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Applied Physics Lab Manual 2021

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Department of Bio-Medical Engineering

Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences

Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Lab Manual

Applied Physics

Name: _____________________________________________

CMS No: ___________ SAP Id: ___________

Semester: __________ Group: ___________

Designed By: Hamza Toor Checked By: Engr. Faisal Amin

Approved By: Dr. Muhammad Shafique

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Lab Manual
Applied Physics


Name: ____________________________________
Roll Number: ____________ SAP: ___________
Semester: ____________ Group: __________

I. Laboratory Safety Policies ..................................................................................................................... 4

1. General laboratory safety ................................................................................................................. 4
2. Clothing: ............................................................................................................................................ 4
3. Disposal ............................................................................................................................................. 4
4. Equipment Failure ............................................................................................................................. 4
5. Electrical safety ................................................................................................................................. 5
6. Fire. ................................................................................................................................................... 5
7. Chemicals Spills. ................................................................................................................................ 5
8. In Case of emergency ........................................................................................................................ 6
II. Safety Undertaking ............................................................................................................................... 7
III. Grading Policy ................................................................................................................................... 8
Rubrics....................................................................................................................................................... 8
IV. Level of Inquiry................................................................................................................................ 12
V. Laboratory’s Course Learning Outcomes ............................................................................................ 14
VI. List of Experiments.......................................................................................................................... 15
I. Laboratory Safety Policies

1. General laboratory safety

• Never eat or drink while working in the laboratory.

• Read labels carefully.

• Do not use any equipment unless you are trained and approved as a user by your supervisor.

• Wear safety glasses or face shields when working with hazardous materials and/or equipment.

• Wear gloves when using any hazardous or toxic agent.

• Never do unauthorized experiments.

• Never work alone in laboratory.

• Keep your lab space clean and organized.

• Do not leave an on-going experiment unattended.

• Never taste anything. Never pipette by mouth; use a bulb.

• Never use open flames in laboratory unless instructed by TA.

• Check your glassware for cracks and chips each time you use it. Cracks could cause the
glassware to fail during use and cause serious injury to you or lab mates.

2. Clothing:
• When handling dangerous substances, wear gloves, laboratory coats, and safety shield or
glasses. Shorts and sandals should not be worn in the lab at any time. Shoes are required when
working in the machine shops.

• If you have long hair or loose clothes, make sure it is tied back or confined.

• Keep the work area clear of all materials except those needed for your work.

3. Disposal
• Students are responsible for the proper disposal of used material if any in appropriate

4. Equipment Failure
• If a piece of equipment fails while being used, report it immediately to Lab Engineer/Assistant.
Never try to fix the problem yourself because you could harm yourself and others.

• If leaving a lab unattended, turn off all ignition sources and lock the doors.

• Clean up your work area before leaving.

• Wash hands before leaving the lab and before eating.

5. Electrical safety
• Obtain permission by the safety coordinator before operating any high voltage equipment

• Maintain an unobstructed access to all electrical panels.

• Avoid using extension cords whenever possible.

• Never, ever modify or otherwise change any high voltage equipment.

• Before attaching the power supply to your setup make sure there are no “live” wires which can
be touched.

• When attaching a high voltage power supply ALWAYS switch off the supply

6. Fire.
• If a person’s clothing catches on fire, he/she needs help.

• Prevent him/her from running.

• Make him/her lie down and smother the flames by rolling, wrapping with lab coats,
blankets, towels, etc.

• Never turn a carbon dioxide extinguisher on a person.

• If a fire breaks out, (if time allows) turn off all burners and remove solvents, place the
chemical and equipment safely to the nearest possible table/bench, exit the building

• If you do not use the fire extinguisher, leave the room immediately to a safer place
possibly outside. There are carbon dioxide extinguishers in the building and the
positions and operation of these should be known.

• Point the extinguisher at the base of the flames.

• Very small fires can be put out with a damp towel by smothering.

• Only after the safety of all is assured should the matter of extinguishing the fire be

Because a few seconds delay can result in very serious injury, Laboratory staff will guide you on what
to do and how to exit during the case of such an emergency.

7. Chemicals Spills.

• Notify Lab Engineer/Assistant immediately and ask for help.

• Spills must be cleaned up promptly and thoroughly.

• Decontaminate equipment, clothing and personnel, including any victims, on site if necessary
• If corrosive chemicals are spilled on the clothing, remove the affected clothing immediately,
and wash the area with water for 15 full minutes.

• If chemicals are spilled on the skin, wash them off with large volumes of water.

• Do not apply a burn ointment.

• If the chemical is spilled in the eye, it should immediately be washed out thoroughly with water
using the eyewash.

• If acid was involved, a weak solution of sodium bicarbonate in an eyecup should then be used. If
a base, boric acid is effective.

• If corrosive chemicals are spilled on the desk, dilute them with a large volume of water and then
neutralize with sodium bicarbonate if an acid, or dilute acetic acid if a base.

• Go to First AID Room immediately if required.

8. In Case of emergency
• Report the location of the emergency; give your name, telephone number, and building and
floor number.

• Report the nature of the emergency whether an explosion has occurred and whether there has
been a chemical or electrical fire.

RESCUE: 1122

Police Emergency Control Room: 9203333

Army Control Room: 0332-8581614

Army Quick Response Force: 0322-5170958

Police Station (NOON): 051-9243681

Chief Security Officer (Riphah): 0321-5216311

Administrator: 0321-5216301
II. Safety Undertaking



Name: _______________________________________ Course: _______________

Student ID: ____________________________________ Section: _______________

Signature: _____________________________________ Room: _______________

Date: _________________________

Lab Instructor: ___________________

III. Grading Policy

Lab Performance 45 %
Lab Report 10%
Lab Viva 15%
Lab Project 30%


(Lab Performance)

Sr. Performance Unsatisfactory

# Indicator Exemplary (5) Satisfactory (4-3) Developing(2-1)
Fully Has very good Has some Has poor
understand understanding understanding understanding of
the lab of the lab of the lab the lab
instruments instruments instruments instruments
including its including its including its including its
purpose and purpose and purpose and purpose and
quite able to able to conduct able to conduct unable to
Ability to conduct the experiment with experiment with conduct
1 Conduct entire some help from a lot of help experiment on
Experiment experiment lab instructor from lab his own; lab
with instructor instructor
negligible help provides help in
from lab almost every
instructor step of the
(Lab Report)

Performance Unsatisfactory
Sr. # Exemplary (5) Satisfactory (4-3) Developing(2-1)
Indicator (0)

always draws correct conclusion are some conclusion are Unable to

and useful correct compares incorrect; submit the lab
conclusions, theory against occasionally report.
compares theory experimental results compares theory
against experimental and calculates against experimental
results and calculates related error most of results and calculates
related error. the time. related error..

Data Analysis Results and Results and Data presentation is

conclusion are stated conclusion are stated not that clear.
1 & and reflect complete and reflect Graphs/waveforms,
Presentation knowledge of the acceptable figure captions and
experiment. Presents knowledge of the units are not always
data very clearly experiment. Presents included.
using appropriate data appropriate
graphs/waveforms. graphs/waveforms.
Figure captions and Figure captions and
units are always units are included
included. most of the time.

(Lab Viva)
Sr. Performance
# Indicator Exemplary (5) Satisfactory (4-3) Developing(2-1)
Unsatisfactory (0)

Responds well, quick Generally Responsive but Non-responsive.

1 Responsiveness to
and very accurate all responsive and evasive or
Questions/ Level of
the time. accurate most of inaccurate most of
Understanding of
Demonstration of full the times. the times. No grasp of information.
the learned skills
knowledge of the At ease with Only basic Clearly no knowledge of
subject with content and able concepts are subject matter. No
explanations and to elaborate and demonstrated and questions are answered. No
elaboration. explain to some interpreted interpretation made.
Sr. # Performance Indicator Exemplary (5) Satisfactory (4-3) Developing(2-1) Unsatisfactory (0)
Project Design (Hardware/Software)
Project is Project is Project is The project is not
completed without completed with completed but not implemented or
any external quite less working properly. not completed
assistance and is technical Or with
working properly. assistance from Project is implementation
the instructor or completed and in initial phase
others in order working properly only.
to complete the but with
project and is unreasonable
working amount of
Implementation and
1 properly. technical
completion Or
assistance from
Project is
the instructor or
others in order to
with no
complete the
assistance at
all but is not

Student chose an Student choose Student chose a Student chose a

innovative, a complex project with simple project
challenging project project with acceptable scope with limited
good technical scope that
that required an challenges that that solves a
effort that exceeds technical problem required very
Problem Analysis and required
2 the normal innovative and required some little creative
Designing Solution development or
expectations for problem solving technical expertise
and engineering. technical
the course project. in hardware and/or

Project Report
Information is Information is Information is Unable to submit
presented in a presented in presented in quite the lab report.
logical, interesting somewhat less continuity and
way, which is easy logical manner. less logical
to follow. All All sections are manner. Sections
1 Organization/
Structure sections are in a in a correct are not in proper
correct order and order as directed order as directed
submitted on a and submitted unable to follow
time on a time. the submission
Collected a great Collected some Collected very little Did not collect
deal of basic information--some any information
information--all information-- relates to the topic that relates to the
2 Literature Review relates to the topic. most relates to topic
. the topic.

Clearly discusses Generally clear Limited discussion Reader can gain

what results mean discussion of of results and very little
and what results and conclusions. Little information about
conclusions may be conclusions, but or no reference to why the project
drawn from them. may miss some published was done and
Results and Cites published points. Some use standards or other what the results
Discussion standards or other of references reports. may mean. No
related reports. and published reference to
standards. other studies.

Project Viva
Responds well, Generally Responsive but No grasp of
quick and very Responsive and evasive or information.
accurate all the accurate most of inaccurate most of Clearly no
time. the times. the times. knowledge of
Responsiveness Demonstration of At ease with Only basic subject matter.
1 full knowledge of content and able concepts are No questions are
the project with to elaborate and demonstrated answered. No
explanations and explain to some and interpreted. interpretation
elaboration. degree. made.
I. Grading Policy

Lab Performance 45 %
Lab Report 10%
Lab Viva 15%
Lab Project 30%


III. Level of Inquiry

Level Problem/ Question Procedure/ Method Solution

0 Provided to student Provided to student Provided to student
1 Provided to student Provided to student Constructed by student
2 Provided to student Constructed by student Constructed by student
3 Constructed by student Constructed by student Constructed by student

Level of Description
0 The problem, procedure, and methods to solutions are provided to the
student. The student performs the experiment and verifies the results with
the manual.
1 The problem and procedure are provided to the student. The student
interprets the data in order to propose viable solutions.
2 The problem is provided to the student. The student develops a procedure
for investigating the problem, decides what data to gather, and interprets
the data in order to propose viable solutions.
3 A “raw” phenomenon is provided to the student. The student chooses (or
constructs) the problem to explore, develops a procedure for investigating
the problem, decides what data to gather, and interprets the data in order
to propose viable solutions
IV. Laboratory’s Course Learning Outcomes

Course Title : BSL-101 Applied Physics

Laboratory : C106- Applied Physics Lab
Instructor : Hamza Toor
Designation : Lab Engineer, Engineering & Applied Sciences
E-mail : hamza.ghazanfar
Phone (Off.) : +92-51-8446000-8 (EXT: 261)

Students will be able to:

CLO 1: Observe changes in pressure and temperature of gases to gain understanding of concepts and
theories (P1)

CLO 2: Practice technical skills in using laboratory equipment such as optical lenses and sensors;
pressure, temperature and force sensors. (P3)

Mapping of Course Learning Outcomes (CLO) to Program Learning Outcomes (PLO) / Graduate Attribute


Code PLOs 10 11 12

487 CLO 2 X

PLO1: Engineering Knowledge PLO8: Ethics

PLO2: Problem Analysis PLO9: Individual and Team Work

PLO3: Design/Development of Solutions PLO10: Communication

PLO4: Investigation PLO11: Project Management

PLO5: Modern Tool Usage PLO12: Lifelong Learning

PLO6: The Engineer and Society

PLO7: Environment and Sustainability

Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject: BSL-101 Applied Physics

V. List of Experiments
Experiment Level of
Experiment Title CLO
Number Inquiry

Experiment 1 Verification of Hook’s Law. 1 C1

Experiment 2 Calculating the Speed of Sound 1 C1

Ideal Gas Laws – Understanding relationship between

Experiment 3 1 C2
Temperature, Pressure and Volume

To Study the Effect of Change in Pressure On Boiling

Experiment 4 1 C2
Points Of Liquid

Demonstration of Bernoulli’s effect using Venturi

Experiment 5 1 C2

Experiment 6 Observing Reflection of Light 0 C1

Experiment 7 Validation of Snell’s Law 1 C1

Experiment 8 Observing Reversibility of Light 0 C1

Experiment 9 Observing Dispersion of Light 0 C1

Experiment 10 Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens 1 C1

Experiment 11 Focal Length and Magnification of a Concave Mirror 1 C1

Experiment 12 Observing and understanding Virtual Images 1 C1

Experiment 13 Functioning of a Telescope 1 C1

Experiment 14 Functioning of a Microscope 1 C1

Experiment 15 2 C1
Title of experiment Lab Lab
S No
Perf Rep
1. Verification of Hook’s Law.

2. Calculating the Speed of Sound

Ideal Gas Laws – Understanding relationship between

3. Temperature, Pressure and Volume

To Study the Effect of Change in Pressure On Boiling

4. Points Of Liquid

Demonstration of Bernoulli’s effect using Venturi

5. Apparatus

Observing Reflection of Light

Validation of Snell’s Law

Observing Reversibility of Light

Observing Dispersion of Light

Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens

Focal Length and Magnification of a Concave Mirror

Observing and understanding Virtual Images

Functioning of a Telescope

Functioning of a Microscope

LAB Project

LAB Project
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject: BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment 1: Verification of Hook’s Law


(i) Understanding Hook’s Law

(ii) Learning how to make a Stress-Strain Graph

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: …………………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment 1
Verification of Hook’s Law
Hooke's law states that the extent to which an elastic material will change size and shape
under stress is directly proportional to the amount of stress applied to it.
An ideal spring is remarkable in the sense that it is a
system where the generated force is linearly dependent on how
far it is stretched, this behavior is described by Hooke's law.
According to Hooke's Law stated above that to extend a spring
by an amount dx from its previous position, one needs a force F
which is determined by F = kdx. Here k is the spring constant
which is a quality of each spring. Therefore, in order to verify
Hooke's Law, you must verify that the force F and the distance at
which the spring is stretched are proportional to each other (that
just means linearly dependent on each other), and that the
constant of proportionality is k.


1. The experimental set-up to measure the spring

constants is shown in Figure1
2. To start with, submit the helical spring to no
3. The equilibrium position of the spring, xo (set
the sliding pointer to the lower end of the
spring) is determined. The length of the
spring, lo is recorded.
4. A mass on the helical spring is inserted using
the weight holder and the slotted weight. The
elongation of the spring, Δl is recorded (refer
Figure 2)
5. The mass is increased on the helical spring in steps, until reach the maximum limit of
6. All the values of elongation, Δl and load,F is tabulated
7. A graph of F against Δl is plotted.
8. From the graph, the spring constant, k and its uncertainty is determined

Mass Scale Force Scale Deviation Percent
Trial Constant
(g) (cm) (N) (m) (N/m) Error

9. Convert the masses from grams to forces in newton using the formula: N =(g)(0.01N/g).
Enter in the table.
10. Convert the centimeters into meters using the formula: m = cm/100. Enter in the table
11. Calculate Spring Constant for each trial using the formula: SC = N/m Enter in the table.
12. Calculate the by adding up all five and dividing by 5. Enter here: ____________ N/m.
13. Calculate the deviation from the average by taking the difference between the Spring
Constants for each trial and the Average Spring Constant and enter in the table.
14. Calculate the percent error for each trial by assuming that the average spring constant is
the accepted value. Use the formula:
Percentage Error = Deviation/Accepted Value X 100%

Task: On the back, graph force versus the scale (stretched length). What does the slope

Task: Verify your results using the Pasco Force sensor and Universal interface.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment 2: Calculating the Speed of Sound


(i) Understanding how sound waves travel

(ii) To understand standing waves

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ………………………………….

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment 2
Calculating the speed of sound

Sound is a longitudinal wave that travels at a speed of v = 331m/s at STP conditions. A

longitudinal wave is one that oscillates parallel to its propagation direction. The way an induced
disturbance travels in a slinky is a longitudinal wave motion. At a frequency ( f ) that we speak
or sing (Audio range: 200Hz : 2000 Hz), the wavelength ( λ ) of a sound wave is in the range of
(150cm : 15cm ). This may be verified by using the wave speed formula:

Resonance of Sound Waves in Open and Closed Tubes:

A tube open at both ends is called an open tube, and a tube open at one end only forms
a closed tube as shown below:

Maximum deviation of a wave from equilibrium is called amplitude. For a sound wave,
maximum deviation can only occur at the open end (s). If the tube has the right length, this
happens and is associated with an intensified loudness called resonance. This is because of the
fact that at an open end, air molecules are free to oscillate back and forth. At a closed end, air
molecules are not free to perform wide oscillations. In other words, closed ends can
form nodes and open ends can form antinodes.

The following figures show how maximum and minimum oscillations occur at open and closed
ends for a certain wavelength at different tube lengths:
Note that, for simplicity, representation of transverse waves are used to show states of
maximum and minimum oscillation at open and closed ends. Sound waves; however, are
longitudinal and oscillate back and forth parallel to the tube's length and not up and down
as shown. These figures only indicate where maxima and minima occur.

As can be seen from the above figures, the length of a tube must be multiples of λ/4 for an anti-
node (maximum) to occur at its any open end.

For an open tube (left figure), if the tube's length is an even multiple of λ/4, each open end
forms an anti-node and resonance is heard.

For a closed tube (right figure), when the tube's length is an odd multiple of
λ/4, resonance occurs.

In this experiment, a closed tube will be used. It will be seen that when the length of the tube is
an odd multiple of a certain length, the tube is in resonance and intensified sound is heard.

At this point, it is suitable to repeat the definitions of wavelength and frequency.

Wavelength: Wavelength,λ , is defined as the distance from one peak to the next one on a
wave. Of course, in general, wavelength is the distance between two successive points on a
wave that are in the same state of oscillation.

Frequency: Frequency, f, is the number of waves (full λs) generated per second.

1) Obtain a resonance tube apparatus. The apparatus is just a long piston-cylinder system
that allows a variable length closed pipe, as shown below.

Fig. 1

2) Connect the loud speakers on the apparatus to a frequency generator and pull the piston's
handle out and increase the pipe length until resonance is heard. A few trials and adjustments
may be needed to locate the best length of the pipe at which the loudest possible sound can be

3) Read the pipes length from the meter-stick and record it as L1. Note that L1 = 1λ/4.
4) In a similar manner locate the position of the 2nd resonance. As you know the
second resonance should occur at about L2 = 3λ/4.

5) Locate the position of the 3rd resonance, as well. The 3rd resonance should occur
at about L3 = 5λ/4.

6) Calculate the wavelength (λ) in two different ways as shown below:

L1= 1λ/4 ; L2 = 3λ/4.

L1= 1λ/4 ; L3 = 5λ/4.
L2 - L1 = 2λ/4 = λ/2,
L3 - L1 = 4λ/4 = λ,
λ = 2(L2 - L1).
λ = L3 - L1.

7) Once λ is determined, equation v = f λ may be used to find the measured value for v, the
speed of sound. Of course, f is the frequency of the tuning fork used.

8) For accepted value of v, the empirical formula v(T) = [ 331 + 0.6T ] m/s may be
utilized. In this equation, T is the ambient temperature in ˚C. Read the temperature from the
thermometer in the room you are in.

9) Repeat the above steps for two different frequencies.



Equation v(T) = [ 331 + 0.6T ] m/s, to calculate the accepted value of v.

Frequencies of tuning forks used are:

f1 = Hz, f2 = Hz, and f3 = Hz.


Room Temperature: T = ˚C,

v=fλavg v=331+0.6T
f L1 L2 L3 λ=2(L2-L1) λ=(L3-L1) λavg. %
Trial m/s m/s
(Hz) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m) (m)
Measured Accepted
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 3: Ideal Gas Laws – Understanding relationship between Temperature, Pressure

and Volume


To determine relationship between Temperature, Pressure and Volume.

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ………………………………..

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment 3

Ideal Gas Laws – Understanding relationship between Temperature, Pressure and Volume

Investigate the relationship between pressure, temperature, volume, and the amount of gas
occupying an enclosed chamber. This experiment consists of three parts. In part one the relationship
between pressure and volume will be measured. In part two the relationship between pressure and the
amount of gas present in a chamber will be determined. Part three will illustrate the relationship
between pressure and temperature. The results of these measurements will be used to derive the Ideal
Gas Law.

The Ideal Gas Law describes the relationship between pressure, volume, the number of atoms or
molecules in a gas, and the temperature of a gas. This law is an idealization because it assumes an
“ideal” gas. An ideal gas consists of atoms or molecules that do not interact and that occupy zero
volume. A real gas consists of atoms or molecules (or both) that have finite volume and interact by
forces of attraction or repulsion due to the presence of charges. In many cases the behaviour of real
gases can be approximated quite well with the Ideal Gas Law.

The relationship between pressure and volume can be explained by the following theory. Gases
exert force on the walls of their containers by means of continual collisions of the gas molecules with
the surface. The force per unit area is termed pressure. If the volume of a container holding a gas
sample is increased, the molecules may be expected to spend a larger portion of their time traveling
through the interior. Therefore, they will strike the walls of the container less frequently, so the
pressure should decrease. Decreasing the volume of the container should have the opposite effect on

This theory also explains why a gas container with more atoms or molecules will have a higher
pressure than the same container with fewer atoms or molecules. Since molecules colliding with the
walls of the container cause pressure, the more molecules there are, the more collisions there will be
and thus a greater force per unit area will be present.

Molecules of a gas at a high temperature have higher kinetic energy than molecules of the same
gas at a lower temperature. This explains why the molecules of a high temperature gas are moving at
higher speeds than molecules of the same gas at a lower temperature. Molecules moving at high speed
will exert more force on the walls of the container than the same molecules moving at lower speeds,
thus a high temperature gas has a higher pressure than the same gas at a lower temperature.

The concepts of proportionality and inverse proportionality will be needed for this lab. If the
variable x is proportional to y we write x α y. If the variable x is inversely proportional to y we write.

X α 1/y

The term “is proportional to” means there is a constant that makes the above expression equality x=cy,
The term “is inversely proportional to” similarly implies.

X = b/y

Part one: The relationship between pressure and volume

In this experiment you will measure the pressure, temperature, amount, and volume of air in a
container. Since air is a real gas you will notice that its behaviour is not exactly the same as an ideal gas,
however, your results will illustrate quite well the relationships expressed by the Ideal Gas Law.

This experiment provides data needed to determine the relationship between volume and
pressure, in a quantitative manner. Volume will be measured in cubic centimetres (cc) and pressure will
be measured in thousands of Pascals (kPa). The results of this experiment, when combined with the
results to experiments 2 and 3, lead to the Ideal Gas Law equation.

Basic Setup and operation of Pressure pump.

The vacuum pump

(Figure 1) constitutes of a
Syringe and a one-way check
valve system. Both syringe and
valve system is connected via
tubes. After attaching the
syringe system to the
Chamber/Sensor, Pressure can
be increased or decreased. If
connected to the chamber,
repeated pumping the piston
on the syringe will suck the air
out of the air through the first
one-way valve and then pump
it into the chamber through
the other one-way valve, thus
increasing the pressure inside
the chamber

When connected to
the sensors, pressure port
directly, as shown in figure 2,
pushing the piston can
increase the pressure while
reducing the volume of the air
trapped inside the syringe.
1. Connect the Vacuum/Pressure pump to the
pressure port of chemistry sensor as shown in
figure 2. Pull the Piston to about half way.
2. Make sure Chemistry sensor is attached to
either 850 Universal Interface or USB- Link.
3. Open up the Pasco capstone software on the
4. Check hardware tab on the left to make sure
Chemistry sensor is linked to the computer.
5. Check the pressure of the syringe without
moving the piston.
6. Check the volume of air inside the syringe.
7. Now push the syringe piston a little amount and
note down the change in volume pressure. Figure 2
8. Take about 5 readings at different volumes.



Part two and three: The relationship between pressure and amount of air

About the equipment:

The Atmospheric Properties Chamber Figure 3

(Figure 3) consists of the chamber with a built-in
thermistor, two solid rubber stoppers, one rubber
Stopper with a large hole, one split ring rubber
stopper with a small hole, check valve tube
assembly, sensor connector tube assembly, and a
60 millilitre (60 mL) syringe. The Atmospheric
Properties Chamber is designed to allow students to
quantify their investigations of atmospheric
The chamber can also function as a constant
volume container to study gaseous properties.


Screw the three stopper catchers into the

threaded holes around one of the large holes in the
top of the chamber. The tapered stopper catchers
are designed to catch and hold a rubber stopper
when it pops up from the hole due to an increase in
pressure inside the chamber.
The cable attached to the built-in
thermistor is about 1.5 m long and has a 3.5 mm
stereo plug at its end that connects to the temperature port on s PASPORT Chemistry sensor. In addition
to the built-in thermistor for measuring temperature, the chamber has two female Luer lock ports for
connecting tubes that have male Luer lock fittings (such as the Ball Valve Stopcock, Pressure Check Valve
Tube or Vacuum Check Valve Tube and the Sensor Tube Assembly). For example, one port can be used
for connecting a check valve tube and the syringe while the other port can be used for connecting a
pressure-measuring PASPORT sensor.
The chamber comes with caps for both Luer lock ports. The top of the chamber is fastened to
the base with eight thumbscrews that can be unscrewed so that the base can be detached from the top.
This allows objects too large to fit through the holes to be put into the chamber, and allows a rubber
stopper to be inserted in one of the holes.

Procedure: Figure 4
1. Firmly insert one rubber stopper
into the hole that does NOT have
the tapered stopper catcher posts
around it.
2. Firmly insert the other solid rubber
stopper into the hole with the
tapered posts from the outside so
the small end of the stopper is
inside the chamber. (NOTE: Vary
the firmness in order to reach
higher pressures.)
3. Attach the 60 mL syringe to the
Luer lock fitting on the short section
of tubing (the “T” section) on the
Pressure Check Valve Tube.
4. Test the Pressure Check Valve Tube by moving the piston in and out of the cylinder. As the space
inside the syringe decreases, the flow of air should be out of the Luer lock fitting at the “long
end” of the Pressure Check Valve Tube as shown in Figure 4.
5. Attach the Luer lock fitting of the Pressure Check Valve Tube to the other Luer lock port on the
Atmospheric Properties Chamber.
6. Open up the Capstone Software on computers. Make sure the system is connected to the
chemistry sensor.
7. Make a graph of Pressure vs Time, Also temperature vs Time. (you can make a single graph with
2 y-axis if you prefer it).
8. Molar mass of dry air is 29g/mol, and its density is 1.2KG/m3.
9. Volume of chamber is 375ml.
10. Pull the syringe piston and note the volume of air you are going to insert into chamber.
11. Push the syringe piston to insert the air into the chamber.
12. Note the change in pressure and temperature. (because the chamber is not thermally insulated,
temperature will come back to room temperature).
13. Repeat this pull-push procedure until the pressure inside the chamber pops the rubber stopper.
14. Note the change in temperature and pressure.
You know the volume of the chamber was constant. By repeating steps 10 to 14, you changed the
amount of air in the chamber which in turn caused changes in P and T.
TASK2 : Derive the proportionality equation for amount of air, pressure and volume. Combine it
with the one you derived in Task 1.
TASK 3 : Explain your graph.
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 4: To Study the Effect of Change in Pressure On Boiling Points Of Liquid


To determine Effect of Change in Pressure on Boiling Points of Liquid.

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: …………………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No. 4
To Study The Effect Of Change In Pressure On Boiling Points Of Liquid

To study the effects of change in pressure on boiling points of liquids.

Basic Concept:
Boiling point of any liquid is defined as the temperature at which the vapor pressure of the liquids
becomes equal to the pressure surrounding the liquid. Therefore the boiling point of a liquid depends on
its surrounding pressure. At this temperature, the liquid start changing its phase from a liquid to gas
throughout the bulk of the liquid. This process is known as vaporization.

It should be noted that a liquid may also change its state to a gas below this temperature through the
process of evaporation, which only takes place at the surface of the liquid.

At sea level elevation, the atmospheric pressure is usually 1atm (101.3 kpa) and water boils at 100oC.
Decreasing the surrounding pressure, like at high altitude places or in a vacuum chamber, boiling point
of water will decrease. Similarly increasing the surrounding pressure of water, like in a pressure cooker,
will increase the boiling temperature of water.

Basic Setup Of Equipment

For this experiment, a chamber with controlled and measured atmospheric conditions is utilized. The
chamber consists of a built in thermistor, one sensor connection assembly to measure absolute pressure
inside the chamber. A hermetically sealed removable rubber stopper with temperature sensor attached,
which will be used to empty/refill the small jar inside the chamber. A small jar is also placed inside the

Both pressure and temperature sensors are attached to PASCO 850 Universal Lab Interface. This
Interface is used in conjunction with PASCO Capstone Software.
Experiment Procedure:
Connect the pressure sensor and temperature sensor on their respective marked ports on the Interface.

Connect the Syringe and One-way valve system to the available port on the chamber.

Turn on The Pasco Interface, and open Pasco Capstone Software on the connected computer. A Shortcut
to which can be found on the desktop. Make sure that the interface is connected to PC through USB

Remove the removable rubber stopper to access the small jar inside the chamber. Empty the contents of
the jar using pipette.

Again using the same pipette put some hot water in the small jar and put the removable rubber stopper
back on the chamber to hermetically seal the chamber.

On the Pasco Capstone software, click the HARDWARE SETUP BUTTON (it can be found on the left
column), if the interface is connected properly, it will indicate the connected hardware.

From the left side column, open two graphs and one table by double clicking in their respective buttons.

Select Pressure and temperature for Y-axis of the graphs. Also on the table select Pressure and
Temperature on two columns of the graphs.

Change the Continuous Mode to Keep Mode on the bottom bar of the software, and click the record

Using the Syringe system, start pumping out the air from the chamber, reducing its pressure.

Make sure to keep recording the indicated values on the software while observing the liquid in the small
Q1. Explain the difference between evaporation and vaporization of liquids.

Q2. Report and explain your readings of boiling point of water and chamber pressure.

Q3. Explain the linearity /non-linearity of relation between surrounding pressure and boiling point of

Q4. Discuss what will happen to Human body if it is placed in high pressure environment.

Syringe/p Temperature



Viscosity measurement
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 5: Demonstration of Bernoulli’s effect using Venturi Apparatus


(i) Study how rays are reflected from different types of mirrors.
(ii) Measure the focal length and determine the radius of curvature of a concave mirror and a
convex mirror

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ………………………………

Experiment No. 05:

Demonstration of Bernoulli’s effect using Venturi Apparatus with air and


To record flow speed
Record flow pressure at four points.

Draw relationship between flow speed and pressure.

Venturi Apparatus,

Venturi Chamber Tubing (for both air and water)

Restriction Clamps (2)
Quick Connect Couplers

Basic Concept:
Bernoulli’s equation applies to the streamline flow of an incompressible fluid of density d with negligible
viscosity (internal friction). According to this equation, which is derived from the law of conservation of
energy, the quantity p + dhg + ½dv2 has the same value at all points in the motion of such a fluid, where p
is the absolute pressure, h is the height above an arbitrary reference level, and v is the fluid velocity. Thus
at the two locations 1 and 2
p1 + dgh1 + ½ dv12 = p2 + dgh2 + ½ dv2
The Venturi Apparatus has a channel with varying cross-section to study the relationship between flow
speed and pressure. The open design (2-D cross section) allows students to see inside and directly measure
all needed dimensions.
There are four built-in ports to attach pressure sensors to measure the pressure at four places along the
stream line simultaneously. Pressure changes caused by both fluid speed and viscosity (drag) can be
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 6: Observing Reflection of Light


(iii) Study how rays are reflected from different types of mirrors.
(iv) Measure the focal length and determine the radius of curvature of a concave mirror and a
convex mirror

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ………………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.6
Required Equipment from Basic Optics System
Light Source
Mirror from Ray Optics Kit
Other Required Equipment
Drawing compass
Metric ruler
White paper

Part 1: Plane Mirror


1.Place the light source in ray-box mode on a blank sheet of white paper. Turn the wheel to select a
single ray.
2. Place the mirror on the paper. Position the plane (flat) surface of the mirror in the path of the incident
ray at an angle that allows you to clearly see the incident and reflected rays.
3. On the paper, trace and label the surface of the plane mirror and the incident and reflected rays.
Indicate the incoming and the outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate directions.
4. Remove the light source and mirror from the paper. On the paper, draw the normal to the surface (as in
Figure 3.1).
5. Measure the angle of incidence and the angle of reflection. Measure these angles from the normal.
Record the angles in the first row Table 3.1.
6. Repeat steps 1–5 with a different angle of incidence. Repeat the procedure again to complete Table 3.1
with three different angles of incidence.
7. Turn the wheel on the light source to select the three primary color rays. Shine the colored rays at an
angle to the plane mirror. Mark the position of the surface of the plane mirror and trace the incident and
reflected rays. Indicate the colors of the incoming and the outgoing rays and mark them with arrows in the
appropriate directions.

1. What is the relationship between the angles of incidence and reflection?
2. Are the three colored rays reversed left-to-right by the plane mirror?

Part 2: Cylindrical Mirrors

A concave cylindrical mirror focuses incoming parallel rays at its focal point. The focal length ( f ) is the
distance from the focal point to the center of the mirror surface. The radius of curvature (R) of the mirror
is twice the focal length. See Figure 3.2.

1. Turn the wheel on the light source to select five parallel rays. Shine the rays straight into the concave
mirror so that the light is reflected back toward the ray box (see Figure 3.3). Trace the surface of the
mirror and the incident and reflected rays. Indicate the incoming and the outgoing rays with arrows in the
appropriate directions.
(You can now remove the light source and mirror from the paper.)
2. The place where the five reflected rays cross each other is the focal point of the mirror. Mark the focal
3. Measure the focal length from the center of the concave mirror surface (where the middle ray hit the
mirror) to the focal point. Record the result in Table 3.2.
4. Use a compass to draw a circle that matches the curvature of the mirror (you will have to make several
tries with the compass set to different widths before you find the right one). Measure the radius of
curvature and record it in Table 3.2.
5. Repeat steps 1–4 for the convex mirror. Note that in step 3, the reflected rays will diverge, and they
will not cross. Use a ruler to extend the reflected rays back behind the mirror’s surface. The focal point is
where these extended rays cross.

1. What is the relationship between the focal length of a cylindrical mirror and its radius of curvature? Do
your results confirm your answer?
2. What is the radius of curvature of a plane mirror?
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 7: Validation of Snell’s Law


(i) To determine the index of refraction of the acrylic trapezoid .

(ii) measure the angles of incidence and refraction and use Snell’s Law to calculate the
(iii) of refraction

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: …………………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.7
Snell’s Law

For light crossing the boundary between two transparent materials, Snell’s Law states n1sin θ1 = n2sin
θ2 where θ1 is the angle of incidence, θ2 is the angle of refraction, and n1 and n2 are the respective
indices of refraction of the materials (see Figure 4.1)

1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a sheet of white paper. Turn the wheel to select a single ray.
2. Place the trapezoid on the paper and position it so the ray passes through the parallel sides as shown in
Figure 4.2
3. Mark the position of the parallel surfaces of the trapezoid and trace the incident and transmitted rays.
Indicate the incoming and the outgoing rays with arrows in the appropriate directions. Carefully mark
where the rays enter and leave the trapezoid.
4. Remove the trapezoid and draw a line on the paper connecting the points where the rays entered and
left the trapezoid. This line represents the ray inside the trapezoid.
5. Choose either the point where the ray enters the trapezoid or the point where the ray leaves the
trapezoid. At this point, draw the normal to the surface.
6. Measure the angle of incidence (θi) and the angle of refraction with a protractor. Both of these angles
should be measured from the normal. Record the angles in
the first row of Table 4.1.
7. On a new sheet of paper, repeat steps 2–6 with a different angle of incidence. Repeat these steps again
with a third angle of incidence. The first two columns of
Table 4.1 should now be filled.

1. For each row of Table 4.1, use Snell’s Law to calculate the index of refraction, assuming the index of
refraction of air is 1.0.
2. Average the three values of the index of refraction. Compare the average to the accepted value (n = 1.5)
by calculating the percent difference.

What is the angle of the ray that leaves the trapezoid relative to the ray that enters it?
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 8 : Observing Reversibility of Light


(I) Determine the relationship between the angle of incidence and the angle of refraction for
light passing from air into a more opticallydense medium (the acrylic of the D-shaped lens).
(II) Determine whether the same relationship holds between the angles
of incidence and refraction for light passing out of a more optically dense medium back into air.

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: …………………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.8
Required Equipment from Basic Optics System:

• Ray Table
• D-shaped Lens
• Light Source

Purpose :
In Trial 1 of this experiment, you will determine the relationship between the angle of incidence
and the angle of refraction for light passing from air into a more optically dense medium (the
acrylic of the D-shaped lens).

In Trial 2, you will determine whether the same relationship holds between the angles of incidence
and refraction for light passing out of a more optically dense medium back into air. That is to say, if
the light is traveling in the opposite direction through the lens, is the law of refraction the same or
different? By comparing the results of both trials, you will find the answer to this question.

In Figure 10.1, notice that refraction occurs only at the flat surface of the D-shaped lens, not at the
curved surface.
1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a flat tabletop. Turn the wheel to select a single ray.
2. Put the ray table in front of the light source so the ray from the light source crosses the exact center of
the ray table.
3. Put the D-shaped lens on the ray table exactly centered in the marked outline.

Record Data
Trial 1
1. Turn the ray table so the incoming ray enters the lens through the flat surface (see Figure 10.2).
2. Rotate the ray table to set the angle of incidence to each of the values listed in the first column of
Table 10.1. For each angle of incidence (θi1), observe the corresponding angle of refraction (θr1)
and record it in the second column of the table.

Trial 2
1. Copy all of the values in the second column to the third column of the table. (In other words, the angles
of refraction that you observe in Trial 1 will be the angles of incidence that you use in Trial 2.)
2. Turn the ray table so the incoming ray enters the lens through the curved surface.
3. For the angles of incidence (θi2) that you wrote in the third column of the table, observe the
corresponding angles of refraction (θr2) and record them in the fourth column.

1. Using your values for θi1 and θr1 and Snell’s Law (Equation 10.1), determine the
index of refraction of acrylic (nacrylic). Assume the index of refraction of air (nair)
is 1.0.
(eq. 10.1) nair sin(θi1) = nacrylic sin(θr1)
nacrylic = ___________ (from θi1 and θr1)

2. Determine nacrylic again, this time using your values of θi2 and θr2.
nacrylic = ___________ (from θi2 and θr2)

1. Is the law of refraction the same for light rays going in either direction between
the two media?
2. Does the principle of optical reversibility hold for reflection as well as refraction?
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 9: Observing Dispersion of Light


• determine the index of refraction of acrylic at two different wavelengths

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ……………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.9
Required Equipment from Basic Optics System
• Ray Table
• D-shaped Lens
• Light Source

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the index of refraction of acrylic at two
different wavelengths.
When light crosses the boundary between two transparent media, it is refracted.
Snell’s Law expresses the relationship between index of refraction of the first medium(n1), the
index of refraction of the second medium (n2), the angle of incidence (θ1),and the angle of
refraction (θ2):

We can assume the index of refraction of air (n2 in this experiment) is always equal to 1.0. However, the
index of refraction of acrylic (n1) depends on the wavelength, or color, of the light. Therefore, the
different wavelengths present in an incident ray of white light will be refracted at different angles. The
wavelength dependence of a material’s index of refraction is known as dispersion.

1. Place the light source in ray-box mode on a flat tabletop. Turn the wheel to select a single ray.
2. Put the ray table in front of the light source so the ray from the light source crosses the exact center of
the ray table (see Figure 11.2).
3. Put the acrylic D-shaped lens on the ray table in the marked outline. Turn the ray table so the ray enters
the lens through the curved surface, and the angle of incidence is 0°.

1. Hold a piece of white paper vertically near the edge of the Ray Table so the outgoing ray is visible on
the paper.
2. Slowly rotate the ray table to increase the angle of incidence. Notice that the ray is refracted only at the
flat surface of the lens, not at the curved surface. As you continue to increase the angle of incidence,
watch the refracted light on the paper.

1. At what angle of refraction do you begin to notice color separation in the refracted light?
2. At what angle of refraction does the maximum color separation occur?
3. What colors are present in the refracted ray? (Write them in the order of minimum to maximum angle
of refraction.)
4. Use Snell’s Law (Equation 11.1) to calculate the index of refraction of acrylic for red light (nred) and
the index of refraction for blue light (nblue).
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 10: Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens


Determine the focal length of a thin lens and to measure the magnification for a certain
combination of object and image distances

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ……………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.10
Focal Length and Magnification of a Thin Lens

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

• Light Source
• Bench
• Converging lens of unknown focal length1
• Screen

The purpose of this experiment is to determine the focal length of a thin lens and to measure the
magnification for a certain combination of object and image distances.

For a thin lens: (eq. 12.1)

where f is focal length, do is the distance between the object and the lens, and di is the distance between
the image and the lens. By measuring do and di the focal length can be determined.

Magnification, M, is the ratio of image size to object size. If the image is inverted, M is negative.

Part I: Object at Infinity

In this part, you will determine the focal length of the lens by making a single measurement of di with

1. Hold the lens in one hand and the screen in the other hand. Focus the image of a distant bright object
(such as a window or lamp across the room) on the screen.
2. Have your partner measure the distance from the lens to the screen. This is the image distance, di.
di = _______________

1. As do approaches infinity, what does 1/do approach?
2. Use the Thin Lens Formula (Equation 12.1) to calculate the focal length.
f = _______________

Part II: Object Closer Than Infinity

In this part, you will determine the focal length by measuring several pairs of object and image distances and
plotting 1/do versus 1/di.
1. Place the light source and the screen on the optics bench 1 m apart with the light source’s crossed-
arrow object toward the screen. Place the lens between them (see Figure 12.1).
2. Starting with the lens close to the screen, slide the lens away from the screen to a position where a clear
image of the crossed-arrow object is formed on the screen.
Measure the image distance and the object distance. Record these measurements
(and all measurements from the following steps) in Table 12.1.
3. Measure the object size and the image size for this position of the lens.
4. Without moving the screen or the light source, move the lens to a second position where the image is in
focus. Measure the image distance and the object distance.
5. Measure the object size and image size for this position also. Note that you will not see the entire
crossed-arrow pattern. Instead, measure the image and object sizes as the distance between two index
marks on the pattern (see Figure 12.2 for example).
6. Repeat steps 2 and 4 with light source-to-screen distances of 90 cm, 80 cm, 70 cm, 60 cm, and 50 cm.
For each light source-to-screen distance, find two lens positions where clear images are formed. (You
don’t need to measure image and object sizes.).

Analysis Part A: Focal Length

1. Calculate 1/do and 1/di for all 12 rows in Table 12.1.
2. Plot 1/do versus 1/di and find the best-fit line (linear fit). This will give a straight line with the x- and
y-intercepts equal to 1/f. Record the intercepts (including units) here:
y-intercept = 1/f = _______________
x-intercept = 1/f = _______________
3. For each intercept, calculate a value of f and record it in Table 12.2.
4. Find the percent difference between these two values of f and record them in Table 12.2.
5. Average these two values of f. Find the percent difference between this average and the focal length
that you found in Part I. Record these data in Table 12.2.

Analysis Part B: Magnification

1. For the first two data points only (the first two lines of Table 12.2), use the image and object distances
to calculate the magnification, M, at each position of the lens. Record the results in Table 12.3.

2. Calculate the absolute value of M (for each of the two lens positions) using your measurements of the
image size and object size. Record the results in Table 12.3

3.Calculate the percent differences between the absolute values of M found using the two methods.
Record the results in Table 12.3.
1. Is the image formed by the lens upright or inverted?
2. Is the image real or virtual? How do you know?
3. Explain why, for a given screen-to-object distance, there are two lens positions where a clear image
4. By looking at the image, how can you tell that the magnification is negative?
5. You made three separate determinations of f (by measuring it directly with a distant object, from the x-
intercept of your graph, and from the y-intercept). Where these three values equal? If they were not, what
might account for the variation?
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 11: Focal Length and Magnification of a Concave Mirror


To determine the focal length of a concave mirror and to measure the magnification for a
certain combination of object and image distances.

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ……………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.11
Focal Length and Magnification of a Concave Mirror

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

Light Source
Concave/convex Mirror
Other Equipment
Metric ruler
For a spherically curved mirror
(eq. 13.1)

where f is focal length, do is the distance between the object and the mirror, and di is the distance between
the image and the mirror. By measuring do and di the focal length can be determined.
Magnification, M, is the ratio of image size to object size. If the image is inverted, M is negative.
Part I: Object at Infinity
In this part, you will determine the focal length of the mirror by making a single measurement
of di with

1. Hold the mirror in one hand and the half-screen in the other hand. Use the concave side of the mirror to
focus the image of a distant bright object (such as a window or lamp across the room) on the half-screen.
(See Figure 13.1.)
2. Have your partner measure the distance from the mirror to the screen. This is the image distance, di.
di = _______________
1. As do approaches infinity, what does 1/do approach?
2. Use the Equation 13.1 to calculate the focal length.
f = _______________

Part II: Object Closer Than Infinity

In this part, you will determine the focal length of the mirror by measuring several pairs of object and
image distances and plotting 1/do versus 1/di.

1. Place the light source and the mirror on the optics bench 50 cm apart with the light source’s crossed-
arrow object toward the mirror and the concave side of the mirror toward the light source. Place the half-
screen between them (see Figure 13.2).
2. Slide the half-screen to a position where a clear image of the crossed-arrow object is formed. Measure
the image distance and the object distance. Record these measurements (and all measurements from the
following steps) in Table 13.1.
3. Repeat step 2 with object distances of 45 cm, 40 cm, 35 cm, 30 cm, 25 cm.
4. With the mirror at 25 cm from the light source and a clear image formed on the half-screen, measure
the object size and image size. To measure the image size, hold a small scrap of paper against the half-
screen and mark two opposite points on the crossed-arrow pattern (see Figure 13.3). If at least half of the
pattern is not visible on the screen, have your partner slightly twist the mirror to bring more of the image
into view. Remove the paper and measure between the points. Measure the object size between the
corresponding points directly on the light source
Analysis Part A: Focal Length
1. Calculate 1/do and 1/di for all six rows in Table 13.1.
2. Plot 1/do versus 1/di and find the best-fit line (linear fit). This will give a straight line with the x- and
y-intercepts equal to 1/f. Record the intercepts (including units) here:
y-intercept = 1/f = _______________
x-intercept = 1/f = _______________
Note: You can plot the data and find the best-fit line on paper or on a computer.
3. For each intercept, calculate a value of f and record it in Table 13.2.
4. Find the percent difference between these two values of f and record them in
Table 13.2.
5. Average these two values of f. Find the percent difference between this average and the focal length
that you found in Part I. Record these data in Table 13.2.
Analysis Part B: Magnification
1. For the last data point only (do = 25 cm), use the image and object distances to calculate the
magnification, M. Record the results in Table 13.3.

2. Calculate the absolute value of M using your measurements of the image size and object size. Record
the results in Table 13.3

3. Calculate the percent differences between the absolute values of M found using the two methods.
Record the results in Table 13.3.

1. Is the image formed by the mirror upright or inverted?
2. Is the image real or virtual? How do you know?
3. By looking at the image, how can you tell that the magnification is negative?
4. You made three separate determinations of f (by measuring it directly with a distant object, from the x-
intercept of your graph, and from the y-intercept). Where these three values equal? If they were not, what
might account for the variation?
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 12: Virtual Images


Study virtual images formed by a diverging lens and a convex mirror.

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: …………………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.12
Virtual Images
Required Equipment from Basic Optics System
Light Source
-150 mm lens
+200 mm lens
Viewing screen
Concave/convex Mirror
Other Equipment

A virtual image cannot be viewed on a screen. It forms where the backwards extensions of diverging rays
cross. You can see a virtual image by looking at it through a lens or mirror. Like all images, a virtual
image formed by a lens or mirror can serve as the object of another lens or mirror.

Part I: Virtual Image Formed by a Diverging Lens

In this part, you will set up a diverging lens to form a virtual image. You will then use another lens to
form a real image of the virtual image. In this way you can identify the location of the virtual image.

1. Place the -150 mm lens on the bench at the 30 cm mark.
2. Place the light source at the 10 cm mark with the crossed-arrow object toward the lens.
3. Record the object distance do1 (the distance between the light source and the lens) in Table 14.1

4. Look through the lens toward the light source (see Figure 14.1). Describe the image. Is it upright or
inverted? Does it appear to be larger or smaller than the object?
5. Which do you think is closer to the lens: the image or the object? Why do you think so?
6. Place the +200 mm lens on the bench anywhere between the 50 cm and 80 cm marks. Record the
position here. _____________
7. Place the viewing screen behind the positive lens (see Figure 14.2). Slide the screen to a position where
a clear image is formed on it. Record the position
here. _____________

The real image that you see on the screen is formed by the positive lens with the virtual image (formed by
the negative lens) acting as the object. In the following steps, you will discover the location of the virtual
image by replacing it with the light source.
8. Remove the negative lens from the bench. What happens to the image on the
9. Slide the light source to a new position so that a clear image is formed on the screen. (Do not move the
positive lens or the screen.) Write the bench position of the light source here. _____________

The current position of the light source is identical to the previous position of the virtual image.
1. Calculate the virtual image distance di1 (the distance between the negative lens and the virtual image).
Remember that it is a negative. Record it in Table 14.1.
2. Calculate the magnification and record it in Table 14.1
1. How do you know that the current position of the light source is identical to the position of the virtual
image when the negative lens was on the bench?
2. In step 5 of the procedure, you predicted the position of the virtual image relative to the light source.
Was your prediction correct?
3. Is M1 positive or negative? How does this relate to the appearance of the image?
4. Draw a scale diagram showing the light source in its original position, both lenses, the screen, and both
images. Label every part.
5. Draw another diagram at the same scale showing the light source in its final position, the positive lens,
the screen, and the image.
Part II: Virtual Image Formed by a Convex Mirror
In this part, you will find the location of a virtual image formed by convex mirror

1. Stick a piece of tape to the viewing screen and draw a vertical line on it as shown in Figure 14.4.

2. Place the half-screen on the bench near one end. Turn the screen so its edge is vertical (see Figure

3. Place the concave/convex mirror on the bench, about 20 cm from the half-screen, with the convex side
facing the half-screen
4. Look through the half-screen into the mirror. Describe the image of the half-screen. Is it upright or
inverted? Does it appear to be larger or smaller than the object?
5. Guess where the image is. Place the viewing screen on the bench at this location (see Figure 14.6).

6. Look over the top of the half-screen (Figure 14.7a) so that you can see the virtual image of the half-
screen and the line drawn on the viewing screen at the same time (Figure 14.7b).

7. Move your head left and right by a few centimeters. If the line on the viewing screen and the image of
the half-screen are not at the same distance from your eye, they will appear to move relative to each other.
This effect is known as parallax.
8. Adjust the position of the screen and check for parallax again. Repeat this step until there is no parallax
between the line and the image. When you move your head, they should appear to be “stuck” together.
The viewing screen is now in the same location as the virtual image.
1. Record the object distance do in Table 14.2.
2. Calculate the image distance di (the distance between the mirror and the virtual image). Remember that
it is a negative. Record it in Table 14.2.
3. Use do and di to calculate the magnification and record it in Table 14.1
1. Is the magnitude of di less than or greater than do? If you replace the convex mirror with a plane
mirror, what would be the relationship between di and do?
2. Is M positive or negative? How does this relate to the appearance of the image?
3. Draw a scale diagram showing the half-screen, mirror, viewing screen, and virtual image. Label every
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 13: Telescope


Construct a telescope and determine its magnification

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: …………………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.13

Required Equipment from Basic Optics System

2 Convex Lenses (+100 mm and +200 mm)
Paper grid pattern (see page 57), or a 14 × 16 grid of 1 cm squares
+250 mm and -150 mm lenses (optional, for further study)
In this experiment, you will construct a telescope and determine its magnification.


An astronomical telescope consists of two convex lenses. The astronomical telescope in this experiment
will form an image in the same place as the object (see Figure
The lenses are thin compared to the other distances involved, which allows the Thin Lens Formula to be

where f is focal length, do is the distance between the object and the lens, and di is the distance between
the image and the lens. The magnification, M, of a two-lens system is equal to the product of the
magnifications of the individual lenses:
1. Tape the paper grid pattern to the screen to serve as the object.
2. The +200 mm lens is the objective lens (the one closer to the object). The +100 mm lens is the eyepiece
lens (the one closer to the eye). Place the lenses near one end of the optics bench and place the screen on
the other end (see Figure 15.2). Their exact positions do not matter yet.

1. Put your eye close to the eyepiece lens and look through both lenses at the grid pattern on the
screen. Move the objective lens to bring the image into focus

2. In this step, you will adjust your telescope to make the image occur in the same place as the object. To
do this, you will look at both image and object at the same time and judge their relative positions by
moving your head side to side. If the image and object are not in the same place, then they will appear to
move relative to each other. This effect is known as parallax. Open both eyes. Look with one eye through
the lenses at the image and with the other eye past the lenses at the object (see Figure 15.3). The lines of
the image (solid lines shown in Figure 15.4) will be superimposed on the lines of the object (shown as
dotted lines in Figure 15.4). Move your head left and right or up and down by about a centimeter. As you
move your head, the lines of the image may move relative to the lines of the object due to the parallax.
Adjust the eyepiece lens to eliminate parallax. Do not move the objective lens. When there is no parallax,
the lines in the center of the lens appear to be stuck to the object lines.
Note: You will probably have to adjust the eyepiece lens by no more than a few centimeters
3. Record the positions of the lenses and screen in Table 15.1.
4. Estimate the magnification of your telescope by counting the number of object squares that lie along
one side of one image square. To do this, you must view the image through the telescope with one eye
while looking directly at the object with the other eye. Remember that magnification is negative for an
inverted image. Record the observed magnification in Table 15.1.

To calculate the magnification, complete the following steps and record the results in Table 15.1:
1. Measure do1, the distance from the object (paper pattern on screen) to the objective lens.
2. Determine di2, the distance from the eyepiece lens to the image. Since the image is in the plane of the
object, this is equal to the distance between the eyepiece lens and the object (screen). Remember that the
image distance for a virtual image is negative.
3. Calculate di1 using do1 and the focal length of the objective lens in the Thin Lens Formula (Equation
4. Calculate do2 by subtracting di1 from the distance between the lenses.
5. Calculate the magnification using Equation 15.2.
6. Calculate the percent difference between the calculated magnification and the observed value.

1. Is the image inverted or upright?

2. Is the image that you see through the telescope real or virtual?

Further Study
Image Formed by the Objective Lens
Where is the image formed by the objective lens? Is it real or virtual? Use a desk lamp to brightly
illuminate the paper grid (or replace the screen with the light source’s crossed-arrow object). Hold a sheet
of paper vertically where you think the image is. Do you see the image? Is it inverted or upright? Remove
the sheet of paper and hold a pencil in the same place. Look through eyepiece lens; you will see two
images, one of the pencil and one of the grid pattern. Are both images inverted? Use parallax to determine
the location of the pencil image.

Object at Infinity
Remove the screen and look through the lenses at a distant object. Adjust the distance between the lenses
to focus the telescope with your eye relaxed. Estimate the observed magnification. Now calculate the
magnification by taking the ratio of the focal lengths of the lenses. Compare the calculated magnification
to the observed magnification.
How is the distance between the lenses related to their focal lengths?

Galilean Telescope
Make a new telescope using the -150 mm lens as the eyepiece and the +250 mm lens as the objective lens.
Look through it at a distant object. Adjust the distance between the lenses to focus the telescope with your
eye relaxed. How is the distance between the lenses related to their focal lengths?
How does the image viewed through this telescope differ from that of the previous telescope? Is the
magnification positive or negative?
Department of Biomedical Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Riphah International University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Program: B.Sc. Biomedical Engineering Semester: I

Subject : BSL-101 Applied Physics Date: …………….

Experiment No 14: Microscope


Construct a microscope and determine its magnification

Performance Lab Report Lab Viva

Description Total Marks Description Total Marks Description Total Marks

Marks Obtained Marks Obtained Marks Obtained
Data Analysis Questions/
Ability to
Conduct 5 and 5 Level of 5
Experiment Presentation
of the learned
Total Marks obtained

Remarks (if any): ………………………………….

Name & Signature of faculty: ……………………………

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Experiment No.14
Required Equipment from Basic Optics System
2 Convex Lenses (+100 mm and +200 mm)
Paper grid pattern (see page 57), or a 14 × 16 grid of 1 cm squares

A microscope magnifies an object that is close to the objective lens. The microscope in this experiment
will form an image in the same place as the object (see Figure 16.1).
The lenses are thin compared to the other distances involved, which allows the Thin Lens Formula to be

where f is focal length, do is the distance between the object and the lens, and di is the distance between
the image and the lens.
The magnification, M, of a two-lens system is equal to the product of the magnifications of the individual
1. Put your eye close to the eyepiece lens and look through both lenses at the grid pattern on the screen.
Move the objective lens to bring the image into focus

2. In this step, you will adjust your microscope to make the image occur in the same place as the object.
To do this, you will look at both image and object at the same time and judge their relative positions by
moving your head side to side. If the image and object are not in the same place, then they will appear to
move relative to each other. This effect is known as parallax. Open both eyes. Look with one eye through
the lenses at the image and with the other eye past the lenses at the object (see Figure 16.3). The lines of
the image (solid lines shown in Figure 16.4) will be superimposed on the lines of the object (shown as
dotted lines in Figure 16.4). Move your head left and right or up and down by about a centimeter. As you
move your head, the lines of the image may move relative to the lines of the object due to the parallax.
Adjust the eyepiece lens to eliminate parallax. Do not move the objective
lens. When there is no parallax, the lines in the center of the lens appear to be stuck to the object lines.
Note: Even when there is no parallax, the lines may appear to move near the edges of the lens because of
lens aberrations. Concentrate on the part of the image seen through the centers of the lenses. Be sure that
the eye looking at the object (the left eye in Figure 16.3) is looking directly at the object and not through
the objective lens.

3. Record the positions of the lenses and the object in Table 16.1.
4. Estimate the magnification of your microscope by counting the number of object squares that lie along
one side of one image square. To do this, you must view the image through the microscope with one eye
while looking directly at the object with the other eye. Remember that magnification is negative for an
image. Record the observed magnification in Table 16.1.

To calculate the magnification complete the following steps and record the answers in
Table 16.1:
1. Measure do1, the distance from the object (paper pattern on screen) to the objective lens.
2. Determine di2, the distance from the eyepiece lens to the image. Since the image is in the plane of the
object, this is equal to the distance between the eyepiece lens and the object (screen). Remember that the
image distance for a virtual image is negative.
3. Calculate di1 using do1 and the focal length of the objective lens in the Thin Lens Formula (Equation
4. Calculate do2 by subtracting di1 from the distance between the lenses.
5. Calculate the magnification using Equation 16.2.
6. Calculate the percent difference between the calculated magnification and the observed value.

1. Is the image inverted or upright?
2. Is the image that you see through the microscope real or virtual?
Further Study
Image Formed by the Objective Lens
Where is the image formed by the objective lens? Is it real or virtual? Us a desk lamp to brightly
illuminate the paper grid (or replace the screen with the light source’s crossed-arrow object). Hold a sheet
of paper vertically where you think the image is.
Do you see the image? Is it inverted or upright? Remove the sheet of paper and hold a pencil in the same
place. Look through eyepiece lens; you will see two images, one of the pencil and one of the grid pattern.
Are both images inverted? Use parallax to determine the location of the pencil image.

Increasing Magnification
While looking through your microscope, move the objective lens a few centimeters closer to the object.
Which way do you have to move the eyepiece lens to keep the image in focus? How close can you move
the objective lens and still see a clear image? (Make a pencil mark on the paper grid so you have
something very small to
focus on.) What is the theoretical limit to how close you can move the objective lens?

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