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Energies: Smart Inverters For Microgrid Applications: A Review

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Smart Inverters for Microgrid Applications: A Review
Babak Arbab-Zavar, Emilio J. Palacios-Garcia * , Juan C. Vasquez and Josep M. Guerrero
Department of Energy Technology, Aalborg University, Pontoppidanstraede 111, DK-9220 Aalborg, Denmark; (B.A.-Z.); (J.C.V.); (J.M.G.)
* Correspondence:; Tel.: +5-5028-0730

Received: 6 February 2019; Accepted: 24 February 2019; Published: 4 March 2019 

Abstract: In a microgrid, with several distributed generators (DGs), energy storage units and loads,
one of the most important considerations is the control of power converters. These converters
implement interfaces between the DGs and the microgrid bus. In order to achieve higher functionality,
efficiency and reliability, in addition to improving the control algorithms it is beneficial to equip
the inverters with “smart” features. One interpretation of “smartness” refers to minimizing the
requirement of communication and therefore switching from centralized to decentralized control.
At the same time, being equipped with efficient and state of the art communication protocols
also indicates “smartness” since the requirement of communication cannot be completely omitted.
A “smart inverter” should offer some features such as plug and play, self-awareness, adaptability,
autonomy and cooperativeness. These features are introduced and comprehensively explained
in this article. One contribution discussed here is the possibility of achieving long-range wireless
communication between inverters to empower various control schemes. Although current efforts
aim to modify and improve power converters in a way that they can operate communication free, if a
suitable and functional communication protocol is available, it will improve the accuracy, speed and
robustness of them.

Keywords: smart inverter; microgrid; distributed generation; communication; wireless

1. Introduction
Microgrids are a form of small-scale grids that contain DGs, energy storage units and linear or
nonlinear loads that can operate in grid-connected or islanded mode. In microgrids, DGs can be
of renewable or non-renewable nature, and the components of such grids are interfaced by power
converters [1–3]. The CIGRE working group C6.22 Microgrid Evolution Roadmap (WG6.22) provides
a standard definition for microgrids: Microgrids are electricity distribution systems containing loads
and distributed energy resources, (such as distributed generators, storage devices, or controllable
loads) that can be operated in a controlled, coordinated way either while connected to the main power
network or while islanded [4]. In the early years of introducing renewable energy sources (RES),
the power generated by them was not substantial in comparison to the large conventional generators
powering up the grid, therefore, their impact on the performance of the grid was almost unnoticeable.
At those years, the scheme was to allow them to produce as much power as possible and inject it into
the grid by using their own algorithms. The main conventional generators could regulate the small
unbalances and fluctuations caused by these DGs [5,6].
However, due to the recent development and expansion of renewable energy technologies, RESs
have become a major energy source in some countries. Therefore, the quality and parameters of their
injected power into the grid must be carefully monitored. In other words, their operation needs to be
accompanied by power management schemes centered on power sharing or load sharing to be fully
controllable [7].

Energies 2019, 12, 840; doi:10.3390/en12050840

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The concept of power sharing between parallel DGs was initially introduced for synchronous
generators in large-scale grids, and recently some novel approaches were proposed to incorporate
the idea of droop control algorithms into microgrids [8–13]. Although using droop-based methods
can be very beneficial, some drawbacks can be identified. For example, the trade-off between voltage
regulation and load sharing [14], the ineffective management of harmonics introduced by nonlinear
loads [15] and the slow dynamic response due to the incorporation of low pass filters for calculating
average values of active (P) and reactive (Q) power [16]. Because of the problems of conventional
droop control, its principles have undergone numerous modifications and improvements. In [17] a
new droop scheme aiming to regulate the voltages of each inverter and improve current sharing was
proposed. When nonlinear loads such as rectifiers are present, they introduce harmonics in the system,
and prevent droop control from working efficiently. In [18], this problem was addressed and regulated
by adding harmonic droop characteristics. This issue can also be compensated by using a virtual
variable impedance in series with the load. As its name indicates, this impedance is purely simulated
and no physical components are added to the circuit [19–22]. In [13] a hierarchical control method
was proposed to control microgrids. This hierarchy consists of three layers: the primary level is droop
control; the secondary level compensates for the unbalances and deviations resulted by the first level
by sending voltage and frequency references; and the tertiary level (energy management level) which
sends the droop coefficients is where the connection with the grid. In this method, only the first level
works as communication free, since it is droop control, while the rest of them require communication
between inverters.
Although most of the existing microgrids are supplied in AC to simplify their interface with
utility grids, DC microgrids are attracting more attention in recent years. This is not only because of
the DC nature of several RESs such as solar energy, fuel cells and energy storage units like batteries
and supercapacitors, but also because of some additional benefits. In a DC microgrid, the problem
of harmonic current sharing no longer exists. Neither is there reactive power sharing. What is more,
the system can be more efficient and simple as there is no more need for AC-DC-AC converters.
These converters are commonly used for wind or hydro energy conversion and they consist of two
back-to-back bidirectional AC-DC converters with a DC link. This DC link decouples two 3-phase
AC systems with different parameters enabling the maximization of the output power by using
maximum power point tracking (MPPT) algorithms and the synchronization with the grid [12,13,23–26].
The hierarchical control for DC microgrids is similar to the one proposed for AC but simpler. At the
primary level, the droop control of DC microgrids only consists of voltage versus current droop
in contrast to AC microgrids where active and reactive power droop controls must be provided.
The secondary control regulates voltage deviations resulted from the primary control and restores
the values to nominal levels, which is only applied at islanded mode. In grid-connected mode,
the references comes from the grid parameters. Similar to AC microgrids the tertiary control regulates
the power flow with a stiff DC grid at energy management level [13,27,28].
The power converters are able to play different roles when incorporated into a microgrid, namely
grid forming, grid feeding and grid following. These are defined in [10] alongside with control
structures at the converter level. Another fact that should be considered is that DGs in a microgrid
are commonly placed far away from each other. Even though using various droop control schemes
reduces the requirement of communication between inverters, a link is unavoidable if a good power
sharing control scheme is desired. However, to implement fast communication links which can fulfill
the requirements of this kind of applications and be sufficiently reliable can be very costly [10,29].
Therefore, finding a long range and preferably low operating cost communication protocol to fill in
for the current lack of effective bidirectional communication between inverters can be considered
a very promising field for research and development. In this paper, a literature review on “smart
inverters” and their application to microgrids is conducted. The “smartness” features are introduced
and explained in detail. In each section, different methods and challenges regarding each of these
indicators are addressed and are empowered by equations and tabular or illustrative information
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Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 22

where required.
throughout The technological
the article. Finally, the achievements, as well
discussion section as present
presents gaps,conclusions
the main are introduced
from the
the article. Finally, the discussion section presents the main conclusions drawn
study and provides insights into possible paths for further research and development. from the study and
provides insights into possible paths for further research and development.
2. Smart Inverters
2. Smart Inverters
Defining a device as “smart” means that it has the ability to operate efficiently and
Defining a device as “smart” means that it has the ability to operate efficiently and autonomously
autonomously with limited operator intervention required. The role of an inverter in a microgrid is
with limited operator intervention required. The role of an inverter in a microgrid is to operate as an
to operate as an interface between energy generation and consumption points. Therefore, its role is
interface between energy generation and consumption points. Therefore, its role is not limited to AC
not limited to AC DC conversion or vice versa (depending on the type of the converter) but also to
DC conversion or vice versa (depending on the type of the converter) but also to control the power
control the power flow, sense faults, disconnect when necessary and other functions. Since these are
flow, sense faults, disconnect when necessary and other functions. Since these are the main factors
the main factors that concern the microgrid control, it can be stated that the inverters are the thinking
that concern the microgrid control, it can be stated that the inverters are the thinking and processing
and processing components of a microgrid, which collect data and configure themselves in order to
components of a microgrid, which collect data and configure themselves in order to operate in a safe,
operate in a safe, controlled and effective environment. Furthermore, each power converter acting as
controlled and effective environment. Furthermore, each power converter acting as an interface for a
an interface for a distributed energy resource (DER) to the grid has to fulfill the requirements of the
distributed energy resource (DER) to the grid has to fulfill the requirements of the IEEE 1547 standards
IEEE 1547 standards series [30]. These standards have been implemented and periodically revised to
series [30]. These standards have been implemented and periodically revised to deal with aspects such
deal with aspects such as voltage and power quality, grounding, islanding detection, etc [5,8,13]. The
as voltage and power quality, grounding, islanding detection, etc [5,8,13]. The latest version, IEEE
latest version, IEEE 1457-2018, was modified for inverter based microgrids. What is more, in the last
1457-2018, was modified for inverter based microgrids. What is more, in the last 2018 release of the
2018 release of the standard the DERs require to contain grid-supporting features such as voltage and
standard the DERs require to contain grid-supporting features such as voltage and frequency ride
frequency ride through capabilities and continue to function in case of parameter unbalances. This is
through capabilities and continue to function in case of parameter unbalances. This is in contrast to
in contrast to the original version, IEEE 1457-2003, that trip the DER offline in these situations [30–
the original version, IEEE 1457-2003, that trip the DER offline in these situations [30–33].
In [34], the major indicators of smartness for an inverter were described. Each of these indicators
In [34], the major indicators of smartness for an inverter were described. Each of these indicators
contains some operational features that are described in separate sections and sub-sections in this
contains some operational features that are described in separate sections and sub-sections in this
article. Figure 1 is an illustration of the “smartness” indicators and their operational features.
article. Figure 1 is an illustration of the “smartness” indicators and their operational features.

Ramp rate
Soft start Control
Plug and Play
Reactive power
Protocols Who am I? Self-Awareness


Who am I?
Mode flexibility

Fault tolerance Prognosis Cooperativeness

Islanding detection

Figure Indicators of
Figure 1. Indicators of smartness
smartness for
for smart inverters.

2.1. Plug
2.1. Plug and
and Play
For an
For an inverter
inverter to
to be
be able
able to
to present
present this
this feature,
feature, it
it needs
needs to
to be
be compatible
compatible with
with the
the standard
communication protocols
communication protocols that
that control
control the
the microgrid.
microgrid. AsAs mentioned
mentioned before,
before, the
the modern
modern hierarchical
control of microgrids still requires communication between different components
control of microgrids still requires communication between different components of the grid of the grid even
even if
if they are droop based. This means that a reliable long-range communication protocol
they are droop based. This means that a reliable long-range communication protocol is required. In is required.
In [35],
[35], thethe different
different communication
communication technologies
technologies for for smart
smart grids
grids hashas been
been introduced
introduced accompanied
accompanied by
by a discussion on their advantages and disadvantages. The benefits
a discussion on their advantages and disadvantages. The benefits and drawbacks of and drawbacks of wireless
connection for smart grids are presented comprehensively in [36]. Generally, the major
communication requirements for a smart grid or microgrid have been presented [35,37,38] as follows:
Energies 2019, 12, 840 4 of 22

connection for smart grids are presented comprehensively in [36]. Generally, the major communication
requirements for a smart grid or microgrid have been presented [35,37,38] as follows:

• Data rate: This is one of the most important requirements, as not all of the communication
structures are able to provide the required data rate. For example for a home or industrial area
network application (HAN and IAN) the required data rate is less than 100 kbps. In contrast to a
wide area application (WAN) where this figure can rise to more than 10 Mbps [39].
• Range: A microgrid consists of several DGs, energy storage systems (ESSs) and consumers.
These are all interfaced to the microgrid bus by inverters that need to be able to communicate.
Depending on the size of the microgrid the distance between these points can be noticeable
(in the scale of tens of kilometers or more) so no all communication technologies are able to fulfill
this requirement.
• Security: If the communication structure is not secure enough [40], the whole system will be
vulnerable to both physical and cyber-attacks. This is a challenging aspect regarding some natural
characteristics of a smart grid. For example, the smart grid is very sensitive to latency and
implementing conventional security measures might introduce new and more delays [41].
• Latency: Depending on the function of the device in a smart grid, the allowed threshold for
the latency is different. In the concept of inverter control signals, this allowance is less than
ten milliseconds.
• Reliability and Scalability.

In order to nominate a communication protocol for smart grids and subsequently smart
inverters, the aspects addressed above should be considered carefully and the differences between
machine-to-machine (M2M) communication and human-to-human (H2H) communication should
be understood. Both wired and wireless communication technologies can be implemented for
smart inverters.

2.1.1. Wired Communication Technologies

There are some benefits to using wired communication technologies. They are more immune to
interferences and their operational dependency on batteries are less than with wireless technologies.
However, they present some drawbacks such as high implementation costs and signal quality
degradation in power line communication (PLC) technology [35]. In fact this technology is the
only wired technology with an implementation cost comparable to wireless methods, as it uses power
cables for transferring data [37,42]. In addition, this technology has wide coverage, easy to implement
and long range [43].
PLC technology has been divided into two categories. Narrow band (NB) PLCs, which operate in
transmission frequencies bellow 500 kHz and broadband (BB) PLCs which use higher frequencies of
up to 30 MHz. NB-PLC technology provides lower data rate but a much higher range. In contrast,
BB-PLCs characteristics are exactly the opposite with also lower reliability. Regarding these facts,
for smart inverters or smart grids the NB-PLC is a more suitable option, whereas BB-PLC can be
considered for home applications [37,44,45]. In addition to PLC technologies, there are several other
supports and protocols available in this category such as optical fiber based communication, Digital
Subscriber Lines (DSL), coaxial cable and Ethernet [37,38]. A brief comparison of characteristics of
wired communication technologies is summarized in Table 1.
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Table 1. Comparison of different wired technologies for M2M communication.

Technology Data Rate Coverage Disadvantages References

Difficult to achieve high bit rates.
NB 10–500 kbps 150 km
Signal attenuation.
Interference from electric component
BB 10–200 Mbps 1.5 km
connected to the line.
Fiber PON 100 Mbps–2.5 Gbps 10–60 km High capital costs.
optics AON 100 Mbps 10 km Difficult to upgrade.
HDSL 2 Mbps 3.6 km
Possible data quality degradation.
DSL ADSL 1.3–8 Mbps 5 km
High operational costs.
VDSL 16–85 Mbps 1200 m

2.1.2. Wireless Communication Technologies

In wireless technologies, one initial and obvious choice can be using the existing cellular network,
as it is already available and globally dispersed. However, there are some issues regarding the
different nature of M2M communication and H2H communication cellular networks are designed
for the latter. Even the latest technology of cellular communication, named Long Term Evolution
(LTE), is designed to cope with large data range requirements for only a small number of devices.
By contrast, when investigating the characteristics of M2M communication, it can be found out that
here the situation is quite different. There is a vast number of devices generating sporadic transitions of
short packets, and this can overload or even shut down such a network. Furthermore, the signals and
commands in M2M communication may be very sensitive to delays. Therefore, if cellular networks
are to be considered as an optimal communication protocol for smart inverters they still need further
improvements. As a matter of fact, the 3GPP became concerned about these issues and is currently
aiming to incorporate the requirements of M2M communications in the development of the next
generation of LTE or 5G [49–52].
In addition to cellular networks, there are other wireless communication technologies available.
Extremely short-range technologies such as Near-field Communication (NFC) are mostly useless
for inverters. Nevertheless, other short-range active radio frequency systems, such as Bluetooth or
the IEEE 802.15.4 standard-based family like ZigBee and 6LoWPAN can be an alternative in some
cases [49,53]. Moreover, low-power wide area networks (LPWANs) offer many of the desired features
for M2M communication applications. Among the examples in this category, LoRa technology can be
considered for the application to microgrids due to its low implementation and operational cost and
relatively long range [49,54–56]. A comparison of these different methods is summarized in Table 2.
For M2M communication applications, the literature review highlighted ZigBee and LPWAN
as the standards of choice. Comparing their specifications in Table 2, it can be observed that ZigBee
provides a sufficient data rate but at the same time it has a very short range [49]. In contrast, LPWAN
technologies demonstrate the opposite behavior. One of the reasons for this is the different network
topologies. ZigBee systems are usually implemented following a mesh topology that provides the
benefit of fault tolerance but makes the routing process more complex and not energy efficient.
Furthurmore, because of the multi-hop nature of mesh network topology the actual data rate might
decrease dramatically to the point that it may no longer be suitable for the application of M2M
communication [49]. On the other hand, the LPWANs, or specifically LoRa and SIGFOX, networks
have star topology with central nodes connecting to the internet. This topology can help with the
overall simplicity of the system and less power consumption of each node. However, if a failure
happens to one of the principal nodes then other nodes cannot compensate for and keep the network
active [53]. Figure 2 is an illustration of the mesh (a) and star (b) topologies described before. In some
countries, LPWANs technologies use cellular network bandwidths, and according to the availability
and robustness of those, it can be very beneficial. Nevertheless, both short and long-range technologies
have the ability to perform in unlicensed bandwidths. This is mostly an economic consideration
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although it may reduce the quality and security of the protocol at the same time [49,62]. Figure 3
represents a comparison of different wireless technologies based on range and data rate.

Table 2. Comparison of different wireless technologies for M2M communication.

Technology Data Rate Coverage Disadvantages References

GSM Max 14.4 Kbps 1–10 Km Data rates low
GPRS Max 170 Kbps 1–10 Km Data rates low
network [35]
3G Max 2 Mbps 1–10 Km High cost
WIMAX Max 75 Mbps Max 50 Km Availability limited
ZigBee 250 Kbps Approx 50 m Short range and low data rate [35,49,57]
6LoWPAN 250 Kbps 10–100 m Short range and low data rate [58]
Short range Bluetooth 1–2 Mbps 15–30 m Short range [49,59]
Wi-Fi 54 Mb/s 100 m Short range
UWB 110 Mb/s 10 m Very short range
3–5 Km (Urban)
LoRa 0.3–37.5 Kbps Low data range
10–15 Km (Rural)
LPWAN [49,60,61]
3–10 Km (Urban)
SIGFOX 0.1 Kbps Low data range
30–50 Km (Rural)
5 km (urban)
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER Less than 1 Mbps Licensed network 7 of 22
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 km (rural) 7 of 22

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 2. A schematic illustration of (a) the mesh topology of ZigBee and (b) the start topology of
Figure 2.
2. A
A schematic
thethe mesh
mesh topology
topology of ZigBee
of ZigBee and and (b)start
(b) the the start topology
topology of
of LoRa
LoRa communication protocols.
LoRa communication protocols.
communication protocols.

50 Km SIGFOX Cellular
50 Km SIGFOX Cellular

10 Km
10 Km

1 Km
1 Km LoRa eMTC – NBIoT
100 m
100 m WiFi
10 m
10 m ZigBee – 6LoWPAN Bluetooth
ZigBee – 6LoWPAN Bluetooth
10 kbps 100 kbps 1 Mbps 50 Mbps 100 Mbps Data Rate
10 kbps 100 kbps 1 Mbps 50 Mbps 100 Mbps Data Rate
Figure 3. Comparison of different wireless technologies based on range and data rate.
Figure 3. Comparison of different wireless technologies based on range and data rate.
Figure 3. Comparison of different wireless technologies based on range and data rate.

2.2. Self-Awarness
2.2. Self-Awarness
In the definition of smart inverter, self-awareness is another key concept to be considered. In
In the definition of smart inverter, self-awareness is another key concept to be considered. In
simple words, this means that the inverter is aware of its possible faulty parts, can determine their
simple words, this means that the inverter is aware of its possible faulty parts, can determine their
exact location, work out the cause of the fault, and be able to isolate them. In addition, the ability to
exact location, work out the cause of the fault, and be able to isolate them. In addition, the ability to
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2.2. Self-Awarness
In the definition of smart inverter, self-awareness is another key concept to be considered.
In simple words, this means that the inverter is aware of its possible faulty parts, can determine
their exact location, work out the cause of the fault, and be able to isolate them. In addition, the
ability to predict possible future fault occurrences to program preventive maintenance is essential.
Self-awareness can be divided into three different, yet closely related concepts [34,63,64]:

• Diagnostics so the inverter finds out the reason and origin of a fault after the occurrence.
• Condition monitoring (CM) which is a real-time evaluation of the component health status.
• Prognosis to estimate if a fault is going to happen in the future and when.

These three methods rely on fault detection procedures. For diagnostics, it is obvious that in
order to work out the reason for a fault, at first, it needs to happen and be detected. For CM and
prognosis, a fault or an initiation of a fault needs to be located in order to prevent the complete system
to shut down or even worse. However, there are several challenges accompanied by this procedure.
One problem is the effect of continuous measurements. The three concepts require measurements
and it is a well-known fact that measurements cannot always be taken without interrupting the
normal operation of the device. In addition, the process of deriving health indicators from physical
measurements and furthermore extract prediction indicators from them can be complex [63,64].
Inverter faults are mostly triggered by thermomechanical fatigue in IGBTs [65]. They are
commonly classified as, open-circuit faults, short-circuit faults and intermittent gate signal [66,67].
Detecting short-circuit faults can be easy, since in case of an occurrence, the current will rise to about
four or five times the normal value. Therefore, traditional relays can be effective enough to detect and
shut down the faulty component. However, the case is very different in open circuit faults, since the
increase in current is not that significant, and if the sensitivity of the relays is reduced to the point
they can sense these small current fluctuations, false tripping will also occur [68,69]. The intermittent
behavior of RES can also cause false alarms if relays are being used for open-circuit fault detection [68].
Normally, open-circuit faults do not trigger a system shutdown but they cause the system to misbehave
or work less efficient. Therefore, they can remain undetected for a long operational time resulting to
other faults and further damages to the inverter [67]. As an outcome, it can be stated that open-circuit
faults cannot be detected by hardware. However, there are several methods and algorithms available
to effectively detect them.
In general, open circuit fault detection has been categorized into current-based methods and
voltage-based methods [70]. One of the pioneering approaches in the first category is Park’s vector
method proposed in [71]. In this method, by applying Park vector transformation on the calculated
average 3-phase current, the angle and magnitude of the currents in the complex domain are obtained,
and by using pattern algorithms to analyze the trajectory of the space vector deviations, a fault can be
identified. The complexity of this method is its main drawback [67,69]. In addition, this current based
method and other similar ones in this category, such as two methods proposed in [72], contain another
disadvantageous behavior which is a full one fundamental period delay between the occurrence and
the actual detection [73]. Using voltage measurements is another criterion. Here the actual voltages
at the key points of the circuit are measured and compared with their reference values derived by
analytical models. This method is faster than the current based methods and the fault can be detected
in one-fourth of a cycle but since voltage measurement devices are included, it adds to the complexity
of the system [69,70,73].

2.3. Adaptability
It is crucial for a smart component, in this case, a smart inverter, to be able to adapt or adjust
itself to the changes and occurrences of the system in which it operates. This means the ability to
estimate the parameters, specifically the impedance of the grid, and self-synchronize in terms of
frequency. This is adaptability and is another crucial characteristic of a smart inverter. One of the
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most important operational problems of microgrids is unintended islanding. This is mainly due to
grid failure, and the inverters are required to be included with islanding detection algorithms in order
to be able to self-adapt if required. Furthermore, being fault tolerant is another operational ability
that falls in this category [34]. The importance of fault-tolerant operation becomes relevant when it
is not possible to partially or fully shut down a system due to its critical application even in faulty
conditions. For example, hospitals require constant and stable electrical power, and if a fault occurs the
grid is required to continue the supply until the problem is solved, otherwise it can cause devastating
consequences [74].

2.3.1. Fault Tolerance

As an indication of system reliability, after a fault is detected, diagnosed and isolated, the inverter
and consequently the whole system are required to continue normal operation. The diagnostics and
isolation procedure is crucial to prevent the problem from propagating with possibly catastrophic
consequences. To be able to continue to work under faulty conditions several methods are proposed,
some of them are based on the implementation of extra hardware and modification in the topology
and/or the modulation procedure [74,75]. These modifications are implemented on switch level,
leg level, module level or device level. At all these levels, the fault tolerance characteristic is
achieved by means of redundancy. Implementation of redundant hardware at leg level is a proposed
solution. In case of a switch fault, the method proposed in [76] can replace the bidirectional switch
traditionally installed in a matrix converter with any of the other nine switches. The principles of
the leg level criteria are simple. When the fault occurs, and it has been diagnosed the switching
signals of the semiconductors of that leg are removed and transferred to the redundant leg after the
bidirectional switch connecting the leg to the main circuit is triggered. The timing of these switching
and replacements are also important and require precision [77,78]. In [79], the implementation of extra
hardware is not included, and the methods proposed used the inherent redundancy of multi-level
inverter to achieve fault tolerance characteristic, this is an example of module level. Generally, the
concept of modular level fault tolerance is to bypass the faulty semiconductor switch or switches,
and the resulting decreased and often unbalanced output voltage is regulated by modifying the
modulation method considering a phase shift in the voltage reference to provide a balanced line to line
output voltages [80,81]. The device level, which is normally implemented at industrial applications,
is to use a parallel redundant inverter.

2.3.2. Islanding Detection

Unintended islanding occurrence is inevitable but must be detected as fast as possible so the
distributed system can be decoupled from the grid immediately. Otherwise, it can cause harm to line
workers in the main grid or deviate the voltage and frequency from the standard level. Therefore,
one of the characteristics of a smart inverter is being equipped with islanding detection methods.
These methods are primarily divided into remote and local detection techniques.
Remote methods are based on the detection on the consumer side and require communication
between the utility and the inverter. These methods are out of the scope of this study [82–84].
Local islanding detection methods, as their name indicates, perform the detection based on local
measurements. They are divided into two categories, passive and active methods. Passive methods
monitor the voltage variation, frequency deviation, rate of change of power, rate of change of frequency
or other trends of the system. When islanding happens these parameters will vary and if this variation
exceeds a defined threshold, then islanding is detected [84]. However, if the loading of the DG does not
change significantly after an islanding situation takes place, then it cannot be detected by monitoring
fundamental parameters such as voltage change or frequency deviation so utilizing other parameters
such as voltage unbalance or total harmonic distortion (THD) has been proposed [85]. In [86] another
method which utilizes the rate of change of frequency over power has been introduced.
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Active methods are based on the perturbation and later monitoring of the response of
system. If unintended islanding occurs, the changes of parameters due to these perturbations
will be considerable [82]. One variant of these methods is the impedance measurement method.
Here, a harmonic current is injected and by monitoring the voltage response, the grid impedance can
be measured. If this impedance changes for more than 0.5 Ω it can be an indication of grid failure
and the DG must be decoupled. This is a fast and cheap anti-islanding method, and the problem of
intentionally adding to the system disturbances can be reduced by using the harmonic signal injection
at higher frequencies, 400–600 Hz [87–89].
Naturally, both passive and active methods have advantages as well as drawbacks. Passive
methods are fast and do not introduce harmonics and distortion. However, they are ineffective
when the load and generation are closely matched at islanded mode and generally have larger none
detection zone (NDZ). By contrast, the active methods are slower, introduce harmonics to the system
and, therefore, the power quality is degraded, but at the same time, they present a decent detection
possibility even if there is a perfect match between load and generation in islanded mode. In other
words, the active methods contain a much smaller NDZ [82–84]. Figure 4 is an illustration of islanding
Energiescategories with
2019, 12, x FOR a REVIEW
PEER brief summary of their advantages and disadvantages. 10 of 22


Local methods

Accurate Active Passive

Complex and expensive to

Accurate detection even if
generation and load closely • Fast detection.
match. (Small NDZ) • No harmonics and
distortion introduced.

• Slower than passive methods • Ineffective when generation

due to the requirement to and consumption closely
asses the system respond to match. (Large NDZ)
perturbation. • Difficult to accurately set the
• Introduce perturbation to the thresholds.
system and degrade the
power quality.

Figure 4. Islanding detection methods.

Figure 4. Islanding detection methods.
2.4. Autonomy
2.4. Autonomy
The different DGs and loads of a microgrid may be installed several kilometers apart, if not
The different DGs and loads of a microgrid may be installed several kilometers apart, if not more.
means that
that thethe implementation
implementation of fast
of fast communication
communication linkslinks to control
to control everyevery
aspectaspect of their
of their
operation is neither
operation feasible
is neither nor
feasible norcost-effective.
cost-effective. On theother
On the otherhand,
hand,thethe requirement
requirement of communication
of communication
in microgrids
in microgridscannot
cannotbe becompletely
omitted, but the inverters
but the invertersneed
need to to present
present somesome autonomous
characteristics to betoable
characteristics to function
be able properly.
to function In this
properly. In section, the most
this section, the mostimportant autonomous
important autonomous features
features for smart inverters has been addressed. Control of the power flow using
for smart inverters has been addressed. Control of the power flow using local measurements based on local measurements
droopbased on droop
methods methods is
is explained explained
briefly, as it briefly, as it is the foundation
is the foundation of the decentralized
of the decentralized control
control idea. Inidea.
the mode flexibility feature is described. The importance of this feature emerges from the fact the
In addition, the mode flexibility feature is described. The importance of this feature emerges from that it is
fact that it is necessary for a smart inverter to be able to autonomously switch operating modes due
necessary for a smart inverter to be able to autonomously switch operating modes due to different
to different microgrid configurations.
microgrid configurations.
2.4.1. Decentralized Power Control
An inverter, as an interface for a DG, is required to be equipped with control schemes to control
its active and reactive power flow autonomously. One method is using droop control schemes, which
can control active and reactive power sharing effectively for parallel inverters only by using local
measurements. These methods have been conventionally used for large power systems based on
Energies 2019, 12, 840 10 of 22

2.4.1. Decentralized Power Control

An inverter, as an interface for a DG, is required to be equipped with control schemes to control
its active and reactive power flow autonomously. One method is using droop control schemes, which
can control active and reactive power sharing effectively for parallel inverters only by using local
measurements. These methods have been conventionally used for large power systems based on
synchronous generators and gradually became a well-established method for microgrids. Droop
control methods and more comprehensive proposed structures based on these methods, such as
hierarchical control, have been extensively reviewed and presented in the literature [8,9,12–14,16,17,
19,28,29,90–99]. By implementing droop control accurate power sharing between parallel connected
inverters can be achieved with regard to their power ratings. In an AC microgrid P-ω and Q-V droops
are being used for this purpose. The active and reactive output power can be calculated by local
voltage-current measurements from low-pass filters. Then by using the droop Equations (1) and (2)
and using the no-load values for ω0 and V0 , grid values for V and ω can be worked out:

ω = ω0 − mP, (1)

Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW V = V0 − nQ, 11 of 22 (2)

It shall be noted that in Equations (1) and (2) P and Q are the active and reactive delivered powers
𝑉 = 𝑉0 − 𝑛𝑄, (2)
of each inverter, so the total power consumed by the loads is P = P1 + P2 + · · · and the same for
It shall m
reactive power. notedn that
be and are in Equations
droop (1) and (2)
coefficients, P and
and Q are the
in simple active they
droop, and reactive deliveredinpowers
are calculated a way that
of each
they take theinverter, so the of
power rating total
eachpower consumed
component the loads is 𝑃 = 𝑃1 + 𝑃2 + ⋯ and the same for
reactive power. m and n are droop coefficients, and in simple droop, they are calculated in a way that
they take the power rating of each component
m1 S1 =intom2 Seffect:
2 = ··· , (3)
𝑚1 𝑆1 = 𝑚2 𝑆2 = ⋯, (3)
n 1 S1 = n 2 S2 = · · · , (4)
𝑛1 𝑆1 = 𝑛2 𝑆2 = ⋯, (4)
In Equations (3) and (4) S values are the apparent power ratings of each DGs. By solving Equations
(1) and (2)Inthe
reference (3)voltage
and (4)canS values are thethat
be extracted apparent
will bepower
used ratings of each DGs.
by the inverters innerBycontrol
Equations (1) and (2) the reference voltage can be extracted that will be used
to regulate its power flow. In other words, the droop control provides references for the inner by the inverters inner
control loops to regulate its power flow. In other words, the droop control provides references for the
loops of the inverter. In more complex control schemes, which consist of more than one layer of control,
inner control loops of the inverter. In more complex control schemes, which consist of more than one
the secondary control compensates for the frequency and voltage deviation resulted from the droop
layer of control, the secondary control compensates for the frequency and voltage deviation resulted
fromThis meanscontrol.
the droop that it This
means voltage and frequency
that it transmits voltage andreferences
frequencyfor the primary
references for thelevel (droop).
The droop
level (droop). The droop coefficients are also influenced by energy management consideration of of
coefficients are also influenced by energy management consideration of higher levels
control, tertiary
higher levelslevel of hierarchical
of control, tertiary levelcontrol [13]. Figure
of hierarchical control5[13].
Figure 5 the droopthe
illustrates control
droop concept
control for
powerforincluding the secondary
active power including thecontrol effect.
secondary control effect.


Secondary Control
frequency compensation

Primary Control
(Droop control)



P1 P2 Active Power

Figure 5. Illustration of active power sharing between two parallel inverters using conventional droop
Figure 5. Illustration of active power sharing between two parallel inverters using conventional droop
method. The secondary response of the hierarchical control is also included.
method. The secondary response of the hierarchical control is also included.

2.4.2. Mode Flexibility

Another autonomous feature for an inverter is its ability to change its operational mode without
external intervention in a smooth and seamless way. Depending on the control structure, an inverter
can operate as grid forming, grid feeding and grid supporting [10]. In grid-connected mode, since the
Energies 2019, 12, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 22
Energies 2019, 12, 840 11 of 22
The concern here is the transition state when inverters roles are switched between these different
modes. This switching is required due to the transition of the state of the microgrid from grid
2.4.2. Mode
connected Flexibility
to islanded or the other way around. One side effect of this phenomenon is frequency
unbalances and voltage
Another autonomous and current
feature fordisturbances
an invertersois the inverters
its ability are required
to change to be equipped
its operational with
mode without
suitable control schemes the be able to compensate for these transient effects
external intervention in a smooth and seamless way. Depending on the control structure, an inverter and provide a smooth
transient state as
can operate [94,101–104].
grid forming, grid feeding and grid supporting [10]. In grid-connected mode, since the
In [103] a method
parameters are set by hasthe
proposed consisting
the inverters of a phase-locked-loop
perform (PLL) inororder
as either grid feeding gridtosupporting.
contrast,output voltage
in islanded angle
mode, andmust
there use it
one gridforforming
droop control.
addition, a virtual
the voltage and
inductor is used to limit the current inrush. Therefore, a smooth transition mode
frequency references of the grid. Figure 6 is a representation of these different configurations. As it can be achieved.
can beareobserved
other approaches
in Figure 6a,using
the agrid
similar idea,inverter
forming based on PLL controllers.
functions as an idealFor instance,
voltage source inwith
voltagewithand the capability
frequency. Theofadditional
ensuring loopa smooth transition
(in green) in booth illustration
is a descriptive direction, grid connected
of voltage base to
islanded and islanded to grid connected, has been proposed. Another method
supporting inverter or VSI. The control structure of these inverters is designed to work out the active gathers voltage
samples from grid
and reactive powerandflow
pointof of
invertercoupling (PCC)different
and by using at islanded mode,
control the values
schemes canvoltage
provide be fed to and
a synchronization controller and after that been introduced to the droop control
frequency references. Figure 6b presents the same concept for grid feeding inverters and CSIs, which scheme, as reference
fixed oris variable
regulating voltage
active andand frequency
reactive powerataccording
islanded to mode.
theirIn this loops
inner manner,anda MPPT
seamless mode
if they areis achieved
of renewableafterenergy
nature [100].[106].

Measurment of Active Measurment of Voltage MG BUS

and Reactive power Aplitude and Frequency

P&Q V&ω

𝜔∗ 𝑃∗
Controller Controller Impedance
𝑉 ∗ Ideal 𝑄∗ Ideal
voltage source current source

(a) (b)

Figure Representation
6. 6.Representation
Figure of of different
different modesofofinverters
modes invertersininmicrogrids.
supporting VSI,
VSI, (b),(b), grid
grid feeding/grid
feeding/grid supporting
supporting CSI.CSI.

The concern here is the transition state when inverters roles are switched between these different
2.5. Cooperativeness
modes. This switching is required due to the transition of the state of the microgrid from grid connected
An inverter, as a part of a grid, is required to function according to the functionality of other
to islanded or the other way around. One side effect of this phenomenon is frequency unbalances
components of the grid. This is cooperativeness. One of the major aspects in this area is power
and voltage and current disturbances so the inverters are required to be equipped with suitable
sharing, which has been addressed before by introducing hierarchical droop based controls.
control schemes the be able to compensate for these transient effects and provide a smooth transient
However, by implementing the conventional droop, although active power sharing can be
state [94,101–104].
sufficiently achieved by using local measurements, reactive power sharing is not that accurate and
In [103] a method has been proposed consisting of a phase-locked-loop (PLL) in order to retrieve
also the problem of harmonics current sharing is not addressed. Furthermore, there are other aspects
the inverters output voltage angle and use it as a reference for droop control. In addition, a virtual
such as ramp rate control for renewable energy sources and soft start capability, which lie in this
inductor is used to limit the current inrush. Therefore, a smooth transition mode can be achieved.
There are other approaches using a similar idea, based on PLL controllers. For instance, in [105]
a method with the capability of ensuring a smooth transition in booth direction, grid connected
2.5.1. Reactive Power and Harmonic Current Sharing
to islanded and islanded to grid connected, has been proposed. Another method gathers voltage
The problem
samples from grid of and
pointpower sharing
of common inaccuracy
coupling (PCC)inat
islanded mode,droop
themethods is be
values can derived
fed to a
from the fact that it depends on the impedance of DG feeders and out-put side impedance
synchronization controller and after that been introduced to the droop control scheme, as reference of L-C-L
filters. This
values, contrasts
which with the
is regulating activeand
voltage power sharingatcontrol,
frequency islandedwhich
mode.isInalways accurate.
this manner, In ordermode
a seamless to
is problem,
achieved several techniques have
after synchronization been proposed. The first group of methods are based
on introducing a virtual impedance loop in order to compensate for the inverter output and line
impedance unbalances and therefore improving the reactive power sharing. Several approaches
Energies 2019, 12, 840 12 of 22

2.5. Cooperativeness
An inverter, as a part of a grid, is required to function according to the functionality of other
components of the grid. This is cooperativeness. One of the major aspects in this area is power sharing,
which has been addressed before by introducing hierarchical droop based controls. However, by
implementing the conventional droop, although active power sharing can be sufficiently achieved
by using local measurements, reactive power sharing is not that accurate and also the problem of
harmonics current sharing is not addressed. Furthermore, there are other aspects such as ramp rate
control for renewable energy sources and soft start capability, which lie in this category.

2.5.1. Reactive Power and Harmonic Current Sharing

The problem of reactive power sharing inaccuracy in conventional droop methods is derived
from the fact that it depends on the impedance of DG feeders and out-put side impedance of L-C-L
filters. This contrasts with the active power sharing control, which is always accurate. In order to
overcome this problem, several techniques have been proposed. The first group of methods are
based on introducing a virtual impedance loop in order to compensate for the inverter output and
line impedance unbalances and therefore improving the reactive power sharing. Several approaches
based on this idea can be found in the literature, and their sole drawback is due to the possible
large value of the virtual impedance. This may degrade the voltage quality particularly in weak
islanded microgrids [19,107–109]. The concept of virtual impedance loop can be described by the
following equations:
ϑ0 = ϑ0∗ − i0 Z0 (s), (5)

where ϑ0 is the voltage reference provided for inner control loops, ϑ0∗ is the voltage reference calculated
by the droop control loop and Z0 (s) is the virtual impedance transfer function. Same as the m and
n droop coefficient calculations in Equations (3) and (4), Z0 values for different units are calculated
according to their power ratings:
Z01 S1 = Z02 S2 = · · · , (6)

Considering Equations (5) and (6) it can be understood that the virtual impedance implementation
method generates a new voltage reference for inner control loops of the inverter by modifying the
initial references set by the droop algorithms. Many approaches are conducted to empower the
virtual impedance shaping technique. By using communication, the feeder impedance can be actively
compensated, and this improves the reactive power sharing quality [8,13]. Modifying the droop
method is another method to improve reactive current sharing Over the years, many improved
techniques have been proposed and implemented [110,111]. In [110], an enhanced droop method
has been proposed. In this method, the reactive power sharing is improved by the sharing error
reduction operation. However, this procedure will cause an output voltage reduction which is
regulated separately. Signal injection techniques can be mentioned as an example of other methods
proposed for this purpose [112].
The sharing of harmonic currents generated because of the presence of non-linear loads, such as
rectifiers, have not been addressed by conventional droop methods [107,113–115]. This presence of
harmonics can affect the voltage and current wave-forms, cause overheating problems and add to
losses, and lead to stability problems, therefore needed to be shared accurately [116,117]. In [108] a
modification in the virtual impedance loop was proposed. This method provides the resistive output
impedance for higher order current harmonics by subtracting the voltages corresponding to current
harmonics from the reference voltage:

ϑ0 = ϑ0∗ − i01 .sL D − ∑ ioh Rh , (7)
Energies 2019, 12, 840 13 of 22

where i01 is the output current, L D is the virtual impedance and Rh is the resistive coefficient
corresponding to each of the harmonic terms, ioh By using Equation (7), a new voltage reference
is generated for the inner loops, covering effects of both linear and non-linear loads.

2.5.2. Soft Start

When a DG is initiating its energy generation, its interface inverter will try to start injecting
power into the microgrid. If this procedure occurs without proper initiations, it will cause transient
disturbances in grid parameters which are obviously not favorable. The ability of soft start for
inverters can be achieved by modifying the virtual impedance loop. The soft starter controls the virtual
impedance and is programmed to assign it with a higher value at the beginning of the transient state
and then gradually reduce it to its nominal value. This is a modification for the virtual impedance
loop mentioned before as part of the power sharing control (specifically to improve the reactive power
and harmonic current sharing). Therefore as the control structure is already equipped with a virtual
impedance loop it is just required to include the soft starter [94,99,118,119]. The implementation of the
soft starter is done by the following Equation (8):
ZD (t) = Z f − Z f − Zi e T , (8)

where Z f and Zi are the initial and final values of the virtual impedance and T is the time interval
of the soft start procedure. By using this method, the system can start with a large impedance and
gradually decrease it to its designed value for normal operation [13,120,121].

2.5.3. Ramp Rate Control

DGs in microgrids are mostly of a renewable energy nature and it is a well-known fact that these
type of energies, specifically wind and solar, suffer fluctuations in their power generation due to
climate-caused effects. These power ramp rates are required to be controlled in a defined boundary in
order to reduce the risk of possible damage occurrences when for example the clouds suddenly clear
out over a large solar power station. The concept of ramp rate control is simple and can be represented
by a simple equation for a solar panel [122,123] as in Equation (9):

R(t) = = , (9)
dt ∆T
where R(t) is the instant ramp rate, and PPV is the instant power generated by the panel. When the
ramp rate exceeds a defined value, the output power requires to be regulated. Incorporating energy
storage units such as batteries, flywheels and supercapacitors or reliable energy generation units
such as fuel cells are the common methods to compensate for these fluctuations and smoothen the
generation [124–127]. Using Equation (10), the energy storage capacity required for ramp rate control
according to the power rating/perimeter scale of a solar field and the maximum acceptable ramp rate
value can be worked out [128,129]:

1.8 P∗
CESS = −τ , (10)
3600 2 Rmax

τ = a·l + b, (11)

where CESS is the capacity of the energy storage unit, Rmax is the maximum ramp rate and P∗ is the
power of the solar field. Equation (11) represents the time constant τ, which is an empirical correlation
with the shortest measured length of the solar field perimeter, l. (a = 0.042 s/m and b = −0.5 s).
In [124] implementation of electric double layer capacitor (EDLC) for smoothening the generation of
PV panels alongside with the size consideration of the capacitor and the utilization of a fuel cell to
compensate for slow generation fluctuations have been discussed. Although most of the ramp rate
Energies 2019, 12, 840 14 of 22

control methods are based on using energy storage devices, there are other possibilities. For example,
In [122], by modifying the MPPT algorithms, which renewable energy systems functions are based on,
the ramp rate can be controlled by deviating from the set point of the MPPT when required, to balance
the output power.

3. Discussion
In order to define a device as smart, it has to represent several qualities and characteristics mostly
depending on its application and implementation. In this study, these characteristics have been
described for inverters, which are used as interfaces for DGs in microgrids:
• Plug-and-play capability has been the first concept discussed. Regardless of how much effort
has been expended to omit the communication requirement, in order to achieve a stable and
functional microgrid, especially in the context of accurate active, reactive and harmonic current
sharing, this requirement still exists. In contrast to other smartness indicators that evaluate the
smartness based on how less it relies on communication for normal operation, plug-and-play is
mainly related to communication compatibility. Different relevant communication technologies
have been introduced and investigated in detail with tabular information. The fact that the DGs
can be spread over a large area, maybe several kilometers apart, will emphasize the infeasibility of
using conventional communication protocols mostly according to economic considerations. One
practical and attractive solution can be the use of the Internet. However, in accordance with M2M
communication and the Internet of things concept, it is not practical to connect every node of a
system directly to the web. A long range, low implementation and operating cost, protocol that is
reliable enough at the same time, such as LoRa or ZigBee, can be used to communicate each of the
inverters to internet gateways. It is understood, further research and thorough experimental work
are required to end up with a conclusion and chose one communication protocol over another.
• Self-awareness is another smartness indicator. In this section, the concept of fault diagnosis,
condition monitoring and prognosis have been explained. In addition, fault detection methods
have been briefly reviewed since all three-health indicators of inverters require fault detection at
some point in their control structure. According to various methods proposed for open-circuit
fault detection, it can be observed that, no matter how complicated the detection algorithm could
be, there are still based on local measurements with the aim of avoiding the further requirement
of communication. Short-circuit fault detection can be effectively conducted by use of hardware
and local current measurements.
• Another studied characteristic of smart inverters has been their adaptability. This is related
to the change of parameters of the grid, the loads and the working mode of the inverter itself.
Here smartness is the ability to sense and identify some fluctuations in the parameters readings
that can be an indication for faults. Then, effectively self-adjust to be able to continue to function
regardless of the mode change or the fault as it is not always possible to shut down the system
immediately even if a serious problem has been detected. This is called fault tolerance, and the
different methods have been introduced and compared. Some of them require extra, redundant,
hardware and others provide redundancy by manipulating the modulation process. Unintended
islanding for microgrids due to grid failure is another issue, and if the system cannot self-adapt
itself with this phenomenon, the results can be catastrophic. Methods for islanding detection
are different, and they have been briefly introduced and compared. It is understood, same as
the fault detection methods, in islanding detection methods the aim of reducing communication
requirements and self-adapting in the procedure is a major consideration nowadays.
• The other important characteristic is autonomy, which intends to reduce the requirements for
communications among inverters installed far away from each other even more. In microgrids,
depending on if it is islanded or grid-connected, the inverters are controlled as VSCs or CSCs
connected in parallel. One measure of autonomy is the ability to control the active and reactive
power sharing among them with minimum required communication. The droop control methods
Energies 2019, 12, 840 15 of 22

empower this characteristic by controlling each DGs power flow according to its rated values,
by mostly using local measurements to minimizing communication requirements. Another aspect
that has been considered here is when the working mode of the microgrid changes from islanded
to grid-connected or vice versa. Naturally, in that case, the role of most inverters is required to
be changed as well, since in islanded mode the inverters are mostly controlled as grid forming,
in contrast to a grid-connected mode when they transform to grid feeding or grid supporting
modes. These transformations are required to be done automatically, and each of the inverters
should be equipped with suitable control structures to make these mode switching accompanied
by unavoidable transient responses seamless and smooth.
• The last concept covered has been cooperativeness. By definition, this means the smartness that
an inverter requires to be able to function in accordance and alongside with other inverters in a
grid. All the inverters are required to take some responsibility to regulate and compensate for
unbalances and disturbances present in the system. In addition, their operation and behavior
should be in alignment with other neighboring components. Otherwise, further disturbances will
be introduced to the system. Active, reactive and harmonics current sharing is the most important
characteristic fitting in this definition. In contrast to some of the characteristics discussed before
the requirement of communication can be sensed for cooperativeness.

As a brief summary of the concepts addressed above it can be stated that smartness of an inverter
in a microgrid, mostly refers to minimizing communication requirements for its normal operation.
However, according to the current literature, this requirement is still present and cannot be omitted
altogether. Currently, different communication protocols are used for this application, as well as other
M2M communication applications, but each of them have their own drawbacks and are far from perfect.
Therefore, there is a broad area of research and development available to fill this gap. One possible idea
is the use of the Internet infrastructure which sounds perfect according to its worldwide availability
and its great storage and computational potentials based on the cloud concept. Nevertheless, here,
the most important consideration is not the internet platform itself. On the contrary, the main aspect is
to propose an architecture to connect the components to the cloud. Such an architecture is required to
present these qualities:

• Reliable; no data can be lost or misinterpreted.

• Fast, thresholds for delays are very limited.
• Secure, immune from unregistered intervention.
• Globally available and compatible.
• Low energy consumption.
• Robustness.
• Bidirectional.
• Economically feasible, in terms of implementation, operational costs and maintenance.

Containing these characteristics, a structure based on a wireless communication protocol can be

proposed for inverters communication to improve microgrids performance and control. In spite of
that, it should always be remembered that every communication structure, no matter how carefully
engineered and well established it is, still contain deficiencies such as delays, by nature. Therefore, the
research and development of control structures centered on the goal of reducing the communication
requirement should continue further more.

Author Contributions: B.A.-Z. carried out the literature review and wrote the paper; E.J.P.-G. supervised and
provided critical reviews. J.C.V. and J.M.G. coordinated and reviewed the final work.
Funding: This research was funded by the Aalborg University Talent Programme 2016 with the research project:
The Energy Internet–Integrating Internet of Things into the Smart Grid.
Acknowledgments: This work was funded by the AAU Talent Project: The Energy Internet–Integrating Internet
of Things into the Smart Grid (
Energies 2019, 12, 840 16 of 22

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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