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Lachesis Woman

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The Lachesis Woman

Lachesis is a common homeopathic constitution among women. As is famously known Lachesis is

about sexual tension. By the time the women seek treatment they have quite a low sex drive and
develop tension and are about to explode in anger or frustration. Usually in the past they have had
a high sex drive which decreased due to one reason or another.
For the Lachesis a healthy sexual sphere is key to their balance, it is the reference point of their life.
If they have an active sex life, then everything else in their life will flow. They will be more focused,
motivated and energized. If their libido is low, they start to dress drab, withdraw and express a lot of
tension and anger. Female Lachesis in balance will often dress in a sensual and sexual manner,
they dress like this because it is their nature to want to attract attention in that manner. It is not that
they need to go out and seek men for sexual purposes, they just enjoy that attention and focus from
men in a social setting. Sometimes Lachesis who are oblivious to themselves and the way they
dress can appear like mutton dress as lamb.
Lachesis usually have a strange relationship with snakes, some have constant dreams of them,
others love them, while some are very afraid them. Interestingly the one who was afraid of snakes
was a very repressed Lachesis. Snakes are a common theme in Lachesis. The Lachesis remedy is
of course made from the venom of the Bushmaster snake in South America. As with the snake
theme, they appear very snake like physical appearance. They move like a snake. Some Lachesis
are known to stick their tongue out and lick their lips like a snake. Lachesis are quite jealous and
envious people, they like to guard their territory and stake it. They are always on guard of their
boundaries. In conversation sometimes they strike someone at their most vulnerable spot, like how
the snake strikes it’s prey at the neck. Lachesis usually have strong drive and energy.
Their life force is very high and focused, often they can really make things happen in the material
sphere. They are attracted to power and being in positions of power. In the past I knew of a
Lachesis woman who was in a fairly stable relationship with her husband and had children. The
man she was with was boring and safe. In time she left her family for a younger man who are first
appeared to give her the excitement and drama of a different life, in the end he left her. Lachesis
are always keen to seek experiences and excitement in life.
I have been treating a lot of women who are Lachesis of late. The women seek help for depression,
pent up anger and frustration. One they have taken a few doses of Lachesis, they just become
more at eased, relaxed, and confident.
One young lady became more confident, started attracting more friends, and started to speak with
more eloquence and conviction. Things that appeared as a massive burden and hurdle before
seemed to dissipate. She seems more relaxed, happier and confident.
The remedy will allow distortions to unravel, the distortions that keep attracting the same patterns
will dissipate and be replaced by newer more positive patterns. The life force is reawakened and
there is vibrancy in action. The subtle energies change and we become closer to how things should
be at their most natural state.
When one is vibrating at their original life force and constitution any sort of physical, mental and
emotional issues will become resolve naturally. As a child one is born with all the necessary tools to
get through life. One is born with a certain body type that allows them to play out their life in a
certain way, achieve certain things. Sometimes this life force is suppressed due to outside
influences, trauma and illness. When the life force and natural theme is suppressed, this leads to
many physical problems and illness. The theme of Lachesis is restriction, and the more that is
suppressed the more tension and problems they have. Lachesis is a very powerful constitutional
remedy that applies to many women. I have notice quite a majority of Christian women from the
middle east identified with Lachesis.
Lachesis is grouped into the animal kingdom and snake remedies. Being a snake remedy that are
some themes that go along with it. Snakes is about having the upper hand to your enemies, striking
from behind or striking a weak spot. Snakes will do anything to win but using underhanded
methods. They can use lies, cheat, deceit, misdirection.
Jealousy is a major theme in the animal Kingdom, especially the Snake remedies. According to
Sankaran, the theme is “between me and someone else”. An outside entity is causing all the
problems. It is competition, survival of the fittest. Attractiveness. The characteristics of the remedy
will mimic the survival mode of the animal it is derived from.
With the Snake it is defenceless, apart from it’s poison which strikes the weak point. It is swift and
stealth. Strike to kill when it cannot be threatened. Always on guard, ready to strike. Territorial,
guards boundaries with alert. Energy is coiled around the body, in the mind, in the energy field. The
energy is coiled and coiled crushing and constricting the body until it can be released. A remedy
match unravels this coiled up energy and the constriction is released. Once that coiled energy and
constriction is release the Lachesis will start to behave less and less like the Snake nature,
becomes more relaxed and able to express their original human essence.
I have been very happy with a client on Lachesis who is making a transformation. This is a
symposium of how Lachesis treatment would progresses and how I envision one would progress
under transformation. The Lachesis starts off as a highly strung and coiled individual. There is
sexual tension, over stimulation that seeks an outlet. If the tension is suppressed it will cause the
person many problems. Once the energy is transformed into a more stable and directed focus,
there is opportunity of an ultimate spiritual experience.
At first that tension could be expressed as loquacity, depression, the suppression of the female
organs. The tension is suppressed like a pressure cooker, and will soon explode in the owner’s
face. The energy is so much that the owner fails to control this energy and that misdirection
becomes a sort of depression that one experiences. In excess the energy is expressed in
promiscuity, or a femme fatale. The opportunity of homeopathy gives the gift of transformation to
the patient. That excessive distorted energy becomes a controlled and channeled focus. The
energy stablises, one can think through the chaos. It allows the Lachesis access to its natural and
sharp intuition. The sensitivity to make astute decisions.
The journey one makes from a shadow to the light side. The archetypes that represent the Lachesis
are the High Priestess and the Empress. Through the High Priestess archetype she derives
intuition, stillness, psychic premonitions and Mystery. The Lachesis finally makes the journey to the
Empress, master of her domain, she draws abundance, and the vibrancy of energy and attracts
people far and wide. The energy draws many attractions, in balance there is no match of the
alluring energy of the Lachesis. She stands on her own. Many men have fallen for the charms of an
irresistible Lachesis. I envision the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra to be a Lachesis type, the most
powerful men in the Western world at the time fell to her charms.
Finally the Lachesis finds her vocation in the world, and draws great abundance for it to pursue her
adventurous spirit. If she is lucky finds a stable and romantic love that fulfills her in all ways.
This is part of a series of posts on the Lachesis Woman, only because they are such are fascinating
type to study. The power that they hold on men at their peak is unmatched. There is the seductive
and alluring qualities are the most striking. They are the most powerful sexually, men will not stray if
they have a Lachesis woman, why would they need to? They will be the ones who are afraid of their
partners straying. They are wholly satisfied by a Lachesis.
The story of a Lachesis. The lady had a rough and difficult childhood, her father did not take care of
her. He mother was away. When she turned 18, she moved out and got her own place in the city.
That was when things started happening. She had a regular job, back then it was easier to make a
living by yourself. She was really living the high life. People from all over would be drawn to her,
men, women, age, race, it was a melting pot. She was like the leader of the pack, car loads would
turn up at her apartment ready to enjoy a good time. This is how Lachesis lives at it’s most vibrant.
She dressed up sophisticated, sexy, seductive, like a slithering snake. Lots of jewellery. Men all
over would be after her and she had quite active and passionate relationships.
There was one man in her life that she enjoyed quite a passionate relationship with him. He was the
love of her life, a good match physically and emotionally. I will revisit this later on.
The Lachesis also has the ability to attract alot of wealth into her life either through marriage,
personal endeavours they make very savvy business women. When a Lachesis is in balance, any
business venture she takes is bound to succeed. She has the drive, energy and enthusiasm to
make it happen. They are very industrious and crafty. She created a life and lived.
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