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There Are No Such Things As Skaven PJ

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The document describes the background and plot of a Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay adventure involving a cult and Skaven in the town of Ashendorf.

Ashendorf suffered a plague 150 years ago that was caused by Skaven poisoning the wells. The town made a deal with the Skaven to save them which involved the Skaven taking the children. The town eventually recovered but the cult was formed from the original dealmakers.

The Ordo Triangulus cult began as those who made the original deal with the Skaven but has evolved over generations to now worship the Skaven god the Horned Rat. They meet with the Skaven every year.


One, two,
Skaven,s coming for you,
Three, four,
Better lock your door,
Five, Six,
Who will it pick...
- A typical Ashendorfer childrens rhyme

There are no Such Things as Skaven... is a short adventure best suited for characters in their first or second careers, but
it can be easily modified to suit any group. The structure of the scenario is loose, directed more by character actions
than by events. The adventure is set in a small town near Nuln, but with minor modifications any Imperial town could
be used.
This adventure best lends itself as the PCs first real encounter with the mythical Ratmen known as Skaven. But it works
just as well with a party that already knows the Skaven are more than just a subspecies of Beastmen or bedtime stories
told to children. The mood of this adventure is one of hidden threat and mounting tension.

Ashendorf is a small Imperial town with a tragic history.
Some hundred and fifty years ago all the towns wells were
suddenly contaminated with the plague. Death and suffering
tormented the townspeople as the plague quickly spread
within the small community. And the unavailability of
drinkable water made things even worse. Unbeknownst
to the people, the plague was planted in the wells by the
Skaven. When all seemed lost the Ratmen secretly
approached some of the towns most influential men and
forced them to make a devils bargain with them.
Within a few days the water in the wells was clear and
drinkable again, and no more people were getting sick.
But, the morning after the next time Morrslieb was full
the price of the bargain dawned on the leaders. Most of
the towns children had disappeared during the night. Grief
ravaged the town and many left the cursed place never to
return. But, given time, Ashendorf was able to recover.
Thanks to its prime location prosperity returned to the

town and the tragic events of its past were eventually

reduced to little more than a popular myth. This myth is
still remembered today, and every year the residents hold
a special festival called the Marionetten Fest to exorcise
the evils of their past.
As the town survived so did the coven of men who had
struck the ghastly deal with the Ratmen. And this liaison
with the Skaven has been sustained through the decades.
As time passed, sons replaced their fathers and a harmless
secret society of rich men transformed into a cult
worshipping the Horned Rat, the Dark God of the Skaven.
They named themselves Ordo Triangulus, after the
triangular symbol of their deity. Whereas the unholy pact
with the Skaven was initially made out of desperation and
necessity, the Ordo of today pays homage to the Horned
Rat and serves the vile Skaven. The current head of Ordo
Triangulus is Konrad Rottmeier. He is an ambitious local
merchant who plans to take the cult to the next level.

It is traditional for the cult to secretly meet the Skaven

every year during the Marionetten Fest. And this year is
no exception. Only this time the meeting is of special
importance to Ordo Triangulus as Konrad Rottmeier has
conjured up an evil scheme. The Cult wants to undermine
the authorities by striking against the hated Church of
Nulns Great Cathedral of Sigmar is in need of repairs.
The incessant soot from the citys forges and foundries
has soiled the Cathedral. In order to raise the money
needed for purification the Church has set up wooden
statues all over the city. The reason for the statues is their
function as offertory boxes. These statues have been carved
by the very best craftsmen, and they represent various
historical figures focal to the Church of Sigmar and the
Empire. There are twelve statues in total including Sigmar
himself, Magnus the Pious, and Mandred the Ratslayer
among others. It is a hot topic in Nuln at the moment
whether Valten should be added among them or not. The
addition of Valten would bring the number of statues up
to thirteen.
Thirteen is also the sacred number of the Horned Rat. In
Konrad Rottmeiers distorted mind this was a sign from
his god that now is an opportune moment to strike against
the patron deity of the Empire. For this purpose Ordo
Triangulus has secretly created a coining apparatus to forge
Karls. After some initial trial and error, they are now able
to mint Karls, albeit at a rather slow pace. The gist of the
plan is that the Cult has obtained some Warpstone Dust
from the Skaven and plans to work the corruptive substance
into the fake coins. They plan to make a few hundred of
these coins and then distribute them into the offertory
boxes. The priests of Sigmar will unknowingly handle the
contaminated money and become horribly mutated as a
result. At the same time, Ordo Triangulus will launch a
smear campaign against the Church, claiming that the

mutations are a telltale sign of a pact with the Ruinous

Powers. Furthermore, they will claim that Sigmar is not
a true god and his priests are nothing more than avaricious
heretics. The following uprising will weaken Nulns defences
and allow Ordo Triangulus and the Skaven to take further

Enter the Heroes

While in the vicinity of Nuln the PCs are attacked by a
Bounty Hunter who has a wanted poster with their names
on it. The Bounty Hunter is foiled easily enough, but the
encounter raises an important question: who would post
a bounty on their heads? The next day they receive a letter
from Lord von Drachensturm who claims he can have the
contracts on their heads cancelled.
Wolfgang von Drachensturm is a man who has dedicated
his entire life to uncovering the Skaven conspiracy. About
two weeks ago he learned from his sources in Nuln that
a cult called Ordo Triangulus was planning something.
The bits and pieces of information were vague at best but
pointed to the small town of Ashendorf. Von Drachensturm
quickly dispatched his most trusted agent, Isidro Armantero,
to investigate. It has now been two weeks and von
Drachensturm has not heard back from Armantero even
though he was supposed to report back three days ago.
The noble suspects foul play and needs someone to go
find his agent. He promises to get the bounty lifted if the
PCs go to Ashendorf and find out what has happened to
Isidro Armantero.
The PCs travel to Ashendorf where they will investigate
several leads, possibly run into some side encounters, and
discover subtle clues hinting at the mythical Skaven. Finally,
during the Ashendorf Marionetten Fest, they will find
Isidro Armantero, foil the plans of Ordo Triangulus, and
have a deadly encounter with the very real Skaven.

The Good, the Bad, and the Freakishly Lucky
The adventure begins in Nuln. At a moment you deem
fitting Dante Cruziani, a Tilean Bounty Hunter, approaches
the characters. This encounter can take place anywhere.
Choose a place that best suits your purposes; it could the
docks, a tavern, a noblemans garden, or perhaps even a
small temple of Shallya or Verena.

This encounter is meant to leave the PCs confused. They

should be left wondering who has put a price on their
heads, and will there be more attacks coming. After the
run-in with Dante you can have them notice similar wanted
posters in common venues like the Deuz Elm (see Forges
of Nuln p.20).

With an Easy (+20%) Perception Test the PCs notice

Dante Cruziani approaching them with two henchmen
(use Sell-sword stats, WFRP p.235). As they come closer
(or block the doorway etc., choose the most dramatic
option) Cruziani whips out a wanted poster. The poster
clearly features crudely sketched pictures of the PCs as
well as approximations of their names with a 10 gc bounty
promised on each of their heads. With a contemptuous
smirk the Tilean says:

Dante Cruziani

Finally I have-a found you, you evildoers! Surrender now

and I will-a spare you from the humiliation.
If (and most likely when) the characters dont immediately
surrender, he laughs, draws his crossbow pistol and shouts,
So be it criminals! A fight ensues. The Sell-swords will
fight until severely wounded or until one of them, or
Dante, is killed. Then they will flee or surrender. Dante
Cruziani is a different story. The Bounty Hunter believes
he has been blessed by Ranald himself and cannot be
defeated. And, oddly enough, the Tilean is freakishly lucky.
You should really emphasize Cruzianis never-ending luck.
Have him hit with his crossbow pistol while shooting
blind, accidentally dodge strikes he doesnt even see coming,
or casually hit crucial parts, like straps or buckles, of the
PCs equipment. His good luck could also manifest as
bad luck for the characters. Their bowstrings snap, or
swords get stuck in their scabbards or struck items. Dante
Cruziani is easy enough to defeat but it should feel like
an uphill struggle as fortune keeps smiling upon him. You
could even give him 1 Fate Point in which case, instead
of dying, he survives against impossible odds and returns
to haunt them later. Or, in a more ironic twist, Dante
Cruzianis never-ending luck could finally run out at the
most crucial moment.

Career: Bounty Hunter (ex-Student)

Race: Human (Tilean)
Main Profile
40 32 28
Secondary Profile
1 13 3









Special: Lucky - Dante is freakishly lucky. He has the

number of PCs + 3 Fortune Points. Optionally, he could
also have 1 Fate Point.
Skills: Follow Trail, Intimidate, Outdoor Survival,
Perception, Search, Shadowing, Silent Move, Speak
Language (Reikspiel), Read/Write

Talents: Marksman, Rover, Sharpshooter, Specialist

Weapon Group (Crossbow, Entangling)
Armour: Leather Jack
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Crossbow Pistol with 10 Bolts, Foil, Net
Trappings: Manacles, One Set of Good Craftsmanship
Clothing, Bunch of Wanted Posters, Cologne, 8 gc

good money to be made by snaring deserters. He traveled

to the Empire and was able to achieve some success and
make a name for himself.
In truth, Dante Cruziani is probably one of the worst
Bounty Hunters in the Old World. But he has one thing
going for him: he is incredibly lucky. It seems Ranald
himself walks by his side.

Description: Young Dante Cruziani was a disgruntled

engineering student living in Remas, Tilea. On one night
of particularly heavy drinking he accidentally exposed and
subdued two wanted criminals and turned them in. The
whole thing was actually one freaky accident that involved
some carelessly heaped beer barrels. But that did not stop
Dante Cruziani from thinking it was all his doing. The
adrenaline rush was something he could never get from
engineering. So, despite his familys protests Dante Cruziani
left the university to pursue a life of bounty hunting.
During the Storm of Chaos Dante learned that there was

Because of the success he has had due to his luck Dante

has come to think he is actually incredibly competent.
Therefore, he is cocky, overconfident, and willing to try
his luck against any odds.
Dante Cruziani is a rather dashing young man. He has
a Tilean style pointy-beard and long, black, curly hair.
Dante is dressed in a typically Tilean way; his clothes are
colourful and always of good quality. He wears a big hat
decorated with a pheasant feather. His crossbow pistol is
his weapon of choice.

Meeting Wolfgang von Drachensturm

A day after the Tileans attack a man dressed in good
quality clothing approachs the PCs. He is a messenger
bringing a letter from Lord Wolfgang von Drachensturm.
The man states his business and hands them the letter.
Give the players Handout #1. If they refuse to go, another
man will approach them a few days (and another Bounty
Hunter attack) later. If they still refuse, they will never
hear from Lord Drachensturm again, and Bounty Hunters
will stop bothering them after a few weeks.
Lord Wolfgang von Drachensturms house is about three
hours ride from Nuln. The austere two-storey mansion is
not very welcoming. The windows are barred and a high
iron fence surrounds the estate. Only one gate allows entry.
Three vicious bloodhounds guard the grounds and bare
fangs at the PCs. An armed Valet welcomes them and
escorts them to Lord von Drachensturms study. With a
Routine (+10%) Perception Test they notice that there
seem to be very few servants. Also, any character with
appropriate skills such as Silent Move or Shadowing notices
that the floorboards squeak with each step as to make
sneaking more difficult.
The Lords study is rather gaunt. A big hearth keeps the
room warm. A huge bookshelf with litters of books and
strange objects dominates the wall behind the man. With
a successful Average (-10%) Perception Test they will
notice such books as Wilhelm Leibers The Loathsome

Ratmen and all their Vile Kin. The bare stone walls are
covered with elegant tapestries depicting Sigmar and
Mandred the Ratslayer. Above the hearth there is a dark
hued painting of strange rat like creatures emerging from
darkness with their fangs bared. The painting has an
ominous quality to it. Wolfgang von Drachensturm is
sitting behind a massive desk and rises to meet the
characters. They cant miss the loaded pistol on the table.
Thank you for answering my invitation ladies and gentlemen.
You have my apologies for any inconvenience this meeting
might have caused you. As I am sure you value your time as
much as I value mine, I will spare you from all the unnecessary
pleasantries and idle chit-chat. Instead, I will be up front and
state my business. I can make the bounty placed on your heads
go away. But, in return, I need you to do something for me.
Are you interested in hearing my proposal?
Wolfgang von Drachensturm is a man who is not afraid
to use heavy-handed means. Nor is he very subtle. Once
he realised something must have happened to his agent
he sent a word out to his intelligence network to keep an
eye out for suitable candidates to investigate the matter.
He specifically wanted outsiders (like the PCs) who are
not involved in any local scheming. Once the PCs were
spotted, von Drachensturm had contracts put out on their
heads to create a problem he could then solve for them.

Lord von Drachensturm will make his offer only once.

And he makes it quite clear it would be in their best
interests to accept. If they hesitate, he offers to compensate
them for their trouble with 10 gc each. If they still refuse,
he asks them to leave, and they will never hear from him
again. The bounty hunters will stop bothering them after
a few weeks. If they, unwisely, choose to offend him the
price on their heads will be pumped up to 30 gc, and
bounty hunters will trouble them for a much longer time.
If the PCs accept, von Drachensturm tells them that his
agent, Isidro Armantero, was assigned on a mission two
weeks ago. Armantero arrived in the small town of
Ashendorf and reported back. His second report was due
three days ago. Since he has not heard from his best agent
in time von Drachensturm suspects something must have
happened to him. He wants the PCs to go to Ashendorf
(although it sounds more like an order) and find out what
has happened. He shows them the initial report he received
from Armantero (give the players Handout #2). To any
questions concerning the nature of Isidros mission
Drachensturm will only answers that he was investigating
a secret society of heretics whose actions could have serious
repercussions throughout Nuln.

Wolfgang von Drachensturm

Career: Noble Lord (ex-Noble, ex-Politician)

Race: Human

Main Profile
50 41 48
Secondary Profile
2 16 4









Skills: Academic Knowledge (History, Strategy/Tactics),

Blather, Command +10%, Common Knowledge (the
Empire, Tilea, Skaven), Consume Alcohol, Charm,
Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Perception, Read/Write, Ride,
Speak Language (Tilean, Queekish, Reikspiel)
Talents: Dealmaker, Etiquette, Public Speaking, Master
Orator, Specialist Weapon Group (Fencing, Gunpowder),
Schemer, Streetwise
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Best Craftsmanship Pistol with 10 Shots, Rapier,
Trappings: Best Craftsmanship Nobles Garb, Religious
Symbol of Sigmars Twin-tailed Comet, Mansion
Description: When he was still an ambitious young
politician Wolfgang von Drachensturm was appointed an
Imperial Ambassador to the Tilean city of Miragliano.
While there, he learned, at the eleventh hour, of a Skaven
plot to kidnap him and his family. He could not allow
such a fate to come to his family. As the Skaven were
bounding down the doors of his house, he administered
poison to his wife and daughter, and, determined to die
like a warrior, drew his sword. But death was denied from
him. He was quickly overpowered and taken as a slave.
Von Drachensturm was held captive for weeks until a
rescue party found the Ratmen hideout and rescued him.
During his captivity a Skaven Grey Seer tortured him by
burning foul occult symbols on his skin. After his rescue,
Wolfgang tried to warn his peers in Altdorf about this
insidious threat, but no one believed his wild stories of
vile Ratmen. It was commonly believed that the loss of his
family had shattered his mind. Von Drachensturm
stubbornly refused to retire from service so he was sent to
recover in Bilbali, Estalia. There a plan started to form in
his mind. He would return to the Empire and expose the
Skaven conspiracy. He would wage his own private war
against this myth. While he was staying in Estalia he
learned of Isidro Armantero and recruited him as one of
his first agents.

Since then von Drachensturm has formed an extensive

intelligence network. The Skaven conspiracy has become
his obsession, and for years he has gathered evidence of
the Skaven threat and the extent of their influence. He
has dedicated his life to the matter to such an extent that
it barely contains anything else. Although he can be social
and follow the etiquette to the minutest detail, he considers
himself a man of action. Efficiency and secrecy are words
that he swears by. Von Drachensturm doesnt suffer fools
Von Drachensturm is now in his fifties. He is a stern man
with a narrow face and inquisitive grey-blue eyes. His hair
is silver with touches of white over the temples. His beard
is always meticulously trimmed. His obsession and the
constant threat of assassins and spies have left deep lines
on his brow. Von Drachensturm wears a dark blue vest
embroidered with golden patterns. His clothes are always
practical yet stylish with out being extravagant.

Isidro Armantero

Career: Cloaked Brother (ex-Rat Cather, ex-Agitator, exDemagogue)

Race: Human (Estalian)
Main Profile
46 48 51
Secondary Profile
2 18









Skills: Academic Knowledge (History), Animal Care,

Animal Training, Blather, Charm, Command, Common
Knowledge (the Empire, Estalia, Skaven), Concealment,
Disguise +10%, Dodge Blow, Gossip, Intimidate,
Perception +10%, Read/Write, Search +10%, Set Trap,
Silent Move, Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Talents: Etiquette, Flee!, Public Speaking, Resistance to
Disease, Resistance to Poison, Secret Signs (Templar),
Specialist Weapon Group (Sling, Gunpowder, Fencing),
Street Fighting, Suave, Tunnel Rat
Armour: Leather Jack, Mail Shirt
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 3, Legs 0
Weapons: Rapier, 2 Daggers, Pistol with 10 Shots
Trappings: Disguise Kit, Hooded Cloak, Lantern,
Notebook (hidden inside a secret pocket), 1 Dose of Black
Lotus, Religious Symbol of Sigmar, 8 gc and 12 s
Description: Isidro Armantero made his living as a Rat
Catcher in Bilbali, Estalia. One tragic day he and his
colleagues were ambushed by the Skaven. He was the sole
survivor. Isidro was convinced there was a reason why the
gods have saved him. As a result, he took to the streets
and became an agitator. His fervent public speeches of the
terror living under the very feet of Bilbalis people raised
much interest and following among the common people.
But the ruling class was less enthusiastic. They ordered
Isidro Armantero arrested.
Wolfgang von Drachensturm learned of this intense young
man and figured he would make a great addition to his
growing intelligence network. He approached the city
rulers and offered to take the young man with him to the
Empire. After a considerable bribe they accepted. Since
then Isidro Armantero has been one of von Drachensturms
most efficient and trusted agents. Isidro feels he is honour
bound to serve von Drachensturm and has committed
himself wholeheartedly to his cause. He is a resourceful
man who is quick to think on his feet. Von Drachensturm
has trained him well, and he can handle himself in a wide
variety of situations, from noble courts to city sewers.
Passionate about his work, he is always careful to protect
the interests of his Lord.
Isidro Armantero has a surprisingly refined way of carrying
himself. He is a handsome man with wavy brown hair
cut at shoulder length. His melodic voice is soft yet
emphatic. He could easily be a regular visitor in many a
ladys daydreams were it not for his dark eyes. Isidros
wearing line of work is reflected in his eyes, which appear
cold and calculative, almost callous, at times.

What Has Happened to Isidro

About two weeks ago Isidro Armantero unearthed
clues that hinted at a heretical plan against the
city of Nuln. The clues pointed to the small town
of Ashendorf so he quickly made his way there.
In Ashendorf Isidro rented a room at the Sordid
Soothsayer boarding house and started his
investigations. Within a week he had gathered
evidence of cult activity in the town.
Armantero suspected Skaven involvement so he
contacted the local Rat Catchers and ventured
into the sewers with them. There he found definite
proof that the Skaven were lurking under the
At this point Ordo Triangulus became aware of
his presence. Five days ago they sent one of their
members to stick a warning on the door of his
room at the boarding house. Isidro caught the
Cultist redhanded and wounded the man with
his rapier. But the Cultist was able to escape. But
while he was doing the deed the Cultist was
wearing a black mask.
The mask was a valuable clue to Isidro and from
the local mask- and doll-maker he was able to
find out who had commissioned such masks. He
spied the home of this Konrad Rottmeier and
followed him for a day. When he noticed masked
Ordo Triangulus members make their way to a
nondescript town house (Tarshalares Wintermoons
house) he perceived an opportune moment to
break into Rottmeiers house. While he was
investigating the mans offices he was captured
by a Skaven Gutter Runner. He has been held
prisoner, and occasionally interrogated, ever since.
(See Foulsqueek on p.24 for more info on the
Skaven plan concerning Isidro.)

It takes the PCs approximately twelve hours to reach
Ashendorf. The road leading to Ashendorf is wide and
rather heavily used, though a bit muddy at the time. A
ten feet high wall circles the small town and one can enter
through one of three gates. Dark clouds over the town
forebode squalls of rain.
The town has circa 750 inhabitants. Narrow cobblestone
streets twist and turn between wooden shanties and oneand two-storey timber townhouses. People are out and

about, and small squares here and there are crowded with
carts, stalls, and vendors. All in all, it seems like your
typical, lively, Imperial town.
Ashendorf features all the establishments typical to a
small town and all common items are readily available.
Finding lodging takes a bit more time though, as many
people have travelled to Ashendorf for the Marionetten
Fest. Feel free to add any place, person or feature as needed.

This part of the adventure centres on the PCs attempts
to uncover clues concerning Isidro Armanteros whereabouts.
The structure of this chapter is loose, directed more by
character actions than by events. It is recommended that
the GM familiarises himself with this chapter before
running it.
There are two important clues on Isidro Armanteros letter
(Handout #2). Firstly, they should investigate the Sordid
Soothsayer boarding house. And secondly, they should
talk to the local Rat Catchers. This adventure is much
more enjoyable if the GM creates a mood of mounting
tension and invisible, hidden threat. This is largely achieved
by pacing the scenario properly and dishing out hints in

a graduated manner starting with small, passing incidents

before moving on to more obvious and factual clues.
Therefore, it would be advisable that the PCs investigate
the boarding house first and follow the clues found from
there before meeting the Rat Catchers. To achieve this
you could make the Rat Catchers unavailable at first. Or
it might take the PCs awhile to track them down. How
long the PCs takewith the investigations is up to the GM.
It could be anything from a day and night to several days.
The climax of the adventure takes place on the night of
the Marionetten Fest. The actual time of the fest has been
left open to allow the GM to pace the adventure as it best
suits him.

Ashendorf Encounters
These encounters can be used to liven up Ashendorf and create a mood appropriate for this scenario. You
should start with the first events before moving on to the subsequent ones.
1) The PCs see a small girl feeding her pet mouse, Karl-Franz, promising to protect it from the big, bad rats.
2) The PCs overhear an older woman gossiping how Elise, the bakers wife, found another rat from their cellar.
And she swears the rat was wearing an earring!
3) As one of the PCs leans against one of the towns wells he hears a splash. When he turns to look, the only
thing he can see is ripples in the water.
4) As the PCs are staying at an inn, big rats hide in their backpacks.
5) Just as the PCs are falling asleep they hear rustling and scraping of claws. The sounds seem to come from
underground (or the roof if they are staying at second floor). If they investigate, the sounds immediately stop,
only to repeat when they go back to sleep.
6) While walking down the street one of the PCs sees a pair of gleaming red eyes staring at them through the
slits in a manhole cover. Another PC sees the same thing a few blocks later. Alternatively, the eyes can stare at
them through a slit in a cellar door.
7) Have the PCs roll a few Sixth Sense Tests as they get the feeling they are being followed. If they investigate,
all they can find is strange paw marks leading to a cellar door, or claw marks leading to the rooftops.
8) While walking down one of the narrow side streets, the PCs notice a symbol: three lines intersecting to
form a triangle. It is done in excrement on the side of a house. A family with two children lives in the house.
The PCs could see the same symbol on some manhole covers as well.
9) The PCs see a cowled figure in rags hunched over and talking to rats at an alley. A coach cuts their field
of vision momentarily. When it has passed, the figure has disappeared and the rats scatter.

The Sordid Soothsayer

The Sordid Soothsayer is a boarding house on the fringes
of Ashendorf. The proprietor is one Helga Knopp, a plump
woman in her forties with a rapidly greying hair and sunken
eyes. She is not very welcoming, as she sees guests only as
an unavoidable annoyance. She runs the place with her
Halfling cook (and part-time lover) Ludo. The place is a
dump. Besides the common room and the kitchen there
are eight rooms, four on either side of a corridor. Only
two of the rooms are occupied at the moment, both by
folks out of town who did not know better. If the characters
are civil with Helga an Easy (+20%) Charm Test will
learn them that she rarely saw Isidro, and he always paid
in advance for a week at a time. He hasnt paid for this
week though, and Helga is about to throw his stuff out.
If the PCs pay for the week (2 gc should cover it) she allows
them to examine Isidros room. The room number 4 is at


the end of the corridor, on the left side. With a Routine

(+10%) Perception Test they notice there are big blotches
of dried blood in front of the door and in the hallway. If
they ask about this from Helga, she recalls hearing some
hue and cry from the hall maybe five or six days ago. As
she came to investigate a man wearing a mask ran by him,
clutching his side. She doesnt remember anything specific
about the man or details of the mask. (Note: The man
was a member of Ordo Triangulus trying to leave a
threatening message on Isidro Armanteros door. The blood
is his as Isidro stabbed him.) If the PCs do not realise to
ask her about this (it can be a vital clue), and get stuck in
their investigations, you can have Helga bump into them
later and tell them that she remembered this one thing
after they had left. The room is bare with only a grimy
window, a mattress, a bucket, and a stained, shabby table.

There are several items of interest inside though. First of

all, on the desk there is a crumbled piece of paper. This
is the threatening note from Ordo Triangulus. The note
says: Keep your nose out of local matters or else...The
interesting thing about the note is that it is handwritten
on a reverse side of a printed prophecy of some kind. A
further examination also reveals that there is a slit in the
middle of the pamphlet; the knife the Cultist used to pin
the note on the door is also on the table. A Challenging
(-10%) Perception Test reveals a strange triangular symbol

(the symbol of the Horned Rat) engraved on the hilt.

After examining the room and questioning Helga the PCs
should have two leads to follow. They can look for someone,
a Barber-Surgeon or a Physician, who might have patched
up a man with a puncture wound. Judging by the amount
of dried blood he must have been bleeding pretty badly.
The second option is to further investigate the matter of
the pamphlet. Both of these options are presented next.

Investigating the Wounded Man

There is only one man in Ashendorf who attends to the
sick and the wounded. He is easy enough to find, the PCs
only need ask any local about a doctor and they will be
directed to Reinhold Grafenberg. He has a practice on the
edge of the main square. He is quite popular and most
people trust his skill with all the off-putting blades and
The wounded Cultist did come to see Reinhold Grafenberg
five days ago. And he is yet to leave. The rapier wound
was severe enough to condemn him to bed rest for a long
while. But besides the injury the mans mental health seems
to be in jeopardy too he is absolutely paranoid. Reinhold
Grafenberg tended to his wound five days ago. Ever since
the man came to, he has been too terrified to leave his
practice. The man, whom the Barber-Surgeon hadnt seen
previously, seemed harmless enough so he has let him stay
so far. If the PCs treat Reinhold with at least some respect
and offer a somewhat plausible reason why they are looking
for the wounded man, he takes them to the backroom
where the man is resting. He warns them not to burden
the man too much and stays in the room during the


The mans trappings are on a side table. The most interesting

item is a peculiar black mask. The simple mask vaguely
suggests the features of a rat with a long snout. With a
Routine (+10%) Perception Test they notice that the
inside of the snout smells heavily of herbs (The Cultists
stuff the snouts with herbs to protect themselves against
foul Warpstone vapours). The bloodied dark green robes
he was wearing at the time of the incident are on the table
as well. There is also a silver pendant with a sigil: three
lines intersecting to form a triangle. With a successful
Routine (+10%) Charm Test, or a good reason, Grafenberg
allows them to take the items.
Questioning the Cultist is a hopeless task. He is terrified
beyond reason. In his paranoid state he is only able to
utter meaningless sentences like: They are coming for me!
They will kill me for failing them...They will send the Rats
after me! I can see their gleaming red eyes! I can hear them
skittering, their claws scraping! I am a dead man...
You can allow the PCs an Interrogation Test (The BarberSurgeon will not allow them to torture him) but there is
little they can glean from this wretched individual.
Grafenberg can tell them that he has been like this ever
since he dragged himself in here.

Reinhold Grafenberg

Talents: Resistance to Disease, Suave, Surgery

Armour: Leather Apron, Skullcap
Armour points: Head 1, Arms 0, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Barber-Surgeons Tools (Dagger)
Trappings: Trade Tools (Barber-Surgeon)

Career: Barber-Surgeon
Race: Human
Main Profile
28 32 34
Secondary Profile
1 12









Skills: Charm, Drive, Haggle, Heal, Perception,

Read/Write, Speak Language (Breton), Trade (Apothecary)

Description: Reinhold Grafenberg is, first and foremost,

a pragmatic man. He has the ability to take a hands-on,
feet on the ground approach to lifes problems. Reinhold
is a trusted member of the community. He is the leading
medical authority in Ashendorf and therefore his word
carries some weight around here. He is not interested in
getting involved in local politics though. He just wants to
give the best care possible to his patients and to provide
for his family. Reinhold Grafenberg is one of those rare
people who actually want to help their fellow man without
looking for something in return. Reinhold Grafenberg is
also just the sort of man who makes a good ally for the
PCs. He doesnt know anything about Isidro Armantero.
Reinhold Grafenberg is the only man in Ashendorf Jago
Stamm trusts. Stamm adores Reinholds daughter, Ilse,
and often sends her gifts. Reinhold knows Stamms secret.
If the PCs bring Ilse the doll from Stamm (see p.16) and
they have been civil with Reinhold earlier, he can tell
them about Stamms condition, but only if asked.
Reinhold Grafenberg is a tall man with sandbrown hair.
His has a long moustache and goatee. He usually wears
a bloodstained apron and a utility belt with his most
trusted blades.

Investigating the Pamphlet

Buchmans Printing House
There are a few ways to approach the matter of the
pamphlet. The PCs might look for a printing house that
has printed the prophecy. In this case they will find
themselves at Buchmans Printing House. It is a small and
run-down printing press that is barely able to stay in
business. The owner is one Hesekiel Buchman. This pallid
and impossibly thin man with ink-stained hands seems
nervous and jumpy. He recognises the pamphlet
immediately as he prints these weird prophecies for
Tarshalares Wintermoon every now and then. He can
direct them to her house. If they visit him in the morning,
he says they might have better luck finding her at the Town


With a successful Routine (+10%) Perception Test the

PCs notice a pile of pamphlets under a side table. These
pamphlets have clearly been printed for an Agitator or a
Demagogue. They state in bold letters how the Church of
Sigmar in Nuln is avaricious and corrupt, oppressing the
common man. If confronted about the matter Hesekiel
almost bursts into tears. Clutching their clothing, he pleads
to them not to inform the Sigmarites about the pamphlets,
as they will without a doubt burn him at the pyres. He is
almost bankrupt and in order to stay in business and feed
his family he must take any and all jobs he can get. He
remembers that the two men who commissioned the job
were wearing dark green hooded robes. If asked, he will
tell them that the men are supposed to pick up the
pamphlets in the evening of the Marionetten Fest.

Tarshalares Wintermoon
If the PCs ask around the town about the prophecy most
people who are able to read recognise it as one of the
strange prophecies Tarshalares Wintermoon distributes to
the people of Ashendorf every now and then. Most people
dont pay too much attention to them but they enjoy
reading them as they are usually quite poetic. Most will
speak of her with reserve, thinking she is spooky and
knows things she is not supposed to know. Her townhouse
is in the better part of town, near the park. A successful
Challenging (-10%) Gossip Test learns them rumours
that her place is a secret Mandrake Root Den for Ashendorfs
well to do.

does not know what they discuss in these meetings as they

make an effort to speak in whispered voices when she is
within earshot. She believes they are just a group of rich
men who seek little excitement from pretending to have
a secret society while using Mandrake Root. To her, Humans
are just plain weird. The last time they were here one of
them forgot his amulet. It is a silver amulet with a sigil:
three lines intersecting to form an inverted triangle.

Tarshalares Wintermoon

Tarshalares Wintermoon can be found either at her town

house or in the park, depending on when the PCs come
looking for her. She is wary of the PCs at first, as she is
wary of anyone. If the PCs helped her earlier (see Optional
Encounter below)

Optional Encounter
While near the Town Park, the PCs see three
ruffians threatening an Elf woman. A local man
by the name of Udo Kraus died of the Green Pox
three weeks ago. These ignorant peasants are
certain his death was the work of the Elf Witch
living next door to their late cousin. Now they
are here to avenge the untimely death of Udo.
The ruffians (use Bandit stats, WFRP p.233)
believe that the tree is the source of the Witchs
powers and intend to cut it down. Tarshalares is
standing under the tree, her dagger in hand;
ready to protect the sacred Amrazor. The ruffians
flee as soon as one of them is seriously injured.

she will be more welcoming, although she wont consider

herself friends with them by any means. The PCs have to
do some serious convincing before Tarshalares Wintermoon
reveals them anything, especially if there are any Dwarfs
in the party. Showing her how her pamphlet has been
misused is a good start. To keep the PCs on their toes with
the Elf have her occasionally stop to stare intently at one
of them and then refer to some fact about the character
she could not have known. If they ask about the masks or
robed figures, she reveals that a strange group of men
occasionally meets at her Den. They wear dark green,
hooded robes and black rat masks. She thinks they call
themselves Ordo Triangulus, or something like that. She


Career: Seer (ex-Envoy)

Race: Elf (Exile)
Main Profile
49 30 30
Secondary Profile
1 11 3









Skills: Charm, Common Knowledge (Elves, The Empire),

Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Perception +10%, Read/Write,
Speak Language (Reikspiel, Eltharin), Trade (Merchant),
Magical Sense
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Coolheaded, Excellent
Vision, Seasoned Traveller, Keen Senses, Luck, Meditation,
Night Vision, Resistance to Poison
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Good Craftsmanship Dagger
Trappings: Black Robes, Religious Symbol of Sarriel, Vial
of Amrazor Poison, Bunch of Prophecy Pamphlets,
Mandrake Root Den

Description: Tarshalares Wintermoon had served as an

Elf Envoy in Nuln for decades. On one of her trips to her
ancestral home of Laurelorn Forest her journey took her
through Ashendorf. Tarshalares was surprised to find a
rare tree, sacred to Elves, growing in the Town Park. As
she marvelled the big tree with grey leaves she was bitten
by a snake living in the tree.
It was an Amrazor, a black and yellow snake the Elves
revere as one of the sacred protector spirits of the forest.
Amrazors are believed to be embodiments of Sarriel, the
Elven God of Death and Dreams. Its bite is extremely
poisonous and causes severe hallucinations and fever as
the victim slowly dies in agony. But it is a whispered among
the Elves that sometimes the dying is lured from Sarriels
embrace by Khaine, the God of Murder.
Once bitten, the she-elf succumbed into a world of
prophetical visions and high fever for six days. On the
seventh day she suddenly came to her senses and found
out her wounds had healed and her body felt strong and
energetic. And since then she has seen prophetical, and
often violent, visions.
Tarshalares soon found herself to be an outcast among
her people as they believed she was touched by death, and

Khaine. Before long she forfeited her name and left Nuln
to live in Ashendorf. Now her life resembles that of a
monk. Tarshalares believes her visions come from Sarriel.
Her days consist of prayer and meditation to the god, and
trying to decipher the visions she receives from inhaling
or ingesting the Amrazors poison. She also seeks to turn
the disturbing visions into works of art such as poems,
pictures, or wooden sculptures. It can be argued that most
of her prophecies are selffulfilling but every now and then
she seems to get it right.
Tarshalares lives in a simple wooden building near the
Amrazor tree. She has become quite a skilled herbalist and
is very adept at handling poisons. That is how she came
to make a deal with some of the leaders of Ashendorf; she
is allowed to claim the Amrazor tree as her own and these
men can use her basement as a secret Mandrake Root Den.
Commoners find her quite eccentric and even a little scary
at times (when she says something about them she could
not have possibly heard from anyone). But, all in all, she
is well-liked and they are proud to have an Elf as a
neighbour. Tarshalares is a beautiful Elf with delicate
features and almond-eyes. She is always dressed in black
robes and dyes her hair black. She also decorates her hair
with raven feathers. Like most Elves, she can seem quiet
emotionless at times.

Rat Catchers
The tavern Grafs Undoing serves as a guild house for the local
Rat Catchers. The Graf s Undoing is a rather lowly
establishment with only a few patrons sitting there at any given
time. Strong beer is pretty much the only item on the menu.
Right now, the Rat Catchers are in mourning. Raff, one of
their small but vicious dogs, has died. The corpse is under a
cloth on one of the long wooden tables. The Rat Catchers are
gathered around the table and Nestor, a veteran, is stammering
an impromptu prayer to Taal and Morr. Once he is finished
the Catchers are willing to talk with the PCs, especially for a
beer or two. They remember Isidro Armantero well as he was
respectful and treated them like equals. He came to see them
about a week ago, and they accompanied him down to the
sewers. He was clearly looking for something in particular, and
after maybe two hours below the streets they found a strange
chamber the Rat Catchers had not seen before.
The chamber had strange markings all over the walls and smelt
even worse than sewers usually do. If the PCs ask, the Rat
Catchers agree to take them to the chamber against a small
fee of 2 s per PC. If they ask about the dog, they say that it


died this morning in the sewers. It had chased a rat deep into
the tunnels when they heard it squeal and found it lying in
a pool of its own blood, bitten to death. With a Routine
(+10%) Charm Test Nestor removes the cloth to let them
have a look. PCs with appropriate skills such as Animal Care
or Animal Training can tell that the bite marks are much too
large for a common sewer rat.

Rat Catchers (4)

Career: Rat Catcher
Race: Human
Main Profile
37 28 36
Secondary Profile
1 13 2









Skills: Animal Care, Animal Training, Concealment, Perception,

Search, Set Trap, Silent Move
Talents: Resistance to Disease, Resistance to Poison, Specialist

Weapon Group (Sling), Tunnel Rat

Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Sling with Ammunition
Trappings: Pole with 5 Dead Rats, 4 Animal Traps, Small
but Vicious Dog
Description: These brave men are the pest controllers of
Ashendorf. Rats are their main enemy. They spend great deal
of time in the sewers, wading through rivers of filth in search
of their prey. They have never seen any Skaven and believe
the Ratmen are just a myth.

The Sewers
The sewer system under Ashendorf covers the whole town.
The best maintained parts are naturally under the centre of
the city where the wealthy live. There the tunnels are 2 yards
wide with a 2 feet wide walkway. Manholes are set at regular
intervals. The further one moves from the centre the more
confined the tunnels get. The walkway is narrower, if there
even is any. The distance from one manhole cover to the next
can be quite long.
The Rat Catchers give the PCs some pointers on how to
move in the sewers. Nestor instructs them to keep the lanterns
to their front and back in sight at all times as they do not
want to get lost down there. He also tells them to use a cloth
to cover their mouths and nosesagainstthe smell.
Let the dreadfulness of the sewers fully hit the PCs. The
tunnels are narrow and dark, pitchblack at times. All kinds
of sinister sounds echo from the walls. And then there is the
awful smell. Even with the cloths the stench is still
overpowering. The PCs must succeed in a Challenging (10%) Toughness Test or suffer a -10% penalty to any
Intelligence and Willpower Tests while in the sewers. They
can easily feel nauseous and claustrophobic.
The journey from the manhole by The Grafs Undoing to
the secret chamber takes about an hour. The chamber is a
shrine and a nesting area used at times by the Skaven. It is
approximately fifteen feet by ten feet. The walls are covered
with strange markings, and the floor is littered with filth and
faeces. A large inverted triangle is engraved on the far wall.
The smell in the chamber is absolutely abhorrent and a
successful Challenging (-10%) Will Power Test is required
to enter the chamber. Searching the space reveals only bones,
a gnawed at doll, and a few rusty blades. A successful
Challenging (-10%) Search Test reveals 1d10+2 gc among
the filth. It is hard to tell in the darkness but there is something


strange about the coins. These coins are actually from the
first sample lot made by Ordo Triangulus, and were given to
the Skaven as samples. They have a strange mouldy green
glow to them and the triangular symbol of the Horned Rat
on the tails side. Anyone handling the coins must make a
Very Easy (+30%) Toughness Test or gain a mutation. (Note:
If the PCs are not getting anywhere with their investigations,
you can have them find a black mask here.)
As the PCs are searching the chamber the Rat Catchers start
to get anxious to leave. You should have the Players roll a few
Perception Tests to make them nervous. You might even roll
a few tests yourself, just to get them looking over their
shoulders. When they leave the chamber, the Skaven launch
their ambush!
Suddenly, the PCs are caught in a horribly chaotic, confusing
and terrifying confrontation in the confined, pitch-black
tunnels without knowing what is happening. The purpose
of this encounter is to give the PCs a hint that the mythical
Skaven might not be so mythical after all, and to make the
Ratmen seem even more scary and dangerous when they
finally come face to face with them in the climax of the
adventure. But, at this point the PCs will not see the Skaven
clearly enough to be absolutely sure. To achieve this, the PCs
should not get into a fight with the Skaven just yet, so the
Ratmen attack the Rat Catchers instead, and the PCs should
concentrate on trying to survive.
To create the chaotic mood appropriate for this scene have
the PCs roll Agility Tests or fall into the effluent. They could
drop their weapons or their lanterns, and then try to feel their
way in the darkness, or try to fish them out from the sewage.
They see only shadows or glimpses of sinister hunched figures
attacking the Rat Catchers in the shifting light of lanterns.
They hear screams and weird squeaks. One of the panicking
Rat Catchers could accidentally take a swing at them in the
darkness. They could even feel wet and tangled fur brush
against them.
The attack is over as quickly as it started as the Skaven retreat
back into their secret tunnels. The PCs are left with the task
of gathering any wounded survivors and finding their way
back to the surface, possibly without any light source. With
a lantern etc. it will take them 1d10/2 x 10 minutes to find
a way out. Without a light source it will take them 1d10 x
10 minutes. Each degree of success in a Challenging (-10%)
Navigation Test will reduce this time by 10 minutes (to the
minimum of 10 minutes). The venture into the sewers also
calls for a test against contracting some nasty disease of your
choosing, especially if the PCs were wounded or fell into the
effluent (see WFRP p.136).

Master of Puppets
The strange rat masks should eventually lead the PCs to
Jago Stamm, the Puppet-Maker. Finding Stamms place
is quite easy; most townspeople know of him and his shop
is in the Artisans Quarter. The shop itself can be easily
identified from a puppet perched on top of the door. Jago
Stamm has a reputation that extends far beyond Ashendorf.
His skill in making dolls and masks is well-known in
Nuln. Countless nobles have sought his services in the
past to get a quality mask for one of the Countess many
parties. But things have changed lately. People are
whispering that the loss of his daughter was too much for
Stamm to bear, and he is slowly losing his mind.

Note: If the PCs think it would be a good idea to take

the masks and disguise themselves as Cultists you might
want to adjust the number of masks to match the number
of your players to allow them all to participate in the caper.
Jago Stamm will not just hand them the masks though.
He needs to be convinced that the PCs have a legitimate
reason for taking them.

Jago Stamm

A chime rings when the PCs enter the Puppet-Makers

shop. The interior of the shop is a sight to see. The walls
are covered with masks of all designs imaginable, from
eloquent, white masks to colourful, feathered ones. The
many dolls are on display on wooden shelves. It is
impossible to avoid the feeling that their eyes follow you
Jago Stamm sits behind a worktable, adding the finishing
touches on a doll. As the characters address him he puts
on a hand puppet before answering (see Character
Description below). Then he addresses them through the
puppet, which can be a little off-putting. Another doll on
his shoulder keeps mocking the PCs, spewing acrimonious
comments. If there are any Wizards or Priests in the party,
it will target them. An Average (+0%) Perception Test
tells them that, at times, all the three dolls on him seem
to speak simultaneously. No small feat for any ventriloquist.
If the characters behave respectfully and dont let
ShaffagnZheee get to them, Jago Stamm asks them to
deliver the doll he is just finishing to Reinhold Grafenbergs
daughter. If they agree, he readily answers all their questions.
Jago Stamm remembers that a man matching Isidro
Armanteros description came to his store to inquire about
a certain mask a black rat mask to be precise. He told
him what he tells the PCs now: the masks were
commissioned by Konrad Rottmeier, a local merchant. At
this point ShaffagnZheee laughs diabolically. Recently,
Herr Rottmeier asked him to make two new masks, and
they are almost finished. He is supposed to collect them
on the evening of the Marionetten Fest (Rottmeier will
send one of the Cultists to fetch the new masks).


Career: Artisan (ex-Tradesman)

27 29 36
Secondary Profile
1 13 2









Skills: Gossip, Drive, Haggle, Evaluate, Perception,

Read/Write, Trade (Dolls, Masks) +10%, Ventriloquism
Talents: Artistic, Savvy
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: None
Trappings: Trade Tools, 3 Special Puppets, Shop

Description: Jago Stamms story is a tragic one. On one

hand he is a master artisan of unparalleled skills; on the
other hand he is a man rent with grief. His wife died giving
birth to their only daughter, Frieda. Ten years later, when
Jago Stamm had become an esteemed maker of dolls and
masks, Frieda caught the Green Pox and died. Jago Stamm
was devastated. He did not know how he could go on
living without his beloved daughter, and in his despair he
turned to the Ruinous Powers.
During the years Jago Stamm has made dolls to all kinds
of customers. Now he contacted one of them, a Wizard,
and asked for help. For a few favours the Wizard provided
him with a ritual that allowed him to contact
ShaffagnZheee, a Lesser Daemon of Tzeentch. The PuppetMaker made a pact with the Daemon. It taught him how
to perform a ritual that would bring Friedas spirit back
to life. The ritual stated that Jago Stamm was to make a
doll and then the ritual would bind Friedas spirit to the
doll. He performed the ritual in the backroom of his shop.
But the Ruinous Powers are not to be trusted.
The ritual went wrong. Horribly wrong. Friedas spirit was
bound to the doll, but it was hopelessly insane. It was
only able to giggle and repeat its name. To make matters
worse, the Daemon possessed Stamms body as part of the
pact. A horrendous growth of pink flesh with three sharptoothed maws grew on Stamms shoulder. As ShaffagnZheee
is just a Lesser Daemon it isnt very powerful, and so they
ended up inhabiting the same body.
To hide his condition Jago Stamm made a doll he can put
on the Daemon to conceal it. He also keeps the insane
Frieda doll fastened to his other shoulder. These two often
talk; one giggles as the other taunts the Puppet-Maker. To
further disguise the nature of these dolls Jago made a
hand puppet for himself. Now he only talks through the
puppet, trying to give the impression that he is a
ventriloquist. This cacophony of talking dolls causes many
people to believe Jago Stamm is going crazy, the grief of
losing his daughter driving him out of his mind.
Jago Stamm is an unremarkable looking, short, and wiry
man who wears spectacles. His hair is already completely
white even though he is only thirty years old. The hand
puppet he wears looks like a jester with a black and white
dress. The Frieda doll looks like a small, rosycheeked girl.
And ShaffagnZheee looks like a fiery, flaming dragon.


Sha ffagn Zheee
Career: Race: Lesser Daemon (Tzeentch)
Main Profile
- 20 40
Secondary Profile
2 16 2









Special: Stable - ShaffagnZheee does not suffer from

Instability until the Frieda doll is destroyed.
Limited Spellcasting Because of its limiting form
ShaffagnZheee is able to cast only the following spells
from Dark Lore (Chaos): Vision of Torment (Always
considered to have the ingredient), Boon of Chaos, Burning
Blood, Lure of Chaos.
Skills: Speak Arcane Language (Daemonic, Magick), Speak
Language (Dark Tongue), Speak Language (Reikspiel),
Intimidate, Perception
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Daemonic Aura (TB +2
against non-magical weapons), Night Vision, Frightening,
Resistance to Magic, Petty Magic (Arcane), Lesser Magic
(Dispel), Dark Lore (Chaos)
Armour: Tough Skin
Armour points: Head -, Arms -, Body 1, Legs Weapons: Bite
Trappings: Jago Stamm
Description: ShaffagnZheee is a Lesser Daemon of
Tzeentch. It has partly possessed Jago Stamms body and
seeks to do the Great Mutators bidding through this
human vessel. So far the doll-maker has proved surprisingly
resilient though. ShaffagnZheee is able to talk and insults
and makes poignant comments about people in Stamms
vicinity. Any attempt to physically remove or destroy the
Daemon will result in Jago dying from a heart attack.
Getting rid of ShaffagnZheee is easy in theory. All that
is needed is the destruction of the Frieda doll, and the
Daemons hold on Jago Stamm will break. Then it can be
physically destroyed. The problem is that there is no way
Stamm will let anyone harm Frieda (destroying the doll
will actually free her spirit). There could be other possible
ways to banish ShaffagnZheee. For example, the PCs
could use the Ritual of Exorcism (see Tome of Corruption
p.127). Allow your players to be creative. If they can come
up with a plausible way of getting rid of the Daemon
then let them pull it off.

Summary of the Investigations

The different leads the PCs can follow are quickly
summarised here. Searching the boarding house they can
find two major leads: the pamphlet with the prophecy and
the fact that a strange man was wounded while sneaking
around Isidros room. The pamphlet will take them either
directly or via the Printing House to Tarshalares
Wintermoon. Both of the major leads give the PCs one
significant clue: the Cultists are wearing black rat masks.
The mask leads them to Jago Stamm, the Puppet-Maker,
who in turn can tell them who commissioned the masks.
The climax of the adventure takes place on the night of


the Marionetten Fest. The PCs now have at least two

options to find the Cultists and their base. They can shadow
the Cultists coming for the anti-Sigmar pamphlets, or
they can shadow (or interrogate etc.) the Cultist coming
to fetch the new masks from Jago Stamm.
Note: It is possible the PCs want to go and find Rottmeiers
place by themselves, after they learn his name from Stamm.
However, Rottmeiers Glassworks is closed due to the
Marionetten Fest. If they plan to break in you should
drop them a hint that it will probably be easier to sneak
in during the festival.

The Marionetten Fest
The Marionetten Fest is a big annual festival in Ashendorf.
Ever since the incident with the plague and the stolen
children, the townsfolk have had a curious habit. Every
house, especially those that have children, keeps dolls in
their homes. The belief is that if the Ratmen return, they
will steal the doll instead of the child. So, in a way the
dolls serve as protective talismans. After a year the dolls
are believed to have soaked up so much evil energy that
they must be disposed of. So, every year in the Marionetten
Fest all the old dolls are taken down and to the main
square. There all the dolls are burnt upon great pyres as
the townsfolk celebrate another successful year free from
evil. The week leading up to the festival is spent making
new dolls and preparing for the festivities. This is a hectic
time in Ashendorf, and the PCs will certainly notice the
extra excitement. The festival begins at sunset. People take
down their dolls and families join others to parade around
the streets, holding their old dolls high up in the air, and
sing traditional songs. The mood is cheerful and merry.

Festival Encounters
Below is a list of some events the PCs might
encounter during the festival. If they chose to trail
the Cultists to their hideout, then you can use
these to make the shadowing more interesting
and challenging. To add some irony to the
aftermath, you are encouraged to use encounter
number 7.
1 A Fire-eater stands on a corner and breaths huge
balls of fire. Sparks fly high up into the night sky and
the smell of alcohol hangs heavy in the air.
2 A group of children re-enact the legend of the
Skaven. A young boy dressed in a mock nobles garb
and a crown whispers something to two boys dressed
in rags. Then the ragged figures suddenly lunge for the
other kids, chasing them around.
3 A man is careless with his doll and his sleeve catches
fire. Screaming, he pelts back and forth, trying to put
out the flames. The Watchmen have difficulties
penetrating the crowd to reach him. (See Fire, WFRP


The people of Ashendorf have naturally heard of Countess

Emmanuelles lavish parties. The Marionetten Fest is
their imitation of the extravagant parties of the nobility.
Many people wear masks, mostly self-made but some have
bought theirs from Jago Stamm. It is the same thing with
the dolls. As the Marionetten Fest is a fire festival all
kinds of small fires; candles, torches, and lanterns, are lit
all around the city. Some people light up their doll already
at home and then walk around the town with a burning
doll. After people have paraded around the town they
gather at the main square where they will say a few prayers
and then toss their dolls upon large pyres. The main
square is where most of the action happens. Selected
townspeople perform, recreating the tragic events in front
of the cheering crowd. They even have Skaven costumes
and all. The main square is littered with stalls and vendors,
entertainers like fireeaters and jugglers etc. As a precaution
most of the village watchmen are on duty as firewatchers.

4 Two young Rakes are slumming it with their

hangers-on. They try to pick a fight with the PCs (use
Rake stats, WFRP p.235). Alternately, they try to molest
any female PCs, groping them and suggesting all kinds
of carnal activities.
5 A Flagellant stands on a street corner and preaches
to the crowds. He holds a burning doll in his hand
and volubly speaks of the Enemy Within.
6 It is traditional during the Marionetten Fest that
women are allowed to be expressive of their emotions
towards a particular man. A pretty peasant girl
approaches one of the male PCs. She gives her doll to
the PC to burn. This signifies that she wants him to
protect her, and their child, in the future.
7 A black coach is stuck on a narrow side street. It
blocks their way and the PCs need to push to get it
moving. A few successful Average (+0%) Strength Tests
should do it. The coach is actually driven by one of
Ordo Triangulus Cultists and is taking the Skaven
Gutter Runner HannZo to von Drachensturms mansion
(see Aftermath below).
This encounter is meant to add irony to the aftermath
so do not let the PCs discover HannZo.

Ironically, as the townspeople celebrate at the main square,

another meeting takes place in the shadows. As people
affirm their superstitions about the Ratmen and how they
are now free of unholy bargains with these mythical
monsters, some of the towns most influential men are
entangled further in such a pact with the very real Skaven.
Also, at the same time people burn their dolls in the great
pyres, Jago Stamm is having his own doll burnt as
Reinhold Grafenberg cauterises the dead flesh-puppet
from his shoulder (if the PCs helped him that is).
At this point the PCs should have found out who
commissioned the black masks. They know that a Cultist
is coming to pick up the new masks this evening. They
might also be aware of the two Cultists going to pick up
the anti-Sigmar pamphlets tonight. The Cultists will fetch

these items and then make their way through the crowds
to Rottmeiers Glassworks. No-one will pay any extra
attention to another masked man or two. The PCs could
capture and interrogate the Cultists in which case they
need to succeed in an Average (+0%) Interrogation or
Torture Test. Or they might want to trail the Cultists to
their secret hideout. In this case they should make an
Opposed Shadowing Test against the Cultists Perception.
To add some excitement to the scene you can use the
festival encounters provided above. Use them to hinder
the PCs and make it more challenging for them. You might
even have them lose sight of the Cultist momentarily and
then have them pelt back and forth before picking up his
trail again. Eventually, the PCs should find their way to
Rottmeiers Glassworks.

Rottmeier,s Glassworks
Rottmeiers Glassworks has been the Rottmeiers family
business since the days of the Skaven incident. It provides
Nuln with glass items such as stained-glass windows and
simple containers. Ordo Triangulus continuously work
the foul symbols of the Horned Rat into these items. The
glassworks is located on the outskirts of Ashendorf, near
the East Gate. It is in the Industrial Quarter where all the
similar businesses have congregated. The quarter is quiet
at the time of the festival as most people have gathered
at the main square.
The glassworks is actually two buildings. The building
next to the streets features the offices of the company.
The glassworks, where the actual glassblowing is done, is
in the building behind the offices. The two buildings are
connected by a wooden walkway.

The Offices
The office building is a tastefully decorated twostorey brick
building. The first floor contains a large reception room,
private meeting rooms for entertaining customers, and
lavish display rooms. The offices and living quarters are
on the second floor.
The front door is locked and must be opened with a
successful Average (+0%) Pick Locks Test or Average
(+0%) Strength Test. The windows are barred, and need
a successful Hard (-20%) Strength Test to open.


Konrad Rottmeiers Office

Konrad Rottmeiers office is neat and tidy. All the papers
and ledgers are in order on the shelves. The documents
are mainly customer logs, schedules, and invoices of raw
material purchases. An Average (+0%) Search Test reveals
a receipt of payment made to Herr Stamm for two masks.

Konrad Rottmeiers Private Room

Konrad Rottmeier lives here. The door is locked and must
be opened with a successful Average (+0%) Pick Locks
Test or Routine (+10%) Strength Test. Contrary to the
neatness of his office Rottmeiers private room is a mess.
The room smells heavily of Mandrake Root. Tapestry
featuring a giant horned rats head with the triangular
symbol on its forehead hangs on the wall. There is a soiled
bed in one corner. The desk is littered with papers. An
Easy (+20%) Search Test reveals one important document.
It is a map of Nuln with twelve locations clearly marked,
and such names as Sigmar and Magnus the Pious written
next to the markings. This is, of course, a map of all the
offertory boxes in Nuln. There are also notes with strange
calculations, diagrams, and mixing ratios for Warpstone
and different metals. In the closet there are two extra
Ordo Triangulus robes (again, you can adjust the number
of the robes if you want all your PCs to disguise themselves
as Cultists).

Empty Office
Isidro Armantero is held captive in one of the empty
offices on the second floor. He is manacled to the back
wall (a Challenging (-10%) Pick Locks Test or a Hard
(-20%) Strength Test to open the manacles). He has
been tortured for several days and is in no condition to
walk. His voice is a rasping whisper:
I was... captured by the Skaven...They...meeting...tonight...
the Glassworks. They...forced write a
Drachensturm... they will use get...a Skaven
assassin...close kill him...You
t h e . . . m e e t i n g . . . a n d . . . s a v e v o n D ra c h . . . t a k e
my...notebook...cloak......Sigmar save us...
Then he passes out. Rottmeier has given him poison he
received from the Skaven, and the foul substance is burning
its way through his veins. There is nothing the PCs can
do; Isidro will be dead within an hour. An Average (+0%)
Trade (Apothecary) or similar Test reveals them this.
Note: It is appropriate for this adventure that Isidro
Armantero dies, so you should not allow the PCs to save
him. They most certainly should try to save him though.

Store Room
Isidro Armanteros possessions are here, scattered on the
floor. His notebook is inside a secret pocket in his cloak;
a Challenging (-10%) Search Test to find it (Routine
(+10%) if they know to look for it).
Armanteros notebook contains notes on Ordo Triangulus
plans. It also has extensive information concerning the
Skaven and the extent of their influence. The notebook
contains the following clues:
The name of the cult is Ordo Triangulus and they
worship the Horned Rat, the dark deity of the Skaven.
Ordo Triangulus is meeting with the Skaven on the
night of the Marionetten Fest to get some Warpstone
They will use the Dust to make Warpstone-laced coins.
You can use the notebook to provide the PCs with any
clues necessary for them to put together Ordo Triangulus
evil plan.


The notebook has a wealth of information on the Skaven.

If you want, you may allow the PCs to learn the skill
Common Knowledge (Skaven) after extensive study of
the book.

The Glassworks
The glassworks is a menacing looking brick building with
leering gargoyles and plumes of smoke rising from the
chimneys even at this hour. Inside, there is a large hall
with three large furnaces. The light from the furnaces gives
the room hellish illumination, and shadows dance on the
walls. Tongs, pipes and other glassblowing equipment is
scattered around the three furnaces. Water is needed in
glassblowing, so there is also a well inside the hall.
Next to the well is a strange looking apparatus. Upon
closer inspection it turns out to be a coining machine,
with coin dies and a weird funnel to mix in the Warpstone
Dust. Karls with the symbol of the Horned Rat are scattered
around the machine. There is a large sack full of these foul
coins on the floor. Anyone handling the coins must make
an Easy (+20%) Toughness Test or gain a mutation.

The Skaven Are Real!

The Cultists are gathered in a semicircle around the well.
They are all wearing dark green robes and black masks.
One Cultist is swinging a censer dispersing sickeningly
sweet incense smoke. After awhile, a rustling sound echoes
from the well. Suddenly, a Skaven appears at the mouth
of the well. Its muzzle twitches as it sniffs the air, and its
gleaming red eyes scan the gathered man-things. Then it
emerges from the well, and a group of Skaven follow suit.
The leader of the Skaven, one with grey fur and horns,
steps forth and addresses Rottmeier:
Good-good man-thing leader-man. Foulsqueek is pleased
with you. You make spy-prisoner write letter to man-thing
Skaven-hater. Soon-soon sneaky-deadly Eshin assassin will
kill-kill Skaven-hater. Here is your reward: more sweetsweet
Warpstone Dust for your plan-scheme against man-gods
church. Man-things continue serve us well, we reward muchmuch.
(Note: See Foulsqueeks Description for more on the Skaven

The Initiation Rite

If the meeting is allowed to proceed uninterrupted, the
following takes place. The two new masks are for two new
initiates. In the initiation rite they pledge their loyalty to
the Skaven and Ordo Triangulus. Foulsqueek and Rottmeier
accept their pledge and then mark them as members of

the pack by urinating on them. After this the Skaven

leave by retreating back down the well. Three Cultists take
the Warpstone Dust and start operating the coining
apparatus. The rest will retreat back to the reception room
in the main office building and indulge in Mandrake Root.

Saving The Day

How the PCs approach the situation is up to them. They
could observe the exchange from afar and take a passive
approach. They could go for a direct assault. They could
try to disguise as Cultists and stop the unholy meeting at
a suitable moment. Or, they could try to sneak out and
find back up (They can stumble across a few Watchmen
if you want. Convincing the watch to help them should
not be easy though.)
To encourage the PCs to take action you can stress to
them that the Cultists evil plan seems to be in its final
stages, so time is of the essence. Of course, they will be
forced to take action if they are discovered. The Skaven
have an acute sense of smell and they can discern between
different man-things (all the Cultists smell like incense,
Mandrake Root and Skaven urine, whereas the characters
probably do not).
If the meeting is interrupted at any time, the following
happens. Rottmeier orders the Cultists to kill the intruders.
Adjust the challenge level to suit your party; maybe one
or two Cultists per player, plus Rottmeier. The others flee.
The Skaven seize the opportunity and grab the sack full
of Warpstone coins before fleeing down the well. When
it starts to look like the Cultists are going to be defeated,
Rottmeier flees down the well also.

Ordo Triangulus Cultists

Career: Burgher / Cultist
Race: Human
Main Profile
32 32 29
Secondary Profile
1 12









Special: Frenzy The fear of being exposed combined


with the intoxicating effect of inhaling the mix of herbs

in their mask and the incense makes the Cultists attack
in a frothing frenzy.
Skills: Common Knowledge (The Empire), Drive, Evaluate,
Read/Write, Haggle, Perception, Search, Speak Language
(Breton, Kislevian or Tilean), Speak Language (Reikspiel)
Talents: Dealmaker, Savvy
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Dagger, 1 Cultist wields the censer (treat it as
a Flail) Trappings: Dark Green Robes, Black Mask, 1d10
gc, Religious Symbol of the Horned Rat, 20% chance of
1 Dose of Mandrake Root
Description: The Cultists of Ordo Triangulus come from
among the wealthier occupants of Ashendorf. They are
the burghers and merchants of the town, and they have
the Skaven to thank for their fortunes. Most of these
decadent men worship the Horned Rat. They cannot risk
being exposed, so they either fight to the death or flee
before their true identity is revealed.

Konrad Rottmeier

Petty Magic (Warp*), Schemer, Suave, Super Numerate

(* If you dont have access to CotHR, use Petty Magic
(Hedge) instead)
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon (Ceremonial Sword), Dagger
Trappings: Dark Green Robes, Black Mask, Symbol of
the Horned Rat, 2 Doses of Mandrake Root, Rottmeiers

Career: Cult Acolyte (ex-Burgher, ex-Merchant)

Race: Human
Main Profile
44 42 43
Secondary Profile
1 16









Special: Addiction Konrad is addicted to Mandrake Root

and suffers from the insanity Mandrake Man (see WFRP
Skills: Academic Knowledge (Theology), Channeling,
Charm, Command +10%, Common Knowledge (the
Empire, Skaven), Drive, Evaluate, Gossip, Haggle, Magical
Sense, Perception, Read/Write, Ride, Search, Speak Arcane
Language (Magick), Secret Language (Guild Tongue),
Speak Language (Queekish), Trade (Merchant)
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Dark Magic, Dealmaker,

Description: Konrad Rottmeier is the current head of the

Rottmeier family, the owner of Rottmeiers Glassworks,
and a respected member of the community. He is also the
leader of Ordo Triangulus and worships the dark god of
the Skaven, the Horned Rat. For three generations now
the men of Rottmeier family have been the leaders of the
Cult. Konrad believes the time has come for the Cult to
take a step to the next level and take action. His plan is
to strike against the Church of Sigmar in Nuln. His master
plan is to mint coins laced with Warpstone and then use
these coins to spread mutations amongst the priests of
This megalomaniac is deranged. He actually believes that
once he dies the Horned Rat will resurrect him as a Grey
Seer. He will then lead the Skaven in the Great Ascendancy
when the Ratmen will swarm across the Empire and inherit
the earth. Until then he will work to undermine the current
governing structure of the Empire.
In his arrogance Konrad Rottmeier believes he is in charge
of the situation and it is he who tells the Skaven what to
do. He is wrong, and is about to learn the truth of the
matter. Konrad Rottmeier is a bald, slightly overweight
man in his forties. He keeps up a faade of a friendly and
outgoing man with a thundering laughter. But in reality
he is a sadistic and cruel megalomaniac who is addicted
to Mandrake Root. If he is captured, he will quickly
swallow his own tongue.

Chasing the Skaven

The PCs should be able to defeat the Cultists to follow
the Skaven and Rottmeier down the well. Climbing down
the well requires an Average (+0%) Scale Sheer Surface
Test. The well has water in it so the fall is not dangerous,
but there is a chance they might lose an item or two in
the fall. There is a small opening just above the waterline.
One must crawl through but it quickly expands into a
tunnel. It is totally dark in here so they need a light source.
The tunnel twists and turns until it ends in a cavern with


a subterranean river running through it. The river leads

to Underway, the Skaven outpost under Nuln. The Skaven
have fled here. Old, rotting scaffolding lines the walls of
the cavern. A crooked pier leads to a strange, ramshackle
looking raft. The creaky Skaven Ferry-Raft is built around
a huge, wooden paddlewheel. A loud, shaking engine
powers the paddlewheel, occasionally belching forth a
noxious cloud of green smoke.

When the PCs arrive the Ratmen are busy attempting to

flee down the river. Once Foulsqueek sees the PCs, he
orders two of his Bodyguards and Rottmeier to hinder
them. Two of Foulsqueeks Bodyguards are busy unfastening
the moorings. It will take them 4 rounds to detach the
Raft from the pier. If they are killed or distracted, Foulsqueek
will have to cut the ropes itself. This will add extra 2 rounds
until the Ferry-Raft is able to leave. Once ready, Foulsqueek
will order the Ferry-Raft to depart, leaving anyone not on
board behind. Once the Ferry-Raft gets moving it will be
out of the cavern in 5 rounds. If the PCs fail to stop
Foulsqueek, it flees to Underway. If Rottmeier escapes, he
will sneak into Nuln and seek shelter among the Cultists
there. He will start devising new plans soon.

Stopping the Ferry-Raft

A Clan Skryre Skirmisher operates the FerryRaft. If it is
killed while operating the moving Ferry-Raft, the Raft
crashes into the cavern wall and sinks. If Foulsqueek needs
to operate the Raft, it must succeed in a Challenging (10%) Agility Test each round or the Raft crashes and
explodes. For the explosion use the Large Template.
Everyone inside the Template will take one S 5 hit. Also,
everyone in the cavern is deafened for 1d10 rounds.
Another way to stop the Raft is to damage the engine. It
has TB 4 and 10 Wounds. Every time the engine takes
damage there is a 20% chance of it exploding.


Career: Apprentice Grey Seer

Race: Skaven (Chosen)
Main Profile
20 35 35
Secondary Profile
1 12 3









Skills: Academic Knowledge (Magic), Channeling,

Common Knowledge (Skaven), Magical Sense, Perception,
Read/Write, Search, Speak Arcane Language (Magick),
Speak Language (Queekish, Reikspiel)
Talents: Aethyric Attunement, Coolheaded, Fast Hands,
Lesser Magic (Aethyric Armour, Dispel), Night Vision,
Petty Magic (Warp), Public Speaking, Savvy, Suave
Armour: None
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 0, Body 0, Legs 0
Weapons: Quarter Staff
Trappings: Grey Robes, 2 Warpstone Tokens (+3 to next
Casting Roll), Pouch full of Warpstone Dust
Description: Foulsqueek is one of the Horned Rats Chosen.
It is a Grey Seer, one of the prophets capable of interpreting
their gods will. It has white fur, horns, and it has rusty
bells tied to its tail.
Foulsqueek does not believe in Ordo Triangulus plan. It
thinks Rottmeier is a fool and is only using the Cultists
to get what it wants. And it wants von Drachensturm
dead. Foulsqueek has only supported the Cults plan in
order to lure in von Drachensturms spies. Once Isidro
Armantero was captured, it ordered Rottmeier to force the
spy to write a letter to von Drachensturm. In exchange it
will give the Cultists more Warpstone Dust.
The fake letter says that Isidro was able to capture one of
the Skaven for questioning. One of the Cultists takes first
the letter, and then the prisoner, to the Noble Lord. It is
all an elaborate trap of course, and once inside the Nobles
mansion, the Gutter Runner HannZo will assassinate von
Drachensturm. Having the manthing Skaven-hater
assassinated will earn Foulsqueek plenty of prestige in


Foulsqueek s Bodyguards (4)

Stup Inkk
Career: Skirmisher / Ferry-Raft Operator
Race: Skaven (Common, Clan Skryre)
Main Profile
35 30 30
Secondary Profile
1 10

Career: Black Skaven

Race: Skaven (Mighty)









Skills: Academic Knowledge (Engineering), Common

Knowledge (Skaven), Concealment, Navigation, Outdoor
Survival, Perception, Scale Sheer Surface, Silent Move,
Speak Language (Queekish), Swim
Talents: Master Gunner, Night Vision, Rapid Reload,
Specialist Weapon Group (Gunpowder), Tunnel Rat
Armour: Leather Jack
Armour points: Head 0, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon, Warplock Pistol with 10 Shots
(Fires Warpstone shots with D 5, Range 10/20)
Trappings: Ratskin Map of the Subterranean River, Broken
Telescope, Ferry-Raft
Description: The Ferry-Raft has been a contested possession
between Clans Skryre and Sleekit for a long time. At the
moment, the raft is in the possession of Clan Skryre, and
Skirmisher Stup Inkk has been bestowed with the honour,
and responsibility, of operating it. The engine is Clan
Skryre technology, and Stup Inkk is the only one capable
of operating it properly.


Main Profile
20 50 40 35
Secondary Profile
1 15 5







Skills: Common Knowledge (Skaven), Dodge Blow,

Intimidate, Perception, Speak Language (Queekish), Swim
Talents: Coolheaded, Hardy, Night Vision, Specialist
Weapon Group (Two-handed), Street Fighting, Strike
Might Blow, Sturdy, Very Resilient
Armour: Leather Jack, Leather Skullcap
Armour points: Head 1, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Great Weapon
Trappings: None
Description: These black-furred Skaven are Foulsqueeks
personal bodyguards. They are bigger and heavier than
normal Clan Rats and loyal to the Grey Seer.

Von Drachensturm,s Mansion
The PCs should realise that von Drachensturm is in
danger and hurry to his mansion. But they arrive too late.
The first hint that something is wrong is the same black
coach they helped during the festival standing, empty, in
front of the house. The bloodhounds are nowhere to be
seen (killed by HannZo upon fleeing the scene).

If they fetch someone to investigate the murder scene,

the occult symbols on von Drachensturms body are
discovered, and the whole case is dismissed as a suicide.
The symbols are a telltale sign of a pact with the Ruinous
Powers. In the end, the Noble must have realised the depth
of his own betrayal, and taken his own life.

The house is ominously quiet. The few servants lie dead

in their rooms. Von Drachensturms corpse is in the study.
A poisoned Skaven shuriken has pierced his eye, killing
him instantly. He still clutches the fake letter from Isidro
Armantero in his hand. The body of the Cultist/Coachman
is also in the room, throat slit open. A pair of manacles
lies on the floor. With a Routine (+10%) Perception
Test they notice that the locks look like they have been
dissolved with some kind of acid. The fire in the hearth
roars as HannZo has cast everything even remotely Skaven
related into the fire.

At this point the characters should realise that they are

now in the very same situation where von Drachensturm
and Armantero were before them. They know for a fact
that Skaven exist. They also know that if they approach
anyone about it no-one will believe them. They might
even be ostracised. Armanteros notebook, with all its
evidence, can be easily dismissed as nothing but tales of
a madman.
At least Bounty Hunters leave the PCs alone from now
on. But they have made a far more dangerous enemy, an
enemy that lurks under their very feet, biding its time.

Alternative Ending
If you find the given ending unsatisfactory or
unsuitable to your style of play then you can use
this alternative ending. In this version the characters
reach von Drachensturms mansion just as HannZo
launches its attack. They can kill the Gutter Runner
and save the Noble. This ending allows von
Drachensturm to be saved, in which case he might
even become a patron for the PCs if they choose
to join him in his fight against the Skaven.

Hann Zo
Career: Gutter Runner (ex-Night Runner)
Race: Skaven (Common, Clan Eshin)
Main Profile
40 35 40
Secondary Profile
2 15









Skills: Common Knowledge (Skaven) +10%,

Concealment +10%, Dodge Blow, Navigation,


Outdoor Survival, Perception +10%, Pick Locks,

Scale Sheer Surface, Silent Move +10%, Speak
Language (Queekish), Swim
Talents: Fleet-Footed, Night Vision, Orientation,
Rover, Specialist Weapon Group (Throwing), Tail
Fighting, Trapfinder, Tunnel Rat
Armour: Leather Jack, Leather Skullcap
Armour points: Head 1, Arms 1, Body 1, Legs 0
Weapons: Hand Weapon, Punch Dagger (SB -1,
Balanced, Defensive), Tail Blade (SB -2, Fast), 4
Throwing Stars coated with Black Lotus Trappings:
1 Vial of Acid (to dissolve the manacles), Nipponese
Sword Guard as an Eye Patch
Description: This Clan Eshin assassin is as
treacherous as they come. HannZo is one of the
deadliest Skaven in Underway. It has attempted to
assassinate von Drachensturm several times before
but has failed so far. To its salvation it has always
been able to divert the blame on someone else.
These failures have caused it to regard von
Drachensturm as its personal nemesis. The dark
furred HannZo wears an ancient Nipponese sword
guard as an eye patch over its left eye.

Hints and Options

Having Children of the Horned Rat is not absolutely
essential for running this adventure, but it is highly
recommended. And it is a great read anyway.
Cult Acolyte, Cloaked Brother, and Seer careers can be
found from Tome of Corruption.
The symbol of the Horned Rat is featured in numerous
places in this adventure. The PCs are bound to wonder
what it means. If you want, you can allow the PCs to
make an Academic Knowledge (Theology, Runes, etc.)
Test to recognise the symbol for what it is. If you see fit
a priest or a Dwarf could tell them what it means. At the
latest, Armanteros notebook will tell them what the symbol
If you want to expand this adventure, then the PCs

could find some further clues from either Armanteros

notebook or Rottmeiers room. These clues then lead the
characters to Nuln and eventually to the Cult Magus.
Further adventures could even take them to Underway,
the Skaven outpost under Nuln.
If you use background music while playing, you could
try this. Choose a theme song for the Skaven and then
play the theme every time the PCs see something that
relates to the Ratmen. After this adventure, every time
they hear the theme they will start looking over their
shoulders for signs of the Skaven.
Tarshalares could secretly worship Khaine. The God of
Murder is corrupting her mind, and she behaves more
and more like a Druchii every day. She could even be an

Awarding Experience
Defeating Dante Cruziani, 15 xp

Finding out Isidro Armantero was in the sewers, 5 xp

Discovering the hints at the boarding house, 10 xp

Going into the sewers with the Rat Catchers, finding

the chamber, and surviving the Skaven ambush, 20 xp

Finding their way to Reinhold Grafenberg, 10 xp

Finding Armantero and retrieving his notebook, 20 xp
Visiting the Printing House, 10 xp
Killing Rottmeier, 10 xp
Finding and confronting the Printer about the antiSigmar pamphlets, 5 xp
Finding Tarshalares Wintermoon and learning about
the mask, 10 xp

Killing Foulsqueek, 10 xp
Destroying the Ferry-Boat, 10 xp
Optional: Killing HannZo, 15 xp

Finding their way to Jago Stamm and learning about

the new masks, 15 xp
Destroying ShaffagnZheee, 20 xp


For good roleplaying, 5-30 xp

Handout #1
Good Sirs,
If you wish to discuss how to rid yourselves of troublesome bounty-hunters
then I would have you meet me at my mansion. Leave Nuln via the North
Gate and after two hours ride look for von Drachensturm mansion. Local
peasants can undoubtedly assist you to find your way. You need not to worry
yourselves about ambushes or traps or any such nonsense. I am looking
forward to a civilised discussion concerning matters of mutual interest.
In the Name of Our Most Holy Sigmar,
Lord Wolfgang von Drachensturm

Handout #2
I arrived in Ashendorf two nights ago and secured myself
lodgings at the Sordid Soothsayer Boarding House. I have
already discovered evidence of cultist presence. Also, I have
contacted the local Rat Catchers and with their help I hope to
find evidence of the things we seek to unmask.

Layout, cover and interior illustrations: Pasi Juhola,

Any feedback would be appreciated:
Thanks to Mikko Savolainen for his comments.

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