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Chapter 2: Call of the Wild

Extra Questions for 2A: Song of the Humpback (p. 23)

1. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for
each paragraph.)
a. In paragraph A, line 12, one refers to …………………………………………….……..
b. In paragraph B, line 9, my refers to ………………………………………………..……..
c. In paragraph C, line 2, it refers to …………………………………………………..……..
d. In paragraph E, line 3, they refers to ……………………………………………………..

2. What is the author’s purpose in the text?

a. to entertain b. to persuade c. to inform

Extra Questions for 2B: The 1000-Year Bird Song (p. 31)

1. What do the words in the text refer to? (Lines of paragraphs should be counted separately for
each paragraph.)
a. In paragraph A, line 3, their refers to ……………………………………………………….……..
b. In paragraph E, line 6, there refers to …………………………………………………….……….
c. In paragraph G, line 1, he refers to …………………………………………………………..……..

2. According to paragraph G, what is Andrew Farnsworth’s attitude towards future research?

a. optimistic b. neutral c. hopeless

3. What is the tone of the author?

a. optimistic b. informative c. humorous

Unit 2 Vocabulary Revision

A. Complete the sentences with the correct words from the table given and make the necessary
changes. There are two extra words.
stable apparently accurate aspect
season exchange impact barrier

1. The timing of breeding _________________ is important for birds to maximize the number
of the young. It lasts from late spring until late summer, depending on temperature.
2. ____________________, it was a really good party. Everybody had a lot of fun singing and
3. Winning this competition had a big ________________ on my life. Everything has changed
since then.
4. Fuel prices have become more ________________ after several increases last year.
Nowadays, there is almost no change.
5. A lack of education is a/an _________________ to many good jobs. Without education, it is
difficult to find a good job.
6. The police was able to catch the attacker thanks to her ___________________ description
of him.

B. Match the words with their definitions.

Words Meanings
1. rarely ____ a. to disclose, make known something secret
2. to pick up ____ b. not often, seldom
3. to reveal ____ c. to learn something quickly
4. at random ____ d. to remember
5. ingredient _____ e. without a definite plan
6. to recall _____ f. component of something

C. Fill in the chart with the correct word forms. Some categories can have more than one form.
Use a dictionary if necessary. An X indicates there is no form in that category or it is not

Noun Verb Adjective Adverb

………………………. / experience ………………………. / X
……………………. …………………….
…………………………. ……………………. unknown …….………………………. /
…………………./ …………………….
……………………..… …………………..….
……………………….…. respond ….…………………. / ……………………..….
………………………….... interact ………………………..… ……………………….…
combination …………………… …………………….... X
………………………..… measure ………………………. / ………………………. /
…………………….… …………………….….
loss …………………….. …………………… X
……………………….... create …………………..….. ……………………...

D. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word given in brackets from the chart.
1. The sales staff in this store are all knowledgeable / knowledge, helpful, and cheerful.
2. She's too young and experienced / inexperienced to go abroad on her own. She needs a
3. Our school encourages interactive / interaction teaching methods.
4. The law has had little measurable /measurably effect since it was introduced two years ago.
5. Walt Disney, the creator / creation of Mickey Mouse, was one of the pioneers of the
American animation industry.

6. The problems in our company were due to a combination /combined of bad management
and lack of experience.
7. When Princess Diana died, the emotional response / responsive was extraordinary.
8. There are many diseases which cause fever and a loss / lose of appetite.

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