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WFRP Players Reference 3.3 PDF

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Success levels (SL) are used to judge the Your starting Fate points determine your starting Your starting Resilience points determine your
effectiveness of a test. Fortune points. starting Resolve points.

SL = characterics/skill 10s - rolled as 10s FATE MAY BE SPENT TO: RESILIENCE MAY BE SPENT TO:
- “Die Another Day” - “I Deny You!”
Eg: Dieter has stealth of 34. He rolls a 15. Instead of dying, your character is somehow Deny a mutation, not recieveing a corruption point.
3 - 1 = 2 SL. Dieter has succeeded! taken out of action; your character will survive, - “I Will Not Fail!”
no matter the fatal incident’s circumstances, but Decide the rolled number of a test, even if you
AUTOMATIC SUCCESSES AND FAILURES takes no further part in the current encounter. already failed. (I.e, declare it an 11 instead of 78)
A test of 01-5 always succeeds! - “How Did That Miss?” If an opposed test, you always win by at least 1 SL.
Your character completely avoids the incoming
A test of 96-00 always fails! damage by some extraordinary fluke; your RESOLVE MAY BE SPENT TO:
character can continue on without penalty, but - Become immune to psychology (i.e. fear)
CRITICALS has no guarantee of survival in later rounds. until the end of the next round.
If you roll a double number, it is either a Critical - Ignore all modifiers from all Critical
Succes or a Fumble, depending on whether you FORTUNE MAY BE SPENT TO: Wounds until the end of the next round.
succeeded or not. - Reroll a failed test - Remove one Conditon.
- Add +1 SL to a roll after it is resolved.
OPPOSING SOMONE - At the start of a Round, choose when to act, REGAINING RESILIENCE AND RESOLVE
Some tests may be opposed, compare SL results to ignoring initative order. Resolve is regained by acting in accordance with
see who wins! your motivation.
ASSISTING SOMEONE At the beginning of every session or ca. four hours,
You may assist someone taking a test, if you have fortune is regained up to your current fate points. Resilience may be regained by an act of extreme
at least one point in the skill being tested. importance to your motivation.
They recieve +10 for each person helping, limited to Fate points are only regained by acts of heroism or This is very rare!
the relevant characteristic bonus. significance - spend them wisely!

ADVANTAGE (COMBAT ONLY) If you are out of fate points and desperately need
For each Advantage you have, you gain +10 to each one, your GM may offer you a deal, but be warned
relevant combat and psychology test. that it will have consequences.

1 Gold Crown = 20 Silver Shillings = 240 Pfennig Your wounds represent how much damage you can
1 Silver Shilling = 12 Pfennig take before getting knocked to the ground.

1GC ≈ £240 ≈ 2400kr When you reach 0 Wounds, you gain the Prone
1/- ≈ £12 ≈ 120kr conditon. You cannot lose this until you are healed
1d ≈ £1 ≈ 10kr at least 1 Wound.

EARNINGS If you are not healed within a number of rounds

equal to your TB, you gain the Unconscious
Between adventures, you can make an Average (+20) Conditon.
test against your career’s Earning Skill to see how
much money you have left after one week of both HEALING AND RECOVERY
working and maintaining your lifestyle. CRITICAL WOUNDS NATURAL RECOVERY:
If you fail, you recieve half the amount. On -6SL If you suffer enough damage that would take you to After a good sleep you can attempt to recover
your have nothing left for some good reason. negative Wounds, you receive a Critcal Wound. Wounds by an Average (+20) Endurance test.

Brass Level x 2d10 Brass Pennies Critcal Wounds do not count as healed until all You heal : Wounds = TB + SL.
Silver Level x 1d10 Silver Shillings conditons inflicted are resolved and all non
Gold Level x 1 Gold Crown permanent negative modifiers are removed. For each day of rest you also heal:
Wounds = TB.


You can only heal someone if you have the
If you are Unconscious and have 0 Wounds, advanced Heal skill, remedies or magic.
compare the number of Critical wounds you have
with your TB. HEAL SKILL
If Critical Wounds > TB, you will die at the end Heal Wounds = Intelligence Bonus + SL
of the round!
Heal Wounds = TB immediately

You can stop a Bleeding condition with either a
successful Heal test, or if you have Bandages, a
Dexterity test. You stop 1 + SL conditions
Version 3.2 - 22.10.2019 by Joachim Svela
THE GRID In combat, you may do three things: ATTACK
Each 1" square on the grid = 2 yards (meters) Move, an Action and a Free Action When attacking, a double on a success is a critcal,
a double on a failure is a fumble.
You can move your Walk or Run movement in Each character takes turns in combat in RANGED ATTACK
yards each round. accordance with their initative. Ranged attacks cannot be opposed by melee skills
Optionally, vary initiative by adding 1D10 without a shield.
You can use your Action in combat to Sprint, in If you are Surprised, you cannot move, attack or You cannot make ranged attacks whilst engaged
addition to your Move action. defend yourself, and opponents have +20 to hit. unless your weapon has the Pistol quality.
Make an Average (+20) Athletics test, and Sprint
your Run movement + SL in yards. FREE ACTIONS Your target must be visible.
Some actions, like shouting a warning or Your attack may be modified by difficulty.
CLIMBING drinking a potion are free actions at the GM’s
You may climb your Move in yards without discretion. TWO WEAPONS
performing a test. Attacks using your off hand weapon have a –20
ENTERING AND LEAVING COMBAT penalty (The Two Weapon Wielder-talent lets you
CLIMBING QUICKLY attack with both in the same action).
Perform an Average (+20) Climb test. CHARGE
You climb an extra Movement + SL yards. If not engaged with someone, you may charge your CALLED SHOTS
move distance, gaining +1 advantage. Allow you to attack a specific body part at a hard
LEAPING (-20) test.
You may leap your Move in feet without Disengage
performing a test. If you have more advantage than your opponent, DODGE
spend it all to move away without penalty. You may spend an action to do an Opposed
LEAPING BEYOND MOVE RANGE Dodge/Melee Test. If you succeed, you get +1
If you have a run up of Movement: FLEE advantage and can use your move to leave.
Make an Average (+20) Athletics test. Your opponent gains +1 advantage and may attempt If you fail, your opponent gets +1 advantage and
If you have no run up of Movement: a free attck unopposed at +20. prevents you moving safely.
Make a Challenging (+0) Athletics test. If you are hit, opponent gets +1 advantage. You
must take a Challenging Cool Test or gain a GRAPPLE
On a success, each SL adds an extra foot (30cm) Broken conditon and a further Broken per SL Opposed Strength Test. If you win you may:
to the leap. below 0. - Deal SL + SB Damage
If you succeeded with +0 SL, you manage an extra - Give your opponent the Entangled condition (or
6” (15cm) with your jump. ADVANTAGE IN COMBAT remove it from yourself).

FALLING These actions gives you advantage in combat: INFIGHTING (OPTIONAL)

3 Damage + 1D10 Wounds for every yard fallen. Your action can be spent with an Opposed Melee
This is reduced by Toughness Bonus (TB) but not SURPRISE Test to step inside your opponents weapon reach.
Attacking Surprised enemies grants +1
armour. Any weapons with range longer than yours now
CHARGING counts as an Improvised Weapon (+SB+1, 2xAP).
JUMPING DOWN Charging headlong into combat grants +1
On a successful Average (+20) Athletics Test, PARRY
count as having fallen 1 + SL yards less. ASSESS Any one handed weapon with the defensive quality
If total distance fallen is 0 or less, suffer no If you use one of your Skills to secure a tactical can be used with Melee (Parry). It opposes an
Damage from the fall. advantage, gain +1 Advantage. attack without the –20 off hand penalty.
Whenever you defeat an important NPC, gain +1
CHARACTERISTIC AND SKILL COSTS Subduing a party nemesis may grant +2 You may spend your action to Sprint in addition
to your Run/Move (see Movement)
Below are the XP costs when advancing in WINNING
Characteristics and Skills: If you win an Opposed Test during combat gain +1

Advances XP Cost per Advance OUTMANOUEVRE

Characteristics Skills If you wound an opponent without engaging in an
1-5 25 10 Opposed Test, gain +1
6 - 10 30 15
11 - 15
16 - 20
50 30
21 - 20 70 40 To complete a career, you must have the below
26 - 30 90 60 number of advances in all your Career level’s
31 - 35 120 80 Characteristics and in 8 of that level’s skills.
36 - 40 150 110 You must also have 1 Talent from that level.
41 - 45 190 140
46 - 50 230 180 Skills and Talents you have gained from advancement
before entering your current Career also count.
51 - 55 280 220
56 - 60 330 270 If you have completed these requirements, entering the
61 - 65 390 320 next level, lower level, or new career costs 100xp.
66 - 70 450 380 If you have not completed the requirements, 200xp.
70+ 520 440
Level Advances
1 5
Talents cost 100xp + 100xp pr. level you may have 3 15
already taken in that same talent. 4 20

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