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Prof Ed 109 Rosario Mark John Rey R. Module 4 Activity 1

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FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev.

0 10-July-2020
Republic of the Philippines
Pangasinan State University
Lingayen Campus
Lingayen, Pangasinan

Prof Ed 109 – The School and the Curriculum

Name: Mark John Rey R. Rosario. Year & Section: II-BSED Filipino

Chapter 3 – Crafting the Curriculum

Module 4 – The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer
Lesson 1. Fundamentals of Curriculum Designing

Learning Activity 1.
Take Action
Activity 1: Finding an Example
Instruction: With a Partner . . . .
1. Secure a copy of a sample Lesson Plan
2. Using the matrix given below, analyze the sample you secured and give your suggestions
based on the principles and concepts you have learned in this module.

Components Copy from the sample Your comment/suggestion

Title of the Lesson Plan A detailed lesson plan in English The lesson plan is very detailed and
(First year-Secondary level) well organized
At the end of the lesson, the
students will be able to ;
 Identify statements that
I suggest that we can also add the
show cause and effect
following objectives;
Intended Learning relationship
 Appreciate reading poem
Outcomes/Objectives  Read a poem correctly
 Read the poem with good
and clearly with
 Decode words with
“augh" (o) sounds.
Cause and Effect Relationship
I suggest that we can also rely on
Reference/s: Fun in English
the internet for there are some
Content/Subject Matter Reading Text Books pages
reliable sources of information
regarding on the lesson plan
Materials : Visual Aids, Charts ,
Flashcards and Name Tags
I suggest that we can also add the
A. Learning Objective
following into the
 Opening prayer
Methods/Strategies Methods/Strategies ;
 Warm-ups  Analysis
 Pronunciations  Generalization
 Application

Answer briefly:
1. Which one principle of Oliva is reflected in the Lesson Plan? Explain briefly.
Answer : Curriculum is product of its time. On the lesson plan, this principle of Oliva is reflected in a
way that the lesson is updated and it is relevant which can help learners to be updated and to come
up with the ideas that is convenient and timely.
2. If you were to improve the design, what will you ad, or subtract or modify? Write your re-design

Answer : I don’t want to modify the lesson since it is well organized andFM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020
it seems that the lesson is

Assessment Task
Which of the concepts do you clearly understand? Answer Yes or No to the questions that follow.
Questions Answer
As a curricularist and curriculum designer . . . . . Yes or No
1. Do you think curriculum change is inevitable? Yes
2. Does curriculum change not consider the existing one? No
3. Should curriculum be designed only by one person? No
4. Should any change in curriculum include an evaluation process? Yes
5. Does curriculum change mean total overhaul? No
6. Should learning outcomes be considered first before the content? No
7. Should learning methods consider only the expertise of the teacher? No
8. Are time tested methods like inductive and lecture no longer useful? No
9. Should contents be updated and relevant? Yes
10. Is there only one design that a teacher should know? No

If you got 10 correct answers out of 10 items, Congratulations! You are now ready to move to the next
lesson. If otherwise, you need to review this lesson. Good Luck.


Instructions: Provide answers to the incomplete sentences.
After reading and discussing with my classmates, this lesson on fundamentals of curriculum designing or
crafting a curriculum.

1. I realize that
Curriculum development is the first step used by a teacher to help them develop engaging lessons.
One of the most useful tools to help develop curriculum is backwards design. Backward design helps
to maintain a clear focus as to where the lesson leads. Developing a clear and concise lesson not
only helps the teacher; it helps the students as well. The most successful teaching begins with clarity
about important learning outcomes and about the evidence that will show that learning has occurred.

2. I realize that
Curriculum design is actually like a wicked problem because we often disagree on both problem and
solution. I think that this analogy clicked right away at the moment because we need to perform needs
assessment in order to find out what the problem exactly is, and then designing an effective
curriculum is the solution to the needs of language learners. One interesting thing that I remember
from this discussion is that the needs assessment must account for different stories, not different
versions of different stories.

3. I realize that
A great deal about the complicated, but fun, steps of designing a language curriculum. I never
imagined that a curriculum can be related to so many analogies that my perception on
curriculum designing has totally changed; it is no longer a boring subject..

Lesson 2. Approaches to Curriculum Designing

Learning Activity 1
Take Action
Activity 1: The K to 12 Curriculum: What Design?
Get hold of materials about the K to 12. Discuss with your group mates and answer the following:

1. What kind of curriculum design influences mostly the K to 12 Curriculum? (A) Subject-Centered? (B)
Learner-Centered (C) Problem-Centered? (You may have more than one answer)
2. Cite an illustrative example that relates to your choice.

FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020
3. Place your answer on a matrix like the one below.

Types of Curriculum Design in K to 12 Illustrative Example

Subject-Centered Design/Approach xxx

Learner centered influences mostly by
the K-12 curriculum in a way that the
learner is the center of educative
Learner-Centered Design/Approach
process and everything that runs into
a curriculum always takes into
consideration the learners.
Problem-centered design also
influences the K-12 curriculum mostly
in a way that the K-12 curriculum/K-12
program emphasizes/draws social
Problem-Centered Design/Approach problems, needs, interests and
abilities of the learners which allows
them to solve a particular problem
which can be used and can be applied
into the real life situations.

Assessment Task
Identify what kind of design and approach are utilized in the following descriptions.
1. Only students who master the subject matter can succeed.
ANSWER : Subject Centered Design/Approach

2. Students are encouraged to work together to find answers to their task.

ANSWER :Problem Centered Design/Approach

3. No learners is left behind in reading, writing and arithmetic.

ANSWER: Subject Centered Design/Approach

4. School means survival of the fittest.

ANSWER: Problem Centered Design/Approach

5. Teacher extends class because the children have not mastered the lesson.
ANSWER: Learner Centered Design/Approach

6. Lesson deals with finding solution to everyday problem.

ANSWER: Problem Centered Design/Approach

7. Differentiated instruction should be utilized for different ability groups.

ANSWER: Learner Centered Design/Approach

8. Accumulation of knowledge is the primary importance in teaching.

ANSWER: Subject Centered Design/Approach

9. Learning how to learn is observable among students.

ANSWER: Learner Centered Design/Approach

10. Students are problem-finders and solution-givers.

ANSWER: Problem Centered Design/Approach
1. Choose one statement and reflect on it. What do you think and feel about it?

FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020
Statement No. 1 – “Schools that approach the curriculum as subject-centered, make robots out of the

Statement No. 2 – “In schools where child-centeredness is the approach, discipline is weak.”

Statement No. 3 – “Students are too young to solve life’s problem, why should they do problem solving in
ANSWER : I choose statement no. 1 to reflect on because I agree to that statement, because based on
the description of subject centered approach, students are just to follow teachers’ instructions. Most of the
time teachers are the one talking the whole period of the class. In the traditional or subject-centered
curriculum, students are discouraged from entertaining a different point of view than what textbook or
teacher presents. The subject matter has already been chosen by experts in the different subjects, by
school boards and by teachers and deemed of value fo r students to learn. The subject matter is of critical
importance, while students become little more than receptacles to be filled, rather than thinking, rational
individuals who need to be part of the learning process. The subject-centered curriculum fosters not
excitement about learning and knowledge, but passivity.

Lesson 3. Curriculum Mapping

Learning Activity 1

Take Action
Activity 1: Let’s Apply
1. Using the Sample A1 for Science Curriculum Map, what knowledge and understanding have you learned?
Analyze the matrix and answer the questions that follow:

1.1 What are the main clusters of science content that students should learn from G 3 to G 10?
ANSWER : The following are what the students primarily needed to learn about it in their science
during the year’s G3-G10: Matter , Living beings and their environment Force , Motion ,Energy and
Earth and Space.

1.2 How does science content progress from G 3 to G 10?

ANSWER : From G3-G10 , the order of these collection science material was organized in the first
quarter as Matter, in second quarter as Living Beings and their Environment , in the third quarter as
Force , Motion, Energy and in last ws the Earth and Space.

1.3 When you look at and analyze the map, what summary ideas can you give?
ANSWER: The Elementary teaching of science (G3-G6) pretty clearly follows the sequence of the
science materials of these main cluster. This last until the first two years of the secondary level
(G7), but continues to differ with each of the quarters of G8 and G9 and the last grade level as
mention above. Therefore, the kind of spiral sequencing that is commonly advocated in the design
of the material of K-12 curriculum is being followed.

1.4 Science Curriculum is spiral. How do you explain that in terms of what you see in the map?
ANSWER: As implied in the liking of the spiral education, the science curriculum is structured so the
key clusters of science material were the same over years , where it only differed according to how
contents were organized, distributed and subdivided. Therefore, instead of concentrating on shorter
hours, the time it takes for the learning process to stretch out will have student revisit and study the
subject they did not have their heads on.
2. Using Sample B, analyze and answer the following questions briefly:
2.1 What is the meaning of Practiced with a green background for Subject Teaching Profession and
PO1 Applied basic and higher 21st century skills?
ANSWER: It might suggest that the students studied and practiced the subjects of Teaching
Profession, the Applied Basic and Higher 21st Century skills. As student , the mentioned subject
skills such as critical reasoning, creativity, communicative skills and the like are to taught and learnt
in the learning process.

FM-AA-CIA-15 Rev. 0 10-July-2020
3.2 What is your interpretation of the colored cell with Learned that cross between subject Social
Dimensions and PO5, Facilitate learning of different types of learners in diverse learning
ANSWER : Seeing this block-colored green in the Social aspects gives one on understanding that it
has mastered the basic principles and skills of Promoting Learning for all groups of learners in the
multiple learning environment.

3.3 What does the colored Opportunity in the cell of the subject Curriculum Development that crosses
with the PO6 Direct experience in the field and classroom (observations, teaching assistance,
practice teaching)?
ANSWER: Jus like in thee last two items, the greened block affirms that a desired outcomes for a
professional education course was achieved and this time is having to learn and practice knowledge
and skills of curriculum development through an opportunity offered in an informal classroom setting
like teaching demonstration and teaching assistance and practice teaching.

Assessment Task
Make a wise decision. Show me that you understood the lesson. Know the difference between YES and
NO answer to each of the question.

1. Does curriculum mapping help a teacher understand what to accomplish within the period of time?
2. Is a curriculum map a permanent document?
3. Can a curriculum map help explain to parents what their children are learning in school?
4. Is curriculum mapping a task of only one teacher?
5. Can a curriculum map as a tool be used in instructional supervision?

Reflect on the process of curriculum mapping and the sample curriculum map in this lesson. As a future
teacher, how will the process of mapping and the map as a tool help you in your profession?

ANSWER: Curriculum Mapping is important because it is the simplest, yet most effective way to improve
teaching and learning. It requires teachers to draw explicit connections between content, skills and
assessments. Curriculum mapping helps to ensure that all aspects of a lesson are aligned not only with each
other but also with mandated outcomes and assessments and curriculum mapping is a process that allows
schools and teachers to plan what is going to be taught, when it is going to be taught and how this shows the
school is complying with National Standards. Curriculum maps should be created for each year level and
subject in a collaborative manner. The result is a tool that provides teachers with a framework, allowing them
to stay organized.

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