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The Lord Name of the Number of Name of the Judge the Name of the Tribe the Number of Number

Number of Number How did they Judge?

sold Israel Land the years Israel Lord raised up judge was from years of of years in
into the King was was in Judgment peace
King’s hands leading Bondage
Cushan- Mesopotamia 8 years 1. Othniel From the tribe of Judah 40 years 40 years Non-described
rishathaim (son of Kenaz, Caleb's
younger brother)
Eglon Moab 18 años 2. Ehud (Son of Gera, the 80 years 80 years Ehud stretched out his
(And he (left-handed) Benjamite) left -hand took the
gathered to sword from his right
himself the thigh and thrust it into
sons of his belly. The handle also
Ammon and went in after the blade,
Amalek) and
Non- Philistines Non-described 3. Shamgar Non-described Non- Non- With an oxgoad
described described described

Jabin Canaan 20 years 4. Deborah Deborah, a prophetess 40 years 40 years Heber (Kenite, from the
His captain’s (reigned in (Lappidoth’s wife) sons of Hobab the
name is Sisera Hazor) Barak (The son of father-in-law of Moses.
(who lived in Abinoam from Kedesh- Jael, Heber's wife, took a
Harosheth- naphtali) tent peg and seized a
hagoyim and hammer in her hand, and
had 900 iron went secretly to Sisera
chariots) and drove the peg into
his temple, and it went
through into the ground;
for he was sound asleep
and exhausted. So, he
Zebah and People of east 7 years. 5. Gideon. The tribe of Manasseh. 40 years. 40 years.
Zalmunna. Midianites

Abimelech’s conspiracy: Gideon had 70 sons, his own offspring from his wives and Abimelech from his concubine Shechem. Abimelech killed his brothers to make him self a king at his father’s house in Ophrah
spirit between he and his leaders, so Gaal the son of Ebed.

Then Abimelech’s officer Zebul informed him about the conspiracy, that Abimelech leaded a war and attacked Gaal’s tower then he went to a place, Thebez where there was a strong tower, there a certain wo

Abimelech’s conspiracy: Gideon had 70 sons, his own offspring from his wives and Abimelech from his concubine Shechem. Abimelech killed his brothers to make him self a king at his father’s house in Ophrah
spirit between he and his leaders, so Gaal the son of Ebed.

Then Abimelech’s officer Zebul informed him about the conspiracy, that Abimelech leaded a war and attacked Gaal’s tower then he went to a place, Thebez where there was a strong tower, there a certain wo

Non- Non-described Non-described 6. Tola Issachar 23 years 23 years Non-described

Non- Non-described Non-described 7. Jair Non- 22 years 22 years Non-described
described described
Ammonites’ Philistines and 18 years 8. Jephthah Tribe of 6 years 6 years The elders asked him to
king Ammonites (Son of a prostitute and Manasseh be their leader. So, they
Gilead) spoke their words in
front of the LORD. So,
the Lord gave them into
his hands, twenty cities.
And he offered his own
virgin daughter in burnt.

Non- Non-described Non-described 8. Ibzan Tribe of 7 years 7 years Non-described

described Zebulun
Non- Non-described Non-described 9. Elon Zebulunite 10 years 10 years Non-described
Non- Non-described Non-described 10. Abdon Tribe of 7 years 7 years Non-described
described Ephraim
Philistines Philistines 40 years 11. Samson (Nazirite) Tribe of 20 years 20 years Son of Manoah and a
Danites barren wife. An angel
came and told them
about Samson’s born.

Philistines Philistines Non-described 12. Eli Levite 40 years 40 years Had two evil sons Hophni
and Phinehas. They were
dead in a battle.

Philistines Philistines 13. Samuel Tribe of All his life All his life Son of Hannah (She
(The last of the judges and Ephraim (Around eighty years) (Around prayed to the Lord, she
the first of the Prophets) eighty was barren) and Elkanah.
years) He lead Israel as a
“Circuit Judge”.

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