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Kenya Vision 2030

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The key takeaways are that Kenya Vision 2030 aims to transform Kenya into a middle-income country by 2030 based on three pillars - economic, social, and political. It also discusses goals and strategies for various sectors like tourism and agriculture.

The three pillars of Kenya Vision 2030 are the economic pillar, the social pillar, and the political pillar.

Some of the flagship projects outlined for tourism include developing resort cities in two key locations along the coast, improving facilities in all underutilized parks, and investing in new conference facilities.

Kenya Vision 2030

The following feature contains extracts from the Government’s

Kenya Vision 2030 proposals:
Kenya Vision 2030 is the country’s new development blueprint
covering the period 2008 to 2030. It aims to transform Kenya into a
newly industrializing, “middle-income country
Providing a high quality life to all its citizens by the year 2030.” The
Vision is based on
three “pillars”: the economic, the social and the political. The adoption
of the Vision by
Kenya comes after the successful implementation of the Economic
Recovery Strategy for
Wealth and Employment Creation which has seen the country’s
economy back on the path to rapid growth since 2002, when GDP grew
from a low of 0.6% and rising gradually to 6.1% in 2006. The
relationship between the pillars can be seen in Table 1.
The economic pillar aims to improve the prosperity of all Kenyans
through an economic
development programme, covering all the regions of Kenya, and
aiming to achieve an average GDP growth rate of 10% per annum
beginning in 2012. The second pillar seeks to build a just and cohesive
society with social equity in a clean and secure environment. The
political pillar aims to realize a democratic system founded on issue-
based politics that respects the rule of law, and protects the rights and
freedoms of every individual in the Kenyan Society. The Kenya Vision
2030 is to be implemented in successive five-year Medium-Term Plans,
with the first such plan covering the period 2008-2012. At an
appropriate stage, another five-year
plan will be produced covering the period 2012 to 2017, and so on until
As the country makes progress to middle-income status through these
development plans, it is
expected to have met its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)
whose deadline is 2015. The
MDGs are eight internationally agreed goals for socio-economic
development that emphasize
the following: elimination of extreme poverty and hunger; universal
primary education, gender
equality; reduction in child mortality; improvement in maternal health,
lower HIV/AIDS and
major disease incidence; environmental sustainability; and better
partnerships with
international development partners. Some of the goals have already
been met. The Vision 2030
spells out action that will be taken to achieve the rest.
Foundations for Kenya Vision 2030
The economic, social and political pillars of Kenya Vision 2030 are
anchored on macroeconomic
stability; continuity in governance reforms; enhanced equity and
wealth creation opportunities
for the poor; infrastructure; energy; science technology and
innovation; land reform; human
resources; development; security as well as public sector reforms.
3.1 Macroeconomic Stability for long-term development
Kenyans appreciate the pivotal role macroeconomic stability has
played in the country’s
recovery and resumption of rapid growth by the Kenya economy since
2003. This is evident in
low levels of underlying inflation, limited public sector deficits, a stable
exchange rate and low
interest rates over that period. For this reason, Kenya Vision 2030
places the highest premium
on the stable macroeconomic environment the country now enjoys,
and expects it to continue
in the future as a matter of policy.
3.2 Infrastructure
The 2030 Vision aspires for a country firmly interconnected through a
network of roads,
railways, ports, airports, water and sanitation facilities and
telecommunications. By 2030, it will
become impossible to refer to any region of our country as “remote”.
Furthermore, to ensure
that the main projects under the economic pillar are implemented,
investment in the nation’s
infrastructure will be given the highest priority.
3.3 Energy
Development projects recommended under Vision 2030 will increase
demand on Kenya’s
energy supply. Currently,
Kenya’s energy costs are higher than those of her competitors. Kenya
must, therefore, generate
more energy at a lower cost and increase efficiency in energy
consumption. The Government is
committed to continued institutional reforms in the energy sector,
including a strong regulatory
framework, encouraging more private generators of power, and
separating generation from
distribution. New sources of energy will be found through exploitation
of geothermal power,
coal, renewable energy sources, and connecting Kenya to energy
surplus countries in the
3.4 Public Sector
An efficient, motivated and well-trained public service is expected to
be one of the major
foundations of the Vision. Kenya intends to build a public service that is
more citizen focused
and results-oriented, a process whose achievements so far have
received international
recognition and awards. The Government will intensify efforts to bring
about an attitudinal
change in public service that values transparency and accountability to
the citizens of Kenya.
4. The economic Vision and strategy
Under Vision 2030, Kenya aims to increase annual GDP growth rates to
an average of 10% over
the Vision horizon.
This is an ambitious goal and the Government is aware of that. But it
has the confidence that
Kenyans will rise to the challenge as they have done before. If this goal
is achieved, Kenya will
be the fifth country in the world to achieve such a high level of
sustained economic growth.
Considering that the current economic growth at 6.1% has come
primarily through rapid
utilization of existing capacity, rather than efficiency gains or new
investments, achieving the
10% growth will require a dedicated campaign to alleviate existing
constraints to future growth,
and in particular to use our resources more efficiently. To achieve that
ambition, Kenya must
continue with the tradition of macroeconomic stability that has been
established since 2002.
4.1 Tourism
Tourism will be a leading
sector in achieving the goals
of the Vision. Kenya hopes
to be among the top 10
long-haul tourist
destinations in the world
offering a high-end, diverse
and distinctive visitor
experience that few of her
competitors can offer.
* There are three
specific goals for
2012; · Quadruple
tourism’s GDP
contribution to more than KShs 200 billion;
* Raise international visitors from 1.6 million in 2006 to 3 million in
2012, while raising
average spent per visitor from the present KShs 40,000 to at least
KShs 70,000, and
* Increase hotel beds from 40,000 to at least 65,000, combined with an
emphasis on a
high quality service.
The specific strategies for realizing the goals will involve: an
aggressive strategy to develop
Kenya’s coast (north and south) by developing resort cities in two key
locations in addition to
the Isiolo resort cities; achieving higher tourism revenue yield by
increasing the country’s
premium safari parks and improving facilities in all under-utilised
parks; creating new high value
niche products (eg cultural,,ecosports and water-based tourism);
revamping business-visitor
offering by attracting high-end international hotel chains; and by
investing in new conference
Flagship projects for Tourism
The flagship projects for 2012 will involve the following:
* Three resort cities – two new resort cities at the coast and a third at
* Better marketing of little-visited parks so as to bring more tourists to
game parks that
have not been receiving many visitors, and which are located in all
parts of the country.
4.2 Increasing Value in Agriculture
Kenya will raise incomes in agriculture, livestock and fisheries even as
industrial production and
the service sector expand. This will be done by processing and thereby
adding value to her
products before they reach the market. She will do so in a manner that
enables her producers
to compete with the best in other parts of the world.
This will be accomplished through an innovative, commercially
oriented and modern
agriculture, livestock and fisheries sector. These interventions are
expected to generate an
additional KShs 80-90 billion increase in GDP, mainly through better
yields in key crops,
increased small-holder specialization in the in the cash crop sector,
utilization of a million
hectares of currently uncultivated land , and new cultivation of up to
1.2 million hectares of
newly-opened lands.

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