turbans and finely ornamented silks.
the Brotherhood of the Snake seeking to eliminate
Princess Cendenai. Most people find it unlikely, for
Significant Places surely the Brotherhood wouldn’t be so clumsy as to let
the information leak. Surely.
Built around a bay flanked by towering cliffs, Aiir is
a stronghold of incredible power as well as a wealthy
Elven Ruins
trade center. The port itself, the warehouses and
The elven ruins of Cape Medes were the last elven
dockside taverns are separated from the city by a bastion to fall in -1500 I.C. A wondrous city of white
large wall guarded day and night, while another; stone, elegant spires and arches, the colony was
larger wall separates the city proper from the plundered and it’s name expunged from the records by
sprawling slums and suburbs extending around the the fanatics leading the siege. Today, cyclopean blocks of
metropolis. The sultan’s palace and private gardens masonry rise from the sea in the large artificial port and
a few towers still loom above the bone white ruins.

Surnatural mists inexplicably cling to the area and make locals embrace the life of adventurers, seeking the thrills
navigation difficult. Even more strangely, the mist seems and excitement that are so desperately absent from their
to dampen all sound. If the ruins still keep treasures and daily life.
secrets, none has found them and returned to tell the tale.
Harpies have nested in the aeries and towers still standing,
feeding on the crew of passing ships, while specters and Sadiz
wraiths dating from the colony’s fall still wander the The city of Sadiz is the westernmost port of the
streets. southern coast and is relatively isolated from the rest of
the Sultanate. The fortified city is home to the large
military fleet of Aiir and a large part of Sadiz economy
Kust is geared toward maintaining the navy. While Sultan
Circled with two walls wide enough for five riders to ride Hamqa is nominally the sovereign of Sadiz, day to day
abreast along the top and protected with several forts rulership falls to admiral Mousaou Salah, a former
equipped with cannons, the city of Kust is renowned corsair who rose through the ranks thanks to his
across Araby for the quality of it’s training centers and the cunning, bravery and ruthless methods. While
discipline of the troops trained here. Whether the training outwardly loyal to the Sultan, the old man does not like
methods of the army have seeped into civilian life, or the the growing popularity princess Cendenai is enjoying,
training centers are so efficient because of the demeanour and sees her as a future threat. He has recently
of the locals, life in Kust is strictly regimented. Everyone contacted the Hashishins from the Land of Assassins
has a place, everything has a ritual. Protocol is paramount and offered the brotherhood a kingly reward for the
and the punishment for disobeying the law is harsh. Life death of Cendenai.
in Kust seems dull to the more free-spirited, and many

Sample NPC see him hire characters to help him score
something big and probably illegal.
Taken as a slave during a bandit raid on his village
north of the Great Desert, Ahmad was sold to a cruel
Plot Hooks
merchant prince in Kust. For a few years, Ahmad
learned what little he could about the city and his Plot Hook 1: Several communities in the deepest
master, until he finally saw an opportunity and fled, reaches of the sultanate have been burned to a crisp with
using the city’s byzantine etiquette to slip from his no survivors. The leader of a nearby village wants to hire
handler’s gaze. Without money or possessions, the characters to investigate the mystery and prevent the
Ahmad fled inland and was welcomed in one of the disaster from happening again.

oasis villages where he does every kind of small job to

earn his keep. Plot Hook 2: A few years ago, corsairs brought back
from Cathay a hoard of treasures, acquired through
various means. Among those was the perfectly preserved
Lately, people from Kust have started showing up
mummified body of a cathayan noblewoman. Exposed
and Ahmad, always on the lookout for pursuers, has
as a curiosity, her two last owners met an untimely and
already dealt with some of them permanently. He is
mysterious demise and were found dead in their home,
now looking to make some big money quickly and
shriveled, their faces transfixed in abject terror.
use it to buy passage among one of the caravans
crossing the desert, away from the sultanate and his
former life as a slave. Ahmad is not very competent
or influential, and his growing paranoïa makes him
unbearable at times, but his need for money might

Quick Data
Official Name: The Sultanate of Al-Haikk
Ruler: Padishah the Great, Great Sultan of All Araby,
Emperor of Araby and Beyond, Archisultan of the
Capital: Al-Haikk
Free Towns: None
Major Exports: Boats, finished silverware, fish, ore,
textile, wine

The Land
Northernmost of Araby sultanates, Al-Haikk is the
richest and most cosmopolitan of the sultanate. So
powerful and influential is the sultanate that Old
Worlders tend to mistake Al-Haikk customs for Arabyan
ones. Over the millennias, many prosperous ports and
cities have grown on the long Pirate Coast while the
fertile hinterlands are home to farming and herding
communities, vineyards and dairy farms.
most of the year, however violent storms may form

Al-Haikk has been the capital of Araby and seat of the between the months of Brauzeit and Ulriczeit. Most

Great Sultan’s Golden Throne for three thousand years, sailors simply refuse to go to sea for the whole season,

and the Great Sultans have generously spent their wealth isolating Araby from the Old World and putting a halt

in developing their crownlands. The roads are paved and to both trade and piracy.

patrolled, the coasts are defended, the cities embellished

by public works and state-sponsored schools and To the west lie the Kenitra Hills, a set of hills used for

universities ensure Al-Haikk is home to many scholars. herding by the nomadic Bakr tribe. Several major battles
occured in these hills during the crusades and the many

The wealthy cities of Al-Haikk are the Old World’s crusader tombs and old battlefields make this area

window on Araby and most merchants and adventurers especially popular with grave robbers and fledgling

first set foot on the continent in one of its ports. The necromancers.

Tilean Sea and the Great Ocean are easily navigable for

The People been the capital and center of Araby since the fall of
Bel-Aliad. A mercantile city where the sea plays a vital
Haikkites are generally descended from Mullah Aklan’d role, the sprawling docks and shipyards of the city rival
followers. As a consequence, they see themselves as the those of Marienburg, and it’s winding, colorful streets
natural leaders of Araby and see it as their duty to be stretch as far as the eye can see. Massive palaces of white
shining examples for the other arabyans to emulate. To stone crowned with golden domes rise above the
their other kinsmen, they appear as pompous know-it-all. markets and bazaars of the city, while libraries full of
Loud, curious and opinionated, Haikkites are travelers. ancient books and temples to the djinns can be found in
For centuries, it has been a rite of adulthood for the every district. The city is further embellished by
adolescents to accompany their elders on expeditions numerous gardens of great beauty where hundreds of
across Araby and the world, as sailors, merchants or exotic animals dwell among plants from distant lands.
soldiers. Failing this, they are sent to another town to
learn their trade. The less than flattering moniker of the City of Thieves
isn’t owed to the many skilled scoundrels and
On one hand, this means Haikkites are relatively pickpockets that can be found in it’s alleys. Nor is it
knowledgeable of the world. On the other hand, it means because of the hard bargains the local merchants drive,
they believe they have seen everything already. Haikkites haggling so much that they often leave their customers
are natural linguists and are quick to pick on foreign feeling like they’ve been robbed. As the capital of a
languages. This also means that large numbers of whole continent, Al-Haikk is at the center of
adventurers come from this sultanate. innumerable intrigues, and if material wealth can be
stolen, information is a lot more precious to some
Haikkites are a devout people, greatly fearful of the professions. Agents working for the sultans, assassin
djinns and most carry at least one effigy or trinket at all brotherhoods, foreign nations, religious authorities and
time to placate them. Others honor Mullah Aklan’d ideal heretic cults all compete against one another in the
of an united Araby and as such, the Great Sultan’s armies streets and behind the closed doors of Al-Haikk high
never lack soldiers. The well-traveled, educated and society. It is a game where proxies are used to gain an
zealous soldiers of Al-Haikk make the best officers in all advantage over the competition without exposing
of Araby and can be found leading the armies of other oneself. As such, adventurers often find patrons in Al-
sultanates, which is greatly aggravating for local soldiers. Haikk, although they don’t always know who they are
truly working for, or against.

Significant Places The fortified city of Arjijil is a port said to be

Al-Haikk impregnable and a major pirate and corsair enclave. Its

Al-Haikk, or Alakha, also known as the City of Thieves docks receive many ships from Estalia and Tilea, loaded
to Old Worlders and the Golden Seat to Arabyans, has with exotic and luxury goods. The markets of Arjijil are

famous for the merchandises of dubious origin that can Monarch of the Sea can be found throughout the city,
be found among their stalls, able to satisfy even the most and every household keeps small figurines and amulets
macabre of customers. While it is the duty of the Caliphs to ward the wrath of the desert spirits.
to hunt down the worshippers of darkness, it is an almost
impossible task between the large docks and dark streets El-Khabbath markets are famous for their exotic
of Arjijil. products, from Ulthuan silk to exquisite Arabyan coffee.
Artists flood the streets with music, playing on large
El-Khabbath drums made of elephant skulls while snake charmers
Known as the City of Eight Winds, El-Khabbath is a hypnotize large three-eyed blue cobras.
major port on the coast. Constantly battered by the dry
desert winds, the city welcomes travelers from all across Fyrus
the world. The city is the base of Araby’s most legendary Opulent and busy, the island of Fyrus is located east of
corsair, the Sultan of the Seas : the Golden Magus. Many Al-Haikk and north of Arjijil. It’s privileged position,
merchants also possess their own private fleets and pirates close to the Old World, greatly promotes trade in it’s
avoid attacking the city and its denizens. ports. Prince Tariq of Fyrus controls much of the trade
routes arriving from the north, giving him an enormous
The city is also the seat of the Grand Caliph of Araby influence at the court of the Great Sultan.
and it’s denizens are famous for their worship of the
djinns, often sporting tattoos in the shape of great flames. Fyrus was the birthplace of Mullah Aklan’d and is a
Temples to the most powerful djinns such as the sacred place for Arabyans. When the bretonnian Holy

Order of Saint Origo settled the island and expelled all the Caliph’s dervishes when he wants a cult humbled or
the locals in 1450 I.C, they drew the ire of Araby. Once destroyed, and misinformations to protect his loyal
Jaffar had been deposed and Great Sultan Al-Adil vassals. Tariq’s stranglehold on the city allows him to get
crowned ruler of a re-united Araby, the retribution was the lion’s share of every grimoire, exotic ingredients and
swift and thorough. The knights and monks of Origo, led forbidden artefacts that end up on the port’s black
by Sir John Tyreweld were massacred and their Divine markets.
Monastery of Saint Origo razed to the last stone. Today,
no trace of the bretonnian occupation remains on the
island, even if persistent rumors insist that the treasure Plot Hooks
plundered by the knights all over the coasts of Araby was
never found. Plot Hook 1: A rich silver seam has been discovered
on the border between Al-Haikk and Martek. The
authorities of both are looking to hire sellswords to
Sample NPC capture and hold the mine long enough for the sultan’s
representatives to arrive and validate their claim.
Tariq ibn Fallah is a middle-aged man always impeccably
dressed who serves as the Vizier of Arjijil’s Emir and Plot Hook 2: A ship carrying important cargo from
staunch supporter of Caliph Ibn Wasul’s efforts to root Tilea has disappeared between Fyrus and Al-Haikk.
out the many dark cults that thrive in the city’s shady The characters are hired to find the ship and bring its
streets. Unknown to all, Tariq is actually a high ranking cargo back. When the party finds said ‘cargo’, they
member of the Cult of Mirrors and a follower of discover the ‘merchandise’ are slaves captured by
Tzeentch. Using his influential position, Tariq is the true Sartosan pirates.
leader of Arjijil’s underworld and feeds information to

Atalans Mountains
Quick Data
Official Name : The Atalan Mountains Range
Ruler: Ali al-Rahman, Sultan of Martek
Capital: None
Free Towns: None
Major Exports: Beasts, fur, leather, ore, precious metal,

The Land
Forming a natural border between the fertile western
sultanates and the dry, super-heated Great Desert to the
east, the Atalan mountains range is made of high
mountains, deep valleys and is almost as hard to travel as
the dunes of the desert. The Serpent River and its
tributaries, called wadis in Arabyan, are fed by melting
snow in the spring, making these areas especially fertile, if
prone to flooding. Most villages and communities are
settled on the lush river banks and produce much of the The People
province’s food. Farther from the rivers, the valleys
become progressively more dry and barren. Communities Packs of pantheras lurk in the valleys while wyverns,

in most of the Atalans have abandoned all but the barest dragons and radiant pegasii nest in the highest peaks.

subsistence farming and instead rely on mining the Food is scarce, winters harsh and that’s not even

extensive seams of precious ore that can be found all counting the bandits, landslides and other hazards that

across the region. can cut a life short. Because of that, Atalans live in the
present. They tend to not plan in advance and do what

Beside ore and precious metals, the Atalan mountains they think is a good idea at the moment. The Atalans

have a wealth of ancient ruins, dragon lairs, cults hideout are known to be practical and stoic, enduring whatever

and, according to the rumors, ratmen fortresses. All these hardship may befell them. At the same time, they enjoy

draw a great many adventurers and travelers, from tomb life to its fullest, welcoming any occasion to celebrate.

robbers intent on looting the ruins to dervishes chasing

necromancers, wizards searching for ancient artefacts and In the harsh depths of winter, the highest valleys and

hermits seeking spiritual illumination through solitude. communities are cut off from Araby because of the

snow, and locals are known to be eminently self- army marched through during the War of Death. The
sufficient, to the point that Atalans who cannot contribute undeads stopped their march through the Cobra Pass
to their community in any meaningful way are shunned. and hunted down the Dervishes, exterminating almost
Very few poets or artists can be found among the all of them and pushing the survivors to seek the
mountainers, and those with such inclinations usually protection of the Arabyan Caliphs. Many Wandering
leave toward the coastal cities. Atalans see speech as a tool Dervishes make the pilgrimage to their ancestral land at
and are short and practical in their speech, getting to the some point and it is said the djinns themselves are
point without flowery words or regards for etiquette and attracted to this place where spiritual seekers wander.
remaining silent most of the time.
Palace of the Wizard-Caliph
Far to the south of Araby, past the Eunuch Mountains
and built at the southern tip of the Atalan Mountains
Significant Places
rise the Palace of the Wizard-Caliph. It is said there are

Cobra Pass very few things related to the art of witchcraft that the
The Cobra Pass is the only safe and direct route through Wizard-Caliph does not know about, and that he
the Atalan Mountains. For centuries it was left specializes in casting and lifting curses. Of course, for
unguarded, and travelers crossing the pass would find any service, the Wizard-Caliph asks for a favor in
themselves at the mercy of beastmen lurking in the nearby return. A small town has sprung up around the palace,
valleys. This changed during the 19th century when Great and its inhabitants are under the protection of the local
Sultana Kahena commissioned the construction of several potentate.
forts and watchtowers to guard the pass. Some of the
fortifications have fallen in disuse over the centuries and The Forlorn Sanctuary
sometimes shelters beastmen, worshippers of the dark Hidden deep in the most isolated valley stand an old
gods or groups of bandits. The local garrison is led by citadel known as the Forlorn Sanctuary. It was once
Giovanni Drogo. The old mamluk is convinced that an built by a cult of wizards calling themselves the Cult of
attack by the hated Tomb Kings is imminent and refuses the First One, claiming to serve a god older than the
to send patrols to root out the beastmen and other world. Seeing it as Chaos worship, a combined army of
intruders, hiring adventurers to do the job of his soldiers Bretonnians and Arabyans sieged and destroyed the
instead. citadel in 1452 I.C. The wizards were put to the sword,
their library burned and their treasures pillaged. Some
Land of the Dervishes chambers however were beyond the ability of the
The Land of the Dervishes encompass the hilly slopes crusaders to breach and it is said great troves of
east of the Atalan Mountains. In ages past, the Dervish knowledge and magical artifacts still await anyone with
nomad tribe prospered in these hills, herding goats and the wits, courage and know-how to unlock the secrets of
subsisting from the few oases that could be found in the the sanctuary.
area. Everything changed when Arkhan the Black’s

Vulture Mountain Despite all this, Yussuf is worried and can’t sleep at
Far to the east of the Cobra Pass, rise a solitary mountain night. Three moons ago, a hunter from the village came
among the dunes. The Vulture Mountain, as it is known, to him, asking about strange tracks left in the valley.
is the main nesting area of the famous Giant Vultures, Tracks looking like the paws of human-sized rats.
huge birds strong enough to lift a horse and its rider. Shortly after, the first disappearances began, always on
Giant Vultures are just as intelligent as humans and the outskirts of the community. Yussuf is now convinced
capable of speech, sometimes lending their aid to that the ratmen have finally arrived in his peaceful
Arabyans. Some travel to the mountain to enlist the help valley, and seeks the help of anyone willing to lend their
of the inhabitants, while others come looking for their aid against the insidious invaders.
feathers. In addition to their beauty, it is said their feathers
hide many magical properties.

Plot Hooks
Sample NPC
Plot Hook 1: A wyvern of unusual size has started
A diminutive man with greying hairs, Yussuf Amin was preying on a valley’s sheeps. The wyvern is well known
but a teenager when a wandering dervish stopped by in in the area but used to live and hunt further up in the
his village deep in the mountains. During his stay, the mountains. The characters are hired to deal with the
dervish regaled the townsfolk with tales of faraway lands wyvern and discover what chased it from its usual
and strange creatures. Of those, the tale of ratmen hiding hunting grounds.
in the northern peaks of the Atalan Mountains struck
young Yussuf the most. Years later, Yussuf became the Plot Hook 2: A merchant hires the adventurers for a
village elder, a short time past his fiftieth birthday after a prospecting mission in the mountains. Outwardly, they
fruitful life as the local tanner and now spends his last are tasked with finding new seams of precious metals,
days surrounded by his large family, respected by everyone but he asks them to map any cave, tomb or ruin they’ll
in the valley. come across too. Just in case.

Quick Data East of the plains, the land rises gradually toward the
Official Name : The Sultanate of Copher Atalan Mountains and is mostly pastoral lands with
Ruler: Sultan Abdul-Wahid, Golden King of the City of mining communities. A new road between Copher and
Spices Martek was under construction until recently, but work
Capital: Copher suddenly stopped and both sultans buried the project
Free Towns: None and all information relative to the sudden stop. Several
Major Exports: Agriculture, cheese, silver, spice, timber, workers and locals who were part of the construction
woodcraft, wool and woollen goods crew have mysteriously disappeared since and rumors
circulate about a cursed tomb, discovered deep in the
The Land
Blessed with generous rainfall and heavily wooded, the
sultanate of Copher is bounded by the Kenitra hills to the
The People
north, the Atalan Mountains to the east, the sultanate of
The original inhabitants of Copher lived among the
Lashiek to the south and the Great Ocean to the west.
elves and were avid students. When Mullah Aklan’d
The sultanate is divided in three geographical areas. The
united Araby against the elves, Copher reluctantly
first is the Dibeen forest that stretches from Copher to
joined, paying only lip service to the warlord and
Lashiek almost without interruption. Logging is a
refusing to fight openly it’s elven benefactors. After the
thriving industry in the area and the roads between the
war, Copher and Ulthuan kept close ties and it is said
cities and villages are patrolled and relatively safe. People
the sultanate is the most independent of all, although
who leave the cleared areas risk falling prey to the local
one of the closest to the capital city of Al-Haik.
predators or beastmen however, and locals never wander
off into the woods without a good reason.
Inspired by these foreign ties and fiercely independent
spirit, Copherites are curious, open and friendly. They
The second area is the Rharb plain, located between the
strongly believe that foreigners and even other arabyans
Dibeen forest and the Atalan Mountains. It is mostly
are a great source of knowledge, power and wealth and
arable and pastoral lowlands, silted by seasonal
so they welcome all in their sultanate. To their old ties
watercourse. It is a major agricultural region and is famous
with Ulthuan, Copherites have also nurtured close
for its citrus. For generations, local princes and emirs have
relations with the Old World, and Copher has many
invested in dikes and artificial lakes to collect the streams
allies and trading partners across the sea, which gives
of meltwater from the Atalan Mountains as well as the
great influence both in Araby and in the courts of the
heavy spring rains, and droughts are but a distant memory
Old World to sultan Abdul-Wahid.
for the people of Copher.

Inhabiting one of the richest and most fertile lands of Copher
Araby, Copherites have still managed to greatly improve Known as the City of Spices, Copher is one of the

their land with new innovations and ideas from all across most important cities of Araby and the Golden King of

the world, and are always eager to try new untested ideas. Copher seat of power. Located west of Al-Haikk,

This willingness to experiment and tolerance of the Copher is a resplendent port city dominating much of

unknown has led the sultanate to welcome many wizards, the region’s trade and almost every language of the

engineers and other innovators. Imperial wizards have world can be heard in its colourful streets. The city itself

been granted an enclave by sultan Abdul-Wahid and a was conquered by Jaffar and brutally put to the sword

guild of engineering has just opened in Amhabal. when the Crusaders first landed in Araby. Copher has
managed to recover thanks to its active maritime trade
and relations with the Old World have been restored
over the millenia, so much that no ill will remains
Significant Places
between the former enemies.
Located south of Copher in the middle of fertile Along with an elven district, the city boasts a Tilean
lowlands, Amhabal is renowned across Araby as a city of neighborhood separated from the rest of the city by a
craftsmen where the most accomplished jewelers, weavers, wall, as well as many smaller enclaves of merchants from
glassmakers and toolmakers ply their trade. Many other kingdoms and races such as the “Hundred Dwarf
foreigners visiting the nearby capital make the trek to buy Street” which is well known for its blacksmiths and
or comission luxury items from Amhabal’s many master gunsmiths. The city’s skyline is punctuated with soaring
craftsmen, and Amhabal is full of amenities for the towers where wizards and sorcerers dwell. The
visiting travelers such as inns, pleasure palaces, thermal numerous spellcasters and the relative lack of
baths and shrines to foreign deities. restrictions on magic have seen the growth of a magical

through the Emirs armies sent to stop them. The river
is not one of water but blood, and drinking it is said to
cause bloodlust and madness. Today, the Crimson River
is holy ground for beastmen and madmen alike and
while the area is heavily patrolled by dervishes and
soldiers, it does little to prevent chaos worshippers from
gathering on the banks to perform their dark rituals.

Worse, garrisoned soldiers report their sleep is plagued

by nightmares. Nearby animals are unusually aggressive
and there have been a number of mutant births in the
past. The locals have since fled and several abandoned
trade in the city. Nowhere in Araby or the Old World is it
villages can still be found near the banks of the river.
as easy to commission an enchanted item or potion as in
The physical and spiritual threat that the cursed river
Copher. Conversely, the presence of so many sorcerers
poses is seen as a great test of faith and character by
means there is a market for exotic items and components
dervishes and devout soldiers. To the less religiously
used in spellcasting, and some adventurers and merchants
inclined, being posted in the Crimson River garrisons is
have specialized in gathering artefacts, tomes, magical
a death warrant, and the desertion rates are unusually
beast parts and other spell components, then selling them
to the wealthy fakirs of Copher.

The city also derives its fame from the important figures Formerly known as the City of Poetry, it was a center
born here, the reputation of some reaching even the Old of art and creativity whose inhabitants were given to
World. The vampiress Layla, known as the Silver Princess knowledge, painting, poetry, and music. Known for their
caused much commotion in Averland in 2273 C.I, while joviality and regular festivals, wine ran between the
the temperamental sorceress Laniph is known as much for tables and music filled the streets of the city. Today, only
her many lovers as for her mastery of the amethyst wind terrifying howls and blood-curdling shrieks are heard
and the spells she devised. More recently, the Golden between it’s walls, for the shadows have conquered the
Magus, current Sultan of the Seas was born in Copher city of Ma’arra.
and claims to be the reincarnation of the original Golden
King. After the defeat of Jaffar during the crusades, the Old
Worlders scattered throughout Araby, chasing his last
The Crimson River followers in every corner of the continent, while looters
The Crimson River is a cursed place, left behind by the
and bandits took advantage of the confusion to plunder
will of the Chaos God Khorne, when the Blood Hunt
undefended settlements. The most infamous of them all,
tribe invaded Araby in 2103 and carved a bloody path
“Prince” Arnyld, fell on Ma’arra. The city was defended

tooth and nail but was only guarded by a citizen militia,
it’s armies having answered the call of Great Sultan
Daryus Al-Adil. Once the city fell, a sandstorm blanketed
the region and forced the triumphant army to remain in
Ma’arra. When food reserves began to run out, the
crusaders ate the animals. First the horses, then the cats,
and when nothing else populated the streets, they started
hunting the citizens. The elders and children were the first
to be devoured in great feasts celebrated by the crusaders.
Very few managed to escape, for their hunters were
getting hungrier every day. When the sandstorm abatted,
Arnyld left the city with only half of his host, the
remainder having grown too addicted to the hunt and
taste of humans. When sultan Nur-Salih’s army arrived to
Founded in ancient times by Kharim the Benevolent,
help the city, it was greeted with half-devoured corpses
Ras-Karim is a port city famous for its convoluted
adorning the walls and the heads of women and children
streets wrapped in a scent of spice and jasmine. In
planted on spikes along the road.
recent times, the city was ruled by prince Falhedar it
Toorissi, who also acted as caliph. Unlike his father, he
Ma’arra was abandoned and never repopulated. Today,
was a disastrous, cruel leader, hated by his people and
the inhabitants of the city are ghouls. In their hunger, they
surrounded by sycophants and flatterers. He was killed
attack anyone who approaches the walls in search of fresh
when his cousin, princess Yuleh it Toorissi led an
human flesh. Many necromancers also gather in the ruins,
insurrection with the help of Halim it Saredi, Gotrek
plotting against the caliphs and performing their dark
Gurnisson and Felix Jaeger.
rituals away from prying eyes. Tribes of cannibals,
criminals, torturers and many others too unwholesome to
Yuleh it Toorissi, the Lioness of Ras-Karim, has been
live amongst ordinary people dwell in the shadows cast by
princess of the city for almost a decade and the city has
the horrible Sgulls ruling what remains of the city.
prospered under her rule. No longer are slaves sent to
Arabyans regularly send armies to purge the ruins, trying
fight beasts to earn their freedom in the arenas of Ras-
to prevent evil from spreading through their lands.
Karim, and the alchemists, sorcerers, philosophers and
other intellectuals of the Street of Scholars have never
been this many. Not all is well, however. Loyalists to the
former prince plot to avenge his death and their loss of
status, and they have found a new patron in this
endeavour, one who sees the excess and decadence of
the former court in a favorable light.

Sample NPC doesn't mind offering passage between the two
continents on occasions, especially to adventurers with
Truculent and talkative, Khalid ibn Waqas always had whom he feels a kinship.
the soul of an adventurer. He began as a lowly peddlar,
going from town to town with his mules, buying and
selling fruits and other goods, discovering the world all Plot Hooks
the while. When he had saved enough money, Khalid
bought passage on a ship and arrived on the bustling Plot Hook 1: The characters are hired by a local
streets of Marienburg. Never had Khalid imagined a wizard to procure him with a rare component. They are
country so cold and damp could exist and he immediately then quietly contacted by a rival wizard who offers them
fell in love with this northern country and its eastern more if they deliver the rare component to him instead
neighbor, the Empire. He worked several years for the of his rival. The matter escalates again when they are
Haagen family for, learning all the tricks and discovering visited by agents of the local Caliph, demanding they
the Reikland before finally starting his own business. deliver the goods to the authorities rather than any of
the two wizards.
Today, Khalid ibn Waqas is a rich man and the owner of
two large merchant dhows, the Alkatris Almurmar and Plot Hook 2: The characters arrive in a remote
Janub Alsamma. He makes the trip between Araby and village and find it strangely empty of human life. The
the Old World twice a year, stopping at Marienburg in furniture, food and tools have been left behind, the
autumn, and pushing all the way to Altdorf, Bögenhafen doors are open and only the animals remain, as if
and Ubersreik in spring. Khalid enjoys talking about his everyone suddenly abandoned their work and left. There
homeland to potential customers and often takes orders are no signs of fighting or panic, and the only clue is the
from people who wish to buy specific Arabyan items. He ominous carved tunnel open in a nearby hill’s flank.

The Great Desert
Quick Data pushed from the northern shores far into the desert.
Official Name: The Great Desert of Araby Often enough, rainfall is followed by a desert bloom
Ruler: Shared between neighboring sultans that colors the sands in many wonderfuls colours. The
Capital: None bountiful rain and colorful aftermath are seen as divine
Free Towns: Khalibon, Teshert boons by the inhabitants of the desert, and festivities are
Major Exports: Archeological pieces, criminals, slaves held each time a desert blooms occurs.

The Land
The People
Stretching from the base of the Atalan Mountains in the
The people living in the Great Desert are the harshest,
west, all the way to the World’s Edge mountains to the
fiercest of all Araby. In the desert, wasting water or food
east, and from the shores of the Great Ocean in the north
means death, and the nomads have long since learned to
to the Gulf of Medes to the south, the Great Desert of
ration themselves. They are frugal, cautious and value
Araby is the most distinguishing feature of the continent
self-sufficiency. Thirst and being lost are not the only
and occupy most of the land claimed by its namesake
danger in the desert however, and bandit groups, slavers,
kingdom. The western part of the desert is an endless sea
cultists, predators and undeads can appear from behind
of dunes dotted with oases around which small
a dune at any time. As such, most desert dwellers know
settlements, caravansaries and towns rise. Old abandoned
how to defend themselves and have the mentality that
outposts built on the shores of dried up oases offer shelter
might makes right. Animals are especially important to
against the harsh sun and terrible sandstorms periodically
desert-dwellers. Camels, nicknamed the landships, allow
sweeping the dunes. Larger ruins dating back to the War
the vast expanses of the desert to be tamed, while horses
of Death or other portentous events are scrupulously
are friends and companions. Falcons and birds of prey
avoided by nomads and caravan alike, as there are some
are marks of prestige while a faithful hound can help
things in the desert that should remain buried.
guard the camp at night and hunt the jerboas and other
small animals that scurry in the desert. More civilized
For all its pervasive heat, dry climate, dangerous storms
Arabyans often deride desert-dwellers as being too close
and harsh sun, the Great Desert is far from lifeless. Giant
to their animals for their own good, and that they are so
vultures, carrions and harpies rule the skies while
close that they take on some animalistic traits. Certainly,
scorpions, spiders and chaos gorgons lie in ambush under
desert-dwellers are rowdy, with no respect for fancy
the sand. Cheetahs, fennecs, oryxes, vicunas and striped
titles and as harsh as their land. Once gained, however,
weasels can all be encountered in the vast expanses of the
the friendship and loyalty of a desert-dweller is eternal.
desert. Rain is rare but happens once or twice a year, when
the storm season hits the northern coast. Storm clouds are

Significant Places
Ancient and beautiful, Bel-Aliad was the original capital
of Araby at the time of Nehekhara. The crown jewel of a
vast empire, home to the Great Sultan and the center of
Araby’s culture and commerce, it was a city full of wealth
and knowledge which was reduced to rubles by Arkhan
the Black.

Bel-Aliad is located north-east of the Great Desert of

Araby, very close to the border with the Land of the Djambiya
Djambiya is a port city at the border with the Land of
Deads. Today, it is a ruin, a shadow flooded with sands
the Dead, whose docks welcome merchants, adventurers
that only the most intrepid dare to visit. Hundreds of
and fools of all kind, ready to enter the ruins of ancient
curses are said to weight upon these ruins, and horrors
Nehekhara.It is an exotic city, full of music and aromas
dwell within them. These stories are enough to drive away
where the natives of the city dressed in brightly
any travelers, and the experienced merchants warn anyone
coloured clothes mingle with desert nomads, their skin
of the dangers surrounding the area. Despite these
covered with ritual scars. Old Worlders are a common
warnings, there are many fools willing to explore the
sight, both merchants from Estalia and Tilea, but also
abandoned ruins in search of treasures and forgotten
priests and knights. Many are coming to the city before
riches. Almost all of them end up devoured by the sands
travelling east, and most of them never return.
and forgotten.

The people of Djambiya are shrouded in deep

In times gone by, Bel-Aliad was a marvel. Founded by
superstition. They fear the Wraith that dwells in the
exiles from Bhagar in a forgotten era, it stood proudly in
east and perform all kinds of rituals to ward off spirits.
the wilderness alongside the civilization of Nehekhara.
The shadow of fear hangs over the city and it’s
The gods of their neighbor were worshipped in Bel-Aliad,
inhabitants dare not even pronounce the name of the
especially Djaf and Khsar, and it was during celebrations
cursed lands of Nehekhara.
to Djaf that the city fell. The sky suddenly turned black
and a gigantic sandstorm engulfed the city. Then came a
Haytin Plains
great plague of insects who devoured anything that The fiery wasteland that stretches next to the city of
crossed their path and behind them, a tide of undeads led Dimashque, east of the Eye of the Panther, is known as
by Arkhan the Black. This marked the beginning of the the Haytin Plain. It is a terrible desert of stone and
War of Death and Bel-Aliad has been known since that sand, where very few can survive, as resources are scarce.
day as the City of Dust. Only a few great oases assist the traveler on their

journey through this sweltering land. It is said that the caliph who dictates religion, there is no sultan to
water never stays cold in Haytin, for its heat is reminiscent exercise his will, and the prince is an egomaniac
of a dwarfen furnace. Nothing can be built amongst its concerned only with his own business. Sorcerers and
quicksand. Under the plain lies a huge network of caves, warlocks reach the city by dozens, attracted by the
known as the Worm Caverns. Used as a haven by cultists, markets of relics and exotic ingredients. It is said that
bandits and thieves, they attract all kinds of criminals to the underworld of the city is riddled with thieves and
their borders. Near the Plains of Haytin stands Mount murderers, although these are not the most problematic.
Wraith, a place of great evil, where strange supernatural Necromancers and cultists roam and gather under the
forces lie and which Arabyans prefer to avoid. cover of the night. The city guard makes an effort to
keep the peace, but its own corruption prevents it from
It is on these plains that “Prince” Arnyld was captured, truly stopping crime in the city.
and his army defeated. The prince reportedly left his
treasure buried under the stones of the plain. No one During the crusades, Khalibon was ruled by prince
could confirm this legend, but many come to Araby, Ridwaz. His figure is still shrouded in mysteriy, and
attracted by the riches hidden in these plains. terrible legends are told about him. He was said to be an
ally of the Ruinous Powers, and performed rituals to
Khalibon summon demons. His shadow spread over Khalibon,
Dark legends and terrible whispers originate from the
making it the dark city it is today. A statue of the prince
walls of the enigmatic Khalibon. This city embodies
can still be found at the center of the city, but the face
ambition and power, but also infamy and vileness. It is a
has been erased by the passage of time, or by the spiteful
city full of dangers, where hooded figures watch from the
inhabitants of Khalibon who hated the tyrannical reign
shadows, and where sinister myths are part of a macabre
of Ridwaz.

Khalibon is a mysterious city, where repudiates and thugs Built beyond the borders of Araby, near the Marg Beh-
find refuge. It is said that the prince of the city only cares Mard desert, known as the Badlands to Old Worlders,
about himself, which has caused the citizens to run the Theshert is a fortified city surrounded by monsters and
city themselves. Khalibon is surrounded by desert, and dangers. Emir Sayf Abu Mansur is a large man in his
many travelers reach their doorstep in search of shelter early forties and is both a wise ruler and a shrewd
and supplies. This trade is the city’s main source of general. Thesert guards the only land route that links
income. Its bazaars are overcrowded during the day, while Araby with Barak-Varr and the Border Princes, and Abu
at night the city is filled with sinister passer-by and Mansur’s powerful hosts makes it a relatively safe
hooded rogues. passage for caravans.

Khalibon is said to be a great city full of opportunities, as

long as you know how to take care of yourself. There is no

As one of the only safe stops for travellers caught decided that Tyrius would be a perfect base thanks to its
between the Badlands and the Land of the Dead, Teshert location, as they could control the surrounding lands
sees many passing knights, merchants, treasure and bounty from it, while sending crusading forces against the
hunters, priests, pilgrims and wizards. The guard keeps a Tomb Kings. The occupying imperials imposed their
vigilant eye on all foreigners and ensures that peace is own law and the city was soon ruled by a sigmarite
maintained in the streets. The law’s protection does not Archlector. Sigmar became Patron of Tyrius and it’s
extend beyond the walls of the city however, and only god. The city gained great renown as a haven for
disagreements are often violently settled just outside the travelers and believers, a place of pilgrimage.
After the end of the Crusades, Old Worlders left
Tyrius Araby en masse and Tyrius lost its use for imperials. The
Tyrius lies near the Ghutan Desert, surrounded by the city gradually returned to its pre-war state, although it
nomadic tribes of the Ghutani. It’s proximity to the Land would never be the same. Today, Tyrius is an Arabyan
of the Dead has often caused clashes, as the Tomb Kings city like any other, with crowded markets and merchant
regularly try to intimidate the Arabyans and force them to caravans entering and leaving it every day. Only a small
pay tribute. Despite this, Tyrius has never fallen before the portion of the population still worships Sigmar, as the
undead hordes. It was conquered by imperial crusaders pressure exerted by the Caliphs and the Ghutani has
during the crusades when the city’s armies had marched greatly reduced the number of believers. However, the
north to support Jaffar, leaving Tyrius vulnerable. Caliphs have made sure to not completely eliminate the
Cult of Sigmar. Its presence attracts wandering knights

Although Jaffar had already been killed at this point, and religious fanatics, ready to protect the city from the

many of his loyal warriors were now fleeing, hiding in undeads of Khemri. And it is an aid that neither prince

every town, village or mountain grotto. The knights Harun Ra’iq nor the Caliphs are willing to do without.

Sample NPC Plot Hooks
Sheikh Baha al-Din is a man in his late twenties with a Plot Hook 1: There are ancient ruins buried in the
skin tanned and marked by the unrelenting desert sun. As dunes somewhere near Khalibon. They don’t appear on
the sheikh of the Nazir tribe, he is a ruthless warleader any map and are said to only emerge when a powerful
and bandit lord, often preying on caravans lost after a enough sandstorm blows away the dunes. It also means
sandstorm. Baha believes that the Nazir have no use for that such a storm would blow away the trail posts and
slaves and offer each captured slave a choice : become a shift the area entirely and whoever finds the ruin and its
member of the tribe and fight for their adopted people, or treasures may find returning home difficult.
be sold again the next time the tribe visits a civilized oasis.
Bah al-Din is a man of taste who enjoys poetry, hawk Plot Hook 2: The eldest daughter of a local emir has

husbandry, horse races and the other finer things in life. been kidnapped by nomads ! The characters are hired to

Unknown to all, Baha’s rise to power began the day he track the bandits and bring back the daughter. Matters

found a mysterious lamp in an ancient ruin near the become more complicated when the daughter claims

Atalan Mountains. The lamp was in fact the prison of a she left of her own accord to flee her family who she

powerful genie who granted Baha three wishes. So far, claims wanted to offer her as sacrifice to their dark

Baha has used the first two wishes and keeps the third in patron.

case the consequences of his second wish would be too

much to handle, even for a sheikh like him.

Gulf of Medes
Quick Data trails yet lead to the sweltering jungles of the
Official Name: Sultanate of El-Kalabad Southlands beyond. It is a dangerous area as the
Ruler: Nur’Aylan, Sultan of El-Kalabad, King of Medes, Arabyans maintain no garrison and dangerous beasts
Sovereign of the Southern Seas often roam from the jungles, far north into the desert.
Capital: El-Kalabad Some brave fools have made it their livelihood to track
Free Towns: Antoch (Destroyed), Suddenburg and capture the most exotic and dangerous of these,
Major Exports: Boats, clothes, exotic beasts, ivory and such as the Carnosaur. It is as brave as it is foolish and
ivory goods, salt, timber many die each year, but a dead carnosaur is worth more
than its weight in gold, and thrice as much if it is still
alive. To the west is the Gulf of Medes proper, and the
The Land heartland of the sultanate. Blessed with a long rain
season, a calm sea throughout the year and large lakes
Located on the southern coast of Araby, the Gulf of
and oases, the cities of the gulf have grown mighty and
Medes is a powerful realm prospering far from the Great
populous, and the splendor of the sultanate is matched
Sultan’s authority. It is a fertile land enjoying regular
only by the capital province of Al-Haikk, far to the
rainfall and its prosperous cities are built around the calm
seas of the Gulf and the great oases of the hinterland.

When Jaffar proclaimed himself Great Sultan, Sultan

The sultanate is divided into four main regions. In the
Nur-Salih refused to swear allegiance and proclaimed
north-east, there is a large swath of dunes known as the
himself King of Medes. When the Old Worlders
Shifting Sands, that roughly mark the border between El-
arrived, the armies of Medes marched to war alongside
Kalabad and the Land of the Dead. The dunes of the
them. If the armies of El-Kalabad had marched
Shifting Sands move as if they were alive and prevent any
alongside Jaffar’s forces, no doubt the crusades might
permanent settlement to be established. Worse, travellers
have ended differently. After the wars, Great Sultan Al-
speak of undeads and creatures of living stones waiting in
Adil granted the crusaders territories on the shores of
ambush beneath the sand, ready to spring on intruders. To
Medes. Thus were Suddenburg and Antoch founded
the east, between the Shifting Sands and the Great Sandy
under the protection of El-Kalabad. The three cities
Desert is the Plain of Tuskers. This semi-arid plain is
marched to war on many occasions to defend southern
renowned for its wild boards and herds of elephants living
Araby from the Tomb Kings and the Arabyans,
in the shadow of great acacias. Much of the local economy
Bretonnians and Imperials living on the gulf ’s shores are
revolves around the ivory trade and the elephants have
as close allies as can be.
grown unusually aggressive. To the extreme south-east of
the sultanate is the Great Sandy Desert, which marks the
southern border of Araby. Few tribes live here and fewer

The People fashionable and have nothing to do with the grim
superstitions of the Empire.
The people of Medes have an ancient and proud history.
During the War of Death, the cities of the Gulf were the Situated far to the south, the heat can become
only ones able to halt the advance of Arkhan the Black, unbearable even to Arabyans, and Medans customarily
and during the Crusades the people of Medes marched to stop working most of the afternoon, using the hottest
war alongside Old Worlders against the usurper Jaffar. As hours of the day to sleep or enjoy some leisure time.
their homeland was never conquered, Medans view They stir themselves at dusk and work for several hours
themselves as the truest of Arabyans and are incredibly past sundown. This strange habit has led ill-informed
proud of their lineage, traditions and history. Many Old Worlders to conclude that Medans are a lazy,
Imperials and Bretonnians who came to the free cities, decadent people spending their days enjoying life
either for war or to do business, have mixed over the years instead of working.
with local Arabyans, bringing their gods and customs to
the shores of Medes. Southlanders too have settled among
the Arabyans, arriving as either mercenaries or merchants. Significant Places
All these elements blended to form a people who, while
still recognisably Arabyan in culture and language, Akhaba
Akhaba is a port city located south of the ruins of
displays distinct differences from their compatriots.
Antoch and built on the ruins of an ancient elven
colony. Located south of the Shifting Sands and the
Medans tend to be tall and slender, sometimes sharing
barren Cracked Lands, the high elves nicknamed the
the darker or lighter complexion of foreign ancestors.
region the “Anvil of the Sun”, as the territory crushed
Their men are given to wearing thicker moustaches and
any traveler in its terrible heat. Arabyans have kept the
the floppy headgears of the Empire sometimes replace the
nickname. Although a cool breeze comes towards
more fashionable turbans found elsewhere in Araby. Both
Akhaba from the Gulf, it dies quickly and the heat
Southland and Old World influence means the skull
becomes unbearable even before sunrise.
iconography is not uncommon, although those are purely

After the destruction of Antoch in 2500 I.C, most of Pierre carried the shame of the failed expedition and the
the Bretonnian survivors braved the desert and found subsequent mutinery of all other ships of the fleet and
shelter behind the walls of Akhaba. A growing Bretonnian sought to win back their honor in exile from their
enclave has been established in the city, but the knights homeland. Amongst the spoils, Pierre carried the Jade
and princess Tumadir al-Khansa are both intent on seeing Staff, a magnificent cane entirely carved in jade.
Antoch rebuilt, the former to reclaim their honor and the Although he was dishonored from being among the few
later for other reasons entirely. survivors of an expedition which saw the death of the
duke of Bordeleaux himself, he became over time
Antoch Master of the Knights of Antoch and its surrounding
Antoch, also called the Crusader City, was a Bretonnian lands. The Jade Staff that Pierre had brought from
enclave located at the northern end of the Gulf of Medes. Lustria became the emblem of the Lord of the City, a
This mighty fortress city was founded at the end of the symbol of his power and protection.
crusades, when the victorious armies of the Old World
defeated the evil and wicked Great Sultan Jaffar. Almost seven hundred years after the looting of Huatl
Disgusted by the evil they found in Araby, the victorious and the destruction of much of the Duke of
knights toppled idols, burned entire libraries, and Bordeleaux’s expedition, the Mage-Priest Mazdamundi
eventually retreated to the immaculate lands of Bretonnia, decided to secretly recover the artifacts stolen by the
the spiritual sanctuary of the Lady of the Lake. However, Bretonnians to expand his understanding of the Great
some knights decided to stay in Araby and built a Plan. To this end, he discreetly sent small Lizardmen
powerful fortress of virtue that would remain permanently forces to the Old World to seize the sacred plates
vigilant in the face of the resurgence of darkness in Araby. scattered by the mutineers or manipulate other forces to
The new Great Sultan or Araby, Al-Adil, granted the Old get them for him.
Worlders lands to settle down in gratitude for their help
in overthrowing Jaffar. However, to take over the Jade Staff, which was a key
of immense magical power in the hands of a Slann
The city was named Antoch and soon became a refuge Mage-Priest, Mazdamundi gathered a gigantic army to
for all kinds of Old World adventurers, while ships found take the Crusader City. Although Antoch was well-
in Antoch a vital port that allowed them to reprovision fortified, and well-equipped, the Bretonnians decided
before the perilous journey west in the direction of nobly and courageously (some would say recklessly) to
Lustria, or south towards the Southern Lands. make a foray and meet their besiegers on the fields. The
course of the battle changed many times as each side
In 1847 I.C, the survivors of a disastrous lustrian tried to maintain the initiative. Eventually, the
expedition financed by king Jean of Bretonnia arrived to Lizardmen managed to break the defenders and then
Antoch, onboard the galleon Jean de Florette. The few ravaged the city before recovering the Jade Staff.
surviving knights of the expeditions, led by the knight

In ancient days, Dakisir was famous for its forges and
furnaces, where magic weapons of legendary quality
were crafted by master smiths and sorcerers. As a source
of powerful weapons, it was one of the first targets of
Arkhan the Black during the War of Death. Today, only
a handful of ruins engulfed by the sand stand as
testament of the existence of Dakisir. Persistent rumors
insist that some of the knowledge or weapons of the city
were hidden in vault deep beneath the sands when the
city fell and that they are still waiting to be rediscovered,
all these millenias after.

Reigning over the Gulf of Medes stands the imposing
El-Kalabad, whose powers make neighboring cities and
distant nations tremble. Its sultan rules the south of the
world, for nothing happens beyond Medes without his

El-Kalabad is a hugely influential city thanks to two

factors. The first is its economic power. All trade passes
Bur-Shitrak through its waters, and the merchants are forced to pay
Located at the edge of the Great Desert, Bur-Shitrak is tribute to the sultan. Ships from Cathay and Ind arrive
renowned for the large presence of nomadic tribes behind in droves to its vast ports, bringing unparalleled riches
its walls. It is said that the city’s population can double to the overflowing coffers of the sultan of Medes. The
when the local tribes gather. Situated at the extremity of second reason to regard El-Kalabad as a great power is
the trail that crosses the desert, it is no surprise that many its military capabilities. Many cities pledge allegiance to
tribes gather in Bur-Shitrak, offering their services as the sultan of Medes, giving him almost unmatched
caravan guides and protectors, and to swap stories and power among the other Arabyan sultanates. The large
trade with other tribes as well as citybound Arabyans. shipyards and docks of the city harbor a fleet rivaling
Bur-Shitrak is also renowned for the exotic beasts that can that of Lashiek, allowing the sultan to boast control of
be found in its surroundings, with parrots and snakes the seas all the way to the tip of the Southern Lands.
being among the most common. Most famous of these
exotic creatures is the Mukkavi, a strange breed of jackal Nestled behind walls that have stood unconquered for
that can only be found in the surrounding hills and is more than 4000 years, El-Kalabad is the jewel of the
highly prized as a pet. south. Its streets and bazaars are filled with music, the

scent of spice and the exotic colours of eastern silk. Old Meknes
World and Far East languages can be heard in its shops An important port located far to the south of Araby,

and the city’s caravansaries are always full of travellers Meknes is the last actual port where those traveling to

having just crossed the Great Desert or making Cathay may stop. As such, Meknes’ economy revolves

preparations for the journey. It is a city that rarely sleeps around the sea. Its shipyards are always busy and the

and where almost anything can be found. Sabarites sees inns and taverns in the dock district are full of sailors

their city as the center of the southern world, and in many and bawds at all times of the day. A small but thriving

ways, it is. thieves guild has managed to endure despite repeated

attempts by Emir Arezki Mokrani to destroy it, stealing
from ships and crews making the return journey from
Kadira Cathay and Ind, then selling in other cities of Araby
Located between El-Kalabad and Bur-Shitrak, Kadira is
thanks to a vast network of smugglers.
famous for its crowded bazaars, its dancers who are said to
be as beautiful and skilled as they are dangerous, and its
hidden treasures. The ruling family of Kadira has changed
many times over the ages, usually deposed by a violent
coup d’état or large scale assassinations. Most of the time,
loyalists of a deposed ruler fled with part of the palace’s
treasury and hid somewhere in or around the city, plotting
their revenge. Most of the time, they were found ritually
murdered shortly afterward, the location of their stolen
riches lost forever.

Kadira is also home to the Velvet Sisterhood, a

mysterious organization of female spies and assassins who
take contracts on seemingly random whims, and never ask
for payment in gold. Most people think the Velvet
Sisterhood has eyes and ears in every important place and
family of the city, but nobody is keen on investigating or
even discussing the matter as it is the surest way of
attracting the Sisterhood's attention. The only quicker
way to die in Kadira is to publicly spread the persistent
rumor that a terrible curse hangs on princess Fadela
Dihya, the city’s ruler.

Quadir imperial free city, Sudenburg is ruled by a
Located at the southern end of the Gulf of Medes, Burghomeister assisted by a city council. Theoretically,
Quadir’s wealth comes from its extensive fishing and trade the city answers directly to the Emperor but in practice
fleet. For centuries, the princes of Quadir have Altdorf is too far to have any practical influence on the
commissioned great statues in their image to be built on goings in Sudenburg, and the city operates in many
the docks. So numerous are the statues that the various ways as an independent nation.
wharves and docks are named after the monarch whose
statue is the closest. For example, the inns of Ibn Juzayy The fortified port is a beautiful mix between Arabyan
wharf have the reputation to be the rowdiest in town, and Imperial architecture and culture, with temples to
while the workshops near Al-Malzuzi wharf use dwarf Sigmar, Shallya and Händrich coexisting with altars to
slaves and are famed across the Gulf. the Sea Monarch or the Sultan of Flames. The
universities and guilds of Sudenburg are greatly
influenced by their Arabyan neighbors and many
Founded during the crusades, Sudenburg is an imperial
subjects deemed taboo in the Empire, like invasive
colony located in the interior of the Gulf of Medes and as
medicine and dissections, are tolerated if not openly
such is a very important enclave for dealings with the Old
accepted in the colony, much to the dismay of the
World. Existing since before the independence of the
imperial cults. Every so often, a Witch Hunter arrives
Wastelands, both Imperials and Marienburgers have a
from the Empire. Those who do not turn back quickly
strong presence in the city and the enmities between the
usually disappear without leaving any trace.
two are greatly attenuated, so far from home. As an

Sample NPC
Plot Hooks
A veteran sellsword with a strong tilean accent, Bianca
Parmigiana is a Reman mercenary captain who fought as Plot Hook 1: While the characters are sitting at the
a member of captain Morgan Bernhardt’s Grudgebringers inn, they are suddenly attacked when all the wooden
during the siege of Suddenburg in 2498 I.C. While many furniture animates and tries to kill the patrons and
of her brothers and sisters in arms left Araby afterward, innkeepers alike ! Investigations quickly point towards
she stayed and started her own mercenary company. the use of necromancy. The culprit is a disgraced fakir
who recently acquired Sycano’s Living Deadwood Staff
Today, the Hawks of Bellona are almost a hundred and plans to use arboreonecromancy to turn the whole
strong and in the employ of Sultan Nur’Aylan of Medes city’s furniture against the living !
himself. Trained to fight with the halberd as well as with a
crossbow, the Hawks make extensive use of adventurers to Plot Hook 2: Despite the destruction of Antoch,
supplement their strengths and weaknesses, and Bianca is imperial officer Ernst Dietrich believes the ruins still
always keen on meeting potential recruits interested in hide hints to the location of a relic that would make the
making money fighting the undead. Empire’s armies invincible. The characters are hired by a
renowned tomb raider to help him stop the imperial and
Despite her position as captain of the company, Bianca is his mercenaries before they can find the relic.
close to her subordinates, sometimes sharing a drink with
them and always ready to listen or dispense advice. She is
well-liked by her men who follow her wherever she leads.

Quick Data the Sabarites maintain a network of fortified
Official Name: Sultanate of Ka-Sabar settlements called Ksours (singular Ksar), whose whole
Ruler: Al-Suhayli, Sultan of Ka-Sabar population, purpose and economy are directed toward
Capital: Ka-Sabar protecting the sultanate from the threat of the Tomb
Free Towns: None Kings.
Major Exports: Agriculture, ore, timber, wool and
woollen goods To the east, rocky hills climb slowly towards the
World’s Edge Mountains. A few Greenskins live in the
peaks and both hydras and wyverns have been sighted,

The Land but the settlements of the eastern border are rarely
disturbed and live mostly peaceful lives, free to focus on
Ka-Sabar is the south-eastern border of Araby, extending raising sheeps and extracting precious ore and minerals
from the Land of the Dead to the north, to the Southern from the rich mountains long deserted by the dwarfs.
Lands to the south, and from the Great Sandy Desert to Every so often, intrepid young dwarfs visit the area,
the west to the World’s Edge Mountains to the east. The making grandiose claims about finding the legendary
land itself is split into three major regions. Karak Izor. If any of them were successful, none has ever
returned to tell the tale.
Large swathes of savannah punctuated with thick
undergrowth cover the majority of the sultanate and give The Sabarites face many threats. Due to the proximity
it unusual natural wealth. If a good portion of the with the jungles, the sultanate suffers from the constant
population lives in Ka-Sabar itself or the few cities raiding of forest Goblins and Apemen from the
scattered on the plains, the nomadic tribes are more Southern Lands. To the north, the powerful Tomb
numerous here than anywhere else in Araby. Most trace Kings lay claim to the City of Brass and regularly march
their origins to the days of ancient Nehekhara, with some against the mortals. While Ka-Sabar is rich and
already roaming the steppes at the time of the Priest- maintains friendly relations with the cities of the Gulf
Kings, and others being formed when refugees fled the of Medes, it is relatively isolated and must for the most
wars between Nehekhara and Nagash. The rich wildlife part stand alone, trusting in its military prowess and the
and easy access to water means that the life of a nomad is bravery of its inhabitants.
easier in Ka-Sabar than anywhere else and Sabarite
nomads have the reputation of being more civilized than While the escalating Wars against Khemri have been
those of other regions. mostly contained around the Gulf of Medes, the
Sabarites fear that the gaze of Settra the Imperishable
Northward, the savannah is gradually replaced by the will soon fall upon their land instead and a feeling of
sand of the desert. Few communities or nomadic tribes are dread expectation pervade the sultanate, with many
to be found so close to the Land of the Dead, but turning to the gods for their protection.

The People
Most people in Ka-Sabar are the descendants of the
original Nehekharan inhabitants of the region or of one of
the numerous nomadic tribes that already roamed the
savannah. Known as the City of Bronze, Ka-Sabar was a
major industrial center and had become rich from trading
everything from belt buckles and wheel frames to swords
and scale armour. The city’s furnaces lit up the eastern sky
at night and a perpetual cloak of acrid smoke enveloped
its forges.

In the City of Bronze the eastern wind was named

Enmeshna Geheb, as it was the side of the city that
contained most of the foundry complex. Geheb’s breath
reeked of charcoal and burnt copper while ore ingots
extracted from the World’s Edge Mountains were melted
in large crucibles and mixed with nickel bars to produce
high-quality bronze.
can do is endure as best as possible. Sabarites are rarely
discouraged and take every situation with both
During the war between Nagash and the Priest-Kings,
philosophy and pragmatism. They are a religious people,
Ka-Sabar forges produced weaponry for the alliance.
still revering all the gods of old Nehekhara, but holding
Heavily armed caravans descended from Quatar carrying
special reverence for Geheb, god of warriors and patron
gold and silver, and returned laden with swords and axes,
of Ka-Sabar. Many of the current nomadic tribes were
scales and shields, brass-tipped spears and arrowhead
bands of Nehekharan refugees and monuments to the
baskets. When Nagash returned, the city was besieged and
glory of Djhaf, Geheb and Neru still tower above the
saved at the Battle of Zedri by the last Alcazzar, Shahid
streets of Ka-Sabar. The city is the seat of the High
the Red Fox and an alliance of nomadic tribes. To this day,
Hierophant and faithfuls from all over Araby gather
Ka-Sabar is still revered as a place of great importance by
once a year for the Day of the Great Covenant. While
the nomads.
only one day is held as holy, celebrations span the whole
week, with small ceremonies to the various gods of the
Sabarites are unusually humble, rarely taking credit for
pantheon held in each temple.
great deeds and instead praising the gods for their
benevolence. Likewise, when events take a bad turn, they
The people of Ka-Sabar are known for their great size
never complain since it is the will of the gods and all they
of nearly seven feet tall and their darker skin, a

characteristic they share with the nomadic tribes that and rebuilt by Arabyan tribes and became a sultanate,
roam the savannah. Old World’s legends hold that gradually regaining its splendor of yesteryear. Given its
Sabarite warriors' have a skin hard enough that arrows position, it is heavily fortified against both Tomb King
shatter against them. It is, however, a complete invention. invasion and incursions from the southern jungles.
Much of the current buildings of Ka-Sabar have been
Contrary to their Medans neighbors, Sabarites do not built on former Nehekharan ruins, when they are not
hunt the large number of elephants living on their plains. repurposed Nehekharan buildings and the pyramids of
Instead, they have elevated the elephants to a status the Priest-Kings of old still loom in the distance,
similar to that of camels in other regions of Araby. Tamed carefully watched by dervishes and soldiers. Many fear
elephants are used as war mounts and beasts of burden. the day when an as yet undiscovered tomb will open and
These mighty beasts are a common sight throughout the spill hordes of undeads in the streets of the city and
sultanate and they can be found both in the sultan's many locals carry holy symbols and hand weapons with
armies and represented in local art. them at all times. Others actively seek these fabled
tombs, either for the riches the Priest Kings were buried
with, or for other, even less noble reasons.
Significant Places
Kamt It is in this city that the infamous prince Abdul ben
Located among the hills that form the eastern border of Rachid wrote his Liber Necris after his travels to nearby
Araby, Kamt is ruled by prince Alam Sagad, a man greatly Nehekhara. Ka-Sabar’s Caliph attempted to destroy all
interested in the arts. His court is full of skilled musicians, the existing copies of the book, but unfortunately didn’t
sculptors, poets and actors. The suspended gardens and manage to burn them all and several copies have found
palm groves of Kamt attracts many artists from the Old their way to the Old World. While the original text is in
World, and the nearby mountains makes the climate more
tolerable than in other parts of southern Araby.

Ka-Sabar, known as the City of Bronze and the Temple
of Laments is an old city where the weight of the years
can be felt. Cyclopean monuments carved with glyphs
older than Nehekhara tower above the streets of the
metropolis and temples to the gods of this old empire are
still maintained. The city was destroyed by Nagash
alongside the rest of Nehekhara. It was then occupied

Arabyan, the book
they share
was recently
with thetranslated
nomadic in
that by
the savannah.
legends hold
To this
Sabarite warriors'
dervishes keep a close
a skin
on the
any hint
of necromancy
against them.
or darkItarts
is, however,
within itsa complete
walls, for Ka-Sabar
has been the birthplace of many necromancers.
Contrary to the Medans to the west, Sabarites do not
It is the
of elephants
the famous
on their
Instead, they
explorer Ibn Jellaba
have elevated
the year 1150
to a status
I.C. He
similar to athat
chartered trade
of camels
route tointhe
of the
of Araby.
Lands in search
are used
of as
beasts ofthe
City of Zlatlan
are a in
the process.
and glory
they can
to Ka-Sabar,
be found both
and the
in the
represented made
Lizardmen in local
art. one of the richest cities in all
of Araby. Today, many merchants travel to Ka-Sabar, as
the legends of the city’s wealth arouses the curiosity and
greed of many.
Kamt allows Songhai to maintain a powerful army that
Ksar Motza
Located among the hills that form the eastern border of
One of the many Ksours builtAlam
to defend thea northern guards the region and regularly clashes against
Araby, Kamt is ruled by prince Sagad, man greatly
border with greenskins and beastmen. The sun hangs like a large, red
interested inNehekhra, Ksar
the arts. His Motza
court is of
is full a small fortified
skilled musicians,
village circled lighthouse above the city and illuminates Songhai with
sculptors, poetswith
wall flanked by two watchtowers.
The suspended gardens and
While not particularly impressive a crimson sheen, while palm trees border the road to the
palm groves of Kamt attracts manybyartists
it is the
Ksar to and
the Cracked Lands and it sits on the
the climate
route more city’s gates.
World, the nearby mountains makes
tolerable Quatar,
than in Baghar andof
other parts thesouthern
Gulf of Araby.
Medes. As such,
it is strategically important and garrisoned by soldiers The prince who rules the city has a penchant for young

from El-Kalabad, Ka-Sabar, Suddenburg as well as hired people rather than for women, and his harem is full of
Ka-Sabar, known
mercenaries as the City of Bronze and the Temple of
and adventurers. eunuch boys who satisfy all his desires. Many of them
Laments is an old city where the weight of the years can come from the Old World and are taken to Songhai by
be felt. Cyclopean monuments carved with glyphs older
Songhai slavers who sell them for small fortunes. Sometimes,
than Nehekhara
Songhai stands still
at thestand aboveedge
southern the streets of the
of Araby and its slavers capture scions from powerful families who send
prince and temples
is a prominent to the
figure in gods of this
Arabyan old empire
politics. Usingare
his agents, mercenaries or adventurers to stop the slavers
still maintained.
influence The city
and wealth, the was destroyed
prince bymerchant
pressures Nagash and liberate their child. In fact, one of Songhai thieves'
caravans sellrest of Nehekhara.
their products on Itthe
was then occupied
markets of his city, guilds specialize in identifying slaves who might belong
monopolizing the land routes of the area. This in turns to important families and “acquiring” them before the

Sample NPC Plot Hooks
A tall and lean woman, Hakima al-Nada is the current
Plot Hook 1: The Liche Priest Imhotep was buried
priestess of Neru in Ka-Sabar. She is famed across the
‘alive’ by order of king Tefnakht II of the fifth dynasty
sultanate as a knowledgeable scholar, philosopher and
after committing a grave offense. The offending priest
poetess with a special interest in the civilization of
was to be left buried for a thousand years but the
Ancient Nehekhara, where her faith originated. Hakima
devastation brought by Nagash left the Liche Priest and
has heard of the war between Araby and Khemri to the
his punishment forgotten by all... Until a small group of
west, and of the Scytian tribe who settled among the dead
tomb robbers stumbles upon his vault and unwittingly
of Numas in the north. This has fuelled in her the opinion
unleashes the maddened undead wizard on the world.
that the Nehekharan can be dealt with like any other
human nation : through diplomacy and shared interest.
Plot Hook 2: The characters are tasked with
She has a few theories on how to achieve it, and is keen to
investigating and putting a stop to the theft of elephants
hire adventurers to test some of them, or simply to gather
near the southern border. Investigation quickly reveals
information on Nehekhara and bring back lost relics of
that forest goblins are responsible and may soon field
the Desert Gods faith.
war elephants instead of their spiders if they are not

Quick Data such as wheat or flax. Reeds are plentiful and extensively
Official Name: Sultanate of Lashiek used for the roofs, and houses of dried brick and reeds
Ruler: Salah Eddin, Sultan of Lashiek, Custodian of the built some distances from the banks of the river are the
Sorcerer Islands hallmark of this area.
Capital: Lashiek
Free Towns: None The Atalan Mountains form a natural barrier that
Major Exports: Agriculture, boats, slaves, timber, block clouds and bless the sultanate with bountiful
weapons rains. As such, it boasts the largest forests of Araby and
even the plains are semi-arid at worst, boasting a rich
wildlife that local nobles enjoy hunting. While the

The Land plains and forests north of the River of the Serpent are
heavily settled, the sultanate extends far to the south,
The story of the sultanate of Lashiek goes back through the almost unsettled Land of Assassins and all
millenias, as it was founded during the Asur occupation of the way to the Eunuch Mountain, a solitary bluff where
the coast of Araby. The early humans lived together with the eunuch slave-soldiers of all Araby are trained by
the asur colonists, learning everything the elves were unflinching, pitiless instructors. While the plains and
willing to share. The most important teaching the elves dunes to the far south of the Sultanate are relatively
gave the Lashiekers was how to control and tame the seas. empty, the same cannot be said of the southern woods
The city itself, built deep in the Bay of Corsairs at the where many apemen live, constantly raiding isolated
mouth of Araby’s only great river means every local has communities.
traveled the seas or the River of the Serpent at some point
in their life, and most have more than a basic
understanding of how to sail a ship. It is, in fact, deeply The People
ingrained in Lashieker culture and one of the rites of
adulthood is for an adolescent to learn how to row or sail Life for most Lashiekers revolve around water, one way
a small embarcation without aid. or another. For other Arabyans, this is caused by the
excessive amount of water their land receives which has
Much of the sultanate population lives on the banks of poisoned the minds of Lashiekers and made them
the River of the Serpent, which is large and deep enough addicted to it. Lashiekers, on the other hand, hold that
for high-sea ships to sail almost to the base of the Atalan their love of the seas and rivers come from need. With a
Mountains. In spring, the mountains meltwater feeds the rich and fertile land such as theirs, there is little they can
river which overflows its banks and deposits tons of silt on do to prove their worth in their homeland and they are
the nearby plains, making the land very fertile. This allows forced to take the seas and seek challenges to overcome
Lashiekers to cultivate crops that cannot grow elsewhere, in faraway lands.

Significant Places
Eunuch Mountain
Located far to the south, the Eunuch Mountain is a
solitary bluff that rises high above the surrounding
plains. The Eunuch Mountain is defined by its low
rainfall, arid air, cloudless skies and extremes of heat and
cold. What little water there is can only be tapped by
boreholes. The mountain is flat-topped and prospecting
eunuchs are forced to train under the punishing sun
from dawn to dusk without complaint. The barracks
they live in are spartan at best and there are no
amenities provided to travelers. In fact, most travelers
are spotted and stopped by the Silent Guard a long time
before they even reach the feet of the mountain.

Land of Assassins
A large arid plain trapped between pine forests to the
east and west, the Eunuch Mountain to the south and
hilly shrublands to the north, the Land of Assassins is a
lawless place full of criminals and unscrupulous
Lashiekers are unusually hierarchical, holding loyalty and mercenaries. Several assassin’s brotherhoods maintain
obedience as some of the most important virtues someone hideouts in this desolate land and solitary assassins
can display. Laws are very severe, punishing the slightest spend their time between missions here, honing their
crimes with horrific mutilations. Someone violating the abilities against the local criminals and each other.
law must be punished hard enough that they never do it
again, and serve as an example to discourage others from Lashiek
following in their footsteps. On the other hand, dutifully The terrible legend of Lashiek has reached every
carrying your superiors will and displaying an unwavering corner of the world. It is a city of pirates, slavers and
loyalty is enough to be lavishly rewarded with riches and mercenaries, whose nets can reach beyond any sea.
honors. Lashiekers are known for their discipline and Thousands of captives arrive on its docks every day to
loyalty, and corruption is almost non-existent among its be sold in the gigantic outdoor slave market, surrounded
nobility. Despite their power and influence, Lashiekers by silk tents and unimaginable luxuries. Emirs, princes,
have always remained faithful to the crown of Araby and sheikhs and foreign merchants all come in search of
often put the good of Araby before their own, as it is what good servants, most of whom are brought from the Old
a virtuous soul would do. World or distant Cathay. This influx of people attracts

many evildoers, smugglers and thieves, and the city is
extremely dangerous for the unwary. The domains of the
nobles and powerful are protected by a regiment of
brutally efficient soldiers: the Jannissary Guard.

Beyond the ports and the surrounding markets, Lashiek

is a peaceful city. Luxuries can be found at every corner
and the noble’s palaces proudly stand above the crystal
clear waters of the Bay of Corsairs. The Sultan of Lashiek
inhabits the most opulent of them all and is said to
possess the largest number of slaves in all of Araby.

At the time of the crusades, the city was loyal to Jaffar

and sent its powerful fleets to defend the sorcerer. Once
the despot had been killed, Lashiek was besieged by an
army of Old Worlders and Arabyans under the leadership
of the Duke of Aquitaine, known in Araby as El Syf.
During the siege, the duke disappeared, only to reappear The Sorcerer Islands
the next morning, having received the Blood Kiss, later The Sorcerer Islands are an archipelago that stretches
becoming the infamous Red Duke. The vampire off the coast of the Land of Assassins, separated from
responsible was never found and to this day, the caliph of the Arabyan peninsula by the Shark Strait. The
Lashiek still looks for any hint of vampiric activity in or archipelago consists of four large islands, covered with
around the city. dunes and palm groves. These islands are home to the
Arabyan College of Magic, where great fakirs from all
Shark Straits over Araby share their knowledge and create wondrous
The seas around Araby are extremely rich in wildlife, and powerful magical artifacts.
which is why fishing is an essential food source for Although the seas surrounding the islands are full of
Arabyans. Sharks of all kinds also lurk in the waters, ready pirates, corsairs and raiders, the islands themselves
to pounce on unsuspecting sailors. Their numbers are such remain peaceful as the fakirs of the College personally
that they give its name to the strait that separates the dispatch any attackers and protect those who live in the
Land of Assassins and the Sorcerer Islands. These cities and villages of the islands. Giant Vultures roam
treacherous waters are difficult to navigate and many ships the skies of the islands, defending them against flying
have capsized or been torn asunder by whirlpools. The intruders and sometimes welcoming visiting Giant
greatest threat to ships crossing the Strait, however, is the Eagles from distant Ulthuan. In ancient times, several
Leviathan, whose jaws can devour the largest ships with elven colonies thrived on the islands, and the graceful
little effort. buildings are still recognizable within the cities.

Sample NPC Plot Hooks
An attractive woman in her early thirties born from the Plot Hook 1: Abul Ibn-La’Ahad, a dangerous
relation between an emir and one of his slaves, Mawia was assassin has fled to the Land of Assassins after a
trained from her youth to become one of the bodyguards botched attempt on Sir Guillaume de Frelac’s life. The
of her father. That is, until the court fakir identified in her characters are hired to track him down and dispense
the gift of magic and she was sent to study on the Sorcerer justice. The mission is even more dangerous than it
Islands. Here, she tasted freedom for the first time and appears, as Abul Ibn-La’Ahad is fleeing towards one of
soon enough, power too. She found it addictive and once his brotherhood’s hideouts.
she became a full-fledged fakir, she immediately set to
become the court wizard of a powerful noble. Mawia is Plot Hook 2: During the rite of adulthood of the
not interested in knowledge and magic for the sake of it, local princess’s heir, the boat of the teenager sank. If the
but rather in how to harness both to increase her prestige, heir managed to survive the ordeal, it quickly appears
wealth and influence. that the small boat was sabotaged by an unknown party.
The characters are hired to find the culprit, as they are
While Mawia has not yet consorted with evil cults and outsiders and above suspicion.
dark powers, she might very well become corrupted in her
search for power and recognition. On the other hand,
rooting out the enemies of Araby would bring her much
prestige and she might become either a powerful ally or a
dangerous foe for an adventuring party.

Quick Data Being cut from the seas, Martek cannot rely on it for
Official Name: Sultanate of Martek its income. Fortunately, the sultanate has two other
Ruler: Ali al-Rahman, Sultan of Martek sources of income. The cliffs and plateaus of the
Capital: Martek sultanate contain a number of rich veins and the mining
Free Towns: None industry is thriving, extracting immense amounts of
Major Exports: Alchemy, beasts, gemstones, ore, gemstones from vast quarries. Salt mines and other
precious metal, salt, weaponry materials such as gold are also extracted by the legions
of slaves toiling in the heat. The work in the mines is
dangerous and exhausting, and the slaves need to be

The Land replaced at an alarming rate.

The Sultanate of Martek lies almost entirely in the The second source of income are the beasts of the
Atalan Mountains range and the surrounding foothills. To surrounding mountains which are both a blessing and a
the south the sultanate extends down to the narrow pass curse. Attacks from these beasts are a constant concern
known as the Eye of the Panther while the Plains of but many nobles invest a great deal of resources to
Haytin mark the eastern border of the sultanate. A narrow capture them. Those capable of taming a Giant Vulture,
strip of pastoral lands form the northern border with Al- a Radiant Pegasus or a herd of panthers are highly
Haikk. sought after and the sultanate produces the best
handlers and trainers of exotic beasts of all Araby.
Rising abruptly, the northern Atalan Mountains are a Venomous scorpions, snakes and beetles are also overly
formidable barrier. In the sunlight, the dead-grey rock is common, attracting alchemists and poisoners from all
streaked occasionally by glistening red, as though the over the world.
mountains had been wounded. Foreboding caves and
gorges make perfect hideouts for necromancers, cultists
and other criminals, when they are not inhabited by the The People
many panthers, mountain lions, hydras and more exotic
beasts that prowl the mountains. The rest of the sultanate The folk of Martek are known to be a dour lot and
is made of craggy, low hills of broken and baked stone have a reputation for being stubborn and practical in
jutting upwards at weird angles, casting tortured shadows their thinking. They live surrounded by evil and
across themselves. Even more oppressive than the sand monsters, and Martekers have hardened their spirit to
dunes, these areas of blasted rock show centuries of thrive on their lands. They are a hardy, proud people,
scouring by countless sandstorms and what little water given to little emotions. Dying to a wild beast, a
they may conceal evaporates at once. landslide or murdered by a cult are very real threats in
Martek and Martekers are expected to face these

possibilities with stony impassivity. Showing emotions is
seen as a sign of being unfit to thrive in Martek and more
befitting the softer Haikkites or Copheris. This stony
demeanor is known to soften in private, with family and
close friends where one can put down its guard relatively

Martekers draw more than their grim outlook from their

stony homeland. The riches of Martek mean they have a
wealth of materials to work and experiment with.
Martekers are naturally inclined to manual labor and
some of the best craftsmen in all Araby live in the
sultanate. This means however that slaves and tamed
beasts are seen as barely more than expensive tools and are
offered less considerations than in other parts of Araby,
the local nobles and merchants having no qualm working
their less exotic ‘possessions’ to the death and replacing
them without afterthought.

Science is also one of Martek’s strong suit.The close

proximity with the mountains summits as seen the
establishment of several celestial observatories and Significant Places
Martekers are renowned for their mastery of astronomy
and celestial magic. Meanwhile, engineers ply their trade
Commonly known as the City of Knowledge, the great
in Dimashque, following in the footsteps of Armen Abbas
Dimashque is the center of knowledge in Araby. Any
and alchemists work in the shadows of the great city of
race and culture is welcome to further its knowledge in
Martek itself, concocting potent elixirs and potions that
the many universities and libraries of the city.
are sold as far as the Imperial Court of Altdorf.
Dimashque is home to scholars and sages, a refuge for
philosophers, poets, lovers of science and sorcery. The
At their best, Martekers are stoic, dependable and
streets of the city are full of culture, as philosophers
resourceful. At their worst, they are dull, uncaring and
argue heatedly in squares while scientists roam the
bazaars in search of ingredients for their experiments.

The Al-Itzarr University is the most renowned chair of
all the universities of Dimashque. The greatest sages of
Araby gather here, and the most famous Arabyan
engineers and alchemists have studied between its walls,
bringing the university much prestige. Following past
incidents, the university has an elite guard who fiercely
monitors the classrooms and surroundings of the
university, protecting the knowledge it holds.

The study of the skies is essential for Arabyans. On a hill

rises the vast telescope of the Grand Astronomical
Observatory, revealing the secrets of the stars to Araby’s
astronomers. The wizards of the imperial Celestial
College are also particularly interested in the observations
performed in Dimashque and a small enclave has been
permanently established within the walls of the city. In the
confines of the Observatory lie one of Dimashque many
marvels. The Celestial Orrery, devised by the
mathematician and alchemist Armen Abbas is a complexe
contraption that describes with great detail and precision
the movement of various celestial bodies over the years.
Dimashque fame is not only due to its savants. If
something allowed the city to stand for centuries in
During the Crusades era, the city was ruled by prince
front of its many enemies, it is steel. The Blades of
Dukash. Today, he is remembered with love and affection,
Dimashque are legendary for their hardness and quality,
as he promoted culture in the city, building new
and are said to be able to cut even the thickest armor.
universities and hospitals. When Jaffar rose to power, the
The secrets of their craftsmen are closely guarded, but
sages and scholars of Dimashque were appalled by the
legends tell that they forge swords by bathing in blood,
tyrant’s vile practices and united against him. Jaffar sought
in a process that lasts for months, thus achieving an
to silence critical voices and urged the city caliph to
unmatched edge. Be that as it may, many travel to the
persecute any slanderers, and appointed an inquisitor
city from distant lands, such as the Empire and Ind, to
called Sahil Zanadique, the Eye of the Caliph. The city
acquire one of these costly wonders.
fell to darkness and while prince Dukash tried to protect
as many as he could, the sages were forced to meet in Gobi-Alain
secret and write their works in encrypted language. Many Gobi-Alain is a merchant city renowned for its master
were tortured and many others were killed before Jaffar glassmakers, and the local emir’s palace is decorated
was overthrown. with immense stained glass windows, rich in colors and

details. Gobi-Alain is at the confluence of trade routes faces sprout from the earth and abduct the drunken
coming from Martek, Al-Haikk, Copher and El-Kalabad and lost passers-by before disappearing back into
and as such, the surrounding lands are always full of darkness.
merchant caravans. This in turn attracts all kinds of
bandits and the emir’s soldiers are not always able to stop The city is surrounded by mountains and steep cliffs
the criminals before they vanish in the hilly badlands of and only one path leads to the city, making it an
the region. Merchants prefer to hire mercenaries to ensure impregnable bastion. The many beasts living around
the safety of their caravans and many mercenary Martek have sparked the sultan’s interest and Martek is
companies specialized in security and protection have also renowned for its zoos, where species from all over
made their home in Gobi-Alain. the world can be found and new specimens are regularly
Perched in the Atalan Mountains, the rich city of
Oasis of a Thousand and One Camel
Martek rises, protected from the terrible desert winds by
Situated at the northern end of the trail crossing the
the cliffs of the surrounding peaks. The city is built on the
Great Desert, the Oasis of a Thousand and One Camel
shores of Lake Fazoth-Ar, from which it gets much of its
is a large lake surrounded by a verdant forest.
water. It is said the lake is bottomless and dark, sinister
Caravaners, desert nomads, intrepid explorers and stern-
forces are hidden in it. If the tales are true, then its
gazed soldiers all gather under the date palms where a
influence is very real. Necromancers are a plague in the
colorful town of tents has grown over the centuries.
city and their dark arts are practiced with impunity in
Thanks to its strategic location, almost all caravans
districts so dangerous that even the city guard dares not
crossing the desert make a stop at the Oasis, and its
enter. The caliph of Martek actively fights these
bazaars are full of the goods caravans brought from the
worshippers of darkness and the streets of Martek are the
south and of the amenities required to cross the desert
theatre of fierce skirmishes between dervishes and
safely. Among those, the camel is the most valuable as it
necromancers that flood the city with rivers of blood.
is almost impossible to cross the vast sandy expanses of
Common folk whisper in hushed tones a dark legend and
the desert without these sturdy, thirst-resistant beasts.
how, on moonless nights, hairy humanoids with rat

Camel breeders from all across Araby make the trip to The Eye of the Panther
the oasis to sell their camels on its camel markets. An unremarkable ravine on the eastern flank of the
Competitions such as camel races are often organized to Atalan Mountains, the Eye of the Panther became
demonstrate the quality of the beasts being sold, and a famous in 1452 I.C when, after taking back the
winning camel may be auctioned for up to ten times its northern cities and killing Jaffar, the crusaders pursued
original price among the nomads and nobles walking the the defenders of Martek and Al-Haikk who had
aisles of the market. A gambling scene has also grown managed to escape them. Helped by local guides, the
around the camel competitions, and although cheating is Knights of the Panther managed to trap the fleeing
severely frowned upon, it happens that newcomers and loyalists in the ravine and massacred them to the last.
especially foreigners who are not aware of the local While the hope that this would put an end to the
peculiarities are caught red-handed. If the attempt at crusades was soon swept away, it was still a glorious
cheating involved wounding or tampering with a camel, victory and the ravine was renamed in honor of the
they are promptly thrown out of the oasis without water, imperial knights.
which is akin to a death sentence. As such, the gamblers
of the oasis are uncommonly honest. Today, the ravine is still unremarkable but not
uninhabited. A cabal of necromancers has settled the
While most of the oasis population is transient, there is a deepest reaches of the ravine, making good use of the
small permanent population. Innkeepers, guards, smiths, buried bodies left behind by the crusaders without
spies and many more all follow the edicts of the local supervision by the cult of Morr. From time to time, a
sheikh, who bear the title but has nothing in common small group of knights from the Order of the Panther
with the sheikhs ruling the desert tribes. The true ruler of make their way to the Eye of the Panther as a
the oasis is a noble djinn, a Sea-Nymph of great beauty pilgrimage. The strongest groups are left alone, but
residing in the very lake that brings life to the oasis. The isolated knights make for fine additions to the
sheikh serves as her representative and is the only one she necromancers undead thralls. No one would be
ever addresses. When the sheikh dies, a mystical glyph surprised if a lone knight did not survive a trip from the
appears on the palms of one of the locals, chosen by the Empire to an old battlefield lost in the deserts far to the
Nymph to become her new sheikh. south, and few arabyans would notice the disappearance
of an Old Worlder in the Atalan Mountains.

Sample NPC Plot Hooks
A member of the Kontoi order currently unemployed, Plot Hook 1: An officer of Martek’s guard is found
Ibn Asakir is a warrior in his fifties whose scarred body is murdered. While outward evidence would point toward
still strong and with a lifetime of combat experience. a cult of necromancers, the characters find other, hidden
Rather than training the next generations of Kontois, Ibn clues bearing triangular symbols and scribbled notes
Asakir has decided to devote the last years of his life to from the captain's hand about giant rats kidnapping the
find Majwat al’Sahra, one of the last scimitars forged by local citizens.
the smiths of Dakisir before the city fell. It was wielded
and lost during the closing years of the Wars of Death Plot Hook 2: A mine breaks into a series of tunnels.
when a small band of Kontoi warriors made a desperate They are obviously artificial and very well made. The
last stand to buy time for their charge to find refuge slaves who opened the tunnels have all vanished, as have
behind the walls of Martek. While Ibn Asakir is a warrior anyone who went into the tunnels for more than a
of superlative skill, he is no fool and knows that he needs couple of minutes. The local quartermaster has ordered
help from characters more versed in scholarly pursuit, the tunnel shut, but the slaves have secretly kept it open
outdoor survival and adventuring. In that, the aging and are looking for adventurers to investigate for them.
Kontoi can make an interesting patron for a party, serving They offer the characters 10% of any treasures found
as a protector in a party without dedicated fighters, or as a inside but insist that the quartermaster doesn’t find out.
mentor figure for less experienced warriors. Shortly after, the quartermaster approaches the
characters with a similar offer.

Notable Tribes
Bani-al-Akhtar Another peculiarity of the Ghutani is that, uniquely for
An almost extinct tribe, legends tell of the Bani-al- Arabyans, they believe that slaves should be treated as
Akhtar as the most powerful of the tribes in ages past. equals. Slaves are welcomed in their society, and their
Many Alcazzars have been born from this tribe and if children are raised like any other child of the tribe.
their numbers are low, each man and woman is said to be
worth five warriors from other tribes. Malaluk
If anything makes the tribes of Malaluk famous, it is

Bedouins their desert riders. Their steeds stand out above the rest
The Bedouins are perhaps the most independent nomad of Araby’s horses, being faster and more endurant.
tribe of Araby, living isolated in the desert, far from any Centuries of fighting have accustomed this tribe to
civilization. Fierce, brave and proud, it can be difficult to fighting from horseback, some warriors even shooting
understand their customs. They are exceedingly lonely, while standing on their steeds. The tribe extends in the
even in their own communities, and feel a deep territory near the city of Zandri and the Malaluks have
connection to the desert. In fact, they are amongst the best experience fighting against the undead armies of
guides and explorers of Araby, but their elusiveness makes Nehekhara.
hiring them a challenge.
Ghutani The Muzil tribe is one of the most powerful of the
The territory near Tyrius is known to Arabyans as nomad tribes of Araby, renowned for its famous scholars
Ghutan, and the tribes that inhabit its sands are known as and merchants. Prince Dukash, most famous and
the Ghutani. They are a confederation of fiercely beloved ruler of Dimashque, descended from the Muzil
independent families who share a common culture, and this influence is certainly behind his patronage of
cooperating only in case of conflict or danger, and even so the city’s hospitals and universities. Another famous
rarely given their pride. They are governed by a strict code member of the tribe is Armen Abbas, a mathematician,
of honor, where blood can only be paid for in blood. alchemist and philosopher and maybe the most brilliant
Arabyan mind in history.
The Ghutani were the first nomads to confront the
crusaders arriving from the Gulf of Medes. If they had The Muzils take pride in their hospitality and honesty
been able to forget their stubborn pride and organize in business, as well as their famous and dangerous
effectively, they could have met the crusaders on equal ingenuity. Despite these inclinations, they are more than
footing. Instead, they fought a few losing skirmishes and capable of marching to war and proved a worthy foe to
prefered to retreat, retiring from their homeland until the the Old Worlders during the crusades.
war left their home. They never forgot the Old World's
offense against their people.

journeys through the desert, or as elite warriors and
escorts, taking down enemies before they can even

The Tuareg have a strange relationship with an artifact

known as the Monkey’s Paw. When it disappears, every
member of the tribe is dutybound to search and find it
back. It is a religious duty more important than their
own life.

The Turjuk tribe originally inhabited the steppes
before being expelled by the ancestors of Hobgobla
Khan and the terrible armies of the hungry Ogres. They
traveled far from their homeland and eventually settled
in Araby. There, although feared, they were welcomed
for their martial prowess and their mastery of horse
riding. Many Turjuks have ascended to high ranks
Tuareg among the Sultan’s armies throughout their history.
Operating from the Atalan Mountains, the Tuareg tribe Their mounted archers are legendary, harassing the
poses a real danger to caravans traveling in the deserts of enemy before disappearing into the sea of dunes.
Araby. Its members are hardened bandits and avid During the crusades, they turned out to be a constant
explorers, knowing the territory of the desert as the palm thorn in the side of the Old Worlders.
of their hand. Knowledge of how to survive in the desert,
as well as the ability to orient yourself using the stars are Legends say that the members of the Turjuk tribe are
seen as the most valuable legacy this tribe can leave in so adept at riding because they are born on their steeds.
inheritance to its descendants and are passed from The men within the tribe are trained to shoot on the
generation to generation. back of their mounts from the earliest childhood.
Horses are a sign of honor and prestige within the tribe,
Many Tuaregs use bows in their ambushes, while others and no sheikh of the tribe will appear in battle if it is
prefer to use the tufenk, as these light muskets give them a not on the back of his steed. The slaves of the tribe, or
frightening shooting speed, before hiding again in the the children of the slaves, can reach high positions
immensity of the dunes. Many arabyan nobles hire some among the Turjuk if they are able to demonstrate their
Tuaregs to serve as guide for their caravans on their skill as horsemen.

Chapter 6 : Adventuring in Araby
The blazing sun and omnipresent heat are one of the biggest obstacles to travel across Araby, and adventurers would
be well advised to take these in account before attempting to cross the desert. This chapter describes new rules and
conditions that set adventures in Araby apart from those happening in the Old World.

Arcane Magic : Perception :

Araby lies far from the world's poles and therefore from At night in the desert, the visibility is better than
the ultimate source of the magical winds that blow from normal because the sand reflects available light better
the north. The ambient magic is corrupted by nearby than other locations and there is little water in the air.
Nehekhara and only Dark Magic, or Dharr, is readily Perception Tests at night in the desert are made at +20.
available to cast spells. As a result magic that is common During the heat of the day, on the other hand,
in the Old World is far more diffuse in Araby so it is Perception Tests suffer a -10 penalty.
much more difficult for sorcerers to work their spellcraft.

Any Language (Magick) Test to cast a spell suffer a -30 New Condition : Dehydrated
penalty before any other modifier is applied unless the
spell is from a Dark Magic or Chaos lore. Travelers need 1 gallon of water each day while riding
(light activity) and 2 gallons while afoot (heavy activity).
Camels need 1 gallon of water each day and horses need
Clothing and the heat : 4 gallons each day. Travelling by night halves the
consumption of water. If the players or their mounts get
Wearing heavy clothing and especially metal armours less than the minimal ration of water each day, they will
while effective in battle, is not the most practical in the gain a Dehydrated condition.
hot climate of Araby. All Endurance Tests suffer a -1 SL
penalty for every Armour Point on the location with the A character can go two days without water before
most armour. adverse effects creep in. At the beginning of the third
day without water and every following day, a character
Wearing a headgear of any kind grants a +1 SL bonus to must take an Endurance Test. If failed, the character
all Endurance Tests. gain a Dehydrated condition. Dehydrated conditions

can only be removed by drinking at least a gallon of water The Stone Soup Talent also applies to water
and you can only remove one Dehydrated condition each consumption and the Tenacious Talent applies
day. onEndurance Tests to resist Dehydration.

Dehydration Penalty
1 -10 to every Test
Note :
This rule can be cumbersome in actual play. If you feel
2 -1 Movement, -10 Agility, dehydration and water consumption are too much
-20 to every Test bookkeeping, you can eyeball it as each character needs
3 -2 Movement, -20 Agility, twice as much water than usual while crossing the
-30 to every Test desert.

4 You’re not moving, -30 to

every Test

5 You die

Chapter 7 : Characters and Careers
Dervishes pursue enlightenment in the desert and hunt the undead everywhere they may hide. Snake Charmers
enthrall the deadly three-eyed blue viper to entertain passer-by in the streets of Al-Haikk while daring Tomb Raiders
brave the depths of ancient pyramids in search of treasures. Araby is a very different land from the Empire, and its
natives differ from Imperial citizens and pursue different careers. This chapter provides details on the starting skills
and talents of Arabyans, as well as details of several new careers uniquely adapted for Arabyan adventures !

Most careers from the Core Rulebook are suitable for use in Araby. Some, such as the Witch Hunter, are linked to
specific Imperial organisations with no Arabyan equivalent. Other careers may need some modifications, replacing
Lore (Local) and Language skills with appropriate equivalents. This simply represents the Arabyan version of the
career. Others are best replaced with the Arabyan careers described below; these include Priest and Nun (replace with
Caliph), Flagellants and Witch Hunter (replace with Dervish), Wizard (Replace with Fakir).

New Talents
Binding Magic Mamluk
Max: 1 Max: 1
You study the ancient arts of enchantment and binding Tests: Any Test influenced by your Status
spirits to your will. You may now attempt to bind a djinn You have been elevated and emancipated from slavery
and cast spells from a bound djinn. Further, you may not after exceptional services rendered for your master.
learn the Bless or Invoke Talents when you have the Assuming you are dressed appropriately, you are always
Binding Magic Talent. You can unlearn this Talent for considered of higher Status than others unless they have
100 XP, but you will not be able to use your bound djinns the Noble Blood or Mamluk talent, where Status is
anymore. compared as normal.

Djinn-touched If you use the Slave template for your species, and you
Max: 1 get access to the Noble Blood talent either from the
Arabyans believe the Djinns are fickle deities who can Random Talent table or your career, replace it with the
hamper them if angered, or lend their help if properly Mamluk talent. The Mamluk talent can also be earned
placated. It is customary to pay respect to the Djinns after earning a Major Favor from your master or
when great successes are achieved in life, ensuring their accomplishing great feats in service of the local emir,
continued good-will. Whenever a character with this prince, vizier or even sultan.
talent completes a Long-Term Ambition, you may choose
to gain a Fate Point and choose a new long-term ambition
at the end of the session instead of the choices described
in p.41 of the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay Rulebook.

Character Generation
Class Career Roll Class Career Roll
Academics Apothecary 01 Peasants Mystic 43

Caliph 02-06 Scout 44

Enginer 07 Shepherd 45-46

Fakir 08 Villager 47-50

Lawyer 09 Rangers Bounty Hunter 51

Physician 10-11 Coachman 52

Scholar 12-14 Desert Nomad 53-57

Burghers Agitator 15 Entertainer 58

Antiquarian 16 Messenger 59

Artisan 17-18 Pedlar 60

Beggar 19-20 Riverfolk Boatman 61-62

Merchant 21-22 Corsair 63-65

Rat Catcher 23 Huffer 66-67

Townsman 24-26 Seaman 68-70

Courtiers Advisor 27-28 Smuggler 71

Artist 29 Stevedore 72-73

Envoy 30 Wrecker 74

Noble 31 Rogue Bawd 75-76

Servant 32-35 Charlatan 77

Spy 36 Fence 78

Warden 37 Grave Robber 79

Peasants Bailiff 38 Hashishin 80

Beast Tamer 39 Outlaw 81-83

Herbalist 40 Racketeer 84

Hunter 41 Thief 85-87

Miner 42 Tomb Pillager 88

Character Generation
Class Career Roll
Warriors Cavalryman 89-90

Dervish 91

Guard 92-93

Knight 94

Pit Fighter 95

Protagonist 96

Soldier 97-100

The upbringing and life experience of the people of Araby is notably vastly different from that of a Reiklander
imperial as described in the Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay book, and this is reflected in the characteristics of
Arabyan characters. Instead of using the Human (Reiklander) Skills and Talents, you may choose to use the features
appropriate to your region, as described below :

Human (Aiiri) Human (Haikite)

Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Cool, Evaluate, Gossip,
Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Language (Reikspiel), Haggle, Language (Estalian), Language (Tilean),
Leadership, Lore (Aiir), Melee (Basic), Ranged (Bow), Leadership, Lore (Al-Haik), Melee (Basic), Ranged
Sail (Dhow) (Bow)
Talents: Djinn-touched, Coolheaded or Very Resilient, Talents: Djinn-touched, Dealmaker, Savvy or Suave,
Fisherman or Sturdy, Well-Prepared, 1 Random Talent Linguistics or Seasoned Traveller, 1 Random Talent

Human (Atalan) Human (Copheri)

Skills: Animal Care, Athletics, Climb, Consume Skills: Charm, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Intuition,
Alcohol, Cool, Endurance, Heal, Lore (Atalan Language (Eltharin), Language (Tilean), Leadership,
Mountains), Melee (Basic), Perception, Ranged (Bow), Lore (Copher), Lore (Any one), Melee (Basic), Ranged
Outdoor Survival (Bow)
Talents: Djinn-touched, Animal Affinity or Tunnel Talents: Djinn-touched, Gregarious, Read/Write or
Rat, Strider (Rocky), Very Resilient or Very Strong, 1 Seasoned Traveller, Savvy or Suave, 1 Random Talent
Random Talent

Human (Desert Dweller) Human (Medan)
Skills: Animal Care, Athletics, Cool, Endurance, Skills: Charm, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Language
Entertain (Storytelling), Lore (Great Desert of Araby), (Bretonnian), Language (Reikspiel), Leadership, Lore
Melee (Basic), Navigation, Outdoor Survival, Perception, (Gulf of Medes), Melee (Basic), Navigation, Ranged
Ranged (Bow), Ride (Horse) (Bow), Sail (Dhow)
Talents: Djinn-touched, Fleet Footed or Roughrider, Talents: Djinn-touched, Hardy, Suave or Very
Lightning Reflexes or Very Strong, Tenacious, 1 Random Resilient, Sea Legs or Orientation, 1 Random Talent

Human (Sabarite)
Human (Lashieker) Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Cool, Entertain
Skills: Cool, Intimidate, Language (Bretonnian), (Storytelling), Language (Bretonnian), Lore (History),
Language (Tilean), Leadership, Lore (Lashiek), Melee Lore (Theology), Leadership, Lore (Ka-Sabar), Melee
(Basic), Navigation, Perception, Ranged (Bow), Sail (Basic), Perception, Ranged (Bow)
(Dhow), Swim Talents: Djinn-touched, Pure Soul, Impassioned Zeal
Talents: Djinn-touched, Menacing, Old Salt or Strong or Stout-hearted, Sharp or Coolheaded, 1 Random
Legs, Sharp or Warrior Born, 1 Random Talent Talent

Human (Marteker) Human (Suddenburger)

Skills: Animal Care, Charm Animal, Consume Alcohol, Skills: Animal Care, Charm, Cool, Evaluate, Gossip,
Cool, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Language (Bretonnian), Haggle, Language (Reikspiel), Language (Wastelander),
Lore (Martek), Melee (Basic), Ranged (Bow), Trade (Any Leadership, Lore (Any imperial province), Melee
one) (Basic), Ranged (Bow)
Talents: Djinn-touched, Dealmaker, Craftsman (Any) Talents: Doomed, Savvy or Suave, Seasoned Traveller,
or Read/Write, Savvy or Nimble-Fingered, 1 Random 2 Random Talents

Slaves as Playable Characters
Slaves are an essential component of Arabyan society. Dwarf Slaves
They are brought in chains from the four corners of the Dwarfs make bad slaves and as such are uncommon.
world and sold on the markets and bazaars of Araby’s Stubborn and rebellious, dwarfs are often treated with
greatest cities. The Slave Template is a way to represent great respect to diminish the grumblings and risk of
characters who start as slaves captured in distant lands and violent rebellion. They are most often found in the
brought to Araby. This template lets you choose your mines or in well-furnished workshops, under the
species as normal but replaces your talent list with new protection and surveillance of eunuch guards.
ones more in line with the role usually performed by Talents: Magic Resistance, Night Vision, Tenacious,
slaves of your species. You cannot choose a talent available 2 Talents from your species list
to both your slave template and your species list twice.
Regardless of your species, it is assumed that you know Gnome Slaves
Language (Arabyan). Gnomes are a rarity in Araby. Gnome slaves even more
so. However, some eccentric and very powerful fakirs
If you are a Slave, you are always considered of lower have been rumored to keep a gnome helper.
Status than others unless you have the Mamluk talent. Talents: Beneath Notice, Night Vision, Small,
It is possible to be enslaved over the course of the game. If Suffused with Ulgu, 2 Talents from your species list
your character is enslaved, your GM may allow you to
purchase one level in each of the mandatory talents of Halfling Slaves
your species template for the normal cost. Halfling slaves are greatly favored by Arabyans. Seen as
a mark of prestige, halfling slaves enjoy a high status
among other slaves and can often be found as cooks or
personal attendants.
Human Slaves
Humans make up the majority of slaves in Araby. They Talents: Acute Sense (Taste), Night Vision,
can be found in every role, from the armies to the harems, Resistance (Chaos), Small, Supportive or Master
and from the mines to the households. Human slaves are Tradesman (Cook), 1 Talent from your species list
common and are offered no preferential treatment. Those
who work hard can rise in society, while others may prefer Elven Slaves
to stay beneath notice, spying on their masters for their Araby’s Pleasure Palaces and harems are renowned for
rivals or simply wishing to be left to their own devices. their elven beauties. However, concubine and courtesan

Talents: Beneath Notice, Stone Soup, 3 Talents from are not the only role fulfilled by elven slaves. Elven

your species list craftsmanship is justly renowned and elven tutors are in
great demand for the education of heirs, while others
are asked to train slave-soldiers.
Talents: Acute Sense (Sight), Attractive or
Craftsman (Any), Night Vision, 2 Talents from your
species list

New Careers

« Listen, Fifth Dynasty baubles don't sell well anymore. I

Antiquarian – Burghers know what I told you last summer when I gave you the lead,
Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Human
but you should have been faster. And this vase is chiped here,
what did you do with it ? Best I can do is three dinars. »
You are an expert in ancient artifacts. You collect, catalog, - Risaad Ibn Harim, Antiquarian
identify and sell rare items often plundered from
forgotten tombs and ruins. Some Antiquarians are not very concerned about the
legality of the goods they buy, and operate as fences for
An Antiquarian buys relics, artifacts and trinkets from the local black markets or successful tomb pillagers.
the past, often reselling them to nobles, wizards and
scholars. Successful Antiquarians may become renowned Others act as legitimate experts or curators and are the
as experts in a particular kind of item, time period or first consulted by those looking for information about
civilization. ancient history, legends and artifacts.

Antiquarian Advance Scheme

Career Path
Collector – Silver 1
Skills: Bribery, Dodge, Charm, Consume Alcohol, Gamble, Gossip,
Haggle, Stealth (Urban)
Talents: Alley Cat, Criminal, Etiquette (Scholars), Read/Write
Trappings: Book (Art), Writing Kit

Antiquarian – Silver 2
Skills : Evaluate, Intuition, Language (Any), Lore (Local),
Perception, Pick Lock
Talents: Dealmaker, Gregarious, Nose for Trouble, Savvy
Trappings: Fine Clothes, Lock Picks, Shop

Expert – Silver 4
Skills: Language (Classical), Lore (Any), Research, Set Trap
Talents: Bookish, Kingpin, Numismatics, Tinker
Trappings: Town House with Library

Curator – Gold 1
Skills: Cool, Lore (Any)
Talents: Detect Artefact, Luck, Savant (Any), Wealthy
Trappings: Cabinet of Curiosities, Magical Artefact or Holy Relic

Beast Tamer – Peasants « Animals never lie. That is why I prefer their company to
that of my brethrens. »
Dwarf, High Elf, Human, Wood Elf
- Abbas Malik, the Panther Hermit

Dedicated trainers who make a living handling and

« But of course, most esteemed one. For the right price, a few
training creatures. venomous snakes could slip into the princess's quarters. What
a tragic misfortune it would be. »
From the trained bears of Kislev to the destriers of
- Yasmina, Unscrupulous Serpent Handler
Bretonnia, the fearsome imperial demigryphs, the
ubiquitous camels of Araby, the warbeasts of Naggaroth They are in high demand in Araby to train and tame
and the mountain ponies used by the dwarfs, beast tamers everything from elephants and camels to the serpents
can be found behind every trained animal and monster and monkeys fancied by some. Particularly skilled Beast
across the world. Tamers use their knowledge and affinity with the
natural world to track, capture and tame exotic animals,
selling them a fortune to army commanders, powerful
Beast Tamer Advance Scheme wizards and wealthy nobles.

Career Path
Handler – Brass 3
Skills: Animal Care, Athletics, Cool, Charm Animal, Drive,
Intimidate, Lore (Beasts), Ranged (Entangling)
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Crack the Whip, Dirty Fighting, Iron
Trappings: 1d10 Bandages, Leather Jack, Whip

Beast Tamer – Brass 4

Skills : Animal Training (Any one), Entertain (Any one), Intuition,
Endurance, Melee (Polearm), Ride (Any one)
Talents: Commanding Presence, Distract, Roughrider, Strike to
Trappings: 1 Trained Animal, Collar, Chains

Beast Trainer – Silver 1

Skills: Animal Training (Any one), Haggle, Navigation, Track
Talents: Fearless (Beasts), Hunter’s Eye, Resistance (Poison),
Trappings: Training Grounds, Subordinate Handlers

Beastmaster – Silver 3
Skills: Animal Training (Any one), Outdoor Survival
Talents: Animal Affinity, Fearless (Monsters), Sixth Sense, Savant
Trappings: 1 Trained Monstrous Beast

Caliph – Academics « You have angered the Djinns with your theft. Return the
slab or suffer their curse ! »
- Kader al'Jamal, Caliph of Saana

You carry the word of the djinns, tending to the spiritual

« Arabyans worship strange gods, but it cannot be denied that
well being of the masses and ensuring the djinns are they have a closer and more personal relationship, for better
appeased. or for worse. »
- Octavia Allegro, Tilean Scholar
Priests in Araby are a mix between spiritual leaders and
theological scholars. They ensure the djinns are properly
communities, others choose a wandering life, seeking to
worshipped and that no evil cults can take root in Araby.
reach enlightenment and spread their wisdom far and
While some are assigned to specific temples or
wide. Revered Ones and Caliphs are often called upon
to advise the ruling classes and some Caliphs wield as
much if not more power than the local Emir.
Caliph Advance Scheme

Career Path
Student – Brass 1
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Endurance, Enterain( Storyteller), Gossip,
Heal, Lore (Theology), Pray
Talents: Gregarious, Holy Visions, Read/Write, Suave
Trappings: Book (Religion), Religious Symbol, Writing Kit

Teacher – Silver 2
Skills : Charm, Entertain (lecture), Leadership, Lore (Local),
Research, Perception
Talents: Bookish, Etiquette (Cultists), Impassioned Zeal, Public
Trappings: Robes, Students

Revered One – Gold 1

Skills: Art (Calligraphy), Entertain (Speeches), Lore (Any), Lore
Talents: Argumentative, Pure Soul, Strong-Minded, Tower of
Trappings: Quality Robes, Temple or School

Caliph – Gold 2
Skills: Language (Any), Lore (Any)
Talents: Commanding Presence, Master Orator, Magnum Opus,
Savant (Theology)
Trappings: Library (Theology), Religious Relic

« In an honest service there is little comfort, low wages, and
Corsair – Riverfolk hard labor. In this, plenty and satiety, pleasure and ease,
High Elf, Human
liberty and power. A merry life and a short one shall be my
motto. »
Fearless and disciplined, you roam the high seas, – Captain Faruk al'Semoum
capturing any enemy vessel that crosses your path and
making off with loot and prisoners to sell back home. « She who plunders with a small ship is a pirate. She who
plunders with a fleet is a conqueror. »
Corsairs sail the high seas for their sultan or as – Areeqa Naderi, scourge of the Black Gulf
independent businessmen. Many corsairs are former
military seamen, and many more are inducted in Araby’s marines of the elven navies. Fiercely drilled by the
navies in time of need. Corsairs are not the average Boarding Master and masterfully commanded by an
freebooter or sartosan pirate, and are closer to the famous experienced captain, Corsairs are renowned and feared
across the world.

Corsair Advance Scheme

Career Path
Mariner– Silver 1
Skills: Climb, Consume Alcohol, Dodge, Gossip, Melee (Basic),
Row, Sail, Swim
Talents: Ambidextrous, Strider (Coastal), Strong Back, Strong
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Leather Jerkin

Corsair – Silver 3
Skills : Athletics, Cool, Endurance, Intimidate, Language (Any),
Ranged (Entangling)
Talents: Drilled, Sea Legs, Strike to Stun, Strong Legs
Trappings: Boiled Leather Breastplate, Entangling Weapon,

Boarding Master – Silver 5

Skills: Navigation, Leadership, Perception, Ranged
Talents: Old Salt, Menacing, Seasoned Traveller, Strike Mighty
Trappings: Pistol, Whistle

Corsair Captain – Gold 3

Skills: Charm, Intuition
Talents: Combat Master, Furious Assault, Orientation, Pilot
Trappings: Best Quality Scimitar, Hat, Shipping Charts, Sailing
Ship and Crew, Sextant, Spyglass

Dervish – Warriors « When our ancestors fled the cities of Nehekhara ages ago,
the spirits of the desert spoke to a select few. These chosen
became the first dervishes who spread this new creed to all
corners of Araby. The Caliphs may wield more power, but we
You pursue spiritual enlightenment and can be called
are the Djinns true servants.»
upon by the Caliphs to hunt the necromancers, dark cults – Djinn-Speaker Azhar
and undeads plaguing Araby..

fight using a whirling martial art that makes short work

The Dervish were originally a nomadic tribe that was of the enemies of the faith. They are not merely warriors
almost exterminated by the undeads. Today, the Dervishes however, as many of the old Dervish tribe’s knowledge
are an order of holy warriors at the service of the Caliphs and rites have survived in the current incarnation of the
and are extraordinarily respected. Typically armed with order.
two silvered blades and little to no armour, Dervishes

Dervish Advance Scheme

Career Path
Dervish Initiate – Silver 1
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Heal, Melee (Basic),
Outdoor Survival, Perception
Talents: Fleet-Footed, Step Aside, Stone Soup, Tenacious
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Religious Symbol

Dervish – Silver 1
Skills : Charm, Language (Battle), Lore (Djinns), Intimidate,
Intuition, Melee (Parry)
Talents: Frenzy, Hardy, Stout-Hearted, Relentless
Trappings: 1d10 Bandages, Leather Jack

Wandering Dervish – Silver 1

Skills: Entertain (Poetry), Leadership, Lore (Necromancy), Melee
Talents: Fearless (Undead), Implacable, Riposte, Strong-Minded
Trappings: Silvered Scimitar, Mule

Djinn-Speaker – Silver 2
Skills: Lore (Law), Lore (Warfare)
Talents: Djinn-touched, Furious Assault, Hatred (Undead), Pure
Trappings: School of students

« We never had a chance sir. They came out of nowhere.
Desert Nomad – Rangers Before we could turn they were in among us, shouting their
chilling battle-cries as they cut us down. It's true we ran from
them sir, but these were not men – they were demons on
Resourceful and rugged, you are an expert in living and
horseback. »
fighting in the vast expanses between the cities of Araby. - Gunter Friesheim, Mercenary after the rout of Rifraffa

Large swathes of sandy dunes, cragged hills and arid unproven and hot-headed youngs looking to prove
plains make up most of Araby’s landscape. With little themselves in the eyes of their tribe. Desert Riders are
water, teeming with Beastmen, bandits and worse, the often hired to defend and guide caravans when they are
desert is a foreboding place. Desert Nomads call this place not busy raiding the very same caravans. At other times,
home and, on foot or on horseback, ply their homeland’s they are employed as scoots and light cavalry by the
sandy reaches. Tribesmen often start as young blood, armies of Araby or Tilea. Those who prove themselves
in these distant lands may become part of the inner
circle, advisors and personal protectors of the Sheikh
Desert Nomad Advance Scheme
ruling the tribe

Career Path
Young Blood – Brass 3
Skills: Animal Care, Charm Animal, Endurance, Melee (Basic),
Outdoor Survival, Perception, Ride (Horse), Stealth (Desert)
Talents: Crack the Whip, Roughrider, Stone Soup, Strider (Desert)
Trappings: Hand Weapon, Leather Jack, Light Warhorse with

Desert Rider – Brass 4

Skills : Charm, Cool, Intimidate, Heal, Ranged (Bow), Track
Talents: Rover, Seasoned Traveller, Tenacious, Trick Riding
Trappings: Shortbow, Rope

Akinci – Silver 3
Skills: Athletics, Intuition, Leadership, Lore (Desert)
Talents: Careful Strike, Combat Reflexes, Iron Will, Orientation
Trappings: Mail Coat, Light Warhorse with Saddle and Tack

Sheik – Silver 5
Skills: Lore (Araby), Navigation
Talents: Accurate Shot, Inspiring, Public Speaker, Robust
Trappings: Quality Clothing, Tribe of Nomads

« The conceited Caliphs ask us how we dare enslave the gods
Fakir – Academics of our people. I say gods that are subjugated that easily are
not very divine to begin with ! »
– Halima Shaya, ambitious sorceress
Feared and respected in equal measure, you study the
djinns and how to bind and wield their fearsome powers.
College or a Master somewhere else in Araby,
apprentices become Fakirs and are free to pursue their
Fakirs bind and bargain with djinns to gain access to
own research and interests. Many enter into the service
their magic. Legal Fakirs are trained in and answer to the
of powerful and wealthy rulers, advising them in matters
colleges of the Sorcerer Islands. As the ‘Winds of Magic’
of magic and defending the city against magical threats.
are so weak in Araby, Fakirs have mastered a unique kind
Others become renowned enchanters and sell powerful
of magic, looking nothing like the colored magic of the
magical artifacts to discerning customers. Others still
Empire. After the apprenticeship under the tutelage of the
live as recluses, studying and mastering ever more
powerful magics for purposes known only to them.
Fakir Advance Scheme

Career Path
Sorcerer Apprentice – Brass 3
Skills: Charm, Cool, Dodge, Gossip, Intuition, Language (Magick),
Lore (Magic), Trade (Jeweler)
Talents: Binding Magic, Craftsman (Jeweler), Read/Write, Second
Trappings: 1d10 Amulets, Candles, Incense, 2 Lesser Djinns,
Trade Tools (Jeweler)

Sorcerer – Silver 3
Skills : Haggle, Heal, Intimidate, Language (Any), Lore (Djinns),
Melee (Basic), Perception
Talents: Detect Artefact, Master Tradesman (Jeweler), Perfect
Pitch, Sixth Sense
Trappings: Grimoire, 1 Minor Djinn

Master Sorcerer – Gold 1

Skills: Art (Jewelry), Evaluate, Research, Trade (Any)
Talents: Fearless (Djinns), Magical Sense, Menacing, Savant
Trappings: Apprentice, 1 Greater Djinn, Magical Item

Sorcerer Lord – Gold 4

Skills: Language (Any), Lore (Any)
Talents: Frightening, Iron Will, Magnum Opus, Wealthy
Trappings: 1 Noble Djinn, Library (Magic), Workshop (Magic)

« I hold here a list. Nine names adorn it, nine men who need
Hashishin – Rogue to die. They are plague-bringers, war-makers... Their power
and influence corrupts the land. Find them, kill them...
Throw the seeds of our brotherhood's rise from their ashes. »
You are part of a guild of assassins, killing targets
- Abu Malik, Master of the Fangs of Khalibon
following the code of your guild.

time and often involves ‘practice’ murders. Once deemed

Members of cults like the Brotherhood of the Snake or sufficiently trained, an assassin is outfitted with the
the Hashishins are feared across all Araby. Extensively guild’s gear, ranging from intricate hidden blades,
trained in infiltration and silent murder, they offer their deadly composite poisons and even magical items. Some
services to anyone with the means to hire them. Most cults are not very different from regular criminal
assassins start as small-time thugs and hitmen before organisation, taking coin to kill without asking
being spotted and induced in a guild. The training takes questions. Others follow a code, be it a religious
doctrine, refusing to work for some factions or only

Hashishin Advance Scheme accepting contracts that work fortheir long-terms goals,
as many cults and guilds have hidden political agendas
known only to their masters.

Career Path
Killer – Brass 3
Skills: Athletics, Climb, Dodge, Endurance, Charm, Melee
(Brawling), Perception, Stealth (Urban)
Talents: Alley Cat, Beneath Notice, Dirty Fighting, Step Aside
Trappings: Knuckledusters, Leather Jack

Brotherhood Initiate – Silver 3

Skills : Cool, Intimidate, Melee (Basic), Pick Lock, Ride (Horse),
Trade (Poisoner)
Talents: Catfall, Coolheaded, Scale Sheer Surface, Shadow
Trappings: Assassin’s Creed, 1d10 Doses of Poison, Grappling
Hook, Hand Weapon, Rope

Brother – Gold 1
Skills: Bribery, Entertain (Acting), Intuition, Ranged (Thrown)
Talents: Enclosed Fighter, Fearless (Guards), Fleet Footed, Master
of Disguise
Trappings: Antitoxin Kit, 1d10 Throwing Darts

Brotherhood Master – Gold 4

Skills: Leadership, Lore (Araby)
Talents: Combat Master, Furious Assault, Luck, Sixth Sense
Trappings: Guild of Assassins, Magical Item

« Last time, I had to flee from the herdswoman and her
Shepherd – Peasants hounds for three days straight. I'd rather try my luck with
High Elf, Human, Wood Elf
- Rasaan, retired cattle-thief
Patient and watchful, you earn your living from your
livestock, protecting it from thieves and predators when
beast is lost to predators or stolen by bandits or

Araby is an arid land where livestock is vitally important

Part of their duty is also ensuring that their charges are
and shepherds play a major role in the rural economy,
not decimated by a disease and that no beast gets hurt.
when some villages income is almost exclusively
A good knowledge of the local area often comes with
dependent on their herds of goats. A shepherd’s task is
years of grazing their beasts in the same places and
taking the livestock to the grazing fields and ensuring no
experienced shepherds can find or track almost anything
in their region.
Shepherd Advance Scheme
Shepherds often use shepherd dogs, massive, fearless
hounds who bark loudly when they spot an intruder and
can be as ferocious and vicious as any warhound.
Career Path
Sheepman – Brass 2
Skills: Animal Care, Consume Alcohol, Endurance, Gossip, Lore
(Local), Melee (Basic), Perception, Ride (Horse)
Talents: Hardy, Stone-Soup, Strider (Rocky), Strike to Stun
Trappings: Hand Weapon (Club), Leather Jerkin, Flock of Sheep or
Herd of Cattle or Herd of Goats

Shepherd – Brass 3
Skills : Animal Training, Climb, Gamble, Ranged (Bow), Entertain
(Storytelling), Outdoor Survival
Talents: Animal Affinity, Marksman, Trick-Riding, Orientation
Trappings: Bow with 10 Arrows, Lasso, Riding Horse with Saddle
and Tack, Shepherd Dog

Baraani – Brass 4
Skills: Athletics, Cool, Dodge, Haggle
Talents: Combat Aware, Fearless (Bandits), Roughrider, Sniper
Trappings: Hooded Coat, Kettle, Lantern, Tinderbox

Herdsman – Brass 5
Skills: Intuition, Track
Talents: Coolheaded, Fast Shot, Fearless (Beasts), Shadow
Trappings: Pack of Shepherd Dogs, Sheepman

« Everything lost is meant to be found. »
Tomb Pillager – Rogue – Laifa, Tomb Raider
Dwarf, Gnome, Halfling, High Elf, Human, Wood Elf

« We do not follow maps to buried treasure, and X nevcr, ever

You fearlessly breach sealed tombs and delve where no
marks the spot. »
mortals should ever come in search of riches or ancient
– Professor Johan Aver

(not to say sacrilegious), most Tomb Pillagers fancy

Araby is littered with old, forgotten tombs, vaults and
themselves archeologists and scholars, exploring ancient
cities from its long history and there is a high demand
ruins and bringing to light ancient and very lucrative
from wizards, scholars, antiquarians and nobles from all
knowledge and trinkets. Successful Vault Dwellers often
across Araby and the Old World for the artifacts, trinkets
attract attention as reliable guides or informants, and
and relics they contain. While their work is mostly illegal
some famed Tomb Raiders are sometimes hired by
aristocrats and wizards to retrieve specific items from

Tomb Pillager Advance Scheme millenia old tombs.

Career Path
Thrill Seeker – Brass 2
Skills: Athletics, Climb, Cool, Dodge, Endurance, Melee (Basic),
Perception, Stealth (Any)
Talents: Catfall, Enclosed Fighter, Flee!, Strong Back
Trappings: Backpack, Crowbar, Hand Weapon, Torch

Tomb Pillager – Brass 5

Skills : Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Intuition, Pick Lock, Ranged
Talents: Break and Enter, Night Vision, Resistance (Disease),
Tunnel Rat
Trappings: Antitoxin Kit, Grappling Hook and Rope, Pick

Vault Dweller – Silver 3

Skills: Heal, Lore (History), Lore (Medicine), Set Trap
Talents: Read/Write, Tenacious, Resistance (Poison), Well-
Trappings: Darvich Lamp, Ranged Weapon, Horse and Cart, Trade
Tools (Thief)

Tomb Raider – Silver 5

Skills: Research, Trade (Engineer)
Talents: Fearless (Undead), Sixth Sense, Tinker, Trapper
Trappings: Bedroll, Fine Hat, Map, Tent, Trade Tools (Engineer),
Writing Kit

Where are the other careers ?
Many distinguishing careers and paths that are mentioned in the lore of Araby did not receive a proper advance
scheme as the author felt that they were not different enough from the careers found in the Warhammer Fantasy
Roleplay book. Mamluks and Eunuchs slave warriors can be played with a mix of the Slave template and either the
Guard, Knight or Soldier careers. Akinci Riders can be played through the Cavalryman or the Desert Rider
careers. Kontois are elite fighters and only the most experienced characters should hope to attain their degree of
combat proficiency. Kontois are best represented with several thousands of experience points invested in both the
Guard and Pitfighter careers. Snake Charmers are easily played with the wider Beast Tamer career described earlier.
While some careers are not accessible to Arabyan characters as starting careers, they are humans and can switch to a
Nun, Priest or Warrior-Priest career if they convert to Myrmidia, Sigmar or one of the other Old World gods that
are worshipped in some parts of Araby. Likewise, an Arabyan character can decide to become an Hedge Wizard, a
Witch or a Wizard, either as a fakir wishing to further its mastery of the art, or as an Arabyan who went to study in
the Imperial Colleges of Altdorf.

Chapter 8 : Magic of Araby
Unlike the Empire, Araby’s magical traditions have long been accepted by its people. This tolerance is unthinkable
to many Old Worlders who see with great suspicions the widespread use of demons and magic in Arabyan society.
Most Arabyans do not share this view and indeed, several Sultans throughout Araby’s long history have been fakirs.

Due to their proximity to cursed Nehekhara and the Winds of Magic barely reaching their shores, Araby’s fakirs

have long ago learned to not rely on the Winds of Magic for their magic. They have become masters of creating

magic items that store and use ambient magic, as well as a unique form of magic they use to bind and direct elemental

spirits living in Araby : the djinns.

Binding Rules
Spells Hypothetically, a royal djinn would know all the
There are two types of spells available to the binders. Elemental Spells of its element.
Petty Elemental Spells and Elemental Spells. Petty are
simple tricks and are the extent of the power of Lesser
Binding a Djinn
Djinns. Elemental spells are a more powerful
Before binding a djinn, a magically-null receptacle
manifestation of a djinn's control over its element. These
must be prepared. The receptacles most often take the
are divided into four categories : Water Magic, Wind
form of censers, lamps, urns, jewels, etc... Djinns are
Magic, Earth Magic and Fire Magic. Some spells are
proud creatures and must be placated if they are to be
available to several elements.
bound. The item used as a receptacle cannot have any
Flaws and it's base price must be at least 1 GC. Every
Djinn's Repertory Fine Quality on the object used to bind a djinn grants
A binder does not know any spell. Rather, it's the bound +1 SL to any opposed test made to bind or use the
djinns who know and manifest their magic at their powers of the djinn within.
master’s behest. The amount of spells known to a single
djinn is dependent of it's type. A lesser djinn knows one Furthermore, a binder can make a Lore (Djinns) Test
Petty Elemental Spell. A minor djinn knows one and spend money to dedicate a receptacle to a specific
Elemental Spell and one Petty Elemental Spell. element. The more money is invested in the attempt, the
easier dedicating the receptacle becomes, representing
A greater djinn knows three Elemental Spells and two the fakir buying expensive and rare components to
Petty Elemental Spells. A noble djinn knows five facilitate the ritual. See the Dedicated Urn Investment
Elemental Spells and three Petty Elemental Spells. table for more details.

Dedicated Urn Investment djinn enter its service. More powerful djinns require
payments that are more exotic and difficult to fulfill (at
Investment Modifier the GM’s discretion). Once the duration is agreed upon
No cost Very Hard (-30) and the payment is done, the djinn becomes an
Indentured Djinn for the duration of the contract. At
6 silver shillings Hard (-20)
the end of the contract's duration, the djinn and the
1 gold crown Difficult (-10)
binder can negotiate an extension of service or the
4 gold crowns Challenging (0) binder can attempt to subdue the djinn. Failing both,

8 gold crowns Average (+20) the djinn is freed.

12 gold crowns Easy (+40)

If the service of a djinn expires during combat, the

If the test is successful, add the SL of this test to the SL djinn does not participate in the combat anymore but

of any test made to bind a djinn of the relevant element. waits until the fighting is over to potentially negotiate

Djinns of other elements cannot be bound to this an extension of its service. A binder who is known for

receptacle anymore. Any number of attempts to dedicate a subduing formerly indentured djinns may not be

receptacle to an element can be made, but a receptacle granted the same courtesy.

can’t be dedicated to more than one element.

Casting a Spell
Casting a spell through a Subdued Djinn and casting
There are two methods for binding a djinn : subduing it,
a spell through an Indentured Djinn follow similar but
or indenturing it.
slightly different rules.

To subdue a djinn, the binder must keep the receptacle

To cast a spell through a Subdued Djinn, the binder
and the target djinn within Willpower Yards for all the
must succeed on a WP test opposed by the djinn's WP.
duration of the attempt. The attempt is resolved by an
As mentioned earlier, each Fine Quality on the
extended opposed Language (Magick)/Cool test. The
receptacle of the djinn grants +1 SL to the binder.
SL to succeed is equal to twice the WPB of the djinn. The
djinn is free to act and move on its turn, most often to flee
To cast a spell through an Indentured Djinn, the
or attempt to kill the binder. If the binder survives the
binder must succeed on a dramatic Charm test.
attempt and succeeds in the opposed Test, the djinn
becomes a Subdued Djinn.
If the test is successful in the case of an Indentured
Djinn or if you win the opposed test for a Subdued
Indenturing a djinn requires the binder to convince the
Djinn, the djinn cooperates (willingly or not) and
djinn to enter its service. The binder and the djinn must
automatically casts the spell at its lowest CN. Note that
agree on a duration of service or an amount of spells the
the djinns powers are innate and do not require a
djinn will cast at the sorcerer's behest. The djinn also
Language (Magick) test and thus cannot be opposed
requires a payment that the binder must pay before the
but can be dispelled later on.

Targets with Magic Resistance cannot reduce the SL to a everything else, the binder is considered as the one
point where the spell would not be cast, but they can casting the spell.
reduce the SL for the purpose of overcasting.
Fumbled Casting
For every +2 SL you achieve in a casting test, you may
add additional Range, Area of Effect or Duration equal to If you lose control of the elemental being you are
the initial value listed in the spell. Spells with a Range of trying to use, things invariably go awry. If you fumble
‘Touch’ may not be extended. If the Spell has no Duration, your Casting Test, you suffer a Repercussion.
you cannot extend it. Additional SL cannot be used to Depending on the djinn, roll a D100 on the Subdued
select additional targets. Djinn Repercussion Table or the Indentured Djinn
Repercussion Table.
When a spell refers to characteristics, it is always the
djinn responsible for the spell that counts. For

Indentured Djinn Repercussions

01-15 Upset : The djinn feels slighted by your demand in one way or another and refuses to help your for
1d10 rounds !

16-32 Breach of Contract : The djinn argue that this situation is not part of your deal and demands
compensation. The djinn will refuse to cast spells after the current situation is solved until it is paid
what is asked (gold, art objects, magical items, favors, etc...)

33-49 Miscommunication : The djinn didn't hear or understand your instructions. Nothing happens.

50-63 Deflection : The djinn feels the spell would be better used in another way. The GM chosses a new
target for the spell. This cannot be detrimental to you but can negatively affect your allies.

64-77 Unruly : The djinn does not care for your instructions and decides to cast another spell instead ! This
cannot be detrimental to you or your allies. If the djinn does not have access to any other spell, no
spells are cast.

78-90 Help : The djinn thinks what you need is not a spell but rather some sound advice ! You may add +1
SL to as single test you make before the end of your next turn.

91-100 Entitled : The djinn feels you simply cannot do without its help. For the next 1d10 rounds, you must
use this djinn when casting spells.

Subdued Djinn Repercussions
01-10 Aethyric Shock : The magical energy coursing through you causes you to lose Wounds equal to the
Willpower Bonus of the djinn you were trying to use, regardless of Toughness Bonus or Armor.

11-20 Panic Attack : Pass a Hard (-20) Cool Test or gain 1 Broken Condition.

21-30 Silenced : You lose your voice for 1d10 rounds.

31-40 Wracked : You are strained by the effort and suffer burning pain for 1d10 rounds, suffering a -10
penalty to all tests made in that time.

41-50 Overload : You are overwhelmed by magical energy and gain 1 Stunned Condition.

51-60 Driven to Distraction : If engaged in combat, gain the Surprised Condition. Otherwise, you are
completely startled, your heart racing, and unable to concentrate for a few minutes.

61-70 Enfeeblement : The djinn's energy wracks your body, delibitating your constitution. Your Toughness
Characteristic is reduced by 10 for 1d10 minutes.

71-80 Mindnumb : You channel too much magical energy. You suffer a -10 penalty to your Willpower
Characteristic for 24 hours.

81-90 Wild Magic : You lose control of the magic as your djinn makes no effort to ensure your safety.
Everyone within 30 yards, including you, loses 1 Wound regardless of Toughness Bonus or Armor.

91-95 Possession : The djinn influences you to work against your allies. Should you attack or otherwise
betray an ally to the fullest of your capabilities, regain all Fortune Points. If you cause another
character to lose a Fate Point, gain 1 Fate Point.

96-100 Freedom : The djinn escapes its shackles and is free to seek revenge against you !

Petty Elemental Spells Petty Earth Spells
Petty Elemental Spells are the innate magical abilities of
lesser djinns. Lesser djinns are barely sentient and Bind
relatively easy to bind, which means that their minor CN: 0
abilities are often the first a fledgling sorcerer will have at Range: Willpower Bonus Yards
its disposal. Target: 1
Duration: Special
You call up earthen shackles to bind an opponent’s
hands causing him to drop whatever it held. Your target
Petty Air Spells also gains one Entangled condition with a Strength
equal to your Willpower. The spell lasts until the
Carried by the Wind condition is removed.
CN: 0
Range: Willpower Yards
Magic Lock
Target: Special CN: 0
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds Range: Touch
Using magic, you project your voice from a point within
Target: Special
Willpower yards regardless of line of sight. Your voice
Duration: Willpower Days
sounds from this point, and all within earshot will hear it.
You touch one lock or bolt. It cannot be picked or
forced open during the duration of the spell. However,
Gust the spell does not prevent someone from smashing
CN: 0 down a magically locked door or breaking into a
Range: Willpower Yards magically locked chest.
Target: Special
Duration: Instant
You create a brief gust of wind, strong enough to blow out
CN: 0
a candle, cause an open door to slam, or blow a few pages
Range: Willpower Yards
to the floor but not strong enough to knock down an
Target: Special
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You create small noises nearby. You can create quiet,
Wind Walk indistinct noises that sound as if they come from a
CN: 0 specific location within range, regardless of line of sight.
Range: You The noises can evoke something specific, such as
Target: You footsteps, whispers or the howl of an animal, but
Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes nothing so distinct that it might convey a message.
You demand the winds grant you passage. You take no
penalties to movement from any meteorological hazard.

While the spell is active, you may control the sounds by Petty Water Spells
passing an Average (+20) Willpower. A success allows you
to move the sounds to another point within range, change
Protection from Rain
the noises evoked, or to increase or decrease their volume. CN: 0
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Hours
You can keep yourself dry regardless of the wheather or
Petty Fire Spells
precipitation. This spell affects rain, hail, sleet and snow,
and any similar water falling from the heavens.
Blessing of the Efreet
CN: 0
Range: Willpower yards Purify Water
Target: 1 CN: 0
Duration: Willpower minutes Range: 1 yard
Your target enjoys some of the protections of the Efreets. Target: Special
For the duration of the spell, the target takes half damage Duration: Instant
(rounding up) from any source of fire, after reducing the You purify all water within a receptacle, such as a water

damage by other normal means. flask, stein, or jug. All non-magical toxins, such as
poison or contaminants are removed, leaving only clear,
potable water. This spell only works on water or
CN: 0 predominantly water-based liquids.

Range: 1 yard
Target: Special Spring
Duration: Willpower minutes CN: 0
You create a welcoming campfire that emits heat, light Range: Touch
and that does not consume any fuel. Target: Special
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You cause clear, fresh water to spring forth from the
CN: 0 ground at the rate of 1 pint per Round.

Range: 1 yard
Target: 1
Duration: Instant
A character or item in range immediately catches fire. A
character gains an Ablaze condition.

Elemental Spells Curse of the Djinn
Elemental Spells are the magical abilities displayed and CN: 8
harnessed by more powerful djinns. They range from Range: Willpower Yards
relatively minor spells to powerful war magic and their Target: 1
manifestation depends entirely on the djinn behind each Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
of these spells. For the duration of the spell, the target creature reroll all
successful parry and dodge tests unless it spends a
fortune point for each test.

Air Spells CN: 5
Range: Willpower Yards
Biting Winds Target: Area of Effect
CN: 0
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Range: Willpower Yards
You call down raging winds from the sky anywhere
Target: 1
within range to blow your opponents over. Any creature
Duration: Instant
within Willpower Bonus yards gain a Prone Condition
You channel mighty flows of magic into a howling gale of
and must make a Toughness Test or gain a Stunned
cold. This is a magic missile with Damage +WPB that
Condition. While in the area of effect, characters cannot
affects everyone between you and your target. Creatures
fire missile weapons (or be targeted by them) and must
that lost at least 2 Wounds from this spell must pass a
make a successful Strength Test in order to move. Melee
Strength Test or gain one Prone condition.
attacks can be made but at a –20% penalty. The target
location must be outdoor.
Clear Sky
CN: 0
Range: Willpower Yards Khamsin
CN: 7
Target: Special
Range: Willpower Bonus Miles
Duration: Instant
Target: One sailing ship
You clear a single cloud from the sky, or, in the event of a
Duration: Willpower Bonus Hours
completely overcast sky, clear a shaft through the cloud
The targets vessels’ sails fill with favourable winds,
cover. Clouds continue to blow and form naturally in the
ensuring they always move at top speed no matter the
aftermath of this spell.
prevailing wind, tide or current. In addition, all Tests
made to steer the vessel gain a bonus of +10 while this
spell is active.

Ride the Winds
CN: 8
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You are borne aloft by a magical breeze under your
command. Gain the Flight (WP) creature trait.

CN: 7
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: 1
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You magically silence one character. The target can
resist the spell with a successful Willpower Test.
Otherwise, it cannot talk or even grunt for the duration
CN: 7
of the spell.
Range: Willpower Bonus Miles
Target: One sailing ship
Duration: One Hour Wild Wind
You completely calm the winds around a ship or boat. For
CN: 4
the duration of the spell, an area extending for Willpower
Range: You
yards around the vessel is eerily calm, smooth and devoid
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus Yards)
of any wind, even if a storm rages outside the area of the
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Everything affected by this spell is buffeted with raging,
spell. If the ship is propelled by some other method, such
swirling winds and suffer a -20 penalty to their Weapon
as oars, the area of calm travels with it.
Skill and Agility characteristics. At the beginning of
each round, all those affected must pass a Toughness
Test or gain a Stunned condition. No ranged weapons
CN: 0
can be used by you or characters affected by the spell,
Range: You
nor can any of you be the target of non-magical missile
Target: You
attacks, excluding gunpowder and artillery weapons.
Duration: Instant
Everything within Willpower Bonus yards is pushed back
your Willpower Bonus in yards and gain the Prone
Condition. If this brings something into contact with a
wall or a large obstacle, they take Damage equal to the
distance travelled in yards.

Earth Spells Djinn’s Assagai
CN: 0
Bewilder Range: Willpower Yards
CN: 7 Target: Special
Range: Willpower Bonus Yards Duration: Instant
Target: 1 You hurl a great pillar of sharpened rock in a straight
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds line. This is a magic missile with a damage of +WPB+4.
The victim must make a successful Will Power Test or It strikes the first creature in its path. If the target
become bewildered for the duration of the spell. The suffers any Wounds, it must succeed a Toughness test or
bewildered character must roll a percentile dice and be knocked Prone. It also inflicts +1 Bleeding Condition
consult the following chart to determine what it’ll do until after which the assagai continues on its path, striking
the spell wears off: each target in the same manner, but at -1 Damage each
time. If the spear fails to inflict any Wounds, it is
Bewilder stopped and the spell comes to an end. The Djinn’s
Roll Action
Assagai only inflicts the minimum 1 Wound on the first
01-20 Beffudled : You suffer a -20 penalty to all your target it strikes.

21-40 Wander : You run in a random direction, as Mirage

determined by the GM. CN: 10
41-60 Attack! : Attack the nearest character, be it
Range: Willpower Yards
friend or foe. If the nearest character is out of
Target: AoE (Willpower Yards)
reach, you must move towards him as fast as
Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes
You create an illusion that is a nearly perfect simulation
possible and engage it in melee combat.
of reality, complete with sight, sound, and smell. The
61-80 Do nothing : The bewildered character cannot
illusion can be of any size equal or smaller than it’s Area
take any actions or dodge.
of Effect. The mirage fools anyone without the Second
81-00 Curl into a ball : The bewildered character is Sight Talent. Those with the talent must pass a Difficult
considered helpless. (-10) Perception Test to notice the illusion. This does
not let them see through the spell, they must dispel it to
Distracting do so.
CN: 4
Range: You
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You wreathe yourself in illusion magics which swirls
around you, distracting your foes. While the spell is active,
gain the Distracting Creature Trait.

CN: 0
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus Yards)
Duration: Instant
You cause the ground to suddenly shudder. All creatures
in the Area of Effect and that are standing on the ground
must succeed on an Agility Test or gain one Prone
Condition. You are not affected by your own casting of the
quake spell.

Rigidity of Body and Mind

CN: 3
Range: You a Magic Missile with Damage +WPB at the beginning
Target: You of every round and reduce their line of sight to 6 yards.
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds Sandstorm also imposes a -20 penalty to Ballistic Skills
You gain +1 Armor Point to all locations and a +10 bonus for characters in the area.
to your Willpower.

Stone’s Endurance
Rock Skin CN: 5
CN: 5 Range: Willpower Yards
Range: You Target: 1
Target: You Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds The target feels no pain or can ignore it, and ignores all
Your skin hardens until it becomes dense like rock. Your penalties caused by non-amputation Critical Wounds.
Strength and Toughness are doubled, but your Agility and
Movement are halved (rounded down).
CN: 4
Sandstorm Range: Willpower Yards
CN: 9 Target: You
Range: Willpower Yards Duration: Willpower Bonus Minutes
Target: AoE (Willpower Bonus Yards) You extend your senses through the ground. For the
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds duration of the spell, you sense the presence and passing
A strong, dry, dust-laden wind rises, blinding all in its of all creatures within range. This spell can only be used
path. Characters in the Area of Effect are targeted with outdoors or when you are in contact with solid ground.

Fire Spells Burning Scimitar
CN: 8
Anvil of the Sun Range: Willpower Bonus Yards
CN: 8 Target: 1
Range: Willpower Yards Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Target: Area of Effect (Willpower Bonus Yards) You wreathe a sword in magical flames. The weapon has
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds Damage +SB+6 and the Impact Quality, and anyone
You cause a small area to burn with the heat of Araby’s struck by the blade gains +1 Ablaze Condition. If the
Great Desert. Those affected sweat profusely and feel wielders fumble an attack with the Burning Sword, they
incredibly fatigued, as if they had been working all day gain +1 Ablaze Condition.
under the hot sun. Any character who starts its turn in the
area affected by the spell gains a Fatigued Condition. A Eternal Flame
character cannot gain more than one Fatigued Condition CN: 14
from each casting of this spell. Range: Willpower Bonus Yards
Target: Special
Blinding Light Duration: Willpower Days
CN: 0 You render a single fire, up to the size of a campfire
Range: Area of Effect (Willpower Yards) inextinguishable by wind or water, whether magical or
Target: You natural. In addition to being inextinguishable, the fire
Duration: Instant does not consume any fuel while the spell persists.
Everyone looking in your direction receives 1 Blinded
Condition. For every +2 SL you scored when casting the Fireburst
spell, they receive +1 Blinded Condition. CN: 0
Range: You
Burning Gaze Target: Area of Effect (Willpower Bonus Yards)
CN: 0 Duration: Instant
Range: Willpower Yards Fire explodes from your body, blasting outward. All
Target: 1 targets within range take WPB+4 Wounds ignoring
Duration: Instant Armor and gain an Ablaze Condition.
Your gaze focuses searing flames on one target. This is a
magic missile which inflicts WPB+6 Damage.

Shroud of Flame Wall of Flames
CN: 5 CN: 6
Range: You Range: Willpower Yards
Target: You Target: Special
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You are immune to all damage from non-magical fire and You create a wall of flame 4 yards tall, 1 yard deep and
ignore any Ablaze condition you recieve. Anyone Willpower yards wide. You can shape the contour of the
attempting to strike you with a melee weapon with a wall at will. Anyone touching the wall gains an Ablaze
range of Average or shorter must succeed on a Willpower Condition and suffers a hit with a Damage equal to
Test or suffer a -30 penalty to its Weapon Skill as the heat your Willpower Bonus.
drives them back from the attack. Furthermore, the wall and the smoke rising from it
causes all missiles fired through it to suffer a -20
Stoke the Forge Ballistic Skill penalty.
CN: 3
Range: Willpower Bonus Yards
Target: Special
Water Spells
Duration: Willpower Minutes
You cause an already-burning fire in any forge, fireplace,
Breathe Water
or other man-made housing where heat and flame are
CN: 4
bent to Human purpose to burn as hotly as is naturally
Range: You
possible and without consuming additional fuel.
Target: You
Duration: Willpower Minutes
Sunstrike The Sea-Nymph confers to you the ability to breathe
CN: 0
water as if it were air.
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: Area of Effects (Willpower Bonus Yards)
Duration: Instant
CN: 8
This is a magical missile with Damage equal to your
Range: Willpower Yards
Willpower Bonus that ignores Armour Points and inflicts
Target: Area of Effect (Willpower Bonus Yards)
+2 Ablaze Conditions and the Prone Condition on the
Duration: 1 hour
You cause a geyser of water to shoot up from an area of
natural earth. Those affected suffer WPB+2 Damage

and are knocked 4 yards in the direction of your choice by
the erupting water. They must make a Toughness Test or
gain one Stunned Condition. They gain a Prone
Condition regardless. After the initial burst, a pool forms
in the area, providing fresh water for the remaining
duration of the spell.

CN: 6
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: Area of Effect (Willpower Bonus Yard)
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
With a breath of the Sea-Nymph, the terrain is flooded
and the ground is turned into quicksand. Everyone in the
area must make a successful Agility Test or be helpless for
the duration of the spell. If they fail the test, they can try
again on the following turn until they either succeed or
the spell's duration runs out. The quicksand is considered
as difficult terrain and movement in this area is made at
half rate.
while swimming. Furthermore, you gain a +20% bonus
This spell can only be used while outdoors.
to Swim Tests.

CN: 6 Sea-Nymph’s Kiss
Range: Willpower Bonus Miles CN: 5
Target: Area of Effect (Willpower Yards) Range: Willpower Bonus Yards
Duration: Willpower Minutes Target: Special
All Sail, Swim or Row Tests are at a –20% penalty in the
Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
You instantly fill the lungs of a character within range
with water, making it impossible for it to speak, and
other actions far more difficult. Whilst the water
Sea-Nymph’s Blessing
remains in its lungs, he takes a -10% penalty to all tests.
CN: 4
Each round, the target may spend its action to make a
Range: You
Toughness Test to cough up the water, thereby ending
Target: You
the spell. If the target does not succeed on a Toughness
Duration: Willpower Minutes
Test whilst under the effect of this spell, it suffers 2
You can ignore the debilitating effect of wearing trappings
Wounds ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor when
the spell expires.

Water Blast Waterwalk
CN: 0 CN: 4
Range: Willpower Bonus Yards Range: You
Target: 1 Target: You
Duration: Instant Duration: Willpower Minutes
You unleash a powerful torrent of water. This is a magic You can walk on water. You can also walk over marsh
missile with Damage +4. The target of a water blast must and swampland as if it were firm ground.
make a successful Strength Test or gain a Prone
Condition. Water blast also extinguishes all fires in a 4- Wall of Ice
yards radius. CN: 6
Range: Willpower Yards
Target: Special
Water of Life
CN: 1 Duration: Willpower Bonus Rounds
Range: 1 Yard You form a wall of snowy ice from the ground. You may

Target: Special create a straight wall up to Willpower yards long and 6

Duration: Willpower Minutes yards high, all of which must be within the spell’s range

You incant this spell over an already prepared draught, and may not pass through an area emanating any

imbuing it with magical power. If drunk while this spell is warmth (living bodies, fire, as dictated by the GM). The

in effect, the target immediately heals your Willpower wall blocks line of sight and has a TB equal to your

Bonus in Wounds and is cured of one disease. WPB and 20 Wounds. Fire deals double damage to the

Magic Items Creation

Araby is a land steeped in magic, far from the superstitious ignorance of the Empire. Fakirs have long mastered the
art of binding djinns to exquisitely crafted items in order to imbue them with great magical properties. From the
ancient smiths of Dakisir to the masters of the Sorcerer Islands and the scholars of Dimashque, Arabyans have an
easier time crafting new magical items than most human nations. This does not mean that magic items are not a rare
and incredibly expensive commodity however, as the ingredients for enchanting new items are rare and costly to
acquire. This section describes how a spellcaster can craft a magic item through the use of a djinn.

Prerequisite: djinn’s element. An ingredient is said to be linked to an
element if they share some conceptual traits. Feathers
In order to even attempt to enchant an item with and bottled winds are associated with the Air, while
magical properties, a character must possess the Binding gemstones and precious metals are linked to the Earth.
Magic Talent and at least 5 Advances in the Language
(Magick) Skill. An item with any Flaw cannot be Rare ingredients makes the enchanting process easier.
enchanted. Each rare ingredient provides a bonus based on their
rarity and arcane value (see the Rare Ingredients Bonus
The enchantment process requires a Bound Djinn or chart).
Indentured Djinn, 20GC of 'common' arcane
ingredients and one or more rare ingredients linked to the

Rare Ingredients Bonus

Sample Ingredients Enchanting Bonus (per ingredient)
30gc of purified gold, a polished ithilmar sphere, refined +1 SL
sulfur extract, a vial of melted snow gathered from a
mountain's peak, etc...

A fist-sized gemstone, incense mixed with mummy powder, +3 SL

water drawn from a sacred pool, a handful of Dragon scales,
a feather from a Radiant Pegasus, etc...

An eye from a Chaos Gorgon or Chimera, a feather from a +5 SL

Giant Vulture or Phoenix, a lock of hair from the mane of a
Unicorn, a Dragon's tooth, a chunk of warpstone, etc...

Enchanting Process Enchantment Interdicts :
The process of creating a magic item is derived from

Once a character has gathered a flawless item, a bound ancient knowledge and some rules and interdictions

djinn, the common arcane ingredients and the rare arcane must be respected :

ingredients, the enchanting process can begin. • Damage-dealing spells can only be used to
enchant weapons of the appropriate type, in
The first step involves a basic ritual allowing the item to which case the damage from the spell replaces
safely store large amounts of magical energy. This is the fixed damage of the weapon (i.e everything
accomplished with a Language (Magick) Test. Common that is not +SB).
arcane ingredients are consumed in the attempt. Rare • A Magic Missile can only be bound to bow or
ingredients are used to attune the item in such a way that to ammunition of any kind. If used to enchant
it will safely use the magical energies stored inside. Rare an ammunition, the spell is expended the first
ingredients are only consumed upon success on the time the ammunition is fired, after all other
Language (Magick) Test. effects have been applied.
• Spells with an area of effect that are not Magic
The second step is to trap a djinn in the desired item. Missiles (such as Push, Blinding Light or
This is done through an Opposed Willpower Test Geyser) can only be used to create Stored Spell
resolved against the djinn you attempt to bind to the magic items. Those are described in the next
object. The test is further modified by the rare ingredients section.
used during the first step. If you lose the Opposed Test,
the djinn immediately becomes unbound and is free to Example :
seek vengeance against you. If you win the Opposed Test, Aisha Al-Sharif is a Sorceress who managed to bind a
you can proceed to the final step. Greater Air Djinn. Her djinn knows the Petty
Elemental Spell Wind Walk, as well as the Elemental
If you manage to trap the djinn, the item immediately Spells Biting Winds, Khamsin and Silence. After a
becomes magical, gains the Unbreakable Quality and you recent adventure in the Kenitra Hills, she is in
may pick one spell the djinn knows. The magic item now possession of 40GC. She decides to use her djinn to
grants the benefits of the chosen spell if applicable (at the enchant the sail of her party’s riverboat and spends
GM’s appreciation), using the bound djinn's stats when 20GC on the common arcane ingredients required for
relevant to the spell’s effects. the enchanting process. She does not have enough
money to buy a rare ingredient and exchange a favor for
Once a djinn is used to create a magic item, it cannot be a lock of harpies hair (+3) with a local fakir.
released and you lose the ability to use its spells. For all
intent and purpose, the djinn cease to exist and become She makes a Language (Magick) test and succeeds by
parts of the new magic item. A single item cannot be +3 SL. All her ingredients are immediately consumed
bound to more than one djinn. and she can now proceed to the next step. Aisha has a

Willpower of 57 and her djinn a Willpower of 62. Aisha the boat using the sail to ignore penalties from adverse
rolls a 54 (+0 SL) and her djinn a 41 (+2 SL). However, weather, while Khamsin means the sail would always
Aisha used a +3 ingredient which brings her SL to +3. enjoy favorable winds, no matter the prevailing winds,
She scores a Marginal Success (+1) and binds her djinn tides or current. Silence would render the sail silent
to the sail. which may have its uses but is situational. Biting Winds
is a magic missile and would not be applicable to the
She must now decide which of her djinn's spells she sail. In the end, she chooses to enchant her sail with
wants to enchant the sail with. Wind Walk would allow Khamsin, making it a magic sail that is always full.

Magic Items
Among the tales and legends of Araby, many involve enchanted items, wonderous swords, magic staves, powerful
rings and more. From the accursed pages of fel grimoires to the peerless blades of Dakisir, to the legendary magical
lamps binding genies, these objects are the subjects of countless myths and stories.

Contrary to the Old World, Araby has a liberal approach to magic, and there is a small but lucrative trade of magical
artefacts and djinn-bound items going on in its gleaming cities. The richest and most successful potentates,
merchants, nobles and even mercenaries can commission items from fakirs, usually paid for in major favors and a
king’s ransom. Flying carpets are a rare but not surprising sight, and the best ships are outfitted with enchanted sails
while nomad sheikhs often wield heirloom weapons of incredible might. Kontois and assassins alike are outfitted with
magical tools to help in their work and the best archers of an army are often bestowed djinn-bound bows.

For all this seeming availability of magic items, the access to such tools is in fact beyond the reach of most and a
character coming into possession of a magic item can be considered lucky or very successful. In some cases, a single
magic item is worth more than an entire village and characters exhibiting the nature of their item may well attract
unwanted attention from thieve guilds, cutthroats, greedy commoners, interested fakirs or cults.

Armour While magic armour is Unbreakable, it can still be

Magical sets of armour are enchanted with protective used for Critical Deflection, reducing by 1AP the
wards and spells. Magic armour is Unbreakable and armour value and ignoring the Critical Wound. If a
immune to most effects that would reduce, bypass or alter piece of magical armour is reduced to 0AP, it is not
its protective capabilities such as the Hack and considered destroyed but too heavily damaged to offer
Penetrating weapon qualities, the Lore of Shadows protection instead.
attributes as well as weapons bypassing non-magical

Repairing magical armour is only possible with the help Once used, the magic of the scroll is spent, often
of someone with the Language (Magick) assisting or at a resulting in the scroll burning away.
runed, djinn-bound or otherwise enchanted forge. It costs
30% of the armour’s base price per AP lost to repair it. Notably, Spell Scrolls are not Unbreakable and must
be protected from harm and are usually stored in
Arcane Item engraved cases or chests.
Arcane items are magical items intended for use by
spellcasters, wizards, warlocks, necromancers and other Stored Spell
sorcerers. A character without training in Language A Stored Spell item is an item that can be used to cast
(Magick) cannot use an Arcane Items magical properties. a spell without training. The item slowly charges by
The physical Qualities and Traits of an Arcane Item can storing ambient magical energy and can be willed to
still be used by an untrained wielder (an enchanted staff is discharge the energy in a single focused spell. Once per
still a staff ). Arcane Items are Unbreakable. session, a Stored Spell can be cast with a successful
Willpower Test. It is cast automatically at its lowest CN
Enchanted Item and uses the item bearer characteristics for calculation
Enchanted Items are enchanted items too specific to of the spell’s effects.
belong to any other category, such as potions, trinkets,
masks, clothing, carpets, etc… Unless otherwise noted, Once a Stored Spell has been cast, it cannot be reused
they are always Unbreakable. in the same session, even by another character. It cannot
be forcibly recharged under any circumstances and the
Magic Standard spell cannot be dispelled as there is no Language
Magic Standards are magical talismans, banners, totems (Magick) test involved.
or relics raised on a pole. A Magic Standard grants any
ally with the Drilled Talent who can see it a +1SL bonus Baring a few legendary exceptions, no spell with a CN
to one Willpower Test each turn. A Magic Standard often of 6 or higher can be stored and used in this manner.
grants powerful blessings and protections to soldiers
fighting under it. Any allied character in a 30 yards radius
around an allied Magic Standard is granted the other Magic weapons are powerful items with additional
benefits of the Standard. abilities or greatly increasing the attributes of their
wielder. They follow all the rules of their item type such
Scroll as Encumbrance, Range, base damage and qualities
A spell scroll is a one-use magical item that can only be unless specified in the weapons description. Magic
used by someone with training in the Language weapons are Unbreakable.
(Magick) Skill. The specifics of each scroll are given in
their description and their use automatically succeeds.

Magic Items
Magic items are described in the following format:
Astrolabe of Desire
Category: Enchanted Item
Item Name Lore: Hard (-20) History, Challenging (+0) Magic
Category: The category the item belongs to. or Difficult (-10) Research

Lore: This entry specifies which Lore can grant insight Powers: The Astrolabe of Desire always points to the
into the item and the Test Difficulty. Each +SL achieved nearest way of reaching your current Long Term

allows a character to learn one more piece of information, Ambition.

although some information may not be discovered in this History: The Astrolabe of Desire is an ancient
manner, as determined by the GM. quadrant of engraved brass rings and blackened iron
needles created by the Arabyan engineer and
Powers: Explains the game effect of the item.
astronomer Asthra “the Mage”. He used his sorcery and
History: The background of the item.
knowledge of the heavens to enchant the astrolabe,
which now points its needles at the physical location of
what its user desires most, guiding him toward it.
Angel Wings
Category: Enchanted Item Coupling his sorcery with a careful study of
Lore: Difficult (-10) History, Challenging (+0) Dimashque’s Celestial Orrery, Asthra built a special
Dimashque or Challenging (+0) Research
device attuned to the Winds of Magic and the
Powers: As an Action, you gain the Flight (6) trait for a movement of celestial bodies, which now points its
minute. You cannot turn unless you succeed on an
needles toward the physical location of its user deepest
Average (+0) Agility Test and must use your full
desire. While the astrolabe can probe the deepest
movement each turn.
reaches of a soul to find what it wants, it can only point
History: The Angel Wings are a heavy contraption of to a physical location, and not to the means of reaching
wood and canvas, held to their user with a harness that
one's desire, which may sometimes prove misleading.
gives a human-sized character the ability to fly for long
periods of time, gliding through the skies. These wings
Black Book of Ibn Naggazar
have only one drawback in that their maniability is
Category: Arcane Item
terrible. A bad landing can prove fatal to the user.
Lore: Average (+20) Daemonology, Difficult (-10)
History, Challenging (+0) Magic or Difficult (-10)
The first Angel Wings were the product of engineer and
scholar Armen Abbas’ genius. He first tested it in Estalia
Powers: The Black Book allows its bearer to cast any
before being forced to flee before the Crusader onslaught.
spells from the Lore of Death or the Lore of Shadow
He further refined the design in Dimashque and used it to
and grants a +4 SL modifier to any attempt to cast these
help defend the city time and time again. The design
spells. Each time you cast a spell available thanks to this
proved so successful that later fakirs and engineers built
several more based on Armen’s original designs.

choose an ally you can see within Willpower Yards. This Cheshnakk’s Ring
ally loses a Fortune Point. If there is no eligible ally in Category: Bound Spell
range, you lose a Fortune Point instead. If you cast a spell Lore: Difficult (-10) History, Average (+20) Magic
without sacrificing a Fortune Point, the Daemon bound or Challenging (+0) Research
inside the book devours your soul unless you spend a Fate Powers: Cheshnakk’s Ring allows its wearer to use an
Point. Using the Black Book is a Corrupting Influence Action to teleport to a location they have already visited
(Medium). up to Willpower Bonus Miles away.
History: Ibn Naggazar was a brilliant, if somewhat History: Cheshnakk was a great wizard from Araby
maniacal Arabyan sorcerer. Whilst it is unknown whether whose famous skills led to the creation of some of the
his madness sprang from isolation, too many attempts at most exquisite magic carpets in the sultanates. The
creating intoxicating ‘elixirs’ or the honeyed promises of pinnacle of his achievements, however, was the creation
whispering Daemons, there can be no doubt that he was of Cheshnakk’s Ring. This ring can instantly transport
utterly insane. No rational wizard would create a book its user back home or at least to safety, whether it is a
inked on the skin of his closest family, much less castle, a forest clearing or a humble cabin.
constantly follow its advice.

Bow of Seeking
Category: Weapon
Lore: Difficult (-10) Copher, Very Hard (-30) Elves,
Challenging (+0) History or Average (+20) Research
Powers: The Bow of Seeking is an Elf Bow with the
Fine (2) and Practical Qualities. Arrows fired from this Cobra Belt
bow ignore all penalties and negative difficulty modifiers. Category: Enchanted Item

History: This bow carved in ebony was a gift to Princess Lore: Difficult (-10) Araby, Difficult (-10) History,
Shah’Razad from the elven merchants that frequent Challenging (+0) Lashiek, Average (0) Magic,
Araby who were impressed by the young woman’s Difficult (-10) Research or Very Hard (-30)
enchanting story-telling. Arrows fired from this magical Theology
bow curve around obstacles, seeking their target even Powers: Each belt has a word or short sentence in
behind the cover of a wall, amidst a dense crowd or high ancient Arabyan that activates it. After speaking the
into the skies. belt’s incantation, it transforms for 15 minutes into a
venomous snake with the following profile :
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
3 40 - 30 25 25 40 - 5 45 - 6

Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Cold-blooded, Fast, Size

(Small), Swamp-strider, Venom (Hard), Weapon+5

If the snake is killed, it reverts to its belt form and cannot cripple and demoralise those nearby, though once read,
be used again until the next sunrise. they fade from sight until the light of Morrslieb is cast
History: This magic belt is made of carefully woven silk upon them.
accented with gold thread designed to resemble the scales
of a snake. Its two ends take the shape of the head and tail Dagger of the Martyr
of a snake, intricately crafted in gold encrusted with small Category: Weapon
gleaming gems. Its manufacture is undoubtedly of very Lore: Difficult (-10) History, Difficult (-10)
old Arabyan origin. Only a few of these magic belts are Magick, Challenging (+0) Research or Average (+20)
known to exist and those are in the hands of the priests of Theology
an ancient cult known as the Brotherhood of the Snake. Powers: The Dagger of the Marty is an unassuming
Dagger of white steel. It has the Impact quality, deals
Cursed Book of Har-ak-Iman damage as if its wielder was two sizes larger than its
Category: Arcane Item opponents and bypasses any Ward or Daemon Trait
Lore: Difficult (-10) Magic, Challenging (+0) that could negate it. This power comes at a terrible cost
Necromancy or Difficult (-10) Research as the blade’s magic is fueled by its wielder’s very soul.
Powers: In the pages of this evil book are written a At the end of a fight, any character who used the
selection of spells that can only be cast by someone with Dagger of the Marty to make at least one attack roll
training in Language (Magick). Casting a spell from the dies unless they spend a Fate Point.
Cursed Book works as if casting a spell from any other History: Forged by Alik the Fanatic, the Dagger of the
grimoire (the CN of the spell is doubled). Furthermore, Marty gained its power as the dervish lay dying after
the user can sacrifice 1 or more Wounds when casting slaying Tomb King Behedesh IV, clutching the blade to
from the book. Every Wound sacrificed this way grants a his bleeding chest. His willingness to give his life to his
+4 SL bonus to the test. All spells cast through the cause infused the dagger with divine power. The dagger
Cursed Book are considered Dark Magic. now allows its wielder to strike horrifying wounds if
they are prepared to offer their lives in the process.
The Cursed Book contains the following spells :
Acquiescence, Blight, Curse of Crippling Pain, Curse of Dakisiri Blade
Ill-Fortune, Haunting Horror, Reveal the Inner Beauty, Category: Weapon
Starcrossed. Lore: Average (+20) History, Challenging (+0)
History: This tome was written by the mad Magic, Average (+20) Gulf of Medes, Challenging
Necromancer Har-ak-Iman, said to be the most depraved (+0) Metallurgy or Average (+20) Research
man to have ever lived. His vileness radiates from his Powers: A Dakisiri Blade can be any type of bladed
Cursed Book, draining life and energy from all living weapon. It gains the Fine (2), Lightweight and Practical
beings. Each page contains a powerful curse that can qualities and its damage is increased by 1. If your

opponent tries to parry a blow from a Dakisiri Blade and
you score an Astounding Success, you destroy your
opponent's weapon unless it has the Unbreakable
History: The secret of the Dakisiri enchanted blades
disappeared when the city’s kasbah was destroyed by History: Enchanted ropes are only manufactured in
Arkhan the Black, millenias ago. Even the simplest sword Araby. Ropes of up to half a meter but rarely longer can
wrought in the enchanted forges of this city is said to far sometimes be found in the Old World. An enchanted
surpass any other blade in Araby.The original makers of rope has a life of its own and can fight as if it were a
these blades were rumored to hail from Cathay or the creature, wrapping around swords or spears to snatch
Land of a Thousand Gods and passed the secrets of these them from its opponents. A rope can form knots and
blades to travelling Arabyan merchants. ties at the command of its owner, and it is able to
distinguish and move towards specific objects and
Enchanted Rope characters.
Category: Enchanted Item
Lore: Average (+20) Araby, Difficult (-10) History,
Khrumak’s Gift
Challenging (+0) Magic or Easy (+40) Research
Category: Armour
Powers: A character can attempt to dominate a
Lore: Difficult (-10) Dwarfs, Challenging (+0) Al-
masterless rope with a successful Animal Charm Test. If a
Haik or Average (+20) Research
rope already has a living master, it cannot be dominated by
Powers: Khrumak’s Gift is a set of human-sized Fine
another, although it will obey other people if ordered to
(3), Lightweight Helmet, Breastplate, Bracers and Plate
do so by its owner.
Leggings. The set grants the effects of three levels in the
Resistance (Magic) Talent to its bearer. This effect is
An enchanted rope has the following profile :
only granted if all pieces of the set are worn.
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
3 45 - 55 35 35 40 25 15 45 - 15 History: Khrumak’s Gift is a heavy-set but unusually
Traits: Constrictor, Dark Vision, Die Hard, Immunity lightweight set of silvered armour with golden

(Poison), Immunity to Psychology, Painless, Size engravings that was gifted by runelord Khrumak to

(Average) Stealthy, Wallcrawler, Weapon (Unarmed) +5 Grand Sultan Nur Al-Zangi. Dwarfs are rare in Araby,
but Khrumak was an exception among dwarfs in many
Talents: Disarm
ways and traveled the world in search of ancient runes
and Dwarfen relics. He gifted the armour to the Sultan
A rope can only be repaired through a successful Trade
for saving his caravan from a legion of undead that had
(Ropemaker) Test made by a character trained in
ambushed it in the sands near Zandri.
Language (Magick)

Magic Carpet History: Magic carpets are believed to originate on the
Category: Enchanted Item Sorcerer Islands where Tempest Djinns are bound
Lore: Easy (+40) Araby, Very Easy (+60) Copher, Easy within these magical artefacts. Magic Carpets are strong
(+40) Djinn, Very Easy (+60) Lashiek, Average (+20) and very loyal to their owners. Once a carpet has a living
Magic or Easy (+40) Research owner, it cannot be dominated by another although it
Powers: A magic carpet is a flying carpet providing a will obey another person if its owner so orders. Due to
stable platform that can carry up to three Size (Medium) their magical nature, magic carpets can be partially
or one Size (Large) characters. Once bonded with a damaged but not completely destroyed. Some
living owner, a magic carpet cannot bond with someone formidable warriors sometimes go to battle astride such
else. The owner of the carpet can command it to obey mounts, taking down enemies using their bows or other
orders from someone else. If that person is killed or tries projectiles. Magic Carpet riders are scarce and mostly
to steal the carpet, it will fly back to its master. The magic seen over Loshiek, as the proximity to the Sorcerer
carpet has the Flying (8) Trait and can attempt to islands grants the Sultan a fearsome air force.
Grapple a character to defend its master. A magic carpet
has 34 Weapon Skill, 52 Strength and always acts last in Magic Lamp
the initiative order. Category: Echanted Item
Lore: Challenging (+0) Djinns, Hard (-20) History,
Difficult (-10) Magic or Hard (-20) Research
Powers: A magical lamp is the prison of a genie, a
powerful elemental creature of pure arcane power. A
genie bound inside a magic lamp is subject to powerful
magics that forces it to lend its powers to the current
owner of the lamp. A character can only ever be granted
a maximum of three wishes by the same genie. These
wishes follow three rules that the genie enunciate the
first time a new owner comes into possession of a magic
lamp :
• the genie cannot influence the mind.
• the genie cannot kill.
• the genie cannot bring back the dead to life.
As long as a wish respects all three rules, a genie can use
its powers to cast any spell, blessing or miracle as a
caster with 100 in all characteristics and up to +20SL
for the purpose of effects and overcasting.

Wishes that cannot be granted through the simple casting little solid information can be found about it. One of its
of one or several spells are discussed later in this chapter, only known appearances was when Caliph Ibn Rashid
in the Wishes section. used it during his victorious war against Tomb King
Khasetratepp and his undead armies.
History: Magic lamps are extraordinarily rare objects,
dating back to the birth of Araby. It is in that time of gods Monkey’s Paw
and heroes that these incredible artifacts were created to Category: Enchanted Item
contain the unbridled power of the genies. Djinns can be Lore: Challenging (+0) Dark Magic, Difficult (-10)
tied to magical objects, channeling the arcane power of Great Desert of Araby, Hard (-20) History, Hard
these elementals inside. The immense magical energy of a (-20) Magic or Very Hard (-30) Research
genie is something very different. Their powers are beyond Powers: The Monkey’s Paw works exactly like a
all human understanding and can only be subdued by Magical Lamp, except it does not hold a bound genie
artifacts of power like no other. Over time, the lamps have and grants its wishes in an extremely evil way. If the
been lost to the sands, although tomb robbers and curious Monkey’s Paw has no current owner, any character who
nomads encounter one of these relics in the ruins of the sees it must pass a Hard (-20) Willpower Test or
ancient desert cities from time to time. attempt to take it. The Monkey’s Paw owner will not
Sultan Jaffar himself is said to have used magic and dark willingly part with it unless they succeed a Hard (-20)
rituals to summon powerful genies into the world before Willpower Test. Once the Monkey’s Paw has granted
sealing them. Nowadays, the Golden Magus jealously three wishes to its current owner, it disappears as soon
guards three great urns that are rumored to hold Royal as nobody is looking at it and reappears somewhere else
Genies, creatures whose power surpasses anything ever in Araby.
witnessed by human beings. These urns belonged to The Monkey’s Paw has a Corrupting Influence
Nagash himself and surely nobody but the Great (Minor).
Necromancer could seal and control such powerful History: This mummified monkey’s forearm and paw
entities. is mostly used during the strange religious rites of the
Tuareg nomad tribe and has similar powers to the

Mask of Faith Magic Lamps. The Monkey’s Paw fickle powers are not
Category: Enchanted Item always beneficial to its owner. Each time its owner
Lore: Hard (-20) Gulf of Medes, Difficult (-10) makes a wish, a finger of the paw closes, granting the
History, Challenging (+0) Magic, Average (+20) wish, but always twisted to the extreme and involving
Research or Average (+20) Theology dire consequences for the wishmaker.
Powers: The wearer causes Fear (2) to any creature with The Tuareg revere this object and comb the bazaars
the Undead or Nehekharan Undead Trait. Creatures and ruins of Araby every time it disappears, obsessed
with the Construct Trait are still affected and must test with its recovery. Anyone who beholds the Monkey’s
against their Toughness. Paw feels attracted to the vile, grotesque trinket, as if a
History: The origins of this enigmatic golden mask in voice whispered in their mind.
the image of a crying man have been lost to time and

Obsidian Magic Stone Scorpion Armour
Category: Enchanted item Category: Armour
Lore: Hard (-20) History, Challenging (+0) Magic or Lore: Difficult (-10) Great Desert of Araby, Hard
Easy (+20) Research (-20) History or Hard (-20) Research
Powers: The Obsidian Magic Stone grants its bearer the Powers: The Scorpion Armour is a set of human-sized
Magic Resistance (3) Trait. Lightweight Splinted Mail Chausses and Coat. Once
History: This gleaming stone of pure obsidian was fully equipped, it grants the Ambusher Creature
enchanted by a Wizard Sultan whose name has been lost Trait(see Appendix 2) and any character who
to time long ago. Several dark genies are imprisoned successfully strikes the bearer of the Scorpion Armour
inside this powerful talisman which wards its bearer immediately takes 2 Poisoned Conditions which can be
against hostile magic. resisted with a Difficult (-10) Endurance Test.
History: An antique armour wrought in Ka-Sabar and
Sandstorm Staff said to have been blessed by a priest of Sokth, scorpion
Category: Arcane Item god of thieves and assassins. The Scorpion Armour last
Lore: Hard (-20) Araby, Hard (-20) Elves, Difficult belonged to bandit lord Atabeg Zankhri who survived a
(-10) History, Easy (+20) Magic or Challenging (+0) failed assassination attempt that resulted in the death of
Research all his comrades in the middle of the desert. He
Powers: A Sandstorm Staff is a Fine (1) Quarterstaff managed to return to Khalibon, only to die victim of a
that grants +20 to its wielder Casting and Channeling poisoned dagger as soon as he removed his armor.
History: Carved into the wood of ancient, withered Scroll of Neru
cedar trees, a Sandstorm Staff channels the very power of Category: Scroll
the desert. Along its surface run small Arabyan scripts, Lore: Hard (-20) Theology, Difficult (-10) Tilea,
etched so finely as to be almost invisible to the human eye, Average (+0) Magic, Difficult (-10) Research
this is topped with a fist-sized emerald clutched in a Powers: This scroll can be used when you are targeted
wooden claw. This staff was crafted by the best Arabyan by a spell that would inflict damage to you. You gain the
Fakirs with the help of Elven mages to channel the Ward (3) Trait against this spell.
infinite power coursing through the desert. History: While stopping off in Lashiek before his
fateful expedition to Lustria, Marco Colombo visited
the bazaar looking for maps. One map, although
uninteresting in itself, was written on the back of an old
scroll with partly obliterated, arcane writing from
Ancient Nehekhara. It is probable that other scrolls like
this one must exist, waiting to be found.

Shield of the Gorgon Staff of Fickle Fortune
Category: Weapon. Category: Arcane Item
Lore: Difficult (-10) Bretonnia, Difficult (-10) Lore: Hard (-20) History, Challenging (+0) Magic
Empire, Difficult (-10) Estalia, Challenging (+0) or Difficult (-10) Research
History or Average (+20) Research Powers: The Staff of Fickle Fortune is a Quarterstaff.
Powers: This Medium Shield causes anyone attempting At the beginning of each of its wielders turns, roll a d10.
to attack it's bearer in Melee to immediatly lose 1 - On a 1 or 2, the wielder suffers a -40 Penalty to all
Advantage. Casting and Channeling Tests.
History: The Shield of the Gorgon is engraved with the - On a 3 to 5, nothing interesting happens.
image of this horrible creature said to inhabit the desert of - On a 6+, the staff grants a +30 bonus to all Casting
Araby. It is rumored that if an enemy looks into the eyes and Channeling Tests.
of the shield, it will turn to stone. This has never History: A relic from the crusades, this staff was
happened in recent memory and indeed the shield seems crafted by Jaffar’s sorcerers using knowledge stolen from
to instead be enchanted to force opponents to avert their the Tomb Kings and is much sought after as a tool in
gaze from it. casting spells. Their user should take care though, for
the staff might just absorb the very power it is meant to
Silver Flute give for itself.
Category: Magic Item
Lore: Easy (+20) Copher, Hard (-20) History, Sword of Fiery Curse
Difficult (-10) Magic or Challenging (+0) Research Category: Weapon
Powers: A character can make a Play (Fife) Test to use Lore: Hard (-20) Al-Haikk, Average (+20) Djinns
the Silver Flute. Creatures with the Bestial trait who hear or Challenging (+0) Magic
the song will automatically be calm and follow your lead, Powers: The Sword of Fiery Curse is a Scimitar with
unless they have a reason not to, such as you attacking +SB+5 Damage that inflicts a Burning Condition each
them. Creatures will remain non-hostile and obey your time it hits an opponent. Creatures with the
commands as long as you succeed a Play (Fife) Test on Regenerate Trait lose it permanently if they are
each of your turns. If you score an Astounding Failure, all wounded by the Sword of Fiery Curse.
creatures with the Bestial Trait immediately become History: Crafted by the Golden Magus himself and
immune to the effect of the Silver Flute and get the bewitched with hundreds of fiery curses, this scimitar
Hatred (Silver Flute Player) Psychology Trait. ignites upon being drawn and burns with a fire that no
History: The Silver Flute is a powerful magical artefact known spell or object can quench.
that allows its user to control the beasts around it as long
as they can hear its song. It belonged to the Arabyan fakir
Dujeedi it Kaadiq who used it to serve and protect the
former prince of Ras Karim, Falhedar it Toorissi.

Wishes that cannot be granted through the simple conjuring of spells and other magics are intended to be used as a
GM’s tool to advance the narration and create adventuring opportunities, rather than a get-out-of-jail free card.
For instance, if a character wishes for a king’s treasure, the genie might bring the character and his allies to the front
of the lost tomb of Karitamen in the Border Princes, which hides untold riches if the character can survive its depths.
Alternatively, the character could stumble on a Dwarfen key that opens the deepest vaults of Karak Azgal where the
last king of Karak Izril hid his treasure.

If a character wishes to know who the culprit behind a Chaos conspiracy is, the genie might grant a vision of a
gathering in which the character will get glimpses of peoples and voices, maybe even the face of one or several
culprits, but they’ll have to find actual proofs by themselves.

A wish is a powerful tool that must always grant what is asked, but will require work on the character’s part to fully
benefit from it.

As the GM, keep in mind that overt use or display of a magical lamp’s powers may also attract unwanted attention
from very powerful and dangerous people. Finally, if a character makes a wish that you do not know how to grant on
the spot, don’t hesitate to call a small break to think, or even wait until the next session to give the effects of the wish
to your players !

Appendix 1 : Consumer Guide
This section details modified and expanded crafting rules, new trappings for Arabyan characters and Availability
ratings for sourcing them.

Decrease the Availability by two steps (e.g. from Common to Rare), and double the listed price if seeking these
trappings in the Old World. The Availability only decreases by one step in major trade ports such as Altdorf.
Bordeleaux, Erengrad or Marienburg.

Reworked Crafting
Skills Revisited being produced; transforming a gazelle with Trade
(Cook) into a hearty meal will take far less time than
Trade (Dex) advanced, grouped changing the rigging of a galleon with Trade
Crafting is a highly valued skill amongst Arabyans.
Nomads and villagers living in isolated oases and You may also make a Trade Test as a Lore Skill, to
settlements cannot rely on imported goods and have to determine information relevant to the trade in question.
learn a trade by necessity. In the larger cities, master In such circumstances, the GM may prefer to use Int
craftsmen spend weeks or even months finishing their over Dex as the base Characteristic, though often this is
next intricately ornamented creations. Even adventurers ignored to keep play simple. While most Trade Skills
often have to learn a trade to fall back to between life- have little function in combat, there are as many Trade
endangering expeditions in the sweltering heat of Araby’s Skills as there are trades, and some may be of use
wilderness. depending upon the circumstances. For example, a
The Trade Skill represents your ability to create successful Trade (Alchemist) Test may be useful to
something or provide a service, as well as your knowledge identify a gas produced by a local mineral and use it to
of the relevant lore surrounding your trade. trigger an explosion.

Having the Skill is enough to automatically perform The Trade Skill is also used for enacting a Crafting or
simple tasks associated with your trade, assuming you have Repairs Endeavour.
the correct resources and tools. You need to Test your
Trade Skill for every larger application of your skills such Specialisations: Alchemist, Armourer, Apothecary,
as repairing, inventing or creating an item. Often, Trade Bowyer, Brever, Calligrapher, Cobbler, Chandler,
Tests of this type are extended Test, with the SL and time Carpenter, Cartographer, Cook, Goldsmith, Gunsmith,
required depending upon the scope or scale of what is Herbalist, Jeweller, Prospector, Shipwright, Smith,
Tanner, Woodcarver

Talents Revisited Practicing a Craft

Craftsman (Trade) Crafting on Adventure

Max: Dexterity Bonus
Tests: Trade (any one) Most adventures leave little opportunity to practice a
You have true creative talent. Add the associated Trade trade in any significant way. However, if you have the
Skill to any Career you enter. If the Trade Skill is already appropriate Trade Tools and raw materials, you can
in your Career, you may instead purchase the Skill for 5 repair a damaged item on the fly. If you also have access
XP fewer per Advance. to an appropriate Workshop, you can craft items with an
encumbrance of 0 or repair a destroyed item. Crafting or

Magnum Opus repairing while adventuring otherwise follows all the

Max: None rules of crafting or repairing through an Endeavour
You are an undisputed master in your field, able to create with the exception that items crafted in such
work of such incredible complexity others can but sit back circumstances can never have any Item Quality. Items
and marvel at your genius. Each time you take this Talent repaired on adventure keep their Qualities.
you may create a single, extraordinary work of art with one
of your Art or Trade Skills. When you finish crafting a List Price Time to craft/repair
new item, you may decide to make it a Magnum Opus. It Brass 1 minute/SL
instantly gains 3 Item Qualities without additional cost.
Silver 10 minutes/SL

This work is unrivalled in your field, a unique piece that Gold 1 hour/SL

will always impress, giving bonuses as determined by the

GM, most commonly to Fellowship Tests from those who
have witnessed your astounding work. Selling the piece Reworked Endeavour : Crafting
will net you at least ten times its normal value, and
sometimes significantly more than this. Rather than visit crowded bazaars or commission
overpriced craftsmen, you can fashion your own

Master Tradesman (Trade) trappings. Crafting allows you to make any trappings
Max: Dexterity Bonus from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay 4e Consumers’
Tests: Any appropriate Extended Trade Tests Guide (or anything else the GM allows) if you have the
You are exceptionally skilled at your specified Trade skill. correct Trade Skills. To do this, you require appropriate
You reduce the required SL of any Extended Test using Trade Tools, raw materials, and access to an appropriate
your Trade Skill by the level of your Master Tradesman workshop. In general, the raw materials to create the
Talent. trapping of your choice will cost a quarter of the.

trapping’s list price, and must be purchased before You may decide to use subpar materials. In this case,
Crafting begins (with an Availability as determined by the the item automatically gains the Shoddy Flaw but the
GM); the GM may rule the raw materials are cheaper or materials only cost one eighth of the trapping list price.
more expensive according to the trapping to be created, Items crafted with subpar materials can be detected
and the nature of the raw materials required. with a successful Trade or Evaluate test (the GM sets
the difficulty).
To craft the trapping, attempt an Extended Trade Test,
with a Difficulty set by the GM, typically using the When you begin working on a new trapping, you may
Trapping’s Availability as a loose guide. decide to work additional Item Qualities into it. Each
Item Quality adds +5 to the SL required to succeed at
Availability Difficulty the test. If during the crafting process you score a

Common Average (+20) Fumbling Failure, the item you work towards
immediately loses an Item Quality of your choice. If the
Scarce Challenging (+0)
item has no Qualities to lose, it immediately gains an
Rare Difficult (-10) Item Flaw depending on the Degree of Failure you
Exotic Very Hard (-20) scored.

The number of SL required to succeed at the Test is also SL Result Flaw

set by the GM, using the listed price for the trapping in -0 to -1 Marginal Failure Ugly
the Consumers’ Guide as a reference.
-2 to -3 Failure Bulky

-4 to -5 Impressive Failure Unreliable

Each Endeavour you spend Crafting allows you to make
one roll towards your Extended Test. Unfinished work can -6 or less Astounding Failure Shoddy
be kept in whatever you have that amounts to lodgings, or
carried around with you as you adventure, should that be You can also deliberately work Flaws into an item.

possible. If you decide to carry your work with you on an Intentional Item Flaws adds +5 to the SL required to

adventure, you may make one roll towards your Extended succeed at the test just as an Item Quality would, but

Test per session played. still decrease the selling price of the item.

New Endeavour : Repairs

List Price SL
Brass 3 Rather than pay a heavy stipend to a local craftsman,
Silver 6 you prefer to do the hard work. If you have the correct
Trade Skills, you can attempt to repair trappings by
Gold 10+
yourself. In general, the raw materials to repair a
damaged trapping

will cost 5% of the trapping’s list price, and must be difficulty of the test by one degree. If you score a
purchased before the Repairs begins. A destroyed item Critical Success on your Trade Test, you may remove 1
can be repaired for 20% of the base price. Item Flaw from the item. If you score a Fumbling
Failure on your Trade Test, the item gains the Ugly
To repair an item, you must pass an Average (+20) Flaw.
Trade Test. Each Quality on the item increases the

New Trappings

Money Weapons
In Araby, coins are minted by the Sultans, following Weapons used by the Sultanates inhabitants vary
specifications established in Martek. The gold dinar is according to cultural influence, religious preferences,
adorned by the profile of the Sultan who issued it on the trade routes, technical knowledge and personal
front and crossed scimitars on the back. Silver dirham preferences. Even if most weapons of the Warhammer
shows a rearing stallion while brass fals display a Fantasy Roleplay Rulebook are available in Araby,
crescent moon. They follow the same conversion ratio as warcraft has evolved differently in Araby than in the
Imperial gold crowns, silver shillings and brass pennies. Old World. Here you will find a selection of weapons
that see regular use in Araby but rarely find their way to
the crowded cities of the Empire.

Melee Weapons
Weapon Price Enc Availability Reach Damage Qualities and Flaws
Cathayan Longsword 80 GC 1 Exotic Average +BS+5 Fast, Practical, Precise

Khopesh 4 GC 1 Rare Average +SB+5 Slow

Scimitar 2 GC 1 Common Average +SB+4 Slashing

Sabre 2 GC 1 Common Long +SB+4 Slashing

Tabarzin 20/- 1 Scarce Average +SB+4 Hack

Tulwar 4 GC 1 Rare Average +SB+4 Fast, Precise, Slashing

Katar 2 GC 1 Exotic Very Short +SB+2 Impale

Jambiya 1 GC 0 Scarce Very Short +SB+2 Defensive, Fine

Assegai 18/- 1 Common Long +BS+4 Impale, Throw

Two-handed Scimitar 8 GC 3 Scarce Long +SB+5 Damaging, Slashing

Ranged Weapons

Weapon Price Enc Availability Range Damage Qualities and Flaws

Jezzail 4 GC 2 Common 70 +8 Accurate, Dangerous, Reload 3
Tufenk 5 GC 2 Scarce 50 +8 Accurate, Dangerous, Fast Reload,
Reload 2

Recurve Bow 4 GC 1 Scarce 40 +SB+3 Practical

Assegai: A one-handed short weapon used for thrusting Tulwar: These rare swords are imported from Ind.
or hurling, usually a light spear or javelin made of hard With a long and generously curved blade, they’re
wood and pointed with a forged iron tip. designed for slashing opponents.

Cathayan Longsword: Weapons crafted by the Katar: A design originating from Ind, the Katar has a
skilled smiths of Cathay and Nippon are much sought- short, wide triangular blade well suited to punching
after items in Araby and have been known to fetch through armours. It is characterized by its unusual shape
staggering sums of gold. If of course a character ever lays where the blade sits as a prolongation of its user’s arm.
his hands upon such a finely wrought blade he would
immediately understand why. Jambiya: A jambiya is a short curved blade and is
mostly used by wealthier Arabians as a clothing
Khopesh: An ancient weapon said to originate from accessory. It is still a weapon and its curved blade makes
Khemri, the land of the Tomb Kings. A khopesh has a it more comfortable to use as a stabbing weapon than a
long handle and straight blade that extends about 18 straight-edged dagger.
inches before curving into a sickle shape for the last 2 feet
of the blade. Jezzail: This long-barrelled arquebus sometimes
makes its way to the Old World’s markets. The
Scimitar: Though a sword, a scimitar’s curved blade, mainstay of Araby’s elite sharpshooter regiments, the
single edge, and lightweight lend it to speed and accuracy jezzail benefits from a longer range than its Old World
in the hands of a skilled fighter. The severity of the curve counterparts. It also makes use of the flintlock, a recent
varies considerably, though they are all equally effective. Arabyan innovation superior to the Old World
Scimitars, like swords, come in one- and two-handed matchlocks and experimental wheellocks.
varieties, with blades as long as 3 feet. It is believed that
scimitars evolved from the khopesh. Recurve Bow: A recurve bow is a short bow with
limbs that curve away from the archer when unstrung.
Sabre: The sabre is a single-edged curved blade very A recurve bow deliver the same punch as a larger bow,
similar to scimitars. It is used one-hand and is designed to and is preferred by archers in environments where long
be used from horseback, as its longer blade makes it weapons can be cumbersome, such as on horseback. The
impractical for fighting on foot. recurve bow has several drawbacks however. It is
vulnerable to humidity and makes a lot of noise when
Tabarzin: The tabarzin is an axe with crescent-shaped fired.
blades and a light, thin metallic handle. Mainly used by
nomads and wandering dervishes who carry it as a Tufenk: A recent invention from the engineers of
ceremonial weapon, the tarbazin is deadly against Amhabal, the Tufenk is a breech loaded variant of the
armoured targets such as Old World knights or jezzail. The mechanism is sensible which reduces the
Nehekharan war constructs. maximum size and power of the weapon, but this
innovation still allows for massively shortened reload
time in the hands of a skilled handgunner.

Weapon Price Enc Availability Range Damage Qualities and Flaws
Armour Piercing Arrow (12) 7/- 0 Scarce As weapon -1 Impale, Penetrating

Barbed Arrow (12) 7/- 0 Scarce As weapon - Impale

Flaming Arrow (12) 6/- 0 Common As weapon - Impale

Obsidian-tipped Arrow 6/- 0 Exotic -20 - Impale, Obsidian

Screaming Arrow (12) 5/- 0 Rare As weapon -1 Impale

Armour Piercing Arrow: A yard-long arrow with a Weapon Qualities

sharp, heavy head of tempered steel, originally designed to
punch through Old World armour. Some weapons presented here have unique properties,
which are described with new Weapon Qualities.
Barbed Arrow: A four-foot-long arrow with a narrow
head and small, cruel barbs. Barbed Arrows inflicts one Fast Reload: On your turn, you can attempt to reload

Bleeding condition when they are removed, unless it is a weapon with this Quality for free without using your

removed with a successful Average (+0) Healing Test. Action. You cannot do this if you are engaged in Melee

Each arrow must be removed separately. and you cannot use your Action to attempt another
reload Test in the same turn.

Flaming Arrow: A four-foot-long arrow with the

Obsidian: Wounds inflicted by an obsidian-made
head wrapped in treated cloth or linen. If the arrow has
weapon cannot be negated by the Ward or Demonic
been ignited before firing, It inflicts one Burning
Traits. Obsidian is brittle and items made out of it break
condition to anything it hits.
when used in any failed Test rolling a double.

Obsidian-tipped Arrow: A yard-long arrow with a

Slashing: A weapon designed to cut unprotected
heavy head made of obsidian used to bypass the arcane
flesh. If a weapon with this property hits a location that
defences of wizards and daemons alike.
is protected by 1 or less Armour Point, it also inflicts a
Bleeding condition.
Screaming Arrow: A yard-long arrow with a
hollowed, bone head. When fired, air passes through the Throw: A weapon both sturdy and light, it can be
head, creating a screeching noise that can be used to signal used in melee or thrown if need be. A weapon with this
allies or distract enemies or game. quality can be thrown using the Ranged (Throwing)
skill and the profile of the closest Throwing weapon (e.g
an assegai uses the profile of a javelin).


Armour Price Enc Availability Penalty Locations AP Qualities and Flaws

Gambeson Coat 6/- 1 Common -10 Agility Arms, Body 1 -

Gambeson Vest 4/- 1 Common -10 Agility Body 1 -

Splinted Mail Chausses 3GC 3 Rare -10 Stealth Legs 2 Impenetrable

Splinted Mail Coat 5 GC 3 Scarce - Arms, Body 2 Impenetrable

Splinted Mail Shirt 3 GC 2 Rare - Body 2 Impenetrable

Mail Mask 2 GC 2 Scarce -20 Perception Head 2 Flexible

Mirror Armour 3 GC 2 Scarce - Body 1 Impenetrable

Scale Coat 20 GC 3 Rare - Arms, Body 2 -

Scale Leggings 12 GC 3 Rare -10 Stealth Legs 2 -

Scale Vest 14 GC 3 Rare - Body 2 -

Gambeson: A gambeson is a padded defensive jacket, Scale Armour: Scale armour is constructed similarly
usually made of linen or wool and stuffed with scraps of to mail armour but instead of linking loops of metal,
cloth or horse hair. scale links various sized metal disks, creating a scaled
Mirror Armour: Sometimes referred to as disc
armour, a mirror armour is a partial plate armour made of Splinted Mail Armour: Splinted mail is a type of
large polished rondels attached with a few leather laces. It mail armour with embedded plate which evolved from
is believed the mirror-like rondels can ward not only cold the lamellar armours of antiquity.
steel and arrows, but also supernatural influence.

Clothing and Accessories Food, Drinks and Lodging
Item Cost Enc Availability Item Cost Enc Availability
Burnous 10/- 1 Common
Arag, drink 1/- 0 Common
Djellaba 18/- 1 Common
Arag, jug 12/- 1 Common
Kaftan 2 GC 1 Scarce
Coffee, cup 8d 0 Common
Litham 5/- 0 Common
Hookah, inn 3/- 0 Common
Turban 6/- 0 Common
Tialva, cup 3d 0 Common

Tialva, keg 3/- 2 Common

Burnous: A long cloak of coarse woolen fabric with a
hood, usually white, beige or dark brown used to protect Tea, glass 6d 0 Common

against the cold.

Arag: A strong, translucent-white spirit made of
Djellaba: A long, loose-fitting outer robe with full grapes and aniseed.
sleeves worn by both men and women.
Coffee: Made from boiled, unfiltered roasted beans,
Kaftan: A colourful, long robe of wool, silk or cotton arabyan coffee is often served with dates, dried fruit or
open at the front and with sleeves cut at the wrist. Best nuts to sweeten the taste. Drinking a cup of coffee gives
Quality kaftans are detailed and intricately ornamented. a +10 bonus to Endurance Tests made to resist Fatigue
for the following six hours.

Litham: The litham is a piece of cloth wrapped around

the head to serve as a mouth-veil. It is used as protection Hookah: A multi-stemmed instrument used for
against the dust and extreme temperatures of the desert. smoking tobacco, flavored tobacco or other drugs that
Desert tribes each have their own litham colour and use it pass the vapors through a water basin.
to quickly identify themselves.
Tialva: The omnipresent tialva is a beer made from
fermented sorghum.

Tea, cup: A strong, dark mix often brewed with sugar

and served in long glasses, tea denotes hospitality and is
typically served to guests and business partners. It is
considered rude to refuse tea when offered. Drinking a
cup of tea gives a +10 bonus to Endurance Tests made
to resist the heat for the following six hours.

Tools and Kits Drugs and Poisons
Item Cost Enc Availability Item Cost Enc Availability
Astrolabe 3 GC 1 Rare
Belladonna 3 GC 0 Scarce
Chain, 1 yard 14/- 1 Common
Chimera Spittle 50 GC 0 Exotic
File set 3/- 1 Common
Crimson Shade 4 GC 0 Scarce
Magnifying glass 1 GC 4d 0 Rare
Cyanide 20 GC 0 Rare

Dark Venom 40 GC 0 Exotic

Astrolabe: An astrolabe is used to measure the position
of celestial bodies and triangulate a position. An astrolabe Green Scorpion 35 GC 0 Rare
grants a +20 bonus to all outdoor Navigation Tests.
Manticore Spoor 35 GC 0 Exotic
Chain, 1 Yard: A thick set of interconnected links. A Ruby Sulphur 100 GC 0 Exotic
yard of chain can be used as an improvised weapon.
Spider Spittle 30 GC 0 Rare

Tomb Beetle Venom 50 GC 0 Exotic

File Set: A file set is an assortment of different files
from coarse to nearly smooth. A file set can be used to cut Viper's Kiss 50 GC 0 Exotic
through manacles, bars or locks. It typically takes 10
minutes to file through 1 inch of metal, or 1 minute to file Belladonna: Also called nightshade, belladonna is
through 1 inch of wood. used by Estalian women as cosmetic. If ingested,
belladonna is often mistaken for rabies because the
victim suffers from dryness of the mouth and throat,
Animals and Vehicles strange scarlet rash, and convulsions. A victim poisoned
by belladonna takes 2 Poisoned Conditions, Resisted
Item Cost Enc Carries Availability with a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test.
Camel 7 GC 1 20 Common

Elephant 210 GC 1 60 Exotic Chimera Spittle: Harvested from a chimera, as the

name suggests, chimera spittle is highly acidic and burns
Hawk 10 GC 1 0 Rare
the flesh on contact, dealing 1 Wound with the merest
Jackal 2 GC 0 0 Scarce drop. The first successful attack by a weapon envenomed
Panthera 12 GC 0 Rare with chimera spittle inflicts 1 more Wound and 2
Poisoned Conditions. Resisted with a Hard (-20)
Sheep 1/- 0 Common
Endurance Test.

Crimson Shade: Concocted from the leaves of the Manticore Spoor: Harvested from Manticore
Estalia blood oak, crimson shade is an addictive drug. dung, this poison is lethal but emanates soporific fumes.
When a character smokes a dose of crimson shade, it When inhaled, the victim must succeed a Difficult (-
gains a +3 bonus to its Combat Initiative and increases its 10) Cool Test or fall asleep. The first hit made by a
strength by 5. At the end of the effect, the character must weapon smeared with manticore dung inflicts 2
succeed a Hard (-20) Willpower Test or take a -10 Poisoned Conditions. Resisted with a Difficult (-10)
penalty on all Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests until Endurance Test.
it acquires another dose. Duration: 4 hours
Ruby Sulphur: Discovered in the Border Princes
Cyanide: Taken from laurel berries and bitter almonds, and extensively studied by an Arabyan alchemist, arsenic
or extracted from the pits of plums, apricots, cherries and is an odourless, tasteless white powder. Expensive as to
apple seeds, cyanide is a dangerous drug that can kill a be beyond the reach of most would-be killers, the ruby
man quickly. If a person ingests or inhales a substantial sulphur must be mixed with food or drink, or inhaled
amount of cyanide, the poison inflicts 4 Poisoned such as by rubbing the powder on a handkerchief or
Conditions. Resisted with a Challenging (+0) scarf. A poisoned victim takes 4 Poisoned Conditions
Endurance Test. after 1d10 hours. Resisted with a Very Hard (-30)
Endurance Test.
Dark Venom: Cultivated from the Heldrakes, sea
dragons of the Western Ocean, even the slightest wound Spider Spittle: Manufactured in the same way as
infected by dark venom results in terrible pain. If a Green Scorpion Venom, using the carcasses of a small
weapon coated in this poison deals at least 1 Wound, the animal bitten by a desert spider, spider spittle is a
target takes an additional Wound on the following round dangerous paralytic poison that can only be applied to a
from electric jolts of raw agony. weapon. A victim who suffers at least 1 Wound from a
poisoned weapon must succeed a Challenging (+0)
Green Scorpion Venom: A particularly nasty venom Endurance Test or take 1 Wound and be knocked
available on the shady streets of Martek. This toxin is unconscious for 2d10-TB rounds.
taken from stung mice, rats, or other small animals, which
are then dried and ground into powder. The poison can Tombe Beetle Venom: Extracted from the deadly
then be sprinkled in food and drink, or mixed with oil to scarabs that protect old tombs, this venom has several
apply to a blade or arrow. Green Scorpion Venom inflicts uses. On contact with the skin, this black, tar-like
4 Poisoned Conditions. Resisted with a Difficult (-10) substance inflicts 3 Poisoned Conditions. Resisted with
Toughness Test. a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test. On an
Astounding Failure (-6 SL), the victim also catches the
Blood Rot (p.186 of the Core Rulebook).

When spread on the head of a pendulum made with a Miscellaneous Trappings
bone from the undead, it makes the pendulum oscillate
toward the nearest vampire. This method is used by the Item Cost Enc Availability
warriors of Araby to hunt the spawns of the night who
Bezoar 12/- 0 Scarce
hide in their midst.
Hourglass 1 GC 4/2 1 Scarce

Viper Kiss: Another poison from animals, the black Miragliano Glass 1 GC 0 Rare
stripe vipers of Araby are some of the most venomous Powdered Emerald 15 GC 0 Exotic
snakes in the Old World. Only the most skilled Beast
Snuff Box 4/8 0 Common
Tamers can extract poison from these creatures, and even
then there is a high mortality rate. Drawn straight from Torch 6d 0 Common

the fangs of a black stripe viper, this vile liquid burns to Bezoar: A bezoar is a small rock made of lime and
the touch and its fumes sting the eyes. The first time an extracted from the gullet of an antelope. To use, simply
envenomed blade deals damage to a target, that target place the small stone in the bottom of a cup or goblet.
takes 3 Poisoned Conditions resisted with a Hard (-20) Each stone offers a 10% chance to neutralize poison in a
Endurance Test. Each minute spent Poisoned by this drink.
poison, the victim also takes a Fatigue Condition.
Hourglass: Hourglasses vary greatly in size and
Draughts and Herbs measured time. The average time measured by an
hourglass is 4 hours. Smaller hourglasses measure less
Item Cost Enc Availability time, are half the price and 0 Encumbrance. Larger

Dandelion 4/- 0 Common hourglasses can measure up to 12 hours, are twice the
price and 2 Encumbrance.
Nymph's Caress 2 GC 0 Common

Ma'arra Sage 16/- 0 Scarce Miragliano Glass: The glassblowers in Miragliano

produce glass so pure that it shatters when in contact
Dandelion: Provide a +20 to recovery Tests from with poisoned liquids. The protective effect works 30%
rheumatisms and food poisoning. of the time and only applies to poisoned fluid.

Nymph's Caress: Served as a decoction, this herbs Powdered Emerald: If powdered emerald is mixed
grants a +20 to Tests related to the Pox with wine or some other beverage, it has a 20% chance
to neutralize any poison contaminating that drink.
Ma'arra Sage: Ma'arra sage allows a character to not Furthermore, emerald-infused beverage grants a +10
throw up on a Marginal Failure when afflicted with bonus to Heal Tests made on the drinker.
Snuff Box: Snuffboxes are small metal containers
used to hold snuff or tobacco.

Appendix 2 : Bestiary
While Araby is spared the Fimirs, Jabberslythes, Demigryphs and Bog Octopuses that plague the Empire, it has its
fair share of creatures and monsters who are mostly unknown in the Old World. This Bestiary details new creatures
to challenge your players. Each entry comes with a generic, typical starter example, and another, more fleshed out
profile for quick use.

The Beasts of Araby

Presented here is a selection of the most common wild and domesticated animals found across Araby.

Strong and docile, camels are an essential part of Araby’s economy. Camels are bred for many jobs, as mounts, pack
animals or as a source of milk, meat, wool and leather. They can survive a long time without water, making them
essential to crossing the desert. Merchants don’t hesitate to massively overprice their camels when dealing with
foreigners or people obviously in need of crossing the desert.

Sample Camel
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 20 - 45 45 15 30 - 10 10 10 25
Traits: Bestial, Size (Large), Skittish, Stride, Weapon +7
Optional: Armour, Trained (Broken, Drive, Entertain, Magic, Mount, War)

Pack Camel
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 20 - 62 64 17 38 - 10 10 24 36
Traits: Bestial, Size (Large), Skittish, Stride, Trained (Broken, Drive) Weapon +9
Skills: Endurance 72
Talents: Strider (Desert), Stone Soup, Strong Back 5, Sturdy

Dolphins are a common sight near the western coasts of Araby. They enjoy playing around the bows of ships and lurk
in and around the fishing ports. They are so common and popular that their image is often used to decorate plates
and other ceramics.

Sample Dolphin
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
9 35 - 25 25 35 50 - 15 20 - 8
Traits: Aquatic (Amphibious if you only own the Core Rulebook), Bite +4, Bestial, Night Vision, Skittish, Tail +3
Optional: Armour 1, Belligerent, Fear 1, Hungry, Size (Large)

Killer Whale
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
9 56 - 56 50 36 49 - 15 43 - 38
Traits: Aquatic (Amphibious if you only own the Core Rulebook), Armour 1, Belligerent, Bestial, Bite +7, Fear 1,
Hungry, Night Vision, Size (Large), Skittish, Tail +6

Mainly found in the south of Araby, elephants are bred as mounts and pack beasts. Their ivory is used for
decoration,their hide is used to make tough leather and a single elephant provides enough meat to feed a village. The
elephant trade is heavily regulated and poachers are severely punished. Despite this, even a single elephant is so
valuable on the black market that many are willing to take the risk and defy the Sultans’ law.

Sample Elephant
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 35 - 65 55 20 15 35 15 20 10 36
Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Horns +8, Rear, Size (Enormous), Skittish, Stride, Weapon +9
Optional: Armour, Hardy, Size (Large), Trained (Broken, Entertain, Magic, Mount, War)

War Elephant
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 64 - 84 78 28 17 35 15 45 21 59
Traits: Armour 5, Bestial, Hardy, Horns +10, Rear, Size (Enormous), Skittish, Stride, Trained (Broken, Magic,
Mount, War), Weapon +11
Talents: Berserk Charge 3, Combat Master, Implacable 2

Great Ape
Gorillas, chimpanzees and other great apes thrive in the lush jungles of the Southlands and can sometimes be met on
the plains between Araby and the jungles.

Sample Great Ape

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 30 15 40 35 30 35 30 15 20 15 12
Traits: Arboreal, Skittish, Weapon +6
Optional: Armour 1, Disease, Hardy, Stealthy, Wallcrawler

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 53 19 54 43 34 41 33 17 28 21 19
Traits: Arboreal, Armour 1, Hardy, Skittish, Weapon +7

Jackals are small cousins of the wolf who live in the mountains and the southern reaches of the Great Desert of
Araby. They are a common pet in Araby and are also used for dog racing. While jackals prefer smaller packs, they can
sometimes gather in larger groups to scavenge a large carcass or hunt a wounded creature.

Sample Jackal
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 25 - 20 20 35 30 - 15 10 15 5
Traits: Bestial, Night Vision, Skittish, Size (Small), Stride, Territorial, Tracker, Weapon +5
Optional: Frenzy, Infected, Trained (Broken, Entertain, Fetch)

Pack Leader
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 25 - 33 31 44 37 - 15 14 15 7
Traits: Bestial, Night Vision, Skittish, Size (Small), Stride, Territorial, Tracker, Weapon +6

Prides of lions roam the wilds of Araby. The lions that can be found north of the desert and in the mountains are
slightly smaller than their southern cousins but no less dangerous. The lion is a symbol of strength and powerful
nobles often own one or two such creatures as prized pets.

Sample Lion
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 40 - 40 35 35 30 - 15 15 10 11
Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +6, Night Vision, Skittish, Stride, Tracker, Weapon +7
Optional: Hardy, Infected, Size (Large), Territorial, Trained (Broken, Guard, Magic, War)

Lion Huntress
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 52 - 54 41 54 36 - 25 21 20 15
Traits: Armour 1, Bestial, Bite +8, Cunning, Night Vision, Skittish, Stride, Tracker, Weapon +9

Monkeys are small arboreal creatures that live in the forest and rural villages of Araby. Smart and mischievous,
monkeys make great pets and assistants once properly trained.

Sample Monkey
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 15 20 15 20 30 40 35 15 25 15 5
Traits: Arboreal, Bounce, Ranged (Rock) +1, Size (Small), Skittish, Wallcrawler, Weapon +3
Optional: Prejudice, Bite, Disease, Leader, Size (Little to Average), Stealthy, Swarm

Monkey Swarm
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 27 28 22 31 40 53 39 25 25 25 50
Traits: Arboreal, Bite +3, Bounce, Cunning, Fast, Prejudice (Rude People), Ranged (Rock) +2, Skittish, Stealthy,
Wallcrawler, Weapon +4
Skills: Ranged (Thrown) 38

Lurking in the mountains and wild oases of Araby, panthers are considered elegant and exotic by Arabyans, a symbol
of strength. As such, there is no shortage of Sultans and Princes who wish to acquire one or two of these beasts for
their gardens. Properly trained, a panther can serve as a fearsome guard or warbeast and many crusaders have fallen to
the claws of these felines. Returning to the Old World with their furs, the famous Panther Knights also brought back
a few of these beasts with them.

Sample Panther
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 40 - 35 30 40 35 - 15 15 - 10
Traits: Arboreal, Bestial, Bite +5, Bounce, Night Vision, Skittish, Stealthy, Stride, Tracker, Weapon +6
Optional: Belligerent, Territorial, Trained (Broken, Guard, Magic, War)

War Panther
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 61 - 46 41 43 52 - 15 20 - 14
Traits: Arboreal, Belligerent Bestial, Bite +6, Fast, Bounce, Night Vision, Skittish, Stealthy, Stride, Tracker, Trained
(Broken, Guard, War), Weapon +7
Talents: Catfall 2, Combat Reflexes 2, Enclosed Fighter, Furious Assault, In-fighter

Sharks are teeming in the seas of Araby and even gave its name to the infamous Shark’s Strait between the Sorcerer
Islands and Copher. While the smallest do not pose a threat, the largest can be as big as a cow with a hide strong
enough to withstand a bomb. They attack small fishing boats and sailors unlucky enough to fall in the water during
naval combats.

Sample Shark
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
8 35 - 35 35 30 40 - 5 20 - 11
Traits: Aquatic (Amphibious if you only own the Core Rulebook), Bite +5, Bestial, Cold-blooded, Fury, Hungry,
Night Vision, Tail +4, Tracker
Optional: Armour 1, Belligerent, Fear 1, Size (Tiny to Large), Stealthy, Swarm

Great Shark
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
8 52 - 64 50 32 45 - 5 45 - 40
Traits: Aquatic (Amphibious if you only own the Core Rulebook), Armour 1, Belligerent, Bite +9, Bestial, Cold-
blooded, Fear 1, Fury, Hungry, Night Vision, Size (Large), Tail +7, Tracker

Tomb Beetles Swarm

Tomb Beetles, also known as Khepra Beetles, are flesh-eating, venomous bugs believed to be the messengers of
Usirian, the desert god of the Underworld. It is believed these skull-carapaced beetles are the god’s agents in the
mortal world and punish those who trespass against the dead. Many ancient tombs house the reanimated husks of
thousands of these beetles, waiting for the tomb robber to break into forgotten chambers to devour their flesh.

Sample Tomb Beetles Swarm

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 40 - 25 25 10 25 - 5 10 - 32
Traits: Bestial, Disease (Blood Rot), Hungry, Night Vision, Painless, Stride, Swarm, Venom (Challenging),
Wallcrawler, Weapon +3
Optional: Dark Vision, Immunity to Psychology, Nehekharan Undead, Territorial, Undead

Baghar Tomb Beetles Swarm

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 48 - 27 34 17 34 - 5 10 - 45
Traits: Bestial, Dark Vision, Disease (Blood Rot), Hungry, Immunity to Psychology, Nehekharan Undead, Painless,
Stride, Swarm, Unstable, Venom (Challenging), Wallcrawler, Weapon +3

The Elemental Djinns
An ancient race of elementals worshiped as godlike beings by the Arabyans, Djinns know secrets from the dawn of
times and can wreak untold havoc when improperly placated.

Note: Djinn Willpower

The Willpower of a Djinn is vital to the Fakir career. You should not increase or decrease a Djinn WPB by more than 1.

Lesser Djinn
Tiny sparks of barely sentient magic, lesser djinns exhibit minor magical properties and are often the first spirits
bound by a fledgling fakir. They can still prove a nuisance for rural communities.

Lesser Djinn
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 28 0 26 64 22 34 26 17 25 14 5
Traits: Dark Vision, Bounce, Elemental Magic (Air, Earth, Fire or Water), Ethereal, Fear (2), Immunity (Bleeding,
Disease, Fatigue, Poison), Magical, Size (Small), Painless, Unstable, Ward (9), Weapon +5

Minor Djinn
Larger and more powerful than lesser djinns, minor djinns have a basic, vindictive personality and start exhibiting
some of their element's particularities.

Lesser Djinn
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 44 0 48 46 30 47 30 30 45 30 16
Traits: Dark Vision, Bounce, Elemental Magic (Air, Earth, Fire or Water), Ethereal, Fear (2), Immunity (Bleeding,
Disease, Fatigue, Poison), Magical, Painless, Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +8

Greater Djinn
Greater Djinns are fully sentient elementals, with a respectable mastery of their element. From the wrathful Fire
Efreets to the aloof Tempest Djinns, to the vicious Dust Devils and the mercurial Sea-Nymphs, Greater Djinns are, if
not the most common, by far the most well known of djinns. They are as likely to help a pilgrim seeking an audience
as they are to unleash their wrath for an offense unknowingly committed.

Dust Devil
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 66 34 52 67 28 37 31 43 70 32 54
Traits: Ambusher, Animosity (Mortals), Armour 3, Bounce, Breath +8 (Corrosion), Dark Vision, Die Hard,
Elemental Magic (Earth), Ethereal, Fear (3), Hardy, Immunity (Bleeding, Disease, Electricity, Fatigue, Poison),
Magical, Painless, Size (Large), Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +9
Talents: Combat Master, Magical Sense, Mimic, Read/Write, Savant (Araby), Savant (History), Savant (Magic),
Second Sight

Fire Efreet
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
8 74 46 73 52 48 42 37 35 70 29 48
Traits: Belligerent, Bounce, Breath +10 (Fire), Champion, Dark Vision, Die Hard, Elemental Magic (Fire),
Ethereal, Fear (3), Frenzy, Hatred (Mortals), Immunity (Bleeding, Disease, Fatigue, Fire, Poison), Magical, Painless,
Size (Large), Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +11
Talents: Combat Master, Magical Sense, Savant (Araby), Savant (History), Savant (Magic), Second Sight

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 58 44 53 56 45 56 54 64 70 54 44
Traits: Amphibious, Bounce, Breath +8 (Cold), Constrictor, Dark Vision, Die Hard, Bounce, Elemental Magic
(Water), Ethereal, Fear (3), Immunity (Bleeding, Cold, Disease, Fatigue, Poison), Magical, Painless, Size (Large),
Swamp-strider, Tongue Attack +5 (12), Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +9
Talents: Argumentative, Attractive, Cat-tongued, Gregarious, Magical Sense, Mimic, Read/Write, Savant (Araby),
Savant (History), Savant (Magic), Second Sight

Tempest Djinn
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
10 54 53 57 53 52 43 43 57 70 48 44
Traits: Breath +8 (Smoke), Elemental Magic (Air), Ethereal, Fear (2), Flight 70, Immunity (Bleeding, Dark Vision,
Die Hard, Disease, Fatigue, Poison, Wind), Magical, Painless, Ranged (Longbow) +9, Size (Large), Stealthy,
Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +8
Talents: Combat Reflexes, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Savant (Araby), Savant (History), Savant (Magic), Second
Sight, Step Aside

Noble Djinn
Noble djinns are the most powerful representatives of their species. Commanding the respect of lesser djinns and
mortals alike, noble djinns often leave their mark on the area surrounding their lair. Noble Efreets leave scorched
villages and fields while a noble nymph might nurture the land and create an oasis to dwell in. Noble Devils are
fearsome entities roaming the desert and delighting in laying waste to travelers they encounter. Noble Tempests
usually leave their dominion undisturbed, but their mere presence is enough to draw clouds which are often the only
sign of them.

Noble Devil
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 87 43 74 84 32 44 34 53 90 43 136
Traits: Ambusher, Animosity (Mortals), Armour 5, Bounce, Breath +10 (Corrosion), Dark Vision, Die Hard,
Elemental Magic (Earth), Ethereal, Fear (3), Hardy, Immunity (Bleeding, Disease, Electricity, Fatigue, Poison),
Magical, Painless, Size (Enormous), Stealthy, Terror (1), Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +11
Talents: Combat Master 2, Magical Sense, Mimic, Read/Write, Savant (Araby) 2, Savant (History) 2, Savant
(Magic) 2, Second Sight

Noble Efreet
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
8 92 54 91 69 58 54 43 42 90 34 120
Traits: Belligerent, Bounce, Breath +12 (Fire), Champion, Dark Vision, Die Hard, Elemental Magic (Fire),
Ethereal, Fear (3), Frenzy, Hatred (Mortals), Immunity (Bleeding, Disease, Fatigue, Fire, Poison), Magical, Painless,
Size (Enormous), Terror (1), Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +15
Talents: Combat Master 2, Magical Sense, Savant (Araby) 2, Savant (History) 2, Savant (Magic) 2, Second Sight

Noble Nymph
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 73 68 64 67 53 67 62 84 90 74 108
Traits: Amphibious, Bounce, Breath +9 (Cold), Constrictor, Dark Vision, Die Hard, Bounce, Elemental Magic
(Water), Ethereal, Fear (3), Immunity (Bleeding, Cold, Disease, Fatigue, Poison), Magical, Painless, Size (Enormous),
Swamp-strider, Terror (1), Tongue Attack +6 (12), Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +10
Talents: Argumentative 2, Attractive 2, Cat-tongued, Combat Master, Gregarious 2, Magical Sense, Mimic,
Read/Write, Savant (Araby) 2, Savant (History) 2, Savant (Magic) 2, Second Sight

Noble Tempest
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
10 68 72 68 62 72 63 57 67 90 58 108
Traits: Dark Vision, Die Hard, Breath +9 (Smoke), Elemental Magic (Air), Ethereal, Fear (3), Flight 90, Immunity
(Bleeding, Disease, Fatigue, Poison, Wind), Magical, Painless, Ranged (Longbow) +10, Size (Enormous), Stealthy,
Terror (1), Unstable, Wallcrawler, Ward (9), Weapon +10
Talents: Combat Master, Combat Reflexes 2, Magical Sense, Read/Write, Savant (Araby) 2, Savant (History) 2,
Savant (Magic) 2, Second Sight, Step Aside

The Monstrous Beasts of Araby
All manner of large and dangerous monsters prowl the wilds of Araby. The bane of travelers and isolated settlements,
trails often make many miles long detours to avoid the hunting ground of such creatures.

Large apex predators from the jungles to the south, these reptiles are powerfully built and highly aggressive. Upon
scenting its prey or catching the sight of the slightest hint of movement, the Carnosaur propels itself with enormous
strides, moving with a surprising speed for a creature its size. Once a Carnosaur has found a scent, it will not abandon
the trail until it has found its prey. This has led several carnosaurs toward the sands of Araby where they feed on
elephants, panthers and travelers.

Sample Carnosaur
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 40 - 70 55 15 35 - 10 20 - 76
Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Bestial, Bite +13; Cold-blooded, Frenzy, Hungry, Night Vision, Size (Enormous),
Stride, Tracker, Weapon +11
Optional: Territorial

Greater Carnosaur
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 57 - 92 63 15 41 - 10 25 - 92
Traits: Armour 3, Belligerent, Bestial, Bite +15; Cold-blooded, Frenzy, Hungry, Night Vision, Size (Enormous),
Stride, Tracker, Weapon +13

Giant Vulture
Huge birds large enough to lift a horse and its rider and with talons sharp enough to tear both flesh and armour,
Giant Vultures reside on the Vulture Mountain and in the peaks surrounding the city of Martek. With an intelligence
comparable to a human, the Giant Vultures are cunning and can set traps and plan ambushes. They can lend their
help to Arabyans in time of need, or even serve as a mount, carrying a friend or trusted ally over the dunes. Intelligent
creatures, some Giant Vultures become cruel and ambitious. Such individuals often become tyrants, harassing
communities and perceiving taxes in cattle, riches and travelers. They can be tamed, and the sultan of Martek is
renowned for the many Giant Vultures serving in his armies. The Giant Vultures feathers are highly sought after, as
much for their beauty as for their many magical properties.

Sample Giant Vulture
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 45 - 50 50 40 60 - 35 40 25 76
Traits: Armour 1, Bite +9, Flight 100, Night Vision, Size (Enormous), Weapon +9
Optional: Trained (Mount, War)

Riding Vulture
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 61 - 67 64 46 65 - 35 52 25 92
Traits: Armour 1, Bite +10, Flight 100, Night Vision, Size (Enormous), Trained (Mount, War), Weapon +10

The Chaos Gorgon, not to be mistaken with the Ghorgon, is a terrible, deformed
monster with a grotesque appearance and violent temperament. Its body is sturdy
and hunched, its skin is partially covered in stony scales, with flint-like extrusions.
It has claws, but its most powerful weapon is the extraordinary ability to
transform its enemies into stone. Its head looks like an attractive human face,
crowned with a mane of snakes that continually hiss.

Sample Gorgon
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 45 40 55 50 30 45 35 30 30 20 36
Traits: Armour 3, Constrictor, Corruption (Minor), Distracting, Fear (1), Flight 80, Night Vision, Petrifying Gaze,
Size (Large), Tail Attack +7, Weapon +9
Optional: Champion, Corrosive Blood, Fury, Mental Corruption, Mutation, Ranged (Bow), Vampiric, Venom

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 64 63 68 63 30 54 35 37 42 28 44
Traits: Armour 3, Champion, Constrictor, Corrosive Blood, Corruption (Minor), Distracting, Fear (1), Flight 80,
Night Vision, Petrifying Gaze, Ranged +9 (50), Size (Large), Tail Attack +8, Weapon +10

The Black Leviathan is a huge, carnivorous deep-sea fish with a
cavernous mouth full of trunk-like teeth. It approaches its prey by
swimming underwater. As it approaches, it rises from the waves with
its mouth open and swallows its victim.

Sample Leviathan
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
10 55 - 65 65 45 25 - 10 25 - 160
Traits: Armour 3, Aquatic (Amphibious if you only own the Core Rulebook), Bite +10, Bestial, Cold-blooded,
Immunity to Psychology, Night Vision, Size (Monstrous), Stealthy
Optional: Armour 4, Hardy

The White Leviathan

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
10 76 - 88 83 51 32 - 10 25 - 216
Traits: Armour 4, Aquatic (Amphibious if you only own the Core Rulebook), Bite +12, Bestial, Cold-blooded,
Hardy, Immunity to Psychology, Night Vision, Size (Monstrous), Stealthy
Talents: Berserk Charge 3

Radiant Pegasus
A remarkable breed of pegasus, the Radiant Pegasus is most common on the sunny plateaux of the Arabyan
mountains. These creatures absorb the heat of the sun and transmute it into blinding light flowing from their skin
like waves of flames. When it feels threatened, a Radiant Pegasus can discharge this magical energy against his
attackers in a fiery and sudden burst of fire.

Sample Radiant Pegasus

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
8 35 30 45 40 30 45 - 20 25 - 28
Traits: Breath +5 (Fire), Flight 100, Immunity (Fire), Magical, Size (Large), Stride, Weapon +7
Optional: Trained (Broken, Drive, Magic, Mount, War)

Wild Radiant Pegasus

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
8 47 41 56 48 36 54 - 24 31 - 32
Traits: Breath +5 (Fire), Flight 100, Immunity (Fire), Magical, Size (Large), Stride, Weapon +7

Sand Spider
One of the most terrible dangers hiding under the dunes of Araby are the sand spiders. Their size is impressive with
the largest being as tall as a horse. They dig themselves under the sands and stalk their prey, ready to pounce on
unsuspecting creatures. Legends hold they keep the treasures of their victims in their underground lairs. This attracts
many bandits, who deliberately seek out these desert hunters to steal their hoard.

Sample Sand Spider

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 35 15 40 45 30 40 30 5 25 - 14
Traits: Armour 1, Ambusher, Bestial, Bite +6, Night Vision, Stealthy, Stride, Venom, Wallcrawler, Weapon +7
Optional: Armour 2, Hardy, Size (Large), Territorial, Tracker, Venom (Difficult to Very Hard)

Sand Prowler
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 48 15 68 71 40 44 30 22 28 - 51
Traits: Armour 2, Ambusher, Big, Bestial, Bite +8, Cunning, Fast, Hardy, Night Vision, Size (Large), Stealthy,
Stride, Tracker, Venom (Hard), Wallcrawler, Weapon +9

Sepulchral Stalker
Sepulchral Stalkers are massive, reanimated sentinels created by the ancient Nehekharans to delineate the borders of a
king’s realm. Over the centuries, the Sepulchral Stalkers have been swallowed by the shifting sands of the desert and
they now lie hidden beneath the dunes, waiting for intruders to pass by before launching a devastating ambush.

Sample Sepulchral Stalker

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 35 30 45 45 30 35 25 15 40 10 32
Traits: Ambusher, Armour 2; Dark Vision, Distracting, Fear 3; Immunity to Psychology, Nehekharan Undead,
Painless, Petrifying Gaze, Size (Large), Stealthy, Unstable, Weapon +9
Optional: Champion, Hardy, Magic Resistance, Territorial

Baghari Stalker
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 54 46 63 60 37 42 25 15 51 10 46
Traits: Ambusher, Armour 2; Champion, Dark Vision, Distracting, Fear 3; Immunity to Psychology, Magic
Resistance 1, Nehekharan Undead, Painless, Petrifying Gaze, Size (Large), Stealthy, Unstable, Weapon +11

Tomb Scorpion
Tomb Scorpions are powerful creations of Nehekhara’s Liche Priests,
formed from a combination of stone, metal, lacquered wood and fused
bone. Burrowing beneath the sands, they attack suddenly and without
warning. They are lethal foes, their sting carrying a venom that can
incapacitate the largest foes and their pincers can slice a man in half.
Tomb Scorpions also serve as sarcophagi. Liche Priests who are killed are
interred within a Tomb Scorpion, their spirits animating the construct
and providing it with a degree of protection against hostile magic.

Sample Tomb Scorpion

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 45 - 55 55 45 50 5 35 60 10 84
Traits: Ambusher, Armour 3, Dark Vision, Fear 4, Immunity to Psychology, Magic Resistance (1), Nehekharan
Undead, Painless, Size (Enormous), Stride, Tail Attack +8, Unstable, Venom (Difficult), Weapon +9
Optional: Armour 4, Champion, Hardy, Hatred (Intruders), Magical Resistance (2 to 4)

Baghari Tomb Scorpion

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 63 - 67 65 57 64 5 42 71 10 100
Traits: Ambusher, Armour 3, Champion, Dark Vision, Fear 4, Immunity to Psychology, Magic Resistance (4),
Nehekharan Undead, Painless, Size (Enormous), Stride, Tail Attack +9, Unstable, Venom (Difficult), Weapon +10

The Ushabtis are large guardian statues carved into the likeness of the gods and goddesses of ancient Nehekhara that
stand guard and protect the necropolises and passageways of the great pyramids of the Tomb Kings. Imbued with the
spirits of ancient heroes, Ushabti wield huge ritualistic weapons, from large bladed staves to great bows that fire
arrows the size of spears.

Sample Ushabti
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 45 25 45 45 25 35 25 25 40 15 32
Traits: Armour 3, Aspic Arrows, Dark Vision, Fear 3, Immunity to Psychology, Nehekharan Undead, Painless, Size
(Large), Unstable, Weapon +8
Optional: Armour, Champion, Fury, Hardy, Magical, Magic Resistance, Ranged (Longbow)

Guardian Ushabti
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 64 30 61 64 34 38 25 29 51 15 46
Traits: Armour 5, Aspic Arrows, Champion, Dark Vision, Fear 3, Immunity to Psychology, Magical, Nehekharan
Undead, Painless, Ranged +10 (100), Size (Large), Unstable, Weapon +11
Talents: Combat Master 2, Furious Assault

The Restless Dead

So close to the birthplace of necromancy and the greatest undead empire in the world, Arabyans are often faced with
the horrors of the restless dead. From undying necromancers of ages past to reanimated beasts and warriors, to the
lording majesty of the Tomb Kings.

Carrions are undead birds that resemble large, reanimated Vultures which feast upon the carcasses of those that have
fallen within the lands of Nehekhara. These undead birds can smell blood from miles away. When it happens, they
spread the wings covered in feathers as black as midnight and darken the sky above those dying in the desert.

Sample Carrion
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
2 25 - 35 45 15 25 - 10 20 - 26
Traits: Dark Vision, Fear 2, Flammable, Flight 80, Immunity to Psychology, Nehekharan Undead, Painless, Size
(Large), Tracker, Unstable, Weapon +6
Optional: Armour 1, Distracting, Infected, Territorial

Carrion of the Cracked Lands

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
2 34 - 44 57 21 30 - 10 27 - 32
Traits: Dark Vision, Fear 2, Flammable, Flight 80, Immunity to Psychology, Infected, Nehekharan Undead,
Painless, Size (Large), Tracker, Unstable, Weapon +6

Liche Priest
Not dead and yet not alive anymore, Liche Priests are the undying
members of Nehekhara’s Mortuary Cult and hold the secrets to
unlife. Through highly ritualized magic, they draw forth spirits
from the Realm of Souls and bind them to corporeal bodies and
invigorate the armies of the Tomb Kings with their unnatural

Sample Liche Priest

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 30 30 30 35 25 25 30 40 45 25 13
Traits: Animosity (Vampires), Dark Vision, Fear 2, Nehekharan Undead, Spellcaster (Death, Light or
Necromancy), Unstable, Weapon +7
Optional: Hardy, Magical, Magic Resistance, Ward

Tabekenamun, Vizier of Baghar

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 56 32 36 64 47 46 38 76 81 49 29
Traits: Animosity (Vampires), Dark Vision, Fear 2, Hardy, Magic Resistance 2, Nehekharan Undead, Spellcaster
(Necromancy), Unstable, Weapon +7
Skills: Channeling (Dharr) 104, Language (Arabyan) 103, Language (Classical) 98, Language (Eltharin) 86,
Language (Khazalid) 78, Language (Magick) 114, Lore (History) 88, Lore (Magic) 94, Lore (Theology) 100
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Bookish 3, Detect Artefact, Etiquette (Cultists) 2, Holy Visions, Instinctive Diction
2, Iron Will, Magical Sense, Master Orator, Read/Write, Savant (History), Savant (Theology) 2, Second Sight, Sixth
Sense 2
Spells: Aethyric Armour, Arrow Shield, Blast, Bolt, Dome, Entangle, Magic Shield, Raise Dead, Terrifying,
Vanhel’s Call, Ward

Mummies are made from corpses wrapped in linens and embalmed to prevent decay. Unlike the lesser undead, such as
skeletons and zombies, mummies have a will of their own and can even command the lesser forms of undead to do their
bidding. Most mummies are content to lie still in their sarcophagi until something disturbs their rest.

Sample Mummy
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
3 30 10 45 40 30 15 20 30 60 10 18
Traits: Animosity (Trespassers), Dark Vision, Fear 3, Flammable, Immunity (Bleeding, Fatigue, Poison), Immunity
to Psychology, Infected, Painless, Undead, Unstable, Weapon +8
Optional: Armour, Champion, Corruption (Minor), Fury, Hardy, Magical, Mental Corruption, Territorial

Muammar the Mad

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
3 37 10 57 51 30 18 24 43 89 13 23
Traits: Animosity (Trespassers), Dark Vision, Fear 3, Flammable, Fury, Immunity (Bleeding, Fatigue, Poison),
Immunity to Psychology, Infected, Painless, Territorial, Undead, Unstable, Weapon +9

Nehekharan Skeleton
The skeletons warriors of Nehekhara are loyal warriors who have willingly followed their rulers unto death. They are not
mindless automatons, slaves to the will of an evil necromancer, and are instead undead soldiers who can recall their loyalty
to their king and the ways of war that were drilled into them in life.

Sample Nehekharan Skeleton

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 25 25 30 30 20 20 25 25 30 15 12
Traits: Armour 1, Dark Vision, Fear 2, Flammable, Immunity to Psychology, Nehekharan Undead, Painless,
Unstable, Weapon +8
Optional: Armour 2, Aspic Arrows, Ranged (Longbow), Venom

Nehekharan Warrior
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 47 25 30 46 20 20 25 25 43 15 15
Traits: Armour 1, Dark Vision, Fear 2, Flammable, Immunity to Psychology, Nehekharan Undead, Painless,
Unstable, Weapon +8
Talents: Drilled, Shieldsman
Trappings: Shield (Large)

Necromancers are particularly interested in killing and raising the Giant Vultures who rule the skies of Araby. Using their
dark arts, they can raise dead Vultures to create Sgulls, horrendous undead abominations with a poisoned mind. Sgulls
retain all the intelligence they had in life and can use necromancy to raise their own undead servants. This is why only the
most experienced necromancers dare raise a Giant Vulture, as Sgulls end up being rivals rather than servants more often
than not.

Sample Sgull
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 35 - 55 55 25 40 - 35 50 15 76
Traits: Armour 1, Bite +9, Corruption (Minor), Dark Vision, Flight 100, Immunity (Bleeding, Fatigue, Poison),
Immunity to Psychology, Night Vision, Painless, Size (Enormous), Spellcaster (Necromancy), Terror 2, Weapon +9
Optional: Corruption (Moderate), Infected, Mental Corruption, Trained (Mount)

Ma'arra Sgull
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 64 - 68 71 31 57 - 61 72 23 108
Traits: Armour 1, Bite +9, Corruption (Moderate), Dark Vision, Flight 100, Immunity (Bleeding, Fatigue, Poison),
Immunity to Psychology, Infected, Night Vision, Painless, Size (Enormous), Spellcaster (Necromancy), Terror 2,
Weapon +9
Skills: Channeling (Dharr) 93, Language (Magick) 86
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Second Sight
Spells: Aethyric Armour, Arrow Shield, Breath, Corrosive Blood, Entangle, Magic Shield, Raise Dead, Reanimate,
Screaming Skull, Vanhel’s Call

Tomb Guard
Tomb Guards are the partially mummified elite guards of their king. Entombed with their armour and weapons and their
remains further decorated with gold bracelets, headdresses and scarab-shaped brooches, the Tomb Guard rest around the
royal tomb chamber of their king. While they have kept all the experience and martial skill they had in life, they have been
reborn in bodies far stronger than when they were alive.

Sample Tomb Guard

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 35 35 40 40 30 30 25 35 55 25 17
Traits: Armour 1, Champion, Dark Vision, Fear 2, Immunity to Psychology, Magical, Mortal Blow, Nehekharan
Undead, Painless, Unstable, Weapon +9
Optional: Armour, Hardy, Magic Resistance

Golden Legionary of Baghar
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 68 35 64 71 41 30 25 44 78 26 27
Traits: Armour 3, Champion, Dark Vision, Fear 2, Immunity to Psychology, Magical, Mortal Blow, Nehekharan
Undead, Painless, Unstable, Weapon +11
Talents: Combat Aware, Drilled, Enclosed Fighter, Reversal, Shieldsman
Trappings: Shield (Large)

Tomb King
Reborn to a mocking imitation of life, transformed into hideous mummified corpses instead of immortal, golden
bodies, the Tomb Kings are the true monarchs of the dead. Thanks to the embalming rituals and protections of the
Liche Priests, Tomb Kings retain all their memory, ambition and lust for power.

Sample Tomb King

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 65 35 55 55 35 35 30 35 70 35 27
Traits: Animosity (Trespassers), Armour 1, Champion, Curse of the Tomb King, Dark Vision, Fear 3, Flammable,
Hardy, Hatred (Vampires), Immunity to Psychology, My Will Be Done, Nehekharan Undead, Painless, Unstable,
Weapon +10
Optional: Armour, Hatred (Any), Frenzy, Magical, Magic Resistance, Terror 2, Ward

Ramssus, Tomb King of Baghar, Chariot Lord, the Wind that Bites, the...
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 91 35 81 86 37 54 30 58 110 67 43
Traits: Animosity (Trespassers), Armour 3, Champion, Curse of the Tomb King, Dark Vision, Fear 3, Flammable,
Hardy, Hatred (Vampires), Immunity to Psychology, Magical, My Will Be Done, Nehekharan Undead, Painless,
Unstable, Ward 9, Weapon +15
Skills: Dodge 67, Drive 83, Intuition 51, Language (Arabyan) 66, Language (Eltharin) 74, Leadership 100, Lore
(Baghar) 99, Lore (Warfare) 104, Perception 73
Talents: Ambidextrous 2, Combat Aware, Combat Master 3, Commanding Presence 4, Drilled 2, Etiquette
(Nobles), Furious Assault, Inspiring 6, Iron Jaw, Luck 2, Master Orator 4, Noble Blood, Public Speaker 6, Relentless,
Resolute 2, Reversal 2, Robust 3, Shieldsman 2, Sixth Sense, Strike Mighty Blow 2, Strike to Injure 2, Strong Back 4;
War Leader 3
Trappings: Army of Loyal Subjects, City of Bhagar, Right to Rule Lesser Civilizations, Royal War Chariot (use the
Wagon profile from the Enemy in Shadow Companion), Anything and Anyone on His Lands.

Slaves to Darkness
Chaos’ taint is more subtle in Araby than in the Old World. While Beastmen and Norse raids happen from time to
time, the true threat of Chaos lies in the many cults that have embedded themselves in Arabyan society and corrupt
the heart of its rulers and people. Ambitious Fakirs channel the pervading Dharr to hasten their progress, while
black-hearted princes deal with daemons. Cultists make bloody offerings on blasphemous altars deep in the desert,
and ignorant Old Worlders disturb ancient wards against Chaos in their search for gold, glory or power.

The Southlands and western forests and mountains of Araby are inhabited by Apemen, creatures that seem like a
mixture between immense gorillas and primitive humanoids. Highly organized and intelligent, they use tools and
scavenged weapons to stage attacks and ambushes. At what point the ape ends and the Beastman begins is never
clear, and travelers find it hard to tell whether an animal is looking at them with animal curiosity or wild malice born
from Chaos.

Sample Apeman
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 45 30 40 40 30 35 25 25 30 25 15
Traits: Arboreal, Armour 1, Bounce, Fury, Night Vision, Weapon+8
Optional: Armour 2, Corruption (Minor), Disease, Infected, Infestation, Mutation, Size (Large)

Apeman Pestigor
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 68 34 58 53 41 35 25 25 38 27 36
Traits: Arboreal, Armour 2, Bounce, Corruption (Minor), Disease (Packer’s Pox), Disease, Fury, Infected,
Infestation, Mutation (Weeping Pus), Night Vision, Size (Large), Weapon+9

Beast of Nurgle
Also known as Slime Hounds or Plagehounds, these are massive,
lumbering daemons that are as stupid as they are ugly. A Beast of Nurgle
spawns when there is too much filth and corruption in an area. It is a
massive, black-spotted slug that glistens with dewy excretions. Their taint
is so great that birds fall from the sky, trees wither and die and grass turns
to ash. They are excitable and friendly creatures that behave like puppies,
yet due to their nature, they inevitably kill their playmates, at which point
they start looking for another one.

Sample Beast of Nurgle

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 35 - 45 55 20 10 - 5 70 10 42
Traits: Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic (8), Disease (Ratte Fever), Fear 3, Immunity (Poison), Immunity to
Psychology, Infestation, Night Vision, Rear, Regenerate, Painless, Size (Large), Slime Trail, Swamp-strider, 4
Tentacles (+8), Unstable, Venom, Weapon +9

Sewer's Terror
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 43 - 51 73 20 14 - 5 79 10 52
Traits: Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic (8), Disease (Rate Fever), Fear 3, Immunity (Poison), Immunity to
Psychology, Infestation, Night Vision, Rear, Regenerate, Painless, Size (Large), Slime Trail, Swamp-strider, 4
Tentacles (+8), Unstable, Venom, Weapon +10

Flamer of Tzeentch
Flamers are daemons with a tubular body melded with gnashing faces and toothy maws that end in a pinkish, fleshy
skirt that they use to expel gas to propel themselves.. A Flamer uses its blazing limbs to hurl bolts of raw Chaos
energy. It does not burn, but warps reality. A Flamer’s victim might briefly feel invigorated before collapsing into a
writhing puddle of flesh and flashes of pure magic

Sample Flamer of Tzeentch

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 25 45 45 40 65 40 - - - - 20
Traits: Bounce, Breath +15 (Various), Construct, Corruption (Major), Daemonic (7), Fear 2, Hardy, Night Vision,
Painless, Unstable, Weapon +9

Bel-Aliad Flame Spouter
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 28 55 64 53 65 54 - - - - 27
Traits: Bounce, Breath +15 (Corrosion, Fire, Electricity), Construct, Corruption (Major), Daemonic (7), Fear 2,
Hardy, Night Vision, Painless, Unstable, Weapon +11

Pink Horror of Tzeentch

Shapeless masses of solid magic that throbs and transform, cycling through a myriad of different shapes and colours,
ever changing as new faces push out against rubbery hides, only to retreat as the section is replaced with a tuft of
feathers or a new blazing tentacle. Pink Horrors are mindless daemons, raw magic given form and unleashed by evil
wizards or greater daemons on their foes.

Sample Pink Horror of Tzeentch

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 45 35 30 30 40 30 30 5 70 - 16
Traits: Corruption (Major), Daemonic (7), Fear 2, Night Vision, Painless, Spellcaster (Tzeentch), Unstable,
Weapon +8
Skill: Language (Magick) 50

Giggling Squealer
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 54 43 48 42 51 30 30 5 81 - 20
Traits: Corruption (Major), Daemonic (7), Fear 2, Night Vision, Painless, Spellcaster (Tzeentch), Unstable,
Weapon +9
Skill: Language (Magick) 74
Spells: Blast, Bolt, Breath, Chain Attack

Plaguebearer of Nurgle
Foul humanoids savaged by disease and hunger, a Plaguebearer’s sickly green skin is afflicted with innumerable sores
and buboes. Their belly is grossly distended, split in places to reveal gushing organs and wriggling maggots that feast
on their rotting entrails. The Plaguebearers role is to keep count of Nurgle’s diseases and loudly recount the tally of its
victims, their monotonous voice mixing with the low buzzing of the bloated black flies that swarm around them to
produce a droning noise.

Sample Plaguebearer
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 45 35 40 45 20 25 25 30 70 25 19
Traits: Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic (8), Disease (Ratte Fever), Fear 2, Immunity (Poison), Immunity to
Psychology, Infestation, Night Vision, Regenerate, Painless, Swamp-strider, Unstable, Venom, Weapon +9

Plague Deacon
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
4 64 43 51 64 20 29 25 30 84 37 25
Traits: Corruption (Moderate), Daemonic (8), Disease (Ratte Fever), Fear 2, Immunity (Poison), Immunity to
Psychology, Infestation, Night Vision, Regenerate, Painless, Swamp-strider, Unstable, Venom, Weapon +10

The Loathsome Ratmen
Skaven are a malevolent species of ratmen living underground, monitoring surface-dwellers unaware of the threat.
They have settled Araby many thousand years ago but, contrary to the Empire, their main bastions are not located
beneath Araby’s cities with Martek being an exception. Instead, clans Skryre and Eshin, who are the two clans with
the most presence in Araby have eked large underground fortresses beneath the Atalan Mountains and maintain
smaller outposts across the rest of the continent.

Eshin Assassin
Some of the most feared Skaven to creep through the Underempire, Eshin Assassins are the culmination of years of
training and ruthless assassination undertaken on behalf of the clan. Each of them is unique in their fighting style
and methods of assassination, from poisoned daggers to vile magic, with a couple even sporting Skryre or Moulder

Sample Assassin
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 70 70 35 35 75 70 45 30 40 20 13
Traits: Armour 1, Bounce, Champion, Hatred (Assassination Target), Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Ranged +5
(6), Stealthy, Tracker, Venom (Hard), Wallcrawler, Weapon+7
Optional: Amphibious, Arboreal, Disease (Ratte Fever), Mutation, Painless, Spellcaster (Shadow), Venom (Very

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
7 112 93 72 54 97 127 61 30 58 17 21
Traits: Armour 1, Bounce, Champion, Hatred (Assassination Target), Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Ranged +9
(14), Stealthy, Tracker, Venom (Hard), Wallcrawler, Weapon+11
Talents: Catfall 4, Combat Master 5, Coolheaded, Enclosed Fighter 2, Furious Assault, Shadow 3, Step Aside 5,
Sixth Sense

Night Runner
Night Runners are the most numerous of the assassin-adepts of Clan Eshin. Lightly armed and armoured, they use
their tremendous speed and agility to carry out flanking manœuvres and lighting attacks. Small units of these aspiring
assassins are sometimes tasked with taking out a target or capturing assets for the clan, missions during which they
make use of their rudimentary training in the martial arts the clan learned from distant Cathay.

Sample Night Runner

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 35 35 30 30 50 40 30 30 20 20 11
Traits: Armour 1, Bounce, Infected, Night Vision, Ranged +5 (6), Stealthy, Tracker, Wallcrawler, Weapon+7
Optional: Disease (Ratte Fever), Magical, Mutation, Venom

Gutter Runner
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
6 47 54 41 36 64 61 30 30 26 20 12
Traits: Armour 1, Bounce, Fast, Infected, Magical, Night Vision, Ranged +6 (8), Stealthy, Tracker, Venom,
Wallcrawler, Weapon+8

Poisoned-Wind Globadier
Clad in heavy protecting gear, Poison-Wind Globadiers are weapon specialists from clan Skryre that are trained in
the use of chemical warfare. They carry glass orbs filled with noxious warpstone gas. When thrown, the sphere
shatters, releasing billowing clouds so lethal that mere skin contact can cause severe pain.

Sample Poisoned-Wind Globadier

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 30 40 30 35 40 30 30 35 20 20 11
Traits: Armour 4, Immunity (Fire, Poison), Infected, Night Vision, Venom (Difficult), Weapon +7
Optional: Corruption (Minor), Disease (Ratte Fever), Mutation, Venom (Hard)
Trappings: Incendiary

Death Globe
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 32 49 41 54 40 30 30 35 31 20 17
Traits: Armour 4, Corruption (Minor), Immunity (Fire, Poison), Infected, Night Vision, Venom (Hard),
Weapon +8
Trappings: Incendiary

Warlock Engineers are the engineers and mad scientists of Skaven society. They
wield conventional weapons such as warp-blades and other, more experimental
devices. Each engineer equips his own harness with his prefered devices. These
rarely function flawlessly and many Warlock Engineers are as dangerous to others
as they are to themselves.

Sample Warlock-Engineer
M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 30 35 30 30 40 35 35 40 20 20 11
Traits: Armour 3, Infected, Night Vision, Weapon +7
Optional: Armour, Corruption (Minor-Moderate), Dark Vision, Disease (Ratte Fever), Immunity (Various),
Magical, Magic Resistance (1), Mutation, Ranged +10 (20), Spellcaster (Various), Stealthy, Tracker, Ward

M WS BS S T I Ag Dex Int WP Fel W
5 43 65 30 48 52 41 64 84 43 20 15
Traits: Armour 3, Corruption (Minor), Dark Vision, Immunity (Fire, Electricity), Infected, Magical, Ranged +10
(20), Spellcaster (Dark), Weapon +7
Talents: Instinctive Diction 3, Witch!
Spells: Blast, Chain Attack, Entangle, T’Essla’s Arc, Teleport

New Creature Traits
Ambusher: Mortal Wound:
The creature buries itself in the sands or has devised other The creature uses foul magic or is supernaturally gifted,
methods to remain completely hidden in its environment. and it strikes with shattering force. If it inflicts a critical
It can take 5 minutes to set up an ambush. When in hit, it adds +30 to its value. If armour is used to deflect
position, and as long as it remains motionless, it cannot be the blow, the piece of armour loses 2 Armour Point
detected with a Perception test. Outdoor Survival, Sixth instead of 1.
Sense, Track and other appropriate skills or talents can
still betray the creature. My Will Be Done:
This creature’s will is so strong that it pushes its servants
Aspic Arrows: ever onward. A creature with this trait emits an aura
This creature uses bronze-tipped arrows, painstakingly that expands up to WPB yards. Allies with the
blessed and enchanted in a temple of Asaph to never miss Nehekharan Undead trait within range can use this
their target. This creature ignores all penalties to its creature’s WS characteristic instead of their own.
Ranged skills.
Nehekharan Undead:
Curse of the Tomb King: The undeads inhabiting the ruins of Nehekhara are a
Those who dare destroy a Tomb King find their lungs unique breed, more intelligent, resilient and skilled than
suddenly filled with sand, devoured by Khepra beetles or most of those that can be encountered in the Old
have their blood turned into poison. If a creature with this World. As well as not needing to breathe, eat or drink,
trait is killed, it immediatly inflicts 1d10+WPB Wounds, Nehekharan Undeads are immune to the Bleeding,
ignoring TB and Armour Points to its killer. Fatigued and Poisoned Conditions. Nehekharan
Undeads are treated as having the Undead trait for all
Elemental Magic (Various): spells, miracles or other abilities affecting Undeads only.
The creature knows Elemental Spells and can use its
action to automatically cast one. The specific Element will Slime Trail:
be indicated in brackets. The creature never counts as being outnumbered.

The creature is wrapped in bandages or is otherwise
vulnerable to fire. Every time it gains an Ablaze condition,
it gains two instead.


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