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Answer Sheet For Week 1-8 Diass q1

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QUARTER 1, Week 1
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 1
Name of Learner: ________________________________________
Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______

PRACTICE EXERCISES 1: Inside the rectangle are words related to social science and applied
social science, write the words under social science in the circle and write the words under
social science in the triangle.



Multiple Choice. Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.
1. The following are social science disciplines, EXCEPT_____________
A. Sociology B. Linguistic C. Chemistry D. Economics
2. If you were to discover the culture and traditions of one tribe, which discipline would be
the MOST relevant?
A. History B. Anthropology C. Psychology D. Political
3. These are engaged and focused in finding ways through a research-based solution on
social problems in understanding social issues with the application of the concepts of social
science disciplines.
Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian: ___________________________________________
Date Received: _________________________________
A. Social Science C. Physical Science
B. Applied Social Science D. Physics
4. This pandemic has brought upset in the Province of Romblon by a diverse set of societal
problems in our lives, What type of counselling can best handle the situation?
A. Guidance Counseling C. Career Counseling
B. Life Coaching D. Personal Growth Counseling
5. Roberto was identified as a COVID positive and suffers depression because he had
various direct contacts and subject for a 14-day quarantine. What main career tracks for
applied social scientist could best handle the issue?
A. Counseling C. Communication Studies
B. Social Work D. Psychology


Survey Question: Select 5 persons in your neighborhood and ask this question: “Ano sa inyong
pananaw ang nagagawa ng mga sumusunod sa ating lipunan?” Choose only one practitioner.
1. Guidance Counselor
2. Social Worker
3. Broadcaster or Journalist

Collate their answers and make a written report of your findings and relate it to the
disciplines of social science on a separate paper.

Criteria 5 Points 3 Points 1 Point

Organization Output is organized Output is organized but Output is unorganized
and well sequenced. not well sequenced.
Content Ideas and details Ideas and details support Ideas do not support the
clearly support the the main content but are content.
main content. not clear.
Conventions No errors in Noticeable/ tolerable Errors in grammar,
grammar, spelling, errors in grammar, spelling, and punctuation
and punctuation. spelling, and punctuation. are intolerable.

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Date Received: _____________________
Directions: Using the Mind Map, illustrate your enablers (people who helped you when you
were in need). On the next level, write down the issues or problems you can ask. Explain your

Thank you for answering the practice exercises. If you answered the practice exercises
correctly, you are now ready to proceed to do the written works. If not, please try until you
arrived on the correct answer.


True or False
Directions: Read each statement carefully. Write T if the statement is True and F if the
statement is False. Write your answer on the space provided before the number.
_____ 1. Development Goals helps the client avoid undesired outcomes.
_____ 2. Roberto has a habit of impulsiveness when it comes to handling situation/problems
driven by his emotion that is why he usually suffers mental breakdown. This scenario can
be treated by Counseling as Psychological is one of its goals.
_____ 3. Preventive Goals assist in meeting or advancing the clients human growth and
development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive, and physical wellness.
_____ 4. One of the benefits of counseling gives relief from depression, anxiety or other mental
health conditions.
_____ 5. Counseling have the ability to change self-defeating behaviors/habits.
_____ 6. Family Counseling focuses on child behavior and their adolescence in family dynamics.
_____ 7. Stress management in scope of counselling is under individual counselling.
_____ 8. Extended family relationships and fertility issues are all under marital and premarital
_____ 9. Licensed Professional Counselors may help for a fee, salary, or other considerations.
_____ 10. Cognitive goals involve acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills

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Date Received: _____________________

Role Playing
Directions: Ask the help of a family member/ relative. With the group, present basic concepts of
counseling through a role playing in which practitioners of counselling work together to assist
individuals, groups, or communities involved in difficult situations. (e.g. post disaster, court
hearing about separation of couple, bullying, depression, etc.) take a video of your presentation
and send it to the messenger of your subject teacher.

CATEGORY 5 4 3 2
CONTENT The ideas were The ideas were The portrayal The
vividly portrayed portrayed but lacks clarity
in the play. some concepts of ideas. ideas
were not clear. presented
were vaguely
PRESENTATION The play offered The play The play The play is
new and creative offered creative lacks insights off the
insights about insights but no about the concept.
the concept new concept.
concept given.
OVERALL The The The The
IMPRESSION presentation presentation presentation presentation
was entertaining was was was just
and informative! entertaining but entertainment submitted
not so much but not for
informative. informative at compliance.

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
QUARTER 1, Week 2
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 2
Name of Learner: ________________________________________
Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______


Situational Analysis
Objective: Determine the roles and functions of a counselor in the given situations.
1. identify the roles and functions of a counselor in given situations.
2. Provide explanation.
Situation 1.
Ana, one of Grade 11 students got depressed while answering her module for the
Second Quarter. With this, the Counselor went to her house and helped her overcome
Roles and Functions:

Situation 2.
Zion’s mother died after he graduated in senior high school. His mother was a teacher
and he needs to claim his benefits at GSIS. Consequently, he went to a Counselor and
seeks for advice regarding his problem but the Counselor said that she will recommend
him to other experts in the field.
Roles and Function:



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Date Received: _____________________
Thank you for answering the practice exercise. If you answered the practice
exercise correctly, you are now ready to proceed to do the written works. If not,
please try until you arrived at the correct answer


Identify what is being referred to in each of the following sentences below. Write the
letter of your answers on the line before the number.
a. Individual Assessment f. Referral
b. Individual Counseling g. Consultation
c. Group Counseling and h. Research
Guidance i. Evaluation and Accountability
d. Career Assistance
e. Placement and Follow-up j. Prevention

______1. It can help one deal with many personal topics in life such as anger,
depression, anxiety, substance abuse, marriage and relationship
challenges, parenting problems, school difficulties, career changes, etc.
______2. The counselor has clients who can meet other individuals who have gone
through similar events and have felt many of the same things especially
those with mental health concern such as social anxiety or depression.
______3. This a service of school counseling program with emphasis on educational
placements in course and programs.
______4. The counselor will help a person explore skills and strengths, consider
education levels and give advice about continuing education, and
determine interest and personality type. Counselors may also administer
an IQ test or an aptitude test.
______5. It is a process of helping a client through a third party or helping system
improve its services to its clientele.
______6. It is the practice of helping clients find needed expert assistance that the
referring counselor cannot provide.
______7. This matters for clients, practitioners and for commissioners which
provides evidence for the range of issues where therapy can be effective
and positive outcomes for clients.
______8. Its purpose is to determine the value of the program, its activities, and staff
in order to make decisions or to take actions regarding the future.
______9. This includes promotion of mental health through primary prevention using
a social-psychological perspective.
______10. It used assessment methods which include a wide array of formal and
informal instruments and strategies such as standardized and non-

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
standardized tests, questionnaires, inventories, checklists, observations,
portfolios, performance assessments, rating scales, surveys, interviews
and measures.


Directions. Interview any of the counselors mentioned above. Create an article featuring
his/her contributions in the human improvement in our society. Do some research on
other issues related to the contribution of counselors in different areas. Make your own
title. Use a short bond paper. It can be handwritten or computerized.
Relevant and Supported point of Supported point of Supported point of view
detailed content view effectively with view with some with some information.
andorganized to appropriately relevant information.
support a point selected and highly
view relevant information.
Control of written Used effective Vocabulary was Occasionally used
language vocabulary, accurate generally effective accurate language.
and expressive and used accurate
language. language.
Structure Details are placed in Details are placed in Some details are not in
a logical order and a logical order, but a logical order and this
the way they are the way in which distracts the reader.
presented effectively they are presented
keeps the interest of /introduced
sometimes makes
the reader.
the writing less
Conclusion An engaging ending An engaging ending An ending that leaves
that leaves the that leaves the the reader confused or
reader wanted to reader uninterested in the topic.
think and know more understanding the
about the topic. topic.

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
QUARTER 1, Week 3
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 3
Name of Learner: ________________________________________
Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______


Test A.
Directions: Identify the type of clientele being referred in each statement. Choose your answer
below then write the letter of your choice on the space provided after the number. Write the letter
of your answer.

a. Individual b. Group and Organizations c. Community

1. ____.This type of client may be counselled when people experience something

collectively that affects their collective capacity to move on.
2. ____.This type of clientele may be counselled when he has personal problems
that need to be resolved.
3. ____.This type of clientele may be counselled when there is a need to reduce
conflict or manage it that affects the team in performing well.
4. ____.This type of clientele may be counselled when one needs capacitation to be
able to manage his unique circumstances.
5. ____.This type of clientele may be counseled through seminars, symposium, or
Test B.

Directions: Identify the counselling process being described in each statement. Choose the
correct answer from the given word bank and write it on the line before each number.

Implementation Intervention/Program design

Evaluation Needs Assessment Monitoring

6. _______________________. It is the systematic observation of symptoms of the client to

determine the specific felt needs.

7. _______________________. It is the process of planning the counselling

methods and tools to be used for the client based on what is needed.

8. _______________________. It is the process that involves acting on the plan for

an effective counselling.

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Date Received: _____________________
9. _______________________. It is the process of documenting the entire process
of counselling while it is going on.

10. _______________________. It is the process of examining the results of

counselling to find out if the intended results were met or unmet.

Yes! I am a Counselor!
Directions: Recall the facts and events during the COVID-19 pandemic. Apply your learning of
the different audiences of counselling by determining who among the affected ones can be
considered as individual clientele, group clientele, and community clientele. Briefly describe why
they are potential audiences of counselling and how they can be helped through counselling. Use
the table format below in doing this activity.
a. Individual

b. Groups

c. Community

Rubrics for checking:

5 4 3

Content The content gives the The content has accurate The content lacks
audience a clear sense of and useful information information
the key concept.

Originality The ideas are presented in a The ideas are presented in The ideas show very little
unique and interesting way. an interesting way. attempt at original thought.
Relevant and detailed Supported point of view Supported point of view with Supported point of view with
content organized to effectively with appropriately some relevant information. some information.
support a point of view selected and highly relevant

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
QUARTER 1, Week 4
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 4
Name of Learner: ________________________________________
Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______

Directions: Distinguish the ethical and unethical behavior that a social worker has
on the given situations below then justify your answer. Then, justify your answer.
Write your answer inside the box.

Tricia is a social worker for almost fifteen years. She is very passionate and
dedicated in her profession and line of work she communicates effectively to her
clients and colleagues, and takes responsibility for every decision she makes for
her teams. Sometimes, she jokes around in her workplace or calls her co-workers
funny nicknames. In some occasions, the clients give her expensive gifts she can’t
refuse because she is afraid that she might hurt the feelings of her clients.
Sometimes, she shares her concerns and problems about the client’s situation
with her friends and family member.
Ethical Unethical

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________

Directions: Cut out pictures showing social workers in their specific work areas
while performing their roles and functions. Create a photo collage with a concept
of social work out of the pictures. You can research online or cut on newspaper or
old magazine. Do this in short/long bond paper. The RUBRIC below will be the
basis for assessing your work.


Criteria 20 15 10 5 Points
Attention to theme The student gives The student gives a The student gives a The student’s
reasonable reasonable fairly reasonable explanations
explanation on how explanation of explanation of are weak and
every item in the how most how most illustrate
collage is items in the collage items in the collage difficulty
related to the are are understanding how to
assigned theme. For related to the related to the relate items to the
most items, the assigned theme. assigned theme. assigned theme.
relationship is clear For many of the
without explanation. items, the
relationship is clear
without explanation
Design Graphics are cut to 1-2 graphics are 3-4 graphics are Graphics are not on
an appropriate size, lacking in design lacking in design appropriate size and
shape and are or placement. or placement. shape. Glue marks
They may be Too much
arranged neatly. a few smudges background is evident. Most of the
Care has been or glue marks. showing. There are background is
taken to balance noticeable smudges showing. It appears
the pictures across or glue marks. little attention was
the area. Items are given to designing the
glued neatly and collage.
Creativity All of the graphics Most of the Only a few graphics None of the graphics
or objects used in graphics or objects or objects reflect or objects reflects
the collage used in the collage student creativity, student creativity.
reflect a degree reflect student’s but the ideas were
of student creativity in their typical rather than
creativity in their display. creative.
Originality/ Interest Many original ideas Several original Some original ideas Few original ideas in
in material and ideas in material or in material or material or display
display are evident display are evident display are evident are evident to
and stimulate great to stimulate much to stimulated some stimulate interest.
deal of interest. interest. interest.
Visual Impact Overall visual Overall visual Overall visual Overall visual impact
impact is very impact is effective. impact is is limited.
effective somewhat effective.

Total Points


Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
QUARTER 1, Week 5
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 5

Name of Learner: ________________________________________

Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______

Directions: Read the statement carefully. Write the letter that corresponds to your answer. Use
separate sheet of paper for your answer.

1. The following are Modes of Adaptation, EXCEPT;

a. fight c. pairing
b. flight d. sharing
2. Which of the following situations best describes the voluntary clients?
a. the wife quarrels with her husband because of jealousy
b. street children, working children, children/youth in indigenous communities, out-ofschool
c. solo parent seeking material assistance, displaced person asking core shelter
assistance, physically challenged person seeking medical attention. d. solo parents forming
support group; barkada system.
3. It refers to the principal clients on which the efforts of helping are focused on him/her.
a. individual c. organization
b. groups d. communities
4. Which of the following is NOT a purpose of Social Group Work?

a. to enhance the social adjustment of the individual and developing the social
b. to provide opportunities for planned group experiences that are needed by all
c. to provide experiences that are relaxing and that give individuals a chance to
create, to share and express themselves; and
d. to help communities to take responsibility for their own behavior, relate with
others and how to become participating members of society.

5. A group of people gathered together in a geographic area, large or small with common
functions, values and interest is known as _____.
a. communities c. individual
b. society d. groups and Organization

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
Performance Tasks

Directions: Analyze the pictures below. Describe the situation that the clientele experienced.
Then, identify their needs that can be addressed through social work.




Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
QUARTER 1, Week 6
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 6
Name of Learner: ________________________________________
Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

________1. It is defined as a “transactional process in which people generate meaning through

the exchange of verbal messages in specific contexts, influenced by individual and societal
forces and embedded in culture.”
A. feedback
B. communication
C. message
D. interference

________2. Which of the following describes the goal of communication?

A. Convey information—and the understanding of that information—from one
person or group to another person or group.
B. It constitutes both the construction of meaning and the exchange of
C. This is how humans use verbal and non-verbal messages to create
meaning in various contexts.
D. Constitutes both the construction of meaning and the exchange of
meaning. ________3. Which scope of communication is the one which connect
people from different parts of the world and develops integration and tolerance
towards each other?
A. cultural Dimensions
B. integrative Dimensions
C. social Dimensions
D. organizational Dimensions

________4. “The communication system should ensure safety of the contents of communication
from loss in transit (or miscarriage).” Which principles of communication explained of the above
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Date Received: _____________________
A. unbiased
B. consistency of message
C. clarity of Massage
D. accuracy

________5. One of the principles of communication process is Empathy, which explains

A. the communication system should ensure safety of the contents of
communication from loss in transit (or miscarriage).
B. the subject-matter, which is to be communicated, must be clear.
Ambiguous terms should not be used so that the purpose of communication is not
C. in order to communicate effectively, the communicator should understand
the receiver and develop better human relations with his subordinates.
D. it should be free from personal prejudices. It must take into account the
interest of the other parties.

________6. This refers to the actual response of the receiver to the message communicated to
A. feedback
B. reciprocal Communication
C. accuracy
D. correct Channel

________7. The person for whom the message is intended and charged with decoding the
message in an attempt to understand the intentions of the source.
A. receiver
B. source
C. message
D. channels

________8. It is the setting, scene, and psychological and psychosocial expectations of the
source and the receiver.
A. environment
B. context
C. interference
D. channel

________9. It refers to any type of media that is used to communicate with mass audiences.
Examples of these are books, television, radios, films, computer technologies, magazines and
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Interpersonal Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Mass Communication

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Date Received: _____________________
________10. This is known as self-talk or thinking, and refers to the ways we communicate with
ourselves. We use this to plan our lives, rehearse scenarios before we act them out, and tell
ourselves what to do or not do.
A. Intrapersonal Communication
B. Interpersonal Communication
C. Public Communication
D. Mass Communication

Directions: Create an advocacy campaign through a poster about the vaccination program of
the Department of Health (DOH) against COVID-19. Consider your audience and the use of
indigenous materials in creating your poster or infographic.


Competence The poster The poster All required All but 1 of the Several required
Required includes all includes all elements are required elements elements were
Elements required elements required elements. included on the are included on missing.
as well as poster. the poster.
Graphics Relevance All graphics All graphics are All graphics Graphics do not Graphics do not
are related to the related to the topic are related to the relate to the relate to the topic
topic and make and most of it are topic. topic. or several
it easier easier to Some borrowed One or two borrowed graphics
to understand. All graphics borrowed graphics do not have a
understand. All borrowed graphics have a have a source citation.
have a source
borrowed graphics source citation. source citation.
have a
source citation.
Attractiveness The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is The poster is
exceptionally attractiveness in acceptably attractive distractingly
attractive in terms terms of design, attractive in terms though it may be messy or very
of layout and of a bit messy. poorly designed. It
design, layout and neatness. design, is not
neatness. layout and attractive.

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
QUARTER 1, Week 7
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 7
Name of Learner: ________________________________________
Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______

Written Works

Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your answer on a separate
sheet of paper.

________1. Which of the following statements explain the important role of

communicators and journalist?
A. to operate with a wide variety of mediums and media.
B. to make available information and evidence to inform the public about
issues that matter to them in the most neutral way possible.
C. acting on information, responding to stimulus, a creative act, making sense
of the world, assigning meaning to experience and feelings, and can also be
intentional as well as unintentional.
D. to constitute both the construction of meaning and the exchange of

________2. To communicate is to deliver truth and facts. Professional communicators

and journalists are at the service of truth. Therefore, the functions of communicators and
journalists are_____________:
A. avoid undercover or other surreptitious methods of gathering information
unless traditional, open methods will not yield information vital to the public.
B. to collect and document information, facts and opinions, and present them
for public analysis and deepening to the root of reality.
C. provide context. Take special care not to misrepresent or oversimplify in
promoting, previewing or summarizing a story.
D. consider sources’ motives before promising anonymity. Reserve anonymity
for sources who may face danger, retribution or other harm, and have information
that cannot be obtained elsewhere. Explain why anonymity was granted.

________3. It refers to the paid communication about goods, services, ideas, and
institutions through the mass media designed to inform and/ or influence one or more
people in accordance with the intent of the advertiser.
A. Advertising
B. Public Relation

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Date Received: _____________________
C. Corporate Communication
D. Journalism

________4. Practice of investigating and reporting events, issues, and trends to the
mass audiences through print, broadcast, and online media.
1. Advertising
2. Broadcasting
3. Journalism
4. Film industry

________5. It is field in communication that utilizes the technology of radio and

television to transmit messages and programs using the airspace-- an invisible but vital
resource in the public domain and natural wealth of the nation.
A. Digital Communications and Multimedia
B. Film Industry
C. Broadcasting
D. Advertising

________6. Why is it important that the rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities of

communicators and journalists have to be established?
a. to ensure that the citizens are able to understand the issues and
controversies of the government.
b. to ensure the safety of the communicators and journalists.
c. to have the convenient access to all the media which is subject to just and
fair law and universally recognized principles of human rights.
d. to safeguard the integrity of media and the protection of the general public
in the form of accountability.

________7. In the name of freedom of expression, abuses happen and certain aspects
remain largely unaccountable. Therefore, ________________ is a necessity for
communicators and journalists.
a. rights
b. responsibilities
c. competencies
d. accountability

For number 8-10: Write ETHICAL if the statement aligns in the Ethical Behaviors of
Communicators and Journalists, and UNETHICAL if the statement does not align in the Ethical
Behaviors of Communicators and Journalists.
_________ 8. Ethical journalism treats sources, subjects, colleagues and members of the
public as human beings deserve respect.

_________9. Journalists should not be cautious when making promises, but keep the
promises they make.

_________10.Ethical journalism should be accurate and fair. Journalists should be honest

and courageous in gathering, reporting and interpreting information.
Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
QUARTER 1, Week 8
Note: Do not write anything in your module. Use this answer sheet upon answering.

Week 8
Name of Learner: ________________________________________
Score in Written Works: _______
Score in Performance Task: _______


Directions: Write the word CHARACTERISTIC if the statement describes the characteristic of
the clientele and audiences of communication and NEED if the statement refers to the needs of
the clientele and audiences of communication.

1. Race and ethnicity is an important consideration in communication particularly in

deciding on graphics and photos.

2. Social position is the status that a person enjoys in a communication context.

3. Different individuals, groups, and communities want to send and receive

messages to and from other parties.

4. Education level may suggest the reading skills and healthy literacy and the ability
to engage with more complex topics—new and even unfamiliar.

5. Primary language has to be considered if the message is to be effective.

6. When a community is the client of communication, the message has to be

responsive to the need and the channel has to be appropriate, and the subject to be
communicated has to be relevant to the community.

7. Age range can affect choice of communication format or distribution.

8. Health status matters a lot as it dictates people’s disposition to listening and

responding and the ability to’ make meaning out of the communicated material.

9. As an individual, you want to be the first to know about all matters that pertain to
you. Your company may be about to retrench you or to promote you and the anxiety that
comes with not having direct communication may be high.

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________
10. Groups and organizations tend to have communication needs that are specific to


Directions. Make a news report. Use a short bond paper. (It can be handwritten or

Goal: To inform and educate your target audience by writing news report.
Role: News Writer

Audience: Choose your audience among individual, group and organization, and
Situation: You need to give the right information to your target audience about COVID-
19 Vaccination Program in your locality and the new normal in Education.
Product: As a news writer you need to draft report that serves your chosen audience.
Standard: Your draft report should:
 be written correctly
 contain accurate information
 display intellectual engagement
 easy to read and understand by your readers
 effective & organize
 compose at least 2 or 3 paragraphs


Opening And Clearly, quickly Audience/reader had an Little or no intro, such
Introduction established the focus of idea of what was coming, that audience/reader did
the presentation, gained but the introduction did not know the writer’s
audience/reader not clarify the main focus. main focus
Clarity And Main points clearly stated Main points fairly clear, Main points must be
Organization and explained, logical some missing links or inferred by
organization. transitions. audience/reader; holes
are evident.

Content Evidence clearly Evidence perhaps not Evidence assumptions

presented. Through quite clearly separated and interpretation
knowledge interesting, from assumptions and difficult to
logical. interpretations of untangle to one another.
Assumptions and evidence, but story is
interpretations are logical.
clearly identified.

Control Of Used effective Vocabulary was Occasionally used

Written vocabulary, accurate and generally effective and accurate language.
Language expressive language. used accurate language.

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Date Received: _____________________
Structure Details are placed in a Details are placed in a Some details are not in a
logical order and the logical order, but the logical order and this
way they are presented way in which they are distracts the reader.
effectively keeps the presented /introduced
interest of the reader. sometimes makes the
writing less interesting.

Name and Signature of Parent/ Guardian ___________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________

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