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Unit 1 Reading Quiz: Part A: Key Skills

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1 MAKING PREDICTIONS FROM A TEXT TYPE You are going to read an essay. Before reading, look at
Paragraph 1. Then check the statements you think will be true.
1 The text will give instructions on how to do something.
2 The purpose of the text will be to entertain the reader.
3 The text will give factual information about a topic.
4 The text will ask you to imagine characters in a story.
5 The style of the writing will be formal.

Read the essay and check your predictions.

English-Language Signs Around the World

1 You can not only hear the English language spoken in countries around the
world, but you can also see it on signs everywhere, from Mexico to China. If you
look around the streets of Tokyo, for example, you will find that Japanese is the
most common language on signs. In fact, 99% of the Tokyo population speaks
Japanese, but 20% of the signs in Tokyo are in English. Other studies have found
similar patterns all over the world. Who, then, are these signs for?
2 Most people agree that English signs in other countries do not exist for the
benefit of tourists. In Dubai, for example, English is visible in cafés, stores, and in
ads. However, most tourists to Dubai come from non-English-speaking countries,
such as India or Sri Lanka.
3 Many researchers now believe that English signs are not intended for English
speakers. In fact, they “speak” to the local population. In Tokyo, for example, an
English-language sign may include mistakes or may use English in a strange
way. However, its message is usually understood by the target population:
Japanese speakers.
4 One possible reason for the use of English in signs around the world is that
many people think that English is exotic and fashionable. If English stops being
fashionable, then these signs will probably disappear very quickly. Similarly, if you
walk around London, you will find many cafés with Italian-language signs. These
signs might not make sense to an Italian person, but that is not important. The
signs are “speaking” to people in London who think that the Italian language
and culture is fashionable.
5 Many researchers believe that, in fact, English is not replacing other
languages culturally in these countries. A large number of English-language
signs in a place like Tokyo, for example, does not mean that American or British
culture is replacing Japanese. On the contrary, it shows that the Japanese
language is so strong that the Japanese feel comfortable with displaying other
languages in addition to their own.

32 UNIT 1 READING QUIZ Prism Reading 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
2 SCANNING TOPIC SENTENCES   Write the topic sentences for the paragraphs.

1 Paragraph 2:

2 Paragraph 3:

3 Paragraph 4:

4 Paragraph 5:


3 Write T (true) or F (false) next to the statements. Correct the false statements.
  1 According to the essay, these English-language signs are for the local population.

  2 The most visible language in Tokyo is English.

  3 T he English-language signs in Tokyo sometimes contain language which might confuse
native English speakers.

  4 The Japanese language is slowly dying out in Tokyo.

  5 In London, many people have a positive attitude toward Italian-language signs.

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1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

authenticity convenience discount ensure experiment influence relatively situated

1 Some people worry that big businesses have too much on our government.
2 The company that all orders will be shipped within twenty-four hours. If not,
shipping is free.
3 Large supermarket chains can afford to offer that smaller independent stores
cannot afford to offer.
4 Since moving to the city, I have gotten used to the of having food delivered
in rainy weather so that I don’t have to get wet.
5 Because the farm is in a valley, it is protected from strong winds.
6 The store opened recently—only about a month ago.
7 We really like the of the food in this Thai restaurant. It tastes like they made it
in Bangkok.
8 The scientists are with a new type of tomato that can grow in cold climates.

2 Complete the text with the correct form of the words in the box.

consumption fresh increase ingredient insist perfectionist selling point specialty

A big social question at the moment is this one: is it OK to eat something

that was grown thousands of miles away? People often talk about the
importance of food being (1)  , or not very old. Many people
that the further food has traveled, the worse it is. They
argue that as the distance between a food source and a consumer
 , the quality decreases. A true local food (4)
will tell you that you should limit your (5) of food to products
that come from within 50 miles of your home.
However, some of us have become very fond of certain imported foods. The
main (6) of a beautiful piece of French cheese is that it was
made in France. Some food and drink (7)  , including certain
types of coffee, cannot be produced everywhere. In addition, many of us use
imported (8)  , such as olive oil, in our meals every day.

34 UNIT 1 LANGUAGE QUIZ Prism Reading 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
3 ACADEMIC ALTERNATIVES TO PHRASAL VERBS Replace the phrasal verbs in parentheses with the correct
form of the verbs in the box.

confuse continue exhaust increase remove

1 We cannot (go on) polluting our lakes and rivers.

2 The number of people going abroad to find work has (gone up) in recent years.
3 When the new government came into power, they (took away) many of the old
street signs and put up new ones.
4 Some people predict that the world’s supply of oil will be (used up) in a few
5 My parents both speak different languages. I’m bilingual, but when I speak to them, I sometimes
(mix up) one word with another.

4 GLOBALIZATION VOCABULARY Complete the article with the correct form of the words in the box.

consumption diet multinational obesity poverty

 , or the condition of being extremely
overweight, has doubled since 1980. It is now no longer confined
to certain countries, like the United States, but has become
a(n) (2) problem. Multiple factors contribute to this
condition. A(n) (3) high in fat is one; the increased
of sugary drinks is another. But another factor
is also critically important: (5)  . Researchers have
found that lower-income people are much more likely to be obese
because they often cannot afford to buy healthier food.

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