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Patente Lever

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United States Patent [191 [11] Patent Number: 4,936,182

Bunker [45] . Date of Patent: Jun. 26, 1990

[54] SHARPING LEVER FOR A MUSICAL Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor &
[76] Inventor: Robert Bunker, P.O. Box 1011, [57] ABSTRACT
Loveland, Colo. 80539 A sharping lever for shortening the length of a vibrating
[21] Appl. No.: 320,939 string on a folk harp is described. The sharping lever is
[22] Filed: Mar. 9, 1989 mounted along the neck of the harp directly below the
tuning pin which secures one end of the vibrating string.
[51] Int. 01.5 ........................ .. G10D 1/04; GlOD 3/12 The lever includes an L-shaped mounting bracket
[52] U.S. Cl. 84/266 which is attached securely to the side of the neck of the
[58] Field of Search ................................. .. 84/264-266 harp. The sharping lever also includes a rotatably
[56] References Cited mounted cam which contacts the string along a tip
portion. The rotational movement presses the string
U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS against a ?xedly mounted fret. The fret is located at a
3,739,680 6/1973 Christiansen ........................ .. 84/266 position on the mounting bracket so as to precisely
3,823,247 7/1974 Bauerfeind . . . . . . . . . . .. 84/318 de?ne the shortened length of the vibrating string
3,853,030 12/1974 Petutschnigg 84/266 thereby raising its frequency by one-half tone.
4,604,936 ‘ 8/1986 Page et a1. ..................... 84/313

Primary Examiner—Lawrence R. Franklin 5 Claims, 4 Drawing Sheets

US. Patent Jun. 26, 1990 Sheet 1 of4 4,936,182 _ .
US. Patent 11-111. 26, 1990 Sheet 2 01‘4 4,936,182

T‘II; :2‘ TIE 3


PIE £1: PIE 5

US. Patent Jun. 26, 1990 Sheet 3 01‘4 4,936,182


III-‘IE __ 3 II-‘IIE: ____EI

US. Patent Jun. 26, 1990 Sheet 4 of4 4,936,182
PIE __.__1 II

1 2
To compensate for this shortcoming, the ?ve missing
SHARPING LEVER FOR A MUSICAL pitches of the harp are produced by altering the vibrat
INSTRUMENT ing length of any of the eight existing strings in the
octave. Most often, the strings are altered by shortening
FIELD OF THE INVENTION their vibrating length by means of a sharping device
This invention relates generally to the ?eld of musical which contacts the strings at a precise location. Ideally,
instruments, particularly musical instruments of the the device should hold the string in a ?rm and stable
harp type. position-shortening its vibrating length without con
suming the strings entire vibration. Such a device would
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION 10 ideally transfer the entire vibration of the string, into the
A harp is a musical instrument with strings that vary harps soundboard.
in both thickness and length in a graduated manner. This sharping device should also lock into position at
Typically, a harp consists of a body and a neck fre a very precise distance from the bridge pin (the bridge
quently referred to as a “harmonic curve” or “harmonic
pin is located on the neck and is used to exactly de?ne
arc ”. The neck has one end connected to the upper
15 the length of each string) calculated by multiplying the
end of the body, and the other end connected to a post
strings vibrating length by a factor of 0.0555. This dis
which extends to the lower end of the body. The body tance represents the precise position that the sharping
device must be located in order to alter the pitch of the
comprises an elongated case with a top that is often
referred to as a soundboard. The harp strings are se
string one-half step higher than its original pitch, (e. g.,
20 from C to C#).
cured at the lower end to a strip that is ?xed centrally In the prior art, there have been two basic ways of
and axially on one or both sides of the soundboard. The
implementing a sharping device, leading to two differ
other end of the harp strings are attached to a series of ent categories of instruments. One category of instru
tuning pins located along the length of the neck which ment is referred to as a pedal harp and the other is called
are used to tighten and stretch the strings. The pull of 25 a folk harp.
the strings results in vibrations of certain frequencies In a pedal harp, a series of pedals with various posi
which are transferred to the soundboard. The fre tions are mounted on the base of the instrument and
quency of vibration is determined by the length and resiliently returned by springs. When a pedal is de
~ tautness of the strings. Each is adjusted so as to yield a pressed, a series of rods and linkages move a forked
pleasant tone when the strings are plucked. 30 device which twists the strings in a sufficient manner so
Of the several types of harps which are commercially as to create a note of vibration which is raised by one
available today, most share a basic dilemma in that their half pitch from that of the normal string. A major disad
stringing is limited to total of eight notes per octave. vantage of the pedal harp is the complexity of its trans
These harps exclude ?ve additional tones which are mission of movement and the enormous number of
generally available on most other musical instruments. 35 small mechanical parts involved. This complexity is
The ?ve tones excluded on the harp encompass the re?ected in a high purchase price and costly repairs. A
commonly used sharp notes within an octave. By way further disadvantage is the operating noise caused when
of example, if one were to examine a piano, it would be the many parts are set in motion. An example of this
most obvious that the white keys contain the common type of harp is disclosed in US. Pat. No. 4,599,931.
eight notes per octave, C-D-E-F-G-A-B-C; also fre 40 Among folk harps, there have been numerous prior
quently referred to as the natural notes. The black keys art sharping levers developed, each with their own set
on a piano keyboard located between notes C-D, D-E, of drawbacks. ‘_
F-G, G-A, A-B, are not available on most harps. These One very basic type of sharping lever is known as a
black keys within an octave on a piano comprise the blade or hook lever. This simple device is mounted into
notes C#, D#, F#, G# and A#. Thus, while there are 45 the neck of the harp by means of a straight circular shaft
thirteen pitches in the chromatic scale-eight natural press-?tted, into a hole between each string. A cam is
notes and ?ve sharp notes-most conventional harps located on the exposed end of the shaft and, in its “off”
only encompass the eight natural notes. (‘This conven or natural position, is positioned parallel to the strings.
tional type of harp is generally considered a diatonic When turned, the cam’s position is shifted so that it
instrument, meaning the scale encompasses only the 50 contacts the string and displaces it in one direction;
notes C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C and not the complete thereby shortening its vibrating length. One common
thirteen notes of the Western Musical Scale.) problem with this device is that the cam is often turned
Historically, the reason why most harps contain eight too far or too little producing a sound that is out of tune
rather than thirteen notes in an octave relates to the with the existing scale surrounding it. Furthermore, in
physical constraints of performing. The keys of a piano 55 order for this device to function properly, the string
are designed so that a pianist can stretch his ?ngers with must be displaced a considerable distance from its origi
a reasonable effort to encompass an entire octave on the nal position. This repositioning of the harp string cre
piano. This allows a complete cord to be played with a ates distortion in the usual string spacing, making it
single movement of the hand. The harp was arranged uncomfortable for certain harpists.
similarly in that it is physically possible for a hand to 60 Another drawback of the hook or blade lever is that
play a complete cord spanning an entire octave. How if the cam contact point is not absolutely perpendicular
ever, in order to accomplish this, ?ve strings had to be to the string, the string tension will force the cam to
removed from the string band. The piano keyboard has rotate back to its “off” position. Yet another disadvan
the advantage of having keys located between the notes tage of this device is that for a complete rotation of the
of the diatonic scale. This minimizes the length of the 65 cam from an “off” to an “on” position, the cam must
scale. 0n the other hand, in order to be played in com slide along the string for a distance of approximately g
plete cords, the harp had to have certain strings re of an inch. Since the string is typically made of a dell
moved; (i.e., those associated with the sharp notes). cate material, such as nylon or gut, this sliding action
3 4
abrasively wears through the softer string material and ducing a zinkered sound. A further drawback of this
shortens its useful life. lever is that the cam handle is secured on the mounting
Another prior art sharping lever uses a rotating cam bracket by a rivet. The riveting process is, by its nature,
riveted to a mounting'bracket, which itself is secured to somewhat unpredictable-causing some handles to be
the harp by two screws. This device has a circular cam overly stiff while others are far too loose to stay in their
plate with a handle molded into the plate and a gradu proper position.
ated edge. This edge contacts the string when the cam Lastly among the prior art levers is one built by Salvi
is rotated from the “off’ to the “on” position. In the Harps. This lever consists of a cam bracket which is
“on” position, the string is displaced to one side and located on the neck harp via three fasteners which keep
sounds one semi-tone higher. 10 it from rotating when applied. The cam itself is a modi
This circular cam lever has several drawbacks. First ?ed version of the circular cam previously discussed. It
of all, the cam tends to wear a path or groove into the consists of two lobes that squeeze the string in opposite
contact location of the string. Consequently, the strings directions simultaneously when rotated. This design
wear out rapidly. Also, because the string is applying a provides a very ?rm hold on the string which eliminates
great deal of lateral pressure to the cam, the lever’s zinkering. However, the Salvi lever has a disadvantage
mounting bracket requires two screws to securely fas in that the two-lobe, pinching approach results in dam
ten the lever to the neck. These screws occupy alot of age to the harp strings over time. Another drawback is
area on the harp neck, making installation a problem. that the cam is riveted to the bracket. Riveting, as dis
Another problem with this type of device is that the cussed above, occasionally produces a handle which is
string must be displaced a substantial distance to pro 20 either secured too tight or too loose. Finally, the three
duce a reasonable tone. The cam shifts the location of screws required to mount the cam on the harp neck
each string closer to the adjacent string on one side, and make installation and tuning cumbersome.
further away from the adjacent string on the opposite Given the drawbacks associated with each of the
side. Again, this can make the harp awkward to play. prior art sharping levers, there still remains a great need
Yet another disadvantage of this device is that the 25 for a low cost alternative to the pedal harp. As will be
cam contacts the string in the direction of its vibrating
motion. That is, contact is made in a direction parallel to seen, the present invention provides a sharping lever
the plane of the string band. This directional contact which can be cheaply produced and which overcomes
often results in string “buzzing”, frequently referred to each of the problems discussed above.
as “zinkering”. Thus, good tone is dif?cult to achieve. 30 Accordingly, the object of the invention is to remedy
Another type of prior art lever is produced by Lyon the various disadvantages of the prior art by providing
and Healy Harps of Chicago, Illinois. The Lyon and a simple, low-cost mechanism which stresses each string
Healy lever comprises a mounting bracket which is by a minimum ?xed value.
hinged to a handle having a v-groove cut into it approx A further object of the present invention is to provide
imately at a distance one~half of its total length. The 35 a lever which overcomes the problem of excessive
v-groove contacts the string in mid-motion and slides string deterioration while maintaining stable contact
along the string until it stabilizes it at its highest point with the string, thereby eliminating zinkering. More
slightly above perpendicular. over, the present invention achieves these objectives
This lever has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, it with minimal rotational movement and without exces
wears out the strings rapidly because the distance from 40 sive string displacement.
pivot center to cam edge is a large radius causing an Another object of the sharping lever of the present
enormous swing to the cam. This radial swing wears a invention is to provide adjustable, non-riveted handles
long path into the contact area of the string. Secondly, which are both accurate and comfortable to use.
for tonal reasons the handle and v-groove is usually cast Yet another object of the present invention is to pro
of a metal material such as brass. Metal produces the 45 vide a sharping lever which provides two-point contact
most damage to the string because of its hard, resilient with the string to produce a superior tone.
nature. Thirdly, this lever displaces the individual Other prior art known to Applicant include U.S. Pat.
strings in a direction away from the plane of the string No. 4,126,074 of Lundquist, entitled “Violin Harp”;
band. This displacement presents certain difficulties in U.S. Pat. No. 4,348,934 of Ogata, entitled “Tuning De
playing, as previously discussed. Finally, this type of 50 vice for String Musical Instruments”; U.S. Pat. No.
lever provides only one-point contact. One-point 4,796,504 of McWillis, entitled “Musical Instrument”;
contact systems are characterized by a sound that is and U.S. Pat. No. 4,637,290 of Grawi, entitled “Vari
dulled radically when the lever is applied to the string. able Pitch Harp”.
Another prior art sharping lever is one manufactured SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION
by Robinson’s Harp Shop of Mt. Laguna, California. It
is similar to the Lyon and Healy lever in that its motion A sharping lever for shortening the length of a vibrat
originates from under the string and pivots outward, ing harp string is disclosed. The length of the string is
pushing the string out of alignment. The cam of the ordinarily de?ned by a bridge pin attached along the
Robinson lever includes a brass dowel with a turned neck of the harp and a soundboard which comprises a
groove to accept the string. This pin is mounted slightly 60 portion of the harp case or body. The mounting lever is
off center of the brass handle plate, which itself is riv securely attached along the side of the neck directly
eted onto a mounting L-bracket. below the bridge pin. The sharping lever includes a fret
Among the drawbacks associated with the Robinson which is securely mounted along the neck of the harp
lever include all of those discussed above in connection adjacent to the harp string and a means for contacting
with that the Lyon and Harp lever. Additionally, the the harp string at a point between the fret and the bridge
turned groove is, under certain conditions, an inade pin and for pressing the harp string against the fret to
quate means for holding the string in place. With a produce a shortened length. The shortened length is
suf?ciently ?rm stroke, the string may dislodge-pro de?ned by the fret and the soundboard.
5 6
The means for contacting and pressing the harp string location of each string closer to the adjacent string on
comprise a cam rotatably mounted to an L-shaped one side and further away from the other adjacent
bracket which is itself secured to the neck. The cam has string on the opposite side.
a tip member and a handle, the tip member contacting FIG. 4 shows a prior art sharping lever 38 previously
and pressing the harp string in response to the rotational referred to as the Robinson lever. Cam 41 includes a
movement of the handle. In addition, the tip of the cam brass dowel with a turned groove 42 used to accept the
is grooved to hold the harp strings firmly in place. The string. Mounting bracket 40 is attached to the side of
sharping lever of the present invention provides two neck 12 directly below the bridge-pin. Handle 39 is
point contact to the string thereby producing an excel raised or lowered to turn the sharping lever “on” or
lent sound tone. ‘lot?’
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS FIG. 5 shows a prior art sharping lever 45, known as
the Salvi lever. Lever 45 has a circular cam with a
FIG. 1a is a perspective view of a harp. graduated edge or ?ange 49. The cam is attached to a
FIG. 1b is a magni?ed perspective view of a portion mounting bracket 46. Unlike cam 30 of FIG. 3, mount
of the neck of a harp. 15 ing lever 45 also includes additional lobe 47 which joins
FIGS. 2-5 show perspective views of various prior with graduated edge 49 at the end of slot 48. In operat
art sharping levers. ing this lever, handle 44 is lifted until string 14 is
FIG. 6 is a perspective view of the currently pre pinched by the protruding cam on one side and lobe 47
ferred embodiment of the present invention. on the other.
FIG. 7 is a side view of the present invention shown 20 All the problems and drawbacks associated with each
in the “off” position and mounted along the side of the of these prior art sharping levers have been discussed in
neck of the harp.
FIG. 8 is a top view of the present invention. detail in the foregoing sections of thisv application.
FIG. 9 is an exploded view showing the individual These problems include excessive string deterioration,
components parts forming the sharping lever of the 25 uneven handle movement, “zinkering” of the strings by
present invention. over plucking, non-adjustable riveted handles, insuffi
FIG. 10 is a side view of the present invention as cient one-point contact with the string, handles which
mounted along the side of the neck of the harp and are uncomfortable to operate, excessive string displace
> rotated to the “on” position. ment, and untrue pitch alterations due to overrotation in
30 the cam.
DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE Referring now to FIGS. 6-10, several views of the
INVENTION sharping lever of the currently preferred embodiment
Referring to FIGS. 10 and 1b, there is shown a harp of the present invention are shown. Sharping lever 50
10 formed as usual with a body 11, a neck or arch 12 and comprises an L-shaped bracket 53 which includes a
a post 13. The top of the body comprises a soundboard 35 section 70, having a slot 51 for mounting the bracket
15. As usual, strings, such as 14 are stretched between against the neck, and a section 69 for mounting the cam.
the neck 12 and the longitudinal axis of soundboard 15 As can be seen from FIGS. 6-10, section 69 is generally
running from the base end up to the treble end located perpendicular to mounting portion 70. Although not
near the neck 12. The strings are secured to the sound required for proper operation, portion 69 is angled
board along a narrow hardwood strip 16 which is se 40 downward by approximately 10°—20° to allow easy
cured centrally on the surface of soundboard 15. Each adjustments in the fret height via slot 51 and screw 60.
string is attached to a tuning pin 20 located along the The angle also allows mounting screw 60 to be located
top portion of neck 12. String 14 is coiled around tuning higher up on the neck to accomodate harps having
pin 20 to provide the proper tension for the particular small neck surfaces.
string. The length of the string is ordinarily de?ned as 45 Bracket 53 is ordinarily machined from a hard metal
being between the hardwood strip 16 located on sound such as brass or steel; alternatively a hard plastic may be
board 15 and a bridge pin 21. Bridge pin 21 has located used. When attached to neck 12, surface 52 is mounted
near its tip a tapered groove 22 over which string 14 is ?ushly against the string side of neck 12. Bracket 53 is
pressed to precisely de?ne the vibrating length of string secured to the neck by using a threaded screw 60 which
14. If desired, a sharping lever would be mounted di 50 passes through slot 51. Slot 51 is elongated to permit
rectly below bridge pin 21 for each string of the string tonal-adjustments according to the position of bracket
band. 53 relative to pin 21. When sharping lever 50 is in the
FIGS. 2-5 show several prior art sharping levers, “on” position, the force or resistance exerted by the
each of which has been previously discussed in the string on the lever is directed normal (i.e., perpendicu
background of the invention. For instance, FIG. 2 55 lar) to the neck attachment surface. Because the force is
shows a sharping lever 25 manufactured by Lyon and perpendicular, and not parallel as in most prior art
Healy Harps of Chicago, Illinois. This lever comprises sharping levers, only one screw is required to secure
a mounting bracket 26 which is attached to the string lever 50 to the neck. In those levers that force the string
side of neck 12. To turn the lever to the “on” position parallel to the neck surface, the pressure tends to rotate
(i.e., to sharpen the tone of the string by one-half note), 60 the lever-consequently two or more screws are
handle 27 is pulled up, rotating tip 28 around pivot point needed to secure the bracket to the neck.
29 until tip 28 contacts the string at the correct position. Extending outward from section 69 of bracket 53 are
FIG. 3 shows another prior art sharping lever 30 three cylindrically shaped studs. These include fret 56,
comprising a circular cam 34 riveted to a mounting cam shaft 57 and cam stop 61. In the preferred embodi~
bracket 32. Lever 30 also comprises a graduated flange, 65 ment, each of these cylindrical shafts comprise a stain
or edge, 31 located along the outer edge of circular disk less steel self-clinching stud which is press-?t into holes
34. When handle 33 is lifted, the wide portion of edge 31 located along the side of bracket 53. This press-?t
comes in contact with string 14. The cam shifts the method provides a secure bonding means by which
7 8
each shaft is attached to mounting bracket 53. (The bility eliminates the possibility of a handle becoming too
self-clinching studs are manufactured by PEM, Inc.) tight or too loose for easy, ?uid rotation. In the pre
Cam shaft 57 extends perpendicularly outward from ferred embodiment, nut 58 comprises a self-locking
section 69 of mounting bracket 53. As can be seen in Nylock nut.
FIG. 9, approximately half of the length of cam shaft 57 Referring now in to FIG. 8, a top view of the sharp
is threaded. The diameter of the shaft in the preferred ing lever is shown. As can be seen from FIG. 8, the
embodiment is 0.120 inches, while the thread size combination of washers 62-64 provide a spacing be
‘matches standard screw size 5-40. The maximum diam tween cam 59 and mounting bracket 53. This spacing
eter of the thread is equal to 0.120, or approximately the directly aligns tip 55 to string 14. (The mounting
diameter of the shaft. 10 bracket typically is mounted such that plate portion 69
Cam 59 is molded of a high lubricity plastic, such as of bracket 53 is sufficiently far from string 14 so that it
Debrin II. It also includes a hole 656 which matches the will never contact string 14 no matter how hard the
diameter of cam shaft 57 (i.e, 0.120 inches). When as harpist plucks the string.) Because the plane of vibration
sembled, cam 59 is pressed onto cam shaft far enough to of string 14 is parallel to the shaft of fret 56 is ordinarily
center it on the unthreaded portion of cam shaft 57. A positioned close to string 14. In general, the closer fret
snug ?t is maintained by matching the size of hole 65 56 is to string 14, the less displacement that is required
with the diameter of cam shaft 57. Since cam 59 is of string 14 during sharping. Most often, fret 56 is posi
molded of a high lubricity plastic, cam 59 may be ro tioned such that it rarely contacts string 14 during nor
tated gently and smoothly around cam shaft 57 without mal playing (i.e., when the sharping lever is in the “off’
slippage or sticking. 20 position.) The distance between the side surface of neck
Cam 59 also includes a handle 54 and a tip 55. The 12 and string 14 is de?ned by bridge pin 21. This latter
shape of the cam handle is a gentle ?owing curve that is distance is used to determine the relative position of fret
contoured to ?t the shape of the harpists’ thumb and 56 to section 70 of the bracket.
forefmgers-providing comfortable movement. Tip 55 To operate sharping lever 50 the harpist merely raises
is machined with a gradually receding groove which 25 the cam handle 54 in an approximate 35° arc, stopping at
matches the diameter of string 14. As will be discussed a position of approximately ten o’clock. The cam tip 55
in more detail later, when the cam is turned or rotated contacts the strip about the mid-point of its rotation, at
to an “on” position, tip 55 of cam 59 contacts the string which time it begins to displace the string. The second
and presses it against fret 56. This ?rm contact is essen half of the rotation presses the string firmly against fret
tial for an excellent tone and also for eliminating any 30 56.
possibility of zinkering. Sharping lever 50 also includes a stop pin 61 located
The groove at cam tip 55 is made just wide enough to directly below cam shaft 59. This stop pin has two basic
provide a secure grip on string 14 when cam 59 is ro functions. In the “off” position, stop 61 contacts the
tated. Ordinarily, the width of this graduated groove underside of cam 59 at point 71 (see FIG. 7). This pre
matches the diameter of string 14. With harp string 14 35 vents the cam from over rotating whereby handle 54
securely held by grooved tip 55, the harpist may aggres would contact string 14. When rotated to the “on”
sively pluck the string without producing a buzzing or position, stop 61 acts to contact the underside of cam 59
zinkering tone. at point 72 (see FIG. 10) thereby preventing overrota
One key aspect of the present invention is the two tion of the cam and insuring that string 14 is displaced
point contact system manifested by lever 50. As can be 40 by the minimal distance required for excellent tone.
most easily seen in FIG. 10, when cam 59 is rotated to Thus, stop pin 61 prevents overrotation of cam 59 in
an “on” position tip 55 contacts the string at point 73, both directions.
which is located between fret 56 and bridge pin 21. The It is appreciated that the relative positions and spac
exact location of contact point 73 varies according to ings of cam shaft 57, fret 56 and stop pin 61 may vary or
the size of the cam and the spacing of the cam shaft 45 be adjusted depending on the particular size of the cam,
relative to the fret 56. After contact by tip 55, string 14 the distance of the string to the neck surface, or the
is pressed against fret 56 until a second contact point is physical dimensions of the mounting bracket, without
established at location 74. This two-point method cre detracting from the spirit or scope of the present inven
ates a very ?rm contact between string 14 and fret 56. tion. All that is required is then when cam 59 is rotated
Using this method, the string displacement is minima 50 to its “on” position, lever 50 contacts the string in two
l—the strings being bent only slightly over the particu points as previously discussed, (i.e., at tip 55 and fret
lar fret. ' 56). In the currently preferred embodiment, fret 56 is
Referring now to FIG. 9, an exploded view of the located 0.515 inches away from the center of cam shaft
sharping lever device of the present invention is shown. 57 and 0.515 inches away from stop pin 61. Stop pin 61
Positioned between the side surface of cam 59 and plate 55 is located directly beneath cam shaft by 0.25 inches.
portion 69 of L-bracket 53 are a plurality of spacing and Additionally, the height of mounting bracket 53 is 0.67
tensioning washers. Washers 62—64 provide a means for inches and slot 51 has a length of 0.136 inches. Slot 51
spacing from the cam an adequate distance from the allows vertical adjustment of the mounting bracket
surface of bracket 53. They also provide tension or along the side of neck 12 to precisely de?ne the sharp
pressure against the side of cam 59. This adjustable 60 ened tone (i.e., such that fret 56 contacts the string
tension insures that cam 59 will not be easily rotated thereby shortening it vibrating length by a factor of
‘(e.g., slippage) without the aid of the harpist. Washers 0.0555).
62 and 63 comprise Belleville spring washers while Thus, a sharping lever for use in a musical instrument
washer 64 is an ordinary single brass ?at washer. When has been described.
assembled, cam 59 is nested between the outer nylon 65 I claim:
washer 68 and the inner spring bed consisting of washer 1. An apparatus for shortening the vibrating length of
62-64. The entire assembly is secured by nut 58, which a harp string comprising:
also provides a means of tension adjustment. This capa a bracket;
a cam shaft securely attached to said bracket; being spaced apart from said cam shaft and gener
a fret member having a cylindrical surface said fret ally parallel to the plane to vibration of said harp
being securely attached to said bracket and posi string,
tioned away from said cam shaft; said bracket being mounted such that said harp string
mounting means for attaching said bracket along the 5 is located between said cam shaft and said fret, said
neck of the harp such that said harp string is posi harp string being closer to said fret than to said cam
tioned between said cam shaft and said fret, the shaft;
plane of vibration of said harp string being gener a cam rotatably mounted on said cam shaft, said cam
ally parallel to said fret; having an elongated handle located at one end of
a cam rotatably mounted on said cam shaft, said cam said cam and a grooved tip located at the opposite
having a grooved tip member which securely holds end of said cam such that rotation of said cam by
and presses said harp string against said cylindrical said handle causes said grooved tip to contact and
surface of said fret when said cam is rotated, hold said harp string at a point between the bridg
thereby shortening said vibrating length of said ing pin and said fret, continued rotation of said cam
harp string; and 15 causing said harp string to be pressed against said
a stop pin for halting the rotation of said cam to pre cylindrical surface of said fret, said cam further
vent excessive tension from developing in said harp comprising a high lubricity plastic material to mini
string. _ mize the wear on said harp string; and
2. The apparatus of claim 1 wherein said grooved tip a stop pin securely mounted to said second surface of
comprises a high lubricity plastic material to minimize said bracket effective to half the rotation of said
the war on said harp string. cam after said tip presses said harp string against
3. An apparatus for shortening the vibrating length of said fret.
a harp string comprising: 4. The apparatus of claim 3 further comprising a
an L-shaped bracket having a slotted ?rst surface screw threaded into said neck through said slotted ?rst
mounted to the neck of the harp and a second sur 25 surface to fasten said first surface of saidv bracket ?ushly
face perpendicular to said ?rst surface; against said neck and to facilitate vertical adjustment of
a cam shaft securely attached to said bracket and said bracket along said neck.
perpendicular to said second surface; 5. The apparatus of claim 4 wherein said stop pin, said
a fret having a cylindrical surface said fret being fret and said cam shaft are integrally attached to said
securely attached to said bracket and positioned 30 bracket.
* # i t t
perpendicular to said second surface, said fret also






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