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Read the essay. Then answer the questions that follow.

The Value of Higher Education?

1 Do schools really prepare young people for real life? There
are many examples of successful people who never went to
college. Similarly, are employers these days looking for people with
qualifications in subjects like history or literature? Research seems to
indicate that what employers are really looking for are people with
experience, which traditionally is not part of a high school or college
2 To illustrate one side of the argument, look at the example of
an entrepreneur from Seattle who is now the director of a large
electronics company. He dropped out of school when he was 17 and
began working for his parents in their small office cleaning business.
After a few weeks, he had saved $250. With this money, he began
buying some small electronics and selling them at a local market.
Today his fortune is estimated at $270 million.
3 Such examples show that many valuable skills can be acquired
outside of the classroom. The ability to work hard and be self-
disciplined is arguably more important than learning facts or
memorizing poems. Regardless of whether or not a person has
a degree, companies increasingly want employees with good
communication or other “soft” skills, as well as certain qualifications.
Of course, these skills can often be learned through experience in
the real world.
4 However, schools do have an important role in preparing students
for the world. As children spend time with other people in school, they
learn how to interact in society and to respect rules and authority.
As they progress into higher education, they learn how to manage
time and how to deal with deadlines. They learn how to become
independent and critical thinkers, how to express their opinions, and
how to deal with complicated ideas. In summary, education is not
only about facts and figures; it is also about developing important
personal qualities.
5 In short, it is important to remember that few people will become
millionaires by dropping out of school and selling electronics.
Therefore, schools probably do prepare students for the real world
because they give the majority the necessary tools to fit into society
and because they allow more people to achieve success without
relying on luck.

36 UNIT 2 READING QUIZ Prism Reading 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
1 MAKING INFERENCES  Write T (true), F (false), or DNS (does not say) next to the statements. Explain why
the false statements are false.
  1 T he writer includes the example of the Seattle entrepreneur to show that traditional
education is not always necessary to be successful.

  2 The Seattle entrepreneur could not get into college.

  3 Employers do not want to hire people with qualifications anymore.

  4 T he writer thinks that the most important benefit of schools is the knowledge of academic
subjects that students get.

  5 Hundreds of millionaires in the U.S. do not have college degrees.


2 Write the correct paragraph number next to the descriptions.
a General summary and conclusions
b An introduction to the topic of the essay
c An explanation of what skills can be acquired outside school
d An example supporting the argument for a higher education
e An example supporting the argument against a higher education

Prism Reading 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable UNIT 2 READING QUIZ 37
UNIT 2 LANGUAGE QUIZ Name:   ​Date: 


1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

core principles ​evolve ​online degree ​concrete ​launch ​

credible alternative ​virtual classroom ​underrepresented

1 A number of people are beginning to think that online classes offer a(n) to
traditional schools due to some positive results of studies.
2 We have only recently into a species that uses computers to communicate.
3 Does a(n) offer students the same opportunity to interact with each other as
one that meets on campus?
4 Physics has some fascinating theories, but I prefer spending time in the lab solving
5 The school has just a new program in emergency medical assistance, with the
first students starting this semester.
6 We’re learning about the of American democracy, including individual rights,
the consent of government, and the rule of law.
7 Charlotte is pursuing a(n) in accounting from Cyber School.
8 Women now make up over half of all college students, but they are still in
technical schools where the majority of students are male.

2 Match the sentence halves. Use the words in bold to help you.
1 She plans to pursue a degree in veterinary science
2 A major in college focuses on
3 Although many people consider distance learning to be
4 Although a college education can help women get better jobs,
5 After getting their first job after college,
6 Researchers are taking advantage of technological advances in 3D printing
7 While subjects like art and history are still popular,

a a modern phenomenon, people have been taking courses by mail for centuries.
b to create inexpensive artificial limbs for people.
c it cannot erase the gender gap in the workplace overnight.
d many students are now more oriented toward science, technology, and math.
e subjects in a single department or discipline.
f after spending the summer working at an animal hospital.
g most graduates appreciate the significant difference between school and work life.

38 UNIT 2 LANGUAGE QUIZ Prism Reading 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable
3 EDUCATION VOCABULARY   Circle the correct words in the sentences.

1 It is important not just to attend but also to participate in the weekly assignments / seminars in
order to pass this class.
2 The student was found guilty of plagiarism / assignment when it was discovered that he copied
most of his work from the Internet.
3 There are two tutors / semesters: one in the spring and one in the fall. You will complete three
modules in each one.
4 When you are a student at our university, you will have access to a wide range of academic
semesters / journals online.
5 You should begin thinking about the final assignment / degree for this class, which is to write a
5,000-word paper on a topic of your choice.

4 ACADEMIC WORDS   Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in the box.

establishment ​motivation ​principle ​significant ​virtual

1 Although courses are very popular these days, I prefer traditional ones with a
professor and students in a classroom.
2 School can be difficult at any age if you don’t have the to do well.
3 April 14 marks the hundredth year since the of the university’s college of dentistry.
4 Our school was founded on the that every child deserves a good education.
5 Studies have shown that having a college degree makes a(n) difference in how
much a person earns over their lifetime.

Prism Reading 3 © Cambridge University Press 2018 Photocopiable UNIT 2 LANGUAGE QUIZ 39

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