Miller Et Al. 2010
Miller Et Al. 2010
Miller Et Al. 2010
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Nevada, MS200, Reno, Nevada 89557, USA and
Department of Plant Sciences, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Givat Ram, Jerusalem 91904, Israel
Figure 1. Localization of reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation and scavenging pathways in plant cells. The water–water cycle
detoxifies O2·- and H2O2, and alternative oxidase (AOX; Immutans) reduces the production rate of O2·- in thylakoids [top left; in some
plants iron superoxide dismutase (FeSOD) might replace CuZnSOD in the chloroplast]. ROS that escape this cycle and/or are produced
in the stroma undergo detoxification by SOD and the stromal ascorbate–glutathione cycle. Peroxiredoxin (PrxR) and glutathione
peroxidase (GPX) are also involved in H2O2 removal in the stroma (middle right). Excited chlorophyll (Chl) in its triplet state at the
light-harvesting complex (LHC) can generate 1O2 when the electron transport chain is over-reduced. ROS produced in peroxisomes
during fatty acid oxidation, photorespiration or other reactions are decomposed by SOD, catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase
(APX) (top right). SOD and other components of the ascorbate–glutathione cycle are also present in mitochondria. In addition, AOX
prevents oxidative damage in mitochondria (bottom right). In principle, the cytosol contains the same set of enzymes found in the stroma
(bottom left). NADPH oxidases [respiratory burst oxidase homologs (RBOHs)] are the major producers of ROS-associated signals
required in a wide range of biological activities. The enzymatic components responsible for ROS detoxification in the apoplast and cell
wall (CW) are only partially known, and the ROS-scavenging pathways at the vacuole and nucleus are unknown. Membrane-bound
enzymes are depicted in white, GPX pathways are indicated by dashed lines and PrxR pathways are indicated by dotted lines in the
stroma and cytosol. Although the pathways in the different compartments are mostly separated from each other, H2O2 can easily diffuse
through membranes and antioxidants such as glutathione and ascorbic acid can be transported between the different compartments.
DHA, dehydroascrobate; DHAR, DHA reductase; FD, ferredoxin; FNR, ferredoxin NADPH reductase; GLR, glutaredoxin; GR,
glutathione reductase; GOX, glycolate oxidase; GSH, reduced glutathione; GSSG, oxidized glutathione; IM, inner membrane; IMS, IM
space; MDA, monodehydroascorbate; MDAR, MDA reductase; PGP, phosphoglycolate phosphatase; PM, plasma membrane; PSI,
photosystem I; PSII, photosystem II; RuBP, ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate; Rubisco, RuBP carboxylase oxygenase; Trx, thioredoxin;
tyl, thylakoid.
NADPH oxidases, are the main producers of signal 2008). The two, somewhat opposing, ‘faces’ of ROS, that is,
transduction-associated ROS in cells during these processes on the one hand, the damaging toxic molecule, and on the
(Mittler et al. 2004; Torres & Dangl 2005; Fig. 1). other hand, the beneficial signal transduction molecule,
In addition to active generation of ROS signals by the underscore the need to control the steady-state level of
plant, for example, by NADPH oxidases, ROS generated ROS in cells during normal metabolism, as well as in
due to metabolic imbalances during stress could also be response to different stresses. Elucidating the mechanisms
channelled by the plant to serve as a stress signal to activate that control ROS signalling in cells during drought and salt
acclimation and defence mechanisms that would in turn stresses could therefore provide a powerful strategy to
counteract stress-associated oxidative stress (Mittler et al. enhance the tolerance of crops to these environmental
2004; Davletova et al. 2005a; Miller, Shulaev & Mittler stress conditions.
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Reactive oxygen species in drought and salinity 455
ROS REGULATION IN DIFFERENT leaves that was almost exclusively mediated by 1O2, leading
ORGANELLES DURING DROUGHT to cell death (Triantaphylides et al. 2008).
AND SALINITY Controlling ROS production and scavenging in the chlo-
roplast was shown to be essential for tolerance to drought
and salinity in transgenic plants and in drought- or salinity-
The reaction centres of photosystem I (PSI) and photo- tolerant cultivars (Van Camp et al. 1996; Hernandez et al.
system II (PSII) in chloroplast thylakoids are a major 2001; Mittler & Berkowitz 2001; Tseng, Liu & Yiu 2007).
site of ROS generation. The photoproduction of ROS In contrast, deficiency in chloroplastic ROS-scavenging
is largely affected by physiological and environmental mechanisms enhanced the stress sensitivity to both salinity
factors and its rate is enhanced under conditions where and drought (Serrato et al. 2004; Wang et al. 2005; Support-
photon intensity is in excess of that required for CO2 ing Information Table S1).
assimilation (Asada 2006). Under water stress conditions,
reduced CO2 availability due to stomata closure and expo-
sure to continuous excessive light direct electron transfer
toward molecular oxygen, generating superoxide ions at Peroxisomes produce H2O2 and O2- at high rates through
PSI by the Mehler reaction (Asada 2006). A membrane several metabolic processes and the amount of ROS in
attached copper/zinc superoxide (Cu/ZnSOD) in the peroxisomes is regulated by a delicate balance between
vicinity of PSI converts the superoxide radicals into production and scavenging. Reduced water availability and
hydrogen peroxide and a membrane-bound thylakoid- stomatal closure decrease CO2 to O2 ratio in mesophyll cells
ascorbate peroxidase (tylAPX) converts the H2O2 to and increase photorespiration and production of glycolate
water; this is also referred to as the water–water cycle in chloroplasts. Oxidation of glycolate by glycolate-oxidase
(Fig. 1). In this process, AsA is oxidized to monohy- in peroxisomes accounts for the majority of H2O2 produc-
droascorbate radical (MDA) that is reduced back to AsA tion during photorespiration (Noctor et al. 2002; Karpinski
by either reduced ferredoxin (Miyake & Asada 1994; et al. 2003; Fig. 1). Additional sources of H2O2 production
Rizhsky, Liang & Mittler 2003), or by NAD(P)H, cataly- in peroxisomes include fatty acid b-oxidation, the flavin
sed by MDA reductase (MDAR) (Sano et al. 2005; Asada oxidase pathway and the dismutation of superoxide radicals
2006). Dehydroascorbate (DHA) is produced when (Corpas, Barroso & del Río 2001; Palma, Corpas & del Río
MDAR fails to reduce MDA to AsA, and is reduced to 2009). CATs localized mainly in peroxisomes are the major
AsA by DHA reductase (DHAR) using reduced GSH as antioxidative enzymes that detoxify H2O2, under increased
an electron donor. PrxRs associated with the thylakoid photorespiration conditions (Mittler et al. 2004; Vandena-
membrane together with thioredoxin (Trx) can also beele et al. 2004). APX and the AsA–GSH cycle can also
provide antioxidative protection enabling an alternative contribute to the scavenging of H2O2 in peroxisomes
water–water cycle for detoxification of photochemically (Jiménez et al. 1997; Fig. 1). O2- is generated by xanthine
produced H2O2 in chloroplasts (Dietz et al. 2006; Fig. 1). oxidase (XOD) in the matrix of leaf peroxisomes, and SOD
Peroxiredoxin (Prx) and Trx were shown to play an impor- converts O2- to O2 and H2O2 (del Río et al. 1996; Corpas
tant role during drought and oxidative stress (Rey et al. et al. 2001). Furthermore, environmental stresses, such as
2005; Dietz et al. 2006; Vieira Dos Santos & Rey 2006). desiccation and salinity, were shown to perturb the redox
Singlet oxygen (1O2) is generated at PSII by excited state, inhibit antioxidant mechanisms and increase ROS
triplet-state chlorophyll at the P680 reaction centre and in production in peroxisomes (del Río et al. 1996; Mittova
the light-harvesting complex when the electron transport et al. 2003; Nyathi & Baker 2006). For example, in tomato,
chain is over-reduced (Asada 2006; Fig. 1). H2O2 has a posi- salinity decreases AsA and GSH contents and induces lipid
tive role in reducing the likelihood of 1O2 formation and peroxidation in peroxisomes (Mittova et al. 2003).
treatment with exogenous H2O2 was shown to promote the Polyamine catabolism has also been shown to regulate
oxidation of quinone A (QA), the primary plastoquinone ROS accumulation and ROS-scavenging enzymes in cells
(PQ) electron acceptor, which increases the photosynthetic (Moschou et al. 2008; Mohapatra et al. 2009). Interestingly, a
electron transport flow and decreased the generation of 1O2 recent study demonstrated that expression of drought-
during the stress; thus, the water–water cycle functions also responsive genes is altered in plants that are deficient in
as a relaxation system to suppress the photoproduction of root peroxisomal polyamine oxidase (POX) that is involved
O2 (Karpinska, Wingsle & Karpinski 2000; Asada 2006; in polyamine catabolism (Kamada-Nobusada et al. 2008).
Moller et al. 2007). 1O2 can activate a genetic programme These results raise a possibility that peroxisomal POX con-
leading to growth inhibition and lethality through the tributes to the regulation of drought-responsive genes by
EXEUTER1 and EXECUTER2 pathways (Wagner et al. balancing ROS generation and scavenging.
2004; Lee et al. 2007). On the other hand, the cytotoxicity of
O2 was shown to causes lipid peroxidation and extensive
tissue damage in leaves under photo-oxidative condition
that could directly lead to cellular death ( Moller ´/ et al. Mitochondria are also known as a source of ROS produc-
2007; Triantaphylides et al. 2008). Photo-oxidative stress tion, although, they generate smaller amounts of ROS com-
induced an excessive lipid peroxidation in Arabidopsis pared with chloroplasts and peroxisomes (Foyer & Noctor
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456 G. Miller et al.
2005; Rhoads et al. 2006). In mitochondria, complex I and are cell wall-associated oxidases and peroxidases and
complex III in the electron transport chain (mtETC) are polyamine oxidases (Mittler 2002; Moschou et al. 2008).
major sites of ROS production ( Moller´/ 2001; Rhoads et al. Accumulation of H2O2 in the apoplast is thought to be
2006; Moller et al. 2007). Ubisemiquinone intermediate involved in acclimation responses of plants to drought and
formed at complex I and III donates electrons to oxygen salt stresses, such as growth and cell wall strengthening
and generates O2- that is, in turn, reduced to H2O2 (Raha & (Hernandez et al. 2001; Rodriguez et al. 2004; Ros Barceló
Robinson 2000; Rhoads et al. 2006; Fig. 1). Increased mito- 2005; Jubany-Marí et al. 2009). Generation of apoplastic
chondrial respiration during water stress could potentially ROS was shown to have a positive effect on leaf elongation
contribute to the generation of ROS during stress by trans- in maize during salinity stress, and reduction in stress-
ferring electrons from the cytochrome electron transport induced apoplastic ROS formation was associated with a
system to O2 (Norman et al. 2004). decrease in leaf elongation, specifically in response to NaCl
ROS production in mitochondria has been shown to treatment but not during osmotic treatment (Rodriguez
increase under abiotic stress conditions, especially drought et al. 2004). In addition, two pea cultivars with different
and salinity (Alscher, Donahue & Cramer 1997; Bartoli degrees of salt tolerance exhibited changes in apoplastic
et al. 2004; Pastore et al. 2007). Perturbation of mtETC ROS-scavenging activities, such as SOD, which positively
function results in over-reduction of the ubiquinone (UQ) correlated with salt tolerance (Hernandez et al. 2001).
pool and increased ROS production (Rhoads et al. 2006).
Atkin & Macherel (2009) suggested that respiration rate
increases under severe drought because the demand
for mitochondrial ATP increases to compensate for the
reduced rate of chloroplast ATP synthesis, causing Low-molecular-weight antioxidants such as AsA, GSH and
enhanced production of ROS in the mitochondria. Changes tocopherols can also affect gene expression associated with
in ROS levels caused by the perturbation of complex I were abiotic stresses, altering acclimation responses. Antioxi-
proposed to trigger a retrograde signal (Rhoads et al. 2006). dants function as redox buffers that interact with ROS and
Mitochondrial alternative oxidase (AOX) and manganese act as a metabolic interface that modulate the appropriate
SOD (Mn-SOD) are key enzymes that function in control- induction of acclimation responses or programmed cell
ling this signalling pathway (Foyer & Noctor 2005; Fig. 1). death (Halliwell & Foyer 1976; Takahashi & Asada 1988;
AOX acts to maintain the reduction state of the UQ Foyer & Noctor 2005).
pool and lower ROS production in mitochondria, while AsA is an important antioxidant that serves as an elec-
Mn-SOD converts O2- to H2O2 and O2 in the initial step of tron donor to many important reactions (Smirnoff &
the ROS detoxification ( Moller´/ 2001; Arnholdt-Schmitt, Pallanca 1996; Noctor & Foyer 1998; Asada 1999; Smirnoff
Costa & de Melo 2006; Rhoads et al. 2006). Inducing AOX 2000; Mano, Hideg & Asada 2004; Ivanov et al. 2005; Shao
1 (AOX1) diverted electron transport from the cytochrome et al. 2008). AsA was shown to play an important role in the
pathway at the UQ pool and uncoupled ATP production, protection of photosynthesis during salt stress in Arabidop-
preventing programmed cell death induced by down- sis. During salinity stress, the AsA-deficient mutant vtc-1,
regulation of the cytochrome pathway (Norman et al. 2004). which has 30–60% of the AsA content of wild-type plants,
Recent studies demonstrated that Arabidopsis plants with accumulated a much higher level of H2O2 than wild type,
loss of function in mitochondrial AOX1a are sensitive to a which coincides with a greater decrease in the ratio of
combination of drought and moderate light stress, and reduced AsA to total AsA and with reduced activity of the
exhibit altered expression of transcripts involved in antioxi- AsA–GSH cycle enzymes. This higher accumulation of
dant mechanisms in the chloroplast, as well as the mito- H2O2 preceded the decrease in chlorophyll content, CO2
chondria (Giraud et al. 2008). In addition, a salt-tolerant assimilation and decrease in PSII activities (Huang et al.
tomato cultivar showed higher activity of mitochondrial 2005). Supplying whole tomato seedlings with exogenous
SOD compared with a salt-sensitive cultivar during salinity AsA enhanced the resistance of seedlings to salt stress and
(Mittova et al. 2003). decreased lipid peroxidation (Shalata & Neumann 2001).
GSH is a tripeptide found abundantly in all cell compart-
ments in its reduced form (Foyer & Noctor 2005). The ratio
of GSH to its oxidized form, GSSG, plays an important role
Recent studies indicated that the apoplast is an important in maintaining redox equilibrium in the cell during H2O2
site for H2O2 production in response to abscisic acid (ABA) degradation and other processes (Shao et al. 2008). Addi-
and adverse environmental conditions such as drought and tionally, GSH plays a key role in the regeneration of
salinity (Hernandez et al. 2001; Hu et al. 2005; Hu et al. 2006; reduced AsA in the AsA–GSH cycle (Halliwell & Foyer
Jubany-Marí et al. 2009). AtRbohD and AtRbohF encode 1976). Total GSH was increased during water deficit in sun-
two major NADPH oxidases expressed in guard and meso- flower seedlings (Sgherri & Navari-Izzo 1995), and in a
phyll cells in Arabidopsis. They have been shown to be salt-treated groundnut cell line (Jain et al. 2002). Maintain-
responsible for apoplastic ROS generation that is required ing a high ratio of GSH/GSSG that functions as a redox
for ABA-induced stomatal closure (Kwak et al. 2003; Torres couple was shown to play an important role in salt and
& Dangl 2005). Other apoplastic ROS-forming enzymes drought tolerance as observed in tomato, Myrothamnus
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Reactive oxygen species in drought and salinity 457
flaberllifolia, and wheat (Shalata & Neumann 2001; Kocsy, abscission, thus decreasing the plant’s canopy and reducing
Szalai & Galiba 2002; Kranner et al. 2002). water loss (Pospíšilová, Synková & Rulcová 2000). Interest-
a-Tocopherol (vitamin E) is a lipid antioxidant that can ingly, transgenic tobacco plants expressing the isopentenyl-
scavenge ROS and protect lipids from oxidation (Munné- transferase (IPT) gene, encoding an enzyme that catalyses
Bosch & Alegre 2002; Asada 2006; Li et al. 2008). Several the rate-limiting step in CKs biosynthesis, under the control
studies conducted with different plants including soybean of a drought-induced senescence-associated-receptor-
leaves, rosemary and Mediterranean shrubs showed that protein-kinase (SARK) promoter, displayed improved
drought stress resulted in an increase in a-tocopherol water efficiency and enhanced drought tolerance (Rivero
levels (Munné-Bosch & Alegre 2000; Shao et al. 2008; et al. 2007). SARK-IPT transgenic plants displayed
Munné-Bosch et al. 2009). Additionally, over-expressing increased expression of ROS metabolism genes especially
Arabidopsis tocopherol cyclase (VTE1), an enzyme AsA–GSH cycle genes (Rivero et al. 2007). Increased pho-
required for vitamin E synthesis, in tobacco enhanced both torespiration during drought together with increased pres-
vitamin E level and tolerance to drought stress (Liu et al. ence of CAT in peroxisomes was recently suggested to
2008). contribute to this tolerance (Rivero, Shulaev & Blumwald
Salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene are
key regulators of the signalling network inducing defence
responses against pathogens and insect attack and the induc-
Plant hormones plays a protective signalling role in tion of systemic acquired resistance (SAR; Pieterse & Van
responses to drought and salinity by activating acclimation Loon 2004). The presence of SA-, JA- and ethylene-
responses such as stomatal closure, hydraulic conductivity responsive cis elements, in addition to other elements, in the
responses to drought and salinity and regulation of devel- promoter regions of ROS-responsive genes such as Zat7,
opmental processes that affect stress tolerance such as Zat12 WRKY25 and Apx1 (Rizhsky et al. 2004a) indirectly
senescence and abscission (Schroeder, Kwak & Allen 2001; suggests a broader role for these hormone-mediated
Finkelstein & Gibson 2002; Norman et al. 2004; Miao et al. responses, beyond plant–pathogen interaction. NaCl and SA
2006; Zhang et al. 2006; Rivero et al. 2007; Boursiac et al. treatments similarly induced the accumulation of ROS in
2008; Sakamoto et al. 2008). ABA was shown to increase the roots of Arabidopsis and inhibit water uptake capacity (i.e.
expression and the activity of ROS network genes such as hydraulic conductivity, Lpr). It was shown that SA-induced
CAT1, APX1, glutathione reductase 1 (GR1) (Zhang et al. Lpr inhibition depends on ROS formation and can be par-
2006) and cytosolic Cu/ZnSOD, as well as APX and GR in tially counteracted by the scavenging H2O2 (Boursiac et al.
leaves of maize (Hu et al. 2005), but was also shown to 2008). SA could potentially alter mitochondrial ROS forma-
increase H2O2 levels in maize embryos, seedlings and leaves tion by increasing AOX activity, which in turn could bypass
(Guan & Scandalios 2000; Zhang et al. 2001; Hu et al. 2005). ROS production by the cytochrome pathway at the UQ pool
ABA-induced stomata closure is partially dependant (Norman et al. 2004). Methyl jasmonate (MJ) can promote
on NADPH oxidase activity (Pei et al. 2000; Kwak et al. H2O2 production in guard cells causing stomata to close;
2003; Torres & Dangl 2005). Deficiency in mitochondrial furthermore, MJ-induced stomata closure is impaired in
AtGPX3 enhanced the production of H2O2 in guard cells AtrbohD/F double mutant (Suhita et al. 2004).
and the sensitivity of plants to drought. Arabidopsis gpx3 Ethylene response factors (ERFs), a subfamily that
plants were also disrupted in ABA activation of calcium belongs to the ERF/AP2 super family, are GCC-box-,
channels and in the expression of ABA-responsive genes, DRE-/CRT- and CE1- cis elements-binding proteins that
suggesting that redox state regulation is important in the were shown to enhance plant tolerance to multiple stresses
response to ABA during drought (Miao et al. 2006). ABA suggesting a role for these proteins in abiotic stress
and drought have been shown to induce the activities of responses (Wu et al. 2008). Transgenic tobacco expressing
cytosolic aldehyde oxidase (AO) and xanthine dehyroge- JERF3, an osmotic- and oxidative-stress responsive ERF,
nase (XDH) that produce respectively H2O2 and O2- showed enhanced adaptation to drought and salinity,
(Yesbergenova et al. 2005). Furthermore, ABA-deficient including increased expression of ROS-detoxifying
mutants of Arabidopsis, tomato and tobacco plants lack AO enzymes and the concomitant decreased accumulation of
and XDH activities (Leydecker et al. 1995; Sagi, Fluhr & ROS (Wu et al. 2008).
Lips 1999; Schwartz et al. 1997). Both genes were able to Abscission occurs as part of normal plant development,
produce ROS following ABA treatment suggesting that but could also be induced by environmental stresses includ-
drought stress can increase ROS accumulation in plants ing salinity and drought (Taylor & Whitelaw 2001). Auxin
through XDH and AO in an ABA-dependent manner (IAA) and ethylene display an antagonistic relationship in
(Yesbergenova et al. 2005). the regulation of abscission in many plant species where
During drought stress, cytokinin (CK) levels decrease IAA from the growing part of the leaf prevents the sensi-
increasing shoot responses to ABA, leading to stomatal tivity to ethylene and suppresses ethylene-initiated abscis-
closure (Davies & Zhang 1991; Goicoechea, Antolin & sion signalling (Lewis, Leslie & Liljegren 2006; Sakamoto
Sánchez-Díaz 1997). These stress-induced changes in CKs et al. 2008). Production of H2O2 was recently shown to
and ABA promote early leaf senescence leading to leaf be required for ethylene-dependent salt stress-induced
© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 453–467
458 G. Miller et al.
abscission, whereas IAA antagonized abscission by inhibit- 2007). In addition, exogenous GB treatment prevents salt-
ing generation of H2O2 (Sakamoto et al. 2008). induced structural damages to ROS-producing organelles,
such as chloroplasts and mitochondria (Ashraf & Foolad
2007). These results suggest that GB acts to prevent excess
ROS production by protecting chloroplasts during salinity.
Activation of antioxidant mechanisms by Pro and GB during
salinity has been studied using tobacco bright yellow-2 sus-
Plants accumulate compatible solutes, such as proline (Pro) pension cultured cells (Hoque et al. 2007; Banu et al. 2009).
and glycinebetaine (GB), in response to drought and Salinity significantly inhibited the amount of reduced AsA,
salinity to facilitate water uptake (Hare & Cress 1997; reduced GSH and the activity of AsA–GSH cycle enzymes,
Ashraf & Foolad 2007). In addition to osmotic adjustments, and exogenous application of Pro or GB increased the activ-
these osmolites were suggested to be important for protect- ity of these enzymes (Hoque et al. 2007). These results
ing cells against increased levels of ROS accumulation suggest a role of Pro and GB in the regulation of antioxidant
under stress conditions. enzymes during salinity.
Pro accumulates in the cytosol and the vacuole during Soluble sugars also contribute to the regulation of ROS
stress (Aubert et al. 1999; McNeil, Nuccio & Hanson 1999) signalling as well as osmotic adjustments during abiotic
and was shown to protect plant cells against damages stresses (Vinocur & Altman 2005; Seki et al. 2007). Soluble
caused by 1O2 or HO· (Matysik, Alia, Bhalu & Mohanty sugars are involved in the metabolism and protection
2002). By quenching 1O2 and directly scavenging HO·, Pro of both ROS-producing and ROS-scavenging pathways,
might be able to protect proteins, DNA and membranes such as mitochondrial respiration, photosynthesis and
(Smirnoff & Cumbes 1989; Matysik et al. 2002). In addition oxidative-pentose-phosphate pathway (Couée et al. 2006).
to directly scavenging of HO·, Pro might bind to redox- A number of studies have suggested that mannitol can
active metal ions and protect biological tissues against protect against photo-oxidative damages to the chloro-
damages caused by HO· formation (Matysik et al. 2002). In plastic apparatus caused especially by HO· during stress.
a recent study, transgenic wheat plants that accumulated Transgenic tobacco plants with increased mannitol pro-
higher Pro than wild type exhibited less lipid peroxidation duction targeted to the chloroplast showed increased
of membranes during drought, indicating a role for Pro in scavenging capacity of HO· enhancing their resistance
reducing ROS damages during drought (Vendruscolo et al. to oxidative stress (Shen, Jensen & Bohnert 1997a,b).
2007). Arabidopsis mutants deficient in salt-induced siRNA Because the increase in mannitol content was insufficient
that suppresses the expression of pyrroline-5-carboxylate to account for osmotic adjustments in transgenic wheat
dehydrogenase (functions in Pro degradation) were plants expressing the Escherichia coli mannitol biosyn-
impaired in Pro accumulation, enhanced the accumulation thetic gene mtlD during drought and salinity, mannitol
ROS and consequently enhanced plant sensitivity to salin- function in enhancing stress tolerance in these plants was
ity stress (Borsani et al. 2005). Pro synthesis from glutamate, mainly attributed to its potential for scavenging of HO·
previously documented in the cytosol, was recently shown and O2- (Abebe et al. 2003).
to occur, at least in part, in the chloroplast (Szekely et al. The disaccharide trehalose is known as a signalling mol-
2008). During Pro synthesis, NADPH is used for the reduc- ecule that regulates carbon and ABA metabolism under
tion of glutamate, which increases NADP+ availability, stress conditions (Avonce et al. 2004). In previous studies,
required for relieving of PSI over-reduction during stress, as over-expression of trehalose biosynthetic genes enhanced
well as increasing NADP+/NADPH ratio that prevents tolerance of transgenic plants to drought and salinity (Garg
perturbation of redox-sensitive pathways during drought et al. 2002; Penna 2003; Miranda et al. 2007), suggesting the
and salt stresses (Hare & Cress 1997). Accordingly, Pro was involvement of trehalose in the response of plants to these
shown to protect photochemical efficiency of PSII and stresses. Transgenic rice plants that express E. coli trehalose
prevent lipid peroxidation during drought (Molinari et al. biosynthetic genes showed less photo-oxidative damage to
2007). These results indicate that Pro functions to indirectly PSII during drought and salinity compared with wild-type
protect PSII as well as directly scavenge ROS during plants (Garg et al. 2002).
In contrast to Pro, GB is not thought to directly scavenge
ROS during abiotic stresses (Smirnoff & Cumbes 1989; Chen
& Murata 2008). However, GB has been shown to protect
cells against oxidative damage during abiotic stresses (Park
et al. 2007; Chen & Murata 2008). GB accumulates mainly in Because many abiotic stresses are accompanied by oxida-
the chloroplast and is involved in the maintenance of PSII tive stress, several groups in recent years have taken the
efficiency under stress conditions (Génard et al. 1991;Ashraf straightforward approach of attempting to improve stress
& Foolad 2007; Ben Hassine et al. 2008). A previous study tolerance in plants by modifying their ability to scavenge
showed that accumulation of GB in the chloroplast is more ROS that are generated during stress. Supporting Infor-
effective than that in other cellular compartments in protect- mation Table S1 summarizes the effect of altered expres-
ing plants against oxidative stress and salinity (Park et al. sion of several ROS-scavenging enzymes, as well as
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Reactive oxygen species in drought and salinity 459
ROS-response regulatory genes, on tolerance to drought, may be disrupted by the ectopic expression of Nt107 (Light
osmotic and salt stresses in over-expressing or deficient et al. 2005). In contrast to VTE2-RNAi, which resulted in
plants. As it unfolds from these studies, over-expression of hypersensitivity to salt, osmotic and oxidative stresses, a
one or more ROS-scavenging enzyme in various compart- 95% decrease in a-tocopherol in g-TMT(VTE4)-RNAi
ments can relieve oxidative stress potentially increasing tobacco lines resulted in hypersensitivity to salt but
tolerance to drought, salt or both stresses (Supporting dramatically enhanced tolerance to osmotic and oxidative
Information Table S1). For example, ectopically expressing stress in plants grown on high sorbitol concentrations
genes such as APXs and SODs that function in the (Abbasi et al. 2007). The reduction in a-tocopherol was
Halliwell–Asada–Foyer cycle, or the water–water cycle in compensated by g-tocopherol accumulation in plants,
chloroplasts, were shown to improve photosynthesis under revealing that g-tocopherol is more potent than
hyperosmotic conditions (Yan et al. 2003; Eltayeb et al. a-tocopherol in protecting against desiccation (Abbasi et al.
2007; Lu, Liu & Liu 2007; Tseng et al. 2007). Increased 2007).
activity of these cycles can maintain close to normal In recent years, ROS-scavenging enzymes were shown to
levels of PSII and PSI activity during stress, decrease the be involved in signalling in addition to their more tradi-
inhibition of photosynthesis and reduce ROS levels. tional function in cellular protection. Cytosolic APX1-
Targeting ZmCuZnSOD or ZmCAT that is normally deficient Arabidopsis plants had constitutively higher levels
expressed in peroxisomes to chloroplasts in transgenic of H2O2 than wild-type plants, and induced the expression
Brassica campestris increased PSII activity and reduced of many stress-responsive genes when subjected to a mod-
damage to leaves under salt stress conditions compared erate level of light stress (Davletova et al. 2005a). Knockout
with wild type. The co-expression of both transgenes APX1 plants were shown to grow better than wild-type
further increased the tolerance of the transgenic plant plants under hyperosmotic or salinity condition (Ciftci-
(Tseng et al. 2007). Accordingly, deficiency in ROS scav- Yilmaz et al. 2007; Miller et al. 2007). These results were
enging in AsA-deficient vtc1 mutants resulted in increased surprising because apx1 plants show increased sensitivity to
sensitivity to salinity (Huang et al. 2005) and deficiency in photo-oxidative- as well as paraquat-induced oxidative
total tocopherol level in NtHPT(VTE2)-RNAi tobacco stress (Davletova et al. 2005a; Miller et al. 2007). Similarly,
plants, as well as knockout NADPH Trx reductase, reduced expression of tylAPX in Arabidopsis led to
increased sensitivity to drought and salinity (Serrato et al. increased tolerance to both osmotic and salt stresses but
2004; Abbasi et al. 2007, respectively; Supporting Informa- did not affect growth under oxidative stress conditions.
tion Table S1). However, in the double mutant apx1/tylapx, deficiency in
Another strategy that proved beneficial in enhancing tol- both genes caused an increased sensitivity to sorbitol treat-
erance to drought or salinity is to increase stress tolerance ment while maintaining salt tolerance (Miller et al. 2007).
by over-expressing ROS-responsive regulatory genes that Likewise, in the case of antisense APX1 and antisense
regulate a large set of genes involved in acclimation mecha- CAT1 in tobacco, each were constantly subjected to oxida-
nisms, including ROS-scavenging enzymes (Supporting tive damage, but the double antisense lines became more
Information Table S1). Over-expression of transcription tolerant (Rizhsky et al. 2002).
factors such as Zat10, Zat12 or JERF3 enhanced the expres- Over-expression of Zat7, that was identified in knockout
sion of ROS-scavenging genes and tolerance to salt, Apx1 plants, resulted in growth suppression, enhanced
drought or osmotic stresses (Sakamoto et al. 2004; Davle- expression of defence transcripts, such as WRKY70, AOX1,
tova et al. 2005b; Wu et al. 2008, respectively). Furthermore, NHX1, Cor78, and dramatic tolerance to salinity and cold
over-expression of mitogen-activated kinase kinase 1 stresses (Rizhsky et al. 2004a; Ciftci-Yilmaz et al. 2007).
(MKK1) in Arabidopsis enhanced the activity of MAPK Conversely, Zat7 RNAi lines showed decreased osmotic
cascade, which is also activated by ROS (Yuasa et al. 2001; stress tolerance (Ciftci-Yilmaz et al. 2007). In contrast to
Teige et al. 2004), reduced stress-associated ROS levels and their enhanced salt resistance, Zat7 OE plants were more
increased tolerance to salt and drought stresses (Teige et al. sensitive to hyperosmotic conditions imposed by sorbitol
2004; Xing, Jia & Zhang 2008). Conversely, deficiency in (Ciftci-Yilmaz et al. 2007).
MKK1 resulted in increased ROS production and increased MPK3 and MPK6, two ROS-responsive MAP kinases
stress sensitivity (Xing et al. 2008). that are activated by H2O2 (Yuasa et al. 2001; Moon et al.
Nevertheless, as it unfolds from the case of other ROS- 2003), were recently shown to be activated by MKK9.
scavenging genes, the situation is far more complex. Over- However, transgenic Arabidopsis that expresses a constitu-
expression of Nt107, a tobacco gene with both glutathione- tively active MKK9 showed increased activation of the
s-transferase (GST) and GPX activities, increased GSSG endogenous MPK3 and MPK6 and were rendered more
content and resulted in improved ability of tobacco seed- sensitive to salt stress, whereas the mkk9 mutant was more
lings to grow under salt stress (Roxas et al. 1997). However, tolerant (Xu et al. 2008). Interestingly, MPK6, is activated
a later attempt to over-express Nt107 in cotton plants did by MKK1 as well as by MKK9 during exposure to salt;
not enhance the GPX activity over that of the wild-type however, MKK1 over-expressing plants were more tolerant
plant during salt stress and failed to increase the stress than the wild types to salt stress (Xing et al. 2008), whereas
tolerance of seedlings (Light et al. 2005). The authors sug- MKK9 transgenic plants where more sensitive (Xu et al.
gested that the endogenous antioxidant system in cotton 2008).
© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 453–467
460 G. Miller et al.
A SPECIFIC FINGERPRINT FOR ROS drought, osmotic stress or salinity, but they may play an
REGULATORY GENES IN THE RESPONSE important role in the specific acclimation to each type of
OF ARABIDOPSIS TO OSMOTIC AND stress in accordance with the typical oxidative homoeostasis
SALT STRESSES under each condition. For example, CML38 is a calmodulin-
like protein elevated especially during osmotic stress in both
To further examine the relationship between ROS and shoots and roots and transiently down-regulated in shoots in
salinity or drought stresses, we compared the osmotic and response to salt (Vanderbeld & Snedden 2007; Fig. 2).
salinity response of 27 ROS-response transcripts encoding NAC domain-containing proteins are plant-specific tran-
transcription factors and other signalling-related proteins scription factors implicated in a wide range of responses
up-regulated in apx1 plants during photo-oxidative stress, including development, hormone signalling and abiotic
as well as in wild-type plants following treatment with H2O2 stress responses, including cold, dehydration and salinity
(Davletova et al. 2005a,b), using Genevestigator Meta- (Pinheiro et al. 2009). CERK1 is a receptor-like kinase,
analysis tool (Zimmermann et al. 2004; Fig. 2). All 27 tran- which is essential for chitin elicitor signalling in Arabidop-
scripts showed significant induction (ⱖ2) in at least one sis. Interestingly, cerk1 mutants completely lost their ability
time point during osmotic or salinity stresses; however, to respond to a chitin elicitor including loss of ability to
the differences in the response pattern between the two accumulate ROS, induce RbohD and RbohF and activate
treatments were striking, as emerged from the heat map. MAPK3 and MAPK6 (Miya et al. 2007). WRKY70 and Zat7
Up-regulation under osmotic conditions was almost exclu- are co-expressed in knockout Apx1 plants (Pnueli et al.
sively in shoots, whereas during salinity, it was almost exclu- 2003; Davletova et al. 2005a) and both interact through
sively in roots (Fig. 2). the ERF-associated amphiphilic repression (EAR) motif of
Several transcripts displayed an exclusive or a predomi- ZAt7 as shown in yeast two-hybrid assay (Ciftci-Yilmaz
nant stress specificity, for example, CERK1 and WRKY70 et al. 2007). It is likely that WRKY70 and Zat7 are involved
for salt stress, CML38 (calcium-binding protein), and in rendering APX1-deficient plants more salt stress tolerant
ANAC053 (Arabidopsis NAC domain containing protein (Ciftci-Yilmaz et al. 2007; Miller et al. 2007).
53) for osmotic stress (Fig. 1). Little is known about the Given that ionic stress in shoots of salt-stressed plants is
function of these ROS-responsive regulators during likely to develop slowly over many days, long after the rapid
Figure 2. Change in expression of hydrogen peroxide-responsive transcripts in roots and shoots of Arabidopsis subjected to osmotic or
salt stresses. Relative abundance of transcripts encoding hydrogen peroxide-related transcription factors and other regulatory genes in
shoots and roots of Arabidopsis plants subjected to osmotic or salinity stresses. The different hydrogen peroxide-responsive transcripts
were identified in wild-type plants subjected to hydrogen peroxide treatment, as well as in knockout APX1 plants subjected to light
intensity stress (Davletova et al. 2005a,b). Values are colour coded to represent the fold change in expression relative to control treatment
at each time point. All data were obtained from Genevestigator microarray database using the ‘digital northern’ tool (Zimmermann et al.
© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 453–467
Reactive oxygen species in drought and salinity 461
osmotic phase (Munns & Tester 2008), the changes in the 3 kinase mutants (pi3k) caused a reduction in oxidative
expression of the ROS-responsive transcripts (Fig. 2) that stress but resulted in enhanced sensitivity to salt. Recently,
occur as early as 30 min to 24 h, are presumed to be in Boursiac et al. (2008) shed light on the regulatory role that
response to the osmotic phase of both stresses. Therefore, ROS formation in roots plays in response to salt in inhibit-
the dramatic difference in the expression of these tran- ing hydraulic conductivity Lpr. This work suggested a new
scripts points to the differences in the immediate percep- role for ROS in regulating the gating of aquaporins in Ara-
tion of the two stresses in plants and could suggest bidopsis roots during salt stress through a cellular signalling
that under each condition, a distinct ROS signature is mechanism (Boursiac et al. 2008).
ROS serve as signalling molecules that regulate stress
Plants respond directly and specifically to Na+ within responses, as well as growth and development (Foyer &
seconds by a mechanism not yet identified, and a fast Noctor 2005). The oxidative stress that accompanies
increase in cytosolic [Ca2+] (Munns & Tester 2008). One of drought and salt stresses should not necessarily be viewed
the best-characterized signalling pathways specific to as a harmful event needed to be avoided or alleviated,
salinity involves sensing calcium by the calcineurin B-like but could also be viewed as a perquisite for the plant to
protein (CBL) CBL4/SOS3 and its interacting protein adequately respond and induce proper acclimation mecha-
kinase CIPK24/SOS2 (Zhu et al. 2007; Munns & Tester nisms. As previously demonstrated, deficiency in either
2008; Luan 2009). NaCl stress-induced SOS2/SOS3 complex cytosolic APX1 or tylAPX in Arabidopsis resulted in ROS
is targeted to the plasma membrane enabling the phospho- accumulation that in turn generated a signal that enhanced
rylation and activation of the membrane-bound Na+/H+ the plant’s tolerance to both osmotic and salt stresses
antiporter, SOS1 (Munns & Tester 2008). SOS2 kinase is an (Miller et al. 2007). Additionally, salt-induced ROS accumu-
especially important regulatory compound because of its lation in endosomes of AtVAMP7C antisense plants
interaction with other signalling molecules. SOS2 was found gave rise to a cytosolic signal that enhanced salt tolerance
to interact with nucleoside triphosphate kinase 2 (NDPK2) (Leshem et al. 2007). As these cases demonstrate, in
that is involved in ROS signalling, as well as with CAT2 and response to decreased water availability and/or increased
CAT3 (Verslues et al. 2007). NDPK2 is induced in response salinity under light conditions, plants are subjected to
to oxidative stress and was shown to be important for the increased production of ROS at different tissues and at
H2O2-induced activation of MPK3 and MPK6 (Moon et al. different sub-cellular compartments. Under these circum-
2003). Deficiency in AtNDPK2 increased the plant salt sen- stances, numerous divergent ROS signals could be gener-
sitivity (Moon et al. 2003; Verslues et al. 2007) and further ated, which calls for a high degree of control and
enhanced the sensitivity of sos2 mutants to salinity (Ver- coordination in the plant cells.
slues et al. 2007). A recent study suggested that the chloro- ROS signals originating at different organelles have been
plastic protein ENH1, containing a rubredoxin domain, shown to induce large transcriptional changes and cellular
which is thought to be involved in the reduction of O2·- in reprogramming that can either protect the plant cell or
some bacteria, is involved both in ROS and ion homeosta- induce programmed cell death (Op den Camp et al. 2003;
sis. Deficiency in ENH1 led to increased ROS levels in Davletova et al. 2005a; Foyer & Noctor 2005; Umbach,
response to NaCl rendering the plant sensitive to salt and Fiorani & Siedow 2005; Vanderauwera et al. 2005; Gadjev
further enhancing the salt-sensitive phenotype of sos3 et al. 2006; Rhoads et al. 2006). These types of reprogram-
mutant (Zhu et al. 2007). This study also suggested that ming suggest the involvement, at least in part, of organel-
ENH1 may function in a salt tolerance pathway that lear retrograde signalling in mediating ROS signals in
involves SOS2 (Zhu et al. 2007). the coordination of the stress response between ROS-
Intracellular trafficking through vesicles plays an impor- generating organelles to the nucleus, and perhaps directly
tant role in salt tolerance in plants. NaCl treatment caused between the organelles themselves. Retrograde signalling
an immediate osmotic and ionic stress and induced the is largely divided into two categories: (1) developmental
formation of endosomes containing high levels of H2O2 in control of organelle biogenesis; and (2) operational control,
Arabidopsis cells (Leshem et al. 2006; Leshem, Seri & that is, rapid adjustments in response to environmental and
Levine 2007). Deficiency in AtVAMP711, a family member developmental constraints (Pogson et al. 2008). ROS gener-
of N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein ated in these organelles are considered to be important
receptors (v-SNAREs) that carries out vesicle fusion with signalling molecules that are involved in retrograde signal-
the tonoplast, resulted in formation of mega-vesicles con- ling under stress conditions (Rhoads & Subbaiah 2007;
taining H2O2 that did not fuse with the tonoplast and Pogson et al. 2008; Woodson & Chory 2008).
increased salt tolerance (Leshem et al. 2006). In another Mutants deficient in mitochondrial AOX1a showed
study by Leshem et al. (2007), suppression of the salt- higher sensitivity to a combination of drought and moder-
specific induction of NADPH oxidase-mediated ROS ate light stress (Giraud et al. 2008). Interestingly, these
production within endosomes in the phosphatidylinositol mutants exhibited altered expression of transcripts
© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 453–467
462 G. Miller et al.
involved in stress acclimation such as anthocyanin synthe- always occur in nature or in the field together with other
sis, chloroplastic antioxidant system, transcription factors, abiotic stress conditions. Such combinations could include
chloroplastic and mitochondrial components, cell wall syn- drought and heat, or drought and cold, and may even
thesis and sugar metabolism. Pastore et al. (2007) suggested include triple combinations such as drought, salinity and
the importance of the cooperation between the chloroplast, heat. How these different stress combinations affect ROS
cytosol and mitochondria to modulate cell redox homeosta- metabolism and signalling is a subject of active research
sis in durum wheat exposed to drought. Mitochondria might (Keles & Oncel 2002; Rizhsky et al. 2002, 2004; Hewezi,
act to prevent over-reduction of chloroplast and cytosol via Leger & Gentzbittel 2008; Koussevitzky et al. 2008) that
oxidation of NAD(P)H by malate/oxaloacetate shuttle and should be taken into consideration when attempting to
NAD(P)H dehydrogenases. The photorespiratory glycolate engineer crops to become more tolerant to field growth
oxidase reaction in peroxisomes contributes to the signal conditions (Mittler et al. 2006).
transduction that regulates stomata conductance under
certain stresses such as drought, osmotic stress and salinity ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
(Foyer & Noctor 2005).
A recent study demonstrated that all the chloroplast-to- This study was supported by funding from The National
nuclei retrograde signalling, including ROS signalling, Science Foundation (IBN-0420033, NSF-0431327, IOS-
converges into a pathway regulated by GUN1 (Genome 0743954 and IOS-0820188) and The Nevada Agricultural
Uncoupled 1) and ABI4 (ABA Insensitive 4) in Arabidop- Experimental Station.
sis seedlings (Koussevitzky et al. 2007). The osmotic and
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content or functionality of any supporting materials
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signatures and are induced by drought and abscisic acid. The material) should be directed to the corresponding author
Plant Journal 42, 862–876. for the article.
© 2009 Blackwell Publishing Ltd, Plant, Cell and Environment, 33, 453–467