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Topic: The Global Drug Situation: CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control

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CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control

Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 1 of 14

Topic: The Global Drug Situation



This module presents the various international drug syndicates who proliferates various
kinds of illegal drugs and the modus operandi of local drug traffickers and their connections to
Chinese Mafia.


At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:

1. Identify the international Drug syndicate
2. Recognize the different countries used as the 2nd Major Drug Traffic Route
3. Discuss the involvement of Cali cartel in worldwide cocaine distribution.


Before you proceed to the main lesson, read the summary of the video.

Fig.1 Source:

CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 2 of 14


For more than two decades Pablo Escobar built the largest most lucrative and most violent drug
kingdom. The world had ever seen. He'd held his own poor nation hostage while keeping a superpower at bay.
It was extremely hard to hunt Pablo not only because of the corruption but also because of the fact that he was
constantly moving. But now on December 2nd 1993 after a 16-month manhunt through the jungles and cities of
Colombia the search bloc with the aid of the United States DEA and agent Steve Murphy and Javier Pena has
cornered Pablo Escobar inside a three-story row house on the outskirts of Medellin, surrounded by his enemies
Escobar has only one bodyguard left to protect him. Pablo's long bodyguard Limon goes out the window onto
the roof of that two-story row house behind the row house. Pablo was in and he started shooting at the two
police officers on the ground they returned fire he takes off running thinking he's going to escape the cops
engage him in a firefight he's shot off the roof and he falls dead on the ground.
As the search block makes its way through the safehouse Pablo begins to exchange fire table squatters
shooting at the police the police shooting at Pablo as they get to the second floor, they see Pablo on the third
floor looking down and he actually shoots atone of the police officers. He tripped on the step and fell flat on his
face which saved his life because the bullet went over his head and missed him Pablo was pinned down
desperate for a way-out Pablo gets up to that third-floor window, he climbs out the window down to the second
level he wants to make his way out but he doesn't see Limon so he knows something bad's happened.
All alone and with the search block closing in Pablo tries to make an escape there was an area of that
roof that the guys on the ground could not see you if you were in that area but Pablo knew the police officers
were coming up the steps and they would be able to look out the windows see him.
They followed him to the rooftop and while they're chasing him, he's got two pistols and he is shooting
at the police the crews are shooting at him once Pablo Escobar is forced into the open alone with no army of
bodyguards to protect him his fate is sealed there's no way for him to hide, he tries to make a run across the
roof they catch him in a crossfire. He's killed right there on top that roof.
Colombia's 20-year hell is over in only 20 minutes in a barrage of final gunfire cocaine kingpin Pablo
Escobar finally meets his fate Pablo was shot three times once in the back of the leg once in the rump which
are not down shots but neither one of those were kill shots and then the kill shot was through the right ear.
With a final bullet the DEA decades-long hunt for the world's most wanted criminal becomes its greatest
victory here in Austin radio Viva Colombia Pablo is dead I got to tell you we're pretty happy if it felt like the
weight of the world had been lifted off of everybody's shoulders there's tie fives there's back slapping it's hard
to explain the exhilaration, we all felt because this thing was finally over.
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 3 of 14

Direction: Upon reading the summary, identify the answer in each question by arranging the jumbled letters.

1. A O E O A P S B C L R - __________________________________________________
Hint: The one who built the largest most lucrative and most violent drug kingdom.
2. I O L M N - ____________________________________________________________
Hint: The only body guard left for Pablo Escobar to protect him the day he died.
3. S P T O I L - __________________________________________________________
Hint; The gun that Pablo use

You may now proceed to the main lesson.


Based on the preliminary activities, what did you notice about it?
You may now proceed to the lesson.


Drug Abuse has become not only a national issue or a problem of just a few countries but it is a clear
and present global danger.
Today, highly entrenched, well-organized drug syndicates are behind this menace. They employ the
most advanced and most sophisticated technology coupled with unlimited financial resources at their
command and disposal. Police agencies around the world, pooling their resources together are more often
than not, the losers in a game of hide-and-seek with the international drug syndicates (Sotto, 1994).
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 4 of 14

A. The 1st Important Drug Traffic Route

Middle East -discovery, plantation, cultivation harvest

Turkey preparation for distribution

Europe - manufacture, synthesis, refine

U.S. - Marketing
The first important drug traffic route as illustrated above shows how illicit drugs are distributed from
its discovery, preparation up to marketing in the illicit market. It is noted that plants such as opium poppy, as
sources of dangerous drugs are cultivated and harvested mostly in areas of Middle East while Europe
became the center for drug manufacture and synthesis. United States became the overall center drug

B. The 2nd Major Drug Traffic Route

A. Drugs that originate from the Golden

Laos Thailand

B. Drugs that originate from the Golden

- Iran
- Afghanistan
- Pakistan
- India
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 5 of 14

C. The Silver Triangle


Columbia Bolivia
Columbia is the world’s largest cultivator of coca bush followed by Peru, which is the world’s second
largest coca bush cultivating country and Bolivia.

D. World's Drug Scene

1. Southeast Asia - the "Golden Triangle" approximately produced 60% of opium in the world, 90% percent
or opium in the eastern part of Asia. It is also the officially acknowledged source of Southeast Asian Heroin.
2. Southwest Asia - the "Golden Crescent" is the major supplier of opium poppy, MJ and Heroin products
in the western part of Asia. It produces at least 85 % to 90% of all illicit heroin channeled in the drug
underworld market.
3. Middle East- the Becka Valley of Lebanon is the biggest producer of cannabis in the Middle East.
Lebanon is also considered as the transit country for cocaine from South America to European markets.
4. Spain - major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe - known as "the paradise of
drug users in Europe".
5. South America - - Columbia, Peru, Uruguay, and Panama are the sources of all cocaine supply in the
6. Morocco the number one producer of cannabis in the world. (2003 to 2006)
7. Philippines - the major transshipment points for the worldwide distribution of illegal drugs such as shabu
and cocaine from Taiwan and South America. The second world's supplier of MJ and the drug paradise
of drug abusers in Asia.
8. India - center of the world's drug map, leading to rapid addiction among its people.
9. Indonesia - Northern Sumatra has traditionally been the main cannabis growing area in Indonesia. Bali
Indonesia is an important transit point for drugs enroute to Australia and New Zealand.
10.Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand the most favorable sites of drug distribution from the "Golden
Triangle" and other parts of Asia.
11. China - the transit route for heroin from "Golden Triangle" to H.K.
12.Hong Kong the world's transshipment point of all forms of heroin.
13.Japan - the major consumer of cocaine and shabu from U. S. and Europe.

E. The Organized Crime Groups behind the Global Drug Scene

The Columbian Medellin Cartel
Founded during the 1980's by Colombian drug lords in the name of Pablo Escobar Gaviria.and drug
bosses Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and the top aid cocaine barons Juan David and the Ochoa Brothers.
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 6 of 14

The Medellin Cartel is reputedly responsible for organizing world's drug trafficking network. Columbian
government succeeded in containing the Medellin Cartel, which resulted in the death, surrender, and arrest
of the people behind the organization. This further resulted to the disbandment of the Cartel led to its downfall.
The Cali Cartel
The downfall of the Columbian Medellin Cartel is the rise of the Cali Cartel the newly emerged
cocaine monopoly. Gilberto Rodriquez Orajuela- better known as Don Chepe "the chess player" heads the
syndicated organization. Under him, the Cali cartel was considered the most powerful criminal organization
in the world.
The cartel produces over 90% of cocaine in the world. Due to this, it was called the best and the
brightest of the modern underworld. They are professionals of the highest order, intelligent, efficient,
imaginative, and nearly impenetrable" - US - Drug Enforcement Agency.
North Del Valle & North Valley Cartel (Columbia)
Rose after the Cali Cartel & became the most powerful organizations involved in illegal drug trade.
(Diego Leon Montoya Sanchez)
The Chinese Triad
The Chinese Triad, also called the Chinese Mafia is the oldest and biggest criminal organization in
the world. It is believed to be the controller of the "Golden Triangle" with international connections on drug
Drug Syndicate- is a group of organized and professional criminals with a formal hierarchy of organization
set in illicit drug trade. It is also known as drug cartel.
Drug Syndicates in the Philippines
The Binondo-based Chinese syndicate has been identified as the nucleus of the Triad Society, the
Bamboo gang based in Taiwan and the 14K based in Hong Kong. The Bamboo Gang is the influence of the
Green Gang of the Chinese Triad while the 14K is the newest among the triads families established only in
The Filipino-Chinese drug syndicates are groups responsible in smuggling shabu into the country.
Most drug couriers use Hong Kong and Taiwan as their embarkation point for the Philippines. And recently,
intelligence reports reveal that large quintets of shabu are smuggled in the country directly from. Mainland
China through commercial airlines and ocean-sea vessels.

The most common “modus operandi” by the syndicates -posing as fishermen along Philippine seas
particularly, the northern provinces of Luzon such as La Union, Ilocos, and Pangasinan where they drop their
loads of shabu to shoreline-based members. The syndicates are famously involved in marijuana cultivation
and other drug smuggling including drug manufacture

We had just finished the discussion on the global drug situation.

Let’s move on to the next higher level of activity/ies or exercise/s
that demonstrate your potential skills/knowledge of what you have learned.
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 7 of 14


Name: ______________________________ Course & Section: __________________
Direction: Read the questions carefully and choose the correct answer from the pool of words below.

Cali cartel
 Chinese Triad
 North Del Valle and North Valley Cartel
 The Columbian Mendellin Cartel
 Binondo-based Chinese syndicate

______________________1. It is known as is the oldest and biggest criminal organization in the world.
______________________2. was considered the most powerful criminal organization in the world.
______________________3. Rose after the Cali Cartel & became the most powerful organizations involved
in illegal drug trade.
______________________4. This cartel is known as reputedly responsible for organizing world's drug
trafficking network.
______________________5. This cartel was considered the most powerful criminal organization in the
Direction: Recognize the different countries used as the 2nd Major Drug Traffic Route by matching
column A to column B write your answer on the space provided.

_______1. Myanmar
A. Golden Triangle
_______2. Afghanistan
B. Silver Triangle
_______3. Columbia
C. Golden Crescent
_______4. Laos
_______5. India

Finally, let us summarize the lesson of what we had

discussed today.
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 8 of 14


Direction/Instruction: Read the question carefully and answer in not less than 3 sentences. Rubric is
attached for reference and guidance.

1. Discuss the contribution of the Philippines in the worldwide drug menace.

Level Description Score
 Well written and very organized.
 Excellent grammar mechanics.
OUTSTANDING  Clear and concise statements. 9-10
 Excellent effort and presentation with detail.
 Demonstrates a thorough understanding of the topic.
 Writes fairly clear.
 Good grammar mechanics.
GOOD 7-8
 Good presentation and organization.
 Sufficient effort and detail
 Minimal effort.
 Good grammar mechanics.
 Fair presentation.
 Few supporting details.
 Somewhat unclear.
 Shows little effort.
POOR  Poor grammar mechanics. 5
 Confusing and choppy, incomplete sentences.
 No organization of thoughts.

You have come to an end of Module 4.
OOPS! Don’t forget that you have still an assignment to do.
Here it is….
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 9 of 14


Name: ___________________________________ Course & Section: __________________

Direction: Fill in the missing words by selecting the correct answer on the box provided.

Drug syndicate Drug Abuse Police Agencies

Technology Global Danger

1. ____________________ has become not only a national issue or a problem of just a few
countries but it is a clear and present 2. ________________. Today, highly entrenched, well-organized
drug syndicates are behind this menace. They employ the most advanced and most sophisticated

3. ____________________ coupled with unlimited financial resources at their command and disposal.

4. ______________________ around the world, pooling their resources together are more often than not,
the losers in a game of hide-and-seek with the international 5. ______________________ (Sotto, 1994).

(This assignment will be submitted on ________________.)

After your long journey of reading and accomplishing

the module, let us now challenge your mind by
answering the evaluation part of this module.
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 10 of 14


Name:___________________________________ Course & Section: __________________

Direction/Instruction: Read carefully each question and encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. The major transshipment points for the worldwide distribution of illegal drugs such as shabu and cocaine from
Taiwan and South America. The second world's supplier of MJ and the drug paradise of drug abusers in Asia.
A. Philippines
B. Spain
C. Thailand
D. Morocco
2. Founded during the 1980's by Colombian drug lords in the name of Pablo Escobar Gaviria.and drug bosses
Jose Gonzalo Rodriguez Gacha and the top aid cocaine barons Juan David and the Ochoa Brothers.
A. Cali cartel
B. The Chinese Triad
C. Columbian Mendellin Cartel
D. Japanese Yakuza
3. It is also considered as the transit country for cocaine from South America to European markets.
A. Lebanon
B. Spain
C. Morroco
D. Philipines
4. It is a group of organized and professional criminals with a formal hierarchy of organization set in illicit drug
trade. It is also known as drug cartel.
A. Drug Trafficking
B. Cali Cartel
C. Drug Syndicate
D. The Chinese Triad
5. It is known as the center of the world's drug map, leading to rapid addiction among its people.
A. India
B. Indonesia
C. Japan
D. Hongkong
6. It is known as the major transshipment point for international drug traffickers in Europe - known as "the
paradise of drug users in Europe".
A. Lebanon
B. Spain
C. Morroco
D. Philipines

7. The world's transshipment point of all forms of heroin.

A. China
B. Hongkong
C. China
D. Singapore
8. It is the major consumer of cocaine and shabu from U. S. and Europe.
A. India
B. Indonesia
C. Japan
D. Hongkong
CDI 7: Vice and Drug Education and Control
Module 4: The Global Drug Situation Page 11 of 14

9. It is the number one producer of cannabis in the world.

A. Philippines
B. Columbia
C. Iran
D. Morroco
10. the most favorable sites of drug distribution from the "Golden Triangle" and other parts of Asia.
A. Burma/Myanmar, Laos, Thailand
B. Peru, Bolivia, Columbia
C. Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan
D. Singapore, Malaysia, and Thailand

(This evaluation will be submitted on ________________.)

CONGRATULATIONS on reaching the end of this module!

You may now proceed to the next module.
Don’t forget to submit all the exercises, activities and portfolio
on ___________________.
Well Done!!!

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