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Pros and Cons of Tourism

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The passage discusses both the economic and environmental impacts of tourism as well as how it can positively and negatively affect local cultures.

Some of the main economic advantages of tourism discussed are that it brings in money and revenue, provides jobs, and incentives for investment in infrastructure.

Some of the main disadvantages discussed are environmental damage, cultural impacts like commercialization of culture, and seasonal/unstable employment in the tourism industry.

Many places in the world rely heavily on tourism as a key source of income and

employment. Unfortunately, tourism can also be a source of problems, especially if it

is not managed well. A huge influx of visitors can gradually deplete the beauty,
uniqueness, character, environment, resources, and social coherence of a tourist
destination over time.

It is easy to underestimate the scale of tourism. Every year, about a billion tourists
take trips: That makes 30 tourists arriving at their destinations every second. There
were around 79.26 million tourists visiting the US in 2019. That many travelers can
easily present huge challenges for many destinations. Transporting, providing places
to stay, feeding, entertaining, policing, and cleaning up after that many additional
people is not a simple or straightforward task. Is it worth it?

This article lists the main advantages and disadvantages of tourism.

The Advantages of Tourism

 Economic. It brings in money. This is probably the main advantage of tourism

and the reason why it has been promoted so much, especially in developing
countries. The income generated can make up a significant proportion of both
private, local, and national incomes.
 Opportunistic. It provides jobs. Hotels, bars, transport, activities, shops, and
restaurants all need staffing. Tourism can provide much-needed employment
for people.
 Infrastructural. It provides a means and an incentive for investment in
infrastructure such as roads, rail networks, and local medical and education
 Environmental. It can provide economic incentives for a place to preserve,
maintain, and regenerate the environment in both urban and rural settings.
 Cross-Cultural. It promotes international connections which can bring more
business and cultural collaborations in the long term. It also promotes cross-
cultural awareness for both locals and tourists and builds bridges of
understanding between cultures.
 Promotional. It "puts a place on the map": Tourism gives the locality a chance
to show itself off and raise its profile in the world.
Did You Know?

° The money generated by tourism accounts for 5% of global GDP.

° For every job created in the core tourism industry, around 1.5 extra, indirect
jobs are created in the wider tourism-related economies.
° Tourism provides jobs for 1 out of every 12 workers in advanced and emerging

Mardi Gras in New Orleans usually draws about 1.4 million people... and their
garbage. It takes weeks for the city to recover.
The Disadvantages of Tourism

 Environmental. Tourism can often cause environmental damage with risks

like erosion, pollution, the loss of natural habitats, and forest fires. Even if
tourists behave responsibly, the sheer number of them can cause damage.
Ancient buildings, monuments, and temples often struggle to cope with
increased traffic and suffer inevitable wear-and-tear. Reefs and other natural
tourist attractions can suffer permanent damage.
 Cultural. The commercialization of culture can undermine the soul of a tourist
destination. Local traditions that have a rich cultural heritage are reduced to
wearing costumes and putting on acts for the tourists in return for money.
 Culture Clashes. Tourists often lack respect for local traditions and culture,
refuse to follow local dress standards, get drunk in public, or behave rudely or
inappropriately towards locals.
 Service Economy. Although jobs are created by tourism, most are relatively
low-level such as bar work, hotel service, restaurant serving, and so forth.
These low-wage, low-skill workers have little prospect for advancement or
 Seasonal Fluctuations. Tourism jobs are quite commonly seasonal and
insecure, with no extra benefits such as pensions, sick pay, or healthcare. Some
areas can be inundated with visitors during busy times, and then virtually
deserted for many months.
 Imbalanced Funding. Money can end up being directed to tourist areas when
it could be used more effectively elsewhere in a country. The locals who don’t
live in specific tourist areas miss out and suffer relative decline.
 Foreign Poaching. Oftentimes, most of the tourism industry in a developing
country is owned by big foreign companies. They make the major profits,
leaving local businesses with relatively little benefit.
 Tourism Dependence. Sometimes, tourism becomes so focal that other forms
of income-generation are neglected and an economic dependence on tourism
forms. This is fine in good times, but it can leave the country vulnerable to
economic ruin in the long run and can contribute to political upheaval or
natural disasters.

Economic Pros and Cons of Tourism

Benefits Detriments

Tourism-generated income can be Money can end up being spent only on

Benefits Detriments

hugely beneficial both private and touristed areas while other places and
public concerns. industries suffer.

It can provide employment Most tourism jobs are relatively low-level

opportunities for people who can and low-skilled, and these jobs may have
work in tourism-related industries. drastic seasonal fluctuations.

Tourism promotes international Attracted by opportunity, foreign companies

connections which can increase begin poaching business away from local
business opportunities. businesses.

The area may become dependent on tourists'

dollars and risk loss and damage as a result.

Bangkok is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world. Approximately
20.5 million tourists visited in 2017 and they contribute to the city's air pollution.
Negative Environmental Impacts of Tourism

Although tourist money might be put to good use in preserving environments, tourism
does put burdens on natural resources and often promotes overconsumption and unfair
allocations of resources in places where resources are already limited. When tourism
becomes unsustainable, it can permanently damage the environment. Tourism impacts
the wildlife, vegetation, air quality, the quality and supply of water, and natural

Pollution. When huge numbers of people visit, they invariably burden the

transportation system and contribute to pollution—locally and globally. Flying one
mile in a plane produces about 53 pounds of carbon dioxide, and tourists account for
almost 60% of air travel. Some estimate that cruise ships to the Caribbean create over
70,000 tons of annual waste.

Environmental Damage. Many tourist activities have negative ecological impacts.

Snorkeling, hiking, and fishing all affect and deplete the local scenery. There's a trail
in the Himalayas that's nicknamed the "toilet paper trail.” A tropical golf course
requires the amount of water that would feed 60,000 locals... plus over 3,000 pounds
of chemical pesticides, fertilizers, and herbicides per annum.

"Ecotourism." Oftentimes, even environmentally savvy travelers have a negative

impact. By traveling to witness remote natural sites like rainforests and other
dwindling and at-risk spots, tourists often damage the things they came to see.
Invasive Organisms. Tourism can spread non-native species. The increased human
presence from many diverse geographical regions has a detrimental effect on native
plants and introduces non-native species in these areas.

Negative Effects of Human Interaction With Wildlife. Increased human presence

can severely damage the delicate balance of the food webs, ecological communities,
and keystone species of an area.

Depletion of Natural Resources. Tourism can put pressure on natural resources and

encourages over-consumption. This is particularly damaging in spots where resources
like food and water are already scarce.

Environmental Pros and Cons of Tourism

Benefits Detriments

If managed properly, it can provide economic Tourism often causes environmental

incentives for a place to preserve, maintain, damage to both the local infrastructure
and regenerate the local history, and the flora, fauna, and historical sites
infrastructure, and environment. in a location.

Ecotourism might promote environmental Tourism depletes natural resources,

awareness and activism. which can be dangerous in areas where
resources are scarce.

* Tourism contributes to pollution.

The fact that television and tourism have made the whole world accessible has
created the illusion that we enjoy intimate knowledge of other places, when we
barely scratch their surface. For the vast majority, the knowledge of Thailand or
Sri Lanka acquired through tourism consists of little more than the whereabouts
of the beach.

— Martin Jacques
Cultural Benefits of Traveling

The Opportunity to Challenge Stereotypes

When you visit another culture, you have the opportunity to be exposed to unfamiliar
traditions and perspectives and to gain a broader, more informed, and kinder view of
both the people and places you encounter, as well as of humanity and the world in
general. Preconceptions and stereotypes might be replaced by complexity, empathy,
and first-hand knowledge.
On the other hand, those that travel with a group and don't interact with locals or
merely visit tourist sites and never wander off the beaten path may not enjoy this
benefit at all. Merely visiting a place is not enough to expose a person to culture.
Learning about people takes effort.

Gaining Cultural Sensitivity

An important part of understanding a culture is getting to know its unique social

manners and etiquette. Things that you think are normal or benign might be
interpreted as offensive, and vice versa. Wearing shoes indoors, showing skin,
pointing with your index finger, and making certain sounds might be considered rude
in some places, so it's wise to do your research on the local customs and morays ahead
of time.

An Authentic Experience of Culture

Experiencing a community's traditions, rituals, festivals, celebrations, and rites can be

a wonderful way to gain insight into a culture. When the local people get together to
observe a tradition that has been performed for many generations, it is a great
opportunity to understand that culture more deeply.

However in many touristed places, you'll find traditional dance, music, and other rites
performed merely for entertainment and profit. For example when staged for tourists,
the Hawaiian luau, Spanish flamenco dances, and Balinese ceremonies may lose their
original meaning, energy, and purpose and become merely spectacle.

Cultural Pros and Cons of Tourism

Benefits Detriments

It promotes cross-cultural connections, When tourists don't understand or

appreciation, and understanding. respect local culture and traditions,
culture clashes result.

* The commercialization of a culture can

undermine its meaning and detract
from tradition.

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