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C# Tutorial Lesson 1: Introducing the Microsoft .


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.NET (dot-net) is the name Microsoft gives to its general vision of the future of computing, the
view being of a world in which many applications run in a distributed manner across the
Internet. We can identify a number of different motivations driving this vision.

Firstly, distributed computing is rather like object oriented programming, in that it encourages
specialised code to be collected in one place, rather than copied redundantly in lots of places.
There are thus potential efficiency gains to be made in moving to the distributed model.

Secondly, by collecting specialised code in one place and opening up a generally accessible
interface to it, different types of machines (phones, handhelds, desktops, etc.) can all be
supported with the same code. Hence Microsoft's 'run-anywhere' aspiration.

Thirdly, by controlling real-time access to some of the distributed nodes (especially those
concerning authentication), companies like Microsoft can control more easily the running of its
applications. It moves applications further into the area of 'services provided' rather than
'objects owned'.

Interestingly, in taking on the .NET vision, Microsoft seems to have given up some of its
proprietary tendencies (whereby all the technology it touched was warped towards its
Windows operating system). Because it sees its future as providing software services in
distributed applications, the .NET framework has been written so that applications on other
platforms will be able to access these services. For example, .NET has been built upon open
standard technologies like XML and SOAP.

At the development end of the .NET vision is the .NET Framework. This contains the Common
Language Runtime, the .NET Framework Classes, and higher-level features like ASP.NET (the
next generation of Active Server Pages technologies) and WinForms (for developing desktop

The Common Language Runtime (CLR) manages the execution of code compiled for the .NET
platform. The CLR has two interesting features. Firstly, its specification has been opened up so
that it can be ported to non-Windows platforms. Secondly, any number of different languages
can be used to manipulate the .NET framework classes, and the CLR will support them. This
has led one commentator to claim that under .NET the language one uses is a 'lifestyle

Not all of the supported languages fit entirely neatly into the .NET framework, however (in
some cases the fit has been somewhat Procrustean). But the one language that is guaranteed
to fit in perfectly is C#. This new language, a successor to C++, has been released in
conjunction with the .NET framework, and is likely to be the language of choice for many
developers working on .NET applications.

For more information about .NET, see our tutorial, or the reference section (lesson 20).

C# Tutorial Lesson 2: Comparing C# to C++ and Java

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This lesson gives a brief overview of the differences between C# and the two languages that
are its closest relatives. References are given in each cases to more comprehensive works
currently to be found on the web.

C# versus Java

C# and Java are both new-generation languages descended from a line including C and C++.
Each includes advanced features, like garbage collection, which remove some of the low level
maintenance tasks from the programmer. In a lot of areas they are syntactically similar.

Both C# and Java compile initially to an intermediate language: C# to Microsoft Intermediate

Language (MSIL), and Java to Java bytecode. In each case the intermediate language can be
run - by interpretation or just-in-time compilation - on an appropriate 'virtual machine'. In C#,
however, more support is given for the further compilation of the intermediate language code
into native code.

C# contains more primitive data types than Java (lesson 4), and also allows more extension to
the value types. For example, C# supports 'enumerations', type-safe value types which are
limited to a defined set of constant variables (lesson 7), and 'structs', which are user-defined
value types (lesson 11). (Note: Java doesn't have enumerations, but there is a standard way
of emulating them - see

Unlike Java, C# has the useful feature that we can overload various operators.

Like Java, C# gives up on multiple class inheritance in favour of a single inheritance model
extended by the multiple inheritance of interfaces (lesson 11). However, polymorphism
(lesson 14) is handled in a more complicated fashion, with derived class methods either
'overriding' or 'hiding' super class methods

C# also uses 'delegates' - type-safe method pointers (see lesson 16). These are used to
implement event-handling.

In Java, multi-dimensional arrays are implemented solely with single-dimensional arrays

(where arrays can be members of other arrays. In addition to jagged arrays, however, C# also
implements genuine rectangular arrays (lesson 6).

For more comparison of C# and Java see:

A Comparative Overview of C#

Microsoft .NET vs J2EE: How do they stack up?

C# versus C++

Although it has some elements derived from Visual Basic and Java, C++ is C#'s closest

In an important change from C++, C# code does not require header files. All code is written

As touched on above, the .NET runtime in which C# runs performs memory management,
taking care of tasks like garbage collection. Because of this, the use of pointers in C# is much
less important than in C++. Pointers can be used in C#, where the code is marked as 'unsafe'
(lesson 5), but they are only really useful in situations where performance gains are at an
absolute premium.

Speaking generally, the 'plumbing' of C# types is different from that of C++ types, with all C#
types being ultimately derived from the 'object' type (lesson 4). There are also specific
differences in the way that certain common types can be used. For instance, C# arrays are
bounds checked unlike in C++, and it is therefore not possible to write past the end of a C#

C# statements are quite similar to C++ statements. To note just one example of a difference:
the 'switch' statements has been changed so that 'fall-through' behaviour is disallowed (lesson

As mentioned above, C# gives up on the idea of multiple class inheritance. Other differences
relating to the use of classes are: there is support for class 'properties' of the kind found in
Visual Basic, and class methods are called using the . operator rather than the :: operator.

For more comparison of C# and C++ see:

C++ -> C#: What you need to know to move from C++ to C#.

Deep Inside C#: An Interview with Microsoft Chief Architect

Anders Hejlsberg.

# Tutorial Lesson 3: Getting Started

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In order to use C# and the .NET framework classes, you first need to install either the .NET
framework SDK, or else Visual Studio .NET. Some useful advice about getting hold of and
installing the former can be found at:

In the next section we run through a standard 'hello world' example, with links to lessons
covering the different parts of the program.

A First C# Program: 'Hello World'

Let's begin in the traditional way, by looking at the code of a Hello World program (note that
the tabulation and line numbers are included just for the sake of readability).

1. using System;
2. public class HelloWorld
3. {
4. public static void Main()
5. {
6. // This is a single line comment
7. /* This is a
8. multiple
9. line comment */
10. Console.WriteLine("Hello World! From Softsteel
11. }
12. }

The first thing to note about C# is that it is case-sensitive. You will therefore get compiler
errors if, for instance, you write 'console' rather than 'Console'.

The second thing to note is that every statement finishes with a semicolon (;) or else takes a
code block within curly braces.

As C# is an object-oriented language, C# programs must be placed in classes (classes are

discussed in lesson 11, but if you are new to object orientation we suggest that you first read
some introductory material). Line 2 above declares the class to be named 'HelloWorld'.

Line 1 of the code declares we are using the System namespace (namespaces are also
covered in lesson 11). The point of this declaration is mostly to save ourselves time typing.
Because the 'Console' object used in line 10 of the code actually belongs to the 'System'
namespace, its fully qualified name is 'System.Console'. However, because in line 1 we declare
that the code is using the System namespace, we can then leave off the 'System.' part of its
name within the code.

When compiled and run, the program above will automatically run the 'Main' method declared
and begun in line 4. Note again C#'s case-sensitivity - the method is 'Main' rather than 'main'.

Lines 6-9 of the program are ignored by the compiler, being comments entered by the
programmer for his own benefit. Line 6 shows a single line comment, in which everything on
the line after the two forward slashes is ignored by the compiler. Lines 7-9 demonstrate a
multi-line comment, in which everything between the opening /* and closing */ is ignored,
even when it spans multiple lines.

The statement on line 10 calls the 'WriteLine' method of the Console class in the System
namespace. It should be obvious how this works in the given example - it just prints out the
given string to the 'Console' (on PC machines this will be a DOS prompt). For a more
complicated use of the WriteLine method, see lesson 7.

In order to run it, the program above must first be saved in a file. Unlike in Java, the name of
the class and the name of the file in which it is saved do not need to match up, although it
does make things easier if you use this convention. In addition, you are free to choose any
extension for the file, but it is usual to use the extension '.cs'.

Suppose that you have saved the file as 'HelloWorld.cs'. Then to compile the program from a
command line, you would use the command

csc HelloWorld.cs

(for Visual Studio .NET users: compile by pressing Ctrl-Shift-B)

This command would generate the executable HelloWorld.exe, which could be run in the usual
way, by entering its name:


(for Visual Studio .NET users: run by pressing Ctrl-F5)

Fairly obviously, this program would produce the output:

Hello World! From Softsteel Solutions.

C# Tutorial Lesson 4: Variable Types (1): Reference Types and

Value Types

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C# is a type-safe language. Variables are declared as being of a particular type, and each
variable is constrained to hold only values of its declared type.

Variables can hold either value types or reference types, or they can be pointers. This lesson
covers the first two options; pointers are discussed in lesson 5.

Here's a quick recap of the difference between value types and reference types.

- where a variable v contains a value type, it directly contains an object with some value. No
other variable v' can directly contain the object contained by v (although v' might contain an
object with the same value).

- where a variable v contains a reference type, what it directly contains is something which
refers to an object. Another variable v' can contain a reference to the same object refered to
by v.

Value Types

It is possible in C# to define your own value types by declaring enumerations (lesson 7) or

structs (lesson 11). These user-defined types are mostly treated in exactly the same way as
C#'s predefined value types, although compilers are optimised for the latter. The following
table lists, and gives information about, the predefined value types. Because in C# all of the
apparently fundamental value types are in fact built up from the (actually fundamental) object
type, the list also indicates which System types in the .Net framework correspond to these
pre-defined types.

C# .Net Framework Signed? Bytes Possible Values

Type (System) type Occupied
sbyte System.Sbyte Yes 1 -128 to 127
short System.Int16 Yes 2 -32768 to 32767
int System.Int32 Yes 4 -2147483648 to 2147483647
long System.Int64 Yes 8 -9223372036854775808 to
byte System.Byte No 1 0 to 255
ushort System.Uint16 No 2 0 to 65535
uint System.UInt32 No 4 0 to 4294967295
ulong System.Uint64 No 8 0 to 18446744073709551615
float System.Single Yes 4 Approximately ±1.5 x 10-45 to
±3.4 x 1038 with 7 significant
double System.Double Yes 8 Approximately ±5.0 x 10-324 to
±1.7 x 10308 with 15 or 16
significant figures
decimal System.Decimal Yes 12 Approximately ±1.0 x 10-28 to
±7.9 x 1028 with 28 or 29
significant figures
char System.Char N/A 2 Any Unicode character (16 bit)
bool System.Boolean N/A 1/2 true or false

In the following lines of code, two variables are declared and set with integer values.

int x = 10;
int y = x;
y = 20; // after this statement x holds value 10 and y holds value 20

Reference Types

The pre-defined reference types are object and string, where object - as we have mentioned
above - is the ultimate base class of all other types. New reference types can be defined using
'class', 'interface', and 'delegate' declarations (covered in lesson 12).

Reference types actually hold the value of a memory address occupied by the object they
reference. Consider the following piece of code, in which two variables are given a reference to
the same object (for the sake of the example, this object is taken to contain the numeric
property 'myValue').

object x = new object();

x.myValue = 10;
object y = x;
y.myValue = 20; // after this statement both x.myValue and y.myValue equal 20

This code illustrates how changing a property of an object using a particular reference to it is
reflected in all other references to it. Note, however, that although strings are reference types,
they work rather more like value types. When one string is set to the value of another, eg

string s1 = "hello";
string s2 = s1;

Then s2 does at this point reference the same string object as s1. However, when the value of
s1 is changed, for instance with

s1 = "goodbye";
what happens is that a new string object is created for s1 to point to. Hence, following this
piece of code, s1 equals "goodbye", whereas s2 still equals "hello".

The reason for this behaviour is that string objects are 'immutable'. That is, the properties of
these objects can't themselves change. So in order to change what a string variable
references, a new string object must be created.

Escape Sequences and Verbatim Strings

When declaring a string variable, certain characters can't, for various reasons, be included in
the usual way. C# supports two different solutions to this problem.

The first approach is to use 'escape sequences'. For example, suppose that we want to set
variable a to the value:

"Hello World
How are you"

We could declare this using the following command, which contains escape sequences for the
quotation marks and the line break.

string a = "\"Hello World\nHow are you\"";

The following table gives a list of the escape sequences for the characters that can be escaped
in this way:

Character Escape Sequence

' \'
" \"
\ \\
Alert \a
Backspace \b
Form feed \f
New Line \n
Carriage Return \r
Horizontal Tab \t
Vertical Tab \v
A unicode character specified by its number e.g. \u200 \u
A unicode character specified by its hexidecimal code e.g. \x
null \0 (zero)

The second approach is to use 'verbatim string' literals. These are defined by enclosing the
required string in the characters @" and ". To illustrate this, to set the variable 'path' to the
following value:
C:\My Documents\

we could either escape the back-slash characters

string path = "C:\\My Documents\\"

or use a verbatim string thus:

string path = @"C:\MyDocuments\"

Usefully, strings written using the verbatim string syntax can span multiple lines, and
whitespace is preserved. The only character that needs escaping is the double-quote
character, the escape sequence for which is two double-quotes together. For instance,
suppose that you want to set the variable 'text' to the following value:

the word "big" contains three letters.

Using the verbatim string syntax, the command would look like this:

string text = @"the word ""big"" contains three letters."


C# allows you convert any value type to a corresponding reference type, and to convert the
resultant 'boxed' type back again. The following piece of code demonstrates boxing. When the
second line executes, an object is initiated as the value of 'box', and the value held by i is
copied across to this object. It is interesting to note that the runtime type of box is returned
as the boxed value type; the 'is' operator thus returns the type of box below as 'int'.

int i = 123;
object box = i;
if (box is int)
{Console.Write("Box contains an int");} // this line is printed

C# Tutorial Lesson 5: Variable Types(2): Pointers

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This lesson gives a brief overview of pointers and their use in C#. It only scratches the surface
of a complicated topic, however, so if you are new to pointers it is recommended that you do
further reading before using them in your code. Luckily, pointers are only really needed in C#
where execution speed is highly important.

Pointer Notation

A pointer is a variable that holds the memory address of another type. In C#, pointers can
only be declared to hold the memory addresses of value types (except in the case of arrays -
see below).

Pointers are declared implicitly, using the 'dereferencer' symbol *, as in the following example:

int *p;
[Note that some coders place the dereferencer symbol immediately after the type name, eg.

int* p;

This variation appears to work just as well as the previous one.]

This declaration sets up a pointer 'p', which will point to the initial memory address of an
integer (stored in four bytes).

The combined syntactical element *p ('p' prefixed by the dereferencer symbol '*') is used to
refer to the type located at the memory location held by p. Hence given its declaration, *p can
appear in integer assignments like the following:

*p = 5;

This code gives the value 5 to the integer that was initialised by the declaration. It is
important, however, not to confuse such an assignment with one in which the derefencer
symbol is absent, e.g.

p = 5;

The effect of this assignment is to change the memory location held by p. It doesn't change
the value of the integer initialised by the original declaration; it just means that p no longer
points to that integer. In fact, p will now point to the start of the four bytes present at
memory location 5.

Another important symbol for using pointers is the operator &, which in this context returns
the memory address of the variable it prefixes. To give an example of this symbol, the
following code sets up p to point to integer i's memory location:

int i = 5;
int *p;
p = &i;

Given the above, the code

*p = 10;

changes the value of i to 10, since '*p' can be read as 'the integer located at the memory
value held by p'.

There is another important piece of notation for pointers. Pointers can be declared for structs
(see lesson 11), as in the following example (which uses the 'Coords' struct defined further

Coords x = new Coords();

Coords *y = &x;

One can then use the declared pointer y to access a public field of x (say z). This would be
done using either the expression


or the equivalent expression, which uses the -> string:

y -> z

Unsafe Code

A major problem with using pointers in C# is that C# operates a background garbage

collection process. In freeing up memory, this garbage collection is liable to change the
memory location of a current object without warning. So any pointer which previously pointed
to that object will no longer do so. Such a scenario leads to two potential problems. Firstly, it
could compromise the running of the C# program itself. Secondly, it could affect the integrity
of other programs.

Because of these problems, the use of pointers is restricted to code which is explicitly marked
by the programmer as 'unsafe'. Because of the potential for malicious use of unsafe code,
programs which contain unsafe code will only run if they have been given full trust.

To address the problem of garbage collection, one can declare a pointer within a 'fixed'
expression. This 'pins' the location of the type pointed to - the memory location of the type
therefore remains static, safe from garbage collection. Note that the fixed statement can only
be used within the context of unsafe code.

There is a further quirk to learn. Any value types declared within unsafe code are
automatically 'fixed', and will generate compile-time errors if used within fixed expressions.
The same is not true of reference types, however (for the difference between value and
reference types see lesson 4).

The following code gives an example of a method marked 'unsafe'. From the previous
paragraph it follows that the pointer p cannot be declared within a 'fixed' statement on line 9,
because p is set up to point to the struct c (a value type) which is declared within the unsafe

1. using System;
2. public struct Coords
3. {
4. int x;
5. int y;
6. unsafe public static void Main()
7. {
8. Coords c = new Coords();
9. Coords *p = &c;
10. {
11. p->y = 6;
12. (*p).x = 5;
13. }
14. Console.WriteLine(c.y);
15. Console.WriteLine(c.x);
16. }
17. }
Compare this with the following code, in which the pointer p on line 8 must be declared within
a 'fixed' statment, because it is set up to point to a type which is not declared within the
unsafe block of code:

1. using System;
2. public struct Coords
3. {
4. int x;
5. int y;
6. unsafe public static void notMain(ref Coords c)
7. {
8. fixed (Coords *p = &c)
9. {
10. p->y = 6;
11. (*p).x = 5;
12. }
13. Console.WriteLine(c.y);
14. Console.WriteLine(c.x);
15. }
16. }

In the examples given above, 'unsafe' is included as a method modifier. However, it can also
be used within a code block, as in the following code fragment:

1. using System;
2. public static void Main()
3. {
4. unsafe
5. {
6. Coords c = new Coords();
7. [...]
8. }
9. }

Pointers, Methods and Arrays

Although we stated above that pointers can only be used with value types, an exception to
this involves arrays (some authors state that the same exception applies to strings, but we
have never been able to make this work).

A pointer can be declared in relation to an array, as in the following:

int[] a = {4, 5};
int *b = a;

What happens in this case is that the memory location held by b is the location of the first
type held by a. This first type must, as before, be a value type. The code beneath shows that
it is possible to step through the values of an array using a pointer, but explaining this further
goes beyond the scope of this tutorial.

1. using System;
2. public class Tester
3. {
4. public static void Main()
5. {
6. int[] a = {4, 5};
7. changeVal(a);
8. Console.WriteLine(a[0]);
9. Console.WriteLine(a[1]);
10. }
12. public unsafe static void changeVal(int[] a)
13. {
14. fixed (int *b = a)
15. {
16. *b = 5;
17. *(b + 1) = 7;
18. }
19. }
20. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 6: Arrays

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Single-Dimensional Arrays

The type of each array declared is given firstly by the type of basic elements it can hold, and
secondly by the number of dimensions it has. Single-dimensional arrays have a single
dimension (ie, are of rank 1). They are declared using square brackets, eg:

int[] i = new int[100];

This line of code declares variable i to be an integer array of size 100. It contains space for
100 integer elements, ranging from i[0] to i[99].

To populate an array one can simply specify values for each element, as in the following code:
int[] i = new int[2];
i[0] = 1;
i[1] = 2;

One can also run together the array declaration with the assignment of values to elements

int[] i = new int[] {1,2};

or the even shorter version of this:

int[] i = {1,2};

By default, as we have seen, all arrays start with their lower bound as 0 (and we would
recommend that you stick with this default). However, using the .NET framework's
System.Array class it is possible to create and manipulate arrays with an alternative initial
lower bound.

The (read-only) Length property of an array holds the total number of its elements across all
of its dimensions. As single-dimensional arrays have just one dimension, this property will
hold the length of the single dimension. For instance, given the definition of array i above,
i.Length is 2.

Rectangular Arrays

C# supports two types of multidimensional arrays: rectangular and jagged. A rectangular

array is a single array with more than one dimension, with the dimensions' sizes fixed in the
array's declaration. The following code creates a 2 by 3 multi-dimensional array:

int[,] squareArray = new int[2,3];

As with single-dimensional arrays, rectangular arrays can be filled at the time they are
declared. For instance, the code

int[,] squareArray = {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};

creates a 2 by 3 array with the given values. It is, of course, important that the given values
do fill out exactly a rectangular array.

The System.Array class includes a number of methods for determining the size and bounds of
arrays. These include the methods GetUpperBound(int i) and GetLowerBound(int i), which
return, respectively, the upper and lower subscripts of dimension i of the array (note that i is
zero based, so the first array is actually array 0).

For instance, since the length of the second dimension of squareArray is 3, the expression


returns 0, and the expression


returns 2.
System.Array also includes the method GetLength(int i), which returns the number of
elements in the ith dimension (again, zero based).

The following piece of code loops through squareArray and writes out the value of its elements
(loops are covered in lesson 9).

1. for(int i = 0; i < squareArray.GetLength(0); i++)

2. for (int j = 0; j < squareArray.GetLength(1); j++)
3. Console.WriteLine(squareArray[i,j]);

A foreach loop can also be used to access each of the elements of an array in turn, but using
this construction one doesn't have the same control over the order in which the elements are

Jagged Arrays

Using jagged arrays, one can create multidimensional arrays with irregular dimensions. This
flexibility derives from the fact that multidimensional arrays are implemented as arrays of
arrays. The following piece of code demonstrates how one might declare an array made up of
a group of 4 and a group of 6 elements:

int[][] jag = new int[2][];

jag[0] = new int [4];
jag[1] = new int [6];

The code reveals that each of jag[0] and jag[1] holds a reference to a single-dimensional int
array. To illustrate how one accesses the integer elements: the term jag[0][1] provides access
to the second element of the first group.

To initialise a jagged array whilst assigning values to its elements, one can use code like the

int[][] jag = new int[][] {new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4}, new int[] {5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}};

Be careful using methods like GetLowerBound, GetUpperBound, GetLength, etc. with jagged
arrays. Since jagged arrays are constructed out of single-dimensional arrays, they shouldn't
be treated as having multiple dimensions in the same way that rectangular arrays do.

To loop through all the elements of a jagged array one can use code like the following:

1. for (int i = 0; i < jag.GetLength(0); i++)

2. for (int j = 0; j < jag[i].GetLength(0); j++)
3. Console.WriteLine(jag[i][j]);



for (int i
= 0; i <
gth; i+
2. for (int j = 0; j < jag[i].Length; j++)
3. Console.WriteLine(jag[i][j]);
C# Tutorial Lesson 7: Enumerations
all tutorials

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C# Tutorial
An enumeration is a special kind of value type limited to a restricted
and unchangeable set of numerical values. By default, these the C# tutorial
numerical values are integers, but they can also be longs, bytes,
etc. (any numerical value except char) as will be illustrated below. contents

When you define an enumeration you provide literals which are then 1 .NET Framework
used as constants for their corresponding values. The following code
shows an example of such a definition: 2 C# vs C++/Java

3 'hello world'
1. public enum DAYS
2. { 4 variable types
3. Monday,
5 pointers
4. Tuesday,
5. Wednesday, 6 arrays
6. Thursday,
7. Friday, 7 enumerations

8. Saturday,
8 operators
9. Sunday
10. } 9 loops

10 jump/selection

Note, however, that there are no numerical values specified in the 11 classes...
above. Instead, the numerical values are (we think) set up
according to the following two rules:
12 ...declaration

1. For the first literal: if it is unassigned, set its value to 0. 13 methods

2. For any other literal: if it is unassigned, then set its value to one 14 polymorphism
greater than the value of the preceding literal.
15 constants...
From these two rules, it can be seen that DAYS.Monday will be set
to 0, and the values increased until DAYS.Sunday is set to 6. Note 16 delegates...
also how we are referring to these values - the values specified in
an enumeration are static, so we have to refer to them in code
17 exceptions
using the name of the enumeration: "DAYS.Monday" rather than
just "Monday". Furthermore, these values are final - you can't
18 compiler
change their runtime value.

19 documentation
The following code demonstrates how you can override the default
setting which makes the default values integers. In this example,
the enumeration values are set to bytes. 20 references

1. enum byteEnum : byte C# books (Int)

2. {
C# books (UK)
3. A,
4. B patchwork book
5. }
21 [2.0] generics

You can also override the default numerical values of any and all of
the enumeration elements. In the following example, the first literal 22 [2.0] anon.
is set to value 1. The other literals are then set up according to the methods
second rule given above, so DAYS.Sunday will end up equal to 7.

1. public enum DAYS

23 [2.0] iterators
2. {
3. Monday=1,
4. Tuesday,
24 [2.0] partial...
5. Wednesday,
6. Thursday,
7. Friday,
8. Saturday, 25 [2.0] nullable...

9. Sunday
10. }

In the two examples given, the values of each literal has been
unique within the enumeration. This is usually how you will want
things to be, but in fact the values need not be unique. In the
following case, the value of DAYS.Thursday is also set to equal 1.
The values assigned to the other literals will follow the rules given
previously, so both DAYS.Tuesday and DAYS.Friday will equal 2, etc.

1. public enum DAYS

2. {
3. Monday=1,
4. Tuesday,
5. Wednesday,
6. Thursday=1,
7. Friday,
8. Saturday,
9. Sunday
10. }
In C# enumerations are type-safe, by which we mean that the
compiler will do its best to stop you assigning illicit values to
enumeration typed variables. For instance, the following code should
not compile:

1. int i = DAYS.Monday;
2. DAYS d = i;

In order to get this code to compile, you would have to make

explicit casts both ways (even converting from DAYS to int), ie:

1. int i = (int)DAYS.Monday;
2. DAYS d = (DAYS)i;

At this point you may be wondering what happens if you cast an int
to an enumeration value where that same value is defined for two
elements within the enumeration. And the answer is this: one of the
elements is given 'primary' status, so it gets picked ahead of the

A useful feature of enumerations is that one can retrieve the literal

as a string from the numeric constant with which it is associated. In
fact, this is given by the default ToString() method, so the following
expression comes out as true:


The following code prints out both the literal and its constant value
for the specified enumeration.

1. using System;
2. public class EnumTest
3. {
4. public enum DAYS: byte
5. {Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday}
7. public static void Main()
8. {
9. Array dayArray =
10. foreach (DAYS day in dayArray)
11. Console.WriteLine("Number {1} of
EnumTest.DAYS is {0}", day,
12. }
13. }

Since it's not immediately obvious what's going on in the main

method here, let's take the time to go through it.

On line 9 we use the static GetValues method of the Enum class.

When you pass this class an enumeration type - in this case, the
type corresponding to EnumTest.DAYS - it returns an array of all the
values of the elements within that enumeration. Note that the Enum
class also has the GetNames method, which returns the literal

On line 10 we set up a foreach loop, pulling out, into day, each

value in the dayArray in turn. Note that this value is of type DAYS.

On line 11 we use string interpolation as part of the

Console.WriteLine method. This method makes use of the
String.Format method, so is equivalent to:

Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Number {1} of EnumTest.DAYS is

{0}", day, day.ToString("d")));

And what the String.Format method does is to take 'textual

representations' of the objects it is passed as parameters, and slots
them into the appropriate places within the 'format string' it is
passed. So this line of code is basically equivalent to:

Console.WriteLine("Number " + day.ToString("d").ToString() + " of

EnumTest.DAYS is " + day.ToString());

Now, we've already noted that day.ToString() will return a literal

string, but what about the method day.ToString("d")? Well, we had
a stab at explaining this a while ago, but did very badly. In fact, we
just made an error. So hopefully the following will be better.

The ToString method can take a single IFormatProvider parameter

which indicates how the string conversion should be conducted.
Values for this parameter can include things like "g", "d", "x", "f",
etc. The stated implication of "d", however, is to render in 'Decimal
format'. And when we use this on an enumeration member, it
provides a string representation of the *numerical value* of the
enumeration member. So, when we run the code above, what we
get is the following output:

Number 0 of EnumTest.DAYS is Monday

Number 1 of EnumTest.DAYS is Tuesday
Number 2 of EnumTest.DAYS is Wednesday
Number 3 of EnumTest.DAYS is Thursday
Number 4 of EnumTest.DAYS is Friday
Number 5 of EnumTest.DAYS is Saturday
Number 6 of EnumTest.DAYS is Sunday

C# Tutorial Lesson 8: Operators

printer friendly version

C# has a number of standard operators, taken from C, C++ and Java. Most of these should be
quite familiar to programmers; the less common ones are covered elsewhere.

The diagram below lists the standard operators. Note that when writing classes it is possible to
change the default behaviour of some of these operators (ie to 'overload' the operator),
although this should only be done where the resultant semantics makes sense. The diagram
indicates which of the operators are overloadable.

Category Name Syntax Example Overloadable?

Primary Grouping (a+b) No
Member A.B No
Struct pointer member A->B No
Method call f(x) No
Post increment c++ Yes
Post decrement c-- Yes
Constructor call c = new Coord(); No
Array stack allocation int* c = stackalloc No
Struct size retrieval sizeof (int) No
Arithmetic check on checked {byte c = No
(byte) d;}
Arithmetic check off unchecked {byte c = No
(byte) d;}
Unary Positive value +10 Yes
Negative value -10 Yes
Not !(c==d) Yes
Bitwise complement ~(int x) Yes
Pre increment ++c Yes
Pre decrement --c Yes
Type cast (myType)c No
Value at address int* c = d; No
Address value of int* c = &d; No
Type operators Type equality / a is String No
Type retrieval typeof (int) No
Arithmetic Multiplication c*d Yes
Division c/d Yes
Remainder c%d Yes
Addition c+d Yes
Subtraction c-d Yes
Shift bits right c>>3 Yes
Shift bits left c<<3 Yes
Relational and Less than c<d Yes
Greater than c>d Yes
Less than or equal to c<=d Yes
Greater than or equal c>=d Yes
Equality c==d Yes
Inequality c!=d Yes
Bitwise and c&d Yes
Bitwise or c|d Yes
Logical and c&&d No
Logical or c||d No
Conditional int c=(d<10) ? 5:15 No

Overloading operators

To overload an operator in a class, one defines a method using the 'operator' keyword. For
instance, the following code overloads the equality operator (see lesson 13 for details about

public static bool operator == (Value a, Value b)

{return a.Int == b.Int}

Where an operator is one of a logical pair, both operators should be overwritten if any one is.
These pairs are the following:

== and !=
< and >
<= and >=
C# Tutorial Lesson 9: Flow Control (1): Loop
all tutorials
C# Tutorial
printer friendly version

the C# tutorial
C# provides a number of the common loop statements:
do-while 1 .NET Framework
2 C# vs C++/Java

while loops
3 'hello world'

syntax: while (expression) statement[s] 4 variable types

A 'while' loop executes a statement, or a block of statements 5 pointers

wrapped in curly braces, repeatedly until the condition specified by
the boolean expression returns false. For instance, the following 6 arrays
7 enumerations
1. int a = 0;
2. while (a < 3) 8 operators

3. {
9 loops
4. System.Console.WriteLine(a);
5. a++; 10 jump/selection

6. }
11 classes...

12 ...declaration
produces the following output:
13 methods
1 14 polymorphism
15 constants...
do-while loops
16 delegates...
syntax: do statement[s] while (expression)
17 exceptions
A 'do-while' loop is just like a 'while' loop except that the condition
is evaluated after the block of code specified in the 'do' clause has 18 compiler
been run. So even where the condition is initially false, the block
runs once. For instance, the following code outputs '4': 19 documentation

20 references
1. int a = 4;
2. do C# books (Int)
3. {
4. System.Console.WriteLine(a); C# books (UK)

5. a++;
6. } while (a < 3);
patchwork book

21 [2.0] generics
for loops

syntax: for (statement1; expression; statement2) statement[s]3

22 [2.0] anon.
The 'for' clause contains three parts. Statement1 is executed before methods
the loop is entered. The loop which is then executed corresponds to
the following 'while' loop:

statement 1 23 [2.0] iterators

while (expression) {statement[s]3; statement2}

'For' loops tend to be used when one needs to maintain an iterator

value. Usually, as in the following example, the first statement 24 [2.0] partial...
initialises the iterator, the condition evaluates it against an end
value, and the second statement changes the iterator value.

1. for (int a =0; a<5; a++) 25 [2.0] nullable...

2. {
3. System.Console.WriteLine(a);
4. }

foreach loops

syntax: foreach (variable1 in variable2) statement[s]

The 'foreach' loop is used to iterate through the values contained by

any object which implements the IEnumerable interface. When a
'foreach' loop runs, the given variable1 is set in turn to each value
exposed by the object named by variable2. As we have seen
previously, such loops can be used to access array values. So, we
could loop through the values of an array in the following way:

1. int[] a = new int[]{1,2,3};

2. foreach (int b in a)
3. System.Console.WriteLine(b);

The main drawback of 'foreach' loops is that each value extracted

(held in the given example by the variable 'b') is read-only.

C# Tutorial Lesson 10: Flow Control (2): Jump and Selection


printer friendly version

Jump Statements
The jump statements include

return (see lesson 13)
throw (see lesson 17)


The 'break' statement breaks out of the 'while' and 'for' loops covered in lesson 9, and the
'switch' statements covered later in this lesson. The following code gives an example - albeit a
very inefficient one - of how it could be used. The output of the loop is the numbers from 0 to

1. int a = 0;
2. while (true)
3. {
4. System.Console.WriteLine(a);
5. a++;
6. if (a == 5)
7. break;
8. }


The 'continue' statement can be placed in any loop structure. When it executes, it moves the
program counter immediately to the next iteration of the loop. The following code example
uses the 'continue' statement to count the number of values between 1 and 100 inclusive that
are not multiples of seven. At the end of the loop the variable y holds the required value.

1. int y = 0;
2. for (int x=1; x<101; x++)
3. {
4. if ((x % 7) == 0)
5. continue;
6. y++;
7. }


The 'goto' statement is used to make a jump to a particular labelled part of the program code.
It is also used in the 'switch' statement described below. We can use a 'goto' statement to
construct a loop, as in the following example (but again, this usage is not recommended):

1. int a = 0;
2. start:
3. System.Console.WriteLine(a);
4. a++;
5. if (a < 5)
6. goto start;

Selection Statements

C# offers two basic types of selection statement:

if - else
switch - default

if - else

'If-else' statements are used to run blocks of code conditionally upon a boolean expression
evaluating to true. The 'else' clause, present in the following example, is optional.

1. if (a == 5)
2. System.Console.WriteLine("A is 5");
3. else
4. System.Console.WriteLine("A is not 5");

If statements can also be emulated by using the conditional operator. The conditional operator
returns one of two values, depending upon the value of a boolean expression. To take a
simple example, the line of code

int i = (myBoolean) ? 1 : 0 ;

sets i to 1 if myBoolean is true, and sets i to 0 if myBoolean is false. The 'if' statement in the
previous code example could therefore be written like this:

1. System.Console.WriteLine( a==5 ? "A is 5" : "A is not 5");

switch - default

'Switch' statements provide a clean way of writing multiple if - else statements. In the
following example, the variable whose value is in question is 'a'. If a equals 1, then the output
is 'a>0'; if a equals 2, then the output is 'a>1 and a>0'. Otherwise, it is reported that the
variable is not set.

1. switch(a)
2. {
3. case 2:
4. Console.WriteLine("a>1 and ");
5. goto case 1;
6. case 1:
7. Console.WriteLine("a>0");
8. break;
9. default:
10. Console.WriteLine("a is not set");
11. break;
12. }

Each case (where this is taken to include the 'default' case) will either have code specifying a
conditional action, or no such code. Where a case does have such code, the code must (unless
the case is the last one in the switch statement) end with one of the following statements:

goto case k; (where k is one of the cases specified)
goto default;

From the above it can be seen that C# 'switch' statements lack the default 'fall through'
behaviour found in C++ and Java. However, program control does fall through wherever a
case fails to specify any action. The following example illustrates this point; the response
"a>0" is given when a is either 1 or 2.

1. switch(a)
2. {
3. case 1:
4. case 2:
5. Console.WriteLine("a>0");
6. break;
7. default:
8. Console.WriteLine("a is not set");
9. break;
10. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 11: Introducing Classes, Structs and


printer friendly version

Classes and Types

As we noted previously, one can create new reference types by defining classes. Classes
provide 'templates' from which these direct instances are generated. Where we appeal to the
relation between a class and its corresponding reference type instances we shall say that a
class specifies the type (also that the class specifies the constitutive elements of the type).

Any type is made up of elements, which we term type members. There are two main kinds of
type members that a class can specify. Firstly, a class can specify other types - both value and
reference (for the distinction see lesson 4). This idea, that types can contain other types, is
known within the literature on object orientation as 'containment', or else 'aggregation'. Where
a type contains another reference type, we shall call it the containing type of the latter.

The second, main kind of type members that a class can specify are methods, functions
designed for reading and manipulating the value and reference types an instance contains.


Object oriented languages like C# allow inheritance from reference types. If a type inherits
from another, it takes on all of its type members. A type can, however, both add to the
members it inherits in this way, as well as 'overwriting' them. To overwrite a type member - a
method, say - the defining class specifies a method with the same name as one that it inherits
(this is covered in lesson 14).

C#'s inheritance model is more similar to Java's than to C++'s. In particular, C# classes
inherit always from a single base class (if one is not specified in the declaration, inheritance is
from System.Object). At the same time, however, C# classes can inherit from any number of

Abstract Classes and Interfaces

Some classes are not designed to have direct instances. Rather, they are designed simply to
be inherited from, by ancestors which may themselves have direct instances (or not). A class
is 'abstract' just in case it cannot itself have direct instances.

Classes can be abstract because in a class it is possible to specify a class method without
specifying its body. Such methods are themselves termed 'abstract'. Where a class contains an
abstract method it cannot be instantiated, since it is not specified what should happen were
the method to be called.

An 'interface' is a class which has only abstract methods. However, such a class is declared
not with the 'class' keyword but the 'interface' keyword. Above we stated that a C# class can
only inherit from one 'base' class; but this ignores interfaces. A class can inherit from any
number of interfaces.

Nested Classes

Classes are usually specified independently of each other. But it is possible for one class to be
specified within another's specification. In this case, the latter class is termed a nested class.

A struct is a user-defined value type. It is declared in a very similar way to a class, except that
it can't inherit from any class, nor can any class inherit from it (as mentioned previously,
however, all value types do inherit from System.object). The following example shows a
partial declaration for a 'Coordinate' struct:

1. struct Coordinate
2. {
3. public int x;
4. public int y;

6. public Coordinate(int x, int y)

7. {
8. this.x = x;
9. this.y = y;
10. }
11. }

Given the above, one could initialise a Coordinate type in a familiar way, using code like:

Coordinate c = new Coordinate(10, 2);

Note that if a variable of a struct type is declared without being given an explicit value, eg:

Coordinate c2 ;

it does not equate to 'null' (this being the default value for reference types, rather than value
types). Instead, the variable is initialised to a state where its fields have their default values.
If these fields are basic value types, they will generally be set to zero. If these fields are
reference types, they will be set to 'null'.

Because of this default initialisation behaviour, it is an error for a struct to be given a

parameterless constructor (eg. one like 'public Coordinate()'). Also, where a struct does have
a constructor, you should be sure to make assignments to all of the struct's fields within this


Namespaces can be thought of as collections of classes; they provide unique identifiers for
types by placing them in an hierarchical structure.

To illustrate the use of namespaces: suppose that two different C# developers come up with a
class called 'bank', one relating to fiscal institutions and the other relating to riversides. In a
programming environment containing both classes, there is a need to distinguish one from the
other, and this is achieved by placing them within different namespaces. For example, the
former class could be placed within the 'fiscal' namespace, say, becoming, whereas
the latter could be placed within the 'river' namespace becoming (Note that C#
does not include Java's direct link between the namespace hierarchy and the file structure
Most classes depend upon the existence of other classes - for instance, they may specify
contained types. It is possible in the specification always to write each class' full namespace,
but these are often too long for it to be worthwhile. To take an example at random, the
following is the fully qualified name of a class in the .NET framework relating to a particular
type of cryptographic algorithm:


This problem is addressed by the use of the 'using' keyword, placed at the very top of the
class specification. For instance, in a class specification including the phrase

using System.Security.Cryptography;

one could write refer to the above class simply using its class name


Alternatively, one could specify an alias for the namespace, eg

using myAlias = System.Security.Cryptography;

and then refer to the class with


One specifies a namespace for one's own classes using the 'namespace' keyword. For
instance, the following code states that the class 'Adder' is in the namespace fred.math.

1. namespace fred
2. {
3. namespace math
4. {
5. public class Adder
6. {
7. // insert code here
8. }
9. }

Alternatively, and more simply, one write the above as:

1. namespace fred.math
2. {
3. public class Adder
4. {
5. // insert code here
6. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 12: Class Declaration

printer friendly version

Class declarations can have up to four different parts, surrounding the 'class' keyword:

attributes class-modifiers class class-base class-body

The class-body element specifies type members. The following is an example of a very simple
class declaration, the class body being the lines following line 1:

1. public class Shape

2. {
3. // class-body
4. }

We now consider the other parts of a class declaration.


Attributes can be posted at the front of a class declaration. These comprise user-defined
'meta-data' about the class; information which can be brought out at runtime. The example
given in the C# language reference is this: one might define a 'HelpAttribute' attribute in order
to map classes to their documentation. Attributes are covered in more detail in lesson 18.

Class Modifiers

There are seven different - optional - class modifiers. Four of these - 'public', 'internal',
'protected' and 'private' - are used to specify the access levels of the types defined by the
classes. The following five different access levels can be specified with these four modifiers:


The 'public' keyword identifies a type as fully accessible to all other types. This is the implicit
accessibility of enumeration members (lesson 7) and interface members (lesson 11).


If a class is declared as 'internal', the type it defines is accessible only to types within the
same assembly (a self-contained 'unit of packaging' containing code, metadata etc.). This is
the default access level of non-nested classes.


If a class is declared as 'protected', its type is accessible by a containing type and any type
that inherits from this containing type. This modifier should only be used for internal classes
(ie. classes declared within other classes).
protected internal

The permissions allowed by this access level are those allowed by the 'protected' level plus
those allowed by the 'internal' level. The access level is thus more liberal than its parts taken
individually. This modifier should only be used for internal classes (ie. classes declared within
other classes).


Where a class is declared as 'private', access to the type it defines is limited to a containing
type only. This modifier should only be used for internal classes (ie. classes declared within
other classes).

We now turn to the final three class modifiers:


The 'new' keyword can be used for 'nested' classes. A nested class is one that is defined in the
body of another class; it is in most ways identical to a class defined in the normal way, but its
access level cannot be more liberal than that of the class in which it is defined. A nested class
should be declared using the 'new' keyword just in case it has the same name as (and thus
overrides) an inherited type.


A class declared as 'abstract' cannot itself be instanced - it is designed only to be a base class
for inheritance.


A class declared as 'sealed' cannot be inherited from.

Class Base

The 'class base' part of the class declaration specifies the name of the class and any classes
that it inherits from.

As we noted previously, classes can inherit from just one base class and any number of
interfaces. The classes to be inherited from are named following a colon after the class's own
name (with any base class preceding any interfaces). The following line declares a public class
called 'DrawingRectangle' which inherits from the base class 'Rectangle' and the interface

public class DrawingRectangle : Rectangle, Drawing

Interface Declarations

Interfaces (described in Lesson 13) are declared in much the same way as standard classes,
except that they use the keyword 'interface' in place of the keyword 'class'. For instance:

public interface Drawing

The other important difference is that the class modifiers 'abstract' and 'sealed' cannot be
used with interface declarations (it would be unnecessary to use the former and illegitimate to
use the latter).

C# Tutorial Lesson 13: Introducing Methods

printer friendly version

Methods are operations associated with types. To provide a type with methods is to give it
some useful functionality. Often this functionality is made generally available, so that it can be
utilised by other types

To take a simple example, suppose that we have an 'Arithmetic' class, whose purpose is to
provide arithmetic operations. One simple method this class could have is the
'addTwoIntegers' method, whose job is to support the operation of adding two integers. To
make use of this functionality, a piece of code would 'call' the method by 'passing' it two
integers. The method would then 'return' their sum. Such a piece of code might look like this:

int sum = Arithmetic.addTwoIntegers(4,7);

A method declaration, specified within a class declaration, comprises a method-head and a

method-body. The method-head is made up of the following elements (square brackets
enclose those which are optional).

[attributes] [method-modifiers] return-type method-name ([ formal-parameter-list] )

In the case of the example method, its method head could look something like this:

[Description("a pointless method")] public static int addTwoIntegers(int a, int b)


Method attributes work in a similar way to that briefly described for classes, see lesson 18. We
do not in this tutorial try to cover the different types of attributes that there are.

Method Modifiers

There are ten method modifiers that can be used. Four of these are the access modifiers that
can be used in class declarations (see lesson 12). These four work analogously to the way
they work in class declarations. The others are the following:


Abstract methods are discussed in lesson 11


The 'static' modifier declares a method to be a class method.

The methods (as well as the enumerations, properties and variables) specified in a class can
be associated either with the class's instances (ie. the reference types it specifies) or with the
class itself. These methods are called, respectively, 'instance methods' and 'class methods'.
Class methods, declared with the 'static' modifier, can be called even when there exists no
current instances of the class.
There is no equivalent modifier for instance methods, since methods are instance methods
just in case their declaration does not include the word 'static'.

new, virtual, override

These modifiers concern the inheritance of methods from super- to sub-classes. They are
covered in lesson 14


Methods which are given as 'extern' are defined externally, using a language other than C#.
We shall not go into the process involved in defining such methods.

Formal Parameters

A method's parameters are the types that get passed to it when the method is called. The list
of parameters begins by specifying zero or more 'fixed parameters', and it may finish by
specifying a single parameter-array. This latter element - declared using the 'params' keyword
- means that it is possible to pass an arbitrary number of types to a single method. An
example is given later in the lesson.

Fixed parameter specifications can have either two or three parts (ignoring attributes). The
first, optional modifier can be either 'ref' or 'out'. The second part of the specification specifies
the parameter's type, and the third part its name. Examples of these different elements can
be seen in the illustrative code in the sections below.

[Modifier] parameter-type parameter-identifier

Parameter Passing

passing by value

The parameter modifiers 'ref' and 'out' relate to how the parameter is passed into the method.
Where neither of these modifiers is used, the parameter is passed in 'by value'. In this case,
when the method is called the value given is copied to the variable specified in the method
declaration. The following example illustrates this point; note that the change made to
variable b in the body of the 'change' method doesn't result in a change to the variable a used
to invoke the method.

1. public static void Main()

2. {
3. int a = 0;
4. change(a); // following this method invocation, a
equals 0
5. }

7. public static void change(int b)

8. {
9. b = 5;
10. }
In this example, it was a value type that was passed 'by value'. But reference types can also
be passed 'by value'. As we saw previously, the immediate value held by a reference type
variable is actually a memory address. So when this variable is passed 'by value', the memory
address is copied to the variable specified in the method head. But of course, because the two
variables will hold the same memory address, any changes made within the method body to
the object located at that memory address will be reflected outside the method (although this
doesn't apply for immutable reference types like strings, which act more like value types - see
lesson 4).

passing by reference

In C# we can pass variables into methods 'by reference'. Where a variable is passed by
reference, the 'ref' modifier must be used both in the method head and the method invocation
(illustrated by the next code block).

Passing by reference is most obviously useful in cases where we want to treat a value type like
a reference type. For instance, the method call in the following code does change the value of
the variable a passed into the 'change' method.

1. public static void Main()

2. {
3. int a = 0;
4. change(ref a); // following this method invocation,
5. }

7. public static void change (ref int b)

8. {
9. b = 5;
10. }

'output' parameters

Where a method parameter is defined (and invoked) using the 'out' modifier, it is passed by
reference. The difference between the 'out' and the 'ref' modifier is this: a parameter modified
by the 'out' keyword need not be assigned a value before being passed into the method, but
must be assigned a value in the method.

The reason that one might use output parameters is to return multiple values from a method.
For instance, in the following code an integer and a boolean is passed to the 'change' method.
This method sets the boolean to indicate whether or not the integer is greater than 0, and
returns the value of the integer doubled.

1. public static void Main()

2. {
3. bool b;
4. int c = change(5, out b);
5. }

7. public static int change (int a, out bool b)

8. {
9. b=false;
10. if (a>0)
11. b=true;
12. return (2*a);
13. }

The params modifier

One can pass an arbitrary number of types to a method by declaring a parameter array with
the 'params' modifier. Note, though, that it is not necessary to place these additional types
into an array before calling the method - they can simply be listed in the method invocation
(see the next code block for an example).

Types passed as 'params' are all passed by value. The following code gives an example of the
use of the 'params' modifier; the method called ignores the first type passed to it (a double)
and returns the sum of all (an arbitrary number of) the integer values passed to it.

1. public static void Main()

2. {
3. double a = 1;
4. int b = 2;
5. int c = 3;
6. int d = totalIgnoreFirst(a, b, c);
7. }

9. public static int totalIgnoreFirst(double a, params int[]

10. {
11. int sum = 0;
12. for (int i=0; i < intArr.Length; i++)
13. sum += intArr[i];
14. return sum;
15. }

Return Type

Methods can either return a type or not. A method that doesn't return a type must give its
return type as 'void'. A method that does return a type must name the type returned.
A method will stop and return a value if it reaches a 'return' statement at any point in its
execution. The type returned is given at the end of such a return statement; its type must
correspond with that specified in the method declaration. The following piece of code
illustrates this point.

1. public static int exampleMethod()

2. {
3. int i =0;
4. // process i
6. return i;
7. }

Method Overloading

Each method has a signature. This comprises the method's name and its parameters
(excepting their names), but not the method's return type. In the following method header,
the elements making up the method's signature are emphasised - note also that the 'params'
keyword is not included in the signature.

public static int myMethod(int a, ref double b, out bool c, params int[] d)

The importance of the signature is that no class is allowed to contain two methods with the
same signature. Since the signature takes in more than the method name, however, it is
possible for one class to have methods sharing a name. For example, a class with the method
whose header is given above might also contain a method with the header:

public static int myMethod(int a, ref double b)

Note, however, that since neither its return type nor the params keyword are part of a
method's signature this class could not also contain a method with the header:

public static void myMethod(int e, ref double f, out bool g, int[] h)

C# Tutorial Lesson 14: Polymorphism (Inherited Methods)

printer friendly version

As we have seen previously (lesson 11), classes take on the methods of the classes from
which they inherit. In some cases, however, a class may want to 'overwrite' such a method.
C# supports two different ways of method overwriting - 'hiding' or 'overriding'. Note that the
term 'overwrite' is a term we have devised to cover both hiding and overriding.

Method overwriting makes use of the following three method-head keywords (see lesson 13):

new, virtual, override

The main difference between hiding and overriding relates to the choice of which method to
call where the declared class of a variable is different to the run-time class of the object it
references. This point is explained further below.
Method Overriding

Suppose that we define a Square class which inherits from a Rectangle class (a square being a
special case of a rectangle). Each of these classes also specifies a 'getArea' instance method,
returning the area of the given instance.

For the Square class to 'override' the Rectangle class' getArea method, the Rectangle class'
method must have first declared that it is happy to be overridden. One way in which it can do
this is with the 'virtual' keyword. So, for instance, the Rectangle class' getArea method might
be specified like this:

1. public virtual double getArea()

2. {
3. return length * width;
4. }

To override this method the Square class would then specify the overriding method with the
'override' keyword. For example:

1. public override double getArea()

2. {
3. return length * length;
4. }

Note that for one method to override another, the overridden method must not be static, and
it must be declared as either 'virtual', 'abstract' or 'override'. Furthermore, the access
modifiers for each method must be the same.

The major implication of the specifications above is that if we construct a new Square instance
and then call its 'getArea' method, the method actually called will be the Square instance's
getArea method. So, for instance, if we run the following code:

Square sq = new Square(5);

double area = sq.getArea();

then the getArea method called on the second line will be the method defined in the Square

There is, however, a more subtle point. To show this, suppose that we declare two variables in
the following way:

Square sq = new Square(4);

Rectangle r = sq;

Here variable r refers to sq as a Rectangle instance (possible because the Square class derives
from the Rectangle class). We can now raise the question: if we run the following code

double area = r.getArea();

then which getArea method is actually called - the Square class method or the Rectangle class

The answer in this case is that the Square class method would still be called. Because the
Square class' getArea method 'overrides' the corresponding method in the Rectangle class,
calls to this method on a Square instance always 'slide through' to the overriding method.

Method Hiding

Where one method 'hides' another, the hidden method does not need to be declared with any
special keyword. Instead, the hiding method just declares itself as 'new'. So, where the
Square class hides the Rectangle class' getArea method, the two methods might just be
written thus:

1. public double getArea() // in Rectangle

2. {
3. return length * width;
4. }

1. public new double getArea() // in Square

2. {
3. return length * length;
4. }

Note that a method can 'hide' another one without the access modifiers of these methods
being the same. So, for instance, the Square's getArea method could be declared as private,

1. private new double getArea()

2. {
3. return length * length;
4. }

This leads us to an important point. A 'new' method only hides a super-class method with a
scope defined by its access modifier. Specifically, where the access level of the hiding method
is 'private', as in the method just described, this method only hides the super-class method for
the particular class in which it is defined.

To make this point more concrete, suppose that we introduced a further class, SpecialSquare,
which inherits from Square. Suppose further that SpecialSquare does not overwrite the
getArea method. In this case, because Square's getArea method is defined as private,
SpecialSquare inherits its getArea method directly from the Rectangle class (where the
getArea method is public).

The final point to note about method hiding is that method calls do not always 'slide through'
in the way that they do with virtual methods. So, if we declare two variables thus:
Square sq = new Square(4);
Rectangle r = sq;

then run the code

double area = r.getArea();

the getArea method run will be that defined in the Rectangle class, not the Square class.

C# Tutorial Lesson 15: Constants, Fields, Properties and


printer friendly version


Fields are variables associated with either classes or instances of classes. There are seven
modifiers which can be used in their declarations. These include the four access modifiers
'public', 'protected', 'internal' and 'private' (discussed in lesson 12) and the 'new' keyword
(discussed in lesson 14). The two remaining modifiers are:


By default, fields are associated with class instances. Use of the 'static' keyword, however,
associates a field with a class itself, so there will only ever be one such field per class,
regardless of the number of the class instances (and the static field will exist even if there are
no class instances). A static field need not be constant, however; it can be changed by code.
In the following code example the 'setStaticField' method illustrates such a change.

1. public class MyClass

2. {
3. public static int StaticField = 1;
5. public MyClass()
6. {}
8. public void setStaticField(int i)
9. {
10. MyClass.StaticField = i;
11. }
12. }


Where a field is readonly, its value can be set only once, either in the class declaration, or (for
non-static fields only) in the class constructor. The following code example (which, please
note, deliberately doesn't compile) shows both cases: the field StaticReadonlyInt is set in the
class declaration; the field readonlyString is set in the class constructor.

1. public class MyClass

2. {
3. public static readonly int StaticReadonlyInt = 1;
4. public readonly string readonlyString;
6. public MyClass()
7. {
8. readonlyString = "test";
9. }
11. // this method doesn't compile
12. public void NotCompile()
13. {
14. MyClass.StaticReadonlyInt = 4;
15. this.readonlyString = "test2";
16. }
17. }

While we're on declarations, note also that a field declaration can involve multiple fields, as in
the following line of code

public static int a = 1, b, c = 2;

which is equivalent to

public static int a = 1;

public static int b;
public static int c = 2;


Constants are unchanging types, associated with classes, that are accessible at compile time.
Because of this latter fact, constants can only be value types rather than reference types.
Constant declarations take the 'const' keyword (not 'static', even though they are associated
with classes), and the five modifiers 'public', 'protected', 'internal', 'private' and 'new'.

The following is a simple constant declaration, although multiple constants can be

simultaneously declared.

public const int area = 4;

If you've been reading carefully, you may be struck by the thought: what's the difference
between declaring a field as 'const' and declaring a field 'static readonly'. Good question. I'll
leave it to the professionals to provide the definitive answer, but the general point is that
static readonly fields can be reference types as well as value types.


Properties can be thought of as 'virtual' fields. From the outside, a class' property looks just
like a field. But from the inside, the property is generated using the actual class fields.

Property declarations take just those modifiers taken by methods (see lesson 13) Unlike
languages like Java, C# provides dedicated support for accession and mutation of these
properties. Suppose, for instance, that a type contains an internal field called 'age'. With the
following code one could specify a property Age, providing accessors and mutators to this
internal field.

1. public int Age

2. {
3. get
4. {
5. return this.age;
6. }
7. set
8. {
9. this.age = value;
10. }
11. }

Notice that the term 'value' is used in the above piece of code. This variable always holds the
value passed to the 'set' block. For instance, the execution of the following line of code
(assuming the appropriate class instance) would automatically set 'value' in the 'set' block to

person.Age = 4;

This property Age can be described as 'read-write' since it can be both read from and written
to. To make a property 'write-only' one simply does not specify a 'get' block; to make it 'read-
only' one does not specify a 'set' block. The following piece of code demonstrates the read-
only property 'Adult':

1. public bool Adult

2. {
3. get
4. {
5. if (this.age<18)
6. return false;
7. else
8. return true;
9. }
10. }


If properties are 'virtual fields', indexers are more like 'virtual arrays'. They allow a class to
emulate an array, where the elements of this array are actually dynamically generated by
function calls.

The following piece of code defines a class to hold a list of runners in an athletics race. The
runners are held in lane order, and an indexer is exposed which allows the list to be both read
from and written to. The indexer deals gracefully with cases in which the lane number passed
to it is either too high or too low.

1. class RaceDetails
2. {
3. private string[] lanes;
5. public RaceDetails()
6. {
7. this.lanes = new string[8];
8. }
10. public string this[int i]
11. {
12. get
13. {
14. return (i>=0 && i<8) ? this.lanes[i] : "error";
15. }
17. set
18. {
19. if (i>=0 && i<8) this.lanes[i] = value;
20. }
21. }
22. }

The following simple code illustrates use being made of the class just defined. The name of the
person in the race's first lane is set, and then this name is sent to a console window.

1. RaceDetails rd = new RaceDetails();

2. rd[0] = "fred";
3. Console.WriteLine("Lane One : " + rd[0]);
As can be seen from the example, an indexer is defined in a similar way to a property. One
important difference is in the indexer's signature; the word 'this' is used in place of a name,
and after this word indexing elements are provided.

Indexers aren't differentiated by name, and a class cannot declare two indexers with the same
signature. However, this does not entail that a class is limited to just one indexer. Different
indexers can have different types and numbers of indexing elements (these being equivalent
to method parameters, except that each indexer must have at least one indexing element, and
the 'ref' and 'out' modifiers cannot be used).

Because indexing elements are not limited to integers, the original description of indexers as
'virtual arrays' actually rather undersells them. For example, where the indexing elements
include strings, indexers present themselves more like hash tables.

The following code shows an implementation for the RaceDetails class of an indexer whose
indexing element is a string. Using this indexer it is possible to refer to a lane using the name
of the person currently filling that lane.

1. public string this[string s]

2. {
3. get
4. {
5. int laneNum = getCorrespondingLane(s);
6. return (laneNum<0) ? "error" : this.lanes[laneNum];
7. }

9. set
10. {
11. int laneNum = getCorrespondingLane(s);
12. if (laneNum>=0) this.lanes[laneNum] = value;
13. }
14. }

16. private int getCorrespondingLane(string myName)

17. {
18. for (int x=0; x<lanes.Length; x++)
19. {
20. if (myName==lanes[x]) return x;
21. }
22. return -1;
23. }

The following piece of code gives an example of the kind of use one might make of this string
1. rd["fred"] = "jill";

C# Tutorial Lesson 16: Delegates and Events

printer friendly version

Delegates are reference types which allow indirect calls to methods (lesson 13). A delegate
instance holds references to some number of methods, and by invoking the delegate one
causes all of these methods to be called. The usefulness of delegates lies in the fact that the
functions which invoke them are blind to the underlying methods they thereby cause to run
(see, for instance, the discussion of events, below).

From this brief description, it can be seen that delegates are functionally rather similar to C+
+'s 'function pointers'. However, it is important to bear in mind two main differences. Firstly,
delegates are reference types rather than value types (for the difference see lesson 4).
Secondly, some single delegates can reference multiple methods

Delegate Declaration and Instantiation

Delegates can be specified on their own in a namespace, or else can be specified within
another class (the examples below all show the latter). In each case, the declaration specifies
a new class, which inherits from System.MulticastDelegate.

Each delegate is limited to referencing methods of a particular kind only. The type is indicated
by the delegate declaration - the input parameters and return type given in the delegate
declaration must be shared by the methods its delegate instances reference. To illustrate this:
a delegate specified as below can be used to refer only to methods which have a single String
input and no return value:

public delegate void Print (String s);

Suppose, for instance, that a class contains the following method:

1. public void realMethod (String myString)

2. {
3. // method code
4. }

Another method in this class could then instantiate the 'Print' delegate in the following way, so
that it holds a reference to 'realMethod':

Print delegateVariable = new Print(realMethod);

We can note two important points about this example. Firstly, the unqualified method passed
to the delegate constructor is implicitly recognised as a method of the instance passing it. That
is, the code is equivalent to:

Print delegateVariable = new Print(this.realMethod);

We can, however, in the same way pass to the delegate constructor the methods of other
class instances, or even static class methods. In the case of the former, the instance must
exist at the time the method reference is passed. In the case of the latter (exemplified below),
the class need never be instantiated.

Print delegateVariable = new Print(ExampleClass.exampleMethod);

The second thing to note about the example is that all delegates can be constructed in this
fashion, to create a delegate instance which refers to a single method. However, as we noted
before, some delegates - termed 'multicast delegates' - can simultaneously reference multiple
methods. These delegates must - like our Print delegate - specify a 'void' return type.

One manipulates the references of multicast delegates by using addition and subtraction
operators (although delegates are in fact immutable reference types - for explanation of the
apparent contradiction see the discussion of strings in Lesson 4). The following code gives
some examples:

1. Print s = null;
2. s = s + new Print (realMethod);
3. s += new Print (otherRealMethod);

The - and -= operators are used in the same way to remove method references from a

The following code gives an example of the use of delegates. In the Main method, the Print
delegate is instantiated twice, taking different methods. These Print delegates are then passed
to the Display method, which by invoking the Print delegate causes the method it holds to run.
As an exercise, you could try rewriting the code to make Print a multicast delegate.

1. using System;
2. using System.IO;

4. public class DelegateTest

5. {
6. public delegate void Print (String s);

8. public static void Main()

9. {
10. Print s = new Print (toConsole);
11. Print v = new Print (toFile);
12. Display (s);
13. Display (v);
14. }

16. public static void toConsole (String str)

17. {
18. Console.WriteLine(str);
19. }

21. public static void toFile (String s)

22. {
23. StreamWriter fileOut = File.CreateText("fred.txt");
24. fileOut.WriteLine(s);
25. fileOut.Flush();
26. fileOut.Close();
27. }

29. public static void Display(Print pMethod)

30. {
31. pMethod("This should be displayed in the console");
32. }
33. }


To recap: in object-oriented languages, objects expose encapsulated functions called methods.

Methods are encapsulated functions which run when they are invoked.

Sometimes, however, we think of the process of method invocation more grandly. In such a
case, the method invocation is termed an 'event', and the running of the method is the
'handling' of the event. An archetypal example of an event is a user's selection of a button on
a graphical user interface; this action may trigger a number of methods to 'handle' it.

What distinguishes events from other method invocations is not, however, that they must be
generated externally. Any internal change in the state of a program can be used as an event.
Rather, what distinguishes events is that they are backed by a particular 'subscription-
notification' model. An arbitrary class must be able to 'subscribe to' (or declare its interest in)
a particular event, and then receive a 'notification' (ie. have one of its methods run) whenever
the event occurs.

Delegates - in particular multicast delegates - are essential in realizing this subscription-

notification model. The following example describes how Class 2 subscribes to an event issued
by Class 1.

1. Class 1 is an issuer of E-events. It maintains a public multicast delegate D.

2. Class 2 wants to respond to E-events with its event-handling method M. It therefore adds
onto D a reference to M.
3. When Class 1 wants to issue an E-event, it calls D. This invokes all of the methods which
have subscribed to the event, including M.

The 'event' keyword is used to declare a particular multicast delegate (in fact, it is usual in the
literature to just identify the event with this delegate). The code below shows a class
EventIssuer, which maintains an event field myEvent. We could instead have declared the
event to be a property instead of a field (for the difference between these see lesson 15). To
raise the myEvent event, the method onMyEvent is called (note that we are checking in this
method to see if myEvent is null - trying to trigger a null event gives a run-time error).

1. public class EventIssuer

2. {
3. public delegate void EventDelegate(object from,
EventArgs args);
4. public event EventDelegate myEvent;

6. protected virtual void onMyEvent(EventArgs args)

7. {
8. if (myEvent!=null)
9. myEvent(this, args);
10. }

A class which wanted to handle the events issued by an EventIssuer ei with its method
handleEvents would then subscribe to these events with the code:

ei.myEvent += new EventIssuer.EventDelegate(handleEvents);

Good Practice For Events

The code above demonstrates some points about event-handling which are not enforced by
the language architecture, but are used throughout the .Net framework as good practice.

1. When you want to raise an event in code, you don't tend to trigger the class's event object
directly. Rather, you call a 'protected, virtual' method to trigger it (cf. the onMyEvent method

2. By convention, when events are raised they pass two objects to their subscribers. The first
is a reference to the class raising the event; the second is an instance of the
System.EventArgs class which contains any arbitrary data about the event.

3. If an event is not interested in passing data to subscribers, then its defining delegate will
still reference an EventArgs object (but a null value will be passed by the event). If an event
should pass data to its subscribers, however, then it is standard to use a specific class which
derives from the EventArgs class to hold this data.

4. When you write a class which inherits from an event-raising base class, you can 'intercept'
an event by overriding the method used to raise it. The following code illustrates such an
intercept - classes which subscribe to the event will never receive notifications about it.

1. protected override void onMyEvent(EventArgs args)

2. {
3. Console.WriteLine("hello");
4. }

If you want subscribers to continue to receive notifications despite such an 'intercepting'

method, however, then you can call the base class method as in the following:

1. protected override void onMyEvent(EventArgs args)

2. {
3. Console.WriteLine("hello");
4. base.onMyEvent(args);
5. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 17: Exceptions

printer friendly version

The exception handling in C#, and Java is quite similar. However, C# follows C++ in allowing
the author to ignore more of the exceptions that might be thrown (an exception which is
thrown but not caught will halt the program and may throw up a dialogue box).

To catch a particular type of exception in a piece of code, you have to first wrap it in a 'try'
block and then specify a 'catch' block matching that type of exception. When an exception
occurs in code within the 'try' block, the code execution moves to the end of the try box and
looks for an appropriate exception handler. For instance, the following piece of code
demonstrates catching an exception specifically generated by division by zero:

1. try
2. {
3. int zero = 0;
4. res = (num / zero);
5. }
6. catch (System.DivideByZeroException e)
7. {
8. Console.WriteLine("Error: an attempt to divide by
9. }

You can specify multiple catch blocks (following each other), to catch different types of
exception. A complication results, however, from the fact that exceptions form an object
hierarchy, so a particular exception might match more than one catch box. What you have to
do here is put catch boxes for the more specific exceptions before those for the more general
exceptions. At most one catch box will be triggered by an exception, and this will be the first
(and thus more specific) catch box reached.
Following the last 'catch' box you can also include a 'finally' box. This code is guaranteed to
run whether or not an exception is generated. It is especially useful for cleanup code where
this would be skipped in the 'try' box following an exception being thrown.

Where an exception is not caught by any of the subsequent 'catch' boxes, the exception is
thrown upwards to the code which called the method in which the exception occurred (note
that in C# the methods do not declare what exceptions they are throwing). This exception will
keep on bubbling upwards until it is either caught by some exception handling in the code, or
until it can go no further and causes the program to halt.

Note that the exceptions a program throws need not be limited to those automatically
generated. A program can throw exceptions - including customised exceptions - whenever it
wishes, using the 'throw' command. The code below gives examples of all the statements
discussed above, with the 'getException' method showing how to throw an exception.

1. using System;
2. public class ExceptionDemo
3. {
4. public static void Main ()
5. {
6. try
7. {
8. getException();
9. }
10. catch (Exception e)
11. {
12. Console.WriteLine("We got an exception");
13. }
14. finally
15. {
16. Console.WriteLine("The end of the program");
17. }
18. }

20. public static void getException()

21. {
22. throw new Exception();
23. }
24. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 18: Using the C# Compiler

printer friendly version

As we have noted earlier, C# classes are compiled in the first place to the Common Language
Runtime Intermediate Language (IL). And as shown in lesson 3, one compiles these classes
using the command-line command
csc file.cs

Where the required classes are held in more than one file, these should be listed, separated by
spaces, as in:

csc file1.cs file2.cs

Broadly speaking, one can compile C# classes into either executable files or dynamic link
library - DLL - files (see the /t switch in the table below). An executable file is one that can
contains a runnable program (note that in the classes compiled to an executable file, there
should be only one 'Main' method). A .NET dynamic link library just collects together an
assembly of classes, which can then be instantiated and utilised by programs in the course of
their running.

If your classes reference external classes, the C# compiler must be able to locate them. By
default, the compiler only looks within the 'mscorlib.dll' assembly, which supports the basic
Common Language Runtime functions. To point the compiler in the direction of other classes,
use the /r switch described in the table below (note that there is no equivalent to the Java
approach of setting the environment variable CLASSPATH). To find the appropriate assembly
for .NET framework classes, consult their documentation.

The following gives a list of the compiler switches we have found useful, but we would advise
you to look further at the .NET documentation to see which other ones are available.

Compiler Switch Description

/r:dll or /reference:dll This tells the C# compiler to include one or more of
eg. the .NET framework DLLs. As the standard library
/r:System.xml.dll, namespaces are not automatically referenced by the
System.Net.dll compiler, it is necessary to tell it which ones are
needed. This switch also allows you to include your
own DLLs.
/out: file Specifies the filename to which the compiled code is
eg. to be written.
/doc: file Requests the production of xml documentation into
eg. the specified file (see lesson 19).
/t:type or /target:type This is used to specify the type of output file
eg. produced
/t:exe - produce a console
executable file (default)
/t:library - produce a dll file
/t:module - creates each
file into its own dll, eg.
fred.cs will be converted to
/t:winexe - produce a
windows executable file

If you are regularly compiling a program and using a lot of switches in your program, we have
found it useful to put the compile command in a batch file rather than writing out the entire
command each time.
Preprocessor Directives

Preprocessor directives tags included within class specifications; they are used to give the
compiler additional information about regions of code. The following example shows that you
can specify areas of code to be compiled or not, depending upon the presence of a tag:

1. /*
2. Preprocessor Test
3. */

5. #define MYVAR
6. public class PreTest
7. {
8. public static void Main()
9. {
10. #if MYVAR
11. print ("Hello");
12. #endif
13. print ("Andy");
14. }
15. }

In the above, the #define statement on line 5 acts as a boolean: it sets the variable MYVAR to
be 'defined' rather than 'undefined'. Because it is defined, the code on line 16 gets compiled. If
we were to remove the statement on line 5, the compiler would effectively treat the code on
line 11 as commented out.

Note: in the previous version of this page we followed the MSDN documentation in using as
our example the variable DEBUG. But it has been pointed out to us by a correspondent that
the DEBUG variable is already defined by Visual Studio.NET when a project is compiled as
'debug' rather than 'release'. So if you're building from VS.NET you wouldn't want to explicitly
redefine the variable DEBUG like this.

The following gives a list of some of the available preprocessor directives.

Directive Action
#define symbol Sets symbol to be 'defined' (true)
#undef symbol Sets symbol to be 'undefined' (false)
#if symbol The if statement evaluates the given expression. The possible
[operator operators can be ==, !=, &&, ||. If the expression evaluates
symbol2] to 'true', the code to the #else, #elif or #endif directive is
#else Used in conjunction with the if statement.
#elif Used in conjunction with the if statement as 'else-if'.
#endif Ends the previous conditional directives
#warning text The given text appears as a warning in the compiler output
#error text The given text appears as an error in the compiler output
#line Outputs a line number, and (optionally) a filename to the
number[file] compiler output.
#region name Marks the beginning of a region
#end region Marks the ends of a region


Attributes are used to give extra information to the .NET compiler. C# and the .NET
framework have a few built-in attribute types, but it is also possible to create new ones by
extending the System.Attribute class. Below we describe a few common uses of attributes.

It is possible to tell the compiler that a class is compliant with the .NET Common Language
Specification (discussed in lesson 1) with code like the following:

1. using System;

3. [CLSCompliant(true)]
4. public class myClass
5. {
6. // class code
7. }

Similar code can also be used to indicate that a class has been obsoleted.

Web services (mentioned in lesson 1) also make heavy use of attributes. Demonstrated by the
example below, the attribute [ WebMethod ] is used to specify that a particular method is to
be exposed as a web service.

1. [ WebMethod ]
2. public int Add(int num1, int num2)
3. {
4. return num1+num2;
5. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 19: Code Documentation

printer friendly version

The C# compiler supports the automatic creation of class documentation. Where the
equivalent functionality for Java produces HTML, the C# documenter produces XML. This
means that the C# documentation is not as immediately ready to use as the Java
documentation. However, it does allow there to be different applications which can import and
use the C# documentation in different ways. (Note: using Visual Studio you can also create
HTML documentation, but we will not be covering this here).

Sadly, Microsoft did not bundle a basic documentation reader with C#.. Even worse, however,
the documentation automatically produced by C# is rather less extensive than that produced
by Java’s javadoc tool. Indeed, as we note in the final section of this lesson, this XML
documentation is so lacking that we have been driven to write an alternative documenter.

C# Documentation Comments

To document any element in a C# script, you precede the element with XML elements. Each of
the lines comprising this documentary code should be marked off as comments using the
following special comment indicator (you can compare this with the standard comment
indicators in Lesson 3)


The following code gives an example of how one can provide overview information about a

1. /// <summary>
2. /// The myClass class represents an arbitrary class
3. /// </summary>
4. public class myClass

You are at liberty to use any XML tags you wish to document the code – as long as they follow
the XML syntax then the compiler will happily write them into the documentation. But
Microsoft does provide a list of recommended XML elements for you to use. Some of these
elements indicate the type of documentary information that is being given, and the compiler
will validate certain aspects of these. Other elements are just used to give layout or formating

The following lists describe the main documentation elements provided. Note that the content
of each element should be written between its opening and closing tags, and some of the tags
also take further attributes. In particular, the ‘cref’ attribute can supposedly be used in any
element, but we have just used it in the cases where it seems particularly appropriate.

Tag(s) Description
<summary> - holds overview information about any documentable element.
<remarks> - allows for expanded comments about any documentable element,
following summary information.

Note: we still aren’t sure if the descriptions of the tags above are correct. The following points
describe the problem.

In favour of using the 'summary' and 'remarks' in the suggested way is the fact that
Gunnarson, who helped create C#, sets things out in this way. It also correlates with the
default behaviour of Visual Studio.NET, where ‘summary’ tags are given by default whenever
you start documenting any element.

On the other hand, in the help files of the (production) version of .NET – v. 1.0.3705 – it
explicitly states that the use of ‘summary’ is to hold overview information about a class
member, whereas the use of ‘remarks’ is to hold overview information about a class. However,
some of the examples given throughout these same help files conflicts with this advice - for
example, in the description of the ‘paramref’ element, a class method is documented only with
‘remarks’. Unfortunately, of course, this example also conflicts with what we say, since the
example contains no ‘summary’ tag.

Basically, it’s all been knocked together by a committee of rather befuddled monkeys. But the
way we suggest is as good as any.

Tag(s) Description
<param - describes a parameter passed to a method. The compiler
name="name"> checks that the ‘name’ value matches an actual parameter in
the code. Also, if you give documentation for one parameter
value, the compiler will expect you to give documentation for
them all.
<paramref - identifies the mention of a parameter name within some
name="name"> other descriptive element, for instance within ‘summary’ tags.
The idea is that this mentioned name can be styled differently
from the surrounding text. The compiler checks that the
‘name’ value matches an actual parameter in the code.
<returns> - describes the return value for a method. As the descriptive
field is just free text there is no compiler checking.
<exceptions - describes an exception that may be thrown by a method. The
cref="type"> ‘cref’ attribute refers to a type or field (such as
System.Exception), and the compiler checks that this
reference is available from the current compilation
<permission - describes a permission requirement for a type or member.
cref="type"> The cref attribute refers to a type or field (such as
System.Security.PermissionSet), and the compiler checks that
this reference is available from the current compilation
<value> - describes a class property.
<example> - gives an example of the use of the referenced object (for
example a class method). The ‘example’ element is often used
with the following two elements.
<c> - marks up a single phrase or line as a code example.
Generally used in conjuction with the ‘example’ element.
<code> - marks up multiple lines as code examples. Generally used in
conjuction with the ‘example’ element.
<see cref - used to identify a cross-reference in the documentation;
="type"> designed to be used inline within a description element. The
cref attribute refers to a type or field, and the compiler checks
that this reference is available from the current compilation
environment. and the see also tag is used in a separate
section. This allows the documentation to create cross-
<seealso cref - used to identify a cross-reference in the documentation;
="type"> different from ‘see’ in that it is designed to stand alone. The
cref attribute refers to a type or field, and the compiler checks
that this reference is available from the current compilation

The following elements are just used to provide layout information:

<para> - used within descriptive tags like ‘remarks’, ‘summary’, etc. to

wrap a single paragraph.
<list type = - top level tags for a list, where this may be one of the three
”bullet” | types shown.There are more elements associated with the list
“number” | tag: the following code gives an example of these.
<list type="table">

Note - in relation to the example of the 'list' tag given above - that the v. 1.0.3705 help
documentation for the enclosed 'item' tag talks about a ‘text’ element in place of the second
‘description’. But this seems to be just wrong.

Generating C# Documentation

You tell the compiler to produce documentation when compiling by invoking it with the switch:


In this switch, file represents the name of the file that you want the documentation written to.
As the documentation is generated in xml format, the file should have the extension .xml. So,
for instance, to produce the documentation for a program in sys.cs file in a file named my.xml,
we would use the command:

csc sys.cs /doc:my.xml

Those working with Visual Studio .NET should set the ‘XML Documentation File’ property in the
‘Build’ directory of the project’s Configuration Properties.
Problems with the C# Documenter

The C# documenter is lacking in many different areas. Here are just a couple of problems that
make the documenter hard to live with.

Firstly, if you don’t document a method, the documenter just ignores it (or else throws a
warning). This forces you to document all methods, no matter how simple and obvious they
might be, which is annoying when the computer could easily do it for you.

Secondly, while the compiler checks the parameter types of methods, even to the extent of
providing the fully qualified parameter name, it fails to do this with the return values of
methods. The user has to manually insert the return type, even though the compiler could
easily produce this.

There is a solution, however...

The Softsteel Documenter

Driven by documentation frustration, the Softsteel team (well, Andy really, but we all chipped
in with biscuits), has produced a command-line documenter, written in C#. It’s quite rusty at
the moment, but is already a whole load better than the inbuilt documenter. We’re working on
improvements, but we’re releasing it as free software under the GNU GPL in order to
encourage community support.

The downloads for the documentation tool are now being handled by the download page

C# Tutorial Lesson 20: Further References

As C# is finalized, and more resources built up around it, we shall be looking to add to this
references page.

C# Language Reference

.NET Download

General Portals

Microsoft Community website for .NET generally

Microsoft Visual C# Development Centre

Information, Links and other Resources for the C# Language

C# articles, forum, etc.
Collections of Articles

Working with C# (and other papers)

.NET home page at Microsoft

The O'Reilly C# page

Code-Project: useful code help


C# Discussion

GotDotNet message board

Microsoft public newsgroup (web frontend)

Codeguru discussion board

Open Source C# Projects

The Mono project is an attempt to create an open source implementation of the .NET
Framework, including a C# compiler

The dotGNU project is trying to provide alternatives for all elements of the Microsoft .NET
strategy, especially its Hailstorm application. It also includes a C# compiler.

Book Lists

We now are drawing book lists from Amazon, but adding in some functionality to list by date
published, Amazon rating, etc. See C# Books from or C# Books from

C# Tutorial Lesson 21: Generic Types [2.0]

printer friendly version

Note: this lesson covers new functionality in C# 2.0, which at the time of writing is not

Constructed Types
Instances of generic types come in different flavours, and when you declare an instance you
declare the flavour it has. To explain this in more concrete terms, let’s take a look at the
shortcomings of the otherwise useful System.Collections.ArrayList class.

An ArrayList is used in situations where we want an array-like list, but can’t restrict the
number of elements it may contain. For instance, suppose that we need to keep track of a list
of names added into our application by the user. If the application is to support an indefinite
number of added names, then we could use an ArrayList to store them. And, having stored
them, the code to print out the list might look something like this:

1. for (int x=0; x<arrList.Count; x++)

2. this.outputWindow.Text += (string) arrList[x];

Notice in the above that there is an explicit cast to a string when pulling out the string element
from the ArrayList. This is because ArrayLists, in order to be of general use, store their
elements as objects.

But this isn’t an ideal situation when all you want to add to the ArrayList is strings. To make a
runtime cast isn’t very efficient, as it involves some background checks that the cast is valid.
What would be better would be if the ArrayList could be declared as a string-only ArrayList, so
that all type-safety checks could be run at compile time.

This is the kind of functionality provided by generics. When you declare a generic class you
specify one or more ‘type parameters’ (which comprise the ‘flavours’ we appealed to at the
start of this lesson). These type parameters then constrain the class instance in a way that
compilers can verify.

Suppose that we wanted a generic version of the ArrayList class, which could be declared as
interested only in strings. We might implement this using an internal array (though of course
this may not be the best way to do it), and a partial specification of the class would look
something like:

1. public class ArrayList<T>

2. {
3. private T[] itemArray;
5. public void Add(T newItem)
6. {...}
8. public T this[int i]
9. {...}
10. }

Note how the type parameter T is included in angle brackets after the class name, and is used
throughout the class definition wherever the definable type is needed.
An instance of this generic ArrayList class – what is called a (closed) constructed type – could
then be declared and used with code like the following, which replaces the type parameters
with type arguments:

1. ArrayList<string> strArrList = new ArrayList<string>();

2. strArrList.Add(“fred”);
3. string str = strArrList[0];

After the constructed type has been set up, there is no need to cast the elements that are
added into or removed from it; these have to be strings, and failure to comply with this
requirement results in compile time errors.

Note also that it is not just standard classes that can take generic forms; there can also be
generic structs, interfaces and delegates.

Multiple Type Parameters

The example class given above used only one type parameter. But a generic class can have
any number of type parameters, which are separated both in the class definition and the
instance declaration with commas inside the angle brackets. The declaration of such a class
might look like this:

1. public myGenericClass<T,U>
2. {…}

All the examples in the draft literature use a capital letter to indicate a type parameter, so this
usage should be taken as good practice. However, since type parameters are named using
standard identifiers, there is no formal requirement to use capital letters (this is also an
implication, of course, of the fact that there is no limit to the number of type parameters a
class may have).

It is possible to have classes with the same name but different numbers of class parameters
(note that it is the number of class parameters, not their identifiers that is important). So, for
instance, you could have both the following classes declared within the same namespace:

1. public myGenericClass<T>
2. public myGenericClass<T,U>

but not these:

1. public myGenericClass<T,U>
2. public myGenericClass<V,W>
Generic Methods

Standard, non-generic classes can have generic methods, which are methods that are
declared with type parameters. Both the inputs and the outputs of these methods may
reference the type variables, allowing code such as:

1. public T MyMethod<T>(myGenericClass<T>) {}

Overloading occurs on methods analogously to the way it occurs on classes; the number of
type parameters a method has is used to distinguish it from other methods.

It is possible to call generic methods without actually giving a type argument; this relies upon
a process of type inference. For example, the method given above could be called using code

1. myGenericClass<int> myG = new

2. int i = MyMethod(myG);

Type inference involves the compiler working out which type argument must have been meant
given the way the method was invoked. It seems dubious to us, however, that the brevity it
provides outweighs the clarity of leaving in the type argument.

Note that while there are generic forms of methods, there are no generic forms of properties,
nor of events, indexers and operators.

Type Constraints

Until now, we have implicitly assumed that any type argument may be provided for any type
parameter. But it is possible to restrict the range of possible values for each type parameter
by specifying constraints.

The following code comprises the header of a definition for the generic class myGenericClass.
The two ‘where’ clauses (which are placed on separate lines for readability only) provide the
constraints. The first clause restricts the first type parameter T to types which are - or which
sub-class - the myConstraint class. The second clause extends this constraint on U to
myConstraint types which also satisfy the myInterface interface.

1. public class myGenericClass<T,U>

2. where T: myConstraint
3. where U: myConstraint, myInterface
4. {...}

Note that a single constraint can mention any number of interfaces, but a maximum of one
Why might we want to place a constraint on a type parameter? Well, suppose that we wanted
to implement a bubble-sort routine in the ‘Sort’ method for our generic ArrayList class. In this
case it would be useful to restrict the types we’re dealing with to those which implement the
IComparable interface (which ensures that any two elements of the same type can be
ranked). This allows us to use the ‘CompareTo’ method without having to make any runtime
casts or trap errors, as shown by the following code.

1. public class ArrayList<T> where T: IComparable

2. {
3. private T[] itemArray;
4. public void Sort()
5. {
6. for (int x=1; x<itemArray.Length; x++)
7. {
8. for (int y=0; y<x; y++)
9. {
10. int z = x-y;
11. T itemHigher = itemArray[z];
12. T itemLower = itemArray[z-1];
13. if (itemLower.CompareTo(itemHigher)>0)
14. {
15. itemArray[z] = itemLower;
16. itemArray[z-1] = itemHigher;
17. }
18. }
19. }
20. }
21. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 22: Anonymous Methods [2.0]

Note: this lesson covers new functionality in C# 2.0, which at the time of writing is not

printer friendly version

In the original C# language, to construct a delegate object you have to provide it with the
name of a method. The code below shows an example: ‘Print’ is first defined as a particular
delegate type, then its instance ‘delegateVariable’ is created by passing it the name of the
method ‘realMethod’.

1. delegate void Print (string s);

2. Print delegateVariable = new Print(realMethod);

4. public void realMethod (string myString)

5. {
6. MessageBox.Show(myString);
7. }

Now, however, C# has been updated to include ‘anonymous’ methods (which should be pretty
easy for anyone who has used anonymous functions in languages like Javascript). These allow
you to construct a delegate by specifying, rather than just naming a method. The following
gives an example of how the above code could be written using an anonymous method:

1. public delegate void Print (string s);

2. Print delegateVariable = delegate(string myString)

In the above case, the anonymous method is given the same signature as the delegate it is
passed to. But this is not always necessary. For the anonymous method to be acceptable, the
following two conditions must be met:

1. Either the anonymous method has a parameter list that exactly matches the delegate’s
parameters; or the anonymous method has no parameter list and the delegate has no ‘out’

2. Either the values returned by the anonymous method are all of the right type for the
delegate; or the anonymous method doesn’t return anything and the delegate’s return type is

An implication of the first condition is that an anonymous method with no parameters at all
can fit a delegate with parameters. The following code is thus possible (notice that we’ve had
to remove the use of ‘myString’ in the Show method, because we’re no longer passing it in):

1. public delegate void Print (string s);

2. Print delegateVariable = delegate
{MessageBox.Show(“hello world!”);};

Outer Types

Anonymous methods can also make use of the local variables and parameters in whose scope
the anonymous method lies. This is a somewhat complicated, and we don’t yet have a clear
idea of when one should exploit it. So to illustrate it we’ll borrow the example from the

1. delegate int myDelegate();

2. class Test
3. {
4. static myDelegate myFunc()
5. {
6. int x=0;
7. myDelegate result = delegate {return ++x;}
8. return result;
9. }
11. static void Main()
12. {
13. myDelegate d = myFunc();
14. Console.WriteLine(d());
15. Console.WriteLine(d());
16. Console.WriteLine(d());
17. }
18. }

Here the delegate ‘result’ declared in the function ‘myFunc’ makes use of (in the jargon,
captures) the integer ‘x’ which is declared in the same function. Now, if we run the code, the
output is this:


This result is somewhat surprising, since the integer ‘x’ is instantiated and its value maintained
across three delegate calls after the function myFunc has finished running. How this is
described in the documentation is that the lifetime of the captured outer type is ‘extended’, so
that it lasts as long as any delegate that references it.

A further point to note is that in the example above each delegate is clearly referencing the
same type instance. But there are situations in which local variables get initialized many times
within a function, and these variables will count as different type instances. For example, in
the following loop, the integer i is initialised three times, and the delegates added into the
myDelegateArray will reference different variables.

1. myDelegate[] myDelegateArray = new myDelegate[3];

2. for (int x=0; x<3; x++)
3. {
4. int i = x;
5. myDelegateArray[x] = delegate {return ++i};
6. }

One question that this naturally raises is whether the multiple initialisation of i gives a
performance hit, which one could avoid by declaring i outside the loop. But the documentation
suggests that this isn’t the case; each new instance of i just slots neatly into the place vacated
by the previous one.
C# Tutorial Lesson 23: Iterators [2.0]

printer friendly version

Note: this lesson covers new functionality in C# 2.0, which at the time of writing is not

To understand iterators we first need to understand enumerators.

Enumerators are specialist objects which provide one with the means to move through an
ordered list of items one at a time (the same kind of thing is sometimes called a ‘cursor’).
The .NET framework provides two important interfaces relating to enumerators: IEnumerator
and IEnumerable. Objects which implement IEnumerator are themselves enumerators; they
support the following members:

- the property Current, which points to a position on the list

- the method MoveNext, which moves the Current item one along the list

- the method Reset, which moves the Current item to its initial position (which is before the
first item).

Objects which implement IEnumerable, on the other hand, merely contract to provide
enumerators when a request is made to their GetEnumerator method (excitingly, an object
that implements both of these interfaces can return itself from the GetEnumerator method!)

With the onset of Generics, there are now also the corresponding generic interfaces
IEnumerator<T> and IEnumerable<T>.

The other fact worth mentioning is that the ‘foreach’ statement can be used to iterate
through an IEnumerable or an IEnumerator instance. This is illustrated by the following code,
which uses the ArrayList class (which implements IEnumerable).

1. ArrayList arr = new ArrayList();

2. arr.Add(obj1);
3. arr.Add(obj2);
5. foreach (object o in arr)
6. {
7. MessageBox.Show(o.ToString());
8. }

The point of iterators is to allow the easy implementation of enumerators. Where a method
needs to return either an enumerator or an enumerable class for an ordered list of items, it
is written so as to return each item in its correct order using the ‘yield’ statement. The
following code demonstrates this idea:

1. public IEnumerable GetEnumerator()

2. {
3. for (int x=0; x<itemArray.Length; x++)
4. yield return itemArray[x];
5. }

Note that the code author doesn’t create any enumerators or enumerables within the code;
he just ‘yields’ the outputs in the required order and lets the compiler take care of
generating the appropriate object.

In this example, the type of the objects listed by the generated enumerator is 'object'.
Where one is using a generic interface like IEnumerable<T>, the type of the objects listed by
the enumerator is 'T'.

Returning a subset of items

The example method given previously demonstrates the ‘yield return’ statement. There is
also the ‘yield break’ statement, which is used to indicate that the last item has been
yielded. This statement could be used to limit the number of items in the enumerator vended
by the method, as in the following example (which lacks some basic checks on array sizes):

1. public IEnumerable GetShortEnumerator(int l)

2. {
3. for (int x=0; x<itemArray.Length; x++)
4. {
5. yield return itemArray[x];
6. if (x==l)
7. yield break;
8. }
9. }

C# Tutorial Lesson 24: Partial Types [2.0]

printer friendly version

Note: this lesson covers new functionality in C# 2.0, which at the time of writing is not

By using the new ‘partial’ class modifier, you can define a class across multiple files. The
compiled class merges the various partial source files into a single compiled class. So, for
instance, if you have the source code

1. public partial class A

2. {
3. public void method1()
4. {...}
5. }

and somewhere else you have the source code

1. public partial class A

2. {
3. public void method2()
4. {...}
5. }

then the compiled object will exhibit both method1 and method2. Note that it’s important that
the various aspects of the declaration like modifiers, type parameters, etc. all match up across
the multiple partial declarations.

The stated reason for introducing the ‘partial’ modifier is that it’s fairly common for projects to
include some automated code generation. Partial types supports code generation because it
means that code changes won’t necessarily be overwritten if code generation occurs anew; the
changes can be held in distinct files.

Generally speaking, it is a compile-time error to declare two elements of the same class twice.
The only exceptions are for things like inner classes, which may themselves be declared as

C# Tutorial Lesson 25: Nullable Types [2.0]

Note: this lesson covers new functionality in C# 2.0, which at the time of writing is not

printer friendly version

C# now supports ‘nullable’ types: value types which are able to take the value ‘null’. The
reported reason for this change is to make it easier to integrate with databases, which may
hold null values in fields of any type.

The new nullable types are constructed using the ? symbol. For instance,


is the new, nullable form of int. It is generally equivalent to int, except that it can take the
value null and has two associated properties: Value and HasValue. When the int? type is non-
null, the HasValue property is set to true and the Value property contains an int with the
numeric value. When HasValue is set to false, on the other hand, the Value property is not
available; an attempt to access it throws an exception.
In many cases there are implicit conversions between nullable types and the types on which
they are based. Furthermore, the various standard operators (such as addition, etc.) work as
one would expect.

The ‘null coalescing operator’

A new operator has been introduced, consisting of two question marks, viz:


The effect of this operator in

x ?? y

is to return x except where x is null, in which case it returns y. So, for instance

int z = x ?? 0

always sets z to an integer value, which is zero when x is null. This new operator can also be
used on reference types.
Books on C#
all tutorials

There are now lots of books available on C#, and we can't pretend to
C# Tutorial
keep up with them. So these pages provide a view onto the Amazon
list (in this case, updated daily through the Amazon
web services API. Please let us know if you find any problems with it. C# wiki

the C# tutorial
Sort By: rating+ | title+ Page: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 |
| price+ | date+ | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 |
publisher+ 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20
CLR via C#, Second Edition (Pro 1 .NET Framework
Author(s): Jeffrey Richter 2 C# vs C++/Java

Publisher: Microsoft Press

3 'hello world'
Publish date: - unspecified -
Price: 35.99 USD 4 variable types

Average Score: 5 (from 35 reviewers)

5 pointers
Usually ships in 24
Amazon availability:
hours 6 arrays
7 enumerations
Expert guidance from well-known programming
author Jeff Richter about the CLR and the .NET
Framework 2.0. Your hands-on guide to 8 operators
developing applications with the common language
runtime (CLR) and Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0, 9 loops
with examples in Microsoft Visual C# 2005.
10 jump/selection
C# for Java Developers
Allen Jones, 11 classes...
Adam Freeman
Publisher: Microsoft Press 12 ...declaration

Publish date: - unspecified -

13 methods
Price: 29.99 USD
5 (from 22 14 polymorphism
Average Score:
15 constants...
In stock soon.
Order now to get
16 delegates...
Amazon availability: in line. First
come, first
17 exceptions
Description: 18 compiler
The similarities between C# and Java are
immediate and obvious, but Java 19 documentation
programmers need to overcome certain
challenges before they can get up to speed 20 references
with C#. The expert authors of this title have
written the perfect guide to help Java C# books (Int)
developers move past pitfalls and learn to
make use of C#.The authors demonstrate C# books (UK)
the syntactical and architectural similarities
between the two languages-and what's
patchwork book
C# Tutorial: The Patchwork Book

It is common for publishers of programming books to provide sample chapters. What we have
done in this section is to collect links to some of these sample chapters, the idea being to
provide a kind of 'patchwork book'. As might be expected, the spread of topics covered is
somewhat - ahem - patchy (heavy on introduction, since most sample chapters are
introductions), but we hope that it will prove useful. As more books on C# come out, we shall
look to add to this resource.

1. Introduction (i) (pdf)

- provides background information about the .NET framework, the Common Language
Runtime, etc.

- from 'Application Development using C# and .NET', Stiefel & Oberg, Prentice Hall, 2002.

2. Introduction (ii) (html)

- a general introduction to the C# language (in six parts - use the links at the top of the

- from 'C# Primer Plus', Klaus Michelsen, Sams, 2001.

3. Introduction (iii) (pdf)

- getting started using C# in Visual Studio.NET

- from 'C# for Windows Programming', Pappas & Murray, Prentice Hall, 2002

4. Variables (html)

- value types and reference types, constants, etc. (in eleven parts - use the links at the top of
the page)

- from 'Sams Teach Yourself C# in 21 Days', Bradley Jones, Sams, 2001'

5. Operators and Expressions (html)

- covers how to create expressions in C# using the range of available operators (in twelve
parts - use the links at the top of the page)

- from 'C# Unleashed', Joseph Mayo, Sams, 2001

6. Advanced Classes (pdf)

- covers making indexers, overloading operators, delegates and events, and documenting

- from 'C# and the .NET Framework', Andrew Troelsen, Apress Ltd., 2001
7. Interfaces (pdf)

- employing the interfaces built into the .NET framework in your classes.

- from 'Introduction to C# Using .NET', Oberg, Prentice Hall, 2002.

8. Attributes and Reflection (html)

- covers the use of metadata in programming in C#

- from 'Programming C#', Jesse Liberty, O'Reilly, 2001

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