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Fertilization & Fetal Development

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FERTILIZATION & FETAL 24 hours (48 hours at the

DEVELOPMENT most). After that time, it

FERTILIZATION atrophies & becomes
✔ Is the union of mature egg cell
► Although one ovum reaches
(ovum) & sperm cell happening
maturity each month, a normal
in the ampulla (outer third) of
ejaculation of semen averages
the FT resulting in a fertilized
2.5 ml of fluid containing 50
ovum known as zygote.
to 200 million spermatozoa
✔ It is also termed conception,
per ml., or an average of 400
fecundation, impregnation.
million per ejaculation. To
✔ Following ovulation, as the
promote the possibility of a
ovum is extruded from the
sperm reaching the ovum,
Graafian follicle, it is
there is a reduction in the
surrounded by a ring of
viscosity (thickness) of
mucopolysaccharide fluid
cervical mucus at the time of
(the zona pellucida) & a circle
ovulation, making it easier for
of cells (the corona radiata).
spermatozoa to penetrate it.
These structures increase the
Sperm transport is so efficient
bulk of ovum, facilitating its
close to ovulation that
migration to the uterus, &
spermatozoa deposited in the
probably also serve as a
vagina during intercourse
protection from injury. The
generally reach the cervix of
ovum & the surrounding cell
the uterus within 90 seconds
are propelled into the near
after deposition & the outer
fallopian tube by currents
end of a fallopian tube in 5
initiated by the fimbriae, the
minutes (one reason why
fine, hair-like structures that
douching is not effective
line the openings of the
contraceptive measure).
fallopian tubes. The ovum is
► Spermatozoa move by means
propelled the length of the tube
of their flagella (tails) & uterine
by peristaltic action of the tube
contractions through the
& movement of the tube cilia.
cervix, the body of the uterus,
and into the fallopian tubes
Fertilization & Fetal Development
toward the waiting ovum.
► Fertilization must occur fairly
quickly after release of the
ovum because an ovum is
capable of fertilization for only
contains so many sperm
although only one is necessary
for fertilization is probably to
provide enough enzymes to
dissolve the corona cells.
► Once one spermatozoon
effectively penetrates the zona
pellucida, a reaction sweeps
through the layer that makes it
difficult for other spermatozoa
to penetrate it. Only one
spermatozoon is able to
► Capacitation is a final process
penetrate the cell membrane
that sperm must undergo to be
of the ovum. After it has done
ready for fertilization. This
so, the cell membrane becomes
process consists of changes in
impervious to other
the plasma membrane of the
sperm head which reveals the
❖ An exception to this is the
sperm-binding receptor sites.
formation of hydatidiform
► Fertilization usually occurs in
mole in which multi-sperm
the outer third of a fallopian
enter; this leads to abnormal
tube, the ampullar portion.
The functional life of a
⮚ Immediately after penetration
spermatozoa is about 48
of the ovum, the chromosomal
hours (may be as long as 72
material of the ovum &
hours), so sexual coitus as long
spermatozoon fuse. The
as this time interval before
resulting structure is zygote.
ovulation may result in
Because the spermatozoon &
ovum each carried 23
► All the spermatozoa that
chromosomes (22 autosomes
achieve capacitation reach
& 1 sex chromosome), a
the ovum & cluster around
fertilized ovum has 46
the protective layer of
chromosomes. If an X-carrying
corona cells. Hyaluronidase
spermatozoon enters the
(a proteolytic enzyme) is
ovum, the resulting child will
apparently released by the
have two X chromosomes &
spermatozoa & acts to
will be female (XX). If a Y-
dissolve the layer of cells
carrying spermatozoon
protecting the ovum. The
reason that an ejaculation
fertilizes the ovum, the by a spermatozoan. This cell
resulting child be male (XY). undergoes mitosis which is the
► Fertilization depends on process of cell replication
three separate factors: where each chromosome splits
• Maturation of both sperm and longitudinally to form a
ovum double-stranded structure.
• Ability of sperm to reach the ► Cleavage – series of mitotic
ovum cell division by the zygote
• Ability of the sperm to ► Blastomeres – daughter cells
penetrate the zona pellucida arising from the mitotic cell
& cell membrane & achieve division of the zygote (2-cell, 4-
fertilization cell, 8-cell blastomeres)
► Morula – solid ball od cells
produced by 16 or so
blastomeres; called the
“travelling” form because it is
in this form when it migrates
through the fallopian tube
(oviduct) & reaches the uterine
cavity about 3 to 4 days after
ovulation. (from the Latin word
morus, meaning “mulberry”).
► Blastocyst – a fluid-filled
cavity that reaches the uterine
► The reorganization of the
morula follows forming a
blastocyst. This is the stage
when there is already a cavity
in the morula called the
blastocoele, & when it enters
the uterine cavity. The cavity
enlarges &pushes the morula
cells into an outer layer of cells
called trophoblast. Along with
CLEAVAGE/MITOSIS this is an inner cell mass
► Zygote – the cell that results attached to one side of the
from fertilization of the ovum blastocyst. The divisions & the
reorganization have already ► Also called nidation
consumed energy stores ► Time: 6 to 9 days (average is 7
available in the zygote, such days) after fertilization
that it becomes necessary for ► Site: upper fundal portion or
the blastocyst to embed or upper 1/3 of the uterus; can be
implant in the uterine wall. anterior (towards the mother’s
This is necessary for it to front) or posterior (towards
obtain nourishment for its the mother’s back). Abnormal
further development. implantation sites are the FT
which leads to ectopic
pregnancy & the lower uterine
segment which causes placenta
► At the time of implantation, the
blastocyst is completely buried
in the endometrium. While the
blastocyst is the stage of
implantation, its outer layer
the trophoblast, is responsible
for actual implantation
(nidation). Once implanted the,
the zygote is an embryo.

► Are villi that sprout from the
chorion to provide maximal
contact area with maternal
blood. Villi are part of the
border between maternal &
fetal blood during
► Chorionic villi have a central
core of loose connective
tissue surrounded by a double
layer of trophoblast cells. The
central core of connective
tissue contains fetal
► The outer of the two covering
layers is termed the
syncytiotrophoblast, or the
syncytial layer. This layer of
cells is instrumental in the
production of various
placental hormones, such as
HCG, somatomammotropin
(human placental lactogen),
estrogen & progesterone.
► The inner layer, known as the
cytotrophoblast or Langhans’
layer, is present as early as 12
days’ gestation & appears to
be functional early in ⮚ the endometrium is now
pregnancy but then termed decidua (the Latin
disappears between the 20th word for “falling off”), because
& 24th week. This layer of cells it will be discarded following
protect the growing embryo the birth of the child. The
& fetus from certain decidua has three separate
infectious organisms such as areas:
the spirochete of syphilis. • Decidua basalis – or the
This is why syphilis is part of the endometrium
considered to have high lying directly under the
potential for fetal damage late embryo (or the portion
in pregnancy, when where the throphoblast cells
cytotrophoblast cells are not are establishing
functioning. Unfortunately, the communication with
layers appear to offer little maternal blood vessels)
protection against viral • Decidua capsularis – or the
portion of the endometrium
that stretches or
encapsulates the surface of
the trophoblast
• Decidua vera – or the
remaining portion of the
uterine lining
Layers of Decidua Basalis and
Decidua Vera
• Zona Compacta –
uppermost/surface layer made
up of compact cells
invasion. • Zona Spongiosum – middle,
spongy layer; with glands and
small blood vessels
• Zona Basalis – lowest
most/basal layer
✔ The zona basalis & zona
spongiosum together form
the functional layer (zona
functionales). Implantation is
up to the level of spongiosum
✔ The zona basalis remains after fibrous tissue with sparse
delivery/placental separation vessels confined mainly to the
Decidual Aging: Nitabuch’s layer, base
a zone of fibrinoid degeneration, is • Average weight at term: 500
where invading trophoblast meets gm
the decidua. This layer is usually • Feto-placental weight ratio at
absent whenever the decidua is term – 6:1

► Placenta is formed by the union

of chorionic villi and decidua
► Dimension
• Discoid: 15 to 20 cm in
► Placental maturity: 12 or 3
diameter & 2 to 3 cm in
months; functions most
effectively through 40 to 41
• Location: in the uterus,
weeks; may be dysfunctional
anteriorly or posteriorly near
beyond 42 weeks.
the fundus
► As the number of chorionic villi
• Fetal side: covered with
increases with pregnancy, the
amnion; beneath it the fetal
villi form a network of
vessels course with the
communication with the
arteries passing over the
maternal blood that becomes
veins. Amnion: 0.02 to 0.5
more & more complex.
mm in thickness; a sac that
Intervillous spaces grow larger
engulfs the growing fetus.
& larger and become separated
Amniotic fluid: clear fluid
by a series of partitions or
that collects within the
septa. In a mature placenta
amniotic cavity.
there are as many as 30
• Maternal side: divided into
separate segments called
irregular lobes; consists of
cotyledons. These ✔ Pinocytosis: fat, gamma
compartments are what make globulin, albumin
the maternal side of the ✔ Leakage allows fetal &
placenta at term look rough maternal blood to mix slightly
and uneven. because of placental defects;
PLACENTA normally, there is no mixture of
► Placenta comes from the Latin fetal & maternal blood.
word for a type of cake. ► Excretory with the amniotic
► Is formed by the union of the fluid as the medium of
chorionic villi & decidua basalis excretion
► The umbilical cord inserts at ► Respiratory organ of the fetus
the chorionic plate (has an ► The placenta acts as a
eccentric attachment). protective barrier to some
► Cotyledons – are villous tree substances & organisms like
structures, grouped into heparin & bacteria; ineffective
lobules on the maternal side for virus, alcohol, nicotine,
► Maternal blood fills the antibiotics, depressants &
intervillous space (there is high stimulants.
pressure) through the spiral ► Endocrine: secretes hormones
arteries which bathe the fetal estrogen, progesterone, human
villi in blood, nutrients, water, chorionic gonadotropin (HCG),
& gases are actively & passively and human placental lactogen
exchanged, then deoxygenated (HPL), also called chorionic
blood flows back through the somatomammotropin (HCS)
endometrial veins as the ESTROGEN
pressure decreases between ► Referred to as “hormone of
pulses. women”
PLACENTAL FUNCTIONS ► Primarily estriol is produced
► Nutritive: transports as a second product of
nutrients & water-soluble syncytial cells of the placenta
vitamins to fetus ► Contributes to the mother’s
• fluid/gas transport mammary gland
✔ Diffusion: oxygen, carbon development in preparation
dioxide, water & electrolytes for lactation & stimulates the
move from greater to lesser uterus to grow to
concentration accommodate the developing
✔ Facilitated transport: glucose fetus.
✔ Active transport: amino acid, ► Assessing the amount of estriol
calcium, iron in maternal serum can be used
as a test of fetal welfare ✔ The first hormone to be
because the immediate produced
precursor of estrogen synthesis ✔ Secreted as early as 8 to 10
by the placenta is a compound days after fertilization;
produced by the fetal adrenal detected in serum as early as
gland & liver. When the fetus is the time of implantation by the
stressed, the production of this most sensitive pregnancy test,
fetal compound is decreased; the radioimmunoassay (RIA);
estrogen, therefore cannot be and detected in urine 10 days
synthesized, & the level of (2 weeks) after missed period
estriol in maternal serum will by simple pregnancy test.
then decrease. ✔ Functions: prolongs the life of
► After the 32nd week of the corpus luteum; serves as
pregnancy, a level less than 14 the basis for pregnancy tests
ng/mL suggests that fetal well- ✔ The hormone found elevated in
being is in jeopardy. excessive vomiting
PROGESTERONE ✔ Normal value: 400,000 I.U./24
► Referred to as the “hormone hours
of mothers” ✔ Purpose: is to act as a fail-safe
► Function: Necessary to measure to ensure that the
maintain the endometrial corpus luteum of the ovary
lining of the uterus during continues to produce
pregnancy & to reduce the progesterone & estrogen;
contractility of the uterine suppresses the maternal
musculature during pregnancy, immunologic response so
which prevents premature placental invasion is not
labor rejected.
► Present in serum as early as ► Because the structure of HCG is
the 4th week of pregnancy as a similar to luteinizing hormone
result of the continuation of the of the pituitary gland, if the
corpus luteum fetus is male, it exerts an effect
► When placental synthesis on the fetal testes to begin
begins (at around the 12th testosterone production. The
week), the level rises presence of testosterone
progressively during the causes the maturation of male
remainder of pregnancy. reproductive tract
HUMAN CHORIONIC ► At about 8th week of
GONADOTROPIN pregnancy, the outer layer of
cells developing placenta
begins to produce are always available to the
progesterone – corpus luteum fetus
is no longer needed so the Mechanisms by which Nutrients Cross
production of HCG which the Placenta
sustained it begins to decrease. Mechanism Description
► The mother’s serum will be Diffusion When there is a
completely negative for HCG greater
within 1 to 2 weeks after concentration of a
delivery. Testing of HCG substance on one
following delivery can be used side of a
as a proof that all the placental semipermeable
membrane than on
tissue has been delivered. the other,
Human Chorionic substances of
Somatomammotropin (HCS) or correct molecular
Human Placental Lactogen (HPL) weight cross the
membrane from the
✔ Produced by the placenta as area of higher
early as the 6th week of concentration to the
area of lower
pregnancy. It can be assayed
in both maternal serum & urine Oxygen & carbon
✔ Is a hormone with both dioxide cross the
growth-promoting and placenta by simple
lactogenic (milk-producing) diffusion.
properties. Facilitated In order that the
diffusion fetus receives
✔ The principal diabetogenic
factor as it is the major insulin concentrations of
antagonist, or glucose sparing necessary growth
hormone substances, some
✔ Functions: substances cross
• Promote mammary gland the placenta more
rapidly or more
(breast) growth in
easily than would
preparation for lactation in occur if only simple
the mother (accounting for its diffusion were
name) operating. Glucose
• Serves the important role of is an example of a
regulating maternal glucose, substance that
crosses by this
protein, & fat levels so that
adequate amounts of these
Active transport This process
requires that an
enzyme act to
facilitate transport.
Essential amino
acids & water ► Develops from and contains
soluble vitamins remnants of the yolk sac and
cross the placenta allantois. It forms by the 5th
against the pressure week of development,
gradient or from an replacing the yolk sac as the
area of lower
source of nutrients for the
concentration to an embryo.
area of greater ► Length:50 - 55 cm, 1 inch
molecular across at term
concentration. ► Parts:
Amino acid • One left umbilical vein;
concentrations in
carries oxygenated blood to
fetal plasma are
twice what they are the fetus
in the mother, a • Two umbilical arteries (left &
situation that must right): carry deoxygenated
occur to provide blood from fetus to placenta
building substances • Wharton’s jelly, gelatinous
for active fetal
Pinocytosis Absorption by the (mucopolysaccharides):
cellular membrane specialized connective tissue,
of microdroplets of an extension of the amnion;
plasma & dissolved surrounds the umbilical cord.
substances. Gamma The blood volume in the cord
globulin, also helps prevent cord
phospholipids, and compression.
other molecular ⮚ The cord extends from the fetal
structures that are surface of the placenta to the
too large for fetal umbilicus
diffusion and that ⮚ Function: to transport oxygen
cannot participate & nutrients to the fetus & to
in active transport
cross in this return metabolic wastes
manner. including carbon dioxide from
Unfortunately, the fetus to the placenta.
viruses that then
infect the fetus may
also cross in tis
► Serve as a protective
cushion/shock absorber
► Separates fetus from
membranes allowing
symmetrical growth & free
► Acts as a medium of excretion
► Serves as fetal drink (if there is
an abnormality in the
deglutition center of the brain
or if there is esophageal atresia
that the fetus could not
swallow, amniotic fluid
► Clear, straw-colored fluid in (polyhydramnios).
which the fetus floats ► Serves as a specimen for
► Origin: both fetal & maternal; periodic diagnostic exams to
amniotic epithelium maternal examine to determine fetal
serum & in later part (10th well-being or its absence
week), fetal urine; constantly ► Maintains fetal temperature
being replaced so there is no ► Equalizes uterine pressure &
“dry labor” in premature prevents marked interference
rupture of the bag of water. with placental circulation
► Amount: 500 to 1000 ml at during labor.
term; polyhydramnios – STAGES OF INTRAUTERINE
excessive amount of amniotic DEVELOPMENT
fluid greater than 1,000 to ► The Ovum
1,500 ml; oligohydramnios –
amount less than 300 to 500
► Reaction: neutral to alkaline
(pH 7 to 7.25)
► Abnormal colors: green-tinge
in a non-breech presentation is
a sign of fetal distress;
golden-colored fluid may be
found in hemolytic disease. ✔ From fertilization to 2 weeks
differentiation of organs
✔ When the ovum is exposed to ⮚ Mesoderm: the middle layer;
teratogen, the ‘all-or-none’ law develops into:
applies, meaning the ovum is ✔ Dermis
damaged & is out in ✔ Cardiovascular system & blood
spontaneous abortion or is not cells
affected at all & continues to ✔ Reproductive system
grow normally. ✔ Musculo-skeletal system
⮚ The Embryo ✔ urogenital system, except the
✔ From 2 weeks to 2 months bladder
✔ The period of organ ► Endoderm/Entoderm: the
differentiation inner layer, develops into:
(organogenesis). ✔ Linings of gastrointestinal tract
✔ Most Dangerous Period: a from pharynx to rectum
teratogen introduced at this ✔ Liver, pancreas, thyroid,
stage may result in severe parathyroid
organ malformation & ✔ Respiratory tract
dysfunction. ✔ Bladder, thyroid, thymus (for
► The Fetus immunity building)
✔ From 8 weeks to birth FETAL CIRCULATION
✔ The period of post-
differentiation of organs
✔ When exposed to a teratogen, a
malformation is least likely to
occur. If ever the fetus is
affected, the effects will most
likely be alteration in size or
function but not in for.


► Ectoderm: the outer layer;
develops into: ► Three unique structures
✔ Nervous system function during fetal
✔ Hair, nails, skin (epidermis), development to provide
sebaceous & sweat glands sufficient blood flow for
✔ Salivary glands, mucous metabolic & nutrient functions
membrane of mouth of the placenta: ductus
✔ Epithelium of nasal-oral venosus, foramen ovale, ductus
passages arteriosus.
► Oxygenated blood & nourished ❖ Deoxygenated blood returns to
blood from the placenta enters the placenta through the
the fetus through umbilical umbilical arteries, where the
vein. Soon after it enters the process repeat itself.
abdominal wall, the umbilical MILESTONES OF FETAL GROWTH
vein branches. The smaller & DEVELOPMENT
branch enters the hepatic End of 4 Gestation Weeks
circulation & later empties into ✔ Does not resemble a human
the inferior vena cava through being yet
the hepatic vein. ✔ Spinal cord has formed & fused
► The second larger branch at midpoint
enters the inferior vena cava ✔ The head will fold forward &
directly through the ductus become prominent, comprising
venosus. about 1/3 of the entire
► Blood from the inferior vena structure
cava empties directly into the ✔ Arms & legs are bud-like
right atrium, where it mixes structures
with blood from the superior ✔ Rudimentary formation:
vena cava through the hepatic heart; eyes, ears, & nose are
vein. discernible
► The majority of this blood ✔ Length is 0.75 to 1 cm
passes through the foramen ✔ Weight is 400 mg
ovale & into the left atrium, End of 8 Weeks Gestation
where it mixes deoxygenated ✔ Length is 2.5 cm (1 inch)
from the lungs. ✔ Weight is 20 g
► This blood is then pumped into ✔ Organogenesis is complete
the left ventricle & out to the ✔ Heart has a septum & valves
fetal body through the aorta. & is beating rhythmically
❖ The remaining blood in the ✔ Facial features – definitely
right atrium is pumped discernible
through the tricuspid valve into ✔ Legs, arms, fingers, toes,
the right ventricle & out to the elbows, & knees have
pulmonary artery only a small developed
portion of this blood continues ✔ External genitalia – present
to the nonfunctioning lungs to (male & female are not
nourish them; the remainder distinguishable by simple
passes through the ductus observation)
arteriosus & enters the body
circulation directly.
✔ Sonogram – demonstrates a ✔ The liver & pancreas are
gestational sac & is diagnostic functioning. At this time, the
of pregnancy fetus actively swallows
End of 12 Gestation Weeks (First amniotic fluid, demonstrating
Trimester) an intact swallowing reflex.
✔ Length is 7 to 9 cm. weight is End of 20 Gestation Weeks
45 g ✔ Length is 25 cm. weight is 223
✔ Nailbeds are forming on g.
fingers and toes. The fetus is ✔ The spontaneous movements
capable of spontaneous of the fetus have become
movements, although they are strong enough for the mother
usually too faint to be felt by to feel. The sensation is like the
the mother. fluttering of wings or fluid
✔ Some reflexes are present, moving rapidly through the
notably the Babinski reflex. bowels. This event is termed
✔ Ossification centers are quickening. It is a major
forming in bones, and tooth milestone in pregnancy.
buds are present. ✔ Capable of antibody
✔ Male and female fetuses are production
distinguishable by outward ✔ Hair formation extends to
appearance. include eyebrows and hair on
✔ Kidney secretion has begun, the head.
although urine may not yet be ✔ Meconium is present in the
evident in amniotic fluid. The upper intestine.
heart beat is audible by a ✔ Brown fat, a special fat that
Doppler instrument. will aid in temperature
End of 16 Gestation Weeks regulation at birth, begins to be
✔ Length is 10 to 17 cm weight is formed behind the kidneys,
55 to 120 g. sternum and posterior neck.
✔ It may be possible to hear fetal ✔ Fetal heart beat is strong
heart sounds through an enough to be heard readily
ordinary stethoscope. through the abdomen with an
✔ The formation of lanugo (the ordinary stethoscope.
fine, downy hair on the back ✔ Developed biorhythms that
and arms of NB, apparently will guide sleep/wake
serving as a source of patterns throughout life.
insulation for body heat) is End of 24 Gestation weeks
well formed. (Second Trimester)
✔ Length is 28 to 36 cm. weight is after birth in a modern
550 g. intensive care facility.
✔ Passive antibody transfer from End of 28 Gestation Weeks
mother to fetus probably ✔ Length is 35 to 38 cm. Weight
begins as early as the 20th week is 1200 g.
of gestation, certainly by the ✔ The lung alveoli begin to
24th of gestation. Infants born mature, and surfactant can be
before antibody transfer has demonstrated in amniotic fluid.
taken place have no natural ✔ In the male fetus, the testes
immunity & need more than begin to descend into the
the usual protection against scrotal sac from the lower
infectious disease in the NB abdominal cavity.
period until the infant’s own ✔ The blood vessels of the
store of immunoglobulins can retina are extremely
build up. susceptible to damage from
✔ Vernix caseosa, a cream high oxygen concentrations
cheese-like substance (an important consideration
produced by the sebaceous when caring for low-birth-
glands that serves as a weight infants who need
protective skin covering during oxygen).
intrauterine life, begins to form End of 32 Gestation Weeks
following the 20th week. ✔ Length is 38 to 43 cm. weight is
✔ Meconium is present as far as 1600 g.
the rectum. ✔ Subcutaneous fat begins to be
✔ Active production of lung deposited in the fetus during
surfactant begins, and features this month, & the former
as detailed as eyebrows and stringy, “little old man”
eyelashes are well defined. The appearance is lost. The fetus is
eyelids of the fetus have been aware of sounds outside the
fused since the 12th week. Now mother’s body, has an active
the membrane that had fused Moro reflex, and in some cases,
them dissolves, the eyes can has already assumed delivery
open, and the pupils are position (vertex or breech).
capable of reacting to light. ✔ Iron stores to provide iron for
✔ When the reach 24 weeks, or the time during which he or
601 g, they have achieved a she will ingest only milk
practical low-end age of following birth begin to be laid.
viability if they are cared for ✔ Fingernails grow to reach the
end of fingertips.
End of 36 Gestation Weeks ✔ Creases on the soles of feet
✔ Length is 42 to 49 cm. Weight cover at least two-thirds of
is 1900 to 2 700 g (5 to 6 lb). their surface.
✔ In the last 2 months of ✔ In primiparas, the fetus often
intrauterine life, body stores sinks into the birth canal
of glycogen, iron, during these last 2 weeks. This
carbohydrate, and calcium event is termed lightening. It
are augmented and additional is fetal announcement that the
amounts of subcutaneous fat third trimester of pregnancy
are deposited. has ended and birth is at hand.
✔ The sole of the foot has only
one or two crisscross creases SPECIAL CONCERNS:
compared with the full TERATOGENIC EFFECTS OF DRUGS
crisscross pattern that will be Teratogenesis: the dysgenesis of
evident at term. fetal organs as evidenced either
✔ The amount of lanugo present structurally or functionally.
begins to diminish. Teratogen – is any factor, chemical
✔ Many babies turn into a vertex or physical that adversely affect the
or head presentation during fertilized ovum, embryo, or fetus.
this month. Manifestations: restricted growth
End of 40 Gestation Weeks or death of the fetus,
(Third Trimester) carcinogenesis, and malformations
✔ Length, crown to heel, is 48 to defined as defects in organ
52 cm. Weight is 3000 g (7 to 7 structure or function. These
½ lb.). abnormalities vary in severity &
✔ The fetus kicks actively major malformations may be life-
during these weeks, hard threatening, or may have cosmetic
enough to cause the mother functional effects & require major
considerable discomfort. surgery.
✔ Fetal hemoglobin begins its Safety Risk: Because any
conversion to adult medication can present risks in
hemoglobin. The conversion is pregnancy, and because not all risks
so rapid that, at birth, about are known, the safest pregnancy –
20% of hemoglobin will be related pharmacy is as little as
adult in character. pharmacy possible. Prescribing
✔ Vernix caseosa is fully formed. drugs for women during the
✔ Fingernails extend over tips of antenatal and postnatal period is a
fingers. balancing act and that no risk-free
alternatives exist. Each drug should
be assessed, and its risks and ► Has been described collectively
benefits should be weighed. under the umbrella term
✔ Exposure to medication may abbreviation for
alter the quality, size, shape, toxoplasmosis, rubella,
performance, and production cytomegalovirus, and herpes
of sperm. This observation simplex virus. Some sources
suggests that drug exposure in identify “O” with “other
the male may put the fetus at infections,” which could
risk. Animal studies have include syphilis, hepatitis B
shown that maternal virus (HBV), and HIV.
teratogenic exposure may lead ► These are all the infections
to pregnancy loss or failure of known to cross the placenta &
✔ the embryo to develop, but no affect the fetus during
evidence shows that paternal pregnancy.
exposure directly increases the ► The TORCH screen was
risk of birth defects. developed as an immunologic
SAFETY GUIDES IN PREGNANCY survey to determine whether
✔ For any ailment seek medical these infections exist in either
attention. Take only prescribed the pregnant woman (to
drugs. identify fetal risk factors) or
✔ Do not self medicate. the NB (to detect if an
✔ Do not take OTC drugs antibodies against the common
including vitamins and infectious teratogens are
minerals. present).
✔ Do not take alcohol no matter ► Teratogenic infections can be
how slight. viral, bacterial, or protozoan.
✔ The US Federal Drug Most cause relatively mild, flu-
Administration (FDA), the like symptoms in the woman,
government agency that yet have much more serious
oversees the safety of drugs, effects on the fetus or NB.
provides the most widely used
system to grade the teratogenic
effects of medications using a
5-letter systems: A, B,C, D, and

Teratogenic Maternal Infections

Drugs with Proven humans; use only if
Teratogenic Effects benefits outweigh
risk to fetus
Drugs Teratogenic Effects Category X Contraindicated;
Methotreaxate CNS and limb benefit does not
malformations outweigh risk
NSAIDs Constriction of
ductus arteriosus,
Phenytoin Growth
retardation, CNS INFECTIONS
defects RUBELLA
Psychoactive Neonatal ✔ The rubella virus usually
drugs withdrawal causes mild systemic illness in
(barbiturates, syndrome when the mother, but the teratogenic
opioids, given in late effects on the fetus is
benzodiazepines) pregnancy
Tetracycline Teeth
staining/defects, ✔ Fetal damage from maternal
bone defects infection with rubella (German
measles) includes deafness,
FDA Categories for Labeling of
Drugs with Proven Teratogenic Effects
Prescription Drugs to Indicate the
Risk of Their Use in Pregnancy Drugs Teratogenic Effects
Anticholinergic drugs Neonatal meconium
Category A Fetal risk not
revealed in
Antithyroid drugs Fetal &neonatal
controlled studies (Prophylthiouracil, goiter,
in humans methimazole) hypothyroidism
Category B Fetal risk not
confirmed in Cyclophosphamide CNS malformation,
studies in humans secondary cancer
but has been Diethylstilbestrol Vaginal cancer, other
GU defects in male or
shown in some
female offspring
studies in animals
Hypoglycemic drugs Neonatal
Category C Fetal risk revealed hypoglycemia
in studies in Warfarin (Coumadin) Skeleton & CNS
animals but not defects (heparin is
established or not the anticoagulant of
studied in humans; choice in pregnancy;
may be used if does not pass-
benefit outweigh through placental
risk to fetus barriers)
Category D Fetal risk shown in
mental and motor ✔ Another teratogen that can
retardation, cataracts, cause extensive damage to a
cardiac defects (patent ductus fetus
arteriosus & pulmonary ✔ Transmitted by droplet
stenosis being the most infection from person to
common), retarded person. If a woman acquires
intrauterine growth (SGA), primary CMV infection during
thrombocytopenic purpura, a pregnancy, transplacental
and dental and facial clefts, transmission of the virus may
such as cleft lip & palate. result in congenital CMV
✔ Greatest risk – organogenesis infection.
period in early pregnancy ✔ Mother – no symptom, infant
( first 12 weeks – 80%; 13 to – may be born with severe
14 weeks – 54%; after the brain damage (hydrocephalus,
second trimester – 25%). In microcephaly, spasticity), eye
addition, there is 30% chance damage (optic atrophy,
of spontaneous abortion or chorioretinitis), deafness or
stillbirth if the infection occurs chronic liver disease, skin –
in the first trimester. covered with large petechiae
RUBELLA (“blue berry muffin” lesions).
✔ All women of childbearing age CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV)
should be immunized with ✔ Diagnosis – established by
rubella so that this teratogen isolation of CMV antibodies in
can be eradicated. serum.
✔ A woman who is not ✔ No treatment or vaccine
immunized before pregnancy exists – routine screening is
cannot be immunized during not recommended
pregnancy because the vaccine ✔ Primary CMV infection may
uses live virus that would have become latent & then reactive
effects similar to those periodically. These recurrences
occurring with a subclinical are not thought to have
case of rubella. teratogenic effect on the fetus,
✔ Following a rubella but they can cause infection of
immunization a woman is not the NB during birth from
advised to become pregnant genital secretions or
for three months. postpartum exposure to CMV-
CYTOMEGALOVIRUS (CMV) infected breast milk.
✔ A member of the herpes family ✔ CMV infection contracted at
birth is not associated with
serious adverse effects except ✔ If genital lesions are present at
in babies of very low birth the time of birth, the fetus may
weight. contract the virus during birth,
HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS so this is still serious.
(GENITAL HERPES INFECTION) ✔ For women with a history of
✔ A primary, first-episode genital genital herpes & existing
herpes infection in a pregnant genital lesions when labor or
woman poses a substantial risk rupture of membrane occurs,
to the fetus. First time infection cesarean delivery is often
– systemic involvement – the performed – reduce the risk of
virus spreads into the neonatal infection.
bloodstream (viremia) & OTHER VIRAL DISEASES
crosses the placenta to the ✔ Rubeola (measles),
fetus. coxsackievirus, mumps,
✔ If the infection takes place in varicella (chickenpox),
the poliomyelitis, influenza, and
• first trimester – severe viral hepatitis all may be
congenital anomalies or teratogenic
spontaneous abortion may ✔ Parvovirus B19 is the
occur causative agent of erythema
• Second or third trimester – infectiosum (also called fifth
there is a high incidence of disease). If the pregnant
premature birth, IUGR, & woman contracts this infection,
continuing infection of the NB the virus can cross the placenta
at birth. Fetal mortality & & attacks the RBC of the fetus.
morbidity rate is as high as Infection – early pregnancy –
40%. fetal death; late in pregnancy –
HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS infant may be born with
(GENITAL HERPES INFECTION) severe anemia & congenital
✔ If the woman has had herpes heart disease.
simples virus type 1 infections SYPHYLIS
prior to the genital herpes ✔ A sexually transmitted
invasion or if the genital herpes infection caused by spirochete
(type 2) infection is a Treponema pallidum
recurrence, antibodies to the ✔ Extensive damage to the fetus
virus in her system prevent after the 16th to 18th week of
spread of the virus to the fetus intrauterine life, when the
across the placenta. cytotrophoblastic layer of the
placental villi has atrophied & LYME DISEASE
no longer protects against it. ✔ Is a multisystem disease
✔ If detected & treated before caused by the spirochete
(16th to 18th ) this time, the Borrelia burgdorferi and
fetus is rarely affected. spread by the bite of a deer
✔ If left untreated beyond the tick. The highest incidence
18th week of gestation, occurs in the summer & early
deafness, mental fall.
retardation, osteochondritis, ✔ Following tick bite, a typical
& fetal death skin rash, erythema
SYPHYLIS chronicum migrans (large,
✔ Prevention – early detection & macular lesions with a clear
immediate treatment with center), develops. Pain in large
antibiotics to prevent body joints such as the knee
congenital syphilis. may be present.
✔ Benzathine penicillin – drug ✔ Infection in pregnancy results
often used since it may be in spontaneous abortion or
given safely during pregnancy. severe congenital anomalies.
✔ Serologic screening (either a ✔ Prevention:
VDRL or a rapid plasma regain) • Pregnant woman should
– done at the first prenatal avoid areas where they are
visit, may be repeated again apt to be bitten by the ticks
close to term (8th month) (woods and tall grass).
✔ The NB with congenital syphilis • If hiking – wear long, light –
may have congenital colored slacks tucked into
anomalies: extreme rhinitis socks to prevent legs from
(snuffles), & a characteristic being exposed.
syphilitic rash. • Avoid use of tick repellants
✔ Woman has been treated - containing diethyltoluamide
serum titer remains high for (ingredient) – teratogenic.
more than 200 days • Returning from outing –
(increasing titer suggest inspect body carefully &
additional infection has immediately remove any ticks
occurred). if find.
✔ Infant – serologic test may LYME DISEASE
remain positive for up to 3 ✔ To spread the spirochete, the
months even though the tick must be present on the
disease was treated during body possibly as long as 24
pregnancy. hours.
✔ Treatment: • Do not change a cat litter box
• for pregnant women – a or work in soil in an area
course of penicillin may be where cats may defecate
prescribed to reduce
• For non-pregnant women – AT BIRTH
tetracycline & doxycycline – ► A number of infections are not
cannot be used during teratogenic to the fetus during
pregnancy, as they cause pregnancy but are harmful if
tooth discoloration and, they are present at the time of
possibly, long-bone birth. Gonorrhea, candidiasis,
malformation in the fetus. chlamydia and hepatitis B are
TOXOPLASMOSIS example of these.
✔ A protozoan infection, may be POTENTIAL TERATOGENICITY OF
contracted by eating VACCINES
undercooked meat, cat stool in ► Live virus vaccines, such as
soil or cat litter (organism is measles, mumps, rubella,
spread most commonly). and poliomyelitis (Sabin
✔ The woman may experience type), are contraindicated
almost no symptoms of the during pregnancy because they
disease except a few days of may transmit the virus
malaise & posterior cervical infection to the fetus.
lymphadenopathy. ► Make sure that adolescents
✔ Following placenta transfer of about to be vaccinated are not
the infection, the infant may be pregnant or do not become
born with CNS damage, pregnant until 3 months
hydrocephalus, microcephaly, afterward.
intracerebral calcification, and ► Women who work in biologic
retinal deformities. laboratories where vaccines
✔ Diagnosis – serum analysis are manufactured are well
✔ Treatment – sulfonamides may advised not to work with live
be given during pregnancy virus products during
(sulfa – increase bilirubin pregnancy.
levels in NB).
✔ Prevention:
• Avoid eating undercooked

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