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Welcome to this C# tutorial. With the introduction of the .NET framework, Microsoft
included a new language called C# (pronounced C Sharp). C# is designed to be a simple,
modern, general-purpose, object-oriented programming language, borrowing key
concepts from several other languages, most notably Java.

C# could theoretically be compiled to machine code, but in real life, it's always used in
combination with the .NET framework. Therefore, applications written in C#, requires
the .NET framework to be installed on the computer running the application. While
the .NET framework makes it possible to use a wide range of languages, C# is sometimes
referred to as THE .NET language, perhaps because it was designed together with the

C# is an Object Oriented language and does not offer global variables or functions.
Everything is wrapped in classes, even simple types like int and string, which inherits
from the System.Object class.

In the following chapters, you will be guided through the most important topics about C#.

Visual C# Express

C# can be written with any text editor, like Windows Notepad, and then compiled with
the C# Command line compiler, csc.exe, which comes with the .NET framework.
However, most people prefer to use an IDE (Integrated Development Environment), and
Microsoft offers several options for this. Their flagship is Visual Studio, which can be
used to work on every possible aspect of the .NET framework. This product is very
advanced, and comes in several editions. Visual Studio is not exactly cheap, and might
even be too advanced for hobby programmers.
With .NET framework 2.0, Microsoft introduced the so-called Express versions, targeted
at hobby programmers and people wanting to try .NET, and they continued this tradition
with the later release of .NET 3.0 and 3.5. The Express versions only work for one
language, like C# or VB.NET, and miss some of the really advanced features of Visual
Studio. However, they are free and will work just fine for learning the languages, which
is why we will use it for this tutorial. Hello, world!

If you have ever learned a programming language, you know that they all start with the
"Hello, world!" example, and who are we to break such a fine tradition? Start Visual C#
Express (introduced in the last chapter), and select File -> New project… From the
project dialog, select the Console application. This is the most basic application type on a
Windows system, but don't worry, we won't stay here for long. Once you click Ok, Visual
C# Express creates a new project for you, including a file called Program.cs. This is
where all the fun is, and it should look something like this:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)

Actually, all these lines doesn't really accomplish anything, or at least it may seem so.
Try running the application by pushing F5 on your keyboard. This will make Visual C#
Express compile and execute your code, but as you will see, it doesn't do much. You will
likely just see a black window launch and close again. That is because our application
doesn't do anything yet. In the next chapter we will go through these lines to see what
they are all about, but for now, we really would like to see some results, so let's pretend
that we know all about C# and add a couple of lines to get some output. Within the last
set of { }, add these lines:
Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
The code of your first application should now look like this:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text;

namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");
Once again, hit F5 to run it, and you will see the black window actually staying, and even
displaying our greeting to the world. Okay, so we added two lines of code, but what to
they do? One of the nice things about C# and the .NET framework is the fact that a lot of
the code makes sense even to the untrained eye, which this example shows. The first line
uses the Console class to output a line of text, and the second one reads a line of text from
the console. Read? Why? Actually this is a bit of a trick, since without it, the application
would just end and close the window with the output before anyone could see it. The
ReadLine command tells the application to wait for input from the user, and as you will
notice, the console window now allows you to enter text. Press Enter to close it.
Congratulations, you have just created your first C# application! Read on in the next
chapter for even more information about what's actually going on.
Data types

Data types are used everywhere in a programming language like C#. Because it's a
strongly typed language, you are required to inform the compiler about which data types
you wish to use every time you declare a variable, as you will see in the chapter about
variables. In this chapter we will take a look at some of the most used data types and how
they work.

bool is one of the simplest data types. It can contain only 2 values - false or true. The
bool type is important to understand when using logical operators like the if statement.

int is short for integer, a data type for storing numbers without decimals. When working
with numbers, int is the most commonly used data type. Integers have several data types
within C#, depending on the size of the number they are supposed to store.

string is used for storing text, that is, a number of chars. In C#, strings are immutable,
which means that strings are never changed after they have been created. When using
methods which changes a string, the actual string is not changed - a new string is returned

char is used for storing a single character.

float is one of the data types used to store numbers which may or may not contain

A variable can be compared to a storage room, and is essential for the programmer. In
C#, a variable is declared like this:

<data type> <name>;

An example could look like this:

string name;

That's the most basic version. Usually, you wish to assign a visibility to the variable, and
perhaps assign a value to it at the same time. It can be done like this:

<visibility> <data type> <name> = <value>;

And with an example:

private string name = "John Doe";

The if statement

One of the single most important statements in every programming language is the if
statement. Being able to set up conditional blocks of code is a fundamental principal of
writing software. In C#, the if statement is very simple to use. If you have already used
another programming language, chances are that you can use the if statement of C#
straight away. In any case, read on to see how it's used. The if statement needs a boolean
result, that is, true or false. In some programming languages, several datatypes can be
automatically converted into booleans, but in C#, you have to specifically make the result
boolean. For instance, you can't use if(number), but you can compare number to
something, to generate a true or false, like we do later on.

In the previous chapter we looked at variables, so we will expand on one of the examples
to see how conditional logic can be used.
The switch statement

The switch statement is like a set of if statements. It's a list of possibilities, with an action
for each possibility, and an optional default action, in case nothing else evaluates to true.
A simple switch statement looks like this:
int number = 1;
case 0:
Console.WriteLine("The number is zero!");
case 1:
Console.WriteLine("The number is one!");
The identifier to check is put after the switch keyword, and then there's the list of case
statements, where we check the identifier against a given value. You will notice that we
have a break statement at the end of each case. C# simply requires that we leave the block
before it ends. In case you were writing a function, you could use a return statement
instead of the break statement.

In this case, we use an integer, but it could be a string too, or any other simple type. Also,
you can specify the same action for multiple cases. We will do that in the next example
too, where we take a piece of input from the user and use it in our switch statement:


Another essential technique when writing software is looping - the ability to repeat a
block of code X times. In C#, they come in 4 different variants, and we will have a look
at each one of them.
The while loop

The while loop is probably the most simple one, so we will start with that. The while loop
simply executes a block of code as long as the condition you give it is true. A small
example, and then some more explanation:


A function allows you to encapsulate a piece of code and call it from other parts of your
code. You may very soon run into a situation where you need to repeat a piece of code,
from multiple places, and this is where functions come in. In C#, they are basically
declared like this:
<visibility> <return type> <name>(<parameters>)
<function code>
To call a function, you simply write its name, an open parenthesis, then parameters, if
any, and then a closing parenthesis, like this:
Here is an example of our DoStuff() function:
public void DoStuff()
Console.WriteLine("I'm doing something...");
The first part, public, is the visibility, and is optional. If you don't define any, then the
function will be private. More about that later on.

Next is the type to return. It could be any valid type in C#, or as we have done it here,
void. A void means that this function returns absolutely nothing. Also, this function takes
no parameters, as you can see from the empty set of parentheses, so it's actually just a tad
bit boring. Let's change that:
public int AddNumbers(int number1, int number2)
int result = number1 + number2;
return result;
We've changed almost everything. The function now returns an integer, it takes two
parameters (both integers), and instead of outputting something, it makes a calculation
and then returns the result. This means that we can add two numbers from various places
in our code, simply by calling this function, instead of having to write the calculation
code each time. While we don't save that much time and effort in this small example, you
better believe that you will learn to love functions, the more you use C#. This function is
called like this:
int result = AddNumbers(10, 5);

As mentioned, this function actually returns something, and it has to, because we told C#
that it's supposed to do so. When declaring anything else than void as a return type, we
are forcing our self to return something. You can try removing the return line from the
example above, and see the compiler complain:

'AddNumbers(int, int)': not all code paths return a value

The compiler is reminding us that we have a function which doesn't return something,
although we promised. And the compiler is pretty clever! Instead of removing the line,
try something like this:

public int AddNumbers(int number1, int number2)

int result = number1 + number2;
if(result > 10)
return result;
You will see the exact same error - but why? Because there is no guarantee that our if
statement will evaluate to true and the return line being executed. You can solve this by
having a second, default like return statement in the end:
public int AddNumbers(int number1, int number2)
int result = number1 + number2;
if(result > 10)
return result;
return 0;
This will fix the problem we created for our self, and it will also show you that we can
have more than one return statement in our function. As soon as a return statement is
reached, the function is left and no more code in it is executed. In this case, it means that
as long as the result is higher than 10, the "return 0" is never reached.


Arrays works as collections of items, for instance strings. You can use them to gather
items in a single group, and perform various operations on them, e.g. sorting. Besides
that, several methods within the framework work on arrays, to make it possible to accept
a range of items instead of just one. This fact alone makes it important to know a bit
about arrays.

Arrays are declared much like variables, with a set of [] brackets after the datatype, like

string[] names;

You need to instantiate the array to use it, which is done like this:
string[] names = new string[2];

The number (2) is the size of the array, that is, the amount of items we can put in it.
Putting items into the array is pretty simple as well:
names[0] = "John Doe";
But why 0? As it is with so many things in the world of programming, the counting starts
from 0 instead of 1. So the first item is indexed as 0, the next as 1 and so on. You should
remember this when filling the array with items, because overfilling it will cause an
exception. When you look at the initializer, setting the array to a size of 2, it might seem
natural to put item number 0, 1 and 2 into it, but this is one item too much. If you do it, an
exception will be thrown. We will discuss exceptions in a later chapter.

Introduction to C# classes

In lots of programming tutorials, information about classes will be saved for much later.
However, since C# is all about Object Oriented programming and thereby classes, we
will make a basic introduction to the most important stuff already now.

First of all, a class is a group of related methods and variables. A class describes these
things, and in most cases, you create an instance of this class, now referred to as an
object. On this object, you use the defined methods and variables. Of course, you can
create as many instances of your class as you want to. Classes, and Object Oriented
programming in general, is a huge topic. We will cover some of it in this chapter as well
as in later chapters, but not all of it.

Okay, lots of new stuff here, but almost all of it is based on stuff we've already used
earlier in this tutorial. As you can see, we have defined a new class, called Car. It's
declared in the same file as our main application, for an easier overview, however,
usually new classes are defined in their own files. It defines a single variable, called
color, which of course is used to tell the color of our car. We declared it as private, which
is good practice - accessing variables from the outside should be done using a property.
The Color property is defined in the end of the class, giving access to the color variable.

Besides that, our Car class defines a constructor. It takes a parameter which allows us to
initialize Car objects with a color. Since there is only one constructor, Car objects can
only be instantiated with a color. The Describe() method allows us to get a nice message
with the single piece of information that we record about our. It simply returns a string
with the information we provide.

Now, in our main application, we declare a variable of the type Car. After that, we create
a new instance of it, with "Red" as parameter. According to the code of our class, this
means that the color red will be assigned as the color of the car. To verify this, we call the
Describe() method, and to show how easy we can create several instances of the same
class, we do it again, but with another color. We have just created our first functional
class and used it.


Properties allow you to control the accessibility of a classes variables, and is the
recommended way to access variables from the outside in an object oriented
programming language like C#. In our chapter on classes, we saw the use of a property
for the first time, and the concept is actually quite simple. A property is much like a
combination of a variable and a method - it can't take any parameters, but you are able to
process the value before it's assigned to our returned. A property consists of 2 parts, a get
and a set method, wrapped inside the property:
private string color;

public string Color

get { return color; }
set { color = value; }
The get method should return the variable, while the set method should assign a value to
it. Our example is as simple as it gets, but it can be extended. Another thing you should
know about properties is the fact that only one method is required - either get or set, the
other is optional. This allows you to define read-only and write-only properties. Here is a
better example of why properties are useful:
public string Color
return color.ToUpper();
if(value == "Red")
color = value;
Console.WriteLine("This car can only be red!");
Okay, we have just made our property a bit more advanced. The color variable will now
be returned in uppercase characters, since we apply the ToUpper() method to it before
returning it, and when we try to set the color, only the value "Red" will be accepted. Sure,
this example is not terrible useful, but it shows the potential of properties.

Constructors and destructors

Constructors are special methods, used when instantiating a class. A constructor can
never return anything, which is why you don't have to define a return type for it. A
normal method is defined like this:
public string Describe()
A constructor can be defined like this:
public Car()
In our example for this chapter, we have a Car class, with a constructor which takes a
string as argument. Of course, a constructor can be overloaded as well, meaning we can
have several constructors, with the same name, but different parameters. Here is an
public Car()

public Car(string color)

this.color = color;
A constructor can call another constructor, which can come in handy in several situations.
Here is an example:
public Car()
Console.WriteLine("Constructor with no parameters called!");

public Car(string color) : this()

this.color = color;
Console.WriteLine("Constructor with color parameter called!");
If you run this code, you will see that the constructor with no parameters is called first.
This can be used for instantiating various objects for the class in the default constructor,
which can be called from other constructors from the class. If the constructor you wish to
call takes parameters,

Method overloading

A lot of programming languages supports a technique called default/optional parameters.

It allows the programmer to make one or several parameters optional, by giving them a
default value. It's especially practical when adding functionality to existing code. For
instance, you may wish to add functionality to an existing function, which requires one or
more parameters to be added. By doing so, you would break existing code calling this
function, since they would now not be passing the required amount of parameters. To
work around this, you could define the newly added parameters as optional, and give
them a default value that corresponds to how the code would work before adding the
As of writing this, C# does not support default parameters. They have been announced
for C# version 4.0, but up until that, C# coders have been using a different technique,
which basically does the same, called method overloading. It allows the programmer do
define several methods with the same name, as long as they take a different set of
parameters. When you use the classes of the .NET framework, you will soon realize that
method overloading is used all over the place. A good example of this, is the Substring()
method of the String class. It is with an extra overload, like this:


The visibility of a class, a method, a variable or a property tells us how this item can be
accessed. The most common types of visibility are private and public, but there are
actually several other types of visibility within C#. Here is a complete list, and although
some of them might not feel that relevant to you right now, you can always come back to
this page and read up on them:

public - the member can be reached from anywhere. This is the least restrictive visibility.
Enums and interfaces are, by default, publicly visible.

protected - members can only be reached from within the same class, or from a class
which inherits from this class.

internal - members can be reached from within the same project only.

protected internal - the same as internal, except that also classes which inherits from
this class can reach it members, even from another project.
private - can only be reached by members from the same class. This is the most
restrictive visibility. Classes and structs are by default set to private visibility.


One of the absolute key aspects of Object Oriented Programming (OOP), which is the
concept that C# is built upon, is inheritance, the ability to create classes which inherits
certain aspects from parent classes. The entire .NET framework is built on this concept,
with the "everything is an object" as a result of it. Even a simple number is an instance of
a class, which inherits from the System.Object class, although .NET helps you out a bit,
so you can assign a number directly, instead of having to create a new instance of e.g. the
integer class.

Abstract classes

Abstract classes, marked by the keyword abstract in the class definition, are typically
used to define a base class in the hierarchy. What's special about them, is that you can't
create an instance of them - if you try, you will get a compile error. Instead, you have to
subclass them, as taught in the chapter on inheritance, and create an instance of your
subclass. So when do you need an abstract class? It really depends on what you do. To be
honest, you can go a long way without needing an abstract class, but they are great for
specific things, like frameworks, which is why you will find quite a bit of abstract classes
within the .NET framework it self. A good rule of thumb is that the name actually makes
really good sense - abstract classes are very often, if not always, used to describe
something abstract, something that is more of a concept than a real thing.
Introduction to debugging

When you get past the most basic "Hello world!" examples, your code will reach a level
of complexity where you can't necessarily figure out what's going on just by running it.
What you need, is some black magic, which allows you to open the virtual hood of your
application while it's running and see what's going on. Debugging is that magical tool,
and as soon as you learn the most basic steps of it, you will wonder how you ever lived
without it. It's a tool that every good programmer should understand, simply because it's
almost impossible to fix bugs in complex code without it.

The most basic type of debugging, which is still being used by even advanced
programmers, is sometimes called "print debugging" - a simple procedure, where you
make your application print a piece of text or a number somewhere, allowing you to see
which part of your code has been reached and what your variables contain. With C#, you
can use the Console.Write() method, to output the contents of a variable or a simple
status message, which will be printed to the console. That can be enough for some
situations, but if you're using a nice IDE like Visual Studio or one of the Express
versions, you have much stronger tools to your disposal, and they are every bit as easy to
use, once you learn the most basic principles. In the next couple of chapters, we will
guide you through the debugging possibilities of your IDE and after that, you will be a
much stronger programmer.

Reading and writing files

In this chapter, we will look into reading and writing simple files with C#. Fortunately for
us, C# makes it very easy. The File class, from the Syste.IO namespace comes with pretty
much everything we could possibly want, making it very easy to do simple reading and
writing of a file.
In our first example, we will construct an extremely minimalistic text editor. In fact, it is
so simple that we can only read one file and then write new content to it, and only a
single line of text at a time. But it shows just how easy it is to use the File class:

Manipulating files and directories

In the previous chapter, we looked into reading and writing text with simple files. We
used the File class for this, but it does a lot more than just reading and writing. When
combined with the Directory class, we can perform pretty much any filesystem operation,
like renaming, moving, deleting and so on.

This chapter will provide numerous examples of doing just those things. The
explanations will be limited, since the methods used are pretty simple and easy to use.
You should be aware of two things: First of all, make sure that you import the System.IO
namespace like this:

using System.IO;

Also, be aware that we are not doing any exception handling here. We will check that
files and directories exist before using it, but there's no exception handling, so in case
anything goes wrong, the application will crash. Exception handling is generally a good
idea when doing IO operations. For more information, please read the exception handling
chapter in this tutorial.
Reflection introduction

Wikipedia says that "In computer science, reflection is the process by which a computer
program can observe and modify its own structure and behaviour". This is exactly how
Reflection in C# works, and while you may not realize it at this point, being able to
examine and change information about your application during runtime, offers huge
potential. Reflection, which is both a general term, as well as the actual name of the
reflection capabilities in C#, works very, very well, and it's actually not that hard to use.
In the next couple of chapters, we will go more into depth about how it works and
provide you with some cool examples, which should show you just how useful Reflection

However, to get you started and hopefully interested, here is a small example. It solves a
question that I have seen from many newcomers to any programming language: How can
I change the value of a variable during runtime, only by knowing its name? Have a look
at this small demo application for a solution, and read the next chapters for an
explanation of the different techniques used.

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