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Science, Technology and Society

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When Technology and Humanity Cross


Here’s a simple guide for you in going about the module:
1. Read and follow the instructions carefully.
2. Read each lesson and do all the activities provided for you.
3. Perform all the activities diligently to help and guide you in understanding the topic.
4. Take the Learning Activities after each lesson to determine how well you understood
the topic.
5. Answer the Assessment Task at the end of the module to measure how much you have
gained from the lessons. You may answer it via the online link provided or write your
answers on a sheet of paper that you can physically submit, or you may take a picture
of your answers and send it via messaging platforms with which you agreed with your
instructor during the class orientation.


Our world is entering a period of truly transformative change where many of

us will be surprised by the scale and pace of developments we simply hadn‟t
anticipated, the exponential technological advances offer tremendous potential, and
with these opportunities cone tremendous new responsibilities.
This module covers the discussion on the several technological devices and
the roles it play in the community and its impact to the people‟s lives. Ethical
dilemmas faced by this technological advancement will also be discussed.

After completing the module, you should be able to answer the following:
 Do people really need technology in their live? Is it really a necessity
 How do you reconcile the “need” for technology and the dilemma/s it faces?
 What are the ethical concerns related to technological advancement?


At the end of this module, the learner should be able to:

o Evaluate contemporary human experience to strengthen the human person

functioning in society.
o Discuss the importance of human rights in the face of changing social
conditions and technological development; and
o Identify laws or policies in the country that protect the well-being of the person
in technological advancement and ethical dilemmasthe list of competencies
that students should acquire during the learning process

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University


The ever-growing tracing back its origins, the word TECHNOLOGY came
from the Greek words “techne” and “logos” which means A discourse on art
(Buchanan, 2010). It is appeared in the seventeenth century where the concept was
only used to talk about the arts, specifically applied arts, However, as technology
progressed, the concept also started to have a wider range of meaning where art is
no longer the only topic include but also in the Concepts like machines and tools
were also attached to the word “technology”
In one way or another, each person in the society is directly or indirectly affected
by technology whether he wills it or not. In fact, most people survive their everyday
lives with great reliance to the different technological advancements already
available to the masses. While there may be some who would claim that their lives
are not greatly affected by technology, the fact cannot be denied that technology is
already an inevitable part of the society.

In general, technology keeps progressing due to not only the changing times
and environment but also to the ever-progressing mind of mankind. However, it is
also important to note that anything too much is bad. The same problem is faced by
technology. Although it has been very helpful to people, it is still not to immune to
criticism and backlash. Various ethical dilemmas involving the use of technological
devices have been identified throughout time involving the use of different
technological devices and its effects to humanity. Usually different problems arise
when either the technological device available is misused or if in the first place, it
was invented to produce bad results.

LESSON 1. Some Technological Devices

 According to Kantar Media, in the
Philippines 92 percent of urban homes
and 70 percent of rural homes own at
least one television set.
 Households with TV set reached
15.135M (Noda, 2012)
 Ultimate medium for advertisement
 Almost all use this particular type of
 Television plays a great role in the lives
of the people
 Television was a product of different
Fig. 7.1 Evolution of Television
experiments by various people

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

Paul Gottlieb Nipkow

In the late 1800s, he was a successful in his attempt to send images through
wires with the aid of a rotating metal disk (Nipkow disk) this invention was then called
“electric telescope” that had 18 lines of resolution.

Alan Archibald Campbell-Swinton and Boris Rosing

An English Scientist and Russian scientist, created a new system of television
by using the cathode ray tube in addition to the mechanical scanner system. This
success story gave rise to two type of television systems, namely, mechanical and
electronic television.

Mobile Phones

Mobile phones are considered a must-have among young

Filipinos (ABS-CBN News, 2010)
 1 out of 3 Filipinos cannot live without a mobile phone
(Ipsos Media Atlas Philippines Nationwide Urban 2011-
 Almost 30 percent of the Philippines urban population
nationwide said that mobile phones are necessities (Roa,
2012). Fig.7.2 Evolution of Mobile Phones
Mobile phone used by Martin Cooper, senior engineer at
Motorola, made the world‟s first mobile phone call. He called
their rival telecommunication company and properly informed
them that he was making the call from a mobile phone.
The following are the features of the mobile used by Cooper:
Weighed 1.1 kg
Measured 228.6 x 127 x 44.4mm
30-minute talk time
10 hours to charge
Motorola DynaTAC 8000x in 1983
Fig.7.3 Martin Cooper using Dynatac
Mobile Phone of Motorola

Computers and Laptops

These gadgets have also become part of many Filipino households. Some
families owns more than one computer or laptop while some household own at least
one. But due to relatively high prices, not all Filipino families to own atleast one
computer or laptop. The most profits gained by computer and laptop manufacturers
come from offices, businesses, or schools. However, there is still an increasing
number of Filipinos who continuously using the internet.

Charles Babbage, an English and Mathematics professor designed the

analytical engine in the 19th century. The British government has commissioned
before a Difference Engine, a simpler calculating machine but Babbage was able to

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

find ways to improve it by generalizing its operation that could perform other kinds of
calculations. Hence, the creation of analytical engine was used as the basic
framework of the computers even until the present time.

Fig. 7.4 The Analytical Engine


In the Philippines, a typical household owns at least four of the following devices
(Philstar, 2013):
 A mobile phone (89%)
 Smartphone (53%)
 Tablet (14%)
 Desktop (39%)
 Laptop or netbook (37%)
 Smart TV (4%)

Facts about Filipinos and their use of gadgets and the Internet:
 Mobile phone subscription is at 119M
 3.2 hours on mobile and 5.2 hours on desktop daily
 Ph has one of the highest digital populations in the world
 47M active FB accounts
 Fastest-growing application market in South East Asia

Please click/ visit the link below:

Watch the Technology – a tool for

good or evil by Darlene Damm at ch?v=5loyhig6AR8
TEDxDanubia using the given link


Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

LEARNING ACTIVITY 1. Let‟s Watch and Learn

(Lesson Check – Up)

After watching the Technology – a tool for good or evil by Darlene

Damm at TEDxDanubia, identify the positive and negative impacts of
technology by filling the table below:

Positive Impact Negative Impact Possible Issue

Submit your output through word or PDF format and send to __________________.

LESSON 2. Roles Played by these Technological Advancements

The products of technology has increased strong inclination in a certain

household as it becomes essential in their living such as television sets, mobile
phones and computers or laptops. Among Filipino users, the following were
specifically the roles these technology products played in their lives:
a. Television
- Mainly used as a platform for advertisements and information
- Serves as a recreational activity and good stress relievers to most
Filipino families.
- Platform for different propagandas and advocacies.
b. Mobile phones
- Primarily used for communication (texting, calling, chatting, videocalls
- Surf the internet and to take photos and videos.
c. Personal computers and Laptops
- Surf the internet and communication.
- Have features like the mobile phones calendar, calculator, music
player, movie player, camera, etc.
- Has wide keyboard and monitor screen unlike mobile phones hence,
better for presentation and other online/offline activities.
- Best used for computer games

Ethical Dilemmas Faced by These Technological Advancements

1. Most parents would argue that these devices make their children lazy and
2. People are freely exposed to different things on televisions, mobile phones,
laptops or computers

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University


Another great product of the innovative minds of the people is the ROBOTS. The
international Federation of Robotics (IRF) and United Nations Economic and
Commission for Europe (UNICE) made it their task to formulate a working definition
for service robots to particularly do specific task but focus mainly in assisting their
masters in their everyday tasks. The following are the relevant definition for a robot
(IFR, 2021):

 A robot is an actuated mechanism programmable in two or more axes with a

degree of autonomy, moving within its environment, to perform intended
tasks. Autonomy is the ability to perform intended tasks based on current
state and sensing without human intervention.

 Service Robot is a robot that performs useful tasks for humans or equipment
excluding industrial application. A robot may be classified according to its
intended application as an industrial robot or a service robot.

 Personal Service Robot is a robot used for a noncommercial task, usually by

laypersons. For example: domestic servant robot, automated wheelchair,
personal mobility assist robot, pet exercising robot.

 Professional Service Robot is a service robot for professional use. It is also

used for a commercial task, usually operated by a properly trained operator.
For example: cleaning robot for public places, delivery robot, firefighting robot,
rehabilitation robot, surgery robot.

Fig. 7.5 Service Robots


Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

Roles played by Robotics

- Ease the workload of mankind
- Make life more efficient and less stressful
- Perform complicated activities
- Pleasure, entertainment in parks or exhibits
- Toys, child-friendly
- Used in movies

Isaac Asimov
 He was an American writer and professor of biochemistry at Boston
University. He formulated a rules and characteristics that define what a good
robots is and was thinking of the ethical consequences of robots

"Three Laws of Robotics"

1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to
come to harm.
2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders
would conflict with the First Law.
3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict
with the First or Second Law.

Ethical Dilemma/s faced by Robotics

1. Safety
 Who should be held accountable if someone‟s safety is compromised
by a robot?
 Who should be blamed, the robot, the agent using the robot, or the
maker/inventor of the robot?
2. Emotional component
 It is not completely impossible for robots to develop emotions.
 What if robots become sentient?
 Should they be granted robot rights?

Please click/ visit the link below:

To know more on Technology
and Human Rights, visit the https: //
given link.›

LEARNING ACTIVITY 2. Let‟s Us Dig Deeper!

(Lesson Check – Up)
Make a timeline tracing the emergence and development of robotics in
the Philippines indicating the year and event/s in a table format. Give
also your insights on what other technological advancements on
robotics can possibly be developed in the future. Submit your output
through word or pdf format at _________________________.

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

Rubric for the Activity

Criteria Exemplary (5) Proficient (4) Emerging (3)
Quality of Included events Most of the Some events Many major
content are important included events included are events are
and interesting. are important or trivial, and major excluded, and
No major details interesting. One events are too many trivial
are excluded. or two major missing. events are
events may be included.
Accuracy of Facts are Facts are Facts are Facts are often
content accurate for all accurate for accurate for inaccurate for
events reported almost all most (~75%) of events reported
on the timeline. events reported the events on the timeline.
on the timeline. reported on the
Sequence of Events are Almost all Most (~75%) of Most events are
content placed in proper events are the events are incorrectly
order. placed in proper placed in proper placed on the
order. order. timeline.
Insights The given The given The given
insight is very insight is insight is not
realistic and can somewhat realistic and not
be widely useful realistic and useful.
in the useful in the
community community

On a clean sheet of paper, write your reflection on the following

1. How is technology affecting our human rights?
2. What other ethical dilemmas faced by the community regarding

Technology Today

Our society is enjoying technological processes and products that provide our
needs and making our life comfortable without considering much of the impacts in
our lives and in our environment. . Our concern is focused on how we can avail of
these technologies and more often than not, we failed to look into what these
technologies are ripping off from us in terms of having meaningful life. Let us look at
the following technological products and their effects in our life.

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

A. In Agriculture:
 Mechanization in agriculture. Use of Power tillers, Reapers, Seed
planters, Mechanical sprayers, rotovators and other mechanical
 Hybridization of plants and animals. Production of high yielding
varieties and a shorter period of development thus higher yield and
quality of products.
 Use of pesticides and herbicides to ensure production.
Positive Effects:
Negative Effects:

B. In Information and Communication Technology:

 Use of Mobile phones ,computers and television(in communication,
computing, photography, games, online shopping, clocks, calendars,
planner, etc.)
 Access to the world wide web or internet ( one stop shop for
information). Accessibility in all types and form of information.
Positive Effects:
Negative Effects:

C. In Medicine:
 The use of different life support systems.
 Organ Transplants and production of artificial human parts.
 Use of non –invasive surgeries, cryosurgery, laser technology in
 In vitro babies, ultrasound examination, Magnetic Resonance
Positive Effects:
Negative Effects:

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

D. In the Banking System

 Use of ATM cards, credit cards, cash cards
 Money Transfer systems
Positive Effects:
Negative Effects:

E. In the Food Industry

 Availability of instant foods in supermarkets
 Production of food products from Genetically Modified
 Mechanization in food production
Positive Effects:
Negative Effects:

Technology has been seen as some form of necessity due to its

impacts on how society works today. It is evident that technology keeps o
advancing not only because of the changing times but also to the ever-
progressing mind of mankind. But it is still necessary to note that too much
on anything is bad and this goes also with technology. Despite the
usefulness and benefits from the use of technology there are still problems
that should not be set aside. Specifically, these problems are ethical in
nature that involves both machine and mankind. It should be noted that
ethics should be enforced in the field of technology to ensure safety and
morality of these devices to the community.


Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

 Amarille, Anna Theresa M., et. al. 2018. Science, technology and
Society. Malabon City, Mutya Publishing House, Inc.
 International Federation of Robotics. (2012). “Service Robots”.
Accessed June 20, 2020 at
 Leonhard, Gerd, 2016. Technology vs. Humanity: The Coming Clash
Between Man and Machine. Amazon Digital services LLC-kdp Print Us.
 Macnamara Daniel Joseph science, technology and Society 2018
 Philstar, (2013). “More Filipinos Use Cellphones as „Mobile
Computers‟Study.” Accessed June 20, 2020 at
 Serafica, J. P. J., Pawilen, G. T., Caslib, B. N. B., & Alata, E. J. P,.
Science, Technology and Society, First Edition 2018, Rex Book Store,
Inc. Manila

Science,Technology and Society (STS-GEC 6)

Isabela State University

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