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Ibn Taimiyah

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1. Introduction

In this article we shall seek to present to our readers a brief overview of the beliefs of Ibn
Taimiyah. His full name was Taqi ud-Din Abu-l-'Abbas Ahmad Ibn 'Abd al-Halim Ibn 'Abd as-
Salam Ibn Taimiyah al-Harrani al-Hanbali. He was born on Monday the 10th of Rabi' al-Awwal
66l H./22nd of January 1263 C.E. at Harran. He spent his life on a personal crusade against
those Muslims that he deemed deviants ranging from the Shias, Sufis through to the ‘ignorant’
man on the street. He courted much controversy, reviled by his contemporary 'ulama'. He was
imprisoned by the authorities on many occasions.

This controversial man may have just remained a normal Mullah, with no real rank and status.
But the British-supported Wahabi movement that successfully overthrew the Sunni Caliphate
changed all that. Abdul Wahab was inspired by the teachings of Ibn Taimiyah. His objective was
to cascade his teachings across the Arabian Peninsula. In the decades that have followed, Saudi
petro dollars have in effect ensured that the controversial Ibn Taimiyah has become a common
household name in the Wahabi mindset, to the point that he is always remembered by Salafis
and Deobandis as Shaykh ul Islam. Since the vast bulk of Sunni and, for that matter, Salafis
only know of Ibn Taimiyah what their scholars tell them, we felt it important that we present to
our readers the true image of Ibn Taimiyah from his own pen, and that of the Ulema that
assessed him.

On reading the complete article we are confident that our readers will in a far better position to
make a true judgment of the Godfather of Salafism.

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2. Chapter Two: Ibn Taimiyah’s abuse of the Ulema and

common folk

“Call to the way of your Lord with wisdom and beautiful admonition, and argue with
them in ways that are best.” [Soorah Nahl (16):125]

There is a general thinking that the Ulema should be men who set the best examples to others.
Those at the pinnacle of religious learning are to be admired and respected, and this immense
responsibility brings with it a duty to behave in the most appropriate manner. If the only thing
we know from the teachings of our blessed Prophet (s), it is that he was the best of men in
manners and that is why he was able to successfully conquer the hearts of the rigid Arabs.
Allah (swt) said in Suyrah Aal-e-Imran verse 159:

“had you been harsh and hardhearted, they would have surely deserted you”.

And His - the Most Majestic’s - saying, with regards to Musa and (as):

“So speak to him mildly, perchance he may take admonition, or that he may fear
Allaah.” [Surah Taha (20):44]

The Ulema as those carrying the torch of Islam to the masses are therefore duty bound to take
heed of these methods and ensure that they engage others within the boundaries of morality.
Engagement has to be within limits, and that is why we are told to refrain from getting angry
and abusing fellow Muslims. One would assume that the one whom the Salafis deem ‘Shayh ul
Islam’ would lead by example as the perfect example of decency with fellow Muslims, but the
reality is that we see the complete opposite, one wherein Ibn Taimiyah heaps all manner of
abuse from the common man on the ground to those Ulema that todays Sunnis deem as major
scholars. Let us first of all ask that readers consider this hadith of the Prophet (s).

1. It is Fisq and Kufr to abuse a Muslim

We read in Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 46:

Narrated 'Abdullah:
The Prophet said, 'Abusing a Muslim is Fusuq (an evil doing) and killing him is Kufr


This reference makes it crystal clear that resorting to abuse against Muslim is Fusuq. If Nawasib
question why we have abused our opponents, we will make it clear that this duty concerns the
abuse of Muslims. The writers of Ansar.Org or other Salafi and Nasibi bigots that we refute are
not Muslims in general terms, they are Nasibis. Their writings are replete with indirect attacks
on the conduct of the Ahl’ul bayt (as), constant attempts to belittle and downplay their merits
and appraisals of their enemies. Nawasib have no protection under the Hadeeth. Those that
have such lowly opinions of the Ahl’ul bayt (as) are not Muslims. They are munafiqs, and hence
we have every right to hurl abuse at them; and we should also point out that this method of
dealing with Nawasib has been vouched for by the Ulema of Ahle Sunnah such as Shah Abdul
Aziz Muhadith Dehalwi. With that in mind now let us see how Ibn Taimiyah attacked his Muslim

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2. Ibn Taimiyah abused the Sufis

We read in Risala fi Tahqiq al-Shukr, page 114:

‫وهؤلء مخانيث الجهمية وابن عربي من ذكورهم‬

“They are the effeminate of Jahamis and ibn Arabi from their males.”

3. Ibn Taimiyah abused the Mutazila

We read in Majm'oa al-Fatawa, Volume 12, page 382:

i ‫ للجهمية ال‬l‫يث‬g‫ان‬l‫مخ‬l ‫وا‬h‫ار‬l‫ص‬l‫و‬

“They became the effeminate for Jahamis males”

We read in Majm'oa al-Fatawa, Volume 14 page 348:

g u‫ه‬l‫ج‬u‫ث ال‬
h ‫ي‬g‫ان‬l‫خ‬l‫ م‬: ‫ت‬ h ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬l‫ ف‬.
g ‫ا‬l‫ف‬p‫ي الص‬g‫ ف‬h‫لة‬l‫ز‬g ‫ت‬l ‫ع‬u ‫م‬

“Mu'atazila are effeminates of the Jahamis”

We read in Majm'oa al-Fatawa, Volume 14 page 349:

‫ة‬l‫زل‬g ‫ت‬l ‫ع‬u ‫م‬
h ‫ل‬u ‫ث ا‬
h ‫ي‬g‫ان‬l‫خ‬l‫م م‬
u h‫وه‬l . ‫ث‬
h ‫ا‬l‫ن‬g‫إ‬u‫ة ال‬w‫مي‬
l ‫ل‬u ‫ ا‬: - ‫ي‬
i g‫ار‬l‫نص‬u ‫أ‬lu‫ل ال‬
l ‫ي‬g‫اع‬l‫سم‬ h ‫ي‬u w‫ الش‬l‫ال‬l‫ا ق‬l‫م‬l‫ ك‬.
u ‫و إ‬h‫أب‬l ‫خ‬

As Sheikh Abu Ismail al-Ansari said: ‘Jahamis are the females, and they are the
effeminates for Mu'tazila’

4. Ibn Taimiyah abused the Asharies

We read in Al-Fatawa al-Kubra, Volume 6 page 643:

g‫لة‬l‫ز‬g ‫ت‬l ‫ع‬u ‫م‬
h ‫ل‬u ‫ ا‬h‫يث‬g‫ان‬l‫خ‬l‫ة م‬
h w‫ي‬g‫عر‬l ‫ش‬
u l‫لأ‬u ‫ ا‬:h‫ال‬l‫ق‬h‫ا ي‬l‫كم‬l

As it hass been said: “Ash'aries are the effeminates for the Mu'atazila”

5. Ibn Taimiyah abused the Shias

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 6 page 331:

‫ما أسخف عقول الرافضة‬.

“How absurd is the Rafidhi brain”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 p379:

‫وقول الرافضة خبر كاذب وقول سفيه‬

“The sayings of the Rafidah are false narrations and silly talks”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 2 page 34:

‫والرافضة من أخبث الناس كما أن اليهود من أخبث الناس‬

“The Rafidah are from amongst the most malicious people as the Jews are from the

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most malicious people.”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 2 p34:

‫الرافضة من أجهل الناس وأضلهم كما أن النصارى من أجهل الناس‬

“Rafidah are from the most ignorant and misguided of people, as the Christians from
the most ignorant and of misguided people”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 22:

‫ومن حماقتهم إظهارهم لما يجعلونه مشهدا‬

“From their foolish actions is erecting of shrines”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 23:

‫ومن حماقتهم إقامة المأتم والنياحة على من قد قتل من سنين عديدة‬

“From (amongst) their foolish actions are the establishment of memorial gatherings
and crying for some one who was killed many years before.”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 8:

‫وهكذا معاونتهم لليهود أمر شهير حتى جعلهم الناس لهم كالحمير‬

“And their support to the Jews is popular to the extent that the people deemed the
Jews donkey”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 210:

‫و العامة معذورون في قولهم الرافضي حمار اليهودي‬

“The public are excused in the statement that the Rafidhi are the donkeys of the

Majm'oa al-Fatawa, Volume 3 page 153:

u l‫ أ‬g‫ار‬l‫حم‬
g ‫ن‬
u g‫ل م‬
i ‫ض‬
l ‫أ‬l ‫و‬l h‫ه‬l‫ة ف‬
g w‫ئم‬g‫أ‬lu‫ء ال‬g ‫ا‬l‫ؤل‬h ‫ه‬
l u‫من‬g ‫د‬
Ÿ‫ح‬l l‫ة أ‬
g l‫اف‬l‫خل‬
g ‫ي‬g‫ن ف‬ l u‫من‬l ‫و‬l .
l l‫طع‬

“Verily whoever attacks the Khilafa of the Caliphs, is lost more than a donkey.”

6. Ibn Taimiyah abused the Sunni scholars

Not only Shias, but Ibn Taimiyah didn’t spare some of the esteemed Sunni scholars.
Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani states about Ibn Taimiyah’s abuse of Imam Ghazali:
‫وكان لتعصبه لمذهب الحنابلة يقع في الشاعرة حتى أنه سب الغزالي‬

“Due to his fanaticism with the Hanbali sect he would abuse the Ash'ara, and he
abused al- Ghazali.”
al-Durar al-Kamina, Volume 1 page 49

Al-Safadi records in his authority work ‘Al-Wafi bil Wafiyat, Volume 7 page 14:
‫وسمعته يقول عن نجم الدين الكاتبي المعروف بدبيران بفتح الدال المهملة وكسر الباء الموحدة وهو‬
‫الكاتبي صاحب التواليف البديعة في المنطق فإذا ذكره ل يقول إل دبيران بضم الدال وفتح الباء‬.

"I heard him (Ibn Taimiyah) use the term “double anus” (meaning gay) for

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Najmuddin al-Ketabi, who is known for Dabiran the author of al-Tawalif al-Badya in
logic, and fled whenever he mentioned him."

Ibn Taimiyah also abused Ali bin Yaqub al-Bakri (d. 724 H). We read in al-Rad ala al-Bakri,
Volume 2 page 485:
‫إل مثل هذا الحمق الضال‬

“Except those like this misguided fool”

7. Ibn Taimiyah abused the Shia scholars

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 206:

‫شيوخ الرافضة أما جاهل و أما زنديق كشيوخ أهل الكتاب‬

“The scholars of the Rafidah are ignorant or atheist as the scholars of People of the

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 209 that Ibn Taimiyah said to Allamah al-Heli:
‫أن هذا الحمار الرافضي‬

“This Rafidhi donkey.’

Al-Safadi records in Al-Wafi bil Wafiyat, Volume 7 page 14:

‫وسمعته يقول ابن المنجس يريد ابن المطهر الحلي‬

“I heard him (Ibn Taimiyah) say ‘the son of filth’ for Ibn al-Mutahar al-Heli.”

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 3 page 261:

‫أن هذا المصنف الرافضي الخبيث الكذاب المفتري‬

“This Rafidhi author who is malicious, liar and fabricator”

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 122:

‫أن هذا الرافضي الجاهل الظالم‬

“This ingnorant and unjust Rafidhi”

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 2 page 139 that Ibn Taimiyah said about Mumin al-Taq,
the student of Imam Jaffar al-Sadiq [as]:
‫أصحاب شيطان الطاق‬

“The companions of Shaytan al-Taq”

He said to Ibn Sina:

‫ أن كل أمة فيها ذكي وبليد‬: ‫ثم يقال لهذا الحمق‬

“We say to this fool: ‘In every nation there is smart and stupid one”
Dare Tanaqud al-Aqil wa al-Naql, Volume 2 page 355

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8. His abuse of those that held an opinion different to his own

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 10 page 208:

g‫ه‬g‫اب‬l‫كت‬g ‫ي‬g‫ ف‬h‫له‬w ‫ ال‬w‫ص‬l‫ا ق‬l‫ق م‬
h l‫م‬u‫ح‬l‫لأ‬u ‫ ا‬l‫بر‬w‫د‬
l l‫و ت‬u l‫ل‬l‫و‬

“If this fool thought about what Allah said in His Book”

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 5 page 8:

g‫اء‬l‫بي‬g ‫غ‬
u l‫لأ‬u ‫ ا‬h‫عض‬u ‫ب‬l h‫ه‬h‫ول‬h‫ق‬l‫د ي‬
u l‫ا ق‬l‫كم‬l

“Just like some stupid said”

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 4, page 358:

g‫اء‬l‫بي‬g ‫غ‬
u l‫لأ‬u ‫ ا‬h‫ض‬u‫بع‬l ‫ل‬
l ‫ا‬l‫ ق‬u‫د‬l‫ق‬l‫و‬

“Some stupid said”

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 4 page 376:

i‫بي‬g ‫غ‬l u‫ا ال‬l‫ذ‬l‫م ه‬
l l‫ع‬l‫ا ز‬l‫م‬l‫ ك‬l‫يس‬u l‫ل‬l‫و‬

“It’s not as this stupid claim”

9. Abusing those Muslims with limited knoweldge

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 23 page 292:

g‫ار‬l‫م‬g‫ح‬u‫ال‬l‫ ك‬h‫نه‬w‫إ‬gl‫م ف‬
g ‫ا‬l‫م‬g‫لإ‬u ‫ ا‬l‫بل‬u ‫ق‬l ‫ه‬
h l‫س‬u‫أ‬l‫ع ر‬
h l‫ف‬u‫ر‬l‫ي ي‬g‫ذ‬w‫ل‬l‫كا‬l

“The one who raises his head before the imam is like a donkey.”

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 23 page 337:

g‫ه‬g‫ل‬l‫عم‬l g‫ ب‬h‫اد‬l‫ير‬h ‫ا‬l‫ه م‬
h l‫فق‬u l‫ا ي‬l‫ي ل‬g‫ذ‬w‫ ال‬g‫ار‬l‫حم‬
g ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬l‫ن ك‬
l ‫ا‬l‫ه ك‬
g u‫ي‬l‫ل‬l‫ ع‬l‫م‬w‫قد‬l l‫ا ت‬l‫ذ‬g‫فإ‬l

“If he steps before the imam he is like a donkey that doesn’t know what he is is

10. He said about the Christians

We read in al-Jawab al-Sahih, Volume 1 page 89:

‫وتبين أن صاحبه الحمق كاذب مائق‬

“It is proven that the author is an extremely foolish liar”

11. Conclusion

We ask our readers: is this the type of language and arrogant attitude that should be expected
from a man that the Salafis/Wahabies deem ‘Shaykh ul Islam’? Let us for arguments sake
accept that Ibn Taimiyah was a sincere man practicing the true faith, effectively performing

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dawah to those that were ‘misguided’ – is this the methodology of dawah ascribed by the
Sunnah of the Prophet (s)? A methodology wherein:
• the sexuality of opponents is alleged
• opponents are decribed as animals
• believers with lesser knowledge are compared to donkey

Is this the Dawah methodology of the Prophet (s)? One seeking to perform dawah and correct
the believers needs to be gentle in his da’wah and should not resort to the abusive language
that Ibn Taimiyah does. If you look at the language of Ibn Taimiyah it is clear that his harsh,
ignorant, and arrogant conduct would impress no one save his Salafi adherents. The key to be
an effective communicator is to be mild, forbearing and patient; and be soft and pleasant in
speech, so they have an effect upon the heart of one’s opponent. Was such gentleness an
attribute of Ibn Taimiyah? Clearly not, his arrogant abusive pen proves he was anything but
gentle. We even read in Sahih Muslim Book 007, Number 2793:

Jabir b. 'Abdullah reported that …. The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him)
was a person of gentle disposition

It is no surprise that we see the followers of Ibn Taimiyah doing exactly the same today. When
you speak to them you will see how arrogant and proud they are. Anyone that doesn’t ascribe
to their beliefs is abused, and deemed the enemy.

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3. Chapter Three: The lies that Ibn Taimiyah attributed to

the Shias
We read in Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 2, Number 32:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

The Prophet said, "The signs of a hypocrite are three:
1. Whenever he speaks, he tells a lie.
2. Whenever he promises, he always breaks it (his promise ).
3. If you trust him, he proves to be dishonest. (If you keep something as a trust
with him, he will not return it.)"

We shall now cite some of the lies of Ibn Taiymiah from one of his most revered books in the
eyes of the Salafi, Minhaj al-Sunnah. We will then cite the actual Shi’a position to prove the
dishonesty commited by this alleged Sheikh ul Islam. To ensure that his followers do not
suggest the the Shi’a have sought to cite the opinion of later scholars that ‘corrected’ their
stance after humiliation from Ibn Taimiyah, we shall cite the positions of both past and modern
day Shi’a scholars.

Before beginning we shall cite a statement from a famed Sunni scholar highlighting the
methodology of the party of Ibn Taimiyah that the Sunnis refer to as Mujasima. We read in
Tabaqat al-Shafyi'a al-Kubra, by Imam Subki, Volume 2 page 10:
‫وفى المبتدعة ل سيما المجسمة زيادة ل توجد فى غيرهم وهو أنهم يرون الكذب لنصرة مذهبهم‬
‫والشهادة على من يخالفهم فى العقيدة بما يسوءه فى نفسه وماله بالكذب تأييدا لعتقادهم‬

The Mubtadia included the Mujasima, who contain an extra quality that does not
exist in the other (sects), that is that they allow lies to support their sect, and
testify against their opponent through lies to defame them (the opponent) and
support their (own) beliefs.

12. First Lie – The Shi’a delaying of prayers

Ibn Taimiyah al-Kadhab states in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 p10:

‫واليهود يؤخرون الصلة إلى اشتباك النجوم وكذلك الرافضة يؤخرون المغرب إلى اشتباك النجوم‬

“The Jews delay the prayer of Maghrib till the stars appear and likewise the Rafidah
delay the prayer of Maghrib until the stars appear”

13. The reality

We read in Al-Nehaya by Sheikh Tusi, page 59:

‫ ول يجوز تأخيره‬...‫وقت صلة المغرب عن غيبوبة الشمس‬

“The time of Maghrib prayer is when the sun sets…it is not permissible to delay it”

We read in Hawyat al-Tashie by Sheikh Dr.Waeli, page 124:

‫هذه كتب الشيعة كافة في الفقه وأنا اتحدى من يجد فيها رأيا واحدا يذهب إلى أن وقت صلة المغرب عند‬
‫اشتباك النجوم‬

“These are books of Shias in Fiqh and I challenge whoever can cite one opinion from
it according to which the time of the Maghrib prayer is when the stars appear.”

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14. Second lie – The Shi’a move away from the Kaaba during Salat

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

‫واليهود تزول عن القبلة شيئا وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews deviate from the Qiblah slightly, as do the Rafidah”

15. The reality

We read in al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 93:

‫فيجب على المتعبد أن يعرف القبلة ليتوجه إليها في صلته‬

“The worshiper has to know the direction of Qiblah to face it during his prayer.”

We read in Minhaj al-Sahlehin by Sayyed AlKhoei, Volume 1 page 135:

‫يجب استقبال المكان الواقع فيه البيت الشريف في جميع الفرائض‬

“It is Wajib to face the direction where the holy house is located, during the

16. Third Lie – There is no Iddah for divorced Shi’a women

Ibn Taimiyah asserts in his book Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:
‫واليهود ل يرون على النساء عدة وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews don’t observe Iddah for their women, neither do the Rafidah”

17. The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 498:

‫ويجب على المرأة عند مفارقة زوجها منه العدة على الكمال‬

“It is obligatory on the woman to observe complete Iddah when she seperates from
her husband.”

We read in Minhaj al-Salehin by Sayed Sistani, Volume 3 page 165:

‫عدة وهي أيام تربص المرأة بعد مفارقة زوجها‬

“Iddah are the days a woman observes when she separates from her husband.”

18. Fourth lie – The Shi’a corrupted the Qur’an

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

‫واليهود حرفوا التوراة وكذلك الرافضة حرفوا القرآن‬

“The Jews corrupted the Torah and Rafidah likewise corrupted the Quran”

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19. The reality

We read in Al-Mesael al-Sarawya by Sheikh Mufid, page 78:

‫ و ليس فيه شي ء‏ من كلم البشر‬،‫ول شك أن الذي بين الدفتين من القرآن جميعه كلم ال و تنزيله‬

“No doubt that what is between the two covers of the Quran, all of it is the word and
revelation of Allah, there is nothing from man’s words in it”

We read in Ahdath al-Istiftaat al-Aqedia by Sayed Sistani, page 454:

‫القرآن الموجود بايدينا هو بنفسه الذي نزل على رسول ال صلى ال عليه وآله من دون زيادة ول نقيصة‬

“The Quran that exists in our hands is the same that was revealed upon Allah's
messenger (s) without addition nor loss”

20. Fifth Lie – The Shi’a ascribe to fifity prayer units

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

‫واليهود قالوا افترض ال علينا خمسين صلة وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews said that God required from us fifty prayers and so do the Rafidah”

21. The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 90:

‫والمفروض من الصلة خمس في اليوم والليلة‬

“The required number of prayers are five during the day and night”

We read in Al-Fiqh al-Islami by Sayed Moddaressi, Volume 1 page 216:

‫فرض ال على النسان خمس صلوات‬

“Allah made five prayers obligatory on human beings.”

22. Sixth Lie – The Shi’a uphold the act of stealing

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

‫واليهود يستحلون أموال الناس كلهم وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews allow stealing people's money, as do the Rafidah”

23. The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid, page 586:

‫فجعل ال تعالى لخلقه من المعيشة ما يتمكنون به من العبادة و أمرهم بالتصرف في ذلك من وجوه الحلل‬
‫ دون الحرام فليس لحد أن يتكسب بما خطره ال تعالى و ل يطلب رزقه من حيث حرمه‬.

"Allah (swt) made for His creatures from subsistence what they can, with it to
worship, and ordered them to seek for subsistence through legal means, not illegal
methods. It is not permissible for any one to earn through what Allah forbids, and
do not seek for subsistence from where He (Allah) forbids."

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We read in Asl al-shia wa Usuleha by Sheikh Kashif al-Ghita, page 253:

‫ ول‬.‫ أو نحو ذلك‬،‫ أو صناعة أو زراعة‬،‫ بتجارة أو إجارة‬،‫ول يحل عندنا اكتساب المال إل من طرقه المشروعة‬
‫ عن‬Ã‫ ول تحل عندنا الخديعة للكافر فضل‬،‫ ول التدليس‬،‫ ول بالغش‬،‫ ول بالخيانة‬،‫ ول بالربا‬،‫يحل بالغصب‬
‫ عن المسلم‬Ã‫ ول تحل خيانة الكافر فيها فضل‬،‫ كما يجب أداء المانة‬.‫المسلم‬.

"It is not permissible to earn money except through the legal ways such as trading,
renting, manufacturing, farming and so on. It is not permissible (to earn money)
through stealing, usury, treason, cheating, cheating - is not permissible to act in
those ways towards a disbeliever rather the Muslim. Honesty is obligatory; it is not
permitted to betray the disbeliever let alone the Muslim."

24. Seventh Lie – Shi’a women do not receive dowry

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

‫وكذلك الرافضة وافقوا النصارى في خصلة النصارى ليس لنسائهم صداق‬

“The Rafidah are similar to Christians as their women don’t have dowry”

25. The reality

We read in Al-Muqnia by Sheikh Mufid page 509:

‫و ل ينبغي للنسان أن يدخل بامرأته حتى يقدم إليها شيئا من المهر‬

“It is not permissible for the man to perform intercourse with his wife without
providing her with something from her dowry.”

We read in Minhaj al-Salehin by Sayed Khoei, Volume 2 page 317:

‫المرأة تملك المهر بالعقد‬

“The woman owns dowry after the marriage contract”

26. Eighth Lie – The Shi’a prohibit the usage of contraception with slaves

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 14:

‫واليهود ل يرون العزل عن السرارى وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews don’t permit Azl on the slave woman neither do the Rafidah”

27. The reality

We read in Al-Mabsoot by Sheikh Tusi, Volume 4 page 266:

‫فإن كانت تحته مملوكة جاز له أن يعزل‬

“If he has a slave woman, it is permissible for him to perform Azl”

We read in Kitab al-Nikah by Sayed Khoei, Volume 1 page 138:

‫يجوز العزل بمعنى اخراج اللة عند النزل وافراغ المني خارج الفرج في المة‬

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“It is permissable to perform Azl that is to ejaculate out side the vagina of the slave

28. Ninth Lie – The Shi’a do not make lahd in their graves

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 14:

‫واليهود ل يلحدون وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews don’t make a lahd* (in their graves) and neither do the Rafidah”

* The lahd (niche) means that a place is dug at the bottom of the grave on the side that is
closest to the qiblah, in which the diseaced is placed on his right side facing the qiblah, then
this hole is filled in with bricks behind the deceased, then the sand is filled in.

29. The reality

We read in Al-Nihaya by Sheikh Tusi, page 41:

‫وكذلك إذا أنزل إلى القبر يتناول مع الجسد فيدخل اللحد‬

“When the (dead body) enters to the grave it must be placed in the lahd.”

We read in Minhaj al-Salehin by Sayed Khoei, Volume 1 page 88:

‫يستحب حفر القبر قدر قامة أو إلى الترقوة وأن يجعل له لحد‬

“It is mustahab to dig a grave with human tall depth or till human neck depth and to
make a lahd.”

30. Tenth Lie – The Shi’a do not ascribe to using the word ten

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 16:

‫يكرهون التكلم بلفظ العشرة أو فعل شيء يكون عشرة حتى في البناء ل يبنون على عشرة أعمدة‬

“They hate to pronounce the word ten or do anything consisting of ten, even when it
comes to buildings, they don’t build on ten pillars.”

31. The reality

Sheikh Tusi used the word ten in his book al-Mabsoot for 423 times.

Sheikh Jawaheri used the word ten in his book Jawahir al-kalam for 1044 times.

Sayed Khoei used the word ten in his book Mesbah al-Faqaha for 135 times.

32. Eleventh Lie – The Shia attribute aduletry to the wives of the Prophets

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 190:

‫وهؤلء الرافضة يرمون أزواج النبياء عائشة وامرأة نوح بالفاحشة‬

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“These Rafidah accuse the Prophet’s wives, Ayesha and Noah's wife of adultery.”

33. The reality

We read in Al-Tebyan by Sheikh Tusi, Volume 10 page 52:

‫ا من زوجات‬Ã‫ فمن نسب أحد‬، ‫وما زنت امرأة نبي قط لما في ذلك من التفير عن الرسول وإلحاق الوصمة به‬
‫النبي إلى الزنا فقد أخطأ خطأ عظيما‬

“The Prophet’s wives never performed adultery, because that would disgrace the
Messenger. Verily whoever attributed the claim of adultery to any of the Prophets’
wives, made a grave mistake”

We read in Sharh Usool al-kafi by Mula Mazendrani, Volume 10 page 107:

‫ما زنت امرأة نبي قط‬

“Prophet’s wives never performed adultery.”

Attributing adultery to the wives of Prophets is the practice of


We read in Silsila Sahiha by Nasiruddin Al-Albaani, Volume 4 page 403:

‫ و الحديث نص صريح في أن أهل البيت رضي ال عنهم يجوز فيهم ما يجوز في غيرهم من المعاصي‬: ‫قلت‬
‫ " يا عائشة ! فإنه قد‬: ‫ فهو كقوله صلى ال عليه وسلم لعائشة في قصة الفك‬، ‫إل من عصم ال تعالى‬
‫ فإن كنت بريئة فسيبرئك ال و إن كنت ألممت بذنب فاستغفري ال و توبي إليه‬، ‫ بلغني عنك كذا و كذا‬..

I say, that the hadith’s texts are clear that the Ahlulbayt, may Allah be pleased with
them, can indulge in sins just like others, as is evidenced by His (the Prophet’s)
statement to Ayesha during the incident of Efk: ‘Oh Ayesha! I have been informed
that you made so and so, if you were innocent then Allah will prove that, and if you
performed the sin then ask Allah for forgiveness and repent’

If the Wahabis try to suggest that Albaani didn’t mean adultery, here is the testimony of Sunni
scholars with regards to what Albaani meant:

We read in Al-Besharah wa al-Ethaf by Allamah Saqaaf, page 65:

‫زعم اللباني أن أمهات المؤمنين وزوجات النبياء عليهم الصلة والسلم يجوز عليهن الزنا‬

“Albaani claims that the mothers of believers and prophets wives can indulge in

One of Albaani’s students named Sheikh Muhammad Nasib al-Refaei, wrote a book titled ‘Nawal
al-Muna’ answering his teacher’s (Albaani’s) comments with regards to the topic of Prophet’s
wives. Here are some other Sunni scholars that accused the wife of Nuh (as) of committing

We read in Tafsir Tabari, Volume 12 page 65:

‫وأختلف أهل التأويل في معنى قوله ليس من أهلك فقال بعضهم معناه ليس من ولدك هو من غيرك‬

“The scholars of interpretation disagreed about the meaning of {surely he is not of

your family} some of them said it means he is not from your progeny but he is from
the progeny of someone else”

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We read in Tafsir al-Sam'ani, Volume 2, page 433:

‫وعلى قول الحسن ومجاهد يعني ليس بابنك‬

According to al-Hassan (al-Basri) and Mujahid, it means ‘he is not your son’

We read in Al-Tashil le Uloom al-Tanzil by al-Ghernati, Volume 2 page 106:

‫وقال الزمخشري لم يكن ابنه ولكنه خانته‬

“Al-Zamakhshri said: ‘He wasn’t his son, but she betrayed him.’

34. Twelfth Lie – The term Rafidah was first used for those that withdrew
their support of Zaid bin Ali

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 2 page 50:

‫وإنما سموا رافضة وصاروا رافضة لما خرج زيد بن علي بن الحسين بالكوفة في خلفة هشام فسألته‬
‫الشيعة عن أبي بكر وعمر فترحم عليهما فرفضه قوم فقال رفضتموني رفضتموني فسموا رافضة‬

They are called Rafidah and become Rafidah when Zaid bin Ali bin al-Hussain
marched in Kufa during the Khilafa of Hisham. So the Shia asked him about Abu
Bakr and Umar, he (Zaid) invoked mercy upon them. Therefore a group rejected
him, and he (Zaid) said: ‘You rejected me, you rejected me’ therefore they have
been named Rafidah.

35. The reality

This is also a lie, since the term Rafidah was used by Sunnis prior to the uprising of Zaid bin Ali.
We read in Al-Ebanah al-Sughrah by Ibn Batah, page 141:
‫ الرافضة ل تنكح نساؤهم ول تؤكل ذبائحهم لنهم أهل ردة‬: ‫عن طلحة بن مصرف قال‬

Talha bin Masref said: ‘Neither is it permissible to marry from the Rafidah's women,
nor can one eat from their food, because they are murtad (infidels)’

We read in Al-Ebanah al-Kubrah by Ibn Batah, Volume 2 page 557:

‫ لخبرتك بما تقول الرافضة‬،‫ لول أني على وضوء‬:‫قال طلحة بن مصرف‬

Talha bin Musraf said: ‘If I wasn’t in a state of wudu I would tell you about what the
Rafidah say.’

Talha bin Masref died in year 112 H

1. Al-Kashif, by Dahabi, Volume 1, p514

2. al-Alaam by Zarkali, Volume 3, p230
3. Tahdib al-Kamal by Mizi, v13, p433

While Zaid went to Kufa in year 122 H. Ibn Hajar said:

He revolted during Hisham bin Abdulmalik regin, and was killed in Kufa in year 122
Taqrib al-Tahdib, Volume 1 page 330

At one place Ibn Taimiyah himself recorded the statement of Sh’ubi who used the term
‘Rafidah’ . We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah Volume 1, page 9:

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‫قال لي الشعبي أحذركم هذه الهواء المضلة وشرها الرافضة‬

al-Sh'ubi said: ‘I warn you of misguiding groups, the worst of them being the

while al-Sh'ubi died in year 103 H

1. al-Kashif, by Dahabi, Volume 1, p522
2. al-Alaam by Zarkali, Volume 3, p251
3. Tahdib al-kamal, by Mizi, v14, p39

This also proves that the term ‘Rafidah’ was not first used during the time of Zaid bin Ali as
alleged by Ibn al-Taimiyah.

36. Thirtheenth lie – The Shi’a hate Archangel Gibrael (as)

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

‫واليهود تبغض جبريل ويقولون هو عدونا من الملئكة وكذلك الرافضة يقولون غلط جبريل بالوحي على محمد‬
‫صلى ال عليه وسلم‬

The Jews hate Gibrail and say: ‘He is our enemy amongst the angels’ as do the
Rafidah, they say ‘Gibrail made a mistake by sending the revelation to Muhammad’

37. Reply

We read in Al-Ghadir by Sheikh Amini, Volume 3 page 312:

‫ليس في الشيعة قديما وحديثا من يزعم أن أمير المؤمنين أحق بالرسالة من النبي وإنما هو أفك مفترى‬
‫اختلقه أضداد الشيعة تشويها لسمعتها‬

"There is no one amongst the Shia from the past until present that claims that Amir
al Muminin is worthier for revelation than the Prophet. Verily this is just a lie
fabricated by the opponents of the Shia to defame the reputation of Shia."

The Sunni scholars likewise acknowledge that this is a lie. We read in Difa an al-Aqeda wa al-
Sharia by Sheikh Ghazali, page 220:
‫ا أحق‬Ã‫ وأن الشيعة يرون علي‬،‫ومن هؤلء الفاكين من روج أن الشيعة أتباع علي وأن السنيين أتباع محمد‬
‫ وهذا لغو قبيح وتزوير شائن‬،‫ أو أنها أخطأته إلى غيره‬،‫بالرسالة‬.

“Those liars spread rumors that the Shi’a are the followers of Ali and the Sunnis are
the followers of Muhammad, and the Shi’a consider Ali worthier of revelation or the
revelation went by mistake to other than him. Surely this is an ugly lie and
ignominious fabrication”

38. Fourteenth lie – The Jews and Christians have a better attitude of their
Prophets companions than the Shi’a

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

‫وفضلت اليهود والنصارى على الرافضة بخصلتين سئلت اليهود من خير أهل ملتكم قالوا أصحاب موسى‬
‫وسئلت النصاري من خير أهل ملتكم قالوا حواري عيسى وسئلت الرافضة من شر أهل ملتكم قالوا أصحاب‬
‫محمد صلى ال عليه وسلم‬

The Jews and Christians are preferred to the Shia for two qualities, the Jews are
asked: ‘Who is the best of your nation?’ They answer: ‘The companions of Musa’ and

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the Christians are asked: ‘Who is the best of your nation?’ They say: ‘The
companions of Isa’ whilst the Rafidah are asked who is the worst of your nation?
They reply: ‘The companions of Muhammad.’

39. The reality – The past divine books present the true picture of the
companions of Moses (as) and Jesus (as)

In the Jewish Old Testament, the Book of Exodus we read the following about the companions
of Moses:

30. It came to pass on the next day that Moses said to the people: "You have
committed a grave sin. And now I will go up to the Lord; perhaps I will obtain
atonement for your sin."
31. And Moses returned to the Lord and said: "Please! This people has committed a
grave sin. They have made themselves a god of gold.
32. And now, if You forgive their sin But if not, erase me now from Your book, which
You have written."
33. And the Lord said to Moses: "Whoever has sinned against Me, him I will erase
from My book!"
34. And now go, lead the people to [the place] of which I have spoken to you.
Behold My angel will go before you. But on the day I make an accounting [of sins
upon them], I will bring their sin to account against them."
35. Then the Lord struck the people with a plague, because they had made the calf
that Aaron had made.

In the Holy Quran it is written about companions of Moses (as):

He said: So surely We have tried your people after you, and the Samiri has led them

So Musa returned to his people wrathful, sorrowing. Said he: O my people! did not
your Lord promise you a goodly promise: did then the time seem long to you, or did
you wish that displeasure from your Lord should be due to you, so that you broke
(your) promise to me? (20.85-86)

In the New Testament, Mark's gospel Chapter 14 verse 10 we are told the following the
companions of Jesus companions:

10 And Judas Iscariot, one of the twelve, went unto the chief priests, to betray him
unto them.

As for the remainder eleven disciples we are informed as follows of their conduct in Mathew
Chapter 26 verses 34-35 and 55-56:

34 Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, That this night, before the cock crow,
thou shalt deny me thrice.
35 Peter said unto him, Though I should die with thee, yet will I not deny thee.
Likewise also said all the disciples.
55 In that same hour said Jesus to the multitudes, Are ye come out as against a
thief with swords and staves for to take me? I sat daily with you teaching in the
temple, and ye laid no hold on me.
56 But all this was done, that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled. Then
all the disciples forsook him, and fled.

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40. Fifteenth Lie: Shias do not say ‘Asalam Alaikum’ when they greet

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

‫واليهود ل يخلصون السلم على المؤمنين إنما يقولون السام عليكم والسام الموت وكذلك الرافضة‬

The Jews don’t greet the believers in good intent, they say "Sam Alykom" ‘sam’
means death, and so do the Rafidah.

41. Reply

We read in Wasail al-Shia, Volume 12 page 56:

Abi Abdullah [as] said: ‘Whoever said ‘Salam Alaikum’ will gain ten rewards.
Whoever said ‘Salam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah’ will gain twenty rewards. Whoever
said ‘Salam Alaikum wa Rahmatullah wa Barakatuh’ will gain thirty rewards.

On page 55, we read:

Abi Abdullah [as] said: ‘The one who initiates in saying ‘Salam’ is closer to Allah and
His Messenger’

On page 59, we read:

Abi Abdullah [as] said: ‘The humbleness is to say Salam to the one you meet’

42. Further examples of the baseless absurdities of Ibn Taimiyah

We shall now cite the comments of Ibn Taimiyah that are so absurd, that no one on their right
mind would ever believe them (unless they are of course bigoted Salafis and Deobandis).

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

‫واليهود تنود في الصلة وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews shake their heads during prayer and so do the Rafidah”

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 10:

‫واليهود تسدل أثوابها في الصلة وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews let their veil hang down during prayer and so do the Rafidah”

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 11:

‫واليهود ل تسجد حتى تخفق برؤوسها مرارا شبه الركوع وكذلك الرافضة‬

“The Jews do not perform prostration (during prayer) before they shake their heads
for several times just as bowing, and nor do the Rafidah.”

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 3 page 238:

‫ عائشة‬.)‫إن ال يأمركم أن تذبحوا بقرة (سورة البقرة‬

{Allah commandeth you that ye sacrifice a cow} Ayesha (according to Shia Tafsir).

While its an open challenge to the Nasibi asherents of Ibn Taimiyah to show us any reliable
Shia commentary of the said verse which supports the claim of Ibn Taimiyah!

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Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 1 page 22:

‫اتخاذهم نعجة وقد تكون نعجة حمراء لكون عائشة تسمى الحميراء يجعلونها عائشة ويعذبونها بنتف‬

They take a reddish ewe to be as Ayesha, then they torture her by plucking out its


Whilst no such practice exists amongst the Shi’a if the Nasibi really want to know the reality
with regards to producing replicas of Ayesha, then such a practice is firmly uprooted in their
house. Ibn Katheer whilst discussing the events that occurred in 363 Hijri in al Bidayah wa al
Nihaya Volume 11 page 275 states:

"In 363 Hijri a fight broke out between the Ahl'ul Sunnah and the Rafida. The Ahl ul
Sunnah through a lack of common sense, or a complete omission of common sense
were not willing to make peace. One group amongst then placed a woman on a
camel and made her Ayesha and made two men Talha and Zubayr. They then
declared their opponents the Sahaba of 'Ali, and said 'Now we shall fight the Sahaba
of Ali"

43. Conclusion

In this chapter we have selected just a sample of the blatant lies of Ibn Taimiyah. Whether
these lies were concocted by him or through anecdotal information passed on to him by others,
this alleged Sheikh ul Islam should have known better. There is no doubt all Sects believe that
they are right, and the art of polemics is based around exposing the faults of the opposite side
by faithfully citing their texts and proving them as false. Look at the examples that we cited. Is
this the methodology adopted by Ibn Taimiyah here? Citing texts without any textual evidence,
and merely presenting them onto paper as if they are established facts? We began this chapter
pointing out that according to Imam Subki, lying about one’s belief is the methodology of the
Mujasima (sect). And Ibn Taimiyah has proven his adherence to such a practice in his book.
When today’s Shi’a in Universities are disillusioned by audio cassettes and speeches by the
Salafis presenting baseless lies to the masses about Shi’a beliefs without any textual evidence,
they should know that they are merely following the practice of their Shiekh ul Islam who
advocated such a method. Today’s Nawasib have taken such teachings to such a level they
attribute lies against the Shias to incite violence against them.

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4. Chapter Four - Ibn Taimiyah, the inspiration behind

Nasibi engineered terrorism

We are living in a violent world. One only needs to switch on the television to see distressing
images of suicide attacks, wherein innocent men, women and children are attacked. The Salafis
involved in Al Qaida have adopted a barbarity that surpasses all, and they are prepared to shed
the blood of anyone that opposes their ideology, whether they be young, old, Muslim or non
Muslim. All are legitimate targets for the Salafies/Wahabies. When one seeks to understand
what inspires them to behave like this, we see it is none other that Ibn Taimiyah that gives
them the green light to slaughter their opponents. Let us give a sample of such violent Fatwas:

44. First Ibn Taimiyah’s Fatwa - Those that reject Allah (swt)’s sitting on a
throne should be executed

Ibn Taimiyah cascades the following teachings in his esteemed book Majmo’a al-Fatawa,
Volume 5, page 391:
l ‫ق‬
l ‫و‬u l‫ى ف‬l‫و‬l‫ت‬u‫ س‬u‫قد‬l g‫شه‬g ‫ر‬u l‫ى ع‬l‫عل‬ l l‫ه‬w‫ الل‬w‫ن‬l‫بأ‬g w‫قر‬g h‫ ي‬u‫م‬l‫ ل‬u‫من‬l : ‫ل‬
h ‫و‬h‫ق‬l‫ة ي‬l‫يم‬u ‫ز‬l h‫ن خ‬
g ‫ب‬u l‫اق‬l‫سح‬ u ‫ إ‬l‫ن‬u‫د ب‬ l w‫حم‬l ‫م‬h Ÿ‫كر‬
u l‫ا ب‬l‫ب‬l‫ أ‬l‫ام‬l‫م‬g‫لإ‬u ‫ا‬
‫ل‬g‫اب‬l‫مز‬l u‫ض ال‬
g u‫ع‬l‫ى ب‬l‫ل‬l‫ي ع‬
l g‫لق‬u ‫أ‬hl‫ه و‬
h h‫نق‬h ‫ع‬
h u‫ت‬l‫ب‬g‫ضر‬
h ‫ا‬w‫ل‬g‫إ‬l‫ ؛ و‬l‫اب‬l‫ن ت‬ u ‫إ‬gl‫ب ف‬
h ‫ا‬l‫ت‬l‫ت‬u‫س‬h‫م ي‬g‫د‬w ‫ل ال‬
h ‫ا‬l‫حل‬
l g‫به‬g ‫ر‬Ó g‫اف‬l‫ ك‬l‫هو‬
h ‫ف‬l ‫ه ؛‬
g g‫ات‬l‫مو‬l l‫ س‬.

Imam Aba Bakr Muhammad bin Ishaq bin Khuzaima said: ‘Whoever does not admit
that Allah is sitting on a throne above the seventh sky, is a Kafir and his blood must
be shed. He must me made to repent. Otherwise his neck must be struck and
thrown into the garbage.’

Implications of this Fatwa

This means that the Shia, Zaidis, Ismailis, Ibadhis, Sufis, Ash'arys, Maturidis and Mutazili
Muslims must be killed according to Ibn Taimiyah and Ibn Khuzaima!

45. Second Ibn Taimiyah Fatwa - Those that reject that Allah (swt) will be
seen in the next world should be executed

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 6 page 500:

‫ه‬l‫مر‬u ‫أ‬l ‫ى‬l‫ال‬l‫تع‬l ‫ه‬
g w‫ى الل‬l‫ل‬l‫ ع‬w‫رد‬l l‫ و‬g‫آن‬u‫قر‬h u‫ال‬g‫ ب‬l‫ذب‬
w l‫ك‬l‫ و‬l‫ر‬l‫ف‬l‫د ك‬
l l‫فق‬l g‫ة‬l‫خر‬
g ‫آ‬u‫ي ال‬g‫ى ف‬l‫ر‬h‫ا ي‬l‫ه ل‬
l w‫ الل‬w‫أن‬l l‫عم‬
l l‫ ز‬u‫من‬l : ‫ل‬ h ‫و‬h‫يق‬l ‫ه‬ g w‫د الل‬
g u‫عب‬
l ‫ا‬l‫أب‬l
‫ل‬g‫ت‬h‫ا ق‬w‫ل‬g‫إ‬l‫ و‬l‫اب‬l‫ن ت‬
u ‫إ‬gl‫ب ف‬h ‫ا‬l‫ت‬l‫ت‬u‫س‬h‫ ي‬.

Aba Abdillah said: ‘Whoever claims that Allah cannot be seen (by eye sight) in the
hereafter, is a Kafir and has rejected Quran and replied Allah (sw). He must be made
to repent. Otherwise he should be killed.

Implications of this Fatwa

That means Shias, Zaidis, Ismailis, Ibadhis and Mutazilis should be killed.

46. Third Ibn Taimiyah Fatwa - Those that recite Niya loudly during Salat
should be executed

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 22 page 236:

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l ‫و‬l ‫ه‬
g u‫ي‬l‫عل‬l ‫ه‬h w‫ى الل‬w‫ل‬l‫ ص‬g‫له‬w ‫ ال‬h‫ول‬h‫س‬l‫ه ر‬ h l‫ل‬l‫فع‬l ‫ا‬l‫ل‬l‫ و‬l‫ين‬g‫م‬g‫سل‬
u ‫م‬h u‫ء ال‬g ‫ا‬l‫م‬l‫عل‬ h ‫ن‬ u g‫ م‬Ÿ‫حد‬ l ‫أ‬l l‫ند‬u ‫ع‬
g ‫ا‬Ã‫وع‬h‫ر‬u‫مش‬l ‫س‬ l u‫ي‬l‫ة ل‬g w‫ي‬p‫ظ الن‬g u‫لف‬l ‫ب‬g ‫ر‬h ‫ه‬
u‫ج‬l ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬
‫ب‬g‫يج‬l ‫ه‬h w‫ن‬g‫فإ‬l Ó‫جب‬ g ‫ا‬l‫ه و‬
h w‫ن‬l‫أ‬l‫ه و‬
g w‫ن الل‬
h ‫ي‬g‫ د‬l‫ك‬g‫ل‬l‫ ذ‬w‫أن‬l ‫ى‬l‫دع‬w ‫ن ا‬ u l‫م‬l‫ا و‬l‫ته‬g ‫م‬
w ‫ئ‬g‫أ‬l‫و‬l ‫ة‬g ‫م‬w ‫أ‬h ‫ل‬u ‫ف ا‬
g ‫ل‬l ‫س‬
l ‫و‬l ‫ه‬ g ‫ب‬g‫ا‬l‫صح‬
u l‫أ‬l‫ و‬g‫ئه‬g‫ا‬l‫لف‬l ‫خ‬
h ‫ن‬
u g‫د م‬ Ó l‫ح‬l‫ أ‬h‫له‬l ‫ع‬l l‫ا ف‬l‫ل‬l‫و‬
‫ل‬g‫قت‬h l‫ك‬g‫ل‬l‫ى ذ‬l‫عل‬ l w‫ر‬l‫أص‬l u‫ن‬g‫إ‬l‫ ف‬g‫ول‬u l‫لق‬u ‫ا ا‬l‫هذ‬ l u‫من‬g ‫ه‬ h h‫ت‬l‫اب‬l‫ت‬g‫ت‬u‫اس‬l‫ و‬l‫عة‬l ‫ي‬g‫ر‬w‫ه الش‬ h h‫يف‬g‫ر‬u‫تع‬l

To recite the intention (niya) loudly is not permissible according to the Muslim
scholars, nor did the Prophet (s), Caliphs or Sahaba, Salaf or Imams perform it.
Whoever claims it is Wajib, he must be taught the law and then to repent from that
opinion. If he insists on it then he must be killed.

47. Fourth Ibn Taimiyah Fatwa – You can kill or enslave your opponents

We read in Al-Seyasa al-Shari'a by ibn Taimiyah, page 159:

‫ولهذا أوجبت الشريعة قتل الكفار ولم توجب قتل المقدور عليهم منهم بل إذا أسر الرجل منهم في القتال أو‬
‫غير القتال مثل أن تلقيه السفينة إلينا أو يضل الطريق أو يؤخذ بحيلة فإنه يفعل فيه المام الصلح من قتله‬
‫أو استعباده‬

Therefore the Shari'a (divine law) made the killing of the disbelievers obligatory,
but didn’t make obligatory the killing of those who are captured during fights or
other than fights such as falling from a ship or getting lost or kidnapped. Thus, the
imam decided that the best option is to be killed or enslaved.

48. Fifth Ibn Taimiyah Fatwa – Those that don’t believe that Allah (swt)
physically spoke to Musa (as) and Gibrail (as) should be executed

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 12 page 502:

h w‫ه الل‬
g ‫ر‬l - ‫م‬
g ‫ا‬l‫ل‬u‫س‬g‫لإ‬u ‫ ا‬h‫خ‬u‫ي‬l‫ل ش‬
l g‫ئ‬h‫س‬l‫و‬

‫ام‬l‫ل‬w‫ه الس‬
g u‫ي‬l‫ل‬l‫ى ع‬l‫وس‬h‫م‬l‫ و‬g‫ة‬l‫جر‬ l‫ش‬w ‫ي ال‬g‫ ف‬l‫وت‬u w‫الص‬l‫ و‬l‫ام‬l‫ل‬l‫ك‬u‫ق ال‬ l l‫خل‬
l ‫ا‬l‫نم‬wg‫إ‬l‫ا و‬Ã‫يم‬g‫ل‬u‫تك‬l ‫ى‬l‫وس‬h‫ م‬u‫لم‬p l‫ك‬h‫ ي‬u‫م‬l‫ ل‬l‫له‬w ‫ ال‬w‫ إن‬: ‫ل‬ l ‫ا‬l‫ ق‬Ÿ‫جل‬h ‫ر‬l ‫ي‬g‫ف‬
‫ل‬l‫فه‬l . ‫ظ‬
g ‫و‬h‫ف‬u‫ح‬l‫لم‬u ‫ ا‬g‫ح‬u‫لو‬w ‫ ال‬u‫ن‬g‫ه م‬h ‫ذ‬
l l‫خ‬l‫ا أ‬l‫نم‬w‫إ‬g‫و‬l ‫ن‬
g ‫آ‬u‫قر‬h u‫ال‬g‫ ب‬l‫يل‬g‫ر‬u‫ب‬g‫ ج‬u‫م‬p‫ل‬l‫ك‬h‫م ي‬
u l‫ل ل‬
w l‫وج‬l ‫ز‬w ‫ع‬
l l‫ه‬w‫ن الل‬
w l‫أ‬l‫ و‬g‫له‬w ‫ ال‬u‫ن‬g‫ا م‬l‫ة ل‬g ‫ر‬l l‫ج‬w‫ن الش‬u g‫ م‬l‫ع‬g‫سم‬l
‫ا ؟‬l‫ ل‬u‫م‬l‫ أ‬g‫اب‬l‫صو‬w ‫ى ال‬l‫عل‬ l l‫هو‬h

l ‫ا‬l‫ج‬l‫فأ‬l

‫ب‬g‫ج‬l‫ر ي‬Ó g‫اف‬l‫ ك‬l‫هو‬

h u‫ل‬l‫ا ؛ ب‬l‫ته‬g w‫ئم‬g‫أ‬l‫و‬l ‫ة‬
g w‫م‬h‫لأ‬u ‫ ا‬g‫لف‬l ‫س‬
l ‫ق‬
g ‫ا‬l‫تف‬p‫ا‬g‫ ب‬Ó‫ذب‬g ‫ا‬l‫ ك‬Ÿ‫تر‬l ‫ف‬u h‫ل م‬
× ‫ا‬l‫ا ض‬l‫ذ‬l‫ل ه‬
u l‫ ؛ ب‬g‫اب‬l‫و‬w‫ى الص‬l‫ل‬l‫ا ع‬l‫ذ‬l‫س ه‬ l u‫ي‬l‫ ل‬، g‫له‬w g‫ ل‬h‫د‬u‫حم‬
l ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬
‫ل‬g‫قت‬h ‫ا‬w‫إل‬gl‫ و‬l‫اب‬l‫ ت‬u‫إن‬gl‫ب ف‬
l ‫ا‬l‫ت‬l‫ت‬u‫س‬h‫ ي‬u‫أن‬l

Sheikh al-Islam, may Allah's mercy be upon him was asked:

A man says that Allah didn’t talk to Musa by Himself but He created a voice from the
tree’s side and Musa [as] heard from the tree not from Allah and also Allah didn’t
talk to Gabriel by the Quran, but he (Gabriel) took it from the Guarded Tablet. Is he
right or not?

He answered:

Praise to Allah, he is not right, nay, he is misguided and a liar according to the
agreement of Salaf and the Imams. Nay he is a Kafir and must repent or otherwise
be killed.


That means the Shias, Zaidis, Ismailis, Ibadhis, Ash'arys, Maturidis, Sufis, Mutazili must be

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49. Sixth Ibn Taimiyah Fatwa – Those that believe that a traveler can
perform the complete Salat should be executed

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 22 page 31:

‫وم‬h‫ص‬l‫ن ي‬
u ‫أ‬l g‫فر‬g ‫ا‬l‫س‬h‫م‬u‫ى ال‬l‫ل‬l‫ب ع‬ h g‫ج‬l‫ه ي‬h w‫ إن‬: ‫ل‬ l ‫ا‬l‫ ق‬u‫ن‬l‫ة م‬
g l‫ل‬g‫نز‬u ‫م‬
l ‫ب‬g ‫و‬l h‫ه‬l‫ا ف‬Ã‫ع‬l‫ب‬u‫ر‬l‫ي أ‬
l p‫صل‬l h‫ن ي‬
u ‫أ‬l Ÿ‫فر‬g ‫ا‬l‫س‬h‫ل م‬ p h‫ى ك‬l‫ل‬l‫ب ع‬ h g‫ج‬l‫ ي‬h‫نه‬w‫ إ‬l‫ال‬l‫ن ق‬u l‫م‬l‫و‬
‫ل‬g‫ت‬h‫ا ق‬w‫ل‬g‫إ‬l‫ و‬l‫اب‬l‫ن ت‬
u g‫فإ‬l ، ‫ه‬
h ‫ل‬h g‫ائ‬l‫ب ق‬
h ‫ا‬l‫ت‬l‫ت‬u‫س‬h‫ ي‬، l‫ين‬g‫م‬g‫سل‬ u ‫م‬ h u‫ع ال‬
g ‫ا‬l‫جم‬ u g‫إ‬g‫ ل‬Ó‫لف‬g‫ا‬l‫مخ‬h ، ‫ل‬ Ó ‫ا‬l‫ضل‬ l ‫ا‬l‫ض‬l‫م‬l‫ر ر‬l u‫ه‬l‫ ش‬.
l ‫ا‬l‫م‬h‫اه‬l‫كل‬g ‫و‬l ، ‫ن‬

Who ever said that the traveler has to pray four raka, hence he is as the one who
say that the traveler has to fast in Ramadhan, both of these (opinions) are
misguidance, and contrary to the ijma of Muslims, the one who say it must to
repent, if he doesn’t he must be killed.


That means many Sahaba and scholars should be killed, as can be evidence by Al-Mughni by
Imam Ibn Qudama, Volume 2 page 107:
.‫م‬ w l‫ت‬l‫ء أ‬l ‫ا‬l‫ن ش‬ u g‫إ‬l‫ و‬، ‫ن‬
g u‫ي‬l‫ت‬l‫ع‬u‫ك‬l‫ى ر‬w‫صل‬l ‫ء‬l ‫ا‬l‫ن ش‬ u ‫ إ‬l‫فر‬g ‫ا‬l‫مس‬ h u‫ن ال‬
w ‫أ‬l ، ‫د‬l l‫م‬u‫ح‬l‫ أ‬u‫عن‬ l h‫ور‬h‫شه‬ u ‫م‬l ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬
. g‫لة‬ll‫سأ‬
u ‫م‬ l u‫ه ال‬g ‫ذ‬
g l‫ن ه‬
u g‫ م‬l‫ية‬l ‫ف‬g ‫ا‬l‫لع‬u ‫ ا‬i‫حب‬g ‫أ‬h ‫ا‬l‫أن‬l : ‫ل‬l ‫ا‬l‫ق‬l‫ و‬، l‫قف‬w ‫و‬l l‫ ت‬h‫نه‬w‫أ‬l h‫ه‬u‫عن‬
l l‫ي‬g‫رو‬h l‫و‬
‫ة‬l‫ئش‬g‫ا‬l‫وع‬l ، l‫مر‬
l‫ع‬h h‫ن‬u‫اب‬l‫ و‬، Ÿ‫ود‬h‫سع‬
u ‫م‬l ‫ن‬
h u‫اب‬l‫ و‬، ‫ص‬ Ÿ ‫ا‬w‫وق‬l ‫ي‬g‫أب‬l ‫ن‬ h u‫ ب‬h‫د‬u‫ع‬l‫س‬l‫ و‬، ‫ن‬ h ‫ا‬l‫م‬u‫ث‬h‫ ع‬: ‫ر‬g ‫ف‬l w‫ي الس‬g‫ ف‬h‫ام‬l‫تم‬u ‫إ‬gu‫ه ال‬ h u‫ن‬l‫ي ع‬ l ‫و‬g ‫ر‬h u‫ن‬w‫م‬g‫م‬l‫و‬
‫ك‬g‫ال‬l‫ن م‬u l‫ر ع‬h ‫و‬h‫ه‬u‫ش‬l‫لم‬u ‫ ا‬l‫هو‬ h ‫و‬l ، i‫ي‬g‫ع‬g‫اف‬w‫الش‬l‫ و‬، ‫ي‬ i g‫اع‬l‫وز‬u ‫أ‬lu‫ل ال‬
l ‫ا‬l‫ ق‬g‫به‬g‫و‬l u‫م‬h‫ه‬u‫ن‬l‫ه ع‬ h w‫ي الل‬ l g‫ض‬l‫ ر‬.

It is well known from Ahmad (ibn Hanbal) that if the traveler wishes he can pray
two raka, and if he wishes he can pray them complete (four raka).
It has been narrated that he (ibn Hanbal) stopped (in Fatwa) and said: ‘I want to be
in safe from this issue.’
And those who narrated from that state that to pray complete units during travel
are: Uthman, Saad bin Abi Waqqas, ibn Masoud, ibn Umar and Ayesha may Allah be
pleased with them, and this is the saying (fatwa) of Awzai, Shafiyee and the renown
(opinion) from Malik.

50. Seventh Ibn Taimiyah Fatwa – Those that believe that Qur’an is created
should be executed

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 12 page 506:

l‫ل‬g‫قت‬h ‫ا‬w‫ل‬g‫وإ‬l l‫اب‬l‫ ت‬u‫ن‬g‫فإ‬l h‫اب‬l‫تت‬l ‫س‬
u ‫ي‬h ‫ه‬
h w‫ن‬l‫أ‬l‫ و‬Ó‫وق‬h‫خل‬
u ‫م‬l h‫آن‬u‫ر‬h‫لق‬u ‫ ا‬: ‫ل‬
l ‫ا‬l‫ن ق‬
u ‫م‬l h‫ير‬g‫ف‬u‫تك‬l ‫ف‬
g l‫سل‬
w ‫ ال‬g‫ة‬w‫م‬g‫ئ‬l‫ أ‬u‫عن‬
l l‫هر‬
l l‫ت‬u‫ اش‬u‫بل‬l

Nay it is known from the Salaf Imams that Takfir be issued against anyone that says
that Quran is created he must repent or otherwise be killed.


That means Shias, Zaidis, Ismailis, Ibadhis and Mutazili should be killed in the light of this
pathetic edict.

51. Eighth Ibn Taimiyah Fatwa – Those that believe in adherence to a

particular Imam should be executed

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 22 page 249:

‫ن‬l‫ أ‬h‫جب‬
g ‫ي‬l h‫نه‬w‫إ‬gl‫ ف‬g‫ر‬l‫آخ‬u‫ ال‬g‫ام‬l‫إم‬gu‫ن ال‬
l ‫و‬h‫ة د‬
g w‫ئم‬g‫أ‬lu‫ء ال‬g ‫ا‬l‫ل‬h‫ؤ‬l‫ ه‬u‫من‬g g‫ه‬g‫ن‬u‫ي‬l‫بع‬g Ÿ‫حد‬
g ‫ا‬l‫ و‬h‫اع‬l‫تب‬p‫ ا‬g‫اس‬w‫ى الن‬l‫ل‬l‫ ع‬h‫ب‬g‫ج‬l‫ ي‬h‫نه‬w‫أ‬l l‫د‬l‫ق‬l‫ت‬u‫ى اع‬l‫ت‬l‫ م‬h‫ه‬w‫ن‬g‫فإ‬l
‫ل‬g‫ت‬h‫ا ق‬w‫ل‬g‫إ‬l‫ و‬l‫اب‬l‫ن ت‬ l ‫ا‬l‫ت‬l‫ت‬u‫س‬h‫ ي‬.
u ‫إ‬gl‫ب ف‬

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“Anyone who believes that the people have to follow one particular Imam amongst
those Imams not the others, must made to repent otherwise be killed”


Means Shias, Zaidis, Ismailis, Hanafi, Maliki, Shafiyye, Hanbali and Zaheri must be killed.

52. Ibn Taimiyah actually killed those who disagreed with him

We read in Al-Uqood al-Duria by Ibn Abdulhadi al-Maqdisi, Volume 1 page 197:

‫وكان توجه الشيخ تقي الدين رضي ال عنه إلى الكروانيين في مستهل ذي الحجة من سنة أربع‬
‫وسبعمائة وصحبته المير قراقوش وتوجه نائب السلطنة المير جمال الدين الفرم بمن تأخر من عسكر‬
‫دمشق إليهم لغزوهم واستئصالهم في ثاني شهر المحرم من سنة خمس وسبعمائة وكان قد توجه قبله‬
‫العسكر طائفة بعد طائفة في ذي الحجة وفي يوم الخميس سابع عشر وصل النائب والعسكر معه إلى‬
‫دمشق بعد أن نصرهم ال تعالى على حزب الضلل من الروافض والنصيرية وأصحاب العقائد الفاسدة‬
‫وأبادهم ال من تلك الرض والحمد ل رب العالمين‬

Sheikh Taqi al-Deen may Allah be pleased with him marched to Kerwanin in the
beginning of Dulhujja in year 704 H and in his company was the prince Qaraqush.

Prince Jamal al-Deen al-Afram the deputy of the kingdom marched with the rest of
soldiers of Damascus in the month of Muharam, in the year 705 H to invade them
and exterminate them, and before he marched, there were some troops which had
marched before him.

Thursday in 17th of Dulhujja, the deputy and soldiers arrived at Damascus after
Allah granted them victory over the error party of Rafidah, Nusairia and those who
held false beliefs. And Allah exterminated them from that lands, praise to Allah the
Lord of worlds.

53. Conclusion

We wish to make it clear to our readers, Muslim and non Muslim alike, Islam has nothing to do
with such violent baseless fatwas. This is the opinion of the lead Imam of the Salafis that deem
Ibn Taimiyah Sheikh ul Islam. Just look at the ease with which the Nasibi Mullah was prepared
to allow the shedding of Muslim blood. It is no wonder we see innocent Muslims being
slaughterd in the markets of Baghdad today. These filthy suicide bombers are inspired by their
Imam whose writings are replete with edicts encouraging people to force to change kill those
with differeing opinions to his. Islam has no room for such a stance, on the contrary there is no
compulsion in religion, Allah (swt) says:

And say: The truth is from your Lord, so let him who please believe, and let him who
please disbelieve (18:29)

There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct
from error; (2.256)

Contrary to this, ibn Taimiyah authored a signle volume book "al-Sarem al-Maslool" comprising
of 438 pages wherein he used:
• The word (kill) 978 times
• The word 'kafir' 56 times
• The word 'tourture' 48 times

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• The word 'murtad' 34 times

• The words 'his blood must be shed' 14 times
• The word 'behead' 8 times
• The word 'war' 7 times

If one single book contains such violent edicts, one can only imagine the fatwas in the
remainder of this Sheikh ul Islam’s books.

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5. Chapter Five - The Kufr beliefs of Ibn Taimiyah

54. Ibn Taimiyah believed that Genus is eternal

We read in Dare Tarud al-Aqel wa al-Naqel by ibn Taimiyah, Volume 1 page 310:
‫وأما أكثر أهل الحديث ومن وافقهم فإنهم ل يجعلون النوع حادثا بل قديما‬

Verily the majority of Ahlulhadith and who ever agrees with them, don’t consider
Genus as created, nay they believe it to be eternal.


By eternal, he meant that it doesn’t have any beginning. The Sunni scholars testify that ibn
Taimiyah possesed this belief and wrote books answering him. Worthy of note is that the Imam
of the Salafies Nasiruddin Albaani admited that ibn Taimiyah adoped this belief as we read in
Silsila Sahiha, by Albaani, Volume 1 page 220:
‫و لقد أطال ابن تيمية رحمه ال الكلم في رده على الفلسفة محاول إثبات حوادث ل أول لها و جاء في‬
‫ بل هو مرفوض بهذا‬، ‫ فذلك القول منه غير مقبول‬......، ‫ و ل تقبله أكثر القلوب‬، ‫أثناء ذلك بما تحار فيه العقول‬
‫الحديث و كم كنا نود أن ل يلج ابن تيمية رحمه ال هذا المولج‬

ibn Taimiyah may Allah's mercy be upon him had a long statement in answering the
philosophers and tried to prove to them that the Genus is eternal, and during that
he produced statements that the mind cannot understand and the hearts cannot
accept ….. Verily his statement is not acceptable, nay it shold be rejected according
to hadith, and we wish that ibn Taimiyah may Allah's mercy be upon did not idulge
himself in that topic.

This belief is against Quran:

He is the First and the Last, and the Outward and the Inward; and He is Knower of
all things. (57:003).

As Allah (swt) is the first, and nothing preceded him in the beginning, this belief of ibn Taimiyah
is against Holy Quran.

55. Ibn Taimiyah believed that the Quran is eternal

We read in al-Fatawa al-Kubra by Ibn Taimiyah, Volume 6 page 595:

Ÿ‫وق‬h‫ل‬u‫خ‬l‫ر م‬h u‫ي‬l‫م غ‬
Ó ‫ي‬g‫د‬l‫ ق‬g‫له‬w ‫ ال‬h‫ام‬l‫كل‬l l‫هو‬
h ‫ي‬g‫لذ‬w‫ ا‬l‫آن‬u‫ر‬h‫لق‬u ‫ ا‬w‫ن‬l‫ا أ‬l‫ن‬u‫فق‬l w‫ ات‬u‫د‬l‫ق‬l‫و‬

“We agreed that Quran which is the word of Allah, is eternal not created.”

56. Ibn Taimiyah believed in the extinguishing of hell fire

We read in al-Beshara wa al-Ethaf by Allamah Hassan al-Saqqaf, page 13:

‫ثبت ان ابن تيمية يقول بفناء النار‬

“It is proven that ibn Taimiyah believed in the extinguishing of hell fire.”

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Albaani said in the introduction of the book 'Rafe al-Astar' page 7:

‫ وليس هذا فقط بل وإن أهلها يدخلون بعد ذلك جنات‬، ‫وانه هو نفسه– اعني ابن تيمية –‏يقول بفنائها‬
‫تجري من تحتها النهار‬

He himself – I mean Ibn Taimiyah - stated it will be extinguished, not only that, but
the people after that will enter Gardens with rivers flowing underneath.


This belief contradicts the Quran, because Hell Fire shall never be extinguished as Allah tells:

YUSUFALI: "Unless I proclaim what I receive from Allah and His Messages: for any
that disobey Allah and His Messenger,- for them is Hell: they shall dwell therein for
ever." (72:23)

They ever dwell therein. The doom will not be lightened for them, neither will they
be reprieved. (2:162)

57. Ibn Taimiyah believed that the prophet will sit next to Allah (swt) on the

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 4 page 374:

‫ه‬i‫رب‬l h‫سه‬
h ‫ل‬g ‫ج‬
u ‫ي‬h ‫م‬
l ‫ل‬w ‫س‬
l ‫و‬l ‫ه‬
g u‫ي‬l‫ل‬l‫ه ع‬
h w‫ى الل‬w‫ل‬l‫ ص‬g‫له‬w ‫ ال‬l‫ول‬h‫س‬l‫ا ر‬Ã‫د‬w‫م‬l‫ح‬h‫ م‬w‫أن‬l : ‫ن‬
l ‫و‬h‫ول‬h‫ب‬u‫مق‬
l u‫ه ال‬h ‫ؤ‬h ‫ا‬l‫ي‬g‫ل‬u‫أو‬l‫و‬l ‫ن‬
l ‫و‬i‫ضي‬
g u‫مر‬
l ‫ل‬u ‫ ا‬h‫اء‬l‫م‬l‫عل‬h ‫ل‬u ‫ ا‬l‫ث‬l‫حد‬
l ‫د‬
u l‫فق‬l
‫ه‬l‫مع‬l ‫ش‬ g ‫ر‬u ‫ع‬l ‫ل‬u ‫ى ا‬l‫عل‬l .

The reliable and acceptable scholars narrated that, God shall make Muhammad the
messenger of Allah sit next to Him [swt] on the throne.

Al-Nahr al-Mad by Abu Hayan, Volume 1 page 254:

‫وقرأت في كتاب لحمد بن تيمية هذا الذي عاصرنا وهو بخطه سماه كتاب العرش إن ال تعالى يجلس‬
‫على الكرسي وقد أخلى منه مكانا يقعد فيه معه رسول ال صلى ال عليه وسلم‬

I read in a book in the hand writing of Ahmad ibn Taimiyah, who was from our era,
with the title 'Kitab al-Arsh', (wherein) he said in it, that Allah sits on a throne and
has a free space to make the messenger of Allah sit on it


This belief has been derived from from Christianity. We read in New Testament Mark's gospel
16:19 (King James version):

So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was received up into heaven, and
sat on the right hand of God.

58. Ibn Taimiyah believed that the Muslims should eat bloody meat without
washing it

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 21, page 522:

‫م‬w‫ل‬l‫س‬l‫ و‬g‫يه‬u ‫ل‬l ‫ع‬
l h‫له‬w ‫ى ال‬w‫صل‬
l ‫ي‬
p ‫ب‬g ‫ن‬w ‫ ال‬g‫هد‬
u‫ع‬l ‫ى‬l‫عل‬ l -‫م‬u ‫ه‬
h ‫ن‬u ‫ع‬
l h‫له‬w ‫ ال‬l‫ضي‬ g ‫ر‬l - ‫ة‬ h l‫اب‬l‫صح‬
w ‫ل ال‬
l ‫ا‬l‫ا ز‬l‫م‬l‫ ف‬Ó‫عة‬ l u‫بد‬g ‫ة‬g l‫يح‬g‫ب‬w‫ الذ‬g‫م‬u‫ح‬l‫ ل‬h‫سل‬ u ‫غ‬ l u‫بل‬l
‫ر‬u‫د‬g‫لق‬u ‫ي ا‬g‫ ف‬l‫م‬w‫ الد‬l‫ون‬u l‫ير‬l ‫وا‬h‫ان‬l‫ك‬l‫ و‬g‫له‬g ‫س‬
u ‫غ‬l g‫ير‬u l‫غ‬g‫ ب‬h‫نه‬l‫و‬h‫ل‬h‫ك‬u‫يأ‬ll‫ه و‬
h l‫ون‬h‫بخ‬h ‫ط‬
u l‫ي‬l‫م ف‬
l u‫ح‬w‫ن الل‬l ‫و‬h‫ذ‬h‫خ‬u‫يأ‬l

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Nay washing the flesh is Bida (innovation). The companions may Allah be pleased
with them during the time of the Prophet [s] used to cook the meat and eat it
without washing it. They would see the blood in the cooking pot.


It seems the pathetic Ibn Taimiyah never read the verse:

He hath only forbidden you dead meat, and blood, and the flesh of swine, and that
on which any other name hath been invoked besides that of Allah. But if one is
forced by necessity, without wilful disobedience, nor transgressing due limits,- then
is he guiltless. For Allah is Oft-forgiving Most Merciful. (2:173).

This fact should not be any form of hindrance to the Salafi and we would urge them to ensure
they implement this statement of Ibn Taimiyah to the letter, and accordingly cook bloody meat
unwashed. Those owning restaurants should likewise ignore health and safety legislation, and
ensure that they steer clear of Bidah, and accordingly serve their diners with unwashed bloody
meat. The serving of cleaned washed meat would be an act of Bidah, and it is therefore
essential that the Salafis adhere to the Sunnah of the Sahaba and ensure that such dishes are
served in their institutions. How can Salafis back the stance of Sheikh ul Islam Ibn Taimiyah?
The greatest danger for Salafis is slipping into the quagmire of Bidah, and we would urge them
to ensure that they implement the stance of their Imam immediately.

59. Ibn Taimiyah believed that God can ride on a mosquito

We read in Bayan Talbis al-Jahamia by ibn Taimiyah, Volume 1 page 568:

‫ولو قد شاء لستقر على ظهر بعوضة‬

If He (God) wants, He can sit on a mosquito's back.

Ibn Taimiyah cited this text from Sheikh al-Daremi and he wrote that and he believed in it. We
read in Al-Beshara wa al-Ethaf Allamah by Hassan al-Saqqaf, page 21:
‫ويجوز استقراره على ظهر بعوضة‬

“He permits the possibility of His sitting on mosquito's back”


This belief is also quoted from Jews, because they believe God ride on an angel. We read in the
The Old Testament, Book of Samuel, 22 : 11 (King James version):

And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: and he was seen upon the wings of the

60. Ibn Taimiyah believed that Allah (swt) has a body

Bayan Talbis al-Jahamia, Volume 1 page 101:

‫وليس في كتاب ال ول سنة رسوله ول قول أحد من سلف المة وأئمتها أنه ليس بجسم وأن صفاته‬
‫ليست أجساما‬

“There is nothing in the book, Sunnah, nor in the statements of the Salaf, or Imams

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of the nation that He (Allah) is not a body and His features are not a body.”

We also read in Al-Tasis fi al-Rad ala Assas al-Taqdis by ibn Taimiyah, Volume 25 page 31:
‫فمن المعلوم أن الكتاب والسنة والجماع لم ينطق بأن الجسام كلها محدثة وأن ال ليس بجسم ول قال‬
‫ فليس في تركي لهذا القول خروج عن الفطرة ول عن الشريعة‬، ‫ذلك إمام من أئمة المسلمين‬

It is known that the book (Quran), Sunnah and Ijma didn’t say that all the bodies
are created, also didn’t say that Allah is not a body and nor did any Imam of the
Muslims, assert such a thing. Therefore, in my abandoning that statement there
isn’t any deviation from neither instinct nor the law.


Ibn Taimiyah meant that He abandons the statement that all the bodies are created and Allah is
not a body. This statement is against the Quran:

Glory be to your Lord, the Lord of Honor, above what they describe. (37:180)

61. Ibn Taimiyah believe that Allah (swt) is like a beardless man

We read in al-Tasis fi al-rad ala Asas al-Taqdis, Volume 3 page 214:

‫فيتضح أنها رؤية عين كما في الحديث الصحيح المرفوع عن قتادة عن عكرمة عن ابن عباس قال قال رسول‬
‫ال رأيت ربي في صورة أمرد له وفرة جعد قطط في روضة خضراء‬

We conclude that it was eyesight as it is in the Sahih narration from Qutada from
Ikrama from Ibn Abbas said that the Prophet said : ‘I saw my God in image of
beardless (man), with long curly hair in a green garden’


This statement also contradicts the Quran:

The Creator of the heavens and the earth. He hath made for you pairs of yourselves,
and of the cattle also pairs, whereby He multiplieth you. Naught is as His likeness;
and He is the Hearer, the Seer. (42:11)

62. Ibn Taimiyah believed that Allah (swt) swings on ropes to get to his
intended destination

We read in Majmo'a al-Fatawa, Volume 2 page 76:

g‫بل‬u ‫ح‬
l ‫ب‬g l‫اك‬l‫ن‬h‫ى ه‬l‫ا إل‬l‫هن‬
h ‫ن‬
u g‫ق م‬
l ‫ر‬h u‫خ‬l‫ ي‬u‫أن‬l ‫ى‬l‫عل‬
l Ó‫ر‬g‫اد‬l‫ ق‬l‫ه‬w‫الل‬

”Allah is able to relocate from here to there through rope”

We appeal to justice. You will never find any group more arrogant than the Salafis. They are so
arrogant about their beliefs that they treat all others as sub humans. The cornerstone to their
arrogance lies with the doctrine of Tauheed, and their assertion that no one has a better more
pure doctrine of Tauheed than them, theirs is one that shines of perfection and is
uncontaminated by any firm of kufr and blasphemy. They shall corroborate their stance by
citing the works of Ibn Taimiya, thus presenting his stance as being the yardstick of truth when
one wishes to understand Tauheed. They take immense pleasure at mocking the Tauheed of
other faiths, you will see Nasabi Zaki Naik citing the tampered Judaic scriptures that make

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reference to Allah (swt) riding on a Cherebum. The Salafis pride themselves in being immune
from such corruption, but this belief of their beloved Shaykh ul Islam exposes a reality that they
had hoped would never be located. Just look at this blasphemous belief that compares Allah
(swt) to the fictional figure Tarzan who would swing through the jungles of Africa from one
destination to another. Allah (swt) that raised his beloved to the Heavens on the Night of
Ascension requires a rope to help him get from one point to the next. It is amazing that these
Salafis insist that the only Wail (means of approach) acceptable in Islam is through connection
with Allah (swt) direct, there should be no intermediary, yet Allah (swt) uses ropes as a Wasila
(means) to aid him to get to the destination of choice! We challenge these filthy Nasabis to
show us any authentic hadith or Quranic verse that makes reference to Allah (swt) swinging on
ropes to get to his desired destination. In the absence of such evidence, we would like to ask
the advocates of Ibn Tamiyah, the adherent of the ‘saved Sect’ to explain these comments, if
not for our benefit, at least for the benefit of your beloved adherents who your Ulema have
duped into thinking that theirs is the true concept of Tauheed. When this is the belief of your
leading Imam, do you really have the right to criticise and label others as deviants? How can
you attack the Jewish / Christian depiction of God, when Ibn Tamiyah had such an atrocious

63. Ibn Taimiyah h believed that chemistry is forbidden

While referring to the study of Chemistry, Ibn Taimiyah said in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 29
page 368:
g‫ع‬u‫ر‬w‫ي الش‬g‫ ف‬Ó‫رم‬w l‫ح‬h‫ م‬h‫له‬i ‫ك‬h l‫ك‬g‫ل‬l‫ذ‬l‫و‬

“All that is forbidden according to Islamic laws”

If the Wahabis deny this and assert that ibn Taimiyah was referring to ‘magic’ rather Chemistry
then they should read the later statements of Ibn Taimiyah which clearly evidence the he was
referring to the study of Chemistry:
‫ل‬u‫ه‬l‫ن أ‬
l ‫ي‬u l‫ ب‬Ó‫كر‬u ‫ذ‬g ‫ه‬
h l‫س ل‬
l u‫ي‬l‫ل‬l‫ و‬h‫ف‬l‫عر‬u h‫ا ي‬l‫ ل‬Ó‫ول‬h‫ه‬u‫ج‬l‫م‬l‫ ف‬g‫ية‬w‫و‬g ‫ا‬l‫يم‬g‫ك‬u‫ ال‬l‫د‬u‫ن‬g‫ة ع‬g ‫ر‬l ‫و‬h‫ه‬u‫ش‬l‫م‬u‫ ال‬g‫ات‬l‫ف‬w‫ن‬l‫ص‬h‫لم‬u ‫ ا‬h‫حب‬
g ‫ا‬l‫ ص‬l‫ان‬w‫ي‬l‫ ح‬h‫بن‬u ‫ر‬h ‫ب‬g‫ا‬l‫ا ج‬w‫أم‬ll‫و‬
‫ين‬p‫ الد‬g‫هل‬
u l‫ أ‬l‫ين‬u ‫ب‬l ‫ا‬l‫ول‬l ‫م‬
g u‫ل‬g‫لع‬u ‫ا‬

Jaber ibn Hayan, the author of the renowned books in Chemistry is unknown and is
not mentioned among the scholars nor the people of religion.
Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 29 page 374


The Salafis should take heed of the comments of their blessed Sheikh ul Islam. Those studying
chemistry should gather their texts and burn them automatically. Those Salafis that are working
in the field of Chemistry should resign from theor posts automatically and search out new
careers for themselves.

64. Ibn Taimiyah believed that Prophet Shu'aib was pagan

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 15 page 29:

‫و‬l‫ا أ‬l‫تن‬g ‫ي‬lu‫قر‬l ‫ن‬
u g‫ م‬l‫ك‬l‫مع‬l ‫وا‬h‫من‬l ‫ن آ‬ l ‫ي‬g‫لذ‬w‫ا‬l‫ و‬h‫يب‬u ‫ع‬l ‫ش‬ h ‫ا‬l‫ك ي‬ l w‫ن‬l‫ج‬g‫خر‬u ‫ن‬h ‫ل‬l g‫ه‬g‫م‬u‫قو‬l u‫ن‬g‫وا م‬h‫ر‬l‫ب‬u‫ك‬l‫ست‬ u ‫نا‬ l ‫ي‬g‫لذ‬w‫ ا‬h‫لأ‬l l‫لم‬u ‫ ا‬l‫ال‬l‫ { ق‬: h‫نه‬l‫ا‬l‫ح‬u‫سب‬ h ‫ه‬ h h‫ل‬u‫قو‬l
‫ا‬l‫ه‬u‫ن‬g‫ م‬h‫له‬w ‫ا ال‬l‫ان‬w‫ج‬l‫ذ ن‬u ‫د إ‬ l u‫بع‬l ‫م‬
u h‫تك‬g ‫ل‬w ‫م‬g ‫ي‬g‫ا ف‬l‫دن‬ u h‫ن ع‬ u ‫ا إ‬Ã‫ذب‬
g l‫ه ك‬
g w‫ى الل‬l‫ل‬l‫ا ع‬l‫ين‬u ‫ر‬l l‫ت‬u‫د اف‬ g l‫ } { ق‬l‫ين‬g‫ره‬g ‫ا‬l‫ا ك‬w‫كن‬h ‫و‬u l‫ل‬l‫و‬l‫ أ‬l‫ال‬l‫ا ق‬l‫تن‬g ‫ل‬w ‫م‬g ‫ي‬g‫ن ف‬ w h‫ود‬h‫تع‬l ‫ل‬l
‫ى‬l‫ل‬l‫وا ع‬h‫ان‬l‫ه ك‬ h l‫مع‬l ‫وا‬h‫ن‬l‫ن آم‬ l ‫ي‬g‫لذ‬w‫ا‬l‫و‬l ‫ا‬Ã‫ب‬u‫ي‬l‫شع‬ h ‫ن‬ w l‫ى أ‬l‫ل‬l‫ل ع‬ Ó ‫ي‬g‫ل‬l‫ د‬h‫ه‬h‫ر‬g‫اه‬l‫ا } ظ‬l‫ن‬i‫ب‬l‫ه ر‬ h w‫ الل‬l‫اء‬l‫ش‬l‫ن ي‬ u ‫أ‬l ‫ا‬w‫ا إل‬l‫يه‬g‫ ف‬l‫ود‬h‫ع‬l‫ن ن‬ u l‫ا أ‬l‫ن‬l‫ ل‬h‫ون‬h‫ك‬l‫ا ي‬l‫م‬l‫و‬
‫د‬l‫ { ق‬: ‫ه‬ g ‫ل‬g‫و‬u l‫ق‬g‫ول‬l } l‫ين‬g‫ه‬g‫ار‬l‫ا ك‬w‫كن‬h ‫و‬u l‫ل‬l‫و‬l‫ا { أ‬l‫يه‬g‫ ف‬h‫ود‬h‫نع‬l ‫ ( أ‬: ‫ب‬ Ÿ u‫ي‬l‫شع‬h ‫ل‬ g ‫و‬u l‫ق‬g‫ول‬l } ‫ا‬l‫ن‬g‫ت‬w‫ل‬g‫ي م‬g‫ ف‬w‫دن‬h ‫و‬h‫ع‬l‫ت‬l‫ ل‬u‫و‬l‫ { أ‬: u‫هم‬ g g‫ل‬u‫و‬l‫لق‬g ‫م ؛‬u ‫ه‬g ‫م‬g ‫و‬u ‫ق‬l g‫لة‬w ‫م‬g
. } ‫ا‬l‫نه‬u ‫م‬g ‫ه‬ h w‫ا الل‬l‫ان‬w‫ج‬l‫ ن‬u‫ إذ‬l‫عد‬u l‫ { ب‬: ‫ه‬ g g‫ل‬u‫قو‬l g‫ل‬l‫ و‬. ‫ا‬l‫يه‬g‫وا ف‬h‫ان‬l‫ ك‬u‫هم‬h ‫ن‬w‫أ‬l ‫ى‬l‫عل‬ l w‫ل‬l‫فد‬l } ‫م‬ u ‫ك‬
h g‫ت‬w‫ل‬g‫ي م‬g‫ا ف‬l‫ن‬u‫عد‬ h u‫ا إن‬Ã‫ب‬g‫كذ‬l g‫ه‬w‫ى الل‬l‫عل‬ l ‫ا‬l‫ين‬u ‫ر‬l ‫ت‬l ‫ف‬u ‫ا‬
‫ا‬l‫به‬g g‫وث‬i l‫ل‬w‫ الت‬l‫عد‬u ‫ب‬l ‫ا‬l‫نه‬u ‫م‬g ‫م‬
u ‫ه‬ h ‫ا‬l‫ج‬u‫ن‬l‫ه أ‬l w‫ن الل‬w ‫أ‬l ‫ى‬l‫عل‬ l w‫ل‬l‫فد‬l

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His (swt) saying { The chiefs, those who were proud from among his people said:
We will most certainly turn you out, O Shu'aib, and (also; those who believe with
you, from our town, or you shall come back to our faith. He said: What! though we
dislike (it)?} { Indeed we shall have forged a lie against Allah If we go back to your
religion after Allah has delivered us from It, and it befits us not that we should go
back to it, except if Allah our Lord please: Our Lord comprehends all things :n His
knowledge; in Allah do we trust: Our Lord! decide between us and our people with
truth; and Thou art the best of deciders. } serves as proof that Shu'aib and whoever
was with him were on the religion of their people for his (Allah) saying: { or you
shall come back to our faith} and for Shu'aib’s reply {What! though we dislike (it)}
and His statement {Indeed we shall have forged a lie against Allah If we go back to
your religion} and this proves they were on their religion. And for His statement
{after Allah has delivered us from It} that proves that Allah saved them from it
after they get polluted by it.


This absurd interpretation of the Quran is against the Quran:

Behold! Allah took the covenant of the prophets (3:81)

No Muslim scholar, past or present has ever made the type of blasphemous allegation about
Prophet Shu'aib (as) that ibn Taimiyah had. The correct interpretation for the verse according
to Arabic language and logic is that when someone talks to a group and amongst them there is
an odd person, he might be included in the speech but that does not mean he is one of them,
in Arabic langue the odd single is included with the group in the speech.

We can substantiate our position from the Quran:

And behold, We said to the angels: "Bow down to Adam" and they bowed down. Not
so Iblis: he refused and was haughty: He was of those who reject Faith. (2:34).

We see here Allah (swt) included Iblis with the angels, while Iblis is not an angel.

Behold! We said to the angels, "Bow down to Adam": They bowed down except
Iblis. He was one of the Jinns, and he broke the Command of his Lord. Will ye then
take him and his progeny as protectors rather than Me? And they are enemies to
you! Evil would be the exchange for the wrong-doers! (18:050).

65. Ibn Taimiyah believed that God has two right hands

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 17 page 92:

Ó‫ين‬g‫يم‬l ‫ا‬l‫م‬h‫اه‬l‫ت‬u‫ل‬g‫ ك‬w‫أن‬l ‫ا‬l‫يه‬g‫ر ف‬h ‫ك‬h ‫ذ‬
u l‫ي‬l‫ و‬l‫يث‬g‫اد‬l‫ح‬l‫ أ‬g‫ة‬w‫د‬g‫ي ع‬g‫ ف‬g‫ين‬u ‫د‬
l l‫ي‬u‫ر ال‬h ‫ك‬u ‫ذ‬g ‫ء‬l ‫ا‬l‫ ج‬u‫د‬l‫ق‬l‫و‬

“The hands are mentioned in several traditions and we are informed that both of
them are right hands.”

66. Ibn Taimiyah believed that the Muslims should not study logic

We read in Eghathat al-Lahfan by Ibn Qayim, Volume 2 page 260:

‫وآخر من صنف في ذلك شيخ السلم ابن تيمية ألف في رده وإبطاله كتابين كبيرا وصغيرا‬

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“The last person that wrote against this, was Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taimiyah, he wrote
two books a big one and smaller one refuting and rejecting it.”

Sharh al-Aqida al-Safarinia, by Ibn Uthaimin, Volume 4 page 121:

‫ وممن كتب في الرد على أهل المنطق شيخ السلم ابن‬، ‫علم المنطق كتب فيه العلماء وحذروا منه‬
‫تيمية رحمه ال‬

“The scholars wrote against logic (Mantaq) and warned us from it, from those who
wrote against logic is Sheikh al-Islam ibn Taimiyah may Allah's mercy be upon him”


To stay away from logic means to shut your mind and that is against Quran. Allah (swt) says in
His Glorious Book:

Our Lord! and raise up in them a Messenger from among them who shall recite to
them Thy communications and teach them the Book and the wisdom, and purify
them; surely Thou art the Mighty, the Wise. (2:129)

67. Ibn Taimiyah believed that the Yazidies are Muslims and believers

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 3 page 363:

‫ة؛‬g l‫اع‬l‫جم‬ l ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬l‫ة و‬
g w‫ن‬i‫ى الس‬l‫ن إل‬ l ‫ي‬g‫ب‬g‫س‬l‫نت‬u ‫م‬ h u‫ن ال‬
l ‫ي‬g‫لم‬g ‫س‬
u ‫م‬h ‫ل‬u ‫ ا‬u‫ن‬g‫ب م‬
h ‫ا‬l‫ت‬g‫ك‬u‫ا ال‬l‫ذ‬l‫ه ه‬ g u‫ي‬l‫ل إل‬
h g‫يص‬l u‫ن‬l‫ى م‬l‫ة إل‬w‫ي‬g‫يم‬u ‫ت‬l g‫بن‬u ‫د ا‬
l l‫م‬u‫ح‬l‫ أ‬u‫من‬g
‫ا‬l‫ح‬l‫ن ن‬
u ‫م‬l ‫و‬l ‫ه‬
h w‫ه الل‬h‫م‬ l‫ح‬g ‫ر‬l - " ‫ي‬
p g‫مو‬l ‫أ‬h u‫ر ال‬Ÿ g‫اف‬l‫مس‬h g‫ن‬u‫ي ب‬
p ‫د‬ g l‫ت ع‬
g ‫ا‬l‫ك‬l‫ر‬l‫ب‬u‫ي ال‬g‫ب‬l‫ أ‬. g‫ة‬l‫و‬u‫قد‬h u‫ ال‬g‫ف‬g‫ار‬l‫ع‬u‫خ ال‬
g ‫ي‬u w‫ الش‬g‫عة‬
l ‫ا‬l‫م‬l‫ى ج‬l‫ن إل‬ l ‫ي‬g‫تم‬l ‫ن‬u ‫م‬
h ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬
‫م‬h‫ه‬l‫حو‬ u ‫ن‬l

From Ahmad ibn Taimiyah to whoever shall receive my message from the Muslims
that belong to the Sunnah and Jam'aa who belong to the group of the wise and ideal
Sheikh Abi al-Barakat Uday bin Musafer al-Umawi may Allah's mercy be upon him.

For those who don’t know who the Yazidies and Uday bin Musafer are, allow us to present
information from Sunni books. We read in Min Qamoos al-Adyan by Dr. Asad al-Sehmarani,
page 63:
‫أصل نشأة اليزيدية يعود إلى الشيخ عدي بن مسافر‬

“The origin of Yazidis belongs to Sheikh Uday bin Musafir”

On page 71, we read:

‫عدي بن مسافر الذي ينسبون أنفسهم إليه يعود نسبه إلى مروان بن الحكم‬

“Uday bin Musafir, his lineage ends at Marwan bin al-Hakam”

On page 70, we read:

‫اليزيديون المعاصرون يصرحون بأن أصل طائفتهم وما تلتزمه يعود إلى يزيد بن معاوية‬

“The modern Yazidis declare that their sect and beliefs belong to Yazid bin

On page 75, we read:

‫أنهم يقدسونه ويعلون مكانته‬.... ‫يتمتع الشيطان بمكانة خاصة في معتقدات اليزيدية‬

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“Satan has a special status among the Yazidis beliefs…they glorify him and increase
his status”.

We read in Mawsuat al-Adyan wa al-Madaheb by Abdulrazaq Aswad, Volume 3 page 264:

‫وتعتقد اليزيدية ان ديانتهم سماوية جاء بها يزيد بن معاوية‬

“TheYazidis believe that their religion is heavenly and Yazid bin Mu'awiya brought

On page 280 we read:

‫يقول الشيخ عدي بن مسافر ان يزيد بن معاوية امام وابن امام‬

“Sheikh Uday bin Musafir says that Yazid bin Mu'awiya is an Imam, the son of an

On page 287 we read:

‫ويعتبر الشيخ عدي هو المؤسس الول لليزيدية‬

“Sheikh Uday is considered as the founder of the Yaziyah.”

Dr. Asad al-Sehmarani, is a modern scholar and a teacher in Imam Awzai Islamic college. This
is the link about this religion:


If the Shi’a and true Sunnis of today are shocked by statements of Salafis and Deobandis like
Zakr Naik, praising Yazid, one needs to understand that they are merely adhering to the path
grounded for them by Ibn Taimiyah, who praised a Sect that is based around Yazid ibn
Mu’awiyah and deems him an Imam. The Shi’a that love Maula Ali (as) are Kaafirs in the eyes
of Ibn Taimiyah, but those whose creed is based around love and adherence to Yazid are
praiseworthy Muslims!

68. Ibn Taimiyah believed that the dead can rise from their graves and walk

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 5 page 526:

‫د‬l‫وق‬l ‫ه‬g ‫ر‬g ‫ب‬u ‫ق‬l ‫ن‬
u g‫ج م‬
h ‫ر‬h u‫خ‬l‫وي‬l ‫ي‬g‫مش‬ u ‫ي‬l‫و‬l h‫نه‬h‫د‬
l l‫ك ب‬
h ‫ر‬w ‫ح‬
l ‫ت‬l ‫ي‬l l‫ ف‬g‫به‬g ‫ة‬
Ó ‫ل‬l w‫ك‬l‫مو‬h ‫ب‬
g ‫ا‬l‫عذ‬l ‫ل‬u ‫ ا‬h‫كة‬
l ‫ئ‬g‫ا‬l‫مل‬l ‫و‬l g‫يه‬u ‫ل‬l ‫ع‬
l ‫ب‬
h ‫ا‬l‫عذ‬l ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬l‫ه و‬g g‫بر‬u l‫ ق‬u‫من‬g ‫ا‬Ã‫ج‬g‫ار‬l‫ى خ‬l‫ر‬h‫ ي‬u‫د‬l‫وق‬l
‫ب‬w‫ذ‬l‫مع‬h l‫و‬h‫ه‬l‫ و‬g‫ه‬g‫ر‬u‫ب‬l‫ ق‬u‫من‬g h‫ج‬h‫خر‬ u ‫ي‬l u‫ن‬l‫ م‬l‫د‬g‫وه‬h‫د ش‬ u l‫ق‬l‫ و‬u‫م‬g‫ه‬g‫ور‬h‫قب‬h ‫ي‬g‫ ف‬l‫ين‬g‫ب‬w‫ذ‬l‫ع‬h‫م‬u‫ ال‬l‫ات‬l‫صو‬ u l‫د أ‬
Ÿ g‫اح‬l‫ و‬h‫ير‬u l‫ غ‬l‫ع‬g‫سم‬

‘He (the deceased person) could be seen rising from his grave with the signs of
torture on him and the angels of torture holding him, his body was moving and
walking and coming out from his grave. More than one person heard the voices of
the torture in their graves, and have witnessed the (dead) rising grave with signs of
torture on them.’

69. Ibn Taimiyah believed that the humans can marry and copulate with

We read in Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 19 page 39:

l‫ك‬g‫ل‬l‫ ذ‬h‫اء‬l‫لم‬l ‫ع‬h u‫ ال‬l‫ر‬l‫ك‬l‫ ذ‬u‫قد‬l ‫و‬l ‫ف‬
Ó ‫و‬h‫عر‬u l‫ م‬Ó‫ير‬g‫ث‬l‫ا ك‬l‫ذ‬l‫ه‬l‫ و‬Ó‫لد‬l‫و‬l ‫ا‬l‫م‬h‫ه‬l‫ن‬u‫ي‬l‫د ب‬
h l‫ول‬h‫وي‬l ‫ن‬
i ‫ج‬
g ‫ل‬u ‫ا‬l‫س و‬
h u‫ن‬g‫إ‬u‫ ال‬h‫ح‬l‫اك‬l‫ن‬l‫ت‬l‫ ي‬u‫د‬l‫ق‬l‫و‬

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“Human and Jinns can marry and give birth to a child, and that is well known and
there are many cases of that and the scholars mentioned that.”


We would urge sexually frustrated single Salafi women to take heed of these comments. If any
of them do get pregnant, they should automatically assert that they were married to jinni to
evade punishment of adultery!

70. Ibn Taimiyah believed that some people can fly

Majmo’a al-Fatawa, Volume 1 page 83:

h‫له‬h ‫م‬
g‫ح‬u ‫ت‬l ‫ي‬g‫لت‬w‫ ا‬l‫هي‬
g h‫ين‬g‫اط‬l‫شي‬
w ‫ ال‬h‫ون‬h‫ك‬l‫ت‬l‫ء و‬g ‫ا‬l‫هو‬
l ‫ل‬u ‫ي ا‬g‫ر ف‬h ‫ي‬g‫ط‬l‫ ي‬g‫اس‬w‫ الن‬u‫من‬g Ó‫ير‬g‫كث‬l h‫جد‬
l ‫و‬h‫ا ي‬l‫هذ‬
l g‫ل‬l‫و‬

“Therefore there are many people who fly in the sky and the Satans carry them.”


British folklore has the fable that witches of the past could fly on broom sticks. The position of
Ibn Taimiyah would suggest that Salafis should not laugh at such a notion, it is totally plausible,
these evil women are being aided by Satan.

71. Ibn Taimiyah believed in adult suckling

We read in Fatawa Nur Ala Aldarb by Ibn Uthaimeen, Volume 10 page 204”
‫واختار شيخ السلم ابن تيميه رحمه ال التفصيل وقال إذا دعت الحاجة إلى إرضاع الكبير وأرضع ثبت‬

"Sheikh ul-Islam ibn Taimiyah (may Allah's mercy be upon him) chose to explain in
detail and said that if the breast suckling by an adult was necessary and he suckled,
then the prohibition (of marriage) is established."


Why on earth would suckling by an adult become necessary?

6. Chapter Six: Ibn Taimiyah’s hatred towards the Ahulbayt


This chapter is especially dedicated to the false assertion made by the website
wherein the author Ibn al Hashimi sought to desperately convince his Sunni readership that Ibn
Taimiyah was not a Nasibi. He wrote this moving article under this heading ‘Shaykh al-Islam
Ibn Taymiyyah’s Love for Ahlel Bayt’ wherein he stated:
Ibn al Hashimi states:
One of the harshest opponents of the Shia was

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Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah, and because of

this, some of the Shia have slandered him by
claiming that he was a Nasibi (i.e. hater of Ahlel
Bayt). Answering-Ansar refers to him as “Imam of
the Nasibis, Ibn Taymiyya”. And yet, Ibn
Taymiyyah was a lover of Ahlel Bayt; not only did
he love the Ahlel Bayt, but he publically declared
the necessity of loving the Ahlel Bayt as a part of
the creed of the Ahlus Sunnah wal Jama’ah. Let
us narrate what Shaykh al-Islam Ibn Taymiyyah
wrote in his most famous book, Al-Aqeedah Al-
Wasitiyyah; he said:
“They (the believers) accept what has been
reported continuously from the Prince of the
Believers Ali Ibn Abi Talib…”
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah,
Chapter 4)

Ibn Taymiyyah said further:

“The best men of this Ummah after its Prophet
are: Abu Bakr; then Umar; third: Uthman; and
fourth: Ali Ibn Abi Talib (may Allah be pleased
with them all).”
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah,
Chapter 4)

In regards to the Prophetic Household, Ibn

Taymiyyah said:
“The Ahlus Sunnah should love the Prophet’s
family, give them support, and honor the
Prophet’s will in regards to them, as he said at
Ghadir Khumm: ‘I ask you by Allah to take care of
my family; I ask you by Allah to take care of my
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Al-Aqeedah Al-Wasitiyyah,
Chapter 4)

Explaining the Sunni creed, Shaykh al-Islam said:

“They (Ahlus Sunnah) love the people of the
household of the Messenger of Allah; they regard
them with love and loyalty, and they heed the
command of the Messenger of Allah concerning
them…but they reject the way of the (Shia)
Rafidhis who hate the Sahabah and slander them,
and they reject the way of the Nasibis who insult
Ahlel Bayt in words and deed.”
(Ibn Taymiyyah, Majmoo al-Fatawa, 3/154)

We had previously cited the Hadith of the Prophet (s) that one sign of a munafiq is when he
speaks he lies. Ibn Taimiyah may well have stated all these things, but did he really believe
them? The answer is no, Ibn Taimiyah was merely asserting these things to convince the Sunni
Ulema of the time that he was a mainstream Sunni, and as such statements such as this were
merely written to stave off criticism of him. If Ibn al Hashimi claims that Ibn Taimiyah would
never adopt such deception then we suggest he ponders over these facts. Once whilst in prison
he declared himself to be Ash’ari:

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‫ولم يزل ابن تيمية في الجب إلى أن شفع فيه مهنا أمير آل فضل فأخرج في ربيع الول في الثالث وعشرين‬
‫منه وأحضر إلى القلعة ووقع البحث مع بعض الفقهاء فكتب عليه محضر بأنه قال أنا أشعري‬

Ibn Taimiyah remained in the jail till the prince Mehana al-Fadel intercede for him.
In the 23th of Rabee al-Awal he (Ibn Taimiyah) was brought to the fort and debated
with some scholars then they wrote a report that he (Ibn Taimiyah) admitted to be
Al-Durar al-Kamina, Volume 1 page 47

The fact that Ibn Taimiyah pretended to be an Ashari when actually he was not, proves that he
was prepared to hide his beliefs before the Sunni Ulema if it meant getting an early prison
release date. The same is the case with these fatwas that Ibn al Hashimi cited. These were
there merely to convince the Sunni clergy of the time that he adhered to the Ashari creed on
loving the Ahl’ul bayt (as). The reality was very different, and to prove this allow us to present
to our readers the venom that he spewed against the Ahl’ul bayt (as). The facts that we shall
present is not hearsay testimony from some obscure secondary Rafidi source. These are the
words from them pen of Ibn Taimiyah himself.

72. Ibn Taimiyah’s acerbic views of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib [as]

While comparing Abu Bakar with Ali bin Abi Talib [as], Ibn Taimiyah states in Minhaj al-Sunnah,
Volume 7 page 331:

‫وان وليته المة خير من ولية علي وان منفعته للمسلمين في دينهم ودنياهم اعظم من منفعة علي‬

“His reign is better than Ali's reign and his benefit to Muslims in their religion and
life is greater than Ali's”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 8 page 230:

‫وعلي يقاتل ليطاع ويتصرف في النفوس والموال فكيف يجعل هذا قتال على الدين‬

“Ali fought to secure obedience and rule the people and money, so how can that be
deemed as fighting for sake of religion?”

We read in Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 8 page 205:

‫وأما إسلم علي فهل يكون مخرجا له من الكفر على قولين‬

There are two opinions as to whether Ali's conversion to Islam released him from
kufr or not"

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 137:

‫وعلي رضي ال عنه كان قصده أن يتزوج عليها فله في أذاها غرض‬

“Ali intended to marry so as to hurt her (Fatima) on purpose.”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 172:

‫وقد أنزل ال تعالى في على يا أيها الذين آمنوا ل تقربوا الصلة وأنتم سكارى حتى تعلموا ما تقولون لما‬
‫صلى فقرا وخلطوا‬

“Allah had revealed for Ali {O ye who believe! Draw not near unto prayer when ye
are drunken, till ye know that which ye utter,} when he prayed and recited and then

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got mixed up.”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 172:

‫قال النبي صلى ال عليه وسلم وكان النسان اكثر شيء جدل لما قال له ولفاطمة إل تصليان فقال أنما‬
‫أنفسنا بيد ال سبحانه وتعالى‬.

The prophet said to them '{but man is more than anything contentious}'. When he
said to him (Ali) and Fatima, 'Wont you pray?' They replied: 'Our souls are in the
hands of Allah (swt)'

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 3 page 53:

‫فإنه لما أمرهم بقيام الليل فاعتل علي رضي ال عنه بالقدر وأنه لو شاء ال ليقظنا علم النبي صلى ال‬
‫عليه وسلم أن هذا ليس فيه إل مجرد الجدل الذي ليس بحق فقال وكان النسان أكثر شيء جدل‬.

"When he (the Prophet) ordered them to offer the night prayer, Ali [ra] came up
with the prepared excuse that ‘if Allah wants he will wake us up’, the prophet
realized that this was merely an argument that was not right, therefore he recited
{but man is more than anything contentious}".

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 8 page 161:

‫وعلي قد اختلف فيه هل حفظ القرآن كله أم ل‬

“Ali, there is disagreement about him as to whether he had memorized the whole
Quran or not.”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 6 page 67:

‫ولم يحصل بقتلهم مصلحة للمسلمين ل في دينهم ول في دنياهم بل نقص الخير عما كان وزاد الشر‬

“Their fighting served no benefit for the Muslims in their religion nor in their life, on
the contrary the good had been decreased and the evil had been increased.”

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 20:

‫قوله في على إنه كان يصلي الف ركعة فإن هذا ل فضيلة فيه‬

“His (Allamah Heli’s) statement that Ali would pray one thousand raka, surely there
is no virtue in it”

It is interesting that Ibn al Hashimi had argued that Ibn Taimiyah loved the Ahl’ul bayt (as). But
the reality was comments like the above that we cited that were so outrageous that we read in
Lisan al-Mizan, by ibn Hajar, Volume 6, page 320:

‫وكم من مبالغة لتوهين كلم الرافضي أدته أحيانا إلى تنقيص علي رضي ال عنه‬

"The exaggeration in refuting the Rafidhi text has sometimes taken him to towards
belittling Ali [ra]"

Sunni scholar from Morocco Hafiz Ahmad bin Sidiq (d. 1354 H) records in 'Fath al-Malik al-Ali'
page 109:

"The extremist Nawasib such as ibn Taimiyah and whoever is similar to him."

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Allamah Hasan bin Ali al-Saqqaf (born in 1961) is a contemporary Sunni scholar of modern day.
He is the chief of Imam Nawawi center in Jordan. He has been the student of some esteemed
Sunni scholars such as al-Azeemi (the margin writer of the book Sahih Ibn Khuzaima), Hafiz
Ghemari and Sheikh Bouti. Allamah Saqqaf in the margin of the book 'Sahih Sharh Aqida
Tahawya' page 651 states:

"From those who followed the path of Bani Ummaya and practiced Nasb against Ali,
Lady Fatima, Alulbayt and assaulting them is Ibn Taimiyah al-Harani and his Nasibi

73. Ibn Taimiyah's proud testimony that Ahle Sunnah don't follow Ali bin
Abi Talib [as]

Ibn Taimiyah who is known for having a grudge against Ali bin Abi Talib [as] proudly claims
that none of the Sunni jurists attained teachings from Imam Ali [as].

None of the four imams nor the other of the jurists refer to him (Ali) in their
jurisprudence. Verily if Malik's knowledge was obtained from the people of Madina,
the people of Madina did not take Ali's statements. They took their jurisprudence
from the seven jurists, Zaid, Umar, ibn Umar and so on.
Shafiyee obtained jurisprudence from the people of Makka, the companions of Ibn
Juraij like Saeed bin Salem al-Qadah and Muslim bin khalid al-Zenji. Ibn Juraij
obtained knowledge from the companions of Ibn Abbas, like Atta and others. Verily
Ibn Abbas was an independent mujtahid. Whenever he gives fatwa, according to the
Sahabas, he would give the fatwa of Abu Bakr and Umar, not Ali's. He disagreed
with Ali on few things.
Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 pages 529 - 530

74. Ibn Taimiyah’s views of Sayyida Fatima Zahra (as)

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 5 page 522:

‫ وفاطمة تطلب‬، ‫ والمال لم يأخذه لنفسه بل للمسلمين‬، ‫فإن أبا بكر إمام ل يتصرف لنفسه بل للمسلمين‬

Verily Abu Bakr is an Imam who did not act for himself but for the Muslims and as
for the money, he did not take it for himself but for the Muslims whilst Fatima was
demanding it for herself.

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 132:

‫أو ليس ال قد ذم المنافقين الذين قال فيهم ومنهم من يلمزك في الصدقات فإن أعطوا منها ورضا وإن لم‬
‫يعطوا منها إذا هم يسخطون ولو نهم رضوا ما اتاهم ال ورسوله وقالوا حسبنا ال سيوتينا ال من فضله‬
‫ورسوله إنا إلى ال راغبون فذكر ال قوما رضوا إن اعطوا وغضبوا إن لم يعطوا فذمهم بذلك‬

Hasn’t Allah (swt) condemned the hypocrites those who said about them {And of
them is he who defameth thee in the matter of the alms. If they are given thereof
they are content, and if they are not given thereof, behold! they are enraged. If only
they had been content with what Allah and His Messenger gave them, and had said,
"Sufficient unto us is Allah! Allah and His Messenger will soon give us of His bounty
to Allah do we turn our hopes} Allah mentioned people that if they are given they
will be pleased, but if they are not given they get angry, and Allah condemned them.

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Such blasphemy lead to Sunni scholar Mahmoud Subaih in his book Akhta ibn Taimiyah, page
63 commenting:

‫خطأ جسيم لبن تيمية ل يغتفر إل إذا تاب منه قبل رحيله وهو تشبيهه غضب السيدة فاطمة الزهراء رضي‬
‫ال عنها من الصديق رضي ال عنه بغضب المنافقين‬

A huge mistake by Ibn Taimiyah that is unforgivable, unless he repented prior to

death, was his likening the anger of Lady Fatima az-Zahra (may Allah be pleased
with) towards as-Siddiq (may Allah be pleased with) with the anger of hypocrites.


Ibn al Hashimi tell us, is comparing the action Sayyida Zahra (as) to that of a hypocrite
evidence of his love for this blessed lady? Is this how Shiekh ul Islam showed his love for the
Ahl’ul bayt (as)? Calling any Muslim a munafiq without basis is a sin, and he attributes such
signs to the daughter of the Prophet (s)!

75. Ibn Taimiyah’s views of Imams Hasan (as) and Hussain (as)

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 19:

‫وأما كونهما أزهد الناس وأعلمهم في زمانهم فهذا قول بل دليل‬

“To be deemed as the most ascetic and knowledgeable people of their time, this is a
proofless claim.”

76. Ibn Taimiyah about different Imams of Ahlulbayt [as]

Whilst we shall inshallah address this quote in greater depth later, it is worthy to consider this
comment that Ibn al-Hashimi proudly placed in his article 'the status of the twelve imams':
Ibn al Hashimi stated:
Shaykh Gibril Haddad was asked about the status
of the Imams of the Shia, to which he replied:
I heard Dr. Nur al-Din `Itr in class say: "Each one
of them was a pious, upright Muslim from the
noble Prophetic Tree and many of them were also
among the foremost people of knowledge in their

Screen shot from Ibn al-Hashimi's article - top

Screen shot from Ibn al-Hashimi's article - text

We shall now show our readers how the Shaykh of Ibn al-Hashimi graded those that he claims
were "among the foremost people of knowledge in their time."

Shaykh Ibn Taimiyah desperately sought to distinguish himself from Nawasib, but his writings
on Imam Ali bin Abi Talib [as] and other Imams of Ahlulbayt [as] leaves us with little doubt to
conclude that his stance was just like those espoused by Nasibis. About the three Imams

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namely Imam Zain ul Abdeen [as], Imam Baqir [as] and Imam Jafar Sadiq [as] he stated as

"Ali bin al-Hussain, his son Abu Jafar and his son Jafar bin Muhammad taught
people what Allah (swt) taught them in the same manner that (Allah) taught the
other scholars during their lives. Verily there were people during their lifetimes that
were more knowledgeable and more useful for the nation than them."
Minhaj al Sunnah, Volume 6 page 387

And we also read the following proud confession of Ibn Taimiyah:

"These four Imams, no one of them took any thing related to jurisprudence from
Minhaj al Sunnah, Volume 7 page 533

Ibn Taimiyah then proceeds to widen his attacks further to encompass Imam Ali bin
Muhammad al-Hadi [as] and Imam Hassan Askari [as] whom he referred to as 'Askaris':

"Those that came after the three (Imams) like the Askaris, did not possess useful
knowledge for the nation. They didn't have a helpful hand for the nation. Verily they
were just like any Hashmi".
Minhaj al Sunnah, Volume 6 page 387

At one place Imam Taimiyah after citing the comments of some Sunni scholars stated:

"Each one of those (Sunni scholars) was more knowledgeable than the two Askaris
about the religion of Allah and His Messenger… What is wajib for the people like the
two Askaris is to learn from one of those (Sunni scholars)"
Minhaj al Sunnah, Volume 2 page 470-473

Ibn Taimiyah has the audacity to draw comparison between the Imams of Ahlulbayt [as] to
their students and then drew this conclusion:

"No doubt what the jurists narrate from Abu Hanfia, Malik, al-Shafiyee, Ahmad and
others are more correct than what the Rafidis narrate from the two Askari and
Muhammad bin Ali al-Jawad and others; and no doubt that they (Abu Hanifa etc)
are more knowledgeable in the religion of the Prophet (s) than those (al-Jawad
Minhaj al Sunnah, Volume 2 page 476

We also read:

"Verily al-Zuhari is more knowledgeable about the Prophetic hadiths, statements

and actions than Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Ali and the scholars agreed on that, and
(al-Zuhari) was a contemporary of the Prophet (s).
However regarding Musa bin Jafar, Ali bin Musa and Muhammad bin Ali, no one
among those who possess knowledge doubt that Malik bin Anas, Hamaad bin Zaid,
Hamaad bin Salama, al-Laith bin Saad, al-Awzaei, Yahya bin Saeed, W'akei bin al-
Jarah, Abdullah bin al-Mubarak, al-Shafiyee, Ahmad bin Hanbal, Ishaq bin Rahwei
and others were more knowledgeable about the Prophetetic hadith than them"
Minhaj al Sunnah, Volume 2 page 460-462

From this paragraph we can see that Ibn Taimiyah had indigestion in his stomach about eight
Imams of Ahlulbayt [as]. Ibn al-Hashimi sought to convince his readers that he backed the
comments of Haddad, namely that the Imams were "among the foremost people of
knowledge in their time." That is certainly not how Ibn Taimiyah views them. He sought to

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play down their knowledge base, and suggested they brought no value to the Deen. Why are
you not affirming the same beliefs as your Shaykh? Why don't you put up these comments on
your website so that your readers can appreciate the true belief held by your Shaykh, rather
than relying on a modern day scholar Haddad who your own Salafi Ulema deem deviant?

77. Ibn Taimiyah stubbornly rejecting hadiths in praise of the Ahlulbayt


The Sheikh ul Islam of the Salafis was so blinded by his hatred of the Ahl’ul bayt (as) that he
rejected the authentic hadith literature praising them (as). These sorts of reactions of course
displays of the natural human characteristic of jealousy and hatred. When an individual hates a
respected figure, the typical reaction will be to downplay or deny his virtues in hope of lowering
their status in the eyes of others. Let us see some examples of his bigotry:

Tradition One

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 278:

‫قوله هو ولي كل مؤمن بعدي كذب على رسول ال صلى ال عليه و سلم‬

“His statement ‘he is the guardian of every believer after me’ is a lie attributed to
Allah's messenger”


Imam Ibn Haban recorded it in his book of Sahih traditions 'Sahih ibn Haban' volume 15 page
374. Imam Tirmidhi recorded it in his book 'Sunnan al-Tirmidhi' volume 5 page 296 and
declared it as Hasan. Imam Ibn Uday said: “Nisai recorded it in his Sihah” (Mizan al-Etidal,
v1 p410). These were the scholars who came before Ibn Taimiyah while the scholars who came
after him include Dahabi who was also one of the students of Ibn Taimiyah who recorded it in
his book 'Tarikh al-Islam' volume 11 page 71 and declared it as Sahih according to the condition
of Muslim. Imam Ibn Hajar recorded it in his book 'al-Isaba' volume 4 page 468 and declared
the chain of the tradition as strong. Albaani recorded it in his book 'Silsila Sahiha' volume 5
page 222 and declared it as Sahih. Hussain Salim Asad in his footnote on 'Musnad Abi Y'ala'
volume 1 page 294 declared the narrators of this traiditon as the narrators of Sahih. Moreover,
Albaani commented in 'Silsila Sahiha' volume 5, page 222 as follows:

‫" فمن العجيب حقا أن يتجرأ شيخ السلم ابن تيمية على إنكار هذا الحديث و تكذيبه في " منهاج السنة‬

“It is really strange that Sheikh ul Islam dared to deny this hadith and deemed it a
lie in his book Minhaj al-Sunnah”

This tradition is recorded in many other Sunni other books such as:

1. Musnad Ahmad, Volume 4, p438

2. Musnad al-Tiyalsi, p111
3. Al-Ahad wa al-Methani, by Dahak, Volume 4, p279
4. Khasaes amir almominin, by Nisai, p98
5. Mu'ajam al-kabir, by Tabarani, v18, p129
6. Mwared al-Daman, by Haythami, Volume 7, p136

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7. Tarikh Dimashq, by ibn Asakir, v42, p198

At another place Ibn Taimiyah rejects a similar version of this hadith. We read in Minhaj al-
Sunnah, Volume 5 page 35:

‫ومثل قوله أنت وليي في كل مؤمن بعدي فإن هذا موضوع باتفاق أهل المعرفة بالحديث‬

His statement ‘You are the guardian of every believer after me’ is fabricated
according to the agreement of hadith scholars.

Al-Hakim recorded it in his book 'al-Mustadrak' volume 3, page 134 and declared it as Sahih.
Imam Dahabi in his book 'Talkhis al-Mustadrak' also declared it as Sahih. Albaani in his book
'Dhilal al-Janah' volume 2 page 338 declared it as Sahih.

This version of tradition has been recorded in other prominent Sunni books such as:

1. Musnad Ahmad, Volume 1, p331

2. Al-Sunnah, by ibn Abi Asem, p552
3. Tarikh Dimashq, v42, p102

Tradition Two

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 5 page 17:

‫قوله وسد البواب كلها إل باب علي فإن هذا مما وضعته الشيعة‬

“His statement ‘Close all the doors except Ali's door’; verily, this was fabricated by
the Shia”


Al-Hakim recorded it in his book 'al-Mustadrak' volume 3 page 125 and declared it as Sahih.
Dahabi in his book 'Talkhis al-Mustadrak' also declared it as Sahih. Imam Al-Haythami recorded
it in his book ‘Majma al-Zawaed’ volume 9 page 114 and declared it as 'Hasan'. Ibn Hajar
recorded it in his book 'Fath al-Bari' volume 7 page 13 and stated that the narrators are
authentic. Albaani declared it as Sahih in his book 'Sahih al-Tirmidhi' hadith number 3732.
Qadhi Shawkani said in his book 'al-Fawaed al-Majmoa' volume 1, page 361 about it: 'The
hadith is true and it is not permissible for any Muslim to deny it' Ahmad bin al-Sidiq
declared it as Hasan in his book 'Fath al-Malik' page 61. Abdullah al-Ghemari in his book
'Ergham al-Mubteda' page 18 declared it as Sahih.

The tradition is recorded in various other Sunni books:

1. Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Volume 5, page 305

2. Al-Sunnan al-kubra, by Nisai, Volume 5, p118
3. Musnad Ahmad, Volume 4, p369
4. Musnad Abi Y'ala, Volume 2, p62
5. Al-Mu'ajam al-awsat, by Tabarani, Volume 4, p186
6. Al-Mu'ajam al-kabir, by Tabarani, v12, p79
7. Al-sunnah, by ibn Abi Asem, p585
8. Gharib al-hadith, by al-Harby, Volume 1, p163
9. Tarikh Baghdad, Volume 7, p214

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10.Tarikh Dimashq, v42, p122

11.Manaqib, by Khawarezmi, page 315

Tradition Three

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 378:

‫و حديث أنا مدينة العلم و علي بابها اضعف و أوهى و لهذا إنما يعد في الموضوعات‬

“The tradition of ‘I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the gate’ is weaker (than
other traditions). Therefore it is counted among the fabrications”.


A number of highranking Sunni Imams have graded the Hadith as authentic. Al-Hakim recorded
it in his book al-Mustadrak, volume 3, page 126 and declared it as Sahih. Imam Yahya ibn Moin
declared it as Sahih (Tahdib al-Kamal, v18 p72 Translation 3421). Imam Ibn Jareer Tabari in his
book 'Tahdib al-Athaar' page 104 declared it as Sahih. Imam Ibn Hajar Asqalani declared it as
Hasan (al-Fawaed al-Majmoa, Volume 1, p348 by Shawkani). Suyuti said: ‘Hasan’ (Tarikh al-
khulafa, v1 p69). Al-Shawkani in his book 'al-Fawaed al-Majmoa' volume 1 page 348 declared it
as ‘Hasan le Gharyu’. Al-Sakhawi in his book 'al-Maqasid al-Hasana' page 123 declared it as
‘Hasan’. Abdullah al-Ghemari in his book 'Rad Etebar al-Jame al-Saghir' page 15 declared it as
Sahih. Ahmad bin al-Sidiq in his book 'Fath al-Malik' page 10 declared it as Sahih. Allamah
Hassan al-Saqaf in the footnote of his book 'Tanaqudat Albaani' volume 3 page 82 declared it
as Sahih. Al-Zarkashi in his book 'al-Leale al-Manthura' page 163 declared it as Hasan.
Muhammad ibn Tulun al-Hanafi (d. 953 H) in his book 'al-Shazara' page 130 declared it as
Hasan. Imam Al-Zarqani in his book 'Mukhtasar al-Maqaed' page 170 declared it as Hasan.
While Mullah Muttaqi Hindi wrote:

‘I answered (that the hadith is Hasan) for years until I noticed that Ibn Jareer
declared this hadith Sahih in his book Tahdib al-Athaar beside the declaration of
being Sahih by al-Hakim of this tradition that is narrated by ibn Abbas. I then
performed isthikhara and became convinced that the Hadeeth 'I am the city of
knowledge and 'Ali is its gate' is Sahih not Hasan. Allah knows best.’
Kanz al Ummal, Volume 13 page 148 Tradition 36464

Allamah Muhammad bin Yusuf al-Salehi al-Shami (d. 942 H) declared it Hasan (Subul al-Huda
wa al-Rashad, Volume 1, p501). Imam Samarqandi declared it Sahih (Fath al-Malik by Hafiz Ibn
Sidiq, p60). Hanafi Imam Mullah Ali Qari in his famed work Mirqat Sharh Mishkat, Volume 5
page 571 records that according to Imam Darqutni this hadith is Thaabit (proven). Imam of
Ahle Sunnah Salahuddin Khalil al-Alaai (d. 761 H) declared this Hadith as Hasan (Kashf al-Khafa
by Ajloni, v1 p203) and while regarding all those who have criticized this Hadith out of
Nasibism, he stated:

‘Neither Abu al-Faraj nor others provided any tangible argument for the hadith
except the claim of being fabricated and they reject it because of its content’
al-Laale al-Masnoa by Suyuti, Volume 1 page 306

The Mufti of Dar ul Uloom Qadiriyah Jilaniyah, London namely Mufti Ghulam Rasool al-Hanafi
refutes the statement of Ibn Taimiyah in the following manner:

“Question: Ibn Taimiyah in his book Minhaj al-Sunnah has stated that the Hadith of

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‘I am the city of knowledge and Ali is the gate’ is extremely weak and it has been
counted amongst the Modhouat. When it is weak and Maudhu then it cannot be
used for inference.

Answer: The statement of Ibn Taimiyah (d. 728) that the Hadith of ‘I am the city of
knowledge and Ali is the gate’ is weak and Maudhu is void (Batil) and evil
(Mardood). Yahyah bin Moin has declared this Hadith as Sahih and has called its
main narrator Abu Sult as Thiqa and Seduq. Since Yahyah bin Moin has declared this
Hadith as Sahih therefore there should not be any doubt about this Hadith being
Sahih and worthy of being inferred because Yahyah bin Moin is Imam of Jarah and
Tadeel. While praising him, Ibn Hajar Asqalani wrote….”
Subeh Sadiq, page 156 (Published in London)

Then Mufti Ghulam Rasool took two pages mentioning the authoritative place enjoyed by
Yahyah bin Moin in Ahle Sunnah and then he stated:

This proves that Yahyah bin Moin was one of the greatest scholars in the knowledge
of Hadith and fields related to it. He was the one who was very well aware of the
authenticity or unreliability of Hadith; and Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal has also
clarified it that Yahyah bin Moin knows more about Sahih or weak Hadith. If Yahyah
bin Moin mention the authenticity of any Hadith then it will be deemed Sahih. Those
who would state anything opposing that will not be believed. When the Imam of
Jarah and Tadeel namely Yahyah bin Moin has declared the Hadith ‘I am the city of
knowledge and Ali is the gate’ as Sahih; moreover Imam Ahmed bin Hanbal has
recorded it; moreover it is recorded in Jami Tirmidhi, then the statement of Ibn
Taimiyah calling it weak and Maudhu is wrong and void. Moreover while relying on
Yahyah bin Moin, Ibn Taimiyah himself stated that he is among the greatest
Muhaditheen from the aspect of veracity, loyalty and Jarah and Tadeel. Moreover he
stated: ‘Yahyah bin Moin and others have more capability of knowing the Sahih
Hadiths. They have more eligibility of distinguishing between truth and lie, Sahih
and Maudhu Hadith. If someone wants to investigate whether a particular Hadith is
Sahih or weak or Maudhu, one should refer to Yahyah bin Moin and his likes’
(Tasfiyah Ma bayn Sunni o Shia, page 65 citing Minhaj al-Sunnah).

When Yahyah bin Moin declares a Hadith as Sahih then it is Sahih. When this is the
situation then what meaning does the Ibn Taimiyah (d. 728)’s denying the Hadith ‘I
am the city of knowledge and Ali is the gate’ being Sahih have! Ibn Taimiyah on one
hand stated that Yahyah bin Moin has more knowledge in knowing the Sahih or
Maudhu Hadith and the statement of Yahyah bin Moin will be more authentic in this
regard. But on the other hand Yahyah bin Moin declared the Hadith ‘I am the city of
knowledge and Ali is the gate’ as Sahih, Ibn Taimiyah then denied the same and
stated that the Hadith is weak and Maudhu. This is stubbornness and extremism of
Ibn Taimiyah. Therefore this statement of Ibn Taimiyah is void and evil, and the
Hadith is Sahih.
Subeh Sadiq, pages 160-161 (Published in London)

The words of Ibn Taimiyah used by Mufti Ghulam Rasool can be read directly from the online
Minhaj al-Sunnah:

‫فإن هؤلء من أكمل الناس معرفة بذلك وأشدهم رغبة في التمييز بين الصدق والكذب‬

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 8 page 418

This tradition is mentioned in many books:

1. Al-Mu'ajam al-kabir, by Tabarani, v11, p55

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2. Al-Istiab, by ibn Abdulbar, Volume 3, p1102

3. Shawahid al-Tanzil, by Hasakani, Volume 1, p105
4. Tarikh Baghdad, Volume 3, p181
5. Tarikh Dimashq, v42, p378

Tradition Four

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 248:

‫وأما قوله ورووا جميعا أن النبي صلى ال عليه وسلم قال يا فاطمة إن ال يغضب لغضبك ويرضى لرضاك‬
‫فهذا ككذب منه ما رووا هذا عن النبي صلى ال عليه وسلم ول يعرف هذا في شيء من كتب الحديث‬
‫المعروفة ول له إسناد معروف عن النبي صلى ال عليه وسلم ل صحيح ول حسن‬

His statement that they all narrated that the Prophet [s] said: ‘Oh Fatima, surely
Allah gets angry when you are angry and gets pleased when you are pleased’, it is a
lie. No one narrated that from the Prophet; and it is not recorded in known hadith
books; and it doesn’t have a chain to the Prophet [s], neither Sahih nor Hasan.”


Al-Hakim recorded it in his book 'al-Mustadrak' volume 3,page 154 and declared it as Sahih. Al-
Haythami recorded it in his book Majma al-Zawaed, Volume 9 page 203 and declared it as
Hasan. Shaykh Salehi al-Shami declared it as Hasan in his book 'Subul al-Huda' volume 11 page

It is narrated in other books such as:

1. Al-Mujam al-Kabir by Tabarani, Volume 1, p108

2. Al-Ahad wa al-Methani by Dahak, Volume 5, p363
3. Al-Durya al-Tahira by Dulabi, p168
4. Asad al-Ghaba, by ibn al-Athir, Volume 5, p523
5. Tarikh Dimashq, Volume 3, p156
6. Al-Kamil by Ibn Uday, Volume 2, p351
7. Mujam abi Y'ala, p223
8. Juzu ibn al-Ghatrif, page 78
9. Fadhail al-khulafa by Abu Naeem, Volume 1, p251

Tradition Five

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 4 page 417:

‫ الخ فهذا ليس فى شيء من المهات ال فى‬.... ‫وأما قوله ( من كنت موله فعلى موله اللهم وال من واله‬
‫الترمذى وليس فيه ال ( من كنت موله فعلى موله ) وأما الزيادة فليست فى الحديث‬

His statement ‘Whoever I am his leader Mawla, Ali is his Mawla, Oh Allah support
those who support him…’ etc this is not recorded in the main books except in
Tirmidhi. But it is only recorded ‘Whoever I am his leader Mawla, Ali is his Mawla’.

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However, the addition is not part of the hadith.


Imam Ibn Haban recorded this hadith in his book of Sahih traditions 'Sahih ibn Haban' volume
15 page 376 with the additional part. Al-Hakim in his book 'al-Mustadrak' volume 3 page 109
recorded that hadith with the additional part and declared it as Sahih according to the
conditions of the two Sheikh while Dahabi in his book 'Talkhis al-Mustadrak' kept silent which
means he agreed with al-Hakim. Imam Al-Haythami recorded it with the additional part in his
book 'Majma al-Zawaed' volume 9 page 103 and declared its narrators to be authentic. Ibn
Hajar said in his book 'Fath al-Bari' volume 7 page 61 about the tradition: ‘Many of it chains
are Sahih and Hasan’. Al-Ejloni in his book 'Kashf al-Khefa' volume 2 page 274 said: ‘Thirty
companions narrated it with the addition ‘Oh Allah support whoever support him’ hence the
hadith is Mutwatir’ Albaani recorded it with the additional part in his book 'Silsila Sahiha' volume
4 page 249 and declared it as Sahih and then he wrote:

‫ فزعم أنه‬، ‫ و أما الشطر الخر‬، ‫ قد ضعف الشطر الول من الحديث‬، ‫أنني رأيت شيخ السلم بن تيمية‬
‫كذب ! و هذا من مبالغته الناتجة في تقديري من تسرعه في تضعيف الحاديث قبل أن يجمع طرقها و يدقق‬
‫ و ال المستعان‬. ‫ النظر فيها‬.

I saw Sheikh al-Islam Ibn Taimiyah state that he deemed the first part as weak and
deemed the second part as a lie! And this is of his exaggeration due to his haste in
rejecting the traditions before he collated the other chains and revised them
accurately. And it is the the help Allah that is sought in that.

Ibn Taimiyah claimed that it is not recorded in any main book other than Tirmidhi. That is yet
another lie on the part of this shameless enemy of Ahulbayt [as]. The tradition has been
recorded in many other prominent Sunni books that include:

1. Sunan Ibn Majah, Volume 1, p45

2. Musnad Ahmad bin Hanbal, Volume 5, p347
3. Sahih ibn Haban, v15, p376
4. Al-Mujam al-Awsat by Tabarani, Volume 2, p25
5. Al-Mujam al-Kabir by Tabarani, Volume 5, p166
6. Al-Musanaf by Abdulrazaq, v11, p225
7. Al-Sunnan al-Kubra' by Nisai, Volume 5, p130
8. Fadhail al-Sahaba by Nisai, p14
9. Al-Musanaf by Ibn Abi Shayba, Volume 7, p495
10.Al-Ahad wa al-Mathani by Dahak, Volume 4, p326
11.Al-sunnah by ibn Abi Asim, p590
12.Musnad Abi Y'ala, Volume 1, p429

Tradition Six

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 279:

‫وأما قوله وعترتي أهل بيتي وأنهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا على الحوض فهذا رواه الترمذى وقد سئل عنه‬
‫ وقالوا ل يصح‬،‫احمد بن حنبل فضعفه وضعفه غير واحد من أهل العلم‬.

His statement, “(the Book and) my progeny my family and they will never separate
till they meet me on the Pool” that is narrated by Tirmidhi; and Ahmad ibn Hanbal

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was asked about it therefore he declared it weak. Similarly more than one scholar
declared it weak and said that it is not Sahih.


Tirmidhi recorded it in his book 'Sunnan al-Tirmidhi' volume 5 page 328 and declared it as
Hasan. Al-Baghawi in his book 'Sharh al-Sunnah' volume 7 page 206 declared it as Hasan. Ibn
al-Arabi in his book 'Aridat al-Ahwadi' volume 7 page 159 declared it as Sahih. Imam Al-
haythami recorded it in his book 'Majma al-Zawaed' volume 9 page 163 and declared its chain
to be good. Imam Tahawi in his book 'Mushkel al-Athaar' volume 5 page 18 declared it as
Sahih. Albaani recorded it in his book 'Silsila Sahiha' volume 4 page 260 and declared it as

It is recorded in many books such as:

1. Musnad Ahmad, Volume 3, p14

2. Al-Sunnan al-Kubra, by Nisai, Volume 5, p45
3. Fadael al-Sahaba, by Nisai, p15
4. Musnad Abi Y'ala, Volume 2, p297
5. Al-Mujam al-Kabir, by Tabarani, Volume 3, p65
6. Musnad ibn al-Jaad, p397
7. Al-Sunnah, by ibn abi Asim, p337

Tradition Seven

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 280:

‫وأما قوله مثل أهل بيتي مثل سفينة نوح فهذا ل يعرف له إسناد ل صحيح ول هو في شيء من كتب‬
‫الحديث التي يعتمد عليها‬

His statement 'the likeness of my Ahlulbayt is the likeness of Noah’s Ark’; verily
there is no correct chain for it and it is not recorded in any reliable hadith book.


Al-Hakim recorded the tradition in his book 'al-Mustadrak' volume 2 page 343 and declared it as
Sahih according to the condition of Muslim. Imam Jalaluddin Suyuti in his book 'Al-Jame al-
Saghir' volume 2 page533 declared it as Hasan. Imam Al-Sakhawi in his book 'Al-Baldanyat'
page 186 declared it as Hasan.

The tradition is recorded in famous Sunni books such as:

1. Al-Mujam al-Awsat by Tabarani, Volume 4, p10

2. Al-Mujam al-Saghir by Tabarani, Volume 2, p22
3. Al-Mujam al-Kabir by Tabarani, Volume 3, p46
4. Musnad al-Shihab, Volume 2, p273
5. Musnad al-Bazar, v11, p329
6. Al-Enbah, by Ibn Abdulbar, p42
7. Shawahed al-Tanzil by Hasakani, Volume 1, p362
8. Hulyat al-Awlya by Abu Naeem, Volume 4, p339

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9. Faraed al-Semtain, Volume 2, p243

10.Manaqib by ibn al-Maghazeli, p100
11.Amthal al-Hadith by Asbahani, page 476
12.Al-Sharia by Ajuri, Volume 4, p387

Tradition Eight

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 2 page 13:

‫وقد وضع بعض الكذابين حديثا مفترى أن هذه الية نزلت في علي لما تصدق بخاتمه في الصلة وهذا كذب‬
‫بإجماع أهل العلم‬

Some liars fabricated a tradition which says that the verse was revealed in favor of
Ali when he gave his ring as charity during prayers and this is a lie according to the
Ijma of scholars.


Ijma means ALL the scholars; so can the filthy followers of Ibn Taimiyah cite the names of ten
scholars that died before ibn Taimiyah and deemed this a lie?

Tradition Nine

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 7 page 107:

‫و هذا مما يبين به كذب ما يروى عن بعض الصحابة كجابر انه قال ما كنا نعرف المنافقين على عهد النبي‬
‫صلى ال عليه و سلم إل ببغضهم علي بن أبي طالب‬

That proves the lie of what has been narrated from some companions such as Jabir:
‘We used to recognize the hypocrites during the time of Allah's Messenger by their
hatred for Ali bin Abi Talib’


This tradition is narrated by six of the companions:

1. Jabi al-Ansari
2. Abu Saeed al-Khedri
3. Abu Dhar
4. Ibn Masud
5. Abdullah ibn Umar
6. Ibn Abbas

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal records in Fadhail al-Sahaba, Volume 2, page 639 hadith number

‫ عن أبي الزبير‬، ‫ نا معاوية بن عمار‬، ‫حدثنا الهيثم بن خلف قثنا عبد الملك بن عبد ربه أبو إسحاق الطائي‬

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‫ ما كنا نعرف المنافقين إل ببغضهم إياه‬، ‫ ذلك من خير البشر‬: ‫ كيف كان علي فيكم ؟ قال‬: ‫ قلت لجابر‬: ‫ قال‬.

Abi al-Zubair said: ‘I asked Jabir: ‘How was Ali's status amongst you?’ He replied:
‘He was amongst the best of mankind; we used to recognize the hypocrites through
their hatred of him.’

Salafi scholar Dr. Wasiullah bin Muhammad Abbas in his margin of the book 'Fadhail al-Sahaba'
published by the the second largest Salafi/Wahabi university namely Umm Al-Qura University in
Makkah, graded the tradition as 'Hasan'.

Imam Ahmad ibn Hanbal also records in Fadhail al-Sahaba, Volume 2, page 579 hadith number

Abu Saeed al-Khudari said: “We recognized the hypocrites by their hatred of Ali”

Dr. Wasiullah declared it as Sahih.

Fadha'il al-Sahaba, Volume 2 page 549 (Published in Makkah Mukkarmah, Saudi Arabia)

One of the pioneer Sunni scholars Imam Ali bin Muhammad al-Hemayri (d. 323 H) who has
been referred to as "Imam, Faqih and Allamah" by Imam Dahabi (Siar alam al-nubala, v15
p13) has also recorded this tradition with a different chain of narration in his book 'Juzu al-
Hemayri' page 35:

Harun bin Ishaq – Sufyan bin Ayyna – al-Zuhari – Yazid bin Khusayfa – Busr bin
Saeed – Abi Saeed al-Khudri said: 'During the time of Messenger of Allah (pbuh), we
used to recognize the hypocrites through their hate towards Ali'.
Juzu al-Hemayri, page 35

All the narrators in the chain are authentic. Harun bin Ishaq: Ibn Hajar said: 'Seduq' (Taqrib
al-Tahdib, v2 p257), Dahabi said: 'Thiqah' (Al-Kaashef, v2 p329). Sufyan bin Ayyna: Ibn
Hajar said: 'Thiqah' (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v1 p371), Dahabi said: 'Thiqah Thabt' (Al-Kaashef, v1
p449). Al-Zuhari: Ibn Hajar said: 'There is an agreement about his magnificence and
mastery' (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v2 p133), Al-Dahabi said: 'The Imam, the Hafiz of his time'
(Siar alam alnubala, v5 p326). Yazid bin Khusayfa: Ibn Hajar said: 'Thiqah' (Taqrib al-
Tahdib, v2 p327), Dahabi said: 'Thiqah' (Al-Kaashef, v2 p386). Busr bin Saeed: Ibn Hajar
said: 'Thiqah' (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v1 p125) while Dahabi have recorded various accolades given
to him by Sunni scholars (Tarikh al-Islam, v6 p302).

We read same tradition with another chain of narration in Al-Mustadrak, Volume 3 page 129:

‫ ثنا إسحاق بن بشر‬، ‫ ثنا الحسن بن علي الفسوي‬، ‫ بهمدان‬، ‫حدثنا أبو جعفر أحمد بن عبيد الحافظ‬
« : ‫ عن أبي ذر رضي ال عنه قال‬، ‫ عن أبي عبد ال الجدلي‬، ‫ عن قيس بن مسلم‬، ‫ ثنا شريك‬، ‫الكاهلي‬
‫ والبغض لعلي بن أبي طالب رضي‬، ‫ والتخلف عن الصلوات‬، ‫ما كنا نعرف المنافقين إل بتكذيبهم ال ورسوله‬
‫» ال عنه » « هذا حديث صحيح على شرط مسلم ولم يخرجاه‬

Abu Dhar said: ‘We used to recognize the hypocrites through their denial of Allah
and his messenger, abandoning the prayers and their hatred against Ali bin Abi

Imam Al-Hakim said: ”Sahih according to the condition of Muslim.”

It is recorded in some other famous Sunni books:

1. Sunan al-Tirmidhi, Volume 5, p298

2. Al-Mustadrak, Volume 3, p129
3. Al-Mujam al-Awsat, by Tabarani, Volume 2, p328

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4. Al-Sharia, by Ajuri, Volume 4, p190

5. Mujam ibn al-Erabi, Volume 5, p167
6. Tarikh Dimashq, v42, p285
7. Tarikh Baghdad, v13, p155
8. Asad al-Ghaba, Volume 4, p30
9. Juzu al-Hemayri, p35
10.Al-Riyad al-Nadira by Tabari, p277
11.Hulayat al-Awlya by Abu Naeem, Volume 3, p97
12.Fawaed al-Sawaf by ibn Ishaq, p86

Tradition Ten

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 5 page 16:

‫وفيه ألفاظ هي كذب على رسول ال صلى ال عليه وسلم كقوله أما ترضى أن تكون مني بمنزلة هارون‬
‫من موسى غير أنك لست بنبي ل ينبغي أن أذهب إل وأنت خليفتي‬

It contain words which are a lie on Allah's Messenger [s], such as ‘Don’t you like to
be to me as what Aaron was to Moses except there is no prophet after me and I
shall not leave without you being my successor’.


Al-Hakim declared it as Sahih in his book al-Mustadrak, Volume 3 page 133 while Dahabi in his
book al-Talkhis agreed with al-Hakim and declared it as Sahih. Imam Al-Haythami declared it as
Sahih in his book Majma al-Zawaed, Volume 9 page 120. Shaykh Ahmad Shakir in his footnote
on Musnad Ahmad declared it as Sahih. Albani in his book Dilal al-Janah, Volume 2 page 337
declared it as Hasan.

The tradition is also recorded in other famous books

1. Musnad Ahmad, Volume 1, p331

2. Al-Mustadrak, Volume 3, p133
3. Al-mujam al-kabir, by Tabarani, v12, p78
4. Al-Sunnah, by Amro bin Asem, p552
5. Khasais Amir al Mominin, by Nisai, p64
6. Tarikh Dimashq, v42, p102
7. Manaqeb, by Khawarezmi, p127

Tradition Eleven

Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 8 page 210:

‫ أن‬......‫قال الرافضي الحادي عشر أنه صلى ال عليه وسلم أنفذه لداء سورة براءة ثم أنفذ عليا وأمره برده‬
‫هذا كذب باتفاق أهل العلم‬

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The Rafidhi said: ‘The eleventh (proof) is that He [s] sent (Abu Bakr) to report the
chapter of "Baraa", then he sent Ali (replacing Abu Bakr) and ordered him (Abu
Bakr) to return…this is a lie according to the agreement of the scholars.


The prejudice of Ibn Taimiyah in this statement is as clear as the sun on a clear day. We read
in Sahih Bukhari Volume 1, Book 8, Number 365:

Narrated Abu Huraira:

On the Day of Nahr (10th of Dhul-Hijja, in the year prior to the last Hajj of the
Prophet when Abu Bakr was the leader of the pilgrims in that Hajj) Abu Bakr sent
me along with other announcers to Mina to make a public announcement: "No
pagan is allowed to perform Hajj after this year and no naked person is allowed to
perform the Tawaf around the Ka'ba. Then Allah's Apostle sent 'Ali to read out the
Surat Bara'a (At-Tauba) to the people; so he made the announcement along with us
on the day of Nahr in Mina: "No pagan is allowed to perform Hajj after this year and
no naked person is allowed to perform the Tawaf around the Ka'ba."

The same incident has been recorded in the following manner in Sunnan Tirmidhi, Volume 4
page 339:

‫حدثنا ‏‏بندار ‏‏حدثنا ‏‏عفان بن مسلم ‏‏وعبد الصمد بن عبد الوارث ‏‏قال حدثنا ‏‏حماد بن سلمة ‏‏عن ‏‏‬
‫سماك بن حرب‏‏ ‏عن‏‏ ‏أنس بن مالك‏‏ ‏قال ‏بعث النبي‏‏ ‏صلى ال عليه وسلم‏‏ ‏ببراءة‏‏ ‏مع‏‏ ‏أبي بكر‏‏ ‏‬
‫دعاه فقال‏‏ ‏ل ينبغي لحد أن يبلغ هذا إل رجل من أهلي فدعا عليا فأعطاه‬

Anas bin Malik said: The Prophet [s] sent Abu Bakr to announce the chapter of
Baraa. Then he called him (Abu Bakr) to return and said: ‘No one shall announce
that except a man from my family’. Then he called Ali and gave it to him.

Imam Tirmidhi declared it as Hasan. Imam Al-Hakim declared it as Sahih in his book al-
Mustadrak, Volume 3 page 133 while Dahabi in his book al-Talkhis agreed with al-Hakim and
declared it as Sahih. Imam Al-Haythami in his book Majma al-Zawed, Volume 3 page 241 said
‘The narrators are reliable’. Ibn Hajar in his book Fath al-Bari, Volume 8 page 241 declared
it as Hasan. Albaani declared it as Hasan in his book Sahih al-Tirmidhi, hadith number 3090. Al-
Wadei declared it as Hasan in his book al-Sahih al-Musnad, page 100. Shaykh Ahmad Shakir in
his footnote on Musnad Ahmad declared it as Sahih.

The tradition is also recorded in the following famous books:

1. Musnad Ahmad, Volume 1, p3

2. Al-Mustadrak, Volume 3, p133
3. Al-Mujam al-Kabir by Tabarani, v12, p77
4. Al-Sunnah by Amro bin Asim, p589
5. Khasais Amir Almominin by Nisai, p91
6. Tarikh Dimashq, v42, p348
7. Tafsir Tabari, Volume 10, p83
8. Manaqeb by Khawarezmi, p126

Tradition Twelve

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Minhaj al-Sunnah, Volume 8 page 94:

‫علم علي بالمستقبلت مطلقا كذب ظاهر فالعلم ببعضها ليس من خصائصه والعلم بها كلها لم يحصل له‬

Ali's knowledge about the unseen is a clear lie. To have the knowledge of part of the
unseen is not his duty; and the knowledge of whole unseen he didn’t have.


We read in Tafsir al-Quran by Imam Abdulrazaq San'ani, Volume 3 page 241:

‫ شهدت عليا وهو يخطب وهو يقول‬: ‫عبد الرزاق عن معمر عن وهب بن عبد ال عن أبي الطفيل قال‬
‫سلوني فوال ل تسألوني عن شئ يكون إلى يوم القيامة إل حدثتكم به‬

Abdulrazaq from Mu'amar from Wahab bin Abdullah from Abi al-Tufail who said: ‘I
witnessed Ali was addressing and saying: ‘Ask me, by Allah whatever you ask me
about till the Day of judgment, I will inform you about it.’

Abdulrazaq San'ani: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v1 p599). Mu'amar bin
Rashid: Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah Thabt’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v2 p202). Wahab bin Abdullah:
Ibn Hajar said: ‘Thiqah’ (Taqrib al-Tahdib, v2 p292). Abu al-Tufail: A Sahabi.

According to him, Imam Ali (as) does not have knowledge of the unseen. But the same Ibn
Taimiyah attested that Umar bin al-Khatab had knowledge of the unseen. We read in Awlya al-
Rahman by Ibn Taimiyah, page 123:

‫وعمر بن الخطاب لما أرسل جيشا أمر عليهم رجل يسمى سارية فبينما عمر يخطب فجعل يصيح على‬
‫ يا سارية ! الجبل يا سارية الجبل الجبل فقدم رسول الجيش فسأله فقال يا أمير المؤمنين ! لقيننا‬: ‫المنبر‬
‫ يا سارية الجبل يا سارية الجبل فأسندنا ظهورنا بالجبل فهزمهم ال‬: ‫عدونا فهزمونا فإذا بصائح‬

Umar bin al-Khatab, when he sent an army, he appointed a man called Sarya as a
commander. While Umar was on the pulpit addressing, he started to shout and say:
‘Oh Sarya! Watch out the mountain! Oh Sarya watch out the mountain!’ Then when
the messenger of the army arrived, he said: ‘Oh commander of believers , we faced
our enemies and they defeated us. Then we heard a voice saying: ‘Oh Sarya, watch
out the mountain! Oh Sarya, watch out the mountain!’ Then we gave our backs to
the mountain and then Allah defeated them.’


Let us end this chapter with the following words of Imam of Ahle Sunnah Shah Abdul Aziz
Muhadith Dehalwi:

"At times, the text of Ibn Taimiyah in books such as 'Minhaaj as Sunnah' and others
has been very hideous. It has been very belittling particularly against Ahlulbayt,
prohibits visiting the tomb of Rasulullah (s), rejects the Ghauth, Qutub and Abdaal
and disgrace the Sufies ... According to the views of Ahlul Sunnah, his text is cursed.
Therefore Ahlul Sunnah can not be criticized because of his writings".
Fatawa Azizi, Volume 2 page 79 (Published in Deoband)

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7. Chapter Seven - Ibn Taimiyah in the eyes of the Sunni


Whilst up till this point we have sought to condemn Ibn Taimiyah from his own pen, let us cite
some Sunni opinions on the Shiekh ul Islam of the Salafis.

We read in Al-Fatawa al-Hadithya by Ibn Hajar al-Haythami, page 114:

‫ وبذلك صرح الئمة الذين بينوا فساد أحواله وكذب‬، ‫ابن تيمية عبد خذله ال وأضله وأعماه وأصمه وأذله‬

“Ibn Taimiyah, Allah (swt) let him down, misguided him, made him blind, deaf and
disgraced him, and by that the Imams both declared and exposed his false beliefs
and lies.”

We read in Al-Dura al-Mudhia, by Ali bin Abdulkafi al-Subki al-Shafiyee (d. 756 H), page 5:
‫أحدث ابن تيمية ما أحدث في أصول العقائد ونقض من دعائم السلم الركان والمعاقد بعد أن كان مستترا‬
‫بتبعية الكتاب والسنة مظهرا أنه داع إلى الحق هاد إلى الجنة فخرج عن التباع إلى البتداع وشذ عن‬
‫جماعة المسلمين بمخالفة الجماع‬

“When Ibn Taimiyah caused what he caused in ideology and abolished the pillars of
Islam after which he pretended to be an adherent of the Book and Sunnah, and
pretended that he was an advocate for truth and guiding others to heaven, he went
astray and (went) towards originating a heresy, and became odd by contradicting
the Ijma of Muslims.”

We rean in a book Al-Tawfiq al-Rabani written by a group of Sunni scholars, page 32:
‫علمه أكثر من عقله فأداه اجتهاده إلى خرق الجماع في مسائل كثيرة قيل انها تبلغ ستين مسألة فأخذته‬
‫اللسنة بسبب ذلك وتطرق إليه اللوم وامتحن بهذا السبب وأسرع علماء عصره في الرد عليه وتخطئته‬
‫وتبديعه ومات مسجونا بسبب ذلك‬.

Sheikh Iraqi said ... his knowledge exceeded the capabilities of his brain, and he
therefore contradicted the 'Ijma' of Muslims on many issues. They said on around
60 matters. They therefore criticized and blamed him, and he has been examined
due to that. The scholars of his time refuted him, presented his mistakes, and
deemed him a heretic. He was also imprisoned due to that.”

We read in Daf Shubah min Shabah by Abu Bakr bin Muhammad al-Hesni al-Dimashqi al-
Shafiyee (d. 829 H), page 123:
‫وكان الشيخ زين الدين ابن رجب الحنبلي ممن يعتقد كفر ابن تيمية‬

“Sheikh Zainuddin ibn Rajab al-Hanbali was amongst those that believed that ibn
Taimiyah is a kafir”

On page 90 we read:
‫وكان المام العلمة شيخ السلم في زمانه أبو الحسن علي بن إسماعيل القونوي يصرح بأنه من الجهلة‬
‫ ويخبر أنه أخذ مسألة التفرقة عن شيخه الذي تلقاها عن أفراخ السامرة واليهود‬.‫بحيث ل يعقل ما يقول‬
‫الذين أظهروا التشرف بالسلم‬.

“The Imam, the Allamah Sheikh al-Islam of his time Abu al-Hassan Ali bin Ismail al-
Qunuwi declared that he was ignorant and didn’t realize what he said. He (Sheikh
Qunuwi) stated that he (Ibn Taimiyah) took the belief of 'Tafriqa' from his Sheikh
who took it from Samirites and Jews, those who pretend to be Muslims.”

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On page 125 we read:

‫قاله بعض الئمة عنه من أنه زنديق مطلق‬

“Some scholars deemed him to be an absolute atheist (Zindeeq)”

On page 189 we read:

‫فنسأل ال تعالى العافية مما يرتكبه هذا الزائغ الفاجر الكذاب‬.

“We ask Allah to preserve us of what this abhorrent, immoral, liar performs.”

We also read:
‫ولقد أسفرت هذه القضية عن زندقته بتجرئه على الفك على العلماء وعلى أنه ل يعتقد حرمة الكذب‬

“The result of the case was the atheism of him (Ibn Taimiyah) because he dares to
attribute lies to the scholars and did not ascribe to any prohibition on telling lies.”

We read in Tathir al-Fuad by Sheikh Muhammad Bekhit al-Mut'aei al-Hanafi (d. 1350 H), page
‫ومن الفريق الثاني الذي طمس ال على قلبه وطبع عليه أهل البدع في العقائد والعمال الذين خالفوا‬
‫الكتاب والسنة والجماع فضلوا واضلوا كثيرا قاتلهم ال انى يؤفكون ومأواهم جهنم وساءت مصيرا وقد ابتلى‬
‫المسلمون بكثير من هذا الفريق سلفا وخلفا فكانوا وصمة وثلمة في المسلمين وعضوا فاسدا يجب قطعه‬
‫حتى ل يعدي الباقي فهو المجذوم الذي يجب الفرار منه ومنهم ابن تيمية‬.

From the second group are those whose hearts Allah (swt) darkened, and the
people of heresy seal up their hearts in beliefs that contradict the book, sunnah and
'ijma'. They therefore went astray and misguided many people, may Allah's curse be
on them: how deluded are they from the truth! Their ultimate abode shall be hell, a
hapless journey's end.

Verily the Muslims were tested considerably by this group, they are a mark of
disgrace for the Muslims and the infected part must be removed to prevent others
from being harmed, verily it is like a lesprosy from which one must away, and ibn
Taimiyah is one of them.”

We read in Shawahed al-Haq by Shakyh Yusuf al-Nabhani, page 191:

‫فقد ثبت وتحقق وظهر ظهور الشمس في رابعة النهار أن علماء المذاهب الربعة قد اتفقوا على رد بدعة‬
‫ابن تيمية ومنهم من طعنوا بصحة نقله كما طعنوا بكمال عقله‬

“Its proven (as clear) as the midday sun in the sky that the Ulema of the four
(Sunni) schools agreed on rejecting the heresies of Ibn Taimiyah, and some of them
criticized his honesty in narrating. They also criticized the stability of his brain”

We read in Furqan al-Quran by Salamah al-Azami al-Qadaei al-Shafiyee (d. 1376 H), page 132:
‫ومن عجيب أمر هذا الرجل أنه إذا ابتدع شيئا حكى عليه إجماع الوليين والخرين كذبا وزورا وربما تجد‬
‫تناقضه في الصفحة الواحدة‬

“The strange thing about this man is that whenever he produced a heresy, he lied
and claimed that there is 'Ijma' on this from the previous and modern (scholars);
and you might find him contradicting himself on the same page.”

We read in Sayf al-Jabar al-Maslool by Shah Fadhl al-Qadri al-Hindi, page 42:
‫الشقي ابن تيمية أجمع علماء عصره على ضلله‬

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“The wretched ibn Taimiyah. There is an 'ijma' by the scholars of his time on his
deviation from the right path”

We read in Fadhl al-Dhakerin by Abdulghani Hamada, page 23:

‫ ان ابن تيمية كافر‬: ‫ان شيخهم ابن تيمية قال عنه علمة زمانه علء الدين البخاري‬

The Allamah of his time Alauddin al-Bukhari said about their Sheikh Ibn Taimiyah:
‘Ibn Taimiyah is a kafir’.

We read in Takmilat al-Sayf al-Saqil by Muhammad Zahed bin Hassan al-Kawthari al-Hanafi (d.
1371 H), page 177:
‫فأصدر الشاميون فتيا في ابن تيمية وكتب عليها البرهان ابن الفركاح الفزاري نحو أربعين سطرا بأشياء إلى‬
‫أن قال بتكفيره ووافقه على ذلك الشهاب بن جهبل‬

“The Syrian (scholars) issued a statement about ibn Taimiyah, and al-Burhan ibn al-
Ferkah wrote on it forty lines wherein he declared that he (ibn Taimiyah) is a kafir,
and al-Shehab bin Jabhal agreed with him”

We read in Al-Durar al-Kamina by ibn Hajar al-Asqalani, Volume 1 page 46:

‫وعاد القاضي الشافعي إلى وليته ونودي بدمشق من اعتقد عقيدة ابن تيمية حل دمه‬

“The Shafiyye judge returned back to his position and declared in Damascus that
whoever ascribed to Ibn Taimiyah’s beliefs should have his blood shed”

We also read in Al-Durar al-Kamina, Volume 1 page 49:

Ibn Taimiyah was released in Shaam. The people had different views of him. Some
of them deemed him as one that considered the likeness of Allah to His creature,
due to what he said in 'Aqeeda al-Hamawiya' and 'Wasitiya' and other (books), such
as the hand, foot, leg and face are real attributes of Allah, and He is sitting on the
throne by Himself. Then it was said to him (Ibn Taimiyah) that the necessities of
these beliefs constitute ascribing to the limitation and partition (of Allah), he (Ibn
Taimiyah) replied: 'I don’t believe that limitation and partition is an attribute of a

Others deemed him as one that concealed unbelief due to his saying that the
Prophet is not to be sought for help (laa yustaghaathu bihi) and the fact that this
amounted to diminishing and impeding the establishing of the greatness of the
Prophet. Amongst the most rigid people against him was al-Noor al-Bakri, and he
established a council due to that. Some of the members said: 'We shall pardon him
(Ibn Taimiya)'. He (al-Bakri) replied: 'There is no meaning in that statement. If he
was diminishing he must be killed. If he wasn't diminishing he will not be

Others considered him a hypocrite because of what he said about Ali:... that he had
been forsaken (makhdhoolan) everywhere he went, had repeatedly tried to acquire
the Caliphate and never attained it, fought out of lust for power rather than religion,
and said that "he loved authority while Uthman loved money." He would say that
Abu Bakr had declared Islam in his old age, fully aware of what he said, while Ali
had declared Islam as a boy, and that a boy's Islam is not considered sound upon
his mere words. And due to his statement about the story of his proposing to the
daughter of Abu Jahl and what he attributed the praises to...Also the story of Abi al-
Aas bin al-Rabee and what can be concluded from its concept. In totality, he said
derogatory things such as these, and it was said against him that he was a
hypocrite, in view of the Prophet's saying (to Ali): "Only a hypocrite would show you

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Others deemed him a power seeker due to his praising ibn Tumart and constant
mention of him.

The four sunni scholars of the four Sunni sects composed a decree to imprison ibn Taimiyah
due to his straying from the right path. The four scholars were:
1. Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim bin Saadallah bin Jam'aa al-Shafiyye
2. Sheikh Muhammad bin al-Hariri al-Ansari al-Hanafi
3. Sheikh Muhammad bin Abi Bakr al-Maliki
4. Sheikh Ahmad bin Umar al-Maqdisi al-Hanbali

Sunni Reference:
1. Takmilat al-Sayf al-Saqil, by Zahid al-Kawthari, page 177
2. Daf Shubah men Shabah, by al-Hesni al-Demashqi, page 97
3. Al-Tawfiq al-Rabani, by group of Sunni scholars, page 21
4. Al-Nabrah Sharah Sharah al-Aqaid page 114 Colmun 4 (published in Meerut)
5. Sharah Aqaid Jalali, page 80 (published in Afghanistan)

Eighteen scholars of Egypt having Qazi Taqiuddin Muhammad bin Abi Bakar Akhnai Maliki as
the leader gave an edict of Kufr of Ibn Taimiyah on the basis that he (Ibn Taimiyah) used to
forbid people from traveling for the pilgrimage of the graves of prophets particularly of Holy
Prophet [s]. The scholars deemed it an act of blasphemy of the prophets which is equal to Kufr
and the punishment of being Kufr was execution (Anwar al-Bari, Volume 11 page 119).In fact
Sheikh Ala al-deen al-Bukhari al-Hanafi (841H) had stated that whoever calls Ibn Taimiyah as
‘Sheikh ul Islam’ is Kaafir (Anwar al-Bari, Volume 11 page 192, published in Multan & Dhayl
Tazkira Huffaz, page 316, published in Damishq). Maulana Syed Ahmad Raza Banjori has
recorded the statements of his teacher Imam Anwar Shah Kashmiri in a book ‘Anwar al-Bari
Sharah Sahih Bukhari’ which has been published by Idara Talifiat Asharfiyah, Multan, Pakistan.
On Volume 6 pages 221-222, there is a caption ‘The authentication of Hadith Rad al-
Shams by Imam Tahawi and its criticism by Hafiz Ibn Taimiyah’ under which he stated:

“Ibn Taimiyah’s point of view represents Khariji tendencies”

Imam of Ahle Sunnah Shah Abdul Aziz Muhadith Dehalwi stated:

"At times, the text of Ibn Tamiyah in books such as 'Minhaaj as Sunnah' and others
has been very hideous, it has been very belittling particularly against Ahlulbayt,
prohibits visiting the tomb of Rasulullah (s), rejects the Ghauth, Qutub and Abdaal
and disgrace the Sufies... According to the views of Ahlul Sunnah, his text is cursed
therefore AhlulSunnah can not be criticized because of his writings".
Fatawa Azizi, Volume 2 page 79 (Published in Deoband)

Below is a list of those Sunni scholars that opposed ibn Taimiyah:

1. Sheikh Saleh bin Abdullah al-Betahi (707 H)
2. Sheikh Kamal al-deen Muhammad bin Abi al-Hassan Ali al-Saraj al-Shafiyye
3. Sheikh Ahmad bin Ibrahim al-Seroji al-Hanafi (710 H)
4. Sheikh Ali bin Makhloof al-Maliki (718 H)
5. Sheikh Ali bin Yaqoub al-Bakri (724 H)
6. Sheikh Shams al-deen Muhammad bin Adlan al-Shafiyye (749 H)
7. Sheikh Taqi al-deen al-Subki al-Shafiyye (756 H)
8. Sheikh Muhammad bin Umar bin Maki al-Shafiyye (716 H)
9. Hafiz Abu Saeed Salah al-Deen al-Alaay (761 H)
10.Qazi Abu Abdillah Muhammad bin Muslim al-Hanbali (726 H)
11.Sheikh Ahmad bin Yahya al-Kalabi al-Halabi (73 3H)
12.Qazi Kamal al-deen al-Zamalkani (727 H)

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13.Qazi Safi al-deen al-Hindi (715 H)

14.Sheikh Ali bin Muhammad al-Baji (714 H)
15.Sheikh Al-Fakhr bin al-Mu'alem al-Qurashi (725 H)
16.Sheikh Muhammad bin Ali al-Dahan al-Mazeni al-Demashqi
17.Sheikh Abu al-Qasim Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Shirazi (733 H)
18.Sheikh Jalal al-deen Muhammad al-Qazwini al-Shafiyye (739 H)
19.Sheikh Abu Hayan al-Andlusi (745 H)
20.Sheikh Afif al-deen Abdullah al-Y'afee (768 H)
21.Sheikh Taj al-deen al-Subky al-Shafiyye (771 H)
22.Sheikh ibn Shakir al-Katabi (764 H)
23.Sheikh Umar al-Fakehi al-Maliki (734 H)
24.Qazi Muhammad Saadi al-Akhnaei (755 H)
25.Sheikh Isa Zawawi al-Maliki (743 H)
26.Sheikh Ahmad bin Uthman al-Jawzajani al-Hanafi (744 H)
27.Sheikh ibn Rajab al-Hanbali (795 H)
28.Hafiz wali al-deen al-Iraqi (826 H)
29.Sheikh ibn Qazi Shuhbah al-Shafiyye (851 H)
30.Sheikh Abu bakr al-Hesni (829 H)
31.Sheikh Abu Abdillah bin Arafa al-Tunisi al-Maliki(853 H)
32.Sheikh Ala al-deen al-Bukhari al-Hanafi (841 H)
33.Sheikh Muhammad bin Ahmad al-Ferghani al-Hanafi (867 H)
34.Sheikh Ahmad Zeroq al-Fasi al-Maliki (899 H)
35.Sheikh Ahmad ibn Abdulsalam al-Masry (931 H)
36.Sheikh Ahmad bin Muhammad al-Khawarezmi al-Demashqi (968 H)
37.Qazi Bayadh al-Hanafi (1908H)
38.Sheikh Ahmad bin Mahmoud al-Wateri (980 H)
39.Sheikh ibn Hajar al-Haytami (974 H)
40.Sheikh Jalal al-deen al-dwani (928 H)
41.Sheikh Abdulnafee bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Araq al-Demashqi (926 H)
42.Qazi Abu Abdullah al-Muqri
43.Sheikh Mula Ali al-Qari al-Hanafi (1014 H)
44.Sheikh Abdulraoof al-Manawy al-Shafiyye (1031 H)
45.Sheikh Muhammad bin Ali bin Alaan al-Sidiqi (1057 H)
46.Sheikh Ahmad al-Khafaji al-Hanafi (1019 H)
47.Sheikh Muhammad al-Zarqani al-Maliki (1122 H)
48.Sheikh Abdulghani al-Nabulsi (1143 H)
49.Sheikh Saleh al-Kawash al-Tunsi al-Maliki (1248 H)
50.Sheikh Muhammad Mahdi al-Sayadi (1287 H)
51.Sheikh Muhammad Abu al-Huda al-Sayadi (1328 H)
52.Sheikh Mustafa bin Ahmad al-Sheti al-Hanbali (1348 H)
53.Sheikh Mahmood Khatab al-Subki (1352 H)
54.Sheikh Muhammad al-Khizr al-Shanqiti (1353 H)
55.Sheikh Salama al-Azami al-Shafiyye (1376 H)
56.Sheikh Muhammad Bakhit al-Mutaei (1354 H)
57.Sheikh Muhammad Zahid al-Kawthari (1371 H)
58.Sheikh Ibrahim bin Uthman al-Semnodi (modern)
59.Sheikh Muhammad al-Arabi al-Taban (1395 H)
60.Sheikh Mansour Muhammad Uwais (modern)
61.Sheikh Ahmad al-Ghemari al-Maliki (1380 H)
62.Sheikh Abdulaziz al-Ghemari al-Maliki (1314 H)
63.Sheikh Mustafa al-Hemami (1368 H)
64.Sheikh Mukhtar bin Ahmad al-Mu'ayed al-Azmi (1340 H)
65.Sheikh Seraj al-deen Abbas al-Endonisi (1403 H)
66.Sheikh Mahmood Subaih (modern)
67.Sheikh Muhammad Madhi Abu al-Azaem (1356 H)
68.Sheikh Mahmood Saeed Mamdoh (modern)
69.Sheikh Abdullah al-Habashi (modern)

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70.Sheikh Muhammad al-Zamzami al-Maliki (1407 H)

71.Sheikh Nizar bin Rashid al-Halabi al-Shafiyye (1416 H) killed by Wahabis
72.Sheikh al-Habib Ali al-Jefri (modern)
73.Sheikh Dawoud al-Baghdadi al-Hanafi
74.Sheikh Barakat al-Ahmadi al-Shafiyee
75.Sheikh Ahmad bin Ali al-Qabani al-Shafyyie
76.Sheikh Muhammad bin Abdulrahman bin Afaleq al-Hanbali
77.Sheikh Afif al-deen Abdullah bin Dawoud al-Hanbali
78.Sheikh Abdullah bin Abdullatif al-Shafyyie
79.Sheikh Ahmad bin Saeed al-Sarhandi

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8. Chapter Eight: The divine characteristics possessed by

Ibn Taimiyah according to his followers

By now we feel that our readers will have a far better picture of the man that is the Sheikh ul
Islam of the Salafis. We have exposed him from his own writings and also presented the
opinions of Sunni Ulema that condemned him. Despite this the Salafis still worship him like
some form of pagan deity and they have concocted the type of virtue for him that are indeed
beyond belief.

78. Ibn Taimiyah could see what the Prophets could not see, without being
informed by angels

We read in Al-Uqood al-Duria by ibn Abdulhadi al-Maqdisi, page 326:

‫ومثل هذا العارف قد يبصر ببصيرته تنزل المر بين طبقات السماء والرض‬

“Such as this wise man he could cite the commandments that came down from the
heavens and earth.”

79. Ibn Taimiyah foresaw the Muslims being defeated in battle

We read in Madarij al-Salekin by Ibn Qayim, Volume 2 page 489:

‫أخبر أصحابه بدخول التتار الشام سنة تسع وتسعين وستمائة وأن جيوش المسلمين تكسر وأن دمشق ل‬
‫ وهذا قبل أن يهم التتار بالحركة‬: ‫يكون بها قتل عام ول سبي عام وأن كلب الجيش وحدته في الموال‬

He informed his companions about the invasion of the Tattars in Shaam in year 699
H, and that the Muslim army would be defeated, but there would neither butchery
nor capture, the army would only seek money. This was (foretold) prior to the
Tattar marching.


If the Shias attribute knowledge of the unseen to the Ahl’ul bayt (as) Imams they are deemed
by the Salafis as kaafirs, yet they are at ease with attributing such powers to their filthy Shiekh
ul Islam!

80. Ibn Taimiyah foresaw a Muslim victory in a future battle

Madarij al-Salekin, Volume 2 page 489:

‫ أن الدائرة والهزيمة عليهم‬: ‫ثم أخبر الناس والمراء سنة اثنتين وسبعمائة لما تحرك التتار وقصدوا الشام‬
‫ إن‬: ‫ قل إن شاء ال فيقول‬: ‫وأن الظفر والنصر للمسلمين وأقسم على ذلك أكثر من سبعين يمينا فيقال له‬
‫ ل تكثروا كتب ال تعالى في اللوح‬: ‫ فلما أكثروا علي قلت‬: ‫شاء ال تحقيقا ل تعليقا وسمعته يقول ذلك قال‬
‫ أنهم مهزومون في هذه الكرة وأن النصر لجيوش السلم‬: ‫المحفوظ‬

Then he told the people and the commanders in year 702 when the Tatars marched
towards Shaam: that they (the Tatars) will be defeated and the victory will be for
the Muslims. He gave seventy oaths on that.
They (the people) said to him: ‘Say inshallah.’
He replied: ‘Inshallah for sure, no comments.’
I heard him saying that when they (the people) insisted on him, he replied: ‘Do not

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insist, verily Allah wrote it in the Guarded Tablet that they (the Tatars) shall be
defeated in this battle and the victory will be for Muslims’

81. Ibn Taimiyah foretold about his own fate

Madarij al-Salekin, Volume 2 pages 489-490:

‫ اجتمع أصحابه لوداعه‬: ‫ولما طلب إلى الديار المصرية وأريد قتله بعد ما أنضجت له القدور وقلبت له المور‬
‫ أفتحبس قال‬: ‫ وال ل يصلون إلى ذلك أبدا قالوا‬: ‫ قد تواترت الكتب بأن القوم عاملون على قتلك فقال‬: ‫وقالوا‬
‫ نعم ويطول حبسي ثم أخرج‬:

When he was sent to Egypt and they wanted to kill him after they made a plot
against him. His friends gathered to bid farewell to him and they said to him: ‘We
have a succession of messages that they intend to kill you.’ He replied: ‘By Allah
they will not be able to achieve that.’ They asked: ‘Will they put you in jail?’ He
replied: ‘Yes, and I will be there for a long time, after that I will be released.’

We also read:
‫ الن بلغ مراده منك فسجد ل شكرا وأطال‬: ‫ولما تولى عدوه الملقب بالجاشنكير الملك أخبروه بذلك وقالوا‬
‫ متى‬: ‫ هذا بداية ذله ومفارقة عزه من الن وقرب زوال أمره فقيل له‬: ‫ ما سبب هذه السجدة فقال‬: ‫فقيل له‬
‫ ل تربط خيول الجند على القرط حتى تغلب دولته فوقع المر مثل ما أخبر به سمعت ذلك منه‬: ‫هذا فقال‬

When his enemy who is known as Jashengir became the king, they (people)
informed him (Ibn Taimiyah) about that and said: ‘Now he has reached to his
desire.’ Then he (Ibn Taimiyah) prostrated to Allah in sake of thanking.
They said: ‘What is the reason for this prostration?’ He replied: ‘This is the
beginning of his ignominy and losing his power.’ They said: ‘When will that happen?’
He replied: ‘The army when it marches to al-Qurt, he will be defeated.’ Then it
happened exactly as I had heard from him.’

82. Ibn Taimiyah unlocked people’s hidden objectives

We read in Madarij al-Salekin by ibn Qayim, Volume 2 page 490:

‫وأخبرني غير مرة بأمور باطنة تختص بي مما عزمت عليه ولم ينطق به لساني‬

On more than one occasion, he told me about internal things regarding me from the
things that I wanted to do but my tongue didn’t mention them.

We read in Al-Alaam al-Alya by Salafi scholar Umar bin Ali bin Musa al-Bazar, page 57:
‫وكنت في خلل اليام التي صحبته فيها إذا بحث مسأله يحضر لي إيراد فما يستتم خاطري به حتى يشرع‬
‫فيورده ويذكر الجواب‬

During the days when I was in his company, whenever he began to discuss an issue,
and a question came to my mind, before I raised it, he would answer it.

We also read:
‫وحدثني الشيخ الصالح المقريء أحمد بن الحريمي أنه سافر الى دمشق قال فاتفق اني لما قدمتها لم‬
‫يكن معي شئ من النفقة البتة وانا ل اعرف احدا من أهلها فجعلت أمشي في زقاق منها كالحائر فإذا‬
‫بشيخ قد أقبل نحوي مسرعا فسلم وهش في وجهي ووضع في يدي صرة فيها دراهم صالحة وقال لي‬
‫انفق هذه الن وخلي خاطرك مما انت فيه فإن ال ل يضيعك ثم رد على أثره كأنه ما جاء إل من أجلي‬
‫فدعوت له وفرحت بذلك وقلت لبعض من رأيته من الناس من هذا الشيخ فقال وكأنك ل تعرفه هذا ابن‬

The pious Sheikh Ahmad al-Herimi told me that he traveled to Damascus and he

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said: ‘When I arrived, I didn’t have money to use and there wasn’t anyone there
whom I knew. So I kept walking hesitantly through the streets. Then suddenly a
Sheikh came towards me in a speedy manner. He smiled to me and placed a bag of
money in my hand and said: ‘From now on, use it, and do not worry about anything,
Allah will not let you.’ Then he went as if he had only came for me. Then I prayed for
him and felt happy. Then I asked about the Sheikh with whom I had met on my
way. They replied: ‘You don’t know him?’ He is Ibn Taimiyah.’

We read on page 58:

‫وحدثني الشيخ العالم المقريء تقي الدين عبدال ابن الشيخ الصالح المقريء احمد بن سعيد قال سافرت‬
‫إلى مصر حين كان الشيخ مقيما بها فاتفق أني قدمتها ليل وأنا مثقل مريض فأنزلت في بعض المكنة فلم‬
‫ألبث أن سمعت من ينادي باسمي وكنيتي فاجبته وأنا ضعيف فدخل إلي جماعة من أصحاب الشيخ ممن‬
‫كنت قد اجتمعت ببعضهم في دمشق فقلت كيف عرفتم بقدومي وأنا قدمت هذه الساعة فذكروا أن‬
‫الشيخ أخبرنا بأنك قدمت وأنت مريض وأمرنا ان نسرع بنقلك وما رأينا أحدا جاء ول أخبرنا بشيء‬
‫فعلمت أن ذلك من كرامات الشيخ رضي ال عنه‬

Sheikh Taqiuddin Abdullah son of Sheikh Ahmad bin Saeed said: ‘I traveled to Egypt
when the Sheikh (Ibn Taimiyah) was residing there. I arrived there at night and I
was very ill. Hence I visited some place. Then I heard a sound of someone calling
me by my name and nickname. I answered, though I was feeling weak. Then a
group belonging to the Sheikh (Ibn Taimiyah) that I had already met previously in
Damascus entered. I said to them: ‘How do you know I arrived even though I
arrived at this time?’ They replied: ‘The Sheikh (Ibn Taimiyah) told us that you
arrived and you are ill and ordered us to transport you.’ Then I knew that this was a
miracle from the Sheikh may Allah be pleased with him.

We read on page 59:

‫وحدثني أيضا قال أخبرني الشيخ ابن عماد الدين المقرئ المطرز قال قدمت على الشيخ ومعي حينئذ نفقة‬
‫فسلمت عليه فرد علي ورحب بي وأدناني ولم يسألني هل معك نفقة ام ل فلما كان بعد أيام ونفدت‬
‫نفقتي أردت أن اخرج من مجلسه بعد ان صليت مع الناس وراءه فمنعني وأجلسني دونهم فلما خل‬
‫المجلس دفع الي جملة دراهم وقال انت الن بغير نفقة فارتفق بهذه فعجبت من ذلك‬

Sheikh ibn Emaaduddin al-Mutrez said: ‘I went to the Sheikh and I had limited
money. I greeted him and he greeted me and welcomed me and didn’t ask me if I
had money or not.’ After some days my money finished. Therefore I wanted to leave
his class after praying with the people. But he held me back and when the people
left he gave me some money and said: ‘You don’t have money. So use this.’ I
wondered with regards to that.’

We read on page 60:

‫وحدثني الشيخ الصالح الورع عثمان بن احمد بن عيسى النساج أن الشيخ رضي ال عنه كان يعود‬
‫المرضى بالبيمارستان بدمشق في كل اسبوع فجاء على عادته فعادهم فوصل الى شاب منهم فدعا له‬
‫فشفي سريعا وجاء الى الشيخ يقصد السلم عليه فلما رآه هش له وأدناه ثم دفع اليه نفقة وقال قد‬
‫شفاك ال فعاهد ال أن تعجل الرجوع الى بلدك أيجوز أن تترك زوجتك وبناتيك أربعا ضيعة وتقيم ها هنا‬
‫فقبل يده وقال يا سيدي أنا تائب الى ال على يدك وقال الفتى وعجبت مما كاشفني به وكنت قد تركتهم‬
‫بل نفقة ولم يكن قد عرف بحالي أحد من أهل دمشق‬

Sheikh Uthman bin Ahmad bin Isa al-Nasaj said: ‘The Sheikh (ibn Taimiyah) was
used to visit the ill people in a hospital in Damascus every week. Once he went to a
young man and prayed for his quick recovery and he (the man) came to the Sheikh
to greet him. When he (Ibn Taimiyah) saw him, he smiled for him and gave him
some money and said: ‘Allah has cured you, so ask Allah to make you return to your
homeland soon. Is it right to leave your wife and your daughter alone and residing
there?’ Then he (the man) kissed his (Ibn Taimiyah) hands and said: ‘Oh sir, I
repent before Allah through you.’ Then the man said: ‘I'm wondering from what he

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told me because I left them without money and no one knew about that amongst
the people of Damascus’

83. Ibn Taimiyah foretold future events

Madarij al-Salekin, Volume 2 page 490:

‫وأخبرني ببعض حوادث كبار تجري في المستقبل ولم يعين أوقاتها وقد رأيت بعضها وأنا أنتظر بقيتها‬

‘He told me about some great incidents that will take place in the future. But he
didn’t specify the time. Some of it I saw and I wait to see the rest.’

84. His followers’ actions in glorifying him

We read in Al-Uqood al-Duria by ibn Abdulhadi al-Maqdisi, page 387:

‫وشرب جماعة الماء الذي فضل من غسله واقتسم جماعة بقية السدر الذي غسل به وقيل إن الطاقية‬
‫التي كانت على رأسه دفع فيها خمسمائة درهم وقيل إن الخيط الذي فيه الزئبق الذي كان في عنقه‬
‫بسبب القمل دفع فيه مائة وخمسون درهما‬

A group of people drank the water that he left from his bath. Another group
separated the remainder lot-tree leafs that he used in his bath. It has been said that
the turban which was on his head was sold for 500 Dirham, it has been said that the
string which contained quicksilver to protect him from lice was sold for 150 Dirham.


Today’s Salafis are fond of attacking what they deem Ghulat worship of Shaikhs, such as kissing
their hands, bowing out of respect before them, etc. Just look at how their ancestors revered
Ibn Taimiyah! They even drank the filthy water wherein he bathed. If the Shi’a drink the clean
water that our Imam Raza (as) caused to gush following a drought in Nishapur, such actions
are Bidah. But drinking the filthy bath water of one of their scholars is a noble deed!

85. Ibn Taimiyah talking about himself

We read in Daqaeq al-Tafsir by ibn Taimiyah, Volume 2 page 142:

‫كما جرى مثل هذا لي كنت في مصر في قلعتها وجرى مثل هذا إلى كثير من الترك من ناحية المشرق‬
‫وقال له ذلك الشخص أنا ابن تيمية فلم يشك ذلك المير أني أنا هو وأخبر بذلك ملك ماردين وأرسل بذلك‬
‫ملك ماردين إلى مصر رسول وكنت في الحبس فاستعظموا ذلك وأنا لم أخرج من الحبس ولكن كان هذا‬
‫جنيا يحبنا فيصنع بالترك التتر مثل ما كنت أصنع بهم لما جاؤوا إلى دمشق كنت أدعوهم إلى السلم فإذا‬
‫نطق أحدهم بالشهادتين أطعمتهم ما تيسر فعمل معهم مثل ما كنت أعمل وأراد بذلك إكرامي‬

As it happened to me when I was in jail in Egypt and also happened to many of the
Turks in the East. He (Jinni) said to that person (human): ‘I am Ibn Taimiyah’.
Hence he (the human) didn’t have doubts that it was me. He therefore informed the
ruler of Mardin, who sent a messenger to Egypt to investigate while I was in the jail.
Thus they wondered from that how it came about without I getting out from the
jail. Well this is a Jinni who loves me. Therefore he does to Turks and Tatars as I
used to do with them when they came to Damascus. I used to invite them to convert
to Islam. So if any one of them pronounced the "Shahada" I would feed him.
Therefore he (Jinni) did to them what I would do to them and he (Jinni) wanted
through this act to honor me.

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86. Ibn Taimiyah could restore health to a sick person

We read in Al-Alaam al-Alya by Umar al-Bazar, page 58:

‫وحدثني ايضا قال مرضت بدمشق اذ كنت فيها مرضة شديدة منعتني حتى من الجلوس فلم اشعر إل‬
‫والشيخ عند رأسي وأنا مثقل مشتد بالحمى والمرض فدعا لي وقال جاءت العافية فما هو إل أن فارقني‬
‫وجاءت العافية وشفيت من وقتي‬

He (Sheikh Taqiuddin Abdullah son of Sheikh Ahmad bin Saeed) also said: ‘I fell ill in
Damascus and was so severely ill that I could not sit up. Then I felt the Sheikh (Ibn
Taimiyah) standing over my head whilst I was suffering from fever and sickness. He
prayed for me and said: ‘You will become healthy.’ When he left me I automatically
got healthy.


Is it not amazing that if the Shias believe that the Imams of Ahlulbayt were granted some
miraculous powers by Allah [swt] being the true inheritors of the Prophet (s), such beliefs are
kufr according to Salafi cult but if the Imam of the Salafis did it, then it is acceptable.

87. The enemies of Ibn Taimiyah were engulfed in afflictions

We read in Al-Alaam al-Alya, page 62:

‫ومن اظهر كراماته أنه ما سمع بأحد عاداه او غض منه إل وابتلي بعدة بليا‬

“It is one miracle from his renowned miracles that whoever bore enmity towards
him or insulted him was confronted with many afflictions.”

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9. Chapter Nine: The private life of Ibn Taimiyah

88. Ibn Taimiyah remained a batchelor for his entire life

We read in Fath al-Mueen by Hassan Saqqaf, page 76:

‫الشيخ ابن تيمية الذي عاش أكثر من سبعين سنة والذي لم يتزوج ولم يحج‬

“Sheikh ibn Taimiyah lived for more than 70 years and he neither got married nor
performed the Hajj”

89. One that does not marry is not from the Prophet’s nation

We read in Sunnan ibn Majah, Volume 1 page 592:

Ayesha narrated that Allah's messenger said: Marriage is my Sunnah, whoever

didn’t perform my Sunnah he doesn’t belong to me’

Imam of the Salafis Albani declared it Sahih in Silsila Sahiha, Volume 5 page 382.

90. The one who doesn’t perform Hajj shall die as a Jew or a Christian

Sunan al-Daremi, Volume 2 page 28:

Abi Umama narrated that Allah's Messenger said: ‘Whoever, not being forbidden
from performing Hajj for an acceptable reason or unjust ruler or severe illness, died
without performing Hajj, he shall die as Jew or Christian.’
Shawkani said: ‘Hasan le Ghayrhu’ (Nail al-Awtar, v5 p8).

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