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IE 4351: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering (Section 001) & IE 5351: Introduction To Systems Engineering (Sections 001/002/003)

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IE 4351: Fundamentals of Systems Engineering (Section 001) &

IE 5351: Introduction to Systems Engineering (Sections 001/002/003)

Fall 2019

Instructor Information

Instructor(s): Dr. Susan Ferreira

Office Number: Woolf Hall 420K

Office Telephone Number: 817-272-1332

Email Address:

Faculty Profile:

Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30-3:30pm and by appointment

Course Information

Section Information: IE 4351 Section 001 and IE 5351 Sections 001, 002 & 003

Time and Place of Class Meetings: Tuesday 5-7:50pm, NH 105 (online for distance sections)

Description of Course Content: The course provides an introduction to systems engineering and
includes a survey of concepts, principles and processes required to engineer complex systems
throughout their life-cycle from concept through disposal. Topics include systems theory and systems
thinking, life cycle models and stages, technical processes, technical management processes,
agreement processes, organizational project-enabling processes, engineering ethics, and sustainability.

Student Learning Outcomes:

 Describe and explain core concepts related to the scope and role of systems engineering, systems
theory and systems thinking.
 Describe and apply systems thinking techniques.
 Describe and explain a system life cycle and associated stages.
 Describe and explain fundamental systems engineering processes including process purpose,
definition, inputs, outputs, controls, and activities as well as be able to demonstrate and apply
selected key concepts related to these processes.
 Describe and demonstrate knowledge of engineering ethics and professional behavior and describe
its importance to systems engineering.
 Describe and demonstrate the use of systems engineering reference sources.

Required Textbooks and Other Course Materials:

Required Textbook:
 INCOSE Systems Engineering Handbook: A Guide for System Life Cycle Processes and Activities,
Fourth Edition, Prepared by International Council on Systems Engineering (INCOSE), 2015, John
Wiley & Sons, ISBN-13: 978-1118999400.

Other Course Reference Materials:

 Other reference information will be: (1) received as handouts, (2) identified as UTA library reserve
readings, or (3) UTA library lookup and/or Internet accessible documents. Access to slides
summarizing the lecture materials will be provided to students.
Course Website: Course presentations, syllabus, reading and homework assignments will be accessible
via Canvas. Presentation and other materials may be password protected. If so, the instructor will provide
the password to open the documents during class.

Descriptions of major assignments and examinations:

Assignments and Projects: Expect assignments to be due every 1-2 weeks. These include both individual
and team assignments. A final project will also be assigned. The IE 5351 students will have additional
final project requirements beyond those specified for the IE 4351 section. Team assignments and the
final project require that a presentation be provided to the instructor by the deadline specified.
Assignment and project presentations must be made within the specified time requirements or the
assignment or project will be penalized. For team assignments, one assignment is handed in per team.
The electronic version of the team presentation in Powerpoint format is due at least one day prior to the
assignment/project deliverable due date and is to be emailed to the instructor and the teaching assistant.
The oral presentation video or in-person presentation are due on the assignment/project deliverable due
date (Tuesday) at 5pm Central Time. For team assignments and project, all team members are
responsible for being familiar with the content of the presentation and the assignment. Team members
will be individually selected by the instructor to give the presentation or answer questions at any point
during the presentation. 2-3 students may be selected to give the assignment presentation when it is due
in class. The instructor may request individual students to answer questions about the assignment. If
distance team members wish to present the assignment in person, please make arrangements with the
instructor. In-class section students who are to present will not be identified in advance of the class.
Distance section students will be identified in advance of the class session the assignment is due in order
to make appropriate arrangements for the presentation. If a student is selected and does not present by
the deadline, the selected student will be penalized 10% of the assignment grade. Inform the instructor in
advance of the assignment due date if you will not be available to present so that another team member
can present on behalf of the team.

Assignment and project grades are based on the content, quality of oral presentation, and question
responses. Late assignments or projects will be penalized. If the electronic presentation copy of the
assignment or project is not handed in prior to the class session that the assignment is due, no credit will
be received for the assignment. All students are expected to present a portion of the final project

The class requires students to participate on a team of their class peers for assignments unless specified
otherwise (e.g., individual assignments). This will require that the teams be capable of conducting face-
to-face and/or virtual meetings. The instructor will identify the teams and associated members at the
beginning of the semester. Each team member will be expected to prepare and present a final review of
the accomplishments of its individual team members using a peer evaluation form at the end of the
semester. Team members are required to establish ground rules at the beginning of the semester. If an
individual assignment or project is required, the individual student is required to work on their own.
Copying, including from past students’ assignments and projects as well as from other current students
or teams, is not permitted and the university ethics policy will be followed if this occurs.

Quizzes may be performed in the class. If this is the case, the set of quizzes will substitute for an
assignment. Quizzes are performed individually. No sharing of any materials or communication with other
students may occur during quizzes including writing instruments, etc. There is no makeup for quizzes.
However, the instructor may elect to drop the lowest grade for one of the quizzes.

In addition to the instructor presentation, students should expect in-class exercises that they will perform
as part of the session. These in-class exercises are intended to provide students with practice related to
concepts prior to homework assignments.

Note that this is not a self-paced course. All students are expected to keep up with the course and
coordinate with their team on a weekly basis and as required to support the assignments and projects. All
students will have the same due date & time for the assignments and projects. For presentations,
students will have the option of (1) being physically present [coordinate with the instructor/GTA at least a
day in advance for this option], (2) connecting into class with Google Hangouts or other electronic
communication method [coordinate with the instructor/GTA at least a day in advance for this option], or
(3) preparing a video. The Industrial, Manufacturing, and Systems Engineering Department distance
education policies will be followed with the exception that what is in this syllabus takes precedence.

Exams: There will be two exams, a midterm and final. Each exam is closed book. A 3”x5” paper with
notes is allowed. If either of the dimensions is exceeded, the note paper will not be allowed. The
instructor will notify students in advance of an exam if a scantron form is required. If an exam is missed,
no makeup will be allowed without prior permission from the instructor or an excuse approved by the
course instructor and with legitimate written documentation proving an illness or emergency. Additional
information to verify the validity of your excuse may be requested. The student will receive a grade of
zero for the exam without an approved excuse from the instructor. If an excuse is approved, the instructor
will require the student to take a comprehensive exam at the end of the semester. Both the midterm and
final exam will be performed in person at the location specified by the instructor prior to the exam or if
distance student meets identified criteria with a proctor. Note the time for the exams in the course

Exam Policies:
 Before an exam: Students must bring their UTA ID card to all exams as the ID will be checked
and matched to an exam. There will be assigned seats for the exams in class. The instructor will
provide a roster with seat locations and a seating chart. You must arrive by the time the class is
scheduled to start. It is recommended that students be at the class 10 minutes before the exam starts
to provide sufficient time to find your assigned seat and get settled. Each exam will be scheduled for
the time identified by the instructor. You will not be given additional time if you are late to an exam.
 During an exam: All exams are closed book and closed notes unless noted otherwise by the
instructor. Students are only allowed to use their pens, pencils, erasers, and any documentation
provided by the instructor. Any attempt to use items on the exam not allowed by the instructor (e.g.,
cheating) will result in following the university ethics policy. Cellphones, computers, and other
communication devices must be turned off and removed from the desk or table. All items not allowed
for the exam should be placed on the floor. Students must work alone on exams. No sharing of any
materials or communication with other students may occur during exams including writing
instruments, etc. Please use the restroom prior to the exam. Any suspicious behavior during the
exam will be noted by the proctor. In certain circumstances, students may be confronted by the
proctor. Any problematic circumstances may require following the university ethics policy. Exams are
to be opened, started, and stopped at the times announced by the proctor. Anyone attempting to view
an exam early or stopping an exam late will be deducted a minimum of 10 points. Put down your
writing instruments promptly when told that the time for the exam is at an end. If the exam proctor
leaves the class without a student's exam at the end of the exam, the student will receive a grade of
zero on the exam.
 After an exam: Once graded, the exams will be handed out and reviewed in class. The exams must
be turned in when requested. If the exam is not provided back to the instructor and the instructor
leaves the room without the exam, the student will receive a grade of zero for the exam. Students
who wish to see their graded exams, after the review in class, must visit the instructor during office
hours. Copies of the exams are not allowed or provided. The instructor highly encourages students
who perform poorly on exams to come and discuss results with the instructor during office hours.

Other Requirements: As identified in the syllabus section “descriptions of major assignments and
examinations”, the class requires students to participate on a team of their class peers to apply the
systems engineering principles and knowledge learned in this class. This will require that the teams be
capable of conducting face-to-face and/or virtual meetings outside the classroom.

Class Courtesy: The instructor asks that noise be minimized to ensure a quality and positive classroom
experience for all students. This includes silencing cell phones/other audible devices before class. Please
go outside the class if you need to talk about non related class material during the lecture. Students who
come to class late and once class has already started should try to enter the classroom as discreetly as
possible. Due to noise in the hallway and to reduce distractions from those entering late, the door may be
shut 5 minutes after class begins. Students who do not come to class within the first 5 minutes of the
start of class may not be able to attend class if the door is locked. Please be courteous to the instructor
and your fellow classmates.

Grading Information

Grading: Grades will be based on two exams (33% each), assignments and quizzes (24%), and the
project(s) (10%). The team assignments and team project grades for an individual will be based, in part,
on a peer evaluation that is performed at the end of the semester and reflects the student's contribution
to the team effort over the semester. The peer evaluation may result in an adjustment of up to a letter
grade for the student’s team assignment and project grades. Students are expected to keep track of their
performance throughout the semester and seek guidance from available sources (including the
instructor) if their grade drops below satisfactory levels. See “Student Support Services” for additional

Make-up Exams: Makeup exams will be administered only under extenuating circumstances with official
documents, if I am notified in advance.

Course Schedule

As the instructor for this course, I reserve the right to adjust this schedule when required and in any way
that serves the educational needs of the students enrolled in this course. Significant changes to the
syllabus and associated schedule will be discussed in class and an updated syllabus will be posted in
Canvas. Students must comply with any changes to the syllabus once notified by the instructor.

Date Lecture
8/27 Introduction
9/3 Systems Theory, Systems Thinking
9/10 Systems Thinking, Life Cycles
9/17 Technical Processes
9/24 Technical Processes
10/1 Technical Processes
10/8 Technical Processes, Exam Review
10/15 Exam 1 (2 hours)
10/22 Technical Management Processes
10/29 Technical Management Processes
11/5 Technical Management Processes
11/12 Agreement Processes, Organizational Project-Enabling Processes
11/19 Process Tailoring, Engineering Ethics
11/26 Sustainability, Special Topics
12/3 Final Project Presentations, Exam Review
12/10 Exam 2 (2 hours)

Institution Information

UTA students are encouraged to review the below institutional policies and informational sections and
reach out to the specific office with any questions. To view this institutional information, please visit the
Institutional Information page (
syllabus/index.php) which includes the following policies among others:
 Drop Policy
 Disability Accommodations
 Title IX Policy
 Academic Integrity
 Student Feedback Survey
 Final Exam Schedule

Additional Information

At The University of Texas at Arlington, taking attendance is not required but attendance is a critical
indicator of student success. Each faculty member is free to develop his or her own methods of
evaluating students’ academic performance, which includes establishing course-specific policies on
attendance. As the instructor of this class, I will not take regular attendance. You are responsible for the
material presented in class when you are required to present and when you are absent. It is important
that you attend and participate on a regular basis. This will save you a lot of preparation time for class
exercises and exams. Attendance is not a direct part of your course grade.

However, while UT Arlington does not require instructors to take attendance in their courses, the U.S.
Department of Education requires that the University have a mechanism in place to mark when Federal
Student Aid recipients “begin attendance in a course.” UT Arlington instructors will report when students
begin attendance in a course as part of the final grading process. Specifically, when assigning a student
a grade of F, faculty report must the last date a student attended their class based on evidence such as a
test, participation in a class project or presentation, or an engagement online via Canvas. This date is
reported to the Department of Education for federal financial aid recipients.

Emergency Exit Procedures:

Should we experience an emergency event that requires evacuation of the building, students should exit
the room and move toward the nearest exit. When exiting the building during an emergency, do not take
an elevator but use the stairwells instead. Faculty members and instructional staff will assist students in
selecting the safest route for evacuation and will make arrangements to assist individuals with disabilities.
Students are encouraged to subscribe to the MavAlert system that will send information in case of an
emergency to their cell phones or email accounts. Anyone can subscribe at Emergency Communication

Student Success Programs:

UT Arlington provides a variety of resources and programs designed to help students develop academic
skills, deal with personal situations, and better understand concepts and information related to their
courses. Resources include tutoring by appointment, drop-in tutoring, etutoring, supplemental instruction,
mentoring (time management, study skills, etc.), success coaching, TRIO Student Support Services, and
student success workshops. For additional information, please email, or view the
Maverick Resources website.

The IDEAS Center ( (2nd Floor of Central Library) offers FREE tutoring and
mentoring to all students with a focus on transfer students, sophomores, veterans and others undergoing
a transition to UT Arlington. Students can drop in or check the schedule of available peer tutors at, or call (817) 272-6593.

The English Writing Center (411LIBR):

The Writing Center offers FREE tutoring in 15-, 30-, 45-, and 60-minute face-to-face and online sessions
to all UTA students on any phase of their UTA coursework. Register and make appointments online at
the Writing Center ( Classroom visits, workshops, and specialized services
for graduate students and faculty are also available. Please see Writing Center: OWL for detailed
information on all our programs and services. The Library’s 2nd floor Academic Plaza
( offers students a central hub of support services, including IDEAS
Center, University Advising Services, Transfer UTA and various college/school advising hours. Services
are available during the library’s hours of operation.

Emergency Phone Numbers

In case of an on-campus emergency, call the UT Arlington Police Department at 817-272-3003 (non-
campus phone), 2-3003 (campus phone). You may also dial 911. Non-emergency number 817-272-3381.

Inclement Weather Policy

If the University is closed, this class will not meet. Any scheduled lecture materials or examinations will
be rescheduled to the next class period that the class meets. You can get information about closures by
checking the main website at

Library Information

Research or General Library Help

Ask for Help
 Academic Plaza Consultation Services (
 Ask Us (
 Research Coaches (
 Library Tutorials (
 Subject and Course Research Guides (
 Librarians by Subject (
 A to Z List of Library Databases (
 Course Reserves (!/course_reserves)
 Study Room Reservations (

The course syllabus, assignment, presentation materials, and other course materials developed
by the instructor(s) are copyrighted to the instructors developing them. Students are prohibited
from copying, transferring ownership or selling any of the materials obtained and any notes taken
during this course to any person or organization without the express written permission of the
instructor developing this course. Students may print downloaded lecture materials for their own
use only. Students are prohibited from being paid to take notes during this course for any person
or organization.

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