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SACO 16A3 Analogue Input Annunciator: User S Manual and Technical Description

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Analogue input annunciator

User´s manual and Technical description
1MRS 751015-MUM EN
Issued 1998-05-08
Modified 2001-03-06 Analogue input
Version B (replaces 34 SACO 16A3 EN1)
Checked PS
Approved EP
Data subject to change without notice

Contents Features ................................................................................................................................. 4

Introduction .......................................................................................................................... 4
Areas of application ............................................................................................................... 4
General system information ................................................................................................... 4
Block diagram ....................................................................................................................... 5
Mechanical construction ....................................................................................................... 5
Annunciator channel functions .............................................................................................. 6
Transducer functions ....................................................................................................... 6
Channel principle diagram ............................................................................................... 7
Selection of transducer type ............................................................................................. 8
Filtering ........................................................................................................................... 8
Scaling .............................................................................................................................. 9
Measured quantity ......................................................................................................... 10
Transducer supervision .................................................................................................. 10
Input oscillation ............................................................................................................. 10
Earth-fault ...................................................................................................................... 11
Set-points ....................................................................................................................... 11
Alternative 1. Two HI and two LO set-point ................................................................. 11
Channel starting delay .................................................................................................... 12
Channel resetting delay .................................................................................................. 12
Deadband....................................................................................................................... 12
Alternative 2. One HI and one LO set-point and one rise time and
one fall time set-point .................................................................................................... 13
Grouping of reflash outputs ........................................................................................... 14
Interlockings .................................................................................................................. 15
Registration of alteration of measured values ................................................................. 16
Calibration ..................................................................................................................... 16
Channel text .................................................................................................................. 16
Reading of measured value ............................................................................................. 16
Sequence patterns for the alarm and tripping functions ...................................................... 16
Annunciator channel sequences ..................................................................................... 16
Trip sequences ............................................................................................................... 18
First-out alarm and first-out trip ................................................................................... 18
Local/remote control ...................................................................................................... 18
Real time clock .................................................................................................................... 18
Clock synchronization ................................................................................................... 18
Time setting ................................................................................................................... 18
Contact outputs .................................................................................................................. 19
Groupable output relays ................................................................................................ 19
Setting of realarm output relay function mode .............................................................. 19
Pulse length .................................................................................................................... 20
Audible alarm output relay ............................................................................................ 20
Self-supervision system output relay .............................................................................. 20
Average value measurement ................................................................................................. 21
Average value set-points ................................................................................................. 21
Grouping of average value set-points .............................................................................. 22
Delay of average value set-point alarm ........................................................................... 22
External reference value .................................................................................................. 22
Connection of channels to the average value calculation ................................................ 22
Setting of channel-specific deviation set-points .............................................................. 23
Grouping of channel-specific set-points ......................................................................... 23
Setting of response and reset times ................................................................................. 23

Serial communication .......................................................................................................... 24
Bus connection modules ................................................................................................ 24
Communication protocol ............................................................................................... 24
Transferred data ............................................................................................................. 25
Event register for the SPACOM reporting system .......................................................... 25
Address code .................................................................................................................. 26
Data transfer rate ........................................................................................................... 26
Auxiliary power supply ........................................................................................................ 26
Supply voltage range ...................................................................................................... 26
Double supply ................................................................................................................ 27
Self-supervision.................................................................................................................... 28
Mounting ............................................................................................................................ 29
Dimensional drawings .................................................................................................... 29
Connection .......................................................................................................................... 30
Connection diagram ...................................................................................................... 31
Power supply .................................................................................................................. 32
Relay outputs ................................................................................................................. 32
Remote control inputs ................................................................................................... 32
Transducer inputs .......................................................................................................... 32
Transducer connections ................................................................................................. 33
Current transducers ........................................................................................................ 33
Voltage transducers ........................................................................................................ 33
Resistance transducers .................................................................................................... 34
Field contact signals ....................................................................................................... 35
Serial bus connection ..................................................................................................... 35
Interlocking bus connection ........................................................................................... 35
Annunciator start-up ...................................................................................................... 35
Edition and change of channel legend foil ........................................................................... 36
Programming ....................................................................................................................... 37
Setting through the display and the push-buttons .......................................................... 37
Basic display ................................................................................................................... 38
Channel selection display ............................................................................................... 38
Basic menu display ......................................................................................................... 38
Submenu display ............................................................................................................ 38
Setting display ................................................................................................................ 39
Programming via the serial bus ...................................................................................... 39
Operation ............................................................................................................................ 39
Resetting of set-point transition ..................................................................................... 40
Indication of first-out alarms and transducer faults ........................................................ 40
Function testing ............................................................................................................. 40
Display of measured values and event register contents ....................................................... 41
Measured values ............................................................................................................. 41
Limit values and measured quantities ............................................................................. 41
Selection of display mode ............................................................................................... 41
Bar graph display mode .................................................................................................. 42
Curve display mode ........................................................................................................ 42
Stored measurement value curve .................................................................................... 43
Local event sequence register .......................................................................................... 43
Display of average value ................................................................................................. 44
List of parameters ................................................................................................................ 45
Module-related information .......................................................................................... 45
Channel-specific information ......................................................................................... 48
Event codes .......................................................................................................................... 52
Technical data ..................................................................................................................... 53
Testing ................................................................................................................................ 56
Maintenance and repair ....................................................................................................... 56
Accessories and spare parts ................................................................................................... 57

Features Stand-alone, off-the-shelf annunciator unit for Four adjustable alarm or trip set-points per
analogue input signals or field contact signals. channel.
Four digit alpha-numerical display and a 64x120 Event register for local presentation of the last
LCD dot matrix display for local data presenta- 30 events.
Easy selection of parameters and straight for-
Serial port for connection of the annunciator ward configuration of the whole annunciator
unit to the fibre-optic SPA bus and further to unit.
the hierarchically higher level data acquisition
Sophisticated built-in self-supervision system
and reporting system or remote control system.
for enhanced operational reliability.
36 standardized, fully field-selectable channel
input signal ranges.

Introduction The analogue annunciator unit type SACO 16A3 of a serial communication to form protection,
is a member of the substation secondary equip- supervision, data acquisition, reporting and con-
ment system named SPACOM. The SPACOM trol systems as required by the application.
system further includes protective relays and as-
semblies, remote control modules, on/off annun- The various devices of the SPACOM system
ciator units and control data communicators for can further be connected to a hierarchically
data acquisition and event reporting. All the higher level host system, e.g. a remote control
SPACOM devices can be used as self-contained system or an automation system, by means of
stand alone equipment. At the same time the the serial communication especially developed
various devices can be interconnected by means for that purpose.

Areas of The units and modules of the SPACOM system Typical areas of application with the above
application have been developed and type tested for use mentioned characteristics are:
under the most severe environmental condi- – electric power stations and distribution sub-
tions, where a maximum of functional reliabil- stations
ity and immunity to interference is required. – industrial plants and process installations
Further special attention has been paid to such – marine installations and applications
system features as flexibility and the adaptability
of the system to various tasks.

General system SACO 16A3 is a versatile 16-channel analogue may constitute part of a data acquisition and
information annunciator unit with two adjustable high set- event reporting system.
points and two adjustable low set-points per
channel. The versatile display features enable the annun-
ciator unit to be used as a local measuring
Simply by programming the annunciator chan- instrument. The measured values are presented
nels can be adapted to various transducer signal in numerical form in the digital display or in the
types such as current, voltage or resistance. Field form of a curve or a bar graph in the matrix
contact signals are also accepted as channel display. The measured value curve may be given
input signals. five different time scales. The content of the
event register may also be displayed.
The annunciator unit incorporates eight output
auxiliary relays. Six output relays are reserved The selection of transducer type, scaling, group-
for group alarm purposes, one output relay is ing, set-point values and other parameters are
intended for the control of an external audible carried out by means of the push-buttons and
device and one output relay is controlled by the the display on the front panel or via the data bus
units internal self-supervision system. and the serial interface.

A hierarchically superior data acquisition sys- When the measured parameter exceeds or goes
tem may obtain information, e.g. measured below the set-point value an indicator starts
values, event register messages, set-points or flashing on the front panel. At the same time the
other set parameters via the serial interface of the audible alarm output relay picks up and one or
annunciator unit. Further, the settings may be more realarm relays are programmed to respond.
altered via the serial interface. In cooperation The event is further stored in the event register
with a master unit the analogue annunciator together with an attached real time stamp.
Block diagram
Remote ackn.,
Transducer reset, test,
Auxiliary supply and local/remote Group alarm 1...6, audible
supply cable shield 16 transducer connections control and synch- alarm and internal super-
connection ronizing inputs vision outputs
1:st 2:nd

24 V 48 V
48 V


Internal supply, logics


Audible alarm

Internal supervision

connection Man-machine interface

Block diagram of the annunciator unit SACO 16A3.

Mechanical The annunciator unit is a modular device based The case is made of profile aluminium and
construction on standardized plug-in Euroboards, 100 mm x finished in beige. The mounting frame is of an
160 mm. The annunciator unit SACO 16A3 aluminium alloy and has been stove finished
comprises the following modules: with a semi-gloss, beige carbamide resin paint.
The mounting frame is provided with a rubber
– auxiliary supply module, type SPGU 240A1 gasket which tightens the joint between the case
or SPGU 48B2 and the mounting panel to IP 54.
– analogue signal input module, type SWAM
16A1 The cover of the case is moulded of a transpar-
– microprocessor module, type SWPM 4A1 ent, UV-stabilized polycarbonate. The cover is
– display module, type SWDM 4A1 also provided with a gasket in order to ensure
– input/output module, type SWOM 8A1 and IP54 tightness between the cover and the mount-
8A2 ing frame. The cover is locked with two finger
screws which can be sealed.
Further the annunciator unit comprises a con-
nection module, type SWCM 10A1, which The connection module holds a screw terminal
carries the PCB connectors on one side and the strip for the auxiliary supply, the contact out-
screw terminal strips to facilitate the external puts and for the connection module for the
connections on the other side. SPA-bus. One screw terminal may accommo-
date one or two max. Ø 2.5 mm2 conductors.
The screw terminals for the transducer input No terminal lugs are needed.
signals and for the remote resetting input signals
are mounted on a detachable socket, which can The transducer signal inputs are provided with
be used as a separate connection base, e.g. when detachable terminal strips which allow the trans-
the annunciator unit is mounted in a pulpit or ducer wiring to be disconnected without open-
desk. ing any screw terminals. Each terminal accepts
one multistrand conductor of max. Ø 1.5 mm2.

A connection diagram has been attached to one

of the side walls of the annunciator case.

Annunciator The annunciator channel inputs accept current, and 2…10 V and the transducer supply voltage
channel functions voltage, resistance or contact-type transducer may even in this case be taken from the annun-
signals. The annunciator channel inputs are set ciator unit itself.
Transducer functions to correspond with the various transducer types
they are intended to be connected to simply by When resistance input signals are to be used the
programming and by connecting the input sig- input may be programmed for various transduc-
nals to the appropriate terminals. ers within the range (0…130 Ω)…(0…10 kΩ).
In addition to the potentiometric transducers
The channel input circuits are galvanically sepa- the following sensor types may be used: Pt 100,
rated from the equipment earth and from the Pt 250, Pt 1000, Ni 100, Ni 120, Ni 250 and
digital part of the electronics. However, the Ni 1000. Further, a selectable resistance input
channels are galvanically interconnected. The for Pt or Ni sensors may be calibrated with
arrangement described above enables earth-faults potentiometers inside the unit.
in the transducers and the field wiring to be
easily supervised and detected. The sensors may be connected to the channel
input according to the three-wire principle or
Cable faults are supervised by means of the the two-wire principle. If the three-wire princi-
transducer signal which must not differ from ple is used the conductor resistance is compen-
the programmed measuring range in order to be sated for, provided that both conductors have
accepted. Consequently cable discontinuity can- the same resistance.
not be detected in transducer circuits ranging
from zero. Cable faults are indicated on the When the two-wire connection is used the
digital display and simultaneously the tripping conductor resistance can be compensated for by
reflash functions are blocked. calculating the corresponding temperature
change according to the Pt or Ni tables. This
The channel input signal range for current value can then be used for the compensation in
signals may be defined by programming from a the scaling tables on a per channel basis.
series of standardized ranges, i.e. 0…5 mA,
1…5 mA, 0…20 mA and 4…20 mA. The Normally open or normally closed field contacts
built-in 270 ohm shunt resistor is connected may also be connected to the channel inputs.
across the channel input by means of a jumper. The +48 V dc field contact voltage is supplied by
Alternatively an external shunt resistor may be the annunciator unit. The unit measures the
used, in which case the input is preferably loop current in the field contact circuits over a
programmed for the input signal range 0…1 V. built-in shunt resistor, which should be jumper
The auxiliary supply voltage for the signal trans- connected to the channel input. Only one field
ducers may be fed by the annunciator unit. The contact should be connected to a + 48 V termi-
voltage level is 24 V dc and the total current nal because the voltage over the concerned input
drain must not exceed 320 mA. drops to a few volts, if a second connected
contact happens to be closed. The loop current
The programmable channel input voltage signal for a closed field contact circuit is approx. 4 mA.
ranges are 0…1 V, 0…5 V, 1…5 V, 0…10 V

Current generator
Shieth earth
Field contact
circuit supply 48 V DC
Transducer supply 24 V DC

Shunt resitor 270 Ω

+ Analogue terminal +
- Analogue terminal -
switches DIFF
Analogue GND
Input amplifier

Principle diagram of a channel input.

Channel principle The various annunciator channel functions are push-buttons and the display on the front panel
diagram illustrated in the following block diagram. The or via the serial interface.
parameter settings are entered by means of the

Measurement transducer



Selection of
transducer type

Presentation of
measurement values
and set-point values


Registration of
measurement value


Upper and lower

set-point of
the transducer
supervision Visual alarm
Audible alarm
Audible alarm
Channel Channel
starting delay resetting delay HI trip set-point
alternatively & B Alarm
Rise time set-point acknowledge
& A
Alarm reset

Channel Channel HI alarm set-point

starting delay reseting delay alternatively & B
positiv deviation
& A

Channel Channel LO alarm set-point

starting delay reseting delay alternatively & B A and B are channel
negativ deviation reflash signals which
set-points A may be grouped and
& linked to the realarm
output relays

Channel Channel
starting delay reseting delay LO trip set-point
alternatively & B
fall time set-point
& A

Channel blocking Blocking Input for blocking of the

signal input signal output set-point feflash signal A

Channel-function block diagram.

Various transducer types may be connected to circuits are interconnected. This implies that the
the channel inputs without limitations follow- transducer circuits are floating and that they must
ing the instructions in the previous chapter. not be earthed. The method of galvanic separa-
tion has been used in order to strengthen the
The transducer circuits are galvanically separated immunity to interference of the channel input
from the equipment earth and from the electron- and to provide a means for employing earth-fault
ics. However, between themselves the transducer protection of the transducer circuits.
Selection of To the annunciator unit the channel type is 16 = Pt 1000, –20…230°C
transducer type communicated by means of a parameter on a per 17 = Pt 1000, –20…600°C
channel basis. The programming is executed 18 = Adjustable Pt sensor, –20…600°C
through the INP.SIGN.SPEC parameter in the 19 = Ni 100, –13…130°C
display or via the serial interface by using an S- 20 = Ni 100, –13…250°C
parameter. 21 = Ni 120, –45…250°C
22 = Ni 250, –13…130°C
S 47 23 = Ni 250, –13…250°C
0 = field contact input 24 = Ni 1000, –13…130°C
1 = not specified 25 = Ni 1000, –13…250°C
2 = not specified 26 = Adjustable Ni sensor, –13…250°C
3 = 0…5 mA 27 = 0…200 Ω
4 = 1…5 mA 28 = 0…500 Ω
5 = 0…20 mA 29 = 0…2000 Ω
6 = 4…20 mA 30 = 0…1000 Ω
7 = 0…1 V 31 = 0…2500 Ω
8 = 0…5 V 32 = 0…10 kΩ
9 = 1…5 V 33 = adjustable potentiometric input
10 = 0…10 V (0…130 Ω)…
11 = 2…10 V 34 = adjustable potentiometric input
12 = Pt 100, –20…230°C (0…640 Ω)…
13 = Pt 100, –20…600°C 35 = not specified
14 = Pt 250, –20…230°C
15 = Pt 250, –20…600°C

Filtering For signal filtering a so called median filter is For the purpose of providing a means for sup-
used. This filter type shows no reaction to pression of interference signals from ac net-
interference spikes but levels out directly on works, the frequency of the network may be
permanent measurement value changes. Three keyed in. The frequency is a module-specific
degrees of filtering may be selected. The time parameter and it may be entered with the push-
constant given determines the step response buttons and the display using the MAIN FRE-
time of the input signal. QUENCY parameter. Via the serial part the
S37 parameter is used.
The step response time is programmed using the
FILTER parameter on the display or via the S37
serial port be defining the value of the parameter 0 = 50 Hz
S45. 1 = 60 Hz

0 = 300 ms

Scaling The annunciator channels are to be separately value of the measuring signal. A non-linear
scaled. The scaling range is +/– 0.000…9999. scaling is performed by dividing the transducer
The location of the decimal point is defined by signal range in ten different subranges each of
the maximum value entered. The measuring which may be separately scaled. Consequently
signal may be given a linear or a non-linear the scaling is defined by a broken line. This
scaling. A linear scaling is performed by giving a function may be used for compensating for the
scale value for the minimum value of the meas- inaccuracy of the transducer or for linearizing a
uring signal and a scale value for the maximum non-linear transducer.







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
1 Channel input 5 mA

Example of a linear scaling. (Exhaust gas measurement)







0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
1 Channel input 5 mA

Example of a non-linear scaling. The figure illustrates the measurement of the volume of a liquid
in a cylindrical tank in a horizontal position by measuring the surface level.

The scaling parameters are keyed in using the S 38 +/–0.000…9999 = 40% of the maximum
SCALING parameter in the matrix display or value
via the serial interface using S parameters. The S 39 +/–0.000…9999 = 50% of the maximum
following parameters may be used for scaling value
purposes. S 40 +/–0.000…9999 = 60% of the maximum
S 33 +/–0.000…9999 = maximum value S 41 +/–0.000…9999 = 70% of the maximum
(100%) value
S 34 +/–0.000…9999 = minimum value (0%) S 42 +/–0.000…9999 = 80% of the maximum
S 35 +/–0.000…9999 = 10% of the maximum value
value S 43 +/–0.000…9999 = 90% of the maximum
S 36 +/–0.000…9999 = 20% of the maximum value
S 37 +/–0.000…9999 = 30% of the maximum S 44 0 = linear scaling
value 1 = non-linear scaling

Measured quantity The measured quantity entered on a per channel with the set- point values. The measured quan-
basis may consist of max. 5 characters. It is tity may also be entered via the serial interface
entered with the MEASURED QTY parameter using the S 49 parameter.
in the matrix display using the cursor control
and character selection keys. The quantity is S 49 XXXXX = five characters
shown in the matrix display in combination

Transducer The measuring signal level of each transducer is erated within the specified range for a time not
supervision constantly supervised. If the measured signal shorter than the longest selected channel start-
falls more than 4% below or goes more than 4% ing or resetting time plus a basic time of 15 s.
over the specified input signal range of a par-
ticular channel, the transducer or the transducer When necessary the measuring range may be
wiring are considered to be faulty. The trans- narrower by definition than the measuring range
ducer fault signal is immediately activated and of the concerned measuring transducer. The
all reflash signals from the channel are inhib- narrower range may be defined by means of the
ited. The channel is also automatically discon- parameters INP. SUPERVISION HI LIMIT
nected from the average value measurement. and INP. SUPERVISION LO LIMIT in the
matrix display. When the supervision range is to
A transducer fault is indicated as a normal alarm be changed via the serial interface the S 51 and
with the flashing indicator and an activation of S 52 parameters are used.
the audible alarm and self-supervision output
relays. On the digital display the letter F and the S 51 +/–0.000…9999 = transducer supervision
channel number are shown and the event is also HI limit value
stored in the local event register. The channel S 52 +/–0.000…9999 = transducer supervision
returns to normal when the transducer has op- LO limit value

Input oscillation For each transducer input a permitted maxi- The channel-specific oscillation supervision pa-
mum number of events (set-point transitions) rameter INP.OSC.MONITOR is keyed in and
per minute may be defined. If the number is displayed on the front panel or it may be set via
exceeded the storing of new events is stopped. the serial port with the S53 parameter.
The channel is forced into the active state and
remains so until no set-point transitions have S53
been recorded within two minutes. Thereafter 0 = the oscillation supervision out of function
the channel returns to normal operation. 1…255 = permitted number of events/min

The purpose of the channel input oscillation

supervision is to prevent a transducer fault from
overloading a higher level system by continu-
ously transmitting event messages.

Earth-fault The analogue part of the annunciator, i.e. the the self-supervision output are activated. The
channel input circuitry, is floating and by that indication persists until the earth-fault situation
means galvanically isolated from earth. This is over. The earth-fault supervision may be set
feature enables the annunciator unit to be pro- out of function by removing the S1 jumper on
vided with a built-in earth-fault supervision for the mother PC board. The jumper is made
the transducers, the transducer wiring and the accessible by removing the front panel and by
channel inputs. The sensitivity of the earth- drawing the supply module to the left.
fault supervision is 5…10 kΩ. When an earth-
fault is detected the EF letters appear in the WARNING! Switch off the auxiliary supply
digital display. The audible alarm output and before the auxiliary power module is withdrawn.

Set-points Each channel may be given up to four set-points alarm is obtained if selected and realarms are
according to two principles. The first principle provided if being configured. The indications
includes two HI set-points and two LO set- and the output relays are reset according to the
points. The second principle includes one HI selected sequence scheme, after that the meas-
set-point and one LO set-point and further one ured value has returned to normal the channel
rise time and one fall time set-point. When the resetting time has elapsed and the required
input signal exceeds or goes below a set-point acknowledgements have been performed. All
and after the channel starting delay has timed set-point value transitions and resettings are
out, an alarm indication is obtained according recorded with time stamps and stacked in the
to the selected sequence scheme. An audible internal event register.

Alternative 1.
Two HI and two Measuring range
LO set-points

100 % Resetting

HI trip set-point

HI alarm set-point

Starting Starting
delays delays Measurement value

LO alarm set-point

LO trip set-point

0% Time

Example showing set-point value transitions. ALARM POINT and LO TRIP POINT pa-
The arrows indicate activation and deactivation rameters. Over the serial port the setting of the
of the set-point value function after that the set-points is performed using the following pa-
channel starting and resetting times have elapsed. rameters:
Also note the deadband function.
S1 +/–0.000…9999 = HI alarm set-point
The set-point values are set with the push- S2 +/–0.000…9999 = HI trip set-point
buttons and the matrix display using the HI S3 +/–0.000…9999 = LO alarm set-point
TRIP POINT, HI ALARM POINT, LO S4 +/–0.000…9999 = LO trip set-point

Channel starting The activation of the channel may be delayed by NB The input delay of the trip set-point value
delay 0.5 s to 255 s from transition of a set-point must exceed or equal the delay of the alarm set-
value. Using the matrix display this is performed point value.
with the RESP. TIME parameter of the sub-
menu of the set-point setting. When the pro- S 5 0…255 = starting time in seconds of HI
gramming is done via the serial interface the S 5, alarm set-point
S 6, S 7 and S 8 parameters are used. S 6 0…255 = starting time or rise time limit
in seconds of HI trip set-point
S 7 0…255 = starting time in seconds of LO
alarm set-point
S 8 0…255 = starting time or fall time limit
in seconds of LO trip set-point

Channel resetting The channel resetting after a transition of a set- N.B. The resetting delay of a trip set-point value
delay point value may be delayed by 0.5 to 240 s. must exceed or equal the resetting time of an
Using the matrix display the resetting time is alarm set-point value.
programmed with the RESET TIME param-
eter. When the programming is done via the S9 0…255 = resetting time in seconds of HI
serial interface the S 9, S 10, S 11 and S 12 alarm set-point
parameters are used. S 10 0…255 = resetting time in seconds of HI
trip set-point
S 11 0…255 = resetting time in seconds of LO
alarm set-point
S 12 0…255 = resetting time in seconds of LO
trip set-point

Deadband Each channel may be given an individual dead- The deadband value is entered via the matrix
band value entered in per mille of the measuring display with the DEADBAND parameter and
range. Transition of the set-point value acti- via the serial interface with the S 46 parameter.
vates the channel but for the resetting to occur
the input value must go below or exceed the set- S 46 0…99 = deadband value in per mille of
point value by a value determined by the dead- the measuring range
band setting. This to prevent "pumping" of a
channel to block the serial communication chan-

Alternative 2.
One HI and one LO Measuring range
set-point and one
rise time and one
fall time set-point 100%
HI alarm set-point

Starting delay

Starting delay Starting delay

Measurement value
LO alarm set-point

0% Time

Example showing set-point value transitions. If the rise and fall rate limits are given percentage
The arrows indicate activation and deactivation values by programming, the channel automati-
of the set-point value function after that the cally will function according to Alternative 2.
channel starting and resetting times have elapsed. With the push-buttons and the matrix display
Also note the effect of the deadband setting. the percentage values are entered using the RISE
In this case two rate of change values may eters. Via the serial port the percentage values
constitute limit value criteria in a addition to the are given using the parameters S 21 and S 22.
two ordinary set-points of the channel. The rise
and fall rates, are in this case determined as the S 21 0 = rise rate alarm out of operation
ratio of the input value change to the channel 1…100 = signal value increase in per cent
input signal range expressed in per cent per of the measuring range of the
minute. If the rise or fall rate exceeds the set limit input/minute
value for a period of time longer than the chan- S 22 0 = fall rate alarm out of function
nel starting time the limit value is activated. 1…100 = signal value decrease in per cent
Correspondingly the limit value is reset if the of the measuring range of the
rise or fall rate goes below the set limit value for input/minute
a period of time longer than the channel starting
time. The rise and fall rate functions supersede
the HI and LO Trip set-points of the earlier
Alternative 1.

Grouping of reflash Each transition of a set-point value may initiate S 13 0…6 = HI alarm set-point, output A
outputs operation of two free-selectable group alarm S 14 0…6 = HI alarm set-point, output B
relays. The annunciator unit contains six group S 15 0…6 = HI trip set-point or rise time
alarm output relays. To facilitate the configura- limit, output A
tion of the control signals for the output relays S 16 0…6 = HI trip set-point or rise time
each set-point value is related to two reflash limit, output B
outputs, A and B. S 17 0…6 = LO alarm set-point, output A
S 18 0…6 = LO alarm set-point, output B
Via the matrix display the configuration of S 19 0…6 = LO trip set-point or fall time
group alarms is performed on a per set-point limit, output A
value basis using the parameters RFL A TO RLY S 20 0…6 = LO trip set-point or fall time
and RFL B TO RLY of the submenu of the set- limit, output B
point value setting routine. Via the serial inter-
face the grouping information is entered using The parameter value 0 denotes that the reflash
the parameters S 13…S 20. output has not been connected to any output
relay. The parameter values 1…6 indicate to
which output relay the set-point has been con-

1 Group realarm 1 Selection of
Alarm channel 1.
B realarm type,
HI trip set-point Realarm output 1
relay 1
Alarm channel 1. 2 Group realarm 2 Selection of
HI alarm set-point B realarm type,
relay 2 Realarm output 2
Alarm channel 1.
LO alarm set-point B

A 6 Group realarm 6 Selection of

realarm type,
Alarm channel 1. Realarm output 6
B relay 6
LO trip set-point

Alarm channel 2.
HI trip set-point B

Alarm channel 16.
LO trip set-point B

Principle of the configuration of group reflash alarms.

Interlockings The annunciator unit includes four blocking Via the serial interface the instructions may be
lines which, by means of a flat cable, may be entered using the parameters S 28…S 31.
extended over to other SACO units as well.
Blocking function 1
Each set-point transition may be linked to S 28 0 = activation of blocking line
activate one or two blocking lines. An activa- 1 = channel reflash output A blocked
tion is obtained when one of the four set-point 2 = entire channel blocked
values of a channel has been exceeded or gone S 29 0 = not connected to a blocking line
below. An activated blocking line may be used 1…4 = connected to a blocking line
for blocking other channels or for blocking of
the reflash outputs A only of other channels. Blocking function 2
S 30 0 = activation of blocking line
The blocking instructions may be entered via 1 = channel reflash output A blocked
the matrix display using the INTERLOCKINGS 2 = entire channel blocked
parameter and in the submenu the following S 31 0 = not connected to a blocking line
functions may be selected: 1: GROUP_ 1…4 = connected to a blocking line

0 = activation of blocking line
1 = channel reflash A blocked
2 = entire channel blocked

1 2 3 4

Function 1
Transducer CHANNEL 1/__
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2
Transducer Function 1
Function 2


Principle figure of blocking functions.

Registration of When the annunciator unit is used as an I/O The value of the alteration is entered via the
alteration of unit of a large system, a spontaneous message matrix display with the DELTA VALUE para-
measured value initiated by an alteration of the input value may meter or via the serial interface with the S 32
be obtained in the following way. An input parameter.
value alteration of a given size is registered and
stored in the event register, from which it is S 32 0.000…9999 = input value alteration as
automatically sent to the reporting level of the a scaled quantity
SPACOM system. The predefined value of al-
teration of the measured is given as scaled value If no registration is needed the value 9999 may
and counted from the previous registration of an be entered.

Calibration On delivery the annunciator units are factory bration is to change the scaling. In this way
calibrated to a channel accuracy better than 0.5 %. inaccurate transducers may be calibrated to
The most convenient way of changing the cali- provide a correct measurement.

Channel text Each channel may be given a 10 character parameter or via the serial interface using the S
channel text. This may be entered via the 50 parameter:
matrix display using the CHANNEL TEXT-
S 50 XXXXXXXXXX = 10 characters as per

Reading of The value measured by a particular channel may I1 0 = field contact open
measured value be presented as a scaled value in the digital 1 = field contact closed
display or in the matrix display in either bar +/– 0.000…9999= measured value in
graph or curve form. The measured value can scaled units
also be read via the serial interface using the
input parameters I1 and I2: I2 0000…1023 = unscaled measured value in
binary form.

Sequence The annunciator unit may be given one out of The alarm sequence patterns may be supple-
patterns for five standardized flashing and resetting sequen- mented on a per channel basis in three different
the alarm and ce patterns by programming. The most suitable ways by programming. Through the matrix
tripping functions sequence pattern is selected. Via the matrix display the programming is performed using the
display the sequence pattern to be used is se- ALARM SEQUENCE parameter and via the
Annunciator lected using the ALARM SEQUENCE param- serial interface using the S 48 parameter.
channel sequences eter and via the serial interface using the para-
meter S 24. S 48 0 = visual indication according to
the selected sequence pattern of
S 24 0 = ISA A, automatic channel reset the annunciator unit
1 = ISA A-1, automatic channel reset, 1 = visual indication according to
manual audible reset the selected sequence pattern of
2 = ISA M-1, manual channel reset, the annunciator unit but including
manual audible reset audible ringback on return to nor-
3 = ISA R-1, manual channel reset, mal.
visual ringback, manual audible reset Applicable only in combination with
4 = DIN 19235, visual ringback, the ISA R-1 and DIN 19235
manual audible reset sequence patterns.
2 = indication with steady light on
The above sequence patterns are shared by all set-point transition. The indication
the 16 channels of the annunciator unit. This is disappears automatically on return to
why they are referred to channel 0, which has normal. No audible alarm.
been reserved for all the module-specific para-
meters. The acknowledge and reset measures are carried
out in accordance with the procedure defined by
the selected sequence scheme.

Field contact
Visual alarm indicator
OFF Audible output
Automatic reset

OFF Field contact
OFF Visual alarm indicator
Reset of audible output (Silence)
OFF Audible output
Automatic reset, separate reset of audible output

OFF Field contact
OFF Visual alarm indicator
OFF Reset of audible output (Silence)
OFF Audible output
Manual reset, separate reset of audible output

OFF Field contact
OFF Visual alarm indicator
OFF Reset of audible output (Silence)
OFF Audible output
Manual reset, visual ringback and separate reset of audible output

OFF Field contact
OFF Visual alarm indicator
OFF Reset of audible output (Silence)
OFF Audible output
Manual reset, visual ringback if acknowledge is done before the alarminput returns
to normal state, separate reset of audible output
DIN 19235

Selectable channel sequence patterns.

Trip sequences The sequence types for the trippings are the frequency indicating transition of a trip set-
same as those for the alarms, except for the flash point is twice that of the frequency indicating
frequency of the visual indicator. The flash a transition of an alarm set-point.

First-out alarm The digital display always displays the first-out The following types are indicated:
and first-out trip alarm or the first-out tripping after the last reset. u = LO alarm level has been gone below
The two right-most digits of the display indicate n = HI alarm level has been exceeded
the channel number and the two left-most digits u u = LO trip level has been gone below
indicate the type of alarm or tripping. n n = HI trip level has been exceeded

Local/remote control The annunciator unit has been provided with signals for the network control centre may be
two control inputs, marked LOCAL and RE- blocked by activating the LOCAL input. When
MOTE. The control inputs, which are to be neither control input has been activated both
controlled with separate normally open con- audible alarm and group realarms are obtained.
tacts, are energized by the same 48 V dc voltage The LOCAL or REMOTE mode may also be
as the rest of the field contact inputs of the selected via the serial interface by using the
annunciator unit. When the annunciator unit is parameter V1.
used in an unmanned station, the audible alarm
output may be set out of function by activating V1 1 = local/remote mode
the REMOTE input. On the other hand, dur- 2 = local mode
ing local maintenance work the group realarm 3 = remote mode

Real time clock The annunciator unit includes a real time clock minute and second. The clock time is shown in
with battery back-up. The clock circuit provides the matrix display when the basic display has
time marks comprising year, month, day, hour, been selected.

Clock synchro- When the annunciator unit constitutes part of a moved back or forth to the nearest minute at the
nization SPACOM system the clock will be synchro- moment the SYNC. input is energized with the
nized automatically once every second by means +48 V dc voltage provided by the annunciator
of a synchronizing pulse via the SPA bus. The unit itself. The actual synchronization takes
clock may also be synchronized via the synchro- place at the moment the control input circuit is
nizing input on the terminal block using the closed. The minimum required control pulse
minute synchronizing principle. The clock is length is 100 ms.

Time setting The basic time setting is performed through the TIME parameter the hours, minutes and sec-
matrix display and a submenu of the TIME onds are set. Via the serial interface the time
SETTING parameter. Years, months and days setting may be carried out using the T param-
are set with the DATE parameter. With the eter.

Contact outputs The annunciator unit includes eight output supervision system of the unit and six of the
relays. One serves as the audible alarm output output relays serve as realarm output relays and
relay, one as the alarm output relay of the self- may be grouped as required by the application.

Groupable output Each set-point value transition may be pro- nected to the realarm output relays over a soft-
relays grammed to operate two output relays. To fa- ware connection matrix, with the set-point value
cilitate the programming each set-point is pro- transitions on the input side and the realarm
vided with two reflash outputs, A and B. The output relays on the output side, also see section
reflash output A only or both reflash outputs "Grouping of reflash outputs".
may be blocked. The reflash outputs are con-

Setting of realarm Each realarm output relay may separately be alarm channels, these parameters are pro-
output relay programmed for one out of four selectable func- grammed on a per unit basis and for the pro-
function mode tional modes. As the functions are related to gramming channel 0 is used.
output relays, which are common to all the

Channel starting delay Channel resetting delay

Alarm 1

Alarm 2


Realarm type 0

Realarm type 1
Realarm type 2

Realarm type 3

Principle diagram illustrating the realarm output relay function modes. Alarms 1 and 2 assumed to
being grouped to the same output relay.

Through the matrix display the output relay The realarm output relays 2…6 are program-
programming may be performed using a sub- med in the same way by using the parameters
menu of the REFL.RELAY MODE parameter. S2…S6.
Via the serial interface the programming may be
done using the following parameter:

Realarm relay 1
S 1 0 = field signal following realarm
1 = memory controlled realarm
2 = pulse shaped realarm 0.3…255.0 s
3 = field signal following realarm, which is
interrupted for 0.3…255.0 s each time
a new alarm signal joins an already
alert realarm signal

Pulse length When the pulse shaped realarm has been selected the serial interface using the parameter S 23.
the pulse length may be defined through the
matrix display using the PULSE parameter or via S 23 0…255 = pulse length in seconds

Audible alarm The audible alarm output relay is operated as alarm on return to normal of the alarm channel.
output relay soon as a set-point value of any of the 16 channels When a channel has been programmed for the
has been crossed. Further each channel may be input signal following mode of indication, the
separately programmed to initiate an audible audible alarm output relay is not operated.

Resetting of
audible alarm

Channel 1

Channel 2

Channel 3 Audible
alarm Audible alarm
memory output relay

Channel 16

Principle diagram of the audible alarm function.

Self-supervision The annunciator unit is provided with a built- auxiliary supply the alarm output relay drops off
system output relay in, sophisticated self-supervision system which and the normally (=healthy and energized unit)
operates a normally energized output relay. On open alarm contact closes.
detection of an internal fault or upon loss of

Average value The annunciator unit incorporates an average measuring function is the supervision of the
measurement value measurement function which is con- exhaust gas temperatures of a diesel engine. The
nected to channel 0. The average value function average value then provides an indication of the
is a program which calculates the scaled arith- loading condition of the engine and on a per
metic average value of all the channels that have cylinder basis one can define how high the
been incorporated in the measurement. temperature deviation from the average value is
allowed to grow during various engine loading
A common application of the average value conditions

Average value Two set-points may be associated to the average AV. TRIP POINT parameter and the lower set-
set-point value. One of the set-points is a upper set-point, point using the AV. LOCK POINT parameter.
which may be connected to one or two group Via the serial interface the setting is performed
realarm outputs. The other set-point is a lower using the parameters S 26 and S 27.
set-point, the signal of which is used to block
deviation alarms from channels connected to S 26 +/– 0.000…9999= upper set-point value
the average value function. of average value
S 27 +/– 0.000…9999= lower set-point value
With the aid of the matrix display the setting of average value
value of the upper set-point is keyed in using the

HI set-point of
600 the channel
Positive deviation set-point Hi set-point of
of a particular channel the average value
at 83% of the measuring
500 range
Negative deviation set-point
of a particular channel at 83%
of the measuring range

300 Positive deviation set-point

of a particular channel
at 33% of the measuring
Negative deviation set-point
of a particular channel at 33%
of the measuring range
Average value
blocking set-point

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 %
1 Channel input 5 mA

Average value function in association with exhaust gas temperature supervision of diesel engine.

Grouping of average Both set-points may be connected to the re- Upper set-point, reflash B
value set-points alarm outputs via a submenu of the set-point S 29 0 = not connected
value setting menu if performed with the aid of 1…6 = group realarm output 1…6
the matrix display. The concerned parameters
are named RFL A TO RLY and RFL B TO RLY. Blocking set-point, reflash A
If the programming is performed via the serial S 30 0 = not connected
interface the parameters S 28…S 31 are to be 1…6 = group realarm output 1…6
Blocking set-point, reflash B
Upper set-point, reflash A S 31 0 = not connected
S 28 0 = not connected 1…6 = group realarm output 1…6
1…6 = group realarm output 1…6

Delay of average Both set-points may be given response and S 32 0…255 = response time in seconds of
value set-point alarm resetting delays. With the aid of the matrix upper set-point
display the delay times are set by means of the S 33 0…255 = resetting time in seconds of
submenu parameters RESP. TIME and RESET upper set-point
TIME. Via the serial interface the setting is S 34 0…255 = response time in seconds of
performed using the parameters S 32…S 35. blocking set-point
S 35 0…255 = resetting time in seconds of
blocking set-point

External reference Sometimes there may be a need for using an With the aid of the matrix display the channel is
value external signal as a reference of the loading selected by means of the parameter EXT.REF.
situation of the engine. Then one channel may CHANNEL. and via the serial interface using
be dedicated for the purpose of performing the the parameter S 36.
average value function. The input signal con-
nected to this channel then corresponds to e.g. S 36 0 = no channel selected, normal average
the loading situation of the engine. This channel value function
must then be given the setting values of the 1…16 = one of the channels 1…16 used
average value channel. The external reference as a reference
channel may also be used for obtaining a differ-
ence supervision of two channels.

Connection of The channels are to be connected to the average same programming is performed using the
channels to the value calculation one by one. By the support of channel-specific S 23 parameter.
average value the matrix display the channels are connected to
calculation the average value calculation by using the S 23 0 = channel not connected to average value
REF.VALUE DEVS menu and then the sub- calculation
menu INCLUDED?. Via the serial interface the 1 = channel connected to average value

Setting of channel- Any channel connected to the average value and –DEV 83%. Via the serial interface the
specific deviation calculation may be given a upper set-point which deviation set-points are entered using the para-
set-points equals the HI trip set-point of an ordinary meters S 24…S 27.
channel. Further the channel may be provided
with a HI and a LO deviation set-point in S 24 +/–0.000…9999 = positive deviation at
relation to the average value. As the permitted 83% of measuring
deviation from the average value usually is higher range
at lower engine loading levels, the deviation set- S 25 +/–0.000…9999 = positive deviation at
point may be given separately for low loads 33% of measuring
(33%) and heavy loads (83%). The permitted range
deviation will then be calculated by linear inter- S 26 +/–0.000…9999 = negative deviation at
polation between the given set-points. When 83% of measuring
the engine loading exceeds 83% the deviation range
set-points are extrapolated. When the average S 27 +/–0.000…9999 = negative deviation at
value function is used for the temperature super- 33% of measuring
vision of the exhaust gases of an engine and the range
scale range selected is 0…600°C, then 33%
corresponds to the scale value 200°C and 83% As previously mentioned the setting of the HI
to the scale value 500°C. set-point value is performed by the support of
the matrix display using the HI TRIP POINT
By support of the matrix display the deviation parameter. When set via the serial interface the
set-point values may be entered in a submenu of corresponding parameter is named S 2.
the main menu REF.VALUE DEVS using the
parameters +DEV 33%, –DEV 33%, +DEV 83% S2 +/–0.000…9999 = HI trip set-point

Grouping of Crossing a deviation set-point value activates RFL A TO RLY and RFL B TO RLY. Via the
channel-specific the same functions as exceeding the HI alarm serial interface the grouping is carried out using
set-point values set-point. Thus, crossing a deviation set-point the parameters S 15 and S 16.
value also causes a group realarm output relay to
pick up, if connected to the HI alarm set-point. S 15 0 = reflash A not connected
The response times of the deviation set-points, 1…6 = reflash A connected to realarm
too, equal those of the HI set-point values. output 1…6
S 16 0 = reflash B not connected
By support of the matrix display the grouping is 1…6 = reflash B connected to realarm
performed using the HI ALARM POINT sub- output 1…6
menu. The grouping parameters are named

Setting of response The input response times and the channel reset- S6 0…255= input response time of the HI
and reset times ting times are also set by means of a submenu of alarm set-point and deviation
the alarm set-point value setting HI TRIP POINT. set-point expressed in seconds
The concerned parameters are named RESP. S 10 0…255= reset time of the HI alarm set-
TIME and RESET TIME. When carrying out point and deviation set-point
the setting via the serial interface the correspond- expressed in seconds
ing parameters are named S 6 and S 10:

Serial The annunciator unit is provided with a multi- 16A3 may be used for both data logging and
communication drop type serial interface. Via the serial interface event handling when connected to a higher level
the annunciator unit may also be connected to system. Connection to a LON-bus system is also
other higher level systems provided that the possible using the LON/SPA Gateway, SPA-
SPA-bus protocol is implemented to the con- ZC 100.
cerned system. The annunciator unit SACO

Bus connection The SPA-bus i preferably utilized by fibre-opti- cables may be of the plastic core type or of the
modules cal connection due to the high interference glass fibre type. The cable type for which the bus
surrounding where the units are used. Electrical connection module is intended is indicated by
connection for the SPA-Bus is also possible but the last two letters of the type designation. The
not recommended. For the connection of the letter B stands for a plastic core cable and the
serial bus to the annunciator unit a bus connec- letter M for a glass fibre cable. The first of the
tion module of the SPA-ZC…-series is needed. two letters refers to the outgoing cable and the
The bus connection modules are attached to the last letter to the incoming fibre cable. For plastic
back plate of the annunciator unit by means of core cables the maximum data transfer distance
the enclosed fastening sleeves. The following is approximately 30 m and for glass fibre cables
types of bus connection modules are available: at the moment approximately 2000 m.

The SPA-ZC21 is used in combination with a SPA-ZC 17 may also be used. SPA-ZC 17 is the
fibre-optic bus. The fibre-optic bus forms a loop same as SPA-ZC 21 but with separate power
and accordingly the bus connection modules are supply, which enables the rest of the SPA-Bus to
provided with one input and one output con- stay intact in an event of power failure in one
nector for the fibre-optic cables. The fibre-optic SPACOM unit.

Tx Rx

RS 951 021-

SPA S 1 2 3 4 5

1100 1
RS485 M -----OPEN-----
0011 0

1 13 x5
2 14

3 15

4 16
5 17

6 18
7 19

8 20

9 21
10 22

11 23

12 24 x4

Rear view of the annunciator unit with a bus connection module attached to the terminals.

The protocol of the SPA-bus is of the ASCII The LON TALK protocol is described in the
type and it has been described in detail in the document LON Bus - LON WORKS Network
product description 34 SPACOM 2EN1. in Protection and Control System; 1MRS
Communication 750035-MTD EN

Transferred data Via the serial interface the following informa- The following information may be transmitted
tion may be read from the annunciator unit: to the annunciator unit:
– event register data with attached time labels. – setting values and parameter values
The events may be set-point value transitions – control commands to the output relays
or predefined measurement value changes – clock synchronizing signals
– measurement values
– setting values and parameter settings
– set-point activations

Event register for the A separate register for 30 events facilitates the ting unit. The events are then, on the reporting
SPACOM reporting connection of the annunciator unit to the level, coordinated with events from the other
system SPACOM reporting system. The events are annunciator units and placed in chronological
stored including event code, time marking in order on the basis of the time markings. After
seconds and channel number. The contents of this the events may be printed out on a local
the event register is cyclically read by the repor- printer or retransmitted to a higher system level.

Event register

Time Slave
Slave Channel
Channel Code
Code Host system

Adding of
users text

Time marking: year, month,

day, hour and minute



SPA-bus SPA-bus

Events Events

1 Time Channel Code Clock 1 Time Channel Code Clock

2 0 - 60 s 2 0 - 60 s
3 3
. .
. .
. .
. Event . Event
. register n register
. Overflow

1 2 3 4 Event overflow
5 6 7 8 matrix register
9 10 11 12
13 14 15 16
SPACOM alarm module SPACOM protective relay module

Principle diagram of the event reporting of the SPACOM system.

Address code The annunciator unit must be given an address meter. Via the serial interface the address code
code in order to enable communication with may be given (if a previously given address code
higher system levels. The address code may be is to be changed) using the V200 parameter:
any number from 1 to 99 and it may be entered
through the matrix display and the front panel V200 1…99 = module address code
keys using the MODULE ADD.CODE para-

Data transfer rate The normal data transfer rate of the SPA-bus is V 201 1 = 9600 Bd, the module regularly
9600 Bd. The transfer rate may be reduced if transmits synchronizing signals.
required. Through the matrix display and the This feature is used for synchroniz-
front panel keys the change is performed using ing the flash sequences of two or
the DATA TRNSF RATE menu and via the more interconnected annunciator
serial interface using the V201 parameter: units without a higher system level
2 = 9600 Bd
3 = 4800 Bd
4 = 2400 Bd
5 = 1200 Bd
6 = 300 Bd

Auxiliary power The standard auxiliary power module of the auxiliary power module intended for the supply
supply annunciator unit covers any ac or dc auxiliary voltage range 18…80 V dc. The auxiliary power
voltage within the range 80…265 V. On re- modules are provided with two identical supply
Supply voltage range quest the annunciator unit is provided with an inputs. Generally only one is used.


Supply 1


Field contact supply 48 V -
Supply 2

Logic supply 8 V-
Relay supply 24 V -

Principle diagram of the auxiliary power supply system.

Double supply When the annunciator unit is to be supplied from power source with the highest voltage level will be
two sources it must be noted that the two supply the one supplying energy to the annunciator unit.
inputs of the auxiliary power module are galvani-
cally interconnected. For this reason one of the The dielectric test voltage between the auxiliary
supply sources must be fitted with a galvanic supply inputs and the electronics of the annun-
separation. The galvanic separation may be car- ciator unit is 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min.
ried out by means of an isolating transformer in
ac circuits or a DC/DC-converter in dc circuits. N.B.
The most common solution is that one of the No double supply can be arranged using the
inputs is energized from an AC source and this supply module for the input voltage range
supply is provided with an isolating transformer, 18…80 V DC. In this case, on the other hand,
≥ 30 VA, with an output voltage within the range the auxiliary supply inputs are parallelled in
80…265 V. The other input may then be con- order to avoid overloading of the input circuits,
nected to a dc source, e.g. a station battery, also especially if the 24 V DC outputs are used for
within the range 80…265 V dc. The auxiliary the supply of transducer amplifiers.


220 VAC Supply 1



110 VDC Supply 2


Principle diagram of a doubled auxiliary supply.

In the above figure Supply 1 is 220 V ac fed over Thus in the above example energy is normally
an isolating transformer with the transforming taken from the AC supply and the DC supply
ratio 1:1, Supply 2 is a DC supply taken from a immediately takes over if the AC supply fails.
110 V station battery.

Self-supervision The built-in self-supervision system continu- panel. If a fault is detected in the program execu-
ously supervises the internal voltages of the tion, in the function of the electronics or in the
annunciator, the operation of the microproces- supply voltage levels, the FAULT indicator goes
sor programmes and the function of the electro- on and the self-supervision system output relay
nics. On detection of an internal malfunction an operates closing a NO contact. If the supply
automatic reset and reinitiation is carried out. If voltages disappear too, the ON and the FAULT
the failure disappears, the normal operations indicators both turn off. The output relay of the
continue. self-supervision system operates (the relay drops
off and its contact closes) even in this case because
The self-supervision system controls two LED the output relay is energized under normal con-
indicators marked ON and FAULT on the front ditions and the output contact is open.

Earth fault

Transducer fault

24 V undervoltage 1 Output relay of

the selfsupervision
5 V undervoltage system
Internal Fault
48 V undervoltage supervision
Supervision of the Blocking of realarms and
microprocessor and locking of the serial port
the execution of its
program (Watch dog)

Principle diagram of the self-supervision system.

Mounting The housing of the annunciator unit is prima- The mounting frame of the annunciator case is
rily intended for flush mounting. The case is fitted with a rubber gasket, which provides a
fixed to the panel by means of two pairs of degree of protection by enclosure to IP54 be-
mounting brackets. The annunciator unit is tween the annunciator case and the mounting
preferably mounted in eye-height. panel.

The required depth behind the panel may be The annunciator units may also be mounted in
reduced by means of a raising frame which may 19 inch instrument cabinets and mounting frames.
be ordered separately. The correspondingly For this purpose three types of mounting plates
shorter mounting brackets are delivered together are available among the accessories. The height of
with the raising frame. Three types of raising the mounting plates is 4U (~178 mm) and the
frames are available: following types have been specified.

– type SPA-ZX 301, raising frame, 40 mm – type SPA-ZX 304,

– type SPA-ZX 302, raising frame, 80 mm mounting plate for two size 300 cases
– type SPA-ZX 303, raising frame, 120 mm – type SPA-ZX 305,
mounting plate for one size 300 case
– type SPA-ZX 201,
mounting plate for one size 300 case and one
size 100 case

249 34
20 229


214 ±1 a b
139 ±1

Panel cut-out

Raising frame a b
SPA-ZX 301 209 74
SPA-ZX 302 169 114
SPA-ZX 303 129 154

Connection All terminals to facilitate input and output To facilitate the connection of the auxiliary
connections are located on the rear panel of the voltages, the relay output circuits and the bus
annunciator unit. The connector module carry- connection module the annunciator unit is pro-
ing the transducer input connectors and the vided with terminal blocks for screw connec-
remote control input connectors is detachable. tion. Each terminal may accommodate one or
Thus it may be used as a separate connection two wires with a max. cross section of 2.5 mm2.
socket when the annunciator unit is mounted,
for instance in a control desk, in which case it The transduce input signals and the remote con-
must be provided with a longer interconnection trol signals are connected to detachable screw
cable. The space of the connector module is terminal connector strips. Each terminal may ac-
covered with an optional sheet steel plate. commodate a multistrand wire of 0.5…1.5 mm2.
The connector strip is of the Weidmüller type

1 13 x5
2 14

3 15

4 16
5 17

6 18
7 19

8 20

9 21
10 22

11 23

12 24 x4

Rear view of the annunciator unit SACO 16A3.

Connection diagram
Silence 33 Shunt
Ack + Input
26 34
- Input
CH 1
Reset 35
27 0V
Test 28 36
Local 37
+ 24 V
Remote 30 38
Sync 39
+ 48 V
+ 48 V 40
32 + Input
41 CH 2
- Input
44 Shunt
+ Input
- Input
CH 3
47 0V
48 + 24 V
+ 48 V
51 Shunt
Rx /Tx A + Input
1 52
Rx /Tx B - Input CH 4
2 53
SPA-BUS 3 54
13 55 Shunt
RTS B + Input
14 56 CH 5
+8V 57
- Input
15 0V
+ 24 V
+ 48 V
Group alarm 1 62
+ Input
4 63 CH 6
- Input
5 65
Group alarm 2 66 Shunt
6 + Input
- Input
CH 7
Group alarm 3 68
7 69 0V
70 + 24 V
8 71
Group alarm 4 72
+ 48 V
9 73 Shunt
+ Input
Group alarm 5 74
- Input CH 8
10 75
77 Shunt
Group alarm 6 + Input
12 78 CH 9
- Input
Audible alarm 16 + 24 V
17 82
+ 48 V
Internal fault 18 + Input
85 CH 10
- Input
19 0V
88 Shunt
+ Input
- Input
CH 11
91 0V
92 + 24 V
+ 48 V
95 Shunt
+ Input
96 CH 12
- Input

99 Shunt
+ Input
- Input
CH 13
+ 24 V
+ 48 V
+ Input CH 14
- Input
N- 109
Supply 1 20 Shunt
L+ 110
+ Input
21 111 CH 15
112 - Input
113 0V
22 + 24 V
N- 116
+ 48 V
Supply 2 23 Shunt
L+ 117
24 + Input
118 CH 16
- Input

Connection diagram of the annunciator unit SACO 16A3.

Power supply Before the auxiliary voltage is connected to the N.B. If the annunciator unit is to be supplied
annunciator unit it must be checked that the from two auxiliary energy sources, a galvanic
voltage complies with the specification of the separation must be arranged to one of the sup-
auxiliary voltage of the unit. See marking on the plies, e.g. using an isolating transformer. Please,
aluminium profile. Also check that the equip- cf. the chapter "Double supply".
ment earth has been connected.
If the supply alternative 18…80 V DC is used,
When the annunciator unit is to be supplied it is recommended that the two supply inputs of
from two voltage sources the sources must be the annunciator unit are parallelled, in order not
galvanically separated from each other. As no to overload the supply input circuits, especially
galvanic separation of the voltage sources is if the 24 V DC output is used for the supply of
provided by the power module of the annuncia- energy to transducers.
tor unit, it must be arranged outside the unit.
See example in section "Double supply".

Relay outputs The group realarm outputs are connected two Group realarm 1
and two with one common wire. The audible J3 o o-o = NC contact, o-o o = NO contact
alarm and the self-supervision alarm outputs
are, however, fully separated from each other. Group realarm 2
All the outputs relays have been set to provide a J4 o o-o = NC contact, o-o o = NO contact
contact closing on operation. The relay board
type SWOM 8A1 carries solderable program- Group realarm 3
ming pins by means of which the contact func- J5 o o-o = NC contact, o-o o = NO contact
tion of each output relay separately may be
altered from normally open to normally closed, Group realarm 4
cf. the following list: J6 o o-o = NC contact, o-o o = NO contact

Audible alarm Group realarm 5

J1 o o-o = NC contact, o-o o = NO contact J7 o o-o = NC contact, o-o o = NO contact

Self-supervision Group realarm 6

J2 o-o o = NC contact, o o-o = NO contact J8 o o-o = NC contact, o-o o = NO contact

Remote control The remote control inputs are to be controlled 48 V dc, may be taken from the 48 V dc output
inputs by closing contacts. The control circuit voltage, of the annunciator unit.

Transducer inputs The transducer circuits are wired to the connec- ther, three connection screws have been re-
tors X1…X4. For each annunciator channel served per every two channels.
four connection screws have been reserved. Fur-

Current generator
Shieth earth

Field contact
circuit supply 48 V DC
Transducer supply 24 V DC

Shunt resistor 270 Ω

+ Analogue terminal +

- Analogue terminal -
switches DIFF
Analogue GND
Input amplifier

Principle diagram of the connection of a transducer.

The earth terminal is connected to the protec- sheaths are connected to one earth terminal.
tive sheaths of the transducer input cables. When The cable sheath is generally earthed in one end
the input cables are individually screened two of the cable only.
Transducer The annunciator unit may be connected to a fied types. The different transducers are connec-
connections large variety of different measuring transducer ted to the channel inputs as follows.
types, both standardized and customer-speci-

Current transducers When a current transducer is connected to the The permitted current drain from the +24 V
channel input, the terminals SHUNT and +IN- terminal is 320 mA. Field transducers without a
PUT are linked together as are the terminals return lead are connected to the +24 V terminal
GND and –INPUT too. The incoming current and the +INPUT terminal.
signal is connected to the +INPUT terminal and
the outgoing current signal to the –INPUT ter- If an external shunt resistor is to be used, it
minal. In case the transducer requires an auxiliary should be connected between the terminals +IN-
supply, it may be taken from the +24 V terminal, PUT and –INPUT. The channel input may
which is a common terminal for two channels. then be programmed for e.g. the measurement
range 0…1 V.

48 V DC
Transducer supply mA
24 V DC

Transducer + INPUT +

Principle diagram for the connection of current transducers.

Voltage transducers When a voltage transducer is connected to the return voltage signal lead to the –INPUT termi-
channel input, the GND and the –INPUT are nal. If required, the transducer may be powered
linked together. The incoming voltage signal is from the 24 V dc terminal.
connected to the +INPUT terminal and the

48 V DC
Transducer supply mA
24 V DC


Principle diagram for the connection of voltage transducers.

Resistance The resistance transducers may be connected to perature value by which the measurement range
transducers the channel input using either the three-wire or is to be transferred, is to be connected to the
the two-wire connection principle. In the three- +INPUT terminal. The scaling is then trans-
wire measuring principle an automatic compen- ferred downwards following the description given
sation of the transducer wire resistance is pro- in association with the two-wire connection.
vided. When the two-wire measuring principle
is used the compensation of the conductor re- If the channel input is programmed for one of
sistance must be carried out manually by first the adjustable resistance ranges, the calibration
calculating the temperature change of a particu- is performed with the potentiometer on the
lar transducer as a function of the conductor front edge of the analogue input module SWAM
resistance. The scaling is then altered so that it 16A1. The potentiometer is made accessible by
is moved down with the value corresponding to dismounting the front panel of the annunciator
the conductor resistance. The scaling is moved unit. In order to enable the calibration of the
down in both the 0% end and the 100% end of channel input a resistor corresponding to 0°C of
the measuring range. the particular sensor is to be connected to the
input. The channel to be calibrated is then
Example: called up on the display and the potentiometer
The conductor resistance of a Pt 100 sensor is is turned until the display shows 0°C. The
1.2 Ω corresponding to a calculated temperature calibration is now finished and the front panel
change of 3°C. The scaling is then defined so may be refitted. The calibration is valid for any
that in stead of the range –20…230°C the value channel which has been programmed for the
–23°C is keyed in at the 0% end of the scale and adjustable scale. Only one adjustable scale per
the value 227°C in the 100% end of the scale. annunciator unit may be defined.

The temperature measurement range may also In the three-wire connection the sole wire is
intentionally be transferred downwards by in- connected to the +INPUT terminal and the two
serting a series resistor in the temperature sensor parallel wires are connected to the –INPUT and
circuit. The resistor, corresponding to the tem- GND terminals respectively.

48 V DC
24 V DC

Resistor sensor


Principle diagram of the three-wire connection.

In the two-wire connection the –INPUT and tor is connected across the input +INPUT and
GND terminals are linked together. The resis- –INPUT

48 V DC
24 V DC

Resistor sensor


Principle diagram of the two-wire connection.

Field contact signals The internally generated 48 V dc voltage is used Further the SHUNT and +INPUT terminals
as the field contact circuit voltage. The 48 V dc are linked together as are –INPUT and GND
terminal is fed over an internal series resistor. terminals too.
Thus, when the field contact closes the terminal
potential drops to a few volts. Therefore each The field contact is then connected either across
field contact must be supplied via a 48 V dc the 48 V dc and the +INPUT terminals or with
terminal, despite the fact that two channels the 4.7 kΩ series resistor across the 24 V dc and
share one +48 V dc terminal. –INPUT terminals.

The internally generated 24 V dc may be used The channel input is programmed to accept a
for feeding the field contact circuit too, but if the closing field contact by setting a HI set-point in
24 V dc terminal is used it must be provided the middle of the measurement range and for an
with a 4.7 kΩ series resistor. opening field contact a LO set-point is keyed in
the middle of the measurement range.

48 V DC
Field contact 24 V DC


Principle diagram of a field contact connection.

Serial bus A series of bus connection modules used for to one of the terminal blocks by means of the
connection connecting the annunciator unit to the SPA-bus enclosed fastening sleeves and according to the
is described in section "Bus connection mod- enclosed mounting instruction.
ules". The bus connection modules are attached

Interlocking bus To enable the 16-pole flat cable to be connected plate and connected to the flat cable connector
connection to the interlocking bus, the input connector X9 on the mother PC board. Thereafter the
module must be dismounted. The flat cable is input connector module is refitted.
then routed through the aperture of the rear

Starting is indicated on all occupied channels as tinuity of light emitting diodes and short-circuit
Annunciator start-up a reset alarm. These "alarms" are not stored in between adjacent light emitting diodes. The
the event register. digital display goes through each number and
the matrix display shows a positive and a nega-
An operational test may be performed to the tive picture. In this way every pixel of the matrix
annunciator unit by putting it into the test display will be checked.
mode. During the test all display and indicator
functions are went through. The alarm channel The input and output circuits of the annunciator
indicators are tested both with respect to discon- unit must be tested using primary test methods.

Edition and The annunciator unit is provided with a translu- drawing ink pen or a typewriter. When the first
change of cent foil for channel legends. The legend foil line is written a few millimetres from the begin-
channel legend which is cut out from a sheet of ordinary drawing ning of the line must be left empty in order not to
foil film, is inserted in a pocket behind the alu- cover the LED indicators.
minium front panel. After the front panel has
been dismounted the legend foil may be with- The legend surface of one channel comprises 20 mm
drawn from the pocket at the left hand edge of the x 20 mm. The text may be divided into four lines.
front panel.
A sheet of film with three printed legend foils are
The channel legend text may be written with a included in the delivery.


Front panel with partially withdrawn legend foil.

Letter height 2,5 mm

Letter height 1,8 mm


Identification number
1 of annunciator unit

Legend foil with two examples of written texts.

Programming The annunciator unit is characterized by its matrix display on the front panel or via the serial
versatility. At the same time it is extremely easy port of the unit.
to use. The annunciator unit is fully customizable
according to the user's requirements, as all the IMPORTANT!
parameters are programmable and stored in The annunciator unit is set and configured as an
reprogrammable solid state memory circuits. off-line measure, which means that the annun-
The parameter settings and changes may be ciator unit is switched off from the normal
entered afterwards which markedly facilitates functions as long as the setting and configuring
start-up work. The setting and configuring may goes on.
be performed through the push-buttons and the

Setting through The annunciator unit can be programmed with – the main menu display on which the basic
the display and the display and the plain-text push-buttons. functions are presented in plain text
the push-buttons The display always shows the meaning of the – the submenu display on which parameters
push-button. Each time the annunciator unit is related to the basic function are presented
started up or the left-most push-button is pushed, – the setting display on which parameter values
the basic display appears on the screen. Besides of a submenu may be altered
the basic display four subdisplays are used,
namely: A return to the previous display is always ob-
tained with the RET push-button (Return push-
– the channel selection display through which button).
the module parameters and the channel para-
meters are selected

The five displays used in programming.

Basic display From the basic display access to the setting and
configuration functions is obtained by pushing
the SET push-button. First a channel selection
display appears on the screen.

Channel selection parameters may be selected. Module-related

display parameters are obtained by pressing the push-
button under the UNIT text. Channel-related
parameters are called up by pressing the push-
button under the CHAN text. Channel 1 is first
obtained. The presented display is called the
basic menu.

From the channel selection display access to the

test functions is obtained with the TEST push-
Through the channel selection display both button.
module-related (channel 0) and channel-related

Basic menu display be checked or altered is selected. The functions

are presented in plain text without setting values.

The upwards pointed arrow is used for scrolling

through the menu. The currently selected func-
tion is shown in light on a black background. If
the basic menu shows a channel-related func-
tion the following channel may be reached with
the semicircular arrow. Then, with the MENU
push-button the desired submenu display is
Through the above display the basic function to reached.

Submenu display In this display all the setting values associated

with the basic function are shown. Even in this
display the menu may be scrolled through using
the arrow push-buttons. The selected parameter
is shown in light characters against a dark bot-
tom. If the selected parameter value is to be
altered the setting display is called up using the
SET push-button.

Setting display The selectable values are selected with the up-
wards and downwards pointed arrows. The value
pointed out at the moment the display is aban-
doned using the RET push-button is stored in
the memory.

At an adjustable setting the first digit flashes.

This digit may be altered by stepping through
the selectable set of characters using the upwards
and downwards pointed arrows. The following
In the setting display either the selectable values digit starts flashing when the rightward arrow is
of a particular setting or the previous setting pushed and again the desired character may be
value if freely selectable, are shown. The se- selected. In this way the desired setting value
lected value is flashing and shown in light char- may be obtained in the display. When the
acters on a dark background. display is abandoned using the RET push-but-
ton the selected value is stored in the memory.

Programming via The annunciator unit may also be configured carried out using e.g. an SMS program. When a
the serial bus and set with instructions given via the serial port higher level connection is used for the program-
using the codes defined later on in this product ming, additional information is to be found in
document. The programming routines are the the SPA bus protocol description, i.e. the docu-
same as for the other SACO units and is easily ment no. 34 SPACOM 2EN1.

Operation The analogue annunciator unit is easy to use. The state of operation of the annunciator unit is
The user simply pushes the front panel push- indicated with two LED indicators in the upper
buttons to perform resetting functions or to left corner of the front panel. Under normal
read measured values. However, for shifting operation conditions the ON indicator should
displays and for programming the cover is to be be illuminated indicating that the auxiliary sup-
opened to provide access to the front panel ply of the unit has been switched on. If the
push-buttons. The functions corresponding to FAULT indicator is illuminated an internal
the adjacent push-buttons are shown in the fault has been detected by the integrated self-
matrix display. supervision system.

State-of-operation indicators

Digital display

Legend field with LEDs for

alarm and channel indication

Matrix display

Acknowledge/reset and channel

selection push-button

Resetting sequence indicators


Operation push-buttons

Front view of the annunciator unit.

Resetting of set- On transition of a set-point value the indicator SILENCE = resetting of audible alarm
point transition of the concerned alarm channel is activated ACKNOWLEDGE = alarm acknowledge
according to the selected annunciator sequence RESET = channel reset
and the digital display shows the channel number
of the first-out alarm succeeding the last reset- The resetting function being performed when
ting. The group realarm output relays configured the reset push-button is pressed is the one cur-
to the particular set-point value transition are rently being indicated by the adjacent LEDs.
also operated. Further, the resetting sequence Separate inputs are available for the various
indicators perform according to the selected acknowledge/resetting functions when they are
annunciator sequence pattern. The unit incor- to be performed by remote control.
porates the following resetting functions:

Indication of first- The channel number of the first-out alarm resetting is performed. An earth-fault indica-
out alarms and succeeding a resetting is shown in the digital tion, however, is maintained until the earth-
transducer faults display and it is maintained in the display until fault is eliminated. The first-out alarm is dis-
being reset. Meanwhile the measurement value played in the following form.
display is interrupted and it reappears when the

Type of set-point transition

= HI trip or rise time set-point
= HI alarm or positive deviation set-point
= LO alarm or negative deviation set-point
= LO trip or fall time set-point
= Transducer fault
= Earth-fault

Channel number:
= Annunciator channels
= Average value channel

Function testing The annunciator unit may be commanded into After the function test the desired matrix display
a function testing mode where the indicators are function is re-selected.
illuminated in a certain sequence pattern. After
opening the front cover the testing mode is Normally the transducer circuits are continu-
entered by first pressing the SET and then the ously supervised by the annunciator unit. The
TEST push-button of the basic display. The function of the output relays are, however, to be
function test also includes the microprocessor. verified by primary testing.

Display of The measured values are displayed on the digital presented after channel 16. Then, in stead of the
measured display in scaled quantities on a per channel channel number the letters AV will be displayed
values and basis. The channels are called up in a sequence on the matrix display.
event register one by one with the push-button on the front
cover. A yellow LED indicator in the legend The measurement value display function may
field of the channels indicates which channel is be used independently of the selected mode of
up for display. If the average value function has operation of the matrix display.
Measured values
been taken in use the average value will be

Limit values and Simultaneously with the measured value being three seconds intervals. The TRIP set-points are
measured quantities displayed on the digital display, the limit values, marked with two arrow heads and the ALARM
the measured quantity and the channel number set-points with one. The arrow heads point
are being presented on the first line of the matrix upwards for HI set-points and downwards for
display. If several limit values have been set, the LO set-points.
different values are shown successively with

Measurement value presentation.

Further the matrix display may be given the – curve display mode with selectable time axis
following modes of operation: – event register display mode with the latest
– bar graph mode survey display of all the 16 four events on the screen

Selection of The matrix display modes are selected by means push-button, the curve mode by pressing the
display mode of the push-buttons on the front panel, after that curve mode push-button and the event register
the front panel cover has been opened. If the display mode by pressing the EVENT push-
basic image with the date and time marks are button. When a new display mode is to be
shown on the display, the bar graph mode may selected the basic image is first called up using
be obtained simply by pressing the bar graph the left-most RET push-button.

Bar graph display The measured values of all the channels may be concerned channel may be studied more closely
mode presented in one image. The measured values by calling up the channel on the digital display.
are displayed in the form of bars with a 0…100
% scale of the display range, when the measured
value is displayed in the curve mode. The stand-
ard programming equals the measurement range
for the concerned transducer. However, the
display range may be freely selected using the
CURVE TRACE parameter. The set-points of
the various channels are marked with upwards
directed arrow heads for the HI set-points and
downward arrow heads for the LO set-points.
The display provides a survey of the value of all
the channels in relation to the set limit values. If
the value of a channel lies close to a set-point the Bar graph display mode.

Curve display mode The measured values of the channels may be

presented as a curve in a system of co-ordinates
with a selectable horizontal time axis. The chan-
nel to be studied is selected using the right-most
push-button which is used for alarm resetting

The measured values are presented as scaled

values of the selected measured quantity. The
end values of the measurement value range are
shown in the left-most upper and lower corners Curve display.
of the screen. The scale range for the curve
display mode may be selected from the basic By keying one of the push-buttons the push-
menu using the CURVE POINTS parameter. button mnemonics are displayed. The time axis
In the submenu HI POINT stands for the upper is selected using the TIME push-button of the
end value and LO POINT for the lower end display. By stepping through the choice of time
value. values the desired time axis is selected as meas-
uring sample/time. The last value selected is
The default programming on delivery equals the stored and presented, when the curve display is
measurement range, but the requested display selected next. The measured values associated
range may be set by the operator. For each point with all the time axes are stored. This feature
on the time axis the maximum and minimum enables the time axis to be changed whenever
value for the measurement period, which the requested and the curve to be studied over a
point represents, is given. The time axis may be shorter or longer period of time. Using the
given the following values: MEMO push-button one stored measurement
value curve per channel may be presented. The
– one point per second, which gives a full push-button mnemonics are erased from the
display time period of 2 minutes display with the RET push-button or automati-
– one point per ten seconds, which gives a full cally after time-out.
display time period of 20 minutes
– one point per minute, which gives a full
display time period of 2 hours
– one point per ten minutes, which gives a full
display time period of 20 hours
– one point per hour, which gives a full display
period of 5 days

Push-button mnemonics display.

Stored measurement In addition to the continuously registered meas- The stored measurement value curve is called up
value curve urement value curve, a stored curve is available with the MEMO push-button.
for each channel. The stored curve contains the
latest set-point value transition and it is stored The first line of the display shows the time
with the latest selected time axis. Of the stored marking of the set-point value transition using
curve 75 % lies before the transition point and the following format:
25 % after the point.

Stored measurement value curve.

Local event sequence The latest thirty set-point value transitions and The event register presentation is finished by
register resettings including time markings comprising pressing the RET push-button.
year, month, day, hour, minute and second are
stored in chronological order in the register. The event sequence register is provided with
The register is of the FIFO type which means, battery back-up and it maintains it contents
that when new events are received old events are during an auxiliary supply interruption.

Access to the register may be obtained by open-

ing the front cover and pressing the EVENT
push-button of the basic display. The latest four
events are then presented including the time
marking in hours, minutes and seconds. By
pressing the DATE push-button the time pre-
sentation is altered to year, month and day. The
latest (nearest) event is on top of the stack and
marked with number 30. By keying the arrow
Event sequence presentation.
head push-button one can go back in the regis-
ter. The display moves automatically to its start-
ing point, with the latest event on top if a new
event is received during the time the register is
being read.

Event No:
30 = Latest event
0 = Oldest event

Event symbol:
= HI trip or rise time set-point
= HI alarm or positive deviation set-point
= LO alarm or negative deviation set-poin
= LO trip or fall time set-point
= Transduser fault
= Earth-fault
ER = 48 V undervoltage
EV = Input oscillation monitor
= Reset (no symbol)
- = Acknowledge

Time marking:
Hour. minute: second

Channel number:
C1...C16 = Annunciator channels
C0 = Average value channel
Blank at reset or earth-fault

Key to event sequence register reading.

Display of average The mean value, if calculated, is presented on channel number the letters AV are shown in the
value the digital display as the final value after all the digital display.
channel values. At the same time the HI set-
point value and the blocking set-point value The mean value may also be presented in the
alternate in the matrix display. In stead of the curve display mode, if desired.

List of By means of the push-buttons and the displays I = input value
parameters on the front panel of the annunciator unit or via O = output value
the serial port of the unit, access to all the input/ S = setting value
output values, setting values, variables and reg- V = variable
istered values is obtained.
The parameters may carry module-related in-
The parameter names used in the man-machine formation or channel-specific information. The
communication via the front panel are in plain module-related information is addressed to an
text while the parameter names are coded with imaginary channel number 0 (zero) of the an-
a letter and a number when communication nunciator unit. The channel specific informa-
goes via the serial port. The letter codes stand for tion is addressed to the desired channel, i.e. one
the following parameter types: of the channels from 1 to 16.

Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

Module related information

Status of the interlocking — I1…I4 0 = not activated

lines 1 = activated

Calculated mean value AV I9 0.000…+/–9999

Output relay states — O1…O6 0 = not activated

1 = activated

Realarm output relay REFL.RELAY MODE S1…S6 0 = transition follower

function 1…6 1 = alarm memory follow
2 = pulse shaping
3 = 0+2

Realarm pulse length S23 0…255 = pulse length

in seconds

Alarm sequence type ALARM.SEQUENCE S24 0 = ISA A

1 = ISA A-1
2 = ISA M-1
3 = ISA R-1
4 = DIN 19235

Determination of reporting ACT.ALARM POLL S25 0 = responds

of active alarms 1 = no respond
(concerns the co-operation
with SACO 100M)

Average value HI trip AV.TRIP POINT S26 0.000…+/–9999

set-point SET POINT

Starting delay of average AV.TRIP POINT S32 0…255 s

value trip RESP.TIME

Resetting delay of average AV.TRIP POINT S33 0…255 s

value trip RESP.TIME

Grouping of reflash A AV.TRIP POINT S28 0…6

from average value trip RFL A TO RLY

Grouping of reflash B AV. TRIP POINT S29 0…6

from average value trip RFL B TO RLY

Average value blocking AV.BLOCK POINT S27 0.000…+/-9999

limit value SET POINT
Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

Starting delay of the AV.BLOCK POINT S34 0…255 s

average value blocking RESP.TIME

Resetting delay of the AV.BLOCK POINT S35 0…255 s

average value blocking

Grouping of reflash A AV.BLOCK POINT S30 0…6

from average value blocking RFL A TO RLY

Grouping of reflash B AV.BLOCK POINT S31 0…6

from average value blocking RFL B TO RLY

Selection of external EXT.REF.CHANNEL S36 0 = no channel

reference signal channel 1…16 = one of the channels

Frequency of the ac supply MAINS FREQUENCY S37 0 = 50 Hz

1 = 60 Hz

Synchronizing — T 00.000…59.999 = time

in seconds

Time setting TIME SETTING T year, month, day,

hour, min, second

Local/Remote selection — V1 1 = local/remote

2 = local state
3 = remote state

Resetting of audible alarm — V2 1 = resetting

Acknowledge of alarm — V3 1 = acknowledge

Testing — V4 1 = testing active

Resetting of alarm channel — V100 1 = resetting

Contents of overflow — V51 0000…FFFF

register in hexadecimal Channel 1 = LSB
form (least significant bit)
Channel 16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

Setting to zero of overflow — V51 0 = setting to zero

matrix register

HI trip set-point activation — V52 0000…FFFF

in hexadecimal form Channel 1 = LSB
(least significant bit)
Channel 16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

HI alarm set-point — V53 0000…FFFF

activation in hexadecimal Channel 1 = LSB
form (least significant bit)
Channel 16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

LO alarm set-point — V54 0000…FFFF

activation in hexadecimal Channel 1 = LSB
form (least significant bit)
Channel 16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

LO trip set-point — V55 0000…FFFF

activation in hexadecimal Channel 1 = LSB
form (least significant bit)
Channel 16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

HI transducer out of range — V56 0000…FFFF

activation in hexadecimal Channel 1 = LSB
form (least significant bit)
Channel 16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

LO transducer out of range — V57 0000…FFFF

activation in hexadecimal Channel 1 = LSB
form (least significant bit)
Channel 16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

Reading parameters from — V151 1 = reading and storing

RAM to EEPROM memory

Event reporting mask — V155 0000…FFFF

in hexadecimal form E1 = LSB
(least significant bit)
E16 = MSB
(most significant bit)

The state of the remote — V156 0000…01FF

ackn./reset inputs LSB = 48 V
in hexadecimal form LSB+1 = synchr.
LSB+2 = remote
LSB+3 = local
LSB+4 = test
LSB+5 = reset
LSB+6 = ackn.
LSB+7 = silence
LSB+8 = earth-fault

Annunciator unit MODULE ADD.CODE V200 000…899

address number

Data transfer rate DATA TRANS.RATE V201 0 = 9600 Bd

1 = 9600 Bd flash
synchr. transmitter
2 = 9600 Bd
3 = 4800 Bd
4 = 2400 Bd
5 = 1200 Bd
6 = 300 Bd

Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

Microprocessor program — V205 XXX.X = program version


Status of the unit — C 0 = normal status/resetting

1 = CPU reset has occurred
2 = event register overflow
3 =1+2

Type designation of the — F SACO 16A3

annunciator unit

Reading of event — L Time, channel number

sequence register and event code

Repeated reading of — B Time, channel number

event sequence register and event code

Reading of active alarms — A Channel number and

event code

Channel-specific information

Scaled measurement — I1 0.000…+/-9999

value of channel or 0 = open contact
contact status 1 = closed contact

Channel measurement — I2 0000…1023

value in binary form

HI -point value HI ALARM POINT S1 0.000…+/-9999


HI trip set-point value HI TIRP POINT S2 0.000…+/-9999


LO alarm set-point value LO ALARM POINT S3 0.000…+/-9999


LO trip set-point value LO TRIP POINT S4 0.000…+/-9999


Starting delay of the HI ALARM POINT S5 0…255 s

HI alarm set-point RESP.TIME

Starting delay of the HI TRIP POINT S6 0…255 s

HI trip set-point and RESP.TIME
of the rise time alarm

Starting delay of the LO ALARM POINT S7 0…255 s

LO alarm set-point RESP.TIME

Starting delay of the LO TRIP POINT S8 0…255 s

LO trip set-point and RESP.TIME
of the fall time alarm

Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

Resetting delay of the HI ALARM POINT S9 0…255 s

HI alarm set-point RESET TIME

Resetting delay of the HI TRIP POINT S10 0…255 s

HI trip set-point and RESET TIME
of the rise time alarm

Resetting delay of the LO ALARM POINT S11 0…255 s

LO alarm set-point RESET TIME

Resetting delay of the LO TRIP POINT S12 0…255 s

LO trip set-point and RESET TIME
of the fall time alarm

Grouping of reflash A HI ALARM POINT S13 0…6

from HI alarm set-point RFL A TO RLY

Grouping of the reflash B HI ALARM POINT S14 0…6

from HI alarm set-point RFL B TO RLY

Grouping of reflash A HI TRIP POINT S15 0…6

from the HI trip and RFL A TO RLY
rise time set-point

Grouping of reflash B HI TRIP POINT S16 0…6

from the HI trip and RFL B TO RLY
rise time set-point

Grouping of reflash A LO ALARM POINT S17 0…6

from LO alarm set-point RFL A TO RLY

Grouping of reflash B LO ALARM POINT S18 0…6

from LO alarm set-point

Grouping of reflash A LO TRIP POINT S19 0…6

from LO trip and RFL A TO RLY
fall time set-point

Grouping of reflash B LO TRIP POINT S20 0…6

from LO trip and RFL B TO RLY
fall time set-point

Rise time set-point RISE RATE HIGH S21 0 = disconnected

SET POINT 1…100 %/s

Fall time set-point FALL RATE HIGH S22 0 = disconnected

SET POINT 1…100 %/s

Grouping of channel to REF.VALUE DEVS S23 0 = not included

average value system INCLUDED? 1 = included

Average value deviation REF.VALUE DEVS S24 0.000…+/-9999

set-point upwards at 83% +DEV 83 %:
of the measurement range

Average value deviation REF.VALUE DEVS S25 0.000…+/-9999

set-point upwards at 33% +DEV 33 %:
of the measurement range

Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

Average value deviation REF.VALUE DEVS S26 0.000…+/-9999

set-point downwards at –DEV 83 %:
83% of the measurement

Average value deviation REF.VALUE DEVS S27 0.000…+/-9999

set-point downwards at –DEV 33 %:
33% of the measurement

The delays and the groupings

of the deviation alarms are
the same as for the HI alarm

Blocking function 1, INTERLOCKINGS S28 0 = blocking out

type 1:FUNCT. 1 = reflash A blocked
2 = whole channel blocked

Blocking function 1, INTERLOCKINGS S29 0 = not grouped

grouping 1:GROUP 1…4 = grouped

Blocking function 2, INTERLOCKINGS S30 0 = blocking out

type 2:FUNCT. 1 = reflash A blocked
2 = whole channel blocked

Blocking function 1, INTERLOCKINGS S31 0 = not grouped

grouping 2:GROUP 1…4 = grouped

Registration of measure- DELTA VALUE S32 0.000…-/-9999

ment value deviation RECORD, AT

Scaling, max.value SCALING S33 0.000…+/-9999

100 %

Scaling, min.value SCALING S34 0.000…+/-9999


Scaling, 10 % SCALING S35 0.000…+/-9999

10 %

Scaling, 20 % SCALING S36 0.000…+/-9999

20 %

Scaling, 30 % SCALING S37 0.000…+/-9999

30 %

Scaling, 40 % SCALING S38 0.000…+/-9999

40 %

Scaling, 50 % SCALING S39 0.000…+/-9999

50 %

Scaling, 60 % SCALING S40 0.000…+/-9999

60 %

Scaling, 70 % SCALING S41 0.000…+/-9999

70 %

Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

Scaling, 80 % SCALING S42 0.000…+/-9999

80 %

Scaling, 90 % SCALING S43 0.000…+/-9999

90 %

Type of scaling SCALING S44 0 = linear

LINEAR/NONLINEAR 1 = non-linear

Signal filtering FILTER S45 0 = 300 ms


Deadband DEADBAND S46 0…100 per mille

Type of transducer INP.SIGN.SPEC. S47 0 = contact input

1 = not specified
2 = not specified
3 = 0…5 mA
4 = 1…5 mA
5 = 0…20 mA
6 = 4…20 mA
7 = 0…1 V
8 = 0…5 V
9 = 1…5 V
10 = 0…10 V
11 = 2…10 V
12 = Pt 100, –20…230°C
13 = Pt 100, –20…600°C
14 = Pt 250, –20…230°C
15 = Pt 250, –20…600°C
16 = Pt 1000, –20…230°C
17 = Pt 1000, –20…600°C
18 = adjustable Pt
19 = Ni 100, –13…130°C
20 = Ni 100, –13…250°C
21 = Ni 120, –45…250°C
22 = Ni 250, –13…130°C
23 = Ni 250, –13…250°C
24 = Ni 1000, –13…130°C
25 = Ni 1000, –13…250°C
26 = adjustable Ni
27 = 0…200 Ω
28 = 0…500 Ω
29 = 0…2000 Ω
30 = 0…1000 Ω
31 = 0…2500 Ω
32 = 0…10 kΩ
33 = adjustable
input (0…130 Ω)…
34 = adjustable
input (0…640 Ω)…
35 = not specified

Type of information Displayed memo Bus code Value

Channel-specified IND.SEQUENCE S48 0 = normal alarm sequence

indication 1 = normal alarm sequence
with audible ringback
2 = visual indicator function
without audible alarm

Measurement quantity MEASURED QTY S49 XXXXX = five freely

selectable characters

Channel legend Channel text S50 XXXXXXXXXX = ten

freely selectable characters

Upper limit value of INP.SUPERVISION S51 0.000…+/-9999

the transducer fault HI LIMIT

Lower limit value of INP.SUPERVISION S52 0.000…+/-9999

the transducer fault LO LIMIT

Input contact oscillation INP.OSC.MONITOR S53 1…255 events/min

supervision 0 = disconnected

Event codes Module related codes (channel (0)

HI set-point value of the average value, activation E1

HI set-point value of the average value, resetting E2
Blocking set-point for average value, activation E3
Blocking set-point for average value, resetting E4
Parameter memory initialization started E7
Parameter memory initialization executed E8
Internal annunciator unit fault E10
Event register overflow E13
Earth-fault, activation E22
Earth-fault, resetting E23

Channel-specific codes (channels 1.16)

HI alarm set-point, starting E1

HI alarm set-point, resetting E2
HI trip set-point, starting E3
HI trip set-point, resetting E4
LO alarm set-point, starting E5
LO alarm set-point, resetting E6
LO trip set-point, starting E7
LO trip set-point, resetting E8

Measurement deviation, registration upwards E15

Measurement deviation, registration downwards E16

Out of measuring range upwards, activation E20

Out of measuring range upwards, resetting E24
Out of measuring range downwards, activation E21
Out of measuring range downwards, resetting E25
Tripping of input contact oscillation supervision E23

Technical data Annunciator channels
Number of channels per annunciator unit 16

Selectable transducer signal types 0…5 mA, 1…5 mA, 0…20 mA, 4…20 mA
0…1 V, 0…5 V, 1…5 V, 0…10 V, 2…10 V,
Pt 100, Pt 250, Pt 1000
Ni 100, Ni 120, Ni 250, Ni 1000
One selectable Pt or Ni signal within the
range 65…1000 Ω, potentiometric signal
within the range 0…200 Ω, 0…500 Ω,
0…1 kΩ, 0…2 kΩ, 0…2.5 kΩ, 0…10 kΩ,
contact function

Scaling types Linear or non-linear

Signal filtering, selectable time bases 0.3 s, 1 s or 5 s

for 0…90 % step response

Set-point values per channel Two HI and two LO set-points or one HI and one
LO plus one rise time and one fall time set-point

Channel starting delay at set-point 0…255 s

value transition

Channel resetting delay at set-point 0…255 s

value resetting

Deadband setting range, 0…100 per mille

on a per channel basis

Measuring accuracy 0.5 % of scale range

Transducer supply 24 V dc ±10 %, max. 320 mA

Transducer supervision, measuring range Fully selectable upper and lower transducer signal
limit values

Transducer circuit earth-fault supervision Integrated with a sensitivity of 5…10 kΩ

Transducer oscillation supervision Selectable 1…255 events/s.

Can even be set out of function

Reference channel function Any channel may be assigned reference channel.

The reference value may also be the average value
of the measurement value of channels 2…16

Reference value deviation set-point values Two selectable set-point values, one upper and
one lower, separately given at 33 % and 83 % of
the measuring range. Between these given set-point
values the set-point values are interpolated and
outside the given set-point values the set-point
values are extrapolated from the given set-point

Registration of measurement value Selectable setting value of the size of alteration

alteration which will be stored as an event in the event
sequence register

Realarm function
Permanent groupable realarm output relays Six relays with one NO contact per relay.
The contacts may be given NC function by means
of jumpers

Audible alarm output One relay with one NO contact

(NC contact by jumper)

Self-supervision system output One relay with one NO contact

(NC by jumper)

Relay contact rated current/max. breaking 3A/250 V ac or dc


External control inputs

Audible alarm reset NO circuit

Alarm acknowledge NO circuit

Alarm channel reset NO circuit

Remote testing NO circuit

Control of unit into LOCAL mode NO circuit

Control of unit into REMOTE mode NO circuit

Clock synchronization contact loop supply NO circuit, pulse length

> 100 ms, 48 V dc, 4 mA

Serial communication
Data bus type SPA bus, serial
(LON bus by LON/SPA Gateway, SPA-ZC 100)

Selectable connections Glass or plastic fibre, RS 485, RS 232.

Bus connection modules on request.

Data transfer rate, selectable values 9600 Bd, 4800 Bd, 2400 Bd, 1200 Bd or 300 Bd

Communication protocol SPA protocol, an ASCII protocol open for all users

Auxiliary power supply

Standard supply unit input voltage range 80…265 V ac/dc

Optional supply unit input voltage range, 18…80 V dc

not intended for use with double supply

Power demand from auxiliary source, ~20 W/~30 W

max./min. value

Test voltages
Channel and control inputs versus
annunciator case, supply inputs and
relay outputs

Dielectric test voltage as per IEC 255-5 500 V, 50 Hz, 1 min

and SS 436 15 03

Impulse test voltage as per IEC 255-5 1 kV, 1.2/50 µs, 0.5 J
and SS 436 15 03

High frequency test voltage as per 1 kV, 1 MHz

IEC 255-5 and SS 436 15 03

Spark interference test voltage 2…4 kV

as per SS 436 15 03

Supply inputs versus case, relay outputs

versus case, supply inputs and relay
outputs between themselves

Dielectric test voltage as per 2 kV, 50 Hz, 1 min

IEC 255-5 and SS 436 15 03

Impulse test voltage as per 5 kV, 1.2/50 µs, 0.5 J

IEC 255-5 and SS 436 15 03

High frequency test voltage as per 2.5 kV, 1 MHz

IEC 255-5 and SS 436 15 03

Spark interference test voltage as per 4…8 kV

SS 436 15 03

Environmental conditions
Ambient service temperature range –10°C…+55°C
– including matrix display –10°C…+45°C

Ambient transport and storage –20°C…+55°C

temperature range

Long term heat/damp as per <95 % at 40°C for 56 days/year

IEC 68-2-3

Degree of protection by enclosure, IP 54

when panel mounted

Mass of the annunciator unit ~4.5 kg

(~10 lb)

Testing The annunciator unit is provided with a sophis- A transducer fault is indicated with a letter F and
ticated, built-in self-supervision system which the channel number in the digital display. An
monitors the internal voltages of the unit and earth-fault is indicated with the letters EF. The
supervises the function of the microprocessor earth-fault can not be reset before the fault has
and the logic circuits. Further, the annunciator disappeared. At a transducer fault the output
may be programmed to provide earth-fault pro- relay contact of the self-supervision system closes
tection, short-circuit protection and conductor but the FAULT-indicator remains off.
discontinuity protection of the transducer cir-
cuits. Starting from the basic display the annunciator
unit may be tested by first pushing the SET
Upon detection of a permanent internal fault, push-button and then the TEST push-button.
the output contact of the self-supervision sys- The test program then goes through all the units
tem closes and the FAULT indicator on the indicators. After the test sequence the desired
front panel is illuminated. display is selected again.

Maintenance and When the annunciator unit is used under the – signs of accumulation of dust or dirt inside the
repair conditions specified in the section "Technical cover, on PC boards or in the case. The reason
data", no regular maintenance is needed. The may be a faulty gasket in the front cover.
annunciator unit holds no parts or component
subject to wear and tear under normal operating In most cases an operational malfunction may
conditions. be rectified by changing a plug-in module, see
spares below. When the microprocessor module
If the environmental conditions at the annun- SWPM 4A1 is changed to a new one, the
ciator operating site differ from those specified, program memory of the old module may be
as to ambient temperature, humidity or if the moved to the new one. In this way the new
atmosphere around the annunciator holds module needs not to be set and configured from
chemically active gases or dust, the annunciator the beginning. The parameter memory is mar-
unit ought to be visually inspected as a routine ked D6 and it is located in the lower left corner
measure taken as part of the condition monitor- of the plug-in module. When plugging in the
ing of the installation. Especially the following memory circuit, check carefully that the circuit
things must be observed. is inserted in the correct position. The slot in
one end of the IC circuit end is to be turned in
– mechanical damage on the case, the fastening the same direction as on the other ICs of the PC
details, the front cover and its gasket, the plug- board. In this way possible damage of the memory
in modules and their connection sockets circuit can be avoided.
– signs of starting corrosion on the PC boards,
component legs and cups, bolts and nuts or If the circuit malfunction proves unrepairable,
other metallic parts it is recommended that the supplier or manufac-
turer are contacted for further information on
service and repair measures to be taken.

Accessories and Microprocessor module SWPM 4A1
spare parts Analogue input module SWAM 16A1
Digital input/output module SWOM 8A1
Display module SWDM 4A1
Connection module SWCM 13A1
(the whole rear module)
Connection module SWCM 10A1
(permanent transducer connection)
Connection module SWCM 10A2
(detachable transducer connection)

Auxiliary supply module

–input voltage range 80…265 V ac/dc SPGU 240A1
–input voltage range 18…80 V dc SPGU 48B2

Spare legend text sheet, three text foils SYKU 639

Raising frame, 40 mm SPA-ZX 301

Raising frame, 80 mm SPA-ZX 302
Raising frame, 120 mm SPA-ZX 303

Bus connection module,

plastic fibre out, plastic fibre in SPA-ZC21 BB/S
Bus connection module,
glass fibre out, glass fibre in SPA-ZC21 MM/S
Bus connection module,
plastic fibre out, glass fibre in SPA-ZC21 BM/S
Bus connection module,
glass fibre out, plastic fibre in SPA-ZC21 MB/S

Bus connection module,

plastic fibre out, plastic fibre in SPA-ZC17 BB/S
Bus connection module,
glass fibre out, glass fibre in SPA-ZC17 MM/S
Bus connection module,
plastic fibre out, glass fibre in SPA-ZC17 BM/S
Bus connection module,
glass fibre out, plastic fibre in SPA-ZC17 MB/S

Bus connection module, RS 485 SPA-ZC3

Bus connection module, RS 232/RS485 SPA-ZC4

1MRS 751015-MUM EN

Substation Automation
P.O.Box 699
Tel. +358 (0)10 22 11
Fax.+358 (0)10 22 41094

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