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Natrum Muriaticum

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of Natrum Muriaticum

Presented by: Yash Khavare

2nd Year BHMS
Under the guidance of: Dr Supriya Kulkarni Ma’am
• Introduction:

“Common salt” which we ingest almost at every meal. But

before it’s proving can anyone believe that the thing they
consume in every meal can possibly be any curative value.

 Natrum Muraticum or sodium chloride or common or table

salt is one of the schussler’s twelve tissue remedy.
 He stated that the salts which remain after combustion
form an essential part of every cell even if they are only
present in extremely small quantities and that any change
in their proper quantitative will disturb normal cell
function and cause disease.

 The mental condition is characterized by EXCESSIVE IRRITABILITY.

 They cry for the slightest cause and get into passion about trifles.

 The Nat. Mur. Patient is greatly disturbed by excitement is extremely

 The whole nervous economy is in a state of fret and irritation.

 There is HYSTERICAL CONDITION of mind, weeping alternates with

laughing, irresistible laughing at unsuitable times weeping, mood without
 The lachrymal disposition and hypochondrial mood are
the two striking features of this remedy.
 The patient is very awkward, hasty, drops things from hand.
 Dreams of robbers at night and on waking will not believe to
the contrary until and unless a thorough check is made of
 All the mental symptoms are due to the bad effects of
anger, grief, vexation, excessive use of salt, bread, quinine,
fright, loss of vital fluids, sexual excess, profuse menses.
 Nat.Mur. Mentally is the chronic of Ignatia.
 ABSENT- MINDEDNESS- in absent-
Mindedness there is no fixation of mind at
all. Forgetfulness of one’s immediate
NAT-MUR is absent-Mindedness because
he/she is absorbed in past disagreeable
 ANGER- strong feeling of displeasure and
usually of antagonism.
Anger is the first step to overcoming fear of
most Natrum, and the rebellious Natrum child
is simply making a bid for his own right and
 AFFECTIONATE- Affection beyond normal limit
which may be cause a concern.
 clingy children will always be afraid of losing the one
they love, and will lavish affection on them in the
same way that their parents lavished it upon them. The
clingy Natrum child loves to look after others. She has
been taught this by her dependent parent. 
 They develop intense emotional and sentimental
attachments for people, but they don’t show their
feelings.Natrum mur. feels affection but does not
express it easily;
 CONVERSATION agg – A spoken exchange of opinion,
thoughts and feelings.
 NAT-MUR is emotionally sensitive he is buried the
original pain deep inside. He is not entirely happy and that
he hates to take about how he feels. The closed
Natrum  does not talk about how he feels, since he know
that he will not be understood and he is right. He has not
learned to cut off from his feeling entirely yet and so he
tends to seek solitude, rather than have to pretend that he
is happy. He does not want to admit either to himself or to
anyone else that he hurts inside. It hurts even more when
he admit it.
 CONSOLATION agg – To comfort in time of grief or
For NAT-MUR consolation aggravate him. As they
are more closed, reserved their main fear is to be
radicalised. That is why they do not like
consolation, because they have the suspicion that
when someone is consoling him deep down he is
laughing at him, or will use this knowledge against
him latter on.
 DWELLS on past disagreeable occurrence –  constantly
thinks of past events.
 Changes is the part of life and it is necessary to change with
time but for NAT-MUR they never forget whatever had
happened in past with him. They retain all the grief, rejection
and Nourishes it and dwells over it. They never forget they
never forgive.
 GRIEF – keen mental suffering or distress over affliction
or loss.
 NAT-MUR has silent grief. They always keeping inside do
not discuss with others do not cry , keep it inside all the
grief puts the door closed sit alone and keep on brooding
over it.
 MISTAKES in speaking
 Tendency to make mistakes in .
 fortges what she was going to say; loses the thread of what she is
hearing or reading.           

 LOATHING– A feeling of great aversion to everything.

NAT-Mur having loathing of life .
 WEEPING, tearful mood.
 The characteristic of the tearful Nat. m. patient is
that she (or he) wants to be alone; any attempt to
console irritates beyond endurance. Very much
inclined to weep and be excited.” There are even
tears with laughter. For in addition to the sadness
there is hysterical laughter; laughs till she weeps
at things not at all ludicrous
There is no moaning or crying in front of others –
merely occasional sighing perhaps. This internal
state continues until she finally breaks down.
Then there is uncontrolled, hysterical sobbing.
Thank you 😊

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