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Electronic Engine Governor Controller Operation Manual

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Electronic Engine Governor Controller

Operation Manual

Smoke Limit Control. Idle Speed Control. Suitable for External,

Built-in, and PT Pump type Actuators


TEL : +886-7-8121771 FAX : +886-7-8121775 Website :
Headquarters : No.3, Lane 201, Chien Fu St., Chyan Jenn Dist., Kaohsiung 80664, TAIWAN
Operating Voltage MPU Input signal
Voltage 12 or 24 Vdc +/-20% 1 to 120 Vac RMS

Output Current Droop

Current 0.5 to 15 A 4%

Run Speed Adjustment range Settings

Speed adjustment Potentiometer (30 turn) Run Speed, IDLE Speed, Ramp Time, Droop,
DIP Switch selection of MPU frequency range : PID settings : Gain, Integration (INT.),
600 to 9500 Hz Differentiation (DIF.)

IDLE Speed Adjustment Range Temperature Stability

Run Speed 30 to 85% Less than 0.01%

Ramp Time Environment

3 to 20 Secs. Operating Temperature -40 to +85 ˚C
Storage Temperature -40 to +85 ˚C
Remote Speed Potentiometer Relative Humidity Max. 95%
Ext. Remote speed pot terminal 6, 7, 8 (ILS) Vibration 1.0 G @ 18 – 30 Hz
and 6, 7, 9 connect a 5K ohms 2.5 Gs @ 48 – 70 Hz
potentiometer +/- 5% adjustment range.
Run Speed Stability 147.0 (L) x 114.0 (W) x 50.0 (H) mm
Less than +/- 0.25% at steady state
690 g +/- 2%

SECTION 2 : Function Descriptions The average operating current is 2.5 to 3.5 Amps but
may reach 15 Amps during engine start or during
The EG3000 is an electronic speed controller designed sudden load changes.
for precise speed control of diesel, gas, and gasoline
(petrol) engines. The EG3000 installed together with 2.2 Installation Instructions
a magnetic pickup (MPU) and an actuator form the
engine governor assembly. 2.2.1 Protect the EG3000 by installing it inside the
engine instrument control panel.
The EG3000 has adjustable Idle Speed and also
adjustable fuel limiting function for controlling engine 2.2.2 Mount the Actuator close to the engine fuel
smoke and vibration during start. system. Consult the instructions from the
actuator manufacturer for installation.
2.1 Controller operation
2.2.3 Choose a point on the actuator control arm at
The EG3000 controller receives the engine speed which it can rotate freely and provide both
signal from a magnetic pickup (MPU). This rotational minimum and maximum fuel supply (Do not
speed is compared with the setting in the EG3000 and “bottom out” the actuator - leave at least 2-3
any difference results in an output to the actuator to degrees before the On and Off positions).
change the speed. DIP Switch settings on the EG3000
are used to select the frequency range for the MPU. 2.2.4 Use a linear linkage for diesel pumps. Use a
Non-Linear linkage on gas engines to obtain low
The EG3000 receives its power from the engine Gain at light loads and high Gain at heavy loads.
batteries or from an AC to DC power supply rated at 12
Vdc or 24 Vdc (+/- 20%) to match the Actuator voltage.
2.2.5 Mount the MPU on the flywheel housing to
measure the rotational speed of teeth on the ring
gear. (The timing gear housing can also be used
if flywheel housing cannot be accessed.)
2 EG3000
Terminal 4.1 IDLE Speed and Smoke Limiting Settings
1, 2 DC Power Input
4.1.1 IDLE Speed:Set lowest engine operating speed.
2, 3 IDLE Terminal
4, 5 Output to Actuator, Max @ 15A (1) Before starting the engine adjust the Idle
6, 7, 8 Remote speed control. Speed to the maximum and Ramp Time to the
6, 7, 9 Connect 5K ohms potentiometer approx. minimum.
+/-5% adjustment range. (2) Adjust Run Speed to minimum and leave the
connection between Terminals 2 & 3 open.
10、11 MPU input, Ground Terminal No. 10 (3) Start the engine. The engine speed will
increase directly to Run Speed. When
3.1 Terminals 1 & 2 are the DC power inputs. operating speed is reached slowly adjust Run
Terminal 1 positive (+). Terminal 2 negative (–). Speed to the rated generator speed (RPM).
Input Voltage is 12/24 Vdc +/- 20%. (4) Short Terminals 2 & 3 and the engine speed
should drop. Slowly set Idle Speed to an
3.2 Terminals 2 & 3 are the IDLE Switch connection. appropriate engine idle speed.
When the connections between 2 & 3 are open
(5) Stop the engine and adjust Ramp Time to a
the controller commands the engine to Run
center point, then restart engine. This time
Speed. When Terminals 2 & 3 are shorted the
the engine speed will stay in Idle and slowly
controller commands the engine to Idle Speed.
Ramp up to normal engine speed when
Terminals 2 & 3 are opened. Adjust ramp time
3.3 Terminals 4 & 5 are the output terminals for the
to preferred Ramp speed. Refer to Figure 1.
actuator providing a maximum output of 15A.
(6) With the engine operating at normal RPM
3.4 Terminals 6 and 7-8 or terminals 6 and 7-9 are for close the IDLE SW, decreasing engine RPM
connecting a remote speed control potentiometer. back to idle RPM according to preset Ramp
Refer to figure 4. Connect a 5K ohm Time.
potentiometer and turn the knob to central (7) To ensure positive engine starts every time
position. Let engine run on Run Speed to adjust follow step (4) and turn the Idle Speed
to the rated engine speed. The adjustment potentiometer an additional 3 to 5%.
range is +/- 5%. Users can also add a resistor in
series with the potentiometer variable point to 4.1.2 Ramp Time.
either terminal 8 or 9 to narrow the adjustment
range. The potentiometer connection to terminals (1) Engines with specific fuel limit setting will
6 with 7-8, or 6 with 7-9, must use the 3-wire control smoke during startup but not
shielded cable. The drain wire of the shielded completely. A hot engine does not require the
cable should be connected to terminal 10 on the same fuel limit to start as a cold starting
controller and the opposite end of the drain shield engine.
wire must cut off and taped.

3.5 Terminal 8 can be used for Isochronous Load (2) Ramp Time can be set from 3 up to 20
Sharing (ILS) input from an external controller. seconds. The Ramp Time is the length of time
for engine to accelerate from Idle to Run
3.6 Terminals 10 and 11 are the MPU signal inputs. Speed.
The wiring used to connect to the terminals must
use a 2-wire shield cable. The drain shield wire
must be connected to Terminal 10 and the other
end of the drain shield wire must cut off
(terminated) and taped.

3.7 The wiring used to connect to Terminals 1, 2, 4

and 5 must be > 2.0mm twisted pair cables.

Figure 1

EG3000 3
4.2 Isochronous Operation 4.4 External Speed Potentiometer setting

The EG3000 is normally operated in isochronous mode, EG3000 is equipped with two sets of terminals for
maintaining constant engine RPM (+/- 0.25%). Speed adding a 5K ohm External Speed potentiometer. Refer
does not change regardless of load up to the engine’s to Fig. 4 for connection information. The user can also
maximum capability. Refer to Figure 2. Isochronous add a resistor in series with either Terminal 8 or 9 to
operation is obtained by setting the Droop reduce the adjustment range. Without a resistor the
potentiometer fully counterclockwise. adjustment range is approximately 5%.

4.5 GAIN, Integration (INT.), Differentiation (DIF.)


(1) Engine shutdown. DC input to controller OFF.

(2) Potentiometer at original setting.
(3) Adjust INT., Gain, DIF, and Ramp Time Potentiometer
to minimum settings (Fully Counterclockwise)
(4) For Isochronous operation set Droop potentiometer
fully counterclockwise.
(5) Setting the MPU frequency range :

Figure 2 Select the appropriate frequency setting according to

the highest engine RPM.
4.3 Non-Isochronous Operation (Droop)
Input Signal Frequency :
In Non-isochronous operation (Droop) engine speed RPM × Flywheel teeth
decreases with increase in load to distribute the real 60 sec
power load between generators operating in parallel.
Refer to Figure 3.
Frequency Selection
Adjusting the Droop potentiometer clockwise increases SW-1 ON 600 to 1200 Hz
the Droop to a maximum of 4%. The amount of Droop SW-2 ON 1200 to 2500 Hz
for a given setting depends on the magnetic pickup
frequency and the amount of shaft rotation from no SW-3 ON 2500 to 5000 Hz
load to full load. SW-4 ON 5000 to 9500 Hz

If uncertain about range set SW3 to ON and other

switches to OFF. Only one DIP switch can be ON.

(6) Set Idle Speed to maximum and Run Speed to

(7) Adjust Remote Speed POT to a central (If used)
(8) Start the engine

The engine should go directly to Run Speed. Slowly

adjust Run Speed pot clockwise to the rated engine
speed. (If engine speed exceeds its rated speed, stop
Figure 3 engine immediately and choose a lower frequency
A Droop potentiometer setting of 10 o’clock will give
about 4% Droop, when the pickup frequency is 4600Hz For Idle Speed, Ramp Time And Idle Sw Settings see
and actuator shaft rotation is approximately 30 degrees section 4.1 above :
from no load to full load. A lower pickup frequency or
lower shaft rotation results in less Droop for the (9) Slowly adjust Gain clockwise until the actuator
system. linkage begins to oscillate.
(10) Slowly adjust Gain counterclockwise until the
actuator linkage becomes stable again.

4 EG3000
(11) Manually push (tap) the linkage to the actuator to (15) Slowly adjust GAIN clockwise until engine speed
test controller response. If linkage stabilizes after 3 reach the stable critical point / knee point.
to 5 oscillations then the setting is correct. (16) Manually push (tap) the linkage to test controller
(12) f engine speed increases too much or decreases response. If the linkage stabilizes after oscillating
too much when a load is added or removed then 3 to 5 times then the setting is complete.
adjust the Gain potentiometer clockwise slightly. (17) Setting SW-5 to “ON” will decrease the GAIN and
(13) I If engine speed recovers too slowly then adjust make the unit suitable for PT-PUMP type
the INT. (Integration) setting clockwise and at the actuators.
same time decrease the GAIN setting. Observe ● Refer to sections 4.2 and 4.3 for Droop setting.
the actuator linkage. If the linkage is stable then
Note 1:If GAIN or DIF is over adjusted it will cause the
manually tap the linkage. If the linkage oscillates
slowly then the response time is inadequate. engine speed to oscillate. Repeated
Adjust INT clockwise until response speed adjustment of the GAIN and INT. arrangement
improves. can help to obtain the best performance.
(14) After completing the above steps, slowly adjust Note 2:Due to different types of external and internal
DIF clockwise until engine speed begins to built-in type actuators the GAIN is very
oscillate then slowly adjust counterclockwise to important together with INT adjustment. The
stable critical point / knee point. movement of PT pump type actuators is very
* Knee point is the position where the limited, so Gain is set to the minimum using
adjustment is at the point of stable and edge INT and DIF to adjust engine speed
of unstable. compensation.




POWER : DC12/24V
SW1-ON 600~1200HZ
SW2-ON 1200~2500HZ
SW3-ON 2500~5000HZ
SW4-ON 5000~9500HZ

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 MPU 11

Idle Cable A
Cable B

R Magnetic
DC Power CCW
5K Wiring Drawing
Figure 4

* Cable A, B - use a cable with a wrapped Mylar 1. To connect the DC power supply and actuator use
aluminum foil shield with a drain wire. a 12 AWG / 2mm twisted pair wire.

* To connect the 5K ohm external potentiometer refer 2. Use a shielded, twisted pair to connect the MPU to
to section 3. Connections. the EG3000. Attach the drain shield wire to
Terminal 10 and terminate the opposite end.
EG3000 5
Actuator goes to full stroke 1. Check magnetic pickup leads for proper shielded wire or open shield. Verify
when DC power is turned on and correct wiring as necessary. Be sure there is no jumper between terminals
(Engine is not operating) 2 and 3.
2. Failsafe circuit in the controller may be damaged or defective. Replace with
new controller.
3. With DC power OFF remove leads at actuator. Check continuity of conduction
on each terminal to case. There should be no continuity of conduction between
any terminal and case of EG3000. If conduction is measured, then replace the
4. If remote speed potentiometer has been connected to terminals 6, 7 and 9 of
the controller, disconnect these leads. Turn DC power ON to the governor if
the actuator is now normal. Proceed to corrective actions for the next problem.
Governor is completely dead 1. Check battery voltage at terminals 1 and 2 on controller. Terminal 1 is positive.
and actuator lever stays at Check battery connections and contacts for turning power ON to the controller.
minimum position when power 2. Check for proper linkage setup. Correct and free linkage.
is applied to governor. 3. Magnetic pickup signal absent or too low. Measure AC voltage across
terminals 10 and 11 while cranking the engine. Voltage should be min. 1.0 Vac.

The voltmeter should have an impedance of 5000 ohms / volts or higher. Check
pole tip gap over gear tooth. Should be 0.037 mm  / - 0.127 mm.

4. Measure the resistance of the magnetic pickup coil. This should be above 50
ohm. If there is an open or shorted coil, replace the magnetic pickup.
5. Measure the resistance of each pin to the metal case of the magnetic pickup.
No continuity should be evident.
6. If there is continuity of conduction to the case, replace with new magnetic
7. Measure actuator coil resistance:
If actuator coil is open or shorted to case, replace the actuator.
If governor still does not operate, continue with steps below.
8. Measuring the resistance of each coil lead to the actuator case should indicate
an open circuit on a low scale of the ohm meter. If continuity is defected,
replace the actuator.
9. With DC to the governor ON and the engine OFF, measure the DC voltage
from terminal 6(+) to terminal 2(-). This should be approx. 4 Vdc. If 4 Vdc is not
present, replace the controller.
10.Between terminal 7(+) and terminal 2(-), the voltage should be approx. 4.6
Vdc. If 4.6 Vdc is not present, replace the controller.
Erratic governor operation 1. Measure DC voltage at 1 and 2 on controller terminal strip. Normal battery
voltage should be indicated. If nominal voltage is present, wiring is correct.
2. Low battery voltage 20% below rated can cause erratic operation. Check
battery and charging system.
3. RFI noise due to incorrect shielding. Correct wiring.
4. RFI noise fed through power supply leads. Connect power leads directly to the

6 EG3000
Improper operation from 1. Investigate wiring to remote speed potentiometer for open or shorted circuits.
remote speed potentiometer Checking wiring.
2. If the leads at terminals 6 and 7 to the remote speed potentiometer are
reversed, speed control by the remote speed potentiometer will be reversed.
Correct wiring.
3. Lead wire to remote speed setting potentiometer should be 3-wire shielded
cable. Verity that the drain shield wire is isolated from ground at the
potentiometer. If terminal 6 lead to the remote speed potentiometer is open,
engine speed will go high. Correct the wiring.
4. If lead 8 and 9 (wiper lead to remote potentiometer) is open, there will be no
control by the remote speed potentiometer. Verify and correct wiring.
5. If lead 7 to the clockwise terminal of the remote speed potentiometer is open,
speed will remain at the value set in EG3000.
Slow, small amplitude hunting Jammed or very loose linkage. Correct linkage.
of speed or frequency
Fast oscillation of governor Verity calibration setting of the controller. Re-adjust setting as necessary.
Engine will not start – Actuator 1. Make sure fuel is available. Check fuel to engine.
goes to full fuel during Check for correct wiring to the automatic shutdown circuits.
cranking 2. Air may be trapped in fuel line. Check fuel lines for leaks.
3. Try to operate engine manually.

※ Appearance and specifications of products are subject to change for improvement without prior notice.

EG3000 7

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