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Setting Guide EOCR

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The document provides guidance on setting up and troubleshooting an EOCR device that protects electric motors.

Common issues that could cause the EOCR to trip include reversed phase, overcurrent, stall, phase loss, and undercurrent. The document describes how to check for each of these issues.

If the motor is unable to start, you should check the fail safe setting and output contact status, and ensure the sequence wiring is correct.

EOCR Setting Guide

EOCR Setting Guide

This is a setting guide and advice for user’s reference only . measuring the time and current by EOCR with the initial
Conditions to be checked for the normal operation of EOCR . set of D-time at 20 sec. For a Star-delta start, the longer
1. Check the status of correct settings by pressing the UP/DN button in time by 2sec than the setting of Star-delta timer is
sequence. recommended. Default setting is 5 sec.
2. When you enter the menu and wait for 3 sec, it starts
countdown during the O-time setting. and display It means the overcurrent trip time in definite TCC, when
with a trip to the output . This means EOCR is operating well. motor operating current (In) exceeds over current setting
3. Check all the sequence wiring if it is safe and correct . (Is) during the ot setting time, EOCR trips. Default setting
4. After completion of the motor starting, check if the current display is is 5 sec. The advantage of definite TCC is that user is able
fine, When the %LED in the bar graph doesn’t show, it needs to to set accurate time and current and lead a mechanical
check if the operation current is too lower than the Oc setting value protection of load together with motor protection.
by 65% and on the contrary, the %LED shows 100% (red LED lights
on), It is advised to check the Oc setting if the re-adjustment is This is a trip class(curve) setting in Inverse TCC or
necessary. Thermal inverse TCC. The trip time changes according to
5. If the motor starting isn’t completed but EOCR operates, refer to the the operating current inverse proportionally. Thermal
Troubleshooting guide first and contact customer care center if the inverse TCC reflects the Heat capacity of motor based on
trouble isn’t cleared. the current measurement.

Basic model (3DM / FDM) It means under current (Dry Run) protection, If a level
Password input is necessary to chage the setting value of switch has a problem in a submersible pump, It backs up
EOCR, if a password is memorized except 000. the level switch function from no water running of pump
If the password is set to 000, no password input is necessary and protect the motor from overheating. For the
in “000” to enter the setting change mode. Please take machinery running with a belt (including conveyer), It
caution not to forget the password.No password function is candetect a broken belt. The current setting should be
provided in 3DM2/FDM2, 3MZ2/FMZ2. higher than rating no load current of motor for this function.
The default setting is “oFF” .
The default setting is a 3phase motor. The setting change
to is necessary for 1 phase motor. It is “uc” trip delay time setting . If you don’t set the “uc”
function (uc:oFF), “ut” setting doesn’t appear at the menu.
Time current characteristic (TCC). the defaut setting is
tcc : dE (definite TCC). This memu is to determine “enable/disable” of PL (Phase
loss) funnction. If you set “Ph:1Ph” at the power phase
The default setting is “non”, setting value is the primary selection menu for a single phase power supply line, this
current with an external CT combination in this mode. menu doesn’t appear automatically.
( Ex: in case of 200; 5, the setting is 200 )
It is trip delay time setting for PL. The default setting is 2
If the control power or EOCR itself has a problem, the sec. For single phase power line setting, it doesn’t appear
motor stops with the output relay trip in the “FS: on” mode. at the munu.
The default setting is.
EOCR calculates the unbalance rate among three
For the application which motor rotation direction is phase currents. It trips after “Ubt” setting time under a
important , “rP: on” should be set . unbalanced condition. The default setting is “oFF”.
“rP:oFF” setting doesn’t make a problem after completion
of the installation for the permanent stable application. Locked Rotor protection during starting up a motor (Stall).
The default setting is “rP:oFF”. If a rotor of motor is locked during starting and keep the
current at higher than the “Sc” setting during D-time,
It is recommended for “oc” to set at the rating current of EOCR trips in 0.5sec after D-time. The default setting is
motor. Default setting is oc:5.0A . “Sc: 4”.
The setting value is a multiple of “oc” setting value. This
It means a starting delay time setting for a motor start up function operates under the Definite TCC condition.
duration from the start of motor to the normal running It is disabled under the Inverse TCC setting generally. But
current. The start up duration depends on the inertia of if you set D-time greater than zero in Inverse setting, Stall
load. Therefore, it is recommended to set the time after operates when d-time expires.

EOCR Setting Guide

EOCR Setting Guide

Locked rotor protection during normal running of motor Self EOCR Check. If you push SET button in this menu,
(Jam). It is used to prevent a problem caused by rapid EOCR count time up 3sec and “ot” setting time and
load increae. The setting value is a multiple of “oc” setting displays “End” with the output contact trip. This means
value. The trip delay time setting range is 0.2~10 sec. EOCR is operating well. This function is blocked during
motor running.
Alarm setting by % of the overcurrent threshold (oc). The
output contact 07-08 makes a signal of A,F,H according to Additional menu (i3MS/iFMS)
the ALo setting. Short Circuit protection. Setting value is a multiple of “oc”
set value.
Reset type setting mode. Reset method shows below. Default setting is 10 times of “oc” setting.

Electrical Reset . EOCR resets by power cycle Short Circuit trip delay time during motor starting to
of control power or ESC button. It can be used prevent a trip caused by starting current.”OFF” setting is
for a remote reset which enables EOCR to reset possible .
from a remote site.
Additional Menu (i3MZ/iFMZ, 3MZ2/FMZ2)
Hand Reset (Manual Reset). EOCR can be
Earth leakage protection current setting. The default
reset by ESC button only.
setting is 0.5A. Minimum setting value is recommeded, if
there is no leakage current in the motor by the current
Auto Reset . The time setting range is up to 20
display. If the display shows a leakage current more than
minutes (20n). The auto reset number. of times
50mA, user must check the insulation of motor and line. In
is connected to the restart limitation setting
the case of installing EOCR at the secondary side of
menu. If the number of restrat over the restart
Inverter, it’s better to take care of EOCR opreration error
limitation number. in the “rn” setting menu
due to harmonics of Inverter.
during 30 minutes, EOCR doesn’t reset
Earth leakage trip time. The default setting is “0.05sec”.
It is recommended to set the faster time and lower current
Restart limitation number. It prevent a motor from a
than the earth fault protection relay in the upper power
burning fail caused by many restarts during 30 minutes.
In case an emergency restart is necessary, put the setting
at “OFF” This function activates in Auto-Reset mode only.
Earth leakage trip delay time during motor starting to
prevent a trip caused by a stray current and harmonics of
Modbus slave (ID) address. It can be set at No. 1 ~ 247.
the starting current in motor.

Setting for communication speed. Select one among

Additional menu (i3M420/iFM420)
1.2kbps, 2.4kbps, 4.8kbps, 9.6kbps,19.2kbps, 38.4kbps.
Current range setting menu of 4~20mA analog output
Parity setting. Select one among odd, even, non. even signal. The setting value corresponds to the max analog
parity is displayed as “Eun”. output (20mA). The setting value can be made
independently from “oc” setting .
Communication loss checking menu. If EOCR does not Analog output current formula :
receive a data frame during “Lt” setting time, it displays an Ⅰ
mA = × 16 + 4
error message. The setting range is OFF, 1~999 sec. rS
Where, CTR is the parameter for CT, i.e. in case of CI :
Total running hour. Time accumulation starts if there is a non, it is 1. I is the measured average lond current.
minimum sensing current in the line up to 99,999 hours. If the load current is equal or greater than this value,
User can check it anytime but not allowed to erase it. analog output is fixed to 20mA . For the current lower than
Display unit is 1 hour. minimun sensing current of EOCR(0.4A), the analog
output signal gives 4 mA .
Running hour which user can set and erase the setting
value. If you set the Alert output type at the “ALo: to”, the
output contact 07-08 repeats close and open to give a
signal after the preset accumlated time elapsed.

Troubleshooting Guide

Troubleshooting Guide
1. Reversed phase :
It trips instantly within 0.15sec from the motor starting. Check the 7. Current unbalance :
phase sequence and cable direction of the power Ideally, the motor currents of three phases are balanced. If a current
line going to the motor first. The sequence of EOCR internal CT is unbalance is high, the motor need to be checked.
A(L1), B(L2), C(L3) from the left side. If the passing order of motor The formula is as follows.
line to the EOCR doesn’t coincide with the order of EOCR CT or not Unbalance factor (%) = (Imax phase - Imin_phase) / Imax_phase × 100%
same all the direction of cables, It trips by RP. In this case, change
the order of the two cables among three. When the sequence of 8. Jam :
cables to the motor changes in the downstrenm side of EOCR , Rapid overload protection during motor running, Check the load
EOCR isn’t able to check the RP. The sequence of cables should be which cause impacts it. If you find no problem in the load and motor,
coincided from the power mains to the motor. If the RP is not an try to chage the setting value higher of the time and current to be
indispensable function or only necessary for the first installation and appropriate for the application.
fixed in the site, The setting is recommended for normal
operation. 9. Unable to reset :
If you cannot reset EOCR by control power interruption, Check the
2. Overcurrent : reset type setting first. In the setting of
Overcurrent trip displays the biggest current among three phases User can reset EOCR by ECS button only. If you want to reset
and the small LED in the left side shows the phase. EOCR by both control power cycle and ECS button, Put the setting
If the trip current is lower than the rating current of motor, check the at
“oc” setting if it is too low. The recommended “oc” setting is
110%~120% of actual running current in the definite TCC.

3. Stall :
When the starting current doesn’t go down below the “Sc” setting
during D-time. EOCR trips by Stall within 0.5se when D-time expires.
Check the status of load and D-time, whether the D-time is too short
or not. The recommended D-time is longer by 1sec than a time that
the motor come to the normal running current .

4. Phase loss :
The small LED in the left side lights up and designates which phase
is lost in the display like as PL - r, PL - S, PL - t,
To check the PL status, put the PL trip time at the maximum and
measure the lost phase current by a clamp meter after a test start,
whether there is a current in the motor line or not. The minimum
operating current (min setting current) of motor sensed by EOCR
can make trip due to hunting current. Need to check load operation
condition of the application in this case. If the clamp meter shows a
normal current in the lost phase line, Check the EOCR status.

5. Unable to starting :
Even though the sequence wiring is O.K. If the motor is not able to
be started with no magnetic contactor energized, Check the Fail
Safe menu of with the output contact status
(NO, NC) of EOCR .

6. Undercurrent :
Undercurrent trip displays the lowest current among three phases
and the small LED in the left side shows the phase.
The example shows the sensing current of 1.6A in L2(S) phase. For
the heater line broken detection in a heater application. EOCR trips
by undercurrent according to the setting in delta connection, and
trips by phase loss in Star connection.


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