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Drug Education and Vice Control

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Iligan Capitol College

Mahayahay, Iligan City

College Of Criminology

Drug Education and Vice

➢ Terminologies
➢ Classification of Drugs
➢ Routes of Drug Administration
➢ Most Common Reasons for using Drugs
➢ Illicit Drug Routes

Prepared by: Kiven M. Geonzon

 Drug
- the term Drug derives from the 14th century French word “drogue”,
which means a dry substance.
- A chemical substance that affects the functions of living cells and
alters body or mind processes when taken into the body or applied through the

 Drug Abuse
- is the overuse or consumption of drugs other than for medical reasons

 Drug Mule
- a person who transports illegal drugs by swallowing them or
concealing them in a secret compartments of their bag shoes or the other
garments they’re wearing.
 Clandestine Laboratory/ “Clan Lab”
- is a place where illegal substances including drugs, explosives,
biological or chemical weapons are manufactured or prepared.
 Tolerance
- It is the increasing dosage of drugs to maintain the same
 Drug Dependence
- refers to a physical condition in which the body has adapted
to the presence of a drug
 Drug Addiction
- chronic, relapsing brain disease that is characterized by
compulsive drug seeking and use despite harmful consequences
 Polydrug Abuse
- Many people who abuse on drug tend to take allsorts of drugs.
Some play chemical “Russian roulettes” by taking everything including
unidentified pills. This is called polydrug abuse.
 Drug Experimenter
- One who illegally, wrongfully, or improperly uses any narcotics
substances, marijuana or dangerous drugs as defined not more than a
few times for reasons or curiosity, peer pressure or other similar reasons.
 Drug Syndicate
- It is a network of evil. It is operated and manned by willful criminals
who knowingly traffic in human lives for the money. Large sum of
money, they can make in their illegal and nefarious trade.
 Withdrawal Period
- From the point of habituation or drug dependence up to the time
a drug dependent is totally or gradually deprived of the drug.
 Withdrawal syndrome
- An adaptive state caused by repeated drug use that reveals itself
by development of intense physical symptoms when the drug is
 Psychological Dependence
- An attachment to drug use which arises from a drug ability to
satisfy some emotional or personality need of an individual.
 Hashish
- called locally has and look like brown or black cakes or balls, they
can be eaten orally or can be smoked.
Classification of Drugs
A. The Depressants
 These are drugs which suppress vital body
functions especially those of the brain or
central nervous system with the resulting
impairment of judgement, hearing,
speech and muscular coordination.
 Narcotics
- are drugs, which relieve pain and produce profound sleep or
stupor. Medically, they are potent painkillers.
 Opium
- derived from a poppy plant – Papaver somniferum popularly
known as “gum”, “gamot”, “kalamay” or “panocha”.
 Morphine
- most commonly used and best used opiate. Effective as a
painkiller six times potent than opium, with a high dependence –
producing potential.
- Street names; dreamer, M, emma, pulbos an emsel
 Heroin (Diacetylmorphine)
- is three to five times more powerful than morphine from which it is
derived and the most addicting opium derivative.
 Codeine
– a derivative of morphine, commonly available in cough
- street name: Schoolboy
 Paregoric
– a tincture of opium in combination with camphor. Commonly
used as a household remedy for diarrhea and abdominal pain.
 Demerol and Methadone
– common synthetic drugs with morphine – like effects.
 Barbiturates
– are drugs used for inducing sleep in persons plagued with anxiety,
mental stress, and insomnia.
- street names: bala, lala, blue heavens, and yellow jacket
 Seconal
– Sudden withdrawal from these drugs is even more dangerous
than opiate withdrawal.
 Tranquilizers
– are drugs that calm and relax and diminish anxiety. They are used in the
treatment of nervous states and some mental disorders without producing
 Volatile Solvents
– gaseous substances popularly known to abusers as “gas”, “teardrops”.
 Alcohol
– the king of all drugs with potential for abuse. Most widely used, socially
accepted and most extensively legalized drug throughout the world.
B. The Stimulants
 These produce effects opposite to that of
depressants. Instead of bringing about
relaxation and sleep, they produce increased
mental alertness, wakefulness, reduce hunger,
and provide a feeling of well being.
 Amphetamines
– used medically for weight reducing in obesity, relief of mild
depression and treatment
- Street names; lid poppers, eye opener, pep pills
 Cocaine
– taken orally, injected or sniffed as to achieve euphoria or an
intense feeling of “highness”.
- Street names ; Coke, Snow, Flake, Bow
 Caffeine
– it is present in coffee, tea, chocolate, cola drinks, and some
wake-up pills.
 Shabu/ “poor man’s cocaine” (Methamphetamine Hydrochloride)
– chemically known as methamphetamine. It is a central nervous
system stimulant and sometimes called “upper” or “speed”. It is white,
colorless crystal or crystalline powder with a bitter numbing taste. It can
be taken orally, inhaled (snorted), sniffed (chasing the dragon) or
- street names; poor man’s cocaine, S, ice, Shabs, Ubas, bato,
 Nicotine
– an active component in tobacco which acts as a powerful
stimulant of the central nervous system. A drop of pure nicotine can
easily kill a person.
C. The Hallucinogens
 Theyconsist of a variety of mind-altering
drugs, which distort reality, thinking and
perceptions of time, sound, space and
 Marijuana (Cannabis Sativa)
– It is the most commonly abused hallucinogen in the Philippines.
- Street names: damo, flower, mary jane, brownies, pampapogi,
tea, joint and pot
 Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LSD)
– This drug is the most powerful of the psychedelics obtained from
ergot, a fungus that attacks rye kernels.
- street names: lucy in the sky with diamonds, cubes, acid,
lightning, wedding bells, brain eaters and white sugar
 Peyote
– Peyote is derived from the surface part of a small gray brown
 Mescaline
– It is the alkaloid hallucinogen extracted from the peyote cactus
and can also be synthesized in the laboratory.
- street names: buttons, cactus and beans
– It is a take-off on the motor oil additive. It is a chemical derivative
of mescaline claimed to produce more violent and longer effects than
mescaline dose.
 Psilocybin
– This hallucinogenic alkaloid from small Mexican mushrooms are
used by Mexican Indians today.
 Morning Glory Seeds
– The black and brown seeds of the wild tropical morning glory that
are used to produce hallucinations.
Routes of Drug Administration

 Oral Ingestion- taken by the mouth and must pass through the
stomach before being absorbed in the bloodstream
 Inhalation - drug in gaseous from enters the lungs and is quickly
absorbed by the capillary system
 Injection - Administered into the body by the use of a syringe or
hypothermic needle
 Snorting – Inhalation through the nose of drugs in gaseous form
 Buccal - Drugs is administered by placing it in the buccal cavity just
under the lips.
Most Common Reasons for using
 Influence by friends and peers
 Personal reason such as family problems and pleasure
 Got hooked by the pusher
 Used drugs for medical reason and hooked later on
 Accessibility of sources such as drug stores, medicine
cabinets and shops.
Illicit Drug Routes

 The Golden Tringle- Laos, Thailand and Myanmmar

 The Golden Crescent- Iran, India, Pakistan,

To be continued….

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