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CESC Module (2nd Set)

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Lesson 5: Overview of Community Action

Part I. Learning Module Information

The learner demonstrates an understanding of integration of social

Content Standards
science perspective and community action initiatives.

Performance The learners shall be able to synthesize the integrative experience of

Standards implementing community action initiatives applying social sciences.

Most Essential
Acknowledge interrelationship of self and community in undertaking
community action.
Duration Q1 Week 5

Part II: Learning Explorations

Community Action Encompasses:

1. Community Engagement
2. Community of Solidarity
3. Citizenship Building

Origin of Community Engagement

1. Community Benefit
- Concept in English common law
- 1891 legal decision defined types of charitable organizations

Community Organizing
- Is a process where people who live in proximity to each other come together into an
organization that acts in their shared self-interest.

Core Principles of Community Engagement

1. Careful Planning and Preparation
2. Inclusion and Demographic Diversity
3. Collaboration and Shared Purpose
4. Openness and Learning
5. Transparency and Trust
6. Impact and Action
7. Sustained Engagement and Participatory Culture
2. Solidarity – is a mutual commitment to one another’s well being

Core Principles of Community Solidarity

1. Dignity of the Human Person
2. The Common Good
3. Subsidiary and Participation
4. Solidarity Regardless of Ideological Differences
5. Preferential Option for the Poor
6. Economic Justice
7. Stewardship of Creation
8. Promotion of Peace

3. Citizenship Building - process that can increase capacity of the citizens to respond
intelligently to the changing environment around them:

Servant leadership – either initiative from top or bottom

Regularity – periodic intervals
Complementarity – using processes together

 Citizenship is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a
member of a country.
 Nationality denotes a person’s membership of a nation (a large ethnic group)

Ways of Acquiring Citizenship

1. Jus sanguinis – parents are citizens

2. Jus soli – born within a country
3. Jure matrimonii – marriage to a citizen
4. Naturalization – process by which a non-citizen of a country may acquire citizenship or
nationality of that country

Part III: Assessment Task

Activity #1: Yes or No

Direction: Write YES if the given statement is true, NO if not.

______1. To be naturalized, a foreigner must have lived for at least 3 consecutive years in the

______2. Filipino citizenship can be lost if the person is naturalized in another country.

______3. Filipino citizenship cannot be lost or taken away Answer:

______4. Foreigners can acquire Filipino citizenship through the process of Naturalization.

______5. Citizenship is when a person who is entitled to the rights and protections afforded by a
state and owes the state certain duties,

_____ 6. Community is a collection of people in a particular territory.

_____ 7. Collection of people is always synonymous with community.

_____ 8. The daily operations in the community constitute to a feeling of isolation.

_____ 9. Society is another term for community.

_____ 10. Being a part of a community develops a sense of belongingness among individuals.

Part IV: Internet Links


Melegrito,ML. & Mendoza D., (2016). Zeal of Action: Community ,Engagement,

Solidarity and Citizenship, Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

Ariola, M. (2017). Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship. Manila: Unlimited
Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.
Lesson 6: Purposes of Community Action

Part I. Learning Module Information

Recognize and appreciate the context of community action and

Content Standards recognize the value of undertaking community action modalities.

Develop a (1) community briefer which describes the situation of a chosen

community and may be a material for orientation and awareness building and (2)
Standards community case analysis and a proposal for community youth engagement

Most Essential identify opportunities to contribute to community development through

Learning solidarity
(MELC) recognize the importance of solidarity in sociopolitical processes in promoting
national and global community development
Duration Q1 Week 6

Part II: Learning Explorations

At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to;

1. Identify and analyze the major issues affecting the poor.

2. Understand their role as youth in community action.


The Philippines is rich in natural resources and in cultural heritage. However, due to
problems with historical and structural roots, the country suffers from economic, political, social
and ecological issues. This section provides a brief overview of the social situation.

Major Issues Affecting the Poor


There is a relatively high poverty in the country. Although the economy started to pick up, growth
fluctuates because of environmental problems, political uncertainties and crime rates. Economy
fluctuations affect income improvements and restrain economic development and badly hit the
development of the people, especially the poor.

The natural resources of the country have been imperiled by unrelenting exploitation. There is land
degradation remain as a problem of proof of poor families who depend on land. Man-made
activities such as logging and slash and burn that causes deforestation persist. The quality of
water continues to deteriorate and increase in population results to an increased human
encroachment to the country’s natural resources.


Despite the restoration of democratic and political institutions, and the development of participatory
and community-oriented development strategies, the country is still far from a stable, strong and
functioning democracy. Corruption, nepotism, patron-client relations, cronyism persist and political
conflicts persist.


The social sector remains to face massive challenges in terms of access to basic social services
despite the gains in health, education and nutritional status. The greater challenge is how to
expand access to basic education and health services. The housing issue also persists. The state
and magnitude of poverty affect the marginalized, disadvantaged and the vulnerable.

Examples of Social Issues in the Philippines

1. Malnutrition
2. Crime
3. Informal Settler
4. Child Labor
5. Graft and Corruption
6. Education
7. Drugs
9. Street Children
10. Rape

Ways YOUTH can change the world through Community Development


When governments won’t engage youth, community groups and nonprofits can step in to
engage youth community organizers. Through training and empowerment, they can
develop unique, powerful campaigns that engage many people, including children, youth,
adults, families and elders.


Participating in regular and sustained government positions, roles and activities can allow
youth community developers to change the world.

Young people can participate as community planners in community development work.
Using education and training, they can learn the skills and knowledge they need and
applying their knowledge they can guide their peers, younger people and adults, too.
Part III: Assessment Task

Activity #1: Wow or Woah!

Direction: Write WOW if the example is major social issue in the community and WOAH if not.

_____1. Climate Change _____6. K to 12 Curriculum

_____2. Poverty _____7. Election
_____3. Terrorism _____8. Unemployment
_____4. Drugs _____9. Prostitution
_____5. Overseas Worker Violence _____10. Extra Judicial Killings

Activity #2: Song Analysis

(Tatsulok by Bamboo)

Direction: Read and analyze the lyrics of the song “Tatsulok” by Bamboo and answer the
following question.
1. What is the message of the song?

2. How do you evaluate your community based on the song “Tatsulok”?

3. Do you think solidarity can break the chain?

4. Do we have a perfect community? What makes it perfect and imperfect?

Activity #3: My Pledge

Direction: Write your own pledge as a youth/citizen on how will you give importance of your
community. Write your answer on the space provided.


My Pledge

I, a Grade 12 student, promise to take this pledge to commit myself, my outmost sincerity, to
uphold the highest standard of the Department of Education set us up!

After this lesson, I pledge to promote solidarity, contribute to the development of my community
and to be a better citizen.

I pledge to build a safe and peaceful community.

Part IV: Internet Links


Melegrito,ML. & Mendoza D., (2016). Zeal of Action: Community ,Engagement,

Solidarity and Citizenship, Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

Ariola, M. (2017). Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship. Manila: Unlimited
Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.
Lesson 7: Youth in Community Action

Part I. Learning Module Information

Explain and appreciate community action values and principles.

Promote awareness of human rights in communities among the learners.
Content Standards Appreciate the value of social equity and gender equality in the context of
participatory development.

Performance The students are expected to develop Community Youth Organization Guiding
Standards Principles posted in a frame.

Most Essential
Learning identify opportunities to contribute to community development
Competencies through solidarity
Duration Q1 Week 7

Part II: Learning Explorations

Youth is defined by different various groups.

The Youth in Nation Building Act of 1995

Defines youth as a critical period in a person’s growth and development from

the onset of adolescence toward the peak of mature, self reliant and
responsible adulthood comprising the considerable sector of the population
age 15 to 30 years old.

World Health Organization

Defines youth to be those between 15 to 24 years old.


Defined as those within the adolescence and early adulthood phase.


1. Sexual-Risk Behavior
2. Drugs
3. Poverty
4. Lack of knowledge in history and culture
5. Education
6. Quality of Education
7. Limited access to quality education
8. Lack of educational scholarship opportunities
9. Low educational attainment
10. High cost of education
11. Limited government funding on education



“According to Article II Section 13 of the 1987 Constitution of the Philippines (State

Policies) “The State recognizes the vital role of the youth in nation-building and shall promote and
protect their physical, moral, spiritual, intellectual, and social well-being. It shall inculcate in the
youth patriotism and nationalism, and encourage their involvement in public and civic affairs.”



1. Building a youth-caring community

2. Develop a community-caring youth
3. Reengineering the mechanism through which the youth services are delivered
4. Becoming more responsive to the specific needs of the youth
Part III: Assessment Task

Activity #1: Case Analysis

Directions: Read the case write a case analysis and recommendations for improving which might
be useful for future youth community involvement.

Case: A student Organization in Action: Computer Literacy For The Urban Poor

In the country, digital divide is recognized as a contributory factor in unequal access to
goods and service. Digital divide signifies disparities among groups such as information and
communication access. It is a manifestation of world with people divided – between those who
have and who do not have; between those who have access or not. It is present here in the
Philippines – in rural and urban poor areas; it is existing right in our nearby communities. (Rouse,

In order to reduce digital divide, it necessitates physical access (ICT device), financial
access (ICT device and related cost), socio-demographic access (limits ICT usage), and
cognitive access (information literacy). (

In the surrounding barangay of the school A, computers are very limited and the
community cannot afford to buy or even pay rent of computers, Many of the kids and youth are
deprived of computer usage and have limited knowledge or skills in computer use. In short,
computer illiteracy is rampant in the area.

It is in this context that a student organization, in a school near community Kallidad,

pursued a project entitled, Kalayaan sa Kamangmangan para Pamayanang Kalidad. The main
thrust of the organization is to implement a long-term and sustained community literacy project
for community Kalidad. The organizations focuses on computer literacy project. Their project
aims to assist its target beneficiaries as farmers,

The computer literacy program of school A has divided into the Basic Computer Literacy
and Advance Computer training on multi-media applications. The Basic Computer Literacy
Programs assumes that the trainees have no prior exposure to computers. Hence the basic
computer tutorials include introduction on basic computer concepts on MS Word, Excel and
Power Point. Apart from the learning exercises and homework, a Final Examination was given to
the trainees on the last day to gauge the extent to which the learning objectives were met.

Advanced Computer Literacy, on the other hand., focuses on Multi-Media Application

requiring familiarization in any or a combination of following topics: Moviemaker, Power point
and/or Photoshop. The contents were designed so that participants could have hands-on
experience on using computers for developing educational media for schools. Similarly, learning
exercises and final examinations were given to the trainees to measure their learning progress
and performance.
Case Analysis:

1. What are the strength and weaknesses of the program? For example, you may look into
the planning, implementation and evaluation activities. You may also look at their
principles, vision, technology, methods and linkages.

2. What are the student organizations’ threats and opportunities?

3. What are your recommendations for improvement?

Part IV: Internet Links


Melegrito,ML. & Mendoza D., (2016). Zeal of Action: Community ,Engagement,

Solidarity and Citizenship, Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

Ariola, M. (2017). Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship. Manila: Unlimited
Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.
LESSON 8: Core Values and Principles

Part I. Learning Module Information

Explain and appreciate community action values and principles.

Promote awareness of human rights in communities among the learners.
Content Standards Appreciate the value of social equity and gender equality in the context of
participatory development.

Performance The students are expected to develop Community Youth Organization Guiding
Standards Principles posted in a frame.

Most Essential  promote awareness of human rights in communities among the learners
Learning  appraise the value of social equity and gender equality in the context of
Competencies participatory development
(MELC)  analyze strategies of empowerment and advocacy through community
Duration Q1 Week 8

Part II: Learning Explorations

Part III: Assessment Task

Activity #1: Battle Cry

Direction: Create a battle cry (a slogan expressing the ideals of people promoting a cause) from
every social problems listed below. Be creative in your activity.






Part IV: Internet Links


Melegrito,ML. & Mendoza D., (2016). Zeal of Action: Community ,Engagement,

Solidarity and Citizenship, Quezon City. Phoenix Publishing House Inc.

Ariola, M. (2017). Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship. Manila: Unlimited
Books Library Services & Publishing Inc.

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