Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology and Society
Science, Technology and Society
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by: Page 1 of 5
Science, Technology and 2nd Semester Engr. Onofre Algara, Jr.
Society 2018-2019
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by: Page 2 of 5
Science, Technology and 2nd Semester Engr. Onofre Algara, Jr.
Society 2018-2019
Define the idea of good life
Quinto E.J.M and Nieva, A.D. (2019)
Discuss Aristotle’s concept of eudaimonia and arête Lecture/Discussion Work Act Presentation
Science, Technology and Society.
Week 8 The Good Life Examine contemporary issues and come up with innovative and Class Activity Assignment
C&E Publishing.
creative solutions to contemporary issues guided by ethical stds Reporting Quiz
leading to a good life
Evans, D.(March 9. 2007). The
ethical dillemmas of robotics. BBC
News. Retrieved from
Explain a human rights-based approach to science, technology
and development
Nicholas, Carr. (July, 2008). Is
When Technology And Identify key documents and their principles that ensure the well- Lecture/Discussion Work Act Presentation
Google Making Us Stupid?
Week 9 Humanity Cross being of humans in the midst of scientific progress and Class Activity Assignment
Retrieved from:
technological development Reporting Quiz
e/archive /2008/07/is-google-
Discuss the importance of upholding human rights in science, making-us-stupid/306868/
technology and development
Quinto E.J.M and Nieva, A.D. (2019)
Science, Technology and Society.
C&E Publishing.
Joy, Bill. (2000) Why The Future
Doesn’t Need Us
Identify the William Nelson Joy’s arguments as to why the future /nano/documents
does not need us Lecture/Discussion Work Act Presentation
Why The Future Does Not Need
Week 10 Class Activity Quinto E.J.M and Nieva, A.D. (2019) Assignment
Evaluate contemporary human experience in order to strengthen Reporting Science, Technology and Society. Quiz
and enlighten the human person functioning in society C&E Publishing.
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by: Page 3 of 5
Science, Technology and 2nd Semester Engr. Onofre Algara, Jr.
Society 2018-2019
Determine the importance of biodiversity as a source of different
Lecture/Discussion Quinto E.J.M and Nieva, A.D. (2019) Work Act Presentation
Biodiversity and the Healthy biological resources
Week 13 Class Activity Science, Technology and Society. Documentary Video
Society Discuss the adverse effects of resource depletion on society Reporting C&E Publishing. Seatwork
and the measures to mitigate them.
Kurzwell, Ray (2017, January 12)
TEDTalk: How Technology Will
Identify the uses and effects of GMO’s and gene therapy on Transform Us Retrieved from
society, particularly in the context of health and economy Lecture/Discussion Work Act Presentation
Genetically Modified Organisms
Week 14 Class Activity fbOyw3CT6A Assignment
and Gene Therapy
Discuss the moral and bioethical questions concerning genetic Reporting Quiz
engineering Quinto E.J.M and Nieva, A.D. (2019)
Science, Technology and Society.
C&E Publishing.
Discuss the ethics and implications of GMOs and potential
future impacts
Lecture/Discussion Quinto E.J.M and Nieva, A.D. (2019) Work Act Presentation
Genetically Modified Organisms Describe gene therapy and its various forms
Week 15 Class Activity Science, Technology and Society. Assignment
and Gene therapy Assess the issue’s potential benefits and detriments to global Reporting C&E Publishing. Quiz
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by: Page 4 of 5
Science, Technology and 2nd Semester Engr. Onofre Algara, Jr.
Society 2018-2019
GRADE DISCLAIMER: Students have an allowance of at most 24 hours or after the grades are posted before final encoding, to concerns about their grades on assignments and exams. Please contact the instructor
within the allowance given; otherwise, all grades are undisputedly final.
Comprehensive Project
1. Research Project on “Excavate an Agency/Department” with paper and presentation (25%):
2. Students in groups will submit a research paper on a chosen department or agency in the Philippines and present their project summary for ten minutes. Further details will be provided in the class.
3. Format for Papers (should be submitted as word file and print):
a. Font style and size: Arial or Times New Roman 12; or Calisto 11.5
b. First line in first page: Name (e.g., Onofre E. Algara Jr.)
c. Second line: Student Number (2018-xxxxx)
d. Third line: Course Number and Section (STS – ECE1a)
e. Fourth line: Type of assignment (e.g., Reaction paper)
i. Spacing for the main text (align left) preceded by the title (center) of the paper: 1.5 or 2.0 Spacing and format for references: Single spaced and SAA citation style (pp. 21-25 & 31-40 of ). Both in reference lists or bibliography and in-text citations.
ii. Please include page numbers.
iii. Note: Please include your surnames in the file names of the digital versions of your papers. For example, ALGARA_STS_ResearchTitle
Course Title: Date Effective: Date Revised: Prepared by: Noted by: Approved by: Page 5 of 5
Science, Technology and 2nd Semester Engr. Onofre Algara, Jr.
Society 2018-2019