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Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship Concepts and Perspective of Community

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Quarter 1 -Week 2




Writer: Verna S. Garchitorena

Editor: Mary Ann S. Valdez
Reviewer: Dave D. Basto
Layout Artist: Guilito B. Macatuggal

Hello, dear learner!

Welcome to Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Learning Sheets that is especially made for you!

This material with attached activity sheets will help you learn and enjoy important lessons in
Grade 12 Community Engagement, Solidarity and Citizenship! The lesson deals with the skills and
knowledge on the integration of social science perspective and community action initiatives and
covers the competency you ought to possess, namely compare and contrast the definitions of
community using various perspective. HUMSS_CSC12-IIa-c-2

By the end of this learning sheets you will be able to:

1; Explain the importance of community dynamics and community action.

2; Determines the changes that have taken place in the community by identifying it various
factors. and

3; Shows community-action initiatives through social mapping.

Before doing the prepared activities, let’s check how much you already know about this lesson by
answering the pre-assessment. Write your answers in a separate sheet of paper.


Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer.

1. Refers to a group of individuals bound within a specific geographic location and identifies
common traits, goals or customs.

a. community b. society c. region d. culture

2. A profession for which one traits and which is undertaken as a permanent calling.

a. education b. career c. course d. professional

3. Refers to the social standing of an individual.

a. social culture b. status c. social status d. career

4. The change and development involved in a community that includes all forms of living

a. community b. organization c. habits d. community dynamics

5. Putting communities as the center of the services development and services delivery.

a. government b. community action c. community d. profession


This lesson will introduce you to the concepts that covers the competency you ought to possess,
namely explain the importance of studying community dynamics in relation to applied social
sciences and the learner’s future career options. HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-1. A series of activities will
follow related to this lesson.

What is community?
 It is a group of people who share the same things, such as: where they live, work and play.
 A community could be characterized by age group, ethnicity, gender, religion, location or
1. GEOGRAPHICAL-The members of the community share the same geographic vicinity, such as
s village, province or neighborhood.
2. NON-GEOGRAPHICAL-There are communities formed based on needs, ideas, interests,
identity, practices and roles in social institutions such as at home, at work, in government, society or
the community at large.
MICRO LEVEL - Group is formed based on personal social ties
MACRO LEVEL - Large group affiliations are formed such as national communities, international
communities, and virtual communities.
Types of community
1) Location-based Communities: range from the local neighborhood, suburb, village, town or city,
region, nation or even the planet as a whole. These are also called communities of place.
2) Identity-based Communities: range from the local clique, sub-culture, ethnic group, religious,
multicultural or pluralistic civilization, or the global community cultures of today. They may be
included as communities of need or identity, such as disabled persons or elderly people.
3. Organizationally based Communities: range from communities organized informally around family
or network-based guilds and associations to more formal incorporated associations, political decision
making structures, economic enterprises, or professional associations at a small, national or
international scale.
Communities are nested; one community can contain another—for example a geographic community
may contain a number of ethnic communities.
What is Community Dynamics?
 the process of change and development within communities.
 Community Dynamics which strive to bring about positive social change through community-
based programming.

Significance of Community Dynamics

 Community Dynamics is here to work with community to think creatively and act strategically
so that community can achieve their goals.
 At Community Dynamics, believes that, creative and sustainable programming that works to
raise the quality of living for those most vulnerable to poverty and exploitation.  
What are the Dynamics in Community level?
 Integrative Forces -A problem may be defined as the difference between what one has and what
one wants.
 Disintegrative Forces -"disintegrative" processes are therefore seen as "positive," whereas
people who fail to go through positive disintegration may remain for their entire lives in a state
of "primary integration."
 Participative group -"Participative group is known by many names including: shared
leadership, Community empowerment, Community involvement, participative decision-making,
 Groupism -the tendency to think and act as members of a group., the concept which makes
everyone to feel: Empathy, Sympathy, we feeling and Goal achievement
 Subgroup -a user joins a group and is put into a smaller group (ex. committees, teams), which
might have access to resources that the larger group has
 Minority group -those who don’t hold the majority of positions of social power in a society.
 Gender and empowerment -Gender empowerment is conceived as a process by which women
can overcome many of the hurdles that they face such as education, work status, employment
opportunities, health care, social security, position in decision making by virtue of their gender.
What is Community Action?
 It is a campaign undertaken by people living in a particular place. It is an action undertaken by
members of the community for that community’s own improvement
Community Action Encompasses:
1. Community Engagement - the process by which community benefit organizations and
individuals build ongoing, permanent relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision
for the benefit of a community
Origin of Community Engagement
 Community benefit
 Community organizing
2. Community of Solidarity - is a mutual commitment to one another’s well-being.
Core Principles of Community Solidarity - Dignity of the Human Person, The Common Good,
Subsidiary and Participation, Solidarity Regardless of Ideological Differences, Preferential Option for
the Poor, Economic Justice, Stewardship of Creation, Promotion of Peace
3. Citizenship Building - Processes that can increase capacity of the citizens to respond intelligently
to the changing environment around them:
1. Servant leadership – either initiative from top or bottom
2. Regularity – periodic intervals
3. Complementarity – using processes together
Citizenship - is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a
Nationality - denotes a person’s membership of a nation (a large ethnic group)
Ways of Acquiring Citizenship
1. Jus sanguinis – parents are citizens 3. Jus soli – born within a country
2. Jure matrimonii – marriage to a citizen 4. Naturalization – process by which a non-citizen of a
country may acquire citizenship or nationality of that country.

Let’s have a memory check. After reading and understanding the lesson on the importance of
studying community dynamics in relation to applied social sciences and the learner’s future
career options. HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-1, challenge yourself by engaging in this task based on the
objective of the lesson.


Direction: Answer the following questions:

1. What is your personal career choice?

2. What makes you choose this career?

(3-5) How does a change in your community affect your career choice?

(6-10) What is the importance of understanding your community dynamics and community action
for your future career?


Did you enjoy the activities? Were you able to follow the directions given to you?

Now, let us summarize what you have learned with another exciting activity. Are you ready? Let’s


DIRECTIONS: List down 10 changes that happened in your community by comparing 2018 and 2020
using the table below.

2018 2020 Factors that brought

these changes
1. price of rice are lower 1.price of rice are much higher Economic crisis
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
10 10


With the numerous activities you did on (explain the importance of studying community
dynamics in relation to applied social sciences and the learner’s future career options.
HUMSS_CSC12-IIIa-c-1, the following tasks will show what you can do in real life scenario.

This section provides an activity which will help the learner transfer their new knowledge or skill into
real life situations or concerns.

ACTIVITY 3 – Prepare a social map featuring the different networks of people and resources that exist
in your communities.


Relative importance of ideas is indicated and both simple and
5 complex relationships are very effectively mapped, information is
presented clearly and allows for a high level of understanding .
Relative importance of ideas is indicated and relationships are
4 effectively mapped, information is presented clearly and allows for
a good level of understanding.
Relative importance of ideas is indicated and relationships are
3 mapped, information is presented clearly and allows for basic level
of understanding.
Importance is evident but not very distinctive; relations are
2 somewhat clear but lacking and information is presented and some
understanding can be gain.
No differentiation between ideas; no evidence of meaningful
1 relationships and information is not clear and very difficult to


Congratulations! You made it this far. I am proud of you. Smile…

Today’s final task is for you to answer the post assessment below. Unleash that super brain in you
to score at least 70% or 11 out of 15 items correctly.

All you have to do is choose the letter of the correct answer to the following questions. Do not
hesitate to go back and review the lesson for the test items you have answered incorrectly. Write your
answers on a separate sheet of paper.

A. (1-10) Fill in the blanks: Choose the correct answer on the box below.

1. _____________ is a level of community that the group is formed based on personal social ties.

2. _____________ is a group of people who share the same things, such as: where they live, work and play

3. _____________ the members of the community share the same geographic vicinity, such as s village,
province or neighborhood.

4. _____________ is a level of community that the large group affiliations are formed such as national
communities, international communities, and virtual communities.

5. _____________ communities formed based on needs, ideas, interests, identity, practices and roles in
social institutions such as at home, at work, in government, society or the community at large.

6. _____________ is the process of change and development within communities.

7. _____________ is the status of a person recognized under the custom or law as being a member of a

8. _____________ denotes a person’s membership of a nation (a large ethnic group).

9. _____________ is a campaign undertaken by people living in a particular place. It is an action

undertaken by members of the community for that community’s own improvement.

10. _____________ the process by which community benefit organizations and individuals build ongoing,
permanent relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of a

Geographical Community- Community Non- Macro-level

Action Engagement Geographical

Citizenship Community Micro-level Community Nationality


B. Enumeration:
(11-13) What are the three (3) types of community?

(14-15) Give at least two (2) ways of acquiring citizenship.


Most Essential Learning Competency (MELC)

Source: -


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