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Acoustic Impedance

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Journal of Sound and <ibration (2001) 243(1), 127}144

doi:10.1006/jsvi.2000.3346, available online at on


School of Physics, ¹he ;niversity of New South =ales, Sydney 2052, Australia.

(Received 26 June 2000, and in ,nal form 25 September 2000)

Instruments in the #ute family, unlike most wind instruments, are played with the input of
the instrument open to the atmosphere. Consequently, they operate at minima in the
spectrum of acoustic input impedance. Detailed examination of these minima requires
measurements with large dynamic range, which is why the #ute has not been hitherto
investigated in detail. We report the application of a technique with high precision and large
dynamic range to measurements of the impedance spectra of #utes. We compare the
acoustical impedance spectra of two examples of the modern orchestral #ute and an example
of the classical #ute. For each instrument, we measured several dozen of the most commonly
used di!erent acoustic con"gurations or "ngerings. The results are used to explain features
of the spectra of the sound produced, to explain performance features and di$culties of the
instruments, and to explain the di!erences between the performances of the classical and
modern instruments. Some hundreds of spectra and sound "les are given in JSV#to allow
further examination.
 2001 Academic Press


The #ute is much older than history [1], and today is one of the most popular wind
instruments. The sound is excited by a jet of air striking an edge and thus it belongs to the
diverse air jet family, which includes the recorder, shakuhachi, syrinx, quena, ocarina and
organ pipes. An excellent account of the history and construction of the #ute is given in
reference [2].
The air jet can be excited by a transverse acoustic #ow, and it then ampli"es sinuous
waves travelling along it. In the presence of an acoustic resonator*the body of the
instrument*alternate de#ections of the jet into and out of the resonator can sustain
oscillations in the resonator over a small range of suitable values of the jet velocity and
length. Thus, the operating frequency is largely determined by the resonances of the bore of
the instrument and the speed and length of the jet. The interaction between the two can be
understood in terms of the acoustic impedance of the resonating bore Z ( f ) (the ratio of
acoustic pressure to volume #ow). The operation of various #ute-family instruments is
discussed in detail in reference [3] and a brief summary is given later in the present article.
Because it involves air jet excitation, the input aperture (embouchure hole) of #utes is
necessarily open to the external air, whereas in most other wind instruments it is sealed by
a reed and/or the player's lips. The #ute therefore operates at minima in the Z ( f ) of the
resonator. This is the reason why there are relatively few experimental studies of the linear

- Permanent address: Research School of Physical Sciences and Engineering, Australian National University,
Canberra 0200, Australia.

0022-460X/01/210127#18 $35.00/0  2001 Academic Press

128 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

acoustics of the #ute: to determine Z ( f ) su$ciently well to study the minima precisely, one
requires measurements with large dynamic range. Indeed, for most measurements of reed
and lip}reed instruments, Z ( f ) is plotted on a linear scale, so that most of the curve lies on
the Z"0 axis, or is obscured by noise.
In this paper, we describe a technique that achieves the required dynamic range. It is an
adaptation of a spectrometer originally designed to operate rapidly for measurements on
the vocal tract during speech [4, 5]. We synthesize a signal comprising all of the desired
frequency components. For the #ute, we use the range from 200 Hz (lower than the lowest
note on the instrument) to either 3000 or 4000 Hz. The impedance spectrum has little
structure above about 3 kHz and the standard range of the instrument does not include
notes with fundamentals above 3 kHz. This synthesized signal is converted to an acoustic
current via an ampli"er, loudspeaker, impedance matching horns and an attenuator with
a high acoustic impedance. Because it is di$cult to measure the volume #ow with high
precision over a large range, our technique, like most previous techniques [6}8], compares
known and unknown impedances. We use this instrument to measure the acoustic
impedance at the input or embouchure hole of #utes.
In the #ute, as in other woodwind instruments, the resonances of the instrument are
varied by opening and closing di!erent combinations of keys. Each combination is called
a "ngering, and good players know at least several dozens of these. A much longer list is
given by Dick [9]. Much of the interest in the acoustic performance of the instrument comes
from comparing and contrasting the performance of di!erent "ngerings for the same or for
di!erent notes, so we report acoustic impedance spectra for several dozen di!erent
"ngerings for the #utes studied. We also report sound spectra. Together, there are too many
data for conventional publishing, so in this paper we choose a small number of curves to
illustrate some points, while we publish the complete set (including sound "les)
electronically in JSV#.



We report studies on #utes that are variants on two basic geometries (Figure 1). The body
of the modern or Boehm #ute is nearly cylindrical, but the head joint is tapered towards the
embouchure end. The #ute of the 18th and early 19th centuries (the classical #ute) is
approximately conical over much of its length, with a cylindrical head joint. The constraints
of manufacturing the varying tapers means that both #utes are usually made in sections.
The head joint includes the embouchure hole and has no keys. In the modern #ute, the body
is a long joint that has most of the holes and/or keys. In the classical #ute studied here, the
&&body'' comprised two sections, one with the holes operated by the left hand, and the other
with all or most of the holes operated by the right. Various di!erent foot joints are used on
di!erent #utes. On the modern #ute, the C foot has three tone holes (all operated by the
right little "nger) and permits a lowest note of C4. The longer B foot has an extra tone hole
and allows B3 to be played. This change produces substantial acoustical di!erences,
especially at the extremes of the range. The classical #ute is and was much less standardized.
It may have a short foot stopping at D4, or a longer foot that may descend to C4. The
geometry of the foot may continue the cone of the body, or may #are out slightly at the end.
The modern #utes studied here are production-line models, which are widely available at
relatively modest price. This choice was made to facilitate comparisons by other
researchers. There are no production line classical #utes. Further, the original instruments
of that period, usually made of wood, have changed their geometry over time. The

Figure 1. Fingering and acoustic schematic diagram for the modern and classical #utes. From the top are
shown a "ngering diagram for the modern #ute, a sketch of the modern #ute and an acoustic schematic of that
instrument. Next is a "ngering diagram and schematic for the classical #ute. A similar legend is used for all the
"ngerings and notes in the database. The example chosen here is the "ngering for the notes F4 and F5.

instrument we studied was made by a local maker. It is pitched at A4"440 Hz, as are the
modern #utes, which facilitates comparison with them. It has three interchangeable feet,
examples of the three mentioned above.
Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of the modern and classical #utes, a simpli"ed
acoustical schematic of each, and "ngering diagrams that would be immediately familiar to
a #utist. The example chosen is the "ngering used to play either F4 or F5 (the player adjusts
the jet length and speed to play the two notes). The "ngering diagram shows a player how to
"nger these notes: for the modern #ute, three "ngers and the thumb of the left hand depress
their home keys, as do the "rst and fourth "ngers of the right hand. This can readily be
related to the sketch of the #ute, indicating which keys are touched on the instrument, and
also to a simpli"ed acoustic schematic of the instrument. For the note F4, the "rst six holes
most remote from the embouchure hole are open, because F4 is six semitones above the
lowest note (B3) on this instrument. Eleven holes are closed: this is possible because one
"nger key may close more than one hole, and because some holes are opened by keys rather
than closed. All tone holes on the instrument are approximately the same diameter, as
shown in the acoustic schematic, except for the three holes closest to the embouchure hole.
The two closest are the smallest holes, and are used as register holes for some of the highest
notes, or for trills (rapid alternations of two notes) which would otherwise cross the &&break''
between the "rst register (fundamental) and second register (second harmonic). The third
small hole is used as a register hole for several notes (D5, D6, DC5, A6) and also as a tone
hole for the transition between C5 and CC5, or between C6 and CC6. This double use
requires that it be further up the tube than the expected place for such a tone hole, and this
in turn requires it to be small so as to have a large end e!ect. Most of the holes are
approximately in line, those o!-line are shown as ellipses. In one case there are two keys at
the same distance from the embouchure hole: these are alternates: they are very rarely
130 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

opened together (one "ngering for CC7 is an exception), and exist mainly as an historical
accident. The trill keys, the home key for the left fourth "nger and the home key for the right
fourth "nger are closed when not touched. In the modern #ute, the body is cylindrical and
the head had a slight conical taper. An adjustable cork in the head makes the acoustic
length rather shorter than the length of the instrument, as shown. In contrast, the classical
#ute (shown below) has a body with a slight conical taper. The "ngering diagram (again for
F4/5) shows that three "ngers of the left hand cover the holes assigned to them. The "rst two
"ngers of the right hand close their holes. The third "nger has two jobs: it can either cover
a hole or depress the &&F'' key. Here it does the latter, as indicated by the black shaded key on
the "ngering diagram. On this #ute, this is the only key, and it opens a hole when depressed,
so the ellipse at the end of the &&F'' key is shown white for this "ngering.
The radical change in the #ute in the 19th century was much larger and more abrupt than
that of the other woodwind instruments. This was due to the #utist and #ute maker
Theobold Boehm, who aimed to make the #ute louder, its timbre more homogeneous from
note to note, and its tuning more in accord with that of other instruments [10].
In the classical #ute, successive opening of the "nger holes produces a diatonic scale
(D major). Some of the remaining notes are produced by opening an extra tone hole, which
is normally closed by a key. Others are produced by &&cross "ngering'', i.e., closing one or
more holes downstream of the "rst open hole. This gives di!erent timbre to adjacent notes.
Boehm's "rst innovation was the introduction of larger holes on the conical-bore #ute,
which made the instrument louder, and key rings and a coupling mechanism to avoid
cross-"ngering, which made the timbre more homogeneous. This system allowed the notes
of the chromatic scale over most of the range to be played with all of the holes downstream
of a particular point open. In search of a still bigger sound, he redesigned the bore:
a cylindrical body and a tapered head pro"le, which he (inaccurately) called &&parabolic''.
The cylindrical bore of the modern Boehm #ute is larger (19 mm diameter) than that of the
classical #ute everywhere except near the embouchure hole, where it tapers to about 17 mm.
This larger bore reduces energy losses near the walls. More importantly, the tone holes are
considerably larger (about 13 mm diameter) and almost uniform in size, and so radiate
more strongly. They also produce a brighter sound, as discussed later. Boehm developed
a new system of coupled keys to cover these tone holes, now much too large for the unaided
"ngers. Thus, most of the ordinary notes of the instrument require no cross-"ngering and
this, together with the large tone holes, makes the downstream bore more nearly
approximate a truncated pipe. This produces a more homogeneous timbre. The changes to
the #ute since Boehm have been relatively minor. Boehm's revolutionary changes to the
#ute in#uenced the design of the saxophone, and were also imitated (to a lesser extent) on
the clarinet. (The oboe and bassoon remain much more like their ancestors, having small
tone holes and, particularly on the bassoon, less rational key systems.)


It is possible to link the "ndings of this empirical study with conclusions reached by
theoretical means. Detailed discussion, with extensive references, is given in reference [3],
but it is helpful to summarize the theoretical conclusions here.

2.2.1. ¹he air jet

Only a simpli"ed discussion of the sound production process in the #ute is required for
our purposes. First, the blowing pressure and jet length must be sensitively adjusted by the
player to give the correct phase relation between the acoustic #ow that is exciting the jet and
the propagation of sinuous waves along the jet to vary its in#ow into the embouchure hole.
This is why the example "ngering shown in Figure 1 is cited for two di!erent notes: a faster
(or shorter) jet can be used to excite a standing wave at the second, rather than at the "rst,
impedance minimum. More importantly for our present concerns is the response of the
instrument to this oscillating jet #ow. If the jet has air velocity V and area S and the #ute
tube has area S , then the acoustic wave sustained in the #ute by the jet has volume #ow
(V#juD¸)o VS
U " (, (1)
. S Z( f )
where D¸ is the end-correction at the embouchure, u"2nf is the angular frequency and o is
the density of air. (Bold characters represent complex quantities.) Z ( f ) is the input
impedance of the #ute as measured from outside the embouchure hole, in such a way that
the radiation impedance of the embouchure hole is included. This equation indicates the
importance of measuring this input impedance, and shows that the #ute sounds at the
minima in Z ( f ). The whole situation is, however, rather more complex than this analysis
suggests, for the calculation must actually be extended to include harmonics of the
fundamental tone. Sound generation is most e$cient when the frequencies of the impedance
minima closely approximate a harmonic series (1, 2, 3,...), for then all harmonics generated
by the non-linear jet process are reinforced.

2.2.2. Bore and head joint

The major acoustic losses in a wind instrument are created by viscous and thermal e!ects
at the tube walls, rather than by acoustic radiation. Wave attenuation in the bore increases
with increasing frequency as ( f and with decreasing tube radius as r\. There is thus more
loss in the tapering tube of a classical #ute than in a modern cylindrical Boehm #ute, and all
resonances become less pronounced at high frequencies. The taper of the head joint also has
an important role in adjusting the #ute intonation [11, 12] by decreasing the frequency of
the low-octave resonances relative to those at higher pitch. This takes account of the
changes in blowing pressure and in lip coverage of the embouchure hole in typical #ute
performance technique. The material from which the #ute is made is expected to have little
e!ect on the properties measured here, apart from its in#uence on surface "nish (which
should be very smooth) and the shape of "nger holes (which should not have sharp edges).
The detailed geometry of the lip plate and embouchure hole (shape, chimney height,
undercut angle, edge sharpness, etc.) are all vitally important in determining the tone and
responsiveness of the instrument.

2.2.3. Finger holes

Finger holes have important acoustic in#uences both when closed (when they contribute
small extra volumes to the bore) and when open (when they provide an inertive shunt to the
outside air). The internal standing wave in the #ute bore always extends some distance past
the "rst open hole (which is why &&cross-"ngerings'' work to produce semitones) and, in the
case of notes in the third octave, along the whole bore (which is why high-octave "ngerings
are complex) [13]. Benade [14] has examined the behaviour of a row of open "nger holes
and concluded that they act as a high-pass "lter, the cut-o! frequency being determined by
the hole size and spacing in such a way that small holes give a low cut-o! frequency, this
frequency typically being in the range 1500}2000 Hz. Above the cut-o! frequency, waves
propagate rather freely along the instrument bore and are not re#ected, hence eliminating
132 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

high-frequency resonances and reducing the strength of higher harmonics in the tone. It is
largely for this reason that classical #utes sound &&mellow'', with a cut-o! of around 1500 Hz
on most "ngerings, while the modern #ute is much &&brighter'' in tone quality, having
a cut-o! somewhat above 2000 Hz. This cut-o! frequency also limits the pitch of the highest
note playable on the instrument, about A6 on a classical #ute and about F7 on a modern
While the tone holes on a modern #ute are all nearly the same size, the "nger holes on
a classical #ute are much smaller and have di!erent diameters, partly to bring their
positions conveniently under the "ngers, and partly to adjust the intonation on
cross-"ngered and high-octave notes. This means that the tone quality is not completely
uniform from one note to another across the compass of the instrument, a feature regarded
as a de"ciency in modern music, but sometimes exploited to advantage in music of earlier
For notes in the third and fourth octaves (i.e., above CC6), it is not generally adequate to
use simply a higher blowing pressure and the same "ngering as for a lower octave. Part of
the reason is that the lower-octave impedance minima are deeper than those at high
frequencies, and are in addition supported by one or more upper resonances in closely
harmonic relationship. The "ngerings used for the uppermost octave are therefore designed
to enhance the prominence of the desired upper-octave resonance while at the same time
reducing the height or shifting the frequency of competing lower resonances. In hand-made
classical wooden instruments, the maker may also introduce small variations in bore radius
at appropriate places to enhance these e!ects.



The modern #utes studied were production line instruments (Pearl PF-661, closed hole,
C foot and B foot). On these mass produced instruments, both the open and closed hole
variants use the same &&scale'' (i.e., positioning of tone holes). For standard measurements,
the position of the cork in the head joint was set at 17)5 mm from the centre of the
embouchure hole, and the tuning slide was set at 4 mm. These values are typical values used
by #utists playing at standard pitch.
The classical #ute was made by Terry McGee of Canberra, Australia. The dimensions of
the instrument are based on those of a large-hole Rudall and Rose #ute (R & R C655 from
the Bate Collection in Oxford) but the scale has been adjusted to play at 440 Hz. It has
a head joint, a joint with three tone holes closed by the "ngers of the left hand, a further joint
with three tone holes closed by the "ngers of the right hand and one mechanical key,
normally closed, whose opening makes the transition from E4 to F4 or from E5 to F5. It has
three interchangeable feet: one is a C foot in the classical style, modelled on the Rudall and
Rose instrument. Another is a D foot: it plays D4 with all holes closed. The third foot is also
a C foot, but its bore is larger than that of the classical foot, and the bore increases slightly at
the end. This foot was designed for use in Irish music, which often uses #utes of the classical
design. This #ute is made of gidgee wood (Acacia cambagii).
Most measurements were made at ¹"25$0)53C and relative humidity 58$2%. Both
of these values are considerably lower than those in #utes being played, and thus the
features of the measurements here occur at frequencies about 2% lower than they would
be on a #ute being played (about 30 cents #at). We judged that correcting for a di!erent
value of the speed of sound was easier than the inconvenience of operating at high
temperature and humidity. Further, the temperature and humidity are presumably
functions of position in the #ute being played, and these conditions are di$cult to
reproduce in the spectrometer. (Cork and tuning slide position, temperature and humidity
were also varied to determine their e!ect on relative and absolute tuning, and on
harmonicity. These results will be discussed elsewhere.)


The impedance spectrometer is shown in Figure 2(a). The signal is synthesized on

a computer and output via a 16-bit AD card (National Instruments NBA-2100) to a power
ampli"er and pair of loudspeakers. An exponential horn (cut-o! frequency 200 Hz) matches
the speakers to the attenuator.
The attenuator comprises a truncated conical plug located inside, and coaxial with,
a truncated conical hole. The two conical surfaces are spaced by three straight pieces of "ne
wire (diameter 120 km) placed at 1203 intervals in the annular space between them. The
input side is shaped as shown (Figure 2(b)) to improve further the impedance matching. The
choice of the output impedance of the attenuator is a compromise between a high value,
which improves the accuracy for high measured impedances, and a low value, which allows
a greater current, higher signal-to-noise ratios and therefore better precision for
low-impedance measurements.
Small electret microphones are mounted at either end of the attenuator. Only the
downstream microphone is used for calibration and measurement. The upstream
microphone is used in a preliminary experiment to put an upper bound on the e!ect of
re#ections from the downstream end the attenuator. The output of the attenuator is a tube
of 7)8 mm internal diameter, equal to that of our calibration reference and slightly smaller
than the embouchure hole of each #ute.
Our reference impedance for calibration is a &&semi-in"nite'' cylindrical waveguide:
a straight, stainless-steel pipe of 7)8 mm internal diameter. Its impedance is therefore purely
resistive. Its length of 42 m was determined by the width of the Physics building. At 200 Hz,
a tube of this diameter has an attenuation coe$cient of 0)11 m\"!1)0 dB/m [3] so the
echo returns with a loss of 80 dB or greater. (The dynamic range of the instrument is a little
greater than 80 dB, but the precision is less than this. The echo returning during calibration
coincides with a frequency component of the input which is 80 dB or more greater, and so
can be ignored.) Its impedance is therefore resistive, with resistance equal to its
characteristic impedance, R "8)5 MPa s/m. Swagelock "ttings are used to connect the

Figure 2. The impedance spectrometer (a) and the con"guration for calibration (b) and for measurement (c). The
"gure is not so scale.
134 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

Figure 3. Z ( f ) for an open, stainless-steel cylinder of length 596)7 mm and diameter 7)8 mm. The impedance is
expressed in dB with respect to one acoustic ohm, i.e. 20 log (Z/Pa.s.m\).

elements. The &&semi-in"nite'' pipe is enclosed in a plastic pipe for sound insulation, and the
plastic pipe is mounted from the ceiling via rubber bushes. The use of a frequency
independent reference impedance improves the signal-to-noise ratio over the whole range,
and obviates the need for more than one microphone in routine calibration or
Before calibration, the desired dependence upon frequency of the acoustic current u ( f )
is chosen. If noise is distributed approximately equally across frequencies, it is advantageous
to use a signal that is frequency independent to achieve uniform signal-to-noise ratio. For
these experiments, in which low-frequency noise was not a major problem, the acoustic
current was therefore chosen to be independent of frequency. A voltage waveform V ( f ),
with frequency independent harmonic components over the desired range, was synthesized
and input to the power ampli"er. The acoustic pressure is measured with the downstream
microphone and sent via low noise preampli"ers, whose gain is computer controlled, to the
AD card. The pressure spectrum p ( f ) is calculated. p ( f ) includes the frequency
dependence of the AD card, ampli"ers, speakers, horn, attenuator, other plumbing and
microphone. A calibrated waveform is then synthesized with Fourier components V ( f )
proportional to V / p ( f ). This signal is then output, via the same elements, to the
reference impedance. The microphone now returns a calibrated spectrum p ( f ), in this case
a &&#at spectrum'', i.e., a signal whose Fourier components are essentially independent of
frequency. These p ( f ) are recorded. The relative phases of the harmonic components of V
are adjusted to improve signi"cantly the signal-to-noise ratios of our measurements [15].
Finally, the performance of the spectrometer was checked by measuring the impedance of
a series of open, stainless-steel cylinders, for which the input impedance was calculated
using the radiation impedance as the termination at the open end [3], and values of the
speed of sound from [16] (Figure 3). The theoretical curve is not shown because it obscures
almost all points. The discrepancies between theory and experiment occur when Z( f )
approaches 100 MPa s/m, where the "nite output impedance limits the precision, as
discussed below.


For measurements of acoustic impedance very much less than that of the attenuator, the
spectrometer source may be approximated as an ideal current source and so the acoustic
current equals u ( f ). The output of the attenuator is e!ectively in parallel with the system
being measured, so the attenuator conductance was subtracted from both calibrations and
measurements. From the dimensions of the attenuator we calculate a characteristic
impedance for the attenuator Z "170 MPa s/m. The actual impedance is likely to di!er
a little, because the spacing wires are not perfectly straight. We therefore determine the
value of Z by measuring known loads with high impedances, which in this case were the
"rst maxima in the impedance spectra of open stainless-steel cylinders. This gives a value of
155 MPa s/m. The attenuation of the travelling wave in the narrow space between the
cones is large, so the attenuator output is expected to behave like a pure
resistance*another semi-in"nite waveguide. This assumption requires that the wave
travelling from the output of the attenuator, back to the input of the attenuator and then
back to the output may be neglected. To check this, the upstream microphone was used to
measure the pressure waveform at the input of the attenuator during calibrations (where the
load was 8)5 MPa s/m, independent of frequency) and measurements of cylinders with
strong resonances (where Z ( f ) varied from 20 kPa s/m to 200 MPa s/m). No measurable
di!erence was observed, so the attenuation in this wave is su$cient to permit its neglect in
the measurements.
Thus, the subtraction of the attenuator conductance should allow precise measurements
less than about 100 MPa s/m. This exceeds the maxima in Z ( f ) of the #ute where, in any
case, the minima are of much greater interest. (For measurements on other wind instrument
families, where the maxima are of greater interest than the minima, the same technique may
be used with a higher value output impedance.)


As expressed in equation (1), the response of the #ute to the driving force provided by an
oscillating air jet is inversely proportional to an impedance Z ( f ) that is the sum of the input
impedance of the #ute tube as measured on a plane at the exterior entry to the embouchure
hole plus the radiation impedance of the embouchure hole measured on this same plane [3].
Because it is relatively straightforward to estimate the value of this radiation impedance,
our approach involves replacing it by the impedance of an appropriate short length of tube
"xed to the exterior of the embouchure hole, and then measuring the input impedance of the
#ute at the outer end of this tube.
The impedance head used here (Figure 2(c)) is designed to allow a measurement that,
without any further corrections, approximates the input impedance of the #ute under
typical playing conditions. The dimensions are several millimetres and the frequencies of
interest ((3 kHz) have wavelengths longer than 100 mm, so the plane wave approximation
should be good at low frequencies and acceptable at high frequencies.
As discussed above, the impedance head includes a short length of tube designed to
compensate for the e!ects at the embouchure hole under playing conditions. The radiation
impedance of a ba%ed pipe is approximately equal to that of an ideal tube with a length
about 0)85a, where a is its radius. In the absence of the player's face, the radiation load at the
embouchure would therefore be approximately that of a pipe with the same area and length
0)85a. In practice, the equivalent length is longer because the player's lower lip occludes part
of the hole and his face acts as a ba%e, reducing the solid angle available for radiation.
Let the player's lips leave open a fraction g of the hole, and assume that the face leaves open
a fraction h of the solid angle available for radiation. The radiation impedance would then be

0)85a juo
Z " , (2)
P?B (g hS
136 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

where S is the area of the embouchure hole (about 90 mm). We use a pipe with smaller
cross-section than the embouchure hole so that positioning of the impedance head is not
critical. The impedance Z of the coupling section of the pipe that is to simulate the
radiation load, is

juo¸ 0)85 a juo

Z" A"Z " , (3)
A S P?B (g hS
where ¸ is the length and S the cross-sectional area. We use a value of 6 mm for ¸ . This is
chosen empirically so that, at the corresponding temperatures and humidities, the
impedance minima correspond to the played notes. Therefore,

0)85a S
h (g" A "0)3, (4)
¸ S
which approximately corresponds to g"h"0)5. The e!ect of changing g and h can
therefore be simulated by changing ¸ . Further, this can be done theoretically using the
transfer matrix for a cylindrical pipe where, for this length, losses may reasonably be
neglected [3].

3.5. MEASURING Z ( f )

The impedance head, including the microphones and attenuator, were connected to the
#ute via the adaptor shown in Figure 2(c), which is acoustically equivalent to a cylinder. The
adaptor has the same radius as the calibration cylinder and is 6)0 mm long. This load may
be removed by calculation from the resultant measurement, but its dimensions were chosen
so as to give an impedance equivalent to that of the radiation impedance of the embouchure
hole under typical playing conditions (see the previous section and reference [17] for more
details). A thin gasket made of #exible casting compound (Wacker Elastosil M4503, Barnes,
Sydney) is used to seal the measurement head to the #ute.
The reference signal is applied to the #ute and the Fourier components p ( f ) are then
measured. The total admittance p ( f )/(p ( f ) ) R ) is calculated, and the attenuator
conductance is subtracted to give the #ute admittance. When measurements are "nished,
the spectrometer is reconnected to the reference impedance and a measurement is taken to
compare with the calibration.
Background noise in the laboratory, although rather quiet, could a!ect measurement of
the weak pressure signals at the impedance minima. For this reason, the musical instrument,
or other load to be measured, was placed inside a rigid box, which was lined with
acoustically absorbent materials to minimize resonances of the box. The operator (who is
also a #utist) passed his arms through rigid &&sleeves'' on the box to "nger the instrument and
triggered measurements with a foot control.


Because sound spectra depend very strongly on parameters determined by the player, by
the radiation pattern of the #ute, and by recording conditions, sound spectra recorded for
human players can only be regarded as examples. The obtaining of examples typical of
playing by a #utist under realistic, musically comfortable conditions are not consistent with
obtaining exactly repeatable spectra. Sound spectra were measured at a distance of about
1 m directly in front of the player in a room that was moderately quiet and with little
reverberation. The player, Geo!rey Collins, is one of Australia's foremost #utists. The notes
were written out in traditional musical notation, with dynamic markings +, mf and p. Where
the "ngerings were not standard, they were indicated using a "ngering diagram of the sort
shown in Figure 1. For the classical #ute, he used the McGee instrument described above.
For some of the notes on the modern #utes, he used the Pearl #utes discussed above. For the
rest of the notes and multiphonics on the modern #ute he used one of his own #utes, which
is a hand-made Brannen}Cooper #ute with a Nagahara head.


Before discussing the impedances of #utes with their complicated geometry, we present
a measurement of the acoustic impedance measured on a simple cylindrical tube made of
stainless steel (Figure 3). The error bars in frequency are smaller than the points. Where the
slope is least, the points appear to make a continuous line and so the error bars in Z,
typically a few tenths of a dB, are omitted for clarity. For convenience, these impedances are
plotted on a logarithmic scale analogous to the decibel scale for pressure, using the relation

Z (dB)"20 log , where Z "1 X (SI)"1 Pa s/m. (5)

As for the #ute, the measurements are made only above 200 Hz, which is the cut-o!
frequency of our horn. The mean value of the impedance is determined by the characteristic
impedance (here 8)5 MPa s/m). The minima and maxima in Z ( f ) occur approximately at
frequencies of

c 1 c
f "n and f " n! , (6)
KGL 2¸ K?V 2 2¸

where n is a positive integer, c is the speed of sound and ¸ is the length of the pipe. (More
precisely, ¸ includes a small end-correction with a weak dependence on frequency.) The size
of the maxima and minima gradually decreases with frequency because wall losses become
successively more important. The expression for Z ( f ) is given by reference [3].
Figure 4 shows Z ( f ), the acoustic impedance of a modern #ute with a C4 foot for the
"ngering for the note C4. The magnitude (Z) and the phase
are shown separately. To
zeroth order, a #ute is a cylindrical pipe and so, with all its keys closed, its impedance
spectrum resembles qualitatively that of the simple pipe. Because the input is open to the
atmosphere, the air jet excites modes with large air #ow and modest variations from
atmospheric pressure. Thus, the operating frequencies are the minima of Z (," p/u " ). For
the con"guration with all tone holes closed, these minima are in the harmonic series
(equation (6)). For the #ute, the maxima are irrelevant. One could also say that, to zeroth
order, a clarinet with its bell removed is also a cylindrical pipe, and so its input impedance
should also resemble that of a simple pipe; and so it does (data not shown). The di!erence is
that, because its input is closed by the reed, mouthpiece and the player's mouth, it operates
near the maxima in Z ( f ). Its sound spectrum has predominantly the odd harmonics (the
second equation (6)) and its fundamental is approximately an octave lower than that of the
#ute. (The "rst maximum is not shown in Figure 3 because it lies below the frequency range
of the measurements, but the reader may readily extrapolate it.) The length of pipe used for
Figure 3 is comparable with that of the air column of a #ute or a clarinet.
138 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

Figure 4. Z ( f ) for a modern #ute (left) and a classical #ute (right) for the note C4.

Figure 5. A simpli"ed acoustic model of the #utes in the con"guration to play their lowest notes.

The most important geometrical di!erence between a simple cylinder and the modern
#ute con"gured for C4 is that the #ute is excited, and therefore here measured, at the
embouchure hole, whose centre is 17)5 mm from the closed end. This hole is connected to
the bore via a transverse, tapered hole. This embouchure hole has a considerably smaller
cross-section than does the instrument. Further, the closed tone holes each have a little
volume added to the side of the bore. Finally, the head joint of the modern #ute is not
cylindrical but tapered to a smaller diameter near the embouchure hole (see Figures 1 and
5). We shall begin by discussing the qualitative shape of Z ( f ).
The shapes of Z ( f ) for the #utes have many similarities to that of a plot of Z ( f ) for
a simple cylindrical pipe. The main di!erences are (1) the maxima do not fall half-way
between the minima, as they do for the simple cylinder; (2) the envelope of Z ( f ) rises
gradually at frequencies above about 2 kHz; and (3) the maxima and minima become
smaller more rapidly with frequency than they do for a cylinder of the same size. All of these
are explained by the geometry shown in Figure 5. The &&chimney''*the relatively narrow
hole at the embouchure*has a larger characteristic impedance does than the #ute tube
itself. This has greatest e!ect on the impedance minima, where there is largest #ow in the
chimney. It has the e!ect of making the minima occur at lower frequencies than they
otherwise would (which makes them asymmetrically distributed with respect to the
maxima) and reduces the depth of the minima at higher frequencies. Further, the chimney
tube plus the closed end of the #ute tube together constitute a Helmholtz resonator, this is
in parallel with the rest of the instrument. Its impedance rises with frequency, and it has
a resonance at several kHz, which then dominates the Z ( f ) curve. It also decreases the
frequencies at which the minima occur.
With the "ngering shown in Figure 4, the #ute can be made to play a series of notes at
frequencies near to the "rst several minima in this spectrum, by adjusting the speed and
geometry of the jet. As the minima become shallower, and as the required jet speed
increases, the notes in this series become harder to play. The minima are almost exactly
harmonic and so the playable series is C4, C5, G5, C6, E6, G6, A?6, C7, where ? means
a half sharp: the seventh note in the series is between A6 and AC6, slightly closer to the
latter. Normally, this "ngering is used only for C4, and other "ngerings are used for the
higher notes.
The vibration of the jet is periodic but not sinusoidal. Hence, when C4 is played with this
"ngering, several harmonics are present in the sound, and these have spectral components
at frequencies corresponding to the minima, as shown in the "gures in the database in
JSV#[18]. The harmonicity of the series of minima is important in determining the
stability of the vibration reH gime, as discussed above.
The displacement of the embouchure hole from the end of the #ute has important e!ects
on tuning. As for as input impedance is concerned, the #ute as a whole may be considered as
a short (17)5 mm) closed tube (the closed part of the bore) in parallel with the rest of the
bore. These two relatively large diameter tubes are in series with the relatively narrow
embouchure hole and chimney (Figure 5). This is responsible for the gradual rise of Z ( f ) at
high frequencies.
Figure 6 shows a con"guration that illustrates several features relating the "ngering
pattern to the note produced. The "rst "ngering shown (i) is the standard "ngering for the
notes G4 and G5. The eight lowest tone holes are open and the e!ective length of the #ute is
approximately half the wavelength required for G4 (frequency f "392 Hz). The #ute

readily plays G4 in this con"guration. By using a higher blowing pressure and changing the
embouchure, it will also play 2f (G5), 3f (D6), 4f (G6) and 5f (B6). The pressure standing
waves for the "rst three of these are shown in simpli"ed form. In practice, a single tone hole
is not an acoustic &&short circuit'' and the standing wave extends a little way beyond the "rst
open hole. It is di$cult to play D6 softly in the con"guration shown in (i). The standard
"ngering for D6 opens a hole (indicated by the arrow) at about two-thirds of the e!ective
length, as shown in (ii). This favours a pressure node and facilitates playing D6, and makes it
impossible to play G5 or G4. The "ngering (ii) does, however, allow the playing of the note

Figure 6. The "ngering and acoustic schematics for (i) G4, G5 or D6 and (ii) C5 or D6 or the multiphonic
140 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

Figure 7. The input impedance Z ( f ) for the cases described in Figure 6.

C5, with a half wavelength that is 3/4 the half wavelength of G4, as shown in the
sketch. (ii) is also a multiphonic "ngering, because it is possible to play C5 and D6 at
the same time using this "ngering. With this "ngering, one can blow softly and produce C5,
gradually increase the blowing pressure until the multiphonic sounds, then continue
increasing the pressure until the C5 disappears leaving a pure-sounding D6 (whose
spectrum may nevertheless show a very weak signal at C5). Fingering (i) is not
a multiphonic "ngering: if one played G4 and G5 at the same time one would be playing G4,
because the harmonics of G5 are a subset of those of G4. Multiphonics are discussed in
more detail below.
Figure 7 shows the acoustic impedance of the two con"gurations shown in Figure 6. Note
that the impedance curve for the "ngering for G4/5 (1) has minima at approximately f

("390 Hz), 2f , 3f , 4f , 5f and 6f for the note G4. The even members of this series are of
course the "rst three harmonics of G5. The opening of the extra hole at about two-thirds of
the e!ective length (2) displaces the "rst two minima so that the minima are no longer in
a simple harmonic series. The "rst minimum is at the frequency of C5, the third is (still) at
the frequency for D6. With this "ngering, low blowing pressure and an appropriate
embouchure, the #ute will play C5 and D6 at the same time. Pressure spectra and sound
"les are in the JSV# database [18].


Some of the unusual "ngerings listed in reference [9] produce sounds termed
multiphonics, in which a chord-like e!ect is heard. In these cases, the impedance curve has
two or more deep minima, the frequencies f and f of which are not close to being in simple
small-integer ratio. If the player uses a wide air jet, then it is possible to excite both
resonances simultaneously, giving two notes, but the e!ect does not stop there. The two
basic tones react back on the air jet which, because its interaction with the #ute tube at the
embouchure lip is non-linear, generates excitations at frequencies that are multiple sum or
di!erence frequencies nf $mf where n and m are small integers. This can happen only if
the two basic frequencies are not very close to being in an harmonic (small integer)
relationship [19]. A simple multiphonic is shown in Figure 7, at the right. Further examples,
including sound spectra and sound "les, are given in the JSV#database [18].

In all the #ute#foot combinations we studied, these generalizations hold:

(1) With all of the holes closed, the impedance spectrum has about 10 sharp minima. Their
frequencies are close to harmonic ratios (see Figure 4). These minima correspond to
standing waves or resonances in the #ute when played.
The depth and sharpness of the minima in Z ( f ) decreases more-or-less smoothly with
frequency. The resonances corresponding to these minima in Z ( f ) can be played by
overblowing, but this becomes more di$cult as the minima in Z ( f ) become shallower
and wider. For instance, on the Boehm #ute, the eighth resonance is substantially
shallower than the seventh; and one notices that the eighth harmonic is substantially
harder to play than the "rst 7.
Further, harmonic minima in the Z ( f ) spectrum are well aligned in frequency with
harmonic peaks in the sound spectrum.
(2) As holes are opened successively from the foot, the number of sharp, nearly harmonic
resonances decreases (data in JSV#[18]). At frequencies above about 2 or 3 kHz, Z ( f )
shows several very shallow minima, which are not in general harmonics of the
low-frequency minima. This is explained due to the "ltering e!ect of the tone-hole lattice
downstream from the lowest closed hole, as discussed above. Further, some of the
minima in the low-frequency end become slightly displaced from harmonic values.
The e!ect of this on the playing of these "ngerings is that (1) it is harder to overblow the
higher members of a harmonic series, and (2) the low notes played with these "ngerings
have less power in the high harmonics, even when the player attempts to produce
a uniform sound (compare the sound and impedance spectra in JSV#). All else being
equal, deeper minima in Z ( f ), which are harmonics of the fundamental, correspond to
stronger harmonics in the sound spectrum of the fundamental note. This is most clearly
shown when alternative "ngerings give di!erent relative depths for di!erent harmonics.
For a striking example, see the sound spectra for di!erent "ngerings for A4 on the
Boehm #ute. For a more subtle example, see the variant "ngerings for AC4/5. These
spectra, and the sound "les, are in the database in JSV#[18].


(1) Even with all tone holes closed, the classical #utes have Z ( f ) spectra in which, while the
low resonances are roughly as deep and as sharp as those on the Boehm #ute, the higher
resonances are signi"cantly less deep and sharp (Figure 4).
(2) The di!erence between &&all holes closed'' and &&n holes open'' is greater on the classical
#utes than on the Boehm #ute. One might informally say that, because the Boehm #ute
has more and bigger tone holes, opening up the holes on a Boehm #ute is closer to
&&sawing the end o! '', whereas the smaller and more widely spaced holes on the conical
#utes have a greater e!ect when they are open downstream. This gives rise to the more
mellow and less homogeneous timbre of the classical #ute, as discussed above.


For the C foot #ute with all tone holes closed, Z ( f ) has 9 or 10 sharp, roughly harmonic
minima starting with C4 (Figure 4). With the D foot in place there are also 9 or 10 sharp,
roughly harmonic minima in Z ( f ), but they are the harmonics of D4 rather than C4. When
142 J. WOLFE E¹ A¸.

the two #utes are compared on "ngerings for the same note, then the longer #ute, which has
more tone holes open, show to a greater extent the e!ects (discussed above) of open tone
holes. The e!ects of the more open C foot are rather subtle on notes from D4 and above. See
the examples in JSV#[18].


The design of a #ute is a compromise. For each note over a range of three and a half
octaves, the instrument should produce a Z ( f ) with a narrow, deep minimum at the
fundamental frequency of that note. Further, for the notes in the lower part of the range, the
harmonics of the note should also coincide with minima in Z ( f ). Additionally, there should
be no other deep minima near that of the desired fundamental. For the highest notes, this is
di$cult to achieve because of the shallowness of the minima at high frequency (as shown in
the Z ( f ) for the notes in the fourth octave in the JSV# database). As a result of this and of
high speed of the air jet required, the highest notes are di$cult to play quietly. Yet another
complication is that the instrument should enable the player to make a smooth transition
between a note and almost any other. An example of how this may be di$cult, and how it is
overcome, is shown in Figure 8.
The note E6 can in principle be played using the third impedance minimum in the
con"guration used for A4 and A5 (data in JSV#[18]), but the third minimum is not very
deep and it is easy for the player to misjudge the blowing pressure (particularly when
playing softly) and to sound A5 instead. So instead, a cross-"ngering is normally used. The
same "ngering produces one of two di!erent acoustic con"gurations according to the
design of the #ute. A &&split E mechanism'' has a clutch which closes one extra tone hole in
this "ngering, and such a mechanism is available as an option on many #utes, where it
facilitates playing E6 softly and slurs (uninterrupted transitions) between A5 and E6. The E6
"ngering can be thought of as a variant of the "ngering for A4, but with three or four
downstream holes closed (see Figure 8). The #ute does indeed play A4 and a note a little
lower in pitch than A5 (called A5!d on the graph) in this con"guration. It may also be
considered as the "ngering for E4, but with one or two register holes open, about
one-quarter of the way along, to facilitate the fourth harmonic. Compare the Z ( f ) for E6
without and with this mechanism. Without the split E, the third labelled minimum is
considerably less deep than the second, and hardly deeper than that of the fourth. Thus, skill

Figure 8. Z ( f ) for the note E6, without (left) and with a &&split E mechanism'' (right).
and reliable judgement of blowing pressure is required to sound the E6 rather than A6 or
A5!d, particularly in soft playing or in fast, slurred, leaping passages. With the split
E mechanism, the third minimum (E6) is deeper and the fourth (GC6) less deep. Further, the
second minimum (GC6) is both less deep and further out of tune, so it no longer has a nearly
harmonic relation to the fourth minimum. It is therefore much less likely to sound A5, so the
E6 is more stable in soft playing. There are further complications when slurs from E6 to A6 are
required, and these can be overcome with use of another downstream key (data not shown).


When a variant "ngering gives a deeper minimum in Z ( f ), the sound spectrum of a note
involving that minimum usually has a larger component at that frequency. However, it
should be noted that, while the impedance spectrum depends almost entirely on the #ute,
the sound spectra depend on many things. Most importantly, they depend on the player and
on various parameters under his/her control. They depend on the way in which the note is
played (loudness and timbre), as well as on the response of the room and on the relative
position of the microphone and the instrument. They also depend on parameters used in
calculating the spectrum such as the sample window used and the relative phase of the
sound vibration and the sampling. There is therefore no &&standard'' sound spectrum for any
note. It is also worth noting that the sound spectrum is only one of the things that determine
the timbre of the note, so that one cannot easily get an idea of the sound of the note from
just the spectrum (particularly one also needs to know the starting and "nishing transients
and the way the spectrum is a!ected by the vibrato). The sound "les and sound spectra are
recordings of an eminent professional #utist, using the #utes described in the Materials and
Methods section.


Particularly in higher registers, there are many technical problems such as those
discussed in relation to Figure 8, and in many cases they can be explained in terms of the
measured Z ( f ), or by comparing Z ( f ) with the sound spectrum p ( f ) for the note. This is
perhaps of greater interest to #ute players and makers than to acousticians. When
combinations of pairs of notes are considered, and when di!erent "ngerings and #ute
designs are possible for each note, the number of possibilities is very large. For this reason,
we maintain an interactive web page with a diagrammatic "ngering chart that allows #utists
and makers to discuss such problems and to suggest further investigations beyond the
several hundred graphs available in JSV#[18]. The web site (
#ute) is used for extensions and additions to the database held by JSV#.


We thank Geo!rey Collins, Terry McGee and Mark O'Connor. This work was
supported by the Australian Research Council.


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